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Cleaning up EXOT8 and adding TAR jet inputs

Jason Robert Veatch requested to merge jveatch/athena:21.2-EXOT8-tar into 21.2

This MR includes three major changes to EXOT8 for the HH->bbVV analysis:

  1. The truth record is changed to the TRUTH3 style
  2. Instead of using L1 triggers for skimming, the complete set of relevant lowest unprescaled triggers and the jet support triggers are used
  3. Anti-kt R=0.2 jets and inner detector tracks are added as inputs for TAR jets. Thinning is applied to both collections based on the proximity of high-pT large-R jets.

The difference in size is as follows:

Sample Original size New size Difference
Data16 12.16 MB 9.45 MB -22%
Data17 112.35 MB 86.00 MB -23%
HH->WWbb 0 lep 1.45 GB 1.52 GB +4%

Tagging @guescini, @mswiatlo, @kkrizka, and @zmarshal for feedback. Also tagging @cdelitzs and @palacino for their information.

Edited by Jason Robert Veatch

Merge request reports
