diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopAnalysis/util/top-xaod.cxx b/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopAnalysis/util/top-xaod.cxx
index 399ce1b4d1ad375e64b713b2ac5deaed29eaf95d..482508851a465274a90df5c1d4c3799c19f5e8a6 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopAnalysis/util/top-xaod.cxx
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopAnalysis/util/top-xaod.cxx
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+   Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+ */
 #include <iostream>
 #include <memory>
@@ -82,940 +82,995 @@
  * @return 0 If everything is okay.
 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    if (argc != 3) {
-        std::cout << "Code to perform object and event selection and write-out\n";
-        std::cout << "a few histograms and / or a tree in xAOD format.\n";
-        std::cout << "Use like:\n";
-        std::cout << "    " << argv[0] << " cuts.txt input.txt\n";
-        std::cout << "    cuts.txt   - file containing cuts\n";
-        std::cout << "    input.txt  - file containing list of input files\n";
-        std::cout << "\n";
-        std::cout << "For example\n";
-        std::cout << "    " << argv[0] << " $ROOTCOREBIN/data/TopAnalysis/nocuts.txt $ROOTCOREBIN/data/TopAnalysis/input-13TeV-fondueworld.txt\n";
-        return 1;
+  if (argc != 3) {
+    std::cout << "Code to perform object and event selection and write-out\n";
+    std::cout << "a few histograms and / or a tree in xAOD format.\n";
+    std::cout << "Use like:\n";
+    std::cout << "    " << argv[0] << " cuts.txt input.txt\n";
+    std::cout << "    cuts.txt   - file containing cuts\n";
+    std::cout << "    input.txt  - file containing list of input files\n";
+    std::cout << "\n";
+    std::cout << "For example\n";
+    std::cout << "    " << argv[0] <<
+      " $ROOTCOREBIN/data/TopAnalysis/nocuts.txt $ROOTCOREBIN/data/TopAnalysis/input-13TeV-fondueworld.txt\n";
+    return 1;
+  }
+  // to disable the sending of file access statistics
+  xAOD::TFileAccessTracer::enableDataSubmission(false);
+  //magic xAOD stuff
+  //true = fail at even the slightest xaod issue
+  top::xAODInit(true);
+  StatusCode::enableFailure();
+  xAOD::TStore store;
+  std::cout << "Configuration Files:\n";
+  std::string settingsFilename = std::string(argv[1]);
+  std::cout << "    " << settingsFilename << "\n";
+  std::cout << "    " << std::string(argv[2]) << "\n\n";
+  //load the settings from the input file
+  auto* const settings = top::ConfigurationSettings::get();
+  settings->loadFromFile(settingsFilename);
+  std::cout << "Configuration:\n";
+  std::cout << *settings << "\n";
+  const std::string libraryNames = settings->value("LibraryNames");
+  top::loadLibraries(libraryNames);
+  // Analysis tracking
+  std::unique_ptr<top::AnalysisTrackingHelper> tracker;
+  {
+    bool useTracking = true;
+    settings->retrieve("WriteTrackingData", useTracking);
+    if (useTracking) {
+      tracker.reset(new top::AnalysisTrackingHelper());
-    // to disable the sending of file access statistics
-    xAOD::TFileAccessTracer::enableDataSubmission( false );
-    //magic xAOD stuff
-    //true = fail at even the slightest xaod issue
-    top::xAODInit(true);
-    StatusCode::enableFailure();
-    xAOD::TStore store;
-    std::cout << "Configuration Files:\n";
-    std::string settingsFilename = std::string(argv[1]);
-    std::cout << "    " << settingsFilename << "\n";
-    std::cout << "    " << std::string(argv[2]) << "\n\n";
-    //load the settings from the input file
-    auto* const settings = top::ConfigurationSettings::get();
-    settings->loadFromFile(settingsFilename);
-    std::cout << "Configuration:\n";
-    std::cout << *settings << "\n";
-    const std::string libraryNames = settings->value("LibraryNames");
-    top::loadLibraries(libraryNames);
-    // Analysis tracking
-    std::unique_ptr<top::AnalysisTrackingHelper> tracker;
-    {
-        bool useTracking = true;
-        settings->retrieve("WriteTrackingData", useTracking);
-        if (useTracking) {
-            tracker.reset(new top::AnalysisTrackingHelper());
-        }
+  }
+  // I/O Performance stats?
+  // Summary gives a summary
+  // Full gives detailed info on each collection in the file
+  unsigned int doPerfStats(0);
+  if (settings->value("PerfStats") == "Summary") doPerfStats = 1;
+  if (settings->value("PerfStats") == "Full") doPerfStats = 2;
+  //load the event selection from the input file
+  std::string cutsFilename = std::string(settingsFilename);
+  //open the files (to check they exist) and count how many events we have
+  std::vector<std::string> filenames = top::fileList(std::string(argv[2]));
+  unsigned int totalYield = top::checkFiles(filenames);
+  //open output file
+  std::unique_ptr<TFile> outputFile(TFile::Open((settings->value("OutputFilename") + ".tmp").c_str(), "RECREATE"));
+  // A configuration that John can easily understand
+  // This is not the same as a good configuration
+  std::shared_ptr<top::TopConfig> topConfig(new top::TopConfig());
+  // load AOD meta-data from all files
+  bool useAodMetaData = false;
+  settings->retrieve("UseAodMetaData", useAodMetaData);
+  if (useAodMetaData) {
+    std::cout << "Loading meta-data from input files ... " << std::flush;
+    topConfig->aodMetaData().loadWithFilesFrom(argv[2]);
+    std::cout << "OK." << std::endl;
+  }
+  //picking the first file was a bad idea because in the derivations it often
+  //has no events (no CollectionTree).  Be sure to pick a file with events in
+  //it...
+  // The isMC flag needs to be taken from the xAOD metadata
+  // We also need something for AFII
+  {
+    std::string usethisfile = filenames[0];
+    bool atLeastOneFileIsValid(false);
+    for (const auto& filename : filenames) {
+      std::unique_ptr<TFile> checkingYieldFile(TFile::Open(filename.c_str()));
+      //collection tree means > 0 events
+      const TTree* const collectionTree = dynamic_cast<TTree* > (checkingYieldFile->Get("CollectionTree"));
+      if (collectionTree) {
+        usethisfile = filename;
+        atLeastOneFileIsValid = true;
+        break;
+      }
-    // I/O Performance stats?
-    // Summary gives a summary
-    // Full gives detailed info on each collection in the file
-    unsigned int doPerfStats(0);
-    if (settings->value("PerfStats") == "Summary")
-        doPerfStats = 1;
-    if (settings->value("PerfStats") == "Full")
-        doPerfStats = 2;
-    //load the event selection from the input file
-    std::string cutsFilename = std::string(settingsFilename);
-    //open the files (to check they exist) and count how many events we have
-    std::vector<std::string> filenames = top::fileList(std::string(argv[2]));
-    unsigned int totalYield = top::checkFiles(filenames);
-    //open output file
-    std::unique_ptr<TFile> outputFile(TFile::Open((settings->value("OutputFilename") + ".tmp").c_str(), "RECREATE"));
-    // A configuration that John can easily understand
-    // This is not the same as a good configuration
-    std::shared_ptr<top::TopConfig> topConfig(new top::TopConfig());
-    // load AOD meta-data from all files
-    bool useAodMetaData = false;
-    settings->retrieve("UseAodMetaData", useAodMetaData);
-    if (useAodMetaData) {
-        std::cout << "Loading meta-data from input files ... " << std::flush;
-        topConfig->aodMetaData().loadWithFilesFrom(argv[2]);
-        std::cout << "OK." << std::endl;
+    // If there are no valid files, let's exit cleanly
+    if (!(atLeastOneFileIsValid || useAodMetaData)) {
+      std::cout << "No input file contains a CollectionTree -- exiting.\n"
+                << "Unfortunately, we don't have enough information to prepare an output file for\n"
+                << "you. If you had turned on 'UseAodMetaData' in your configuration, we could\n"
+                << "overcome this limitation.\n" << std::endl;
+      return 1;
-    //picking the first file was a bad idea because in the derivations it often
-    //has no events (no CollectionTree).  Be sure to pick a file with events in
-    //it...
-    // The isMC flag needs to be taken from the xAOD metadata
-    // We also need something for AFII
-    {
-        std::string usethisfile = filenames[0];
-        bool atLeastOneFileIsValid(false);
-        for (const auto& filename : filenames) {
-            std::unique_ptr<TFile> checkingYieldFile(TFile::Open(filename.c_str()));
-            //collection tree means > 0 events
-            const TTree* const collectionTree = dynamic_cast<TTree* > (checkingYieldFile->Get("CollectionTree"));
-            if (collectionTree) {
-                usethisfile = filename;
-                atLeastOneFileIsValid = true;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        // If there are no valid files, let's exit cleanly
-        if (!(atLeastOneFileIsValid || useAodMetaData)) {
-          std::cout << "No input file contains a CollectionTree -- exiting.\n"
-                    << "Unfortunately, we don't have enough information to prepare an output file for\n"
-                    << "you. If you had turned on 'UseAodMetaData' in your configuration, we could\n"
-                    << "overcome this limitation.\n" << std::endl;
-          return 1;
-        }
+    std::unique_ptr<TFile> testFile(TFile::Open(usethisfile.c_str()));
-        std::unique_ptr<TFile> testFile(TFile::Open(usethisfile.c_str()));
-	if(! top::readMetaData(testFile.get(), topConfig) ){
-	  std::cerr << "Unable to access metadata object in this file : " << usethisfile << std::endl;
-	  std::cerr << "Please report this message" << std::endl;
-	}
-        bool const isMC = (useAodMetaData ?
-              topConfig->aodMetaData().isSimulation() :
-              top::isFileSimulation(testFile.get(), topConfig->sgKeyEventInfo())
-           );
-        topConfig->setIsMC(isMC);
-        const bool isPrimaryxAOD = top::isFilePrimaryxAOD(testFile.get());
-        topConfig->setIsPrimaryxAOD(isPrimaryxAOD);
-	const std::string derivationStream = top::getDerivationStream(testFile.get());
-	std::cout << "Derivation stream is -> " << derivationStream << std::endl;
-	topConfig->setDerivationStream(derivationStream);
-	if(isMC){
-          ///-- Are we using a truth derivation (no reco information)? --///
-          ///-- Let's find out in the first event, this could be done better --///
-          bool isTruthDxAOD = top::isTruthDxAOD(testFile.get());
-          topConfig->setIsTruthDxAOD(isTruthDxAOD);
-          if (!isTruthDxAOD && atLeastOneFileIsValid) {
-            unsigned int DSID = top::getDSID(testFile.get(), topConfig->sgKeyEventInfo());
-            topConfig -> setDSID(DSID);
-            // now need to get and set the parton shower generator from TopDataPrep
-            SampleXsection tdp;	   
-	    // Package/filename - XS file we want to use (can now be configured via cutfile)                                                    
-	    const std::string tdp_filename = settings->value("TDPPath");
-	    // Use the path resolver to find the first file in the list of possible paths ($CALIBPATH)
-	    std::string fullpath = PathResolverFindCalibFile(tdp_filename);
-	    if (!tdp.readFromFile(fullpath.c_str())) {
-	      std::cout << "ERROR::TopDataPreparation - could not read file \n";
-	      std::cout << tdp_filename << "\n";
-	      exit(1);
-	    }
-	    std::cout << "SampleXsection::Found " << fullpath << std::endl;
-            int ShowerIndex = tdp.getShoweringIndex(DSID);
-            std::cout << "DSID: " << DSID << "\t" << "ShowerIndex: " << ShowerIndex << std::endl;
-            topConfig->setMapIndex(ShowerIndex);
-          }
-	}
-    } //close and delete the ptr to testFile
-    // Pass the settings file to the TopConfig
-    topConfig->setConfigSettings(settings);
-    //In rel 19 we had a function to guess Class or Branch Access.
-    //In rel20 just use branch (quicker)
-    // In rel 20.7, need to go back to class access
-    xAOD::TEvent xaodEvent(xAOD::TEvent::kClassAccess);
-    // Setup all asg::AsgTools
-    top::TopToolStore topTools("top::TopToolStore");
-    top::check(topTools.setProperty("config", topConfig),
-               "Failed to setProperty of topTools");
-    top::check(topTools.initialize() , "Failed to initialize topTools");
-    // EventCleaningSelection
-    // Decorates EventInfo with GRL decision (always true for MC)
-    // Evaluates all triggers requested from all selections
-    // Trigger matching
-    // Check for good Tile and LAr calorimeters
-    // Let's check this passes before running expensive calibrations
-    // If ANY selection does not request a trigger, we won't veto any events
-    std::unique_ptr<top::EventCleaningSelection> eventCleaning( new top::EventCleaningSelection("top::EventCleaningSelection") );
-    top::check(eventCleaning->setProperty("config", topConfig),
-               "Failed to setProperty of triggerGRLSelection" );
-    top::check(eventCleaning->initialize(),
-               "Failed to initialize triggerGRLSelection");
-    eventCleaning->setEventSelections(settings->selections());
-    // Systematic object collection making
-    std::unique_ptr<top::ObjectCollectionMaker> systObjMaker( new top::ObjectCollectionMaker( "top::ObjectCollectionMaker" ) );
-    top::check( systObjMaker->setProperty( "config" , topConfig ) , "Failed to setProperty of systObjMaker" );
-    if (!topConfig->isTruthDxAOD())
-      top::check( systObjMaker->initialize() , "Failed to initialize systObjMaker" );
-    //setup object definitions - not used in HLUpgrade tools
-    std::unique_ptr<top::TopObjectSelection> objectSelection;
-    if(!topConfig->HLLHC()) {
-      objectSelection.reset(top::loadObjectSelection(topConfig));
-      objectSelection->print(std::cout);
+    if (!top::readMetaData(testFile.get(), topConfig)) {
+      std::cerr << "Unable to access metadata object in this file : " << usethisfile << std::endl;
+      std::cerr << "Please report this message" << std::endl;
-    //setup event-level cuts
-    top::EventSelectionManager eventSelectionManager(settings->selections(), outputFile.get(), libraryNames, topConfig);
-    //The loader tool for top::ParticleLevelEvent objects
-    top::ParticleLevelLoader particleLevelLoader( topConfig );
-    // The loader tool for Upgrade objects
-    top::UpgradeObjectLoader upgradeLoader( topConfig );
-    // Fix the configuration - it now knows about:
-    //     * all objects collections to work with
-    //     * all systematic variations
-    topConfig->fixConfiguration();
+    bool const isMC = (useAodMetaData ?
+                       topConfig->aodMetaData().isSimulation() :
+                       top::isFileSimulation(testFile.get(), topConfig->sgKeyEventInfo())
+                       );
+    topConfig->setIsMC(isMC);
+    const bool isPrimaryxAOD = top::isFilePrimaryxAOD(testFile.get());
+    topConfig->setIsPrimaryxAOD(isPrimaryxAOD);
+    const std::string derivationStream = top::getDerivationStream(testFile.get());
+    std::cout << "Derivation stream is -> " << derivationStream << std::endl;
+    topConfig->setDerivationStream(derivationStream);
+    if (isMC) {
+      ///-- Are we using a truth derivation (no reco information)? --///
+      ///-- Let's find out in the first event, this could be done better --///
+      bool isTruthDxAOD = top::isTruthDxAOD(testFile.get());
+      topConfig->setIsTruthDxAOD(isTruthDxAOD);
+      if (!isTruthDxAOD && atLeastOneFileIsValid) {
+        unsigned int DSID = top::getDSID(testFile.get(), topConfig->sgKeyEventInfo());
+        topConfig->setDSID(DSID);
+        // now need to get and set the parton shower generator from TopDataPrep
+        SampleXsection tdp;
+        // Package/filename - XS file we want to use (can now be configured via cutfile)
+        const std::string tdp_filename = settings->value("TDPPath");
+        // Use the path resolver to find the first file in the list of possible paths ($CALIBPATH)
+        std::string fullpath = PathResolverFindCalibFile(tdp_filename);
+        if (!tdp.readFromFile(fullpath.c_str())) {
+          std::cout << "ERROR::TopDataPreparation - could not read file \n";
+          std::cout << tdp_filename << "\n";
+          exit(1);
+        }
+        std::cout << "SampleXsection::Found " << fullpath << std::endl;
-    // OK let's printout the TopConfig
-    std::cout << *topConfig << "\n";
-    if (tracker) tracker->setTopConfig(topConfig);
-    //Top parton history for MC events
-    // This is quite ugly and simple, it will be harmonized with in the future
-    // along with all other factory methods (it's not a factory method right now)
-    std::unique_ptr<top::CalcTopPartonHistory> topPartonHistory(nullptr);
-    if(settings->value("TopPartonHistory") == "ttbar"){
-      topPartonHistory = std::unique_ptr<top::CalcTopPartonHistory> ( new top::CalcTtbarPartonHistory( "top::CalcTtbarPartonHistory" ) );
-      top::check(topPartonHistory->setProperty( "config" , topConfig ) , "Failed to setProperty of top::CalcTtbarPartonHistory");
-    }
-    else if(settings->value("TopPartonHistory") == "ttbarlight"){
-      topPartonHistory = std::unique_ptr<top::CalcTopPartonHistory> ( new top::CalcTtbarLightPartonHistory( "top::CalcTtbarLightPartonHistory" ) );
-      top::check(topPartonHistory->setProperty( "config" , topConfig ) , "Failed to setProperty of top::CalcTtbarLightPartonHistory");
-    }
-    else if(settings->value("TopPartonHistory") == "tb"){
-      topPartonHistory = std::unique_ptr<top::CalcTopPartonHistory> ( new top::CalcTbbarPartonHistory( "top::CalcTbbarPartonHistory" ) );
-      top::check(topPartonHistory->setProperty( "config" , topConfig ) , "Failed to setProperty of top::CalcTbbarPartonHistory");
+        int ShowerIndex = tdp.getShoweringIndex(DSID);
+        std::cout << "DSID: " << DSID << "\t" << "ShowerIndex: " << ShowerIndex << std::endl;
+        topConfig->setMapIndex(ShowerIndex);
+      }
-    else if(settings->value("TopPartonHistory") == "Wtb"){
-      topPartonHistory = std::unique_ptr<top::CalcTopPartonHistory> ( new top::CalcWtbPartonHistory( "top::CalcWtbPartonHistory" ) );
-      top::check(topPartonHistory->setProperty( "config" , topConfig ) , "Failed to setProperty of top::CalcWtbPartonHistory");
+  } //close and delete the ptr to testFile
+  // Pass the settings file to the TopConfig
+  topConfig->setConfigSettings(settings);
+  //In rel 19 we had a function to guess Class or Branch Access.
+  //In rel20 just use branch (quicker)
+  // In rel 20.7, need to go back to class access
+  xAOD::TEvent xaodEvent(xAOD::TEvent::kClassAccess);
+  // Read metadata
+  std::unique_ptr<TFile> testFile(TFile::Open(filenames[0].c_str()));
+  top::check(xaodEvent.readFrom(testFile.get()), "xAOD::TEvent readFrom failed");
+  // Setup all asg::AsgTools
+  top::TopToolStore topTools("top::TopToolStore");
+  top::check(topTools.setProperty("config", topConfig),
+             "Failed to setProperty of topTools");
+  top::check(topTools.initialize(), "Failed to initialize topTools");
+  // EventCleaningSelection
+  // Decorates EventInfo with GRL decision (always true for MC)
+  // Evaluates all triggers requested from all selections
+  // Trigger matching
+  // Check for good Tile and LAr calorimeters
+  // Let's check this passes before running expensive calibrations
+  // If ANY selection does not request a trigger, we won't veto any events
+  std::unique_ptr<top::EventCleaningSelection> eventCleaning(new top::EventCleaningSelection(
+                                                               "top::EventCleaningSelection"));
+  top::check(eventCleaning->setProperty("config", topConfig),
+             "Failed to setProperty of triggerGRLSelection");
+  top::check(eventCleaning->initialize(),
+             "Failed to initialize triggerGRLSelection");
+  eventCleaning->setEventSelections(settings->selections());
+  // Systematic object collection making
+  std::unique_ptr<top::ObjectCollectionMaker> systObjMaker(new top::ObjectCollectionMaker("top::ObjectCollectionMaker"));
+  top::check(systObjMaker->setProperty("config", topConfig), "Failed to setProperty of systObjMaker");
+  if (!topConfig->isTruthDxAOD()) top::check(systObjMaker->initialize(), "Failed to initialize systObjMaker");
+  //setup object definitions - not used in HLUpgrade tools
+  std::unique_ptr<top::TopObjectSelection> objectSelection;
+  if (!topConfig->HLLHC()) {
+    objectSelection.reset(top::loadObjectSelection(topConfig));
+    objectSelection->print(std::cout);
+  }
+  //setup event-level cuts
+  top::EventSelectionManager eventSelectionManager(settings->selections(), outputFile.get(), libraryNames, topConfig);
+  //The loader tool for top::ParticleLevelEvent objects
+  top::ParticleLevelLoader particleLevelLoader(topConfig);
+  // The loader tool for Upgrade objects
+  top::UpgradeObjectLoader upgradeLoader(topConfig);
+  // Fix the configuration - it now knows about:
+  //     * all objects collections to work with
+  //     * all systematic variations
+  topConfig->fixConfiguration();
+  // OK let's printout the TopConfig
+  std::cout << *topConfig << "\n";
+  if (tracker) tracker->setTopConfig(topConfig);
+  //Top parton history for MC events
+  // This is quite ugly and simple, it will be harmonized with in the future
+  // along with all other factory methods (it's not a factory method right now)
+  std::unique_ptr<top::CalcTopPartonHistory> topPartonHistory(nullptr);
+  if (settings->value("TopPartonHistory") == "ttbar") {
+    topPartonHistory =
+      std::unique_ptr<top::CalcTopPartonHistory> (new top::CalcTtbarPartonHistory("top::CalcTtbarPartonHistory"));
+    top::check(topPartonHistory->setProperty("config",
+                                             topConfig), "Failed to setProperty of top::CalcTtbarPartonHistory");
+  } else if (settings->value("TopPartonHistory") == "ttbarlight") {
+    topPartonHistory =
+      std::unique_ptr<top::CalcTopPartonHistory> (new top::CalcTtbarLightPartonHistory(
+                                                    "top::CalcTtbarLightPartonHistory"));
+    top::check(topPartonHistory->setProperty("config",
+                                             topConfig), "Failed to setProperty of top::CalcTtbarLightPartonHistory");
+  } else if (settings->value("TopPartonHistory") == "tb") {
+    topPartonHistory =
+      std::unique_ptr<top::CalcTopPartonHistory> (new top::CalcTbbarPartonHistory("top::CalcTbbarPartonHistory"));
+    top::check(topPartonHistory->setProperty("config",
+                                             topConfig), "Failed to setProperty of top::CalcTbbarPartonHistory");
+  } else if (settings->value("TopPartonHistory") == "Wtb") {
+    topPartonHistory =
+      std::unique_ptr<top::CalcTopPartonHistory> (new top::CalcWtbPartonHistory("top::CalcWtbPartonHistory"));
+    top::check(topPartonHistory->setProperty("config", topConfig),
+               "Failed to setProperty of top::CalcWtbPartonHistory");
+  } else if (settings->value("TopPartonHistory") == "ttz") {
+    topPartonHistory =
+      std::unique_ptr<top::CalcTopPartonHistory> (new top::CalcTTZPartonHistory("top::CalcTTZPartonHistory"));
+    top::check(topPartonHistory->setProperty("config", topConfig),
+               "Failed to setProperty of top::CalcTTZPartonHistory");
+  } else if (settings->value("TopPartonHistory") == "ttgamma") {
+    topPartonHistory =
+      std::unique_ptr<top::CalcTopPartonHistory> (new top::CalcTtbarGammaPartonHistory(
+                                                    "top::CalcTtbarGammaPartonHistory"));
+    top::check(topPartonHistory->setProperty("config",
+                                             topConfig), "Failed to setProperty of top::CalcTtbarGammaPartonHistory");
+  } else if (settings->value("TopPartonHistory") == "tHqtautau") {
+    topPartonHistory = std::unique_ptr<top::CalcTopPartonHistory>(new top::CalcThqPartonHistory("top::CalcThqPartonHistory"));
+    top::check(topPartonHistory->setProperty("config", topConfig), "Failed to setProperty of top::CalcThqPartonHistory");
+  }
+  //LHAPDF SF calculation
+  std::unique_ptr<top::PDFScaleFactorCalculator> PDF_SF(nullptr);
+  PDF_SF =
+    std::unique_ptr<top::PDFScaleFactorCalculator> (new top::PDFScaleFactorCalculator("top::PDFScaleFactorCalculator"));
+  if (topConfig->doLHAPDF()) {
+    top::check(PDF_SF->setProperty("config", topConfig), "Failed to set config for PDF SF Calculator");
+    top::check(PDF_SF->initialize(), "Failed to initialize PDF SF calculator");
+  }
+  // make top::Event objects
+  std::unique_ptr<top::TopEventMaker> topEventMaker(new top::TopEventMaker("top::TopEventMaker"));
+  top::check(topEventMaker->setProperty("config", topConfig), "Failed to setProperty of top::TopEventMaker");
+  top::check(topEventMaker->initialize(), "Failed to initialize top::TopEventMaker");
+  // Debug messages?
+  // topEventMaker.msg().setLevel(MSG::DEBUG);
+  std::unique_ptr<top::ScaleFactorCalculator> topScaleFactors(new top::ScaleFactorCalculator(
+                                                                "top::ScaleFactorCalculator"));
+  top::check(topScaleFactors->setProperty("config", topConfig), "Failed to setProperty of top::ScaleFactorCalculator");
+  top::check(topScaleFactors->initialize(), "Failed to initialize  top::ScaleFactorCalculator");
+  ///-- weights for matrix-method fakes estimate --///
+  std::unique_ptr<top::TopFakesMMWeightCalculator> topfakesMMWeights(nullptr);
+  if (!topConfig->isMC() && topConfig->doLooseEvents() && topConfig->doFakesMMWeights()) {
+    topfakesMMWeights = std::unique_ptr<top::TopFakesMMWeightCalculator>(new top::TopFakesMMWeightCalculator());
+    top::check(topfakesMMWeights->setProperty("config",
+                                              topConfig), "Failed to setProperty of top::TopFakesMMWeightCalculator");
+    top::check(topfakesMMWeights->initialize(), "Failed to initialize  top::TopFakesMMWeightCalculator");
+    for (auto sel : settings->selections()) {
+      top::check(topfakesMMWeights->setSelectionConfigs(sel.m_name, eventSelectionManager.GetFakesMMConfigs(
+                                                          sel.m_name)),
+                 "Failed to set the selection FakesMMConfigs for selection" + sel.m_name);
-    else if(settings->value("TopPartonHistory") == "ttz"){
-      topPartonHistory = std::unique_ptr<top::CalcTopPartonHistory> ( new top::CalcTTZPartonHistory( "top::CalcTTZPartonHistory" ) );
-      top::check(topPartonHistory->setProperty( "config" , topConfig ) , "Failed to setProperty of top::CalcTTZPartonHistory");
+  }
+  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CP::AsymptMatrixTool> > topfakesMMWeightsIFF;
+  std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > FakesMMConfigIFF;
+  if (!topConfig->isMC() && topConfig->doLooseEvents() && topConfig->doFakesMMWeightsIFF()) {
+    if (topConfig->FakesMMConfigIFF() != "") {
+      std::vector<std::string> tokens;
+      top::tokenize(topConfig->FakesMMConfigIFF(), tokens, ";");
+      std::reverse(tokens.begin(), tokens.end());
+      while (tokens.size()) {
+        const auto& token = tokens.back();
+        std::vector<std::string> tokens2;
+        top::tokenize(token, tokens2, ":");
+        top::check(tokens2.size() == 3,
+                   "Failed to read FakesMMConfigIFF: " + topConfig->FakesMMConfigIFF() + " has size " +
+                   std::to_string(tokens2.size()) + " (should be 3)");
+        FakesMMConfigIFF.push_back(tokens2);
+        FakesMMConfigIFF.back()[0] = PathResolverFindCalibFile(tokens2[0]);
+        tokens.pop_back();
+      }
-    else if(settings->value("TopPartonHistory") == "ttgamma"){
-      topPartonHistory = std::unique_ptr<top::CalcTopPartonHistory> ( new top::CalcTtbarGammaPartonHistory( "top::CalcTtbarGammaPartonHistory" ) );
-      top::check(topPartonHistory->setProperty( "config" , topConfig ) , "Failed to setProperty of top::CalcTtbarGammaPartonHistory");
+    for (unsigned int mmi = 0; mmi < FakesMMConfigIFF.size(); ++mmi) {
+      topfakesMMWeightsIFF.emplace_back(std::make_unique<CP::AsymptMatrixTool>("AsymptMatrixTool_" + mmi));
+      top::check(topfakesMMWeightsIFF.back()->setProperty("InputFiles",
+                                                          std::vector<std::string>{FakesMMConfigIFF[mmi][0]}),
+                 "Failed To setProperty InputFiles of AsymptMatrixTool");
+      top::check(topfakesMMWeightsIFF.back()->setProperty("Selection",
+                                                          FakesMMConfigIFF[mmi][1]),
+                 "Failed to set the selection FakesMMIFFConfigs for selection " + FakesMMConfigIFF[mmi][1]);
+      top::check(topfakesMMWeightsIFF.back()->setProperty("Process",
+                                                          FakesMMConfigIFF[mmi][2]),
+                 "Failed to set the selection FakesMMIFFConfigs for process " + FakesMMConfigIFF[mmi][2]);
+      top::check(topfakesMMWeightsIFF.back()->setProperty("EnergyUnit",
+                                                          "GeV"),
+                 "Failed to setProperty EnergyUnit of AsymptMatrixTool");
+      top::check(topfakesMMWeightsIFF.back()->setProperty("ConvertWhenMissing",
+                                                          true),
+                 "Failed to setProperty ConvertWhenMissing of AsymptMatrixTool");
+      top::check(topfakesMMWeightsIFF.back()->setProperty("TightDecoration",
+                                                          "passPreORSelection,as_char"),
+                 "Failed to setProperty TightDecoration of AsymptMatrixTool");
+      if (topConfig->FakesMMIFFDebug()) top::check(topfakesMMWeightsIFF.back()->setProperty("OutputLevel",
+                                                                                            MSG::INFO),
+                                                   "Failed to setProperty of AsymptMatrixTool");
+      top::check(topfakesMMWeightsIFF.back()->initialize(), "Failed to initialize  AsymptMatrixTool");
-    else if (settings->value("TopPartonHistory") == "tHqtautau") {
-      topPartonHistory = std::unique_ptr<top::CalcTopPartonHistory>(new top::CalcThqPartonHistory("top::CalcThqPartonHistory"));
-      top::check(topPartonHistory->setProperty("config", topConfig), "Failed to setProperty of top::CalcThqPartonHistory");
+  }
+  //A list of extra branches that we create in this code and want to save
+  std::vector<std::string> extraBranches;
+  eventSelectionManager.addExtraBranches(extraBranches);
+  //output file format (and any user-modified code)
+  std::unique_ptr<top::EventSaverBase> eventSaver(top::loadEventSaver(topConfig));
+  eventSaver->initialize(topConfig, outputFile.get(), extraBranches);
+  // save sum of weights before derivations
+  outputFile->cd();
+  TTree* sumWeights = new TTree("sumWeights", "");
+  float totalEventsWeighted = 0;
+  std::vector<float> totalEventsWeighted_LHE3;
+  std::vector<double> totalEventsWeighted_LHE3_temp;// having doubles is necessary in case of re-calculation of the sum
+                                                    // of weights on the fly
+  std::vector<std::string> names_LHE3;
+  bool recalc_LHE3 = false;
+  int dsid = 0;
+  int isAFII = topConfig->isAFII();
+  std::string generators = topConfig->getGenerators();
+  std::string AMITag = topConfig->getAMITag();
+  ULong64_t totalEvents = 0;
+  ULong64_t totalEventsInFiles = 0;
+  sumWeights->Branch("dsid", &dsid);
+  sumWeights->Branch("isAFII", &isAFII);
+  sumWeights->Branch("generators", &generators);
+  sumWeights->Branch("AMITag", &AMITag);
+  sumWeights->Branch("totalEventsWeighted", &totalEventsWeighted);
+  if (topConfig->doMCGeneratorWeights()) {// the main problem is that we don't have the list of names a priori
+    sumWeights->Branch("totalEventsWeighted_mc_generator_weights", &totalEventsWeighted_LHE3);
+    sumWeights->Branch("names_mc_generator_weights", &names_LHE3);
+  }
+  sumWeights->Branch("totalEvents", &totalEvents, "totalEvents/l");
+  TTree* sumPdfWeights = 0;
+  std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<float>*> totalEventsPdfWeighted;
+  int dsidPdf = 0;
+  bool pdfMetadataExists = false;
+  if (topConfig->doLHAPDF()) {
+    sumPdfWeights = new TTree("PDFsumWeights", "");
+    sumPdfWeights->Branch("dsid", &dsidPdf);
+    for (const auto& pdf_set : topConfig->LHAPDFSets()) {
+      totalEventsPdfWeighted[pdf_set] = new std::vector<float>();
+      sumPdfWeights->Branch(pdf_set.c_str(), totalEventsPdfWeighted[pdf_set]);
-    //LHAPDF SF calculation
-    std::unique_ptr<top::PDFScaleFactorCalculator> PDF_SF(nullptr);
-    PDF_SF = std::unique_ptr<top::PDFScaleFactorCalculator> (new top::PDFScaleFactorCalculator( "top::PDFScaleFactorCalculator" ) );
-    if ( topConfig->doLHAPDF() ){
-      top::check( PDF_SF->setProperty( "config", topConfig ), "Failed to set config for PDF SF Calculator" );
-      top::check( PDF_SF->initialize(), "Failed to initialize PDF SF calculator" );
+  }
+  //the analysis loop
+  std::cout << "Starting event loop\n";
+  // Performance stats
+  if (doPerfStats > 0) xAOD::PerfStats::instance().start(); // start Perfstats timer
+  unsigned int totalYieldSoFar = 0;
+  unsigned int skippedEventsSoFar = 0;
+  unsigned int eventSavedReco(0), eventSavedRecoLoose(0), eventSavedTruth(0), eventSavedParticle(0),
+  eventSavedUpgrade(0);
+  // Close the file that we opened only for metadata
+  testFile->Close();
+  for (const auto& filename : filenames) {
+    if (topConfig->numberOfEventsToRun() != 0 && totalYieldSoFar >= topConfig->numberOfEventsToRun()) break;
+    std::cout << "Opening " << filename << std::endl;
+    std::unique_ptr<TFile> inputFile(TFile::Open(filename.c_str()));
+    // the derivation framework is making files with an empty collection tree
+    // which TEvent can now handle
+    // However, at least for data, this is causing problems with the trigger menu
+    // skip the file, after the meta data access above
+    const TTree* const collectionTree = dynamic_cast<TTree* > (inputFile->Get("CollectionTree"));
+    if (!collectionTree && !topConfig->isMC()) {
+      if (top::ConfigurationSettings::get()->feature("SkipInputFilesWithoutCollectionTree")) {
+        std::cout << "No CollectionTree found, skipping file\n";
+        continue;
+      }
-    // make top::Event objects
-    std::unique_ptr<top::TopEventMaker> topEventMaker( new top::TopEventMaker( "top::TopEventMaker" ) );
-    top::check(topEventMaker->setProperty( "config" , topConfig ) , "Failed to setProperty of top::TopEventMaker");
-    top::check(topEventMaker->initialize(),"Failed to initialize top::TopEventMaker");
-    // Debug messages?
-    // topEventMaker.msg().setLevel(MSG::DEBUG);
-    std::unique_ptr<top::ScaleFactorCalculator> topScaleFactors( new top::ScaleFactorCalculator("top::ScaleFactorCalculator") );
-    top::check(topScaleFactors->setProperty( "config" , topConfig ) , "Failed to setProperty of top::ScaleFactorCalculator");
-    top::check(topScaleFactors->initialize(),"Failed to initialize  top::ScaleFactorCalculator");
-    ///-- weights for matrix-method fakes estimate --///
-    std::unique_ptr<top::TopFakesMMWeightCalculator> topfakesMMWeights(nullptr);    
-    if (!topConfig->isMC() && topConfig->doLooseEvents() && topConfig->doFakesMMWeights()) {
-      topfakesMMWeights = std::unique_ptr<top::TopFakesMMWeightCalculator>( new top::TopFakesMMWeightCalculator() );
-      top::check(topfakesMMWeights->setProperty( "config" , topConfig ) , "Failed to setProperty of top::TopFakesMMWeightCalculator");
-      top::check(topfakesMMWeights->initialize(),"Failed to initialize  top::TopFakesMMWeightCalculator");
-      for (auto sel : settings->selections()) {
-	top::check(topfakesMMWeights->setSelectionConfigs(sel.m_name, eventSelectionManager.GetFakesMMConfigs(sel.m_name)),"Failed to set the selection FakesMMConfigs for selection"+sel.m_name);
+    top::check(xaodEvent.readFrom(inputFile.get()), "xAOD::TEvent readFrom failed");
+    //Get some of event weights before derivation
+    double initialSumOfWeightsInThisFile = 0;
+    ULong64_t initialEvents = 0;
+    // vector of LH3 weights and teir names
+    std::vector<float> initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_weightsInThisFile;
+    std::vector<std::string> initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_namesInThisFile;
+    // vector of PDF weights and their names
+    std::vector<float> initialSumOfWeights_pdf_weightsInThisFile;
+    std::vector<std::string> initialSumOfWeights_pdf_namesInThisFile;
+    // See https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AtlasProtected/AnalysisMetadata#Event_Bookkeepers
+    const xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer* cutBookKeepers = 0;
+    // Try to get the cut bookkeepers.
+    // <tom.neep@cern.ch> (4/4/16): Not there in DAOD_TRUTH1?
+    // If we can't get them and we are running on TRUTH then carry on,
+    // but anything else is bad!
+    if (!xaodEvent.retrieveMetaInput(cutBookKeepers, "CutBookkeepers")) {
+      top::check(topConfig->isTruthDxAOD(),
+                 "Failed to retrieve cut book keepers");
+    } else {
+      int maxCycle = -1;
+      std::vector<int> maxCycle_LH3;// for LHE3 weights
+      // for the sum of number of events and of mc event weights
+      for (auto cbk : *cutBookKeepers) {
+        // skip RDO and ESD numbers, which are nonsense; and
+        // skip the derivation number, which is the one after skimming
+        // we want the primary xAOD numbers
+        if ((cbk->inputStream() == "StreamAOD" || (topConfig->HLLHC() && cbk->inputStream() == "StreamDAOD_TRUTH1")) &&
+            cbk->name() == "AllExecutedEvents") {
+          double sumOfEventWeights = cbk->sumOfEventWeights();
+          ULong64_t nEvents = cbk->nAcceptedEvents();
+          if (cbk->cycle() > maxCycle) {
+            initialSumOfWeightsInThisFile = sumOfEventWeights;
+            initialEvents = nEvents;
+            maxCycle = cbk->cycle();
+          }
+        } else if ((cbk->inputStream() == "StreamAOD" ||
+                    (topConfig->HLLHC() && cbk->inputStream() == "StreamDAOD_TRUTH1")) &&
+                   cbk->name().find("LHE3Weight_") != std::string::npos
+                   && topConfig->doMCGeneratorWeights()) {
+          double sumOfEventWeights = cbk->sumOfEventWeights();
+          std::string name = cbk->name();
+          name.erase(0, 11); // remove the "LHE3Weight_"
+          // is it a new name? If yes append it to the vector of names
+          // if not no need, but we must check the corresponding entry for the sum of weights exist
+          auto pos_name = std::find(initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_namesInThisFile.begin(),
+                                    initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_namesInThisFile.end(), name);
+          if (pos_name == initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_namesInThisFile.end()) {
+            initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_namesInThisFile.push_back(name);
+            initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_weightsInThisFile.push_back(sumOfEventWeights);
+            maxCycle_LH3.push_back(cbk->cycle());
+          } else if (cbk->cycle() >
+                     maxCycle_LH3.at(pos_name - initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_namesInThisFile.begin())) {
+            initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_weightsInThisFile.at(
+              pos_name - initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_namesInThisFile.begin()) = sumOfEventWeights;
+            maxCycle_LH3.at(pos_name - initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_namesInThisFile.begin()) = cbk->cycle();
+          }
+        } else continue;
-    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CP::AsymptMatrixTool> > topfakesMMWeightsIFF;
-    std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > FakesMMConfigIFF;
-    if(!topConfig->isMC() && topConfig->doLooseEvents() && topConfig->doFakesMMWeightsIFF()) {
-      if(topConfig->FakesMMConfigIFF() != ""){
-	std::vector<std::string> tokens;
-	top::tokenize(topConfig->FakesMMConfigIFF(), tokens, ";");
-	std::reverse(tokens.begin(),tokens.end());
-	while (tokens.size()){
-	  const auto & token = tokens.back();
-	  std::vector<std::string> tokens2;
-	  top::tokenize(token, tokens2, ":");
-	  top::check(tokens2.size()==3,"Failed to read FakesMMConfigIFF: "+topConfig->FakesMMConfigIFF()+" has size "+std::to_string(tokens2.size())+" (should be 3)");
-          FakesMMConfigIFF.push_back(tokens2);
-	  FakesMMConfigIFF.back()[0] = PathResolverFindCalibFile(tokens2[0]);
-	  tokens.pop_back();
-	}	
+    totalEventsWeighted += initialSumOfWeightsInThisFile;
+    totalEvents += initialEvents;
+    // now we must fill two vectors in sync
+    if (topConfig->doMCGeneratorWeights()) {
+      if (totalEventsWeighted_LHE3.size() != 0) {
+        if (totalEventsWeighted_LHE3.size() != initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_weightsInThisFile.size()
+            || names_LHE3.size() != initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_namesInThisFile.size()
+            || names_LHE3.size() != totalEventsWeighted_LHE3.size()) {
+          std::cout <<
+            "Ouch: strange inconsistency of vector sizes in sum of LHE3 weights calculation. There is an issue somewhere."
+                    << std::endl;
+          std::cout << "Exiting...." << std::endl;
+          std::exit(1);
+        }
+        for (unsigned int i_genweights = 0; i_genweights < initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_namesInThisFile.size();
+             i_genweights++) {
+          if (names_LHE3.at(i_genweights) != initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_namesInThisFile.at(i_genweights)) {
+            std::cout <<
+              "Ouch: strange inconsistency in the vector of weight names in sum of LHE3 weights calculation. There is an issue somewhere."
+                      << std::endl;
+            std::cout << "Exiting...." << std::endl;
+            std::exit(1);
+          } else {
+            totalEventsWeighted_LHE3.at(i_genweights)
+              = totalEventsWeighted_LHE3.at(i_genweights)
+                + initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_weightsInThisFile.at(i_genweights);
+          }
+        }
+      } else {
+        for (unsigned int i_genweights = 0; i_genweights < initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_namesInThisFile.size();
+             i_genweights++) {
+          names_LHE3.push_back(initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_namesInThisFile.at(i_genweights));
+          totalEventsWeighted_LHE3.push_back(initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_weightsInThisFile.at(i_genweights));
+        }
-      for (unsigned int mmi = 0; mmi<FakesMMConfigIFF.size(); ++mmi) {
-	topfakesMMWeightsIFF.emplace_back(std::make_unique<CP::AsymptMatrixTool>("AsymptMatrixTool_"+mmi));
-	top::check(topfakesMMWeightsIFF.back()->setProperty( "InputFiles", std::vector<std::string>{FakesMMConfigIFF[mmi][0]} ) , "Failed To setProperty InputFiles of AsymptMatrixTool");
-	top::check(topfakesMMWeightsIFF.back()->setProperty( "Selection", FakesMMConfigIFF[mmi][1] ),"Failed to set the selection FakesMMIFFConfigs for selection " +  FakesMMConfigIFF[mmi][1]);
-	top::check(topfakesMMWeightsIFF.back()->setProperty( "Process", FakesMMConfigIFF[mmi][2] ),"Failed to set the selection FakesMMIFFConfigs for process " +  FakesMMConfigIFF[mmi][2]);
-	top::check(topfakesMMWeightsIFF.back()->setProperty( "EnergyUnit", "GeV" ) , "Failed to setProperty EnergyUnit of AsymptMatrixTool");
-	top::check(topfakesMMWeightsIFF.back()->setProperty( "ConvertWhenMissing", true ) , "Failed to setProperty ConvertWhenMissing of AsymptMatrixTool");
-	top::check(topfakesMMWeightsIFF.back()->setProperty( "TightDecoration", "passPreORSelection,as_char" ) , "Failed to setProperty TightDecoration of AsymptMatrixTool");
-	if(topConfig->FakesMMIFFDebug()) 
-	  top::check(topfakesMMWeightsIFF.back()->setProperty( "OutputLevel", MSG::INFO ), "Failed to setProperty of AsymptMatrixTool");
-	top::check(topfakesMMWeightsIFF.back()->initialize(),"Failed to initialize  AsymptMatrixTool");
+      if (!names_LHE3.empty()) {
+        std::cout << "The sum of weights for the following LHE3 weights were retrieved from the input file:" <<
+          std::endl;
+        for (std::string s : names_LHE3) std::cout << s << " ";
+        std::cout << std::endl;
+      } else {
+        std::cout << "No sum of LHE3 weights could be found in meta-data. Will try to recompute these sums." <<
+          std::endl;
+        std::cout <<
+          "It will only work on un-skimmed derivations, and it will be impossible to know the name of these weights." <<
+          std::endl;
+        recalc_LHE3 = true;
-    //A list of extra branches that we create in this code and want to save
-    std::vector<std::string> extraBranches;
-    eventSelectionManager.addExtraBranches(extraBranches);
-    //output file format (and any user-modified code)
-    std::unique_ptr<top::EventSaverBase> eventSaver(top::loadEventSaver(topConfig));
-    eventSaver->initialize(topConfig, outputFile.get(), extraBranches);
-    // save sum of weights before derivations
-    outputFile->cd();
-    TTree* sumWeights = new TTree("sumWeights", "");
-    float totalEventsWeighted = 0;
-    std::vector<float> totalEventsWeighted_LHE3;
-    std::vector<double> totalEventsWeighted_LHE3_temp;// having doubles is necessary in case of re-calculation of the sum of weights on the fly
-    std::vector<std::string> names_LHE3;
-    bool recalc_LHE3 = false;
-    int dsid = 0;
-    int isAFII = topConfig->isAFII();
-    std::string generators = topConfig->getGenerators();
-    std::string AMITag = topConfig->getAMITag();
-    ULong64_t totalEvents = 0;
-    ULong64_t totalEventsInFiles = 0;
-    sumWeights->Branch("dsid", &dsid);
-    sumWeights->Branch("isAFII", &isAFII);
-    sumWeights->Branch("generators", &generators);
-    sumWeights->Branch("AMITag", &AMITag);
-    sumWeights->Branch("totalEventsWeighted", &totalEventsWeighted);
-    if (topConfig->doMCGeneratorWeights()) {// the main problem is that we don't have the list of names a priori
-      sumWeights->Branch("totalEventsWeighted_mc_generator_weights", &totalEventsWeighted_LHE3);
-      sumWeights->Branch("names_mc_generator_weights", &names_LHE3);
-    }
-    sumWeights->Branch("totalEvents", &totalEvents, "totalEvents/l");
-    TTree* sumPdfWeights = 0;
-    std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<float> *> totalEventsPdfWeighted;
-    int dsidPdf = 0;
-    bool pdfMetadataExists = false;
-    if (topConfig->doLHAPDF()) {
-      sumPdfWeights = new TTree("PDFsumWeights", "");
-      sumPdfWeights->Branch("dsid", &dsidPdf);
-      for (const auto &pdf_set : topConfig->LHAPDFSets()) {
-        totalEventsPdfWeighted[pdf_set] = new std::vector<float>();
-        sumPdfWeights->Branch(pdf_set.c_str(), totalEventsPdfWeighted[pdf_set]);
-      }
+    const unsigned int entries = xaodEvent.getEntries();
+    totalEventsInFiles += entries;
+    unsigned int firstEvent = 0;
+    if (topConfig->numberOfEventsToSkip() > skippedEventsSoFar) {
+      firstEvent = topConfig->numberOfEventsToSkip() - skippedEventsSoFar;
+      skippedEventsSoFar += entries < firstEvent ? entries : firstEvent;
+    unsigned int entry;
+    for (entry = firstEvent; entry < entries; ++entry, ++totalYieldSoFar) {
+      if (topConfig->numberOfEventsToRun() != 0 && totalYieldSoFar >= topConfig->numberOfEventsToRun()) break;
+      if (entry % 100 ==
+          0) std::cout << "    Processing event " << totalYieldSoFar << " / " << totalYield << " (current file: " <<
+          entry << " / " << entries << ")" << std::endl;
+      // clear the TStore - get rid of the last events objects
+      xAOD::TActiveStore::store()->clear();
+      // increment the event
+      xaodEvent.getEntry(entry);
+      // Pile up and MC event weight - used to normalize the cut flows
+      float mcEventWeight(1.), pileupWeight(1.), zvtxWeight(1.);
+      if (topConfig->isMC()) mcEventWeight = topScaleFactors->mcEventWeight();
+      if (topConfig->doPileupReweighting() && !topConfig->isTruthDxAOD()) {
+        top::check(topScaleFactors->executePileup(), "Failed to execute pileup reweighting");
+        pileupWeight = topScaleFactors->pileupWeight();
+      }
-    //the analysis loop
-    std::cout << "Starting event loop\n";
-    // Performance stats
-    if (doPerfStats > 0)
-        xAOD::PerfStats::instance().start();  // start Perfstats timer
+      // get mc channel number
+      // to save the sum of weights
+      if (totalYieldSoFar == 0 && topConfig->isMC()) {
+        const xAOD::EventInfo* ei(nullptr);
+        top::check(xaodEvent.retrieve(ei, topConfig->sgKeyEventInfo()),
+                   "xAOD::TEvent retrieve failed to get EventInfo");
-    unsigned int totalYieldSoFar = 0;
-    unsigned int skippedEventsSoFar = 0;
-    unsigned int eventSavedReco(0),eventSavedRecoLoose(0),eventSavedTruth(0),eventSavedParticle(0),eventSavedUpgrade(0);
-    for (const auto& filename : filenames) {
-        if (topConfig->numberOfEventsToRun() != 0 && totalYieldSoFar >= topConfig->numberOfEventsToRun() ) break;
-        std::cout << "Opening " << filename << std::endl;
-        std::unique_ptr<TFile> inputFile(TFile::Open(filename.c_str()));
-        // the derivation framework is making files with an empty collection tree
-        // which TEvent can now handle
-        // However, at least for data, this is causing problems with the trigger menu
-	// skip the file, after the meta data access above
-        const TTree* const collectionTree = dynamic_cast<TTree* > (inputFile->Get("CollectionTree"));
-        if (!collectionTree && !topConfig->isMC()) {
-          if (top::ConfigurationSettings::get()->feature("SkipInputFilesWithoutCollectionTree")) {
-            std::cout << "No CollectionTree found, skipping file\n";
-            continue;
-          }
-        }
-	top::check(xaodEvent.readFrom(inputFile.get()), "xAOD::TEvent readFrom failed");
-	//Get some of event weights before derivation
-	double initialSumOfWeightsInThisFile = 0;
-        ULong64_t initialEvents = 0;
-        // vector of LH3 weights and teir names
-        std::vector<float> initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_weightsInThisFile;
-        std::vector<std::string> initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_namesInThisFile;
-        // vector of PDF weights and their names
-        std::vector<float> initialSumOfWeights_pdf_weightsInThisFile;
-        std::vector<std::string> initialSumOfWeights_pdf_namesInThisFile;
-	// See https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AtlasProtected/AnalysisMetadata#Event_Bookkeepers
-	const xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer* cutBookKeepers = 0;
-        // Try to get the cut bookkeepers.
-        // <tom.neep@cern.ch> (4/4/16): Not there in DAOD_TRUTH1?
-        // If we can't get them and we are running on TRUTH then carry on,
-        // but anything else is bad!
-        if (!xaodEvent.retrieveMetaInput(cutBookKeepers, "CutBookkeepers")) {
-          top::check(topConfig->isTruthDxAOD(),
-                     "Failed to retrieve cut book keepers");
-        } else {
-	  int maxCycle = -1;
-          std::vector<int> maxCycle_LH3;// for LHE3 weights
-          // for the sum of number of events and of mc event weights
-          for ( auto cbk : *cutBookKeepers ) {
-            // skip RDO and ESD numbers, which are nonsense; and
-            // skip the derivation number, which is the one after skimming
-            // we want the primary xAOD numbers
-            if ((cbk->inputStream() == "StreamAOD" || (topConfig->HLLHC() && cbk->inputStream() == "StreamDAOD_TRUTH1")) && cbk->name() == "AllExecutedEvents") {
-              double sumOfEventWeights = cbk->sumOfEventWeights();
-              ULong64_t nEvents = cbk->nAcceptedEvents();
-              if (cbk->cycle() > maxCycle) {
-                initialSumOfWeightsInThisFile = sumOfEventWeights;
-                initialEvents = nEvents;
-                maxCycle = cbk->cycle();
-              }
-            }
-            else if ((cbk->inputStream() == "StreamAOD" || (topConfig->HLLHC() && cbk->inputStream() == "StreamDAOD_TRUTH1")) && cbk->name().find("LHE3Weight_") != std::string::npos
-              && topConfig->doMCGeneratorWeights()) {
-              double sumOfEventWeights = cbk->sumOfEventWeights();
-              std::string name=cbk->name();
-              name.erase(0,11); // remove the "LHE3Weight_"
-              // is it a new name? If yes append it to the vector of names
-              // if not no need, but we must check the corresponding entry for the sum of weights exist
-              auto pos_name = std::find(initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_namesInThisFile.begin(),
-                        initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_namesInThisFile.end(),name);
-              if (pos_name == initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_namesInThisFile.end()) {
-                initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_namesInThisFile.push_back(name);
-                initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_weightsInThisFile.push_back(sumOfEventWeights);
-                maxCycle_LH3.push_back(cbk->cycle());
-              }
-              else if (cbk->cycle() > maxCycle_LH3.at(pos_name-initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_namesInThisFile.begin())) {
-                initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_weightsInThisFile.at(pos_name-initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_namesInThisFile.begin()) = sumOfEventWeights;
-                maxCycle_LH3.at(pos_name-initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_namesInThisFile.begin()) = cbk->cycle();
-              }
-            }
-            else continue;
-          }
+        //mcChannelNumber only available in MC simulation
+        if (ei->eventType(xAOD::EventInfo::IS_SIMULATION)) {
+          dsid = ei->mcChannelNumber();
+          dsidPdf = ei->mcChannelNumber();
-	totalEventsWeighted += initialSumOfWeightsInThisFile;
-	totalEvents += initialEvents;
-        // now we must fill two vectors in sync
-        if (topConfig->doMCGeneratorWeights()) {
-          if (totalEventsWeighted_LHE3.size() != 0 ) {
-            if (totalEventsWeighted_LHE3.size() != initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_weightsInThisFile.size()
-              || names_LHE3.size() != initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_namesInThisFile.size()
-              || names_LHE3.size() != totalEventsWeighted_LHE3.size() ) {
-                std::cout << "Ouch: strange inconsistency of vector sizes in sum of LHE3 weights calculation. There is an issue somewhere." << std::endl;
-                std::cout << "Exiting...." << std::endl;
-                std::exit(1);
-            }
-            for (unsigned int i_genweights = 0; i_genweights < initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_namesInThisFile.size(); i_genweights++) {
-              if (names_LHE3.at(i_genweights) != initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_namesInThisFile.at(i_genweights)) {
-                std::cout << "Ouch: strange inconsistency in the vector of weight names in sum of LHE3 weights calculation. There is an issue somewhere." << std::endl;
-                std::cout << "Exiting...." << std::endl;
-                std::exit(1);
-              }
-              else {
-                totalEventsWeighted_LHE3.at(i_genweights)
-                  =  totalEventsWeighted_LHE3.at(i_genweights)
-                  + initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_weightsInThisFile.at(i_genweights);
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          else {
-            for (unsigned int i_genweights = 0; i_genweights < initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_namesInThisFile.size(); i_genweights++) {
-              names_LHE3.push_back(initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_namesInThisFile.at(i_genweights));
-              totalEventsWeighted_LHE3.push_back(initialSumOfWeights_mc_generator_weightsInThisFile.at(i_genweights));
-            }
-          }
-          if (!names_LHE3.empty()) {
-            std::cout << "The sum of weights for the following LHE3 weights were retrieved from the input file:"<<std::endl;
-            for (std::string s : names_LHE3) std::cout<<s<<" ";
-            std::cout<< std::endl;
-          }
-          else {
-            std::cout << "No sum of LHE3 weights could be found in meta-data. Will try to recompute these sums."<<std::endl;
-            std::cout << "It will only work on un-skimmed derivations, and it will be impossible to know the name of these weights."<<std::endl;
-            recalc_LHE3 = true;
-          }
-        }
-        const unsigned int entries = xaodEvent.getEntries();
-	totalEventsInFiles += entries;
-	unsigned int firstEvent = 0;
-	if(topConfig->numberOfEventsToSkip() > skippedEventsSoFar){
-	  firstEvent = topConfig->numberOfEventsToSkip()-skippedEventsSoFar;
-	  skippedEventsSoFar += entries < firstEvent ? entries : firstEvent;
-	}
-        unsigned int entry;
-        for (entry = firstEvent; entry < entries; ++entry, ++totalYieldSoFar) {
-   	    if (topConfig->numberOfEventsToRun() != 0 && totalYieldSoFar >= topConfig->numberOfEventsToRun() ) break;
-            if (entry % 100 == 0)
-                std::cout << "    Processing event " << totalYieldSoFar << " / " << totalYield << " (current file: " << entry << " / " << entries << ")" << std::endl;
-            // clear the TStore - get rid of the last events objects
-            xAOD::TActiveStore::store()->clear();
-            // increment the event
-            xaodEvent.getEntry(entry);
-            // Pile up and MC event weight - used to normalize the cut flows
-            float mcEventWeight(1.),pileupWeight(1.),zvtxWeight(1.);
-            if (topConfig->isMC())
-              mcEventWeight = topScaleFactors->mcEventWeight();
-	    if (topConfig->doPileupReweighting() && !topConfig->isTruthDxAOD()) {
-	      top::check(topScaleFactors->executePileup(), "Failed to execute pileup reweighting");
-	      pileupWeight = topScaleFactors->pileupWeight();
-	    }
-            // get mc channel number
-            // to save the sum of weights
-            if (totalYieldSoFar == 0 && topConfig->isMC()) {
-                const xAOD::EventInfo *ei(nullptr);
-                top::check(xaodEvent.retrieve(ei, topConfig->sgKeyEventInfo()),
-                           "xAOD::TEvent retrieve failed to get EventInfo");
-                //mcChannelNumber only available in MC simulation
-                if (ei->eventType(xAOD::EventInfo::IS_SIMULATION)) {
-                    dsid = ei->mcChannelNumber();
-		    dsidPdf = ei->mcChannelNumber();
-		}
-            }
-            ///-- Truth events --///
-            if (topConfig->isMC()) {
-              // Save, if requested, MC truth block, PDFInfo, TopPartons
-              // This will be saved for every event
+      }
-              // Run topPartonHistory
-              if (topConfig->doTopPartonHistory())
-		top::check( topPartonHistory->execute() , "Failed to execute topPartonHistory" );
+      ///-- Truth events --///
+      if (topConfig->isMC()) {
+        // Save, if requested, MC truth block, PDFInfo, TopPartons
+        // This will be saved for every event
-	      // calculate PDF weights
-	      if( topConfig->doLHAPDF() )
-		top::check( PDF_SF->execute(),
-			    "Failed to execute PDF SF");
+        // Run topPartonHistory
+        if (topConfig->doTopPartonHistory()) top::check(
+            topPartonHistory->execute(), "Failed to execute topPartonHistory");
-              eventSaver->saveTruthEvent();
-              ++eventSavedTruth;
+        // calculate PDF weights
+        if (topConfig->doLHAPDF()) top::check(PDF_SF->execute(),
+                                              "Failed to execute PDF SF");
-              // Upgrade analysis - only for truth DAODs when asking to do upgrade studies
-              if (topConfig->isTruthDxAOD() && topConfig->HLLHC()) {
-                top::ParticleLevelEvent upgradeEvent = upgradeLoader.load();
+        eventSaver->saveTruthEvent();
+        ++eventSavedTruth;
-                  //event selection
-                  const bool saveEventInOutputFile = eventSelectionManager.applyUpgradeLevel( upgradeEvent );
+        // Upgrade analysis - only for truth DAODs when asking to do upgrade studies
+        if (topConfig->isTruthDxAOD() && topConfig->HLLHC()) {
+          top::ParticleLevelEvent upgradeEvent = upgradeLoader.load();
-                  if ( saveEventInOutputFile ) {
-                  eventSaver->saveUpgradeEvent( upgradeEvent );
-                  ++eventSavedUpgrade;
-                }
-              }
+          //event selection
+          const bool saveEventInOutputFile = eventSelectionManager.applyUpgradeLevel(upgradeEvent);
-              // Particle level analysis, saved only for truth events passing fiducial selection
+          if (saveEventInOutputFile) {
+            eventSaver->saveUpgradeEvent(upgradeEvent);
+            ++eventSavedUpgrade;
+          }
+        }
-              // --------------------------------------------------
-              // If the truth loader is active, perform truth loading.
-              if (particleLevelLoader.active()){
-                // --------------------------------------------------
-                // Get the top::TruthEvent for the current event
-                top::ParticleLevelEvent particleLevelEvent = particleLevelLoader.load();
+        // Particle level analysis, saved only for truth events passing fiducial selection
-                //event selection
-                const bool saveEventInOutputFile = eventSelectionManager.applyParticleLevel( particleLevelEvent );
+        // --------------------------------------------------
+        // If the truth loader is active, perform truth loading.
+        if (particleLevelLoader.active()) {
+          // --------------------------------------------------
+          // Get the top::TruthEvent for the current event
+          top::ParticleLevelEvent particleLevelEvent = particleLevelLoader.load();
-                if ( saveEventInOutputFile ) {
-                  eventSaver->saveParticleLevelEvent( particleLevelEvent );
-                  ++eventSavedParticle;
-                }
-              }
+          //event selection
+          const bool saveEventInOutputFile = eventSelectionManager.applyParticleLevel(particleLevelEvent);
+          if (saveEventInOutputFile) {
+            eventSaver->saveParticleLevelEvent(particleLevelEvent);
+            ++eventSavedParticle;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      if (totalYieldSoFar == 0 && topConfig->isMC() && topConfig->doLHAPDF()) {
+        const xAOD::TruthEventContainer* truthEvent(nullptr);
+        top::check(xaodEvent.retrieve(truthEvent, topConfig->sgKeyTruthEvent()), "Failed to retrieve truth PDF info");
+        for (auto tePtr : *truthEvent) {
+          for (auto& pdf : totalEventsPdfWeighted) {
+            if (tePtr->isAvailable< std::vector<float> >("AnalysisTop_" + pdf.first + "_Weights")) {
+              pdf.second->resize(tePtr->auxdata< std::vector<float> >("AnalysisTop_" + pdf.first + "_Weights").size());
-            if (totalYieldSoFar == 0 && topConfig->isMC() && topConfig->doLHAPDF()) {
-                const xAOD::TruthEventContainer* truthEvent(nullptr);
-                top::check( xaodEvent.retrieve(truthEvent, topConfig->sgKeyTruthEvent()) , "Failed to retrieve truth PDF info" );
-                for( auto tePtr : *truthEvent ) {
-                  for (auto &pdf : totalEventsPdfWeighted) {
-                    if( tePtr->isAvailable< std::vector<float> >("AnalysisTop_"+pdf.first+"_Weights") ) {
-                      pdf.second->resize(tePtr->auxdata< std::vector<float> >("AnalysisTop_"+pdf.first+"_Weights").size());
-                    }
-                  }
-                }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      // on the first event, set the size of the vector of sum of LHE3 weights in case it needs to be calculated on the
+      // fly
+      if (topConfig->isMC() && topConfig->doMCGeneratorWeights()) {
+        const xAOD::TruthEventContainer* truthEvent(nullptr);
+        top::check(xaodEvent.retrieve(truthEvent,
+                                      topConfig->sgKeyTruthEvent()),
+                   "Failed to retrieve LHE3 weights from truth event");
+        unsigned int weightsSize = truthEvent->at(0)->weights().size();
+        if (recalc_LHE3) {
+          if (totalYieldSoFar == 0) {
+            totalEventsWeighted_LHE3_temp.resize(weightsSize);
+            for (unsigned int i_LHE3 = 0; i_LHE3 < weightsSize; i_LHE3++) {
+              totalEventsWeighted_LHE3_temp.at(i_LHE3) = truthEvent->at(0)->weights().at(i_LHE3);
-            // on the first event, set the size of the vector of sum of LHE3 weights in case it needs to be calculated on the fly
-            if (topConfig->isMC() && topConfig->doMCGeneratorWeights()) {
-                  const xAOD::TruthEventContainer* truthEvent(nullptr);
-                  top::check( xaodEvent.retrieve(truthEvent, topConfig->sgKeyTruthEvent()) , "Failed to retrieve LHE3 weights from truth event" );
-                  unsigned int weightsSize = truthEvent->at(0)->weights().size();
-                  if (recalc_LHE3) {
-                      if (totalYieldSoFar == 0) {
-                        totalEventsWeighted_LHE3_temp.resize(weightsSize);
-                        for (unsigned int i_LHE3 = 0; i_LHE3<weightsSize; i_LHE3++) {
-                            totalEventsWeighted_LHE3_temp.at(i_LHE3) = truthEvent->at(0)->weights().at(i_LHE3);
-                        }
-                        names_LHE3.resize(weightsSize);
-                        std::fill(names_LHE3.begin(),names_LHE3.end(),"?");
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        for (unsigned int i_LHE3 = 0; i_LHE3<weightsSize; i_LHE3++) {
-                            totalEventsWeighted_LHE3_temp.at(i_LHE3) = totalEventsWeighted_LHE3_temp.at(i_LHE3) + truthEvent->at(0)->weights().at(i_LHE3);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                else if (weightsSize != names_LHE3.size()) {// don't recalc sum of weights, but cross-check the size of the vectors
-                    std::cout << "Ouch: strange inconsistency in the sum of LHE3 weights vectors from the meta-data and the vector of LHE3 weights in the TruthEventContainer." << std::endl;
-                    std::cout << "It should be the same; since it's not, it's pointless to continue.";
-                    std::cout << "Exiting...." << std::endl;
-                    std::exit(1);
-                }
+            names_LHE3.resize(weightsSize);
+            std::fill(names_LHE3.begin(), names_LHE3.end(), "?");
+          } else {
+            for (unsigned int i_LHE3 = 0; i_LHE3 < weightsSize; i_LHE3++) {
+              totalEventsWeighted_LHE3_temp.at(i_LHE3) = totalEventsWeighted_LHE3_temp.at(i_LHE3) +
+                                                         truthEvent->at(0)->weights().at(i_LHE3);
-            ///-- End of Truth events -- start of reconstruction level events --///
-            if (topConfig->isTruthDxAOD())
-              continue;
-            ///-- We veto events that do not pass the GRL, trigger or have bad calorimeters --///
-            ///-- No point calibrating and cutting on events that fail these cuts --///
-            ///-- We only apply a veto if ALL selectors request a cut --///
-            ///-- And if the user selects "OutputEvents SelectedEvents" --///
-            ///-- Count initial events --///
-            eventSelectionManager.countInitial(mcEventWeight,pileupWeight,zvtxWeight);
-            ///-- Does event pass the GRL? (always true for MC) --///
-            ///-- Only veto events when ALL user selectors request GRL --///
-            bool passGRLVeto = eventCleaning->applyGRL();
-            if (!passGRLVeto)
-                continue;
-            eventSelectionManager.countGRL(mcEventWeight,pileupWeight,zvtxWeight);
-            ///-- Are the Tile and LAr calorimeters in a good state? (always true for MC) --///
-            ///-- Only veto events when ALL user selectors request GOODCALO --///
-            bool passGoodCalo = eventCleaning->applyGoodCalo();
-            if (!passGoodCalo)
-                continue;
-            eventSelectionManager.countGoodCalo(mcEventWeight,pileupWeight,zvtxWeight);
-            ///-- Do we have a Primary Vertex? --///
-            ///-- Only veto events when ALL user selectors request PRIVTX -- ///
-            bool passPriVtx = eventCleaning->applyPrimaryVertex();
-            if (!passPriVtx)
-                continue;
-            eventSelectionManager.countPrimaryVertex(mcEventWeight,pileupWeight,zvtxWeight);
-            ///-- Wondering which triggers are available ??? --///
-            ///-- Uncomment this line and get ready for a LOT of output --///
-            // eventCleaning->printTriggers();
-            ///-- Does event pass any trigger ? --///
-            ///-- Only veto events when ALL user selectors request TRIGDEC --///
-            ///-- And all trigger fail --///
-            bool passAnyTriggerVeto = eventCleaning->applyTrigger();
-            if (!passAnyTriggerVeto)
-                continue;
-	    ///-- Nominal objects -- ///
-            ///-- Calibrate objects and make all required systematic copies --///
-            top::check( systObjMaker->execute(true) , "Failed to execute systObjMaker" );
-            ///-- Object selection (e.g. good electrons, muons, jets etc.). Event selection cuts comes later --///
-            top::check( objectSelection->execute(true) , "Failed to execute objectSelection" );
-            ///-- Recalculate MissingET based on object selection --///
-            top::check( systObjMaker->recalculateMET(true) , "Failed to recalculateMET with systObjMaker" );
-	    ///-- Systematic objects -- ///
-	    ///-- Calibrate objects and make all required systematic copies --///                                  
-	    top::check( systObjMaker->execute(false) , "Failed to execute systObjMaker" );
-	    ///-- Object selection (e.g. good electrons, muons, jets etc.). Event selection cuts comes later --/// 
-	    top::check( objectSelection->execute(false) , "Failed to execute objectSelection" );
-	    ///-- Recalculate MissingET based on object selection --///                                            
-	    top::check( systObjMaker->recalculateMET(false) , "Failed to recalculateMET with systObjMaker" );
-            ///-- Scale Factor calculation --///
-            if (topConfig->isMC())
-                top::check( topScaleFactors->execute() , "Failed to calculate scale factors" );
-            if (topConfig->doTightEvents()) {
-              ///-- Loop over all systematics and make a "top::Event" for each --///
-              const xAOD::SystematicEventContainer* allSystematics = topEventMaker->systematicEvents( topConfig->sgKeyTopSystematicEvents() );
-              for (auto currentSystematic : *allSystematics) {
-		if (!(currentSystematic->hashValue() == topConfig->nominalHashValue() || topConfig->doTightSysts())) continue;
-                ///-- Make a top::Event --///
-                top::Event topEvent = topEventMaker->makeTopEvent( currentSystematic );
-                ///-- Apply event selection --///
-                const bool passAnyEventSelection = eventSelectionManager.apply(topEvent,*currentSystematic );
-                currentSystematic->auxdecor<char>(topConfig->passEventSelectionDecoration()) = passAnyEventSelection ? 1 : 0;
-                topEvent.m_saveEvent = passAnyEventSelection;
-                ///-- Save event - we defer to eventSaver the decision to write or not --///
-                eventSaver->saveEvent(topEvent);
-                ///-- For printout at the end of job, only count nominal events --///
-                if (passAnyEventSelection && currentSystematic->hashValue() == topConfig->nominalHashValue())
-                    ++eventSavedReco;
+          }
+        } else if (weightsSize != names_LHE3.size()) {// don't recalc sum of weights, but cross-check the size of the
+                                                      // vectors
+          std::cout <<
+            "Ouch: strange inconsistency in the sum of LHE3 weights vectors from the meta-data and the vector of LHE3 weights in the TruthEventContainer."
+                    << std::endl;
+          std::cout << "It should be the same; since it's not, it's pointless to continue.";
+          std::cout << "Exiting...." << std::endl;
+          std::exit(1);
+        }
+      }
+      ///-- End of Truth events -- start of reconstruction level events --///
+      if (topConfig->isTruthDxAOD()) continue;
+      ///-- We veto events that do not pass the GRL, trigger or have bad calorimeters --///
+      ///-- No point calibrating and cutting on events that fail these cuts --///
+      ///-- We only apply a veto if ALL selectors request a cut --///
+      ///-- And if the user selects "OutputEvents SelectedEvents" --///
+      ///-- Count initial events --///
+      eventSelectionManager.countInitial(mcEventWeight, pileupWeight, zvtxWeight);
+      ///-- Does event pass the GRL? (always true for MC) --///
+      ///-- Only veto events when ALL user selectors request GRL --///
+      bool passGRLVeto = eventCleaning->applyGRL();
+      if (!passGRLVeto) continue;
+      eventSelectionManager.countGRL(mcEventWeight, pileupWeight, zvtxWeight);
+      ///-- Are the Tile and LAr calorimeters in a good state? (always true for MC) --///
+      ///-- Only veto events when ALL user selectors request GOODCALO --///
+      bool passGoodCalo = eventCleaning->applyGoodCalo();
+      if (!passGoodCalo) continue;
+      eventSelectionManager.countGoodCalo(mcEventWeight, pileupWeight, zvtxWeight);
+      ///-- Do we have a Primary Vertex? --///
+      ///-- Only veto events when ALL user selectors request PRIVTX -- ///
+      bool passPriVtx = eventCleaning->applyPrimaryVertex();
+      if (!passPriVtx) continue;
+      eventSelectionManager.countPrimaryVertex(mcEventWeight, pileupWeight, zvtxWeight);
+      ///-- Wondering which triggers are available ??? --///
+      ///-- Uncomment this line and get ready for a LOT of output --///
+      // eventCleaning->printTriggers();
+      ///-- Does event pass any trigger ? --///
+      ///-- Only veto events when ALL user selectors request TRIGDEC --///
+      ///-- And all trigger fail --///
+      bool passAnyTriggerVeto = eventCleaning->applyTrigger();
+      if (!passAnyTriggerVeto) continue;
+      ///-- Nominal objects -- ///
+      ///-- Calibrate objects and make all required systematic copies --///
+      top::check(systObjMaker->execute(true), "Failed to execute systObjMaker");
+      ///-- Object selection (e.g. good electrons, muons, jets etc.). Event selection cuts comes later --///
+      top::check(objectSelection->execute(true), "Failed to execute objectSelection");
+      ///-- Recalculate MissingET based on object selection --///
+      top::check(systObjMaker->recalculateMET(true), "Failed to recalculateMET with systObjMaker");
+      ///-- Systematic objects -- ///
+      ///-- Calibrate objects and make all required systematic copies --///
+      top::check(systObjMaker->execute(false), "Failed to execute systObjMaker");
+      ///-- Object selection (e.g. good electrons, muons, jets etc.). Event selection cuts comes later --///
+      top::check(objectSelection->execute(false), "Failed to execute objectSelection");
+      ///-- Recalculate MissingET based on object selection --///
+      top::check(systObjMaker->recalculateMET(false), "Failed to recalculateMET with systObjMaker");
+      ///-- Scale Factor calculation --///
+      if (topConfig->isMC()) top::check(topScaleFactors->execute(), "Failed to calculate scale factors");
+      if (topConfig->doTightEvents()) {
+        ///-- Loop over all systematics and make a "top::Event" for each --///
+        const xAOD::SystematicEventContainer* allSystematics = topEventMaker->systematicEvents(
+          topConfig->sgKeyTopSystematicEvents());
+        for (auto currentSystematic : *allSystematics) {
+          if (!(currentSystematic->hashValue() == topConfig->nominalHashValue() || topConfig->doTightSysts())) continue;
+          ///-- Make a top::Event --///
+          top::Event topEvent = topEventMaker->makeTopEvent(currentSystematic);
+          ///-- Apply event selection --///
+          const bool passAnyEventSelection = eventSelectionManager.apply(topEvent, *currentSystematic);
+          currentSystematic->auxdecor<char>(topConfig->passEventSelectionDecoration()) = passAnyEventSelection ? 1 : 0;
+          topEvent.m_saveEvent = passAnyEventSelection;
+          ///-- Save event - we defer to eventSaver the decision to write or not --///
+          eventSaver->saveEvent(topEvent);
+          ///-- For printout at the end of job, only count nominal events --///
+          if (passAnyEventSelection &&
+              currentSystematic->hashValue() == topConfig->nominalHashValue()) ++eventSavedReco;
+        }
+        ///-- End loop over all calibration systematics --///
+      }
+      ///-- End of tight events --///
+      if (topConfig->doLooseEvents()) {
+        ///-- Loop over all Loose systematics and make a "top::Event" for each --///
+        const xAOD::SystematicEventContainer* allSystematicsLoose = topEventMaker->systematicEvents(
+          topConfig->sgKeyTopSystematicEventsLoose());
+        for (auto currentSystematic : *allSystematicsLoose) {
+          if (!(currentSystematic->hashValue() == topConfig->nominalHashValue() || topConfig->doLooseSysts())) continue;
+          ///-- Make a top::Event --///
+          top::Event topEvent = topEventMaker->makeTopEvent(currentSystematic);
+          ///-- Apply event selection --///
+          const bool passAnyEventSelection = eventSelectionManager.apply(topEvent, *currentSystematic);
+          currentSystematic->auxdecor<char>(topConfig->passEventSelectionDecoration()) = passAnyEventSelection ? 1 : 0;
+          topEvent.m_saveEvent = passAnyEventSelection;
+          ///-- weights for matrix-method fakes estimate, only for nominal --///
+          if (!topConfig->isMC() && topConfig->doFakesMMWeights() &&
+          currentSystematic->hashValue() == topConfig->nominalHashValue()) {
+            top::check(topfakesMMWeights->execute(&topEvent), "Failed to execute fakes mmweight calculation");
+          }
+          ///-- weights for matrix-method fakes estimate from IFF tools, only for nominal --///
+          if (!topConfig->isMC() && topConfig->doFakesMMWeightsIFF() &&
+          currentSystematic->hashValue() == topConfig->nominalHashValue()) {
+            xAOD::IParticleContainer lepton(SG::VIEW_ELEMENTS);
+            for (auto const& t : topEvent.m_electrons)
+              lepton.push_back(static_cast<xAOD::Electron*>(t));
+            for (auto const& t : topEvent.m_muons)
+              lepton.push_back(static_cast<xAOD::Muon*>(t));
+            topEvent.m_info->auxdecor<int>("njets") = topEvent.m_jets.size();
+            for (const auto& tagWP : topConfig->bTagWP_available()) {
+              if (tagWP.find("Continuous") != std::string::npos) continue;
+              int nbjets = 0;
+              for (const auto& jetPtr : topEvent.m_jets) {
+                if (jetPtr->isAvailable<char>("isbtagged_" + tagWP)) {
+                  nbjets += jetPtr->auxdataConst<char>("isbtagged_" + tagWP);
+                }
-              ///-- End loop over all calibration systematics --///
+              topEvent.m_info->auxdecor<int>("nbjets_" + tagWP) = nbjets;
-            ///-- End of tight events --///
-            if (topConfig->doLooseEvents()) {
-              ///-- Loop over all Loose systematics and make a "top::Event" for each --///
-              const xAOD::SystematicEventContainer* allSystematicsLoose = topEventMaker->systematicEvents( topConfig->sgKeyTopSystematicEventsLoose() );
-              for (auto currentSystematic : *allSystematicsLoose) {
-		if (!(currentSystematic->hashValue() == topConfig->nominalHashValue() || topConfig->doLooseSysts())) continue;
-                ///-- Make a top::Event --///
-                top::Event topEvent = topEventMaker->makeTopEvent( currentSystematic );
-                ///-- Apply event selection --///
-                const bool passAnyEventSelection = eventSelectionManager.apply(topEvent,*currentSystematic );
-                currentSystematic->auxdecor<char>(topConfig->passEventSelectionDecoration()) = passAnyEventSelection ? 1 : 0;
-                topEvent.m_saveEvent = passAnyEventSelection;
-		///-- weights for matrix-method fakes estimate, only for nominal --///
-		if (!topConfig->isMC() && topConfig->doFakesMMWeights() && currentSystematic->hashValue() == topConfig->nominalHashValue()) {
-		  top::check( topfakesMMWeights->execute(&topEvent) , "Failed to execute fakes mmweight calculation");
-		}
-		///-- weights for matrix-method fakes estimate from IFF tools, only for nominal --///
-		if (!topConfig->isMC() && topConfig->doFakesMMWeightsIFF() && currentSystematic->hashValue() == topConfig->nominalHashValue()) {
-		  xAOD::IParticleContainer lepton(SG::VIEW_ELEMENTS);
-		  for (auto const & t : topEvent.m_electrons)
-		    lepton.push_back(static_cast<xAOD::Electron *>(t));
-		  for (auto const & t : topEvent.m_muons)
-		    lepton.push_back(static_cast<xAOD::Muon *>(t));
-		  topEvent.m_info->auxdecor<int>("njets") = topEvent.m_jets.size();
-		  for(const auto& tagWP : topConfig->bTagWP_available()) {
-		    if(tagWP.find("Continuous") != std::string::npos) continue;
-		    int nbjets=0;
-		    for (const auto & jetPtr : topEvent.m_jets) {
-		      if(jetPtr->isAvailable<char>("isbtagged_"+tagWP)) {
-			nbjets += jetPtr->auxdataConst<char>("isbtagged_"+tagWP);
-		      }
-		    }
-		    topEvent.m_info->auxdecor<int>("nbjets_"+tagWP) = nbjets;
-		  }
-		  std::vector<float> mmweight;
-		  std::vector<std::vector<float> > mmweight_var;
-		  std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > mmweight_varname;
-		  for (unsigned int mmi = 0; mmi<topfakesMMWeightsIFF.size(); ++mmi) {
-		    top::check( topfakesMMWeightsIFF[mmi]->addEvent(lepton) , "Failed to execute fakes mmweight IFF addEvent()");
-		    float asmWgt = 0.;
-		    top::check( topfakesMMWeightsIFF[mmi]->applySystematicVariation({}) , "Failed to execute fakes mmweight IFF applySystematicVariation()");
-		    top::check( topfakesMMWeightsIFF[mmi]->getEventWeight(asmWgt, FakesMMConfigIFF[mmi][1], FakesMMConfigIFF[mmi][2]) , "Failed to execute fakes mmweight IFF getEventWeight()");
-		    std::vector<float> asmWgt_var(topfakesMMWeightsIFF[mmi]->affectingSystematics().size());
-		    std::vector<std::string> asmWgt_varname(topfakesMMWeightsIFF[mmi]->affectingSystematics().size());
-		    for(const auto& sysvar : topfakesMMWeightsIFF[mmi]->affectingSystematics()) {
-		      float mmweight_syst;
-		      top::check( topfakesMMWeightsIFF[mmi]->applySystematicVariation({sysvar}) , "Failed to execute fakes mmweight IFF applySystematicVariation()");
-		      top::check( topfakesMMWeightsIFF[mmi]->getEventWeight(mmweight_syst, FakesMMConfigIFF[mmi][1], FakesMMConfigIFF[mmi][2]) , "Failed to execute fakes mmweight IFF getEventWeight()");
-		      asmWgt_var.push_back(mmweight_syst);
-		      asmWgt_varname.push_back(sysvar.name());
-		    }
-		    mmweight.push_back(asmWgt);
-		    mmweight_var.push_back(asmWgt_var);
-		    mmweight_varname.push_back(asmWgt_varname);
-		  }
-		  topEvent.m_info->auxdecor<std::vector<float> >("ASMWeight") = mmweight;
-		  topEvent.m_info->auxdecor<std::vector<std::vector<float> > >("ASMWeight_Syst") = mmweight_var;
-		  topEvent.m_info->auxdecor<std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > >("ASMWeight_Systname") = mmweight_varname;
-		}
-                ///-- Save event - we defer to eventSaver the decision to write or not --///
-                eventSaver->saveEvent(topEvent);
-                ///-- For printout at the end of job, only count nominal events --///
-                if (passAnyEventSelection && currentSystematic->hashValue() == topConfig->nominalHashValue())
-                    ++eventSavedRecoLoose;
+            std::vector<float> mmweight;
+            std::vector<std::vector<float> > mmweight_var;
+            std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > mmweight_varname;
+            for (unsigned int mmi = 0; mmi < topfakesMMWeightsIFF.size(); ++mmi) {
+              top::check(topfakesMMWeightsIFF[mmi]->addEvent(lepton),
+              "Failed to execute fakes mmweight IFF addEvent()");
+              float asmWgt = 0.;
+              top::check(topfakesMMWeightsIFF[mmi]->applySystematicVariation(
+                {}), "Failed to execute fakes mmweight IFF applySystematicVariation()");
+              top::check(topfakesMMWeightsIFF[mmi]->getEventWeight(asmWgt, FakesMMConfigIFF[mmi][1],
+              FakesMMConfigIFF[mmi][2]), "Failed to execute fakes mmweight IFF getEventWeight()");
+              std::vector<float> asmWgt_var(topfakesMMWeightsIFF[mmi]->affectingSystematics().size());
+              std::vector<std::string> asmWgt_varname(topfakesMMWeightsIFF[mmi]->affectingSystematics().size());
+              for (const auto& sysvar : topfakesMMWeightsIFF[mmi]->affectingSystematics()) {
+                float mmweight_syst;
+                top::check(topfakesMMWeightsIFF[mmi]->applySystematicVariation(
+                  {sysvar}), "Failed to execute fakes mmweight IFF applySystematicVariation()");
+                top::check(topfakesMMWeightsIFF[mmi]->getEventWeight(mmweight_syst, FakesMMConfigIFF[mmi][1],
+                FakesMMConfigIFF[mmi][2]), "Failed to execute fakes mmweight IFF getEventWeight()");
+                asmWgt_var.push_back(mmweight_syst);
+                asmWgt_varname.push_back(sysvar.name());
-              ///-- End loop over all loose calibration systematics --///
+              mmweight.push_back(asmWgt);
+              mmweight_var.push_back(asmWgt_var);
+              mmweight_varname.push_back(asmWgt_varname);
-            ///-- End of loose events --///
-            ///-- Needed for xAOD output, all systematics go into the same TTree --///
-            eventSaver->saveEventToxAOD();
-        } //loop over events in current file
-        if (tracker) tracker->addInputFile(inputFile->GetName(), entry-firstEvent);
-        // do it at the end, so we can get the DS id from the first event
-        // notice this is different from the normal sum of weights: all entries matter, not only the highest per file
-        if (topConfig->doLHAPDF()) {
-          bool pdfInCBK = false;
-          if (xaodEvent.retrieveMetaInput( cutBookKeepers, "CutBookkeepers" )) {
-            // try to get the first entry
-            std::string pdf_set = totalEventsPdfWeighted.begin()->first;
-            std::string p = pdf_set+"_0";
-            for ( auto cbk : *cutBookKeepers ) {
+            topEvent.m_info->auxdecor<std::vector<float> >("ASMWeight") = mmweight;
+            topEvent.m_info->auxdecor<std::vector<std::vector<float> > >("ASMWeight_Syst") = mmweight_var;
+            topEvent.m_info->auxdecor<std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > >("ASMWeight_Systname") = mmweight_varname;
+          }
+          ///-- Save event - we defer to eventSaver the decision to write or not --///
+          eventSaver->saveEvent(topEvent);
+          ///-- For printout at the end of job, only count nominal events --///
+          if (passAnyEventSelection &&
+          currentSystematic->hashValue() == topConfig->nominalHashValue()) ++eventSavedRecoLoose;
+        }
+        ///-- End loop over all loose calibration systematics --///
+      }
+      ///-- End of loose events --///
+      ///-- Needed for xAOD output, all systematics go into the same TTree --///
+      eventSaver->saveEventToxAOD();
+    } //loop over events in current file
+    if (tracker) tracker->addInputFile(inputFile->GetName(), entry - firstEvent);
+    // do it at the end, so we can get the DS id from the first event
+    // notice this is different from the normal sum of weights: all entries matter, not only the highest per file
+    if (topConfig->doLHAPDF()) {
+      bool pdfInCBK = false;
+      if (xaodEvent.retrieveMetaInput(cutBookKeepers, "CutBookkeepers")) {
+        // try to get the first entry
+        std::string pdf_set = totalEventsPdfWeighted.begin()->first;
+        std::string p = pdf_set + "_0";
+        for (auto cbk : *cutBookKeepers) {
+          std::string pdfName = cbk->name();
+          if (p != pdfName) continue;
+          pdfMetadataExists = true;
+          pdfInCBK = true;
+          // reload to set iterator back to original state
+          if (!xaodEvent.retrieveMetaInput(cutBookKeepers, "CutBookkeepers")) {
+          }
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      // if the pdf info was in the CBK the PDFSumOfWeights retrieve never happens,
+      // and cutBookKeepers, will keep its reference to the main CBK
+      if (!pdfInCBK) { // only try this if the info is not in the CBK -- this is legacy stuff
+        if (!xaodEvent.retrieveMetaInput(cutBookKeepers, "PDFSumOfWeights")) {
+          pdfMetadataExists = false;
+        }
+      }
+      if (pdfMetadataExists && topConfig->saveLHAPDFEvent() && topConfig->baseLHAPDF().empty()) {
+        // just make a copy of it, but not all derivations have it, so just ignore it if it is not there
+        for (auto& pdfentry : totalEventsPdfWeighted) {
+          std::string pdf_set = pdfentry.first;
+          for (size_t n = 0; n < totalEventsPdfWeighted[pdf_set]->size(); ++n) {
+            std::string p = pdf_set + "_" + std::to_string(n);
+            bool foundPdf = false;
+            for (auto cbk : *cutBookKeepers) {
               std::string pdfName = cbk->name();
               if (p != pdfName) continue;
-              pdfMetadataExists = true;
-              pdfInCBK = true;
-	      // reload to set iterator back to original state
-	      if (!xaodEvent.retrieveMetaInput(cutBookKeepers, "CutBookkeepers")) {}
+              totalEventsPdfWeighted[pdf_set]->at(n) = cbk->sumOfEventWeights();
+              foundPdf = true;
-          }
-	  // if the pdf info was in the CBK the PDFSumOfWeights retrieve never happens,
-	  // and cutBookKeepers, will keep its reference to the main CBK
-	  if (!pdfInCBK) { // only try this if the info is not in the CBK -- this is legacy stuff
-	    if (!xaodEvent.retrieveMetaInput( cutBookKeepers, "PDFSumOfWeights" )) {
-	      pdfMetadataExists = false;
-	    }
-	  }
-	  if (pdfMetadataExists && topConfig->saveLHAPDFEvent() && topConfig->baseLHAPDF().empty()) {
-            // just make a copy of it, but not all derivations have it, so just ignore it if it is not there
-	    for (auto &pdfentry : totalEventsPdfWeighted) {
-              std::string pdf_set = pdfentry.first;
-              for (size_t n = 0; n < totalEventsPdfWeighted[pdf_set]->size(); ++n) {
-                std::string p = pdf_set+"_"+std::to_string(n);
-                bool foundPdf = false;
-	        for ( auto cbk : *cutBookKeepers ) {
-                  std::string pdfName = cbk->name();
-                  if (p != pdfName)
-                    continue;
-                  totalEventsPdfWeighted[pdf_set]->at(n) = cbk->sumOfEventWeights();
-                  foundPdf = true;
-                  break;
-                }
-                if (!foundPdf) { // asked for PDF weighting, the PDF metadata exists, but this particular PDF is missing
-                  // crash hard
-                  std::cout << "The force is not strong with us, young Padawan ..." << std::endl;
-                  std::cout << "You want to save weights to do PDF reweighting using '" << pdf_set << "', which I figure has " << totalEventsPdfWeighted[pdf_set]->size() << " sets on it." << std::endl;
-                  std::cout << "There is metadata information for the sum of MC*PDF weights in PDFSumOfWeights, but none seem to refer to '" << p << "' therefore I do not know how to estimate the sum of weights before acceptance for this configuration." << std::endl;
-                  std::cout << "May the force be with you in your next attempt." << std::endl;
-                  std::exit(1);
-                }
-              }
+            if (!foundPdf) { // asked for PDF weighting, the PDF metadata exists, but this particular PDF is missing
+              // crash hard
+              std::cout << "The force is not strong with us, young Padawan ..." << std::endl;
+              std::cout << "You want to save weights to do PDF reweighting using '" << pdf_set <<
+              "', which I figure has " << totalEventsPdfWeighted[pdf_set]->size() << " sets on it." << std::endl;
+              std::cout <<
+              "There is metadata information for the sum of MC*PDF weights in PDFSumOfWeights, but none seem to refer to '"
+              << p <<
+              "' therefore I do not know how to estimate the sum of weights before acceptance for this configuration."
+              << std::endl;
+              std::cout << "May the force be with you in your next attempt." << std::endl;
+              std::exit(1);
-            sumPdfWeights->Fill();
-	  }
-        } //doLHAPDF
-    } //loop over files
+          }
+        }
+        sumPdfWeights->Fill();
+      }
+    } //doLHAPDF
+  } //loop over files
-    //finish
-    std::cout << "\n";
+  //finish
+  std::cout << "\n";
-    if (doPerfStats > 0)
-        xAOD::PerfStats::instance().stop(); // Stop the PerfStats timer
+  if (doPerfStats > 0) xAOD::PerfStats::instance().stop(); // Stop the PerfStats timer
-    if( topConfig->doLHAPDF() ) top::check( PDF_SF->finalize() , "Failed to finalize PDF SF" );
+  if (topConfig->doLHAPDF()) top::check(PDF_SF->finalize(), "Failed to finalize PDF SF");
-    // this fills the sum of weights
-    // if the list of input files has more than
-    // one type of dataset (ie: the first file is ttbar and the second one
-    // is W+jets), then the Fill statement below needs to come in the end of
-    // each file's processing instead ... but why would you do that?!
-    if (recalc_LHE3) {// in case the sum of LHE3 weight has been re-calculated with double (but we need floats in the end)
-      for (double d:totalEventsWeighted_LHE3_temp) totalEventsWeighted_LHE3.push_back(d);
-    }
-    sumWeights->Fill();
-    outputFile->cd();
+  // this fills the sum of weights
+  // if the list of input files has more than
+  // one type of dataset (ie: the first file is ttbar and the second one
+  // is W+jets), then the Fill statement below needs to come in the end of
+  // each file's processing instead ... but why would you do that?!
+  if (recalc_LHE3) {// in case the sum of LHE3 weight has been re-calculated with double (but we need floats in the end)
+    for (double d:totalEventsWeighted_LHE3_temp) totalEventsWeighted_LHE3.push_back(d);
+  }
+  sumWeights->Fill();
+  outputFile->cd();
-    if (topConfig->doLHAPDF()) {
+  if (topConfig->doLHAPDF()) {
     // Save sum of weights of PDF variations
     // Only do this if the metadata is not available
     if (totalEventsInFiles != totalEvents && !pdfMetadataExists) {
       std::cout << "These are not the droids you are looking for." << std::endl;
-      std::cout << "There are " << totalEventsInFiles << " events in the input files, but the metadata tells me there were " << totalEvents << "before skimming." << std::endl;
-      std::cout << "This means you are running on skimmed derivations. You also want me to do PDF reweighting, but no PDF metadata exists!" << std::endl;
-      std::cout << "I don't know how to tell you the sum of MC*PDF weights before skimming. I will explode now in 3, 2, 1 ..." << std::endl;
+      std::cout << "There are " << totalEventsInFiles <<
+      " events in the input files, but the metadata tells me there were " << totalEvents << "before skimming." <<
+      std::endl;
+      std::cout <<
+      "This means you are running on skimmed derivations. You also want me to do PDF reweighting, but no PDF metadata exists!"
+      << std::endl;
+      std::cout <<
+      "I don't know how to tell you the sum of MC*PDF weights before skimming. I will explode now in 3, 2, 1 ..." <<
+      std::endl;
     // save recomputed sum weights
-    if( (!topConfig->baseLHAPDF().empty() || !pdfMetadataExists) ) {
-      for( auto& pdf_result : topConfig->getLHAPDFResults() )
-         *(totalEventsPdfWeighted[pdf_result.first]) = pdf_result.second;
+    if ((!topConfig->baseLHAPDF().empty() || !pdfMetadataExists)) {
+      for (auto& pdf_result : topConfig->getLHAPDFResults())
+        *(totalEventsPdfWeighted[pdf_result.first]) = pdf_result.second;
-    } //doLHAPDF
-    outputFile->cd();
-    eventSelectionManager.finalise();
-    eventSaver->finalize();
-    outputFile->cd();
-    if (tracker) tracker->writeTree("AnalysisTracking");
-    outputFile->Close();
-    bool outputFileGood = !outputFile->TestBit(TFile::kWriteError);
-    if (outputFileGood) {
-      if (gSystem->Rename(outputFile->GetName(), settings->value("OutputFilename").c_str()) != 0)
-        outputFileGood = false;
-    }
-    if (!topConfig->isTruthDxAOD()) {
-      if (topConfig->doTightEvents())
-        std::cout << "\nEvents saved to output file nominal reconstruction tree: " << eventSavedReco << "\n";
-      if (topConfig->doLooseEvents())
-        std::cout << "Events saved to output file nominal Loose reconstruction tree: " << eventSavedRecoLoose << "\n";
+  } //doLHAPDF
+  outputFile->cd();
+  eventSelectionManager.finalise();
+  eventSaver->finalize();
+  outputFile->cd();
+  if (tracker) tracker->writeTree("AnalysisTracking");
+  outputFile->Close();
+  bool outputFileGood = !outputFile->TestBit(TFile::kWriteError);
+  if (outputFileGood) {
+    if (gSystem->Rename(outputFile->GetName(), settings->value("OutputFilename").c_str()) != 0) outputFileGood = false;
+  }
+  if (!topConfig->isTruthDxAOD()) {
+    if (topConfig->doTightEvents()) std::cout << "\nEvents saved to output file nominal reconstruction tree: " <<
+      eventSavedReco << "\n";
+    if (topConfig->doLooseEvents()) std::cout << "Events saved to output file nominal Loose reconstruction tree: " <<
+      eventSavedRecoLoose << "\n";
+  }
+  if (topConfig->isMC()) {
+    std::cout << "Events saved to output file truth tree : " << eventSavedTruth << "\n";
+    if (particleLevelLoader.active()) {
+      std::cout << "Events saved to output file particle level tree : " << eventSavedParticle << "\n";
-    if (topConfig->isMC()) {
-      std::cout << "Events saved to output file truth tree : "<<eventSavedTruth << "\n";
-      if (particleLevelLoader.active()) {
-        std::cout << "Events saved to output file particle level tree : "<<eventSavedParticle << "\n";
-      }
-      if (upgradeLoader.active()) {
-        std::cout << "Events saved to output file upgrade tree : "<<eventSavedUpgrade << "\n";
-      }
-    }
-    std::cout << "Total sum-of-weights (for normalization) : " 
-	      << totalEventsWeighted
-	      << std::endl;
-    //print some xAOD performance info
-    if (doPerfStats == 1)
-        xAOD::IOStats::instance().stats().Print("Summary");
-    if (doPerfStats == 2)
-        xAOD::IOStats::instance().stats().Print();
-    if (!outputFileGood) {
-      std::cout << "ERROR: an I/O error occured while attempting to save the output file." << std::endl;
-      return 1;
+    if (upgradeLoader.active()) {
+      std::cout << "Events saved to output file upgrade tree : " << eventSavedUpgrade << "\n";
+  }
+  std::cout << "Total sum-of-weights (for normalization) : "
+            << totalEventsWeighted
+            << std::endl;
+  //print some xAOD performance info
+  if (doPerfStats == 1) xAOD::IOStats::instance().stats().Print("Summary");
+  if (doPerfStats == 2) xAOD::IOStats::instance().stats().Print();
+  if (!outputFileGood) {
+    std::cout << "ERROR: an I/O error occured while attempting to save the output file." << std::endl;
+    return 1;
+  }
-    return 0;
+  return 0;