diff --git a/Reconstruction/Jet/JetCalibTools/JetCalibTools/CalibrationMethods/JetPileupCorrection.h b/Reconstruction/Jet/JetCalibTools/JetCalibTools/CalibrationMethods/JetPileupCorrection.h
index 90de31ac3a774650112fbeb42a4a988759eedc76..b1cdff2fc91ddb3d1b6bb834329327c983cd7acd 100644
--- a/Reconstruction/Jet/JetCalibTools/JetCalibTools/CalibrationMethods/JetPileupCorrection.h
+++ b/Reconstruction/Jet/JetCalibTools/JetCalibTools/CalibrationMethods/JetPileupCorrection.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@
 #include "JetCalibTools/JetCalibrationToolBase.h"
 #include "JetCalibTools/CalibrationMethods/ResidualOffsetCorrection.h"
+namespace PUCorrection {
+  struct PU3DCorrectionHelper;
 class JetPileupCorrection 
   : virtual public ::IJetCalibrationTool,
     virtual public ::JetCalibrationToolBase
@@ -51,9 +55,14 @@ class JetPileupCorrection
   bool m_doNJetOnly;
   bool m_doSequentialResidual;
+  bool m_do3Dcorrection;
   bool m_useFull4vectorArea;
   ResidualOffsetCorrection * m_residualOffsetCorr;
+  std::unique_ptr<PUCorrection::PU3DCorrectionHelper> m_residual3DCorr;
   bool m_doOnlyResidual;
   std::string m_originScale;
diff --git a/Reconstruction/Jet/JetCalibTools/Root/JetPileupCorrection.cxx b/Reconstruction/Jet/JetCalibTools/Root/JetPileupCorrection.cxx
index 4e3ef3fd692159adf3a96ee77d76e0785fee5c5d..1b9750f01febf4c585746740509aea6a9b794693 100644
--- a/Reconstruction/Jet/JetCalibTools/Root/JetPileupCorrection.cxx
+++ b/Reconstruction/Jet/JetCalibTools/Root/JetPileupCorrection.cxx
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 #include "JetCalibTools/CalibrationMethods/JetPileupCorrection.h"
+#include "PUResidual3DCorrection.h"
   : JetCalibrationToolBase::JetCalibrationToolBase("JetPileupCorrection::JetPileupCorrection"),
@@ -37,7 +38,6 @@ JetPileupCorrection::JetPileupCorrection(const std::string& name, TEnv * config,
 JetPileupCorrection::~JetPileupCorrection() {
   if(m_residualOffsetCorr) delete m_residualOffsetCorr;
@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ StatusCode JetPileupCorrection::initializeTool(const std::string& name) {
   m_doSequentialResidual = m_config->GetValue("DoSequentialResidual",false); // first mu and then NPV/NJet corrections
   bool useNjet           = m_config->GetValue("OffsetCorrection.UseNjet", false);
+  m_do3Dcorrection       = m_config->GetValue("Do3DCorrection", false);
   if(m_doSequentialResidual) ATH_MSG_DEBUG("The pileup residual calibrations will be applied sequentially.");
   else                       ATH_MSG_DEBUG("The pileup residual calibrations will be applied simultaneously (default).");
   if(m_doMuOnly)             ATH_MSG_INFO("Only the pileup mu-based calibration will be applied.");
@@ -91,6 +93,12 @@ StatusCode JetPileupCorrection::initializeTool(const std::string& name) {
     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  if(m_do3Dcorrection && (m_doSequentialResidual || m_doMuOnly || m_doNPVOnly || m_doNJetOnly ) ){
+    ATH_MSG_FATAL("3D correction incompatible with any other PU correction. Please turn off any PU residual options.");
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
   m_jetStartScale = m_config->GetValue("PileupStartingScale","JetConstitScaleMomentum");
   ATH_MSG_INFO("JetPileupCorrection: Starting scale: " << m_jetStartScale);
   if ( m_jetStartScale == "DO_NOT_USE" ) {
@@ -102,7 +110,16 @@ StatusCode JetPileupCorrection::initializeTool(const std::string& name) {
   if ( m_useFull4vectorArea ) ATH_MSG_INFO("  Full 4-vector jet area correction is activated."); 
   //ATH_MSG_INFO(" \n");
-  if ( m_doResidual ) { 
+  if(m_do3Dcorrection){
+    m_residual3DCorr.reset( new PUCorrection::PU3DCorrectionHelper() ) ;
+    m_residual3DCorr->loadParameters(m_config->GetValue("PU3DCorrection.constants", "pu3DResidualsConstants.root") );
+    m_residual3DCorr->m_rhoEnergyScale = m_config->GetValue("PU3DCorrection.rhoEnergyScale", 0.001);
+    m_residual3DCorr->m_pTEnergyScale = m_config->GetValue("PU3DCorrection.pTEnergyScale", 0.001);
+    ATH_MSG_INFO("Pile-up 3D correction. Configured with :");
+    ATH_MSG_INFO("  calib constants file="<< m_config->GetValue("PU3DCorrection.constants", "pu3DResidualsConstants.root") );
+    ATH_MSG_INFO("  rho scale ="<<m_residual3DCorr->m_rhoEnergyScale );
+    ATH_MSG_INFO("  pT scale ="<<m_residual3DCorr->m_pTEnergyScale);    
+  }else if ( m_doResidual ) { 
     std::string suffix = "_Residual";
     m_residualOffsetCorr = new ResidualOffsetCorrection(name+suffix,m_config,m_jetAlgo,m_calibAreaTag,m_isData,m_dev);
     m_residualOffsetCorr->msg().setLevel( this->msg().level() );
@@ -144,7 +161,17 @@ StatusCode JetPileupCorrection::calibrateImpl(xAOD::Jet& jet, JetEventInfo& jetE
   const double rho = jetEventInfo.rho();
   ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("    Rho = " << rho);
-  if(m_useFull4vectorArea) {
+  if(m_do3Dcorrection){
+    int NPV = jetEventInfo.NPV();
+    float mu  = jetEventInfo.mu();
+    double pt_calib= m_residual3DCorr->correctedPt(pT_det,  eta_det, jetareaP4.Pt(), rho, mu, NPV ) ;
+    double scaleF = pt_calib < 0 ? 0.01*m_GeV/pT_det : pt_calib/pT_det;
+    xAOD::JetFourMom_t calibP4 = jetStartP4 * scaleF;
+    jet.setJetP4( calibP4 );
+  } else if(m_useFull4vectorArea) {
     ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("  Applying area-subtraction calibration to jet " << jet.index() << " with pT = " << 0.001*jet.pt() << " GeV");
     //subtract rho * the jet area from the jet
     xAOD::JetFourMom_t calibP4 = jetStartP4 - rho*jetareaP4;
@@ -250,9 +277,8 @@ StatusCode JetPileupCorrection::calibrateImpl(xAOD::Jet& jet, JetEventInfo& jetE
 	calibP4 = jetStartP4*area_SF;
-    } else
-      calibP4 = jetStartP4*area_SF;
+    } else calibP4 = jetStartP4*area_SF;
     //Attribute to track if a jet has received the origin correction
     //Attribute to track if a jet has received the pileup subtraction (always true if this code was run)
diff --git a/Reconstruction/Jet/JetCalibTools/Root/PUResidual3DCorrection.h b/Reconstruction/Jet/JetCalibTools/Root/PUResidual3DCorrection.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..52aa7dc887058a4da5bd902748619480e8690b2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Reconstruction/Jet/JetCalibTools/Root/PUResidual3DCorrection.h
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+// this file is -*- C++ -*-
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+/// \class PU3DCorrectionHelper
+/// PU correction helper for "3D" method
+/// This self class allows :
+///  - to load the 3D calibration constants from a filename
+///  - to calculate the corrected pT (or momentum scale factor) given pt, eta, rho, mu,NPV
+/// This class is self contained in a single header file : this is to ease its re-usage in
+/// the development phases of calib derivation frameworks.
+#include "TH2D.h"
+#include "TFile.h"
+#include "TAxis.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <vector>
+namespace PUCorrection {
+  struct PU3DCorrectionHelper {
+    ~PU3DCorrectionHelper(){
+    }
+    /// Main function which returns the corrected pT
+    float correctedPt(float pt, float eta, float area, float rho, float mu, int NPV ) const {
+      float areaCorr = area*rho*m_rhoEnergyScale;
+      float  pt_ref = pt*m_pTEnergyScale ;
+      float calibration3D = correction3D(pt_ref - areaCorr ,
+					 eta,
+					 mu,
+					 NPV);
+      pt_ref =  pt_ref - areaCorr - calibration3D;
+      float deltaPt = deltaPtCorrection( pt_ref, eta );
+      return (pt*m_pTEnergyScale -areaCorr - calibration3D + deltaPt)/m_pTEnergyScale;      
+    }
+    /// same as above but returns the ration pT_corrected/pT_uncorrected
+    float correctionFactor(float pt, float eta, float area, float rho, float mu, int NPV ) const {
+      float ptCorr = correctedPt(pt,eta,area,rho,mu,NPV);
+      return ptCorr/pt;
+    }
+    /// calculate the mu,NPV dependent part of the correction.
+    /// IMPORTANT : the pt must be given in GeV 
+    float correction3D(float pt, float eta , float mu, int NPV) const {
+      pt = pt < 1 ? 1 : pt;
+      int muNPVbin = m_ref3DHisto->FindBin(mu, NPV);
+      int etaBin = m_etaBins->FindFixBin(std::abs(eta)) - 1;
+      float t0 = m_3Dp0_vs_muNPV[ etaBin ]->GetBinContent(muNPVbin);
+      if(t0 <= -999.9) {
+	muNPVbin = m_closestNonEmpty[etaBin][muNPVbin];
+      }
+      float p0 = m_3Dp0_vs_muNPV[ etaBin ]->GetBinContent(muNPVbin);
+      float p1 = m_3Dp1_vs_muNPV[ etaBin ]->GetBinContent(muNPVbin);
+      if(m_use3Dp2) {
+	float p2= m_3Dp2_vs_muNPV[ etaBin ]->GetBinContent(muNPVbin) ;
+	return p0+p1*pt+p2*log(pt); 
+      }
+      return p0+p1*pt;            
+    }
+    /// IMPORTANT : the pt must be given in GeV 
+    float deltaPtCorrection(float pt, float eta) const {
+      int etabin = m_Dptp0_vs_eta->FindBin(std::abs(eta)) ;
+      float p0 = m_Dptp0_vs_eta->GetBinContent(etabin);
+      float p1 = m_Dptp1_vs_eta->GetBinContent(etabin);
+      return p0+pt*p1;
+    }
+    /// Loads the calib constants from histograms in TFile named fileName. 
+    void loadParameters(const std::string & fileName,
+			const std::string &param3D_name = "param3D",
+			const std::string &paramDelta_name = "paramDeltaPt",
+			const std::string &etaBins_name = "etaBins"
+			){
+      std::unique_ptr<TFile> tmpF(TFile::Open( fileName.c_str() ));
+      std::vector<float> * etaBins_v = (std::vector<float>*)tmpF->Get(etaBins_name.c_str());
+      std::vector<double> tmp(etaBins_v->begin(), etaBins_v->end() );
+      m_etaBins.reset( new TAxis( tmp.size()-1, tmp.data() ) );
+      TList *param3D_l = (TList*) tmpF->Get(param3D_name.c_str());
+      TList *param3D_p0 = (TList*) param3D_l->At(0);
+      m_3Dp0_vs_muNPV.resize( param3D_p0->GetSize() );
+      TList *param3D_p1 = (TList*) param3D_l->At(1);
+      m_3Dp1_vs_muNPV.resize( param3D_p1->GetSize() );
+      TList *param3D_p2 = nullptr;
+      if(m_use3Dp2) {
+	param3D_p2 = (TList*) param3D_l->At(2);
+	m_3Dp2_vs_muNPV.resize( param3D_p2->GetSize() );
+      }
+      for(size_t i=0 ; i<(etaBins_v->size()-1); i++){
+	m_3Dp0_vs_muNPV[i].reset((TH2D*)param3D_p0->At(i));
+	m_3Dp0_vs_muNPV[i]->SetDirectory(nullptr);
+	m_3Dp1_vs_muNPV[i].reset((TH2D*)param3D_p1->At(i));
+	m_3Dp1_vs_muNPV[i]->SetDirectory(nullptr);
+	if(m_use3Dp2) {
+	  m_3Dp2_vs_muNPV[i].reset( (TH2D*)param3D_p2->At(i) );
+	  m_3Dp2_vs_muNPV[i]->SetDirectory(nullptr);
+	}
+      }
+      m_ref3DHisto = m_3Dp0_vs_muNPV[0].get();
+      TList* paramDelta_l = (TList*) tmpF->Get(paramDelta_name.c_str());
+      m_Dptp0_vs_eta.reset( (TH1F*) paramDelta_l->At(0) );
+      m_Dptp0_vs_eta->SetDirectory(nullptr);
+      m_Dptp1_vs_eta.reset( (TH1F*) paramDelta_l->At(1) ) ;      
+      m_Dptp1_vs_eta->SetDirectory(nullptr);
+      setupClosestNonEmptyBins();
+    }
+    void setupClosestNonEmptyBins(){
+      // Pre calculate the positions of the closest non empty bins 
+      // we have a map (bin -> non-empty bin) for each eta slice :
+      m_closestNonEmpty.resize( m_3Dp0_vs_muNPV.size() );
+      for(size_t etabin=0;  etabin< m_closestNonEmpty.size() ;etabin++ ){
+	TH2D *refHisto =  m_3Dp0_vs_muNPV[etabin].get() ;
+	int nTot = refHisto->GetNcells();
+	TAxis * xax = refHisto->GetXaxis();
+	TAxis * yax = refHisto->GetYaxis();
+	float xscale = 1./(xax->GetXmax()-xax->GetXmin()); xscale *= xscale;
+	float yscale = 1./(yax->GetXmax()-yax->GetXmin()); yscale *= yscale;
+	int nbinX = xax->GetNbins();
+	int nbinY = yax->GetNbins();
+	// initialize the map with -1 :
+	m_closestNonEmpty[etabin].resize( nTot, -1 );
+	// loop over each bin
+	for(int xi=1;xi<nbinX+1;xi++) for(int yi=1;yi<nbinY+1;yi++) {
+	    int bi = refHisto->GetBin(xi,yi);
+	    if(refHisto->GetBinContent( bi ) >-999.) continue; // non empty bin, we don't need to find anything for it.
+	    int clBin = -1;
+	    float x0 = xax->GetBinCenter(xi);
+	    float y0 = yax->GetBinCenter(yi);
+	    float minDr2=1e10; // just pick a bigger value than any distance in the (mu,NPV) plan
+	    // loop over other bins to find the closest non-empty :
+	    for(int xj=1;xj<nbinX+1;xj++) for(int yj=1;yj<nbinY+1;yj++) {
+		int bj = refHisto->GetBin(xj,yj);
+		if(refHisto->GetBinContent( bj ) <=-999.) continue; // this is an empty bin
+		float x = xax->GetBinCenter(xj);
+		float y = yax->GetBinCenter(yj);
+		float dr2 = (x0-x)*(x0-x)*xscale+(y0-y)*(y0-y)*yscale;
+		if(dr2<minDr2){ minDr2 = dr2; clBin = bj;} // found a closest-bin candidate
+	      }
+	    m_closestNonEmpty[etabin][bi] = clBin;
+	  }
+      }
+    }
+    //************************************
+    // data members
+    // 3D corrections parameters :
+    std::unique_ptr<TAxis> m_etaBins ;
+    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TH2D> > m_3Dp0_vs_muNPV;
+    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TH2D> > m_3Dp1_vs_muNPV;
+    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TH2D> > m_3Dp2_vs_muNPV;
+    TH2D* m_ref3DHisto = nullptr;
+    bool m_use3Dp2=true;
+    // DeltaPt corrections parameters :
+    std::unique_ptr<TH1F> m_Dptp0_vs_eta=nullptr;
+    std::unique_ptr<TH1F> m_Dptp1_vs_eta=nullptr;
+    //
+    float m_maxPt=170.0 ; // GeV !!
+    float m_rhoEnergyScale = 0.001; // 0.001 when rho is given in MeV. 
+    float m_pTEnergyScale = 0.001; // 0.001 when pT is given in MeV. 
+    // ***************
+    // 
+    std::vector< std::vector<int> > m_closestNonEmpty;
+    // *******************************************************
+    // function belows are not used in the correction evaluation but have proven useful for tests during developments
+    // of the calibration methods. We keep them here just in case.
+    // 
+    /// calculate the mu,NPV dependent part of the correction (this is only used for tests and validation)    
+    /// IMPORTANT : the pt must be given in GeV 
+    float correction3D_noextrap(float pt, float eta , float mu, int NPV) const {
+      int muNPVbin = m_ref3DHisto->FindBin(mu, NPV);
+      int etaBin = m_etaBins->FindFixBin(std::abs(eta)) - 1;
+      float p0 = m_3Dp0_vs_muNPV[ etaBin ]->GetBinContent(muNPVbin);
+      float p1 = m_3Dp1_vs_muNPV[ etaBin ]->GetBinContent(muNPVbin);       
+      if ( (p0<= -999.9) || (p1<=-999.9) ) return 0;
+      if(m_use3Dp2) {
+	float p2= m_3Dp2_vs_muNPV[ etaBin ]->GetBinContent(muNPVbin) ;
+	if ( p2<=-999.9 ) return 0;
+	return p0+p1*log(pt-p2);	
+      }
+      return p0+p1*pt;            
+    }
+    // Just a test to see if we get smoother calib by doing an interpolation at point (mu,NPV), not used yet
+    float correction3D_interp(float pt, float eta , float mu, int NPV) const {
+      int etaBin = m_etaBins->FindFixBin(std::abs(eta)) - 1;
+      float p0 = m_3Dp0_vs_muNPV[ etaBin ]->Interpolate(mu, NPV);
+      float p1 = m_3Dp1_vs_muNPV[ etaBin ]->Interpolate(mu,NPV);
+      if ( (p0<= -999.9) || (p1<=-999.9) ) return 0;
+      if(m_use3Dp2) {
+	float p2= m_3Dp2_vs_muNPV[ etaBin ]->Interpolate(mu,NPV) ;
+	if ( p2<=-999.9 ) return 0;
+	return p0+p1*log(pt-p2);	
+      }
+      return p0+p1*pt;            
+    }
+  };