diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopCPTools/Root/TopJetMETCPTools.cxx b/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopCPTools/Root/TopJetMETCPTools.cxx
index 5e807046423707d8bd8e696f80073ba5da69c057..bbc12e482acf210847f7e02057d47ac58fbdd27f 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopCPTools/Root/TopJetMETCPTools.cxx
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/xAOD/TopCPTools/Root/TopJetMETCPTools.cxx
@@ -204,30 +204,30 @@ namespace top {
       top::check(jetUpdateJvtTool->initialize(), "Failed to initialize");
       m_jetUpdateJvtTool = jetUpdateJvtTool;
     ///-- Calculate fJVT --///
     //Only setup fJVT tool if user actually wants it
     if (m_config->doForwardJVTinMET() || m_config->getfJVTWP() != "None") {
       const std::string fjvt_tool_name = "JetSelectfJvtTool";
       if (asg::ToolStore::contains<IJetModifier>(fjvt_tool_name)) {
-	m_jetSelectfJvtTool = asg::ToolStore::get<IJetModifier>(fjvt_tool_name);
+        m_jetSelectfJvtTool = asg::ToolStore::get<IJetModifier>(fjvt_tool_name);
       } else {
-	IJetModifier* JetSelectfJvtTool = new JetForwardJvtTool(fjvt_tool_name);
-	top::check(asg::setProperty(JetSelectfJvtTool, "JvtMomentName", "AnalysisTop_JVT"), //fJVT uses JVT decision
-		   "Failed to set JvtMomentName for JetForwardJvtTool");
-	//Default fJVT WP is medium but this can't be used with default Tight MET WP
-	//MET WP takes precidence so making ATop default fJVT=Tight 
-	if (m_config->getfJVTWP() != "Medium"){ 
-	  top::check(asg::setProperty(JetSelectfJvtTool, "UseTightOP", true),
-                     "Failed to set UseTightOP for JetForwardJvtTool");
-	}
-	top::check(asg::setProperty(JetSelectfJvtTool, "OutputDec", "AnalysisTop_fJVTdecision"), //Adds custom decorator, 'AnalysisTop_fJVTdecision', to all jets
-		   "Failed to set OutputDec for JetForwardJvtTool");
-	top::check(JetSelectfJvtTool->initialize(), "Failed to initialize " + fjvt_tool_name);
-	m_jetSelectfJvtTool = JetSelectfJvtTool;
+        IJetModifier* JetSelectfJvtTool = new JetForwardJvtTool(fjvt_tool_name);
+        top::check(asg::setProperty(JetSelectfJvtTool, "JvtMomentName", "AnalysisTop_JVT"), //fJVT uses JVT decision
+        	   "Failed to set JvtMomentName for JetForwardJvtTool");
+        //Default fJVT WP is medium but this can't be used with default Tight MET WP
+        //MET WP takes precidence so making ATop default fJVT=Tight 
+        if (m_config->getfJVTWP() != "Medium"){ 
+          top::check(asg::setProperty(JetSelectfJvtTool, "UseTightOP", true),
+                           "Failed to set UseTightOP for JetForwardJvtTool");
+        }
+        top::check(asg::setProperty(JetSelectfJvtTool, "OutputDec", "AnalysisTop_fJVTdecision"), //Adds custom decorator, 'AnalysisTop_fJVTdecision', to all jets
+        	   "Failed to set OutputDec for JetForwardJvtTool");
+        top::check(JetSelectfJvtTool->initialize(), "Failed to initialize " + fjvt_tool_name);
+        m_jetSelectfJvtTool = JetSelectfJvtTool;
@@ -540,14 +540,14 @@ namespace top {
       if (m_config->doForwardJVTinMET()) { 
-	if (m_config->getfJVTWP() == "Medium") {
-	  top::check(metMaker->setProperty("JetSelection", "Tenacious"), "Failed to set METMaker JetSelection to Tenacious");
-	}
+        if (m_config->getfJVTWP() == "Medium") {
+          top::check(metMaker->setProperty("JetSelection", "Tenacious"), "Failed to set METMaker JetSelection to Tenacious");
+        }
         top::check(metMaker->setProperty("JetRejectionDec","AnalysisTop_fJVTdecision"), "Failed to set METMaker JetRejectionDec to AnalysisTop_fJVTdecision");
-	top::check(metMaker->initialize(), "Failed to initialize");
-	metMaker->msg().setLevel(MSG::INFO);
-	m_met_maker = metMaker;
+      top::check(metMaker->initialize(), "Failed to initialize");
+      metMaker->msg().setLevel(MSG::INFO);
+      m_met_maker = metMaker;
     // MET Systematics tool