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Draft: Calculate charge assymetrie, plot it and allow cutting on it in analysis DUT.

Finn King requested to merge ffeindt/corryvreckan:EtaChargeAsymmetry into master

Mix of little features, not really ready for spotlight. But let us decide if we want them before I start over-optimizing.

  • Adds a function to calculate eta (charge asymmetry) to EtaCalculation and analysisDUT. Would probably better be a member function of e.g. Cluster.
  • Plots the distribution of the charge asymmetry in EtaCalculation. Here it would probably be interesting to add the math to calculate a correction function from that, as a sort of orthogonal approach. The advantage is that this does not smear the “true” correction function with the telescope resolution. But definitively requires some additional work for implementation and testing.
  • Allows to cut on the charge asymmetry in AnalysisDut. This is extremely handy, because it allows for a direct estimate of the telescope resolution from data, using the method described in M. Antonello. It thus solves one of the main problem in sensor characterization, if one overlooks a few caveats (which I would discuss in the documentation in case we keep this)


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