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add FakeBkgTools package to release and integrate it into AnalysisTop framework

Nello Bruscino requested to merge (removed):21.2-FakeBkgTools_AT into 21.2

This merge request concerns the migration of the FakeBkgTools package into AnalysisBase and AthAnalysis. This package is maintained by the Isolation / Fakes Forum group, and provides a set of tools implementing different methods to estimate backgrounds with fake leptons (fake factors, matrix method, and a likelihod-based variant of the latter). A common interface is provided for all the tools, and stored separately in AsgAnalysisInterfaces. Documentation is provided in several markdown files provided with the package.

Parts of the code which were dedicated to standalone builds of the package have been entirely removed, and will be provided separately as a wrapper package outside AnalysisBase (link).

The request also contains (due to its history) code additions to the AnalysisTop software to make use of the tools (see ANALYSISTO-759). The FakeBkgTools is linked and invoked accordingly in TopConfiguration and TopAnalysis.

Thanks a lot!

Edited by Nils Erik Krumnack

Merge request reports