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George Salukvadze / np02-slow-control
MIT LicenseNP02 Slow Control web application
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Deployment of new sets of Gitlab CI shared runners, and also for decommissioning them.
No longer in use, replaced by https://gitlab.cern.ch/vcs/oo-gitlab-cern/tree/master/chart/charts/shared-runners
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The Gaudi project is an open project for providing the necessary interfaces and services for building HEP experiment frameworks in the domain of event data processing applications. The Gaudi framework is experiment independent.
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PLCintegration integration TSPP (time stamp push protocol from CERN) for these PLCs into WinCC-OA/scada, by providing OPCUA quasar servers
Siemens S7-300 and S7-400 TSPP integration as OPCUA adress space (Damien, Ben) Schneider TSPP integration modb
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Deployment of ExternalDNS components to manage DynDNS zones.
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Andreas Pappas / LHCb_WebDisplay
Apache License 2.0The LHCb run3 geometry & event new web display
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SWAN / jupyter
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Files to be downloaded into the container image for Jupyter.
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Firmware for the na62 first level trigger. It works on a Terasic DE4 board with 8 ethernet connections, 4 of them hosted in two HSMC mezzanines. All the details are described in https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/NA62/TDAQL0tp
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A quick solution to compare an old version of the LCG Nightly report with the current output to investigate significant changes in build or publication times
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Theo Martin Meyer / cerncss
MIT LicenseArchived 0Updated