cmake inconsistencies/failures
There are some situations where the current cmake configuration leads to errors/undesirable behaviour:
- protobuf in a non-standard location (not in /usr or /usr/local) fails
- compiling on Ubuntu 22.04 fails (I know, it's not officially supported but there is no reason why it should not compile)
As protobuf is not used as dependency of MessageUtils, cmake sets the order of libraries in the linking stage wrong.
- protobuf declarations are added to every target that uses MessageUtils, but also not everywhere where it's needed
uses environmental variables that are not set and/or checked - uhal is not a requirement for generation. Is there a use case where CACTUS is not required/explicitly undesirable?
- Explicit inclusion of boost library and include folders although cmake knows about dependencies
I'll open merge requests in MessageUtils and here about those points.