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Make hard scatter selection modular in InDetPhysValMonitoring

In this MR, we update InDetPhysValMonitoring to use a hard-scatter vertex selection provided by a IHardScatterSelectionTool, thereby allowing for flexible configuration of the hard scatter strategy and easy comparison of different options.

The strategy (current options: sum(pt²) = default, and sum(pt), with more to come in a future MR, is exposed as a configurable flag in the InDetPhysValJobProperties and also in the standalone job options.

We change all hard scatter selections in the package to be consistent with each other (not the case before) by piping the HS selection outcome from the top level tool through the client plots, and in particular fix a major bug in the selection of the HS for track selection purposes, which was previously returning the last rather than first PV of an event.

CC @pbhattar @kostyuk @keli @sroe @goetz for information / feedback

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