diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/NtupleDumper/src/NtupleDumperAlg.cxx b/PhysicsAnalysis/NtupleDumper/src/NtupleDumperAlg.cxx
index 9bb264022f15eac85bdc2576b48a53c5243ef96a..796491358924bd5e22978f1a923fb3f6d45d851d 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/NtupleDumper/src/NtupleDumperAlg.cxx
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/NtupleDumper/src/NtupleDumperAlg.cxx
@@ -79,25 +79,37 @@ void NtupleDumperAlg::defineWaveBranches() const {
   for (const auto& [key, value] : wave_map) {
     if (key == std::string("calo")) {
-      addWaveBranches("CaloLo", value);
+      m_calolo_channels = value;
+      // Figure out ntuple below
     else if (key == std::string("calo2")) {
-      addWaveBranches("CaloHi", value);
+      m_calohi_channels = value;
+      // Figure out ntuple below
     else if (key == std::string("calonu")) {
+      m_calonu_channels = value;
       addWaveBranches("CaloNu", value);
+      addCalibratedBranches("CaloNu", value);
+      addCaloSumBranches("CaloNu");
     else if (key == std::string("veto")) {
+      m_veto_channels = value;
       addWaveBranches("Veto", value);
     else if (key == std::string("vetonu")) {
+      m_vetonu_channels = value;
       addWaveBranches("VetoNu", value);
     else if (key == std::string("trigger")) {
+      m_trigger_channels = value;
       addWaveBranches("Timing", value);
     else if (key == std::string("preshower")) {
+      m_preshower_channels = value;
       addWaveBranches("Preshower", value);
+      addCalibratedBranches("Preshower", value);
+      addBranch("Preshower_total_nMIP", &m_preshower_total_nMIP);
+      addBranch("Preshower_total_E_dep", &m_preshower_total_E_dep);      
     else if (key == std::string("clock")) {
       // ignore this
@@ -108,10 +120,79 @@ void NtupleDumperAlg::defineWaveBranches() const {
     else {
       ATH_MSG_WARNING("Found unknown mapping type " << key);
+  } // End of loop over wave_map entries
+  // Figure out calorimeter
+  if (m_calolo_channels.size() && !m_calohi_channels.size()) {
+    // Only "calo" type found, 2022/23 configuration
+    ATH_MSG_INFO("defineWaveBranches found " << m_calolo_channels.size() << " calo channels => 2022/23 configuration");
+    m_dual_gain = false;
+    m_calo_channels = m_calolo_channels;
+    m_calolo_channels.clear();
+    addWaveBranches("Calo", m_calo_channels);
+    addCalibratedBranches("Calo", m_calo_channels);
+    addCaloSumBranches("Calo");
+  else if (m_calolo_channels.size() && m_calohi_channels.size()) {
+    // Both found, 2024/25 configuration (both defined)
+    ATH_MSG_INFO("defineWaveBranches found " << m_calolo_channels.size() << " calo and " << m_calohi_channels.size() << " calo2 channels => 2024/25 configuration");
+    m_dual_gain = true;
+    addWaveBranches("CaloLo", m_calolo_channels);
+    addWaveBranches("CaloHo", m_calohi_channels);
+    addCalibratedBranches("CaloLo", m_calolo_channels);    
+    addCalibratedBranches("CaloHo", m_calohi_channels);
+    addCaloSumBranches("CaloLo");
+    addCaloSumBranches("CaloHi");
+  }
+  else {
+    // Unknown configuration
+    ATH_MSG_WARNING("defineWaveBranches found " << m_calolo_channels.size() << " calo channels and " << m_calohi_channels.size() << " calo2 channels!");
+    m_dual_gain = false;
+    return;
+  }
   ATH_MSG_DEBUG("defineWaveBranches done");
+NtupleDumperAlg::addCaloSumBranches(const std::string &name) const {
+  // Utility to define the calorimeter sum branches
+  if (name == std::string("Calo")) {
+    addBranch("Calo_total_nMIP", &m_calo_total_nMIP);
+    addBranch("Calo_total_E_dep", &m_calo_total_E_dep);
+    addBranch("Calo_total_fit_E_EM", &m_calo_total_fit_E_EM);
+    addBranch("Calo_total_raw_E_EM", &m_calo_total_raw_E_EM);
+    addBranch("Calo_total_E_EM", &m_calo_total_E_EM);
+    addBranch("Calo_total_fit_E_EM_fudged", &m_calo_total_fit_E_EM_fudged);
+    addBranch("Calo_total_raw_E_EM_fudged", &m_calo_total_raw_E_EM_fudged);
+    addBranch("Calo_total_E_EM_fudged", &m_calo_total_E_EM_fudged);
+  }
+  else if (name == std::string("CaloLo")) {
+    addBranch("CaloLo_total_nMIP", &m_calolo_total_nMIP);
+    addBranch("CaloLo_total_E_dep", &m_calolo_total_E_dep);
+    addBranch("CaloLo_total_fit_E_EM", &m_calolo_total_fit_E_EM);
+    addBranch("CaloLo_total_raw_E_EM", &m_calolo_total_raw_E_EM);
+    addBranch("CaloLo_total_E_EM", &m_calolo_total_E_EM);
+  }
+  else if (name == std::string("CaloHi")) {
+    addBranch("CaloHi_total_nMIP", &m_calohi_total_nMIP);
+    addBranch("CaloHi_total_E_dep", &m_calohi_total_E_dep);
+    addBranch("CaloHi_total_fit_E_EM", &m_calohi_total_fit_E_EM);
+    addBranch("CaloHi_total_raw_E_EM", &m_calohi_total_raw_E_EM);
+    addBranch("CaloHi_total_E_EM", &m_calohi_total_E_EM);
+  }
+  else if (name == std::string("CaloNu")) {
+    addBranch("CaloNu_total_nMIP", &m_calonu_total_nMIP);
+    addBranch("CaloNu_total_E_dep", &m_calonu_total_E_dep);
+    addBranch("CaloNu_total_fit_E_EM", &m_calonu_total_fit_E_EM);
+    addBranch("CaloNu_total_raw_E_EM", &m_calonu_total_raw_E_EM);
+    addBranch("CaloNu_total_E_EM", &m_calonu_total_E_EM);
+  }
+  else {
+    ATH_MSG_WARNING("addCaloSumBranches - Unknown type " << name << "!");
+  }    
 // Use channel list to add branches
@@ -175,17 +256,25 @@ void NtupleDumperAlg::FillWaveBranches(const xAOD::WaveformHitContainer &wave, b
 void NtupleDumperAlg::addCalibratedBranches(const std::string &name,
-                      int nchannels,
-                      int first) {
-  for(int ch=0;ch<nchannels;ch++) {
-    std::string base=name+std::to_string(ch)+"_";
-    addBranch(base+"nMIP",&m_calibrated_nMIP[first]);
-    addBranch(base+"E_dep",&m_calibrated_E_dep[first]);
-    addBranch(base+"E_EM",&m_calibrated_E_EM[first]);
-    first++;
+					    std::list<int> channel_list) const {
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Adding " << name << " with channels " << channel_list);
+  int nchannels = channel_list.size();
+  for(int i=0;i<nchannels;i++) {
+    int ch = channel_list.front();
+    channel_list.pop_front();
+    std::string base=name+std::to_string(i);
+    addBranch(base+"_nMIP", &m_calibrated_nMIP[ch]);
+    addBranch(base+"_E_dep",&m_calibrated_E_dep[ch]);
+    addBranch(base+"_E_EM", &m_calibrated_E_EM[ch]);    
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Added "  << base << " ch " << ch);
 StatusCode NtupleDumperAlg::initialize() 
@@ -289,19 +378,6 @@ StatusCode NtupleDumperAlg::initialize()
   m_tree->Branch("ScintHit", &m_scintHit);
-  addCalibratedBranches("Calo",4,0);
-  addBranch("Calo_total_nMIP", &m_calo_total_nMIP);
-  addBranch("Calo_total_E_dep", &m_calo_total_E_dep);
-  addBranch("Calo_total_fit_E_EM", &m_calo_total_fit_E_EM);
-  addBranch("Calo_total_raw_E_EM", &m_calo_total_raw_E_EM);
-  addBranch("Calo_total_E_EM", &m_calo_total_E_EM);
-  addBranch("Calo_total_fit_E_EM_fudged", &m_calo_total_fit_E_EM_fudged);
-  addBranch("Calo_total_raw_E_EM_fudged", &m_calo_total_raw_E_EM_fudged);
-  addBranch("Calo_total_E_EM_fudged", &m_calo_total_E_EM_fudged);
-  addCalibratedBranches("Preshower",2,12);
-  addBranch("Preshower_total_nMIP", &m_preshower_total_nMIP);
-  addBranch("Preshower_total_E_dep", &m_preshower_total_E_dep);
@@ -324,7 +400,7 @@ StatusCode NtupleDumperAlg::initialize()
   m_tree->Branch("TrackSegment_py", &m_trackseg_py);
   m_tree->Branch("TrackSegment_pz", &m_trackseg_pz);
-    addBranch("TrueTrackSegments",&m_nTruetracksegs);
+  addBranch("TrueTrackSegments",&m_nTruetracksegs);
   m_tree->Branch("TrueTrackSegment_Chi2", &m_Truetrackseg_Chi2);
   m_tree->Branch("TrueTrackSegment_nDoF", &m_Truetrackseg_DoF);
   m_tree->Branch("TrueTrackSegment_x", &m_Truetrackseg_x);
@@ -746,26 +822,24 @@ StatusCode NtupleDumperAlg::execute(const EventContext &ctx) const
         return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
     if (m_doRandomFilter) {
-    bool trig_random = m_tap & 16;
-    if ( !(trig_random)) { 
+      bool trig_random = m_tap & 16;
+      if ( !(trig_random)) { 
         // don't process events that fail to activate random trigger
         ATH_MSG_DEBUG("event did not pass random trigger filter");
         return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+    }
-  }
-  if (m_doRandomOnlyFilter) {
-    bool trig_random = m_tap == 16;
-    if ( !(trig_random)) { 
+    if (m_doRandomOnlyFilter) {
+      bool trig_random = m_tap == 16;
+      if ( !(trig_random)) { 
         // don't process events that fail to activate random only trigger
         ATH_MSG_DEBUG("event did not pass random trigger filter");
         return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-      }
-  }
+      } 
+    }
     if (m_doScintFilter) {
       // Get channel mapping
@@ -904,30 +978,33 @@ StatusCode NtupleDumperAlg::execute(const EventContext &ctx) const
   } // done with processing only on real data
   // fill scintHit word with bits that reflect if a scintillator was hit (1 = vetoNu0, 2 = vetoNu1, 4 = vetoSt1_1, 8 vetoSt2_0, 16 = vetoSt2_1, 32 = Timing scint, 64 = preshower0, 128 = preshower1)
-  if (m_wave_raw_charge[4] > 40.0) {
-    m_scintHit = m_scintHit | 1;
-  }
-  if (m_wave_raw_charge[5] > 40.0) {
-    m_scintHit = m_scintHit | 2;
-  }
-  if (m_wave_raw_charge[14] > 40.0) {
-    m_scintHit = m_scintHit | 4;
-  }
-  if (m_wave_raw_charge[6] > 40.0) {
-    m_scintHit = m_scintHit | 8;
-  }
-  if (m_wave_raw_charge[7] > 40.0) {
-    m_scintHit = m_scintHit | 16;
-  }
-  if (m_wave_raw_charge[8]+m_wave_raw_charge[9]+m_wave_raw_charge[10]+m_wave_raw_charge[11] > 25.0) {
-    m_scintHit = m_scintHit | 32;
-  }
-  if (m_wave_raw_charge[12] > 2.5) {
-    m_scintHit = m_scintHit | 64;
-  }
-  if (m_wave_raw_charge[13] > 2.5) {
-    m_scintHit = m_scintHit | 128;
-  }
+  // This either needs to be updated to use cable map, or skipped
+  // Skip for now
+  // if (m_wave_raw_charge[4] > 40.0) {
+  //   m_scintHit = m_scintHit | 1;
+  // }
+  // if (m_wave_raw_charge[5] > 40.0) {
+  //   m_scintHit = m_scintHit | 2;
+  // }
+  // if (m_wave_raw_charge[14] > 40.0) {
+  //   m_scintHit = m_scintHit | 4;
+  // }
+  // if (m_wave_raw_charge[6] > 40.0) {
+  //   m_scintHit = m_scintHit | 8;
+  // }
+  // if (m_wave_raw_charge[7] > 40.0) {
+  //   m_scintHit = m_scintHit | 16;
+  // }
+  // if (m_wave_raw_charge[8]+m_wave_raw_charge[9]+m_wave_raw_charge[10]+m_wave_raw_charge[11] > 25.0) {
+  //   m_scintHit = m_scintHit | 32;
+  // }
+  // if (m_wave_raw_charge[12] > 2.5) {
+  //   m_scintHit = m_scintHit | 64;
+  // }
+  // if (m_wave_raw_charge[13] > 2.5) {
+  //   m_scintHit = m_scintHit | 128;
+  // }
   if (isMC) { // if simulation find MC cross section and primary lepton
     // Work out effective cross section for MC
@@ -1076,18 +1153,48 @@ StatusCode NtupleDumperAlg::execute(const EventContext &ctx) const
     m_calibrated_E_dep[ch] = hit->E_dep(); 
     m_calibrated_E_EM[ch] = hit->E_EM();
-    m_calo_total_nMIP += hit->Nmip();
-    m_calo_total_E_dep += hit->E_dep();
-    m_calo_total_fit_E_EM += hit->E_EM();
-    m_calo_total_raw_E_EM += (hit->E_EM()*hit->fit_to_raw_ratio());
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Calibrated calo: ch is " << ch
+		  << ", edep is " << hit->E_dep()
+		  << ", E_EM is " << hit->E_EM()
+		  << ", Nmip is " << hit->Nmip()
+		  << ", fit_to_raw_ratio is " << hit->fit_to_raw_ratio());
+    if (m_dual_gain) {
+      m_calolo_total_nMIP += hit->Nmip();
+      m_calolo_total_E_dep += hit->E_dep();
+      m_calolo_total_fit_E_EM += hit->E_EM();
+      m_calolo_total_raw_E_EM += (hit->E_EM()*hit->fit_to_raw_ratio());
+      if (m_wave_status[ch]&4) { // Overflows
+        m_calolo_total_E_EM += hit->E_EM();
+      } else {
+        m_calolo_total_E_EM += (hit->E_EM()*hit->fit_to_raw_ratio());
+      }
+    } else {
+      m_calo_total_nMIP += hit->Nmip();
+      m_calo_total_E_dep += hit->E_dep();
+      m_calo_total_fit_E_EM += hit->E_EM();
+      m_calo_total_raw_E_EM += (hit->E_EM()*hit->fit_to_raw_ratio());
-    if (m_wave_status[ch]&4) {
+      if (m_wave_status[ch]&4) { // Overflows
         m_calo_total_E_EM += hit->E_EM();
-    } else {
+      } else {
         m_calo_total_E_EM += (hit->E_EM()*hit->fit_to_raw_ratio());
-    }
+      }
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Calibrated calo: ch is " << ch << ", edep is " << hit->E_dep() << ", E_EM is " << hit->E_EM() << ", Nmip is " << hit->Nmip() << ", fit_to_raw_ratio is " << hit->fit_to_raw_ratio());
+      // add a fudged energy variable that corrects the MC to agree with the testbeam results
+      if (isMC) {
+	// Add fudge factor for MC
+	m_calo_total_fit_E_EM_fudged = m_calo_total_fit_E_EM * m_caloMC_FudgeFactor;
+	m_calo_total_raw_E_EM_fudged = m_calo_total_raw_E_EM * m_caloMC_FudgeFactor;
+	m_calo_total_E_EM_fudged = m_calo_total_E_EM * m_caloMC_FudgeFactor;
+      } else {
+	// Unchanged in data
+	m_calo_total_fit_E_EM_fudged = m_calo_total_fit_E_EM;
+	m_calo_total_raw_E_EM_fudged = m_calo_total_raw_E_EM;
+	m_calo_total_E_EM_fudged = m_calo_total_E_EM;
+      }
+    }
     //// the following is an example of how to access the linked waveform data from the calibrated data
     //auto measurements = &(hit->WaveformLinks())[0];
@@ -1101,16 +1208,60 @@ StatusCode NtupleDumperAlg::execute(const EventContext &ctx) const
-  // add a fudged energy variable that corrects the MC to agree with the testbeam results
-  m_calo_total_fit_E_EM_fudged = m_calo_total_fit_E_EM;
-  m_calo_total_raw_E_EM_fudged = m_calo_total_raw_E_EM;
-  m_calo_total_E_EM_fudged = m_calo_total_E_EM;
-  if (isMC) {
-    m_calo_total_fit_E_EM_fudged = m_calo_total_fit_E_EM_fudged * m_caloMC_FudgeFactor;
-    m_calo_total_raw_E_EM_fudged = m_calo_total_raw_E_EM_fudged * m_caloMC_FudgeFactor;
-    m_calo_total_E_EM_fudged = m_calo_total_E_EM_fudged * m_caloMC_FudgeFactor;
+  // load in calibrated calo2 container
+  SG::ReadHandle<xAOD::CalorimeterHitContainer> ecal2CalibratedContainer { m_ecal2CalibratedContainer, ctx };
+  ATH_CHECK(ecal2CalibratedContainer.isValid());
+  for (auto hit : *ecal2CalibratedContainer) {
+    int ch=hit->channel();
+    m_calibrated_nMIP[ch] = hit->Nmip();
+    m_calibrated_E_dep[ch] = hit->E_dep(); 
+    m_calibrated_E_EM[ch] = hit->E_EM();
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Calibrated calo: ch is " << ch
+		  << ", edep is " << hit->E_dep()
+		  << ", E_EM is " << hit->E_EM()
+		  << ", Nmip is " << hit->Nmip()
+		  << ", fit_to_raw_ratio is " << hit->fit_to_raw_ratio());
+    m_calohi_total_nMIP += hit->Nmip();
+    m_calohi_total_E_dep += hit->E_dep();
+    m_calohi_total_fit_E_EM += hit->E_EM();
+    m_calohi_total_raw_E_EM += (hit->E_EM()*hit->fit_to_raw_ratio());
+    if (m_wave_status[ch]&4) { // Overflows
+      m_calohi_total_E_EM += hit->E_EM();
+    } else {
+      m_calohi_total_E_EM += (hit->E_EM()*hit->fit_to_raw_ratio());
+    }     
+  // load in calibrated calo2 container
+  SG::ReadHandle<xAOD::CalorimeterHitContainer> calonuCalibratedContainer { m_calonuCalibratedContainer, ctx };
+  ATH_CHECK(calonuCalibratedContainer.isValid());
+  for (auto hit : *calonuCalibratedContainer) {
+    int ch=hit->channel();
+    m_calibrated_nMIP[ch] = hit->Nmip();
+    m_calibrated_E_dep[ch] = hit->E_dep(); 
+    m_calibrated_E_EM[ch] = hit->E_EM();
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Calibrated calo: ch is " << ch
+		  << ", edep is " << hit->E_dep()
+		  << ", E_EM is " << hit->E_EM()
+		  << ", Nmip is " << hit->Nmip()
+		  << ", fit_to_raw_ratio is " << hit->fit_to_raw_ratio());
+    m_calonu_total_nMIP += hit->Nmip();
+    m_calonu_total_E_dep += hit->E_dep();
+    m_calonu_total_fit_E_EM += hit->E_EM();
+    m_calonu_total_raw_E_EM += (hit->E_EM()*hit->fit_to_raw_ratio());
+    if (m_wave_status[ch]&4) { // Overflows
+      m_calonu_total_E_EM += hit->E_EM();
+    } else {
+      m_calonu_total_E_EM += (hit->E_EM()*hit->fit_to_raw_ratio());
+    }     
+  }
   // load in calibrated preshower container
   SG::ReadHandle<xAOD::CalorimeterHitContainer> preshowerCalibratedContainer { m_preshowerCalibratedContainer, ctx };
@@ -1127,6 +1278,7 @@ StatusCode NtupleDumperAlg::execute(const EventContext &ctx) const
   // enforce blinding such that events that miss the veto layers and have a large calo signal are skipped and not in the output root file
   // Only blind colliding BCIDs (+/- 1)
+  // This needs to be fixed!!!
   bool blinded_event = false;
   if ((!isMC) && abs(m_distanceToCollidingBCID) <= 1) {
     if (m_calo_total_E_EM > m_blindingCaloThreshold ) { // energy is in MeV
@@ -1727,6 +1879,24 @@ NtupleDumperAlg::clearTree() const
+  m_calolo_total_nMIP=0;
+  m_calolo_total_E_dep=0;
+  m_calolo_total_fit_E_EM=0;
+  m_calolo_total_raw_E_EM=0;
+  m_calolo_total_E_EM=0;
+  m_calohi_total_nMIP=0;
+  m_calohi_total_E_dep=0;
+  m_calohi_total_fit_E_EM=0;
+  m_calohi_total_raw_E_EM=0;
+  m_calohi_total_E_EM=0;
+  m_calonu_total_nMIP=0;
+  m_calonu_total_E_dep=0;
+  m_calonu_total_fit_E_EM=0;
+  m_calonu_total_raw_E_EM=0;
+  m_calonu_total_E_EM=0;
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/NtupleDumper/src/NtupleDumperAlg.h b/PhysicsAnalysis/NtupleDumper/src/NtupleDumperAlg.h
index ef4c227c2661a1c1faa115d19b6bb9d2d59f09c8..36b9d17dfc7c5988ac7c4c98a35f5a25224c6261 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/NtupleDumper/src/NtupleDumperAlg.h
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/NtupleDumper/src/NtupleDumperAlg.h
@@ -65,10 +65,11 @@ private:
   void addBranch(const std::string &name,float* var) const;
   void addBranch(const std::string &name,unsigned int* var) const;
   void defineWaveBranches() const;
-  void addWaveBranches(const std::string &name, int nchannels, int first) const;
   void addWaveBranches(const std::string &name, std::list<int> channel_list) const;
   void FillWaveBranches(const xAOD::WaveformHitContainer &wave, bool isMC) const;
-  void addCalibratedBranches(const std::string &name, int nchannels, int first);
+  void addCalibratedBranches(const std::string &name, std::list<int> channel_list) const;
+  void addCaloSumBranches(const std::string &name) const ;
   double radius(const Acts::Vector3 &position) const;
   // Return map with string as key and list<int> as value
@@ -157,6 +158,26 @@ private:
   double m_baseEventCrossSection {1.0};
   const double kfemtoBarnsPerMilliBarn {1.0e12};
+  // Flag for dual-gain calorimeter configuration
+  mutable bool m_dual_gain {false};
+  // Helper lists to hold channel lists
+  mutable std::list<int> m_calo_channels;
+  mutable std::list<int> m_calolo_channels;
+  mutable std::list<int> m_calohi_channels;
+  mutable std::list<int> m_calonu_channels;
+  mutable std::list<int> m_veto_channels;
+  mutable std::list<int> m_vetonu_channels;
+  mutable std::list<int> m_trigger_channels;
+  mutable std::list<int> m_preshower_channels;
+  // Output statistics  
+  mutable int    m_eventsPassed = 0;
+  mutable int    m_eventsFailedGRL = 0;
+  mutable int    m_two_tracks = 0;
+  mutable int    m_verticies = 0;
+  // Output tree
   mutable TTree* m_tree;
   //mutable unsigned int n_wave_chan;  // Actual number of waveform channels
@@ -213,19 +234,28 @@ private:
   mutable float m_calo_total_fit_E_EM_fudged;
   mutable float m_calo_total_raw_E_EM_fudged;
   mutable float m_calo_total_E_EM_fudged;
+  mutable float m_calolo_total_nMIP;
+  mutable float m_calolo_total_E_dep;
+  mutable float m_calolo_total_fit_E_EM;
+  mutable float m_calolo_total_raw_E_EM;
+  mutable float m_calolo_total_E_EM;
+  mutable float m_calohi_total_nMIP;
+  mutable float m_calohi_total_E_dep;
+  mutable float m_calohi_total_fit_E_EM;
+  mutable float m_calohi_total_raw_E_EM;
+  mutable float m_calohi_total_E_EM;
+  mutable float m_calonu_total_nMIP;
+  mutable float m_calonu_total_E_dep;
+  mutable float m_calonu_total_fit_E_EM;
+  mutable float m_calonu_total_raw_E_EM;
+  mutable float m_calonu_total_E_EM;
   mutable float m_preshower_total_nMIP;
   mutable float m_preshower_total_E_dep;
-  mutable float m_Calo0_Edep;
-  mutable float m_Calo1_Edep;
-  mutable float m_Calo2_Edep;
-  mutable float m_Calo3_Edep;
-  mutable float m_Calo_Total_Edep;
-  mutable float m_Preshower12_Edep;
-  mutable float m_Preshower13_Edep;
   mutable float m_clock_phase;
   mutable unsigned int m_station0Clusters;
@@ -416,12 +446,6 @@ private:
   mutable double m_crossSection;
   mutable std::vector<double>  m_genWeights;
-  mutable int    m_eventsPassed = 0;
-  mutable int    m_eventsFailedGRL = 0;
-  mutable int    m_two_tracks = 0;
-  mutable int    m_verticies = 0;
   mutable double m_vertex_x; // components of reconstructed vertex in mm
   mutable double m_vertex_y;
   mutable double m_vertex_z;