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Declare several calculators for object systematic variations

Sebastien Wertz requested to merge swertz/bamboo:feat-multiCalc into master

Until now it was only possible to declare a single "calculator" object that would compute on-the-fly corrections and systematic variations to collections (e.g. jets, muons).

However, there might be cases where one wants to declare several kinds of variations or corrections, without having the hack the "default" calculator to add those additional variations.

More extensive documentation for how to implement custom object corrections/variations will follow.

Note that this breaks the interface for a pattern that you might be using, namely you cannot anymore do:

forceDefine(tree._Jet.calcProd, selection)

to force the insertion of the calculator at a certain point in the RDF graph, but you'll need to change to

for calcProd in tree._Jet.calcProds:
    forceDefine(calcProd, selection)

Merge request reports