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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v6-02
    First tag including support for PS fast counter readouts.
    Various speed up implemented
    compatible with FW version 3-01:
  • v6-01
    Added LpGBT eye scan for downlink and improved VTRx+ output light yield scan
    Compatible with FW tag v3-00
  • v6-00
    Preliminary tag for OT module pre-production
    Added fullTest and quickTest for PS and 2S modules
    Compatible with FW tag v3-00
  • v5-04
    IT updates:
    - Added check on e-fuse code for every chip (CROC)
     --> added field eFuseCode in XML file
    - Fixed bug in CROC initialisation sequence (no need to run DataIntegrity twice at power up)
    OT updates:
     - Electric Chain Validation completed for both PS and 2S
  • v5-03
    Updates for IT:
     - New thradj algorithm: the golden-ratio algorithm runs on one chip at a time per module (all modules in parallel)
     - DoDataIntegrity now also works for RD53A
     - DoDataIntegrity now also with option 3 masks at Core level
     - LpGBT I2C-slave chips handled as if they were LpGBT registers
     - Silent Running in thradj and RD53Interface
  • v5-02
    Last tag before support for 12 module readout, use with FW tag v2-02:
  • v5-01
    IT updates:
    - Bit Error Rate test now runs on all chips in parallel
    - Added support for CROCv2
    - Added detection of truncation mechanisms: due to maximum number of hits reached per core and due to readout timeout
    - Fixed bug in reading monitored data with LpGBT ADC
    - Fixed bug in plotting monitored data measured with LpGBT
    - Successfully tested DataIntegrity with TEPX (2 optical groups, each with 1 LpGBT --> 1 hybrid --> 3 chips)
    - Successfully tested initialisation of opto-hybrids without systematic errors
    OT updates
    - Measure occupancy working for 2S and PS
    - Added injection scan occupancy measurement
    - Added verification of all cluster lines from SSA to MPA
    - Added plots for stub package alignment procedure
    - Added preliminary implementation of ECV between MPA and CIC
  • v5-00
    First tag supporting Alma9 only
    Last tag before adding support for multi module stub readout.
    OT firmare tag: v2-01
  • v4-24
    Last Tag supporting Centos 7 and Alma 8
  • v4-23
    IT update:
    - Split ROOT file by hybrid option in xml
    - Added masked pixels plot in PixelAlive / Noise
    - Added Noise vs Thr plot in SCurve
    - Better Monitoring of readout chip variables (currents, voltages, temperatures)
    - Added DoDataIntegrity option 2, pixel-by-pixel
    - Updated file
    - Increased number of bits for channel/lane up
    - Moved some calibration actions up to RD53CalibBase class
    - Added enable bit for ROCs
    OT update
    - Major improvements on module alignment procedures to include plots for module QA and debugging
  • v4-22
    Fixed bug in FileParser: was not entering to apply Global Settings
  • v4-21
    - Bug fix in thradj and threqu related to file output names (the bug was present only in v4-20)
    - Added Metadata counting the total number packets which were re-sent
    - Added option in XML file to abort if all requested data lanes are not `up`
  • v4-20
    - fixed bug in thradj: now all chips in a module are tuned independently
    - added metadata to root files: a boolean that checks if all requested lanes are up, and an integer that counts the number of corrupted packets
  • v4-19
    - Last tag before OT review of the configuration procedures
  • v4-18
    - Fixed bug in RD53-LpGBT class: now able to properly map all possible SFP connector positions in FMC
    - More precise trigger duration estimation
    - Removed dependencies from ROOT - json library when compiling as “HERD”
    - Run formatAll
  • v4-17
    - Put back Cmd FIFO reset in FW interface to avoid "Cmd FIFO errors"
    - Larger log files: 16 Mb
    - Fixed bug in optical readout in using different SFP connectors
  • v4-16
    - partial fix to FIFO error issue (lesser errors, no stuck FIFO)
    - multiple averaged measurements of observables in monitoring now working properly
    - more robust threshold adjustment with "golden section algorithm"
  • v4-15
    New features:
    More robust thradj
    Means for FW v4.07
    Added skip initialisation sequence to CMSITminiDAQ
    Small change in RD53Event: some fields changed meaning
    Added a new user friendly way to pick up readout chip register values from txt file: see documentation pages 9 and 10
    Container cannot be accessed by index anymore
  • v4-14
    Last tag in which containers can be accessed using the index
  • v4-13
    IT updates:
    1. fixed bugs in latency scans in 4.12
    2. working x-talk scans
    3. possibility to configure data stream fields at runtime with xml file