diff --git a/Tracker/TrackerRecAlgs/TrackerClusterFit/src/ClusterFitAlg.cxx b/Tracker/TrackerRecAlgs/TrackerClusterFit/src/ClusterFitAlg.cxx
index 7dc182d8b6a8dd0c4083105d436875ddc2cd903b..12fa1c7b945a077e99e6e89f1ba307a2186a0e98 100644
--- a/Tracker/TrackerRecAlgs/TrackerClusterFit/src/ClusterFitAlg.cxx
+++ b/Tracker/TrackerRecAlgs/TrackerClusterFit/src/ClusterFitAlg.cxx
@@ -271,8 +271,8 @@ StatusCode ClusterFitAlg::execute(const EventContext& ctx) const
                                                bestFit(1) << "+/-" << sqrt(bestCov(1,1)) << "," << 
                                                bestFit(2) << "+/-" << sqrt(bestCov(2,2)) << "," << 
                                                bestFit(3) << "+/-" << sqrt(bestCov(3,3)) << "); chi2 = " << bestChi2 );
-              if (eventNumber == 10841) std::cout << "fit = ParametricPlot3D[{" << bestFit(0) << " + (" << bestFit(2) << ") z, " << bestFit(1) << " + ( " << bestFit(3) << ") z, z}, {z, -50, 50}, Boxed->False];" << std::endl;                                               
-              int iC = 0;
+            //   if (eventNumber == 10841) std::cout << "fit = ParametricPlot3D[{" << bestFit(0) << " + (" << bestFit(2) << ") z, " << bestFit(1) << " + ( " << bestFit(3) << ") z, z}, {z, -50, 50}, Boxed->False];" << std::endl;                                               
+            //   int iC = 0;
               for (auto info : bestClusters)
                   if (info->sinAlpha * info->cosAlpha < 0) continue;
@@ -281,10 +281,10 @@ StatusCode ClusterFitAlg::execute(const EventContext& ctx) const
                   double yFit = bestFit(1) + bestFit(3) * dz;
                   double uFit = yFit * info->cosAlpha + xFit * info->sinAlpha;
                   ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Event: " << eventNumber << " z: " << info->z << " z-zC: " << dz<< " uFit: " << uFit << " u: " << info->u);
-                  auto stripEnds = info->cluster->detectorElement()->endsOfStrip(info->cluster->localPosition());
-                  if (eventNumber == 10841) std::cout << "l" << iC << " = Line[{{" << stripEnds.first.x() << ", " << stripEnds.first.y() << ", " << stripEnds.first.z() - m_zCenter[thisStation] << "}, {" << 
-                                                                      stripEnds.second.x() << ", " << stripEnds.second.y() << ", " << stripEnds.second.z() - m_zCenter[thisStation] << "}}];" << std::endl;
-                  iC++;
+                //   auto stripEnds = info->cluster->detectorElement()->endsOfStrip(info->cluster->localPosition());
+                //   if (eventNumber == 10841) std::cout << "l" << iC << " = Line[{{" << stripEnds.first.x() << ", " << stripEnds.first.y() << ", " << stripEnds.first.z() - m_zCenter[thisStation] << "}, {" << 
+                //                                                       stripEnds.second.x() << ", " << stripEnds.second.y() << ", " << stripEnds.second.z() - m_zCenter[thisStation] << "}}];" << std::endl;
+                //   iC++;
               for (auto info : bestClusters)
@@ -294,12 +294,12 @@ StatusCode ClusterFitAlg::execute(const EventContext& ctx) const
                   double yFit = bestFit(1) + bestFit(3) * dz;
                   double uFit = yFit * info->cosAlpha + xFit * info->sinAlpha;
                   ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Event: " << eventNumber << " z: " << info->z << " z-zC: " << dz<< " uFit: " << uFit << " u: " << info->u);
-                  auto stripEnds = info->cluster->detectorElement()->endsOfStrip(info->cluster->localPosition());
-                  if (eventNumber == 10841) std::cout << "l" << iC << " = Line[{{" << stripEnds.first.x() << ", " << stripEnds.first.y() << ", " << stripEnds.first.z() - m_zCenter[thisStation] << "}, {" << 
-                                                                      stripEnds.second.x() << ", " << stripEnds.second.y() << ", " << stripEnds.second.z() - m_zCenter[thisStation] << "}}];" << std::endl;
-                  iC++;
+                //   auto stripEnds = info->cluster->detectorElement()->endsOfStrip(info->cluster->localPosition());
+                //   if (eventNumber == 10841) std::cout << "l" << iC << " = Line[{{" << stripEnds.first.x() << ", " << stripEnds.first.y() << ", " << stripEnds.first.z() - m_zCenter[thisStation] << "}, {" << 
+                //                                                       stripEnds.second.x() << ", " << stripEnds.second.y() << ", " << stripEnds.second.z() - m_zCenter[thisStation] << "}}];" << std::endl;
+                //   iC++;
-              if (eventNumber == 10841) std::cout << "Show[Graphics3D[{l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6}, Boxed -> False], fit]" << std::endl;
+            //   if (eventNumber == 10841) std::cout << "Show[Graphics3D[{l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6}, Boxed -> False], fit]" << std::endl;
               ATH_CHECK(AddTrack(outputTracks, bestFit, bestCov, bestClusters, bestChi2, bestClusters.size()-4));
@@ -376,10 +376,10 @@ ClusterFitAlg::AddTrack(std::unique_ptr<TrackCollection>& tracks,
     // translate parameters to nominal fit point
     s->push_back( GetState(fitResult, fitCovariance, nullptr, station) );
-    // for (const clusterInfo* cInfo : fitClusters)
-    // {
-    //     s->push_back( GetState(fitResult, fitCovariance, cInfo->cluster, station) );
-    // }
+    for (const clusterInfo* cInfo : fitClusters)
+    {
+        s->push_back( GetState(fitResult, fitCovariance, cInfo->cluster, station) );
+    }
     // Create and store track
     tracks->push_back(new Trk::Track(i, s , q));