diff --git a/Reconstruction/PanTau/PanTauAlgs/Root/PanTauProcessor.cxx b/Reconstruction/PanTau/PanTauAlgs/Root/PanTauProcessor.cxx
index 4b2ea4de6ae64c23e759580f3e14567f3b78ec13..60168c8a08b4f51f5cfa6aac48eeb2706505c381 100644
--- a/Reconstruction/PanTau/PanTauAlgs/Root/PanTauProcessor.cxx
+++ b/Reconstruction/PanTau/PanTauAlgs/Root/PanTauProcessor.cxx
@@ -246,8 +246,8 @@ StatusCode      PanTau::PanTauProcessor::executePanTau(xAOD::TauJet& pTau, xAOD:
 void PanTau::PanTauProcessor::fillDefaultValuesToTau(xAOD::TauJet* tauJet) {
-    //default four momentum set to previous calibration state: TauEtaCalib
-    TLorentzVector defaultP4 = tauJet->p4(xAOD::TauJetParameters::TauEtaCalib);
+    //default four momentum set to previous calibration state: TauEnergyScale
+    TLorentzVector defaultP4 = tauJet->p4();
     tauJet->setP4(xAOD::TauJetParameters::PanTauCellBased, defaultP4.Pt(), defaultP4.Eta(), defaultP4.Phi(), defaultP4.M());
diff --git a/Reconstruction/tauRec/python/TauAlgorithmsHolder.py b/Reconstruction/tauRec/python/TauAlgorithmsHolder.py
index 0868a8ec7684d4cf0f08bcc49a2fcfab131ac44c..4af9f47c078b17468e847d5d0b8f1e3c63fbadab 100644
--- a/Reconstruction/tauRec/python/TauAlgorithmsHolder.py
+++ b/Reconstruction/tauRec/python/TauAlgorithmsHolder.py
@@ -97,8 +97,6 @@ def getEnergyCalibrationLC(correctEnergy=True, correctAxis=False, postfix=''):
     from tauRecTools.tauRecToolsConf import TauCalibrateLC
     TauCalibrateLC = TauCalibrateLC(name = _name,
                                     calibrationFile = "TES_MC16a_prelim.root",
-                                    doEnergyCorrection = correctEnergy,
-                                    doAxisCorrection = correctAxis,
                                     doPtResponse = True,
                                     Key_vertexInputContainer = _DefaultVertexContainer 
diff --git a/Reconstruction/tauRec/python/TauRecBuilder.py b/Reconstruction/tauRec/python/TauRecBuilder.py
index fc5db0cff396c58cdfb7f5306d7cba77868c9531..babd167eec2061a3a996ab6ce0b68b65cd4fe17e 100644
--- a/Reconstruction/tauRec/python/TauRecBuilder.py
+++ b/Reconstruction/tauRec/python/TauRecBuilder.py
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class TauRecCoreBuilder ( TauRecConfigured ) :
             if not doMVATrackClassification and doRNNTrackClassification:
             if jobproperties.Beam.beamType()!="cosmics":
-                tools.append(taualgs.getEnergyCalibrationLC(correctEnergy=True, correctAxis=False, postfix='_onlyEnergy'))
+                tools.append(taualgs.getEnergyCalibrationLC())
diff --git a/Reconstruction/tauRec/python/TauRecRunner.py b/Reconstruction/tauRec/python/TauRecRunner.py
index f87386826433f927eb51a839615740b0de05d4d6..e019d11f5865cbc058a7aef66dbc27ff468c59ef 100644
--- a/Reconstruction/tauRec/python/TauRecRunner.py
+++ b/Reconstruction/tauRec/python/TauRecRunner.py
@@ -56,8 +56,6 @@ class TauRecRunner ( TauRecRunConfigured ) :
-        tools.append(taualgs.getEnergyCalibrationLC(correctEnergy=False, correctAxis=True, postfix='_onlyAxis'))
         # PanTau:
         if tauFlags.doPanTau() :
             import PanTauAlgs.JobOptions_Main_PanTau as pantau
diff --git a/Reconstruction/tauRecTools/Root/CombinedP4FromRecoTaus.cxx b/Reconstruction/tauRecTools/Root/CombinedP4FromRecoTaus.cxx
index 557b5203d509a54d48cd7467e2d8f96330753ceb..911af3962d57083f4e233e0219819a8c20059f43 100644
--- a/Reconstruction/tauRecTools/Root/CombinedP4FromRecoTaus.cxx
+++ b/Reconstruction/tauRecTools/Root/CombinedP4FromRecoTaus.cxx
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ StatusCode CombinedP4FromRecoTaus::initialize() {
 StatusCode CombinedP4FromRecoTaus::execute(xAOD::TauJet& tau) const {
-  TLorentzVector combinedP4(tau.p4(xAOD::TauJetParameters::TauEtaCalib));
+  TLorentzVector combinedP4(tau.p4(xAOD::TauJetParameters::TauEnergyScale));
   // used to store immediate results
   Variables variables;
@@ -162,10 +162,10 @@ bool CombinedP4FromRecoTaus::getUseCaloPtFlag(const xAOD::TauJet& tau) const {
   xAOD::TauJetParameters::DecayMode decayMode = getDecayMode(tau);  
   int decayModeIndex = getDecayModeIndex(decayMode);
-  int etaIndex = getEtaIndex(tau.etaTauEtaCalib());
+  int etaIndex = getEtaIndex(tau.etaTauEnergyScale());
-  double caloSigma = tau.ptTauEtaCalib() * getCaloResolution(tau.ptTauEtaCalib(), decayModeIndex, etaIndex);
-  double deltaEt = tau.ptFinalCalib() - tau.ptTauEtaCalib();
+  double caloSigma = tau.ptTauEnergyScale() * getCaloResolution(tau.ptTauEnergyScale(), decayModeIndex, etaIndex);
+  double deltaEt = tau.ptFinalCalib() - tau.ptTauEnergyScale();
   bool useCaloPt = false;
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ double CombinedP4FromRecoTaus::getCombinedEt(const double& caloEt,
 TLorentzVector CombinedP4FromRecoTaus::getCombinedP4(const xAOD::TauJet& tau, Variables& variables) const {
-  const TLorentzVector& caloP4 = tau.p4(xAOD::TauJetParameters::TauEtaCalib);
+  const TLorentzVector& caloP4 = tau.p4(xAOD::TauJetParameters::TauEnergyScale);
   const TLorentzVector& panTauP4 = tau.p4(xAOD::TauJetParameters::PanTauCellBased);
   ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Four momentum at calo TES, pt: " << caloP4.Pt() << " eta: " << caloP4.Eta() << 
diff --git a/Reconstruction/tauRecTools/Root/TauCalibrateLC.cxx b/Reconstruction/tauRecTools/Root/TauCalibrateLC.cxx
index 9bd524bbf030079d0a193077876501880568478b..69e753f80878985ae839cf1c710826bb519d0553 100644
--- a/Reconstruction/tauRecTools/Root/TauCalibrateLC.cxx
+++ b/Reconstruction/tauRecTools/Root/TauCalibrateLC.cxx
@@ -17,10 +17,7 @@
 TauCalibrateLC::TauCalibrateLC(const std::string& name) :
   TauRecToolBase(name) {
   declareProperty("calibrationFile", m_calibrationFile = "");
-  declareProperty("doEnergyCorrection", m_doEnergyCorr = false);
   declareProperty("doPtResponse", m_doPtResponse = false);
-  declareProperty("doAxisCorrection", m_doAxisCorr = false);
-  declareProperty("usePantauAxis", m_usePantauAxis = false);
   declareProperty("isCaloOnly", m_isCaloOnly = false);
@@ -94,7 +91,6 @@ StatusCode TauCalibrateLC::initialize() {
   for (int i = 0; i < s_nProngBins; i++) {
     histo = dynamic_cast<TH1*>(file->Get(tmpSlopKey[i]));  // get pile-up slope histograms
     if (histo) {
@@ -137,119 +133,85 @@ StatusCode TauCalibrateLC::execute(xAOD::TauJet& pTau) const
   int prongBin = 1; //Mp
   if (pTau.nTracks() <= 1) prongBin = 0; //1p
-  // set tau energy scale 
-  if (m_doEnergyCorr) {
-    // get detector axis values
-    double absEta = std::abs( pTau.etaDetectorAxis() );
-    int etaBin = m_etaBinHist->GetXaxis()->FindBin(absEta) - 1;
+  // get detector axis values
+  double absEta = std::abs( pTau.etaDetectorAxis() );
+  int etaBin = m_etaBinHist->GetXaxis()->FindBin(absEta) - 1;
-    if (etaBin>=m_nEtaBins) etaBin = m_nEtaBins-1; // correction from last bin should be applied on all taus outside stored eta range
+  if (etaBin>=m_nEtaBins) etaBin = m_nEtaBins-1; // correction from last bin should be applied on all taus outside stored eta range
-    int nVertex = 0;
+  int nVertex = 0;
-    // Obtain pileup
-    if (inTrigger())  { // online: retrieved from EventInfo 
-      SG::ReadDecorHandle<xAOD::EventInfo, float> eventInfoDecorHandle( m_aveIntPerXKey );
-      if (!eventInfoDecorHandle.isPresent()) {
-        ATH_MSG_WARNING ( "EventInfo decoration not available! Will set nVertex = " << m_averageNPV );
-        nVertex = m_averageNPV;
-      }
-      else {
-        nVertex = eventInfoDecorHandle(0);
-        ATH_MSG_DEBUG("AvgInteractions object in tau candidate = " << nVertex);
-      } 
-    }  
-    else { // offline: count the primary vertex container
-      SG::ReadHandle<xAOD::VertexContainer> vertexInHandle( m_vertexInputContainer );
-      if (!vertexInHandle.isValid()) {
-        ATH_MSG_ERROR ("Could not retrieve HiveDataObj with key " << vertexInHandle.key());
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  // Obtain pileup
+  if (inTrigger())  { // online: retrieved from EventInfo 
+    SG::ReadDecorHandle<xAOD::EventInfo, float> eventInfoDecorHandle( m_aveIntPerXKey );
+    if (!eventInfoDecorHandle.isPresent()) {
+      ATH_MSG_WARNING ( "EventInfo decoration not available! Will set nVertex = " << m_averageNPV );
+      nVertex = m_averageNPV;
+    }
+    else {
+      nVertex = eventInfoDecorHandle(0);
+      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("AvgInteractions object in tau candidate = " << nVertex);
+    } 
+  }  
+  else { // offline: count the primary vertex container
+    SG::ReadHandle<xAOD::VertexContainer> vertexInHandle( m_vertexInputContainer );
+    if (!vertexInHandle.isValid()) {
+      ATH_MSG_ERROR ("Could not retrieve HiveDataObj with key " << vertexInHandle.key());
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+    }
+    const xAOD::VertexContainer * vxContainer = vertexInHandle.cptr();
+    for (const auto vertex : *vxContainer) {
+      if (vertex->vertexType() == xAOD::VxType::PileUp) {
+	++nVertex;
-      const xAOD::VertexContainer * vxContainer = vertexInHandle.cptr();
-      for (const auto vertex : *vxContainer) {
-        if (vertex->vertexType() == xAOD::VxType::PileUp) {
-          ++nVertex;
-        }
-      } 
-      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("calculated nVertex " << nVertex );           
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("calculated nVertex " << nVertex );           
+  } 
-    double calibConst = 1.0;
+  double calibConst = 1.0;
-    double slopeNPV = m_slopeNPVHist[prongBin]->GetBinContent(etaBin + 1);
-    double offset = slopeNPV * (nVertex - m_averageNPV);
+  double slopeNPV = m_slopeNPVHist[prongBin]->GetBinContent(etaBin + 1);
+  double offset = slopeNPV * (nVertex - m_averageNPV);
-    // energy response parameterized as a function of pileup-corrected E_LC
-    double energyLC = pTau.p4(xAOD::TauJetParameters::DetectorAxis).E() / GeV; 
-    if(m_doPtResponse) energyLC = pTau.ptDetectorAxis() / GeV;
+  // energy response parameterized as a function of pileup-corrected E_LC
+  double energyLC = pTau.p4(xAOD::TauJetParameters::DetectorAxis).E() / GeV; 
+  if(m_doPtResponse) energyLC = pTau.ptDetectorAxis() / GeV;
-    if (energyLC <= 0) {
-      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("tau energy at LC scale is " << energyLC << "--> set energy=0.001");           
-      pTau.setP4(0.001, pTau.eta(), pTau.phi(), pTau.m());
-      return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-    }
+  if (energyLC <= 0) {
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("tau energy at LC scale is " << energyLC << "--> set energy=0.001");           
+    pTau.setP4(0.001, pTau.eta(), pTau.phi(), pTau.m());
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+  }
-    if (energyLC - offset <= 0) {
-      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("after pile-up correction energy would be = " << energyLC - offset << " --> setting offset=0 now!");
-      offset = 0;
-    }
+  if (energyLC - offset <= 0) {
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("after pile-up correction energy would be = " << energyLC - offset << " --> setting offset=0 now!");
+    offset = 0;
+  }
-    // apply offset correction
-    double energyPileupCorr = energyLC - offset;
+  // apply offset correction
+  double energyPileupCorr = energyLC - offset;
-    if (energyPileupCorr > 0 and energyPileupCorr < 10000) // from 0 to 10 TeV
-      {
-	calibConst = m_calibFunc[prongBin][etaBin]->Eval(energyPileupCorr);
+  if (energyPileupCorr > 0 and energyPileupCorr < 10000) // from 0 to 10 TeV
+    {
+      calibConst = m_calibFunc[prongBin][etaBin]->Eval(energyPileupCorr);
-	if (calibConst <= 0) {
-	  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("calibration constant = " << calibConst);
-	  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("prongBin             = " << prongBin);
-	  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("etaBin               = " << etaBin);
-	  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("energyPileupCorr     = " << energyPileupCorr);
-	  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("energyLC             = " << energyLC);
-	  calibConst = 1.0;
-	}
+      if (calibConst <= 0) {
+	ATH_MSG_DEBUG("calibration constant = " << calibConst);
+	ATH_MSG_DEBUG("prongBin             = " << prongBin);
+	ATH_MSG_DEBUG("etaBin               = " << etaBin);
+	ATH_MSG_DEBUG("energyPileupCorr     = " << energyPileupCorr);
+	ATH_MSG_DEBUG("energyLC             = " << energyLC);
+	calibConst = 1.0;
+    }
-    double energyFinal = energyPileupCorr / calibConst;
+  double energyFinal = energyPileupCorr / calibConst;
-    if (not m_doPtResponse) energyFinal /= std::cosh(pTau.eta()) ; 
-    pTau.setP4( energyFinal * GeV, pTau.eta(), pTau.phi(), pTau.m());
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Energy at LC scale = " << energyLC << " pile-up offset " << offset << " calib. const. = " << calibConst << " final energy = " << energyFinal);
-    pTau.setP4(xAOD::TauJetParameters::TauEnergyScale, pTau.pt(), pTau.eta(), pTau.phi(), pTau.m());      
-    pTau.setDetail(xAOD::TauJetParameters::TESCalibConstant, static_cast<float>( calibConst ) );
-    pTau.setDetail(xAOD::TauJetParameters::TESOffset, static_cast<float>( offset * GeV ) );      
-  }
-  // final tau axis
-  if (m_doAxisCorr) {
-    // get tau intermediate axis values
-    double eta = pTau.etaIntermediateAxis();
-    double absEta = std::abs(eta);
-    double etaCorr = eta;
-    double phi = pTau.phiIntermediateAxis();
-    double phiCorr = phi;
-    // TauCalibrateLC should then only be called after Pantau !!
-    if(m_usePantauAxis && std::abs(pTau.etaPanTauCellBased()) < 111) {      
-      etaCorr = pTau.etaPanTauCellBased();
-      phiCorr = pTau.phiPanTauCellBased();      
-    }
-    else if (absEta) {
-      etaCorr = (eta / absEta)*(absEta - m_etaCorrectionHist->GetBinContent(m_etaCorrectionHist->GetXaxis()->FindBin(absEta)));
-    }      
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("eta " << eta << "; corrected eta = " << etaCorr << " ; phi " << phi << "; corrected phi " << phiCorr );
-    pTau.setP4( pTau.e() / std::cosh( etaCorr ), etaCorr, phiCorr, pTau.m());
-    pTau.setP4(xAOD::TauJetParameters::TauEtaCalib, pTau.pt(), pTau.eta(), pTau.phi(), pTau.m());
-  }
+  if (not m_doPtResponse) energyFinal /= std::cosh(pTau.eta()) ; 
+  pTau.setP4( energyFinal * GeV, pTau.eta(), pTau.phi(), pTau.m());
+  pTau.setP4(xAOD::TauJetParameters::TauEnergyScale, pTau.pt(), pTau.eta(), pTau.phi(), pTau.m());
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Energy at LC scale = " << energyLC << " pile-up offset " << offset << " calib. const. = " << calibConst << " final energy = " << energyFinal);
   if (m_isCaloOnly == true && inTrigger()) {
     pTau.setP4(xAOD::TauJetParameters::TrigCaloOnly, pTau.pt(), pTau.eta(), pTau.phi(), pTau.m());
diff --git a/Reconstruction/tauRecTools/tauRecTools/TauCalibrateLC.h b/Reconstruction/tauRecTools/tauRecTools/TauCalibrateLC.h
index 4b3b441498ddb80440ad5067c23bbfa48ab26258..7e9dc8941152613bb9ab0f9ed8b4aed15da88d11 100644
--- a/Reconstruction/tauRecTools/tauRecTools/TauCalibrateLC.h
+++ b/Reconstruction/tauRecTools/tauRecTools/TauCalibrateLC.h
@@ -49,10 +49,7 @@ class TauCalibrateLC : public TauRecToolBase {
     double m_averageNPV=0;
     std::string m_calibrationFile; //!< energy calibration file
-    bool m_doEnergyCorr; //!< switch for energy correction
     bool m_doPtResponse; //!< switch for pt response vs pt, if false, use E response vs E
-    bool m_doAxisCorr;   //!< switch for eta correction
-    bool m_usePantauAxis; //!< switch for overwriting calo (eta,phi) with Pantau (eta,phi) 
     bool m_isCaloOnly;   //!< switch for CaloOnly corrections
     SG::ReadDecorHandleKey<xAOD::EventInfo> m_aveIntPerXKey {this, 
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigTauRec/python/TrigTauAlgorithmsHolder.py b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigTauRec/python/TrigTauAlgorithmsHolder.py
index 551d1853df1860e15f6f9708e7205047783043e2..b695a47bdc19c8834167160fcaf9142baa4e4ec0 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigTauRec/python/TrigTauAlgorithmsHolder.py
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigTauRec/python/TrigTauAlgorithmsHolder.py
@@ -110,30 +110,25 @@ def getTauAxis():
 # Tau energy calibration
-def getEnergyCalibrationLC(correctEnergy=True, correctAxis=False, postfix='', caloOnly=False):
+def getEnergyCalibrationLC(caloOnly=False):
-    _name = sPrefix +'EnergyCalibrationLC' + postfix
+    _name = sPrefix +'EnergyCalibrationLC'
     if _name in cached_instances:
         return cached_instances[_name]
-##    calibFileName = "TES2015_LC_online.root"
     calibFileName = "TES2016_LC_online.root"
     if caloOnly:
-##        calibFileName = "TES2015_LC_online.root"
         calibFileName = "TES2016_LC_online_inc.root"
     from tauRecTools.tauRecToolsConf import TauCalibrateLC
     TauCalibrateLC = TauCalibrateLC(name = _name,
-                                    calibrationFile = calibFileName,
-                                    doEnergyCorrection = correctEnergy,
-                                    doAxisCorrection = correctAxis)
+                                    calibrationFile = calibFileName)
     TauCalibrateLC.isCaloOnly = caloOnly
     #Need to empty the vertex key collection in the trigger case
     TauCalibrateLC.Key_vertexInputContainer = ""
     cached_instances[_name] = TauCalibrateLC                
     return TauCalibrateLC
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigTauRec/python/TrigTauRecConfig.py b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigTauRec/python/TrigTauRecConfig.py
index 8585bf1ba90a0f8c786acf15594fd8e0b25103f3..4298178c422686c294b37c28b66a5ba4c01f852f 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigTauRec/python/TrigTauRecConfig.py
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigTauRec/python/TrigTauRecConfig.py
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class TrigTauRecMerged_Tau (TrigTauRecMerged) :
             tools.append(taualgs.getTauVertexFinder(doUseTJVA=False)) #don't use TJVA by default
-            tools.append(taualgs.getEnergyCalibrationLC(correctEnergy=True, correctAxis=False, postfix='_onlyEnergy'))
+            tools.append(taualgs.getEnergyCalibrationLC())
             #tools.append(taualgs.getElectronVetoVars())  #needed?
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class TrigTauRecMerged_Tau2012 (TrigTauRecMerged) :
             tools.append(taualgs.getTauVertexFinder(doUseTJVA=False)) #don't use TJVA by default
             tools.append(taualgs.getTauTrackFinder(applyZ0cut=True, maxDeltaZ0=2))
-            tools.append(taualgs.getEnergyCalibrationLC(correctEnergy=True, correctAxis=False, postfix='_onlyEnergy'))
+            tools.append(taualgs.getEnergyCalibrationLC())
             tools.append(taualgs.getCellVariables(cellConeSize=0.2))  #cellConeSize 0.2!!
@@ -98,7 +98,8 @@ class TrigTauRecMerged_Tau2012 (TrigTauRecMerged) :
-            tools.append(taualgs.getEnergyCalibrationLC(correctEnergy=False, correctAxis=True, postfix='_onlyAxis'))
+            # deprecated
+            #tools.append(taualgs.getEnergyCalibrationLC(correctEnergy=False, correctAxis=True, postfix='_onlyAxis'))
             for tool in tools:
                 tool.inTrigger = True
@@ -143,7 +144,7 @@ class TrigTauRecMerged_TauPreselection (TrigTauRecMerged) :
             # Count tracks with deltaZ0 cut of 2mm for 2016 and 1mm for 2017-2018 (see ATR-15845)
             tools.append(taualgs.getTauTrackFinder(applyZ0cut=True, maxDeltaZ0=1, noSelector=False))
             # Calibrate to TES
-            tools.append(taualgs.getEnergyCalibrationLC(correctEnergy=True, correctAxis=False, postfix='_onlyEnergy'))
+            tools.append(taualgs.getEnergyCalibrationLC())
             # Calculate cell-based quantities: strip variables, EM and Had energies/radii, centFrac, isolFrac and ring energies
             # tools.append(taualgs.getElectronVetoVars())
@@ -205,7 +206,7 @@ class TrigTauRecMerged_TauFTK (TrigTauRecMerged) :
             # Insert bypass later?
             tools.append(taualgs.getTauTrackFinder(applyZ0cut=True, maxDeltaZ0=2, noSelector = False))
             # Calibrate to TES
-            tools.append(taualgs.getEnergyCalibrationLC(correctEnergy=True, correctAxis=False, postfix='_onlyEnergy'))
+            tools.append(taualgs.getEnergyCalibrationLC())
             # Calculate cell-based quantities: strip variables, EM and Had energies/radii, centFrac, isolFrac and ring energies
             # tools.append(taualgs.getElectronVetoVars())
@@ -260,7 +261,7 @@ class TrigTauRecMerged_TauCaloOnly (TrigTauRecMerged) :
             # Set LC energy scale (0.2 cone) and intermediate axis (corrected for vertex: useless at trigger)
             # Calibrate to TES
-            tools.append(taualgs.getEnergyCalibrationLC(correctEnergy=True, correctAxis=False, postfix='_onlyEnergy', caloOnly=True))
+            tools.append(taualgs.getEnergyCalibrationLC(caloOnly=True))
             # Calculate cell-based quantities: strip variables, EM and Had energies/radii, centFrac, isolFrac and ring energies
@@ -304,7 +305,7 @@ class TrigTauRecMerged_TauCaloOnlyMVA (TrigTauRecMerged) :
             # Set LC energy scale (0.2 cone) and intermediate axis (corrected for vertex: useless at trigger)
             # Calibrate to TES
-            tools.append(taualgs.getEnergyCalibrationLC(correctEnergy=True, correctAxis=False, postfix='_onlyEnergy', caloOnly=True))
+            tools.append(taualgs.getEnergyCalibrationLC(caloOnly=True))
             # Calculate cell-based quantities: strip variables, EM and Had energies/radii, centFrac, isolFrac and ring energies
             # Compute MVA TES (ATR-17649), stores MVA TES as default tau pt()
@@ -356,7 +357,7 @@ class TrigTauRecMerged_TauPrecision (TrigTauRecMerged) :
             # Count tracks with deltaZ0 cut of 2mm for 2016 and 1mm for 2017-2018 (see ATR-15845)
             tools.append(taualgs.getTauTrackFinder(applyZ0cut=True, maxDeltaZ0=1))
             # Calibrate to TES
-            tools.append(taualgs.getEnergyCalibrationLC(correctEnergy=True, correctAxis=False, postfix='_onlyEnergy'))
+            tools.append(taualgs.getEnergyCalibrationLC())
             # Calculate cell-based quantities: strip variables, EM and Had energies/radii, centFrac, isolFrac and ring energies
             # tools.append(taualgs.getElectronVetoVars())
@@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ class TrigTauRecMerged_TauPrecisionMVA (TrigTauRecMerged) :
                 tools.append(taualgs.getTauTrackFinder(applyZ0cut=True, maxDeltaZ0=0.75, prefix='TrigTauTightDZ_'))            
             # Calibrate to calo TES
-            tools.append(taualgs.getEnergyCalibrationLC(correctEnergy=True, correctAxis=False, postfix='_onlyEnergy'))
+            tools.append(taualgs.getEnergyCalibrationLC())
             if doMVATES:
                 # Compute MVA TES (ATR-17649), stores MVA TES as default tau pt()
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigTauRec/python/TrigTauRecConfigMT.py b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigTauRec/python/TrigTauRecConfigMT.py
index be60ad27e4a24f046fa17391226a45f4d285d841..3eba0a9e3e0f4d882bb877bdd6469587b32c4de3 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigTauRec/python/TrigTauRecConfigMT.py
+++ b/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigTauRec/python/TrigTauRecConfigMT.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 from TrigTauRec.TrigTauRecConf import TrigTauRecMergedMT
 from TrigTauRec.TrigTauRecMonitoring import tauMonitoringCaloOnly
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class TrigTauRecMerged_TauCaloOnly (TrigTauRecMergedMT) :
             # Set LC energy scale (0.2 cone) and intermediate axis (corrected for vertex: useless at trigger)
             # Calibrate to TES
-            tools.append(taualgs.getEnergyCalibrationLC(correctEnergy=True, correctAxis=False, postfix='_onlyEnergy', caloOnly=True))
+            tools.append(taualgs.getEnergyCalibrationLC(caloOnly=True))
             # Calculate cell-based quantities: strip variables, EM and Had energies/radii, centFrac, isolFrac and ring energies
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class TrigTauRecMerged_TauCaloOnlyMVA (TrigTauRecMergedMT) :
             # Set LC energy scale (0.2 cone) and intermediate axis (corrected for vertex: useless at trigger)
             # Calibrate to TES
-            tools.append(taualgs.getEnergyCalibrationLC(correctEnergy=True, correctAxis=False, postfix='_onlyEnergy', caloOnly=True))
+            tools.append(taualgs.getEnergyCalibrationLC(caloOnly=True))
             # Calculate cell-based quantities: strip variables, EM and Had energies/radii, centFrac, isolFrac and ring energies
             # Compute MVA TES (ATR-17649), stores MVA TES as default tau pt()
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class TrigTauRecMerged_TauPreselection (TrigTauRecMergedMT) :
             # Count tracks with deltaZ0 cut of 2mm for 2016 and 1mm for 2017-2018 (see ATR-15845)
             tools.append(taualgs.getTauTrackFinder(applyZ0cut=True, maxDeltaZ0=1, noSelector=False))
             # Calibrate to TES
-            tools.append(taualgs.getEnergyCalibrationLC(correctEnergy=True, correctAxis=False, postfix='_onlyEnergy'))
+            tools.append(taualgs.getEnergyCalibrationLC())
             # Calculate cell-based quantities: strip variables, EM and Had energies/radii, centFrac, isolFrac and ring energies
             # Variables combining tracking and calorimeter information
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ class TrigTauRecMerged_TauPrecision (TrigTauRecMergedMT) :
             # Count tracks with deltaZ0 cut of 2mm for 2016 and 1mm for 2017-2018 (see ATR-15845)
             tools.append(taualgs.getTauTrackFinder(applyZ0cut=True, maxDeltaZ0=1))
             # Calibrate to TES
-            tools.append(taualgs.getEnergyCalibrationLC(correctEnergy=True, correctAxis=False, postfix='_onlyEnergy'))
+            tools.append(taualgs.getEnergyCalibrationLC())
             # Calculate cell-based quantities: strip variables, EM and Had energies/radii, centFrac, isolFrac and ring energies
             # Lifetime variables
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ class TrigTauRecMerged_TauPrecisionMVA (TrigTauRecMergedMT) :
             # Calibrate to calo TES
-            tools.append(taualgs.getEnergyCalibrationLC(correctEnergy=True, correctAxis=False, postfix='_onlyEnergy'))
+            tools.append(taualgs.getEnergyCalibrationLC())
             if doMVATES:
                 # Compute MVA TES (ATR-17649), stores MVA TES as default tau pt()