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Draft: Add tests for LCG103

Sebastien Wertz requested to merge swertz/bamboo:LCG103 into master
  • Add test cases for LCG103, ROOT 6.28 (both gcc and clang)
  • Remove tests for LCG100 and LCG101, and only keep LCG99 (oldest supported), LCG102 (currently most used) and LCG103
  • Still as draft because there is an issue with the LCG103 tests: bambooRun hangs with a segmentation fault:
$ bambooRun --module=examples/ --distributed=worker --sample=DY_M50_test --anaConfig=examples/test1.yml tests/data/DY_M50_2016.root --output=test_worker_2.root
INFO:bamboo.analysismodules:No data-driven contributions selected                                                            
INFO:bamboo.workflow:Worker processing sample DY_M50_test with module examples/ Inputs: ['tests/data/DY_M50_2016.root'], tree: Events, output: test_worker_2.root, cer
tifiedLumiFile=None, runRange=None                                                                                                                                                          
WARNING:bamboo.analysisutils:Using makePileupWeight() with 'llbb' JSONs is deprecated!Use correctionlib JSONs and get_correction() instead                                                  
WARNING:bamboo.scalefactors:get_scalefactor() is deprecated! Use correctionlib and get_correction() instead                                                                                 
INFO:bamboo.analysismodules:11 plots defined for DY_M50_test in 0.89s, max RSS: 619.53MB                                                                                                    
INFO:bamboo.analysismodules:Systematic shape variations impacting any plots: jer0, jer1, jer2, jer3, jer4, jer5, jesAbsoluteFlavMap, jesAbsoluteMPFBias, jesAbsoluteScale, jesAbsoluteStat, j
esCorrelationGroupFlavor, jesCorrelationGroupIntercalibration, jesCorrelationGroupMPFInSitu, jesCorrelationGroupUncorrelated, jesCorrelationGroupbJES, jesFlavorPhotonJet, jesFlavorPureBotto
m, jesFlavorPureCharm, jesFlavorPureGluon, jesFlavorPureQuark, jesFlavorQCD, jesFlavorZJet, jesFragmentation, jesPileUpDataMC, jesPileUpEnvelope, jesPileUpMuZero, jesPileUpPtBB, jesPileUpPt
EC1, jesPileUpPtEC2, jesPileUpPtHF, jesPileUpPtRef, jesRelativeBal, jesRelativeFSR, jesRelativeJEREC1, jesRelativeJEREC2, jesRelativeJERHF, jesRelativePtBB, jesRelativePtEC1, jesRelativePtE
C2, jesRelativePtHF, jesRelativeSample, jesRelativeStatEC, jesRelativeStatFSR, jesRelativeStatHF, jesSinglePionECAL, jesSinglePionHCAL, jesSubTotalAbsolute, jesSubTotalMC, jesSubTotalPileUp
, jesSubTotalPt, jesSubTotalRelative, jesSubTotalScale, jesTimePtEta, jesTimeRunBCD, jesTimeRunEF, jesTimeRunGH, jesTotal, jesTotalNoFlavor, jesTotalNoFlavorNoTime, jesTotalNoTime, qcdScale
0, qcdScale1, qcdScale3, qcdScale5, qcdScale7, qcdScale8, unclustEn                                                                                                                         
INFO:bamboo.workflow:Start backend graph construction                                                                                                                                       
INFO:bamboo.dataframebackend:Number of uses per node type: 15 gInterpreter_Declare, 1003 Define, 684 Histo1D, 127 Filter, 1 Snapshot                                                        
INFO:bamboo.workflow:Backend graph construction done in 24.01s, max RSS: 927.38MB                                                                                                           
INFO:bamboo.workflow:Starting to fill plots (and skims)                                                                                                                                     
RDF event loop started to process entries                                                                                                                                                   
WARNING:bamboo.plots:Unsupported product type for data-driven: Skim, additional products will not be stored                                                                                 
INFO:bamboo.workflow:Plots finished in 15.41s, max RSS: 1180.16MB. 810 histograms, 1 skims, 22 histograms for associated selections                                                         
 *** Break *** segmentation violation
Edited by Oguz Guzel

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