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Add ElementLinks for track particles created from Acts tracks to the source tracks

- By default element links would forward thinning request to the destination container. This does not work if the destination container does not support thinning, like the ActsTrk::TrackContainer. Therefore the ElementLink behaviour is changed to only forward the thinning request if the destination container supports thinning.

  • added necessary dictionaries to write and read element links to ActsTrk::TrackContainer tracks

  • when creating track particles with the TrackToTrackParticleCnvAlg from Acts tracks the track particles are decorated with an element link to the source track. Unlike other element links the element link will return an optional when being dereferenced which will contain a track proxy if the element link is valid.

  • also, added test algorithm which demonstrates how to use the element links. When reading the Acts tracks and track particles with such decorations back from a file. There is the additional complication that the actual element link target the ActsTrk::TrackContainer has to be created by a ActsTrk::TrackContainerReader. Since the ElementLinks will not propagate this data dependency i.e. the destination container, the data dependency has to provided manually as ExtraInputs to ensure that the algorithms are scheduled in the correct order in athena MT.

Edited by Goetz Gaycken

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