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Preparing TrigEgammaMonitoring to handle L1eEM chains

This MR is to prepare TrigEgammaMonitoringMT to handle L1eEM chains. This MR includes the function to fill the histograms and export them to the output file. Additionally some distribution plots for high Et have been included, to help analyze chains with high Et .

This MR does not yet enable the use of L1eEM chains in the e/g offline monitoring framework, whose complete handling depends on the implementation on the TrigEgammaMatchingTool side, which will be implemented in a next MR.

Discussion is being done in the JIRA ticket: ATR-24233 .

ping: @cjmeyer , @jodafons and @safarzad .

Edited by Edmar Egidio Purcino De Souza

Merge request reports