diff --git a/gemos/analysis/dac_scan_analysis.py b/gemos/analysis/dac_scan_analysis.py
index 22962a00d9cb586ddb286f0f2a7405a77163b100..4e4334ada0ac4b8c354ae2ee4c8a764971d73cb7 100644
--- a/gemos/analysis/dac_scan_analysis.py
+++ b/gemos/analysis/dac_scan_analysis.py
@@ -1,12 +1,21 @@
-"""DAC scan routines"""
+@file dac_scan_analysis.py
+@author Antonello Pellecchia (antonello.pallecchia@cern.ch)
+@brief DAC scan routines
+@date 2022-12-06                                     
+__author__ = "Antonello Pellecchia"
+__maintainer__ = ["Camilla Galloni, Laurent Petre", "Daniel Estrada"]
-from enum import Enum
-import os
+import os
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import gc
 import mplhep
-import numpy as np
 import pandas as pd
+from numpy import ceil, argmin
+from enum import Enum
+from multiprocessing import cpu_count, Pool
 from gemos.analysis.vfat_calibrations import add_parameters
@@ -96,7 +105,7 @@ def analyze_scan(input_df):
         nominal_value = NOMINAL_DAC_VALUES[dac_name][0]
         # Calculate chosen ADC value as closest to nominal DAC value
-        chosen_index = np.argmin(abs(adc_values - nominal_value))
+        chosen_index = argmin(abs(adc_values - nominal_value))
         chosen_dac = dac_values[chosen_index]
         # Issue warnings
@@ -129,57 +138,50 @@ def analyze_scan(input_df):
     return pd.DataFrame.from_records(output_list).astype(int, errors="ignore")
-def plot_scan(input_df, output_df, output_dir):
+def plot_scan(vfat_group, output_df, output_dir):
     """Plot all DAC rate scans"""
+    (fed, slot, oh, vfat), vfat_df = vfat_group
-    output_df = output_df.set_index(["fed", "slot", "oh", "vfat", "dac-name"]).sort_index()
-    vfat_group = input_df.groupby(["fed", "slot", "oh", "vfat"])
+    dac_group = vfat_df.groupby("dac-name")
-    for (fed, slot, oh, vfat), vfat_df in vfat_group:
-        dac_group = vfat_df.groupby("dac-name")
+    # Prepare figure for plotting
+    nrows, ncols = 3, int(ceil(len(dac_group) / 3))
+    dac_scan_fig, dac_scan_axs = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=(55, 25))
+    dac_scan_axs = dac_scan_axs.flat
-        # Prepare figure for plotting
-        nrows, ncols = 3, int(np.ceil(len(dac_group) / 3))
-        dac_scan_fig, dac_scan_axs = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=(55, 25))
-        dac_scan_axs = dac_scan_axs.flat
+    # Plot all DAC
+    for group_index, (dac_name, dac_df) in enumerate(dac_group):
+        # Plot DAC scan for current VFAT and register
+        dac_scan_axs[group_index].set_xlabel("DAC units")
+        dac_scan_axs[group_index].set_ylabel(f"{dac_name} ({NOMINAL_DAC_VALUES[dac_name][1]})")
-        # Plot all DAC
-        for group_index, (dac_name, dac_df) in enumerate(dac_group):
-            # Plot DAC scan for current VFAT and register
-            dac_scan_axs[group_index].set_xlabel("DAC units")
-            dac_scan_axs[group_index].set_ylabel(f"{dac_name} ({NOMINAL_DAC_VALUES[dac_name][1]})")
+        dac_scan_axs[group_index].plot(dac_df["dac-value"], dac_df["adc-value"], ".", color="black")
-            dac_scan_axs[group_index].plot(
-                dac_df["dac-value"], dac_df["adc-value"], ".", color="black"
-            )
-            # Draw line pointing to set DAC value
-            nominal_value = NOMINAL_DAC_VALUES[dac_name][0]
-            chosen_dac = output_df.loc[(fed, slot, oh, vfat, dac_name), "dac-value"]
+        # Draw line pointing to set DAC value
+        nominal_value = NOMINAL_DAC_VALUES[dac_name][0]
+        chosen_dac = output_df.loc[(fed, slot, oh, vfat, dac_name), "dac-value"]
-            dac_scan_axs[group_index].plot(
-                [chosen_dac, chosen_dac],
-                [min(dac_df["adc-value"]), nominal_value],
-                "--",
-                color="blue",
-            )
-            dac_scan_axs[group_index].plot(
-                [min(dac_df["dac-value"]), chosen_dac],
-                [nominal_value, nominal_value],
-                "--",
-                color="blue",
-            )
+        dac_scan_axs[group_index].plot(
+            [chosen_dac, chosen_dac],
+            [min(dac_df["adc-value"]), nominal_value],
+            "--",
+            color="blue",
+        )
+        dac_scan_axs[group_index].plot(
+            [min(dac_df["dac-value"]), chosen_dac],
+            [nominal_value, nominal_value],
+            "--",
+            color="blue",
+        )
-        # Save the figure
-        output_figure = "{}/fed{}-slot{}-oh{}-vfat{}.png".format(output_dir, fed, slot, oh, vfat)
-        dac_scan_fig.savefig(output_figure)
-        print("Scan plot saved to {}".format(output_figure))
+    # Save the figure
+    output_figure = "{}/fed{}-slot{}-oh{}-vfat{}.png".format(output_dir, fed, slot, oh, vfat)
+    dac_scan_fig.savefig(output_figure)
+    print("Scan plot saved to {}".format(output_figure))
-        # Delete the figure
-        # FIXME: Reuse the figure
-        plt.close(dac_scan_fig)
-        del dac_scan_fig
+    # Make sure to keep the memory usage reasonable
+    plt.close(dac_scan_fig)
+    gc.collect()
 def create_configuration(
@@ -225,6 +227,23 @@ def create_configuration(
         # Plot!
         os.makedirs("{}/plots".format(output_dir), exist_ok=True)
-        plot_scan(input_df, output_df, output_dir / "plots")
+        output_df = output_df.set_index(["fed", "slot", "oh", "vfat", "dac-name"]).sort_index()
+        pool = Pool(cpu_count())
+        for vfat_group in input_df.groupby(["fed", "slot", "oh", "vfat"]):
+            # one image per vfat
+            pool.apply_async(
+                plot_scan,
+                args=(
+                    vfat_group,
+                    output_df,
+                    output_dir / "plots",
+                ),
+            )
+        pool.close()
+        pool.join()
     return output_filename
diff --git a/gemos/analysis/threshold_scan_analysis.py b/gemos/analysis/threshold_scan_analysis.py
index 74f1c192c7b7c2876bf94689de8fd36737a847d0..771b082101b54620b688275d2bcd3ab6be8578a4 100644
--- a/gemos/analysis/threshold_scan_analysis.py
+++ b/gemos/analysis/threshold_scan_analysis.py
@@ -1,71 +1,61 @@
-"""S-bit rate scan routines"""
+@file dac_scan_analysis.py
+@author Antonello Pellecchia (antonello.pallecchia@cern.ch)
+@brief S-bit rate scan routines
+@date 2022-12-06                                     
+__author__ = "Antonello Pellecchia"
+__maintainer__ = ["Laurent Petre", "Daniel Estrada"]
-import os
-import numpy as np
+import os
+import gc
 import pandas as pd
+from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 import mplhep
+from numpy import ceil
+from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
-def create_configuration(input_filenames, output_directory, target_rate, plotting=True):
-    def analyze_scan(group):
-        """Analyze the threshold scan for a given VFAT"""
-        (fed, slot, oh, vfat), df = group
-        # Set threshold as first value for which rate <= target_rate, if it exists
-        df_filtered = df[df["rate"] <= target_rate]
-        if len(df_filtered) != 0:
-            threshold_arm_dac = df_filtered.iloc[0]["dac-value"]
-        else:
-            threshold_arm_dac = df.iloc[-1]["dac-value"]
-        vfat_dict = dict(
-            [(key, [df.iloc[0][key]]) for key in ["fed", "slot", "oh", "vfat"]]
-            + [("threshold", [threshold_arm_dac])]
-        )
-        vfat_df = pd.DataFrame(vfat_dict)
-        return vfat_df
-    def plot_scan_oh(df):
-        """Plot threshold scans for all VFATs in single OH"""
-        def plot_scan_vfat(vfat, df, ax, time_interval):
-            """Plot threshold scan for single VFAT"""
-            ax.plot(df["dac-value"], df["rate"], "o")
-            # The axis limit is chosen to be twice the maximum rate aquired in the time interval of the scan
-            ax.set_ylim(1, time_interval * 40080000 * 2)
-            ax.set_xlim(0, 255)
-            ax.title.set_text(f"VFAT {vfat}")
-            ax.set_xlabel("THR_ARM_DAC")
-            ax.set_ylabel("S-bt rate (Hz)")
-            ax.set_yscale("log")
-        fed = df.iloc[0]["fed"]
-        slot = df.iloc[0]["slot"]
-        oh = df.iloc[0]["oh"]
-        # The s-bit counters increase of maximum 1 per each bunch crossing;
-        # the bunch crissing rate in LHC is 40.07897 MHz approximated to 4008000 MHz
-        # giving a possible increase in the s-bit counters of maximum 4008000 per second.
-        # The time interval used for the scan can be estimated in second as:
-        time_interval = (df["rate"].max() // 40080000) + 1
-        vfat_group = df.groupby(["vfat"])
-        nrows, ncols = 3, int(np.ceil(len(vfat_group) / 3))  # Round-up the number of columns
-        thr_scan_fig, thr_scan_axs = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=(ncols * 10, nrows * 10))
-        thr_scan_axs = thr_scan_axs.flat
-        for group_index, (vfat_index, vfat_df) in enumerate(vfat_group):
-            plot_scan_vfat(vfat_index, vfat_df, thr_scan_axs[group_index], time_interval)
-        output_figure = "{}/plots/fed{}-slot{}-oh{}.png".format(output_directory, fed, slot, oh)
-        thr_scan_fig.savefig(output_figure)
-        print("Scan plot saved to {}".format(output_figure))
+def plot_scan_oh(group, output_directory):
+    """Plot threshold scans for all VFATs in single OH"""
+    (fed, slot, oh), df = group
+    # The S-bit counters increase of maximum 1 per each bunch crossing;
+    # the bunch crossing rate in LHC is 40.07897 MHz approximated to 4008000 MHz
+    # giving a possible increase in the s-bit counters of maximum 4008000 per second.
+    # The time interval used for the scan can be estimated in second as:
+    time_interval = (df["rate"].max() // 40080000) + 1
+    nrows, ncols = 3, int(ceil(df["vfat"].max() / 3))  # Round-up the number of columns
+    fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=(ncols * 10, nrows * 10))
+    axs = axs.flat
+    for vfat, vfat_df in df.groupby("vfat"):
+        """Plot threshold scan for single VFAT"""
+        axs[vfat].semilogy(vfat_df["dac-value"], vfat_df["rate"], "o")
+        # The axis limit is chosen to be twice the maximum rate aquired in the time interval of the scan
+        axs[vfat].set_ylim(1, time_interval * 40080000 * 2)
+        axs[vfat].set_xlim(0, 255)
+        axs[vfat].title.set_text(f"VFAT {vfat}")
+        axs[vfat].set_xlabel("THR_ARM_DAC")
+        axs[vfat].set_ylabel("S-bt rate (Hz)")
+    plt.tight_layout()
+    output_figure = "{}/plots/fed{}-slot{}-oh{}.png".format(output_directory, fed, slot, oh)
+    fig.savefig(output_figure)
+    print("Scan plot saved to {}".format(output_figure))
+    # Make sure to keep the memory usage reasonable
+    plt.close(fig)
+    gc.collect()
+def create_configuration(input_filenames, output_directory, target_rate, plotting=True):
     # Load the input files
     df = pd.concat((pd.read_csv(f, sep=";", dtype=int) for f in input_filenames), ignore_index=True)
@@ -78,20 +68,46 @@ def create_configuration(input_filenames, output_directory, target_rate, plottin
-    # Create one file for all VFATs
-    threshold_df = pd.concat(
-        (analyze_scan(group) for group in df.groupby(["fed", "slot", "oh", "vfat"]))
-    )
+    # Compute the threshold values
+    condition = df["rate"].le(target_rate)
+    def analyze_scan(df):
+        """Helper function to get the threshold value for a given VFAT"""
+        try:  # Set threshold as first value for which rate <= target_rate, if it exists
+            threshold_arm_dac = df.loc[condition].iloc[0]
+        except IndexError:  # Use the highest value scanned, if the condition is never met
+            threshold_arm_dac = df.iloc[-1]
+        return threshold_arm_dac
+    df["threshold"] = df.groupby(["fed", "slot", "oh", "vfat"])["dac-value"].transform(analyze_scan)
+    # Save thresholds
     os.makedirs(output_directory, exist_ok=True)
+    output_filename = output_directory / "threshold-values.dat"
+    df.drop_duplicates(["fed", "slot", "oh", "vfat"]).loc[
+        :, ["fed", "slot", "oh", "vfat", "threshold"]
+    ].to_csv(output_filename, sep=";", index=False)
+    print("Output threshold file written to {}".format(output_filename))
     # Plot threshold scans for all VFATs in same OH in one canvas
     if plotting:
         os.makedirs(output_directory / "plots", exist_ok=True)
-        df.groupby(["fed", "slot", "oh"]).apply(plot_scan_oh)
-    output_filename = output_directory / "threshold-values.dat"
-    threshold_df.to_csv(output_filename, sep=";", index=False)
+        pool = Pool(cpu_count())
+        for group in df.groupby(["fed", "slot", "oh"]):
+            pool.apply_async(
+                plot_scan_oh,
+                args=(
+                    group,
+                    output_directory,
+                ),
+            )
+        pool.close()
+        pool.join()
-    print("Output threshold file written to {}".format(output_filename))
     return output_filename