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Apply different calibration depending on the DAQ system: Ph2_ACF or BDAQ

Different calibration functions are used for Ph2_acf and BDAQ. This is due to the fact that for the former only the linear part of the gain curve is fitted, while for the latter also the region corresponding to low values is taken into account.

Less important changes slightly related to the calibration have been performed:

  • The sigma from the fit of cluster charge to a moyal distribution has been made a configurable parameter, as it will depend on the units used for the cluster charge distribution.
  • The signature of the InPixelHistos function from src/core/utils/inpixelhistos.cpp has been changed allowing to define the limits of the pixel cell plots when calling the function. This is to be adjusted depending on the units used for the cluster charge distribution.
Edited by Clara Lasaosa Garcia

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