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add optionally the ability to (re-) configure the upstream domains (calo,tracking) from inside egamma config

We do not have a use case for this yet ...
or at least I can not think of a practical one.

We do not need it for recosteering,
nor for Reco_tf,
nor for egamma related expert tests (which we handle from reco steering or Reco tf),
and in reco from ESD we do not want to re-run these domains, we mostly read in.

But OK people tend ask for its existence.

As is no hard to allow it (default is not to do it) if ones ever wants to try it although these domains are not ready ... Here it is

This is a copy paste the usptream from Recosteering in one place/function (this is why is not needed for that as is there).
So conditionally allow to Calo/Tracking be redone from inside EgammaSteering (default False)

ping @tadej and @jdevivi.

Edited by Christos Anastopoulos

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