Revert parameters version / factory reset
- Administrators can revert the parameters structure to a previous version; the schema is reverted to the corresponding schema version.
- E.g. now we have parameters v. 10 and schema v. 5; we want to revert parameters to v. 8 that uses schema v. 4 => the operation creates parameters v. 11 == v. 8 and schema v. 6 == v. 4.
- Administrators can revert the schema to a previous version; the parameters are reverted to the latest version that was using that schema.
- E.g. now we have parameters v. 10 and schema v. 5; we want to revert to schema v. 4 => the operation creates and schema v. 6 == v. 4 and parameters v.11 == to latest version that used schema v.4.
- Note that the new version of the parameters will reference schema v.6
- Revert to version 1 = "factory reset"
Edited by Paolo Tedesco