From 19480dcce128b2d329e4b9e3db2cff550d14cdbc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Frank Winklmeier <fwinkl@cern>
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 2020 14:20:10 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] RecExRecoTest: package cleanup

Delete obsolete RTT-based job options and other obsolete scripts.
 .../RecExample/RecExRecoTest/CMakeLists.txt   |   7 +-
 .../python/            |  27 --
 .../python/         |  63 ----
 .../share/           |  33 --
 .../share/        |  34 --
 .../share/         |   8 -
 .../   |   8 -
 .../share/          |  31 --
 .../share/            |  13 -
 .../share/       |  19 -
 .../share/     |  16 -
 .../share/        |   8 -
 .../share/     |  29 --
 .../share/             |  34 --
 .../share/         |  32 --
 .../share/   |  34 --
 .../share/      |  32 --
 .../share/          |  22 --
 .../share/         |  36 --
 .../share/     |  34 --
 .../   |  34 -- |  28 -- |  28 --
 .../share/      |  43 ---
 .../share/           |  34 --
 .../share/        |  25 --
 .../RecExRecoTest/share/  |  51 ---
 .../share/             |  35 --
 .../RecExRecoTest/share/      |  10 -
 .../RecExRecoTest/share/       |   2 -
 .../RecExRecoTest/share/ |   4 -
 .../RecExRecoTest/share/       |  10 -
 .../RecExRecoTest/share/   |  15 -
 .../RecExRecoTest/share/  | 179 ---------
 .../test/RecExRecoTest_TestConfiguration.xml  | 349 ------------------
 35 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1365 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/python/
 delete mode 100644 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/python/
 delete mode 100755 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
 delete mode 100644 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
 delete mode 100755 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
 delete mode 100755 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
 delete mode 100755 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
 delete mode 100755 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
 delete mode 100755 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
 delete mode 100755 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
 delete mode 100755 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
 delete mode 100644 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
 delete mode 100755 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
 delete mode 100755 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
 delete mode 100644 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
 delete mode 100644 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
 delete mode 100644 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
 delete mode 100755 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
 delete mode 100644 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
 delete mode 100644 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
 delete mode 100644 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
 delete mode 100644 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
 delete mode 100644 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
 delete mode 100755 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
 delete mode 100644 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
 delete mode 100755 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
 delete mode 100755 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
 delete mode 100644 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
 delete mode 100644 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
 delete mode 100644 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
 delete mode 100644 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
 delete mode 100755 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
 delete mode 100755 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
 delete mode 100755 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/test/RecExRecoTest_TestConfiguration.xml

diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/CMakeLists.txt b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/CMakeLists.txt
index b1dfbde7cb87..3ea651b49ba8 100644
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
-# Package: RecExRecoTest
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 # Declare the package name:
 atlas_subdir( RecExRecoTest )
 # Install files from the package:
-atlas_install_python_modules( python/*.py )
 atlas_install_joboptions( share/*.py )
-atlas_install_runtime( test/RecExRecoTest_TestConfiguration.xml python/ python/ share/ share/ share/ share/ test/*.sh )
+atlas_install_runtime( test/*.sh )
 atlas_install_scripts( test/ )
 atlas_add_alias( metadata-test "" )
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/python/ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/python/
deleted file mode 100644
index b67d8fab1634..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-# module:
-from Logger import Logger
-class PostProcessIgprofWeb:
-   def __init__(self,argDict={}):
-      self.logger    = Logger()
-      descriptor = argDict.get('JobDescriptor', None)
-      self.resPath      = descriptor.resPath
-      self.logFile      = descriptor.log
-   def run(self):
-      f = open('IgprofResults.html', 'w')
-      f.write('<html>\n<head>\n<title>You are being redirected to the igprof results</title>\n')
-      log=self.resPath[self.resPath.find('/Results/'):]
-      f.write('<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="2;URL=' + log + '/data/igreport_total/">')
-      f.write('</head>\n<body>\n<h1>You are being redirected to the igprof results</h1>\n')
-      f.write('<p>You are being forwarded to <a href="' + log + '/data/igreport_total/">' + log + '/data/igreport_total/</a>.</p>\n</body>\n</html>')
-      return 0
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/python/ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/python/
deleted file mode 100644
index fa12627b427b..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-# module:
-from Logger import Logger
-class PostProcessRecoRTTTests:
-   def __init__(self,argDict={}):
-      self.logger    = Logger()
-      descriptor = argDict.get('JobDescriptor', None)
-      self.RttName =
-      self.DisName = descriptor.jobDisplayName
-      self.NightlyType  = descriptor.paths.branch     # ==> e.g. dev, devval, 15.4.X.Y, etc.
-      self.ProjectName  = descriptor.paths.topProject # ==> AtlasProduction, AtlasTier0, etc.
-      # self.cmtConfigStr = descriptor.paths.cmtConfig  # ==> e.g. i686-slc4-gcc34-opt
-      self.PackageTag   = descriptor.paths.packageTag # ==> e.g. PackageTag-00-01-20
-      self.resPath      = descriptor.resPath
-      self.logFile      = descriptor.log
-   def run(self):
-      from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
-      import os
-      releaseName = os.environ['AtlasVersion']
-      atlasArea   = os.environ['AtlasArea']
-      cmtConfig   = os.environ['CMTCONFIG']
-      # post processing the logfiles
-"PostProcessRecoRTTTests run()")
-      dp=os.environ['DATAPATH']
-" echo DATAPATH : %s"%dp)
-" get_files")
-      try:
-         carg=[ "get_files", "" ]
-         p = Popen(carg, stdout=PIPE)
-         out=p.communicate()[0]
-      except IOError:
- 'not good. something is wrong with get_files' )
-         return -1
-" proccessing logfile %s"%self.logFile)
-      try:
-         carg=[ "./", self.logFile ]
-         p = Popen(carg, stdout=PIPE)
-         out=p.communicate()[0]
-      except IOError:
- 'not good. something is wrong with' )
-         return -1
-      return 0
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
deleted file mode 100755
index c25d22208018..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
-#obsolete doAODLVL1=False
-#rec.doWriteESD=False # uncomment if do not write ESD
-rec.doWriteAOD=False # uncomment if do not write AOD
-rec.doWriteTAG=False # uncomment if do not write TAG
-from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
-include ("RecExCond/")
-rec.AutoConfiguration = ['FieldAndGeo']
-import RecExConfig.AutoConfiguration as auto
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/")
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
deleted file mode 100644
index 814b08162291..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
-#obsolete doAODLVL1False
-#rec.doWriteESD=False # uncomment if do not write ESD
-rec.doWriteAOD=False # uncomment if do not write AOD
-rec.doWriteTAG=False # uncomment if do not write TAG
-from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
-# If tracking is off, this also needs to be off.
-rec.doEgamma = False
-include ("RecExCond/")
-rec.AutoConfiguration = ['FieldAndGeo']
-import RecExConfig.AutoConfiguration as auto
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/")
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
deleted file mode 100755
index 27a5551e2db7..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# hold common configuration for RTT test
-from PerfMonComps.PerfMonFlags import jobproperties
-jobproperties.PerfMonFlags.doMonitoring = True
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
deleted file mode 100755
index ab9a62fc8a9e..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# hold common post option configuration for RTT test
-#print memory usage for all events (in case of memory leak crash)
-    CBNTAA_Audit().nEventPrintMem=999999
-except Exception:
-    printfunc ("no CBNTAA_Audit available")
-    import traceback
-    traceback.print_exc()
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
deleted file mode 100755
index c12a2a428c2a..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# run almost empty event loop
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
-from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
-from RecExConfig.RecAlgsFlags import recAlgs
-rec.doTrigger = False; recAlgs.doTrigger=False # disable trigger (maybe necessary if detectors switched of)
-rec.doESD = False # if false, all algorithms are switched off by defaults 
-rec.doWriteESD=False # uncomment if do not write ESD
-rec.doWriteAOD=False # uncomment if do not write AOD
-rec.doWriteTAG=False # uncomment if do not write TAG
-include ("RecExCond/")
-rec.AutoConfiguration = ['FieldAndGeo']
-import RecExConfig.AutoConfiguration as auto
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/")
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
deleted file mode 100755
index a5b2c19a5c14..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
-from BTagging.BTaggingFlags import BTaggingFlags
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/")
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
deleted file mode 100755
index b33c016e795f..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
-# For 2 10**33 luminosity - KAA
-from AthenaCommon.BeamFlags import jobproperties
-from CaloTools.CaloNoiseFlags import jobproperties
-include ("RecExCommon/")
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
deleted file mode 100755
index 1f7c718f9f73..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
-# For 2 10**33 luminosity - KAA
-from AthenaCommon.BeamFlags import jobproperties
-include ("RecExCommon/")
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
deleted file mode 100755
index c0340ca74300..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/")
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c4659a818a6..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
-#rec.doWriteESD=False # uncomment if do not write ESD
-rec.doWriteAOD=False # uncomment if do not write AOD
-rec.doWriteTAG=False # uncomment if do not write TAG
-from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
-include ("RecExCond/")
-rec.AutoConfiguration = ['FieldAndGeo']
-import RecExConfig.AutoConfiguration as auto
-# If Calo/tracking is off, this needs to be off too.
-from IsolationAlgs.IsoGetter import isoGetter
-isoGetter (disable=True)
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/")
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
deleted file mode 100755
index 0f920f1ec023..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
-#rec.doWriteESD=False # uncomment if do not write ESD
-rec.doWriteAOD=False # uncomment if do not write AOD
-rec.doWriteTAG=False # uncomment if do not write TAG
-from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
-from RecExConfig.RecAlgsFlags import recAlgs
-recAlgs.doTrackParticleCellAssociation = False
-include ("RecExCond/")
-rec.AutoConfiguration = ['FieldAndGeo']
-import RecExConfig.AutoConfiguration as auto
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/")
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
deleted file mode 100755
index c67dd10a7988..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
-#rec.doWriteESD=False # uncomment if do not write ESD
-rec.doWriteAOD=False # uncomment if do not write AOD
-rec.doWriteTAG=False # uncomment if do not write TAG
-from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
-include ("RecExCond/")
-rec.AutoConfiguration = ['FieldAndGeo']
-import RecExConfig.AutoConfiguration as auto
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/")
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
deleted file mode 100644
index ca3f66e114bc..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
-#obsolete doAODLVL1False
-#rec.doWriteESD=False # uncomment if do not write ESD
-rec.doWriteAOD=False # uncomment if do not write AOD
-rec.doWriteTAG=False # uncomment if do not write TAG
-from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
-include ("RecExCond/")
-rec.AutoConfiguration = ['FieldAndGeo']
-import RecExConfig.AutoConfiguration as auto
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/")
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3662e058f5b0..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
-#rec.doWriteESD=False # uncomment if do not write ESD
-rec.doWriteAOD=False # uncomment if do not write AOD
-rec.doWriteTAG=False # uncomment if do not write TAG
-from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
-# If muons are not present, then eflow is not configured,
-# which causes jet finding to fail.
-rec.doJetMissingETTag = False
-include ("RecExCond/")
-rec.AutoConfiguration = ['everything']
-import RecExConfig.AutoConfiguration as auto
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/")
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1abded930f4b..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
-#rec.doWriteESD=False # uncomment if do not write ESD
-rec.doWriteAOD=False # uncomment if do not write AOD
-rec.doWriteTAG=False # uncomment if do not write TAG
-from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/")
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
deleted file mode 100755
index 0164d906c34e..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
-#obsolete doAODLVL1=False
-#rec.doWriteESD=False # uncomment if do not write ESD
-rec.doWriteAOD=False # uncomment if do not write AOD
-rec.doWriteTAG=False # uncomment if do not write TAG
-from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
-from RecExConfig.RecAlgsFlags import recAlgs
-recAlgs.doTrackParticleCellAssociation = False
-include ("RecExCond/")
-rec.AutoConfiguration = ['FieldAndGeo']
-import RecExConfig.AutoConfiguration as auto
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/")
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3459d25be652..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
-#obsolete doAODLVL1False
-#rec.doWriteESD=False # uncomment if do not write ESD
-rec.doWriteAOD=False # uncomment if do not write AOD
-rec.doWriteTAG=False # uncomment if do not write TAG
-from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
-include ("RecExCond/")
-rec.AutoConfiguration = ['FieldAndGeo']
-import RecExConfig.AutoConfiguration as auto
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/")
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a3c35f36c65..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
-#obsolete doAODLVL1False
-#rec.doWriteESD=False # uncomment if do not write ESD
-rec.doWriteAOD=False # uncomment if do not write AOD
-rec.doWriteTAG=False # uncomment if do not write TAG
-from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
-include ("RecExCond/")
-rec.AutoConfiguration = ['everything']
-import RecExConfig.AutoConfiguration as auto
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/")
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
deleted file mode 100644
index 310b21bc7905..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
-#obsolete doAODLVL1False
-#rec.doWriteESD=False # uncomment if do not write ESD
-rec.doWriteAOD=False # uncomment if do not write AOD
-rec.doWriteTAG=False # uncomment if do not write TAG
-from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/")
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
deleted file mode 100644
index a9abbb69f914..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
-#obsolete doAODLVL1False
-#rec.doWriteESD=False # uncomment if do not write ESD
-rec.doWriteAOD=False # uncomment if do not write AOD
-rec.doWriteTAG=False # uncomment if do not write TAG
-from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/")
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
deleted file mode 100644
index 66ff62b0c794..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
-#obsolete doAODLVL1False
-#rec.doWriteESD=False # uncomment if do not write ESD
-rec.doWriteAOD=False # uncomment if do not write AOD
-rec.doWriteTAG=False # uncomment if do not write TAG
-from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
-# If Calo is off, this needs to be off too.
-from MuonCombinedRecExample.MuonCombinedRecFlags import muonCombinedRecFlags
-muonCombinedRecFlags.doCaloTrkMuId = False
-from RecExConfig.RecAlgsFlags import recAlgs
-recAlgs.doTrackParticleCellAssociation = False
-include ("RecExCond/")
-rec.AutoConfiguration = ['everything']
-import RecExConfig.AutoConfiguration as auto
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/")
-from TrkMaterialProvider import TrkMaterialProviderConf
-trkMaterialProviderTool=TrkMaterialProviderConf.Trk__TrkMaterialProviderTool('TrkMaterialProviderTool', UseCaloEnergyMeasurement=False)
-ToolSvc += trkMaterialProviderTool
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
deleted file mode 100755
index 70ec591db0a2..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
-# obsolete doAODLVL1=False
-#rec.doWriteESD=False # uncomment if do not write ESD
-rec.doWriteAOD=False # uncomment if do not write AOD
-rec.doWriteTAG=False # uncomment if do not write TAG
-from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
-include ("RecExCond/")
-rec.AutoConfiguration = ['FieldAndGeo']
-import RecExConfig.AutoConfiguration as auto
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/")
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
deleted file mode 100644
index 535f924bfe19..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
-#obsolete doAODLVL1False
-#rec.doWriteESD=False # uncomment if do not write ESD
-rec.doWriteAOD=False # uncomment if do not write AOD
-rec.doWriteTAG=False # uncomment if do not write TAG
-from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
-# main jobOption
-include ("RecExCommon/")
-include ("RecExRecoTest/")
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
deleted file mode 100755
index f57d5de074cf..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
- if [ "$2" ]
- then
-  v=`echo $AtlasVersion | tail -c2`
-  packpath=`echo $1 | sed "s#/rel_$v/#/rel_$2/#g"`
-  for file in *.pool.root
-  do
-   for ref in `grep -h "/$file<" $packpath/rttjobinfo.xml | sed "s/\(.\+\)>\(.\+\)<\(.\+\)/\2/g"`
-   do
-    if [[ $ref == /castor* ]]
-    then
-     ref="root://castoratlas/$ref"
-    fi
-    # echo $file $ref
-    f=diff.$v.$2.txt
- $file $ref &> $f
-   done
-  done
- fi
-if [ "$1" ]
- v=`echo $AtlasVersion | tail -c2`
- for (( i=$v; i>=0; i-- ))
- do
-   echo -n "comparing rel_$v to rel_$i : "
-   diff_files $1 $i
-   if [ -e diff.$v.$i.txt ]; then
-    grep "## Comparison : " diff.$v.$i.txt | sed "s/## Comparison : //g"
-   else
-    echo "n/a"
-   fi
- done
- for (( i=6; i>$v; i-- ))
- do
-   echo -n "comparing rel_$v to rel_$i : "
-   diff_files $1 $i
-   if [ -e diff.$v.$i.txt ]; then
-    grep "## Comparison : " diff.$v.$i.txt | sed "s/## Comparison : //g"
-   else
-    echo "n/a"
-   fi
- done
-exit 0
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
deleted file mode 100755
index b38905167d30..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-if [ ! -z "$TMPDIR" ]
-    TD=$TMPDIR/dumprootfile.tmp.$EUID.$$
-mkdir -p $TD
-echo "using as tempdir $TD"
-Nev=` chk-file $1 2>&1 | grep "Nbr Events:" | gawk '{print $3 }'`
-Ident=`basename $1`
-echo "file has $Nev events"
-while [ ! -z $RANGE ]
-    echo dumping range of events of $RANGE
- dump-root --entries $RANGE $1 | gzip - > dumprootfile.$Ident.range-$RFIRST-$RLAST.log.gz
-    RANGE=""
-    RFIRST=$(( $RFIRST + 50 ))
-    RLAST=$(( $RLAST + 50 ))
-    if [ $RFIRST -lt $Nev ]
-    then
-    fi
-rm -fr $TD
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7274260c7618..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# steering file for ESD->CBNT step
-# see for more info
-# jp.AthenaCommonFlags.PoolESDInput=["theesdfile"]
-include ("RecExCommon/")
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
deleted file mode 100644
index 677a4d49b94c..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-include ("RecExCommon/")
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
deleted file mode 100644
index 54ed4bbb9587..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-include ("RecExCommon/")
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6383a16deebf..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# This hack is to make the subsequent EventSelector.InputCollection lines dummy (D. Rousseau)
-class DummyEventSelector :
-     InputCollections = []
-class DummyServiceMgr :
-     EventSelector = DummyEventSelector
-# Create a dummy ServiceMgr
-ServiceMgr = DummyServiceMgr()
-# end of hack
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
deleted file mode 100755
index 28e003cf405c..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-echo "running esdReco_memleak with CMTCONFIG $CMTCONFIG"
-if [[ $CMTCONFIG = x86_64-* ]]; then
-    echo "64 bit : igprof"
-    export PATH=${PATH}:/afs/${CMTCONFIG}/bin
-    igprof -mp -z -t python -c "jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=-1; rec.doCBNT=False ;jp.AthenaCommonFlags.FilesInput=['/afs/'] " RecExRecoTest/ --stdcmalloc
-    mkdir -p web/data
-    cp /afs/${CMTCONFIG}/bin/igprof-navigator web
-    igprof-analyse --sqlite -d -v -g -r MEM_LIVE igprof.*.gz | sqlite3 web/data/igreport_total.sql3
-    echo "32 bit leak check execute"
- -c "jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=-1; rec.doCBNT=False ;jp.AthenaCommonFlags.FilesInput=['/afs/'] " RecExRecoTest/ --leak-check-execute
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/ b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
deleted file mode 100755
index f5d98a4cbdfa..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-# # #!/usr/bin/env perl
-use strict;
-use Storable;
-use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
-my %rttHashArray = ();
-my %pdate = ();
-my %ptag  = ();
-my %savannahArray = ();
-my %savannahSummary = ();
-my %FPESummary = ();
-my %rttPackageInfos = ();
-my $now="";
-my @packages = ();
-my % checks = ();
-sub sortMessages
-    my ( $TMPRef ) = @_;
-    my %TArray = ();
-    my ( @TMP    ) = @$TMPRef;
-    foreach my $mline (@TMP)
-    {
-        $mline =~ s/\s+$//;
-        if ( ! exists($TArray{$mline}) )
-        {
-            $TArray{$mline} = 0;
-        }
-        $TArray{$mline} +=  1;
-    }
-    return %TArray;
-sub processLog
-    my ( $file ) = @_;
-    open(FILE,"<$file") || die "Could not open $file !!\n\n";
-    my @lines=<FILE>;
-    close(FILE);
-    my $stage="athena";
-    $checks{'Stage'}{'result'}="athena";
-    foreach my $line ( @lines )
-    {
-	for my $href ( keys %checks )
-	{
-	    if ( $line =~ /$checks{$href}{'test'}/ )
-	    {
-		my $r0=$line;
-		$r0   =~ s/$checks{$href}{'test'}/\1/g;
-		$r0   =~ s/\s+$//;
-		if ( $href eq "Stage" )
-		{
-		    my $r1=$checks{$href}{'result'};
-		    # for Reco_trf stages, we actually find something here, reset to empty string
-		    $r1=""  if ( $r1 eq "athena" );
-		    # print "S : $href : $stage : $r1 + $r0\n" ;
-		    $checks{$href}{'result'}="$r1<$r0>";
-		    $stage=$r0;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-		    # print "R0 : $href : $stage : $r0\n" ;
-		    if ( $href =~ m/^#/ )
-		    {
-			if ( ! exists($checks{$href}{'result'}{$stage}{$r0}) )
-			{
-			    $checks{$href}{'result'}{$stage}{$r0} = 0;
-			}
-			$checks{$href}{'result'}{$stage}{$r0} +=  1;
-		    }
-		    else
-		    {
-			my $r1=$checks{$href}{'result'}{$stage};
-			# print "R1 : $href : $stage : $r1 + $r0\n" ;
-			$checks{$href}{'result'}{$stage}="$r1<$r0>";
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    if ( $checks{ "CoreDump" }{'result'}{$stage} ne "" )
-    {
-	my $r0="\n";
-	my $r1=76;
-	foreach my $line ( @lines )
-	{
-	    $r1 = 75 if ( $line =~ m/^Core dump from CoreDumpSvc on / );
-	    if ( $r1 > 0 && $r1 < 76 )
-	    {
-		$r0 = $r0 . ">>>>" . $line;
-		$r1--;
-	    }
-	}
-	$checks{ "CoreDump" }{'result'}{$stage} = $r0;
-    }
-    return scalar(@lines);
-$checks{ "ReturnCode" }  = { test => '^Py:Athena\s+INFO leaving with code(.+)$' };
-$checks{ "FPEAuditor"}   = { test => '^FPEAuditor\s+WARNING FPE (.+)$' };
-$checks{ "Stage" }       = { test => '^Py:[A-Z].* *INFO Executing ([A-Za-z]*)\:.+$' };
-$checks{ "Events" }      = { test => '^Py:PerfMonSvc *INFO Events processed: (\d+)' };
-$checks{ "Algorithms" }  = { test => '^Py:PerfMonSvc *INFO job had (\[.*\]) algorithms' };
-$checks{ "Memory1" }     = { test => '^Py:PerfMonSvc *INFO *first-evt vmem: (.*)' };
-$checks{ "Memory2" }     = { test => '^Py:PerfMonSvc *INFO *10th -evt vmem: (.*)' };
-$checks{ "Memory3" }     = { test => '^Py:PerfMonSvc *INFO *last -evt vmem: (.*)' };
-$checks{ "MemLeak" }     = { test => '^Py:PerfMonSvc *INFO *.* fitted vmem-slope \(\d* points\): (.*)' };
-$checks{ "CPU" }         = { test => '^Py:PerfMonSvc *INFO Si2k:.*>: (.*)' };
-$checks{ "Chrono" }      = { test => '^ChronoStatSvc *INFO Time User   : Tot=(.*)\s+#=  1$' };
-$checks{ "CoreDump" }     = { test => '^Core dump from CoreDumpSvc on ' }; 
-$checks{ "#VERBOSE" }     = { test => '^(\S+)\s+VERBOSE .+$' };
-$checks{ "#DEBUG" }       = { test => '^(\S+)\s+DEBUG .+$' };
-$checks{ "#INFO" }        = { test => '^(\S+)\s+INFO .+$' };
-$checks{ "#WARNING" }     = { test => '^(\S+)\s+WARNING .+$' };
-$checks{ "#RECOVERABLE" } = { test => '^(\S+)\s+RECOVERABLE .+$' };
-$checks{ "#ERROR" }       = { test => '^(\S+)\s+ERROR .+$' };
-$checks{ "#FATAL" }       = { test => '^(\S+)\s+FATAL .+$' };
-my $file="/afs/";
-if ( $#ARGV >= 0 )
-    $file = $ARGV[0];
-print " processing logfile $file\n";
-my $lines = processLog($file);
-print " done processing logfile with $lines lines\n";
-my $logfilename="parsedlogfile.txt";
-open(LOGFILE,">" . $logfilename);
-print LOGFILE ":LogFileName : $file\n";
-print LOGFILE ":Stages : $checks{'Stage'}{'result'}\n";
-for my $s ( split(/>/, $checks{'Stage'}{'result'}) )
-    $s =~ s/^<//;
-    $s =~ s/\s+$//;
-    print LOGFILE "Stage : $s\n";
-    for my $href ( keys %checks )
-    {
-	if ( $href ne "Stage" )
-	{
-	    if ( $href =~ m/^#/ )
-	    {
-		print LOGFILE " $s " . substr($href,1) . "\n";
-		my $t=0;
-		my $tt=0;
-		for my $m ( sort { $checks{$href}{'result'}{$s}{$b} <=> $checks{$href}{'result'}{$s}{$a} } keys %{ $checks{$href}{'result'}{$s} } )
-		{
-		    if ( $tt < 10 )
-		    {
-			print LOGFILE "   $checks{$href}{'result'}{$s}{$m} $m\n";
-			$tt++;
-		    }
-		    $t += $checks{$href}{'result'}{$s}{$m};
-		}
-		if ( $t > 0 )
-		{
-		    print LOGFILE "   $t " . substr($href,1) . "\n";
-		}
-	    }
-	    else
-	    {
-		print LOGFILE " $s $href $checks{$href}{'result'}{$s}\n";
-	    }
-	}
-    }
diff --git a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/test/RecExRecoTest_TestConfiguration.xml b/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/test/RecExRecoTest_TestConfiguration.xml
deleted file mode 100755
index 5c2920c3bbbf..000000000000
--- a/Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExRecoTest/test/RecExRecoTest_TestConfiguration.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,349 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<!DOCTYPE unifiedTestConfiguration SYSTEM "">
-  <atn>
-    <TEST name="aaaempty" type="athena" suite="aaaempty">
-      <options_atn>-c "jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=5 ; rec.doDetailedAuditor=True ; rec.doNameAuditor=True " AthenaCommon/  RecExRecoTest/</options_atn>
-      <timelimit>30</timelimit>
-      <author> Xiaohu Sun </author>
-      <mailto> </mailto>
-      <prescript></prescript>
-    </TEST>
-    <TEST name="forward" type="athena" suite="forward">
-      <options_atn>-c "jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=5 ; rec.doDetailedAuditor=True ; rec.doNameAuditor=True " AthenaCommon/ RecExRecoTest/</options_atn>
-      <timelimit>30</timelimit>
-      <author> Xiaohu Sun </author>
-      <mailto> </mailto>
-      <prescript></prescript>
-    </TEST>
-    <TEST name="calo" type="athena" suite="calo">
-      <options_atn>-c "jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=5 ; rec.doDetailedAuditor=True ; rec.doNameAuditor=True " AthenaCommon/ RecExRecoTest/</options_atn>
-      <timelimit>30</timelimit>
-      <author> Xiaohu Sun </author>
-      <mailto> </mailto>
-      <prescript></prescript>
-    </TEST>
-    <TEST name="id" type="athena" suite="id">
-      <options_atn>-c "jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=5 ; rec.doDetailedAuditor=True ; rec.doNameAuditor=True " AthenaCommon/ RecExRecoTest/</options_atn>
-      <timelimit>30</timelimit>
-      <author> Xiaohu Sun </author>
-      <mailto> </mailto>
-      <prescript></prescript>
-    </TEST>
-    <TEST name="muon" type="athena" suite="muon">
-      <options_atn>-c "jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=5; rec.doDetailedAuditor=True ; rec.doNameAuditor=True " AthenaCommon/ RecExRecoTest/</options_atn>
-      <timelimit>30</timelimit>
-      <author> Xiaohu Sun </author>
-      <mailto> </mailto>
-      <prescript></prescript>
-    </TEST>
-    <TEST name="idmuon" type="athena" suite="idmuon">
-      <options_atn>-c "jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=5; rec.doDetailedAuditor=True ; rec.doNameAuditor=True " AthenaCommon/ RecExRecoTest/</options_atn>
-      <timelimit>30</timelimit>
-      <author> Xiaohu Sun </author>
-      <mailto> </mailto>
-      <prescript></prescript>
-    </TEST>
-    <TEST name="idcalo" type="athena" suite="idcalo">
-      <options_atn>-c "jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=5; rec.doDetailedAuditor=True ; rec.doNameAuditor=True " AthenaCommon/ RecExRecoTest/</options_atn>
-      <timelimit>30</timelimit>
-      <author> Xiaohu Sun </author>
-      <mailto> </mailto>
-      <prescript></prescript>
-    </TEST>
-    <TEST name="idmuoncalo" type="athena" suite="idmuoncalo">
-      <options_atn>-c "jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=5; rec.doDetailedAuditor=True ; rec.doNameAuditor=True " AthenaCommon/ RecExRecoTest/</options_atn>
-      <timelimit>30</timelimit>
-      <author> Xiaohu Sun </author>
-      <mailto> </mailto>
-      <prescript></prescript>
-    </TEST>
-    <TEST name="idcaloegamma" type="athena" suite="idcaloegamma">
-      <options_atn>-c "jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=5; rec.doDetailedAuditor=True ; rec.doNameAuditor=True " AthenaCommon/ RecExRecoTest/</options_atn>
-      <timelimit>30</timelimit>
-      <author> Xiaohu Sun </author>
-      <mailto> </mailto>
-      <prescript></prescript>
-    </TEST>
-    <TEST name="idmuoncalomuoncomb" type="athena" suite="idmuoncalomuoncomb">
-      <options_atn>-c "jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=5; rec.doDetailedAuditor=True ; rec.doNameAuditor=True " AthenaCommon/ RecExRecoTest/</options_atn>
-      <timelimit>30</timelimit>
-      <author> Xiaohu Sun </author>
-      <mailto> </mailto>
-      <prescript></prescript>
-    </TEST>
-    <TEST name="calomax" type="athena" suite="calomax">
-      <options_atn>-c "jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=5 ; rec.doDetailedAuditor=True ; rec.doNameAuditor=True " AthenaCommon/ RecExRecoTest/</options_atn>
-      <timelimit>30</timelimit>
-      <author> Xiaohu Sun </author>
-      <mailto> </mailto>
-      <prescript></prescript>
-    </TEST>
-    <TEST name="idmuonmax" type="athena" suite="idmuonmax">
-      <options_atn>-c "jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=5; rec.doDetailedAuditor=True ; rec.doNameAuditor=True " AthenaCommon/ RecExRecoTest/</options_atn>
-      <timelimit>30</timelimit>
-      <author> Xiaohu Sun </author>
-      <mailto> </mailto>
-      <prescript></prescript>
-    </TEST>
-    <TEST name="idcalomax" type="athena" suite="idcalomax">
-      <options_atn>-c "jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=5; rec.doDetailedAuditor=True ; rec.doNameAuditor=True " AthenaCommon/ RecExRecoTest/</options_atn>
-      <timelimit>30</timelimit>
-      <author> Xiaohu Sun </author>
-      <mailto> </mailto>
-      <prescript></prescript>
-    </TEST>
-    <TEST name="RECOSHIFT_esd" type="athena" suite="esd">
-      <options_atn>-c "jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=5; rec.doDetailedAuditor=True ; rec.doNameAuditor=True " AthenaCommon/ RecExRecoTest/</options_atn>
-      <timelimit>30</timelimit>
-      <author> Xiaohu Sun </author>
-      <mailto> </mailto>
-      <prescript></prescript>
-    </TEST>
-    <TEST name="esdtoesd" type="athena" suite="esd">
-      <options_atn>-c "jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=5; rec.doDetailedAuditor=True ; rec.doNameAuditor=True ; rec.noESDTrigger=True " AthenaCommon/ RecExCommon/</options_atn>
-      <timelimit>30</timelimit>
-      <author> Xiaohu Sun </author>
-      <mailto> </mailto>
-    </TEST>
-    <TEST name="esdtoesdwithreco" type="athena" suite="esd">
-      <options_atn>-c "jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=5; rec.doDetailedAuditor=True ; rec.doNameAuditor=True ; rec.noESDTrigger=True ; rec.doESD.set_Value_and_Lock(True) ; jp.AthenaCommonFlags.PoolESDOutput='reco_ESD.pool.root' " AthenaCommon/ RecExCommon/</options_atn>
-      <timelimit>30</timelimit>
-      <author> Xiaohu Sun </author>
-      <mailto> </mailto>
-    </TEST>
-    <TEST name="RECOSHIFT_esdzpileup" type="athena" suite="esdpileup">
-      <options_atn>-c "jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=2; jp.AthenaCommonFlags.SkipEvents=3 ; rec.AutoConfiguration=['everything']; rec.doDetailedAuditor=True ; rec.doNameAuditor=True ; jp.AthenaCommonFlags.PoolRDOInput=['root://']" AthenaCommon/ RecExRecoTest/</options_atn>
-      <timelimit>30</timelimit>
-      <author> Xiaohu Sun </author>
-      <mailto> </mailto>
-      <prescript></prescript>
-      <prescript>source ${ATN_PACKAGE}/test/</prescript>
-    </TEST>
-    <TEST name="rawtoesd_data_notrig" type="athena" suite="RecRecoData">
-      <options_atn>-c 'jp.AthenaCommonFlags.FilesInput=["/afs/"];rec.doTrigger.set_Value_and_Lock(False);rec.doDPD.set_Value_and_Lock(True);rec.doNameAuditor=True;jp.AthenaCommonFlags.PoolESDOutput="data_ESD.pool.root"' RecExCommon/</options_atn>
-      <timelimit>30</timelimit>
-      <author> Xiaohu Sun </author>
-      <mailto> </mailto>
-      <prescript>rm -f $ATN_WORK_AREA/*.pool.root; env > env.txt</prescript>
-    </TEST>
-  </atn>
-  <kv/>
-  <rtt xmlns="">
-    <rttContactPerson>Xiaohu Sun (</rttContactPerson>
-    <mailto></mailto>
-    <refRelease>10.0.0</refRelease>
-    <jobList>
-      <classification>
-	<displayClass>OfflineValidation</displayClass>
-	<displayProcess>Reco</displayProcess>
-	<displayComponent>Det-Combined</displayComponent>
-      </classification>
-      <!-- XS: please update to mc15 -->
-      <athena userJobId="mc12_emptyReco">
-	<doc>Test almost empty event loop on default MC12 </doc>
-	<commandLineFlags>
-          jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=300;jp.AthenaCommonFlags.FilesInput=["root://"]
-        </commandLineFlags>
-	<options>RecExRecoTest_RTT_empty</options>
-	<group>RecExCommon</group>
-	<queue>long</queue>
-      </athena>
-      <athena userJobId="mc12_idReco">
-	<doc>Test reco only ID only on default MC12 </doc>
-	<commandLineFlags>
-          jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=300;jp.AthenaCommonFlags.FilesInput=["root://"]
-        </commandLineFlags>
-	<options>RecExRecoTest_RTT_id</options>
-	<group>RecExCommon</group>
-	<queue>long</queue>
-      </athena>
-      <athena userJobId="mc12_caloReco">
-	<doc>Test reco only calo only on default MC12 </doc>
-	<commandLineFlags>
-          jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=300;jp.AthenaCommonFlags.FilesInput=["root://"]
-        </commandLineFlags>
-	<options>RecExRecoTest_RTT_calo</options>
-	<group>RecExCommon</group>
-	<queue>long</queue>
-      </athena>
-      <athena userJobId="mc12_muonReco">
-	<doc>Test reco only muon only on default MC12 </doc>
-	<commandLineFlags>
-          jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=300;jp.AthenaCommonFlags.FilesInput=["root://"]
-        </commandLineFlags>
-	<options>RecExRecoTest_RTT_muon</options>
-	<group>RecExCommon</group>
-	<queue>long</queue>
-      </athena>
-      <athena userJobId="mc12_outputlevel_debugReco">
-	<doc>Test reco with outputlevel debug to check length of logfile and number of messages</doc>
-	<commandLineFlags>
-          jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=50;rec.doWriteESD=False;rec.OutputLevel=DEBUG;rec.doFloatingPointException=True;jp.AthenaCommonFlags.FilesInput=["root://"]
-        </commandLineFlags>
-	<options>RecExRecoTest_RTT_esd</options>
-	<group>RecExCommon</group>
-	<queue>long</queue>
-	<action position="8" runInAtlasEnv="yes">
-	  <modulename>RttLibraryTools</modulename>
-	  <testname>ExeRunner</testname>
-	  <arg>
-	    <argname>exeName</argname>
-	    <argvalue>tail</argvalue>
-	  </arg>
-	  <arg>
-	    <argname>exeParamString</argname>
-	    <argvalue>--lines=500 mc12_outputlevel_debugReco_log &gt; mc12_outputlevel_debugReco_log.txt</argvalue>
-	  </arg>
-	</action>
-	<action position="9" runInAtlasEnv="yes">
-	  <modulename>RttLibraryTools</modulename>
-	  <testname>ExeRunner</testname>
-	  <arg>
-	    <argname>exeName</argname>
-	    <argvalue>bzip2</argvalue>
-	  </arg>
-	  <arg>
-	    <argname>exeParamString</argname>
-	    <argvalue>mc12_outputlevel_debugReco_log</argvalue>
-	  </arg>
-	</action>
-	<alwaysRunPostProc />
-      </athena>
-      <athena userJobId="mc12_outputlevel_verboseReco">
-	<doc>Test reco with outputlevel verbose to check length of logfile and number of messages</doc>
-	<commandLineFlags>
-          jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=50;rec.doWriteESD=False;rec.OutputLevel=VERBOSE;rec.doFloatingPointException=True;jp.AthenaCommonFlags.FilesInput=["root://"]
-        </commandLineFlags>
-	<options>RecExRecoTest_RTT_esd</options>
-	<group>RecExCommon</group>
-	<queue>long</queue>
-	<action position="8" runInAtlasEnv="yes">
-	  <modulename>RttLibraryTools</modulename>
-	  <testname>ExeRunner</testname>
-	  <arg>
-	    <argname>exeName</argname>
-	    <argvalue>tail</argvalue>
-	  </arg>
-	  <arg>
-	    <argname>exeParamString</argname>
-	    <argvalue>--lines=500 mc12_outputlevel_verboseReco_log &gt; mc12_outputlevel_verboseReco_log.txt</argvalue>
-	  </arg>
-	</action>
-	<action position="9" runInAtlasEnv="yes">
-	  <modulename>RttLibraryTools</modulename>
-	  <testname>ExeRunner</testname>
-	  <arg>
-	    <argname>exeName</argname>
-	    <argvalue>bzip2</argvalue>
-	  </arg>
-	  <arg>
-	    <argname>exeParamString</argname>
-	    <argvalue>mc12_outputlevel_verboseReco_log</argvalue>
-	  </arg>
-	</action>
-	<alwaysRunPostProc />
-      </athena>
-      <jobTransform userJobId="data11_7TeV_esdReco">
-	<doc>Test reco up to ESD on high_mu data11</doc>
-	<jobTransformJobName>RecExRecoTest_RTT_data11_7TeV_high_mu</jobTransformJobName>
-	<jobTransformCmd>
- -c 'jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=-1;jp.AthenaCommonFlags.FilesInput=["/afs/"];rec.doNameAuditor=True' RecExCommon/
-	</jobTransformCmd>
-	<group>RecExReco</group>
-	<queue>long</queue>
-      </jobTransform>
-      <jobTransform userJobId="data12_8TeV_esdReco">
-	<doc>Test reco up to ESD on high_mu data12</doc>
-	<jobTransformJobName>RecExRecoTest_RTT_data12_7TeV_high_mu</jobTransformJobName>
-	<jobTransformCmd>
- -c 'jp.AthenaCommonFlags.EvtMax=-1;jp.AthenaCommonFlags.FilesInput=["/afs/"];rec.doNameAuditor=True' RecExCommon/
-	</jobTransformCmd>
-	<group>RecExReco</group>
-	<queue>long</queue>
-      </jobTransform>
-    </jobList>
-    <jobGroups>
-      <jobGroup name="AthenaRecExCommon" parent="Athena">
-	<keepFilePattern>*.root</keepFilePattern>
-	<keepFilePattern>*.perfmon.pdf</keepFilePattern>
-	<keepFilePattern>*.perfmon.summary.txt</keepFilePattern>
-	<keepFilePattern>*.pmon.gz</keepFilePattern>
-	<keepFilePattern>*.txt</keepFilePattern>
-	<keepFilePattern>*.bz2</keepFilePattern>
-	<keepFilePattern>logExtract.txt</keepFilePattern>
-	<keepFilePattern>memoryLeak.txt</keepFilePattern>
-	<keepFilePattern>SGAud*.out</keepFilePattern>
-	<keepFilePattern>dumprootfile.*.log.gz</keepFilePattern>
-	<auxFilePattern></auxFilePattern>
-	<auxFilePattern></auxFilePattern>
-	<auxFilePattern></auxFilePattern>
-	<action position="1" runInAtlasEnv="yes">
-	  <modulename>PostProcessRecoRTTTests</modulename>
-	  <testname>PostProcessRecoRTTTests</testname>
-	</action>
-      </jobGroup>
-      <jobGroup name="RecExReco" parent="Transform">
-	<keepFilePattern>data/*</keepFilePattern>
-	<keepFilePattern>igprof.*.gz</keepFilePattern>
-	<keepFilePattern>*.root</keepFilePattern>
-	<keepFilePattern>dumprootfile.*.log.gz</keepFilePattern>
-	<keepFilePattern>*.txt</keepFilePattern>
-	<keepFilePattern>*.bz2</keepFilePattern>
-	<keepFilePattern>*.html</keepFilePattern>
-	<keepFilePattern>*_log.bz2</keepFilePattern> 
-	<auxFilePattern></auxFilePattern>
-	<auxFilePattern></auxFilePattern>
-	<auxFilePattern></auxFilePattern>
-	<auxFilePattern></auxFilePattern>
-	<action position="1">
-	  <modulename>PostProcessRecoRTTTests</modulename>
-	  <testname>PostProcessRecoRTTTests</testname>
-	</action>
-      </jobGroup>
-    </jobGroups>
-  </rtt>