diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/LArCalibUtils/LArCalibPatchingAlg.icc b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/LArCalibUtils/LArCalibPatchingAlg.icc
index 8322373a5411a669dc7173b86527400d41e11191..2e650436131d7444168a80fdf4c0fb93bf5de7af 100644
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/LArCalibUtils/LArCalibPatchingAlg.icc
+++ b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/LArCalibUtils/LArCalibPatchingAlg.icc
@@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ bool LArCalibPatchingAlg<CONDITIONSCONTAINER>::getAverage(const HWIdentifier chi
     for(idx=0; idx<patch.size(); ++idx) {
-         patch[idx] = LArCaliWave( patch_wave[idx].getWave(), patch[idx].getDt(), patch[idx].getDAC(), patch[idx].getFlag());
+      patch[idx] = LArCaliWave( patch_wave[idx].getWave(), patch[idx].getDt(), patch[idx].getDAC(), patch[idx].getIsPulsedInt(), patch[idx].getFlag());
   if (nCells==0) {
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/LArCalibUtils/LArTCMFitterTool.h b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/LArCalibUtils/LArTCMFitterTool.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ca574e910639b06a73681dcf56447c211e1e20a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/LArCalibUtils/LArTCMFitterTool.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-//Dear emacs, this is -*- c++ -*-
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-   * @author D. Prieur prieur@lapp.in2p3.fr
-   * 5. 4. 2004
-   */
-#ifndef LArTCMFitterTool_H
-#define LArTCMFitterTool_H
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
-#include "LArRawConditions/LArCaliWave.h"
-#include "LArRawConditions/LArPhysWave.h"
-class TMinuit;
-class TCanvas;
-class TH1D;
-static const InterfaceID IID_LArTCMFitterTool("LArTCMFitterTool", 1 , 0); 
-class LArTCMFitterTool : public AthAlgTool
-	// Retrieve interface ID
-	static const InterfaceID& interfaceID() { return IID_LArTCMFitterTool; }
-	// constructor
-	LArTCMFitterTool(const std::string& type, const std::string& name, const IInterface* parent );
-	virtual ~LArTCMFitterTool();
-	virtual StatusCode initialize();
-	virtual StatusCode finalize(){return StatusCode::SUCCESS;}
-	LArPhysWave Fit(const LArCaliWave&, const LArPhysWave&);
-	void fcn(int &, double *, double &, double *, int);
-  	double getTaud() 	const { return m_taud; };
-	double getTauexp()  const { return m_tauexp; };
-	double getTaur() 	const { return m_taur; };
-	double getf() 		const { return m_f; };
-	double getW0() 		const { return m_w0; };
-	double getAlpha() 	const { return m_alpha; };
-	double getcaliStart() const { return m_caliStart; };
-	double getphysShift() const { return m_physShift; };
-	double getEmean() 	 const { return m_Emean; };
-	double getMphyMcal() const { return m_MphyMcal; };
-	double getchi2() 	 const { return m_chi2; };
-	void setminuitoutputlevel(int level) {m_minuitoutputlevel = level; };
-	TMinuit* m_minuit;
-	//int m_nparams;
-	int m_minuitoutputlevel;
-	LArCaliWave m_gCali;
-	LArPhysWave m_gPhys;
-	//int m_iGain, m_iLayer, m_iPhi, m_iEta, m_dac, m_ipdg; //not necessary
-	double m_taud, m_f, m_tauexp, m_taur, m_w0, m_alpha;
-	double m_tauderr, m_ferr, m_tauexperr, m_taurerr, m_w0err, m_alphaerr;
-	double m_caliStart, m_caliStarterr;
-	double m_physShift, m_physShifterr;
-	double m_Emean, m_MphyMcal, m_chi2;
-	double computeChi2(const LArPhysWave &, const LArPhysWave &);
-	unsigned int getStart(const LArCaliWave &); 
-	unsigned int getStart(const LArWave &);
-	unsigned int getindMax(const LArWave &);
-	TH1D LArCaliWave2TH1D(const LArCaliWave &);
-	TH1D LArPhysWave2TH1D(const LArPhysWave &);
-	TH1D LArWave2TH1D(const LArWave &);
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/LArCalibUtils/LArTCMPhysWavePredictor.h b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/LArCalibUtils/LArTCMPhysWavePredictor.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 94f1fa1e443fe7b13c6ed03fabae58e51e605dda..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/LArCalibUtils/LArTCMPhysWavePredictor.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-//Dear emacs, this is -*- c++ -*-
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-   * @author D. Prieur prieur@lapp.in2p3.fr
-   * 5. 4. 2004
-   */
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgorithm.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
-#include "LArRawConditions/LArWFParams.h"
-#include "LArRawConditions/LArPhysWave.h"
-#include "LArRawConditions/LArCaliWave.h"
-#include "LArCalibUtils/LArWFParamTool.h"
-#include "LArCalibUtils/LArPhysWaveTool.h" 
-#include "LArCabling/LArOnOffIdMapping.h"
-#include "StoreGate/ReadCondHandleKey.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-class LArTCMPhysWavePredictor : public AthAlgorithm
- public:
-  LArTCMPhysWavePredictor(const std::string & name, ISvcLocator * pSvcLocator);
-  ~LArTCMPhysWavePredictor();
-  //standard algorithm methods
-  StatusCode initialize() ; 
-  StatusCode execute() {return StatusCode::SUCCESS;} //empty method
-  StatusCode stop();
-  StatusCode finalize(){ATH_CHECK(m_cablingKey.initialize()); return StatusCode::SUCCESS;}
- private:
-  SG::ReadCondHandleKey<LArOnOffIdMapping> m_cablingKey{this, "OnOffMap", "LArOnOffIdMap", "SG key for mapping object"};
-  bool        m_testmode;
-  bool	      m_datafromfile; //switch to take data from file/db
-  int         m_minuitoutputlevel;
-  bool        m_rootrawdump;
-  std::string m_rootoutputfile;
-  bool 		  m_filter_cells;    
-  int 		  m_filter_layer;
-  bool		  m_filter_phi;
-  int		  m_filter_phi_min;
-  int		  m_filter_phi_max;
-  bool		  m_filter_eta;
-  int		  m_filter_eta_min;
-  int		  m_filter_eta_max;
-  std::vector<std::string> m_keylist;
-  std::string m_groupingType;
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/LArCalibUtils/LArTCMPredictor.h b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/LArCalibUtils/LArTCMPredictor.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 32c4e2792cde541e58480485357c8211d3893a4e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/LArCalibUtils/LArTCMPredictor.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-//Dear emacs, this is -*- c++ -*-
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-   * @author D. Prieur  prieur@lapp.in2p3.fr
-   * 5. 4. 2004
-   */
-#include "GaudiKernel/AlgTool.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
-#include "LArRawConditions/LArCaliWave.h"
-#include "LArRawConditions/LArPhysWave.h"
-//class TMinuit;
-class LArTCMPredictor
- // constructor
-	LArTCMPredictor();
- 	virtual ~LArTCMPredictor(); 
-	LArPhysWave predictLArPhysWave(const LArCaliWave &);	
-	double getTaud() 	const { return m_taud; };
-	double getTauexp()  const { return m_tauexp; };
-	double getTaur() 	const { return m_taur; };
-	double getf() 		const { return m_f; };
-	double getW0() 		const { return m_w0; };
-	double getAlpha() 	const { return m_alpha; };
-	double getcaliStart() const { return m_caliStart; };
-	double getphysShift() const { return m_physShift; };
-	void setTaud(double taud) 		{ m_taud=taud; };
-	void setTauexp(double tauexp) 	{ m_tauexp=tauexp; };
-	void setTaur(double taur) 		{ m_taur=taur; };
-	void setf(double f) 			{ m_f=f; };
-	void setW0(double w0) 			{ m_w0=w0; };
-	void setAlpha(double alpha) 	{ m_alpha=alpha; };
-	void setcaliStart(double caliStart) 	{ m_caliStart=caliStart; };
-	void setphysShift(double physShift) 	{ m_physShift=physShift; };
-//	template <class T> unsigned int getMax(const T &PULSE); 
-	double getMax(const LArCaliWave &larCaliWave); 
-	double getMax(const LArPhysWave &larPhysWave); 
-	LArCaliWave m_gCali;
-	LArPhysWave m_gPhysPred;
-	double m_caliStart; //, m_caliStarterr;
-	double m_physShift; //, m_physShifterr;
-	double m_taud, m_f, m_tauexp, m_taur, m_w0, m_alpha;
-	double evalLArCaliWave(int);
-	double Integrand(int, int);
-	double qfast(int , int );
-	double linearInterpolate(const LArWave&, double);
-	LArWave translate(const LArWave&, int);
-	unsigned int getindMax(const LArWave &);
-	unsigned int getStart(const LArCaliWave &); 
-	unsigned int getStart(const LArWave &);
-	double Gt2(double t) const;
-	double Gt3(double t) const;
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArCaliWaveAverage.cxx b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArCaliWaveAverage.cxx
index 7d91a3e43dabac15f79745ce295aa4a454ef12ec..180a61fb807f0b049181d421173e4c529d77f6ca 100644
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArCaliWaveAverage.cxx
+++ b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArCaliWaveAverage.cxx
@@ -346,7 +346,8 @@ LArCaliWave LArCaliWaveAverage::WaveAverage(std::vector<LArCaliWave> ToBeAverage
-				   (ToBeAveraged[0].getDAC() + (ToBeAveraged[0].getIsPulsedInt()<<16)), 
+				    ToBeAveraged[0].getDAC(),
+				    ToBeAveraged[0].getIsPulsedInt(),
 				    ToBeAveraged[0].getFlag() );
     return theCaliWaveAverage;
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArCaliWaveBuilder.cxx b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArCaliWaveBuilder.cxx
index 10e2883c03bf0478e14f32c5b3c59f670596fc93..6c86d6eac92e100aad98a02c7a7ed899f408d3b0 100644
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArCaliWaveBuilder.cxx
+++ b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArCaliWaveBuilder.cxx
@@ -253,8 +253,7 @@ StatusCode LArCaliWaveBuilder::executeWithAccumulatedDigits()
      WaveMap::iterator itm = waveMap.find(index);
      if ( itm == waveMap.end() ) { // A new LArCaliWave is booked
-       LArCaliWave wave(samplesum.size()*m_NStep, m_dt, dac, pulsed);
-       wave.setFlag( LArWave::meas );
+       LArCaliWave wave(samplesum.size()*m_NStep, m_dt, dac, pulsed, LArWave::meas);
        itm = (waveMap.insert(WaveMap::value_type(index,wave))).first;
        ATH_MSG_DEBUG("index: "<<index<<" new wave inserted");
@@ -317,8 +316,7 @@ StatusCode LArCaliWaveBuilder::executeWithStandardDigits()
      WaveMap::iterator itm = waveMap.find((*it)->DAC());
      if ( itm == waveMap.end() ) { // A new LArCaliWave is booked     
-       LArCaliWave wave(samples.size()*m_NStep, m_dt, (*it)->DAC(),0x1);
-       wave.setFlag( LArWave::meas );
+       LArCaliWave wave(samples.size()*m_NStep, m_dt, (*it)->DAC(), 0x1, LArWave::meas );
        itm = (waveMap.insert(WaveMap::value_type((*it)->DAC(),wave))).first;
@@ -460,11 +458,12 @@ StatusCode LArCaliWaveBuilder::stop()
 		    continue ;
 		} else {
                     dacWaves.emplace_back(((thisWave)+(-pedAve)).getWave() ,
-		                         thisWave.getErrors(),
-					 thisWave.getTriggers(),
-					 thisWave.getDt(), 
-					 (thisWave.getDAC() + (thisWave.getIsPulsedInt()<<24)), 
-					 thisWave.getFlag() );
+					  thisWave.getErrors(),
+					  thisWave.getTriggers(),
+					  thisWave.getDt(), 
+					  thisWave.getDAC(), 
+					  thisWave.getIsPulsedInt(),
+					  thisWave.getFlag() );
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArCaliWaveBuilderXtalk.cxx b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArCaliWaveBuilderXtalk.cxx
index 652088b6c2c2e2bb631534254942da91508cf440..b01627bbc9046a55544a8f1e931e78a57f565f6f 100644
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArCaliWaveBuilderXtalk.cxx
+++ b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArCaliWaveBuilderXtalk.cxx
@@ -541,8 +541,7 @@ StatusCode LArCaliWaveBuilderXtalk::execute()
 	  WaveMap::iterator itm = waveMap.find((*it)->DAC());
 	  if ( itm == waveMap.end() ) { // A new LArCaliWave is booked
-	    LArCaliWave wave(samplesum.size()*m_NStep, m_dt, (*it)->DAC(), 0x1);
-	    wave.setFlag( LArWave::meas ) ;
+	    LArCaliWave wave(samplesum.size()*m_NStep, m_dt, (*it)->DAC(), 0x1, LArWave::meas ) ;
 	    // Be careful! Don't call addAccumulatedEvent() twice!!!
 	    // cf. LArCaliwaveBuilder ref. 1.38
@@ -664,7 +663,8 @@ StatusCode LArCaliWaveBuilderXtalk::stop()
-			       (thisWave.getDAC() + (thisWave.getIsPulsedInt()<<24)), 
+			       thisWave.getDAC(),
+			       thisWave.getIsPulsedInt(), 
 			       thisWave.getFlag() );
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArDeltaRespTool.cxx b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArDeltaRespTool.cxx
index a0aa3da1e5c6e99d1c2a6b5b222c00b240238a15..8a1660cae8b7242225dc32a590db8df406aa9feb 100755
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArDeltaRespTool.cxx
+++ b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArDeltaRespTool.cxx
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ void LArDeltaRespTool::compute_deltaresp()
   m_gDelta = LArCaliWave( gDelta.getWave() ,
 			  m_gCali.getDt() ,
 	  	          deltaRespDAC ,
+			  m_gCali.getIsPulsedInt(),
 		          m_gCali.getFlag() );
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArMasterWaveBuilder.cxx b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArMasterWaveBuilder.cxx
index 38d325c303944deffcc5cbe89628a83d58a7ddf9..a6fc81f16ddb5528df10e55f3981509ecf4dbcbb 100644
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArMasterWaveBuilder.cxx
+++ b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArMasterWaveBuilder.cxx
@@ -442,9 +442,9 @@ StatusCode LArMasterWaveBuilder::stop()
       LArCaliWaveContainer::LArCaliWaves& dacWaves = mwContainer->get(chID, gain_it);
       LArCaliWave masterWave( fitWave[1].getWave(),
-                              dt, -1, LArWave::mwf );
+                              dt, -1, 0x1, LArWave::mwf );
       LArCaliWave dac0Wave  ( fitWave[0].getWave(),
-                              dt, -2, LArWave::dac0 );
+                              dt, -2, 0x1, LArWave::dac0 );
       dacWaves.push_back( masterWave );
       dacWaves.push_back( dac0Wave );
       nMasterWaves ++ ;
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArPhysWavePredictor.cxx b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArPhysWavePredictor.cxx
index 84a0fa2b45ec0f39a1056e6c27ca69f41f357346..9ca4b43926deb557200b66abb06e02dda9a95df6 100644
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArPhysWavePredictor.cxx
+++ b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArPhysWavePredictor.cxx
@@ -540,7 +540,8 @@ StatusCode LArPhysWavePredictor::stop()
-					     theLArCaliWave.getDAC(), 
+					     theLArCaliWave.getDAC(),
+					     theLArCaliWave.getIsPulsedInt(),
 					     theLArCaliWave.getFlag() );
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArTCMFitterTool.cxx b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArTCMFitterTool.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index c0f57aefb3090900ba1ed2ebd0d56eeb05a2ca54..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArTCMFitterTool.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "LArCalibUtils/LArTCMFitterTool.h" 
-#include "LArCalibUtils/LArTCMPredictor.h"
-#include "TROOT.h"
-#include "TApplication.h"
-#include "TSystem.h"
-#include <TMinuit.h>
-#include <TH1.h>
-//must be renAMED TO LArTCMFitterToolTool.cxx
-static LArTCMFitterTool* static_LArTCMFitterTool_pointer = NULL;
-void LArTCMFitterTool_fcn_wrapper(int &npar, double *gin, double &f, double *par, int iflag) {
-	if (static_LArTCMFitterTool_pointer==NULL) {
-		std::cout << "Ugly things happening here..." << std::endl;
-		exit(-1);
-	}
-	static_LArTCMFitterTool_pointer->fcn(npar, gin, f, par, iflag);
-LArTCMFitterTool::LArTCMFitterTool ( const std::string& type, const std::string& name,const IInterface* parent )
-  : AthAlgTool(type,name,parent),
-    m_minuit(0),
-    m_minuitoutputlevel(0),
-    m_taud(0),
-    m_f(0),
-    m_tauexp(0),
-    m_taur(0),
-    m_w0(0),
-    m_alpha(0),
-    m_tauderr(0),
-    m_ferr(0),
-    m_tauexperr(0),
-    m_taurerr(0),
-    m_w0err(0),
-    m_alphaerr(0),
-    m_caliStart(0),
-    m_caliStarterr(0),
-    m_physShift(0),
-    m_physShifterr(0),
-    m_Emean(0),
-    m_MphyMcal(0),
-    m_chi2(0)
-// destructor 
-StatusCode LArTCMFitterTool::initialize()
-	if( static_LArTCMFitterTool_pointer != NULL ) {
-          ATH_MSG_ERROR ( "Problem with static pointer to the data object used by minuits FCN-function!!!" );
-          return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-	}
-	//m_nparams = 8;
-//	m_minuit = new TMinuit(8); //initialize TMinuit with a maximum of nparams parameters
-//	static_LArTCMFitterTool_pointer	 = this;
-//	m_minuit->SetFCN(LArTCMFitterTool_fcn_wrapper);
-//	log<<MSG::DEBUG<<"Minuit and FCN initialized"<<endmsg;
-	//double arglist[10];
-	//int ierflg = 0;
-	//m_minuit->SetPrintLevel(1);  // -1: no output, 1: std output
-	//m_minuit->mnexcm("SET NOW", arglist, 0, ierflg); // no warning 
-	m_minuitoutputlevel = -1;
-	gSystem->Load("libMinuit");
-	return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-LArPhysWave LArTCMFitterTool::Fit(const LArCaliWave &larCaliWave, const LArPhysWave &larPhysWave) 
-	m_gCali = larCaliWave;
-	m_gPhys = larPhysWave;
-	m_minuit = new TMinuit(8); //initialize TMinuit with a maximum of nparams parameters
-	static_LArTCMFitterTool_pointer	 = this;
-	m_minuit->SetFCN(LArTCMFitterTool_fcn_wrapper);
-	m_minuit->SetPrintLevel(m_minuitoutputlevel); // -1: no output, 1: std output
-	ATH_MSG_INFO("Minuit and FCN initialized");
-	// Find beginning of the caliWave
-	m_caliStart = (double)getStart(m_gCali)-2.; // this need to be tuned
-	if (m_caliStart<0.) m_caliStart=0.; // 
-	// Set initial starting values and step sizes for the 8 parameters
-	Double_t vstart[8] = {450., 340. , 0.065, 0.184, 1., m_caliStart, 27, 0.025}; 
-	Double_t step[8] = {1., 1. , 0.001 , 0.001 , 0.1, 0.5, 1., 1e-3}; 
-	double arglist[10];
-	int ierflg = 0;
-   	m_minuit->mnparm(0, "taud",      vstart[0], step[0], 50,     750., ierflg);	
-   	m_minuit->mnparm(1, "tauexp",    vstart[1], step[1], 300,    800., ierflg);
-	m_minuit->mnparm(2, "f",         vstart[2], step[2], 0.0001,  0.9, ierflg);
-	m_minuit->mnparm(3, "w0",        vstart[3], step[3], 0.1e-3,   1., ierflg);
-	m_minuit->mnparm(4, "taur",      vstart[4], step[4], 1e-5,    50., ierflg);
-	m_minuit->mnparm(5, "caliStart", vstart[5], step[5], 0.,      80., ierflg);
-	m_minuit->mnparm(6, "physShift", vstart[6], step[6], 0.,     80., ierflg);
-	m_minuit->mnparm(7, "alpha",     vstart[7], step[7], 1e-6,     1., ierflg);
-	// Fixed parameters
-	// taud, tauexp, f, caliStart and alpha are fixed
-	// w0, taur and physShift are left free
-	arglist[0]= 1; // taud
-	arglist[1]= 2; // tauexp
-	arglist[2]= 3; // f
-	arglist[3]= 6; // caliStart
-	arglist[4]= 8; // alpha   
-	m_minuit->mnexcm("FIX",arglist,5,ierflg);
-	// Scan of parameters
-	arglist[0] = 7; // scan of physShift
-	m_minuit->mnexcm("SCAN",arglist,1,ierflg);
-	// Set minuit run
-	arglist[0] = 1;
-	m_minuit->mnexcm("SET ERR", arglist ,1,ierflg);
-	arglist[0] = 0;  // 0 fast / 1 standart / 2 improve
-	m_minuit->mnexcm("SET STR", arglist ,1,ierflg);
-	// Start minimization method
-	arglist[0] = 1e11;
-	arglist[1] = 0.1;
-	//m_minuit->mnexcm("MIGRAD", arglist ,2,ierflg);
-	//m_minuit->mnexcm("SIMPLEX", arglist ,2,ierflg);
-	//m_minuit->mnexcm("MIGRAD", arglist ,2,ierflg);
-	m_minuit->mnexcm("MINIMIZE", arglist ,2,ierflg); // launch minimization
-	// Print fit results
-	double amin, edm, errdef;
-	int nvpar, nparx, icstat;
-	m_minuit->mnstat(amin, edm, errdef, nvpar, nparx, icstat);
-	m_minuit->mnprin(3,amin);
-	// Get results
-	m_minuit->GetParameter(0,m_taud,m_tauderr);
-	m_minuit->GetParameter(1,m_tauexp,m_tauexperr);
-	m_minuit->GetParameter(2,m_f,m_ferr);
-	m_minuit->GetParameter(3,m_w0,m_w0err);
-	m_minuit->GetParameter(4,m_taur,m_taurerr);
-	m_minuit->GetParameter(5,m_caliStart,m_caliStarterr);
-	m_minuit->GetParameter(6,m_physShift,m_physShifterr);
-	m_minuit->GetParameter(7,m_alpha,m_alphaerr);
-	m_chi2=amin;
-	ATH_MSG_INFO("Final set of parameters:");
-	ATH_MSG_INFO("taud: "<<m_taud<<" tauexp: "<<m_tauexp<<" f: "<<m_f<<" w0: "<<m_w0<<" taur: "<<m_taur<<" caliStart: "<<m_caliStart<<" phyShift: "<<m_physShift);
-	delete m_minuit;
-	// re-produce LArPhysWave from final fit parameters
-	LArTCMPredictor larTCMPredictor;
-	larTCMPredictor.setTaud(m_taud);
-	larTCMPredictor.setTauexp(m_tauexp);
-	larTCMPredictor.setf(m_f);
-	larTCMPredictor.setW0(m_w0);
-	larTCMPredictor.setTaur(m_taur);
-	larTCMPredictor.setcaliStart(m_caliStart);
-	larTCMPredictor.setphysShift(m_physShift);
-	larTCMPredictor.setAlpha(m_alpha);
-	LArPhysWave predLArPhysWave = larTCMPredictor.predictLArPhysWave(larCaliWave);
-	m_chi2 = computeChi2(m_gPhys,predLArPhysWave); // fill also m_Emean
-	//Compute the ratio MphyMcal
-	double Mcal = larTCMPredictor.getMax(larCaliWave);
-	double Mphy = larTCMPredictor.getMax(predLArPhysWave);
-	if(Mcal!=0) m_MphyMcal = Mphy/Mcal;
-	else m_MphyMcal=-999;
-	ATH_MSG_DEBUG("MphyMcal: "<<m_MphyMcal);
-	//need to normalize and scale predLArPhysWave by MphyMcal
-	const unsigned int N = predLArPhysWave.getSize();
-	for (unsigned int i=0; i<N; ++i) {
-		predLArPhysWave.setSample(i,predLArPhysWave.getSample(i)/Mcal); //the wave max is normalized to Mphy/Mcal value - needed for OFC
-		//predLArPhysWave.setSample(i,predLArPhysWave.getSample(i)); // this line must be used for debug only !!!!
-	}
-	return predLArPhysWave;	
-void LArTCMFitterTool::fcn(int &/*npar*/, double */*gin*/, double &f, double *par, int /*iflag*/) {
-	LArTCMPredictor larTCMPredictor;
-	// Set parameters for LArPhysWave prediction  
-	larTCMPredictor.setTaud(par[0]);
-	larTCMPredictor.setTauexp(par[1]);
-	larTCMPredictor.setf(par[2]);
-	larTCMPredictor.setW0(par[3]);
-	larTCMPredictor.setTaur(par[4]);
-	larTCMPredictor.setcaliStart(par[5]);
-	larTCMPredictor.setphysShift(par[6]);
-	larTCMPredictor.setAlpha(par[7]);
-	// LArPhysWave prediction
-	LArPhysWave larpredPhysWave = larTCMPredictor.predictLArPhysWave(m_gCali);
-	f = computeChi2(m_gPhys,larpredPhysWave);
-double LArTCMFitterTool::computeChi2(const LArPhysWave &larPhysWave, const LArPhysWave &larpredPhysWave) {
-	//const Int_t nbins = 160; //fit only on the nbins first bin
-	//  const Int_t nbins = 175;
-	const int nbins = (larPhysWave.getSize()<larpredPhysWave.getSize())? larPhysWave.getSize() : larpredPhysWave.getSize();
-	//std::cout<<"nbins: "<<nbins<<std::endl;
-	double chisq = 0.;
-	double S_yf = 0.;
-	double S_ff = 0.;
-	double S_yy = 0.;	
-	double y,z;
-	// Fit range
-	int start_fit = 0;
-	int end_fit = nbins;
-	// Compute chi2
-	for (Int_t i=start_fit;i<end_fit; ++i) {
-		y = larPhysWave.getSample(i);
-		z = larpredPhysWave.getSample(i);
-		S_yf += y*z;
-		S_ff += z*z;
-		S_yy += y*y;
-	}
-	if (S_ff==0) S_ff=0.00000001;
-	//chi2 et Emean   
-	chisq = S_yy - S_yf*S_yf/S_ff;
-	m_Emean = S_yf/S_ff;
-	return chisq;
-unsigned int LArTCMFitterTool::getStart(const LArCaliWave &larCaliWave) 
-	LArWave larWave(larCaliWave.getWave(),larCaliWave.getDt());
-	return getStart(larWave);
-unsigned int LArTCMFitterTool::getStart(const LArWave &larWave) 
-	const unsigned int N = larWave.getSize();
-	double max=larWave.getSample(getindMax(larWave));
-	double treshold = max*0.01;  //need to implement member/propertie for treshold
-	unsigned int k=0;
-	do k++; while((larWave.getSample(k)<treshold)&&(k<N));
-	return k-1;	
-unsigned int LArTCMFitterTool::getindMax(const LArWave &larWave)
-	const unsigned int N = larWave.getSize();
-	unsigned int indmax=0;
-	for (unsigned int i=0; i<N; ++i) {
-		if(larWave.getSample(i)>larWave.getSample(indmax)) indmax=i;	
-		//if(larWave[i]>larWave[indmax]) indmax=i; //do not work...
-	}
-	//std::cout<<"indmax"<<indmax<<std::endl;
-	return indmax;	
-TH1D LArTCMFitterTool::LArCaliWave2TH1D(const LArCaliWave &larCaliWave) 
-	LArWave larWave(larCaliWave.getWave(),larCaliWave.getDt());
-	return LArWave2TH1D(larWave);
-TH1D LArTCMFitterTool::LArPhysWave2TH1D(const LArPhysWave &larPhysWave)
-	LArWave larWave(larPhysWave.getWave(),larPhysWave.getDt());
-	return LArWave2TH1D(larWave);
-TH1D LArTCMFitterTool::LArWave2TH1D(const LArWave &larWave)
-	const unsigned int N = larWave.getSize();
-	TH1D hist("hist","hist",N,0,N);
-	for(unsigned int i=0; i<N; ++i) {
-		hist.SetBinContent(i+1,larWave.getSample(i));
-	}
-	return hist;	
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArTCMPhysWavePredictor.cxx b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArTCMPhysWavePredictor.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index d2a701ffd07f15da006a85e074b1be45e6c52906..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArTCMPhysWavePredictor.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,546 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2022 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "LArCalibUtils/LArTCMPhysWavePredictor.h"
-#include "LArCalibUtils/LArTCMFitterTool.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
-#include "LArRawConditions/LArCaliWaveContainer.h"
-#include "LArRawConditions/LArPhysWaveContainer.h"
-#include "CaloIdentifier/CaloCell_ID.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include "TFile.h"
-#include "TH1.h"
-#include "TH2.h"
-#include "TProfile.h"
-#include "TTree.h"
-typedef LArPhysWaveContainer::ConstConditionsMapIterator PhysWaveIt;
-LArTCMPhysWavePredictor::LArTCMPhysWavePredictor (const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator) : 
-  AthAlgorithm(name, pSvcLocator)
-  declareProperty("TestMode",m_testmode=false);
-  declareProperty("DataFromFile",m_datafromfile=false);
-  declareProperty("MinuitOutputLevel",m_minuitoutputlevel=1); // -1: no output, 1: std output
-  declareProperty("RootRawDump",m_rootrawdump=false); // to dump caliwave,physwave and fit result to root file.
-  declareProperty("RootOutputFile",m_rootoutputfile=std::string("dumpTCM.root")) ;
-  //Cell filters
-  declareProperty("FilterCells",m_filter_cells=false);
-  declareProperty("FilterCells_Layer",m_filter_layer=-1);
-  declareProperty("FilterCells_Phi",m_filter_phi=false);
-  declareProperty("FilterCells_Phi_Min",m_filter_phi_min=-1);
-  declareProperty("FilterCells_Phi_Max",m_filter_phi_max=3000); //fancy values...
-  declareProperty("FilterCells_Eta",m_filter_eta=false);
-  declareProperty("FilterCells_Eta_Min",m_filter_eta_min=-3000); //fancy values...
-  declareProperty("FilterCells_Eta_Max",m_filter_eta_max=3000);
-  // list of gains to be processed
-  m_keylist.clear() ;
-  m_keylist.push_back("HIGH");
-  m_keylist.push_back("MEDIUM");
-  m_keylist.push_back("LOW");
-  declareProperty("KeyList",m_keylist);
-  declareProperty("GroupingType",      m_groupingType);  
-StatusCode LArTCMPhysWavePredictor::initialize() 
-  ATH_MSG_INFO ( " Initialize...");
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS ;
-StatusCode LArTCMPhysWavePredictor::stop()
-  ATH_MSG_INFO ( "From stop...");
-  ToolHandle<LArWFParamTool> larWFParamTool("LArWFParamTool");
-  ATH_CHECK( larWFParamTool.retrieve() );
-  ToolHandle<LArTCMFitterTool> larTCMFitterTool("LArTCMFitterTool");
-  ATH_CHECK( larTCMFitterTool.retrieve() );
-  larTCMFitterTool->setminuitoutputlevel(m_minuitoutputlevel);
-  const CaloCell_ID* idHelper = nullptr;
-  ATH_CHECK( detStore()->retrieve (idHelper, "CaloCell_ID") );
-  const LArEM_ID* emId = idHelper->em_idHelper();
-  if (!emId) {
-    ATH_MSG_ERROR ( "Could not access lar EM ID helper" );
-    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }   
-  SG::ReadCondHandle<LArOnOffIdMapping> cablingHdl{m_cablingKey};
-  const LArOnOffIdMapping* cabling{*cablingHdl};
-  if(!cabling) {
-     ATH_MSG_ERROR("Do not have mapping object " << m_cablingKey.key());
-     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  //open ouput file for dumping waves
-  TFile f(m_rootoutputfile.c_str(),"recreate");	//need to implement: if (m_rootrawdump)
-  TTree* tree = 0;
-  // TTree structure
-  struct tree_struct {
-      Int_t iGain;
-      Int_t iLayer;
-      Int_t iPhi;
-      Int_t iEta;
-      Int_t ipdg;
-      Double_t taud;
-      Double_t tauexp;
-      Double_t f;
-      Double_t w0;
-      Double_t taur;
-      Double_t SplineShift;
-      Double_t top;
-      Double_t Emean;
-      Double_t MphyMcal;
-      Double_t chi2;
-      Int_t DeadCell;
-      Int_t fit_result;
-      Double_t peak_residus;
-      Int_t CAL_nb;
-      Int_t CAL_chan;
-  };
-  tree_struct ts1{};
-  const Int_t nlayer = 4;
-  const Int_t ngain = 3;
-  const Int_t nsampling = 4;
-  const Int_t iphilimit[2][nsampling] = {{0,0,0,0},{4,4,16,16}};  //verifier layer 0 !!!
-  const Int_t ietalimit[2][nsampling] = {{0,0,0,0},{57,451,57,27}}; //verifier layer 0 !!!
-  Char_t temp[100];
-  TH2F* CellMap[nlayer][ngain];
-  //TH2F* NentriesMap[nlayer][ngain];
-  if ( m_rootrawdump ) {
-  //create histogram
-      for(Int_t layer=0;layer<nlayer;layer++){
-	  for(Int_t gain=0;gain<ngain;gain++) {
-	      //fill CellMap
-	      memset(temp,0,sizeof(temp));
-	      sprintf(temp,"CellMaplayer%.1d_gain%.1d",layer,gain);
-	      CellMap[layer][gain] = new TH2F(temp,temp,ietalimit[1][layer],ietalimit[0][layer],ietalimit[1][layer],iphilimit[1][layer],iphilimit[0][layer],iphilimit[1][layer]);
-	      //fill NentriesMap
-	      //memset(temp,0,sizeof(temp));
-	      //sprintf(temp,"NentriesMaplayer%.1d_gain%.1d",layer,gain);
-	      //NentriesMap[layer][gain] = new TH2F(temp,temp,ietalimit[1][layer],ietalimit[0][layer],ietalimit[1][layer],iphilimit[1][layer],iphilimit[0][layer],iphilimit[1][layer]);
-	  }
-      }
-      tree = new TTree("tree","tree essai");
-      tree->Branch("iGain",&ts1.iGain,"iGain/I");
-      tree->Branch("iLayer",&ts1.iLayer,"iLayer/I");
-      tree->Branch("iPhi",&ts1.iPhi,"iPhi/I");
-      tree->Branch("iEta",&ts1.iEta,"iEta/I");
-      tree->Branch("ipdg",&ts1.ipdg,"ipdg/I");
-      tree->Branch("taud",&ts1.taud,"taud/D");
-      tree->Branch("tauexp",&ts1.tauexp,"tauexp/D");
-      tree->Branch("f",&ts1.f,"f/D");
-      tree->Branch("w0",&ts1.w0,"w0/D");
-      tree->Branch("taur",&ts1.taur,"taur/D");
-      tree->Branch("SplineShift",&ts1.SplineShift,"SplineShift/D");
-      tree->Branch("top",&ts1.top,"top/D");
-      tree->Branch("Emean",&ts1.Emean,"Emean/D");
-      tree->Branch("MphyMcal",&ts1.MphyMcal,"MphyMcal/D");
-      tree->Branch("chi2",&ts1.chi2,"chi2/D");
-      tree->Branch("DeadCell",&ts1.DeadCell,"DeadCell/I");
-      tree->Branch("fit_result",&ts1.fit_result,"fit_result/I");
-      tree->Branch("peak_residus",&ts1.peak_residus,"peak_residus/D");
-      tree->Branch("CAL_nb",&ts1.CAL_nb,"CAL_nb/I");
-      tree->Branch("CAL_chan",&ts1.CAL_chan,"CAL_chan/I");
-  }
-  //retrieve Physics pulses either from database or from file
-  // Files are self root files produced by emtb for debug purpose
-  LArPhysWaveContainer* physWaveContainer = nullptr;
-  if (!m_datafromfile) {
-      // retrieve Physics pulses from database   
-      const LArPhysWaveContainer* constphysWaveContainer = nullptr;
-      ATH_CHECK( detStore()->retrieve(constphysWaveContainer) );
-      physWaveContainer = (LArPhysWaveContainer*) constphysWaveContainer;
-      ATH_MSG_INFO ( "LArPhysWaveContainer found in StoreGate." );
-  } else {
-      //from self external file; to debug and compare with emtb
-      // for the moment just test P13 phi=9 layer 2
-      physWaveContainer = new LArPhysWaveContainer();
-      ATH_CHECK( physWaveContainer->setGroupingType(m_groupingType,msg()) );
-      ATH_CHECK( physWaveContainer->initialize() );
-      TFile physicsinput("/afs/cern.ch/user/p/prieur/scratch0/OF-P13_21-PhyPredDataFile.root");
-      physicsinput.cd("PhysicsPulses");
-      int ilayer=2;
-      int iphi = 9;
-      int ieta_start = 25;
-      int ieta_end = 35;
-      int igain;
-      if ((ilayer==1)||(ilayer==2)) igain = CaloGain::LARMEDIUMGAIN;
-      else igain = CaloGain::LARHIGHGAIN;
-      for(int ieta = ieta_start;ieta<ieta_end;ieta++) {
-	  char name[80];
-	  memset(name,0,sizeof(name));
-	  sprintf(name,"hphys%.1d%.1d%.2d%.3d",igain,ilayer,iphi,ieta);
-	  TProfile* physicspulse=(TProfile*)gDirectory->Get(name);
-	  if(physicspulse==NULL) {
-	      std::cout<<"Could not get physics pulse "<<name<<" from file."<<std::endl;
-	      continue;
-	  }
-	  Identifier id=emId->channel_id(+1,ilayer,+0,ieta,iphi);		
-	  HWIdentifier chID = cabling->createSignalChannelID(id);
-	  //if ((ilayer==1)||(ilayer==2)) larPhysWave = new LArPhysWave(175,1,1); //gain 1 for debug	
-	  //else larPhysWave = new LArPhysWave(175,1,1);
-	  LArPhysWave larPhysWave (175, 1, 1);
-	  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("name: "<<name<<" ilayer: "<<ilayer<<" ieta: "<<ieta<<" iphi: "<<iphi<<" id "<< chID.get_compact());
-	  // decode id to check if correct
-	  //HWIdentifier testchID = larPhysWave->channelID();
-	  //Identifier testid=cabling->cnvToIdentifier(testchID);
-	  //std::cout <<"physwave "<<" eta "<<emId->eta(testid)<<" phi "<< emId->phi(testid)<<" layer "<<emId->sampling(testid)<<" gain "<<larPhysWave->getGain()<<std::endl;
-	  //Fill LArPhysWave
-	  for(int i=0;i<physicspulse->GetNbinsX();i++) {
-	      larPhysWave.setSample(i,physicspulse->GetBinContent(i+1));
-	      //std::cout<<physicspulse->GetBinContent(i+1)<<" "<<larPhysWave->getSample(i)<<std::endl;
-	  }
-	  //physWaveContainer->push_back(larPhysWave); // old container
-          physWaveContainer->setPdata(chID, larPhysWave, igain); // new container
-      }
-      //log<<MSG::INFO<<"LArPhysWaveContainer size: "<<physWaveContainer->size()<<endmsg;
-  } // end else m_datafromfile
-  unsigned nchannel = 0 ;
-  //Create LArPhysWaveContainer for Predicted Pulses
-  LArPhysWaveContainer*  larpredPhysWaveContainer = new LArPhysWaveContainer();
-  ATH_CHECK( larpredPhysWaveContainer->setGroupingType(m_groupingType,msg()) );
-  ATH_CHECK( larpredPhysWaveContainer->initialize() );
-  //Create container for Params
-//  LArWFParamsContainer* larWFParamsContainer=new LArWFParamsContainer();
-  // get the LArCaliWave from the detector store
-  std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator key_it=m_keylist.begin();
-  std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator key_it_e=m_keylist.end();
-  for (;key_it!=key_it_e;++key_it) { // Loop over all LArCaliWave containers that are to be processed from m_keylist
-      std::string keyCali = *key_it ;
-      const LArCaliWaveContainer* caliWaveContainer = nullptr;
-      ATH_CHECK( detStore()->retrieve(caliWaveContainer,keyCali) );
-      ATH_MSG_INFO ( "Processing LArCaliWaveContainer from StoreGate, key = " << keyCali );
-      for ( unsigned gain = CaloGain::LARHIGHGAIN ; gain < CaloGain::LARNGAIN ; ++gain ) {  // Loop over gains in current container
-        ATH_MSG_VERBOSE ( "Now processing gain = " << gain << " in LArCaliWaveContainer with key = " << keyCali );
-      // loop over cali wave container
-      typedef LArCaliWaveContainer::ConstConditionsMapIterator const_iterator;
-      const_iterator itVec   = caliWaveContainer->begin(gain);
-      const_iterator itVec_e = caliWaveContainer->end(gain);
-      if ( itVec == itVec_e ) {
-        ATH_MSG_INFO ( "LArCaliWaveContainer (key=" << keyCali << ") has no wave with gain = " << gain );
-         continue ;
-      }
-      for (; itVec != itVec_e; ++itVec) { // loop over cells for the current gain
-	  LArCaliWaveContainer::LArCaliWaves::const_iterator cont_it   = (*itVec).begin();
-          LArCaliWaveContainer::LArCaliWaves::const_iterator cont_it_e = (*itVec).end();
-	  if ( cont_it == cont_it_e ) { 
-            ATH_MSG_DEBUG (  "Empty channel found in LArCaliWave container: skipping..." );
-	     continue ; 	  
-	  } else {
-            ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( (*itVec).size() << " LArCaliWaves found for channel 0x" << MSG::hex << itVec.channelId() << MSG::dec );
-	  }
-	  const HWIdentifier chID = itVec.channelId();
-	  Identifier id ;
-	  try {
-	    id = cabling->cnvToIdentifier(chID);   
-	  } catch ( const LArID_Exception& ) {
-	    ATH_MSG_ERROR ( "Cabling exception caught for channel 0x" << MSG::hex << chID << MSG::dec );
-	  }
-	  int layer = emId->sampling(id);
-          int eta   = emId->eta(id);
-	  int phi   = emId->phi(id);
-	  if ( m_filter_cells ) {	//Filter Cells
-	      if ( m_filter_layer!=-1 && layer!=m_filter_layer ) {
-	        ATH_MSG_INFO ( "Skipping channel 0x" << MSG::hex << chID << MSG::dec << " because of FilterCells_Layer cut.");
-	        continue;
-	      }	    	    
-	      if ( m_filter_eta )
-	         if ( (eta<m_filter_eta_min) || (eta>m_filter_eta_max) ) {
-	           ATH_MSG_INFO ( "Skipping channel 0x" << MSG::hex << chID << MSG::dec << " because of FilterCells_Eta cut.");
-		   continue;		    	 
-                 }
-              if ( m_filter_phi ) {
-		 if ( (layer==1 && ( phi<m_filter_phi_min/4 || phi>m_filter_phi_max/4) ) ||
-		      (layer!=1 && ( phi<m_filter_phi_min   || phi>m_filter_phi_max  ) ) 
-		    ) {
-		   ATH_MSG_INFO ( "Skipping channel 0x" << MSG::hex << chID << MSG::dec << " because of FilterCells_Phi cut.");
-		   continue;	    	 
-		 } 
-	      }
-	  } // end filter cells
-	  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "Channel 0x" << MSG::hex << chID << MSG::dec 
-                           << " (Layer = " << layer 
-                           << " - Eta = " << eta
-                           << " - Phi = " << phi
-                           << " - Gain = " << gain
-                           << ") passed filtering selection. Now processing...");
-	  // Always use the caliwave with higher dac value for each gain.
-	  // Predicted waves are fitted to gain 0 physics waves for sampling 0 
-	  // and to gain 1 physics waves for sampling 1,2,3
-	  int idac=0, physgain=0;
-	  if ((layer==0)&&(gain==0)) { idac=5000; physgain=0; } //use intermediate dac for avoiding saturation - was 10000 in emtb
-	  if ((layer==1)&&(gain==0)) { idac=500;  physgain=1; }
-	  if ((layer==1)&&(gain==1)) { idac=8000; physgain=1; }
-	  if ((layer==2)&&(gain==0)) { idac=500;  physgain=1; } //fit seems netter with MG phys data
-	  if ((layer==2)&&(gain==1)) { idac=5000; physgain=1; } 
-	  if ((layer==3)&&(gain==0)) { idac=500;  physgain=0; }
-	  if ((layer==3)&&(gain==1)) { idac=3000; physgain=0; } //no phys data for back in MG
-	  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE ( "... will use LArCaliWave with DAC = " << idac << " and LArPhysWave with Gain = " << physgain );
-	  unsigned ndac = 0 ;
-	  for (;cont_it!=cont_it_e;++cont_it) { // Loop over available DAC wavwsvalues for the given cell
-	      const LArCaliWave& larCaliWave = (*cont_it);
-	      int dac = larCaliWave.getDAC() ;
-	      ATH_MSG_VERBOSE ( ++ndac << ". DAC = " << dac );
-	      if ( dac!=idac ) continue; // skip unwanted DAC waves
-	      ATH_MSG_INFO ( " Processing channel 0x" << MSG::hex << chID << MSG::dec 
-                             << " -> Layer = " << layer
-                             << " - Eta = " << eta
-                             << " - Phi = " << phi
-                             << " - Gain = "  << gain
-                             << " - LArCaliWave DAC = "   << dac );
-	      // get corresponding physcs wave
-	      const LArPhysWave& larPhysWave = physWaveContainer->get(chID,physgain);
-	      if ( larPhysWave.isEmpty() ) {
-                ATH_MSG_ERROR ( "No LArPhysWave found for channel 0x" << MSG::hex << itVec.channelId() << MSG::dec );
-	      } else { // LArPhysWave found, perform TCM fit and phys wave prediction from fit params
-		  //log << MSG::INFO << "Now processing channel " << ++nchannel << " with TCM fit " << endmsg ;  
-                ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "larPhysWave gain = " << gain );
-                ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "larPhysWave size = " << larPhysWave.getSize() );
-                ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "larPhysWave flag = " << larPhysWave.getFlag() );
-		  LArPhysWave predlarPhysWave = 
-		    larTCMFitterTool->Fit(larCaliWave,larPhysWave); // <---
-		  predlarPhysWave.setFlag(LArWave::predFitPhys);
-		  ATH_MSG_INFO ( " End of TCM fit" );
-		  //output fit values
-		  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Fit values from larTCMFitterTool:");
-		  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(larTCMFitterTool->getTaud()<<" "<<larTCMFitterTool->getTauexp()<<" "<<larTCMFitterTool->getTaur()
-                                <<" "<<larTCMFitterTool->getf()<<" "<<larTCMFitterTool->getW0());
-		  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(larTCMFitterTool->getcaliStart()<<" "<<larTCMFitterTool->getphysShift());
-		  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(larTCMFitterTool->getEmean()<<" "<<larTCMFitterTool->getMphyMcal()<<" "<<larTCMFitterTool->getchi2());
-		  //Store fit parameters in LArWFParams 
-#if 0
-		  LArWFParams* larwfparams = new LArWFParams((unsigned int)LArWave::predFitPhys,
-							     larTCMFitterTool->getTauexp(),
-                                                             larTCMFitterTool->getf(),
-                                                             larTCMFitterTool->getTaud(),
-							     larTCMFitterTool->getW0(),
-                                                             larTCMFitterTool->getTaur(),
-                                                             -1.00,
-                                                             larTCMFitterTool->getMphyMcal());
-		  //Put predicted LArPhysWave in LArPhysWaveContainer
-                  larpredPhysWaveContainer->setPdata(itVec.channelId(), predlarPhysWave, gain); // new container
-// 		  //Put waveform params in LArWFParamsContainer
-// 		  larWFParamsContainer->push_back(larwfparams);	
-		  //for debug - dump LArWave to root file	
-	          if (m_rootrawdump) {
-		  unsigned int N;
-		  TH1D* hist;
-		  char temp[80];
-		  N = larPhysWave.getSize();
-		  hist=new TH1D("hist","hist",N,0,N);
-		  for(unsigned int i=0; i<N; ++i) {
-		      hist->SetBinContent(i+1,larPhysWave.getSample(i));
-		  }
-		  memset(temp,0,sizeof(temp));
-		  sprintf(temp,"phys%.1u%.1d%.2d%.3d", gain,emId->sampling(id),emId->phi(id),emId->eta(id));
-		  hist->SetName(temp);
-		  hist->SetTitle(temp);
-		  f.cd();
-		  hist->Write();
-		  delete hist;
-		  N = larCaliWave.getSize();
-		  hist=new TH1D("hist","hist",N,0,N);
-		  for(unsigned int i=0; i<N; ++i) {
-		      hist->SetBinContent(i+1,larCaliWave.getSample(i));
-		  }
-		  int Mcal=static_cast<int> (hist->GetMaximum());
-		  memset(temp,0,sizeof(temp));
-		  sprintf(temp,"cali%.1u%.1d%.2d%.3d", gain,emId->sampling(id),emId->phi(id),emId->eta(id));
-		  hist->SetName(temp);
-		  hist->SetTitle(temp);
-		  f.cd();
-		  hist->Write();
-		  delete hist;
-		  N = predlarPhysWave.getSize();   
-		  hist=new TH1D("hist","hist",N,0,N);
-		  for(unsigned int i=0; i<N; ++i) {
-		      hist->SetBinContent(i+1,predlarPhysWave.getSample(i)*Mcal*larTCMFitterTool->getEmean()); //change normalization to match with delaypulse
-		      //hist->SetBinContent(i+1,predlarPhysWave.getSample(i)); //same normalisation to what is stored in the DB - the wave is already normalized to MphyMcal value - needed for OFC
-		  }
-		  memset(temp,0,sizeof(temp));
-		  sprintf(temp,"pphys%.1u%.1d%.2d%.3d", gain,emId->sampling(id),emId->phi(id),emId->eta(id));
-		  hist->SetName(temp);
-		  hist->SetTitle(temp);
-		  f.cd();
-		  hist->Write();
-		  delete hist;
-		  CellMap[emId->sampling(id)][gain]->SetBinContent(emId->eta(id)+1,emId->phi(id)+1,1.);
-		  //Fill TTree
-		  ts1.iGain = gain;
-		  ts1.iLayer = emId->sampling(id);
-		  ts1.iPhi = emId->phi(id);
-		  ts1.iEta = emId->eta(id);
-		  ts1.ipdg = -1;
-		  ts1.taud = larTCMFitterTool->getTaud();
-		  ts1.tauexp = larTCMFitterTool->getTauexp();	
-		  ts1.f = larTCMFitterTool->getf();	
-		  ts1.w0 = larTCMFitterTool->getW0();
-		  ts1.taur = larTCMFitterTool->getTaur();
-		  ts1.SplineShift = larTCMFitterTool->getcaliStart();
-		  ts1.top = larTCMFitterTool->getphysShift();
-		  ts1.Emean = larTCMFitterTool->getEmean();
-		  ts1.chi2 = larTCMFitterTool->getchi2();
-		  ts1.MphyMcal = larTCMFitterTool->getMphyMcal();
-		  ts1.fit_result = -1;
-		  ts1.peak_residus = -1;
-		  ts1.CAL_nb = -1;
-		  ts1.CAL_chan = -1;
-		  tree->Fill();
-	          } //end of rootrawdump
-	     } // end if check if LArPhysWave->isEmpty() 
-	  } // end loop over DAC values
-          if ( m_testmode && nchannel >= 1 ) {
-            ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "Test mode selected: only 1 channel processed." );
-            break ;
-	  }
-        } // end loop over cells
-     } // end loop over gains      
-  } // end loop over LArCaliWave containers (keys in m_keylist)
-  std::string keyout ;
-  // Record larpredPhysWaveContainer to detector store
-  keyout = "LArPhysWavesTCM" ;
-  ATH_CHECK( detStore()->record(larpredPhysWaveContainer,keyout) );
-  ATH_MSG_INFO ( "LArPhysWaveContainer has been recorded to StoreGate with key="<<keyout);
-  // Record larWFParamsContainer to DetectorStore
-//   keyout = "LArWFParamsTCM" ;
-//   sc=detStore->record(larWFParamsContainer,keyout );
-//   if (sc.isFailure()) {
-//       log << MSG::FATAL << "Cannot record LArWFParamsContainer to StoreGate! key=" << keyout << endmsg;
-//       return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-//   } else log << MSG::INFO << "LArWFParamsContainer has been recorded to StoreGate with key="<<keyout<<endmsg;
-  if (m_rootrawdump) {
-      for(Int_t layer=0;layer<nlayer;layer++){
-	  for(Int_t gain=0;gain<ngain;gain++) {
-	      CellMap[layer][gain]->Write();
-	      //NentriesMap[layer][gain]->Write();
-	  }
-      }
-      tree->Write();	
-  }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArTCMPredictor.cxx b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArTCMPredictor.cxx
deleted file mode 100755
index 973cdb2888ca0b59841926d86d0a323568fbfda3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArTCMPredictor.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "LArCalibUtils/LArTCMPredictor.h" 
-#include <cmath>
-//#include "LArCalibUtils/TMinuit.h"
-LArTCMPredictor::LArTCMPredictor ()
-	m_caliStart=-999.;
-	m_physShift=0.; //not used so far
-	//Characteristic start values
-	// need to declareproperty
-	m_taud = 450.;
-	m_f = 0.09;
-	m_tauexp = 365.;
-	m_taur=11.;
-	m_w0 = 0.184;
-	m_alpha=0.025;
-// destructor 
-// implement eval pour double x et interpolation
-double LArTCMPredictor::evalLArCaliWave(int x) {
-	return m_gCali.getSample(x); // use shifted LArCaliWave
-double LArTCMPredictor::Integrand(int t, int tau) {
-	return evalLArCaliWave(tau)*Gt3(t-tau);	//need to choose between model
-double LArTCMPredictor::qfast(int a, int b) {
-	double sum=0.;
-	for(int k=a; k<=b; ++k) {  //basic computation of the convolution
-		sum+=Integrand(b,k);	
-	}
-	return sum;
-LArPhysWave LArTCMPredictor::predictLArPhysWave(const LArCaliWave &larCaliWave)
-	m_gCali = larCaliWave;
-	LArWave gCali(m_gCali), gPhysPred, gPhysPredShifted;
-	if (m_caliStart==-999.) { // if m_caliStart not initialized by LArTCMFitter 
-		m_caliStart = (double)getStart(m_gCali)-2.; //
-		if (m_caliStart<0.) m_caliStart=0.; // for low dac the beginning of the pulse is not always well defined
-	}
-	gCali = translate(gCali,(int)m_caliStart); // shift of gCali
-	m_gCali = LArCaliWave(gCali.getWave(),m_gCali.getDt(),m_gCali.getDAC(), 0x1); //create shifted LArCaliWave
-	gPhysPred.setSize(larCaliWave.getSize());
-	for(unsigned int i=0; i<m_gCali.getSize();++i) {
-			gPhysPred.setSample(i,qfast(0,0+i)); //choose between method
-	}
-	//Translation of m_physShift
-	gPhysPredShifted.setSize(larCaliWave.getSize());
-	for(unsigned int i=0; i<gPhysPredShifted.getSize();++i) {
-		if((double)i>m_physShift) {
-			gPhysPredShifted.setSample(i,linearInterpolate(gPhysPred,(double)i-m_physShift));
-		} else gPhysPredShifted.setSample(i,0.);
-	}
-	//temporary
-	m_gPhysPred = LArPhysWave(gPhysPredShifted.getWave(),m_gCali.getDt());
-	return m_gPhysPred;
-// implement translate avec double nshift et interpolation
-double LArTCMPredictor::linearInterpolate(const LArWave& larWave, double t)
-	int bin = (int)t;
-	double x = t - (double)bin;
-	return (larWave.getSample(bin+1)-larWave.getSample(bin))*x+larWave.getSample(bin);
-LArWave LArTCMPredictor::translate(const LArWave& larWave, int nshift)
-	const unsigned int N = larWave.getSize();
-	std::vector<double> trWave;
-	trWave.resize(N);
-	for(unsigned int i=0; i<N; ++i) {
-		if(i<(N-nshift)) trWave[i]=larWave.getSample(i+nshift);
-		else trWave[i]=0.;
-	}
-	return LArWave(trWave,larWave.getDt());
-unsigned int LArTCMPredictor::getindMax(const LArWave &larWave)
-	const unsigned int N = larWave.getSize();
-	unsigned int indmax=0;
-	for (unsigned int i=0; i<N; ++i) {
-		if(larWave.getSample(i)>larWave.getSample(indmax)) indmax=i;	
-		//if(larWave[i]>larWave[indmax]) indmax=i; //do not work...
-	}
-	//std::cout<<"indmax"<<indmax<<std::endl;
-	return indmax;	
-template <class T> unsigned int LArTCMPredictor::getMax(const T &PULSE)
-	LArWave larWave(PULSE.getWave(),PULSE.getDt());
-	return PULSE.getSample(getindMax(larWave));
-double LArTCMPredictor::getMax(const LArCaliWave &larCaliWave)
-	LArWave larWave(larCaliWave.getWave(),larCaliWave.getDt());
-	return larCaliWave.getSample(getindMax(larWave));
-double LArTCMPredictor::getMax(const LArPhysWave &larPhysWave)
-	LArWave larWave(larPhysWave.getWave(),larPhysWave.getDt());
-	return larPhysWave.getSample(getindMax(larWave));
-unsigned int LArTCMPredictor::getStart(const LArCaliWave &larCaliWave) 
-	LArWave larWave(larCaliWave.getWave(),larCaliWave.getDt());
-	return getStart(larWave);
-unsigned int LArTCMPredictor::getStart(const LArWave &larWave) 
-	const unsigned int N = larWave.getSize();
-	double max=larWave.getSample(getindMax(larWave));
-	double treshold = max*0.01;  //need to implement member/propertie for treshold
-	unsigned int k=0;
-	do k++; while((larWave.getSample(k)<treshold)&&(k<N));
-	return k-1;	
-double LArTCMPredictor::Gt2(double t) const
-// Function from Fares Djema - model without dirac nor rC
-// Should not be used
-double term1, termexp, termcos, termsin;
-double w0_2 = m_w0*m_w0;
-term1 = -1./(m_f*m_taud);
-termexp = (-m_f*m_tauexp*w0_2+m_tauexp*w0_2-(m_w0*m_tauexp)*(m_w0*m_tauexp)/m_taud +(m_w0*m_tauexp)*(m_w0*m_tauexp)/(m_taud*m_f))*exp(-m_f*t/m_tauexp);
-termcos = (m_f*m_tauexp*w0_2-m_tauexp*w0_2+(m_w0*m_tauexp)*(m_w0*m_tauexp)/m_taud +m_f/m_taud)*cos(m_w0*t);
-termsin = (w0_2*m_w0*m_tauexp*m_tauexp+m_w0-m_f*m_w0*m_tauexp/m_taud+m_tauexp*m_w0/m_taud)*sin(m_w0*t);
-return term1 + (termexp+termcos+termsin)/(m_f*m_f+w0_2*m_tauexp*m_tauexp);
-//return -1;
-double LArTCMPredictor::Gt3(double t) const
-// modele sans dirac avec rC
-double term1, term2;
-double w0_2 = m_w0*m_w0;
-double taur_2 = m_taur*m_taur;
-double tauexp_2 = m_tauexp*m_tauexp;
-double f_2 = m_f*m_f;
-double Sqd = sqrt(fabs(-4+taur_2*w0_2));
-double f_t_tauexp=(m_f*t)/m_tauexp;
-double tauexp_taur_w0_2 = m_tauexp*m_taur*w0_2;
-double t_w0_Sqd = (t*m_w0*Sqd)/2.;
-double t_taur_w0_2 = (t*m_taur*w0_2)/2.;
-double exp_f_t_tauexp = exp(f_t_tauexp);
-if ((-4+taur_2*w0_2)>0.) {
-   term1 = -(exp(-(f_t_tauexp) - t_taur_w0_2)*
-       (exp(t_taur_w0_2)*Sqd*
-          ((-1 + m_f)*m_tauexp*(m_f*m_taud + m_tauexp)*w0_2 + 
-            exp_f_t_tauexp*(f_2 + tauexp_2*w0_2 - m_f*tauexp_taur_w0_2)) + 
-         exp_f_t_tauexp*m_f*Sqd*
-          (m_tauexp*(m_taud - m_tauexp + m_taur)*w0_2 - m_f*(1 + m_taud*m_tauexp*w0_2))*
-          cosh(t_w0_Sqd) + 
-         exp_f_t_tauexp*m_f*m_w0*(m_tauexp*(-2 - tauexp_taur_w0_2 + taur_2*w0_2 + 
-               m_taud*(-2*m_tauexp + m_taur)*w0_2) + m_f*(2*m_tauexp - m_taur + m_taud*(-2 + tauexp_taur_w0_2)))*
-          sinh(t_w0_Sqd)));
-    term2 = (m_f*m_taud*(f_2 + tauexp_2*w0_2 - m_f*tauexp_taur_w0_2)*Sqd);
-else {
-   term1 = -(exp(-(f_t_tauexp) - t_taur_w0_2)*
-       (exp(t_taur_w0_2)*Sqd*
-          ((-1 + m_f)*m_tauexp*(m_f*m_taud + m_tauexp)*w0_2 + 
-            exp_f_t_tauexp*(f_2 + tauexp_2*w0_2 - m_f*tauexp_taur_w0_2)) + 
-         exp_f_t_tauexp*m_f*Sqd*
-          (m_tauexp*(m_taud - m_tauexp + m_taur)*w0_2 - m_f*(1 + m_taud*m_tauexp*w0_2))*
-          cos(t_w0_Sqd) + 
-         exp_f_t_tauexp*m_f*m_w0*(m_tauexp*(-2 - tauexp_taur_w0_2 + taur_2*w0_2 + 
-               m_taud*(-2*m_tauexp + m_taur)*w0_2) + m_f*(2*m_tauexp - m_taur + m_taud*(-2 + tauexp_taur_w0_2)))*
-          sin(t_w0_Sqd)));
-    term2 = (m_f*m_taud*(f_2 + tauexp_2*w0_2 - m_f*tauexp_taur_w0_2)*Sqd);
- if (term2==0) {std::cout<<"Gt3::term2 zero divide"<<std::endl;term2=1e-9;}
-return term1/term2;
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArWFParamTool.cxx b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArWFParamTool.cxx
index b58de3e23f028287550e12801abb10073dec39eb..0f601cc3661e68421dab77dab90194b9addbdf73 100644
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArWFParamTool.cxx
+++ b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/LArWFParamTool.cxx
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ StatusCode LArWFParamTool::getLArWaveParams(const LArCaliWave& larCaliWave,
   const unsigned layer=m_emId->sampling(id);
   if ( m_storeResOscill[ layer ] && resOscill0) {
     LArWave injres0 = injRespRes(gCali,wfParams.omega0(),0);
-    *resOscill0 = LArCaliWave(injres0.getWave(),gCali.getDt(),gCali.getDAC(), 0x1);
+    *resOscill0 = LArCaliWave(injres0.getWave(),gCali.getDt(),gCali.getDAC(), 0x1,LArWave::unknown);
   // find m_Taur using RTM
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ StatusCode LArWFParamTool::getLArWaveParams(const LArCaliWave& larCaliWave,
   if ( m_storeResOscill[ layer ] && resOscill1) {
     LArWave injres1 = injRespRes(gCali,wfParams.omega0(),wfParams.taur());
-    *resOscill1 = LArCaliWave(injres1.getWave(),gCali.getDt(),gCali.getDAC(), 0x1);  
+    *resOscill1 = LArCaliWave(injres1.getWave(),gCali.getDt(),gCali.getDAC(), 0x1, LArWave::unknown);  
   return( StatusCode::SUCCESS );
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/components/LArCalibUtils_entries.cxx b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/components/LArCalibUtils_entries.cxx
index 15042ac1f1e52329d4cb32a5214d4c16996926f6..24da18ab783ac6d697593dd3728c612cb5685611 100644
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/components/LArCalibUtils_entries.cxx
+++ b/LArCalorimeter/LArCalibUtils/src/components/LArCalibUtils_entries.cxx
@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@
 #include "../LArRampBuilder.h"
 #include "LArCalibUtils/LArRTMParamExtractor.h"
 #include "LArCalibUtils/LArStripsCrossTalkCorrector.h"
-#include "LArCalibUtils/LArTCMFitterTool.h"
-#include "LArCalibUtils/LArTCMPhysWavePredictor.h"
 #include "LArCalibUtils/LArPhysWavePredictor.h"
 #include "LArCalibUtils/LArTimeTuning.h"
 #include "LArCalibUtils/LArTimeTuningNtuple.h"
@@ -76,7 +74,6 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( LArPhysWaveBuilder )
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( LArStripsCrossTalkCorrector )
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( LArPhysWavePredictor )
@@ -104,7 +101,6 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( LArDigitOscillationCorrTool )
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArCnv/LArCondAthenaPool/test/LArCaliWaveContainerCnv_test.cxx b/LArCalorimeter/LArCnv/LArCondAthenaPool/test/LArCaliWaveContainerCnv_test.cxx
index c23b22c186d6eaea69a8e2209d99a97c4536c7f6..5861825e8f5ccdfe174d245a9511e07b913716f4 100644
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArCnv/LArCondAthenaPool/test/LArCaliWaveContainerCnv_test.cxx
+++ b/LArCalorimeter/LArCnv/LArCondAthenaPool/test/LArCaliWaveContainerCnv_test.cxx
@@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ LArCaliWave makeWave (int x)
                       std::vector<int> { 30+x, 31+x, 32+x, 33+x, 34+x },
                       1.5 + x,
                       0x12345678 + x,
-                      x*2);
+                      x*2,
+                      LArWave::unknown);
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArCnv/LArCondTPCnv/test/LArCaliWaveSubsetCnv_p1_test.cxx b/LArCalorimeter/LArCnv/LArCondTPCnv/test/LArCaliWaveSubsetCnv_p1_test.cxx
index 8e830d3dea73af56480711c4a6344aea71568f09..5c34a1b511a398711987f1bb1ee2fcce5439bd0e 100644
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArCnv/LArCondTPCnv/test/LArCaliWaveSubsetCnv_p1_test.cxx
+++ b/LArCalorimeter/LArCnv/LArCondTPCnv/test/LArCaliWaveSubsetCnv_p1_test.cxx
@@ -127,7 +127,8 @@ LArCaliWave makeWave (int x)
                       std::vector<int> { 30+x, 31+x, 32+x, 33+x, 34+x },
                       1.5 + x,
                       0x12345678 + x,
-                      x*2);
+                      x*2,
+                      LArWave::unknown);
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArCnv/LArCondTPCnv/test/LArCaliWaveSubsetCnv_p2_test.cxx b/LArCalorimeter/LArCnv/LArCondTPCnv/test/LArCaliWaveSubsetCnv_p2_test.cxx
index aa9a8a257e64375c03cbf80b267e8351b4215d0c..d07840aa5f453ce6d3501614c02a04dea5731548 100644
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArCnv/LArCondTPCnv/test/LArCaliWaveSubsetCnv_p2_test.cxx
+++ b/LArCalorimeter/LArCnv/LArCondTPCnv/test/LArCaliWaveSubsetCnv_p2_test.cxx
@@ -118,7 +118,8 @@ LArCaliWave makeWave (int x)
                       std::vector<int> { 30+x, 31+x, 32+x, 33+x, 34+x },
                       1.5 + x,
                       0x12345678 + x,
-                      x*2);
+                      x*2,
+                      LArWave::unknown);
diff --git a/LArCalorimeter/LArRawConditions/LArRawConditions/LArCaliWave.h b/LArCalorimeter/LArRawConditions/LArRawConditions/LArCaliWave.h
index 581e74cbce2863ba23e7135f31f63f49051d652f..c26bf1149c6aa942e09ca4390b3be9e1d1d8931b 100755
--- a/LArCalorimeter/LArRawConditions/LArRawConditions/LArCaliWave.h
+++ b/LArCalorimeter/LArRawConditions/LArRawConditions/LArCaliWave.h
@@ -61,13 +61,13 @@ public:
 		double dt,
 		int DAC, 
                 int isPulsed,
-		unsigned flag=0);
+		unsigned flag);
     LArCaliWave(unsigned nSamples,
 		double dt,
 		int DAC, 
                 int isPulsed,
-		unsigned flag=0);
+		unsigned flag);
     LArCaliWave(const std::vector<double>& vAmpl, 
 		const std::vector<double>& vErr, 
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ public:
 		double dt,
 		int DAC, 
                 int isPulsed,
-		unsigned flag=0);
+		unsigned flag);
     virtual ~LArCaliWave() = default;