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Move MT vs ST and reverseViews comparisons from TriggerTest to TrigP1Test

Rafal Bielski requested to merge rbielski/athena:move-tests-trigp1test into master

A follow up to !45920 (merged) which moved the counts reference from a test in TriggerTest to a test in TrigP1Test. We have two tests which compare the counts against the same reference - one running MT and one running with "reverseViews", both comparing to the reference from the single-threaded "standard views order" test. Move these tests also to TrigP1Test and align them with the test producing the reference.

For the MT vs ST comparison an existing "forkAndMT" test is reused and the number of threads is increased. The "reverseViews" is a new test in TrigP1Test. The two TriggerTest scripts are removed.

Fixes ATR-24049

cc @tbuanes

The git diff may be a bit confusing because it misidentified removal+addition as a rename+modify. What is really done here is:

  • delete:
    • TriggerTest/test/
    • TriggerTest/test/
  • modify:
    • TrigP1Test/test/
    • TrigP1Test/test/
  • add new file:
    • TrigP1Test/test/

Merge request reports