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Added a max chi2 parameter for plots in Tracking4D

Added a max_plot_chi2 parameter for chi2 plots in Tracking4D - helpful when the initial telescope alignment is out by a few ten um (AIDA telescopes).

Whilst pre-alignment might solve this for many cases, I ran through AlignmentTrackChi2 with a large prune cutoff for track chi2 and that worked out of the box. To estimate the size of the cutoff, I had to set the plot range in Tracking4d for plots trackChi2 and trackChi2ndof to be variable, so that, as the alignment works things out, I can decrease the range of those plots.

New parameter max_plot_chi2 defaults to the old standard value of 50.0. Multiplied by 3 for trackChi2 and used as is in trackChi2ndof to reflect the existing behaviour.

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