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Rafal Bielski requested to merge rbielski/athena:chaindump-update into master

This is a complete rewrite of from scratch. Please look at the full new version of this file rather than the git diff.

Changes with respect to old script

  • Drop all features based deeply on how tests were run in RTT in old times before ART. The new script doesn't care where the input and reference files come from, how they are named and how they were produced. It only reads the histograms, dumps counts and compares to reference.
  • Use more modern python (passes flake8 tests)
  • Add option to dump results to JSON - may be used in the future for post-processing or displaying on websites
  • Add functionality to process 2D input histograms. In this case counts are taken from the last y-bin. This is needed for the Run-3 chain acceptance histogram produced by TrigSignatureMoniMT.
  • Improve command-line interface and flexibility
  • A slight change of logic when deciding "out of tolerance" changes wrt reference (see below)

Additional changes

  • Remove as the new script handles both Run-2 and Run-3 chain histograms.
  • Adapt scripts which were calling chainDump to the new CLI

Slight change of "out of tolerance" logic in reference comparison

Old script - divide counts by total number of events for input and reference separately and then compare the fractions:

    def checkList(self,list):
        okay = True
        for n,(x,xt) in enumerate(list):
            #print "DMS",n, x,xt
            for y,yt in list[n:]:
                if x > -1 and y > -1 and xt > 0 and yt > 0:
                    fx = x/xt
                    fy = y/yt
                    ft = float(self.fracTolerance)*min(fx,fy)
                    it = float(self.intTolerance)*2.0/(xt+yt)
                    #print self.fracTolerance,ft, it
                    # note yt and xt can be greater than one for TEs
                    if abs(fx - fy) > it and abs(fx - fy) > ft : 
                        #print x, y, xt, yt, fx, fy, it, ft  self.intTolerance,self.fracTolerance
                        #print 'out'
                        okay = False
                    okay = False
        return okay

New script - normalise the input counts to reference and then compare the counts:

def count_diff(count_in, count_ref, total_in, total_ref, thr_frac, thr_num):
    # normalise input counts to total events in reference
    count_in_norm = (count_in / float(total_in)) * total_ref
    frac = count_in_norm / float(count_ref) if count_ref != 0 else None

    num_diff = abs(count_in_norm - count_ref) > thr_num
    frac_diff = abs(frac - 1.0) > thr_frac if frac else True

    return num_diff and frac_diff

New command-line interface

$ -h
usage: [options] files

Script to dump trigger counts to a text file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f PATH, --inputFile PATH
                        Name of input root file
  -r PATH, --referenceFile PATH
                        Name of reference root file
  -v, --verbose         Increase output verbosity
  -p, --printOnly       Print counts instead of saving to file
  -d, --diffOnly        Only store out of tolerance results (does not change
  --json                Save outputs also to chainDump.json
  --fracTolerance FRAC  Tolerance as a fraction, default = 0.001. Flagged
                        diffs must exceed all tolerances
  --intTolerance NUM    Tolerance as a number of counts, default = 2. Flagged
                        diffs must exceed all tolerances
  --countHists HISTS [HISTS ...]
                        Histograms to use for counts dump. All existing
                        histograms from the list are used, default = ['HLTFram
  --totalHists HISTS [HISTS ...]
                        Histograms to use for total events. First existing
                        histogram from the list is used, default =
  --histDict DICT [DICT ...]
                        Dictionary defining names of output text files for
                        each histogram, default = ['HLTFramework/TrigSignature

Tagging @hartj and @jpanduro for explicit approval - please click the "Approve" button if you're fine with the changes

Also tagging @tbold, @salderwe for information

Merge request reports