diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging/python/BTagRun3Config.py b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging/python/BTagRun3Config.py
index a223f6da0499d46e9876923fb63c77754bf8c0b1..32e075b6e6017079c9599133483cae4db9ed05aa 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging/python/BTagRun3Config.py
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging/python/BTagRun3Config.py
@@ -273,11 +273,6 @@ def JetBTaggerSplitAlgsCfg(inputFlags, JetCollection="", TaggerList=[], SecVerte
-    if jet in postTagDL2JetToTrainingMap:
-        #Remove DL1 and RNNIP from taggers list, those taggers are run with HighLevelBTagAlg
-        TaggerList.remove('RNNIP')
-        TaggerList.remove('DL1')
     #Track Association
     TrackToJetAssociators = list(set(SecVertexingAndAssociators.values()))
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging/python/BTaggingConfigFlags.py b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging/python/BTaggingConfigFlags.py
index aac662b631f99284b55a10a19a6ad235c2abe770..ac81f5186b83e919fecd434598bb2e83ef81bb53 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging/python/BTaggingConfigFlags.py
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging/python/BTaggingConfigFlags.py
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ from AthenaConfiguration.AthConfigFlags import AthConfigFlags
 def createBTaggingConfigFlags():
     btagcf = AthConfigFlags()
-    btagcf.addFlag("BTagging.run2TaggersList", ['IP2D','IP3D','SV1','SoftMu','JetFitterNN','MV2c10','MV2c10mu','MV2c10rnn','MV2c100','MV2cl100','RNNIP','DL1','DL1mu','DL1rnn'])
+    btagcf.addFlag("BTagging.run2TaggersList", ['IP2D','IP3D','SV1','SoftMu','JetFitterNN','MV2c10'])
     btagcf.addFlag("BTagging.Run2TrigTaggers", ['IP2D','IP3D','SV1','JetFitterNN','MV2c10'])
-    btagcf.addFlag("BTagging.Run3NewTrigTaggers", ['RNNIP','DL1','DL1rnn'])
+    btagcf.addFlag("BTagging.Run3NewTrigTaggers", [])
     # Disable JetVertexCharge ATLASRECTS-4506
     btagcf.addFlag("BTagging.RunModus", "analysis") # reference mode used in FlavourTagPerformanceFramework (RetagFragment.py)
     btagcf.addFlag("BTagging.ReferenceType", "ALL") # reference type for IP and SV taggers (B, UDSG, ALL)
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging/python/BTaggingConfiguration.py b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging/python/BTaggingConfiguration.py
index bdd0e39487fb3df279baf0361069a18d079edd40..7fa23ccd205515dec64c53716c485df1c97c2c89 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging/python/BTaggingConfiguration.py
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging/python/BTaggingConfiguration.py
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ from BTagging.BTaggingConfiguration_IP3DNegTag import *
 from BTagging.BTaggingConfiguration_IP3DTag import *
 from BTagging.BTaggingConfiguration_IP3DTrigTag import *
 from BTagging.BTaggingConfiguration_IP3DTrigHybridTag import *
-from BTagging.BTaggingConfiguration_RNNIPTag import *
 # Jet fitter taggers
 #from BTagging.BTaggingConfiguration_JetFitterCOMB import *
@@ -107,27 +106,18 @@ from BTagging.BTaggingConfiguration_MV2c100Tag import *
 from BTagging.BTaggingConfiguration_MV2c100FlipTag import *
 from BTagging.BTaggingConfiguration_MV2cl100Tag import *
 from BTagging.BTaggingConfiguration_MV2cl100FlipTag import *
-from BTagging.BTaggingConfiguration_MV2mTag import *
-from BTagging.BTaggingConfiguration_MV2mFlipTag import *
 from BTagging.BTaggingConfiguration_MV2c10hpTag import *
 from BTagging.BTaggingConfiguration_MV2c10hpFlipTag import *
 #JetVertexCharge tool
 from BTagging.BTaggingConfiguration_JetVertexCharge import *
-#ExKtbb tool
-from BTagging.BTaggingConfiguration_ExKtbbTag import *
 # MultivariateTagManager
 from BTagging.BTaggingConfiguration_MultivariateTagManager import *
 from BTagging.BTaggingConfiguration_MultivariateTrigTagManager import *
 from BTagging.BTaggingConfiguration_MultivariateFlipTagManager import *
 from BTagging.BTaggingConfiguration_MultiTrigHybridTagManager import *
-# DL1 tagger
-from BTagging.BTaggingConfiguration_DL1Tag import *
-from BTagging.BTaggingConfiguration_DL1FlipTag import *
 # TagNtupleDumper
 from BTagging.BTaggingConfiguration_TagNtupleDumper import *
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging/python/BTaggingConfiguration_ExKtbbTag.py b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging/python/BTaggingConfiguration_ExKtbbTag.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ec236efc3f75cdee7c8bc7eb166138f7348bead..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging/python/BTaggingConfiguration_ExKtbbTag.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-# Configuration functions for ExKtbbTag
-# Author: Qi Zeng (2015)
-from BTagging.BTaggingFlags import BTaggingFlags
-metaExKtbb_Hbb_MV2OnlyTag = { 'IsATagger'         : True,
-                              'xAODBaseName'      : 'ExKtbb',
-                              'DependsOn'         : ['MV2c20Tag',
-                                                     'BTagCalibrationBrokerTool'],
-                              'CalibrationTaggers' :['ExKtbb',],
-                              'PassByPointer'     : {'calibrationTool' : 'BTagCalibrationBrokerTool'},
-                              'ToolCollection'    : 'ExKtbbTag',
-                            }
-metaExKtbb_Hbb_MV2andJFDRSigTag = { 'IsATagger'         : True,
-                              'xAODBaseName'      : 'ExKtbb',
-                              'DependsOn'         : ['MV2c20Tag',
-                                                     'BTagCalibrationBrokerTool'],
-                              'CalibrationTaggers' :['ExKtbb',],
-                              'PassByPointer'     : {'calibrationTool' : 'BTagCalibrationBrokerTool'},
-                              'ToolCollection'    : 'ExKtbbTag',
-                               }
-metaExKtbb_Hbb_MV2andToposTag = { 'IsATagger'         : True,
-                              'xAODBaseName'      : 'ExKtbb',
-                              'DependsOn'         : ['MV2c20Tag',
-                                                     'BTagCalibrationBrokerTool'],
-                              'CalibrationTaggers' :['ExKtbb',],
-                              'PassByPointer'     : {'calibrationTool' : 'BTagCalibrationBrokerTool'},
-                              'ToolCollection'    : 'ExKtbbTag',
-                            }
-def toolExKtbb_Hbb_MV2OnlyTag(name, useBTagFlagsDefaults = True, **options):
-    """Sets up a ExKtbbTag tool and returns it.
-    The following options have BTaggingFlags defaults:
-    see below
-    input:             name: The name of the tool (should be unique).
-      useBTagFlagsDefaults : Whether to use BTaggingFlags defaults for options that are not specified.
-                  **options: Python dictionary with options for the tool.
-    output: The actual tool, which can then by added to ToolSvc via ToolSvc += output."""
-    if useBTagFlagsDefaults:
-        defaults = { 'OutputLevel'                      : BTaggingFlags.OutputLevel,
-                     'Runmodus'                         : BTaggingFlags.Runmodus,
-                     'tagMode'                          : 'Hbb',
-                     'BDTMode'                          : 'MV2Only',
-                     'taggerNameBase'                   : 'ExKtbb',
-                     'ForceCalibrationChannel'          : 'Default',
-                     'debug'                            : False,
-                     'SubJetLabel'                      : 'ExKt2SubJets',
-                     'JFOnlyVtx'                        : False,
-                   }
-        for option in defaults:
-            options.setdefault(option, defaults[option])
-    options['name'] = name
-    from JetTagTools.JetTagToolsConf import Analysis__ExKtbbTag
-    return Analysis__ExKtbbTag(**options)
-def toolExKtbb_Hbb_MV2andJFDRSigTag(name, useBTagFlagsDefaults = True, **options):
-    """Sets up a ExKtbbTag tool and returns it.
-    The following options have BTaggingFlags defaults:
-    see below
-    input:             name: The name of the tool (should be unique).
-      useBTagFlagsDefaults : Whether to use BTaggingFlags defaults for options that are not specified.
-                  **options: Python dictionary with options for the tool.
-    output: The actual tool, which can then by added to ToolSvc via ToolSvc += output."""
-    if useBTagFlagsDefaults:
-        defaults = { 'OutputLevel'                      : BTaggingFlags.OutputLevel,
-                     'Runmodus'                         : BTaggingFlags.Runmodus,
-                     'tagMode'                          : 'Hbb',
-                     'BDTMode'                          : 'MV2andJFDRSig',
-                     'taggerNameBase'                   : 'ExKtbb',
-                     'ForceCalibrationChannel'          : 'Default',
-                     'debug'                            : False,
-                     'SubJetLabel'                      : 'ExKt2SubJets',
-                     'JFOnlyVtx'                        : False,
-                   }
-        for option in defaults:
-            options.setdefault(option, defaults[option])
-    options['name'] = name
-    from JetTagTools.JetTagToolsConf import Analysis__ExKtbbTag
-    return Analysis__ExKtbbTag(**options)
-def toolExKtbb_Hbb_MV2andToposTag(name, useBTagFlagsDefaults = True, **options):
-    """Sets up a ExKtbbTag tool and returns it.
-    The following options have BTaggingFlags defaults:
-    see below
-    input:             name: The name of the tool (should be unique).
-      useBTagFlagsDefaults : Whether to use BTaggingFlags defaults for options that are not specified.
-                  **options: Python dictionary with options for the tool.
-    output: The actual tool, which can then by added to ToolSvc via ToolSvc += output."""
-    if useBTagFlagsDefaults:
-        defaults = { 'OutputLevel'                      : BTaggingFlags.OutputLevel,
-                     'Runmodus'                         : BTaggingFlags.Runmodus,
-                     'tagMode'                          : 'Hbb',
-                     'BDTMode'                          : 'MV2andTopos',
-                     'taggerNameBase'                   : 'ExKtbb',
-                     'ForceCalibrationChannel'          : 'Default',
-                     'debug'                            : False,
-                     'SubJetLabel'                      : 'ExKt2SubJets',
-                     'JFOnlyVtx'                        : False,
-                   }
-        for option in defaults:
-            options.setdefault(option, defaults[option])
-    options['name'] = name
-    from JetTagTools.JetTagToolsConf import Analysis__ExKtbbTag
-    return Analysis__ExKtbbTag(**options)
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging/python/BTaggingConfiguration_IP3DTrigTag.py b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging/python/BTaggingConfiguration_IP3DTrigTag.py
index e0b1afbe5803aaecdae00540768215fd43becdd9..b8131a3a656e976d83e400b87852dd533057f68b 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging/python/BTaggingConfiguration_IP3DTrigTag.py
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging/python/BTaggingConfiguration_IP3DTrigTag.py
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ def toolIP3DTag_Trig(name, useBTagFlagsDefaults = True, **options):
         trackGradeFactory= toolIP3DDetailedTrackGradeFactory('IP3DDetailedTrackGradeFactory')
         trackSelectorTool = toolIP3DTrackSelector('IP3DTrackSelector')
         inDetTrackSelectionTool = toolInDetTrackSelector('InDetTrackSelector')
-        trackVertexAssociationTool = toolSpecialTrackAssociator('SpecialTrackAssociator')
         likelihood = toolIP3DNewLikelihoodTool('IP3DNewLikelihoodTool')
         defaults = { 'OutputLevel'                      : BTaggingFlags.OutputLevel,
                      'Runmodus'                         : BTaggingFlags.Runmodus,
@@ -103,7 +102,6 @@ def toolIP3DTag_Trig(name, useBTagFlagsDefaults = True, **options):
                      'SVForIPTool'                      : svForIPTool,
                      'trackGradeFactory'                : trackGradeFactory,
                      'TrackToVertexIPEstimator'         : trackToVertexIPEstimator,
-                     'TrackVertexAssociationTool'       : trackVertexAssociationTool,
         for option in defaults:
             options.setdefault(option, defaults[option])
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging/python/BTaggingConfiguration_LoadTools.py b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging/python/BTaggingConfiguration_LoadTools.py
index 42e036c80fa9622e55a2b4694644d5597db7e5b4..fe39ce6866b47a5003a47406844624c5df2caea0 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging/python/BTaggingConfiguration_LoadTools.py
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging/python/BTaggingConfiguration_LoadTools.py
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ def SetupConditionAlgorithm(ConfInstance=None):
       if globalflags.DataSource()=='data':
           readkeycalibpath = readkeycalibpath.replace("/GLOBAL/BTagCalib","/GLOBAL/Onl/BTagCalib")
           connSchema = "GLOBAL"
-      Taggers = ['IP2D','IP3D','SV1','SoftMu','JetFitterNN','MV2c10','MV2c10mu','MV2c10rnn','MV2c100','MV2cl100','RNNIP','DL1','DL1mu','DL1rnn']
+      Taggers = ['IP2D','IP3D','SV1','SoftMu','JetFitterNN','MV2c10']
       #JetVertexCharge disable ATLASRECTS-4506
       histoskey = "JetTagCalibHistosKey"
       conddb.addFolder(connSchema, readkeycalibpath, className='CondAttrListCollection')
@@ -368,10 +368,6 @@ def SetupJetCollectionDefault(JetCollection, TaggerList, ConfInstance = None):
 #            addTool('IP2DSpcNegTag', ToolSvc, 'BTagTrackToJetAssociator', JetCollection, Verbose = BTaggingFlags.OutputLevel < 3)
   if 'IP3D' in TaggerList:
     ConfInstance.addTool('IP3DTag', ToolSvc, 'BTagTrackToJetAssociator', JetCollection, Verbose = BTaggingFlags.OutputLevel < 3)
-  if 'RNNIP' in TaggerList:
-    ConfInstance.addTool('RNNIPTag', ToolSvc, 'BTagTrackToJetAssociator', JetCollection, Verbose = BTaggingFlags.OutputLevel)
-  if 'RNNIPNeg' in TaggerList:
-    ConfInstance.addTool('RNNIPNegTag', ToolSvc, 'BTagTrackToJetAssociator', JetCollection, Verbose = BTaggingFlags.OutputLevel)
 #          if BTaggingFlags.IP3DFlip:
 #            addTool('IP3DFlipTag', ToolSvc, 'BTagTrackToJetAssociator', JetCollection, Verbose = BTaggingFlags.OutputLevel < 3)
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging/python/BTaggingConfiguration_MV2mFlipTag.py b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging/python/BTaggingConfiguration_MV2mFlipTag.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e9eb3be45bc7c4822341db9caf20de05172764d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging/python/BTaggingConfiguration_MV2mFlipTag.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-# Configuration functions for MV2mFlipTag
-# Author: Wouter van den Wollenberg (2013-2014)
-from BTagging.BTaggingFlags import BTaggingFlags
-metaMV2mFlipTag = { 'IsATagger'          : False,#True,
-                  'xAODBaseName'       : 'MV2mFlip',
-                  'DependsOn'          : ['AtlasExtrapolator',
-                                          'BTagCalibrationBrokerTool',
-                                          'BTagTrackToVertexTool'],
-                  'CalibrationTaggers' : ['MV2m',],
-                  'PassByPointer'      : {'calibrationTool' : 'BTagCalibrationBrokerTool'},
-                  'ToolCollection'     : 'MV2mFlipTag'}
-def toolMV2mFlipTag(name, useBTagFlagsDefaults = True, **options):
-    """Sets up a MV2mTag tool and returns it.
-    The following options have BTaggingFlags defaults:
-    OutputLevel                         default: BTaggingFlags.OutputLevel
-    Runmodus                            default: BTaggingFlags.Runmodus
-    taggerName                          default: "MV2mFlip"
-    taggerNameBase                      default: "MV2m"
-    forceMV2CalibrationAlias            default: BTaggingFlags.ForceMV2CalibrationAlias
-    MV2CalibAlias                       default: BTaggingFlags.MV2CalibAlias
-    input:             name: The name of the tool (should be unique).
-      useBTagFlagsDefaults : Whether to use BTaggingFlags defaults for options that are not specified.
-                  **options: Python dictionary with options for the tool.
-    output: The actual tool, which can then by added to ToolSvc via ToolSvc += output."""
-    from BTagging.MV2defaultValues import default_values
-    from BTagging.MV2defaultValues import MVTM_varNames
-    if useBTagFlagsDefaults:
-        defaults = { 'OutputLevel'                      : BTaggingFlags.OutputLevel,
-                     'Runmodus'                         : BTaggingFlags.Runmodus,
-                     'taggerName'                       : 'MV2mFlip',
-                     'taggerNameBase'                   : 'MV2m',
-                     'forceMV2CalibrationAlias'         : BTaggingFlags.ForceMV2CalibrationAlias,
-                     'MV2CalibAlias'                    : BTaggingFlags.MV2CalibAlias,
-                     'defaultvals'                      : default_values,
-                     'MVTMvariableNames'                : MVTM_varNames,
-                     }
-        for option in defaults:
-            options.setdefault(option, defaults[option])
-    options['name'] = name
-    from JetTagTools.JetTagToolsConf import Analysis__MV2Tag
-    return Analysis__MV2Tag(**options)
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging/python/BTaggingConfiguration_MV2mTag.py b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging/python/BTaggingConfiguration_MV2mTag.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0faf182adc80e91930755f0892bba7fda64b3259..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging/python/BTaggingConfiguration_MV2mTag.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-# Configuration functions for MV2mTag
-# Author: Wouter van den Wollenberg (2013-2014)
-from BTagging.BTaggingFlags import BTaggingFlags
-metaMV2mTag = { 'IsATagger'          : False,#True,
-                  'xAODBaseName'       : 'MV2m',
-                  'DependsOn'          : ['AtlasExtrapolator',
-                                          'BTagCalibrationBrokerTool',
-                                          'BTagTrackToVertexTool'],
-                  'CalibrationTaggers' : ['MV2m',],
-                  'PassByPointer'      : {'calibrationTool' : 'BTagCalibrationBrokerTool'},
-                  'ToolCollection'     : 'MV2mTag'}
-def toolMV2mTag(name, useBTagFlagsDefaults = True, **options):
-    """Sets up a MV2mTag tool and returns it.
-    The following options have BTaggingFlags defaults:
-    OutputLevel                         default: BTaggingFlags.OutputLevel
-    Runmodus                            default: BTaggingFlags.Runmodus
-    taggerName                          default: "MV2m"
-    taggerNameBase                      default: "MV2m"
-    forceMV2CalibrationAlias            default: BTaggingFlags.ForceMV2CalibrationAlias
-    MV2CalibAlias                       default: BTaggingFlags.MV2CalibAlias
-    input:             name: The name of the tool (should be unique).
-      useBTagFlagsDefaults : Whether to use BTaggingFlags defaults for options that are not specified.
-                  **options: Python dictionary with options for the tool.
-    output: The actual tool, which can then by added to ToolSvc via ToolSvc += output."""
-    from BTagging.MV2defaultValues import default_values
-    from BTagging.MV2defaultValues import MVTM_varNames
-    if useBTagFlagsDefaults:
-        defaults = { 'OutputLevel'                      : BTaggingFlags.OutputLevel,
-                     'Runmodus'                         : BTaggingFlags.Runmodus,
-                     'taggerName'                       : 'MV2m',
-                     'taggerNameBase'                   : 'MV2m',
-                     'forceMV2CalibrationAlias'         : BTaggingFlags.ForceMV2CalibrationAlias,
-                     'MV2CalibAlias'                    : BTaggingFlags.MV2CalibAlias,
-                     'defaultvals'                      : default_values,
-                     'MVTMvariableNames'                : MVTM_varNames,
-                     }
-        for option in defaults:
-            options.setdefault(option, defaults[option])
-    options['name'] = name
-    from JetTagTools.JetTagToolsConf import Analysis__MV2Tag
-    return Analysis__MV2Tag(**options)
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging/python/BTaggingConfiguration_RNNIPTag.py b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging/python/BTaggingConfiguration_RNNIPTag.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f7a4353f3775e6abd4c9a9ed30891e4414fb4509..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging/python/BTaggingConfiguration_RNNIPTag.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-# Configuration for RNNIP
-# Note that a lot of tools and settings are borrowed from IP3D, so
-# this probably won't work without IP3D also turned on.  We'll need an
-# expter to figure out how to make taggers independant.
-from BTagging.BTaggingFlags import BTaggingFlags
-def buildRNNIP(basename, is_flipped=False, calibration=None):
-    cal_dir = calibration or basename
-    meta = {'IsATagger'         : True,
-            'xAODBaseName'      : basename,
-            'CalibrationTaggers' : [cal_dir],
-            'DependsOn'         : [#'AtlasExtrapolator',
-                                   #'BTagTrackToVertexTool',
-                                   #'InDetVKalVxInJetTool',
-                                   #'BTagTrackToVertexIPEstimator',
-                                   #'IP3DTrackSelector',
-                                   #'InDetTrackSelector',
-                                   #'SpecialTrackAssociator',
-                                   #'SVForIPTool_IP3D',
-                                   #'IP3DBasicTrackGradeFactory',
-                                   #'IP3DDetailedTrackGradeFactory'],
-                                   ],
-            'PassByPointer'     : {
-                #'SVForIPTool'                : 'SVForIPTool_IP3D',
-                #'trackSelectorTool'          : 'IP3DTrackSelector',
-                #'trackGradeFactory'          : 'IP3DDetailedTrackGradeFactory'},
-                #'TrackToVertexIPEstimator'   : 'BTagTrackToVertexIPEstimator'},
-                                 },
-            'PassTracksAs'      : 'trackAssociationName',
-            'ToolCollection'    : 'IP3DTag' }
-    def tool(name, useBTagFlagsDefaults = True, **options):
-        """Sets up a IP3DTag tool and returns it.
-        The following options have BTaggingFlags defaults:
-        """
-        if useBTagFlagsDefaults:
-            grades= [ "0HitIn0HitNInExp2","0HitIn0HitNInExpIn","0HitIn0HitNInExpNIn","0HitIn0HitNIn",
-                      "0HitInExp", "0HitIn",
-                      "0HitNInExp", "0HitNIn",
-                      "InANDNInShared", "PixShared", "SctShared",
-                      "InANDNInSplit", "PixSplit",
-                      "Good"]
-            from BTagging.BTaggingConfiguration_CommonTools import toolBTagTrackToVertexIPEstimator as toolBTagTrackToVertexIPEstimator
-            trackToVertexIPEstimator = toolBTagTrackToVertexIPEstimator('TrkToVxIPEstimator')
-            from BTagging.BTaggingConfiguration_IP3DTag import toolSVForIPTool_IP3D as toolSVForIPTool_IP3D
-            svForIPTool = toolSVForIPTool_IP3D('SVForIPTool')
-            from BTagging.BTaggingConfiguration_IP3DTag import toolIP3DDetailedTrackGradeFactory as toolIP3DDetailedTrackGradeFactory
-            trackGradeFactory = toolIP3DDetailedTrackGradeFactory('RNNIPDetailedTrackGradeFactory')
-            from BTagging.BTaggingConfiguration_IP3DTag import toolIP3DTrackSelector as toolIP3DTrackSelector
-            trackSelectorTool = toolIP3DTrackSelector('IP3DTrackSelector')
-            defaults = {
-                'OutputLevel'               : BTaggingFlags.OutputLevel,
-                'trackGradePartitions'      : grades ,
-                'RejectBadTracks'           : True,
-                'originalTPCollectionName'  : BTaggingFlags.TrackParticleCollectionName,
-                'NetworkConfig'             : BTaggingFlags.RNNIPConfig,
-                'unbiasIPEstimation'        : False,
-                #'trackAssociation'          : "Tracks" }
-                'SecVxFinderName'           : 'SV1',
-                'calibration_directory'     : cal_dir,
-                'writeInputsToBtagObject'   : BTaggingFlags.WriteRNNInputs,
-                'trackSelectorTool'         : trackSelectorTool,
-                'SVForIPTool'               : svForIPTool,
-                'trackGradeFactory'         : trackGradeFactory,
-                'TrackToVertexIPEstimator'  : trackToVertexIPEstimator,
-            }
-            if is_flipped:
-                defaults.update({
-                    'flipIPSign' : True,
-                    'usePosIP'   : True,
-                    'useNegIP'   : False,
-                })
-            for option in defaults:
-                options.setdefault(option, defaults[option])
-        options['name'] = name
-        from JetTagTools.JetTagToolsConf import Analysis__RNNIPTag
-        return Analysis__RNNIPTag(**options)
-    return tool, meta
-toolRNNIPTag, metaRNNIPTag = buildRNNIP('RNNIP')
-toolRNNIPNegTag, metaRNNIPNegTag = buildRNNIP(
-    'RNNIPNegTag', is_flipped=True, calibration='RNNIP')
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/CMakeLists.txt b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/CMakeLists.txt
index d51a90313acf8d447eb6d2d58526b0e1dd22f18a..2d29de37c055219c33831612971471dc96992967 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ find_package( Boost COMPONENTS filesystem thread system )
 find_package( CLHEP )
 #find_package( Eigen )
 find_package( lwtnn )
-find_package( FastJet )
 find_package( ROOT COMPONENTS TMVA Core Tree MathCore Hist RIO pthread
     MathMore Minuit Minuit2 Matrix Physics HistPainter Rint RooFitCore RooFit )
@@ -81,12 +80,12 @@ atlas_add_library( JetTagToolsLib
     src/MV1Tag.cxx src/MV2Tag.cxx
     src/JetFitterVariablesFactory.cxx src/MSVVariablesFactory.cxx
     src/MultiSVTag.cxx src/SoftMuonTag.cxx
-    src/ExKtbbTagTool.cxx src/MultivariateTagManager.cxx
+    src/MultivariateTagManager.cxx
     src/DL1Tag.cxx src/TagNtupleDumper.cxx src/RNNIPTag.cxx
@@ -97,7 +96,7 @@ atlas_add_library( JetTagToolsLib
     MuonSelectorToolsLib MuonMomentumCorrectionsLib TrkNeuralNetworkUtilsLib
     InDetSVWithMuonToolLib ITrackToVertex
     Navigation xAODMuon JetEDM Particle ITrackToVertex TrkEventPrimitives
     TrkLinks TrkTrack TrkTrackSummary VxJetVertex VxVertex VxSecVertex
     TrkVertexFitterInterfaces InDetTrackSelectionToolLib
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/JetTagTools/BTagVariables.h b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/JetTagTools/BTagVariables.h
index de9ef3046dceb968e65a9f68daacd96b1a2c97a4..959e4638c5bfa358e46448b54ce599582293f634 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/JetTagTools/BTagVariables.h
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/JetTagTools/BTagVariables.h
@@ -69,19 +69,6 @@ namespace btagvar {
   static const char* JF_DETA   = "jf_deta";
   static const char* JF_SIG3D  = "jf_sig3d";
-  static const char* JF_NTRK_VTX1         = "nTrk_vtx1";//"jf_ntrk_vtx1";
-  static const char* JF_MASS_VTX1         = "mass_first_vtx";//"jf_m_vtx1";
-  static const char* JF_E_VTX1            = "e_first_vtx";//"jf_e_vtx1";
-  static const char* JF_E_FRAC_VTX1       = "e_frac_vtx1";//"jf_efc_vtx1";
-  static const char* JF_L3D_VTX1          = "closestVtx_L3D";//"jf_L3d_vtx1";
-  static const char* JF_Lxy_VTX1          = "JF_Lxy1";//"jf_Lxy_vtx1";
-  static const char* JF_RAPIDITY_VTX1_MAX = "vtx1_MaxTrkRapidity_jf_path";//"jf_trky_max_vtx1";
-  static const char* JF_RAPIDITY_VTX1_AVG = "vtx1_AvgTrkRapidity_jf_path";//"jf_trky_avg_vtx1";
-  static const char* JF_RAPIDITY_VTX1_MIN = "vtx1_MinTrkRapidity_jf_path";//"jf_trky_min_vtx1";
-  static const char* JF_RAPIDITY_MAX      = "MaxTrkRapidity_jf_path";//"jf_trky_max";
-  static const char* JF_RAPIDITY_MIN      = "MinTrkRapidity_jf_path";//"jf_trky_min";
-  static const char* JF_RAPIDITY_AVG      = "AvgTrkRapidity_jf_path";//"jf_trky_avg";
   static const char* TRKSUM_NTRK   = "trkSum_ntrk";
   static const char* TRKSUM_SPT    = "trkSum_sPt";
   static const char* TRKSUM_VPT    = "trkSum_vPt";
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/JetTagTools/DL1Tag.h b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/JetTagTools/DL1Tag.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ff88f2a49ddc0bce498ab2650800fb86b697826..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/JetTagTools/DL1Tag.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-    @class DL1Tag
-    Package : JetTagTools
-    Created : September 2015
-    This class computes the Neural Network probability for being b-jet,
-    c-jet or uds-jet for a single event.
-    @authors Dan Guest, Luke de Oliveira, Marie Lanfermann
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
-#include "JetTagTools/IMultivariateJetTagger.h"
-#include "JetTagCalibration/JetTagCalibCondData.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include <istream>
-#include <atomic>
-namespace xAOD {
-  class Vertex_v1;
-  typedef Vertex_v1 Vertex;
-namespace lwt {
-  class LightweightNeuralNetwork;
-namespace Analysis {
-  class DL1Tag : public extends<AthAlgTool, IMultivariateJetTagger>
-  {
-  public:
-    DL1Tag(const std::string& name,
-	   const std::string& n,
-	   const IInterface*);
-    virtual ~DL1Tag();
-    virtual StatusCode initialize() override;
-    virtual StatusCode finalize() override;
-    virtual
-    void assignProbability(xAOD::BTagging* BTag,
-                           const std::map<std::string,double>& inputs,
-                           const std::string& jetauthor) const override;
-  private:
-    typedef std::map<std::string, double> var_map;
-    /** Key of calibration data: */
-    SG::ReadCondHandleKey<JetTagCalibCondData> m_readKey{this, "HistosKey", "JetTagCalibHistosKey", "Key of input (derived) JetTag calibration data"};
-    std::unique_ptr<const lwt::LightweightNeuralNetwork>
-    load_calibration(const std::string& jetauthor,
-                     std::vector<lwt::Input>& variables,
-                     var_map& defaults) const;
-    std::unique_ptr<const lwt::LightweightNeuralNetwork>
-    build_nn(std::istream& nn_config_istream,
-             std::vector<lwt::Input>& variables,
-             var_map& defaults) const;
-    void fill_outputs(xAOD::BTagging* BTag, var_map outputs) const;
-    std::string m_calibrationDirectory;
-    std::string m_calibrationSubDirectory;
-    std::string m_xAODBaseName;
-    bool m_forceDL1CalibrationAlias;
-    std::string m_DL1CalibAlias;
-    std::unique_ptr<const lwt::LightweightNeuralNetwork> m_localNN;
-    var_map m_local_defaults;
-    std::vector<lwt::Input> m_local_variables;
-    //error checking
-    mutable std::atomic<int> m_n_compute_errors;
-    std::string m_LocalNNConfigFile;
-    /** This switch is needed to indicate what to do. The algorithm can be run to produce
-	reference histograms from the given MC files (m_runModus=0) or to work in analysis mode
-	(m_runModus=1) where already made reference histograms are read.*/
-    std::string    m_runModus;          //!< 0=Do not read histos, 1=Read referece histos (analysis mode)
-  }; // end class
-}// end Analysis namespace
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/JetTagTools/ExKtbbTag.h b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/JetTagTools/ExKtbbTag.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5be2fea17730cdd30214484497e554c7c4601d14..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/JetTagTools/ExKtbbTag.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-    @class ExKtbbTag
-    Identification of double b-hadron jets
-    @ author Qi Zeng
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
-#include "JetTagTools/ITagTool.h"
-// std
-#include <string>
-// xAOD EDM
-#include "xAODTracking/VertexContainer.h"
-#include "xAODJet/JetContainer.h"
-#include "xAODBTagging/BTaggingContainer.h"
-#include "xAODBTagging/BTagVertexContainer.h"
-// ROOT
-#include "TLorentzVector.h"
-// TMVA
-#include "TMVA/IMethod.h"
-#include "TMVA/MethodBase.h"
-namespace TMVA { class Reader; }
-// CalibrationBroker
-namespace Analysis { class CalibrationBroker; }
-typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3, 0, 3, 3> AmgSymMatrix3D;
-namespace Analysis { 
-  class ExKtbbTag : public AthAlgTool , virtual public ITagTool {
-  public:
-    ExKtbbTag(const std::string&,const std::string&,const IInterface*);
-    /**
-       Implementations of the methods defined in the abstract base class
-    */
-    virtual ~ExKtbbTag();
-    StatusCode initialize();
-    StatusCode finalize();
-    /** Set the primary vertex. TODO: This is temporary ! The primary vertex should
-  	be part of the JetTag IParticle interface implementation. The trouble with 
-  	ElementLink and persistency has to be solved for that. Revisit ... */
-    void setOrigin(const xAOD::Vertex* priVtx);
-    StatusCode tagJet(xAOD::Jet& jetToTag, xAOD::BTagging* BTag, const std::string &jetName);
-    void finalizeHistos() {};
-  private:      
-    // global variables //
-    std::string m_runModus;            // "reference" means to produce variables for performance study; "analysis" means output weight with given reference histogram
-    std::string m_tagMode;             // "Hbb", or "gbb"
-    std::string m_BDTMode;             // "MV2Only", "MV2andJFDRSig", or "MV2andTopos"
-    std::string m_taggerNameBase;      // prefix in BTaggingContainer -- mostly used in code
-    std::string m_xAODBaseName;        // something required by base class
-    std::string m_ForceCalibChannel;   // force to use this jet channel in calibration broker. Empty means default jet author. "Default" means "AntiKt10LCTopoTrimmedPtFrac5SmallR20" in "Hbb" tagMode and "AntiKt4LCTopo" in "gbb" tagMode
-    bool        m_debug;
-    // variables for tagger //
-    std::string m_SubJetLabel;         // label to access subjet information
-    bool        m_JFOnlyVtx;           // whether we insist JF should have at least one vtx with at least 2 tracks
-    /** Storage for the primary vertex. Can be removed when JetTag provides origin(). */
-    // this pointer does not need to be deleted in the destructor (because it
-    // points to something in storegate)
-    const xAOD::Vertex* m_priVtx = 0;
-    ///////////////////////////////////////////////
-    // Functions related to variable calculation //
-    ///////////////////////////////////////////////
-    // high-level functionality //
-    bool CalculateInputVariables(xAOD::Jet& jetToTag, xAOD::BTagging* BTag);
-    bool JetTagAnalysisMode(xAOD::Jet& jetToTag, xAOD::BTagging* BTag);
-    bool JetTagReferenceMode(xAOD::Jet& jetToTag, xAOD::BTagging* BTag);
-    // medium-level functionality//
-    double GetDoubleMV2c20(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet1, const xAOD::BTagging* bjet2);
-    double GetSingleMV2c20(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet1, const xAOD::BTagging* bjet2);
-    int GetSV1NtrksDiff(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet, const xAOD::BTagging* bjet1, const xAOD::BTagging* bjet2, bool doValidDualSV1);
-    int GetJFNtrksDiff(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet, const xAOD::BTagging* bjet1, const xAOD::BTagging* bjet2, bool doValidDualJF, bool onlyVtx);
-    double GetSV1CombMass(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet1, const xAOD::BTagging* bjet2, bool doValidDualSV1);
-    double GetJFCombMass(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet1, const xAOD::BTagging* bjet2, bool doValidDualJF, bool onlyVtx, bool doNeutralCorrection);
-    double GetSV1DRSignificance(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet1, const xAOD::BTagging* bjet2, double& DR, double& DR_error);
-    double GetJFDRSignificance(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet1, const xAOD::BTagging* bjet2, bool onlyVtx, double& DR, double& DR_error);
-    double GetSV1DR3DSignificance(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet1, const xAOD::BTagging* bjet2, double& dR3D, double& dR3D_error);
-    double GetSV1DLSignificance(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet1, const xAOD::BTagging* bjet2, double& dL, double& dL_error);
-    double GetJFDLSignificance(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet1, const xAOD::BTagging* bjet2, bool onlyVtx, double& dL, double& dL_error);
-    // low-level functionality //
-    static bool SortPt(const xAOD::Jet* j1, const xAOD::Jet* j2) {return j1->pt() > j2->pt();}
-    std::vector<const xAOD::Vertex*> GetSV1vertices(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet);
-    bool IsValidSV1(std::vector<const xAOD::Vertex*> input);
-    bool SV1DualValid(std::vector<const xAOD::Vertex*> vtx1, std::vector<const xAOD::Vertex*> vtx2);
-    std::vector<const xAOD::BTagVertex*> GetJFVertices(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet);
-    std::vector<float> GetJFfittedPosition(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet, std::vector<float>& JFfittedCov);
-    bool IsValidJF(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet, bool onlyVtx);
-    bool JFDualValid(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet1, const xAOD::BTagging* bjet2, bool onlyVtx);
-    int JFntrk(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet, bool onlyVtx);
-    TLorentzVector JFMomentum(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet, bool onlyVtx, bool doNeutralCorrection);
-    double JFEffectiveDecayLength(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet, bool onlyVtx, double& error);
-    double LimitUpperBound(double input, double start, double limit){
-      if(input > start) return start + (limit-start)/TMath::Pi()*2.*TMath::ATan(TMath::Pi()/2./(limit-start)*(input-start));
-      else              return input;
-    }
-    std::vector<Amg::Vector3D> GetVtxEigenVariation(Amg::Vector3D vtxPosition, AmgSymMatrix3D vtxCovMatrix);
-    double GeneralDRSignificance3D(Amg::Vector3D vtx1, AmgSymMatrix3D vtx1_CovMatrix, Amg::Vector3D vtx2, AmgSymMatrix3D vtx2_CovMatrix, double& dR3D, double& dR3D_error);
-    ////////////////////////////////////
-    // Functions related to final BDT //
-    ////////////////////////////////////
-    std::string m_taggerName;          // actual taggerName
-    ToolHandle<CalibrationBroker> m_calibrationTool;
-    std::map<std::string, TMVA::Reader*>     m_tmvaReaders;       // key should be alias + m_taggerCalibName
-    std::map<std::string, TMVA::MethodBase*> m_tmvaMethod;        // key should be alias + m_taggerCalibName
-    std::vector<std::string>                 m_undefinedReaders;
-    std::string GetPtBin(const xAOD::Jet* jetToTag);
-    std::map<std::string, float*>    m_tmvaVariables;             // key should be the same as those used in BDT 
-    bool                             InitTMVAVariables(std::string BDTMode);
-    bool                             FillTMVAVariables(std::string BDTMode, const xAOD::Jet* jetToTag, const xAOD::BTagging* BTag);
-    bool                             BundleTMVAVariables(std::string BDTMode, TMVA::Reader* tmvaReader);
-    std::vector<double>  m_ptbinlist;
-  }; // End class
-  inline void ExKtbbTag::setOrigin(const xAOD::Vertex* priVtx) { m_priVtx = priVtx; }
-} // End namespace 
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/JetTagTools/ExKtbbTagTool.h b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/JetTagTools/ExKtbbTagTool.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 13f639fb112d074efc7645d0b97d3e05d0ed5c21..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/JetTagTools/ExKtbbTagTool.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-  Author  : Qi Zeng
-  Email   : qzeng@cern.ch
-  This is a Tool based on JetModifierBase, to run exclusive kt algorithm on any existing jet collection
-  Many thanks to Giordon Stark and Miles Wu who actually implement the exclusive kt subjet finder in JetEtMiss pkg
-  and help me setup this in b-tagging pkg
-  This tool is supposed to be called by a stand-alone algorithm that will call in the jet collection from event store and 
-  load JetModifiers. It should be run before the b-tagging, but after jet finding
-  This is basically just an interface to call SubjetFinderTool. However, we need to overwrite some subjet collection information,
-  which might be important for b-tagging purpose
-#include "JetRec/JetModifierBase.h"
-#include "AsgTools/ToolHandle.h"
-#include "JetSubStructureMomentTools/SubjetRecorderTool.h"
-#include "JetSubStructureUtils/SubjetFinder.h"
-namespace Analysis{
-class ExKtbbTagTool : public JetModifierBase {
-  ASG_TOOL_CLASS(ExKtbbTagTool, IJetModifier)
-  public:
-    // Constructor from tool name.
-    ExKtbbTagTool(std::string myname);
-    virtual StatusCode initialize();
-    // Inherited method to modify a jet.
-    virtual int modifyJet(xAOD::Jet& jet) const;
-  private:
-    // subjet finding parameter
-    std::string m_JetAlgorithm;
-    float       m_JetRadius;
-    float       m_PtMin;
-    int         m_ExclusiveNJets;
-    // related to subjet recording
-    std::string m_InputJetContainerName;             // Mainly used to build correct link from subjet to parent jet
-    ToolHandle<ISubjetRecorderTool> m_SubjetRecorderTool;     
-    std::string m_SubjetLabel;                       // must be exactly the same label as the one used by SubjetRecorder inside SubjetFinder. 
-                                                     // At this moment, there is no way to figure out this name given SubjetFinderTool
-    std::string m_SubjetContainerName;               // must be exactly the same container name as the one used by SubjetRecorder inside SubjetFinder.
-                                                     // At this moment, there is no way to figure out this name given SubjetFinderTool
-    std::string m_SubjetAlgorithm_BTAG;
-    float       m_SubjetRadius_BTAG;
-    std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> constituentPseudoJets(xAOD::Jet& jet) const;
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/JetTagTools/IPTag.h b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/JetTagTools/IPTag.h
index 1bae284ddb9660df937ec4b571a6e278951c2f60..9a9b0ef2fa2da2d0f78598ad3952891eafac8563 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/JetTagTools/IPTag.h
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/JetTagTools/IPTag.h
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ namespace Reco { class ITrackToVertex; }
 namespace Trk  { class ITrackToVertexIPEstimator; }
 // following two are temporary (to be moved to a separate Tool)
 namespace InDet { class IInDetTrackSelectionTool; }
-namespace CP { class ITrackVertexAssociationTool;}
 namespace Analysis { 
@@ -162,10 +161,6 @@ namespace Analysis {
     /** InDetTrackSelectorTool (temporary: to be moved to a separate Tool) */
     ToolHandle< InDet::IInDetTrackSelectionTool > m_InDetTrackSelectorTool;
-    /** TrackVertex associator (temporary: to be moved to a separate Tool) */
-    ToolHandle< CP::ITrackVertexAssociationTool > m_TightTrackVertexAssociationTool;
     // VD: for debugging
     mutable std::atomic<int> m_nbjet;
     mutable std::atomic<int> m_ncjet;
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/JetTagTools/MultivariateTagManager.h b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/JetTagTools/MultivariateTagManager.h
index dad842cb602620ede8b8e7e7255d3327b4a0785f..22bdbfc75b207f1847e2fa457f4e7c5d4b679474 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/JetTagTools/MultivariateTagManager.h
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/JetTagTools/MultivariateTagManager.h
@@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ namespace Analysis {
     void fill_sv1(var_map& inputs, xAOD::BTagging& BTag) const;
     void fill_jetfitter(var_map& inputs, xAOD::BTagging& BTag) const;
     void fill_mvb(var_map& inputs, xAOD::Jet& jet, xAOD::BTagging& BTag) const;
-    void fill_mv2cl100(var_map& inputs, xAOD::BTagging& BTag) const;
     void fill_trkSum(var_map& inputs, xAOD::BTagging& BTag) const;
     void fill_softmuon(var_map& inputs, xAOD::BTagging& BTag) const;
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/JetTagTools/RNNIPTag.h b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/JetTagTools/RNNIPTag.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bf571e5354f350325cbcd8774be426cc8e3c9273..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/JetTagTools/RNNIPTag.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-    @class RNNIPTag
-    b-jet tagger based on 2D or 3D impact parameter
-    @author CPPM Marseille
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
-#include "CxxUtils/checker_macros.h"
-#include "JetTagTools/ITagTool.h"
-#include "JetTagCalibration/JetTagCalibCondData.h"
-#include "xAODTracking/TrackParticleContainerFwd.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include <functional>
-#include <memory>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <mutex>
-namespace Reco { class ITrackToVertex; }
-namespace Trk  { class ITrackToVertexIPEstimator; }
-// following two are temporary (to be moved to a separate Tool)
-namespace InDet { class IInDetTrackSelectionTool; }
-namespace CP { class ITrackVertexAssociationTool;}
-namespace lwt {
-  class LightweightRNN;
-  struct JSONConfig;
-  typedef std::map<std::string, double> ValueMap;
-namespace Analysis {
-  class IPInfo;
-  class TrackSelector;
-  class TrackGrade;
-  class GradedTrack;
-  class TrackGradePartition;
-  class SVForIPTool;
-  class ITrackGradeFactory;
-  // track struct, and sorting functions
-  struct IPxDInfo;
-  typedef std::function<bool(const IPxDInfo&, const IPxDInfo&)> TrackSorter;
-  class RNNIPTag : public extends<AthAlgTool, ITagTool>
-  {
-  public:
-    RNNIPTag(const std::string&,const std::string&,const IInterface*);
-    /**
-       Implementations of the methods defined in the abstract base class
-    */
-    virtual ~RNNIPTag();
-    virtual StatusCode initialize() override;
-    virtual StatusCode finalize() override;
-    virtual StatusCode tagJet(const xAOD::Vertex& priVtx,
-                              const xAOD::Jet& jetToTag,
-                              xAOD::BTagging& BTag,
-                              const std::string &jetName) const override;
-    virtual void finalizeHistos() override {}
-  private:
-    std::vector<IPxDInfo> get_track_info(
-      const xAOD::Vertex& priVtx,
-      const std::vector<GradedTrack>&,
-      const Amg::Vector3D& unit,
-      const std::vector<const xAOD::TrackParticle*>& v0_tracks) const;
-    void add_tags(xAOD::BTagging& tag, const std::string& author,
-                  std::vector<IPxDInfo>& tracks) const;
-    /** base name string for persistification in xaod */
-    std::string m_xAODBaseName;
-    /// VD: bool switches
-    bool m_flipIP;              // reverse impact parameter signs for
-                                // negative tag calibration method
-    bool m_flipZIP;             // reverse Z impact parameter signs
-                                // for negative tag calibration method
-    bool m_usePosIP;            // use tracks with positive impact
-                                // parameter for tagging
-    bool m_useNegIP;            // use tracks with negative impact
-                                // parameter for tagging
-    bool m_useZIPSignForPosNeg; // use Z impact parameter sign as well
-                                // to select Pos and Neg tracks
-    bool m_use2DSignForIP3D;    // force to use 2D IP sign even for IP3D IP
-    bool m_useD0SignForZ0;      // force to use transverse IP sign for
-                                // Z impact parameter for IP3D
-    bool m_rejectBadTracks;     // TODO: Do we need this?
-    // bool m_SignWithSvx;
-    bool m_unbiasIPEstimation;  // remove track from vertex when computing IP
-    // we can save the sorted inputs for each tagger for debugging and
-    // optimization
-    bool m_writeInputsToBtagObject;
-    bool m_writeTrackLinks;
-    //// VD: other (non-bool) configurables
-    /** Name of the track-to-jet association in the BTagging object */
-    std::string m_trackAssociationName;
-    /** Key of calibration data: */
-    SG::ReadCondHandleKey<JetTagCalibCondData> m_readKey{this, "HistosKey", "JetTagCalibHistosKey", "Key of input (derived) JetTag calibration data"};
-    /** forcing the calibration folder of a given collection */
-    std::string m_ForcedCalibName;
-    // Initalize with a config name and path to a network If the
-    // network path is empty we read from the calib db Note that this
-    // won't support reading different local files for different jet
-    // collections.
-    std::map<std::string, std::string > m_network_cfg;
-    // At runtime, we can run a list of networks for each track
-    // sorting. Networks include the configuration name, which is used
-    // for the DB lookup and to name the saved output.
-    //
-    // This structure also owns the network instance.
-    struct Network {
-      Network(const std::string& name, const lwt::JSONConfig&);
-      std::string name;
-      std::shared_ptr<lwt::LightweightRNN> network;
-      std::vector<std::string> outputs;
-    };
-    typedef std::vector<Network> Networks;
-    // Each network list is grouped with its sort function.
-    typedef std::vector<std::pair<TrackSorter, Networks> > SortGroups;
-    mutable std::map<std::string, SortGroups > m_networks ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE;
-    // Serialize access to m_networks.
-    mutable std::mutex m_networksMutex ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE;
-    // load the calibration file from the COOL db
-    const SortGroups& get_networks_for(const std::string& author) const;
-    //void register_hist(const std::string& name = "/rnnip");
-    std::string get_calib_string(
-      const std::string& author,
-      const std::string& name = "/rnnip") const;
-    std::string m_calibrationDirectory;
-    /** names of fools for getting the secondary vertex information */
-    std::string m_secVxFinderNameForV0Removal;
-    std::string m_secVxFinderNameForIPSign;
-    std::string m_secVxFinderName;
-    //// VD: auxiliary information to be stored
-    /** information to persistify: */
-    std::string m_originalTPCollectionName;
-    //const xAOD::TrackParticleContainer* m_originalTPCollection;
-    /** track classification. */
-    std::vector<std::string>          m_trackGradePartitionsDefinition;
-    std::vector<TrackGradePartition*> m_trackGradePartitions;
-    //// VD: list of tools below
-    /** Track selection cuts for IPTagging */
-    ToolHandle< TrackSelector >        m_trackSelectorTool;
-    /** Pointer to the SV tool */
-    ToolHandle< SVForIPTool >          m_SVForIPTool;
-    /** ToolHandle for the ITrackGradeFactory tool */
-    ToolHandle< ITrackGradeFactory > m_trackGradeFactory;
-    /** GP: Tool for the estimation of the IPs to the Vertex */
-    ToolHandle< Trk::ITrackToVertexIPEstimator > m_trackToVertexIPEstimator;
-    // VD: for debugging
-    //int m_nbjet;
-    //int m_ncjet;
-    //int m_nljet;
-  }; // End class
-} // End namespace
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/JetTagTools/SVTag.h b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/JetTagTools/SVTag.h
index 731c86cf9a06a64407919b7ed67cbc5167596425..86b20365b75ad975dfa88762df6db0168fa3bddd 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/JetTagTools/SVTag.h
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/JetTagTools/SVTag.h
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ namespace Analysis
       // flag to turn ON/OFF the use of \DeltaR(jet,PV-SV) in the likelihood
       bool m_useDRJPVSV;    
       bool m_isFlipped; // true if tagger is configured in flipped mode. in that case adjusts DRJPVSV computation
+      bool m_save_probabilities;
     }; // End class
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/python/DL1TagConfig.py b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/python/DL1TagConfig.py
deleted file mode 100644
index eb8b81c993d616ebe197c4c049a2a67129539cd0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/python/DL1TagConfig.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
-from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory
-# import the DL1Tag configurable
-# define the class
-def DL1TagCfg(flags, name = 'DL1', scheme = '', useBTagFlagsDefaults = True, **options):
-    """Sets up a DL1Tag tool and returns it.
-    The following options have BTaggingFlags defaults:
-    Runmodus                            default: BTagging.RunModus
-    taggerName                          default: "DL1"
-    taggerNameBase                      default: "DL1"
-    forceDL1CalibrationAlias            default: BTaggingFlags.ForceDL1CalibrationAlias
-    DL1CalibAlias                       default: BTaggingFlags.DL1CalibAlias
-    input:             name: The name of the tool (should be unique).
-          useBTagFlagsDefaults : Whether to use BTaggingFlags defaults for options that are not specified.
-                  **options: Python dictionary with options for the tool.
-    output: The actual tool"""
-    acc = ComponentAccumulator()
-    options['name'] = name + 'Tag'
-    basename = name
-    DL1LocalNNConfig = ''
-    ForceDL1CalibrationAlias = True
-    DL1CalibAlias = 'AntiKt4EMTopo'
-    options['xAODBaseName'] = basename
-    options['LocalNNConfigurationFile'] = DL1LocalNNConfig
-    if scheme == 'Trig':
-        options['HistosKey'] = 'JetTagTrigCalibHistosKey'
-    if useBTagFlagsDefaults:
-        defaults = { 'Runmodus'                         : flags.BTagging.RunModus,
-                     'forceDL1CalibrationAlias'         : ForceDL1CalibrationAlias,
-                     'DL1CalibAlias'                    : DL1CalibAlias,
-                     'calibration_directory'            : basename,
-                     }
-        for option in defaults:
-                options.setdefault(option, defaults[option])
-    acc.setPrivateTools(Analysis__DL1Tag(**options))
-    return acc
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/python/IP3DTagConfig.py b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/python/IP3DTagConfig.py
index 52c8d9d768a0ca2a7c473ea462c2bfe359516e03..67e32dd93f4d6f2909f82a6bc56bfe2caa7ae3b7 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/python/IP3DTagConfig.py
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/python/IP3DTagConfig.py
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ from JetTagTools.IPDetailedTrackGradeFactoryConfig import IPDetailedTrackGradeFa
 from JetTagTools.IPTrackSelectorConfig import IPTrackSelectorCfg
 from JetTagTools.NewLikelihoodToolConfig import NewLikelihoodToolCfg
 from JetTagTools.InDetTrackSelectorConfig import InDetTrackSelectorCfg
-from JetTagTools.SpecialTrackAssociatorConfig import SpecialTrackAssociatorCfg
 # import the IPTag configurable
@@ -44,7 +43,6 @@ def IP3DTagCfg( flags, name = 'IP3DTag', PrimaryVertexCollectionName="", scheme
         trackSelectorTool = acc.popToolsAndMerge(IPTrackSelectorCfg(flags, 'IP3DTrackSelector'))
         likelihood = acc.popToolsAndMerge(NewLikelihoodToolCfg(flags, 'IP3DNewLikelihoodTool', 'IP3D', scheme))
         inDetTrackSelectionTool = acc.popToolsAndMerge(InDetTrackSelectorCfg('InDetTrackSelector'))
-        trackVertexAssociationTool = acc.popToolsAndMerge(SpecialTrackAssociatorCfg('SpecialTrackAssociator', PrimaryVertexCollectionName))
         defaults = { 'Runmodus'                         : flags.BTagging.RunModus,
                      'referenceType'                    : flags.BTagging.ReferenceType,
@@ -65,7 +63,6 @@ def IP3DTagCfg( flags, name = 'IP3DTag', PrimaryVertexCollectionName="", scheme
                      'trackGradeFactory'                : trackGradeFactory,
                      'TrackToVertexIPEstimator'         : trackToVertexIPEstimator,
                      'InDetTrackSelectionTool'          : inDetTrackSelectionTool,
-                     'TrackVertexAssociationTool'       : trackVertexAssociationTool,
         for option in defaults:
             options.setdefault(option, defaults[option])
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/python/MultivariateTagManagerConfig.py b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/python/MultivariateTagManagerConfig.py
index 312896d3ab795722a887f6a218199b0d052ed0a3..2a5c963d3a5279be4886c5d7da10593b9775bd5f 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/python/MultivariateTagManagerConfig.py
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/python/MultivariateTagManagerConfig.py
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
 from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory
-from JetTagTools.DL1TagConfig import DL1TagCfg
 from JetTagTools.MV2TagConfig import MV2TagCfg
 # import the MultivariateTagManager configurable
@@ -26,23 +25,11 @@ def MultivariateTagManagerCfg(flags, name = 'MultivariateTagManager', TaggerList
     MultivariateTagManagerAuxBranches = []
     MultivariateTagManagerAuxBranches += ['SMT_discriminant'] #ATLASRECTS-5381
-    if 'DL1rnn' in TaggerList or 'MV2c10rnn' in TaggerList:
+    if 'MV2c10rnn' in TaggerList:
         #RNNIP output variables are needed
         rnnip_outputs = ['b','c','u','tau']
         MultivariateTagManagerAuxBranches += ['rnnip_p' + x for x in rnnip_outputs]
-    if 'DL1' in TaggerList:
-        dl1 = acc.popToolsAndMerge(DL1TagCfg(flags, 'DL1', scheme))
-        mvtagtoollist.append(dl1)
-    if 'DL1mu' in TaggerList:
-        dl1 = acc.popToolsAndMerge(DL1TagCfg(flags, 'DL1mu', scheme))
-        mvtagtoollist.append(dl1)
-    if 'DL1rnn' in TaggerList:
-        dl1 = acc.popToolsAndMerge(DL1TagCfg(flags, 'DL1rnn', scheme))
-        mvtagtoollist.append(dl1)
     if 'MV2c10' in TaggerList:
         mv2 = acc.popToolsAndMerge(MV2TagCfg(flags, 'MV2c10', scheme))
@@ -55,15 +42,6 @@ def MultivariateTagManagerCfg(flags, name = 'MultivariateTagManager', TaggerList
         mv2 = acc.popToolsAndMerge(MV2TagCfg(flags, 'MV2c10rnn', scheme))
-    if 'MV2c100' in TaggerList:
-        mv2 = acc.popToolsAndMerge(MV2TagCfg(flags, 'MV2c100', scheme))
-        mvtagtoollist.append(mv2)
-    if 'MV2cl100' in TaggerList:
-        mv2 = acc.popToolsAndMerge(MV2TagCfg(flags, 'MV2cl100', scheme))
-        mvtagtoollist.append(mv2)
     #Check if input has been scheduled
     #if IP2D not added ....
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/python/RNNIPTagConfig.py b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/python/RNNIPTagConfig.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 94133fd92a528657f0cf4dadc0aa22405ffcbe35..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/python/RNNIPTagConfig.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
-from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory
-from JetTagTools.BTagTrackToVertexIPEstimatorConfig import BTagTrackToVertexIPEstimatorCfg
-from JetTagTools.SVForIPToolConfig import SVForIPToolCfg
-from JetTagTools.IPDetailedTrackGradeFactoryConfig import IPDetailedTrackGradeFactoryCfg
-from JetTagTools.IPTrackSelectorConfig import IPTrackSelectorCfg
-# import the IPTag configurable
-def RNNIPTagCfg( flags, name = 'RNNIP', scheme = '', calibration=None, useBTagFlagsDefaults = True, **options ):
-    """Sets up a RNNIPTag tool and returns it.
-    The following options have BTaggingFlags defaults:
-    trackGradePartitions                default: [ "Good", "BlaShared", "PixShared", "SctShared", "0HitBLayer" ]
-    RejectBadTracks                     default: False
-    SecVxFinderName                     default: "SV1"
-    input:             name: The name of the tool (should be unique).
-          useBTagFlagsDefaults : Whether to use BTaggingFlags defaults for options that are not specified.
-                  **options: Python dictionary with options for the tool.
-    output: The actual tool."""
-    acc = ComponentAccumulator()   
-    options['name'] = name
-    basename = 'RNNIP'
-    RNNIPConfig = {'rnnip':''}
-    WriteRNNInputs = False
-    options['xAODBaseName'] = basename
-    options['trackAssociationName'] = 'BTagTrackToJetAssociator'
-    if scheme == 'Trig':
-        options['HistosKey'] = 'JetTagTrigCalibHistosKey'
-    cal_dir = calibration or basename
-    is_flipped=False
-    if (scheme == "Flip"):
-        is_flipped=True
-    if useBTagFlagsDefaults:
-        trackToVertexIPEstimator = acc.popToolsAndMerge(BTagTrackToVertexIPEstimatorCfg(flags, 'TrkToVxIPEstimator'))
-        svForIPTool = acc.popToolsAndMerge(SVForIPToolCfg('SVForIPTool'))
-        trackGradeFactory = acc.popToolsAndMerge(IPDetailedTrackGradeFactoryCfg('RNNIPDetailedTrackGradeFactory'))
-        trackSelectorTool = acc.popToolsAndMerge(IPTrackSelectorCfg(flags, 'RNNIPTrackSelector'))
-        defaults = {
-                'trackGradePartitions'      : flags.BTagging.Grades,
-                'RejectBadTracks'           : True,
-                'NetworkConfig'             : RNNIPConfig,
-                'unbiasIPEstimation'        : False,
-                'SecVxFinderName'           : 'SV1',
-                'calibration_directory'     : cal_dir,
-                'writeInputsToBtagObject'   : WriteRNNInputs,
-                'trackSelectorTool'         : trackSelectorTool,
-                'SVForIPTool'               : svForIPTool,
-                'trackGradeFactory'         : trackGradeFactory,
-                'TrackToVertexIPEstimator'  : trackToVertexIPEstimator,
-            }
-        if is_flipped:
-            defaults.update({
-                    'flipIPSign' : True,
-                    'usePosIP'   : True,
-                    'useNegIP'   : False,
-                })
-        for option in defaults:
-            options.setdefault(option, defaults[option])
-    acc.setPrivateTools(Analysis__RNNIPTag( **options))
-    return acc
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/src/DL1Tag.cxx b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/src/DL1Tag.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 908f1a7982bff94fb8c0ff8279fed4b4b3956566..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/src/DL1Tag.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-/// Name    : DL1Tag
-/// Package : JetTagTools
-/// Author  : Marie Lanfermann (Universite de Geneve), Dan Guest (UC Irvine)
-/// Created : 2015
-/// This class computes the Neural Network probability for being b-jet,
-/// c-jet or uds-jet for a single event. The NN is constructed outside Atheana
-/// using standard Data Science libraries, i.e. Keras (Theano or TensorFlow backend)
-/// for the actual training.
-#include "GaudiKernel/IToolSvc.h"
-#include "xAODTracking/TrackParticle.h"
-#include "JetTagTools/DL1Tag.h"
-#include "xAODBTagging/BTagging.h"
-#include "xAODJet/Jet.h"
-#include "TObjString.h"
-#include <fstream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <limits>
-#include <cmath>
-  // copy the inputs, but with NaN replaced with default values. Don't
-  // do anything with NaN values with no defined default.
-  std::map<std::string, double> replace_nan_with_defaults(
-							  const std::map<std::string, double>& inputs,
-							  const std::map<std::string, double>& defaults);
-  std::map<std::string, double> add_check_variables(
-						const std::map<std::string, double>& inputs);
-  // use this value when an output isn't defined by the NN
-  const double missing_weight = 0.;
-namespace Analysis {
-  DL1Tag::DL1Tag(const std::string& name, const std::string& n, const IInterface* p):
-    base_class(name, n,p),
-    m_calibrationDirectory("DL1"),
-    m_n_compute_errors(0),
-    m_runModus("analysis")
-  {
-    // access to JSON NN configuration file from COOL:
-    declareProperty("calibration_directory", m_calibrationDirectory);
-    declareProperty("forceDL1CalibrationAlias", m_forceDL1CalibrationAlias = true);
-    declareProperty("DL1CalibAlias", m_DL1CalibAlias = "AntiKt4TopoEM");
-    declareProperty("xAODBaseName", m_xAODBaseName);
-    // global configuration
-    declareProperty("Runmodus", m_runModus);
-    declareProperty("LocalNNConfigurationFile", m_LocalNNConfigFile);
-  }
-  DL1Tag::~DL1Tag() {
-  }
-  StatusCode DL1Tag::initialize() {
-    // prepare readKey for calibration data:
-    ATH_CHECK(m_readKey.initialize());
-    // Read in the configuration of the neural net for DL1:
-    if (m_LocalNNConfigFile.size() != 0) { // retrieve map of NN config and default values from local JSON file
-      std::ifstream nn_config_ifstream(m_LocalNNConfigFile);
-      m_localNN = build_nn(nn_config_ifstream,
-                           m_local_variables,
-                           m_local_defaults);
-    }
-    else { // done in condition algorithm
-    }
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Initialization of DL1Tag successful" );
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-  }
-  std::unique_ptr<const lwt::LightweightNeuralNetwork>
-  DL1Tag::build_nn(std::istream& nn_config_istream,
-                   std::vector<lwt::Input>& variables,
-                   var_map& defaults) const
-  {
-    lwt::JSONConfig nn_config = lwt::parse_json(nn_config_istream);
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("#BTAG# making NN with " << nn_config.layers.size() << " layers");
-    if (!(std::find((nn_config.outputs).begin(), (nn_config.outputs).end(), "bottom") != (nn_config.outputs).end())) {
-      ATH_MSG_WARNING( "#BTAG# b-tagger without b-tagging option 'bottom' - please check the NN output naming convention.");
-    }
-    defaults = std::move(nn_config.defaults);
-    variables = std::move(nn_config.inputs);
-    return std::make_unique<lwt::LightweightNeuralNetwork>(variables, nn_config.layers, nn_config.outputs);
-  }
-  std::unique_ptr<const lwt::LightweightNeuralNetwork>
-  DL1Tag::load_calibration(const std::string& jetauthor,
-                           std::vector<lwt::Input>& variables,
-                           var_map& defaults) const
-  {
-    SG::ReadCondHandle<JetTagCalibCondData> readCdo(m_readKey);
-    lwt::JSONConfig nn_config = readCdo->retrieveDL1NN(m_calibrationDirectory , jetauthor);
-    if (nn_config.layers.size() == 0){  //catch if no NN config was found
-      std::string fuller_name = m_calibrationDirectory + "/" +
-      jetauthor + "/net_configuration";
-      throw std::logic_error("Cannot retrieve NN config build from string: " + fuller_name);
-    }
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("#BTAG# making NN with " << nn_config.layers.size() << " layers");
-    if (!(std::find((nn_config.outputs).begin(), (nn_config.outputs).end(), "bottom") != (nn_config.outputs).end())) {
-      ATH_MSG_WARNING( "#BTAG# b-tagger without b-tagging option 'bottom' - please check the NN output naming convention.");
-    }
-    defaults = std::move(nn_config.defaults);
-    variables = std::move(nn_config.inputs);
-    return std::make_unique<lwt::LightweightNeuralNetwork>(variables, nn_config.layers, nn_config.outputs);
-  }
-  StatusCode DL1Tag::finalize() { // all taken care of in destructor
-    if (m_n_compute_errors > 0) {
-      ATH_MSG_WARNING("Neural network was unable to compute. Number of errors: "+ std::to_string(m_n_compute_errors));
-    }
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" #BTAG# Finalization of DL1Tag successfull" );
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-  }
-  void DL1Tag::fill_outputs(xAOD::BTagging *BTag, var_map outputs) const {
-    if(m_runModus=="analysis") {
-      if (!outputs.count("charm")) {
-	BTag->setVariable<double>(m_xAODBaseName, "pc", missing_weight);
-      }
-      else if (outputs.count("charm")) {
-	BTag->setVariable<double>(m_xAODBaseName, "pc", outputs.at("charm"));
-      }
-      if (!outputs.count("light") && !outputs.count("bottom")) {
-	BTag->setVariable<double>(m_xAODBaseName, "pu", missing_weight);
-      }
-      else if (outputs.count("light")) {
-	BTag->setVariable<double>(m_xAODBaseName, "pu", outputs.at("light"));
-      }
-      if (outputs.count("bottom")) {
-	BTag->setVariable<double>(m_xAODBaseName, "pb", outputs.at("bottom"));
-	if (!outputs.count("light")) {
-	  BTag->setVariable<double>(m_xAODBaseName, "pu", 1.-outputs.at("bottom"));
-	}
-      }
-      else if (!outputs.count("bottom")) {
-	BTag->setVariable<double>(m_xAODBaseName, "pb", missing_weight);
-	ATH_MSG_WARNING( "#BTAG# b-tagger without b-tagging option: " << outputs.at("bottom"));
-      }
-      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("#BTAG# NN output b: " << outputs.at("bottom") <<
-		    " c: " << outputs.at("charm") << " u: " <<  outputs.at("light"));
-    }
-  }
-  void DL1Tag::assignProbability(xAOD::BTagging *BTag,
-				 const var_map &inputs,
-				 const std::string& assigned_jet_author) const
-  {
-    std::string jetauthor = assigned_jet_author;
-    std::unique_ptr<const lwt::LightweightNeuralNetwork> nn;
-    const lwt::LightweightNeuralNetwork* nn_ptr = nullptr;
-    var_map defaults;
-    const var_map* defaults_ptr;
-    std::vector<lwt::Input> variables;
-    const std::vector<lwt::Input>* variables_ptr;
-    if (m_LocalNNConfigFile.size()==0) {
-      if (m_forceDL1CalibrationAlias) {
-	jetauthor = m_DL1CalibAlias;
-      }
-      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("#BTAG# Jet author set (via forceDL1CalibrationAlias) to: " << jetauthor );
-      if ( jetauthor.empty() ) {
-	ATH_MSG_WARNING(" #BTAG# Hypothesis or jetauthor is empty."
-			" No likelihood value given back. ");
-      }
-      try {
-	nn = load_calibration(jetauthor, variables, defaults);
-        nn_ptr = nn.get();
-        defaults_ptr = &defaults;
-        variables_ptr = &variables;
-      } catch (std::exception& e) {
-	  "problem loading calibration for " + jetauthor +
-	  " (" + e.what() + "), skipping this jet");
-	return;
-      }
-    }
-    else {
-      jetauthor = "local";
-      nn_ptr = m_localNN.get();
-      defaults_ptr = &m_local_defaults;
-      variables_ptr = &m_local_variables;
-    }
-    var_map complete_inputs = add_check_variables(inputs);
-    var_map cleaned_inputs = replace_nan_with_defaults(complete_inputs, *defaults_ptr);
-    for (const lwt::Input& var : *variables_ptr) {
-      if (cleaned_inputs.count(var.name) && std::isnan(cleaned_inputs.at(var.name))) {
-        ATH_MSG_WARNING( "#BTAG# 'nan' input for variable " + var.name + " --> will result in 'nan' classification output. Check NN configuration file for default settings.");
-      }
-    }
-    var_map outputs;
-    try {
-      outputs = nn_ptr->compute(cleaned_inputs);
-    } catch (lwt::NNEvaluationException& e) {
-      ATH_MSG_WARNING("Can't compute outputs, probably missing input values");
-      m_n_compute_errors++;
-      return;
-    }
-    fill_outputs(BTag, outputs);
-  } //end assign_probability
-namespace {
-  std::map<std::string, double> replace_nan_with_defaults(
-							  const std::map<std::string, double>& inputs,
-							  const std::map<std::string, double>& defaults) {
-    // return a new map with the NaN values replaced where possible.
-    std::map<std::string, double> outputs;
-    // loop over all inputs and create map of cleaned inputs
-    for (const auto& in: inputs) {
-      if (std::isnan(in.second) && defaults.count(in.first)) {
-	outputs[in.first] = defaults.at(in.first);
-      } else {
-	outputs[in.first] = in.second;
-      }
-    }
-    return outputs;
-  } // end replace_nan_with_defaults
-  std::map<std::string, double> add_check_variables(
-						const std::map<std::string, double>& inputs) {
-    // return a new map with additional binary variables for each input variable
-    std::map<std::string, double> complete_inputs;
-    for (const auto& in: inputs) {
-      // copy everything from the inputs map
-      complete_inputs.insert(std::make_pair(in.first, in.second));
-      // add binary check variables
-      if (std::isnan(in.second)) {
-	complete_inputs.insert(std::make_pair(in.first + "_check", 1.));
-      }
-      else {
-	complete_inputs.insert(std::make_pair(in.first + "_check", 0.));
-      }
-    }
-    return complete_inputs;
-  }// end add_check_variables
-} // end namespace
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/src/ExKtbbTag.cxx b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/src/ExKtbbTag.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index e6d2f803b6d19390f93215f951eeaaf7336d33da..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/src/ExKtbbTag.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1187 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "JetTagTools/ExKtbbTag.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IToolSvc.h"
-#include "xAODBTagging/SecVtxHelper.h"   // extract SV information
-#include "xAODTracking/TrackParticleContainer.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include "TVector3.h"
-#include "TMath.h"
-#include "TList.h"
-#include "TMVA/Reader.h"
-#include "JetTagCalibration/CalibrationBroker.h"
-namespace Analysis {
-    @class ExKtbbTag 
-    Identification of double b-hadron jets ( g->bb or H->bb jets) through exclusive kt subjet b-tagging
-    @author Qi. Zeng
-    Input variables ("reference") are all computed in MeV
-    However, they are all converted to GeV when feeding into BDT, as the training was done in GeV
-ExKtbbTag::ExKtbbTag(const std::string& t, const std::string& n, const IInterface* p)
-  : AthAlgTool(t,n,p),
-    m_runModus("analysis"),
-    m_tagMode("Hbb"),
-    m_BDTMode("MV2andJFDRSig"),
-    m_taggerNameBase("ExKtbb"),
-    m_xAODBaseName("ExKtbb"),
-    m_ForceCalibChannel(""),
-    m_debug(false),
-    m_SubJetLabel("ExKt2SubJets"),
-    m_JFOnlyVtx(false),
-    m_calibrationTool("BTagCalibrationBroker")
-  declareInterface<ITagTool>(this);
-  // global configuration
-  declareProperty("Runmodus",                 m_runModus);
-  declareProperty("calibrationTool",          m_calibrationTool);
-  declareProperty("tagMode",                  m_tagMode);
-  declareProperty("BDTMode",                  m_BDTMode);
-  declareProperty("taggerNameBase",           m_taggerNameBase);
-  declareProperty("xAODBaseName",             m_xAODBaseName);
-  declareProperty("ForceCalibrationChannel",  m_ForceCalibChannel);
-  declareProperty("debug",                    m_debug);
-  // variables for tagger
-  declareProperty("SubJetLabel",              m_SubJetLabel);
-  declareProperty("JFOnlyVtx",                m_JFOnlyVtx);
-  m_priVtx = 0;
-ExKtbbTag::~ExKtbbTag() {
-  // empty for now //
-StatusCode ExKtbbTag::initialize() {
-  // Actual tagger name //
-  m_taggerName = m_taggerNameBase + "_" + m_tagMode;
-  // PtBinList // 
-  m_ptbinlist = { // in GeV
-    400.,        
-    800.,        
-    1250.,       
-    2000.,       
-    3000.,    
-  };
-  // Calibration Broker Initialization //
-  StatusCode sc = m_calibrationTool.retrieve();
-  if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
-    ATH_MSG_FATAL("#BTAG# Failed to retrieve tool " << m_calibrationTool);
-    return sc;
-  } else {
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("#BTAG# Retrieved tool " << m_calibrationTool);
-  }
-  for(unsigned int index = 0; index < m_ptbinlist.size()-1; index++){
-    TString tmp = TString::Format("PtBin%i", int(index));
-    m_calibrationTool->registerHistogram(m_taggerNameBase, m_taggerNameBase + "Calib_" + m_tagMode + "_" + m_BDTMode + "_" + tmp.Data());
-  }
-  // clear relevant maps/vectors //
-  m_tmvaReaders.clear();
-  m_tmvaMethod.clear();
-  m_undefinedReaders.clear();
-  // Initialize BDT variables //
-  if(!InitTMVAVariables(m_BDTMode)){
-    ATH_MSG_ERROR("#BTAG# Unable to initialize TMVA variables for ExKtbbTag");
-    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-StatusCode ExKtbbTag::finalize() {
-  // delete readers //
-  std::map<std::string, TMVA::Reader*>::iterator pos = m_tmvaReaders.begin();
-  for( ; pos != m_tmvaReaders.end(); ++pos ) delete pos->second;
-  std::map<std::string, TMVA::MethodBase*>::iterator posm = m_tmvaMethod.begin();
-  for( ; posm != m_tmvaMethod.end(); ++posm ) delete posm->second;
-  // delete BDT variables //
-  std::map<std::string, float*>::iterator posv = m_tmvaVariables.begin();
-  for( ; posv != m_tmvaVariables.end(); ++posv ) delete posv->second;
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-StatusCode ExKtbbTag::tagJet(xAOD::Jet& jetToTag, xAOD::BTagging* BTag, const std::string &jetName) {
-  // set jet author information //
-  if(m_ForceCalibChannel.empty()){
-    std::string alias = m_calibrationTool->channelAlias(jetname);
-    m_ForceCalibChannel = alias;
-  }
-  else if(m_ForceCalibChannel == "Default"){
-    if(m_tagMode == "Hbb") m_ForceCalibChannel = "AntiKt10LCTopoTrimmedPtFrac5SmallR20";
-    else if(m_tagMode == "gbb") m_ForceCalibChannel = "AntiKt4LCTopo";
-    else{
-      ATH_MSG_ERROR("#BTAG# Undefined tag mode: " << m_tagMode.data());
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-  }
-  else{
-    // empty //
-  }
-  if(!CalculateInputVariables(jetToTag, BTag)){
-    ATH_MSG_ERROR("Error in CalculateInputVariables()!");
-    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  if(m_runModus == "reference"){
-    if(!JetTagReferenceMode(jetToTag, BTag)){
-      ATH_MSG_ERROR("Error in JetTagReferenceMode()!");
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-  }
-  else if(m_runModus == "analysis"){
-    if(!JetTagAnalysisMode(jetToTag, BTag)){
-      ATH_MSG_ERROR("Error in JetTagAnalysisMode()!");
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-  }
-  else{
-    ATH_MSG_ERROR("Unidentified run mode: " << m_runModus.c_str());
-    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-bool ExKtbbTag::CalculateInputVariables(xAOD::Jet& jetToTag, xAOD::BTagging* BTag){
-  if(m_debug) ATH_MSG_INFO("Entering CalculateInputVariables");
-  // Initialization
-  BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "DoubleMV2c20", -1.1);
-  BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "SingleMV2c20", -1.1);
-  BTag->setVariable<int>(m_taggerName, "SV1NtrksDiff", -20);
-  BTag->setVariable<int>(m_taggerName, "JFNtrksDiff", -20);
-  BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "SV1CombMass", -1.);
-  BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "JFCombMass", -1.);
-  BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "SV1DR", -1.);
-  BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "SV1DRError", -1.);
-  BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "SV1DRSignificance", -1.);
-  BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "JFDR", -1.);
-  BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "JFDRError", -1.);
-  BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "JFDRSignificance", -1.);
-  BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "SV1DR3D", -1.);
-  BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "SV1DR3DError", -1.);
-  BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "SV1DR3DSignificance", -1.);
-  BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "SV1DL", -1.);
-  BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "SV1DLError", -1.);
-  BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "SV1DLSignificance", -1.);
-  BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "JFDL", -1.);
-  BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "JFDLError", -1.);
-  BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "JFDLSignificance", -1.);
-  if(m_debug) ATH_MSG_INFO("Fetching subjets");
-  // Bug fix in 20.7. Rebuild the link to subjet. 
-  auto SubjetContainer = evtStore()->tryRetrieve<xAOD::JetContainer>(jetToTag.auxdata<std::string>(m_SubJetLabel + "_ContainerName"));
-  if(SubjetContainer == 0){
-    ATH_MSG_ERROR("Unable to get subjet container " << m_SubJetLabel << "_ContainerName !");
-    return false;
-  }
-  auto SubjetIndexList = jetToTag.auxdata<std::vector<int> >(m_SubJetLabel + "_IndexList");
-  std::vector<const xAOD::Jet*> ExKtSubJets;
-  for(auto index : SubjetIndexList){
-    ExKtSubJets.push_back(SubjetContainer->at(index));
-  }
-  // overwrite the original subjet link built in subjetrecorder, since it might be broken after b-tagging deep-copy
-  jetToTag.setAssociatedObjects(m_SubJetLabel, ExKtSubJets);
-  if(m_debug) ATH_MSG_INFO("Check if subjets ptr is valid");
-  // check if each subjet is valid
-  for(auto subjet : ExKtSubJets){
-    if(!subjet){
-      ATH_MSG_ERROR("Empty ptr to subjet! You will crash soon...");
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  if(m_debug) ATH_MSG_INFO("Sort subjets by pT");
-  std::sort(ExKtSubJets.begin(), ExKtSubJets.end(), ExKtbbTag::SortPt);
-  if(m_debug) ATH_MSG_INFO("Begin computing inputs");
-  // validity check
-  if(ExKtSubJets.size() == 2){
-    const xAOD::BTagging* bjet_LeadExKtSubJet = xAOD::BTaggingUtilities::getBTagging( *ExKtSubJets[0] );
-    const xAOD::BTagging* bjet_SubLeadExKtSubJet = xAOD::BTaggingUtilities::getBTagging( *ExKtSubJets[1] );
-    if( (!bjet_LeadExKtSubJet) || (!bjet_SubLeadExKtSubJet) ){
-      ATH_MSG_ERROR("Exclusive kt subjet is not well b-tagged!");
-      return false;
-    }
-    BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "DoubleMV2c20", GetDoubleMV2c20(bjet_LeadExKtSubJet, bjet_SubLeadExKtSubJet));
-    BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "SingleMV2c20", GetSingleMV2c20(bjet_LeadExKtSubJet, bjet_SubLeadExKtSubJet));
-    BTag->setVariable<int>(m_taggerName, "SV1NtrksDiff", GetSV1NtrksDiff(BTag, bjet_LeadExKtSubJet, bjet_SubLeadExKtSubJet, true));
-    BTag->setVariable<int>(m_taggerName, "JFNtrksDiff", GetJFNtrksDiff(BTag, bjet_LeadExKtSubJet, bjet_SubLeadExKtSubJet, true, m_JFOnlyVtx));
-    BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "SV1CombMass", GetSV1CombMass(bjet_LeadExKtSubJet, bjet_SubLeadExKtSubJet, true));
-    BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "JFCombMass", GetJFCombMass(bjet_LeadExKtSubJet, bjet_SubLeadExKtSubJet, true, m_JFOnlyVtx, true));
-    double SV1DR, SV1DRError;
-    BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "SV1DRSignificance", GetSV1DRSignificance(bjet_LeadExKtSubJet, bjet_SubLeadExKtSubJet, SV1DR, SV1DRError));
-    BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "SV1DR", SV1DR);
-    BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "SV1DRError", SV1DRError);
-    double JFDR, JFDRError;
-    BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "JFDRSignificance", GetJFDRSignificance(bjet_LeadExKtSubJet, bjet_SubLeadExKtSubJet, m_JFOnlyVtx, JFDR, JFDRError));
-    BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "JFDR", JFDR);
-    BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "JFDRError", JFDRError);
-    double SV1DR3D, SV1DR3DError;
-    BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "SV1DR3DSignificance", GetSV1DR3DSignificance(bjet_LeadExKtSubJet, bjet_SubLeadExKtSubJet, SV1DR3D, SV1DR3DError));
-    BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "SV1DR3D", SV1DR3D);
-    BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "SV1DR3DError", SV1DR3DError);
-    double SV1DL, SV1DLError;
-    BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "SV1DLSignificance", GetSV1DLSignificance(bjet_LeadExKtSubJet, bjet_SubLeadExKtSubJet, SV1DL, SV1DLError));
-    BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "SV1DL", SV1DL);
-    BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "SV1DLError", SV1DLError);
-    double JFDL, JFDLError;
-    BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "JFDLSignificance", GetJFDLSignificance(bjet_LeadExKtSubJet, bjet_SubLeadExKtSubJet, m_JFOnlyVtx, JFDL, JFDLError));
-    BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "JFDL", JFDL);
-    BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, "JFDLError", JFDLError);
-  }
-  else if(ExKtSubJets.size() == 3){
-    ATH_MSG_WARNING("Exclusive kt with N=3 is not supported yet! Jet will be skipped");
-    return true;
-  }
-  else{
-    ATH_MSG_WARNING("Unable to process Exclusive kt with N=" << ExKtSubJets.size() <<". Jet will be skipped");
-    return true;
-  }
-  if(m_debug) ATH_MSG_INFO("Leaving CalculateInputVariables");
-  return true;
-bool ExKtbbTag::JetTagAnalysisMode(xAOD::Jet& jetToTag, xAOD::BTagging* BTag){
-  if(m_debug) ATH_MSG_INFO("Entering JetTagAnalysisMode");
-  // Retrieve correct calibration file
-  std::string taggerCalibName = m_taggerNameBase + "Calib_" + m_tagMode + "_" + m_BDTMode + "_" + GetPtBin(&jetToTag);
-  std::pair<TList*, bool> calib = m_calibrationTool->retrieveTObject<TList>(m_taggerNameBase, m_ForceCalibChannel, taggerCalibName);
-  // keyname for TMVAReader cache
-  std::string keyname = m_ForceCalibChannel + "/" + taggerCalibName;
-  bool calibHasChanged = calib.second;
-  if(calibHasChanged){ // initiate TMVA
-    if(!calib.first){ // catch exception
-      ATH_MSG_WARNING("#BTAG# TList cannot be retrieved -> no calibration for " << m_taggerNameBase << "/" << m_ForceCalibChannel << "/" << taggerCalibName);
-      BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, m_BDTMode, -100);
-      return true;
-    }
-    m_calibrationTool->updateHistogramStatus(m_taggerNameBase, m_ForceCalibChannel, taggerCalibName, false);
-    TList* list = calib.first; 
-    std::ostringstream iss;
-    for(int i=0; i<list->GetSize(); ++i) {
-      TObjString* ss = (TObjString*)list->At(i);
-      std::string sss = ss->String().Data();
-      //KM: if it doesn't find "<" in the string, it starts from non-space character
-      int posi = sss.find('<')!=std::string::npos ? sss.find('<') : sss.find_first_not_of(" ");
-      std::string tmp = sss.erase(0,posi);
-      iss << tmp.data(); 
-    }
-    TMVA::Reader* tmvaReader = new TMVA::Reader();
-    BundleTMVAVariables(m_BDTMode, tmvaReader);
-    TMVA::IMethod* method = tmvaReader->BookMVA(TMVA::Types::kBDT, iss.str().data());
-    TMVA::MethodBase* methodBase = dynamic_cast<TMVA::MethodBase*>(method);
-    // overwrite to the map or reader now
-    auto pos = m_tmvaReaders.find(keyname);
-    if(pos != m_tmvaReaders.end()){
-      delete pos->second;
-      m_tmvaReaders.erase(pos);
-    }
-    auto posMethod = m_tmvaMethod.find(keyname);
-    if(posMethod != m_tmvaMethod.end()){
-      delete posMethod->second;
-      m_tmvaMethod.erase(posMethod);
-    }
-    m_tmvaReaders.insert( std::make_pair(keyname, tmvaReader) );
-    m_tmvaMethod.insert( std::make_pair(keyname, methodBase) );
-  }
-  // assign values to BDT variables
-  FillTMVAVariables(m_BDTMode, &jetToTag, BTag);
-  // Finally compute the weight
-  double FinalWeight = -100.;
-  auto posReader = m_tmvaReaders.find(keyname);
-  if(posReader == m_tmvaReaders.end()){
-    int alreadyWarned = std::count(m_undefinedReaders.begin(), m_undefinedReaders.end(), keyname);
-    if(alreadyWarned == 0){
-      ATH_MSG_WARNING("#BTAG# no TMVA reader defined for " << keyname);
-      m_undefinedReaders.push_back(keyname);
-    }
-  }
-  else{
-    auto posMethod = m_tmvaMethod.find(keyname);
-    if(posMethod->second != 0){
-      FinalWeight = posReader->second->EvaluateMVA(posMethod->second);
-    }
-    else{
-      ATH_MSG_WARNING("#BTAG# Empty TMVA::Method for " << keyname);
-    }
-  }
-  BTag->setVariable<double>(m_taggerName, m_BDTMode, FinalWeight);
-  if(m_debug) ATH_MSG_INFO("Leaving JetTagAnalysisMode");
-  return true;
-bool ExKtbbTag::JetTagReferenceMode(xAOD::Jet& /*jetToTag*/, xAOD::BTagging* /*BTag*/){
-  if(m_debug) ATH_MSG_INFO("Entering JetTagReferenceMode");
-  // No need to do anything, since all reference variable has been computed earlier //
-  if(m_debug) ATH_MSG_INFO("Leaving JetTagReferenceMode");
-  return true;
-double ExKtbbTag::GetDoubleMV2c20(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet1, const xAOD::BTagging* bjet2){
-  double FirstMV2c20 = bjet1->auxdata<double>("MV2c20_discriminant");
-  double SecondMV2c20 = bjet2->auxdata<double>("MV2c20_discriminant");
-  return std::min(FirstMV2c20, SecondMV2c20);  
-double ExKtbbTag::GetSingleMV2c20(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet1, const xAOD::BTagging* bjet2){
-  double FirstMV2c20 = bjet1->auxdata<double>("MV2c20_discriminant");
-  double SecondMV2c20 = bjet2->auxdata<double>("MV2c20_discriminant");
-  return std::max(FirstMV2c20, SecondMV2c20);  
-int ExKtbbTag::GetSV1NtrksDiff(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet, const xAOD::BTagging* bjet1, const xAOD::BTagging* bjet2, bool doValidDualSV1){
-  auto SV1vertices_bjet = GetSV1vertices(bjet);
-  auto SV1vertices_bjet1 = GetSV1vertices(bjet1);
-  auto SV1vertices_bjet2 = GetSV1vertices(bjet2);
-  bool isValidDualSV1 = SV1DualValid(SV1vertices_bjet1, SV1vertices_bjet2);
-  if( (doValidDualSV1) && (!isValidDualSV1) ) return -20;
-  return (IsValidSV1(SV1vertices_bjet1) ? SV1vertices_bjet1[0]->nTrackParticles() : 0) + (IsValidSV1(SV1vertices_bjet2) ? SV1vertices_bjet2[0]->nTrackParticles() : 0) - (IsValidSV1(SV1vertices_bjet) ? SV1vertices_bjet[0]->nTrackParticles() : 0);
-int ExKtbbTag::GetJFNtrksDiff(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet, const xAOD::BTagging* bjet1, const xAOD::BTagging* bjet2, bool doValidDualJF, bool onlyVtx){
-  bool isValidDualJF = JFDualValid(bjet1, bjet2, onlyVtx);
-  if( (doValidDualJF) && (!isValidDualJF) ) return -20;
-  return IsValidJF(bjet1, onlyVtx) * JFntrk(bjet1, onlyVtx) + IsValidJF(bjet2, onlyVtx) * JFntrk(bjet2, onlyVtx) - IsValidJF(bjet, onlyVtx) * JFntrk(bjet, onlyVtx);
-double ExKtbbTag::GetSV1CombMass(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet1, const xAOD::BTagging* bjet2, bool doValidDualSV1){
-  auto SV1vertices_bjet1 = GetSV1vertices(bjet1);
-  auto SV1vertices_bjet2 = GetSV1vertices(bjet2);
-  bool isValidDualSV1 = SV1DualValid(SV1vertices_bjet1, SV1vertices_bjet2);
-  if( (doValidDualSV1) && (!isValidDualSV1) ) return -1.;
-  std::vector<ElementLink<xAOD::TrackParticleContainer> > SV1Tracks_bjet1 = bjet1->SV1_TrackParticleLinks();
-  std::vector<ElementLink<xAOD::TrackParticleContainer> > SV1Tracks_bjet2 = bjet2->SV1_TrackParticleLinks();
-  std::vector<ElementLink<xAOD::TrackParticleContainer> > SV1Tracks_Comb = SV1Tracks_bjet1;
-  SV1Tracks_Comb.insert(SV1Tracks_Comb.end(), SV1Tracks_bjet2.begin(), SV1Tracks_bjet2.end());
-  TLorentzVector SumSV1TracksP4;
-  for(auto el_track : SV1Tracks_Comb){
-    if(!el_track.isValid()){
-      ATH_MSG_WARNING("Invalid element link to SV1_TrackParticles. It will be skipped");
-      continue;
-    }
-    if(*el_track == 0){
-      ATH_MSG_WARNING("Null ptr returned for SV1_TrackParticles. It will be skipped");
-      continue;
-    }
-    SumSV1TracksP4 += ((*el_track)->p4());
-  }
-  // return SumSV1TracksP4.M()/1000.;    // MeV->GeV
-  return SumSV1TracksP4.M();
-double ExKtbbTag::GetJFCombMass(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet1, const xAOD::BTagging* bjet2, bool doValidDualJF, bool onlyVtx, bool doNeutralCorrection){
-  bool isValidDualJF = JFDualValid(bjet1, bjet2, onlyVtx);
-  if( (doValidDualJF) && (!isValidDualJF) ) return -1.;
-  TLorentzVector SumP4 = JFMomentum(bjet1, onlyVtx, doNeutralCorrection) + JFMomentum(bjet2, onlyVtx, doNeutralCorrection);
-  // return SumP4.M()/1000.;    // MeV->GeV
-  return SumP4.M();
-double ExKtbbTag::GetSV1DRSignificance(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet1, const xAOD::BTagging* bjet2, double& DR, double& DR_error){
-  DR = -1.;
-  DR_error = -1.;
-  auto SV1vertices_bjet1 = GetSV1vertices(bjet1);
-  auto SV1vertices_bjet2 = GetSV1vertices(bjet2);
-  if(!SV1DualValid(SV1vertices_bjet1, SV1vertices_bjet2)) return -1.;
-  auto FirstSV1 = SV1vertices_bjet1[0];
-  auto SecondSV1 = SV1vertices_bjet2[0];
-  // calculate DR
-  auto function_SV1DR = [](Amg::Vector3D vtx1, Amg::Vector3D vtx2, Amg::Vector3D PV)->double{
-    TVector3 vtx1_pv(vtx1(0) - PV(0), vtx1(1) - PV(1), vtx1(2) - PV(2));
-    TVector3 vtx2_pv(vtx2(0) - PV(0), vtx2(1) - PV(1), vtx2(2) - PV(2));
-    return vtx1_pv.DeltaR(vtx2_pv);
-  };
-  DR = function_SV1DR(FirstSV1->position(), SecondSV1->position(), m_priVtx->position());
-  // calculate error on DR
-  auto FirstSV1_variations  = GetVtxEigenVariation(FirstSV1->position(), FirstSV1->covariancePosition());
-  auto SecondSV1_variations = GetVtxEigenVariation(SecondSV1->position(), SecondSV1->covariancePosition());
-  auto PV_variations = GetVtxEigenVariation(m_priVtx->position(), m_priVtx->covariancePosition());
-  double sumerror2_FirstSV1 = 0.;
-  double sumerror2_SecondSV1 = 0.;
-  double sumerror2_PV = 0.;
-  for(unsigned int index = 0; index < 3; index++){
-    double error_FirstSV1 = std::max( fabs(function_SV1DR(FirstSV1_variations[2*index], SecondSV1->position(), m_priVtx->position()) - DR), fabs(function_SV1DR(FirstSV1_variations[2*index+1], SecondSV1->position(), m_priVtx->position()) - DR) );
-    sumerror2_FirstSV1 += (error_FirstSV1 * error_FirstSV1);
-    double error_SecondSV1 = std::max( fabs(function_SV1DR(FirstSV1->position(), SecondSV1_variations[2*index], m_priVtx->position()) - DR), fabs(function_SV1DR(FirstSV1->position(), SecondSV1_variations[2*index+1], m_priVtx->position()) - DR) );
-    sumerror2_SecondSV1 += (error_SecondSV1 * error_SecondSV1);
-    double error_PV = std::max( fabs(function_SV1DR(FirstSV1->position(), SecondSV1->position(), PV_variations[2*index]) - DR), fabs(function_SV1DR(FirstSV1->position(), SecondSV1->position(), PV_variations[2*index+1]) - DR) );
-    sumerror2_PV += (error_PV * error_PV);
-  }
-  DR_error = TMath::Sqrt(sumerror2_FirstSV1 + sumerror2_SecondSV1 + sumerror2_PV);
-  double output = 0.;
-  if(DR_error == 0.){
-    ATH_MSG_WARNING("Zero error obtained in GetSV1DRSignificance, which is very unlikely");
-    output = 999.;
-  }
-  else{
-    output = DR/DR_error;
-  }
-  return LimitUpperBound(output, 50, 100);
-double ExKtbbTag::GetJFDRSignificance(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet1, const xAOD::BTagging* bjet2, bool onlyVtx, double& DR, double& DR_error){
-  DR = -1.;
-  DR_error = -1.;
-  if(!JFDualValid(bjet1, bjet2, onlyVtx)) return -1.;
-  std::vector<float> fittedPosition_bjet1;
-  std::vector<float> fittedCov_bjet1;
-  fittedPosition_bjet1 = GetJFfittedPosition(bjet1, fittedCov_bjet1);
-  std::vector<float> fittedPosition_bjet2;
-  std::vector<float> fittedCov_bjet2;
-  fittedPosition_bjet2 = GetJFfittedPosition(bjet2, fittedCov_bjet2);
-  // get DR
-  auto function_JFAxis3D = [](double theta, double phi)->TVector3{
-    TVector3 axis;
-    axis.SetMagThetaPhi(1., theta, phi);
-    return axis;
-  };
-  auto function_JFDR = [](TVector3 axis1, TVector3 axis2)->double{
-    return axis1.DeltaR(axis2);
-  };
-  double theta_bjet1 = fittedPosition_bjet1[4];
-  double phi_bjet1 = fittedPosition_bjet1[3];
-  double theta_bjet2 = fittedPosition_bjet2[4];
-  double phi_bjet2 = fittedPosition_bjet2[3];
-  DR = function_JFDR(function_JFAxis3D(theta_bjet1, phi_bjet1), function_JFAxis3D(theta_bjet2, phi_bjet2));
-  // get error
-  double Error_theta_bjet1 = std::max( fabs(function_JFDR(function_JFAxis3D(theta_bjet1 + TMath::Sqrt(fittedCov_bjet1[4]), phi_bjet1), function_JFAxis3D(theta_bjet2, phi_bjet2)) - DR),  fabs(function_JFDR(function_JFAxis3D(theta_bjet1 - TMath::Sqrt(fittedCov_bjet1[4]), phi_bjet1), function_JFAxis3D(theta_bjet2, phi_bjet2)) - DR) );
-  double Error_phi_bjet1 = std::max( fabs(function_JFDR(function_JFAxis3D(theta_bjet1, phi_bjet1 + TMath::Sqrt(fittedCov_bjet1[3])), function_JFAxis3D(theta_bjet2, phi_bjet2)) - DR),  fabs(function_JFDR(function_JFAxis3D(theta_bjet1, phi_bjet1 - TMath::Sqrt(fittedCov_bjet1[3])), function_JFAxis3D(theta_bjet2, phi_bjet2)) - DR) );
-  double Error_theta_bjet2 = std::max( fabs(function_JFDR(function_JFAxis3D(theta_bjet1, phi_bjet1), function_JFAxis3D(theta_bjet2 + TMath::Sqrt(fittedCov_bjet2[4]), phi_bjet2)) - DR),  fabs(function_JFDR(function_JFAxis3D(theta_bjet1, phi_bjet1), function_JFAxis3D(theta_bjet2 - TMath::Sqrt(fittedCov_bjet2[4]), phi_bjet2)) - DR) );
-  double Error_phi_bjet2 = std::max( fabs(function_JFDR(function_JFAxis3D(theta_bjet1, phi_bjet1), function_JFAxis3D(theta_bjet2, phi_bjet2 + TMath::Sqrt(fittedCov_bjet2[3]))) - DR),  fabs(function_JFDR(function_JFAxis3D(theta_bjet1, phi_bjet1), function_JFAxis3D(theta_bjet2, phi_bjet2 - TMath::Sqrt(fittedCov_bjet2[3]))) - DR) );
-  DR_error = TMath::Sqrt( Error_theta_bjet1*Error_theta_bjet1 + Error_phi_bjet1*Error_phi_bjet1 + Error_theta_bjet2*Error_theta_bjet2 + Error_phi_bjet2*Error_phi_bjet2 );
-  double output = 0.;
-  if(DR_error == 0.){
-    ATH_MSG_WARNING("Zero error obtained in GetJFDRSignificance, which is very unlikely");
-    output = 999.;
-  }
-  else{
-    output = DR/DR_error;
-  }
-  return LimitUpperBound(output, 50, 100);
-double ExKtbbTag::GetSV1DR3DSignificance(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet1, const xAOD::BTagging* bjet2, double& dR3D, double& dR3D_error){
-  dR3D = -1.;
-  dR3D_error = -1;
-  auto SV1vertices_bjet1 = GetSV1vertices(bjet1);
-  auto SV1vertices_bjet2 = GetSV1vertices(bjet2);
-  if(!SV1DualValid(SV1vertices_bjet1, SV1vertices_bjet2)) return -1.;
-  auto FirstSV1 = SV1vertices_bjet1[0];
-  auto SecondSV1 = SV1vertices_bjet2[0];
-  return GeneralDRSignificance3D(FirstSV1->position(), FirstSV1->covariancePosition(), SecondSV1->position(), SecondSV1->covariancePosition(), dR3D, dR3D_error);
-double ExKtbbTag::GetSV1DLSignificance(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet1, const xAOD::BTagging* bjet2, double& dL, double& dL_error){
-  dL = -1.;
-  dL_error = -1.;
-  auto SV1vertices_bjet1 = GetSV1vertices(bjet1);
-  auto SV1vertices_bjet2 = GetSV1vertices(bjet2);
-  if(!SV1DualValid(SV1vertices_bjet1, SV1vertices_bjet2)) return -1.;
-  auto FirstSV1 = SV1vertices_bjet1[0];
-  auto SecondSV1 = SV1vertices_bjet2[0];
-  // calculate dL
-  auto function_GetDL = [](Amg::Vector3D vtx1, Amg::Vector3D vtx2, Amg::Vector3D pv)->double{
-    double l1 = TMath::Sqrt((vtx1 - pv).dot(vtx1 - pv));
-    double l2 = TMath::Sqrt((vtx2 - pv).dot(vtx2 - pv));
-    return fabs(l1-l2);
-  };
-  dL = function_GetDL(FirstSV1->position(), SecondSV1->position(), m_priVtx->position());
-  // Calculate Error
-  std::vector<Amg::Vector3D> FirstSV1_variations = GetVtxEigenVariation(FirstSV1->position(), FirstSV1->covariancePosition());
-  std::vector<Amg::Vector3D> SecondSV1_variations = GetVtxEigenVariation(SecondSV1->position(), SecondSV1->covariancePosition());
-  std::vector<Amg::Vector3D> PV_variations = GetVtxEigenVariation(m_priVtx->position(), m_priVtx->covariancePosition());
-  double sumerror2_FirstSV1 = 0.;
-  double sumerror2_SecondSV1 = 0.;
-  double sumerror2_PV = 0.;
-  for(unsigned int index = 0; index < 3; index++){
-    double error_FirstSV1 = std::max(fabs(function_GetDL(FirstSV1_variations[2*index], SecondSV1->position(), m_priVtx->position()) - dL), fabs(function_GetDL(FirstSV1_variations[2*index+1], SecondSV1->position(), m_priVtx->position()) - dL));
-    sumerror2_FirstSV1 += (error_FirstSV1 * error_FirstSV1);
-    double error_SecondSV1 = std::max(fabs(function_GetDL(FirstSV1->position(), SecondSV1_variations[2*index], m_priVtx->position()) - dL), fabs(function_GetDL(FirstSV1->position(), SecondSV1_variations[2*index+1], m_priVtx->position()) - dL));
-    sumerror2_SecondSV1 += (error_SecondSV1 * error_SecondSV1);
-    double error_PV = std::max(fabs(function_GetDL(FirstSV1->position(), SecondSV1->position(), PV_variations[2*index]) - dL), fabs(function_GetDL(FirstSV1->position(), SecondSV1->position(), PV_variations[2*index+1]) - dL));
-    sumerror2_PV += (error_PV * error_PV); 
-  }
-  dL_error = TMath::Sqrt(sumerror2_FirstSV1 + sumerror2_SecondSV1 + sumerror2_PV);
-  double output = 0.;
-  if(dL_error == 0.){
-    ATH_MSG_WARNING("Zero error obtained in GetSV1DLSignificance, which is very unlikely");
-    output = 999.;
-  }
-  else{
-    output = dL/dL_error;
-  }
-  return LimitUpperBound(output, 50, 100);
-double ExKtbbTag::GetJFDLSignificance(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet1, const xAOD::BTagging* bjet2, bool onlyVtx, double& dL, double& dL_error){
-  dL = -1.;
-  dL_error = -1.;
-  if(!JFDualValid(bjet1, bjet2, onlyVtx)) return -1.;
-  std::vector<float> fittedPosition_bjet1;
-  std::vector<float> fittedCov_bjet1;
-  fittedPosition_bjet1 = GetJFfittedPosition(bjet1, fittedCov_bjet1);
-  std::vector<float> fittedPosition_bjet2;
-  std::vector<float> fittedCov_bjet2;
-  fittedPosition_bjet2 = GetJFfittedPosition(bjet2, fittedCov_bjet2);
-  // get dL
-  auto function_GetDL = [](double l1, double l2)->double{
-    return fabs(l1-l2);
-  };
-  double l1,l1_error;
-  l1 = JFEffectiveDecayLength(bjet1, onlyVtx, l1_error);
-  double l2,l2_error;
-  l2 = JFEffectiveDecayLength(bjet2, onlyVtx, l2_error);
-  dL = function_GetDL(l1, l2);
-  double error_l1 = std::max(fabs(function_GetDL(l1 + l1_error, l2) - dL), fabs(function_GetDL(l1 - l1_error, l2) - dL));
-  double error_l2 = std::max(fabs(function_GetDL(l1, l2 + l2_error) - dL), fabs(function_GetDL(l1, l2 - l2_error) - dL));
-  dL_error = TMath::Sqrt(error_l1*error_l1 + error_l2*error_l2);
-  double output = 0.;
-  if(dL_error == 0.){
-    ATH_MSG_WARNING("Zero error obtained in GetJFDLSignificance, which is very unlikely");
-    output = 999.;
-  }
-  else{
-    output = dL/dL_error;
-  }
-  return LimitUpperBound(output, 50, 100);
-std::vector<const xAOD::Vertex*> ExKtbbTag::GetSV1vertices(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet){
-  std::vector<ElementLink<xAOD::VertexContainer> > SV1vertices;
-  try{
-    SV1vertices = bjet->auxdata<std::vector<ElementLink<xAOD::VertexContainer> > >("SV1_vertices");
-  }
-  catch(...){
-    ATH_MSG_WARNING("Unable to get \"SV1_vertices\" from bjet");
-  }
-  std::vector<const xAOD::Vertex*> output;
-  for(auto el_vtx : SV1vertices){
-    if(!el_vtx.isValid()){
-      ATH_MSG_WARNING("Invalid element link to SV1 vtx. It will be skipped");
-      continue;
-    }
-    const xAOD::Vertex* vtx = (*el_vtx);
-    if(vtx == 0){
-      ATH_MSG_WARNING("Null ptr returned for SV1 vtx. It will be skipped");
-      continue;
-    }
-    output.push_back(vtx);
-  }
-  return output;
-bool ExKtbbTag::IsValidSV1(std::vector<const xAOD::Vertex*> input){
-  if(input.size() > 1){
-    ATH_MSG_WARNING("Get more than 1 SV1 vtx! Only first one will be used.");
-  }
-  return input.size() > 0;
-bool ExKtbbTag::SV1DualValid(std::vector<const xAOD::Vertex*> vtx1, std::vector<const xAOD::Vertex*> vtx2){
-  return IsValidSV1(vtx1) && IsValidSV1(vtx2);
-std::vector<const xAOD::BTagVertex*> ExKtbbTag::GetJFVertices(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet){
-  std::vector<ElementLink<xAOD::BTagVertexContainer> > jfvertices;
-  try{
-    jfvertices = bjet->auxdata<std::vector<ElementLink<xAOD::BTagVertexContainer> > >("JetFitter_JFvertices");
-  } catch(...){
-    ATH_MSG_WARNING("Unable to get \"JetFitter_JFvertices\"");
-  }
-  std::vector<const xAOD::BTagVertex*> output;
-  for(auto el_vtx : jfvertices){
-    if(!el_vtx.isValid()){
-      ATH_MSG_WARNING("Invalid element link to JF vertices. It will be skipped");
-      continue;
-    }
-    const xAOD::BTagVertex* vtx = (*el_vtx);
-    if(vtx == 0){
-      ATH_MSG_WARNING("Null ptr returned for JF vertices. It will be skipped");
-      continue;
-    }
-    output.push_back(vtx);
-  }
-  return output;
-std::vector<float> ExKtbbTag::GetJFfittedPosition(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet, std::vector<float>& JFfittedCov){
-  std::vector<float> JFfittedPosition;
-  JFfittedCov.clear();
-  try{
-    JFfittedPosition = bjet->auxdata<std::vector<float> >("JetFitter_fittedPosition");
-    JFfittedCov      = bjet->auxdata<std::vector<float> >("JetFitter_fittedCov");
-  }
-  catch(...){
-    ATH_MSG_WARNING("Unable to get \"JetFitter_fittedCov\" and/or \"JetFitter_fittedCov\"");
-  }
-  return JFfittedPosition;
-bool ExKtbbTag::IsValidJF(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet, bool onlyVtx){
-  int JFnvtx = 0;         bjet->taggerInfo(JFnvtx, xAOD::JetFitter_nVTX);
-  int JFnsingletrks = 0;  bjet->taggerInfo(JFnsingletrks, xAOD::JetFitter_nSingleTracks);
-  if(onlyVtx) return JFnvtx > 0;
-  else        return (JFnvtx > 0) || (JFnsingletrks > 0); 
-bool ExKtbbTag::JFDualValid(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet1, const xAOD::BTagging* bjet2, bool onlyVtx){
-  return IsValidJF(bjet1, onlyVtx) && IsValidJF(bjet2, onlyVtx);
-int ExKtbbTag::JFntrk(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet, bool onlyVtx){
-  if(!IsValidJF(bjet, onlyVtx)){
-    return -1;
-  }
-  else{
-    int JFnvtxtrk = 0;     bjet->taggerInfo(JFnvtxtrk, xAOD::JetFitter_nTracksAtVtx);
-    int JFnsingletrks = 0; bjet->taggerInfo(JFnsingletrks, xAOD::JetFitter_nSingleTracks);
-    if(onlyVtx) return JFnvtxtrk;
-    else        return JFnvtxtrk + JFnsingletrks;
-  }
-TLorentzVector ExKtbbTag::JFMomentum(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet, bool onlyVtx, bool doNeutralCorrection){
-  // Initialization
-  TLorentzVector SumChargeP4(0., 0., 0., 0.);
-  TLorentzVector SumNeutralP4(0., 0., 0., 0.);
-  double SumPtAdd = 0.;
-  // quit for invalid jF
-  if(!IsValidJF(bjet, onlyVtx)) return SumChargeP4;
-  // get necessary ingredient
-  std::vector<const xAOD::BTagVertex*> jfvertices = GetJFVertices(bjet);
-  std::vector<float> fittedPosition; std::vector<float> fittedCov;
-  fittedPosition = GetJFfittedPosition(bjet, fittedCov);
-  // fitted direction
-  TVector3 JFDir(1., 1., 1.);
-  JFDir.SetMagThetaPhi(1., fittedPosition[4], fittedPosition[3]);
-  // number of vtx (with at least 2 tracks)
-  int nVtx = 0;
-  bjet->taggerInfo(nVtx, xAOD::JetFitter_nVTX);
-  // loop over vertices
-  for(unsigned int ivtx = 0; ivtx < jfvertices.size(); ivtx++){
-    auto JFVtx = jfvertices[ivtx];
-    // reject negative vtx
-    if(fittedPosition[5+ivtx] < 0) continue;
-    // loop over tracks on vtx
-    TLorentzVector TrackOnVtxP4(0., 0., 0., 0.);
-    for(auto el_track : JFVtx->track_links()){
-      if(!el_track.isValid()){
-        ATH_MSG_WARNING("Missing link to tracks associated to JF vtx. It will be skipped");
-        continue;
-      }
-      auto track = (*el_track);
-      TrackOnVtxP4 += track->p4();
-    }
-    // get neutral momentum
-    TVector3 JFDir_scale; JFDir_scale.SetMagThetaPhi(TrackOnVtxP4.Vect().Dot(JFDir), JFDir.Theta(), JFDir.Phi());
-    TVector3 NeutralOnVtxP3 = JFDir_scale - TrackOnVtxP4.Vect();
-    TLorentzVector NeutralOnVtxP4; NeutralOnVtxP4.SetVectM(NeutralOnVtxP3, 0.);
-    // summation
-    if(!onlyVtx){
-      SumChargeP4 += TrackOnVtxP4;
-      SumNeutralP4 += NeutralOnVtxP4;
-      SumPtAdd += TrackOnVtxP4.Perp(JFDir);
-    }
-    else{
-      if( (nVtx > 0 && JFVtx->track_links().size() > 1) || (nVtx == 0) ){ 
-        SumChargeP4 += TrackOnVtxP4;
-        SumNeutralP4 += NeutralOnVtxP4;
-        SumPtAdd += TrackOnVtxP4.Perp(JFDir);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if(doNeutralCorrection){
-    return SumChargeP4 + SumNeutralP4;
-  }
-  else{
-    return SumChargeP4;
-  }
-double ExKtbbTag::JFEffectiveDecayLength(const xAOD::BTagging* bjet, bool onlyVtx, double& error){
-  double decaylength = -1.;
-  error = -1.;
-  if(!IsValidJF(bjet, onlyVtx)) return decaylength;
-  auto jfvertices = GetJFVertices(bjet);
-  std::vector<float> fittedPosition;
-  std::vector<float> fittedCov;
-  fittedPosition = GetJFfittedPosition(bjet, fittedCov);
-  // number of vtx (with at least 2 tracks)
-  int nVtx = 0;
-  bjet->taggerInfo(nVtx, xAOD::JetFitter_nVTX);
-  // loop over vertices
-  double sum_l = 0.;
-  double sum_inverror2 = 0.;
-  for(unsigned int ivtx = 0; ivtx < jfvertices.size(); ivtx++){
-    auto JFVtx = jfvertices[ivtx];
-    // reject negative vtx
-    if(fittedPosition[5+ivtx] < 0) continue;
-    double l = fittedPosition[5+ivtx];
-    double error2 = fittedCov[5+ivtx];
-    if(error2 == 0.){
-      ATH_MSG_WARNING("Get 0 error for a fitted vtx decay length");
-      continue;
-    }
-    if(!onlyVtx){
-      sum_l += (l/error2);
-      sum_inverror2 += (1./error2);
-    }
-    else{
-      if( (nVtx > 0 && JFVtx->track_links().size() > 1) || (nVtx == 0) ){
-        sum_l += (l/error2);
-        sum_inverror2 += (1./error2);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // get result
-  decaylength = sum_l/sum_inverror2;
-  error = 1./TMath::Sqrt(sum_inverror2);
-  return decaylength;
-// calculate all eigen variation of vtx position
-std::vector<Amg::Vector3D> ExKtbbTag::GetVtxEigenVariation(Amg::Vector3D vtxPosition, AmgSymMatrix3D vtxCovMatrix){
-  std::vector<Amg::Vector3D> output;
-  // solve eigen system
-  Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<AmgSymMatrix3D> EigenSolver(vtxCovMatrix);
-  if(EigenSolver.info() != Eigen::Success){
-    ATH_MSG_WARNING("Input matrix is not Hermitian, which should be impossible for covariant matrix!");
-    return output;
-  }
-  auto EigenValues = EigenSolver.eigenvalues();
-  auto EigenVectors = EigenSolver.eigenvectors();
-  // get variation
-  for(unsigned int index = 0; index < 3; index++){
-    Amg::Vector3D vtxPositionVariation_Up;
-    vtxPositionVariation_Up(0) = vtxPosition(0) + TMath::Sqrt(EigenValues(index)) * EigenVectors(0, index);
-    vtxPositionVariation_Up(1) = vtxPosition(1) + TMath::Sqrt(EigenValues(index)) * EigenVectors(1, index);
-    vtxPositionVariation_Up(2) = vtxPosition(2) + TMath::Sqrt(EigenValues(index)) * EigenVectors(2, index);
-    Amg::Vector3D vtxPositionVariation_Down;
-    vtxPositionVariation_Down(0) = vtxPosition(0) - TMath::Sqrt(EigenValues(index)) * EigenVectors(0, index);
-    vtxPositionVariation_Down(1) = vtxPosition(1) - TMath::Sqrt(EigenValues(index)) * EigenVectors(1, index);
-    vtxPositionVariation_Down(2) = vtxPosition(2) - TMath::Sqrt(EigenValues(index)) * EigenVectors(2, index);
-    output.push_back(vtxPositionVariation_Up);
-    output.push_back(vtxPositionVariation_Down);
-  }          
-  return output;
-double ExKtbbTag::GeneralDRSignificance3D(Amg::Vector3D vtx1, AmgSymMatrix3D vtx1_CovMatrix, Amg::Vector3D vtx2, AmgSymMatrix3D vtx2_CovMatrix, double& dR3D, double& dR3D_error){
-  dR3D = -1.;
-  dR3D_error = -1.;
-  std::vector<Amg::Vector3D> vtx1_variations = GetVtxEigenVariation(vtx1, vtx1_CovMatrix);
-  std::vector<Amg::Vector3D> vtx2_variations = GetVtxEigenVariation(vtx2, vtx2_CovMatrix);
-  auto function_GetdR3D = [](Amg::Vector3D input1, Amg::Vector3D input2)->double{
-    return TMath::Sqrt((input1 - input2).dot(input1 - input2));
-  };
-  dR3D = function_GetdR3D(vtx1, vtx2);
-  double sumerror_vtx1 = 0.;
-  double sumerror_vtx2 = 0.;
-  for(unsigned int index = 0; index < 3; index++){
-    double error_vtx1 = std::max(fabs(function_GetdR3D(vtx1_variations[2*index], vtx2) - dR3D), fabs(function_GetdR3D(vtx1_variations[2*index+1], vtx2) - dR3D));
-    sumerror_vtx1 += (error_vtx1 * error_vtx1);
-    double error_vtx2 = std::max(fabs(function_GetdR3D(vtx1, vtx2_variations[2*index]) - dR3D), fabs(function_GetdR3D(vtx1, vtx2_variations[2*index+1]) - dR3D));
-    sumerror_vtx2 += (error_vtx2 * error_vtx2);
-  }
-  double sumerror = sumerror_vtx1 + sumerror_vtx2;
-  dR3D_error = TMath::Sqrt(sumerror);
-  double significance = 0.;
-  if(dR3D_error == 0.){
-    ATH_MSG_WARNING("Zero error obtained in GeneralDRSignificance3D, which is very unlikely.");
-    significance = 999.;
-  }
-  else{
-    significance = dR3D/dR3D_error;
-  }
-  significance = LimitUpperBound(significance, 50, 100);
-  return significance;
-std::string ExKtbbTag::GetPtBin(const xAOD::Jet* jetToTag){
-  double pt = jetToTag->pt()/1000.;    // MeV -> GeV
-  if(pt < m_ptbinlist.front()){ // underflow bin -- first pt bin
-    pt = m_ptbinlist.front() + 1;
-  }
-  if(pt >= m_ptbinlist.back()){ // overflow bin -- last pt bin
-    pt = m_ptbinlist.back() - 1;
-  }
-  for(unsigned int index = 0; index < m_ptbinlist.size()-1; index++){
-    double ptmin = m_ptbinlist[index];
-    double ptmax = m_ptbinlist[index+1];
-    if( (pt >= ptmin) && (pt < ptmax) ) return TString::Format("PtBin%i", int(index)).Data();
-  }
-  ATH_MSG_WARNING("How can you reach this line?!");
-  return "PtBin-1";
-bool ExKtbbTag::InitTMVAVariables(std::string BDTMode){
-  m_tmvaVariables.clear();
-  // common variables
-  m_tmvaVariables["JetPt"] = new float(0.);
-  m_tmvaVariables["JetEta"] = new float(0.);
-  if(BDTMode == "MV2Only"){
-    m_tmvaVariables["ExKt_DoubleMV2c20"] = new float(0.);
-    m_tmvaVariables["ExKt_SingleMV2c20"] = new float(0.);
-  }
-  else if(BDTMode == "MV2andJFDRSig"){
-    m_tmvaVariables["ExKt_DoubleMV2c20"] = new float(0.);
-    m_tmvaVariables["ExKt_SingleMV2c20"] = new float(0.);
-    m_tmvaVariables["ExKt_JFDRSignificance"] = new float(0.);
-  }
-  else if(BDTMode == "MV2andTopos"){
-    m_tmvaVariables["ExKt_DoubleMV2c20"] = new float(0.);
-    m_tmvaVariables["ExKt_SingleMV2c20"] = new float(0.);
-    m_tmvaVariables["ExKt_SV1CombMass_ValidDualSV1 := (ExKt_ValidDualSV1 ? ExKt_SV1CombMass : -1.)"] = new float(0.);
-    m_tmvaVariables["ExKt_JFNtrksDiff_ValidDualJF := (ExKt_ValidDualJF ? ExKt_JFNtrksDiff : -20.)"] = new float(0.);
-    m_tmvaVariables["ExKt_JFDRSignificance"] = new float(0.);
-    m_tmvaVariables["ExKt_JFDLSignificance"] = new float(0.);
-  }
-  else{
-    ATH_MSG_ERROR("#BTAG# Undefined BDTMode " << BDTMode);
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-bool ExKtbbTag::FillTMVAVariables(std::string BDTMode, const xAOD::Jet* jetToTag, const xAOD::BTagging* BTag){
-  // common variables
-  // unit in GeV
-  *(m_tmvaVariables["JetPt"]) = jetToTag->pt()/1000.; // MeV->GeV
-  *(m_tmvaVariables["JetEta"]) = jetToTag->eta();
-  if(BDTMode == "MV2Only"){
-    double DoubleMV2c20;
-    if(!BTag->variable<double>(m_taggerName, "DoubleMV2c20", DoubleMV2c20)) ATH_MSG_WARNING("#BTAG# Unable to get \"DoubleMV2c20\"");
-    double SingleMV2c20;
-    if(!BTag->variable<double>(m_taggerName, "SingleMV2c20", SingleMV2c20)) ATH_MSG_WARNING("#BTAG# Unable to get \"SingleMV2c20\"");
-    *(m_tmvaVariables["ExKt_DoubleMV2c20"]) = DoubleMV2c20;
-    *(m_tmvaVariables["ExKt_SingleMV2c20"]) = SingleMV2c20;
-  }
-  else if(BDTMode == "MV2andJFDRSig"){
-    double DoubleMV2c20;
-    if(!BTag->variable<double>(m_taggerName, "DoubleMV2c20", DoubleMV2c20)) ATH_MSG_WARNING("#BTAG# Unable to get \"DoubleMV2c20\"");
-    double SingleMV2c20;
-    if(!BTag->variable<double>(m_taggerName, "SingleMV2c20", SingleMV2c20)) ATH_MSG_WARNING("#BTAG# Unable to get \"SingleMV2c20\"");
-    double JFDRSignificance;
-    if(!BTag->variable<double>(m_taggerName, "JFDRSignificance", JFDRSignificance)) ATH_MSG_WARNING("#BTAG# Unable to get \"JFDRSignificance\"");
-    *(m_tmvaVariables["ExKt_DoubleMV2c20"]) = DoubleMV2c20;
-    *(m_tmvaVariables["ExKt_SingleMV2c20"]) = SingleMV2c20;
-    *(m_tmvaVariables["ExKt_JFDRSignificance"]) = JFDRSignificance;
-  }
-  else if(BDTMode == "MV2andTopos"){
-    double DoubleMV2c20;
-    if(!BTag->variable<double>(m_taggerName, "DoubleMV2c20", DoubleMV2c20)) ATH_MSG_WARNING("#BTAG# Unable to get \"DoubleMV2c20\"");
-    double SingleMV2c20;
-    if(!BTag->variable<double>(m_taggerName, "SingleMV2c20", SingleMV2c20)) ATH_MSG_WARNING("#BTAG# Unable to get \"SingleMV2c20\"");
-    double SV1CombMass;
-    if(!BTag->variable<double>(m_taggerName, "SV1CombMass", SV1CombMass)) ATH_MSG_WARNING("#BTAG# Unable to get \"SV1CombMass\"");
-    int JFNtrksDiff = 0;
-    if(!BTag->variable<int>(m_taggerName, "JFNtrksDiff", JFNtrksDiff)) ATH_MSG_WARNING("#BTAG# Unable to get\"JFNtrksDiff\"");
-    double JFDRSignificance;
-    if(!BTag->variable<double>(m_taggerName, "JFDRSignificance", JFDRSignificance)) ATH_MSG_WARNING("#BTAG# Unable to get \"JFDRSignificance\"");
-    double JFDLSignificance;
-    if(!BTag->variable<double>(m_taggerName, "JFDLSignificance", JFDLSignificance)) ATH_MSG_WARNING("#BTAG# Unable to get \"JFDLSignificance\"");
-    *(m_tmvaVariables["ExKt_DoubleMV2c20"]) = DoubleMV2c20;
-    *(m_tmvaVariables["ExKt_SingleMV2c20"]) = SingleMV2c20;
-    *(m_tmvaVariables["ExKt_SV1CombMass_ValidDualSV1 := (ExKt_ValidDualSV1 ? ExKt_SV1CombMass : -1.)"]) = (SV1CombMass < 0. ? -1 : SV1CombMass/1000.); // MeV->GeV
-    *(m_tmvaVariables["ExKt_JFNtrksDiff_ValidDualJF := (ExKt_ValidDualJF ? ExKt_JFNtrksDiff : -20.)"]) = JFNtrksDiff*1.0; // double->int
-    *(m_tmvaVariables["ExKt_JFDRSignificance"]) = JFDRSignificance;
-    *(m_tmvaVariables["ExKt_JFDLSignificance"]) = JFDLSignificance;
-  }
-  else{
-    ATH_MSG_ERROR("#BTAG# Undefined BDTMode " << BDTMode);
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-bool ExKtbbTag::BundleTMVAVariables(std::string BDTMode, TMVA::Reader* tmvaReader){
-  if(!tmvaReader){
-    ATH_MSG_ERROR("#BTAG# Null ptr to tmvaReader!");
-    return false;
-  }
-  // Cannot do this simple trick, as TMVA reuqires the order to be exactly same!!
-  // Stupid!
-  // for(auto iter = m_tmvaVariables.begin(); iter != m_tmvaVariables.end(); iter++){
-  //   tmvaReader->AddVariable(iter->first, iter->second);
-  // }
-  std::vector<std::string> OrderedInputs;
-  if(BDTMode == "MV2Only"){
-    OrderedInputs = {
-      "JetPt",
-      "JetEta",
-      "ExKt_DoubleMV2c20",
-      "ExKt_SingleMV2c20",
-    };
-  }
-  else if(BDTMode == "MV2andJFDRSig"){
-    OrderedInputs = {
-      "JetPt",
-      "JetEta",
-      "ExKt_DoubleMV2c20",
-      "ExKt_SingleMV2c20",
-      "ExKt_JFDRSignificance",
-    };
-  }
-  else if(BDTMode == "MV2andTopos"){
-    OrderedInputs = {
-      "JetPt",
-      "JetEta",
-      "ExKt_DoubleMV2c20",
-      "ExKt_SingleMV2c20",
-      "ExKt_SV1CombMass_ValidDualSV1 := (ExKt_ValidDualSV1 ? ExKt_SV1CombMass : -1.)",
-      "ExKt_JFNtrksDiff_ValidDualJF := (ExKt_ValidDualJF ? ExKt_JFNtrksDiff : -20.)",
-      "ExKt_JFDRSignificance",
-      "ExKt_JFDLSignificance",
-    };
-  }
-  else{
-    ATH_MSG_ERROR("#BTAG# Undefined BDTMode " << BDTMode);
-    return false;
-  }
-  for(auto iter = OrderedInputs.begin(); iter != OrderedInputs.end(); iter++){
-    std::string key = *iter;
-    if(m_tmvaVariables.find(key) == m_tmvaVariables.end()){
-      ATH_MSG_WARNING("#BTAG# Variable " << key << " not initialized! This is not supposed to happen. Initializing it here.");
-      m_tmvaVariables[key] = new float(0.);
-    }
-    tmvaReader->AddVariable(key, m_tmvaVariables[key]);
-  }
-  return true;
-}//end namespace
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/src/ExKtbbTagTool.cxx b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/src/ExKtbbTagTool.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 65b35e08c914635c72adee6cdc51b1ee2f1be7b2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/src/ExKtbbTagTool.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "JetTagTools/ExKtbbTagTool.h"
-#include "xAODJet/JetContainer.h"
-#include "xAODJet/JetContainerInfo.h"
-#include "JetEDM/IConstituentUserInfo.h"
-#include "JetEDM/FastJetUtils.h"
-namespace Analysis{
-ExKtbbTagTool::ExKtbbTagTool(std::string myname):
-  JetModifierBase(myname),
-  m_JetAlgorithm(""),
-  m_JetRadius(0.),
-  m_PtMin(0.),
-  m_ExclusiveNJets(0),
-  m_InputJetContainerName(""),
-  m_SubjetRecorderTool("SubjetRecorderTool"),
-  m_SubjetLabel(""),
-  m_SubjetContainerName(""),
-  m_SubjetAlgorithm_BTAG(""),
-  m_SubjetRadius_BTAG(0.)
-  declareProperty("JetAlgorithm", m_JetAlgorithm);
-  declareProperty("JetRadius", m_JetRadius);
-  declareProperty("PtMin", m_PtMin);
-  declareProperty("ExclusiveNJets", m_ExclusiveNJets);
-  declareProperty("InputJetContainerName", m_InputJetContainerName);
-  declareProperty("SubjetRecorder", m_SubjetRecorderTool);
-  declareProperty("SubjetLabel", m_SubjetLabel);
-  declareProperty("SubjetContainerName", m_SubjetContainerName);
-  declareProperty("SubjetAlgorithm_BTAG", m_SubjetAlgorithm_BTAG);
-  declareProperty("SubjetRadius_BTAG", m_SubjetRadius_BTAG);
-StatusCode ExKtbbTagTool::initialize(){
-  if(m_SubjetRecorderTool.retrieve().isFailure()){
-    ATH_MSG_ERROR("#BTAG# Unable to retrieve SubjetRecorder Tool");
-    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  else{
-    ATH_MSG_INFO("#BTAG# Successfully retrieve SubjetRecorder Tool");
-  }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-int ExKtbbTagTool::modifyJet(xAOD::Jet& jet) const {
-  // run subjet finding //
-  xAOD::JetAlgorithmType::ID ialg = xAOD::JetAlgorithmType::algId(m_JetAlgorithm);
-  fastjet::JetAlgorithm fjalg = xAOD::JetAlgorithmType::fastJetDef(ialg);
-  JetSubStructureUtils::SubjetFinder subjetFinder(fjalg, m_JetRadius, m_PtMin, m_ExclusiveNJets);
-  std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> constituents_pj = constituentPseudoJets(jet);
-  // std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> constituents = jet::JetConstituentFiller::constituentPseudoJets(jet);
-  fastjet::PseudoJet sum_constituents_pj = fastjet::join(constituents_pj);
-  std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> subjets_pj = subjetFinder.result(sum_constituents_pj);
-  // record subjets //
-  auto subjets_nonconst = m_SubjetRecorderTool->recordSubjets(subjets_pj, jet);   // since we are using customized constituent pseudo-jet, constituents information will not be stored here
-  // store the subjet container name and index //
-  // We do this since ElementLink to the subjet could be broken after the deep-copy in b-tagging part. This was not a problem before 20.7. The reason behind it is still unknown.
-  // Assuming the subjet container order is un-changed during b-tagging deep-copy, which SHOULD be valid.
-  std::vector<const xAOD::Jet*> ExKtSubJets;
-  if(!jet.getAssociatedObjects<xAOD::Jet>(m_SubjetLabel.c_str(), ExKtSubJets)){
-    ATH_MSG_WARNING("Unable to fetch subjet collection in ExKtbbTagTool::modifyJet : " << m_SubjetLabel.c_str());
-    ATH_MSG_WARNING("Nothing to be done for this problem. But you might crash very soon.");
-  }
-  jet.auxdata<std::string>(m_SubjetLabel + "_ContainerName") = m_SubjetContainerName;
-  std::vector<int> SubjetIndexVector;
-  for(auto subjet : ExKtSubJets){
-    SubjetIndexVector.push_back(subjet->index());
-  }
-  jet.auxdata<std::vector<int> >(m_SubjetLabel + "_IndexList") = SubjetIndexVector;
-  // overwrite something / store constituents //
-  for(unsigned int index_subjet = 0; index_subjet < subjets_nonconst.size(); index_subjet++){
-    auto subjet_nonconst = subjets_nonconst[index_subjet];
-    auto subjet_pj = subjets_pj[index_subjet];
-    // jet finding 
-    subjet_nonconst->setAlgorithmType(xAOD::JetAlgorithmType::algId(m_SubjetAlgorithm_BTAG));
-    subjet_nonconst->setSizeParameter(m_SubjetRadius_BTAG);
-    // jet input type
-    subjet_nonconst->setInputType(jet.getInputType());
-    // setup constituents
-    // check if constituents has been filled before
-    if(subjet_nonconst->numConstituents() == 0){
-      for(auto pj_constituent : subjet_pj.constituents()){
-        int index_constituent = pj_constituent.user_index();  // index in parent jet constituent vector
-        auto el_constituent = jet.constituentLinks()[index_constituent];
-        if(!el_constituent.isValid()){
-          ATH_MSG_WARNING("#BTAG# Element link to jet constituent is inValid! It will still be stored anyway ... ");
-        }
-        subjet_nonconst->addConstituent(el_constituent, 1.0);
-      }
-    }
-    else{
-      ATH_MSG_WARNING("#BTAG# Constituent link to subjet is already built, which is NOT expected!");
-    }
-    // set correct constituent signal state
-    subjet_nonconst->setConstituentsSignalState(jet.getConstituentsSignalState());
-    // add parent jet information, in case the "parent" link is broken
-    auto el_parent = subjet_nonconst->auxdata<ElementLink<xAOD::JetContainer> >("Parent");
-    if(!el_parent.isValid()){
-      ATH_MSG_WARNING("#BTAG# Element link from ExKtSubjet to parent jet is invalid! No backup parent link information will be stored.");
-    }
-    else{
-      subjet_nonconst->auxdata<std::string>("Parent_ContainerName") = m_InputJetContainerName;
-      subjet_nonconst->auxdata<int>("Parent_Index") = jet.index();
-    }
-  }
-  // for(auto subjet : ExKtSubJets){
-  //   if(!subjet){
-  //     std::cout << "Empty ptr to subjet in ExKtbbTagTool::modifyJet at position 2!" << std::endl;
-  //   }
-  // }
-  return 0;
-std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> ExKtbbTagTool::constituentPseudoJets(xAOD::Jet& jet) const{
-  // code adapted from JetConstituentFiller.cxx
-  // Cannot use JetConstituentFiller utils due to code crash from unknown reason
-  // It seems the fastjet link is broken after a deep copy of parent jet
-  // but anyway ... 
-  std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> constituents;
-  xAOD::JetConstituentVector constituents_tmp = jet.getConstituents();
-  xAOD::JetConstituentVector::iterator it = constituents_tmp.begin();
-  xAOD::JetConstituentVector::iterator itE = constituents_tmp.end();
-  int index = 0;
-  for( ; it !=itE; ++it){
-    fastjet::PseudoJet constituent_pj = fastjet::PseudoJet( it->Px(), it->Py(), it->Pz(), it->E() );    // this is guaranteed to be the scale used in jet finding
-    constituent_pj.set_user_index(index);        // each constituent_pj will store index in parent jet constituent ve tor
-    constituents.push_back( constituent_pj );
-    index++;
-  }
-  return constituents;
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/src/IPTag.cxx b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/src/IPTag.cxx
index 5579c147db251f152939bc9bab159eb86948fca4..0819e0e040970e1844318e93ef7f3dabee2f6588 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/src/IPTag.cxx
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/src/IPTag.cxx
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
 #include "TrkVertexFitterInterfaces/ITrackToVertexIPEstimator.h"
 #include "ParticleJetTools/JetFlavourInfo.h"
 #include "InDetTrackSelectionTool/IInDetTrackSelectionTool.h"
-#include "TrackVertexAssociationTool/ITrackVertexAssociationTool.h"
 #include "TH1.h"
 #include <cmath>
 #include <sstream>
@@ -92,8 +91,7 @@ namespace Analysis {
       m_SVForIPTool("Analysis::SVForIPTool", this),
       m_trackGradeFactory("Analysis::BasicTrackGradeFactory", this),
-      m_InDetTrackSelectorTool("InDet::InDetTrackSelectionTool", this),
-      m_TightTrackVertexAssociationTool("CP::TrackVertexAssociationTool", this)
+      m_InDetTrackSelectorTool("InDet::InDetTrackSelectionTool", this)
     // global configuration:
     declareProperty("Runmodus"      , m_runModus);
@@ -147,7 +145,6 @@ namespace Analysis {
     declareProperty("trackGradeFactory"         , m_trackGradeFactory              );
     declareProperty("TrackToVertexIPEstimator"  , m_trackToVertexIPEstimator       );
     declareProperty("InDetTrackSelectionTool"   , m_InDetTrackSelectorTool         ); //
-    declareProperty("TrackVertexAssociationTool", m_TightTrackVertexAssociationTool); //
@@ -351,16 +348,9 @@ namespace Analysis {
       } else {
 	ATH_MSG_DEBUG("#BTAG# Retrieved tool " <<  m_InDetTrackSelectorTool);
-      if ( m_TightTrackVertexAssociationTool.retrieve().isFailure() )  {
-	ATH_MSG_FATAL("#BTAG# Failed to retrieve tool " <<  m_TightTrackVertexAssociationTool);
-	return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-      } else {
-	ATH_MSG_DEBUG("#BTAG# Retrieved tool " <<  m_TightTrackVertexAssociationTool);
-      }
     else {
-      m_TightTrackVertexAssociationTool.disable();
     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -448,8 +438,7 @@ namespace Analysis {
     int nbTrak = 0;
     std::vector< ElementLink< xAOD::TrackParticleContainer > > associationLinks = 
       BTag.auxdata<std::vector<ElementLink<xAOD::TrackParticleContainer> > >(m_trackAssociationName);
-    double sumTrkpT = 0; unsigned ntrk=0;
-    TLorentzVector pseudoTrackJet(0,0,0,0);
+    double sumTrkpT = 0;
     if( associationLinks.size() == 0 ) {
         ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("#BTAG#  Could not find tracks associated with BTagging object as " << m_trackAssociationName);
     } else {
@@ -460,15 +449,6 @@ namespace Analysis {
       for( trkIter = associationLinks.begin(); trkIter != associationLinks.end() ; ++trkIter ) {
 	const xAOD::TrackParticle* aTemp = **trkIter;
-	if (m_impactParameterView=="3D") { 
-	  if (m_InDetTrackSelectorTool->accept(*aTemp, &priVtx) ) {
-	    if (m_TightTrackVertexAssociationTool->isCompatible(*aTemp, priVtx)) {
-	      TLorentzVector tmpTrack(0,0,0,0);
-	      tmpTrack.SetPtEtaPhiM(  aTemp->pt(), aTemp->eta(), aTemp->phi(),0);
-	      pseudoTrackJet+=tmpTrack; ntrk++;
-	    }
-	  }
-	}
 	if (m_trackSelectorTool->selectTrack(priVtx.position(),
@@ -503,14 +483,6 @@ namespace Analysis {
-    // temporary: storing these variables (which aren't IP3D-specific) ought to be moved to a separate Tool
-    if (m_xAODBaseName == "IP3D") { 
-      BTag.auxdata<unsigned>("trkSum_ntrk") = ntrk;
-      BTag.auxdata<float>("trkSum_SPt") = sumTrkpT;
-      BTag.auxdata<float>("trkSum_VPt") = pseudoTrackJet.Pt();
-      BTag.auxdata<float>("trkSum_VEta") = (pseudoTrackJet.Pt() != 0) ? pseudoTrackJet.Eta() : 1000;
-    }
     ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("#BTAG# #tracks = " << nbTrak);
     ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("#BTAG# the z of the primary = " << priVtx.position().z());
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/src/MultivariateTagManager.cxx b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/src/MultivariateTagManager.cxx
index dd4dc2013de363394891af7fa34134528922b238..618b3c4677a6f7b2f38b0bab681163161d85d386 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/src/MultivariateTagManager.cxx
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/src/MultivariateTagManager.cxx
@@ -120,7 +120,6 @@ namespace Analysis {
     fill_jetfitter(inputs, BTag);    // fill JetFitter variables
     fill_sv0(priVtx, inputs, BTag);          // fill sv0 variables
     fill_sv1(inputs, BTag);          // fill sv1 variables
-    fill_mv2cl100(inputs, BTag); // fill MV2cl100 variables
@@ -565,167 +564,6 @@ namespace Analysis {
     inputs[btagvar::SV1_DISTMATLAY]    = sv1_distmatlay;
-  void MultivariateTagManager::fill_mv2cl100(var_map& inputs, xAOD::BTagging& BTag) const {
-    // Generating MV2cl100 variables
-    std::vector< ElementLink< xAOD::TrackParticleContainer > > assocTracks;
-    try{
-      assocTracks = BTag.auxdata<std::vector<ElementLink<xAOD::TrackParticleContainer> > >("BTagTrackToJetAssociator");
-    } catch (std::exception& e) {
-      ATH_MSG_WARNING("problem loading associated tracks,"
-          "skipping this jet");
-      return;
-    }
-    std::vector<ElementLink<xAOD::BTagVertexContainer> > jfvertices;
-    try {
-      jfvertices =  BTag.auxdata<std::vector<ElementLink<xAOD::BTagVertexContainer> > >("JetFitter_JFvertices");
-    } catch (std::exception& e) {
-      ATH_MSG_WARNING("problem loading JF vertices,"
-          " skipping this jet");
-    }
-    std::vector<float> fittedPosition = BTag.auxdata<std::vector<float> >("JetFitter_fittedPosition");
-    //MV2cl100 default values
-    int nTrk_vtx1 = INT_MISSING;
-    float mass_first_vtx = NAN;
-    float e_first_vtx = NAN;
-    float e_frac_vtx1 = NAN;
-    float closestVtx_L3D = NAN;
-    float JF_Lxy1 = NAN;
-    float vtx1_MaxTrkRapidity_jf_path = NAN;
-    float vtx1_AvgTrkRapidity_jf_path = NAN;
-    float vtx1_MinTrkRapidity_jf_path = NAN;
-    float MaxTrkRapidity_jf_path = NAN;
-    float MinTrkRapidity_jf_path = NAN;
-    float AvgTrkRapidity_jf_path = NAN;
-    if (assocTracks.size() > 0 && fittedPosition.size() > 0) {
-      ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("#BTAG# MV2: calculating MV2cl100 inputs.");
-      float jf_phi = fittedPosition[3];
-      float jf_theta = fittedPosition[4];
-      TVector3 flightDir(0,0,0);
-      flightDir.SetMagThetaPhi(1., jf_theta, jf_phi ); //flight directon of JF decay chain
-      //loop over position of JF vertices, find index of secondary vertex
-      int secondary_vertex_index = INT_MISSING;
-      for (unsigned int jfv = 0; jfv < jfvertices.size(); jfv++) {
-  float tmpL3D = fittedPosition[jfv + 5];
-  if (tmpL3D > 0 && (std::isnan(closestVtx_L3D) || closestVtx_L3D > tmpL3D) ){
-    closestVtx_L3D = tmpL3D;
-    secondary_vertex_index = jfv;
-  }
-      }
-      //loop over tracks, collect total 4 momentum, and 4 momentum of secondary vertex, calculate pseudo rapidity of track
-      TLorentzVector tracksTot4Mom(0,0,0,0);
-      TLorentzVector tracksTot4Mom_firstVtx(0,0,0,0);
-      float sumTrackRapidity = 0;
-      float vtx1_sumTrackRapidity = 0;
-      int vtx1_first_track =0;
-      float track_mass = 139.570;
-      int trkIndex=0;
-      //track loop
-      for(auto trkIter = assocTracks.begin(); trkIter != assocTracks.end(); ++trkIter) {
-         const xAOD::TrackParticle* aTemp = **trkIter;
-         uint8_t getInt(0);
-         aTemp->summaryValue(getInt, xAOD::numberOfPixelHits);
-         int nSi = getInt;
-         aTemp->summaryValue(getInt, xAOD::numberOfSCTHits);
-         nSi += getInt;
-         if (nSi < 2) continue;
-  TLorentzVector trk;
-  trk.SetPtEtaPhiM(aTemp->pt(), aTemp->eta(), aTemp->phi(), track_mass);
-  tracksTot4Mom += trk;
-  TVector3 trkvector(0,0,0);
-  trkvector = trk.Vect();
-  float trackRapidity = (trkvector.Mag2()>0 ? tan( 0.5*trkvector.Angle(flightDir) ) : 0); // steps to protect against log(0)
-  trackRapidity = (trackRapidity < 0.000001 ? (-1)*log(0.000001) : (-1)*log(trackRapidity) ); // value of 0.000001 should provide enough margin for typical values of trackRapidity
-  sumTrackRapidity += trackRapidity;
-  if(trkIndex==0){
-    MaxTrkRapidity_jf_path = trackRapidity;
-    MinTrkRapidity_jf_path = trackRapidity;
-  }else{
-    MaxTrkRapidity_jf_path = trackRapidity > MaxTrkRapidity_jf_path ? trackRapidity : MaxTrkRapidity_jf_path;
-    MinTrkRapidity_jf_path = trackRapidity < MinTrkRapidity_jf_path ? trackRapidity : MinTrkRapidity_jf_path;
-  }
-  if(secondary_vertex_index >= 0){
-    //get track links to secondary vertex
-    const xAOD::BTagVertex *tmpVertex = *(jfvertices.at(secondary_vertex_index));
-    const std::vector< ElementLink<xAOD::TrackParticleContainer> > tmpVect = tmpVertex->track_links();
-    //check association to JF vertex
-    int particleInCollection = 0;
-    for (unsigned int iT = 0; iT < tmpVect.size(); iT++) {
-      if (aTemp == *(tmpVect.at(iT))) particleInCollection=1;
-    }
-      if (particleInCollection){
-        if(nTrk_vtx1 < 0){
-          nTrk_vtx1 = 0;
-        }
-        nTrk_vtx1 += 1;
-        tracksTot4Mom_firstVtx += trk;
-        vtx1_sumTrackRapidity += trackRapidity;
-        if(!vtx1_first_track){
-          vtx1_MaxTrkRapidity_jf_path = trackRapidity;
-          vtx1_MinTrkRapidity_jf_path = trackRapidity;
-          vtx1_first_track=1;
-        }else{
-          vtx1_MaxTrkRapidity_jf_path = trackRapidity > vtx1_MaxTrkRapidity_jf_path ? trackRapidity : vtx1_MaxTrkRapidity_jf_path;
-          vtx1_MinTrkRapidity_jf_path = trackRapidity < vtx1_MinTrkRapidity_jf_path ? trackRapidity : vtx1_MinTrkRapidity_jf_path;
-        }
-      }
-  }
-  trkIndex++;
-      } //end of trk loop
-        // assign the remaining MV2cl100 variables
-      AvgTrkRapidity_jf_path = trkIndex > 0 ? sumTrackRapidity/trkIndex : 0;
-    if(nTrk_vtx1 > 0){
-      JF_Lxy1 = closestVtx_L3D*sin(jf_theta);
-      mass_first_vtx = tracksTot4Mom_firstVtx.M();
-      e_first_vtx = tracksTot4Mom_firstVtx.E();
-      e_frac_vtx1 = e_first_vtx/tracksTot4Mom.E();
-      vtx1_AvgTrkRapidity_jf_path = vtx1_sumTrackRapidity/nTrk_vtx1;
-    }
-    } // end of if (assocTracks.size() > 0 && fittedPosition.size() > 0
-    inputs[btagvar::JF_NTRK_VTX1]           = nan_if_placeholder(nTrk_vtx1);
-    inputs[btagvar::JF_MASS_VTX1 ]          = mass_first_vtx ;
-    inputs[btagvar::JF_E_VTX1 ]             = e_first_vtx ;
-    inputs[btagvar::JF_E_FRAC_VTX1 ]        = e_frac_vtx1;
-    inputs[btagvar::JF_L3D_VTX1 ]           = closestVtx_L3D ;
-    inputs[btagvar::JF_Lxy_VTX1 ]           = JF_Lxy1 ;
-    inputs[btagvar::JF_RAPIDITY_VTX1_MAX ]  = vtx1_MaxTrkRapidity_jf_path;
-    inputs[btagvar::JF_RAPIDITY_VTX1_AVG ]  = vtx1_AvgTrkRapidity_jf_path;
-    inputs[btagvar::JF_RAPIDITY_VTX1_MIN ]  = vtx1_MinTrkRapidity_jf_path;
-    inputs[btagvar::JF_RAPIDITY_MAX ]       = MaxTrkRapidity_jf_path;
-    inputs[btagvar::JF_RAPIDITY_MIN ]       = MinTrkRapidity_jf_path;
-    inputs[btagvar::JF_RAPIDITY_AVG ]       = AvgTrkRapidity_jf_path;
-  } // end of fill_mv2cl100
   void MultivariateTagManager::fill_arbitrary_aux_data(
     var_map& inputs, xAOD::BTagging& BTag) const {
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/src/RNNIPTag.cxx b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/src/RNNIPTag.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index f093904bd03e57df9de854cf357b47220e58d9ea..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/src/RNNIPTag.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,754 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "JetTagTools/RNNIPTag.h"
-#include "lwtnn/LightweightNeuralNetwork.hh"
-#include "lwtnn/parse_json.hh"
-#include "lwtnn/Exceptions.hh"
-#include "JetTagTools/TrackSelector.h"
-#include "JetTagTools/GradedTrack.h"
-#include "JetTagTools/SVForIPTool.h"
-#include "JetTagTools/ITrackGradeFactory.h"
-#include "JetTagInfo/TrackGrade.h"
-#include "JetTagInfo/TrackGradesDefinition.h"
-#include "TrkVertexFitterInterfaces/ITrackToVertexIPEstimator.h"
-#include "xAODTracking/TrackParticle.h"
-#include "xAODTracking/TrackParticleContainer.h"
-#include "ITrackToVertex/ITrackToVertex.h"
-#include "CLHEP/Vector/LorentzVector.h"
-#include "GeoPrimitives/GeoPrimitives.h"
-#include "GeoPrimitives/GeoPrimitivesHelpers.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IToolSvc.h"
-#include <cmath>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-// locally used functions and typedefs
-namespace {
-  using namespace Analysis;
-  typedef std::map<std::string, std::vector<double> > VectorMap;
-  VectorMap get_nn_inputs(const std::vector<IPxDInfo>&);
-  size_t fill_posteriors(xAOD::BTagging&,
-                         const std::string& author,
-                         const std::vector<std::string>& names,
-                         const lwt::ValueMap& = lwt::ValueMap());
-  void fill_inputs(xAOD::BTagging&,
-                   const std::string& author,
-                   const lwt::VectorMap& inputs);
-  typedef std::vector<ElementLink<xAOD::TrackParticleContainer> > TrackLinks;
-  // keys to lookup track sorting info
-  const std::string SORT_BY = "sort_by";
-  const std::string UNKNOWN_SORT = "unknown_sort";
-  std::string get_sort_name(const lwt::JSONConfig& cfg);
-  TrackSorter get_sort_function(const std::string& key);
-struct TrackSorterFunctional
-  TrackSorterFunctional (const TrackSorter& sorter)
-    : m_sorter (sorter) {}
-  bool operator() (const IPxDInfo& a, const IPxDInfo& b) const
-  {
-    return m_sorter (a, b);
-  }
-  const TrackSorter& m_sorter;
-// Track variable names, for both the NN inputs and for writing to the
-// xAOD EDM.
-namespace trkvar {
-  const std::string D0 = "d0";
-  const std::string D0_SIG = "d0sig";
-  const std::string Z0 = "z0";
-  const std::string Z0_SIG = "z0sig";
-  const std::string D0Z0_SIG = "d0z0sig";
-  const std::string GRADE = "grade";
-  const std::string FROM_V0 = "fromV0";
-  const std::string PT = "pt";
-  const std::string DPHI = "dPhi";
-  const std::string ABS_ETA = "absEta";
-  const std::string DETA = "dEta";
-  const std::string CHARGE = "charge";
-  const std::string PT_FRAC = "pTFrac";
-  const std::string DR = "dR";
-  // hit info
-  const std::string CHI2 = "chi2";
-  const std::string N_INN_HITS = "nInnHits";
-  const std::string N_NEXT_TO_INN_HITS = "nNextToInnHits";
-  const std::string N_BL_HITS = "nBLHits";
-  const std::string N_SHARED_BL_HITS = "nsharedBLHits";
-  const std::string N_SPLIT_BL_HITS = "nsplitBLHits";
-  const std::string N_PIX_HITS = "nPixHits";
-  const std::string N_SHARED_PIX_HITS = "nsharedPixHits";
-  const std::string N_SPLIT_PIX_HITS = "nsplitPixHits";
-  const std::string N_SCT_HITS = "nSCTHits";
-  const std::string N_SHARED_SCT_HITS = "nsharedSCTHits";
-  const std::string EXPECT_BL_HIT = "expectInnermostPixelLayerHit";
-  const std::string EXPECT_INNERMOST_PIX_HIT =
-    "expectInnermostPixelLayerHit";
-  const std::string EXPECT_NEXT_TO_INNERMOST_PIX_HIT =
-    "expectNextToInnermostPixelLayerHit";
-namespace Analysis {
-  struct IPxDInfo {
-    ElementLink<xAOD::TrackParticleContainer> trk;
-    double d0;
-    double d0sig;
-    double z0;
-    double z0sig;
-    double dphi;
-    double ptfrac;
-    double dr;
-    double deta;
-    TrackGrade grade;
-    const xAOD::TrackParticle* trkP;
-    bool fromV0;
-  } ;
-  bool StructPTsorting(const IPxDInfo& objA, const IPxDInfo& objB) {
-    return (objA.trkP)->pt() > (objB.trkP)->pt();
-  }
-  bool StructD0Sigsorting(const IPxDInfo& objA, const IPxDInfo& objB) {
-    return fabs(objA.d0sig) > fabs(objB.d0sig);
-  }
-  bool StructZ0D0Sigsorting(const IPxDInfo& objA, const IPxDInfo& objB) {
-    double a = pow(objA.d0sig,2)+pow(objA.z0sig,2);
-    double b = pow(objB.d0sig,2)+pow(objB.z0sig,2);
-    return a > b;
-  }
-  /**
-      @class RNNIPTag
-      b-jet tagger based on 2D or 3D impact parameter
-      @author CPPM Marseille
-  */
-  RNNIPTag::RNNIPTag(const std::string& t,
-                     const std::string& n,
-                     const IInterface* p)
-    : base_class(t,n,p),
-      m_unbiasIPEstimation(true),
-      m_calibrationDirectory("RNNIP"),
-      m_secVxFinderName("InDetVKalVxInJetTool"),
-      m_trackSelectorTool("Analysis::TrackSelector", this),
-      m_SVForIPTool("Analysis::SVForIPTool", this),
-      m_trackGradeFactory("Analysis::BasicTrackGradeFactory", this),
-      m_trackToVertexIPEstimator(this)
-  {
-    // global configuration:
-    declareProperty("xAODBaseName"  , m_xAODBaseName);
-    declareProperty("flipIPSign"          , m_flipIP              = false);
-    declareProperty("flipZIPSign"         , m_flipZIP             = false);
-    declareProperty("usePosIP"            , m_usePosIP            = true);
-    declareProperty("useNegIP"            , m_useNegIP            = true);
-    declareProperty("useZIPSignForPosNeg" , m_useZIPSignForPosNeg = false);
-    declareProperty("use2DSignForIP3D"    , m_use2DSignForIP3D    = false);
-    declareProperty("useD0SignForZ0"      , m_useD0SignForZ0      = false);
-    declareProperty("RejectBadTracks"     , m_rejectBadTracks     = true);
-    declareProperty("unbiasIPEstimation"  , m_unbiasIPEstimation);
-    declareProperty("writeInputsToBtagObject",
-                    m_writeInputsToBtagObject = false);
-    declareProperty("writeTrackLinks",
-                    m_writeTrackLinks = false);
-    declareProperty("trackAssociationName"    ,
-                    m_trackAssociationName = "BTagTrackToJetAssociator");
-    declareProperty("originalTPCollectionName",
-                    m_originalTPCollectionName = "InDetTrackParticles");
-    declareProperty("ForcedCalibrationName"   , m_ForcedCalibName = "AntiKt4EMTopo");
-    declareProperty("NetworkConfig"           , m_network_cfg);
-    declareProperty("trackGradePartitions"    ,
-                    m_trackGradePartitionsDefinition);
-    m_trackGradePartitionsDefinition.push_back("Good");
-    declareProperty("SecVxFinderName"         ,m_secVxFinderName);
-    // tools:
-    declareProperty("trackSelectorTool"         , m_trackSelectorTool     );
-    declareProperty("SVForIPTool"               , m_SVForIPTool           );
-    declareProperty("trackGradeFactory"         , m_trackGradeFactory      );
-    declareProperty("TrackToVertexIPEstimator"  , m_trackToVertexIPEstimator);
-    declareProperty("calibration_directory", m_calibrationDirectory);
-  }
-  RNNIPTag::~RNNIPTag() {
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_trackGradePartitions.size(); i++)
-      delete m_trackGradePartitions[i];
-    // Networks are owned by the structure they are created in
-  }
-  StatusCode RNNIPTag::initialize() {
-    // FF: comment out V0 finding
-    if (m_SVForIPTool.retrieve().isFailure() )  {
-       ATH_MSG_FATAL("#BTAG# Failed to retrieve tool " << m_SVForIPTool);
-       return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    } else {
-       ATH_MSG_DEBUG("#BTAG# Retrieved tool " << m_SVForIPTool);
-    }
-    if (m_trackToVertexIPEstimator.retrieve().isFailure() ) {
-      ATH_MSG_FATAL("#BTAG# Failed to retrieve tool " <<
-                    m_trackToVertexIPEstimator);
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    } else {
-      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("#BTAG# Retrieved tool " << m_trackToVertexIPEstimator);
-    }
-    /** creation of TrackSelector: (private instance) */
-    if ( m_trackSelectorTool.retrieve().isFailure() ) {
-      ATH_MSG_FATAL("#BTAG# Failed to retrieve tool " << m_trackSelectorTool);
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    } else {
-      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("#BTAG# Retrieved tool " << m_trackSelectorTool);
-    }
-    /** retrieving the track grade factory */
-    if ( m_trackGradeFactory.retrieve().isFailure() ) {
-      ATH_MSG_FATAL("#BTAG# Failed to retrieve tool " << m_trackGradeFactory);
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    } else {
-      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("#BTAG# Retrieved tool " << m_trackGradeFactory);
-    }
-    /** prepare the track partitions: */
-    int nbPart = m_trackGradePartitionsDefinition.size();
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("#BTAG# Defining " << nbPart <<" track partitions: ");
-    for(int i=0;i<nbPart;i++) {
-      TrackGradePartition* part = nullptr;
-      try {
-        part = new TrackGradePartition(m_trackGradePartitionsDefinition[i],
-                                       *m_trackGradeFactory);
-      }
-      catch (std::string error) {
-        ATH_MSG_ERROR("#BTAG# Reported error " << error);
-        ATH_MSG_ERROR("#BTAG# List of categories provided to IPTag by jO : ");
-        for (int l=0;l<nbPart;l++) {
-          ATH_MSG_ERROR(
-            "#BTAG#  string " << m_trackGradePartitionsDefinition[l]);
-        }
-        ATH_MSG_ERROR("#BTAG# List of categories provided by the"
-                      " TrackGradeFactory " << m_trackGradeFactory);
-        if (msgLvl(MSG::ERROR)) {
-          const auto& grades = m_trackGradeFactory->getTrackGradesDefinition();
-          for (const auto& grade: grades.getList() ) {
-            ATH_MSG_ERROR("#BTAG# n. " << grade.gradeNumber() <<
-                          " string " << grade.gradeString());
-          }
-        }
-        ATH_MSG_ERROR("#BTAG# Terminating now... ");
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-      }
-      ATH_MSG_DEBUG((*part));
-      m_trackGradePartitions.push_back(part);
-    }
-    // prepare readKey for calibration data:
-    ATH_CHECK(m_readKey.initialize());
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-  }
-  StatusCode RNNIPTag::finalize() {
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-  }
-  StatusCode RNNIPTag::tagJet(const xAOD::Vertex& priVtx,
-                              const xAOD::Jet& jetToTag,
-                              xAOD::BTagging& BTag,
-                              const std::string &jetName) const
-  {
-    /** author to know which jet algorithm: */
-    std::string author = jetName;
-    if (m_ForcedCalibName.size() > 0) author = m_ForcedCalibName;
-    ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("#BTAG# Using jet type " << author << " for calibrations");
-    std::vector<GradedTrack> tracksInJet;
-    int nbPart = m_trackGradePartitionsDefinition.size();
-    std::vector<const xAOD::TrackParticle*> TrkFromV0;
-    // bad tracks from V0s, conversions, interactions:
-    m_SVForIPTool->getTrkFromV0FromSecondaryVertexInfo(
-      TrkFromV0,//output
-      &BTag,m_secVxFinderName);//input
-    ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("#BTAG# VALERIO TrkFromV0 : number of reconstructed"
-                    " bad tracks: " << TrkFromV0.size());
-    if (TrkFromV0.size()!=0)  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(
-      "#BTAG# TrkFromV0 : number of reconstructed bad tracks: " <<
-      TrkFromV0.size());
-    /** extract the TrackParticles from the jet and apply track selection: */
-    int nbTrak = 0;
-    const auto& associationLinks = BTag.auxdata<TrackLinks>(
-      m_trackAssociationName);
-    double sumTrkpT = 0;
-    if( associationLinks.size() == 0 ) {
-      ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("#BTAG#  Could not find tracks associated with"
-                      " BTagging object as " << m_trackAssociationName);
-    } else {
-      // We loop over the tracks twice: the first time is to compute
-      // the summed pt of all tracks satisfying the "normal" criteria;
-      // the second time a possibly tighter pt cut may be applied
-      for(const auto& trk: associationLinks) {
-        const xAOD::TrackParticle* aTemp = *trk;
-        if (m_trackSelectorTool->selectTrack(priVtx.position(), aTemp))
-        {
-          sumTrkpT += aTemp->pt();
-        }
-      }
-      // m_trackSelectorTool->setSumTrkPt(sumTrkpT);
-      for(const auto& trk: associationLinks) {
-        const xAOD::TrackParticle* aTemp = *trk;
-        nbTrak++;
-        if( m_trackSelectorTool->selectTrack(priVtx.position(), aTemp, sumTrkpT) ) {
-          TrackGrade* theGrade = m_trackGradeFactory->getGrade(
-            *aTemp, jetToTag.p4() );
-          ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("#BTAG#  result of selectTrack is OK, grade= "
-                          << theGrade->gradeString() );
-          bool tobeUsed = false;
-          for(int i=0;i<nbPart;i++) {
-            if( std::find( (m_trackGradePartitions[i]->grades()).begin(),
-                           (m_trackGradePartitions[i]->grades()).end(),
-                           *theGrade )
-                != (m_trackGradePartitions[i]->grades()).end() ){
-              tobeUsed = true;
-            }
-          }
-          // is it a bad track ?
-          if( std::find(TrkFromV0.begin(),TrkFromV0.end(),aTemp)
-              != TrkFromV0.end() ) {
-            ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("#BTAG# Bad track in jet, pt = " << aTemp->pt() <<
-                            " eta = " << aTemp->eta() << " phi = " <<
-                            aTemp->phi() );
-            if (m_rejectBadTracks) tobeUsed = false;
-          }
-          // check required IP sign:
-          if (tobeUsed) tracksInJet.push_back(GradedTrack(trk, *theGrade));
-          delete theGrade;
-          theGrade=0;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("#BTAG# #tracks = " << nbTrak);
-    ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("#BTAG# the z of the primary = " <<
-                    priVtx.position().z());
-    /** jet direction: */
-    Amg::Vector3D jetDirection(jetToTag.px(),jetToTag.py(),jetToTag.pz());
-    /** prepare vectors with all track information: TP links,
-     * i.p. significances, track grade, etc */
-    auto track_info = get_track_info(priVtx, tracksInJet, jetDirection, TrkFromV0);
-    // add the tags
-    add_tags(BTag, author, track_info);
-    if (m_writeTrackLinks) {
-      TrackLinks ip_tracks;
-      for (const auto& trk: track_info) {
-        ip_tracks.push_back( trk.trk );
-      }
-      // specific fast accessors for mainstream instances of IPTag: IP3D, IP2D
-      //// need to handle to persistify for dynamic values before adding this
-      BTag.setVariable<TrackLinks> (
-        m_xAODBaseName, "TrackParticleLinks", ip_tracks );
-      BTag.setDynTPELName( m_xAODBaseName, "TrackParticleLinks");
-    }
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-  }
-  // ___________________________________________________________
-  // apply tags loop
-  void RNNIPTag::add_tags(xAOD::BTagging& tag, const std::string& author,
-                          std::vector<IPxDInfo>& track_info) const {
-    // first loop is over the different sorting functions
-    for (const auto& sort_group: get_networks_for(author)) {
-      const auto& sort_func = sort_group.first;
-      const auto& networks = sort_group.second;
-      // This doesn't compile with clang 3.8 and gcc 6.1
-      //std::sort( track_info.begin(), track_info.end(), sort_func);
-      TrackSorterFunctional sorter (sort_func);
-      std::sort( track_info.begin(), track_info.end(), sorter);
-      const auto inputs = get_nn_inputs(track_info);
-      // inner loop is over the networks that use this sort function
-      for (const auto& network: networks) {
-        if (track_info.size() == 0) {
-          ATH_MSG_DEBUG("no tracks, filling with defaults");
-          fill_posteriors(tag, network.name, network.outputs);
-          continue;
-        }
-        try {
-          lwt::ValueMap out = network.network->reduce(inputs);
-          fill_posteriors(tag, network.name, network.outputs, out);
-          if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) {
-            std::string op = "output for " + network.name + ": ";
-            for (const auto& pr: out) {
-              op.append(pr.first + " = " + std::to_string(pr.second) + ", ");
-            }
-            ATH_MSG_DEBUG(op);
-          }
-        } catch (lwt::NNEvaluationException& e) {
-          ATH_MSG_WARNING(e.what() << " tagging with " + network.name
-                          + ", will fill with defaults");
-          fill_posteriors(tag, network.name, network.outputs);
-        }
-      } // end loop over networks
-      // for each sorting, store inputs
-      if (networks.size() > 0) {
-        if (m_writeInputsToBtagObject) {
-          fill_inputs(tag, networks.front().name, inputs);
-        }
-      } else {
-        ATH_MSG_ERROR("Found sorting function in RNNIP with no accompanying"
-                      " inputs. This should not happen.");
-      }
-    } // end loop over sorting functions
-  }
-  RNNIPTag::Network::Network(const std::string& net_name,
-                             const lwt::JSONConfig& cf):
-    name(net_name),
-    network(new lwt::LightweightRNN(cf.inputs, cf.layers, cf.outputs)),
-    outputs(cf.outputs)
-  {
-  }
-  std::string RNNIPTag::get_calib_string(const std::string& author,
-                                         const std::string& name) const
-  {
-    // if we have an override we ignore the author and just read from
-    // a text file
-    if (m_network_cfg.at(name).size() > 0) {
-      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Reading from local file");
-      std::ifstream file(m_network_cfg.at(name));
-      std::stringstream out;
-      out << file.rdbuf();
-      return out.str();
-    } else {
-      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("reading out from DB");
-    }
-    SG::ReadCondHandle<JetTagCalibCondData> readCdo(m_readKey); 
-    return readCdo->retrieveIPRNN(m_calibrationDirectory , author);
-  }
-  const RNNIPTag::SortGroups&
-  RNNIPTag::get_networks_for(const std::string& author) const {
-    using std::map;
-    using std::string;
-    using std::pair;
-    using std::vector;
-    using namespace lwt;
-    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock (m_networksMutex);
-    // TODO: delete networks if they've gone out of the IOV, needs
-    // some calibration broker code. On the other hand, we've never
-    // had an IOV end within a job. Will we?
-    auto it = m_networks.find(author);
-    if (it != m_networks.end()) {
-      return it->second;
-    }
-    SortGroups& groups = m_networks[author];
-    // order the networks we need to build by the sort function
-    typedef map<string, vector<pair<string, JSONConfig > > > NWBySort;
-    NWBySort nw_by_sort_func;
-    for (const auto& cfg: m_network_cfg) {
-      const auto& cfg_name = cfg.first;
-      std::string calstring = get_calib_string(author, cfg_name);
-      if (calstring.size() == 0) {
-        ATH_MSG_WARNING("cant load '" + cfg_name + "' for '" + author + "'");
-        continue;
-      }
-      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("calstring for " + author + ", " + cfg_name + ": "
-                    << calstring.size() << " characters");
-      std::stringstream stream(calstring);
-      try {
-        lwt::JSONConfig nncfg = lwt::parse_json(stream);
-        auto sort_name = get_sort_name(nncfg);
-        nw_by_sort_func[sort_name].emplace_back(cfg_name, nncfg);
-      } catch (std::exception& e) {
-        ATH_MSG_WARNING(e.what() << ", will not run '" + cfg_name
-                        + "' for '" + author + "' jets");
-      }
-    }
-    // build the groups for this author
-    for (const auto& sf_nw: nw_by_sort_func) {
-      // TODO: add more sort func
-      TrackSorter sort = get_sort_function(sf_nw.first);
-      groups.emplace_back(sort, Networks());
-      for (const auto& name_and_network_conf: sf_nw.second) {
-        const auto& nw_config = name_and_network_conf.second;
-        const auto& nw_name = name_and_network_conf.first;
-        ATH_MSG_DEBUG(nw_name + ": " << nw_config.layers.size() << " layers");
-        auto& nw_group = groups.back().second;
-        try {
-          nw_group.emplace_back(nw_name, nw_config);
-        } catch (lwt::NNConfigurationException& e) {
-          ATH_MSG_WARNING(nw_name + " init failure: " + e.what());
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return groups;
-  }
-  // ____________________________________________________________
-  // Get track info vector
-  std::vector<IPxDInfo> RNNIPTag::get_track_info(
-    const xAOD::Vertex& priVtx,
-    const std::vector<GradedTrack>& tracksInJet,
-    const Amg::Vector3D& jetDirection,
-    const std::vector<const xAOD::TrackParticle*>& TrkFromV0) const {
-    Amg::Vector3D unit = jetDirection.unit();
-    double jet_pt = std::hypot(jetDirection.x(), jetDirection.y());
-    std::vector<IPxDInfo> track_info;
-    for (std::vector<GradedTrack>::const_iterator trkItr = tracksInJet.begin();
-         trkItr != tracksInJet.end(); ++trkItr) {
-      const xAOD::TrackParticle* trk = *(trkItr->track);
-      const auto& trk4 = trk->p4();
-      const Amg::Vector3D trk_momentum(trk4.Px(), trk4.Py(), trk4.Pz());
-      bool isFromV0 = (
-        std::find(TrkFromV0.begin(),TrkFromV0.end(),trk) != TrkFromV0.end());
-      /** track parameters defined at the primary vertex: */
-      double d0wrtPriVtx(0.);
-      double z0wrtPriVtx(0.);
-      double d0ErrwrtPriVtx(1.);
-      double z0ErrwrtPriVtx(1.);
-      /** use new Tool for "unbiased" IP estimation */
-      const Trk::ImpactParametersAndSigma* myIPandSigma(0);
-      if (m_trackToVertexIPEstimator) {
-        myIPandSigma = m_trackToVertexIPEstimator->estimate(
-          trk, &priVtx, m_unbiasIPEstimation);
-      }
-      if(0==myIPandSigma) {
-        ATH_MSG_WARNING("#BTAG# IPTAG: trackToVertexIPEstimator failed !");
-      } else {
-        d0wrtPriVtx=myIPandSigma->IPd0;
-        d0ErrwrtPriVtx=myIPandSigma->sigmad0;
-        z0wrtPriVtx=myIPandSigma->IPz0SinTheta;
-        z0ErrwrtPriVtx=myIPandSigma->sigmaz0SinTheta;
-        delete myIPandSigma;
-        myIPandSigma=0;
-      }
-      /** sign of the impact parameter */
-      double signOfIP(1.);
-      if ( m_use2DSignForIP3D ) {
-        signOfIP=m_trackToVertexIPEstimator->get2DLifetimeSignOfTrack(
-          trk->perigeeParameters(),unit, priVtx);
-      } else {
-        signOfIP=m_trackToVertexIPEstimator->get3DLifetimeSignOfTrack(
-          trk->perigeeParameters(), unit, priVtx);
-      }
-      double signOfZIP = m_trackToVertexIPEstimator->getZLifetimeSignOfTrack(
-        trk->perigeeParameters(), unit, priVtx);
-      if (m_useD0SignForZ0) signOfZIP = signOfIP;
-      /** option to flip signs for negative tag method */
-      if(m_flipIP  )  signOfIP = -signOfIP;
-      if(m_flipZIP ) signOfZIP = -signOfZIP;
-      /** select according to sign: skip tracks if not ok */
-      if(signOfIP>0 && !m_usePosIP) continue;
-      if(signOfIP<0 && !m_useNegIP) continue;
-      if( m_useZIPSignForPosNeg ) {
-        if(signOfZIP>0 && !m_usePosIP) continue;
-        if(signOfZIP<0 && !m_useNegIP) continue;
-      }
-      /** significances */
-      double sIP         = signOfIP*fabs(d0wrtPriVtx);
-      double significance= signOfIP*fabs(d0wrtPriVtx/d0ErrwrtPriVtx);
-      double szIP        = signOfZIP*fabs(z0wrtPriVtx);
-      double z0Sig       = signOfZIP*fabs(z0wrtPriVtx/z0ErrwrtPriVtx);
-      // VD: I know that this is ugly but I want to minimise the
-      // changes as much as I can
-      IPxDInfo tmpObj;
-      tmpObj.trk=trkItr->track;
-      tmpObj.d0   =sIP;
-      tmpObj.d0sig=significance;
-      tmpObj.z0   =szIP;
-      tmpObj.z0sig=z0Sig;
-      tmpObj.grade=trkItr->grade;
-      tmpObj.trkP =trk;
-      tmpObj.fromV0=isFromV0;
-      tmpObj.dphi = Amg::deltaPhi(trk_momentum, unit);
-      tmpObj.dr = Amg::deltaR(trk_momentum, unit);
-      tmpObj.deta = trk_momentum.eta() - unit.eta();
-      tmpObj.ptfrac = trk->pt() / jet_pt;
-      track_info.push_back(tmpObj);
-    }
-    return track_info;
-  }
-}//end namespace
-namespace {
-  double val(const xAOD::TrackParticle& tp, const xAOD::SummaryType& prop) {
-    uint8_t val;
-    tp.summaryValue(val, prop);
-    return val;
-  }
-  VectorMap get_nn_inputs(const std::vector<IPxDInfo>& tracks) {
-    using namespace trkvar;
-    const std::vector<std::string> inputs{
-      D0, D0_SIG, Z0, Z0_SIG, D0Z0_SIG, GRADE, FROM_V0, PT, DPHI, ABS_ETA,
-    VectorMap out;
-    for (const auto& input: inputs) {
-      out.emplace(input, std::vector<double>());
-    }
-    for (const auto& tk: tracks) {
-      out.at(D0).push_back(tk.d0);
-      out.at(D0_SIG).push_back(tk.d0sig);
-      out.at(Z0).push_back(tk.z0);
-      out.at(Z0_SIG).push_back(tk.z0sig);
-      out.at(D0Z0_SIG).push_back(std::hypot(tk.z0sig, tk.d0sig));
-      out.at(GRADE).push_back(tk.grade);
-      out.at(FROM_V0).push_back(tk.fromV0);
-      out.at(PT).push_back(tk.trkP->pt());
-      out.at(DPHI).push_back(tk.dphi);
-      out.at(ABS_ETA).push_back(std::abs(tk.trkP->eta()));
-      out.at(PT_FRAC).push_back(tk.ptfrac);
-      out.at(DR).push_back(tk.dr);
-      out.at(DETA).push_back(tk.deta);
-      out.at(CHARGE).push_back(tk.trkP->charge());
-      const auto& tp = *tk.trkP;
-      out.at(CHI2).push_back(tp.chiSquared());
-      out.at(N_INN_HITS).push_back(
-        val(tp,xAOD::numberOfInnermostPixelLayerHits));
-      out.at(N_NEXT_TO_INN_HITS).push_back(
-        val(tp, xAOD::numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerHits));
-      out.at(N_BL_HITS).push_back(
-        val(tp, xAOD::numberOfInnermostPixelLayerHits));
-      out.at(N_SHARED_BL_HITS).push_back(
-        val(tp, xAOD::numberOfInnermostPixelLayerSharedHits));
-      out.at(N_SPLIT_BL_HITS).push_back(
-        val(tp, xAOD::numberOfInnermostPixelLayerSplitHits));
-      out.at(N_PIX_HITS).push_back(
-        val(tp, xAOD::numberOfPixelHits));
-      out.at(N_SHARED_PIX_HITS).push_back(
-        val(tp, xAOD::numberOfPixelSharedHits));
-      out.at(N_SPLIT_PIX_HITS).push_back(
-        val(tp, xAOD::numberOfPixelSplitHits));
-      out.at(N_SCT_HITS).push_back(
-        val(tp, xAOD::numberOfSCTHits));
-      out.at(N_SHARED_SCT_HITS).push_back(
-        val(tp, xAOD::numberOfSCTSharedHits));
-      out.at(EXPECT_BL_HIT).push_back(
-        val(tp, xAOD::expectInnermostPixelLayerHit));
-      out.at(EXPECT_INNERMOST_PIX_HIT).push_back(
-        val(tp, xAOD::expectInnermostPixelLayerHit));
-      out.at(EXPECT_NEXT_TO_INNERMOST_PIX_HIT).push_back(
-        val(tp, xAOD::expectNextToInnermostPixelLayerHit));
-    }
-    return out;
-  }
-  size_t fill_posteriors(xAOD::BTagging& tag,
-                         const std::string& author,
-                         const std::vector<std::string>& outputs,
-                         const lwt::ValueMap& vals) {
-    size_t found = 0;
-    for (const auto& out: outputs) {
-      double val = 0;         // was NaN, see jira: AFT-194, ATLASRECTS-3897
-      bool is_valid = false;
-      if (vals.count(out)) {
-        val = vals.at(out);
-        found++;
-        is_valid = true;
-      }
-      tag.setVariable<double>(author, out, val);
-      std::string valid_key = out + "IsValid";
-      tag.setVariable<char>(author, valid_key, is_valid);
-    }
-    return found;
-  }
-  void fill_inputs(xAOD::BTagging& tag,
-                   const std::string& author,
-                   const lwt::VectorMap& inputs) {
-    // cast to float to save space
-    typedef std::vector<float> OutVector;
-    for (const auto& in: inputs) {
-      OutVector outvec(in.second.begin(), in.second.end());
-      tag.setVariable<OutVector>(author, in.first, outvec);
-    }
-  }
-  std::string get_sort_name(const lwt::JSONConfig& cfg) {
-    if (!cfg.miscellaneous.count(SORT_BY)) {
-      throw std::logic_error("sort function not given");
-    }
-    return cfg.miscellaneous.at(SORT_BY);
-  }
-  Analysis::TrackSorter get_sort_function(const std::string& key) {
-    using namespace trkvar;
-    using namespace Analysis;
-    if (key == D0_SIG) return StructD0Sigsorting;
-    if (key == PT) return StructPTsorting;
-    if (key == D0Z0_SIG) return StructZ0D0Sigsorting;
-    throw std::logic_error("sort by " + key + " is not defined");
-  }
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/src/SVTag.cxx b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/src/SVTag.cxx
index 9e2e6791e1a911496b58f569714ef9bbea3af09f..f4421ab5403725c94c3d13d3bed51f0712ef65a6 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/src/SVTag.cxx
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/src/SVTag.cxx
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ namespace Analysis
     declareProperty("UseDRJetPvSv", m_useDRJPVSV = true);
     declareProperty("UseCHypo", m_useCHypo=true);
     declareProperty("UseSV2Pt", m_usePtSV2=false);
+    declareProperty("SaveProbabilities", m_save_probabilities=false);
@@ -446,9 +447,11 @@ namespace Analysis
+  if (m_save_probabilities) {
 	BTag.setVariable<double>(m_xAODBaseName, "pb", probi[0]);
 	BTag.setVariable<double>(m_xAODBaseName, "pu", probi[1]);
 	if (m_useCHypo) BTag.setVariable<double>(m_xAODBaseName, "pc", probi[2]);
+  }
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/src/components/JetTagTools_entries.cxx b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/src/components/JetTagTools_entries.cxx
index 8d6e7c6da50a08c2e1eccee50879657f9489f7e3..d7e16237c41e2b35be95c44c0e9fd051f78891d9 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/src/components/JetTagTools_entries.cxx
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagTools/src/components/JetTagTools_entries.cxx
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 #include "JetTagTools/IPTag.h"
-#include "JetTagTools/RNNIPTag.h"
 #include "JetTagTools/SVTag.h"
 #include "JetTagTools/MultiSVTag.h"
@@ -14,7 +13,6 @@
 #include "JetTagTools/MSVVariablesFactory.h"
 #include "JetTagTools/MultivariateTagManager.h"
-#include "JetTagTools/DL1Tag.h"
 #include "JetTagTools/TagNtupleDumper.h"
 #include "JetTagTools/JetFitterNNTool.h"
 #include "JetTagTools/JetFitterDummyClassifier.h"
@@ -27,11 +25,8 @@
 #include "JetTagTools/MV1Tag.h"
 #include "JetTagTools/MV2Tag.h"
-#include "JetTagTools/ExKtbbTagTool.h"
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( Analysis::MultiSVTag )
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( Analysis::SoftMuonTag )
@@ -41,7 +36,6 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( Analysis::JetFitterTag )
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( Analysis::JetFitterNtupleWriter )
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( Analysis::JetFitterVariablesFactory )
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( Analysis::MSVVariablesFactory )
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( Analysis::TagNtupleDumper )
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( Analysis::MultivariateTagManager )
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( Analysis::JetFitterNNTool )
@@ -52,4 +46,4 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( Analysis::BasicTrackGradeFactory )
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( Analysis::DetailedTrackGradeFactory )
-DECLARE_COMPONENT( Analysis::ExKtbbTagTool )