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  • Andreas Joachim Peters's avatar
    CONSOLE: add 'beta' version of 'eos rclone copy|sync' command and · 60099070
    Andreas Joachim Peters authored and Elvin Alin Sindrilaru's avatar Elvin Alin Sindrilaru committed
    initial set of 'rclone copy' tests - fixes EOS-5598
    usage: rclone copy src-dir dst-dir [--nodelete] [--noupdate] [--dryrun] [--atomic] [--versions] [--hidden] [-v|--verbose] [-s|--silent]
                                           : copy from source to destination [one-way sync]
           rclone sync dir1 dir2 [--nodelete] [--noupdate] [--dryrun] [--atomic] [--versions] [--hidden] [-v|--verbose] [-s|--silent]
                                           : bi-directional sync based on modification times
                                --nodelete : never delete!
                                --noupdate : never update files, only create new ones!
                                --dryrun   : simulate the command and show all actions, but don't do it!
                                --atomic   : copy/sync also EOS atomic files
                                --versions : copy/sync also EOS atomic files
                                --hidden   : copy/sync also hidden files/directories
                             -v --verbose  : display all actions, not only a summary
                             -s --silent   : only show errors
    ALL: add rclone copy tests