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Short range implementation

Luis Aleixo requested to merge feature/short_range_concentration into master

Model changes to consider the short range interactions on the results. Also solves #253 (closed) .


Changes were made in the code, both on backend and frontend sides.


Added a new section on the Calculator to specify the short-range interactions. In the new modal dialog users can now specify different interactions through the day, with the respective durations. All the validations under the form were also consider to avoid having overlapping interactions, or interactions out of the simulation time. Data is then translated into a list - [{“activity”: …, “start_time”: …, “duration”:…}, …].


The report is now adapted to the new concentration and dose values - added a zooming functionality and adapted the legend box. Zooming is not needed when there are is only Breathing short range interactions:




  • Added a ShortRangeModel dataclass that depends on the expiration and activity types, given a specific presence interval. It has methods that calculate the dilution factor, the short range concentration, and exposure.
  • ExposureModel data class has now a list of ShortRangeModels. Methods under this dataclass were adapted to include the exposure between two specific bounds, both related to long-range and short-range interactions.
  • monte_carlo/ has now a distribution for the short range distances. It is also adapted to consider a new short_range_expiration_distribution where the particle diameters go from 0 to 100 microns.

Unit and integration tests are also included.

Edited by Nicolas Mounet

Merge request reports