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adapos / ADAPRO
MIT LicenseA general-purpose application framework for multi-threaded applications with support for a configuration file and remote control. Written in C++14.
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Archived 0Updated
Christian Bourjau / AliRoot
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseMirror of AliRoot
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Nikola Hardi / AliRoot
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseArchived 0Updated -
The HTML source code for https://angelsanddemons.web.cern.ch/.
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Abstraction on top of the CERN Authorization Service API
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Archived 0Updated
Box in the box: containerized, self-contained package with CERNBox, EOS, SWAN,...
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Box in the box: containerized, self-contained package with CERNBox, EOS, SWAN,...