diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileDetDescr/src/TileDetDescrManager.cxx b/TileCalorimeter/TileDetDescr/src/TileDetDescrManager.cxx
index 2d14585f4be1c0c70d653b12822ceb5639520fa4..820728723e5fbe89364d9006e1416bc96c30c955 100755
--- a/TileCalorimeter/TileDetDescr/src/TileDetDescrManager.cxx
+++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileDetDescr/src/TileDetDescrManager.cxx
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ void TileDetDescrManager::create_elements(bool checks)
       double deta    = 0.1; // fixed deta for gap scin
-      int    neta    = 6;   // fixed number of eta bins for gap scin
+      int    neta    = (emax>1.65) ? 7 : 6;   // fixed number of eta bins for gap scin - 6 for RUN1/RUN2, 7 for RUN3/RUN4
       depth_in[0] = zmin;
       depth_out[0] = zmax;
       CaloCell_ID::CaloSample sample = CaloCell_ID::TileGap3;
@@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ void TileDetDescrManager::create_elements(bool checks)
                     std::cout<<"old z/dz: " << oldz << " " << olddz << std::endl
                              <<"new z/dz: " << elt->z() << " " << elt->dz() << " "
                              << elt->z()/oldz*100-100 << " % diff "
-                             <<"do not change z/dz for BC cells in barrel"<<std::endl;
+                             <<"use z/dz from descriptor for E cells"<<std::endl;
         } else {
           //                  elt->set_z_pos_and_size(z,dz);
diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileGeoModel/src/TileGeoSectionBuilder.cxx b/TileCalorimeter/TileGeoModel/src/TileGeoSectionBuilder.cxx
index ef3278875072bd1b24d1bbbb0dc858c1485f09ac..ee764ad3e351b538a0f26eec1d09bf8c1a70918d 100755
--- a/TileCalorimeter/TileGeoModel/src/TileGeoSectionBuilder.cxx
+++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileGeoModel/src/TileGeoSectionBuilder.cxx
@@ -2538,9 +2538,11 @@ void TileGeoSectionBuilder::fillDescriptor(TileDetDescriptor*&   descriptor,
   unsigned int index;
   int currentSample, etaIndex, nsamp;
   std::vector<int> samples;    // samples of a given region
+  std::vector<int> firstScin;  // first scintillator for samples of a given region
+  std::vector<int> lastScin;   // last scintillator for samples of a given region
   // -- default values for all regions
-  // TODO: Connect to DB !!!!!!!!!
+  // they are overwritten later in calculateR() by actual values taken from DB
   float phi_min, phi_max;
   float dphi = 4*acos(0.)/64;
@@ -2621,6 +2623,8 @@ void TileGeoSectionBuilder::fillDescriptor(TileDetDescriptor*&   descriptor,
+      firstScin.push_back((int)m_dbManager->TICLfirstrow());
+      lastScin.push_back((int)m_dbManager->TICLlastrow());
       // iterate over all other TICLs in the detector
@@ -2632,7 +2636,11 @@ void TileGeoSectionBuilder::fillDescriptor(TileDetDescriptor*&   descriptor,
       currentSample = (int)m_dbManager->TICLsample();
       for(index=0; index<samples.size(); index++)
         if(currentSample==samples[index]) break;
-      if(index==samples.size()) samples.push_back(currentSample);
+      if(index==samples.size()) {
+        samples.push_back(currentSample);
+        firstScin.push_back((int)m_dbManager->TICLfirstrow());
+        lastScin.push_back((int)m_dbManager->TICLlastrow());
+      }
@@ -2673,6 +2681,13 @@ void TileGeoSectionBuilder::fillDescriptor(TileDetDescriptor*&   descriptor,
          rcenter[etaIndex-1] = rExtended[indHardcoded];
          dr[etaIndex-1] = drExtended[indHardcoded];       
+      calculateR(detector,
+                 etaIndex,
+                 addPlates,
+                 firstScin[index],
+                 lastScin[index],
+                 rcenter[etaIndex-1],
+                 dr[etaIndex-1]);
   else if(detector == TILE_REGION_GAP)
@@ -2711,6 +2726,13 @@ void TileGeoSectionBuilder::fillDescriptor(TileDetDescriptor*&   descriptor,
     rcenter[etaIndex-1] = rGap[indHardcoded];
     dr[etaIndex-1] = drGap[indHardcoded];
+        calculateR(detector,
+                   etaIndex,
+                   addPlates,
+                   m_dbManager->TICLfirstrow(),
+                   m_dbManager->TICLlastrow(),
+                   rcenter[etaIndex-1],
+                   dr[etaIndex-1]);
   else // MBSCIN case
@@ -3211,17 +3233,31 @@ void TileGeoSectionBuilder::computeCellDim(TileDetDescrManager*& manager,
     CurrentScin = 100*m_dbManager->TILBsection()+1;
-      rMin = m_dbManager->TILBrmin()*Gaudi::Units::cm;
+      double rMIN = m_dbManager->TILBrmin()*Gaudi::Units::cm;
+      double rMAX = m_dbManager->TILBrmax()*Gaudi::Units::cm;
       // Initialize rMin, rMax, zMin, zMax vectors
       for (unsigned int j = CurrentScin; j < (CurrentScin + m_dbManager->TILBnscin()); j++)
-    rMax = rMin + m_dbManager->SCNTdr()*Gaudi::Units::cm;
+    double rCenter = rMIN + m_dbManager->SCNTrc()*Gaudi::Units::cm;
+    double dR2 = (0.5 * m_dbManager->SCNTdr() + m_dbManager->SCNTdrw()) *Gaudi::Units::cm;
+    if (addPlates) {
+      if (j==CurrentScin) { // cells E2, E4 - use rMin of mother volume, calculate rMax
+        rMin = rMIN;
+        rMax = rCenter + dR2;
+      } else { // cells E1, E3 - use rMax of mother volume, calculate rMin
+        rMin = rCenter - dR2;
+        rMax = rMAX;
+      }
+    } else {
+      rMin = rCenter - dR2;
+      rMax = rCenter + dR2;
+    }
-    rMin = rMax;
     zmins.push_back((m_dbManager->TILBzoffset() - m_dbManager->TILBdzmodul()/2)*Gaudi::Units::cm);
     zmaxs.push_back((m_dbManager->TILBzoffset() + m_dbManager->TILBdzmodul()/2)*Gaudi::Units::cm);
@@ -3353,6 +3389,113 @@ void TileGeoSectionBuilder::calculateZ(int detector,
+void TileGeoSectionBuilder::calculateR(int detector,
+                                       int sample,
+                                       bool addPlates,
+                                       int firstScin,
+                                       int lastScin,
+                                       float& rcenter,
+                                       float& dr)
+  int cell = 0;
+  switch(detector) {
+    m_dbManager->SetCurrentSection(TileDddbManager::TILE_BARREL);
+    break;
+    m_dbManager->SetCurrentSection(TileDddbManager::TILE_EBARREL);
+    break;
+    if (sample==3) { // D4
+      cell = -2;
+      m_dbManager->SetCurrentSection(TileDddbManager::TILE_PLUG1);
+    } else if (sample==2) { // C10
+      cell = -1;
+      m_dbManager->SetCurrentSection(TileDddbManager::TILE_PLUG2);
+    } else if (sample<13) { // E1-E2
+      m_dbManager->SetCurrentSection(TileDddbManager::TILE_PLUG3);
+      cell = firstScin - 2; // E2 has index 1, E1 has index 2
+    } else { // E3-E4
+      m_dbManager->SetCurrentSection(TileDddbManager::TILE_PLUG4);
+      cell = firstScin; // E4 has index 1, E3 has index 2
+    }
+    break;
+  default:
+    (*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "TileGeoSectionBuilder::calculateR: Unexpected detector: "
+             << detector << endmsg;
+    return;
+  }
+  float oldrc = rcenter;
+  float olddr = dr;
+  float rMin = m_dbManager->TILBrmin();
+  float rMax = m_dbManager->TILBrmax();
+  if (cell>0) { // single gap/crack scintillator
+    m_dbManager->SetCurrentScin(100*m_dbManager->TILBsection()+cell);
+    rcenter = (rMin + m_dbManager->SCNTrc());
+    dr = m_dbManager->SCNTdr() + 2. * m_dbManager->SCNTdrw();
+    if (addPlates) {
+      if (cell==1) { // cells E4, E2 - use rMin of mother volume, recalculate rMax
+        rMax = rcenter + dr * 0.5;
+      } else { // cells E3, E1 - use rMax of mother volume, recalculate rMin
+        rMin = rcenter - dr * 0.5;
+      }
+      rcenter = (rMax+rMin) * 0.5;
+      dr = (rMax-rMin);
+    }
+  } else {
+    int first = 100*m_dbManager->TILBsection()+firstScin;
+    int last = 100*m_dbManager->TILBsection()+lastScin;
+    if (m_dbManager->TILBcurscint() != 0) { // for cells C10 and D4 first/last should be different
+      first = m_dbManager->TILBcurscint();
+      last = first + m_dbManager->TILBnscin()-1;
+    }
+    if (addPlates) {
+      if (cell == -1) { // adjust size for cell C10
+        rMin -=  m_dbManager->TILBdrfront(); // add front plate at inner radius
+        rMax -=  m_dbManager->TILBdrfront(); // decrease outer radius by thickness of front plate of cell D4
+      } else if (cell == -2) { // adjust size for cell D4, use rMax of mother volume
+        rMin -=  m_dbManager->TILBdrfront(); // add front plate at inner radius
+      } else if (firstScin == 1) { // decrease rMin by thickness of front plate, calculate rMax for layer A
+        m_dbManager->SetCurrentScin(last);
+        rMax = rMin + m_dbManager->SCNTrc() + round(m_dbManager->SCNTdr())*0.5;
+        rMin -=  m_dbManager->TILBdrfront();
+      } else if (lastScin == m_dbManager->TILBnscin()) { // use rMax of mother volume, calculate rMin for layer D
+        m_dbManager->SetCurrentScin(first);
+        rMin += m_dbManager->SCNTrc() - round(m_dbManager->SCNTdr())*0.5;
+      } else { // calculate both rMin and rMax for layer BC and B
+        m_dbManager->SetCurrentScin(last);
+        rMax = rMin + m_dbManager->SCNTrc() + round(m_dbManager->SCNTdr())*0.5;
+        m_dbManager->SetCurrentScin(first);
+        rMin += m_dbManager->SCNTrc() - round(m_dbManager->SCNTdr())*0.5;
+      }
+    } else { // keep only sensitive part of the cell without front/back planes
+      m_dbManager->SetCurrentScin(last);
+      rMax = rMin + m_dbManager->SCNTrc() + round(m_dbManager->SCNTdr())*0.5;
+      m_dbManager->SetCurrentScin(first);
+      rMin += m_dbManager->SCNTrc() - round(m_dbManager->SCNTdr())*0.5;
+    }
+    rcenter = (rMax+rMin)*0.5;
+    dr = (rMax-rMin);
+  }
+  rcenter *= Gaudi::Units::cm;
+  dr *= Gaudi::Units::cm;
+/* -------- DEBUG printouts -------------- */
+  if (m_verbose) {
+    std::cout << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << std::setw(9) << std::setprecision(2);
+    std::cout << "Detector " << detector << " sample " << sample << " old r/dr " << oldrc   << " " << olddr << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "Detector " << detector << " sample " << sample << " new r/dr " << rcenter << " " << dr << " delta r/dr " << rcenter-oldrc << " " << dr-olddr << std::endl;
+    std::cout << std::resetiosflags(std::ios::fixed);
+  }
+  return;
 void TileGeoSectionBuilder::calculateEta(int detector,
                      int side,
                      int sample,
diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileGeoModel/src/TileGeoSectionBuilder.h b/TileCalorimeter/TileGeoModel/src/TileGeoSectionBuilder.h
index d9a4d992acc67cb175d85066fabd1b3cf64960fb..44446a6d4eb4062e5b9d7bdeb0a7643cd2acae8b 100755
--- a/TileCalorimeter/TileGeoModel/src/TileGeoSectionBuilder.h
+++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileGeoModel/src/TileGeoSectionBuilder.h
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ class TileGeoSectionBuilder
                       float                 zShiftPos, // in mm
                       float                 zShiftNeg); // in mm
-  /** Calculator of Z pozition given sample in region (detector):
+  /** Calculator of Z position given sample in region (detector):
       @param zshift   Z shift
       @param zcenter  Z central position
       @param dz       dZ length
@@ -151,6 +151,18 @@ class TileGeoSectionBuilder
                   float& zcenter,
                   float& dz);
+  /** Calculator of R position given sample in region (detector):
+      @param rcenter  R central position
+      @param dr       dR length
+  */
+  void calculateR(int detector,
+                  int sample,
+                  bool addPlates,
+                  int firstScin,
+                  int lastScin,
+                  float& rcenter,
+                  float& dr);
   /** calculateEta function calculates are the following parameters
       given sample in region (detector)
       @param etamin  Eta minimal
diff --git a/Tools/PROCTools/data/q442_AOD_digest.ref b/Tools/PROCTools/data/q442_AOD_digest.ref
index c9b5972df085fd4c15fcb5ccd0c92c9812de07d9..42b7fcd994f79e25dc2b71de221d012c2d43eddc 100644
--- a/Tools/PROCTools/data/q442_AOD_digest.ref
+++ b/Tools/PROCTools/data/q442_AOD_digest.ref
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
       330470  1183765366         543         519         104           8           0           8           0           8          14           0          14
       330470  1183765436         365         214          38           5           0           5           0           5           5           0           5
       330470  1183767528         741         637         113          10           0           9           0           9          26           0          26
-      330470  1183767718         546         455         120          10           1          16           0          16          18           0          18
+      330470  1183767718         546         455         111           9           1          16           0          16          18           0          18
       330470  1183768132         486         434          50           5           2           5           0           5          17           0          17
       330470  1183768747         693         598         166          12           2          26           0          26          27           0          27
       330470  1183768758         792         733         127           7           1          16           0          16          29           0          29
@@ -111,12 +111,12 @@
       330470  1183769648         630         583          61           6           3           6           0           6          22           0          22
       330470  1183769939         415         362          39           4           0           7           0           7          13           0          13
       330470  1183770542         623         551         112           9           1          11           0          11          29           0          29
-      330470  1183771482         444         437          75           8           1           8           0           8          19           0          19
+      330470  1183771482         444         437          67           7           1           8           0           8          19           0          19
       330470  1183771836         450         453          27           4           3           2           0           2          13           0          13
       330470  1183771838         499         316          36           5           0           4           0           4          21           0          21
       330470  1183771849         646         440          96           8           0           9           0           9          30           0          30
       330470  1183773222         411         393          21           4           3           2           0           2           3           0           3
-      330470  1183773321         675         555         108          10           1           8           0           8          30           0          30
+      330470  1183773321         675         555         102           9           1           8           0           8          30           0          30
       330470  1183773556         504         376          60           5           1           8           0           8          17           0          17
       330470  1183773832         352         210          18           3           0           2           0           2          13           0          13
       330470  1183774235         380         349          36           3           1          10           0          10          12           0          12
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@
       330470  1183798170         479         364          48           7           1           5           0           5          14           0          14
       330470  1183799182         635         498          18           2           0           4           0           4          25           0          25
       330470  1183799941         596         502         138          11           2          14           0          14          21           0          21
-      330470  1183800136         657         652         181          14           2          14           0          14          35           0          35
+      330470  1183800136         657         652         193          15           2          14           0          14          35           0          35
       330470  1183800710         545         474          43           6           0           6           0           6          20           0          20
       330470  1183801077         510         445          53           6           1           6           0           6          23           0          23
       330470  1183801428         438         347          63           7           0           3           0           3          12           0          12
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@
       330470  1183878183         547         394          57           4           2           7           0           7          18           0          18
       330470  1183878278         406         375          34           4           1           7           0           7          11           0          11
       330470  1183878363         630         583         109           6           2          14           0          14          29           0          29
-      330470  1183879080         730         649          95           8           3          10           0          10          37           0          37
+      330470  1183879080         730         649         107           9           3          10           0          10          37           0          37
       330470  1183879154         721         626          73           6           2           7           0           7          34           0          34
       330470  1183879547         512         444          25           3           1           0           0           0          15           0          15
       330470  1183879670         573         532         128           8           2          12           0          12          22           0          22
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@
       330470  1183882886         485         489          35           4           2           4           0           4          13           0          13
       330470  1183884717         298         263          12           3           0           2           0           2           6           0           6
       330470  1183885069         338         242          58           4           4          13           0          13          14           0          14
-      330470  1183885910         352         360          52           6           0          13           0          13          16           0          16
+      330470  1183885910         352         360          55           7           0          13           0          13          16           0          16
       330470  1183889121         425         378         114          11           0          12           0          12          26           0          26
       330470  1183889788         409         469         134          10           2          12           0          12          22           0          22
       330470  1183890058         498         387          49           5           0           7           0           7          22           0          22
@@ -398,8 +398,8 @@
       330470  1183918694         421         433          41           4           0           2           0           2           7           0           7
       330470  1183919637         522         532          69           7           2           5           0           5          14           0          14
       330470  1183919773         279         207          13           3           0           2           0           2           7           0           7
-      330470  1183919850         362         327          45           4           0           4           0           4           9           0           9
-      330470  1183920419         550         454          58           7           0           2           0           2          17           0          17
+      330470  1183919850         362         327          26           3           0           4           0           4           9           0           9
+      330470  1183920419         550         454          59           7           0           2           0           2          17           0          17
       330470  1183920452         639         496          85           9           0           5           0           5          21           0          21
       330470  1183921161         585         531          71           5           2           4           0           4          23           0          23
       330470  1183921212         702         626         114          10           4          17           0          17          28           0          28
diff --git a/Tools/WorkflowTestRunner/python/References.py b/Tools/WorkflowTestRunner/python/References.py
index d285da5ae22e105650f1d3157687343f0202b8b7..698751abb2d0a8f159b2988241a0887d9912fec6 100644
--- a/Tools/WorkflowTestRunner/python/References.py
+++ b/Tools/WorkflowTestRunner/python/References.py
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
 # Format is "test" : "version"
 references_map = {
     # Simulation
-    "s3759": "v9",
-    "s3760": "v7",
+    "s3759": "v10",
+    "s3760": "v8",
     "s3779": "v4",
     # Overlay
     "d1590": "v10",
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigAnalysisTest/share/ref_RDOtoRDOTrig_v1Dev_build.ref b/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigAnalysisTest/share/ref_RDOtoRDOTrig_v1Dev_build.ref
index c3a7ecd7267d5201dce74842453e63a29e4dea16..b62c8df2b1de76ea4e33a29221400cf6687f4f46 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigAnalysisTest/share/ref_RDOtoRDOTrig_v1Dev_build.ref
+++ b/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigAnalysisTest/share/ref_RDOtoRDOTrig_v1Dev_build.ref
@@ -17722,19 +17722,19 @@ HLT_tau20_mediumRNN_tracktwoMVA_L1TAU8:
     3: 80
     4: 7
-  eventCount: 7
+  eventCount: 6
     0: 20
     1: 20
     2: 20
     3: 20
-    4: 7
+    4: 6
     0: 91
     1: 91
     2: 91
     3: 91
-    4: 7
+    4: 6
   eventCount: 4
@@ -18184,47 +18184,47 @@ HLT_tau25_mediumRNN_tracktwoMVABDT_L1TAU12IM:
     3: 32
     4: 7
-  eventCount: 6
+  eventCount: 5
     0: 18
     1: 18
     2: 18
     3: 18
-    4: 6
+    4: 5
     0: 30
     1: 30
     2: 30
     3: 30
-    4: 6
+    4: 5
-  eventCount: 7
+  eventCount: 6
     0: 20
     1: 20
     2: 20
     3: 20
-    4: 7
+    4: 6
     0: 72
     1: 72
     2: 72
     3: 72
-    4: 7
+    4: 6
-  eventCount: 7
+  eventCount: 6
     0: 19
     1: 19
     2: 19
     3: 19
-    4: 7
+    4: 6
     0: 56
     1: 56
     2: 56
     3: 56
-    4: 7
+    4: 6
   eventCount: 6
@@ -18240,61 +18240,61 @@ HLT_tau25_mediumRNN_tracktwoMVA_L1TAU12IM:
     3: 32
     4: 6
-  eventCount: 5
+  eventCount: 4
     0: 18
     1: 18
     2: 18
     3: 18
-    4: 5
+    4: 4
     0: 30
     1: 30
     2: 30
     3: 30
-    4: 5
+    4: 4
-  eventCount: 6
+  eventCount: 5
     0: 20
     1: 20
     2: 20
     3: 20
-    4: 6
+    4: 5
     0: 72
     1: 72
     2: 72
     3: 72
-    4: 6
+    4: 5
-  eventCount: 6
+  eventCount: 5
     0: 19
     1: 19
     2: 19
     3: 19
-    4: 6
+    4: 5
     0: 56
     1: 56
     2: 56
     3: 56
-    4: 6
+    4: 5
-  eventCount: 6
+  eventCount: 5
     0: 20
     1: 20
     2: 20
     3: 20
-    4: 6
+    4: 5
     0: 72
     1: 72
     2: 72
     3: 72
-    4: 6
+    4: 5
   eventCount: 0
@@ -18859,7 +18859,7 @@ HLT_tau35_mediumRNN_tracktwoMVA_tau25_mediumRNN_tracktwoMVA_03dRAB30_L1cTAU30M_2
     1: 42
     2: 42
     3: 42
-    4: 9
+    4: 8
   eventCount: 0
@@ -18872,7 +18872,7 @@ HLT_tau35_mediumRNN_tracktwoMVA_tau25_mediumRNN_tracktwoMVA_03dRAB30_L1cTAU30M_2
     1: 38
     2: 38
     3: 38
-    4: 9
+    4: 8
   eventCount: 0
@@ -18885,7 +18885,7 @@ HLT_tau35_mediumRNN_tracktwoMVA_tau25_mediumRNN_tracktwoMVA_03dRAB30_L1cTAU30M_2
     1: 42
     2: 42
     3: 42
-    4: 9
+    4: 8
   eventCount: 0
@@ -18898,7 +18898,7 @@ HLT_tau35_mediumRNN_tracktwoMVA_tau25_mediumRNN_tracktwoMVA_03dRAB30_L1cTAU30M_2
     1: 38
     2: 38
     3: 38
-    4: 9
+    4: 8
   eventCount: 0
@@ -18937,7 +18937,7 @@ HLT_tau35_mediumRNN_tracktwoMVA_tau25_mediumRNN_tracktwoMVA_03dRAB_L1cTAU30M_2cT
     1: 42
     2: 42
     3: 42
-    4: 9
+    4: 8
   eventCount: 0
@@ -18950,7 +18950,7 @@ HLT_tau35_mediumRNN_tracktwoMVA_tau25_mediumRNN_tracktwoMVA_03dRAB_L1cTAU30M_2cT
     1: 38
     2: 38
     3: 38
-    4: 9
+    4: 8
   eventCount: 7