diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArCafJobs/python/LArSCDumperFlags.py b/LArCalorimeter/LArCafJobs/python/LArSCDumperFlags.py
index 06cb6673ca159ecf1efc249f24a7e0723e871fbe..a0f877f30fc7f7ccf573f64859ab99112ddc9a2f 100644
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArCafJobs/python/LArSCDumperFlags.py
+++ b/LArCalorimeter/LArCafJobs/python/LArSCDumperFlags.py
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ def addSCDumpFlags(flags):
+    flags.addFlag("LArSCDump.nEt",3)
@@ -20,7 +21,4 @@ def addSCDumpFlags(flags):
+    flags.addFlag("LArSCDump.doRawChan",False)
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArCafJobs/python/LArSCDumperSkeleton.py b/LArCalorimeter/LArCafJobs/python/LArSCDumperSkeleton.py
index 17f1832c86889f56633abb26e96feddcb722b6b1..c5ffe8d71346224515e1f124be7e407462b7d715 100644
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArCafJobs/python/LArSCDumperSkeleton.py
+++ b/LArCalorimeter/LArCafJobs/python/LArSCDumperSkeleton.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2002-2022 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 import sys
+import os
 from PyJobTransforms.CommonRunArgsToFlags import commonRunArgsToFlags
 from PyJobTransforms.TransformUtils import processPreExec, processPreInclude, processPostExec, processPostInclude
@@ -22,20 +23,38 @@ def fromRunArgs(runArgs):
+    # real geom not working yet
+    ConfigFlags.LArSCDump.doGeom=False
     # this should be later deduced from SCRunLog
-    CKeys=["SC_ET"]    
+    ConfigFlags.LArSCDump.nEt=1
+    ConfigFlags.LArSCDump.doRawChan=True
+    ConfigFlags.LArSCDump.digitsKey=""
+    CKeys=["SC_ET","LArRawChannels"]    
+    from LArGeoAlgsNV.LArGMConfig import LArGMCfg
+    cfg.merge(LArGMCfg(ConfigFlags))
+    if ConfigFlags.LArSCDump.doBC:
+       # FIXME should be SC version
+       from LArBadChannelTool.LArBadChannelConfig import  LArBadFebCfg, LArBadChannelCfg
+       cfg.merge(LArBadChannelCfg(ConfigFlags))
+       cfg.merge(LArBadFebCfg(ConfigFlags))
     cfg.merge(LArSC2NtupleCfg(ConfigFlags, AddBadChannelInfo=ConfigFlags.LArSCDump.doBC, AddFEBTempInfo=False, isSC=True, isFlat=False,
                             OffId=ConfigFlags.LArSCDump.doOfflineId, AddHash=ConfigFlags.LArSCDump.doHash, AddCalib=ConfigFlags.LArSCDump.doCalib, RealGeometry=ConfigFlags.LArSCDump.doGeom, ExpandId=ConfigFlags.LArSCDump.expandId, # from LArCond2NtupleBase 
                             NSamples=ConfigFlags.LArSCDump.nSamples, FTlist={}, FillBCID=ConfigFlags.LArSCDump.doBCID, ContainerKey=ConfigFlags.LArSCDump.digitsKey,  # from LArDigits2Ntuple
-                            SCContainerKeys=CKeys, OverwriteEventNumber = ConfigFlags.LArSCDump.overwriteEvN,                        # from LArSC2Ntuple
-                            OutputLevel=4))
+                            SCContainerKeys=CKeys, OverwriteEventNumber = ConfigFlags.LArSCDump.overwriteEvN, Net=ConfigFlags.LArSCDump.nEt, # from LArSC2Ntuple
+                            FillRODEnergy = ConfigFlags.LArSCDump.doRawChan,
+                            OutputLevel=3))
+    if os.path.exists(ConfigFlags.LArSCDump.outputNtup):
+          os.remove(ConfigFlags.LArSCDump.outputNtup)
     from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory
     cfg.addService(CompFactory.NTupleSvc(Output = [ "FILE1 DATAFILE='"+ConfigFlags.LArSCDump.outputNtup+"' OPT='NEW'" ]))
@@ -43,6 +62,10 @@ def fromRunArgs(runArgs):
     processPostInclude(runArgs, ConfigFlags, cfg)
     processPostExec(runArgs, ConfigFlags, cfg)
+    #example how to dump the stores
+    #cfg.getService("StoreGateSvc").Dump=True
+    #from AthenaCommon.Constants import DEBUG
+    #cfg.getService("StoreGateSvc").OutputLevel=DEBUG
     # Run the final accumulator
     sc = cfg.run()
     sys.exit(not sc.isSuccess())
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArCafJobs/python/LArShapeDumperConfig.py b/LArCalorimeter/LArCafJobs/python/LArShapeDumperConfig.py
index 6044e65768ca91cd8ca15c2e3d1148ccb1481247..819be42ee7480aeca9dcfa159e51721e1658c5dc 100644
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArCafJobs/python/LArShapeDumperConfig.py
+++ b/LArCalorimeter/LArCafJobs/python/LArShapeDumperConfig.py
@@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ if __name__=="__main__":
+    ConfigFlags.lock()
     from AthenaConfiguration.MainServicesConfig import MainServicesCfg
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArCafJobs/share/skeleton.LArNoise_fromraw.py b/LArCalorimeter/LArCafJobs/share/skeleton.LArNoise_fromraw.py
index 453f01d8e8e4a9266e918b8e44ff82c998d8e867..ad157e7167d2bc10c21f8e8a911682b7fe5acadb 100644
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArCafJobs/share/skeleton.LArNoise_fromraw.py
+++ b/LArCalorimeter/LArCafJobs/share/skeleton.LArNoise_fromraw.py
@@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ include("LArConditionsCommon/LArConditionsCommon_comm_jobOptions.py")
 if not hasattr(runArgs,"conditionsTag") or runArgs.conditionsTag=="CURRENT":
     printfunc ("Resolving 'CURRENT' express conditions tag ...")
-    sys.path.append('/afs/cern.ch/user/a/atlcond/utils/python/')
-    from AtlCoolBKLib import resolveAlias
+    sys.path.append('/afs/cern.ch/user/a/atlcond/utils22/')
+    from CondUtilsLib.AtlCoolBKLib import resolveAlias
     printfunc ("Found ",currentGlobalES)
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArCafJobs/src/LArShapeDumper.cxx b/LArCalorimeter/LArCafJobs/src/LArShapeDumper.cxx
index 6ffcc1c3a2e3123bafc0d83f61a144b6ab1fc07a..147a2bf41a0decbcdba9060d2c44762aeab59d92 100755
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArCafJobs/src/LArShapeDumper.cxx
+++ b/LArCalorimeter/LArCafJobs/src/LArShapeDumper.cxx
@@ -301,7 +301,11 @@ StatusCode LArShapeDumper::execute()
   const LArOFIterResultsContainer* ofIterResult = 0;
   if (m_doOFCIter) {
-    ATH_CHECK( evtStore()->retrieve(ofIterResult, "LArOFIterResult") );
+    if (evtStore()->contains<LArOFIterResultsContainer> ("LArOFIterResult")) {
+       ATH_CHECK( evtStore()->retrieve(ofIterResult, "LArOFIterResult") );
+    } else {
+       ATH_MSG_WARNING("Do not have LArOFIterResult in this event");
+    }
   const LArFebErrorSummary* larFebErrorSummary = 0;
@@ -338,15 +342,15 @@ StatusCode LArShapeDumper::execute()
   std::map<HWIdentifier, LArOFIterResultsContainer::const_iterator> ofcResultPosition;
-  if (m_doOFCIter) 
+  if (m_doOFCIter && ofIterResult) { 
     for (LArOFIterResultsContainer::const_iterator ofResult = ofIterResult->begin();
          ofResult != ofIterResult->end(); ++ofResult) 
       ofcResultPosition[ofResult->getChannelID()] = ofResult;
-  ATH_MSG_INFO ( "njpbSizes : " << larDigitContainer->size()
+    ATH_MSG_INFO ( "njpbSizes : " << larDigitContainer->size()
                  << " " << (ofIterResult ? ofIterResult->size() : 0) << " " 
                  << rawChannelContainer->size() << " " << channelsToKeep.size() );
+  }
   SG::ReadCondHandle<CaloNoise> noiseHdl{m_noiseCDOKey};
   const CaloNoise* noiseCDO=*noiseHdl;
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibTools/LArCalibTools/LArSC2Ntuple.h b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibTools/LArCalibTools/LArSC2Ntuple.h
index 18ab92a45b1c58b4bd5d874be2284a5c61c60c35..b08031754722c1ffd286d21afc325b5e04424e31 100644
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibTools/LArCalibTools/LArSC2Ntuple.h
+++ b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibTools/LArCalibTools/LArSC2Ntuple.h
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
 #include "LArCalibTools/LArDigits2Ntuple.h"
+#include "CaloDetDescr/ICaloSuperCellIDTool.h"
+#include "LArRawEvent/LArRawChannelContainer.h"
 class LArSC2Ntuple : public LArDigits2Ntuple
@@ -16,21 +18,35 @@ class LArSC2Ntuple : public LArDigits2Ntuple
   // Standard algorithm methods
   virtual StatusCode initialize() override;
   virtual StatusCode execute() override;
+ protected:
+  typedef std::map<HWIdentifier, const LArRawChannel*> rawChanMap_t;
+  void fillRODEnergy(HWIdentifier SCId, rawChanMap_t &rawChanMap, 
+                     const LArOnOffIdMapping* cabling, const LArOnOffIdMapping* cablingROD); 
-  long m_sc2event = 0;
+  long m_event;
   Gaudi::Property< std::vector<std::string> > m_contKeys{ this, "SCContainerKeys", {},"which containers to dump"};
   Gaudi::Property< bool > m_overwriteEventNumber{this, "OverwriteEventNumber", false, "overwrite the event number from EventInfo ?"};
+  Gaudi::Property< unsigned int >  m_Net{this, "Net", 5, "number of energies to store"};
+  Gaudi::Property< bool > m_fillRawChan{this, "FillRODEnergy", false, "Trying to fill corresponding cells energies"};
+  SG::ReadCondHandleKey<LArOnOffIdMapping> m_cablingKeyAdditional{this,"CablingKeyAdditional","LArOnOffIdMap","SG Key of LArOnOffIdMapping object for standard cells"};
+  ToolHandle<ICaloSuperCellIDTool>   m_scidtool{this, "CaloSuperCellIDTool", "CaloSuperCellIDTool", "Offline / SuperCell ID mapping tool"};
+  NTuple::Item<short> m_ELVL1Id;
   NTuple::Item<short> m_latomeChannel;
-  NTuple::Item<float>  m_raw_energy;
+  NTuple::Array<float>  m_ROD_energy;
   // From LATOME header
   NTuple::Item<uint16_t> m_bcidLATOMEHEAD;
-  NTuple::Item<uint32_t> m_latomeidLATOMEHEAD;
   NTuple::Item<uint32_t> m_l1idLATOMEHEAD;
+  NTuple::Item<uint32_t> m_ntNet;
   // DigitContainer
   NTuple::Array<unsigned short> m_bcidVec;
   NTuple::Item<uint32_t> m_latomeSourceId;
@@ -45,7 +61,6 @@ class LArSC2Ntuple : public LArDigits2Ntuple
   NTuple::Array<unsigned short> m_bcidVec_ET_ID;
   NTuple::Array<bool> m_saturVec_ET_ID;
-  bool m_hasRawChan = false;
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibTools/share/LArDigits2Ntuple_jobOptions.py b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibTools/share/LArDigits2Ntuple_jobOptions.py
index ad131132a3837a0947efd6d3295acf5a976198fa..d255dea1465a56d1edc9e13871084d15d6e6800d 100755
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibTools/share/LArDigits2Ntuple_jobOptions.py
+++ b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibTools/share/LArDigits2Ntuple_jobOptions.py
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ if not 'FullFileName' in dir():
             Trigger = "calibration_"+"*"   
+   from LArCalibProcessing.GetInputFiles import GetInputFilesFromTokens,GetInputFiles
    FullFileName = []
    for RunNumber in RunNumberList :
@@ -223,18 +224,7 @@ from LArCalibTools.LArCalibToolsConf import LArDigits2Ntuple
 contkeys = GainList
-if 'rawChannels' not in dir():
-   rawChannels = False
-if rawChannels is True:
-   contkeys.append("LArRawChannels")
-if SuperCells and SCDecodeAllContainers:
-   contkeys.append("SC_ADC_BAS")
-   contkeys.append("SC_ET")
-   contkeys.append("SC_ET_ID")
-   contkeys.append("SC_LATOME_HEADER")
-LArDigits2Ntuple.ContainerKeys = contkeys
+LArDigits2Ntuple.ContainerKey = contkeys[0]
 if 'FTlist' in dir():
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibTools/share/LArPulseShapeRun.py b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibTools/share/LArPulseShapeRun.py
index b27891afa46e99a4ae29a12d6edde676205fd441..5e20879b75abbaf3d3b560dfd973dfbee7591853 100644
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibTools/share/LArPulseShapeRun.py
+++ b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibTools/share/LArPulseShapeRun.py
@@ -71,10 +71,17 @@ theByteStreamAddressProviderSvc.TypeNames += [ "LArDigitContainer/FREE"   ]
 # trigger configuration
 from AthenaConfiguration.OldFlags2NewFlags import getNewConfigFlags
 ConfigFlags = getNewConfigFlags()
+ConfigFlags.Trigger.readBS = True
 ConfigFlags.Trigger.doID = False
-from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerRecoGetter import TriggerRecoGetter
-trig = TriggerRecoGetter()
+from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerConfigGetter import TriggerConfigGetter
+cfg = TriggerConfigGetter()
+from TriggerJobOpts.Lvl1ResultBuilderGetter import Lvl1ResultBuilderGetter
+lvl1 = Lvl1ResultBuilderGetter()
+from TriggerJobOpts.HLTTriggerResultGetter import ByteStreamUnpackGetter
 # TDT
 from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibTools/src/LArCond2NtupleBase.cxx b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibTools/src/LArCond2NtupleBase.cxx
index 77680aeab711fa65be1f326a8cc845551a2767ce..adf9f2f009539051d9be9c75a8af907dc263316f 100644
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibTools/src/LArCond2NtupleBase.cxx
+++ b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibTools/src/LArCond2NtupleBase.cxx
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ StatusCode LArCond2NtupleBase::initialize() {
 bool LArCond2NtupleBase::fillFromIdentifier(const HWIdentifier& hwid) {
- ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Starting fillFromIdentifier");
+ ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Starting fillFromIdentifier");
  const LArBadChannelCont *bcCont = nullptr;
  if ( m_addBC ) {
    SG::ReadCondHandle<LArBadChannelCont> readHandle{m_BCKey};
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibTools/src/LArDigits2Ntuple.cxx b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibTools/src/LArDigits2Ntuple.cxx
index 3f4dd2ca7d8db4b17a9d6aec694922b8dd77468b..8e46d547ee1b9a3b4b92401dc92b66b9d952dc8e 100644
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibTools/src/LArDigits2Ntuple.cxx
+++ b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibTools/src/LArDigits2Ntuple.cxx
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
 #include "LArCalibTools/LArDigits2Ntuple.h"
+#include "EventInfo/EventInfo.h"
+#include "EventInfo/EventID.h"
 #include "LArRawEvent/LArDigitContainer.h"
 #include "Identifier/HWIdentifier.h"
 #include "LArRawEvent/LArSCDigit.h"
@@ -47,6 +49,12 @@ StatusCode LArDigits2Ntuple::initialize()
     return sc;
+  sc = m_nt->addItem("Gain",m_gain,0,4);
+  if (sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
+    ATH_MSG_ERROR( "addItem 'Gain' failed" );
+    return sc;
+  }
     sc = m_nt->addItem("BCID",m_bcid);
     if (sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
@@ -63,7 +71,7 @@ StatusCode LArDigits2Ntuple::initialize()
-  ATH_CHECK(m_contKey.initialize() );
+  ATH_CHECK(m_contKey.initialize(m_contKey.key().size()) );
   ATH_CHECK(m_evtInfoKey.initialize() );
   ATH_CHECK(m_LArFebHeaderContainerKey.initialize(!m_isSC) );
@@ -77,6 +85,8 @@ StatusCode LArDigits2Ntuple::initialize()
 StatusCode LArDigits2Ntuple::execute()
+  if(m_contKey.key().empty()) return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
   StatusCode	sc;
   ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "LArDigits2Ntuple in execute" ); 
@@ -115,6 +125,11 @@ StatusCode LArDigits2Ntuple::execute()
   const LArDigitContainer DigitContainer   = *hdlDigit;
+  if(!hdlDigit.cptr()) {
+     ATH_MSG_WARNING( "No digits in this event ?");
+     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+  }
   unsigned cellCounter=0;
   for( const LArDigit *digi : DigitContainer ){
@@ -122,7 +137,6 @@ StatusCode LArDigits2Ntuple::execute()
     m_IEvent	   = thisevent;
     unsigned int trueMaxSample	   = digi->nsamples();
-    m_ntNsamples   = trueMaxSample;
     if (!m_isSC){
       m_gain	   = digi->gain();
@@ -131,11 +145,18 @@ StatusCode LArDigits2Ntuple::execute()
-        ATH_MSG_WARNING( "The number of samples in data is larger than the one specified by JO: " << trueMaxSample << " > " << m_Nsamples << " --> only " << m_Nsamples << " will be available in the ntuple " );
+        ATH_MSG_WARNING( "The number of digi samples in data is larger than the one specified by JO: " << trueMaxSample << " > " << m_Nsamples << " --> only " << m_Nsamples << " will be available in the ntuple " );
         m_ipass   = 1;
       trueMaxSample   = m_Nsamples;
+    else if(trueMaxSample<m_Nsamples){
+      if(!m_ipass){
+        ATH_MSG_WARNING( "The number of digi samples in data is lower than the one specified by JO: " << trueMaxSample << " > " << m_Nsamples << " --> only " << trueMaxSample << " will be available in the ntuple " );
+        m_ipass   = 1;
+      }
+    }
+    m_ntNsamples   = trueMaxSample;
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibTools/src/LArSC2Ntuple.cxx b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibTools/src/LArSC2Ntuple.cxx
index be49228d1ab64a0607f64addbb54689874e507ad..fc1768ef584c3fee9397478a9fde423dc42a36eb 100644
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibTools/src/LArSC2Ntuple.cxx
+++ b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibTools/src/LArSC2Ntuple.cxx
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 #include "LArCalibTools/LArSC2Ntuple.h"
 #include "LArRawEvent/LArRawSCContainer.h"
-#include "LArRawEvent/LArRawChannelContainer.h"
 #include "LArRawEvent/LArSCDigit.h"
 #include "LArRawEvent/LArLATOMEHeaderContainer.h"
@@ -21,7 +20,10 @@ StatusCode LArSC2Ntuple::initialize() {
   m_isSC = true;
   ATH_CHECK( LArDigits2Ntuple::initialize() );
+  ATH_CHECK( m_scidtool.retrieve() );
+  ATH_CHECK( m_cablingKeyAdditional.initialize(m_fillRawChan));
   StatusCode sc=m_nt->addItem("latomeChannel",m_latomeChannel);
   if (sc.isFailure()) {
     ATH_MSG_ERROR( "addItem 'latomeChannel' failed" );
@@ -38,15 +40,19 @@ StatusCode LArSC2Ntuple::initialize() {
     ATH_MSG_ERROR( "addItem 'latomeSourceId' failed" );
     return sc;
+  sc = m_nt->addItem("Net",m_ntNet);
+  if (sc.isFailure()) {
+    ATH_MSG_ERROR( "addItem 'Net' failed" );
+    return sc;
+  }
   // Loop over container keys
   for ( const std::string &ck : m_contKeys ){   
     if ( ck.find("SC")  == std::string::npos){	// main readout only
-      if ( ck == "LArRawChannels" ){
-	m_hasRawChan   = true;
-	sc = m_nt->addItem("raw_energy",m_raw_energy);
+      if ( m_fillRawChan && ck == "LArRawChannels" ){
+	sc = m_nt->addItem("ROD_energy", 16, m_ROD_energy);
 	if (sc.isFailure()) {
-	  ATH_MSG_ERROR( "addItem 'raw_energy' failed" );
+	  ATH_MSG_ERROR( "addItem 'ROD_energy' failed" );
 	  return sc;
@@ -70,11 +76,7 @@ StatusCode LArSC2Ntuple::initialize() {
 	ATH_MSG_ERROR( "addItem 'bcidLATOMEHEAD' failed" );
 	return sc;
-      sc = m_nt->addItem("latomeidLATOMEHEAD",m_latomeidLATOMEHEAD);
-      if (sc.isFailure()) {
-	ATH_MSG_ERROR( "addItem 'latomeidLATOMEHEAD' failed" );
-	return sc;
-      }
       sc = m_nt->addItem("l1idLATOMEHEAD",m_l1idLATOMEHEAD);
       if (sc.isFailure()) {
 	ATH_MSG_ERROR( "addItem 'l1idLATOMEHEAD' failed" );
@@ -82,17 +84,17 @@ StatusCode LArSC2Ntuple::initialize() {
     }else if ( ck == "SC_ET" ){ // SC_ET RawSCContainer
-      sc = m_nt->addItem("energyVec_ET", m_Nsamples, m_energyVec_ET);
+      sc = m_nt->addItem("energyVec_ET", m_Net, m_energyVec_ET);
       if (sc.isFailure()) {
 	ATH_MSG_ERROR( "addItem 'energyVec_ET' failed" );
 	return sc;
-      sc = m_nt->addItem("bcidVec_ET", m_Nsamples, m_bcidVec_ET);
+      sc = m_nt->addItem("bcidVec_ET", m_Net, m_bcidVec_ET);
       if (sc.isFailure()) {
 	ATH_MSG_ERROR( "addItem 'bcidVec_ET' failed" );
 	return sc;
-      sc = m_nt->addItem("saturVec_ET", m_Nsamples, m_saturVec_ET);
+      sc = m_nt->addItem("saturVec_ET", m_Net, m_saturVec_ET);
       if (sc.isFailure()) {
 	ATH_MSG_ERROR( "addItem 'saturVec_ET' failed" );
 	return sc;
@@ -100,17 +102,17 @@ StatusCode LArSC2Ntuple::initialize() {
     }else if ( ck == "SC_ET_ID" ){	// SC_ET_ID RawSCContainer
-      sc = m_nt->addItem("energyVec_ET_ID", m_Nsamples, m_energyVec_ET_ID);
+      sc = m_nt->addItem("energyVec_ET_ID", m_Net, m_energyVec_ET_ID);
       if (sc.isFailure()) {
 	ATH_MSG_ERROR( "addItem 'energyVec_ET_ID' failed" );
 	return sc;
-      sc = m_nt->addItem("bcidVec_ET_ID", m_Nsamples, m_bcidVec_ET_ID);
+      sc = m_nt->addItem("bcidVec_ET_ID", m_Net, m_bcidVec_ET_ID);
       if (sc.isFailure()) {
 	ATH_MSG_ERROR( "addItem 'bcidVec_ET_ID' failed" );
 	return sc;
-      sc = m_nt->addItem("saturVec_ET_ID", m_Nsamples, m_saturVec_ET_ID);
+      sc = m_nt->addItem("saturVec_ET_ID", m_Net, m_saturVec_ET_ID);
       if (sc.isFailure()) {
 	ATH_MSG_ERROR( "addItem 'saturVec_ET_ID' failed" );
 	return sc;
@@ -132,7 +134,7 @@ StatusCode LArSC2Ntuple::execute()
   const EventContext& ctx = Gaudi::Hive::currentContext();
   ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "LArSC2Ntuple in execute" ); 
-  m_sc2event++;
+  m_event++;
   unsigned long long thisevent = 0;
   unsigned long	thisbcid       = 0;
@@ -144,14 +146,17 @@ StatusCode LArSC2Ntuple::execute()
   /// set it here once and no need to set at each SC/cell
   bool hasDigitContainer=true;
-  SG::ReadHandle<LArDigitContainer> hdlDigit(m_contKey, ctx);
-  if(!hdlDigit.isValid()) {
-    ATH_MSG_WARNING( "Unable to retrieve LArDigitContainer with key " << m_contKey << " from DetectorStore. " );
-    hasDigitContainer=false;
-  } else
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Got LArDigitContainer with key " << m_contKey.key() );
-  const LArDigitContainer DigitContainer   = *hdlDigit;
+  const LArDigitContainer *DigitContainer   = nullptr;
+  if(!m_contKey.key().empty()) {
+     SG::ReadHandle<LArDigitContainer> hdlDigit(m_contKey, ctx);
+     if(!hdlDigit.isValid()) {
+       ATH_MSG_WARNING( "Unable to retrieve LArDigitContainer with key " << m_contKey << " from DetectorStore. " );
+       hasDigitContainer=false;
+     } else {
+       ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Got LArDigitContainer with key " << m_contKey.key() );
+       DigitContainer   = hdlDigit.cptr();
+     }
+  } else hasDigitContainer=false;   
   const LArDigitContainer*	DigitContainer_next	   = nullptr;
   const LArRawSCContainer*	etcontainer	   = nullptr;
@@ -159,7 +164,7 @@ StatusCode LArSC2Ntuple::execute()
   const LArRawChannelContainer*	RawChannelContainer   = nullptr;
   const LArLATOMEHeaderContainer*headcontainer	   = nullptr;
   std::map<unsigned int, const LArLATOMEHeader*> LATOMEHeadMap;
-  std::map<HWIdentifier, const LArRawChannel*>	rawChannelMap; 
+  rawChanMap_t 	rawChannelMap; 
   if ((std::find(m_contKeys.begin(), m_contKeys.end(), "LArRawChannels")	  != m_contKeys.end()) ){
     sc	   = evtStore()->retrieve(RawChannelContainer,"LArRawChannels");  
@@ -185,7 +190,7 @@ StatusCode LArSC2Ntuple::execute()
       ATH_MSG_WARNING( "Unable to retrieve LArRawSCContainer with key SC_ET from DetectorStore. " );
-      ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Got LArDigitContainer with key SC_ET " );
+      ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Got LArRawSCContainer with key SC_ET " );
   if ((std::find(m_contKeys.begin(), m_contKeys.end(), "SC_ET_ID")  != m_contKeys.end()) ){
@@ -194,7 +199,7 @@ StatusCode LArSC2Ntuple::execute()
       ATH_MSG_WARNING( "Unable to retrieve LArRawSCContainer with key SC_ET_ID from DetectorStore. " );
-      ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Got LArDigitContainer with key SC_ET_ID" );
+      ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Got LArRawSCContainer with key SC_ET_ID" );
   if ((std::find(m_contKeys.begin(), m_contKeys.end(), "SC_LATOME_HEADER")	  != m_contKeys.end()) ){
@@ -203,7 +208,7 @@ StatusCode LArSC2Ntuple::execute()
       ATH_MSG_WARNING( "Unable to retrieve LArLATOMEHeaderContainer with key SC_LATOME_HEADER from DetectorStore. " );
-      ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Got LArDigitContainer with key SC_LATOME_HEADER " ); 
+      ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Got LArLATOMEHeaderContainer with key SC_LATOME_HEADER " ); 
   if (headcontainer){// loop through header container and fill map
@@ -211,11 +216,27 @@ StatusCode LArSC2Ntuple::execute()
       LATOMEHeadMap.try_emplace ( hit->SourceId(), hit );
-  if(m_hasRawChan){
+  if(m_fillRawChan && RawChannelContainer){
     for (const LArRawChannel& raw : *RawChannelContainer) {
        rawChannelMap.try_emplace( raw.channelID(), &raw );
+  const LArOnOffIdMapping* cabling=nullptr;
+  const LArOnOffIdMapping* cablingROD=nullptr;
+  if(m_fillRawChan){
+     SG::ReadCondHandle<LArOnOffIdMapping> cablingHdl{cablingKey()};
+     cabling=*cablingHdl;
+     if(!cabling) {
+        ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Do not have cabling for SC!" );
+        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+     }
+     SG::ReadCondHandle<LArOnOffIdMapping> cablingHdlROD{m_cablingKeyAdditional};
+     cablingROD=*cablingHdlROD;
+     if(!cablingROD) {
+        ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Do not have cabling for ROD!" );
+        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+     }
+  }
   /// set container pointers to nullptr if size is 0 (avoid checking again the size in many places)
   if( DigitContainer_next && DigitContainer_next->size()  == 0 ) DigitContainer_next = nullptr;
@@ -225,7 +246,15 @@ StatusCode LArSC2Ntuple::execute()
   if( etcontainer_next && etcontainer_next->size()	  == 0 ) etcontainer_next = nullptr;
   int cellsno   = 0;
-  if (hasDigitContainer && DigitContainer.size() >0) cellsno	 = DigitContainer.size();
+  if (hasDigitContainer) {
+     if( !DigitContainer->empty() ) cellsno = DigitContainer->size();
+     else {
+       ATH_MSG_WARNING("DigitContainer has zero size, but asked, will be not filled... ");
+       return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+     }
+  }
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("DigitContainer has size: "<<cellsno);
   if (DigitContainer_next){
     if ( cellsno == 0 ){ 
       cellsno	   = DigitContainer_next->size();
@@ -245,13 +274,14 @@ StatusCode LArSC2Ntuple::execute()
   unsigned	cellCounter	   = 0;
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("cellsno size: "<<cellsno);
   for( int c    = 0;c<cellsno;++c ){
     if(m_fillBCID) m_bcid	   = thisbcid; 
     m_IEvent	   = thisevent;
-    if(m_overwriteEventNumber) m_IEvent   = m_sc2event;
+    if(m_overwriteEventNumber) m_IEvent   = m_event;
     if( hasDigitContainer ){
-      const LArDigit* digi   = DigitContainer.at(c);     
+      const LArDigit* digi   = DigitContainer->at(c);     
       // ======================
       if(m_FTlist.size() > 0) {	// should do a selection
@@ -261,7 +291,6 @@ StatusCode LArSC2Ntuple::execute()
       unsigned int trueMaxSample	   = digi->nsamples();
-      m_ntNsamples   = trueMaxSample;
@@ -270,6 +299,7 @@ StatusCode LArSC2Ntuple::execute()
 	trueMaxSample   = m_Nsamples;
+      m_ntNsamples   = trueMaxSample;
@@ -280,28 +310,27 @@ StatusCode LArSC2Ntuple::execute()
          ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Can't cast digi to LArSCDigit*");
 	  if (headcontainer){
+            ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Accessing LATOME header ");
 	    const LArLATOMEHeader*headmap   = LATOMEHeadMap[scdigi->SourceId()];
 	      m_bcidLATOMEHEAD   = headmap->BCId();
-	      m_latomeidLATOMEHEAD   = headmap->LatomeId();
 	      m_l1idLATOMEHEAD   = headmap->L1Id();
 	  m_latomeChannel	   = scdigi->Channel();
-	  for( unsigned i = 0; i<scdigi->BCId().size();++i){
-	    m_bcidVec[i]	   = scdigi->BCId().at(i);
+          unsigned int trueMaxBcid = trueMaxSample;
+          if(trueMaxBcid > scdigi->BCId().size()) trueMaxBcid=scdigi->BCId().size();
+	  for( unsigned i = 0; i<trueMaxBcid; ++i){
+	     m_bcidVec[i]	   = scdigi->BCId().at(i);
 	  m_latomeSourceId	   = scdigi->SourceId();
-      if( RawChannelContainer ){
-	const LArRawChannel*	rawchanmap	   = rawChannelMap[digi->hardwareID()];
-	if(rawchanmap){
-	  m_raw_energy   = rawchanmap->energy();
-	}
+      if( m_fillRawChan && RawChannelContainer ){
+	fillRODEnergy(digi->hardwareID(), rawChannelMap, cabling, cablingROD);
-    }
+    }//hasDigitContainer
@@ -311,69 +340,21 @@ StatusCode LArSC2Ntuple::execute()
       const LArDigit* digi = DigitContainer_next->at(c);
       unsigned int trueMaxSample = digi->nsamples();
-      m_ntNsamples = trueMaxSample;
-          ATH_MSG_WARNING( "The number of samples in data is larger than the one specified by JO: " << trueMaxSample << " > " << m_Nsamples << " --> only " << m_Nsamples << " will be available in the ntuple " );
+          ATH_MSG_WARNING( "The number of samples in data BAS is larger than the one specified by JO: " << trueMaxSample << " > " << m_Nsamples << " --> only " << m_Nsamples << " will be available in the ntuple " );
         trueMaxSample = m_Nsamples;
-      if( !hasDigitContainer){ //// already filled in DigitContainer?
-        fillFromIdentifier(digi->hardwareID());
-      }
-     for(unsigned i =	0; i<trueMaxSample;++i) m_samples_ADC_BAS[i]   = digi->samples().at(i);
-     const LArSCDigit*	scdigi   = dynamic_cast<const LArSCDigit*>(digi);
-     if(!scdigi){ ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Can't cast digi to LArSCDigit*");
-      }else{
-	  if (headcontainer){
-	    const LArLATOMEHeader*headmap   = LATOMEHeadMap[scdigi->SourceId()];
-	    if(headmap){
-	      m_bcidLATOMEHEAD   = headmap->BCId();
-	      m_latomeidLATOMEHEAD   = headmap->LatomeId();
-	      m_l1idLATOMEHEAD   = headmap->L1Id();
-	    }
-	  }   
-	  m_latomeChannel	   = scdigi->Channel();
-	  for( unsigned i = 0; i<scdigi->BCId().size();++i){
-	    m_bcidVec[i]	   = scdigi->BCId().at(i);
-	  }	 
-	  m_latomeSourceId	   = scdigi->SourceId();
-      }
-      if( RawChannelContainer ){
-	const LArRawChannel*	rawchanmap	   = rawChannelMap[digi->hardwareID()];
-	if(rawchanmap){
-	  m_raw_energy   = rawchanmap->energy();
-	}
-      }
-    }
-    // DigitContainer 1 -> SC_ADC_BAS
-    if( DigitContainer_next ){
-      const LArDigit* digi = DigitContainer_next->at(c);
-      unsigned int trueMaxSample = digi->nsamples();
       m_ntNsamples = trueMaxSample;
-      if(trueMaxSample>m_Nsamples){
-        if(!m_ipass){
-          ATH_MSG_WARNING( "The number of samples in data is larger than the one specified by JO: " << trueMaxSample << " > " << m_Nsamples << " --> only " << m_Nsamples << " will be available in the ntuple " );
-          m_ipass=1;
-        }
-        trueMaxSample = m_Nsamples;
-      }
-      if( !hasDigitContainer){ //// already filled in DigitContainer?
+      if( !hasDigitContainer){ //// already filled in DigitContainer
+        if( m_fillRawChan && RawChannelContainer ){
+	   fillRODEnergy(digi->hardwareID(), rawChannelMap, cabling, cablingROD);
+        }
      for(unsigned i =	0; i<trueMaxSample;++i) m_samples_ADC_BAS[i]   = digi->samples().at(i);
@@ -385,7 +366,6 @@ StatusCode LArSC2Ntuple::execute()
 	    const LArLATOMEHeader*headmap   = LATOMEHeadMap[scdigi->SourceId()];
 	      m_bcidLATOMEHEAD   = headmap->BCId();
-	      m_latomeidLATOMEHEAD   = headmap->LatomeId();
 	      m_l1idLATOMEHEAD   = headmap->L1Id();
@@ -395,86 +375,42 @@ StatusCode LArSC2Ntuple::execute()
 	  m_latomeSourceId	   = scdigi->SourceId();
-      if( RawChannelContainer ){
-	const LArRawChannel*	rawchanmap	   = rawChannelMap[digi->hardwareID()];
-	if(rawchanmap){
-	  m_raw_energy   = rawchanmap->energy();
-	}
-      }
-    // DigitContainer 1 -> SC_ADC_BAS
-    if( DigitContainer_next ){
-      const LArDigit* digi = DigitContainer_next->at(c);
-      unsigned int trueMaxSample = digi->nsamples();
-      m_ntNsamples = trueMaxSample;
-      if(trueMaxSample>m_Nsamples){
-        if(!m_ipass){
-          ATH_MSG_WARNING( "The number of samples in data is larger than the one specified by JO: " << trueMaxSample << " > " << m_Nsamples << " --> only " << m_Nsamples << " will be available in the ntuple " );
-          m_ipass=1;
-        }
-        trueMaxSample = m_Nsamples;
-      }
-      if( !hasDigitContainer){ //// already filled in DigitContainer?
-        fillFromIdentifier(digi->hardwareID());
-      }
-     for(unsigned i =	0; i<trueMaxSample;++i) m_samples_ADC_BAS[i]   = digi->samples().at(i);
-     const LArSCDigit*	scdigi   = dynamic_cast<const LArSCDigit*>(digi);
-     if(!scdigi){ ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Can't cast digi to LArSCDigit*");
-     }else{
-       if ( !hasDigitContainer){
-         if (headcontainer){
-           const LArLATOMEHeader*headmap   = LATOMEHeadMap[scdigi->SourceId()];
-           if(headmap){
-             m_bcidLATOMEHEAD	   = headmap->BCId();
-             m_latomeidLATOMEHEAD   = headmap->LatomeId();
-             m_l1idLATOMEHEAD	   = headmap->L1Id();
-           }
-         }
-         m_latomeChannel	   = scdigi->Channel();
-         m_latomeSourceId	   = scdigi->SourceId();
-       }
-       for( unsigned i = 0; i<scdigi->BCId().size();++i){
-         m_bcidVec_ADC_BAS[i]	   = scdigi->BCId().at(i);
-       }
-     }
-    }
     // etcontainer -> SC_ET
     if( etcontainer ){
       const LArRawSC*rawSC   = etcontainer->at(c);
       if ( !hasDigitContainer && !DigitContainer_next ){
+        fillFromIdentifier(rawSC->hardwareID());
 	m_latomeChannel	   = rawSC->chan();
 	if (headcontainer){
 	  const LArLATOMEHeader*headmap   = LATOMEHeadMap[rawSC->SourceId()];
 	    m_bcidLATOMEHEAD	   = headmap->BCId();
-	    m_latomeidLATOMEHEAD   = headmap->LatomeId();
 	    m_l1idLATOMEHEAD	   = headmap->L1Id();
+        if( m_fillRawChan && RawChannelContainer ){
+	   fillRODEnergy(rawSC->hardwareID(), rawChannelMap, cabling, cablingROD);
+        }
-      for( unsigned i=0; i<rawSC->bcids().size();++i){	// just use the vector directly?
+      unsigned int truenet = m_Net;
+      if(truenet > rawSC->bcids().size()) truenet=rawSC->bcids().size();
+      for( unsigned i=0; i<truenet;++i){	// just use the vector directly?
 	m_bcidVec_ET[i]	   = rawSC->bcids().at(i);
-      for( unsigned i=0; i<rawSC->energies().size();++i){	// just use the vector directly?
+      if(truenet > rawSC->energies().size()) truenet=rawSC->energies().size();
+      for( unsigned i=0; i<truenet;++i){	// just use the vector directly?
 	m_energyVec_ET[i]	   = rawSC->energies().at(i);
-      for( unsigned i = 0; i<rawSC->satur().size();++i){	// just use the vector directly?
+      if(truenet > rawSC->satur().size()) truenet=rawSC->satur().size();
+      for( unsigned i = 0; i<truenet;++i){	// just use the vector directly?
 	m_saturVec_ET[i]	   = rawSC->satur().at(i);
+      m_Net=truenet;
+      m_ntNet=truenet;
     // etcontainer_next -> SC_ET_ID
@@ -482,15 +418,18 @@ StatusCode LArSC2Ntuple::execute()
       const LArRawSC*rawSC   = etcontainer_next->at(c);
       if ( !hasDigitContainer && !DigitContainer_next && !etcontainer ){
+        fillFromIdentifier(rawSC->hardwareID());
 	m_latomeChannel	   = rawSC->chan();
 	if (headcontainer){
 	  const LArLATOMEHeader*headmap   = LATOMEHeadMap[rawSC->SourceId()];
 	    m_bcidLATOMEHEAD	   = headmap->BCId();
-	    m_latomeidLATOMEHEAD   = headmap->LatomeId();
 	    m_l1idLATOMEHEAD	   = headmap->L1Id();
+        if( m_fillRawChan && RawChannelContainer ){
+	   fillRODEnergy(rawSC->hardwareID(), rawChannelMap, cabling, cablingROD);
+        }
       for( unsigned i=0; i<rawSC->bcids().size();++i){	// just use the vector directly?
 	m_bcidVec_ET_ID[i]	   = rawSC->bcids()[i];
@@ -510,7 +449,22 @@ StatusCode LArSC2Ntuple::execute()
   }// over cells 
-  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "LArSC2Ntuple has finished." );
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "LArSC2Ntuple has finished, filled " << cellCounter << " cells");
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
 }// end finalize-method.
+void LArSC2Ntuple::fillRODEnergy(HWIdentifier SCId, rawChanMap_t &rawChanMap, const LArOnOffIdMapping* cabling, const LArOnOffIdMapping* cablingROD)
+ const Identifier offId = cabling->cnvToIdentifier(SCId);
+ const std::vector<Identifier> cellIds = m_scidtool->superCellToOfflineID(offId);
+ std::fill(m_ROD_energy.begin(), m_ROD_energy.end(), 0.);
+ for(unsigned i=0; i<cellIds.size(); ++i ) {
+    const HWIdentifier hwcell=cablingROD->createSignalChannelID(cellIds[i]);
+    if (hwcell.is_valid()) {
+       m_ROD_energy[i] = rawChanMap[hwcell]->energy();
+    } else {
+       ATH_MSG_WARNING(i<<"-th cell invalid Id");
+    }
+ }
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArCnv/LArByteStream/src/LArRodBlockCalibrationV3.cxx b/LArCalorimeter/LArCnv/LArByteStream/src/LArRodBlockCalibrationV3.cxx
index 7efb311557b8dae2c05126c8aac45bd1349a0adf..aa59813dfec077e335701a7d24b5bb94364097a6 100644
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArCnv/LArByteStream/src/LArRodBlockCalibrationV3.cxx
+++ b/LArCalorimeter/LArCnv/LArByteStream/src/LArRodBlockCalibrationV3.cxx
@@ -134,14 +134,12 @@ int LArRodBlockCalibrationV3::getNextRawData(int& channelNumber, std::vector<sho
-  //std::cout << "Gain= " << gain << " Febgain=" << febgain << std::endl;
   unsigned  rearrangeFirstSample=0;
   if (m_rearrangeFirstSample)
     rearrangeFirstSample=m_rearrangeFirstSample; //Overwrite by jobOptions
-  //std::cout << "FebConfig: "<< getFebConfig() << " FirstSampleIndex " << getFirstSampleIndex() <<std::endl;
   if (rearrangeFirstSample && rearrangeFirstSample<samples.size()) //FIXME: Very ugly hack! See explanation in LArRodDecoder.h file
       {//Change e.g. 3 0 1 2 4 to 0 1 2 3 4 
 	short movedSample=samples[0];
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArCnv/LArByteStream/src/LArRodBlockPhysicsV6.cxx b/LArCalorimeter/LArCnv/LArByteStream/src/LArRodBlockPhysicsV6.cxx
index c9adee0fe8c15a55ac759593cc0e95e7b592f4df..47ba6c8fcf9e3b7c78b22758312d7d63ad131fda 100644
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArCnv/LArByteStream/src/LArRodBlockPhysicsV6.cxx
+++ b/LArCalorimeter/LArCnv/LArByteStream/src/LArRodBlockPhysicsV6.cxx
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ int LArRodBlockPhysicsV6::getNextRawData(int& channelNumber, std::vector<short>&
     rearrangeFirstSample=m_rearrangeFirstSample; //Overwrite by jobOptions
-  //std::cout << "FebConfig: "<< getFebConfig() << " FirstSampleIndex " << getFirstSampleIndex() <<std::endl;
+  //std::cout << "FebConfig: "<< getFebConfig() << " FirstSampleIndex " << rearrangeFirstSample <<std::endl;
   if (rearrangeFirstSample && rearrangeFirstSample<samples.size()) //FIXME: Very ugly hack! See explanation in LArRodDecoder.h file
       {//Change e.g. 3 0 1 2 4 to 0 1 2 3 4 
 	short movedSample=samples[0];
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArExample/LArCalibProcessing/python/LArSC2NtupleConfig.py b/LArCalorimeter/LArExample/LArCalibProcessing/python/LArSC2NtupleConfig.py
index 5d75f6a14d744fcb275cc21e6d2f74734d6788f0..c8a4506f08494b8e644dd889d9f278ce681d226e 100644
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArExample/LArCalibProcessing/python/LArSC2NtupleConfig.py
+++ b/LArCalorimeter/LArExample/LArCalibProcessing/python/LArSC2NtupleConfig.py
@@ -17,6 +17,12 @@ def LArSC2NtupleCfg(flags, **kwargs):
+       if flags.LArSCDump.doRawChan:
+          from LArByteStream.LArRawDataReadingConfig import LArRawDataReadingCfg
+          cfg.merge(LArRawDataReadingCfg(flags))
+          from LArCabling.LArCablingConfig import LArOnOffIdMappingCfg
+          cfg.merge(LArOnOffIdMappingCfg(flags))
        # if debug is needed, uncomment:
        #from AthenaCommon.Constants import DEBUG