diff --git a/docs/gemdoc/overview.md b/docs/gemdoc/overview.md
index a5938538040d8f4c2aed739e97a9f868d86a1225..33817aa0daef591a6cb86b81363e99a72586f950 100644
--- a/docs/gemdoc/overview.md
+++ b/docs/gemdoc/overview.md
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ As DOC, it is important to keep an eye on these pages in addition to monitoring
 ## Reporting in Google Docs 
-1. [Run List 2023](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1b5fQP5SsYUW0XheOydHnG1Yory3QIrJMMTwz4-rMkmc/edit#gid=179158703)  : this is where you report the global runs (> 1hr) with info you find using the OMS page + **any useful info about GE11 and GE21** (this is mainly to report on the LV and HV status).  
+1. [Run List 2024](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1md0qlCU7T7Isaa5_e6CAzrdJ3DQdap-T5H1eUQ4rvmE/edit?gid=370741251#gid=370741251)  : this is where you report the global runs (> 1hr) with info you find using the OMS page + **any useful info about GE11 and GE21** (this is mainly to report on the LV and HV status).  
     *  Runs are separated by month. There is a separate page to report local runs. 
 2. [ToBeDone](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/1m_OqvUmCpz6ge8rljOpFvAVRUmRCXPSGtEvBphsajBo/htmlview?pli=1#) : Important here is a) the list of HV anomalies and Shorts and b) the Equivalent divider current to HV values
diff --git a/docs/operations/taking-data.md b/docs/operations/taking-data.md
index a8c8086e3ebf550b830c764150bad43b9d364507..38b8bd7f5b9aca92c905d5d542b06589e8978d7c 100644
--- a/docs/operations/taking-data.md
+++ b/docs/operations/taking-data.md
@@ -68,6 +68,18 @@ At these point analyze the scan using the command :
 from the terminal of `cmsusr`. When done without error messages, you can find results in Today's VFATs point at [GEM Grafana Dead Channels Trends](https://cmsgemonline-monitoring.app.cern.ch/d/Trh6MZd4k/dead-channels-trends?orgId=1).
+#### Checking for shorts
+To check for shorts, ssh into the cmsusr-tunnel and execute the following commands :
+ssh gemvm-control
+sudo -u gemdoc -i
+Document any additional shorts in an ELOG and reach out to the RC about this.
 ## Taking a MiniDAQ run with given threshold
 To take a run with fixed threshold, first connect to [RCMS](http://cmsrc-gem.cms:20000/rcms), then create a MiniDAQ3 session by clicking on "MiniDAQ3" then on "GEM_MiniDAQ_LV0_withAutomator"; alternatively, attach to a running session.