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Instantiation of Linear-Regression module in TM Track-Finder extensible firmware framework.
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Basic pin-out build to check pin-planning and ADC clocking structures
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This repository contains necessary files to test Linear-Regression High-Level Synthesis implementation.
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Integration of Linear-Regression High-Level Synthesis in EMP framework project.
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GBT-SC for FPGA: This module (VHDL) allows performing slow-control of the front-end through GBT links (GBTx and SCA configuration)
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The implementation of Linear-Regression algorithm from CMSSW to HLS in ten branches and step-wise fashion.
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The SCA eXtension (SCAX) is a module designed in order for the users to have full control over the configuration registers of FPGA-based systems in the ATLAS NSW via FELIX.
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This repository contains schemes, digital design and documentation of the new MCOI platform, which using Enclustra XU5 module with FPGA ZYNQ (XCZU4EV-SFVC784)
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