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Project documentation in Mkdocs

Luis Aleixo requested to merge feature/mkdocs_material into master

Main tasks: Developed a way to automatically generate documentation using sphinx, translate it to markdown and gather it with already existing documentation.

The docs directory is under the caimira package. In there, there's the root .rst file that targets the files that will have docs automatically generated (for now, only the - the importance of other files might need to be discussed and added as needed).

Generated the basic folder structure for a mkdocs, that already includes the previously developed CAiMIRA Diameter Dependent Model.

Developed a script file to style the generated documentation, and drafted the Dockerfile that will contain the documentation.

Updated .gitlab-ci.yml to save the image in GitLab container registry.

README is duplicated - a solution should be found. Either:

  • Define a job to copy the GitLab README to docs/mkdocs directory
  • Simplify GitLab README and add a reference to README in mkdocs

Opted to follow the section option and partition the content of the README into several .md files.

Added documentation for the Open Source Acknowledgments with automatic extraction of package dependencies and generation of .png plot.

Already existing work in:

Edited by Luis Aleixo

Merge request reports
