Fix ci failing tests
The Helm rewrite (#753 (closed)) seems to have introduced an issue where tests are failing. @kskovola noted that reverting this commit fixed the issue: !607 (closed). However, we should find a more permanent fix for this. Currently, this issue is blocking further development work from being merged.
volume in use
Failure due to Tests affected:
All of these (periodically) fail with the same volume in use
Labeling tapes:
cta-tape-label --vid V00101 --force
Aug 26 00:46:48.934320029 tpsrv01 cta-tape-label: LVL="WARN" PID="295" TID="295" MSG="Drive does not support LBP" userName="cta" tapeVid="V00101" tapeOldLabel="" force="true" tapeLoadTimeout="7200"
Aborting: Failed to mount tape for read/write access: vid=V00101 slot=smc0: Failed to mount tape in SCSI tape-library for read/write access: vid=V00101 librarySlot=smc0: Received error from rmcd: rmcRc=2204 rmcErrorStream=smc_mount: Asked for V00101, got reply for V00101
smc_mount: Location: data transfer element (0x4)
smc_mount: SR018 - mount of V00101 on drive 0 failed : volume in use
command terminated with exit code 1
ERROR: failed to label the tape V00101
FAILURE: cleaning up environment
command terminated with exit code 1
Auth failure
The job test-repack
is failing with the following error:
Copying files to /eos/ctaeos/preprod/18b6e1c2-d5c1-4f33-bf74-73fee39bf0a1/0 using 100 processes...Starting at 1724766188
All file copies to disk for subdir 0 took 0 seconds.
Timestamp after all files copied 1724766188
1724766188: Waiting for files to be on tape:
1724766188: Waiting for files to be archived to tape: Seconds passed = 0
0/1 archived checked within 2 seconds, current timestamp 1724766190
Error from XRootD SSI Framework: [FATAL] Auth failed: No protocols left to try
1724766190: Waiting for files to be archived to tape: Seconds passed = 2
There seems to be a related discussion in the Helm chart conversion issue: #753 (comment 8323968)
is also failing, but this is related to #812 (closed).
Edited by Niels Alexander Buegel