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Local decoders for UT-TELL40 output
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Portfolio of work from Matt Anthony.
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Niklas Stefan Nolte / LHCb
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterThe LHCb project contains general purpose classes used throughout the LHCb software. It is built on top of the Gaudi framework. Documentation is available at http://cern.ch/lhcbdoc/lhcb
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Migration tools used to move from CASTOR to EOS+CTA
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Full software HLT1 reconstruction sequence on GPU.
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Sebastien Wertz / CMSJMECalculators
Apache License 2.0A ROOT::RDataFrame-friendly implementation of jet and MET variations for the CMS experiment NanoAOD files
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Some utilities to test the residual calibration correction factors using the parameters obtained with https://gitlab.cern.ch/privaden/residualcalibration The original of this code is found in https://gitlab.cern.ch/delsart/DJSExtendedAnalysis
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The Gaudi project is an open project for providing the necessary interfaces and services for building HEP experiment frameworks in the domain of event data processing applications. The Gaudi framework is experiment independent.
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Code to test link sharing functionality of ITkPix ASICs
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Daniel Joseph Antrim / hhbb4l
MIT LicenseArchived 0Updated -
Pieter David / CMSJMECalculators
Apache License 2.0A ROOT::RDataFrame-friendly implementation of jet and MET variations for the CMS experiment NanoAOD files
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Standalone selection helper code for jet kinematics and b-tagging
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