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update of AFP bytestream convertor with picoTDC

Added picoTDC format to AFP bytestream convertor. The previous format (HPTDC) is kept as well, preserving all the functionality. Added new version of AFP_ToFRawData, distinguished as AFP_ToFRawData_v2, while the original is kept as AFP_ToFRawData_1; analogically for AFP_ToFRawCollection. Now, AFP_ToFRawData can also accommodate information about the trigger.

The code prints warnings whenever unexpected situation is met; handling of these situations might require some tuning. Also, it's not possible to test the code properly, as there are no data; a JIRA ticket will be created to remember that a warning will be printed once picoTDC data are read.

tagging @ladamczy, @korcyl

Edited by Petr Balek

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