diff --git a/Tracker/TrackerDigitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/CMakeLists.txt b/Tracker/TrackerDigitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e836c3e3cca2471e61dfe071ad8df8372dee261d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tracker/TrackerDigitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# Package: FaserSCT_Digitization
+# Declare the package name:
+atlas_subdir( FaserSCT_Digitization )
+# Declare the package's dependencies:
+atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC
+                          #Commission/CommissionEvent
+                          Control/AthenaBaseComps
+                          Control/AthenaKernel
+                          Control/PileUpTools
+                          DetectorDescription/Identifier
+                          Event/xAOD/xAODEventInfo
+                          GaudiKernel
+                          InnerDetector/InDetConditions/InDetCondTools
+                          Tracker/TrackerDigitization/FaserSiDigitization
+                          InnerDetector/InDetRawEvent/InDetRawData
+                          Tracker/TrackerSimEvent
+                          Simulation/HitManagement
+                          PRIVATE
+                          Control/StoreGate
+                          Generators/GeneratorObjects
+                          #InnerDetector/InDetConditions/InDetConditionsSummaryService
+                          #InnerDetector/InDetConditions/SCT_ConditionsTools
+                          #InnerDetector/InDetConditions/SiPropertiesTool
+                          Tracker/TrackerDetDescr/TrackerIdentifier
+                          Tracker/TrackerDetDescr/TrackerReadoutGeometry
+                          #InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/SCT_ModuleDistortions
+                          InnerDetector/InDetRawEvent/InDetSimData )
+# External dependencies:
+find_package( Boost COMPONENTS filesystem thread system )
+find_package( CLHEP )
+find_package( ROOT COMPONENTS Core Tree MathCore Hist RIO pthread )
+# Component(s) in the package:
+atlas_add_component( FaserSCT_Digitization
+                     src/*.cxx
+                     src/components/*.cxx
+                     LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${CLHEP_LIBRARIES} AthenaBaseComps AthenaKernel PileUpToolsLib Identifier xAODEventInfo GaudiKernel FaserSiDigitization InDetRawData TrackerSimEvent HitManagement GeneratorObjects TrackerIdentifier TrackerReadoutGeometry InDetSimData )
+#                     LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${CLHEP_LIBRARIES} CommissionEvent AthenaBaseComps AthenaKernel PileUpToolsLib Identifier xAODEventInfo GaudiKernel SiDigitization InDetRawData InDetSimEvent HitManagement GeneratorObjects SiPropertiesToolLib InDetIdentifier InDetReadoutGeometry InDetSimData )
+#atlas_add_test( SCT_DigitizationMT_test
+#                SCRIPT Digi_tf.py --inputHITSFile /cvmfs/atlas-nightlies.cern.ch/repo/data/data-art/DigitizationTests/HITS.04919495._001041.pool.root.1 --conditionsTag default:OFLCOND-RUN12-SDR-25 --digiSeedOffset1 170 --digiSeedOffset2 170 --geometryVersion ATLAS-R2-2015-03-01-00 --DataRunNumber 222525 --outputRDOFile mc15_2015_ttbar.RDO.pool.root --preInclude HITtoRDO:SimulationJobOptions/preInclude.SCTOnlyConfig.py,Digitization/ForceUseOfAlgorithms.py --postInclude Digitization/FixDataDependenciesForMT.py --skipEvents 0  --maxEvents 100 --athenaopts=--threads=10
+#                PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 1200
+#                ENVIRONMENT THREADS=10 )
+# Install files from the package:
+atlas_install_headers( FaserSCT_Digitization )
+atlas_install_python_modules( python/*.py )
+atlas_install_joboptions( share/*.py )
diff --git a/Tracker/TrackerDigitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/ATLAS_CHECK_THREAD_SAFETY b/Tracker/TrackerDigitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/ATLAS_CHECK_THREAD_SAFETY
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c5030c6d4ab80ea56f53ce2ea52e49acec23ed91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tracker/TrackerDigitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/ATLAS_CHECK_THREAD_SAFETY
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tracker/TrackerDigitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/ISCT_Amp.h b/Tracker/TrackerDigitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/ISCT_Amp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..267840df70550cf4cc63de8a9f5d3de8a9c86fa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tracker/TrackerDigitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/ISCT_Amp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+ * ISCT_Amp.h
+ * Header file for abstract base class ISCT_Amp
+ * (c) ATLAS Detector software
+ * Interface for the SiChargedDiode processor classes
+ * 23/08/2007 Kondo.Gnanvo@cern.ch, and others   
+ */
+#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgTool.h"
+#include "TrackerSimEvent/SiTotalCharge.h"
+#include <vector>
+static const InterfaceID IID_ISCT_Amp("ISCT_Amp", 1, 0);
+class ISCT_Amp : virtual public IAlgTool {
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // Public methods:
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ public:
+  typedef SiTotalCharge::list_t list_t;
+  //Retrieve interface ID
+  static const InterfaceID& interfaceID() { return IID_ISCT_Amp; }
+  // Destructor:
+  virtual ~ISCT_Amp() {}
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // Pure virtual methods:
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // process the collection of charged diodes
+  /** main purpose: CR-RC^3 response to a list of charges with times */
+  virtual float response(const list_t& Charges, const float timeOverThreshold) const =0;
+  virtual void response(const list_t& Charges, const float timeOverThreshold, std::vector<float>& resp) const =0;
+  /** Neighbour strip cross talk response strip to a list of charges with times */
+  virtual float crosstalk(const list_t& Charges, const float timeOverThreshold) const =0;
+  virtual void crosstalk(const list_t& Charges, const float timeOverThreshold, std::vector<float> &resp) const =0;
diff --git a/Tracker/TrackerDigitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/ISCT_FrontEnd.h b/Tracker/TrackerDigitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/ISCT_FrontEnd.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..35a40ddbfa4f78825dae788954202f868c527732
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tracker/TrackerDigitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/ISCT_FrontEnd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+ * ISCT_FrontEnd.h
+ * Header file for interface class for SCT_FrontEnd
+ * (c) ATLAS Detector software
+ */
+#include "FaserSiDigitization/ISiChargedDiodesProcessorTool.h"
+#include "FaserSiDigitization/SiChargedDiode.h"
+#include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
+class SiChargedDiodeCollection;
+namespace CLHEP {
+  class HepRandomEngine;
+static const InterfaceID IID_ISCT_FrontEnd("ISCT_FrontEnd", 1, 0);
+class ISCT_FrontEnd : virtual public ISiChargedDiodesProcessorTool {
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // Public methods:
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ public:
+  //** Retrieve interface ID */
+  static const InterfaceID& interfaceID() { return IID_ISCT_FrontEnd; }
+  //** Destructor: */
+  virtual ~ISCT_FrontEnd() {}
diff --git a/Tracker/TrackerDigitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/ISCT_RandomDisabledCellGenerator.h b/Tracker/TrackerDigitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/ISCT_RandomDisabledCellGenerator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d3c69bc251a9402ca1bb6e3a02cbd2c65c45a250
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tracker/TrackerDigitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/ISCT_RandomDisabledCellGenerator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+ * ISCT_RandomDisabledCellGenerator.h
+ * Header file for interface class for SCT_RandomDisabledCellGenerator
+ * (c) ATLAS Detector software
+ */
+#include "FaserSiDigitization/ISiChargedDiodesProcessorTool.h"
+class SiChargedDiodeCollection;
+namespace CLHEP {
+  class HepRandomEngine;
+static const InterfaceID IID_ISCT_RandomDisabledCellGenerator("ISCT_RandomDisabledCellGenerator",1,0);
+class ISCT_RandomDisabledCellGenerator : virtual public ISiChargedDiodesProcessorTool {
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // Public methods:
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ public:
+  //Retrieve interface ID
+  static const InterfaceID& interfaceID() { return IID_ISCT_RandomDisabledCellGenerator; }
+  // Destructor:
+  virtual ~ISCT_RandomDisabledCellGenerator() {}
diff --git a/Tracker/TrackerDigitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/ISCT_SurfaceChargesGenerator.h b/Tracker/TrackerDigitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/ISCT_SurfaceChargesGenerator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9188844d716ab40eab7ff8fe924a240a0dee6a64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tracker/TrackerDigitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/ISCT_SurfaceChargesGenerator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+ * ISCT_SurfaceChargesGenerator.h
+ * Header file for abstract base class ISCT_SurfaceChargesGenerator
+ * (c) ATLAS Detector software
+ * Interface for the Sct_SurfaceCharge generator classes
+ * Version  23/08/2007 Kondo Gnanvo
+ */
+// Input/output classes
+#include <list>
+#include "FaserSiDigitization/SiSurfaceCharge.h"
+#include "HitManagement/TimedHitPtr.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgTool.h"
+class FaserSiHit;
+namespace TrackerDD {
+  class SiDetectorElement;
+namespace CLHEP {
+  class HepRandomEngine;
+class ISiSurfaceChargesInserter
+ public:
+  virtual ~ISiSurfaceChargesInserter() {}
+  virtual void operator() (const SiSurfaceCharge& scharge) const = 0;
+static const InterfaceID IID_ISCT_SurfaceChargesGenerator("ISCT_SurfaceChargesGenerator",1,0);
+class ISCT_SurfaceChargesGenerator : virtual public IAlgTool {
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // Public methods:
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ public:
+  //Retrieve interface ID
+  static const InterfaceID& interfaceID() { return IID_ISCT_SurfaceChargesGenerator; }
+  // Destructor:
+  virtual ~ISCT_SurfaceChargesGenerator() {}
+  virtual void process(const TrackerDD::SiDetectorElement* ele,
+                       const TimedHitPtr<FaserSiHit>& phit,
+                       const ISiSurfaceChargesInserter& inserter, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine * rndmEngine) const =0;
+  virtual void setFixedTime(float fixedTime) =0;
diff --git a/Tracker/TrackerDigitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/src/SCT_DigitizationTool.cxx b/Tracker/TrackerDigitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/src/SCT_DigitizationTool.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..981e3e97d98de8da7c12d9c5f15c91406255d8ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tracker/TrackerDigitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/src/SCT_DigitizationTool.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,795 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+#include "SCT_DigitizationTool.h"
+// Mother Package includes
+#include "FaserSiDigitization/SiHelper.h"
+#include "FaserSiDigitization/SiChargedDiodeCollection.h"
+// EDM includes
+#include "InDetRawData/SCT1_RawData.h"
+#include "InDetRawData/SCT3_RawData.h"
+// Hit class includes
+#include "TrackerSimEvent/FaserSiHit.h"
+#include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
+// Det Descr includes
+#include "TrackerReadoutGeometry/SiDetectorElement.h"
+#include "TrackerReadoutGeometry/SCT_ModuleSideDesign.h"
+// Data Handle
+#include "StoreGate/ReadCondHandle.h"
+#include "StoreGate/ReadHandle.h"
+// Random Number Generation
+#include "AthenaKernel/RNGWrapper.h"
+#include "CLHEP/Random/RandomEngine.h"
+// C++ Standard Library
+#include <memory>
+#include <sstream>
+// Barcodes at the HepMC level are int
+using TrackerDD::SiCellId;
+SCT_DigitizationTool::SCT_DigitizationTool(const std::string& type,
+                                           const std::string& name,
+                                           const IInterface* parent) :
+  base_class(type, name, parent) {
+  m_WriteSCT1_RawData.declareUpdateHandler(&SCT_DigitizationTool::SetupRdoOutputType, this);
+SCT_DigitizationTool::~SCT_DigitizationTool() {
+  delete m_thpcsi;
+  for (FaserSiHitCollection* hit: m_hitCollPtrs) {
+    hit->Clear();
+    delete hit;
+  }
+  m_hitCollPtrs.clear();
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Initialize method:
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+StatusCode SCT_DigitizationTool::initialize() {
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("SCT_DigitizationTool::initialize()");
+  // +++ Init the services
+  ATH_CHECK(initServices());
+  // +++ Get the Surface Charges Generator tool
+  ATH_CHECK(initSurfaceChargesGeneratorTool());
+  // +++ Get the Front End tool
+  ATH_CHECK(initFrontEndTool());
+  // +++ Initialise for disabled cells from the random disabled cells tool
+  // +++ Default off, since disabled cells taken form configuration in
+  // reconstruction stage
+  if (m_randomDisabledCells) {
+    ATH_CHECK(initDisabledCells());
+    ATH_MSG_INFO("Use of Random disabled cells");
+  } else {
+    m_sct_RandomDisabledCellGenerator.disable();
+  }
+  // check the input object name
+  if (m_hitsContainerKey.key().empty()) {
+    ATH_MSG_FATAL("Property InputObjectName not set !");
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  if(m_onlyUseContainerName) m_inputObjectName = m_hitsContainerKey.key();
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Input objects in container : '" << m_inputObjectName << "'");
+  // Initialize ReadHandleKey
+  ATH_CHECK(m_hitsContainerKey.initialize(!m_onlyUseContainerName));
+  // +++ Initialize WriteHandleKey
+  ATH_CHECK(m_rdoContainerKey.initialize());
+  ATH_CHECK(m_simDataCollMapKey.initialize());
+  // Initialize ReadCondHandleKey
+  ATH_CHECK(m_SCTDetEleCollKey.initialize());
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("SiDigitizationTool::initialize() complete");
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+namespace {
+  class SiDigitizationSurfaceChargeInserter
+    : public ISiSurfaceChargesInserter
+  {
+  public:
+    SiDigitizationSurfaceChargeInserter(const TrackerDD::SiDetectorElement* sielement,
+                                        SiChargedDiodeCollection* chargedDiodes)
+      : m_sielement(sielement),
+        m_chargedDiodes(chargedDiodes) {
+    }
+    void operator () (const SiSurfaceCharge& scharge) const;
+  private:
+    const TrackerDD::SiDetectorElement* m_sielement;
+    SiChargedDiodeCollection* m_chargedDiodes;
+  };
+  void SiDigitizationSurfaceChargeInserter::operator ()
+    (const SiSurfaceCharge& scharge) const {
+    // get the diode in which this charge is
+    SiCellId diode{m_sielement->cellIdOfPosition(scharge.position())};
+    if (diode.isValid()) {
+      // add this charge to the collection (or merge in existing charged diode)
+      m_chargedDiodes->add(diode, scharge.charge());
+    }
+  }
+} // anonymous namespace
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Initialise the surface charge generator Tool
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+StatusCode SCT_DigitizationTool::initSurfaceChargesGeneratorTool() {
+  ATH_CHECK(m_sct_SurfaceChargesGenerator.retrieve());
+  if (m_cosmicsRun and m_tfix > -998) {
+    m_sct_SurfaceChargesGenerator->setFixedTime(m_tfix);
+    ATH_MSG_INFO("Use of FixedTime = " << m_tfix << " in cosmics");
+  }
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Retrieved and initialised tool " << m_sct_SurfaceChargesGenerator);
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Initialise the Front End electronics Tool
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+StatusCode SCT_DigitizationTool::initFrontEndTool() {
+  ATH_CHECK(m_sct_FrontEnd.retrieve());
+  storeTool(&(*m_sct_FrontEnd));
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Retrieved and initialised tool " << m_sct_FrontEnd);
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Initialize the different services
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+StatusCode SCT_DigitizationTool::initServices() {
+  // Get SCT ID helper for hash function and Store them using methods from the
+  // SiDigitization.
+  ATH_CHECK(detStore()->retrieve(m_detID, "FaserSCT_ID"));
+  ATH_CHECK(m_mergeSvc.retrieve());
+  ATH_CHECK(m_rndmSvc.retrieve());
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Initialize the disabled cells for cosmics or CTB cases
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+StatusCode SCT_DigitizationTool::initDisabledCells() {
+  // +++ Retrieve the SCT_RandomDisabledCellGenerator
+  ATH_CHECK(m_sct_RandomDisabledCellGenerator.retrieve());
+  storeTool(&(*m_sct_RandomDisabledCellGenerator));
+  ATH_MSG_INFO("Retrieved the SCT_RandomDisabledCellGenerator tool:" << m_sct_RandomDisabledCellGenerator);
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode SCT_DigitizationTool::processAllSubEvents() {
+  if (prepareEvent(0).isFailure()) {
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  // Set the RNG to use for this event.
+  ATHRNG::RNGWrapper* rngWrapper = m_rndmSvc->getEngine(this);
+  rngWrapper->setSeed( name(), Gaudi::Hive::currentContext() );
+  CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *rndmEngine = *rngWrapper;
+  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Begin digitizeAllHits");
+  if (m_enableHits and (not getNextEvent().isFailure())) {
+    digitizeAllHits(&m_rdoContainer, &m_simDataCollMap, &m_processedElements, m_thpcsi, rndmEngine);
+  } else {
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("no hits found in event!");
+  }
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Digitized Elements with Hits");
+  // loop over elements without hits
+  if (not m_onlyHitElements) {
+    digitizeNonHits(&m_rdoContainer, &m_simDataCollMap, &m_processedElements, rndmEngine);
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Digitized Elements without Hits");
+  }
+  delete m_thpcsi;
+  m_thpcsi = nullptr;
+  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Digitize success!");
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+// ======================================================================
+// prepareEvent
+// ======================================================================
+StatusCode SCT_DigitizationTool::prepareEvent(unsigned int /*index*/) {
+  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("SCT_DigitizationTool::prepareEvent()");
+  // Create the IdentifiableContainer to contain the digit collections Create
+  // a new RDO container
+  m_rdoContainer = SG::makeHandle(m_rdoContainerKey);
+  ATH_CHECK(m_rdoContainer.record(std::make_unique<SCT_RDO_Container>(m_detID->wafer_hash_max())));
+  // Create a map for the SDO and register it into StoreGate
+  m_simDataCollMap = SG::makeHandle(m_simDataCollMapKey);
+  ATH_CHECK(m_simDataCollMap.record(std::make_unique<InDetSimDataCollection>()));
+  m_processedElements.clear();
+  m_processedElements.resize(m_detID->wafer_hash_max(), false);
+  m_thpcsi = new TimedHitCollection<FaserSiHit>();
+//   m_HardScatterSplittingSkipper = false;
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+// =========================================================================
+// mergeEvent
+// =========================================================================
+StatusCode SCT_DigitizationTool::mergeEvent() {
+  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("SCT_DigitizationTool::mergeEvent()");
+  // Set the RNG to use for this event.
+  ATHRNG::RNGWrapper* rngWrapper = m_rndmSvc->getEngine(this);
+  rngWrapper->setSeed( name(), Gaudi::Hive::currentContext() );
+  CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *rndmEngine = *rngWrapper;
+  if (m_enableHits) {
+    digitizeAllHits(&m_rdoContainer, &m_simDataCollMap, &m_processedElements, m_thpcsi, rndmEngine);
+  }
+  if (not m_onlyHitElements) {
+    digitizeNonHits(&m_rdoContainer, &m_simDataCollMap, &m_processedElements, rndmEngine);
+  }
+  for (FaserSiHitCollection* hit: m_hitCollPtrs) {
+    hit->Clear();
+    delete hit;
+  }
+  m_hitCollPtrs.clear();
+  delete m_thpcsi;
+  m_thpcsi = nullptr;
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Digitize success!");
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+void SCT_DigitizationTool::digitizeAllHits(SG::WriteHandle<SCT_RDO_Container>* rdoContainer, SG::WriteHandle<InDetSimDataCollection>* simDataCollMap, std::vector<bool>* processedElements, TimedHitCollection<FaserSiHit>* thpcsi, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine * rndmEngine) const {
+  /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //
+  // In order to process all element rather than just those with hits we
+  // create a vector to keep track of which elements have been processed.
+  // NB. an element is an sct module
+  //
+  /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Digitizing hits");
+  int hitcount{0}; // First, elements with hits.
+  SiChargedDiodeCollection chargedDiodes;
+  while (digitizeElement(&chargedDiodes, thpcsi, rndmEngine)) {
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Hit collection ID=" << m_detID->show_to_string(chargedDiodes.identify()));
+    hitcount++;  // Hitcount will be a number in the hit collection minus
+    // number of hits in missing mods
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("in digitize elements with hits: station - layer - eta - phi  "
+                  << m_detID->station(chargedDiodes.identify()) << " - "
+                  << m_detID->layer(chargedDiodes.identify()) << " - "
+                  << m_detID->eta_module(chargedDiodes.identify()) << " - "
+                  << m_detID->phi_module(chargedDiodes.identify()) << " - "
+                  << " processing hit number " << hitcount);
+    // Have a flag to check if the module is present or not
+    // Generally assume it is:
+    IdentifierHash idHash{chargedDiodes.identifyHash()};
+    assert(idHash < processedElements->size());
+    (*processedElements)[idHash] = true;
+    // create and store RDO and SDO
+    if (not chargedDiodes.empty()) {
+      StatusCode sc{createAndStoreRDO(&chargedDiodes, rdoContainer)};
+      if (sc.isSuccess()) { // error msg is given inside
+        // createAndStoreRDO()
+        addSDO(&chargedDiodes, simDataCollMap);
+      }
+    }
+    chargedDiodes.clear();
+  }
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("hits processed");
+  return;
+// digitize elements without hits
+void SCT_DigitizationTool::digitizeNonHits(SG::WriteHandle<SCT_RDO_Container>* rdoContainer, SG::WriteHandle<InDetSimDataCollection>* simDataCollMap, const std::vector<bool>* processedElements, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine * rndmEngine) const {
+  // Get SCT_DetectorElementCollection
+  SG::ReadCondHandle<TrackerDD::SiDetectorElementCollection> sctDetEle(m_SCTDetEleCollKey);
+  const TrackerDD::SiDetectorElementCollection* elements{sctDetEle.retrieve()};
+  if (elements==nullptr) {
+    ATH_MSG_FATAL(m_SCTDetEleCollKey.fullKey() << " could not be retrieved");
+    return;
+  }
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("processing elements without hits");
+  SiChargedDiodeCollection chargedDiodes;
+  for (unsigned int i{0}; i < processedElements->size(); i++) {
+    if (not (*processedElements)[i]) {
+      IdentifierHash idHash{i};
+      if (not idHash.is_valid()) {
+        ATH_MSG_ERROR("SCT Detector element id hash is invalid = " << i);
+      }
+      const TrackerDD::SiDetectorElement* element{elements->getDetectorElement(idHash)};
+      if (element) {
+        ATH_MSG_DEBUG("In digitize of untouched elements: layer - phi - eta  "
+                      << m_detID->layer(element->identify()) << " - "
+                      << m_detID->phi_module(element->identify()) << " - "
+                      << m_detID->eta_module(element->identify()) << " - "
+                      << "size: " << processedElements->size());
+        chargedDiodes.setDetectorElement(element);
+        ATH_MSG_DEBUG("calling applyProcessorTools() for NON hits");
+        applyProcessorTools(&chargedDiodes, rndmEngine);
+        // Create and store RDO and SDO
+        // Don't create empty ones.
+        if (not chargedDiodes.empty()) {
+          StatusCode sc{createAndStoreRDO(&chargedDiodes, rdoContainer)};
+          if (sc.isSuccess()) {// error msg is given inside
+            // createAndStoreRDO()
+            addSDO(&chargedDiodes, simDataCollMap);
+          }
+        }
+        chargedDiodes.clear();
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return;
+bool SCT_DigitizationTool::digitizeElement(SiChargedDiodeCollection* chargedDiodes, TimedHitCollection<FaserSiHit>*& thpcsi, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine * rndmEngine) const {
+  if (nullptr == thpcsi) {
+    ATH_MSG_ERROR("thpcsi should not be nullptr!");
+    return false;
+  }
+  // get the iterator pairs for this DetEl
+  TimedHitCollection<FaserSiHit>::const_iterator i, e;
+  if (thpcsi->nextDetectorElement(i, e) == false) { // no more hits
+    return false;
+  }
+  // create the identifier for the collection:
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("create ID for the hit collection");
+  const TimedHitPtr<FaserSiHit>& firstHit{*i};
+  int barrel{firstHit->getStation()};
+  Identifier id{m_detID->wafer_id(barrel,
+                                  firstHit->getPlane(),
+                                  firstHit->getRow(),
+                                  firstHit->getModule(),
+                                  firstHit->getSensor())};
+  IdentifierHash waferHash{m_detID->wafer_hash(id)};
+  // Get SCT_DetectorElementCollection
+  SG::ReadCondHandle<TrackerDD::SiDetectorElementCollection> sctDetEle(m_SCTDetEleCollKey);
+  const TrackerDD::SiDetectorElementCollection* elements(sctDetEle.retrieve());
+  if (elements==nullptr) {
+    ATH_MSG_FATAL(m_SCTDetEleCollKey.fullKey() << " could not be retrieved");
+    return false;
+  }
+  // get the det element from the manager
+  const TrackerDD::SiDetectorElement* sielement{elements->getDetectorElement(waferHash)};
+  if (sielement == nullptr) {
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Station=" << barrel << " layer=" << firstHit->getPlane() << " Row=" << firstHit->getRow() << " Module=" << firstHit->getModule() << " Side=" << firstHit->getSensor());
+    ATH_MSG_ERROR("detector manager could not find element with id = " << id);
+    return false;
+  }
+  // create the charged diodes collection
+  chargedDiodes->setDetectorElement(sielement);
+  // Loop over the hits and created charged diodes:
+  while (i != e) {
+    TimedHitPtr<FaserSiHit> phit{*i++};
+    // skip hits which are more than 10us away
+    if (fabs(phit->meanTime()) < 10000. * CLHEP::ns) {
+      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("HASH = " << m_detID->wafer_hash(m_detID->wafer_id(phit->getStation(),
+                                                                       phit->getPlane(),
+                                                                       phit->getRow(),
+                                                                       phit->getModule(),
+                                                                       phit->getSensor())));
+      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("calling process() for all methods");
+      m_sct_SurfaceChargesGenerator->process(sielement, phit, SiDigitizationSurfaceChargeInserter(sielement, chargedDiodes), rndmEngine);
+      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("charges filled!");
+    }
+  }
+  applyProcessorTools(chargedDiodes, rndmEngine); // !< Use of the new AlgTool surface
+  // charges generator class
+  return true;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Applies processors to the current detector element for the current element:
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void SCT_DigitizationTool::applyProcessorTools(SiChargedDiodeCollection* chargedDiodes, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine * rndmEngine) const {
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("applyProcessorTools()");
+  int processorNumber{0};
+  for (ISiChargedDiodesProcessorTool* proc: m_diodeCollectionTools) {
+    proc->process(*chargedDiodes, rndmEngine);
+    processorNumber++;
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Applied processor # " << processorNumber);
+  }
+StatusCode SCT_DigitizationTool::processBunchXing(int bunchXing,
+                                                  SubEventIterator bSubEvents,
+                                                  SubEventIterator eSubEvents) {
+    ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("SCT_DigitizationTool::processBunchXing() " << bunchXing);
+    typedef PileUpMergeSvc::TimedList<FaserSiHitCollection>::type TimedHitCollList;
+    TimedHitCollList hitCollList;
+    if ((not (m_mergeSvc->retrieveSubSetEvtData(m_inputObjectName, hitCollList, bunchXing,
+                                                bSubEvents, eSubEvents).isSuccess())) and
+        hitCollList.size() == 0) {
+      ATH_MSG_ERROR("Could not fill TimedHitCollList");
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+    } else {
+      ATH_MSG_VERBOSE(hitCollList.size() << " SiHitCollections with key " <<
+		      m_inputObjectName << " found");
+    }
+    TimedHitCollList::iterator endColl{hitCollList.end()};
+    for (TimedHitCollList::iterator iColl{hitCollList.begin()}; iColl != endColl; iColl++) {
+      FaserSiHitCollection *hitCollPtr{new FaserSiHitCollection(*iColl->second)};
+      PileUpTimeEventIndex timeIndex{iColl->first};
+      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("SiHitCollection found with " << hitCollPtr->size() <<
+                    " hits");
+      ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("time index info. time: " << timeIndex.time()
+		      << " index: " << timeIndex.index()
+		      << " type: " << timeIndex.type());
+      m_thpcsi->insert(timeIndex, hitCollPtr);
+      m_hitCollPtrs.push_back(hitCollPtr);
+    }
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+// =========================================================================
+// property handlers
+// =========================================================================
+void SCT_DigitizationTool::SetupRdoOutputType(Property &) {
+// Does nothing, but required by Gaudi
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Digitisation of non hit elements
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+class DigitizeNonHitElementsDebugPrinter
+  DigitizeNonHitElementsDebugPrinter(const FaserSCT_ID* detID) :
+    m_detID{detID}, m_msgNo{-1} {
+    }
+  std::string msg(const TrackerDD::SiDetectorElement* element) {
+    std::ostringstream ost;
+    ost << "Digitized unprocessed elements: layer - phi - eta - side  "
+        << m_detID->layer(element->identify()) << " - "
+        << m_detID->phi_module(element->identify()) << " - "
+        << m_detID->eta_module(element->identify()) << " - "
+        << m_detID->side(element->identify()) << " - "
+        << " unprocessed hit number: " << ++m_msgNo << '\n';
+    return ost.str();
+  }
+  const FaserSCT_ID* m_detID;
+  int m_msgNo;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------//
+// createAndStoreRDO                                                     //
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------//
+StatusCode SCT_DigitizationTool::createAndStoreRDO(SiChargedDiodeCollection* chDiodeCollection, SG::WriteHandle<SCT_RDO_Container>* rdoContainer) const {
+  // Create the RDO collection
+  SCT_RDO_Collection* RDOColl{createRDO(chDiodeCollection)};
+  // Add it to storegate
+  if ((*rdoContainer)->addCollection(RDOColl, RDOColl->identifyHash()).isFailure()) {
+      ATH_MSG_FATAL("SCT RDO collection could not be added to container!");
+      delete RDOColl;
+      RDOColl = nullptr;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+} // SCT_Digitization::createAndStoreRDO()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// createRDO
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+SCT_RDO_Collection* SCT_DigitizationTool::createRDO(SiChargedDiodeCollection* collection) const {
+  // create a new SCT RDO collection
+  SCT_RDO_Collection* p_rdocoll{nullptr};
+  // need the DE identifier
+  const Identifier id_de{collection->identify()};
+  IdentifierHash idHash_de{collection->identifyHash()};
+  try {
+    p_rdocoll = new SCT_RDO_Collection(idHash_de);
+  } catch (const std::bad_alloc&) {
+    ATH_MSG_FATAL("Could not create a new SCT_RDORawDataCollection !");
+  }
+  p_rdocoll->setIdentifier(id_de);
+  SiChargedDiodeIterator i_chargedDiode{collection->begin()};
+  SiChargedDiodeIterator i_chargedDiode_end{collection->end()};
+  // Choice of producing SCT1_RawData or SCT3_RawData
+  if (m_WriteSCT1_RawData.value()) {
+    for (; i_chargedDiode != i_chargedDiode_end; ++i_chargedDiode) {
+      unsigned int flagmask{static_cast<unsigned int>((*i_chargedDiode).second.flag() & 0xFE)};
+      if (!flagmask) { // now check it wasn't masked:
+        // create new SCT RDO, using method 1 for mask:
+        // GroupSize=1: need readout id, make use of
+        // SiTrackerDetDescr
+        TrackerDD::SiReadoutCellId roCell{(*i_chargedDiode).second.getReadoutCell()};
+        int strip{roCell.strip()};
+        if (strip > 0xffff) { // In upgrade layouts strip can be bigger
+          // than 4000
+          ATH_MSG_FATAL("Strip number too big for SCT1 raw data format.");
+        }
+        const Identifier id_readout{m_detID->strip_id(collection->identify(), strip)};
+        // build word, masks taken from SiTrackerEvent/SCTRawData.cxx
+        const unsigned int strip_rdo{static_cast<unsigned int>((strip & 0xFFFF) << 16)};
+        // user can define what GroupSize is, here 1: TC. Incorrect,
+        // GroupSize >= 1
+        int size{SiHelper::GetStripNum((*i_chargedDiode).second)};
+        unsigned int size_rdo{static_cast<unsigned int>(size & 0xFFFF)};
+        // TC. Need to check if there are disabled strips in the cluster
+        int cluscounter{0};
+        if (size > 1) {
+          SiChargedDiodeIterator it2{i_chargedDiode};
+          ++it2;
+          for (; it2 != i_chargedDiode_end; ++it2) {
+            ++cluscounter;
+            if (cluscounter >= size) {
+              break;
+            }
+            if (it2->second.flag() & 0xDE) {
+              int tmp{cluscounter};
+              while ((it2 != i_chargedDiode_end) and (cluscounter < size - 1) and (it2->second.flag() & 0xDE)) {
+                it2++;
+                cluscounter++;
+              }
+              if ((it2 != collection->end()) and !(it2->second.flag() & 0xDE)) {
+                SiHelper::ClusterUsed(it2->second, false);
+                SiHelper::SetStripNum(it2->second, size - cluscounter, &msg());
+              }
+              // groupSize=tmp;
+              size_rdo = tmp & 0xFFFF;
+              break;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        unsigned int SCT_Word{strip_rdo | size_rdo};
+        SCT1_RawData* p_rdo{new SCT1_RawData(id_readout, SCT_Word)};
+        if (p_rdo) {
+          p_rdocoll->push_back(p_rdo);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  } else {
+    // Under the current scheme time bin and ERRORS are hard-coded to
+    // default values.
+    int ERRORS{0};
+    static std::vector<int> dummyvector;
+    for (; i_chargedDiode != i_chargedDiode_end; ++i_chargedDiode) {
+      unsigned int flagmask{static_cast<unsigned int>((*i_chargedDiode).second.flag() & 0xFE)};
+      if (!flagmask) { // Check it wasn't masked
+        int tbin{SiHelper::GetTimeBin((*i_chargedDiode).second)};
+        // create new SCT RDO
+        TrackerDD::SiReadoutCellId roCell{(*i_chargedDiode).second.getReadoutCell()};
+        int strip{roCell.strip()};
+        Identifier id_readout;
+        id_readout = m_detID->strip_id(collection->identify(), strip);
+        // build word (compatible with
+        // SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/src/SCT_RodDecoder.cxx)
+        int size{SiHelper::GetStripNum((*i_chargedDiode).second)};
+        int groupSize{size};
+        // TC. Need to check if there are disabled strips in the cluster
+        int cluscounter{0};
+        if (size > 1) {
+          SiChargedDiode* diode{i_chargedDiode->second.nextInCluster()};
+          while (diode) {//check if there is a further strip in the cluster
+            ++cluscounter;
+            if (cluscounter >= size) {
+              ATH_MSG_WARNING("Cluster size reached while neighbouring strips still defined.");
+              break;
+            }
+            if (diode->flag() & 0xDE) {//see if it is disabled/below threshold/disconnected/etc (0xDE corresponds to BT_SET | DISABLED_SET | BADTOT_SET | DISCONNECTED_SET | MASKOFF_SET)
+              int tmp{cluscounter};
+              while ((cluscounter < size - 1) and (diode->flag() & 0xDE)) { //check its not the end and still disabled
+                diode = diode->nextInCluster();
+                cluscounter++;
+              }
+              if (diode and !(diode->flag() & 0xDE)) {
+                SiHelper::ClusterUsed(*diode, false);
+                SiHelper::SetStripNum(*diode, size - cluscounter, &msg());
+              }
+              groupSize = tmp;
+              break;
+            }
+            diode = diode->nextInCluster();
+          }
+        }
+        int stripIn11bits{strip & 0x7ff};
+        if (stripIn11bits != strip) {
+          ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Strip number " << strip << " doesn't fit into 11 bits - will be truncated");
+        }
+        unsigned int SCT_Word{static_cast<unsigned int>(groupSize | (stripIn11bits << 11) | (tbin << 22) | (ERRORS << 25))};
+        SCT3_RawData *p_rdo{new SCT3_RawData(id_readout, SCT_Word, &dummyvector)};
+        if (p_rdo) {
+          p_rdocoll->push_back(p_rdo);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return p_rdocoll;
+} // SCT_Digitization::createRDO()
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+// Get next event and extract collection of hit collections:
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+StatusCode SCT_DigitizationTool::getNextEvent() {
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("SCT_DigitizationTool::getNextEvent()");
+  //  get the container(s)
+  typedef PileUpMergeSvc::TimedList<FaserSiHitCollection>::type TimedHitCollList;
+  // this is a list<pair<time_t, DataLink<SiHitCollection> >
+  // In case of single hits container just load the collection using read handles
+  if (!m_onlyUseContainerName) {
+    SG::ReadHandle<FaserSiHitCollection> hitCollection(m_hitsContainerKey);
+    if (!hitCollection.isValid()) {
+      ATH_MSG_ERROR("Could not get SCT SiHitCollection container " << hitCollection.name() << " from store " << hitCollection.store());
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+    }
+    // create a new hits collection
+    m_thpcsi = new TimedHitCollection<FaserSiHit>{1};
+    m_thpcsi->insert(0, hitCollection.cptr());
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("SiHitCollection found with " << hitCollection->size() << " hits");
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+  }
+  TimedHitCollList hitCollList;
+  unsigned int numberOfSiHits{0};
+  if (not (m_mergeSvc->retrieveSubEvtsData(m_inputObjectName, hitCollList, numberOfSiHits).isSuccess()) and hitCollList.size() == 0) {
+    ATH_MSG_ERROR("Could not fill TimedHitCollList");
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  } else {
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG(hitCollList.size() << " SiHitCollections with key " << m_inputObjectName << " found");
+  }
+  // create a new hits collection
+  m_thpcsi = new TimedHitCollection<FaserSiHit>{numberOfSiHits};
+  // now merge all collections into one
+  TimedHitCollList::iterator endColl{hitCollList.end()};
+  for (TimedHitCollList::iterator iColl{hitCollList.begin()}; iColl != endColl; ++iColl) {
+    const FaserSiHitCollection* p_collection{iColl->second};
+    m_thpcsi->insert(iColl->first, p_collection);
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("SiTrackerHitCollection found with " << p_collection->size() << " hits"); // loop on the hit collections
+  }
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Convert a SiTotalCharge to a InDetSimData, and store it.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void SCT_DigitizationTool::addSDO(SiChargedDiodeCollection* collection, SG::WriteHandle<InDetSimDataCollection>* simDataCollMap) const {
+  typedef SiTotalCharge::list_t list_t;
+  std::vector<InDetSimData::Deposit> deposits;
+  deposits.reserve(5); // no idea what a reasonable number for this would be
+  // with pileup
+  // loop over the charged diodes
+  SiChargedDiodeIterator EndOfDiodeCollection{collection->end()};
+  for (SiChargedDiodeIterator i_chargedDiode{collection->begin()}; i_chargedDiode != EndOfDiodeCollection; ++i_chargedDiode) {
+    deposits.clear();
+    const list_t& charges{(*i_chargedDiode).second.totalCharge().chargeComposition()};
+    bool real_particle_hit{false};
+    // loop over the list
+    list_t::const_iterator EndOfChargeList{charges.end()};
+    for (list_t::const_iterator i_ListOfCharges{charges.begin()}; i_ListOfCharges != EndOfChargeList; ++i_ListOfCharges) {
+      const HepMcParticleLink& trkLink{i_ListOfCharges->particleLink()};
+      const int barcode{trkLink.barcode()};
+      if ((barcode == 0) or (barcode == m_vetoThisBarcode)) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (not real_particle_hit) {
+        // Types of SiCharges expected from SCT
+        // Noise:                        barcode==0 and
+        // processType()==SiCharge::noise
+        // Delta Rays:                   barcode==0 and
+        // processType()==SiCharge::track
+        // Pile Up Tracks With No Truth: barcode!=0 and
+        // processType()==SiCharge::cut_track
+        // Tracks With Truth:            barcode!=0 and
+        // processType()==SiCharge::track
+        if (barcode != 0 and i_ListOfCharges->processType() == SiCharge::track) {
+          real_particle_hit = true;
+        }
+      }
+      // check if this track number has been already used.
+      std::vector<InDetSimData::Deposit>::reverse_iterator theDeposit{deposits.rend()};  // dummy value
+      std::vector<InDetSimData::Deposit>::reverse_iterator depositsR_end{deposits.rend()};
+      std::vector<InDetSimData::Deposit>::reverse_iterator i_Deposit{deposits.rbegin()};
+      for (; i_Deposit != depositsR_end; ++i_Deposit) {
+        if ((*i_Deposit).first == trkLink) {
+          theDeposit = i_Deposit;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      // if the charge has already hit the Diode add it to the deposit
+      if (theDeposit != depositsR_end) {
+        (*theDeposit).second += i_ListOfCharges->charge();
+      } else { // create a new deposit
+        InDetSimData::Deposit deposit(trkLink, i_ListOfCharges->charge());
+        deposits.push_back(deposit);
+      }
+    }
+    // add the simdata object to the map:
+    if (real_particle_hit or m_createNoiseSDO) {
+      TrackerDD::SiReadoutCellId roCell{(*i_chargedDiode).second.getReadoutCell()};
+      int strip{roCell.strip()};
+      Identifier id_readout;
+      id_readout = m_detID->strip_id(collection->identify(),strip);
+      (*simDataCollMap)->insert(std::make_pair(id_readout, InDetSimData(deposits, (*i_chargedDiode).second.flag())));
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/Tracker/TrackerDigitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/src/SCT_DigitizationTool.h b/Tracker/TrackerDigitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/src/SCT_DigitizationTool.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f34d0619d4bb0538d63e4ded88df576d5b175f44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tracker/TrackerDigitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/src/SCT_DigitizationTool.h
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+/* -*- C++ -*- */
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+/** @file SCT_DigitizationTool.h
+ * @brief Digitize the SCT using an implementation of IPileUpTool
+ * $Id: SCT_DigitizationTool.h,v 1.0 2009-09-22 18:34:42 jchapman Exp $
+ * @author John Chapman - ATLAS Collaboration
+ */
+//Base class header
+#include "PileUpTools/PileUpToolBase.h"
+// Athena headers
+#include "AthenaKernel/IAthRNGSvc.h"
+#include "HitManagement/TimedHitCollection.h"
+#include "InDetRawData/SCT_RDO_Container.h"
+#include "TrackerReadoutGeometry/SiDetectorElementCollection.h"
+#include "InDetSimData/InDetSimDataCollection.h"
+#include "TrackerSimEvent/FaserSiHitCollection.h"
+#include "PileUpTools/PileUpMergeSvc.h"
+#include "FaserSCT_Digitization/ISCT_FrontEnd.h"
+#include "FaserSCT_Digitization/ISCT_RandomDisabledCellGenerator.h"
+#include "FaserSCT_Digitization/ISCT_SurfaceChargesGenerator.h"
+#include "StoreGate/ReadCondHandleKey.h"
+#include "StoreGate/ReadHandleKey.h"
+#include "StoreGate/WriteHandle.h"
+#include "StoreGate/WriteHandleKey.h"
+// Gaudi headers
+#include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
+// STL headers
+#include <limits>
+#include <string>
+// Forward declarations
+class ISiChargedDiodesProcessorTool;
+class FaserSCT_ID;
+class SiChargedDiodeCollection;
+namespace CLHEP
+  class HepRandomEngine;
+class SCT_DigitizationTool : public extends<PileUpToolBase, IPileUpTool>
+  static const InterfaceID& interfaceID();
+  SCT_DigitizationTool(const std::string& type,
+                       const std::string& name,
+                       const IInterface* parent);
+  virtual ~SCT_DigitizationTool();
+  /**
+     @brief Called before processing physics events
+  */
+  virtual StatusCode prepareEvent(unsigned int) override final;
+  virtual StatusCode processBunchXing(int bunchXing,
+                                      SubEventIterator bSubEvents,
+                                      SubEventIterator eSubEvents) override final;
+  virtual StatusCode mergeEvent() override final;
+  virtual StatusCode initialize() override final;
+  virtual StatusCode processAllSubEvents() override final;
+  bool digitizeElement(SiChargedDiodeCollection* chargedDiodes, TimedHitCollection<FaserSiHit>*& thpcsi, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine * rndmEngine) const ; //!
+  void applyProcessorTools(SiChargedDiodeCollection* chargedDiodes, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine * rndmEngine) const; //!
+  void addSDO(SiChargedDiodeCollection* collection, SG::WriteHandle<InDetSimDataCollection>* simDataCollMap) const;
+  void storeTool(ISiChargedDiodesProcessorTool* p_processor) {m_diodeCollectionTools.push_back(p_processor);}
+  /**
+     @brief initialize the required services
+  */
+  StatusCode initServices();
+  /**
+     @brief Initialize the SCT_FrontEnd AlgTool
+  */
+  StatusCode initFrontEndTool();
+  /**
+     @brief Initialize the SCT_RandomDisabledCellGenerator AlgTool
+  */
+  StatusCode initDisabledCells();
+  /**
+     @brief Initialize the SCT_SurfaceChargesGenerator AlgTool
+  */
+  StatusCode initSurfaceChargesGeneratorTool();
+  /** RDO and SDO methods*/
+  /**
+     @brief Create RDOs from the SiChargedDiodeCollection for the current wafer and save to StoreGate
+     @param chDiodeCollection       list of the SiChargedDiodes on the current wafer
+  */
+  StatusCode createAndStoreRDO(SiChargedDiodeCollection* chDiodeCollection, SG::WriteHandle<SCT_RDO_Container>* rdoContainer) const;
+  /**
+     @brief Create RDOs from the SiChargedDiodeCollection for the current wafer
+     @param chDiodeCollection       list of the SiChargedDiodes on the current wafer
+  */
+  SCT_RDO_Collection* createRDO(SiChargedDiodeCollection* collection) const;
+  StatusCode getNextEvent();
+  void       digitizeAllHits(SG::WriteHandle<SCT_RDO_Container>* rdoContainer, SG::WriteHandle<InDetSimDataCollection>* simDataCollMap, std::vector<bool>* processedElements, TimedHitCollection<FaserSiHit>* thpcsi, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine * rndmEngine) const; //!< digitize all hits
+  void       digitizeNonHits(SG::WriteHandle<SCT_RDO_Container>* rdoContainer, SG::WriteHandle<InDetSimDataCollection>* simDataCollMap, const std::vector<bool>* processedElements, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine * rndmEngine) const;     //!< digitize SCT without hits
+  /**
+     @brief Called when m_WriteSCT1_RawData is altered. Does nothing, but required by Gaudi.
+  */
+  void SetupRdoOutputType(Property&);
+  FloatProperty m_tfix{this, "FixedTime", -999., "Fixed time for Cosmics run selection"};
+  BooleanProperty m_enableHits{this, "EnableHits", true, "Enable hits"};
+  BooleanProperty m_onlyHitElements{this, "OnlyHitElements", false, "Process only elements with hits"};
+  BooleanProperty m_cosmicsRun{this, "CosmicsRun", false, "Cosmics run selection"};
+  BooleanProperty m_randomDisabledCells{this, "RandomDisabledCells", false, "Use Random disabled cells, default no"};
+  BooleanProperty m_createNoiseSDO{this, "CreateNoiseSDO", false, "Create SDOs for strips with only noise hits (huge increase in SDO collection size"};
+  BooleanProperty m_WriteSCT1_RawData{this, "WriteSCT1_RawData", false, "Write out SCT1_RawData rather than SCT3_RawData"};
+  BooleanProperty m_onlyUseContainerName{this, "OnlyUseContainerName", true, "Don't use the ReadHandleKey directly. Just extract the container name from it."};
+  SG::ReadHandleKey<FaserSiHitCollection> m_hitsContainerKey{this, "InputObjectName", "SCT_Hits", "Input HITS collection name"};
+  std::string m_inputObjectName{""};
+  SG::WriteHandleKey<SCT_RDO_Container> m_rdoContainerKey{this, "OutputObjectName", "SCT_RDOs", "Output Object name"};
+  SG::WriteHandle<SCT_RDO_Container> m_rdoContainer; //!< RDO container handle
+  SG::WriteHandleKey<InDetSimDataCollection> m_simDataCollMapKey{this, "OutputSDOName", "SCT_SDO_Map", "Output SDO container name"};
+  SG::WriteHandle<InDetSimDataCollection>            m_simDataCollMap; //!< SDO Map handle
+  SG::ReadCondHandleKey<TrackerDD::SiDetectorElementCollection> m_SCTDetEleCollKey{this, "SCTDetEleCollKey", "SCT_DetectorElementCollection", "Key of SiDetectorElementCollection for SCT"};
+  ToolHandle<ISCT_FrontEnd> m_sct_FrontEnd{this, "FrontEnd", "SCT_FrontEnd", "Handle the Front End Electronic tool"};
+  ToolHandle<ISCT_SurfaceChargesGenerator> m_sct_SurfaceChargesGenerator{this, "SurfaceChargesGenerator", "SCT_SurfaceChargesGenerator", "Choice of using a more detailed charge drift model"};
+  ToolHandle<ISCT_RandomDisabledCellGenerator> m_sct_RandomDisabledCellGenerator{this, "RandomDisabledCellGenerator", "SCT_RandomDisabledCellGenerator", ""};
+  ServiceHandle<IAthRNGSvc> m_rndmSvc{this, "RndmSvc", "AthRNGSvc", ""};  //!< Random number service
+  ServiceHandle <PileUpMergeSvc> m_mergeSvc{this, "MergeSvc", "PileUpMergeSvc", "Merge service used in Pixel & SCT digitization"}; //!
+  const FaserSCT_ID* m_detID{nullptr}; //!< Handle to the ID helper
+  TimedHitCollection<FaserSiHit>* m_thpcsi{nullptr};
+  std::list<ISiChargedDiodesProcessorTool*> m_diodeCollectionTools;
+  std::vector<bool> m_processedElements; //!< vector of processed elements - set by digitizeHits() */
+  std::vector<FaserSiHitCollection*> m_hitCollPtrs;
+static const InterfaceID IID_ISCT_DigitizationTool("SCT_DigitizationTool", 1, 0);
+inline const InterfaceID& SCT_DigitizationTool::interfaceID() {
+  return IID_ISCT_DigitizationTool;
diff --git a/Tracker/TrackerDigitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/src/components/FaserSCT_Digitization_entries.cxx b/Tracker/TrackerDigitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/src/components/FaserSCT_Digitization_entries.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dc705d93a4a8e156f3824cd286a678c8d9b08010
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tracker/TrackerDigitization/FaserSCT_Digitization/src/components/FaserSCT_Digitization_entries.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+// #include "../SCT_Amp.h"
+// #include "../SCT_FrontEnd.h"
+// #include "../SCT_Digitization.h"
+#include "../SCT_DigitizationTool.h"
+// #include "../SCT_SurfaceChargesGenerator.h"
+// #include "../SCT_DetailedSurfaceChargesGenerator.h"
+// #include "../SCT_RandomDisabledCellGenerator.h"
+// DECLARE_COMPONENT( SCT_Digitization )
+DECLARE_COMPONENT( SCT_DigitizationTool )
+// DECLARE_COMPONENT( SCT_SurfaceChargesGenerator )
+// DECLARE_COMPONENT( SCT_DetailedSurfaceChargesGenerator )
+// DECLARE_COMPONENT( SCT_RandomDisabledCellGenerator )