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Initial changes so that the expert app possess most of the the calculator features

Germain Personne requested to merge feature/expert_app_initial_changes into master

Specification of workspace:

  • Possibility to input volume with floor surface and ceiling height. The total volume is displayed whether we choose directly the volume or the surface area and ceiling height.
  • Slider for the relative humidity rate in the room
  • String box for the room number (to be linked later to each CERN's rooms datas via the website: image

Ventilation scheme: Ventilation types:

  • Added a No ventilation scheme (later to be containing a residual air flow of 0.25 ach)
  • Added a HEPA Filter option for all types of ventilation image

In Mechanical ventilation:

  • Added the possibility to input air changes per hour instead of just having air supply flow rate image

In Natural ventilation:

  • Possibility to choose between Sliding window and Hinged window
  • Added a slider for the window width depending on the Hinged window
  • Slider for opening distance
  • Integer box for the number of windows in the room
  • Slider for the window height



  • Possibility to change the number of infected people image


  • Possibility to change the number of exposed people image

Global appearance:

  • Aligned each parameters vertically so that we can see the graph without having to zoom out
  • Changed 'Select' widgets for 'Dropdowns'
  • Replace previous text header by a .png image of CARA's logo image
Edited by Germain Personne

Merge request reports
