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Extend functionality of muComb for L2multi-track muonSA

Kohei Taniguchi requested to merge ktaniguc/athena:fixmuCombForL2MTMode into master

The other day, I submitted merge request for a new function of HLTMuon, L2 multi-track SA; !40821 (merged) and this MR was merged. The features of L2 multi-track SA are discussed on ATR-22537 .

The algorithm of TrigmuComb also should be changed for L2 multi-track SA and we planned to include this in the MR above, but I forgot to add. This change only affects the chain dedicated to L2 multi-track SA, and does not affect other existing chains. I have already confirmed that this change does not affect the other existing chains with trigger validation test.

@nakahama @yoyamagu

Merge request reports