diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/xAODBTaggingEfficiency/Root/BTaggingTruthTaggingTool.cxx b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/xAODBTaggingEfficiency/Root/BTaggingTruthTaggingTool.cxx
index 74df2f1d09018a8940c05f66d70a163f268d028f..f3b81b49c61e63629e08ec76cdde67c1095b7ef1 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/xAODBTaggingEfficiency/Root/BTaggingTruthTaggingTool.cxx
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/xAODBTaggingEfficiency/Root/BTaggingTruthTaggingTool.cxx
@@ -190,23 +190,18 @@ StatusCode BTaggingTruthTaggingTool::initialize() {
     m_OperatingPoint_index = find(m_availableOP.begin(), m_availableOP.end(), m_cutBenchmark) - m_availableOP.begin();
-    if (m_pathToONNX != ""){
-      if (m_useQuntile){
-        ATH_MSG_ERROR("BTaggingTruthTaggingTool::TruthTagging with GNN doesn't support m_useQuntile=true yet");
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;      
-      } else {
-        // 60% = 4, 70% = 3, 77% = 2, 85% = 1, 100% = 0
-        m_OP_index_for_GNN = find(m_availableOP.begin(), m_availableOP.end(), m_cutBenchmark) - m_availableOP.begin() + 1; // GNN predicts 5 bins        
+    if(m_useQuntile){
+      m_OperatingPoint_index = find(m_availableOP.begin(), m_availableOP.end(), m_OP) - m_availableOP.begin();
+      if(m_OperatingPoint_index >= m_availableOP.size()) {
+        ATH_MSG_ERROR(m_OP << " not in the list of available OPs");
+        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    } else {
-      if(m_useQuntile){
-        m_OperatingPoint_index = find(m_availableOP.begin(), m_availableOP.end(), m_OP) - m_availableOP.begin();
-        if(m_OperatingPoint_index >= m_availableOP.size()) {
-          ATH_MSG_ERROR(m_OP << " not in the list of available OPs");
-          return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-        }
-      } // m_useQuantile
-    } // !ONNX
+    } // m_useQuantile
+    if (m_pathToONNX != ""){
+      // 60% = 4, 70% = 3, 77% = 2, 85% = 1, 100% = 0
+      m_OP_index_for_GNN = find(m_availableOP.begin(), m_availableOP.end(), m_cutBenchmark) - m_availableOP.begin() + 1; // GNN predicts 5 bins        
+    }
@@ -431,14 +426,22 @@ StatusCode BTaggingTruthTaggingTool::setJets(TRFinfo &trfinf,std::vector<int>& f
     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  for(unsigned int i =0; i<vars.size(); i++){
+  if (m_taggingStrategy == "Leading2SignalJets"){
+    trfinf.njets = std::min(2, static_cast<int>(vars.size()));
+  } else if (m_taggingStrategy == "AllJets"){
+    trfinf.njets = vars.size();
+  } else {
+    ATH_MSG_ERROR("BTaggingTruthTaggingTool::setJets tagging strategy " << m_taggingStrategy << " is not implemented in the TruthTagging Tool");
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;  
+  }
+  for(unsigned int i =0; i<trfinf.njets; i++){
     jetVariable jetVar_appo;
-  trfinf.njets=trfinf.jets.size();
   trfinf.node_feat = node_feat;
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -682,35 +685,52 @@ StatusCode BTaggingTruthTaggingTool::getAllEffMCGNN(TRFinfo &trfinf){
   } // m_continuous
   else {
-    if (m_useQuntile){
-      ATH_MSG_ERROR("BTaggingTruthTaggingTool::getMCEfficiencyONNX doesn't support m_useQuntile=true yet");
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;      
-    } // m_useQuantile
-    else {
-      std::vector<std::vector<float>> tmp_effMC_allOP; // shape:{num_jets, num_wp}
-      CorrectionCode code = m_effTool->getMCEfficiencyONNX(trfinf.node_feat, tmp_effMC_allOP);
-      if(!(code==CorrectionCode::Ok || code==CorrectionCode::OutOfValidityRange)){
-        ATH_MSG_ERROR("BTaggingEfficiencyTool::getMCEfficiencyONNX returned CorrectionCode::Error");
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+    std::vector<std::vector<float>> tmp_effMC_allOP; // shape:{num_jets, num_wp}
+    CorrectionCode code = m_effTool->getMCEfficiencyONNX(trfinf.node_feat, tmp_effMC_allOP);
+    if(!(code==CorrectionCode::Ok || code==CorrectionCode::OutOfValidityRange)){
+      ATH_MSG_ERROR("BTaggingEfficiencyTool::getMCEfficiencyONNX returned CorrectionCode::Error");
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+    }
+    if (m_taggingStrategy == "Leading2SignalJets"){
+      for (int jet_index=0; jet_index<2; jet_index++){
+        float tmp_effMC = std::accumulate(tmp_effMC_allOP[jet_index].begin()+m_OP_index_for_GNN, tmp_effMC_allOP[jet_index].end(), 0.0);
+        trfinf.effMC.push_back(tmp_effMC);
+      }
+    } else if (m_taggingStrategy == "AllJets") {
+      for (int jet_index=0; jet_index<static_cast<int>(tmp_effMC_allOP.size()); jet_index++){
+        float tmp_effMC = std::accumulate(tmp_effMC_allOP[jet_index].begin()+m_OP_index_for_GNN, tmp_effMC_allOP[jet_index].end(), 0.0);
+        trfinf.effMC.push_back(tmp_effMC);
+    } else {
+      ATH_MSG_ERROR("BTaggingTruthTaggingTool::tagging strategy " << m_taggingStrategy << " is not implemented in the TruthTagging Tool");
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;    
+    }
-      if (m_taggingStrategy == "Leading2SignalJets"){
-        for (int jet_index=0; jet_index<2; jet_index++){
-          float tmp_effMC = std::accumulate(tmp_effMC_allOP[jet_index].begin()+m_OP_index_for_GNN, tmp_effMC_allOP[jet_index].end(), 0.0);
-          trfinf.effMC.push_back(tmp_effMC);
-        }
-      } else if (m_taggingStrategy == "AllJets") {
-        for (int jet_index=0; jet_index<static_cast<int>(tmp_effMC_allOP.size()); jet_index++){
-          float tmp_effMC = std::accumulate(tmp_effMC_allOP[jet_index].begin()+m_OP_index_for_GNN, tmp_effMC_allOP[jet_index].end(), 0.0);
-          trfinf.effMC.push_back(tmp_effMC);
+    if (m_useQuntile){
+      int OP_index=0;
+      for(const auto & op_appo: m_availableOP){
+        // need to transpose
+        std::vector<float> tmp_effMC_oneOP; // shape:{num_jet}
+        if (m_taggingStrategy == "Leading2SignalJets"){
+          for (int jet_index=0; jet_index<2; jet_index++){
+            tmp_effMC_oneOP.push_back(tmp_effMC_allOP[jet_index][OP_index]);
+          }
+        } else if (m_taggingStrategy == "AllJets") {
+          for (int jet_index=0; jet_index<static_cast<int>(tmp_effMC_allOP.size()); jet_index++){
+            tmp_effMC_oneOP.push_back(tmp_effMC_allOP[jet_index][OP_index]);
+          }
+        } else {
+          ATH_MSG_ERROR("BTaggingTruthTaggingTool::tagging strategy " << m_taggingStrategy << " is not implemented in the TruthTagging Tool");
+          return StatusCode::FAILURE;    
-      } else {
-        ATH_MSG_ERROR("BTaggingTruthTaggingTool::tagging strategy " << m_taggingStrategy << " is not implemented in the TruthTagging Tool");
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;    
+        trfinf.effMC_allOP[op_appo] = tmp_effMC_oneOP;
+        OP_index++;
-    } // !m_useQuantile
+    } // m_useQuantile
   } // !m_continuous
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;