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First version of the condition algorithm for applying LAr alignments to GeoModel

Vakhtang Tsulaia requested to merge tsulaia/athena:master-calodd-p2 into master

Introduced LArAlignCondAlg and LArAlignHelper. The latter contains the code for applying alignment corrections to LArGeoModel. It is used by both LArAlignCondAlg and LArDetectorTool.

Added CONDCONT_DEF for two classes

  • DetCondKeyTrans
  • CaloCellPositionShift

Fixed LArConditionsCommon/python/ so that it declares "/LAR/Align" and "/LAR/LArCellPositionShift" folders to the CondInputLoader, and removed the obsolete LArConditionsCommon/share/

Switched CaloMgrDetDescrCnv from fabs to std::abs

Merge request reports