diff --git a/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/CMakeLists.txt b/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/CMakeLists.txt
index 9cbb8c70af470c13cfed07c6cf388659f02e64b4..cf3e86f316b625932d3528d11e6f188d4dc16d43 100644
--- a/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -33,3 +33,18 @@ atlas_add_component( TrkVertexFitters
                      LINK_LIBRARIES AthenaBaseComps xAODTracking GaudiKernel TrkParameters TrkParametersBase TrkParticleBase VxVertex TrkVertexFitterInterfaces TrkSurfaces TrkLinks TrkTrack VxMultiVertex TrkExInterfaces TrkVertexFittersLib )
+# Install files from the package:
+atlas_install_joboptions( share/*.py )
+atlas_add_test( AdaptiveVertexFitter_test
+                SCRIPT athena.py TrkVertexFitters/AdaptiveVertexFitter_test.py
+                PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 300
+                EXTRA_PATTERNS " INFO |WARNING |found service|Adding private|^ +[+]|HepPDT Version|^indet|^pixel|^phi|^eta|^GEOPIXEL|in material|no dictionary|^subdet|^part|^barrel_endcap|^layer|^sct|^bec|^side0|^strip0|^lay_disk|TrackingGeometrySvc|^PixelID" )
+atlas_add_test( AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter_test
+                SCRIPT athena.py TrkVertexFitters/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter_test.py
+                PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 300
+                EXTRA_PATTERNS " INFO |WARNING |found service|Adding private|^ +[+]|HepPDT Version|^indet|^pixel|^phi|^eta|^GEOPIXEL|in material|no dictionary|^subdet|^part|^barrel_endcap|^layer|^sct|^bec|^side0|^strip0|^lay_disk|TrackingGeometrySvc|^PixelID" )
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/share/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter_test.py b/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/share/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b5527ad49615027245dfc3476a08fce6049ba7dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/share/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration.
+# File: TrkVertexFitters/share/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter_test.py
+# Author: scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov>
+# Data: Jul, 2019
+# Brief: Unit test for AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.  Incomplete!
+from __future__ import print_function
+from AthenaCommon.DetFlags      import DetFlags
+RunNumber = 284500
+import sys
+import string
+import ROOT
+import math
+from AtlasGeoModel import SetGeometryVersion
+from AtlasGeoModel import GeoModelInit
+from AtlasGeoModel import SetupRecoGeometry
+from GeoModelSvc.GeoModelSvcConf import GeoModelSvc
+ServiceMgr += GeoModelSvc()
+theApp.CreateSvc += [ "GeoModelSvc"]
+from AtlasGeoModel import InDetGM
+from IOVDbSvc.IOVDbSvcConf import IOVDbSvc
+IOVDbSvc().GlobalTag = 'OFLCOND-RUN12-SDR-35'
+import MagFieldServices.SetupField
+from TrkDetDescrSvc.AtlasTrackingGeometrySvc import AtlasTrackingGeometrySvc
+from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
+topSequence = AlgSequence()
+from xAODEventInfoCnv.xAODEventInfoCnvConf import xAODMaker__EventInfoCnvAlg
+eialg = xAODMaker__EventInfoCnvAlg (DoBeginRun = False)
+topSequence += eialg
+# Suppress useless GeoModelSvc messages.
+from AthenaCommon import Constants
+from TrkExTools.AtlasExtrapolator import AtlasExtrapolator
+from TrkVertexFitters.TrkVertexFittersConf import \
+    Trk__AdaptiveMultiVertexFitterTestAlg, Trk__AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter
+fitter = Trk__AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter ('AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter',
+                                         OutputLevel = INFO)
+testalg1 = Trk__AdaptiveMultiVertexFitterTestAlg ('testalg1',
+                                                  OutputLevel = VERBOSE,
+                                                  Tool = fitter)
+topSequence += testalg1
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/share/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter_test.ref b/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/share/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter_test.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..973203c71168ca6a9b3935010d4d19c29d331d59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/share/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter_test.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+testalg1          VERBOSE execute
+testalg1          VERBOSE execute
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/share/AdaptiveVertexFitter_test.py b/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/share/AdaptiveVertexFitter_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..083ac972875aa9c12f01f6e6c0af0255b5f1a0d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/share/AdaptiveVertexFitter_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration.
+# File: TrkVertexFitters/share/AdaptiveVertexFitter_test.py
+# Author: scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov>
+# Data: Jul, 2019
+# Brief: Unit test for AdaptiveVertexFitter.  Incomplete!
+from __future__ import print_function
+from AthenaCommon.DetFlags      import DetFlags
+RunNumber = 284500
+import sys
+import string
+import ROOT
+import math
+from AtlasGeoModel import SetGeometryVersion
+from AtlasGeoModel import GeoModelInit
+from AtlasGeoModel import SetupRecoGeometry
+from GeoModelSvc.GeoModelSvcConf import GeoModelSvc
+ServiceMgr += GeoModelSvc()
+theApp.CreateSvc += [ "GeoModelSvc"]
+from AtlasGeoModel import InDetGM
+from IOVDbSvc.IOVDbSvcConf import IOVDbSvc
+IOVDbSvc().GlobalTag = 'OFLCOND-RUN12-SDR-35'
+import MagFieldServices.SetupField
+from TrkDetDescrSvc.AtlasTrackingGeometrySvc import AtlasTrackingGeometrySvc
+from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
+topSequence = AlgSequence()
+from xAODEventInfoCnv.xAODEventInfoCnvConf import xAODMaker__EventInfoCnvAlg
+eialg = xAODMaker__EventInfoCnvAlg (DoBeginRun = False)
+topSequence += eialg
+# Suppress useless GeoModelSvc messages.
+from AthenaCommon import Constants
+#from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
+#from InDetRecExample.InDetJobProperties import InDetFlags
+#include ('InDetRecExample/InDetRecLoadTools.py')
+from TrkExTools.AtlasExtrapolator import AtlasExtrapolator
+from TrkVertexFitters.TrkVertexFittersConf import \
+    Trk__AdaptiveVertexFitterTestAlg, Trk__AdaptiveVertexFitter
+fitter = Trk__AdaptiveVertexFitter ('AdaptiveVertexFitter',
+                                    OutputLevel = INFO)
+testalg1 = Trk__AdaptiveVertexFitterTestAlg ('testalg1',
+                                             OutputLevel = VERBOSE,
+                                             Tool = fitter)
+topSequence += testalg1
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/share/AdaptiveVertexFitter_test.ref b/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/share/AdaptiveVertexFitter_test.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..973203c71168ca6a9b3935010d4d19c29d331d59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/share/AdaptiveVertexFitter_test.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+testalg1          VERBOSE execute
+testalg1          VERBOSE execute
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/src/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.cxx b/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/src/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.cxx
index ec90d1b95be7e3f8deb4108c858c3217754a23fa..fb3eec7bed9c45a1f6c2c25e6eea3ca8bd67c8d6 100755
--- a/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/src/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.cxx
+++ b/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/src/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.cxx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ namespace Trk
         // std::cout << " step: " << num_steps << " considering shift of: " << *iter << " vtx z: " <<  (*iter)->recVertex().position().z() <<std::endl;
-        Amg::Vector3D vrtpos(3,0);
+        Amg::Vector3D vrtpos;
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/src/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitterTestAlg.cxx b/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/src/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitterTestAlg.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..223ca0c249fac60383b4c3f686ad6d6685b473d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/src/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitterTestAlg.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration.
+ */
+ * @file TrkVertexFitters/src/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitterTestAlg.cxx
+ * @author scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov>
+ * @date Jul, 2019
+ * @brief Algorithm for testing AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.
+ */
+#undef NDEBUG
+#include "AdaptiveMultiVertexFitterTestAlg.h"
+#include "xAODTracking/Vertex.h"
+#include "xAODTracking/TrackParticle.h"
+#include "VxMultiVertex/MvfFitInfo.h"
+#include "VxMultiVertex/MVFVxTrackAtVertex.h"
+#include "VxMultiVertex/TrackToVtxLink.h"
+#include "TrkTrack/Track.h"
+#include "TrkParticleBase/TrackParticleBase.h"
+#include "EventPrimitives/EventPrimitivesHelpers.h"
+#include "TestTools/FLOATassert.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/SystemOfUnits.h"
+#include <cassert>
+#include "CLHEP/Vector/LorentzVector.h"
+using Gaudi::Units::mm;
+using Gaudi::Units::MeV;
+using Gaudi::Units::GeV;
+namespace {
+std::unique_ptr<AmgSymMatrix(5)> cov5()
+  auto m = std::make_unique<AmgSymMatrix(5)>();
+  m->setIdentity();
+  return m;
+std::unique_ptr<AmgSymMatrix(5)> cov5a()
+  auto m = std::make_unique<AmgSymMatrix(5)>();
+  m->setZero();
+  for (int i=0; i < 5; i++) {
+    (*m)(i,i) = 1e-2;
+  }
+  (*m)(1,1)=1;
+  return m;
+typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Trk::Perigee> > PerigeeUVec_t;
+PerigeeUVec_t makePerigees1()
+  Amg::Vector3D pos0 { 0, 0, 0 };
+  Amg::Vector3D pos1a { 2*mm, 1*mm, -10*mm };
+  Amg::Vector3D mom1a { 400*MeV, 600*MeV, 200*MeV };
+  Amg::Vector3D pos1b { 1*mm, 2*mm, -3*mm };
+  Amg::Vector3D mom1b { 600*MeV, 400*MeV, -200*MeV };
+  Amg::Vector3D pos1c { 1.2*mm, 1.3*mm, -7*mm };
+  Amg::Vector3D mom1c { 300*MeV, 1000*MeV, 100*MeV };
+  PerigeeUVec_t ret;
+  ret.emplace_back (std::make_unique<Trk::Perigee>(pos1a, mom1a,  1, pos1a, cov5().release()));
+  ret.emplace_back (std::make_unique<Trk::Perigee>(pos1b, mom1b, -1, pos1b, cov5().release()));
+  ret.emplace_back (std::make_unique<Trk::Perigee>(pos1c, mom1c, -1, pos1c, cov5().release()));
+  return ret;
+typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Trk::Perigee> > PerigeeUVec_t;
+PerigeeUVec_t makePerigees2()
+  Amg::Vector3D pos1a { 10*mm,   0*mm, -5*mm };
+  Amg::Vector3D mom1a { 1000*MeV, 0*MeV, 0*MeV };
+  Amg::Vector3D pos1b { 10.5*mm, 0.5*mm, -5.5*mm };
+  Amg::Vector3D mom1b { 800*MeV, 200*MeV, 200*MeV };
+  Amg::Vector3D pos1c { 9.5*mm, -0.5*mm, -4.5*mm };
+  Amg::Vector3D mom1c { 700*MeV, -300*MeV, -200*MeV };
+  PerigeeUVec_t ret;
+  ret.emplace_back (std::make_unique<Trk::Perigee>(pos1a, mom1a,  1, pos1a, cov5a().release()));
+  ret.emplace_back (std::make_unique<Trk::Perigee>(pos1b, mom1b, -1, pos1a, cov5a().release()));
+  ret.emplace_back (std::make_unique<Trk::Perigee>(pos1c, mom1c, -1, pos1a, cov5a().release()));
+  return ret;
+typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Trk::Track> > TrackUVec_t;
+TrackUVec_t makeTracks (const PerigeeUVec_t& perigees)
+  TrackUVec_t tracks;
+  for (const std::unique_ptr<Trk::Perigee>& p : perigees) {
+    Trk::TrackInfo info (Trk::TrackInfo::Unknown, Trk::undefined);
+    auto fqual = std::make_unique<Trk::FitQuality> (0, 0);
+    auto tsos = std::make_unique<DataVector<const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface> >();
+    std::bitset<Trk::TrackStateOnSurface::NumberOfTrackStateOnSurfaceTypes> typePattern(0);
+    typePattern.set(Trk::TrackStateOnSurface::Perigee);
+    tsos->push_back (std::make_unique<Trk::TrackStateOnSurface>
+                     (nullptr, p->clone(), nullptr, nullptr, typePattern));
+    tracks.push_back (std::make_unique<Trk::Track> (info,
+                                                    tsos.release(),
+                                                    fqual.release()));
+  }
+  return tracks;
+void dumpCovariance (const AmgSymMatrix(5)& m)
+  for (int i=0; i < 5; i++) {
+    for (int j=0; j < 5; j++) {
+      std::cout << m(i,j) << ", ";
+    }
+  }
+void dumpVertex (const xAOD::Vertex& v)
+  std::cout << "vvv\n";
+  std::cout << v.x() << ", " << v.y() << ", " << v.z() << "\n";
+  if (v.isAvailable<short> ("vertexType")) {
+    std::cout << "vertexType " << v.vertexType() << "\n";
+  }
+  std::cout << "chi2/ndof " << v.chiSquared() << ", " << v.numberDoF() << "\n";
+  std::cout << "cov ";
+  for (float f : v.covariance()) {
+    std::cout << f << ", ";
+  }
+  std::cout << "\n";
+  if (v.isAvailable<std::vector<ElementLink<xAOD::TrackParticleContainer> > > ("trackParticleLinks")) {
+    std::cout << "tplinks ";
+    for (const ElementLink< xAOD::TrackParticleContainer >& l : v.trackParticleLinks()) {
+      std::cout << l.dataID() << "/" << l.index() << " ";
+    }
+    std::cout << "\n";
+  }
+  if (v.isAvailable<std::vector<float> > ("trackWeights")) {
+    std::cout << "wt ";
+    for (float f : v.trackWeights()) {
+      std::cout << f << " ";
+    }
+    std::cout << "\n";
+  }
+  if (v.isAvailable<std::vector<ElementLink<xAOD::NeutralParticleContainer> > > ("neutralParticleLinks")) {
+    std::cout << "nplinks ";
+    for (const ElementLink< xAOD::NeutralParticleContainer >& l : v.neutralParticleLinks()) {
+      std::cout << l.dataID() << "/" << l.index() << " ";
+    }
+    std::cout << "\n";
+  }
+  if (v.isAvailable<std::vector<float> > ("neutralWeights")) {
+    std::cout << "wt ";
+    for (float f : v.neutralWeights()) {
+      std::cout << f << " ";
+    }
+    std::cout << "\n";
+  }
+  std::cout << v.vxTrackAtVertexAvailable() << "\n";
+  for (const Trk::VxTrackAtVertex& vv : v.vxTrackAtVertex()) {
+    vv.dump (std::cout);
+    std::cout << "cov ";
+    if (vv.perigeeAtVertex()) {
+      dumpCovariance (*vv.perigeeAtVertex()->covariance());
+    }
+    else {
+      std::cout << "(null)";
+    }
+    std::cout << "\n";
+  }
+void assertVec3D (const char* which,
+                  const Amg::Vector3D& a,
+                  const Amg::Vector3D& b,
+                  double thresh = 2e-5)
+  if ( ! Athena_test::isEqual (a.x(), b.x(), thresh) ||
+       ! Athena_test::isEqual (a.y(), b.y(), thresh) ||
+       ! Athena_test::isEqual (a.z(), b.z(), thresh) )
+  {
+    std::cerr << "TrkVKalVrtFitterTestAlg::assertVec3D mismatch " << which
+              << ": ["
+              << a.x() << ", "
+              << a.y() << ", "
+              << a.z() << "] / ["
+              << b.x() << ", "
+              << b.y() << ", "
+              << b.z() << "]\n";
+    std::abort();
+  }
+void compareVertex (const xAOD::Vertex& a, const xAOD::Vertex& b)
+  assertVec3D ("vertex pos", a.position(), b.position(), 5e-4);
+  assert (Athena_test::isEqual (a.chiSquared(), b.chiSquared(), 5e-3) );
+  assert (Athena_test::isEqual (a.numberDoF(), b.numberDoF(), 5e-3) );
+  assert (a.covariance().size() == b.covariance().size());
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < a.covariance().size(); i++) {
+    if (isinf(a.covariance()[i]) && isinf(b.covariance()[i])) continue;
+    assert (Athena_test::isEqual (a.covariance()[i], b.covariance()[i], 2e-2) );
+  }
+void setInitialPerigee (xAOD::Vertex& v, unsigned i, const Trk::Perigee* p)
+  std::vector< Trk::VxTrackAtVertex >& vec = v.vxTrackAtVertex();
+  if (vec.size() <= i) vec.resize(i+1);
+  vec[i].setInitialPerigee (p);
+void setInitialPerigees (xAOD::Vertex& v, const TrackUVec_t& tracks)
+  int i = 0;
+  for (const std::unique_ptr<Trk::Track>& t : tracks) {
+    setInitialPerigee (v, i, t->perigeeParameters());
+    ++i;
+  }
+struct VertexInfo
+  xAOD::Vertex v;
+  TrackUVec_t tracks;
+  PerigeeUVec_t perigees;
+  std::unique_ptr<Trk::MvfFitInfo> fi;
+  std::vector<Trk::VxTrackAtVertex*> vtracks;
+  std::vector<Trk::TrackToVtxLink> links;
+void initVertex (VertexInfo& vi,
+                 const Amg::Vector3D& pos,
+                 PerigeeUVec_t&& perigees)
+  xAOD::Vertex::Decorator< Trk::MvfFitInfo* > MvfFitInfo("MvfFitInfo");
+  xAOD::Vertex::Decorator< bool > isInitialized("isInitialized");
+  xAOD::Vertex::Decorator< std::vector<Trk::VxTrackAtVertex*> > VTAV("VTAV");
+  vi.perigees = std::move (perigees);
+  vi.v.makePrivateStore();
+  vi.v.setPosition (pos);
+  vi.tracks = makeTracks (vi.perigees);
+  setInitialPerigees (vi.v, vi.tracks);
+  auto cv = std::make_unique<xAOD::Vertex>();
+  cv->makePrivateStore();
+  cv->setPosition (pos);
+  Amg::MatrixX looseConstraintCovariance(3, 3);
+  looseConstraintCovariance.setIdentity();
+  looseConstraintCovariance = looseConstraintCovariance * 1e+8;
+  cv->setCovariancePosition (looseConstraintCovariance);
+  cv->setFitQuality (0, -3);
+  vi.fi = std::make_unique<Trk::MvfFitInfo>  (cv.release(),
+                                              new Amg::Vector3D(pos),
+                                              new Amg::Vector3D(pos));
+  MvfFitInfo(vi.v) = vi.fi.get();
+  isInitialized(vi.v) = false;
+  vi.links.reserve (vi.perigees.size());
+  for (std::unique_ptr<Trk::Perigee>& p : vi.perigees) {
+    vi.links.push_back (new std::vector<xAOD::Vertex*> {&vi.v});
+    auto tav = std::make_unique<Trk::MVFVxTrackAtVertex>(1.5, p->clone(), p.get());
+    tav->setLinkToVertices (&vi.links.back());
+    vi.vtracks.push_back (tav.release());
+  }
+  VTAV(vi.v) = vi.vtracks;
+} // anonymous namespace
+namespace Trk {
+ * @brief Standard Gaudi initialize method.
+ */
+StatusCode AdaptiveMultiVertexFitterTestAlg::initialize()
+  ATH_CHECK( m_fitter.retrieve() );
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+ * @brief Standard Gaudi execute method.
+ */
+StatusCode AdaptiveMultiVertexFitterTestAlg::execute()
+  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE ("execute");
+  ATH_CHECK( test1() );
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode AdaptiveMultiVertexFitterTestAlg::test1()
+  VertexInfo v1;
+  initVertex (v1, {1.5*mm, 1.7*mm, -6*mm}, makePerigees1());
+  VertexInfo v2;
+  initVertex (v2, {9.8*mm, 0.2*mm, -4.8*mm}, makePerigees2());
+  std::vector<xAOD::Vertex*> verts {&v1.v, &v2.v};
+  m_fitter->fit (verts);
+  xAOD::Vertex exp_v1;
+  exp_v1.makePrivateStore();
+  exp_v1.setPosition ({8.67978, 10.3569, -6.33368});
+  exp_v1.setFitQuality (0.0141012, 0.797808);
+  exp_v1.setCovariance (std::vector<float>
+                        {751.563, 142.738, 950.953,
+                           -7.62904, 47.5311, 67.4557});
+  xAOD::Vertex exp_v2;
+  exp_v2.makePrivateStore();
+  exp_v2.setPosition ({7.97404, 0.106101, -4.97333});
+  exp_v2.setFitQuality (1.74029, 1.6738);
+  exp_v2.setCovariance (std::vector<float>
+                        {0.348487, -0.0194744, 0.0290909,
+                           -0.00362647, 0.000706365, 0.445415});
+  compareVertex (v1.v, exp_v1);
+  compareVertex (v2.v, exp_v2);
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+} // namespace Trk
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/src/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitterTestAlg.h b/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/src/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitterTestAlg.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b8d77a2e620e0b78f19edda1b4f461372d8c030e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/src/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitterTestAlg.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+// This file's extension implies that it's C, but it's really -*- C++ -*-.
+ * Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration.
+ */
+ * @file TrkVertexFitters/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitterTestAlg.h
+ * @author scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov>
+ * @date Jul, 2019
+ * @brief Algorithm for testing AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.
+ */
+#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgorithm.h"
+#include "TrkVertexFitters/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
+namespace Trk {
+class AdaptiveMultiVertexFitterTestAlg
+  : public AthAlgorithm
+  using AthAlgorithm::AthAlgorithm;
+  /// Standard Gaudi initialize method.
+  virtual StatusCode initialize() override;
+  /// Execute the algorithm.
+  virtual StatusCode execute() override;
+  StatusCode test1();
+  ToolHandle<Trk::AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter> m_fitter
+  { this, "Tool", "Trk::AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter", "Tool to test." };
+} // namespace Trk
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/src/AdaptiveVertexFitter.cxx b/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/src/AdaptiveVertexFitter.cxx
index fb80726f59c9201a802af589babe005fbcbb6165..787fd74322c048be8cefcf477fa514252f7521b1 100755
--- a/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/src/AdaptiveVertexFitter.cxx
+++ b/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/src/AdaptiveVertexFitter.cxx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
@@ -157,25 +157,29 @@ namespace Trk
-    Amg::Vector3D* SeedPoint(0);
+    Amg::Vector3D SeedPoint;
     //now find the best point for seeding and linearization of the tracks
     if (IsStartingPoint) {
-      SeedPoint=new Amg::Vector3D(startingPoint);
+      SeedPoint=startingPoint;
     } else {
       if (perigeeList.size()>1) {
         if (IsConstraint) {
-          SeedPoint=new Amg::Vector3D(m_SeedFinder->findSeed(perigeeList,&constraint));
+          SeedPoint=m_SeedFinder->findSeed(perigeeList,&constraint);
         } else {
-          SeedPoint=new Amg::Vector3D(m_SeedFinder->findSeed(perigeeList));
+          SeedPoint=m_SeedFinder->findSeed(perigeeList);
-      } else {
-        SeedPoint=new Amg::Vector3D(constraint.position().x(),constraint.position().y(),constraint.position().z());
+      }
+      else if (IsConstraint) {
+        SeedPoint=constraint.position();
+      }
+      else {
+        SeedPoint.setZero();
     //in case m_onlyzseed is on, just use only the z component given by the seed finder
     if (m_onlyzseed&&IsConstraint) {
-      *SeedPoint=Amg::Vector3D(constraint.position().x(),constraint.position().y(),SeedPoint->z());
+      SeedPoint=constraint.position();
@@ -189,7 +193,7 @@ namespace Trk
     std::vector<const Trk::TrackParameters*>::const_iterator perigeesEnd=perigeeList.end();
     ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Inside fitter with track perigee parameters.");
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Seed point: " << *SeedPoint);
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Seed point: " << SeedPoint);
     int myDebugNTrk(0);
     for (std::vector<const Trk::TrackParameters*>::const_iterator perigeesIter=perigeesBegin;perigeesIter!=perigeesEnd;++perigeesIter) {
@@ -203,8 +207,8 @@ namespace Trk
       VxTrackAtVertex* LinTrackToAdd = new VxTrackAtVertex(0., 0, NULL, (*perigeesIter), NULL); //TODO: Must think now about when to delete this memory! -David S.
-      //m_LinearizedTrackFactory->linearize(*LinTrackToAdd,*SeedPoint); why linearize it? maybe you don't need it at all!!!!! <19-05-2006>
-      bool success=m_ImpactPoint3dEstimator->addIP3dAtaPlane(*LinTrackToAdd,*SeedPoint);
+      //m_LinearizedTrackFactory->linearize(*LinTrackToAdd,SeedPoint); why linearize it? maybe you don't need it at all!!!!! <19-05-2006>
+      bool success=m_ImpactPoint3dEstimator->addIP3dAtaPlane(*LinTrackToAdd,SeedPoint);
       if (!success)
 	msg(MSG::WARNING) << "Adding compatibility to vertex information failed. Newton distance finder didn't converge..." << endmsg;
@@ -220,7 +224,7 @@ namespace Trk
     std::vector<const Trk::NeutralParameters*>::const_iterator neutralPerigeesEnd  =neutralPerigeeList.end();
     ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Inside fitter with neutral perigee parameters.");
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Seed point: " << *SeedPoint);
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Seed point: " << SeedPoint);
     int myDebugNNeutral(0);
     for (std::vector<const Trk::NeutralParameters*>::const_iterator neutralPerigeesIter=neutralPerigeesBegin;neutralPerigeesIter!=neutralPerigeesEnd;++neutralPerigeesIter) {
@@ -230,7 +234,7 @@ namespace Trk
       VxTrackAtVertex* LinTrackToAdd = new VxTrackAtVertex(0., 0, NULL, NULL, (*neutralPerigeesIter) ); //TODO: Must think now about when to delete this memory! -David S.
-      bool success = m_ImpactPoint3dEstimator->addIP3dAtaPlane(*LinTrackToAdd,*SeedPoint);
+      bool success = m_ImpactPoint3dEstimator->addIP3dAtaPlane(*LinTrackToAdd,SeedPoint);
       if (!success)
 	msg(MSG::WARNING) << "Adding compatibility to vertex information failed. Newton distance finder didn't converge..." << endmsg;
@@ -253,28 +257,25 @@ namespace Trk
-    xAOD::Vertex* ConstraintVertex(0);
+    xAOD::Vertex ConstraintVertex;
+    ConstraintVertex.makePrivateStore();
     //use the previous prior vertex info for the initial vertex if there
     if (IsConstraint ) {
-      ConstraintVertex=new xAOD::Vertex();
-      ConstraintVertex->makePrivateStore();
-      ConstraintVertex->setPosition( constraint.position() );
-      ConstraintVertex->setCovariancePosition( constraint.covariancePosition() );
-      ConstraintVertex->setFitQuality( 0., 0. );
+      ConstraintVertex.setPosition( constraint.position() );
+      ConstraintVertex.setCovariancePosition( constraint.covariancePosition() );
+      ConstraintVertex.setFitQuality( 0., 0. );
     } else {
       AmgSymMatrix(3) startingCovMatrix;
       startingCovMatrix = startingCovMatrix / m_initialError;
       //now initialize with starting position and covariance matrix
-      ConstraintVertex=new xAOD::Vertex();
-      ConstraintVertex->makePrivateStore();
-      ConstraintVertex->setPosition( *SeedPoint );
-      ConstraintVertex->setCovariancePosition( startingCovMatrix );
-      ConstraintVertex->setFitQuality( 0., -3. );
+      ConstraintVertex.setPosition( SeedPoint );
+      ConstraintVertex.setCovariancePosition( startingCovMatrix );
+      ConstraintVertex.setFitQuality( 0., -3. );
     //now put the linearizedtracks into VxTrackAtVertex
-    return dothefit(*ConstraintVertex,*SeedPoint,theLinTracks);
+    return dothefit(ConstraintVertex,SeedPoint,theLinTracks);
@@ -599,9 +600,6 @@ namespace Trk
                       << "the ndf of the vertex is at fit end: " << ActualVertex->numberDoF() << endmsg;
-    delete &ConstraintVertex;
-    delete &SeedVertex;
     // TODO: get rid of following line
     //std::cout << "Number of steps: " << num_steps << ". Number of relinearizations: " << num_relinearizations << "." << std::endl << std::endl;
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/src/AdaptiveVertexFitterTestAlg.cxx b/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/src/AdaptiveVertexFitterTestAlg.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b1a69f7731d573859c57cbbae002d6eded7588b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/src/AdaptiveVertexFitterTestAlg.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,755 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration.
+ */
+ * @file TrkVertexFitters/src/AdaptiveVertexFitterTestAlg.cxx
+ * @author scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov>
+ * @date Jul, 2019
+ * @brief Algorithm for testing AdaptiveVertexFitter.
+ */
+#undef NDEBUG
+#include "AdaptiveVertexFitterTestAlg.h"
+#include "xAODTracking/Vertex.h"
+#include "xAODTracking/TrackParticle.h"
+#include "TrkTrack/Track.h"
+#include "TrkParticleBase/TrackParticleBase.h"
+#include "EventPrimitives/EventPrimitivesHelpers.h"
+#include "TestTools/FLOATassert.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/SystemOfUnits.h"
+#include <cassert>
+#include "CLHEP/Vector/LorentzVector.h"
+using Gaudi::Units::mm;
+using Gaudi::Units::MeV;
+using Gaudi::Units::GeV;
+namespace {
+template <class T>
+std::vector<const T*> asVec (const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<T> >& v)
+  std::vector<const T*> ret;
+  for (const std::unique_ptr<T>& p : v) {
+    ret.push_back (p.get());
+  }
+  return ret;
+std::vector<const Trk::TrackParameters*>
+asVec (const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Trk::Perigee> >& v)
+  std::vector<const Trk::TrackParameters*> ret;
+  for (const std::unique_ptr<Trk::Perigee>& p : v) {
+    ret.push_back (p.get());
+  }
+  return ret;
+std::vector<const Trk::NeutralParameters*>
+asVec (const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Trk::NeutralPerigee> >& v)
+  std::vector<const Trk::NeutralParameters*> ret;
+  for (const std::unique_ptr<Trk::NeutralPerigee>& p : v) {
+    ret.push_back (p.get());
+  }
+  return ret;
+std::unique_ptr<AmgSymMatrix(5)> cov5()
+  auto m = std::make_unique<AmgSymMatrix(5)>();
+  m->setIdentity();
+  return m;
+typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Trk::Perigee> > PerigeeUVec_t;
+PerigeeUVec_t makePerigees1()
+  Amg::Vector3D pos0 { 0, 0, 0 };
+  Amg::Vector3D pos1a { 2*mm, 1*mm, -10*mm };
+  Amg::Vector3D mom1a { 400*MeV, 600*MeV, 200*MeV };
+  Amg::Vector3D pos1b { 1*mm, 2*mm, -3*mm };
+  Amg::Vector3D mom1b { 600*MeV, 400*MeV, -200*MeV };
+  Amg::Vector3D pos1c { 1.2*mm, 1.3*mm, -7*mm };
+  Amg::Vector3D mom1c { 300*MeV, 1000*MeV, 100*MeV };
+  PerigeeUVec_t ret;
+  ret.emplace_back (std::make_unique<Trk::Perigee>(pos1a, mom1a,  1, pos1a, cov5().release()));
+  ret.emplace_back (std::make_unique<Trk::Perigee>(pos1b, mom1b, -1, pos1b, cov5().release()));
+  ret.emplace_back (std::make_unique<Trk::Perigee>(pos1c, mom1c, -1, pos1c, cov5().release()));
+  return ret;
+typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Trk::NeutralPerigee> > NeutralUVec_t;
+NeutralUVec_t makeNeutrals1()
+  Amg::Vector3D pos0 { 0, 0, 0 };
+  Amg::Vector3D pos1a { 3*mm, 0.5*mm, -7*mm };
+  Amg::Vector3D mom1a { 1000*MeV, 900*MeV, 2000*MeV };
+  Amg::Vector3D pos1b { -1*mm, 2.5*mm, 1*mm };
+  Amg::Vector3D mom1b { 800*MeV, 1000*MeV, 300*MeV };
+  Amg::Vector3D pos1c { -1.5*mm, 1*mm, -3*mm };
+  Amg::Vector3D mom1c { 500*MeV, 4000*MeV, 800*MeV };
+  NeutralUVec_t ret;
+  ret.emplace_back (std::make_unique<Trk::NeutralPerigee>(pos1a, mom1a,  1, pos1a, cov5().release()));
+  ret.emplace_back (std::make_unique<Trk::NeutralPerigee>(pos1b, mom1b,  1, pos1b, cov5().release()));
+  ret.emplace_back (std::make_unique<Trk::NeutralPerigee>(pos1c, mom1c,  1, pos1c, cov5().release()));
+  return ret;
+typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Trk::Track> > TrackUVec_t;
+TrackUVec_t makeTracks (PerigeeUVec_t&& perigees)
+  TrackUVec_t tracks;
+  for (std::unique_ptr<Trk::Perigee>& p : perigees) {
+    Trk::TrackInfo info (Trk::TrackInfo::Unknown, Trk::undefined);
+    auto fqual = std::make_unique<Trk::FitQuality> (0, 0);
+    auto tsos = std::make_unique<DataVector<const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface> >();
+    std::bitset<Trk::TrackStateOnSurface::NumberOfTrackStateOnSurfaceTypes> typePattern(0);
+    typePattern.set(Trk::TrackStateOnSurface::Perigee);
+    tsos->push_back (std::make_unique<Trk::TrackStateOnSurface>
+                     (nullptr, p.release(), nullptr, nullptr, typePattern));
+    tracks.push_back (std::make_unique<Trk::Track> (info,
+                                                    tsos.release(),
+                                                    fqual.release()));
+  }
+  return tracks;
+typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Trk::TrackParticleBase> > TrackParticleUVec_t;
+TrackParticleUVec_t makeTrackParticles (PerigeeUVec_t&& perigees)
+  TrackParticleUVec_t tracks;
+  std::vector<const Trk::TrackParameters*> pvec;
+  for (std::unique_ptr<Trk::Perigee>& p : perigees) {
+    tracks.push_back (std::make_unique<Trk::TrackParticleBase> (nullptr,
+                                                                Trk::NoVtx,
+                                                                nullptr,
+                                                                nullptr,
+                                                                pvec,
+                                                                p.release(),
+                                                                nullptr));
+  }
+  return tracks;
+// Copied from TrackParticleCreatorTool.
+void setDefiningParameters( xAOD::TrackParticle& tp,
+                            const Trk::Perigee& perigee )
+  tp.setDefiningParameters(perigee.parameters()[Trk::d0],
+    perigee.parameters()[Trk::z0],
+    perigee.parameters()[Trk::phi0],
+    perigee.parameters()[Trk::theta],
+    perigee.parameters()[Trk::qOverP]);
+  const AmgSymMatrix(5)* covMatrix = perigee.covariance();
+  // see https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATLASRECTS-645 for justification to comment out the following line 
+  // assert(covMatrix && covMatrix->rows()==5&& covMatrix->cols()==5); 
+  std::vector<float> covMatrixVec;
+  if( !covMatrix ) ;//ATH_MSG_WARNING("Setting Defining parameters without error matrix");
+  else Amg::compress(*covMatrix,covMatrixVec);
+  tp.setDefiningParametersCovMatrixVec(covMatrixVec);
+  const Amg::Vector3D& surfaceCenter = perigee.associatedSurface().center(); 
+  tp.setParametersOrigin(surfaceCenter.x(), surfaceCenter.y(), surfaceCenter.z() );
+void setDefiningParameters( xAOD::NeutralParticle& tp,
+                            const Trk::NeutralPerigee& perigee )
+  tp.setDefiningParameters(perigee.parameters()[Trk::d0],
+    perigee.parameters()[Trk::z0],
+    perigee.parameters()[Trk::phi0],
+    perigee.parameters()[Trk::theta],
+    perigee.parameters()[Trk::qOverP]);
+  const AmgSymMatrix(5)* covMatrix = perigee.covariance();
+  // see https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATLASRECTS-645 for justification to comment out the following line 
+  // assert(covMatrix && covMatrix->rows()==5&& covMatrix->cols()==5); 
+  std::vector<float> covMatrixVec;
+  if( !covMatrix ) ;//ATH_MSG_WARNING("Setting Defining parameters without error matrix");
+  else Amg::compress(*covMatrix,covMatrixVec);
+  tp.setDefiningParametersCovMatrixVec(covMatrixVec);
+  const Amg::Vector3D& surfaceCenter = perigee.associatedSurface().center(); 
+  tp.setParametersOrigin(surfaceCenter.x(), surfaceCenter.y(), surfaceCenter.z() );
+typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<xAOD::TrackParticle> > xAODTPUVec_t;
+xAODTPUVec_t makexAODTP (PerigeeUVec_t&& perigees)
+  xAODTPUVec_t tracks;
+  for (std::unique_ptr<Trk::Perigee>& p : perigees) {
+    auto tp = std::make_unique<xAOD::TrackParticle>();
+    tp->makePrivateStore();
+    setDefiningParameters (*tp, *p);
+    tracks.push_back (std::move (tp));
+  }
+  return tracks;
+typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<xAOD::NeutralParticle> > xAODNPUVec_t;
+xAODNPUVec_t makexAODNP (NeutralUVec_t&& perigees)
+  xAODNPUVec_t tracks;
+  for (std::unique_ptr<Trk::NeutralPerigee>& p : perigees) {
+    auto tp = std::make_unique<xAOD::NeutralParticle>();
+    tp->makePrivateStore();
+    setDefiningParameters (*tp, *p);
+    tracks.push_back (std::move (tp));
+  }
+  return tracks;
+void dumpCovariance (const AmgSymMatrix(5)& m)
+  for (int i=0; i < 5; i++) {
+    for (int j=0; j < 5; j++) {
+      std::cout << m(i,j) << ", ";
+    }
+  }
+void dumpVertex (const xAOD::Vertex& v)
+  std::cout << "vvv\n";
+  std::cout << v.x() << ", " << v.y() << ", " << v.z() << "\n";
+  if (v.isAvailable<short> ("vertexType")) {
+    std::cout << "vertexType " << v.vertexType() << "\n";
+  }
+  std::cout << "chi2/ndof " << v.chiSquared() << ", " << v.numberDoF() << "\n";
+  std::cout << "cov ";
+  for (float f : v.covariance()) {
+    std::cout << f << ", ";
+  }
+  std::cout << "\n";
+  if (v.isAvailable<std::vector<ElementLink<xAOD::TrackParticleContainer> > > ("trackParticleLinks")) {
+    std::cout << "tplinks ";
+    for (const ElementLink< xAOD::TrackParticleContainer >& l : v.trackParticleLinks()) {
+      std::cout << l.dataID() << "/" << l.index() << " ";
+    }
+    std::cout << "\n";
+  }
+  if (v.isAvailable<std::vector<float> > ("trackWeights")) {
+    std::cout << "wt ";
+    for (float f : v.trackWeights()) {
+      std::cout << f << " ";
+    }
+    std::cout << "\n";
+  }
+  if (v.isAvailable<std::vector<ElementLink<xAOD::NeutralParticleContainer> > > ("neutralParticleLinks")) {
+    std::cout << "nplinks ";
+    for (const ElementLink< xAOD::NeutralParticleContainer >& l : v.neutralParticleLinks()) {
+      std::cout << l.dataID() << "/" << l.index() << " ";
+    }
+    std::cout << "\n";
+  }
+  if (v.isAvailable<std::vector<float> > ("neutralWeights")) {
+    std::cout << "wt ";
+    for (float f : v.neutralWeights()) {
+      std::cout << f << " ";
+    }
+    std::cout << "\n";
+  }
+  std::cout << v.vxTrackAtVertexAvailable() << "\n";
+  for (const Trk::VxTrackAtVertex& vv : v.vxTrackAtVertex()) {
+    vv.dump (std::cout);
+    std::cout << "cov ";
+    if (vv.perigeeAtVertex()) {
+      dumpCovariance (*vv.perigeeAtVertex()->covariance());
+    }
+    else {
+      std::cout << "(null)";
+    }
+    std::cout << "\n";
+  }
+void assertVec3D (const char* which,
+                  const Amg::Vector3D& a,
+                  const Amg::Vector3D& b)
+  if ( ! Athena_test::isEqual (a.x(), b.x(), 2e-5) ||
+       ! Athena_test::isEqual (a.y(), b.y(), 2e-5) ||
+       ! Athena_test::isEqual (a.z(), b.z(), 2e-5) )
+  {
+    std::cerr << "TrkVKalVrtFitterTestAlg::assertVec3D mismatch " << which
+              << ": ["
+              << a.x() << ", "
+              << a.y() << ", "
+              << a.z() << "] / ["
+              << b.x() << ", "
+              << b.y() << ", "
+              << b.z() << "]\n";
+    std::abort();
+  }
+void comparePerigee (const Trk::TrackParameters* a,
+                     const Trk::TrackParameters* b)
+  if (!a && !b) return;
+  if (!a || !b) std::abort();
+  assertVec3D ("perigee pos", a->position(), b->position());
+  assertVec3D ("perigee mom", a->momentum(), b->momentum());
+  assert (a->charge() == b->charge());
+  assertVec3D ("perigee surf",
+               a->associatedSurface().center(),
+               b->associatedSurface().center());
+void compareVertex (const xAOD::Vertex& a, const xAOD::Vertex& b)
+  assertVec3D ("vertex pos", a.position(), b.position());
+  assert (Athena_test::isEqual (a.chiSquared(), b.chiSquared(), 5e-5) );
+  assert (Athena_test::isEqual (a.numberDoF(), b.numberDoF(), 1e-5) );
+  assert (a.covariance().size() == b.covariance().size());
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < a.covariance().size(); i++) {
+    if (isinf(a.covariance()[i]) && isinf(b.covariance()[i])) continue;
+    assert (Athena_test::isEqual (a.covariance()[i], b.covariance()[i], 2e-2) );
+  }
+  assert (a.vxTrackAtVertexAvailable() == b.vxTrackAtVertexAvailable());
+  if (a.vxTrackAtVertexAvailable()) {
+    const std::vector< Trk::VxTrackAtVertex >& avec = a.vxTrackAtVertex();
+    const std::vector< Trk::VxTrackAtVertex >& bvec = b.vxTrackAtVertex();
+    assert (avec.size() == bvec.size());
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < avec.size(); i++) {
+      comparePerigee (avec[i].initialPerigee(), bvec[i].initialPerigee());
+      comparePerigee (avec[i].perigeeAtVertex(), bvec[i].perigeeAtVertex());
+      assert (Athena_test::isEqual (avec[i].trackQuality().chiSquared(),
+                                    bvec[i].trackQuality().chiSquared(),
+                                    3e-2));
+      assert (avec[i].trackQuality().numberDoF() ==
+              bvec[i].trackQuality().numberDoF());
+    }
+  }
+void setInitialPerigee (xAOD::Vertex& v, unsigned i, const Trk::Perigee* p)
+  std::vector< Trk::VxTrackAtVertex >& vec = v.vxTrackAtVertex();
+  if (vec.size() <= i) vec.resize(i+1);
+  vec[i].setInitialPerigee (p);
+void setInitialPerigees (xAOD::Vertex& v, const TrackUVec_t& tracks)
+  int i = 0;
+  for (const std::unique_ptr<Trk::Track>& t : tracks) {
+    setInitialPerigee (v, i, t->perigeeParameters());
+    ++i;
+  }
+void clearInitialPerigees (xAOD::Vertex& v)
+  for (Trk::VxTrackAtVertex& v : v.vxTrackAtVertex()) {
+    v.setInitialPerigee (static_cast<const Trk::Perigee*>(nullptr));
+  }
+void setRefittedPerigee (xAOD::Vertex& v, unsigned i,
+                         float charge,
+                         const Amg::Vector3D& pos,
+                         const Amg::Vector3D& mom,
+                         const std::vector<float>& c)
+  std::vector< Trk::VxTrackAtVertex >& vec = v.vxTrackAtVertex();
+  if (vec.size() <= i) vec.resize(i+1);
+  std::unique_ptr<AmgSymMatrix(5)> cov = cov5();
+  for (int i=0; i < 5; i++) {
+    for (int j=0; j < 5; j++) {
+      unsigned ipos = i*5 + j;
+      (*cov)(i,j) = ipos < c.size() ? c[ipos] : 0;
+    }
+  }
+  const Amg::Vector3D& vpos = v.position();
+  auto p = std::make_unique<Trk::Perigee> (pos, mom, charge, vpos,
+                                           cov.release());
+  vec[i].setPerigeeAtVertex (p.release());
+void setFitQuality (xAOD::Vertex& v, unsigned i, float chi2, int ndof)
+  std::vector< Trk::VxTrackAtVertex >& vec = v.vxTrackAtVertex();
+  if (vec.size() <= i) vec.resize(i+1);
+  vec[i].setTrackQuality (Trk::FitQuality (chi2, ndof));
+} // anonymous namespace
+namespace Trk {
+ * @brief Standard Gaudi initialize method.
+ */
+StatusCode AdaptiveVertexFitterTestAlg::initialize()
+  ATH_CHECK( m_fitter.retrieve() );
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+ * @brief Standard Gaudi execute method.
+ */
+StatusCode AdaptiveVertexFitterTestAlg::execute()
+  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE ("execute");
+  ATH_CHECK( test1() );
+  ATH_CHECK( test2() );
+  ATH_CHECK( test3() );
+  ATH_CHECK( test4() );
+  ATH_CHECK( test5() );
+  ATH_CHECK( test6() );
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+// Charged, no constraint.
+StatusCode AdaptiveVertexFitterTestAlg::test1()
+  xAOD::Vertex exp_v0;
+  exp_v0.makePrivateStore();
+  exp_v0.setPosition ({8.43429, 9.21288, -6.60683});
+  exp_v0.setFitQuality (0.235948, 1.83137);
+  exp_v0.setCovariance (std::vector<float>
+                        {35.7266, 30.7883, 47.0715, 3.14669, 4.52157, 6.74599 });
+  setRefittedPerigee (exp_v0, 0, 1,
+                      {7.8113830, 9.6359772, -7.1130181},
+                      {405.1715584, 596.5212045, 199.9961520},
+                      {1239.56, -45.9167, 227.862, -0.121956, -33.6206, -45.9167, 128.234, -8.63731, -11.1976, 1.30089, 227.862, -8.63731, 42.8345, -0.0234628, -6.46787, -0.121956, -11.1976, -0.0234628, 1.00001, 0.00399819, -33.6206, 1.30089, -6.46787, 0.00399819, 1}
+                      );
+  setFitQuality (exp_v0, 0, 0, 2);
+  setRefittedPerigee (exp_v0, 1, -1,
+                      {9.4647993, 7.6951354, -5.8295872},
+                      {596.5909112, 405.0689507, -199.9960745},
+                      {1150.81, -107.955, 215.525, -0.120009, -32.3376, -107.955, 132.06, -20.6979, -10.9741, 3.17765, 215.525, -20.6979, 41.3112, -0.0235635, -6.34888, -0.120009, -10.9741, -0.0235635, 1.00001, 0.00408136, -32.3376, 3.17765, -6.34888, 0.00408136, 1}
+                      );
+  setFitQuality (exp_v0, 1, 0.175, 2);
+  setRefittedPerigee (exp_v0, 2, -1,
+                      {3.9422703, 10.5334868, -6.0773998},
+                      {294.4712678, 1001.6416761, 100.0031255},
+                      {872.333, -76.5329, 170.831, -0.0897349, -27.9026, -76.5329, 102.388, -15.3986, -9.71236, 2.58803, 170.831, -15.3986, 34.3815, -0.0185874, -5.77814, -0.0897349, -9.71236, -0.0185874, 1.00001, 0.00312552, -27.9026, 2.58803, -5.77814, 0.00312552, 1}
+                      );
+  setFitQuality (exp_v0, 2, 0.027, 2);
+  TrackUVec_t tracks = makeTracks (makePerigees1());
+  std::unique_ptr<xAOD::Vertex> v1 (m_fitter->fit (asVec (tracks)));
+  setInitialPerigees (exp_v0, tracks);
+  compareVertex (*v1, exp_v0);
+  PerigeeUVec_t perigees = makePerigees1();
+  std::unique_ptr<xAOD::Vertex> v2 (m_fitter->fit (asVec (perigees)));
+  compareVertex (*v2, exp_v0);
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+// Neutral, no constraint.
+StatusCode AdaptiveVertexFitterTestAlg::test2()
+  xAOD::Vertex exp_v0;
+  exp_v0.makePrivateStore();
+  exp_v0.setPosition ({4.27611, 4.35683, 1.62467});
+  exp_v0.setFitQuality (1.69878, 0.79376);
+  exp_v0.setCovariance (std::vector<float>
+                        {28.318, 26.913, 37.8531, 17.3323, 17.3041, 23.6152});
+  setFitQuality (exp_v0, 0, 0.936, 1);
+  setFitQuality (exp_v0, 1, 0.000, 2);
+  setFitQuality (exp_v0, 2, 0.000, 2);
+  NeutralUVec_t neutrals = makeNeutrals1();
+  std::unique_ptr<xAOD::Vertex> v1 (m_fitter->fit (std::vector<const Trk::TrackParameters*>(),
+                                                   asVec (neutrals)));
+  compareVertex (*v1, exp_v0);
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+// Charged + Vector3D constraint.
+StatusCode AdaptiveVertexFitterTestAlg::test3()
+  xAOD::Vertex exp_v0;
+  exp_v0.makePrivateStore();
+  exp_v0.setPosition ({8.82019, 9.90325, -6.4356});
+  exp_v0.setFitQuality (0.0430536, 1.85853);
+  exp_v0.setCovariance (std::vector<float>
+                        {198.998, 111.025, 256.182, 7.89219, 18.6016, 25.5699});
+  setRefittedPerigee (exp_v0, 0, 1,
+                      {8.2545569, 10.2879887, -6.8943690},
+                      {405.5620128, 596.2559088, 199.9958625},
+                      {1640.25, -51.1682, 281.924, -0.152864, -38.9104, -51.1682, 147.868, -8.97462, -12.0465, 1.26021, 281.924, -8.97462, 49.4107, -0.0273351, -6.9577, -0.152864, -12.0465, -0.0273351, 1.00002, 0.00429935, -38.9104, 1.26021, -6.9577, 0.00429935, 1}
+                      );
+  setFitQuality (exp_v0, 0, 0.000, 2);
+  setRefittedPerigee (exp_v0, 1, -1,
+                      {10.0507183, 8.0932102, -6.0260413},
+                      {596.3526270, 405.4198090, -199.9958068},
+                      {1487.84, -156.737, 262.111, -0.147597, -36.9838, -156.737, 155.885, -28.189, -11.7322, 4.05867, 262.111, -28.189, 47.1302, -0.0271073, -6.79166, -0.147597, -11.7322, -0.0271073, 1.00002, 0.00436106, -36.9838, 4.05867, -6.79166, 0.00436106, 1 }
+                      );
+  setFitQuality (exp_v0, 1, 0.017, 2);
+  setRefittedPerigee (exp_v0, 2, -1,
+                      {4.1590180, 11.2713536, -6.0037370},
+                      {294.0294524, 1001.7714343, 100.0033730},
+                      {1167.78, -99.1794, 213.359, -0.112662, -32.5361, -99.1794, 119.804, -18.5507, -10.4868, 2.89953, 213.359, -18.5507, 39.9175, -0.0216083, -6.23884, -0.112662, -10.4868, -0.0216083, 1.00001, 0.00337217, -32.5361, 2.89953, -6.23884, 0.00337217, 1 }
+                      );
+  setFitQuality (exp_v0, 2, 0.020, 2);
+  Amg::Vector3D pnt1 (5, 6, -3);
+  TrackUVec_t tracks = makeTracks (makePerigees1());
+  std::unique_ptr<xAOD::Vertex> v1 (m_fitter->fit (asVec (tracks), pnt1));
+  setInitialPerigees (exp_v0, tracks);
+  compareVertex (*v1, exp_v0);
+  PerigeeUVec_t perigees = makePerigees1();
+  std::unique_ptr<xAOD::Vertex> v2 (m_fitter->fit (asVec (perigees), pnt1));
+  compareVertex (*v2, exp_v0);
+  TrackParticleUVec_t tps = makeTrackParticles (makePerigees1());
+  std::unique_ptr<xAOD::Vertex> v3 (m_fitter->fit (asVec (tps), pnt1));
+  compareVertex (*v3, exp_v0);
+  xAODTPUVec_t xtps = makexAODTP (makePerigees1());
+  std::unique_ptr<xAOD::Vertex> v4 (m_fitter->fit (asVec (xtps), pnt1));
+  clearInitialPerigees (exp_v0);
+  compareVertex (*v4, exp_v0);
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+// Charged + Vertex constraint.
+StatusCode AdaptiveVertexFitterTestAlg::test4()
+  xAOD::Vertex exp_v0;
+  exp_v0.makePrivateStore();
+  exp_v0.setPosition ({5.00265, 6.02993, -3.2627});
+  exp_v0.setFitQuality (0.904414, 4.84469);
+  exp_v0.setCovariance (std::vector<float>
+                        {1.24242, 0.00898474, 1.25033,
+                           -0.0018625, 0.00503271, 1.16608});
+  setRefittedPerigee (exp_v0, 0, 1,
+                      {5.2563912, 5.8589792, -8.3777169},
+                      {402.9097324, 598.0506755, 199.9978428},
+                      { 148.334, 3.90191, 44.5024, -0.019887, -10.635, 3.90191, 40.8102, 1.24424, -6.30148, -0.32025, 44.5024, 1.24424, 14.2092, -0.00679499, -3.63453, -0.019887, -6.30148, -0.00679499, 1, 0.00224026, -10.635, -0.32025, -3.63453, 0.00224026, 1 }
+                      );
+  setFitQuality (exp_v0, 0, 0.682, 2);
+  setRefittedPerigee (exp_v0, 1, -1,
+                      {5.6281930, 5.1009479, -4.5451087},
+                      {598.1437842, 402.7714914, -199.9978479},
+                      {124.605, -11.9636, 38.8859, -0.0179296, -9.62427, -11.9636, 38.1524, -3.99608, -5.99156, 1.06341, 38.8859, -3.99608, 12.9843, -0.00645023, -3.46157, -0.0179296, -5.99156, -0.00645023, 1, 0.00223385, -9.62427, 1.06341, -3.46157, 0.00223385, 1 }
+                      );
+  setFitQuality (exp_v0, 1, 0.061, 2);
+  setRefittedPerigee (exp_v0, 2, -1,
+                      {2.8050119, 6.6815112, -6.4621037},
+                      {296.7777220, 1000.9608467, 100.0018360},
+                      { 123.052, -8.25619, 37.7378, -0.0183804, -9.50958, -8.25619, 33.7962, -2.7124, -5.67336, 0.738344, 37.7378, -2.7124, 12.4073, -0.0065315, -3.37786, -0.0183804, -5.67336, -0.0065315, 1, 0.0018425, -9.50958, 0.738344, -3.37786, 0.0018425, 1 }
+                      );
+  setFitQuality (exp_v0, 2, 0.352, 2);
+  Amg::Vector3D pnt1 (5, 6, -3);
+  xAOD::Vertex pnt2;
+  pnt2.makePrivateStore();
+  pnt2.setPosition (pnt1);
+  AmgSymMatrix(3) pnt2covar;
+  pnt2covar.setIdentity();
+  pnt2.setCovariancePosition (pnt2covar);
+  TrackUVec_t tracks = makeTracks (makePerigees1());
+  std::unique_ptr<xAOD::Vertex> v1 (m_fitter->fit (asVec (tracks), pnt2));
+  setInitialPerigees (exp_v0, tracks);
+  compareVertex (*v1, exp_v0);
+  PerigeeUVec_t perigees = makePerigees1();
+  std::unique_ptr<xAOD::Vertex> v2 (m_fitter->fit (asVec (perigees), pnt2));
+  compareVertex (*v2, exp_v0);
+  TrackParticleUVec_t tps = makeTrackParticles (makePerigees1());
+  std::unique_ptr<xAOD::Vertex> v3 (m_fitter->fit (asVec (tps), pnt2));
+  compareVertex (*v3, exp_v0);
+  xAODTPUVec_t xtps = makexAODTP (makePerigees1());
+  std::unique_ptr<xAOD::Vertex> v4 (m_fitter->fit (asVec (xtps), pnt2));
+  clearInitialPerigees (exp_v0);
+  compareVertex (*v4, exp_v0);
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+// Charged + Neutral + Vector3D constraint
+StatusCode AdaptiveVertexFitterTestAlg::test5()
+  xAOD::Vertex exp_v0;
+  exp_v0.makePrivateStore();
+  exp_v0.setPosition ({-0.664619, 1.88247, -4.28452});
+  exp_v0.setFitQuality (1.36786, 6.60783);
+  exp_v0.setCovariance (std::vector<float>
+                        {25.8826, 26.6122, 91.0458, 6.34189, 14.6174, 13.9884});
+  setRefittedPerigee (exp_v0, 0, 1,
+                      {1.5885284, 0.3823804, -10.2058300},
+                      {399.6301520, 600.2463141, 200.0002601},
+                      { 1.58278, -0.618193, -0.821391, 0.00010879, -0.171884, -0.618193, 2.32566, 0.908938, 0.800925, 0.346876, -0.821391, 0.908938, 1.20816, -0.000294073, 0.461137, 0.00010879, 0.800925, -0.000294073, 1, -0.000269915, -0.171884, 0.346876, 0.461137, -0.000269915, 1 }
+                      );
+  setFitQuality (exp_v0, 0, 0.000, 2);
+  setRefittedPerigee (exp_v0, 1, -1,
+                      {-0.2079830, 1.1957289, -2.5975002},
+                      {600.4814296, 399.2766328, -200.0005578},
+                      { 3.53014, 0.466334, -2.04043, 0.000621337, -0.653413, 0.466334, 3.53405, -0.415368, 1.56192, -0.206492, -2.04043, -0.415368, 1.81448, -0.000856625, 0.901728, 0.000621337, 1.56192, -0.000856625, 1, -0.000578862, -0.653413, -0.206492, 0.901728, -0.000578862, 1 }
+                      );
+  setFitQuality (exp_v0, 1, 0.017, 2);
+  setRefittedPerigee (exp_v0, 2, -1,
+                      {1.2063615, 1.3212056, -6.9978818},
+                      {299.9873170, 1000.0038041, 100.0000072},
+                      { 1.00049, 0.00413671, 0.0221412, -2.7918e-08, -0.000147081, 0.00413671, 1.03551, 0.18734, -0.0223173, -0.00248881, 0.0221412, 0.18734, 1.00242, -1.91988e-06, -0.0133167, -2.7918e-08, -0.0223173, -1.91988e-06, 1, 7.24261e-06, -0.000147081, -0.00248881, -0.0133167, 7.24261e-06, 1 }
+                      );
+  setFitQuality (exp_v0, 2, 0.020, 2);
+  setFitQuality (exp_v0, 3, 0.136, 2);
+  setFitQuality (exp_v0, 4, 0.000, 2);
+  setFitQuality (exp_v0, 5, 0.000, 2);
+  Amg::Vector3D pnt1 (5, 6, -3);
+  TrackUVec_t tracks = makeTracks (makePerigees1());
+  setInitialPerigees (exp_v0, tracks);
+  PerigeeUVec_t perigees = makePerigees1();
+  NeutralUVec_t neutrals = makeNeutrals1();
+  std::unique_ptr<xAOD::Vertex> v1 (m_fitter->fit (asVec (perigees),
+                                                   asVec (neutrals),
+                                                   pnt1));
+  compareVertex (*v1, exp_v0);
+  xAODTPUVec_t xtps = makexAODTP (makePerigees1());
+  xAODNPUVec_t xaodnp = makexAODNP (makeNeutrals1());
+  std::unique_ptr<xAOD::Vertex> v2 (m_fitter->fit (asVec (xtps),
+                                                   asVec (xaodnp),
+                                                   pnt1));
+  clearInitialPerigees (exp_v0);
+  compareVertex (*v2, exp_v0);
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+// Charged+Neutral + Vertex constraint
+StatusCode AdaptiveVertexFitterTestAlg::test6()
+  xAOD::Vertex exp_v0;
+  exp_v0.makePrivateStore();
+  exp_v0.setPosition ({4.85215, 5.94893, -3.13472});
+  exp_v0.setFitQuality (2.38431, 8.54327);
+  exp_v0.setCovariance (std::vector<float>
+                        {1.183, 0.0323074, 1.21271,
+                           0.00903037, 0.0167373, 1.12584});
+  setRefittedPerigee (exp_v0, 0, 1,
+                      {5.1719083, 5.7335618, -8.4196568},
+                      {402.8346276, 598.1012479, 199.9979000},
+                      { 135.368, 4.54292, 41.4349, -0.0182748, -10.0936, 4.54292, 38.8427, 1.48244, -6.13913, -0.389733, 41.4349, 1.48244, 13.5349, -0.00640884, -3.54057, -0.0182748, -6.13913, -0.00640884, 1, 0.00218082, -10.0936, -0.389733, -3.54057, 0.00218082, 1 }
+                      );
+  setFitQuality (exp_v0, 0, 0.682, 2);
+  setRefittedPerigee (exp_v0, 1, -1,
+                      {5.4869777, 5.0058724, -4.4978936},
+                      {598.2006961, 402.6869274, -199.9979142},
+                      { 111.922, -11.1715, 35.7532, -0.0162277, -9.04482, -11.1715, 35.9577, -3.83303, -5.80842, 1.04702, 35.7532, -3.83303, 12.2632, -0.0060222, -3.35579, -0.0162277, -5.80842, -0.0060222, 1, 0.00216502, -9.04482, 1.04702, -3.35579, 0.00216502, 1 }
+                      );
+  setFitQuality (exp_v0, 1, 0.061, 2);
+  setRefittedPerigee (exp_v0, 2, -1,
+                      {2.7708142, 6.5661849, -6.4736255},
+                      {296.8467752, 1000.9403742, 100.0017963},
+                      { 114.181, -7.37341, 35.593, -0.0172367, -9.10529, -7.37341, 32.345, -2.46816, -5.55155, 0.684107, 35.593, -2.46816, 11.9239, -0.00626001, -3.30551, -0.0172367, -5.55155, -0.00626001, 1, 0.00180269, -9.10529, 0.684107, -3.30551, 0.00180269, 1 }
+                      );
+  setFitQuality (exp_v0, 2, 0.352, 2);
+  setFitQuality (exp_v0, 3, 1.119, 1);
+  setFitQuality (exp_v0, 4, 0.000, 2);
+  setFitQuality (exp_v0, 5, 0.000, 2);
+  Amg::Vector3D pnt1 (5, 6, -3);
+  xAOD::Vertex pnt2;
+  pnt2.makePrivateStore();
+  pnt2.setPosition (pnt1);
+  AmgSymMatrix(3) pnt2covar;
+  pnt2covar.setIdentity();
+  pnt2.setCovariancePosition (pnt2covar);
+  TrackUVec_t tracks = makeTracks (makePerigees1());
+  setInitialPerigees (exp_v0, tracks);
+  PerigeeUVec_t perigees = makePerigees1();
+  NeutralUVec_t neutrals = makeNeutrals1();
+  std::unique_ptr<xAOD::Vertex> v1 (m_fitter->fit (asVec (perigees),
+                                                   asVec (neutrals),
+                                                   pnt2));
+  compareVertex (*v1, exp_v0);
+  xAODTPUVec_t xtps = makexAODTP (makePerigees1());
+  xAODNPUVec_t xaodnp = makexAODNP (makeNeutrals1());
+  std::unique_ptr<xAOD::Vertex> v2 (m_fitter->fit (asVec (xtps),
+                                                   asVec (xaodnp),
+                                                   pnt2));
+  clearInitialPerigees (exp_v0);
+  compareVertex (*v2, exp_v0);
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+} // namespace Trk
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/src/AdaptiveVertexFitterTestAlg.h b/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/src/AdaptiveVertexFitterTestAlg.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..359d24b3728c87d7bfbeffe2a4d9f73d19f8d618
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/src/AdaptiveVertexFitterTestAlg.h
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+// This file's extension implies that it's C, but it's really -*- C++ -*-.
+ * Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration.
+ */
+ * @file TrkVertexFitters/src/AdaptiveVertexFitterTestAlg.h
+ * @author scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov>
+ * @date Jul, 2019
+ * @brief Algorithm for testing AdaptiveVertexFitter.
+ */
+#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgorithm.h"
+#include "TrkVertexFitterInterfaces/IVertexFitter.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
+namespace Trk {
+class AdaptiveVertexFitterTestAlg
+  : public AthAlgorithm
+  using AthAlgorithm::AthAlgorithm;
+  /// Standard Gaudi initialize method.
+  virtual StatusCode initialize() override;
+  /// Execute the algorithm.
+  virtual StatusCode execute() override;
+  StatusCode test1();
+  StatusCode test2();
+  StatusCode test3();
+  StatusCode test4();
+  StatusCode test5();
+  StatusCode test6();
+  ToolHandle<Trk::IVertexFitter> m_fitter
+  { this, "Tool", "Trk::AdaptiveVertexFitter", "Tool to test." };
+} // namespace Trk
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/src/components/TrkVertexFitters_entries.cxx b/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/src/components/TrkVertexFitters_entries.cxx
index 3306f166b690e34be1205ecacefe1b450d39869c..901907d71ee188aa989b1c9e614602b24d832429 100644
--- a/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/src/components/TrkVertexFitters_entries.cxx
+++ b/Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters/src/components/TrkVertexFitters_entries.cxx
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
 #include "TrkVertexFitters/AdaptiveVertexFitter.h"
 #include "TrkVertexFitters/SequentialVertexSmoother.h"
 #include "TrkVertexFitters/DummyVertexSmoother.h"
+#include "../AdaptiveVertexFitterTestAlg.h"
+#include "../AdaptiveMultiVertexFitterTestAlg.h"
 using namespace Trk;
@@ -11,4 +13,6 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter )
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( SequentialVertexSmoother )
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( AdaptiveVertexFitter )
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( DummyVertexSmoother )
+DECLARE_COMPONENT( AdaptiveVertexFitterTestAlg )
+DECLARE_COMPONENT( AdaptiveMultiVertexFitterTestAlg )