diff --git a/DetectorDescription/DetDescrCnvSvc/src/DetDescrCnvSvc.cxx b/DetectorDescription/DetDescrCnvSvc/src/DetDescrCnvSvc.cxx
index c54cf388c99bf361cd881360d342e7f629a0fb84..d4482743f1ca1811f90c6d25e1ef150a832fabb3 100644
--- a/DetectorDescription/DetDescrCnvSvc/src/DetDescrCnvSvc.cxx
+++ b/DetectorDescription/DetDescrCnvSvc/src/DetDescrCnvSvc.cxx
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ DetDescrCnvSvc::DetDescrCnvSvc(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svc)
     declareProperty("DetectorManagers",            m_detMgrs);
     declareProperty("DetectorNodes",   	           m_detNodes );
-    declareProperty("DecodeIdDict",	           m_decodeIdDict );
+    declareProperty("DecodeIdDict",	               m_decodeIdDict );
     declareProperty("IdDictName",   	           m_idDictName );
     declareProperty("IdDictFromRDB",   	           m_idDictFromRDB );
     declareProperty("IdDictGlobalTag",             m_idDictGlobalTag );
@@ -114,11 +114,10 @@ DetDescrCnvSvc::initialize()     {
     if (status != StatusCode::SUCCESS) return status;
     // IdHelpers
-    // status =  addToDetStore(125694213, "FaserID");
-    status = addToDetStore(168050226, "FaserID");
+    status =  addToDetStore(125694213, "FaserID");
+    if (status != StatusCode::SUCCESS) return status;
+    status =  addToDetStore(131395045, "VetoID");
     if (status != StatusCode::SUCCESS) return status;
-    // status =  addToDetStore(2516, "ScintID");
-    // if (status != StatusCode::SUCCESS) return status;
     // status =  addToDetStore(2517, "SCT_ID");
     // if (status != StatusCode::SUCCESS) return status;
diff --git a/DetectorDescription/FaserDetDescr/CMakeLists.txt b/DetectorDescription/FaserDetDescr/CMakeLists.txt
index 3d2b5e8da2604574041760bff5b9060bf9b0e9dc..c8572d14516a4f72d67383feb5031cab76a350a0 100644
--- a/DetectorDescription/FaserDetDescr/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/DetectorDescription/FaserDetDescr/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ find_package( ROOT COMPONENTS Core Tree MathCore Hist RIO pthread )
 # Component(s) in the package:
 atlas_add_library( FaserDetDescr
-                   src/FaserDetectorIDBase.cxx
+                   src/FaserDetectorID.cxx
                    PUBLIC_HEADERS FaserDetDescr
diff --git a/DetectorDescription/FaserDetDescr/FaserDetDescr/FaserDetDescrDict.h b/DetectorDescription/FaserDetDescr/FaserDetDescr/FaserDetDescrDict.h
index ac9179a1743005e123672ed820855e5ae80392cf..8ab1b01b778cbdd7ffcf2c623b42bf24fc14845c 100644
--- a/DetectorDescription/FaserDetDescr/FaserDetDescr/FaserDetDescrDict.h
+++ b/DetectorDescription/FaserDetDescr/FaserDetDescr/FaserDetDescrDict.h
@@ -10,8 +10,7 @@
 #include "FaserDetDescr/FaserRegion.h"
-#include "FaserDetDescr/FaserDetectorIDBase.h"
-// #include "FaserDetDescr/FaserDetectorID.h"
+#include "FaserDetDescr/FaserDetectorID.h"
 namespace FaserDetDescr {
    // Athena namespace autoloading trigger for ROOT6
diff --git a/DetectorDescription/FaserDetDescr/FaserDetDescr/FaserDetectorID.h b/DetectorDescription/FaserDetDescr/FaserDetDescr/FaserDetectorID.h
index 7cfac9bddf1fae6d1396e0283d0018559ab38985..b17d61f7252e5fe254589babfa1744e62e3ae83c 100644
--- a/DetectorDescription/FaserDetDescr/FaserDetDescr/FaserDetectorID.h
+++ b/DetectorDescription/FaserDetDescr/FaserDetDescr/FaserDetectorID.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
@@ -7,202 +7,99 @@
  * @file FaserDetectorID.h
- * @brief This is an Identifier helper class for the all
- *  subdetectors. This class is a factory for creating compact
- *  Identifier objects and IdentifierHash or hash ids. And it also
- *  allows decoding of these ids.
+ * @brief This class provides an interface to generate or decode an
+ *   identifier for the upper levels of the detector element
+ *   hierarchy, i.e. Faser, the detector systems and detector
+ *   subsystems. As well general "print out" methods are provide for
+ *   all detector systems. All id helper classes derive from this
+ *   class. This class also provides access to the version tags of the
+ *   id dictionaries used by the helper.
+ * @author RD Schaffer <R.D.Schaffer@cern.ch>
+ *
+ * Modified for FASER
 //<<<<<< INCLUDES                                                       >>>>>>
-#include "FaserDetDescr/FaserDetectorIDBase.h"
 #include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
-#include "Identifier/IdentifierHash.h"
-#include "Identifier/Range.h"
+#include "Identifier/IdContext.h"
 #include "Identifier/IdHelper.h"
+#include "Identifier/Range.h"
 #include "IdDict/IdDictFieldImplementation.h"
+#include "FaserDetTechnology.h"
 #include "AthenaKernel/CLASS_DEF.h"
 #include <string>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <algorithm>
+#include <vector>
-//<<<<<< PUBLIC DEFINES                                                 >>>>>>
-//<<<<<< PUBLIC CONSTANTS                                               >>>>>>
 //<<<<<< PUBLIC TYPES                                                   >>>>>>
 class IdDictDictionary;
+class FaserDetectorIDHelper;
-//<<<<<< PUBLIC VARIABLES                                               >>>>>>
-//<<<<<< PUBLIC FUNCTIONS                                               >>>>>>
 //<<<<<< CLASS DECLARATIONS                                             >>>>>>
- **  @class FaserDetectorID
- **  
- **  @brief This is an Identifier helper class for the FASER
- **  subdetectors. This class is a factory for creating compact
- **  Identifier objects and IdentifierHash or hash ids. And it also
- **  allows decoding of these ids.
- **
- **  Definition and the range of values for the levels of the
- **  identifier are:
- **
- ** @verbatim
- **    element           range              meaning
- **    -------           -----              -------
- **
- **    station
- **          veto        0 - 1         front/back
- **          trigger       0           single station
- **          preshower     0           single station
- **          sct         0 - 2         front, middle, back
- **          ecal          0           single station
- **    plane               
- **          veto          0           single plane
- **          trigger       0           single plane
- **          preshower     0           single plane
- **          sct         0 - 2         three planes per station
- **          ecal          0           single plane
- **    module
- **          veto          0           single plate
- **          trigger     0 - 1         upper/lower plate
- **          preshower     0           single plate
- **          sct         0 - 7         eight modules per plane
- **          ecal        0 - 3         four modules
- **    submodule
- **          veto          0           no segmentation
- **          trigger       0           no segmentation
- **          preshower     0           no segmentation
- **          sct         0 - 1         two sides per module
- **          ecal        0 - 66        scintillator layers
- **    sensor
- **          veto          0           single pmt
- **          trigger     0 - 1         left/right pmt
- **          preshower     0           single pmt
- **          sct         0 - 767       strips
- **          ecal          0           one tower per layer
- ** @endverbatim
- **
- */
-class FaserDetectorID : public FaserDetectorIDBase
+ * @class FaserDetectorID
+ *   
+ * @brief This class provides an interface to generate or decode an
+ *   identifier for the upper levels of the detector element
+ *   hierarchy, i.e. Faser, the detector systems and detector
+ *   subsystems. As well general "print out" methods are provide for
+ *   all detector systems. All id helper classes derive from this
+ *   class. This class also provides access to the version tags of the
+ *   id dictionaries used by the helper.
+ **/
+class FaserDetectorID : public IdHelper
-    /// @name public typedefs
-    //@{
-    typedef Identifier::size_type                       size_type; 
-    typedef std::vector<Identifier>::const_iterator     const_id_iterator;
-    typedef MultiRange::const_identifier_factory        const_expanded_id_iterator;
-    //@}
     /// @name strutors
-    FaserDetectorID(void);
-    virtual ~FaserDetectorID(void) = default;
+    FaserDetectorID();
+    FaserDetectorID(const FaserDetectorID& other);
+    ~FaserDetectorID(void);
+    FaserDetectorID& operator= (const FaserDetectorID& other);
-    /// @name Creators for station,  ids and pmt ids
+    /// @name Detector system ids
-    /// For a single module
-    virtual Identifier  module_id( int station,
-                           int plane, 
-                           int module ) const = 0;
-    /// For a module from a submodule id
-    Identifier  module_id ( const Identifier& submodule_id ) const;
-    /// For a single submodule
-    virtual Identifier  submodule_id ( int station,
-                               int plane,
-                               int module,
-                               int submodule ) const = 0; 
-    /// For a single submodule from a sensor id
-    Identifier  submodule_id ( const Identifier& sensor_id ) const;
-    /// From hash - optimized
-    Identifier submodule_id( IdentifierHash submodule_hash) const;
-    /// For an individual sensor
-    virtual Identifier  sensor_id   ( int station,
-                           int plane,
-                           int module, 
-                           int submodule, 
-                           int sensor ) const = 0; 
-    Identifier  sensor_id ( const Identifier& submodule_id, 
-                            int sensor ) const;
+    /// Detector systems:
+    Identifier          scint           (void) const;
+    Identifier          tracker         (void) const;
+    Identifier          calo            (void) const;
-    /// @name Hash table maximum sizes
+    /// @name Scintillator subsystem ids
-    size_type   submodule_hash_max          (void) const;
-    size_type   sensor_hash_max             (void) const;
+    Identifier          veto            (void) const;
+    Identifier          trigger         (void) const;
+    Identifier          preshower       (void) const;
-    /// @name Access to all ids
+    /// @name Tracker subsystem ids
-    /// Iterators over full set of ids. Submodule iterator is sorted
-    const_id_iterator   submodule_begin                 (void) const;
-    const_id_iterator   submodule_end                   (void) const;
-    /// For sensor ids, only expanded id iterators are available. Use
-    /// following "sensor_id" method to obtain a compact identifier
-    const_expanded_id_iterator  sensor_begin             (void) const;  
-    const_expanded_id_iterator  sensor_end               (void) const;
+    Identifier          sct             (void) const;
+    /// @name Calorimeter subsystem ids
+    //@{
+    Identifier          ecal            (void) const;
+    //@}
-    /// submodule hash from id - optimized
-    IdentifierHash      submodule_hash      (Identifier submodule_id) const;
-    /// Values of different levels (failure returns 0)
-    int         station         (const Identifier& id) const;  
-    int         plane           (const Identifier& id) const;
-    int         module          (const Identifier& id) const;
-    int         submodule       (const Identifier& id) const; 
-    int         sensor          (const Identifier& id) const;
+    /// @name Contexts to provide id length - e.g. for use in generic decoding
+    //@{
+    /// IdContext (indicates id length) for detector systems
+    IdContext           detsystem_context (void) const;
-    // /// Max values for each field (-999 == failure)
-    int         station_max     (const Identifier& id) const;
-    int         plane_max       (const Identifier& id) const;
-    int         module_max      (const Identifier& id) const;
-    int         submodule_max   (const Identifier& id) const;
-    int         sensor_max      (const Identifier& id) const;
+    /// IdContext (indicates id length) for sub-detector
+    IdContext           subdet_context  (void) const;
-    // /// @name module eta/phi navigation
-    // //@{
-    // /// Previous wafer hash in phi (return == 0 for neighbor found)
-    // int         get_prev_in_phi (const IdentifierHash& id, IdentifierHash& prev) const;
-    // /// Next wafer hash in phi (return == 0 for neighbor found)
-    // int         get_next_in_phi (const IdentifierHash& id, IdentifierHash& next) const;
-    // /// Previous wafer hash in eta (return == 0 for neighbor found)
-    // int         get_prev_in_eta (const IdentifierHash& id, IdentifierHash& prev) const;
-    // /// Next wafer hash in eta (return == 0 for neighbor found)
-    // int         get_next_in_eta (const IdentifierHash& id, IdentifierHash& next) const;
-    // /// Wafer hash on other side
-    // int         get_other_side  (const IdentifierHash& id, IdentifierHash& other) const;
-    // // To check for when phi wrap around may be needed, use
-    // bool        is_phi_module_max(const Identifier& id) const;
-    // /// For the barrel
-    // bool        is_eta_module_min(const Identifier& id) const;
-    // /// For the barrel
-    // bool        is_eta_module_max(const Identifier& id) const;
-    // //@}
-    // /// @name contexts to distinguish wafer id from pixel id
-    // //@{
-    // IdContext   wafer_context           (void) const;
-    // IdContext   strip_context           (void) const;
-    // //@}
-    /// @name methods from abstract interface - slower than opt version
+    /// @name Generic conversion between identifier and idhash
     /// Create compact id from hash id (return == 0 for OK)
     virtual int         get_id          (const IdentifierHash& hash_id,
@@ -215,239 +112,358 @@ public:
                                          const IdContext* context = 0) const;
-    /// Return the lowest bit position used in the channel id
-    int                 base_bit        (void) const;
+    /// @name Initialization and version name 
+    //@{
+    /// Initialization from the identifier dictionary
+    virtual int         initialize_from_dictionary(const IdDictMgr& dict_mgr);
-    // /// Calculate a channel offset between the two identifiers.
-    // Identifier::diff_type calc_offset(const Identifier& base,
-    //                                   const Identifier& target) const;
+    // retrieve version of the dictionary
+    virtual std::string   dictionaryVersion  (void) const;
+    //@}
-    // /// Create an identifier with a given base and channel offset
-    // Identifier strip_id_offset(const Identifier& base,
-    //                            Identifier::diff_type offset) const;
-    /// @name interaction with id dictionary
+    /// @name Generic printing of identifiers
-    /// Create sensor Identifier from expanded id, which is returned by the
-    /// id_iterators
-    Identifier          sensor_id        (const ExpandedIdentifier& sensor_id) const;
-    /// Create expanded id from compact id (return == 0 for OK)
-    void                get_expanded_id (const Identifier& id,
-                                         ExpandedIdentifier& exp_id,
+    /// Short print out of any identifier (optionally provide
+    /// separation character - default is '.'):
+    void                show            (Identifier id, 
+                                         const IdContext* context = 0,
+                                         char sep = '.' ) const;
+    /// or provide the printout in string form
+    std::string         show_to_string  (Identifier id, 
+                                         const IdContext* context = 0,
+                                         char sep = '.'  ) const;
+    /// Expanded print out of any identifier
+    void                print           (Identifier id,
+                                         const IdContext* context = 0) const;
+    /// or provide the printout in string form
+    std::string         print_to_string (Identifier id,
                                          const IdContext* context = 0) const;
+    //@}
+    /// @name  Test of an Identifier to see if it belongs to a particular detector (sub)system:
+    //@{
+    bool                is_scint        (Identifier id) const;
+    bool                is_tracker      (Identifier id) const;
+    bool                is_calo         (Identifier id) const;
+    bool                is_veto         (Identifier id) const;
+    bool                is_trigger      (Identifier id) const;
+    bool                is_preshower    (Identifier id) const;
+    bool                is_sct          (Identifier id) const;
+    bool                is_ecal         (Identifier id) const;
+    //@}
-    /// Initialization from the identifier dictionary
-    virtual int         initialize_from_dictionary(const IdDictMgr& dict_mgr);
+    /// @name  Test of an Identifier to see if it belongs to a particular detector (sub)system (using expanded ids):
+    //@{
+    bool                is_scint        (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const;
+    bool                is_tracker      (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const;
+    bool                is_calo         (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const;
+    bool                is_veto         (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const;
+    bool                is_trigger      (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const;
+    bool                is_preshower    (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const;
+    bool                is_sct          (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const;
+    bool                is_ecal         (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const;
+    //@}
+    /// @name  Dictionary versioning: provide access to dictionary names and versions. Note that a helper may correspond to one or more id dictionary
+    //@{
+    ///  Dictionary names
+    std::vector<std::string>  dict_names(void) const;
+    ///  File names for subdet dictionaries
+    std::vector<std::string>  file_names(void) const;
+    ///  Version tags for subdet dictionaries
+    std::vector<std::string>  dict_tags (void) const;
+    //@}
+    /// @name  Checks are performed by default in debug compilation and NOT in optimized compilation. One can switch or query this mode for any idHelper with the following methods:
+    //@{
+    virtual bool        do_checks       (void) const;
+    virtual void        set_do_checks   (bool do_checks);
+    //@}
+    /// @name neighbours are initialized by default. One can switch or query this mode with the following methods:
+    //@{
+    virtual bool        do_neighbours       (void) const;
+    virtual void        set_do_neighbours   (bool do_neighbours);
+    //@}
+    /// @name setting pointer to the MessageService
+    //@{
+    virtual void setMessageSvc  (IMessageSvc* msgSvc);
+    //@}
+    /// Set flag for suppressing informational output.
+    void set_quiet (bool quiet);
+    friend class FaserDetectorIDHelper;
+    void                setDictVersion  (const IdDictMgr& dict_mgr, const std::string& name);
+    std::string         to_range        (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const;
+    std::string         fix_barrel_ec   (const std::string& barrel_ec) const;
+    /// Detector systems:
+    ExpandedIdentifier          scint_exp           (void) const;
+    ExpandedIdentifier          tracker_exp         (void) const;
+    ExpandedIdentifier          calo_exp            (void) const;
+    /// Scintillator:
+    ExpandedIdentifier          veto_exp            (void) const;
+    ExpandedIdentifier          trigger_exp         (void) const;
+    ExpandedIdentifier          preshower_exp       (void) const;
+    /// Tracker:
+    ExpandedIdentifier          sct_exp             (void) const;
+    /// Calorimeter:
+    ExpandedIdentifier          ecal_exp            (void) const;
+    /// Provide efficient access to individual field values, for
+    /// subclass idhelpers
+    int                 scint_field_value        () const;     
+    int                 tracker_field_value      () const;       
+    int                 calo_field_value         () const;
+    int                 veto_field_value         () const;     
+    int                 trigger_field_value      () const;       
+    int                 preshower_field_value    () const;       
+    int                 sct_field_value          () const;
+    int                 ecal_field_value         () const;
+    /// Register the file and tag names for a particular IdDict
+    /// dictionary
+    int                 register_dict_tag        (const IdDictMgr& dict_mgr,
+                                                  const std::string& dict_name);
+    /// Test whether an idhelper should be reinitialized based on the
+    /// change of tags 
+    bool                reinitialize             (const IdDictMgr& dict_mgr);
+    /// Flag for subclasses to know whether or not to perform
+    /// checks. In general, this is set to false in optimized mode.
+    mutable bool        m_do_checks;
+    /// Flag for subclasses to know whether or not to perform
+    /// neighbour initialization
+    mutable bool        m_do_neighbours;
+    /// pointer to the message service
+    IMessageSvc*        m_msgSvc;
+    /// If true, suppress DEBUG/INFO messages.
+    bool m_quiet;
+    /// List of dictionary names used by this helper
+    std::vector<std::string>  m_dict_names;
+    /// List of dictionary file names used by this helper
+    std::vector<std::string>  m_file_names;
+    /// List of dictionary versions used by this helper
+    std::vector<std::string>  m_dict_tags;
-    typedef std::vector<Identifier>     id_vec;
-    typedef id_vec::const_iterator      id_vec_it;
-    typedef std::vector<unsigned short> hash_vec;
-    typedef hash_vec::const_iterator    hash_vec_it;
-    void submodule_id_checks ( int station, 
-                               int plane, 
-                               int module, 
-                               int submodule ) const;
-    void sensor_id_checks ( int station, 
-                            int plane, 
-                            int module, 
-                            int submodule,   
-                            int sensor) const;
-    int         initLevelsFromDict(void);
-    int         init_hashes(void);
-    int         init_neighbors(void);
-    size_type                   m_faser_region_index;
-    size_type                   m_SUBDET_INDEX;
-    size_type                   m_PART_INDEX;
-    size_type                   m_STATION_INDEX;
-    size_type                   m_PLANE_INDEX;
-    size_type                   m_MODULE_INDEX;
-    size_type                   m_SUBMODULE_INDEX;
-    size_type                   m_SENSOR_INDEX;
-    const IdDictDictionary*     m_dict;
-    MultiRange                  m_full_submodule_range;
-    MultiRange                  m_full_sensor_range;
-    size_type                   m_submodule_hash_max;
-    size_type                   m_sensor_hash_max;
-    id_vec                      m_submodule_vec;
-    // hash_vec                    m_prev_phi_wafer_vec;
-    // hash_vec                    m_next_phi_wafer_vec;
-    // hash_vec                    m_prev_eta_wafer_vec;
-    // hash_vec                    m_next_eta_wafer_vec;   
-    IdDictFieldImplementation   m_subdet_impl	;
-    IdDictFieldImplementation   m_part_impl	;
-    IdDictFieldImplementation   m_station_impl	;
-    IdDictFieldImplementation   m_plane_impl	;
-    IdDictFieldImplementation   m_module_impl   ;
-    IdDictFieldImplementation   m_submodule_impl;
-    IdDictFieldImplementation   m_sensor_impl	;
+    typedef Identifier::size_type                       size_type; 
+    // Identifiear numbering:
+    enum        ID   { 
+                        FASER_ID		= static_cast<Identifier::value_type>(0),
+                        MAX_BIT 		= Identifier::MAX_BIT,
+            	        ALL_BITS		= Identifier::ALL_BITS };
+    int                 initLevelsFromDict(const IdDictMgr& dict_mgr);
+    // dictionary version
+    std::string         m_dict_version;
+    bool                m_is_initialized_from_dict;
+    size_type           m_DET_INDEX;
+    size_type           m_SUBDET_INDEX;
+    int                 m_SCINT_ID;     
+    int                 m_TRACKER_ID;       
+    int                 m_CALO_ID;
+    int                 m_VETO_ID;     
+    int                 m_TRIGGER_ID;       
+    int                 m_PRESHOWER_ID;       
+    int                 m_SCT_ID;
+    int                 m_ECAL_ID;
+    /// Flag for slhc layout:
+    bool                m_isSLHC;
+    IdDictDictionary*   m_faser_dict;
+    IdDictDictionary*   m_scint_dict;
+    IdDictDictionary*   m_tracker_dict;
+    IdDictDictionary*   m_calo_dict;
+    FaserDetectorIDHelper* m_helper;
+    IdDictFieldImplementation m_det_impl;
+    IdDictFieldImplementation m_scint_part_impl;
+    IdDictFieldImplementation m_tracker_part_impl;
+    IdDictFieldImplementation m_calo_part_impl;
 //<<<<<< INLINE PUBLIC FUNCTIONS                                        >>>>>>
+//using the macros below we can assign an identifier (and a version)
+//This is required and checked at compile time when you try to record/retrieve
+CLASS_DEF(FaserDetectorID, 125694213 , 1)
 //<<<<<< INLINE MEMBER FUNCTIONS                                        >>>>>>
-//using the macros below we can assign an identifier (and a version)
-//This is required and checked at compile time when you try to record/retrieve
-CLASS_DEF(FaserDetectorID, 125694213, 1)
-// inline Identifier  
-// FaserDetectorID::module_id ( int station,
-//                              int plane,
-//                              int module ) const 
-// {
-//     // Build identifier
-//     Identifier result((Identifier::value_type)0);
+inline ExpandedIdentifier          
+FaserDetectorID::scint_exp           (void) const
+    ExpandedIdentifier result;
+    return (result << m_SCINT_ID);
-//     // Pack fields independently
-//     m_scint_impl.pack    (scint_field_value(), result);
-//     m_veto_impl.pack     (veto_field_value(),  result);
-//     m_station_impl.pack  (station,             result);
+inline ExpandedIdentifier          
+FaserDetectorID::tracker_exp             (void) const
+    ExpandedIdentifier result;
+    return (result << m_TRACKER_ID);  
-//     return result;
-// }
+inline ExpandedIdentifier          
+FaserDetectorID::calo_exp(void) const
+    ExpandedIdentifier result;
+    return (result << m_CALO_ID);
-inline Identifier  
-FaserDetectorID::module_id ( const Identifier& submodule_id ) const
+inline ExpandedIdentifier          
+FaserDetectorID::veto_exp           (void) const
-    Identifier result(submodule_id);
-    //  Reset the plate and pmt fields
-    m_submodule_impl.reset(result);
-    m_sensor_impl.reset(result);
-    return (result);
+    ExpandedIdentifier result(scint_exp());
+    return (result << m_VETO_ID);
-// inline Identifier
-// FaserDetectorID::submodule_id ( int station, 
-//                                 int plane,
-//                                 int module,
-//                                 int submodule ) const 
-// {
-//     // Build identifier
-//     Identifier result((Identifier::value_type)0);
-//     // Pack fields independently
-//     m_scint_impl.pack    (scint_field_value(), result);
-//     m_veto_impl.pack     (veto_field_value(),  result);
-//     m_station_impl.pack  (station,             result);
-//     m_plane_impl.pack    (plane,               result);
-//     m_module_impl.pack   (module,              result);
-//     m_submodule_impl.pack(submodule,           result);
-//     return result;
-// }
-inline Identifier
-FaserDetectorID::submodule_id ( const Identifier& sensor_id ) const
+inline ExpandedIdentifier          
+FaserDetectorID::trigger_exp             (void) const
-    Identifier result(sensor_id);
-    // reset the strip field
-    m_sensor_impl.reset(result);
-    return (result);
+    ExpandedIdentifier result(scint_exp());
+    return (result << m_TRIGGER_ID);  
-inline IdentifierHash
-FaserDetectorID::submodule_hash      (Identifier submodule_id) const 
+inline ExpandedIdentifier          
+FaserDetectorID::preshower_exp             (void) const
-    id_vec_it it = std::lower_bound(m_submodule_vec.begin(), 
-                                    m_submodule_vec.end(), 
-                                    submodule_id);
-    // Require that submodule_id matches the one in vector
-    if (it != m_submodule_vec.end() && submodule_id == (*it)) {
-        return (it - m_submodule_vec.begin());
-    }
-    IdentifierHash result;
-    return (result); // return hash in invalid state
+    ExpandedIdentifier result(scint_exp());
+    return (result << m_PRESHOWER_ID);  
-// inline Identifier
-// FaserDetectorID::sensor_id ( int station,  
-//                              int plane, 
-//                              int module,
-//                              int submodule,
-//                              int sensor ) const
-// {
-//     // Build identifier
-//     Identifier result((Identifier::value_type)0);
-//     // Pack fields independently
-//     m_scint_impl.pack    (scint_field_value(), result);
-//     m_veto_impl.pack     (veto_field_value(),  result);
-//     m_station_impl.pack  (station,             result);
-//     m_plane_impl.pack    (plane,               result);
-//     m_module_impl.pack   (module,              result);
-//     m_submodule_impl.pack(submodule,           result);
-//     m_sensor_impl.pack   (sensor,              result);
-//     return result;
-// }
-inline Identifier  
-FaserDetectorID::sensor_id ( const Identifier& submodule_id, int sensor ) const
+inline ExpandedIdentifier          
+FaserDetectorID::sct_exp                   (void) const
-	// Build identifier
-    Identifier result(submodule_id);
-    // Reset sensor and then add in value
-    m_sensor_impl.reset   (result);
- 	m_sensor_impl.pack    (sensor, result);
-	return result;  
+    ExpandedIdentifier result(tracker_exp());
+    return (result << m_SCT_ID);  
-inline int 
-FaserDetectorID::station       (const Identifier& id) const
+inline ExpandedIdentifier          
+FaserDetectorID::ecal_exp                (void) const
-    return (m_station_impl.unpack(id));
+    ExpandedIdentifier result(calo_exp());
+    return (result << m_ECAL_ID);  
-inline int 
-FaserDetectorID::plane         (const Identifier& id) const
+inline int                 
+FaserDetectorID::scint_field_value        () const {return (m_SCINT_ID);}     
+inline int                 
+FaserDetectorID::tracker_field_value      () const {return (m_TRACKER_ID);}
+inline int                 
+FaserDetectorID::calo_field_value         () const {return (m_CALO_ID);}
+inline int                 
+FaserDetectorID::veto_field_value         () const {return (m_VETO_ID);}     
+inline int                 
+FaserDetectorID::trigger_field_value      () const {return (m_TRIGGER_ID);}       
+inline int                 
+FaserDetectorID::preshower_field_value    () const {return (m_PRESHOWER_ID);}       
+inline int                 
+FaserDetectorID::sct_field_value          () const {return (m_SCT_ID);}       
+inline int                 
+FaserDetectorID::ecal_field_value         () const {return (m_ECAL_ID);}       
+inline bool               
+FaserDetectorID::is_scint                (Identifier id) const
-    return (m_plane_impl.unpack(id));
+    return (m_det_impl.unpack(id) == m_SCINT_ID);
-inline int 
-FaserDetectorID::module        (const Identifier& id) const
+inline bool               
+FaserDetectorID::is_tracker              (Identifier id) const
-    return (m_module_impl.unpack(id));
+    return (m_det_impl.unpack(id) == m_TRACKER_ID);
-inline int 
-FaserDetectorID::submodule     (const Identifier& id) const
+inline bool                
+FaserDetectorID::is_calo                 (Identifier id) const
-    return (m_submodule_impl.unpack(id));
+    return (m_det_impl.unpack(id) == m_CALO_ID);
-inline int 
-FaserDetectorID::sensor       (const Identifier& id) const
+inline bool               
+FaserDetectorID::is_veto       (Identifier id) const
-    return (m_sensor_impl.unpack(id));
+    bool result = false;
+    if(is_scint(id)) {
+        result = (m_scint_part_impl.unpack(id) == m_VETO_ID);
+    }
+    return result;
+inline bool               
+FaserDetectorID::is_trigger     (Identifier id) const
+    bool result = false;
+    if(is_scint(id)) { 
+	result = (m_scint_part_impl.unpack(id) == m_TRIGGER_ID);
+    }
+    return result;
+inline bool               
+FaserDetectorID::is_preshower         (Identifier id) const
+    bool result = false;
+    if(is_scint(id)) {
+        result = (m_scint_part_impl.unpack(id) == m_PRESHOWER_ID);
+    }
+    return result;
+inline bool               
+FaserDetectorID::is_sct              (Identifier id) const
+    bool result = false;
+    if(is_tracker(id)) {
+        result = (m_tracker_part_impl.unpack(id) == m_SCT_ID);
+    }
+    return result;
+inline bool               
+FaserDetectorID::is_ecal             (Identifier id) const
+    bool result = false;
+    if(is_calo(id)) {
+        result = (m_calo_part_impl.unpack(id) == m_ECAL_ID);
+    }
+    return result;
diff --git a/DetectorDescription/FaserDetDescr/FaserDetDescr/FaserDetectorIDBase.h b/DetectorDescription/FaserDetDescr/FaserDetDescr/FaserDetectorIDBase.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a7fdbc623f6c647c7b697233789da5284aa8aeb8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DetectorDescription/FaserDetDescr/FaserDetDescr/FaserDetectorIDBase.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,470 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
- * @file FaserDetectorIDBase.h
- *
- * @brief This class provides an interface to generate or decode an
- *   identifier for the upper levels of the detector element
- *   hierarchy, i.e. Faser, the detector systems and detector
- *   subsystems. As well general "print out" methods are provide for
- *   all detector systems. All id helper classes derive from this
- *   class. This class also provides access to the version tags of the
- *   id dictionaries used by the helper.
- *
- * @author RD Schaffer <R.D.Schaffer@cern.ch>
- *
- * $Id: AtlasDetectorID.h,v 1.38 2007-02-23 09:33:30 prieur Exp $
- * Modified for FASER
- */
-//<<<<<< INCLUDES                                                       >>>>>>
-#include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
-#include "Identifier/IdContext.h"
-#include "Identifier/IdHelper.h"
-#include "Identifier/Range.h"
-#include "IdDict/IdDictFieldImplementation.h"
-#include "FaserDetTechnology.h"
-#include "AthenaKernel/CLASS_DEF.h"
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-//<<<<<< PUBLIC TYPES                                                   >>>>>>
-class IdDictDictionary;
-class FaserDetectorIDHelper;
-//<<<<<< CLASS DECLARATIONS                                             >>>>>>
- * @class FaserDetectorIDBase
- *   
- * @brief This class provides an interface to generate or decode an
- *   identifier for the upper levels of the detector element
- *   hierarchy, i.e. Faser, the detector systems and detector
- *   subsystems. As well general "print out" methods are provide for
- *   all detector systems. All id helper classes derive from this
- *   class. This class also provides access to the version tags of the
- *   id dictionaries used by the helper.
- **/
-class FaserDetectorIDBase : public IdHelper
-    /// @name strutors
-    //@{
-    FaserDetectorIDBase();
-    FaserDetectorIDBase(const FaserDetectorIDBase& other);
-    ~FaserDetectorIDBase(void);
-    FaserDetectorIDBase& operator= (const FaserDetectorIDBase& other);
-    //@}
-    /// @name Detector system ids
-    //@{
-    /// Detector systems:
-    Identifier          scint           (void) const;
-    Identifier          tracker         (void) const;
-    Identifier          calo            (void) const;
-    //@}
-    /// @name Scintillator subsystem ids
-    //@{
-    Identifier          veto            (void) const;
-    Identifier          trigger         (void) const;
-    Identifier          preshower       (void) const;
-    //@}
-    /// @name Tracker subsystem ids
-    //@{
-    Identifier          sct             (void) const;
-    //@}
-    /// @name Calorimeter subsystem ids
-    //@{
-    Identifier          ecal            (void) const;
-    //@}
-    /// @name Contexts to provide id length - e.g. for use in generic decoding
-    //@{
-    /// IdContext (indicates id length) for detector systems
-    IdContext           detsystem_context (void) const;
-    /// IdContext (indicates id length) for sub-detector
-    IdContext           subdet_context  (void) const;
-    //@}
-    /// @name Generic conversion between identifier and idhash
-    //@{
-    /// Create compact id from hash id (return == 0 for OK)
-    virtual int         get_id          (const IdentifierHash& hash_id,
-                                         Identifier& id,
-                                         const IdContext* context = 0) const;
-    /// Create hash id from compact id (return == 0 for OK)
-    virtual int         get_hash        (const Identifier& id, 
-                                         IdentifierHash& hash_id,
-                                         const IdContext* context = 0) const;
-    //@}
-    /// @name Initialization and version name 
-    //@{
-    /// Initialization from the identifier dictionary
-    virtual int         initialize_from_dictionary(const IdDictMgr& dict_mgr);
-    // retrieve version of the dictionary
-    virtual std::string   dictionaryVersion  (void) const;
-    //@}
-    /// @name Generic printing of identifiers
-    //@{
-    /// Short print out of any identifier (optionally provide
-    /// separation character - default is '.'):
-    void                show            (Identifier id, 
-                                         const IdContext* context = 0,
-                                         char sep = '.' ) const;
-    /// or provide the printout in string form
-    std::string         show_to_string  (Identifier id, 
-                                         const IdContext* context = 0,
-                                         char sep = '.'  ) const;
-    /// Expanded print out of any identifier
-    void                print           (Identifier id,
-                                         const IdContext* context = 0) const;
-    /// or provide the printout in string form
-    std::string         print_to_string (Identifier id,
-                                         const IdContext* context = 0) const;
-    //@}
-    /// @name  Test of an Identifier to see if it belongs to a particular detector (sub)system:
-    //@{
-    bool                is_scint        (Identifier id) const;
-    bool                is_tracker      (Identifier id) const;
-    bool                is_calo         (Identifier id) const;
-    bool                is_veto         (Identifier id) const;
-    bool                is_trigger      (Identifier id) const;
-    bool                is_preshower    (Identifier id) const;
-    bool                is_sct          (Identifier id) const;
-    bool                is_ecal         (Identifier id) const;
-    //@}
-    /// @name  Test of an Identifier to see if it belongs to a particular detector (sub)system (using expanded ids):
-    //@{
-    bool                is_scint        (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const;
-    bool                is_tracker      (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const;
-    bool                is_calo         (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const;
-    bool                is_veto         (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const;
-    bool                is_trigger      (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const;
-    bool                is_preshower    (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const;
-    bool                is_sct          (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const;
-    bool                is_ecal         (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const;
-    //@}
-    /// @name  Dictionary versioning: provide access to dictionary names and versions. Note that a helper may correspond to one or more id dictionary
-    //@{
-    ///  Dictionary names
-    std::vector<std::string>  dict_names(void) const;
-    ///  File names for subdet dictionaries
-    std::vector<std::string>  file_names(void) const;
-    ///  Version tags for subdet dictionaries
-    std::vector<std::string>  dict_tags (void) const;
-    //@}
-    /// @name  Checks are performed by default in debug compilation and NOT in optimized compilation. One can switch or query this mode for any idHelper with the following methods:
-    //@{
-    virtual bool        do_checks       (void) const;
-    virtual void        set_do_checks   (bool do_checks);
-    //@}
-    /// @name neighbours are initialized by default. One can switch or query this mode with the following methods:
-    //@{
-    virtual bool        do_neighbours       (void) const;
-    virtual void        set_do_neighbours   (bool do_neighbours);
-    //@}
-    /// @name setting pointer to the MessageService
-    //@{
-    virtual void setMessageSvc  (IMessageSvc* msgSvc);
-    //@}
-    /// Set flag for suppressing informational output.
-    void set_quiet (bool quiet);
-    friend class FaserDetectorIDHelper;
-    void                setDictVersion  (const IdDictMgr& dict_mgr, const std::string& name);
-    std::string         to_range        (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const;
-    std::string         fix_barrel_ec   (const std::string& barrel_ec) const;
-    /// Detector systems:
-    ExpandedIdentifier          scint_exp           (void) const;
-    ExpandedIdentifier          tracker_exp         (void) const;
-    ExpandedIdentifier          calo_exp            (void) const;
-    /// Scintillator:
-    ExpandedIdentifier          veto_exp            (void) const;
-    ExpandedIdentifier          trigger_exp         (void) const;
-    ExpandedIdentifier          preshower_exp       (void) const;
-    /// Tracker:
-    ExpandedIdentifier          sct_exp             (void) const;
-    /// Calorimeter:
-    ExpandedIdentifier          ecal_exp            (void) const;
-    /// Provide efficient access to individual field values, for
-    /// subclass idhelpers
-    int                 scint_field_value        () const;     
-    int                 tracker_field_value      () const;       
-    int                 calo_field_value         () const;
-    int                 veto_field_value         () const;     
-    int                 trigger_field_value      () const;       
-    int                 preshower_field_value    () const;       
-    int                 sct_field_value          () const;
-    int                 ecal_field_value         () const;
-    /// Register the file and tag names for a particular IdDict
-    /// dictionary
-    int                 register_dict_tag        (const IdDictMgr& dict_mgr,
-                                                  const std::string& dict_name);
-    /// Test whether an idhelper should be reinitialized based on the
-    /// change of tags 
-    bool                reinitialize             (const IdDictMgr& dict_mgr);
-    /// Flag for subclasses to know whether or not to perform
-    /// checks. In general, this is set to false in optimized mode.
-    mutable bool        m_do_checks;
-    /// Flag for subclasses to know whether or not to perform
-    /// neighbour initialization
-    mutable bool        m_do_neighbours;
-    /// pointer to the message service
-    IMessageSvc*        m_msgSvc;
-    /// If true, suppress DEBUG/INFO messages.
-    bool m_quiet;
-    /// List of dictionary names used by this helper
-    std::vector<std::string>  m_dict_names;
-    /// List of dictionary file names used by this helper
-    std::vector<std::string>  m_file_names;
-    /// List of dictionary versions used by this helper
-    std::vector<std::string>  m_dict_tags;
-    typedef Identifier::size_type                       size_type; 
-    // Identifiear numbering:
-    enum        ID   { 
-                        FASER_ID		= static_cast<Identifier::value_type>(0),
-                        MAX_BIT 		= Identifier::MAX_BIT,
-            	        ALL_BITS		= Identifier::ALL_BITS };
-    int                 initLevelsFromDict(const IdDictMgr& dict_mgr);
-    // dictionary version
-    std::string         m_dict_version;
-    bool                m_is_initialized_from_dict;
-    size_type           m_DET_INDEX;
-    size_type           m_SUBDET_INDEX;
-    int                 m_SCINT_ID;     
-    int                 m_TRACKER_ID;       
-    int                 m_CALO_ID;
-    int                 m_VETO_ID;     
-    int                 m_TRIGGER_ID;       
-    int                 m_PRESHOWER_ID;       
-    int                 m_SCT_ID;
-    int                 m_ECAL_ID;
-    /// Flag for slhc layout:
-    bool                m_isSLHC;
-    IdDictDictionary*   m_faser_dict;
-    IdDictDictionary*   m_scint_dict;
-    IdDictDictionary*   m_tracker_dict;
-    IdDictDictionary*   m_calo_dict;
-    FaserDetectorIDHelper* m_helper;
-    IdDictFieldImplementation m_det_impl;
-    IdDictFieldImplementation m_scint_part_impl;
-    IdDictFieldImplementation m_tracker_part_impl;
-    IdDictFieldImplementation m_calo_part_impl;
-//<<<<<< INLINE PUBLIC FUNCTIONS                                        >>>>>>
-//using the macros below we can assign an identifier (and a version)
-//This is required and checked at compile time when you try to record/retrieve
-CLASS_DEF(FaserDetectorIDBase, 168050226 , 1)
-//<<<<<< INLINE MEMBER FUNCTIONS                                        >>>>>>
-inline ExpandedIdentifier          
-FaserDetectorIDBase::scint_exp           (void) const
-    ExpandedIdentifier result;
-    return (result << m_SCINT_ID);
-inline ExpandedIdentifier          
-FaserDetectorIDBase::tracker_exp             (void) const
-    ExpandedIdentifier result;
-    return (result << m_TRACKER_ID);  
-inline ExpandedIdentifier          
-FaserDetectorIDBase::calo_exp(void) const
-    ExpandedIdentifier result;
-    return (result << m_CALO_ID);
-inline ExpandedIdentifier          
-FaserDetectorIDBase::veto_exp           (void) const
-    ExpandedIdentifier result(scint_exp());
-    return (result << m_VETO_ID);
-inline ExpandedIdentifier          
-FaserDetectorIDBase::trigger_exp             (void) const
-    ExpandedIdentifier result(scint_exp());
-    return (result << m_TRIGGER_ID);  
-inline ExpandedIdentifier          
-FaserDetectorIDBase::preshower_exp             (void) const
-    ExpandedIdentifier result(scint_exp());
-    return (result << m_PRESHOWER_ID);  
-inline ExpandedIdentifier          
-FaserDetectorIDBase::sct_exp                   (void) const
-    ExpandedIdentifier result(tracker_exp());
-    return (result << m_SCT_ID);  
-inline ExpandedIdentifier          
-FaserDetectorIDBase::ecal_exp                (void) const
-    ExpandedIdentifier result(calo_exp());
-    return (result << m_ECAL_ID);  
-inline int                 
-FaserDetectorIDBase::scint_field_value        () const {return (m_SCINT_ID);}     
-inline int                 
-FaserDetectorIDBase::tracker_field_value      () const {return (m_TRACKER_ID);}
-inline int                 
-FaserDetectorIDBase::calo_field_value         () const {return (m_CALO_ID);}
-inline int                 
-FaserDetectorIDBase::veto_field_value         () const {return (m_VETO_ID);}     
-inline int                 
-FaserDetectorIDBase::trigger_field_value      () const {return (m_TRIGGER_ID);}       
-inline int                 
-FaserDetectorIDBase::preshower_field_value    () const {return (m_PRESHOWER_ID);}       
-inline int                 
-FaserDetectorIDBase::sct_field_value          () const {return (m_SCT_ID);}       
-inline int                 
-FaserDetectorIDBase::ecal_field_value         () const {return (m_ECAL_ID);}       
-inline bool               
-FaserDetectorIDBase::is_scint                (Identifier id) const
-    return (m_det_impl.unpack(id) == m_SCINT_ID);
-inline bool               
-FaserDetectorIDBase::is_tracker              (Identifier id) const
-    return (m_det_impl.unpack(id) == m_TRACKER_ID);
-inline bool                
-FaserDetectorIDBase::is_calo                 (Identifier id) const
-    return (m_det_impl.unpack(id) == m_CALO_ID);
-inline bool               
-FaserDetectorIDBase::is_veto       (Identifier id) const
-    bool result = false;
-    if(is_scint(id)) {
-        result = (m_scint_part_impl.unpack(id) == m_VETO_ID);
-    }
-    return result;
-inline bool               
-FaserDetectorIDBase::is_trigger     (Identifier id) const
-    bool result = false;
-    if(is_scint(id)) { 
-	result = (m_scint_part_impl.unpack(id) == m_TRIGGER_ID);
-    }
-    return result;
-inline bool               
-FaserDetectorIDBase::is_preshower         (Identifier id) const
-    bool result = false;
-    if(is_scint(id)) {
-        result = (m_scint_part_impl.unpack(id) == m_PRESHOWER_ID);
-    }
-    return result;
-inline bool               
-FaserDetectorIDBase::is_sct              (Identifier id) const
-    bool result = false;
-    if(is_tracker(id)) {
-        result = (m_tracker_part_impl.unpack(id) == m_SCT_ID);
-    }
-    return result;
-inline bool               
-FaserDetectorIDBase::is_ecal             (Identifier id) const
-    bool result = false;
-    if(is_calo(id)) {
-        result = (m_calo_part_impl.unpack(id) == m_ECAL_ID);
-    }
-    return result;
diff --git a/DetectorDescription/FaserDetDescr/FaserDetDescr/selection.xml b/DetectorDescription/FaserDetDescr/FaserDetDescr/selection.xml
index ee21d32312fe1e27e5f27554ff212f45b3480fe2..e1dd6f004e601d9bc9e29984f6f5bb8bbddafb2f 100644
--- a/DetectorDescription/FaserDetDescr/FaserDetDescr/selection.xml
+++ b/DetectorDescription/FaserDetDescr/FaserDetDescr/selection.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
   <enum pattern="FaserDetDescr::*"/>
   <class name="FaserDetDescr::ROOT6_NamespaceAutoloadHook" />   
-  <class name="FaserDetectorIDBase" />
-  <!-- <class name="FaserDetectorID" /> -->
+  <class name="FaserDetectorID" />
diff --git a/DetectorDescription/FaserDetDescr/src/FaserDetectorID.cxx b/DetectorDescription/FaserDetDescr/src/FaserDetectorID.cxx
index 29b4ff691ac0ebc4974fafe3a17ef7cd49bd97ee..6bbaec02b606f0a19c04dca10c0016e435c8be77 100644
--- a/DetectorDescription/FaserDetDescr/src/FaserDetectorID.cxx
+++ b/DetectorDescription/FaserDetDescr/src/FaserDetectorID.cxx
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
- Scintillator identifier package
- -------------------------------------------
+ Detector Description
+ -----------------------------------------
 //<<<<<< INCLUDES                                                       >>>>>>
-#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include "FaserDetDescr/FaserDetectorID.h"
-#include "Identifier/IdentifierHash.h"
-#include "IdDict/IdDictDefs.h"  
-#include <set>
-#include <algorithm>
+#include "IdDict/IdDictDefs.h"
+#include "FaserDetectorIDHelper.h"
 #include <iostream>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <assert.h>
 //<<<<<< PRIVATE DEFINES                                                >>>>>>
 //<<<<<< PRIVATE CONSTANTS                                              >>>>>>
@@ -27,337 +27,1108 @@
 //<<<<<< PUBLIC FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                                    >>>>>>
 //<<<<<< MEMBER FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                                    >>>>>>
+        :
+        m_do_checks(false),
+        m_do_neighbours(true),
+        m_msgSvc(0),
+        m_quiet(false),
+        m_is_initialized_from_dict(false),
+        m_DET_INDEX(999),
+        m_SUBDET_INDEX(999),
+        m_SCINT_ID(2),
+        m_TRACKER_ID(3),
+        m_CALO_ID(4),
+        m_VETO_ID(1),
+        m_TRIGGER_ID(2),
+        m_PRESHOWER_ID(3),
+        m_SCT_ID(1),
+        m_ECAL_ID(1),
+        m_isSLHC(false),
+        m_faser_dict(0),
+        m_scint_dict(0),
+        m_tracker_dict(0),
+        m_calo_dict(0),
+        m_helper(0)
+    delete m_helper;
+FaserDetectorID::FaserDetectorID(const FaserDetectorID& other)
-        m_faser_region_index(0),
-        m_SUBDET_INDEX(0),
-        m_PART_INDEX(1),
-        m_STATION_INDEX(2),
-        m_PLANE_INDEX(3),
-        m_MODULE_INDEX(4),
-        m_SUBMODULE_INDEX(5),
-        m_SENSOR_INDEX(6),
-        m_dict(0),
-        m_submodule_hash_max(0),
-        m_sensor_hash_max(0)
+        IdHelper(),
+        m_do_checks               (other.m_do_checks),
+        m_do_neighbours           (other.m_do_neighbours),
+        m_msgSvc                  (other.m_msgSvc),
+        m_quiet                   (other.m_quiet),
+        m_dict_version            (other.m_dict_version),
+        m_is_initialized_from_dict(other.m_is_initialized_from_dict),
+        m_DET_INDEX               (other.m_DET_INDEX),
+        m_SUBDET_INDEX            (other.m_SUBDET_INDEX),
+        m_SCINT_ID                (other.m_SCINT_ID),
+        m_TRACKER_ID              (other.m_TRACKER_ID),
+        m_CALO_ID                 (other.m_CALO_ID),
+        m_VETO_ID                 (other.m_VETO_ID),
+        m_TRIGGER_ID              (other.m_TRIGGER_ID),
+        m_PRESHOWER_ID            (other.m_PRESHOWER_ID),
+        m_SCT_ID                  (other.m_SCT_ID),
+        m_ECAL_ID                 (other.m_ECAL_ID),
+        m_isSLHC                  (other.m_isSLHC),
+        m_faser_dict              (other.m_faser_dict),
+        m_scint_dict              (other.m_scint_dict),
+        m_tracker_dict            (other.m_tracker_dict),
+        m_calo_dict               (other.m_calo_dict),
+        m_helper                  (0),
+        m_det_impl                (other.m_det_impl),
+        m_scint_part_impl         (other.m_scint_part_impl),
+        m_tracker_part_impl       (other.m_tracker_part_impl),
+        m_calo_part_impl          (other.m_calo_part_impl)
+    if (other.m_helper) {
+        // Must copy helper
+        m_helper = new  FaserDetectorIDHelper(*other.m_helper);
+        m_helper->setMsgSvc(m_msgSvc);
+    }
-    //
-    // create a vector(s) to retrieve the hashes for compact ids. For
-    // the moment, we implement a hash for submodules but NOT for sensors
-    //
-    MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorID");
-    // wafer hash
-    m_submodule_hash_max = m_full_submodule_range.cardinality();
-    m_submodule_vec.resize(m_submodule_hash_max);
-    unsigned int nids = 0;
-    std::set<Identifier> ids;
-    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_full_submodule_range.size(); ++i) {
-        const Range& range = m_full_submodule_range[i];
-        Range::const_identifier_factory first = range.factory_begin();
-        Range::const_identifier_factory last  = range.factory_end();
-        for (; first != last; ++first) {
-            const ExpandedIdentifier& exp_id = (*first);
-            Identifier id = submodule_id(exp_id[m_STATION_INDEX],
-                                         exp_id[m_PLANE_INDEX],
-                                         exp_id[m_MODULE_INDEX],
-                                         exp_id[m_SUBMODULE_INDEX]);
-            if(!(ids.insert(id)).second) {
-                log << MSG::ERROR << " FaserDetectorID::init_hashes "
-                    << " Error: duplicated id for plate id. nid " << nids
-                    << " compact id " << id.getString()
-                    << " id " << (std::string)exp_id << endmsg;
-                return (1);
-            }
-            nids++;
+FaserDetectorID::operator= (const FaserDetectorID& other)
+    if (this != &other) {
+        m_do_checks             = other.m_do_checks;
+        m_do_neighbours         = other.m_do_neighbours;
+        m_msgSvc                = other.m_msgSvc;
+        m_quiet                 = other.m_quiet;
+        m_dict_version          = other.m_dict_version;
+        m_is_initialized_from_dict = other.m_is_initialized_from_dict;
+        m_DET_INDEX             = other.m_DET_INDEX;
+        m_SUBDET_INDEX          = other.m_SUBDET_INDEX;
+        m_SCINT_ID              = other.m_SCINT_ID;
+        m_TRACKER_ID            = other.m_TRACKER_ID;
+        m_CALO_ID               = other.m_CALO_ID;
+        m_VETO_ID               = other.m_VETO_ID;
+        m_TRIGGER_ID            = other.m_TRIGGER_ID;
+        m_PRESHOWER_ID          = other.m_PRESHOWER_ID;
+        m_SCT_ID                = other.m_SCT_ID;
+        m_ECAL_ID               = other.m_ECAL_ID;
+        m_faser_dict            = other.m_faser_dict;
+        m_scint_dict            = other.m_scint_dict;
+        m_tracker_dict          = other.m_tracker_dict;
+        m_calo_dict             = other.m_calo_dict;
+        m_det_impl              = other.m_det_impl;
+        m_scint_part_impl       = other.m_scint_part_impl;
+        m_tracker_part_impl     = other.m_tracker_part_impl;
+        m_calo_part_impl        = other.m_calo_part_impl;
+        if (other.m_helper) {
+            // Must copy helper.
+            delete m_helper;
+            m_helper = new  FaserDetectorIDHelper(*other.m_helper);
+            m_helper->setMsgSvc(m_msgSvc);
-    if(ids.size() != m_submodule_hash_max) {
-        log << MSG::ERROR << " FaserDetectorID::init_hashes "
-            << " Error: set size NOT EQUAL to hash max. size " << ids.size()
-            << " hash max " << m_submodule_hash_max 
-            << endmsg;
-        return (1);
-    }
-    nids = 0;
-    std::set<Identifier>::const_iterator first = ids.begin();
-    std::set<Identifier>::const_iterator last  = ids.end();
-    for (; first != last && nids < m_submodule_vec.size(); ++first) {
-        m_submodule_vec[nids] = (*first);
-        nids++;
-    }
+    return (*this);
+FaserDetectorID::scint        (void) const
+    Identifier result((Identifier::value_type)0);
+    // Pack field
+    m_det_impl.pack    (scint_field_value(), result);
+    return (result);
+FaserDetectorID::tracker      (void) const
+    Identifier result((Identifier::value_type)0);
+    // Pack field
+    m_det_impl.pack    (tracker_field_value(), result);
+    return (result);
-    // sensor hash - we do not keep a vec for the sensors
-    m_sensor_hash_max = m_full_sensor_range.cardinality();
+FaserDetectorID::calo(void) const
+    Identifier result((Identifier::value_type)0);
+    // Pack field
+    m_det_impl.pack    (calo_field_value(), result);
+    return (result);
+FaserDetectorID::veto        (void) const
+    Identifier result((Identifier::value_type)0);
+    // Pack field
+    m_det_impl.pack       (scint_field_value(), result);
+    m_scint_part_impl.pack(m_VETO_ID, result);
+    return (result);
+FaserDetectorID::trigger          (void) const
+    Identifier result((Identifier::value_type)0);
+    // Pack field
+    m_det_impl.pack       (scint_field_value(), result);
+    m_scint_part_impl.pack(m_TRIGGER_ID, result);
+    return (result);
+FaserDetectorID::preshower          (void) const
+    Identifier result((Identifier::value_type)0);
+    // Pack field
+    m_det_impl.pack       (scint_field_value(), result);
+    m_scint_part_impl.pack(m_PRESHOWER_ID, result);
+    return (result);
+FaserDetectorID::sct          (void) const
+    Identifier result((Identifier::value_type)0);
+    // Pack field
+    m_det_impl.pack       (tracker_field_value(), result);
+    m_tracker_part_impl.pack(m_SCT_ID, result);
+    return (result);
+FaserDetectorID::ecal          (void) const
+    Identifier result((Identifier::value_type)0);
+    // Pack field
+    m_det_impl.pack       (calo_field_value(), result);
+    m_calo_part_impl.pack(m_ECAL_ID, result);
+    return (result);
+/// IdContext (indicates id length) for detector systems
+FaserDetectorID::detsystem_context (void) const
+    ExpandedIdentifier id;
+    return (IdContext(id, 0, m_DET_INDEX));
+/// IdContext (indicates id length) for sub-detector
+FaserDetectorID::subdet_context  (void) const
+    ExpandedIdentifier id;
+    return (IdContext(id, 0, m_SUBDET_INDEX));
+FaserDetectorID::get_id          (const IdentifierHash& /*hash_id*/,
+                                  Identifier& /*id*/,
+                                  const IdContext* /*context*/) const
     return (0);
+FaserDetectorID::get_hash        (const Identifier& /*id*/,
+                                  IdentifierHash& /*hash_id*/,
+                                  const IdContext* /*context*/) const
+    return (0);
-FaserDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary(const IdDictMgr& dict_mgr)
+FaserDetectorID::register_dict_tag        (const IdDictMgr& dict_mgr,
+                                           const std::string& dict_name)
-    MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorID");
-    log << MSG::INFO << "Initialize from dictionary" << endmsg;
-    // Check whether this helper should be reinitialized
-    if (!reinitialize(dict_mgr)) {
-        log << MSG::INFO << "Request to reinitialize not satisfied - tags have not changed" << endmsg;
-        return (0);
-    }
-    else {
-        if (m_msgSvc) {
-            log << MSG::DEBUG << "(Re)initialize" << endmsg;
+    // Register version of dictionary dict_name
+    // Access dictionary by name
+    IdDictDictionary* dict = dict_mgr.find_dictionary(dict_name);
+    if (!dict) return(1);
+    // Add in dict name, file name and version
+    m_dict_names.push_back(dict_name);
+    m_file_names.push_back(dict->file_name());
+    m_dict_tags.push_back(dict->dict_tag());
+    return (0);
+/// Test whether an idhelper should be reinitialized based on the
+/// change of tags
+FaserDetectorID::reinitialize             (const IdDictMgr& dict_mgr)
+    // If no tag has been registered, then reinitialize
+    if (m_dict_tags.size() == 0) return (true);
+    // If no dict names have been registered, then reinitialize
+    if (m_dict_names.size() == 0) return (true);
+    // Loop over dict names and check version tags
+    if (m_dict_names.size() != m_dict_tags.size()) {
+        if(m_msgSvc) {
+            MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorID" );
+            log << MSG::ERROR << "reinitialize: dict names and tags vectors not the same length " << endmsg;
+            log << MSG::ERROR << "names: " << m_dict_names.size() << " tags: " << m_dict_tags.size() << endmsg;
         else {
-            std::cout  << " DEBUG (Re)initialize" << std::endl;
+            std::cout << MSG::ERROR << "reinitialize: dict names and tags vectors not the same length " << std::endl;
+            std::cout << "FaserDetectorID::reinitialize ERROR names: " << m_dict_names.size() << " tags: " << m_dict_tags.size() << std::endl;
+        }
+    }
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_dict_names.size(); ++i) {
+        // Access dictionary by name
+        IdDictDictionary* dict = dict_mgr.find_dictionary(m_dict_names[i]);
+        if (!dict) {
+            if(m_msgSvc) {
+                MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorID" );
+                log << MSG::ERROR << "reinitialize: could not find dict -  " << m_dict_names[i] << endmsg;
+            }
+            else {
+              std::cout << "FaserDetectorID::reinitialize ERROR could not find dict -  " << m_dict_names[i] << std::endl;
+            }
+            return(false);
+        }
+        if (m_dict_tags[i] != dict->dict_tag()) {
+            // Remove all memory of versions
+            m_dict_names.clear();
+            m_dict_tags.clear();
+            m_file_names.clear();
+            return (true);
-    // init base object
-    if(FaserDetectorIDBase::initialize_from_dictionary(dict_mgr)) return (1);
+    // Tags match - don't reinitialize
+    return (false);
-    // Register version of InnerDetector dictionary 
-    if (register_dict_tag(dict_mgr, "Scintillator")) return(1);
-    m_dict = dict_mgr.find_dictionary ("Scintillator"); 
-    if(!m_dict) {
-        log << MSG::ERROR << " FaserDetectorID::initialize_from_dict - cannot access Scintillator dictionary " << endmsg;
-        return 1;
+FaserDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary(const IdDictMgr& dict_mgr)
+    // Register version of FASER dictionary
+    if (register_dict_tag(dict_mgr, "FASER")) return(1);
+    // Initialize helper, needed for init of FaserDetectorID
+    if(!m_helper) {
+        m_helper = new FaserDetectorIDHelper;
+        m_helper->setMsgSvc(m_msgSvc);
-    // Initialize the field indices
-    if(initLevelsFromDict()) return (1);
+    if(m_helper->initialize_from_dictionary(dict_mgr)) return (1);
-    //
-    // Build multirange for the valid set of identifiers
-    //
+    // Initialize level indices and id values from dicts
+    if(initLevelsFromDict(dict_mgr)) return (1);
+    m_is_initialized_from_dict = true;
-    // Find value for the field Scintillator
-    const IdDictDictionary* faserDict = dict_mgr.find_dictionary ("FASER"); 
-    int scintField   = -1;
-    if (faserDict->get_label_value("subdet", "Scintillator", scintField)) {
-        log << MSG::ERROR << "Could not get value for label 'Scintillator' of field 'subdet' in dictionary " 
-            << faserDict->m_name
-            << endmsg;
-        return (1);
+    if (!m_quiet) {
+      if(m_msgSvc) {
+        MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorID" );
+        log << MSG::INFO << "initialize_from_dictionary - OK" << endmsg;
+      }
+      else {
+        std::cout << " FaserDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK " << std::endl;
+      }
+    return (0);
-    // Find value for the field Veto
-    int vetoField   = -1;
-    if (m_dict->get_label_value("part", "Veto", vetoField)) {
-        log << MSG::ERROR << "Could not get value for label 'Veto' of field 'part' in dictionary " 
-            << m_dict->m_name
-            << endmsg;
-        return (1);
+FaserDetectorID::dictionaryVersion  (void) const
+    return (m_dict_version);
+FaserDetectorID::is_scint       (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const
+    bool result = false;
+    if ( id.fields() > 0 ){
+        if ( id[0] == m_SCINT_ID) result = true;
-    if (m_msgSvc) {
-        log << MSG::DEBUG << " VetoID::initialize_from_dict " 
-            << "Found field values: Veto "  
-            << vetoField
-            << std::endl;
+    return result;
+FaserDetectorID::is_tracker                 (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const
+    bool result = false;
+    if ( id.fields() > 0 ){
+        if ( id[0] == m_TRACKER_ID) result = true;
-    else {
-        std::cout << " DEBUG VetoID::initialize_from_dict " 
-                  << "Found field values: Veto "  
-                  << vetoField
-                  << std::endl;
+    return result;
+FaserDetectorID::is_calo                (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const
+    bool result = false;
+    if ( id.fields() > 0 ){
+        if ( id[0] == m_CALO_ID ) result = true;
-    // Set up id for region and range prefix
-    ExpandedIdentifier region_id;
-    region_id.add(scintField);
-    region_id.add(vetoField);
-    Range prefix;
-    m_full_plate_range = m_dict->build_multirange(region_id, prefix, "plate");
-    m_full_pmt_range = m_dict->build_multirange(region_id, prefix);
+    return result;
-    if (m_msgSvc) {
-        log << MSG::INFO << " VetoID::initialize_from_dict "  << endmsg;
-        log << MSG::DEBUG  
-            << "Plate range -> " << (std::string)m_full_plate_range
-            <<   endmsg;
-        log << MSG::DEBUG
-            << "Pmt range -> " << (std::string)m_full_pmt_range
-            << endmsg;
+FaserDetectorID::is_veto       (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const
+    bool result = false;
+    if ( is_scint(id) && id.fields() > 1 ){
+        if ( id[1] == m_VETO_ID ) result = true;
+    }
+    return result;
+FaserDetectorID::is_trigger         (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const
+    bool result = false;
+    if ( is_scint(id) && id.fields() > 1 ){
+        if ( id[1] == m_TRIGGER_ID ) return(true);
+    }
+    return result;
+FaserDetectorID::is_preshower         (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const
+    bool result = false;
+    if ( is_scint(id) && id.fields() > 1 ){
+        if ( id[1] == m_PRESHOWER_ID ) result = true;
+    }
+    return result;
+FaserDetectorID::is_sct         (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const
+    bool result = false;
+    if ( is_tracker(id) && id.fields() > 1 ){
+        if ( id[1] == m_SCT_ID ) result = true;
+    }
+    return result;
+FaserDetectorID::is_ecal         (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const
+    bool result = false;
+    if ( is_calo(id) && id.fields() > 1 ){
+        if ( id[1] == m_ECAL_ID ) result = true;
+    }
+    return result;
+// Short print out of any identifier:
+FaserDetectorID::show           (Identifier id,
+                                 const IdContext* context,
+                                 char sep ) const
+    if(m_msgSvc) {
+        MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorID" );
+        log << MSG::INFO << show_to_string(id, context, sep) << endmsg;
     else {
-        std::cout << " INFO VetoID::initialize_from_dict "  << std::endl;
-        std::cout << " DEBUG  Plate range -> " << (std::string)m_full_plate_range
-                  <<   std::endl;
-        std::cout << " DEBUG Pmt range -> " << (std::string)m_full_pmt_range
-                  << std::endl;
+        std::cout << show_to_string(id, context, sep) << std::endl;
-    return 0;
+// or provide the printout in string form
+FaserDetectorID::show_to_string (Identifier id,
+                                 const IdContext* context,
+                                 char sep ) const
+    // Do a generic printout of identifier
+    std::string result("Unable to decode id");
+    unsigned int max_index = (context) ? context->end_index()  : 999;
-    MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorID");
-    if(!m_dict) {
-        log << MSG::ERROR << " FaserDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - dictionary NOT initialized " << endmsg;
-        return (1);
+    if (!m_is_initialized_from_dict) return  (result);
+    // Find the dictionary to use:
+    IdDictDictionary*   dict = 0;
+    ExpandedIdentifier expId;
+    ExpandedIdentifier prefix;  // default is null prefix
+    Identifier compact = id;
+    if (is_scint(id)) {
+        dict = m_scint_dict;
+    }
+    else if (is_tracker(id)) {
+        dict = m_tracker_dict;
+    }
+    else if (is_calo(id)) {
+        dict = m_calo_dict;
-    // Find out which identifier field corresponds to each level. Use
-    // names to find each field/leve.
-    m_SUBDET_INDEX              = 999;
-    m_PART_INDEX                = 999;
-    m_STATION_INDEX             = 999;
-    m_PLANE_INDEX               = 999;
-    m_MODULE_INDEX              = 999;
-    m_SUBMODULE_INDEX           = 999;
-    m_SENSOR_INDEX              = 999;
-    // Save index to a Veto region for unpacking
-    ExpandedIdentifier id; 
-    id << scint_field_value() << veto_field_value();
-    if (m_dict->find_region(id, m_veto_region_index)) {
-        log << MSG::ERROR << "FaserDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find veto region index: id, reg "  
-            << (std::string)id << " " << m_veto_region_index
-            << endmsg;
-        return (1);
+    if (!dict) return (result);
+    if (dict->unpack(compact,
+                     prefix,
+                     max_index,
+                     expId)) {
+        return (result);
-    // Find a Vetp region
-    IdDictField* field = m_dict->find_field("subdet");
-    if (field) {
-        m_SCINT_INDEX = field->m_index;
+    bool first = true;
+    char temp[20];
+    result = "";
+    if ('.' == sep) result = "[";
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < expId.fields(); ++i) {
+        if (first) first = false;
+        else result += sep;
+        sprintf (temp, "%d", expId[i]);
+        result += temp;
+    }
+    if ('.' == sep) result += "]";
+//      result += " compact [";
+//      sprintf (temp, "0x%x", (unsigned int)compact);
+//      result += temp;
+//      result += "]";
+    return (result);
+FaserDetectorID::print (Identifier id,
+                        const IdContext* context) const
+    if(m_msgSvc) {
+        MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorID" );
+        log << MSG::INFO << print_to_string(id, context) << endmsg;
     else {
-        log << MSG::ERROR << "VetoID::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'subdet' field "  << endmsg;
-        return (1);
+        std::cout << print_to_string(id, context) << std::endl;
-    field = m_dict->find_field("part");
-    if (field) {
-        m_VETO_INDEX = field->m_index;
+FaserDetectorID::print_to_string        (Identifier id,
+                                         const IdContext* context) const
+    // Print out for any Faser identifier
+    std::string result;
+    if (m_is_initialized_from_dict) {
+        // Do a generic printout of identifier from dictionary
+        unsigned int max_index = (context) ? context->end_index()  : 999;
+        // Find the dictionary to use:
+        IdDictDictionary*       dict = 0;
+        ExpandedIdentifier expId;
+        ExpandedIdentifier prefix;  // default is null prefix
+        Identifier compact = id;
+        if (is_scint(id)) {
+            dict = m_scint_dict;
+        }
+        else if (is_tracker(id)) {
+            dict = m_tracker_dict;
+        }
+        else if (is_calo(id)) {
+            dict = m_calo_dict;
+        }
+        if (!dict) return (result);
+        if (dict->unpack(compact,
+                         prefix,
+                         max_index,
+                         " ",
+                         result)) {
+            return (result);
+        }
+    }
+    return (result);
+///  Dictionary name
+FaserDetectorID::dict_names         (void) const
+    return (m_dict_names);
+///  File name
+FaserDetectorID::file_names         (void) const
+    return (m_file_names);
+///  Version tag for subdet dictionary
+FaserDetectorID::dict_tags      (void) const
+    return (m_dict_tags);
+FaserDetectorID::do_checks      (void) const
+    return (m_do_checks);
+FaserDetectorID::set_do_checks  (bool do_checks) 
+    m_do_checks = do_checks;
+FaserDetectorID::do_neighbours  (void) const
+    return (m_do_neighbours);
+FaserDetectorID::set_do_neighbours      (bool do_neighbours) 
+    m_do_neighbours = do_neighbours;
+FaserDetectorID::setMessageSvc  (IMessageSvc* msgSvc)
+    m_msgSvc = msgSvc ;
+FaserDetectorID::set_quiet  (bool quiet)
+    m_quiet = quiet ;
+FaserDetectorID::setDictVersion  (const IdDictMgr& dict_mgr, const std::string& name)
+    const IdDictDictionary* dict = dict_mgr.find_dictionary (name);
+    m_dict_version = dict->m_version;
+FaserDetectorID::to_range (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const
+    // Build a string from the contents of an identifier
+    int fields = id.fields();
+    char temp[10] = "";
+    std::string result("");
+    for (int i = 0; i < fields; ++i) {
+        sprintf( temp, "%d", id[i]);
+        if (i > 0) result += '/'; // add '/' only if NOT last one
+        result += temp;
+    }
+    return result;
+FaserDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict(const IdDictMgr& dict_mgr)
+    // Set do_checks flag
+    if (dict_mgr.do_checks()) m_do_checks = true;
+    // Set do_neighbours flag
+    if (!dict_mgr.do_neighbours()) m_do_neighbours = false;
+    IdDictLabel* label = 0;
+    IdDictField* field = 0;
+    // Find out from the dictionary the detector and subdetector
+    // levels and id values
+    m_DET_INDEX             = 999;
+    m_SUBDET_INDEX          = 999;
+    m_SCINT_ID              = -1;
+    m_TRACKER_ID            = -1;
+    m_CALO_ID               = -1;
+    m_VETO_ID               = -1;
+    m_TRIGGER_ID            = -1;
+    m_PRESHOWER_ID          = -1;
+    m_SCT_ID                = -1;
+    m_ECAL_ID               = -1;
+    // Save generic dict for top levels
+    IdDictDictionary*   top_dict = 0;
+    // Get det ids
+    // Initialize ids for InDet subdet
+    m_scint_dict = dict_mgr.find_dictionary ("Scintillator");
+    if(!m_scint_dict) {
+        if(m_msgSvc) {
+            MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorID" );
+            log << MSG::WARNING << "initLevelsFromDict - cannot access Scintillator dictionary" << endmsg;
+        }
+        else {
+            std::cout << " FaserDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - Warning cannot access Scintillator dictionary "
+                      << std::endl;
+        }
     else {
-        log << MSG::ERROR << "VetoID::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'part' field "  << endmsg;
-        return (1);
+        // Found Scint dict
+        top_dict = m_scint_dict;  // save as top_dict
+        // Check if this is SLHC layout
+        m_isSLHC = (m_scint_dict->m_version=="SLHC");
+        // Get Scint subdets
+        field = m_scint_dict->find_field("part");
+        if (!field) {
+            if(m_msgSvc) {
+                MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorID" );
+                log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'part' field for Scintillator dictionary" << endmsg;
+            }
+            else {
+                std::cout << "FaserDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'part' field for Scintillator dictionary"
+                          << std::endl;
+            }
+            return (1);
+        }
+        label = field->find_label("Veto");
+        if (label) {
+            if (label->m_valued) {
+                m_VETO_ID = label->m_value;
+            }
+            else {
+                if(m_msgSvc) {
+                    MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorID" );
+                    log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - label Veto does NOT have a value "
+                        << endmsg;
+                }
+                else {
+                    std::cout << "FaserDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - label Veto does NOT have a value "
+                              << std::endl;
+                }
+                return (1);
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            if(m_msgSvc) {
+                MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorID" );
+                log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'Veto' label "
+                    << endmsg;
+            }
+            else {
+                std::cout << "FaserDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'Veto' label "
+                          << std::endl;
+            }
+            return (1);
+        }
+        label = field->find_label("Trigger");
+        if (label) {
+            if (label->m_valued) {
+                m_TRIGGER_ID = label->m_value;
+            }
+            else {
+                if(m_msgSvc) {
+                    MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorID" );
+                    log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - label Trigger does NOT have a value "
+                        << endmsg;
+                }
+                else {
+                    std::cout << "FaserDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - label Trigger does NOT have a value "
+                              << std::endl;
+                }
+                return (1);
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            if(m_msgSvc) {
+                MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorID" );
+                log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'Trigger' label "
+                    << endmsg;
+            }
+            else {
+                std::cout << "FaserDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'Trigger' label "
+                          << std::endl;
+            }
+            return (1);
+        }
+        label = field->find_label("Preshower");
+        if (label) {
+            if (label->m_valued) {
+                m_PRESHOWER_ID = label->m_value;
+            }
+            else {
+                if(m_msgSvc) {
+                    MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorID" );
+                    log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - label Preshower does NOT have a value "
+                        << endmsg;
+                }
+                else {
+                    std::cout << "FaserDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - label Preshower does NOT have a value "
+                              << std::endl;
+                }
+                return (1);
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            if(m_msgSvc) {
+                MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorID" );
+                log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'Preshower' label "
+                    << endmsg;
+            }
+            else {
+                std::cout << "FaserDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'Preshower' label "
+                          << std::endl;
+            }
+            return (1);
+        }
-    field = m_dict->find_field("station");
-    if (field) {
-        m_STATION_INDEX = field->m_index;
+    // Initialize ids for Tracker
+    m_tracker_dict = dict_mgr.find_dictionary ("Tracker");
+    if(!m_tracker_dict) {
+        if(m_msgSvc) {
+            MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorID" );
+            log << MSG::WARNING << "initLevelsFromDict -  cannot access Tracker dictionary "
+                << endmsg;
+        }
+        else {
+            std::cout << " FaserDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - Warning cannot access Tracker dictionary "
+                      << std::endl;
+        }
     else {
-        log << MSG::ERROR << "VetoID::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'station' field "  << endmsg;
-        return (1);
+        // Found Tracker dict
+        if (!top_dict) top_dict = m_tracker_dict;  // save as top_dict
+        field = m_tracker_dict->find_field("part");
+        if (!field) {
+            if(m_msgSvc) {
+                MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorID" );
+                log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'station' field for Tracker dictionary"
+                    << endmsg;
+            }
+            else {
+                std::cout << "FaserDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'station' field for Tracker dictionary"
+                          << std::endl;
+            }
+            return (1);
+        }
+        label = field->find_label("SCT");
+        if (label) {
+            if (label->m_valued) {
+                m_SCT_ID = label->m_value;
+            }
+            else {
+                if(m_msgSvc) {
+                    MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorID" );
+                    log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - label SCT does NOT have a value "
+                        << endmsg;
+                }
+                else {
+                    std::cout << "FaserDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - label SCT does NOT have a value "
+                              << std::endl;
+                }
+                return (1);
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            if(m_msgSvc) {
+                MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorID" );
+                log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'SCT' label "
+                    << endmsg;
+            }
+            else {
+                std::cout << "FaserDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'SCT' label "
+                          << std::endl;
+            }
+            return (1);
+        }
-    field = m_dict->find_field("plate");
-    if (field) {
-        m_PLATE_INDEX = field->m_index;
+    // Initialize id for Calo and fields for lvl1 and dead material
+    m_calo_dict = dict_mgr.find_dictionary ("Calorimeter");
+    if(!m_calo_dict) {
+        if(m_msgSvc) {
+            MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorID" );
+            log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - Warning cannot access Calorimeter dictionary "
+                << endmsg;
+        }
+        else {
+            std::cout << " FaserDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - Warning cannot access Calorimeter dictionary "
+                      << std::endl;
+        }
     else {
-        log << MSG::ERROR << "VetoID::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'plate' field "   << endmsg;
-        return (1);
+        // Found calo dict
+        if (!top_dict) top_dict = m_calo_dict;  // save as top_dict
+        // Get Scint subdets
+        field = m_calo_dict->find_field("part");
+        if (!field) {
+            if(m_msgSvc) {
+                MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorID" );
+                log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'part' field for Calorimeter dictionary" << endmsg;
+            }
+            else {
+                std::cout << "FaserDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'part' field for Calorimeter dictionary"
+                          << std::endl;
+            }
+            return (1);
+        }
+        label = field->find_label("ECAL");
+        if (label) {
+            if (label->m_valued) {
+                m_ECAL_ID = label->m_value;
+            }
+            else {
+                if(m_msgSvc) {
+                    MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorID" );
+                    log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - label ECAL does NOT have a value "
+                        << endmsg;
+                }
+                else {
+                    std::cout << "FaserDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - label ECAL does NOT have a value "
+                              << std::endl;
+                }
+                return (1);
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            if(m_msgSvc) {
+                MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorID" );
+                log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'ECAL' label "
+                    << endmsg;
+            }
+            else {
+                std::cout << "FaserDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'ECAL' label "
+                          << std::endl;
+            }
+            return (1);
+        }
-    field = m_dict->find_field("pmt");
-    if (field) {
-        m_PMT_INDEX = field->m_index;
+    // set det/subdet indices
+    if (top_dict) {
+        field = top_dict->find_field("subdet");
+        if (field) {
+            m_DET_INDEX = field->m_index;
+        }
+        else {
+            if(m_msgSvc) {
+                MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorID" );
+                log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict -  - unable to find 'subdet' field from dict "
+                    << endmsg;
+            }
+            else {
+                std::cout << "FaserDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'subdet' field from dict "
+                          << top_dict->m_name
+                          << std::endl;
+            }
+            return (1);
+        }
+        // Get scint id
+        label = field->find_label("Scintillator");
+        if (label) {
+            if (label->m_valued) {
+                m_SCINT_ID = label->m_value;
+            }
+            else {
+                if(m_msgSvc) {
+                    MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorID" );
+                    log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - label Scintillator does NOT have a value "
+                        << endmsg;
+                }
+                else {
+                    std::cout << "FaserDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - label Scintillator does NOT have a value "
+                              << std::endl;
+                }
+                return (1);
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            if(m_msgSvc) {
+                MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorID" );
+                log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'Scintillator' label "
+                    << endmsg;
+            }
+            else {
+                std::cout << "FaserDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'Scintillator' label "
+                          << std::endl;
+            }
+            return (1);
+        }
+        // Get Tracker id
+        label = field->find_label("Tracker");
+        if (label) {
+            if (label->m_valued) {
+                m_TRACKER_ID = label->m_value;
+            }
+            else {
+                if(m_msgSvc) {
+                    MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorID" );
+                    log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - label Tracker does NOT have a value "
+                        << endmsg;
+                }
+                else {
+                    std::cout << "FaserDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - label Tracker does NOT have a value "
+                              << std::endl;
+                }
+                return (1);
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            if(m_msgSvc) {
+                MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorID" );
+                log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'Tracker' label "
+                    << endmsg;
+            }
+            else {
+                std::cout << "FaserDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'Tracker' label "
+                          << std::endl;
+            }
+            return (1);
+        }
+        // Get Calo id
+        label = field->find_label("Calorimeter");
+        if (label) {
+            if (label->m_valued) {
+                m_CALO_ID = label->m_value;
+            }
+            else {
+                if(m_msgSvc) {
+                    MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorID" );
+                    log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - label Calorimeter does NOT have a value "
+                        << endmsg;
+                }
+                else {
+                    std::cout << "FaserDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - label Calorimeter does NOT have a value "
+                              << std::endl;
+                }
+                return (1);
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            if(m_msgSvc) {
+                MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorID" );
+                log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'Calorimeter' label "
+                    << endmsg;
+            }
+            else {
+                std::cout << "FaserDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'Calorimeter' label "
+                          << std::endl;
+            }
+            return (1);
+        }
+        // Get name of next level
+        std::string name;
+        if (top_dict->m_name == "Scintillator") {
+            name = "part";
+        }
+        else if (top_dict->m_name == "Calorimeter") {
+            name = "part";
+        }
+        else if (top_dict->m_name == "Tracker") {
+            name = "part";
+        }
+        // While we're here, save the index to the sub-detector level
+        // ("part" for InDet)
+        field = top_dict->find_field(name);
+        if (field) {
+            m_SUBDET_INDEX = field->m_index;
+        }
+        else {
+            if(m_msgSvc) {
+                MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorID" );
+                log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - unable to find field "
+                    << name << " from dict "
+                    << top_dict->m_name
+                    << endmsg;
+            }
+            else {
+                std::cout << "FaserDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find field "
+                          << name << " from dict "
+                          << top_dict->m_name
+                          << std::endl;
+            }
+            return (1);
+        }
     else {
-        log << MSG::ERROR<< "VetoID::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'pmt' field "  << endmsg;
+        if(m_msgSvc) {
+            MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorID" );
+            log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - no top dictionary defined "
+                << endmsg;
+        }
+        else {
+            std::cout << "FaserDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - no top dictionary defined "
+                      << std::endl;
+        }
         return (1);
-    // Set the field implementations: for station, plate, pmt
-    const IdDictRegion& region = *m_dict->m_regions[m_veto_region_index];
-    m_scint_impl      = region.m_implementation[m_SCINT_INDEX]; 
-    m_veto_impl       = region.m_implementation[m_VETO_INDEX]; 
-    m_station_impl    = region.m_implementation[m_STATION_INDEX]; 
-    m_plate_impl      = region.m_implementation[m_PLATE_INDEX]; 
-    m_pmt_impl        = region.m_implementation[m_PMT_INDEX]; 
+    // Set the field implementations
-    if (m_msgSvc) {
-        log << MSG::DEBUG << "decode index and bit fields for each level: " << endmsg;
-        log << MSG::DEBUG << "scint    "  << m_scint_impl.show_to_string() << endmsg;
-        log << MSG::DEBUG << "veto     "  << m_veto_impl.show_to_string() << endmsg; 
-        log << MSG::DEBUG << "station  "  << m_station_impl.show_to_string() << endmsg; 
-        log << MSG::DEBUG << "plate    "  << m_plate_impl.show_to_string() << endmsg; 
-        log << MSG::DEBUG << "pmt      "  << m_pmt_impl.show_to_string() << endmsg; 
+    const IdDictRegion* region = 0;
+    size_type region_index =  m_helper->veto_region_index();
+    if (m_scint_dict && FaserDetectorIDHelper::UNDEFINED != region_index) {
+        region                 =  m_scint_dict->m_regions[region_index];
+        // Detector
+        m_det_impl             = region->m_implementation[m_DET_INDEX];
+        // InDet part
+        m_scint_part_impl      = region->m_implementation[m_SUBDET_INDEX];
-    else {
-        std::cout << " DEBUG decode index and bit fields for each level: " << std::endl;
-        std::cout << " DEBUG scint    "  << m_scint_impl.show_to_string() << std::endl;
-        std::cout << " DEBUG veto     "  << m_veto_impl.show_to_string() << std::endl; 
-        std::cout << " DEBUG station  "  << m_station_impl.show_to_string() << std::endl; 
-        std::cout << " DEBUG plate    "  << m_plate_impl.show_to_string() << std::endl; 
-        std::cout << " DEBUG pmt      "  << m_pmt_impl.show_to_string() << std::endl; 
+    region_index =  m_helper->sct_region_index();
+    if (m_tracker_dict && FaserDetectorIDHelper::UNDEFINED != region_index) {
+        region                 =  m_tracker_dict->m_regions[region_index];
+        // Detector
+        m_det_impl             = region->m_implementation[m_DET_INDEX];
+        // InDet part
+        m_tracker_part_impl    = region->m_implementation[m_SUBDET_INDEX];
+    }
+    region_index =  m_helper->ecal_region_index();
+    if (m_calo_dict && FaserDetectorIDHelper::UNDEFINED != region_index) {
+        region                 =  m_calo_dict->m_regions[region_index];
+        // Detector
+        m_det_impl             = region->m_implementation[m_DET_INDEX];
+        // InDet part
+        m_calo_part_impl    = region->m_implementation[m_SUBDET_INDEX];
-//      std::cout << "SCT_ID::initLevelsFromDict - found levels "       << std::endl;
-//      std::cout << "subdet        "   << m_INDET_INDEX        << std::endl;
-//      std::cout << "part          "   << m_SCT_INDEX          << std::endl;
-//      std::cout << "barrel_endcap "   << m_BARREL_EC_INDEX    << std::endl;
-//      std::cout << "layer or disk "   << m_LAYER_DISK_INDEX   << std::endl;
-//      std::cout << "phi_module    "   << m_PHI_MODULE_INDEX   << std::endl;
-//      std::cout << "eta_module    "   << m_ETA_MODULE_INDEX   << std::endl;
-//      std::cout << "side          "   << m_SIDE_INDEX         << std::endl;
-//      std::cout << "strip         "   << m_STRIP_INDEX        << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "scint "  << m_scint_impl.decode_index() << " " 
-              <<   (std::string)m_scint_impl.ored_field() << " " 
-              << std::hex    << m_scint_impl.mask() << " " 
-              << m_scint_impl.zeroing_mask() << " " 
-              << std::dec    << m_scint_impl.shift() << " "
-              << m_scint_impl.bits() << " "
-              << m_scint_impl.bits_offset()
-              << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "veto"     << m_veto_impl.decode_index() << " " 
-              <<   (std::string)m_veto_impl.ored_field() << " " 
-              << std::hex    << m_veto_impl.mask() << " " 
-              << m_veto_impl.zeroing_mask() << " " 
-              << std::dec    << m_veto_impl.shift() << " "
-              << m_veto_impl.bits() << " "
-              << m_veto_impl.bits_offset()
-              << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "station"     << m_station_impl.decode_index() << " " 
-              <<   (std::string)m_station_impl.ored_field() << " " 
-              << std::hex    << m_station_impl.mask() << " " 
-              << m_station_impl.zeroing_mask() << " " 
-              << std::dec    << m_station_impl.shift() << " "
-              << m_station_impl.bits() << " "
-              << m_station_impl.bits_offset()
-              << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "plate"<< m_plate_impl.decode_index() << " " 
-              <<   (std::string)m_plate_impl.ored_field() << " " 
-              << std::hex    << m_plate_impl.mask() << " " 
-              << m_plate_impl.zeroing_mask() << " " 
-              << std::dec    << m_plate_impl.shift() << " "
-              << m_plate_impl.bits() << " "
-              << m_plate_impl.bits_offset()
-              << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "pmt" << m_pmt_impl.decode_index() << " " 
-              <<   (std::string)m_pmt_impl.ored_field() << " " 
-              << std::hex    << m_pmt_impl.mask() << " " 
-              << m_pmt_impl.zeroing_mask() << " " 
-              << std::dec    << m_pmt_impl.shift() << " "
-              << m_pmt_impl.bits() << " "
-              << m_pmt_impl.bits_offset()
-              << std::endl;
     return (0);
diff --git a/DetectorDescription/FaserDetDescr/src/FaserDetectorIDBase.cxx b/DetectorDescription/FaserDetDescr/src/FaserDetectorIDBase.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index fb2b3706e0ed59ea44639826a19baeaa822e5b24..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DetectorDescription/FaserDetDescr/src/FaserDetectorIDBase.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1134 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
- Detector Description
- -----------------------------------------
-//<<<<<< INCLUDES                                                       >>>>>>
-#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
-#include "FaserDetDescr/FaserDetectorIDBase.h"
-#include "IdDict/IdDictDefs.h"
-#include "FaserDetectorIDHelper.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-//<<<<<< PRIVATE DEFINES                                                >>>>>>
-//<<<<<< PRIVATE CONSTANTS                                              >>>>>>
-//<<<<<< PRIVATE TYPES                                                  >>>>>>
-//<<<<<< PRIVATE VARIABLE DEFINITIONS                                   >>>>>>
-//<<<<<< PUBLIC VARIABLE DEFINITIONS                                    >>>>>>
-//<<<<<< CLASS STRUCTURE INITIALIZATION                                 >>>>>>
-//<<<<<< PRIVATE FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                                   >>>>>>
-//<<<<<< PUBLIC FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                                    >>>>>>
-//<<<<<< MEMBER FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                                    >>>>>>
-        :
-        m_do_checks(false),
-        m_do_neighbours(true),
-        m_msgSvc(0),
-        m_quiet(false),
-        m_is_initialized_from_dict(false),
-        m_DET_INDEX(999),
-        m_SUBDET_INDEX(999),
-        m_SCINT_ID(2),
-        m_TRACKER_ID(3),
-        m_CALO_ID(4),
-        m_VETO_ID(1),
-        m_TRIGGER_ID(2),
-        m_PRESHOWER_ID(3),
-        m_SCT_ID(1),
-        m_ECAL_ID(1),
-        m_isSLHC(false),
-        m_faser_dict(0),
-        m_scint_dict(0),
-        m_tracker_dict(0),
-        m_calo_dict(0),
-        m_helper(0)
-    delete m_helper;
-FaserDetectorIDBase::FaserDetectorIDBase(const FaserDetectorIDBase& other)
-        :
-        IdHelper(),
-        m_do_checks               (other.m_do_checks),
-        m_do_neighbours           (other.m_do_neighbours),
-        m_msgSvc                  (other.m_msgSvc),
-        m_quiet                   (other.m_quiet),
-        m_dict_version            (other.m_dict_version),
-        m_is_initialized_from_dict(other.m_is_initialized_from_dict),
-        m_DET_INDEX               (other.m_DET_INDEX),
-        m_SUBDET_INDEX            (other.m_SUBDET_INDEX),
-        m_SCINT_ID                (other.m_SCINT_ID),
-        m_TRACKER_ID              (other.m_TRACKER_ID),
-        m_CALO_ID                 (other.m_CALO_ID),
-        m_VETO_ID                 (other.m_VETO_ID),
-        m_TRIGGER_ID              (other.m_TRIGGER_ID),
-        m_PRESHOWER_ID            (other.m_PRESHOWER_ID),
-        m_SCT_ID                  (other.m_SCT_ID),
-        m_ECAL_ID                 (other.m_ECAL_ID),
-        m_isSLHC                  (other.m_isSLHC),
-        m_faser_dict              (other.m_faser_dict),
-        m_scint_dict              (other.m_scint_dict),
-        m_tracker_dict            (other.m_tracker_dict),
-        m_calo_dict               (other.m_calo_dict),
-        m_helper                  (0),
-        m_det_impl                (other.m_det_impl),
-        m_scint_part_impl         (other.m_scint_part_impl),
-        m_tracker_part_impl       (other.m_tracker_part_impl),
-        m_calo_part_impl          (other.m_calo_part_impl)
-    if (other.m_helper) {
-        // Must copy helper
-        m_helper = new  FaserDetectorIDHelper(*other.m_helper);
-        m_helper->setMsgSvc(m_msgSvc);
-    }
-FaserDetectorIDBase::operator= (const FaserDetectorIDBase& other)
-    if (this != &other) {
-        m_do_checks             = other.m_do_checks;
-        m_do_neighbours         = other.m_do_neighbours;
-        m_msgSvc                = other.m_msgSvc;
-        m_quiet                 = other.m_quiet;
-        m_dict_version          = other.m_dict_version;
-        m_is_initialized_from_dict = other.m_is_initialized_from_dict;
-        m_DET_INDEX             = other.m_DET_INDEX;
-        m_SUBDET_INDEX          = other.m_SUBDET_INDEX;
-        m_SCINT_ID              = other.m_SCINT_ID;
-        m_TRACKER_ID            = other.m_TRACKER_ID;
-        m_CALO_ID               = other.m_CALO_ID;
-        m_VETO_ID               = other.m_VETO_ID;
-        m_TRIGGER_ID            = other.m_TRIGGER_ID;
-        m_PRESHOWER_ID          = other.m_PRESHOWER_ID;
-        m_SCT_ID                = other.m_SCT_ID;
-        m_ECAL_ID               = other.m_ECAL_ID;
-        m_faser_dict            = other.m_faser_dict;
-        m_scint_dict            = other.m_scint_dict;
-        m_tracker_dict          = other.m_tracker_dict;
-        m_calo_dict             = other.m_calo_dict;
-        m_det_impl              = other.m_det_impl;
-        m_scint_part_impl       = other.m_scint_part_impl;
-        m_tracker_part_impl     = other.m_tracker_part_impl;
-        m_calo_part_impl        = other.m_calo_part_impl;
-        if (other.m_helper) {
-            // Must copy helper.
-            delete m_helper;
-            m_helper = new  FaserDetectorIDHelper(*other.m_helper);
-            m_helper->setMsgSvc(m_msgSvc);
-        }
-    }
-    return (*this);
-FaserDetectorIDBase::scint        (void) const
-    Identifier result((Identifier::value_type)0);
-    // Pack field
-    m_det_impl.pack    (scint_field_value(), result);
-    return (result);
-FaserDetectorIDBase::tracker      (void) const
-    Identifier result((Identifier::value_type)0);
-    // Pack field
-    m_det_impl.pack    (tracker_field_value(), result);
-    return (result);
-FaserDetectorIDBase::calo(void) const
-    Identifier result((Identifier::value_type)0);
-    // Pack field
-    m_det_impl.pack    (calo_field_value(), result);
-    return (result);
-FaserDetectorIDBase::veto        (void) const
-    Identifier result((Identifier::value_type)0);
-    // Pack field
-    m_det_impl.pack       (scint_field_value(), result);
-    m_scint_part_impl.pack(m_VETO_ID, result);
-    return (result);
-FaserDetectorIDBase::trigger          (void) const
-    Identifier result((Identifier::value_type)0);
-    // Pack field
-    m_det_impl.pack       (scint_field_value(), result);
-    m_scint_part_impl.pack(m_TRIGGER_ID, result);
-    return (result);
-FaserDetectorIDBase::preshower          (void) const
-    Identifier result((Identifier::value_type)0);
-    // Pack field
-    m_det_impl.pack       (scint_field_value(), result);
-    m_scint_part_impl.pack(m_PRESHOWER_ID, result);
-    return (result);
-FaserDetectorIDBase::sct          (void) const
-    Identifier result((Identifier::value_type)0);
-    // Pack field
-    m_det_impl.pack       (tracker_field_value(), result);
-    m_tracker_part_impl.pack(m_SCT_ID, result);
-    return (result);
-FaserDetectorIDBase::ecal          (void) const
-    Identifier result((Identifier::value_type)0);
-    // Pack field
-    m_det_impl.pack       (calo_field_value(), result);
-    m_calo_part_impl.pack(m_ECAL_ID, result);
-    return (result);
-/// IdContext (indicates id length) for detector systems
-FaserDetectorIDBase::detsystem_context (void) const
-    ExpandedIdentifier id;
-    return (IdContext(id, 0, m_DET_INDEX));
-/// IdContext (indicates id length) for sub-detector
-FaserDetectorIDBase::subdet_context  (void) const
-    ExpandedIdentifier id;
-    return (IdContext(id, 0, m_SUBDET_INDEX));
-FaserDetectorIDBase::get_id          (const IdentifierHash& /*hash_id*/,
-                                  Identifier& /*id*/,
-                                  const IdContext* /*context*/) const
-    return (0);
-FaserDetectorIDBase::get_hash        (const Identifier& /*id*/,
-                                  IdentifierHash& /*hash_id*/,
-                                  const IdContext* /*context*/) const
-    return (0);
-FaserDetectorIDBase::register_dict_tag        (const IdDictMgr& dict_mgr,
-                                           const std::string& dict_name)
-    // Register version of dictionary dict_name
-    // Access dictionary by name
-    IdDictDictionary* dict = dict_mgr.find_dictionary(dict_name);
-    if (!dict) return(1);
-    // Add in dict name, file name and version
-    m_dict_names.push_back(dict_name);
-    m_file_names.push_back(dict->file_name());
-    m_dict_tags.push_back(dict->dict_tag());
-    return (0);
-/// Test whether an idhelper should be reinitialized based on the
-/// change of tags
-FaserDetectorIDBase::reinitialize             (const IdDictMgr& dict_mgr)
-    // If no tag has been registered, then reinitialize
-    if (m_dict_tags.size() == 0) return (true);
-    // If no dict names have been registered, then reinitialize
-    if (m_dict_names.size() == 0) return (true);
-    // Loop over dict names and check version tags
-    if (m_dict_names.size() != m_dict_tags.size()) {
-        if(m_msgSvc) {
-            MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorIDBase" );
-            log << MSG::ERROR << "reinitialize: dict names and tags vectors not the same length " << endmsg;
-            log << MSG::ERROR << "names: " << m_dict_names.size() << " tags: " << m_dict_tags.size() << endmsg;
-        }
-        else {
-            std::cout << MSG::ERROR << "reinitialize: dict names and tags vectors not the same length " << std::endl;
-            std::cout << "FaserDetectorIDBase::reinitialize ERROR names: " << m_dict_names.size() << " tags: " << m_dict_tags.size() << std::endl;
-        }
-    }
-    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_dict_names.size(); ++i) {
-        // Access dictionary by name
-        IdDictDictionary* dict = dict_mgr.find_dictionary(m_dict_names[i]);
-        if (!dict) {
-            if(m_msgSvc) {
-                MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorIDBase" );
-                log << MSG::ERROR << "reinitialize: could not find dict -  " << m_dict_names[i] << endmsg;
-            }
-            else {
-              std::cout << "FaserDetectorIDBase::reinitialize ERROR could not find dict -  " << m_dict_names[i] << std::endl;
-            }
-            return(false);
-        }
-        if (m_dict_tags[i] != dict->dict_tag()) {
-            // Remove all memory of versions
-            m_dict_names.clear();
-            m_dict_tags.clear();
-            m_file_names.clear();
-            return (true);
-        }
-    }
-    // Tags match - don't reinitialize
-    return (false);
-FaserDetectorIDBase::initialize_from_dictionary(const IdDictMgr& dict_mgr)
-    // Register version of FASER dictionary
-    if (register_dict_tag(dict_mgr, "FASER")) return(1);
-    // Initialize helper, needed for init of FaserDetectorIDBase
-    if(!m_helper) {
-        m_helper = new FaserDetectorIDHelper;
-        m_helper->setMsgSvc(m_msgSvc);
-    }
-    if(m_helper->initialize_from_dictionary(dict_mgr)) return (1);
-    // Initialize level indices and id values from dicts
-    if(initLevelsFromDict(dict_mgr)) return (1);
-    m_is_initialized_from_dict = true;
-    if (!m_quiet) {
-      if(m_msgSvc) {
-        MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorIDBase" );
-        log << MSG::INFO << "initialize_from_dictionary - OK" << endmsg;
-      }
-      else {
-        std::cout << " FaserDetectorIDBase::initialize_from_dictionary - OK " << std::endl;
-      }
-    }
-    return (0);
-FaserDetectorIDBase::dictionaryVersion  (void) const
-    return (m_dict_version);
-FaserDetectorIDBase::is_scint       (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const
-    bool result = false;
-    if ( id.fields() > 0 ){
-        if ( id[0] == m_SCINT_ID) result = true;
-    }
-    return result;
-FaserDetectorIDBase::is_tracker                 (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const
-    bool result = false;
-    if ( id.fields() > 0 ){
-        if ( id[0] == m_TRACKER_ID) result = true;
-    }
-    return result;
-FaserDetectorIDBase::is_calo                (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const
-    bool result = false;
-    if ( id.fields() > 0 ){
-        if ( id[0] == m_CALO_ID ) result = true;
-    }
-    return result;
-FaserDetectorIDBase::is_veto       (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const
-    bool result = false;
-    if ( is_scint(id) && id.fields() > 1 ){
-        if ( id[1] == m_VETO_ID ) result = true;
-    }
-    return result;
-FaserDetectorIDBase::is_trigger         (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const
-    bool result = false;
-    if ( is_scint(id) && id.fields() > 1 ){
-        if ( id[1] == m_TRIGGER_ID ) return(true);
-    }
-    return result;
-FaserDetectorIDBase::is_preshower         (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const
-    bool result = false;
-    if ( is_scint(id) && id.fields() > 1 ){
-        if ( id[1] == m_PRESHOWER_ID ) result = true;
-    }
-    return result;
-FaserDetectorIDBase::is_sct         (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const
-    bool result = false;
-    if ( is_tracker(id) && id.fields() > 1 ){
-        if ( id[1] == m_SCT_ID ) result = true;
-    }
-    return result;
-FaserDetectorIDBase::is_ecal         (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const
-    bool result = false;
-    if ( is_calo(id) && id.fields() > 1 ){
-        if ( id[1] == m_ECAL_ID ) result = true;
-    }
-    return result;
-// Short print out of any identifier:
-FaserDetectorIDBase::show           (Identifier id,
-                                 const IdContext* context,
-                                 char sep ) const
-    if(m_msgSvc) {
-        MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorIDBase" );
-        log << MSG::INFO << show_to_string(id, context, sep) << endmsg;
-    }
-    else {
-        std::cout << show_to_string(id, context, sep) << std::endl;
-    }
-// or provide the printout in string form
-FaserDetectorIDBase::show_to_string (Identifier id,
-                                 const IdContext* context,
-                                 char sep ) const
-    // Do a generic printout of identifier
-    std::string result("Unable to decode id");
-    unsigned int max_index = (context) ? context->end_index()  : 999;
-    if (!m_is_initialized_from_dict) return  (result);
-    // Find the dictionary to use:
-    IdDictDictionary*   dict = 0;
-    ExpandedIdentifier expId;
-    ExpandedIdentifier prefix;  // default is null prefix
-    Identifier compact = id;
-    if (is_scint(id)) {
-        dict = m_scint_dict;
-    }
-    else if (is_tracker(id)) {
-        dict = m_tracker_dict;
-    }
-    else if (is_calo(id)) {
-        dict = m_calo_dict;
-    }
-    if (!dict) return (result);
-    if (dict->unpack(compact,
-                     prefix,
-                     max_index,
-                     expId)) {
-        return (result);
-    }
-    bool first = true;
-    char temp[20];
-    result = "";
-    if ('.' == sep) result = "[";
-    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < expId.fields(); ++i) {
-        if (first) first = false;
-        else result += sep;
-        sprintf (temp, "%d", expId[i]);
-        result += temp;
-    }
-    if ('.' == sep) result += "]";
-//      result += " compact [";
-//      sprintf (temp, "0x%x", (unsigned int)compact);
-//      result += temp;
-//      result += "]";
-    return (result);
-FaserDetectorIDBase::print (Identifier id,
-                        const IdContext* context) const
-    if(m_msgSvc) {
-        MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorIDBase" );
-        log << MSG::INFO << print_to_string(id, context) << endmsg;
-    }
-    else {
-        std::cout << print_to_string(id, context) << std::endl;
-    }
-FaserDetectorIDBase::print_to_string        (Identifier id,
-                                         const IdContext* context) const
-    // Print out for any Faser identifier
-    std::string result;
-    if (m_is_initialized_from_dict) {
-        // Do a generic printout of identifier from dictionary
-        unsigned int max_index = (context) ? context->end_index()  : 999;
-        // Find the dictionary to use:
-        IdDictDictionary*       dict = 0;
-        ExpandedIdentifier expId;
-        ExpandedIdentifier prefix;  // default is null prefix
-        Identifier compact = id;
-        if (is_scint(id)) {
-            dict = m_scint_dict;
-        }
-        else if (is_tracker(id)) {
-            dict = m_tracker_dict;
-        }
-        else if (is_calo(id)) {
-            dict = m_calo_dict;
-        }
-        if (!dict) return (result);
-        if (dict->unpack(compact,
-                         prefix,
-                         max_index,
-                         " ",
-                         result)) {
-            return (result);
-        }
-    }
-    return (result);
-///  Dictionary name
-FaserDetectorIDBase::dict_names         (void) const
-    return (m_dict_names);
-///  File name
-FaserDetectorIDBase::file_names         (void) const
-    return (m_file_names);
-///  Version tag for subdet dictionary
-FaserDetectorIDBase::dict_tags      (void) const
-    return (m_dict_tags);
-FaserDetectorIDBase::do_checks      (void) const
-    return (m_do_checks);
-FaserDetectorIDBase::set_do_checks  (bool do_checks) 
-    m_do_checks = do_checks;
-FaserDetectorIDBase::do_neighbours  (void) const
-    return (m_do_neighbours);
-FaserDetectorIDBase::set_do_neighbours      (bool do_neighbours) 
-    m_do_neighbours = do_neighbours;
-FaserDetectorIDBase::setMessageSvc  (IMessageSvc* msgSvc)
-    m_msgSvc = msgSvc ;
-FaserDetectorIDBase::set_quiet  (bool quiet)
-    m_quiet = quiet ;
-FaserDetectorIDBase::setDictVersion  (const IdDictMgr& dict_mgr, const std::string& name)
-    const IdDictDictionary* dict = dict_mgr.find_dictionary (name);
-    m_dict_version = dict->m_version;
-FaserDetectorIDBase::to_range (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const
-    // Build a string from the contents of an identifier
-    int fields = id.fields();
-    char temp[10] = "";
-    std::string result("");
-    for (int i = 0; i < fields; ++i) {
-        sprintf( temp, "%d", id[i]);
-        if (i > 0) result += '/'; // add '/' only if NOT last one
-        result += temp;
-    }
-    return result;
-FaserDetectorIDBase::initLevelsFromDict(const IdDictMgr& dict_mgr)
-    // Set do_checks flag
-    if (dict_mgr.do_checks()) m_do_checks = true;
-    // Set do_neighbours flag
-    if (!dict_mgr.do_neighbours()) m_do_neighbours = false;
-    IdDictLabel* label = 0;
-    IdDictField* field = 0;
-    // Find out from the dictionary the detector and subdetector
-    // levels and id values
-    m_DET_INDEX             = 999;
-    m_SUBDET_INDEX          = 999;
-    m_SCINT_ID              = -1;
-    m_TRACKER_ID            = -1;
-    m_CALO_ID               = -1;
-    m_VETO_ID               = -1;
-    m_TRIGGER_ID            = -1;
-    m_PRESHOWER_ID          = -1;
-    m_SCT_ID                = -1;
-    m_ECAL_ID               = -1;
-    // Save generic dict for top levels
-    IdDictDictionary*   top_dict = 0;
-    // Get det ids
-    // Initialize ids for InDet subdet
-    m_scint_dict = dict_mgr.find_dictionary ("Scintillator");
-    if(!m_scint_dict) {
-        if(m_msgSvc) {
-            MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorIDBase" );
-            log << MSG::WARNING << "initLevelsFromDict - cannot access Scintillator dictionary" << endmsg;
-        }
-        else {
-            std::cout << " FaserDetectorIDBase::initLevelsFromDict - Warning cannot access Scintillator dictionary "
-                      << std::endl;
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        // Found Scint dict
-        top_dict = m_scint_dict;  // save as top_dict
-        // Check if this is SLHC layout
-        m_isSLHC = (m_scint_dict->m_version=="SLHC");
-        // Get Scint subdets
-        field = m_scint_dict->find_field("part");
-        if (!field) {
-            if(m_msgSvc) {
-                MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorIDBase" );
-                log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'part' field for Scintillator dictionary" << endmsg;
-            }
-            else {
-                std::cout << "FaserDetectorIDBase::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'part' field for Scintillator dictionary"
-                          << std::endl;
-            }
-            return (1);
-        }
-        label = field->find_label("Veto");
-        if (label) {
-            if (label->m_valued) {
-                m_VETO_ID = label->m_value;
-            }
-            else {
-                if(m_msgSvc) {
-                    MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorIDBase" );
-                    log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - label Veto does NOT have a value "
-                        << endmsg;
-                }
-                else {
-                    std::cout << "FaserDetectorIDBase::initLevelsFromDict - label Veto does NOT have a value "
-                              << std::endl;
-                }
-                return (1);
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            if(m_msgSvc) {
-                MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorIDBase" );
-                log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'Veto' label "
-                    << endmsg;
-            }
-            else {
-                std::cout << "FaserDetectorIDBase::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'Veto' label "
-                          << std::endl;
-            }
-            return (1);
-        }
-        label = field->find_label("Trigger");
-        if (label) {
-            if (label->m_valued) {
-                m_TRIGGER_ID = label->m_value;
-            }
-            else {
-                if(m_msgSvc) {
-                    MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorIDBase" );
-                    log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - label Trigger does NOT have a value "
-                        << endmsg;
-                }
-                else {
-                    std::cout << "FaserDetectorIDBase::initLevelsFromDict - label Trigger does NOT have a value "
-                              << std::endl;
-                }
-                return (1);
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            if(m_msgSvc) {
-                MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorIDBase" );
-                log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'Trigger' label "
-                    << endmsg;
-            }
-            else {
-                std::cout << "FaserDetectorIDBase::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'Trigger' label "
-                          << std::endl;
-            }
-            return (1);
-        }
-        label = field->find_label("Preshower");
-        if (label) {
-            if (label->m_valued) {
-                m_PRESHOWER_ID = label->m_value;
-            }
-            else {
-                if(m_msgSvc) {
-                    MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorIDBase" );
-                    log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - label Preshower does NOT have a value "
-                        << endmsg;
-                }
-                else {
-                    std::cout << "FaserDetectorIDBase::initLevelsFromDict - label Preshower does NOT have a value "
-                              << std::endl;
-                }
-                return (1);
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            if(m_msgSvc) {
-                MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorIDBase" );
-                log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'Preshower' label "
-                    << endmsg;
-            }
-            else {
-                std::cout << "FaserDetectorIDBase::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'Preshower' label "
-                          << std::endl;
-            }
-            return (1);
-        }
-    }
-    // Initialize ids for Tracker
-    m_tracker_dict = dict_mgr.find_dictionary ("Tracker");
-    if(!m_tracker_dict) {
-        if(m_msgSvc) {
-            MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorIDBase" );
-            log << MSG::WARNING << "initLevelsFromDict -  cannot access Tracker dictionary "
-                << endmsg;
-        }
-        else {
-            std::cout << " FaserDetectorIDBase::initLevelsFromDict - Warning cannot access Tracker dictionary "
-                      << std::endl;
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        // Found Tracker dict
-        if (!top_dict) top_dict = m_tracker_dict;  // save as top_dict
-        field = m_tracker_dict->find_field("part");
-        if (!field) {
-            if(m_msgSvc) {
-                MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorIDBase" );
-                log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'station' field for Tracker dictionary"
-                    << endmsg;
-            }
-            else {
-                std::cout << "FaserDetectorIDBase::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'station' field for Tracker dictionary"
-                          << std::endl;
-            }
-            return (1);
-        }
-        label = field->find_label("SCT");
-        if (label) {
-            if (label->m_valued) {
-                m_SCT_ID = label->m_value;
-            }
-            else {
-                if(m_msgSvc) {
-                    MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorIDBase" );
-                    log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - label SCT does NOT have a value "
-                        << endmsg;
-                }
-                else {
-                    std::cout << "FaserDetectorIDBase::initLevelsFromDict - label SCT does NOT have a value "
-                              << std::endl;
-                }
-                return (1);
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            if(m_msgSvc) {
-                MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorIDBase" );
-                log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'SCT' label "
-                    << endmsg;
-            }
-            else {
-                std::cout << "FaserDetectorIDBase::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'SCT' label "
-                          << std::endl;
-            }
-            return (1);
-        }
-    }
-    // Initialize id for Calo and fields for lvl1 and dead material
-    m_calo_dict = dict_mgr.find_dictionary ("Calorimeter");
-    if(!m_calo_dict) {
-        if(m_msgSvc) {
-            MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorIDBase" );
-            log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - Warning cannot access Calorimeter dictionary "
-                << endmsg;
-        }
-        else {
-            std::cout << " FaserDetectorIDBase::initLevelsFromDict - Warning cannot access Calorimeter dictionary "
-                      << std::endl;
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        // Found calo dict
-        if (!top_dict) top_dict = m_calo_dict;  // save as top_dict
-        // Get Scint subdets
-        field = m_calo_dict->find_field("part");
-        if (!field) {
-            if(m_msgSvc) {
-                MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorIDBase" );
-                log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'part' field for Calorimeter dictionary" << endmsg;
-            }
-            else {
-                std::cout << "FaserDetectorIDBase::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'part' field for Calorimeter dictionary"
-                          << std::endl;
-            }
-            return (1);
-        }
-        label = field->find_label("ECAL");
-        if (label) {
-            if (label->m_valued) {
-                m_ECAL_ID = label->m_value;
-            }
-            else {
-                if(m_msgSvc) {
-                    MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorIDBase" );
-                    log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - label ECAL does NOT have a value "
-                        << endmsg;
-                }
-                else {
-                    std::cout << "FaserDetectorIDBase::initLevelsFromDict - label ECAL does NOT have a value "
-                              << std::endl;
-                }
-                return (1);
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            if(m_msgSvc) {
-                MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorIDBase" );
-                log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'ECAL' label "
-                    << endmsg;
-            }
-            else {
-                std::cout << "FaserDetectorIDBase::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'ECAL' label "
-                          << std::endl;
-            }
-            return (1);
-        }
-    }
-    // set det/subdet indices
-    if (top_dict) {
-        field = top_dict->find_field("subdet");
-        if (field) {
-            m_DET_INDEX = field->m_index;
-        }
-        else {
-            if(m_msgSvc) {
-                MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorIDBase" );
-                log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict -  - unable to find 'subdet' field from dict "
-                    << endmsg;
-            }
-            else {
-                std::cout << "FaserDetectorIDBase::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'subdet' field from dict "
-                          << top_dict->m_name
-                          << std::endl;
-            }
-            return (1);
-        }
-        // Get scint id
-        label = field->find_label("Scintillator");
-        if (label) {
-            if (label->m_valued) {
-                m_SCINT_ID = label->m_value;
-            }
-            else {
-                if(m_msgSvc) {
-                    MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorIDBase" );
-                    log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - label Scintillator does NOT have a value "
-                        << endmsg;
-                }
-                else {
-                    std::cout << "FaserDetectorIDBase::initLevelsFromDict - label Scintillator does NOT have a value "
-                              << std::endl;
-                }
-                return (1);
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            if(m_msgSvc) {
-                MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorIDBase" );
-                log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'Scintillator' label "
-                    << endmsg;
-            }
-            else {
-                std::cout << "FaserDetectorIDBase::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'Scintillator' label "
-                          << std::endl;
-            }
-            return (1);
-        }
-        // Get Tracker id
-        label = field->find_label("Tracker");
-        if (label) {
-            if (label->m_valued) {
-                m_TRACKER_ID = label->m_value;
-            }
-            else {
-                if(m_msgSvc) {
-                    MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorIDBase" );
-                    log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - label Tracker does NOT have a value "
-                        << endmsg;
-                }
-                else {
-                    std::cout << "FaserDetectorIDBase::initLevelsFromDict - label Tracker does NOT have a value "
-                              << std::endl;
-                }
-                return (1);
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            if(m_msgSvc) {
-                MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorIDBase" );
-                log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'Tracker' label "
-                    << endmsg;
-            }
-            else {
-                std::cout << "FaserDetectorIDBase::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'Tracker' label "
-                          << std::endl;
-            }
-            return (1);
-        }
-        // Get Calo id
-        label = field->find_label("Calorimeter");
-        if (label) {
-            if (label->m_valued) {
-                m_CALO_ID = label->m_value;
-            }
-            else {
-                if(m_msgSvc) {
-                    MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorIDBase" );
-                    log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - label Calorimeter does NOT have a value "
-                        << endmsg;
-                }
-                else {
-                    std::cout << "FaserDetectorIDBase::initLevelsFromDict - label Calorimeter does NOT have a value "
-                              << std::endl;
-                }
-                return (1);
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            if(m_msgSvc) {
-                MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorIDBase" );
-                log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'Calorimeter' label "
-                    << endmsg;
-            }
-            else {
-                std::cout << "FaserDetectorIDBase::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'Calorimeter' label "
-                          << std::endl;
-            }
-            return (1);
-        }
-        // Get name of next level
-        std::string name;
-        if (top_dict->m_name == "Scintillator") {
-            name = "part";
-        }
-        else if (top_dict->m_name == "Calorimeter") {
-            name = "part";
-        }
-        else if (top_dict->m_name == "Tracker") {
-            name = "part";
-        }
-        // While we're here, save the index to the sub-detector level
-        // ("part" for InDet)
-        field = top_dict->find_field(name);
-        if (field) {
-            m_SUBDET_INDEX = field->m_index;
-        }
-        else {
-            if(m_msgSvc) {
-                MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorIDBase" );
-                log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - unable to find field "
-                    << name << " from dict "
-                    << top_dict->m_name
-                    << endmsg;
-            }
-            else {
-                std::cout << "FaserDetectorIDBase::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find field "
-                          << name << " from dict "
-                          << top_dict->m_name
-                          << std::endl;
-            }
-            return (1);
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        if(m_msgSvc) {
-            MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "FaserDetectorIDBase" );
-            log << MSG::ERROR << "initLevelsFromDict - no top dictionary defined "
-                << endmsg;
-        }
-        else {
-            std::cout << "FaserDetectorIDBase::initLevelsFromDict - no top dictionary defined "
-                      << std::endl;
-        }
-        return (1);
-    }
-    // Set the field implementations
-    const IdDictRegion* region = 0;
-    size_type region_index =  m_helper->veto_region_index();
-    if (m_scint_dict && FaserDetectorIDHelper::UNDEFINED != region_index) {
-        region                 =  m_scint_dict->m_regions[region_index];
-        // Detector
-        m_det_impl             = region->m_implementation[m_DET_INDEX];
-        // InDet part
-        m_scint_part_impl      = region->m_implementation[m_SUBDET_INDEX];
-    }
-    region_index =  m_helper->sct_region_index();
-    if (m_tracker_dict && FaserDetectorIDHelper::UNDEFINED != region_index) {
-        region                 =  m_tracker_dict->m_regions[region_index];
-        // Detector
-        m_det_impl             = region->m_implementation[m_DET_INDEX];
-        // InDet part
-        m_tracker_part_impl    = region->m_implementation[m_SUBDET_INDEX];
-    }
-    region_index =  m_helper->ecal_region_index();
-    if (m_calo_dict && FaserDetectorIDHelper::UNDEFINED != region_index) {
-        region                 =  m_calo_dict->m_regions[region_index];
-        // Detector
-        m_det_impl             = region->m_implementation[m_DET_INDEX];
-        // InDet part
-        m_calo_part_impl    = region->m_implementation[m_SUBDET_INDEX];
-    }
-    return (0);
diff --git a/DetectorDescription/FaserDetDescr/src/FaserDetectorIDHelper.cxx b/DetectorDescription/FaserDetDescr/src/FaserDetectorIDHelper.cxx
index d83d06cacd1b0dbdd795a17028b94e800738e547..0a877bb96448dbf00a8313a1e93b1d49a5be882a 100644
--- a/DetectorDescription/FaserDetDescr/src/FaserDetectorIDHelper.cxx
+++ b/DetectorDescription/FaserDetDescr/src/FaserDetectorIDHelper.cxx
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 #include "FaserDetectorIDHelper.h"
 #include "IdDict/IdDictDefs.h"  
-#include "FaserDetDescr/FaserDetectorIDBase.h"
+#include "FaserDetDescr/FaserDetectorID.h"
 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
 #include <iostream>
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ FaserDetectorIDHelper::initialize_from_dictionary(const IdDictMgr& dict_mgr)
     if(m_initialized) return(0);
     m_initialized = true;
-    FaserDetectorIDBase faser_id;
+    FaserDetectorID faser_id;
     ExpandedIdentifier id;
     const IdDictDictionary* 	dict = dict_mgr.find_dictionary ("Scintillator"); 
diff --git a/DetectorDescription/FaserReadoutGeometry/FaserReadoutGeometry/FaserDetectorManager.h b/DetectorDescription/FaserReadoutGeometry/FaserReadoutGeometry/FaserDetectorManager.h
index 385b8bbc92b859b7b4f20ae36907d8fa63e3f66b..1371cc4046c0ced57deca84175801f377454b692 100644
--- a/DetectorDescription/FaserReadoutGeometry/FaserReadoutGeometry/FaserDetectorManager.h
+++ b/DetectorDescription/FaserReadoutGeometry/FaserReadoutGeometry/FaserDetectorManager.h
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 class StoreGateSvc;
 class AlignableTransform;
 class Identifier; 
-class FaserDetectorIDBase;
+class FaserDetectorID;
 class GeoVAlignmentStore;
 class CondAttrListCollection;
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ namespace FaserDD {
                                           const CondAttrListCollection* obj=nullptr,
                                           GeoVAlignmentStore* alignStore=nullptr) const;
-      virtual const FaserDetectorIDBase* getIdHelper() const = 0;
+      virtual const FaserDetectorID* getIdHelper() const = 0;
       //Declaring private message stream member.
       mutable Athena::MsgStreamMember           m_msg;
diff --git a/DetectorDescription/FaserReadoutGeometry/src/FaserDetectorManager.cxx b/DetectorDescription/FaserReadoutGeometry/src/FaserDetectorManager.cxx
index 558c8bf0d1226142a1555b9dd1ba40dcacc7a241..053bf0d94fb64a9d3b5da2dd00e2ab0381ebcef4 100644
--- a/DetectorDescription/FaserReadoutGeometry/src/FaserDetectorManager.cxx
+++ b/DetectorDescription/FaserReadoutGeometry/src/FaserDetectorManager.cxx
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 #include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
 #include "DetDescrConditions/AlignableTransform.h"
-#include "FaserDetDescr/FaserDetectorIDBase.h"
+#include "FaserDetDescr/FaserDetectorID.h"
 #include "GeoPrimitives/CLHEPtoEigenConverter.h" 
 #include "AthenaPoolUtilities/CondAttrListCollection.h"
 #include "AthenaBaseComps/AthMsgStreamMacros.h"
diff --git a/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/FaserGeoEditor/CMakeLists.txt b/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/FaserGeoEditor/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1ce8cc6df4b93dc27f288bbfe8483d0502bccc77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/FaserGeoEditor/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Package: FaserGeoEdit
+# Author: 
+# Author: 
+# Declare the package name:
+atlas_subdir( FaserGeoEditor )
+# Declare the package's dependencies:
+#   PUBLIC Event/xAOD/xAODBase
+#   PUBLIC graphics/VP1/VP1Base
+#   PUBLIC graphics/VP1/VP1UtilsBase 
+#   )
+# External dependencies:
+find_package( Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Sql OpenGL Gui Network PrintSupport Widgets REQUIRED )
+# Generate UI files automatically:
+# Generate MOC files automatically:
+# Generate resource files automatically:
+# Component(s) in the package:
+#atlas_add_library( FaserGeoEditor FaserGeoEditor/*.h src/*.h src/*.cxx src/*.qrc
+#   PUBLIC_HEADERS FaserGeoEditor
+#   LINK_LIBRARIES Qt5::Core Qt5::OpenGL Qt5::Gui Qt5::PrintSupport
+#   PRIVATE_LINK_LIBRARIES PathResolver Qt5::Network )
+atlas_add_executable( qtTest FaserGeoEditor/*.h src/*.cxx src/*.h
+   LINK_LIBRARIES Qt5::Core Qt5::Sql Qt5::OpenGL Qt5::Gui Qt5::Widgets Qt5::PrintSupport)
+# Install files from the package:
+##atlas_install_scripts( share/* ) # installs into bin/
+atlas_install_runtime( share/* ) # install into share/ //TODO: check if we still need this!
diff --git a/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/FaserGeoEditor/src/FaserDbMainWindow.cxx b/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/FaserGeoEditor/src/FaserDbMainWindow.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c605a339007404e00ee3ae914bdf4c5f304c11c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/FaserGeoEditor/src/FaserDbMainWindow.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#include "FaserDbMainWindow.h"
+#include <QTreeView>
+#include <QStandardItemModel>
+#include <QStandardItem>
+#include <iostream>
+FaserDbMainWindow::FaserDbMainWindow(QWidget* parent)
+    : QMainWindow(parent)
+    , m_treeView(new QTreeView(this))
+    , m_standardModel(new QStandardItemModel(this))
+    setCentralWidget(m_treeView);
+    QStandardItem* root = m_standardModel->invisibleRootItem();
+    QList<QStandardItem*> firstRow = prepareRow("name 1", "leaf 1");
+    root->appendRow(firstRow);
+    QList<QStandardItem*> secondRow = prepareRow("name 2", "leaf 2");
+    root->appendRow(secondRow);
+    QList<QStandardItem*> subRow = prepareRow("subName 1", "subLeaf 1");
+    firstRow.first()->appendRow(subRow);
+    m_treeView->setModel(m_standardModel);
+    m_treeView->expandAll();
+// FaserDbMainWindow::~FaserDbMainWindow()
+// {
+//     if (m_standardModel != nullptr) delete m_standardModel;
+//     if (m_treeView != nullptr) delete m_treeView;
+// }
+QList<QStandardItem*> FaserDbMainWindow::prepareRow(const QString& name, const QString& leaf) const
+    return { new QStandardItem(name),
+             new QStandardItem(leaf)};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/FaserGeoEditor/src/FaserDbMainWindow.h b/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/FaserGeoEditor/src/FaserDbMainWindow.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5b6cabbba1ef5f67d05a6f8879c378c0cfa90b8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/FaserGeoEditor/src/FaserDbMainWindow.h
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#include <QMainWindow>
+// #include <QtGui/QWidget>
+class QTreeView; //forward declarations
+class QStandardItemModel;
+class QStandardItem;
+class FaserDbMainWindow : public QMainWindow
+    QTreeView* m_treeView;
+    QStandardItemModel* m_standardModel;
+    QList<QStandardItem *> prepareRow(const QString& name, const QString& leaf) const;
+    FaserDbMainWindow(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
+    // virtual ~FaserDbMainWindow();
+// #endif
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/FaserGeoEditor/src/FaserGeoEditorApp.cxx b/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/FaserGeoEditor/src/FaserGeoEditorApp.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..182cd6d530f2bdba9bac97b37d095b497019fa74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/FaserGeoEditor/src/FaserGeoEditorApp.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include "FaserGeoEditorApp.h"
+FaserGeoEditorApp::FaserGeoEditorApp(int& argc, char** argv) 
+: m_application(argc, argv), m_database(QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE")), m_mainWindow()
+// db file name should be first argument after command name; retrieve it
+    auto arguments = m_application.arguments();
+    auto dbName = arguments.at(1);
+    std::cout << "Database name: " << dbName.toLocal8Bit().constData() << std::endl;
+    m_database.setDatabaseName(dbName);
+    bool ok = m_database.open();
+    std::cout << "Database open status: " << ok << std::endl;
+    auto tables = m_database.tables();
+    for (auto it = tables.constBegin(); it != tables.constEnd(); ++it) std::cout << (*it).toLocal8Bit().constData() << std::endl;
+int FaserGeoEditorApp::exec()
+    m_mainWindow.show();
+    return m_application.exec();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/FaserGeoEditor/src/FaserGeoEditorApp.h b/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/FaserGeoEditor/src/FaserGeoEditorApp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..da0b5bc02e2d32076f8167adb12047a84acf806d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/FaserGeoEditor/src/FaserGeoEditorApp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#include <QStringList>
+#include <QApplication>
+#include <QSqlDatabase>
+#include "FaserDbMainWindow.h"
+class FaserGeoEditorApp
+    public:
+        FaserGeoEditorApp(int& argc, char** argv);
+        int exec();
+        QSqlDatabase& getDatabase() { return m_database; }
+    private:
+        QApplication m_application;
+        QSqlDatabase m_database;
+        FaserDbMainWindow m_mainWindow;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/FaserGeoEditor/src/main.cxx b/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/FaserGeoEditor/src/main.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d9ee9d7ae80a5c16b6d7d281966205a140aa83d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/FaserGeoEditor/src/main.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// main.cpp
+#include "FaserGeoEditorApp.h"
+// #include <QTableView>
+// #include <QStringList>
+// #include <QSqlDatabase>
+// #include <iostream>
+// #include "mymodel.h"
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+    FaserGeoEditorApp a(argc, argv);
+    // QApplication a(argc, argv);
+    // QTableView tableView;
+    // MyModel myModel;
+    // tableView.setModel(&myModel);
+    // tableView.show();
+    // FaserDbMainWindow w;
+    // w.show();
+    return a.exec();
diff --git a/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/FaserGeoModel/python/GeoModelInit.py b/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/FaserGeoModel/python/GeoModelInit.py
index 9bd2f0da3ed983597facf0b56eef842f0290c0e8..6371517ce8cc4d3396cdf8d35ad22616da3fb1d6 100644
--- a/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/FaserGeoModel/python/GeoModelInit.py
+++ b/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/FaserGeoModel/python/GeoModelInit.py
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ def _setupGeoModel():
     # from AthenaCommon import CfgGetter
-    from ScintGeoModel.ScintGeoModelConf import VetoDetectorTool
+    from VetoGeoModel.VetoGeoModelConf import VetoDetectorTool
     vetoDetectorTool = VetoDetectorTool( DetectorName = "Veto",
                                          Alignable = True,
                                          RDBAccessSvc = "RDBAccessSvc",
diff --git a/DetectorDescription/IdDictDetDescrCnv/src/FaserIDDetDescrCnv.cxx b/DetectorDescription/IdDictDetDescrCnv/src/FaserIDDetDescrCnv.cxx
index 0a9fc3970a7449d6a54cee2e61feb399ffb10279..dabb566be5e7332034158a7f834d01a9deb89e6a 100644
--- a/DetectorDescription/IdDictDetDescrCnv/src/FaserIDDetDescrCnv.cxx
+++ b/DetectorDescription/IdDictDetDescrCnv/src/FaserIDDetDescrCnv.cxx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #include "AthenaKernel/StorableConversions.h"
 #include "IdDictDetDescr/IdDictManager.h"
-#include "FaserDetDescr/FaserDetectorIDBase.h"
+#include "FaserDetDescr/FaserDetectorID.h"
 #include "CxxUtils/make_unique.h"
 //<<<<<< PRIVATE DEFINES                                                >>>>>>
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ FaserIDDetDescrCnv::createObj(IOpaqueAddress* pAddr, DataObject*& pObj)
     //StatusCode sc = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
     MsgStream log(msgSvc(), "FaserIDDetDescrCnv");
-    log << MSG::INFO << "in createObj: creating a FaserDetectorIDBase helper object in the detector store" << endmsg;
+    log << MSG::INFO << "in createObj: creating a FaserDetectorID helper object in the detector store" << endmsg;
     // Create a new AtlasDetectorID
@@ -132,11 +132,11 @@ FaserIDDetDescrCnv::createObj(IOpaqueAddress* pAddr, DataObject*& pObj)
     // create the helper
-    auto faser_id = CxxUtils::make_unique<FaserDetectorIDBase>();
+    auto faser_id = CxxUtils::make_unique<FaserDetectorID>();
     if (idDictMgr->initializeHelper(*faser_id)) {
-	log << MSG::ERROR << "Unable to initialize FaserDetectorIDBase" << endmsg;
+	log << MSG::ERROR << "Unable to initialize FaserDetectorID" << endmsg;
 	return StatusCode::FAILURE;
@@ -158,13 +158,13 @@ FaserIDDetDescrCnv::storageType()
 const CLID& 
 FaserIDDetDescrCnv::classID() { 
-    return ClassID_traits<FaserDetectorIDBase>::ID(); 
+    return ClassID_traits<FaserDetectorID>::ID(); 
 FaserIDDetDescrCnv::FaserIDDetDescrCnv(ISvcLocator* svcloc) 
-    DetDescrConverter(ClassID_traits<FaserDetectorIDBase>::ID(), svcloc)
+    DetDescrConverter(ClassID_traits<FaserDetectorID>::ID(), svcloc)
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModel/ScintGeoModel/ScintGeoModelAthenaComps.h b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModel/ScintGeoModel/ScintGeoModelAthenaComps.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a90869b75bac310077f365dbf8900160610e1409..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModel/ScintGeoModel/ScintGeoModelAthenaComps.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#ifndef ScintGeoModel_ScintGeoModelAthenaComps_H
-#define ScintGeoModel_ScintGeoModelAthenaComps_H
-#include "InDetGeoModelUtils/InDetDDAthenaComps.h"
-// class VetoID;
-/// Class to hold various Athena components
-template <class ID_HELPER>
-class ScintGeoModelAthenaComps : public InDetDD::AthenaComps {
-  ScintGeoModelAthenaComps(const std::string& name);
-  void setIdHelper(const ID_HELPER* idHelper);
-  const ID_HELPER* getIdHelper() const;
-  const ID_HELPER* m_idHelper;
-#include "ScintGeoModel/ScintGeoModelAthenaComps.icc"
-#endif // ScintGeoModel_ScintGeoModelAthenaComps_H
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModel/ScintGeoModel/ScintGeoModelAthenaComps.icc b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModel/ScintGeoModel/ScintGeoModelAthenaComps.icc
deleted file mode 100644
index aeed853028e1e57abb062b31b81310bccc450484..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModel/ScintGeoModel/ScintGeoModelAthenaComps.icc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "ScintGeoModel/ScintGeoModelAthenaComps.h"
-template <class ID_HELPER>
-ScintGeoModelAthenaComps<ID_HELPER>::ScintGeoModelAthenaComps(const std::string& name)
-  : InDetDD::AthenaComps(name),
-    m_idHelper(0)
-template <class ID_HELPER>
-ScintGeoModelAthenaComps<ID_HELPER>::setIdHelper(const ID_HELPER* idHelper)
-  m_idHelper = idHelper;
-template <class ID_HELPER>
-const ID_HELPER* 
-ScintGeoModelAthenaComps<ID_HELPER>::getIdHelper() const
-  return m_idHelper;
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModel/src/components/ScintGeoModel_entries.cxx b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModel/src/components/ScintGeoModel_entries.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 50292b02389bf1af778b255db7200f7d6adafef3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModel/src/components/ScintGeoModel_entries.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#include "ScintGeoModel/VetoDetectorTool.h"
-DECLARE_COMPONENT( VetoDetectorTool )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModelUtils/CMakeLists.txt b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModelUtils/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..44c51708b1ae93e25dfe9f1c6e3f412163c438f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModelUtils/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Package: ScintGeoModelUtils
+# Declare the package name:
+atlas_subdir( ScintGeoModelUtils )
+# Declare the package's dependencies:
+atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC
+                          Control/AthenaKernel
+                          Database/RDBAccessSvc
+                          GaudiKernel
+                          PRIVATE
+                          Control/StoreGate
+                          DetectorDescription/GeoModel/GeoModelInterfaces
+                          DetectorDescription/GeoModel/GeoModelUtilities
+                          DetectorDescription/GeoModel/GeoModelFaserUtilities
+                          DetectorDescription/GeoPrimitives
+                          DetectorDescription/GeometryDBSvc )
+# External dependencies:
+find_package( Boost COMPONENTS filesystem thread system )
+find_package( CLHEP )
+find_package( CORAL COMPONENTS CoralBase CoralKernel RelationalAccess )
+find_package( GeoModel )
+# Component(s) in the package:
+atlas_add_library( ScintGeoModelUtils
+                   src/*.cxx
+                   PUBLIC_HEADERS ScintGeoModelUtils
+                   LINK_LIBRARIES ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${CORAL_LIBRARIES} ${CLHEP_LIBRARIES} ${GEOMODEL_LIBRARIES} AthenaKernel GaudiKernel StoreGateLib SGtests
+                   PRIVATE_LINK_LIBRARIES GeoModelUtilities GeoModelFaserUtilities )
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModelUtils/ScintGeoModelUtils/ScintDDAthenaComps.h b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModelUtils/ScintGeoModelUtils/ScintDDAthenaComps.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ab6f67bc4ae1b9113154fce54bbbdc4b3d730535
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModelUtils/ScintGeoModelUtils/ScintDDAthenaComps.h
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+#ifndef ScintGeoModelUtils_ScintDDAthenaComps_H
+#define ScintGeoModelUtils_ScintDDAthenaComps_H
+// Message Stream Member
+#include "AthenaKernel/MsgStreamMember.h"
+class  StoreGateSvc;
+class  IGeoDbTagSvc;
+class  IRDBAccessSvc;
+class  IGeometryDBSvc; 
+#include <string>
+namespace ScintDD {
+/// Class to hold various Athena components.
+class AthenaComps {
+  AthenaComps(const std::string & msgStreamName);
+  //Declaring the Message method for further use
+  MsgStream& msg (MSG::Level lvl) const { return m_msg << lvl; }
+  //Declaring the Method providing Verbosity Level
+  bool msgLvl (MSG::Level lvl) const { return m_msg.get().level() <= lvl; }
+  void setDetStore(StoreGateSvc *);
+  void setGeoDbTagSvc(IGeoDbTagSvc *);
+  void setRDBAccessSvc(IRDBAccessSvc *);
+  void setGeometryDBSvc(IGeometryDBSvc *);
+  StoreGateSvc * detStore() const;
+  IGeoDbTagSvc * geoDbTagSvc() const;
+  IRDBAccessSvc * rdbAccessSvc() const;
+  IGeometryDBSvc * geomDB() const;
+  //Declaring private message stream member.
+  mutable Athena::MsgStreamMember m_msg;
+  StoreGateSvc * m_detStore;
+  IGeoDbTagSvc * m_geoDbTagSvc;
+  IRDBAccessSvc * m_rdbAccessSvc;
+  IGeometryDBSvc * m_geometryDBSvc;
+inline StoreGateSvc * AthenaComps::detStore() const
+  return m_detStore;
+inline IGeoDbTagSvc * AthenaComps::geoDbTagSvc() const
+  return m_geoDbTagSvc;
+inline IRDBAccessSvc * AthenaComps::rdbAccessSvc() const
+  return m_rdbAccessSvc;
+inline IGeometryDBSvc * AthenaComps::geomDB() const
+  return m_geometryDBSvc;
+} // endnamespace
+#endif // ScintGeoModelUtils_ScintDDAthenaComps_H
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModelUtils/src/ScintDDAthenaComps.cxx b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModelUtils/src/ScintDDAthenaComps.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5cfe8264309bb6bdf2058ee490769de0c8afedc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModelUtils/src/ScintDDAthenaComps.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+   Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+ */
+#include "ScintGeoModelUtils/ScintDDAthenaComps.h"
+namespace ScintDD {
+  AthenaComps::AthenaComps(const std::string& msgStreamName)
+    : m_msg(msgStreamName),
+    m_detStore(0),
+    m_geoDbTagSvc(0),
+    m_rdbAccessSvc(0),
+    m_geometryDBSvc(0)
+  {}
+  void
+  AthenaComps::setDetStore(StoreGateSvc* detStore) {
+    m_detStore = detStore;
+  }
+  void
+  AthenaComps::setGeoDbTagSvc(IGeoDbTagSvc* geoDbTagSvc) {
+    m_geoDbTagSvc = geoDbTagSvc;
+  }
+  void
+  AthenaComps::setRDBAccessSvc(IRDBAccessSvc* rdbAccessSvc) {
+    m_rdbAccessSvc = rdbAccessSvc;
+  }
+  void
+  AthenaComps::setGeometryDBSvc(IGeometryDBSvc* geometryDBSvc) {
+    m_geometryDBSvc = geometryDBSvc;
+  }
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintIdDictFiles/data/IdDictScintillator.xml b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintIdDictFiles/data/IdDictScintillator.xml
index d7cabdf6fce023b657c51b5aadcdf35f902843b7..fbec1a8aa8e7fec1c1e5e20244125c1ad1dcf922 100644
--- a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintIdDictFiles/data/IdDictScintillator.xml
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintIdDictFiles/data/IdDictScintillator.xml
@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@
     <range field="part" value="Veto" />
     <range field="station" minvalue="0" maxvalue="1" />
-    <range field="plate" value="0" />
-    <range field="pmt" value="0" />
+    <range field="plate" minvalue="0" maxvalue="0" />
+    <range field="pmt" minvalue="0" maxvalue="0" />
     <range field="part" value="Trigger"/>
-    <range field="station" value="0" />
+    <range field="station" minvalue="0" maxvalue="0" />
     <range field="plate" minvalue="0" maxvalue="1" />
     <range field="pmt" minvalue="0" maxvalue="1" />
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
     <range field="part" value="Preshower" />
     <range field="station" minvalue="0" maxvalue="1" />
-    <range field="plate" value="0" />
-    <range field="pmt" value="0" />
+    <range field="plate" minvalue="0" maxvalue="0" />
+    <range field="pmt" minvalue="0" maxvalue="0" />
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintIdentifier/CMakeLists.txt b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintIdentifier/CMakeLists.txt
index ae742293cc0fe6b2f47105e9aca6158b7c0084bc..660ea8422bc728b3b0bb12c687f6291a4516b1e5 100644
--- a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintIdentifier/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintIdentifier/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -19,21 +19,21 @@ atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC
 find_package( ROOT COMPONENTS Core Tree MathCore Hist RIO pthread )
 # Component(s) in the package:
-#atlas_add_library( ScintIdentifier
-#                   src/VetoID.cxx
+atlas_add_library( ScintIdentifier
+                   src/VetoID.cxx
 #                   src/TriggerID.cxx
 #                   src/PreshowerID.cxx
 #                   src/ScintillatorID.cxx
-#                   PUBLIC_HEADERS ScintIdentifier
-#                   LINK_LIBRARIES AthenaKernel FaserDetDescr IdDict Identifier
-#                   PRIVATE_LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} IdDictParser GaudiKernel )
+                   PUBLIC_HEADERS ScintIdentifier
+                   LINK_LIBRARIES AthenaKernel FaserDetDescr IdDict Identifier
+                   PRIVATE_LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} IdDictParser GaudiKernel )
-#atlas_add_dictionary( ScintIdentifierDict
-#                      ScintIdentifier/ScintIdentifierDict.h
-#                      ScintIdentifier/selection.xml
-#                      INCLUDE_DIRS ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS}
-#                      LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} FaserDetDescr IdDict Identifier IdDictParser GaudiKernel ScintIdentifier )
+atlas_add_dictionary( ScintIdentifierDict
+                      ScintIdentifier/ScintIdentifierDict.h
+                      ScintIdentifier/selection.xml
+                      INCLUDE_DIRS ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS}
+                      LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} FaserDetDescr IdDict Identifier IdDictParser GaudiKernel ScintIdentifier )
 #atlas_add_executable( test_indet_id
 #                      test/test_indet_id.cxx
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintIdentifier/ScintIdentifier/VetoID.h b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintIdentifier/ScintIdentifier/VetoID.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5a3801689840a9ca3d005d7e9d09d13053c8f8e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintIdentifier/ScintIdentifier/VetoID.h
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+ * @file VetoID.h
+ *
+ * @brief This is an Identifier helper class for the Veto
+ *  subdetector. This class is a factory for creating compact
+ *  Identifier objects and IdentifierHash or hash ids. And it also
+ *  allows decoding of these ids.
+ *
+ */
+//<<<<<< INCLUDES                                                       >>>>>>
+#include "FaserDetDescr/FaserDetectorID.h"
+#include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
+#include "Identifier/IdentifierHash.h"
+#include "Identifier/Range.h"
+#include "Identifier/IdHelper.h"
+#include "IdDict/IdDictFieldImplementation.h"
+#include "AthenaKernel/CLASS_DEF.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+//<<<<<< PUBLIC DEFINES                                                 >>>>>>
+//<<<<<< PUBLIC CONSTANTS                                               >>>>>>
+//<<<<<< PUBLIC TYPES                                                   >>>>>>
+class IdDictDictionary;
+//<<<<<< PUBLIC VARIABLES                                               >>>>>>
+//<<<<<< PUBLIC FUNCTIONS                                               >>>>>>
+//<<<<<< CLASS DECLARATIONS                                             >>>>>>
+ **  @class VetoID
+ **  
+ **  @brief This is an Identifier helper class for the Veto
+ **  subdetector. This class is a factory for creating compact
+ **  Identifier objects and IdentifierHash or hash ids. And it also
+ **  allows decoding of these ids.
+ **
+ **  Definition and the range of values for the levels of the
+ **  identifier are:
+ **
+ ** @verbatim
+ **    element           range              meaning
+ **    -------           -----              -------
+ **
+ **    station          0 to 1              longitudinal location
+ **    plate            0                   single plate per station
+ **    pmt              0                   single pmt per plate
+ **
+ ** @endverbatim
+ **
+ */
+class VetoID : public FaserDetectorID
+    /// @name public typedefs
+    //@{
+    typedef Identifier::size_type                       size_type; 
+    typedef std::vector<Identifier>::const_iterator     const_id_iterator;
+    typedef MultiRange::const_identifier_factory        const_expanded_id_iterator;
+    //@}
+    /// @name strutors
+    //@{
+    VetoID(void);
+    virtual ~VetoID(void) = default;
+    //@}
+    /// @name Creators for plate ids and pmt ids
+    //@{
+    /// For a single station
+    Identifier  station_id ( int station ) const;
+    Identifier  station_id ( int station,
+                             bool checks) const;
+    /// For a station from a plate id
+    Identifier  station_id ( const Identifier& plate_id ) const;
+    /// For a single plate
+    Identifier  plate_id ( int station, 
+                           int plate ) const;
+    Identifier  plate_id ( int station, 
+                           int plate,
+                           bool checks) const;
+    /// For a single plate from a pmt id
+    Identifier  plate_id ( const Identifier& pmt_id ) const;
+    /// From hash - optimized
+    Identifier  plate_id ( IdentifierHash plate_hash ) const;
+    /// For an individual pmt
+    Identifier  pmt_id ( int station, 
+                         int plate, 
+                         int pmt ) const; 
+    Identifier  pmt_id ( int station, 
+                         int plate, 
+                         int pmt,
+                         bool check ) const; 
+    Identifier  pmt_id ( const Identifier& plate_id, 
+                         int pmt ) const;
+    //@}
+    /// @name Hash table maximum sizes
+    //@{
+    size_type   plate_hash_max          (void) const;
+    size_type   pmt_hash_max            (void) const;
+    //@}
+    /// @name Access to all ids
+    //@{
+    /// Iterators over full set of ids. Plate iterator is sorted
+    const_id_iterator   plate_begin                     (void) const;
+    const_id_iterator   plate_end                       (void) const;
+    /// For pmt ids, only expanded id iterators are available. Use
+    /// following "pmt_id" method to obtain a compact identifier
+    const_expanded_id_iterator  pmt_begin             (void) const;  
+    const_expanded_id_iterator  pmt_end               (void) const;
+    //@}
+    /// @name Optimized accessors  - ASSUMES id IS a sct id, i.e. NOT pixel or other
+    //@{
+    /// wafer hash from id - optimized
+    IdentifierHash      plate_hash      (Identifier plate_id) const;
+    /// Values of different levels (failure returns 0)
+    int         station       (const Identifier& id) const;  
+    int         plate         (const Identifier& id) const; 
+    int         pmt           (const Identifier& id) const; 
+    /// Max/Min values for each field (-999 == failure)
+    int         station_max  (const Identifier& id) const;
+    int         plate_max    (const Identifier& id) const;
+    int         pmt_max      (const Identifier& id) const;
+    //@}
+    /// @name module eta/phi navigation
+    //@{
+    // /// Previous wafer hash in phi (return == 0 for neighbor found)
+    // int         get_prev_in_phi (const IdentifierHash& id, IdentifierHash& prev) const;
+    // /// Next wafer hash in phi (return == 0 for neighbor found)
+    // int         get_next_in_phi (const IdentifierHash& id, IdentifierHash& next) const;
+    // /// Previous wafer hash in eta (return == 0 for neighbor found)
+    // int         get_prev_in_eta (const IdentifierHash& id, IdentifierHash& prev) const;
+    // /// Next wafer hash in eta (return == 0 for neighbor found)
+    // int         get_next_in_eta (const IdentifierHash& id, IdentifierHash& next) const;
+    // /// Wafer hash on other side
+    // int         get_other_side  (const IdentifierHash& id, IdentifierHash& other) const;
+    // // To check for when phi wrap around may be needed, use
+    // bool        is_phi_module_max(const Identifier& id) const;
+    // /// For the barrel
+    // bool        is_eta_module_min(const Identifier& id) const;
+    // /// For the barrel
+    // bool        is_eta_module_max(const Identifier& id) const;
+    //@}
+    /// @name contexts to distinguish plate id from pixel id
+    //@{
+    IdContext   plate_context           (void) const;
+    IdContext   pmt_context             (void) const;
+    //@}
+    /// @name methods from abstract interface - slower than opt version
+    //@{
+    /// Create compact id from hash id (return == 0 for OK)
+    virtual int         get_id          (const IdentifierHash& hash_id,
+                                         Identifier& id,
+                                         const IdContext* context = 0) const;
+    /// Create hash id from compact id (return == 0 for OK)
+    virtual int         get_hash        (const Identifier& id, 
+                                         IdentifierHash& hash_id,
+                                         const IdContext* context = 0) const;
+    //@}
+    /// Return the lowest bit position used in the channel id
+    int                 base_bit        (void) const;
+    /// Calculate a channel offset between the two identifiers.
+    Identifier::diff_type calc_offset(const Identifier& base,
+                                      const Identifier& target) const;
+    /// Create an identifier with a given base and channel offset
+    Identifier pmt_id_offset(const Identifier& base,
+                             Identifier::diff_type offset) const;
+    /// @name interaction with id dictionary
+    //@{
+    /// Create strip Identifier from expanded id, which is returned by the
+    /// id_iterators
+    Identifier          pmt_id        (const ExpandedIdentifier& pmt_id) const;
+    /// Create expanded id from compact id (return == 0 for OK)
+    void                get_expanded_id (const Identifier& id,
+                                         ExpandedIdentifier& exp_id,
+                                         const IdContext* context = 0) const;
+    /// Initialization from the identifier dictionary
+    virtual int         initialize_from_dictionary(const IdDictMgr& dict_mgr);
+    /// Tests of packing
+    void        test_plate_packing      (void) const;
+    //@}
+    enum {NOT_VALID_HASH        = 64000};
+    typedef std::vector<Identifier>     id_vec;
+    typedef id_vec::const_iterator      id_vec_it;
+    typedef std::vector<unsigned short> hash_vec;
+    typedef hash_vec::const_iterator    hash_vec_it;
+    void plate_id_checks ( int station, 
+                           int plate ) const; 
+    void pmt_id_checks ( int station, 
+                         int plate, 
+                         int pmt ) const;
+    int         initLevelsFromDict(void);
+    int         init_hashes(void);
+    int         init_neighbors(void);
+    // Temporary method for adapting an identifier for the MultiRange
+    // check - MR is missing the InnerDetector level
+    // Identifier  idForCheck      (const Identifier& id) const;
+    size_type                   m_veto_region_index;
+    size_type                   m_SCINT_INDEX;
+    size_type                   m_VETO_INDEX;
+    size_type                   m_STATION_INDEX;
+    size_type                   m_PLATE_INDEX;
+    size_type                   m_PMT_INDEX;
+    const IdDictDictionary*     m_dict;
+    MultiRange                  m_full_plate_range;
+    MultiRange                  m_full_pmt_range;
+    size_type                   m_plate_hash_max;
+    size_type                   m_pmt_hash_max;
+    // Range::field                m_barrel_field;
+    id_vec                      m_plate_vec;
+    // hash_vec                    m_prev_phi_wafer_vec;
+    // hash_vec                    m_next_phi_wafer_vec;
+    // hash_vec                    m_prev_eta_wafer_vec;
+    // hash_vec                    m_next_eta_wafer_vec;   
+    // bool 			m_hasRows	;
+    IdDictFieldImplementation   m_scint_impl	;
+    IdDictFieldImplementation   m_veto_impl	;
+    IdDictFieldImplementation   m_station_impl	;
+    IdDictFieldImplementation   m_plate_impl	;
+    IdDictFieldImplementation   m_pmt_impl	;
+//<<<<<< INLINE PUBLIC FUNCTIONS                                        >>>>>>
+//<<<<<< INLINE MEMBER FUNCTIONS                                        >>>>>>
+//using the macros below we can assign an identifier (and a version)
+//This is required and checked at compile time when you try to record/retrieve
+CLASS_DEF(VetoID, 131395045, 1)
+inline Identifier  
+VetoID::station_id ( int station, 
+                     bool checks) const
+    // Build identifier
+    Identifier result((Identifier::value_type)0);
+    // Pack fields independently
+    m_scint_impl.pack       (scint_field_value(), result);
+    m_veto_impl.pack        (veto_field_value(),  result);
+    m_station_impl.pack     (station,             result);
+    // Do checks
+    if(checks) 
+    {
+        plate_id_checks ( station, 0 );
+    }
+    return result;
+inline Identifier  
+VetoID::station_id ( int station ) const 
+  return station_id (station, do_checks());
+inline Identifier  
+VetoID::station_id ( const Identifier& plate_id ) const
+    Identifier result(plate_id);
+    //  Reset the plate and pmt fields
+    m_plate_impl.reset(result);
+    m_pmt_impl.reset(result);
+    return (result);
+inline Identifier
+VetoID::plate_id ( int station,  
+                   int plate, 
+                   bool checks) const
+    // Build identifier
+    Identifier result((Identifier::value_type)0);
+    // Pack fields independently
+    m_scint_impl.pack    (scint_field_value(), result);
+    m_veto_impl.pack     (veto_field_value(),  result);
+    m_station_impl.pack  (station,             result);
+    m_plate_impl.pack    (plate,               result);
+    // Do checks
+    if(checks) 
+    {
+        plate_id_checks ( station, plate );
+    }
+    return result;
+inline Identifier
+VetoID::plate_id ( int station,  
+                   int plate ) const
+  return plate_id (station, plate, do_checks());
+inline Identifier
+VetoID::plate_id ( const Identifier& pmt_id ) const
+    Identifier result(pmt_id);
+    // reset the pmt field
+    m_pmt_impl.reset(result);
+    return (result);
+inline Identifier  VetoID::plate_id ( IdentifierHash plate_hash ) const
+    return (m_plate_vec[plate_hash]);
+inline IdentifierHash      VetoID::plate_hash      (Identifier plate_id) const 
+    id_vec_it it = std::lower_bound(m_plate_vec.begin(), 
+                                    m_plate_vec.end(), 
+                                    plate_id);
+    // Require that plate_id matches the one in vector
+    if (it != m_plate_vec.end() && plate_id == (*it)) {
+        return (it - m_plate_vec.begin());
+    }
+    IdentifierHash result;
+    return (result); // return hash in invalid state
+inline Identifier
+VetoID::pmt_id ( int station,  
+                 int plate, 
+                 int pmt,
+                 bool checks) const
+    // Build identifier
+    Identifier result((Identifier::value_type)0);
+    // Pack fields independently
+    m_scint_impl.pack    (scint_field_value(), result);
+    m_veto_impl.pack     (veto_field_value(),  result);
+    m_station_impl.pack  (station,             result);
+    m_plate_impl.pack    (plate,               result);
+    m_pmt_impl.pack      (pmt,                 result);
+    // Do checks
+    if(checks) {
+        pmt_id_checks ( station, plate, pmt );
+    }
+    return result;
+inline Identifier
+VetoID::pmt_id ( int station,  
+                 int plate, 
+                 int pmt ) const
+  return pmt_id (station, plate, pmt, do_checks());
+inline Identifier               
+VetoID::pmt_id        (const ExpandedIdentifier& id) const
+    // Build identifier
+    Identifier result((Identifier::value_type)0);
+    // Pack fields independently
+    m_scint_impl.pack    (scint_field_value(),    result);
+    m_veto_impl.pack     (veto_field_value(),     result);
+    m_station_impl.pack  (id[m_STATION_INDEX],    result);
+    m_plate_impl.pack    (id[m_PLATE_INDEX],      result);
+    m_pmt_impl.pack      (id[m_PMT_INDEX],        result);
+    // Do checks
+    if(m_do_checks) 
+    {
+       	pmt_id_checks ( id[m_STATION_INDEX],  
+                          id[m_PLATE_INDEX], 
+                       	  id[m_PMT_INDEX]);    
+    }
+    return result;
+inline Identifier  
+VetoID::pmt_id ( const Identifier& plate_id, int pmt ) const
+	// Build identifier
+    Identifier result(plate_id);
+    // Reset strip and then add in value
+    m_pmt_impl.reset   (result);
+ 	m_pmt_impl.pack    (pmt, result);
+    if(m_do_checks)
+    {          
+	    pmt_id_checks ( station(result), 
+		           		plate(result), 
+                        pmt );
+	}
+	return result;
+inline Identifier::diff_type
+VetoID::calc_offset(const Identifier& base, const Identifier& target) const
+  Identifier::diff_type tval = static_cast<Identifier::diff_type>(target.get_compact() >> base_bit());
+  Identifier::diff_type bval = static_cast<Identifier::diff_type>(base.get_compact() >> base_bit());
+  return (tval - bval);
+inline Identifier
+VetoID::pmt_id_offset(const Identifier& base,
+                        Identifier::diff_type offset) const
+  Identifier::value_type bval = base.get_compact() >> base_bit();
+  return Identifier((bval + offset) << base_bit());
+inline int
+VetoID::base_bit ( void ) const
+  int base = static_cast<int>(m_pmt_impl.shift()); // lowest field base
+  return (base > 32) ? 32 : base;
+  // max base is 32 so we can still read old strip id's and differences
+  // from non-SLHC releases.
+inline IdContext        
+VetoID::plate_context           (void) const
+    ExpandedIdentifier id;
+    return (IdContext(id, 0, m_PLATE_INDEX));
+inline IdContext        
+VetoID::pmt_context   (void) const
+    ExpandedIdentifier id;
+    return (IdContext(id, 0, m_PMT_INDEX));
+inline int 
+VetoID::station       (const Identifier& id) const
+    return (m_station_impl.unpack(id));
+inline int 
+VetoID::plate     (const Identifier& id) const
+    return (m_plate_impl.unpack(id));
+inline int 
+VetoID::pmt           (const Identifier& id) const
+    return (m_pmt_impl.unpack(id));
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintIdentifier/src/VetoID.cxx b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintIdentifier/src/VetoID.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..589c032d415689f952b361430da8cf63251d570c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintIdentifier/src/VetoID.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,889 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+ Scintillator identifier package
+ -------------------------------------------
+//<<<<<< INCLUDES                                                       >>>>>>
+#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
+#include "ScintIdentifier/VetoID.h"
+#include "Identifier/IdentifierHash.h"
+#include "IdDict/IdDictDefs.h"  
+#include <set>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iostream>
+//<<<<<< PRIVATE DEFINES                                                >>>>>>
+//<<<<<< PRIVATE CONSTANTS                                              >>>>>>
+//<<<<<< PRIVATE TYPES                                                  >>>>>>
+//<<<<<< PRIVATE VARIABLE DEFINITIONS                                   >>>>>>
+//<<<<<< PUBLIC VARIABLE DEFINITIONS                                    >>>>>>
+//<<<<<< CLASS STRUCTURE INITIALIZATION                                 >>>>>>
+//<<<<<< PRIVATE FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                                   >>>>>>
+//<<<<<< PUBLIC FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                                    >>>>>>
+//<<<<<< MEMBER FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                                    >>>>>>
+        :
+        m_veto_region_index(0),
+        m_SCINT_INDEX(0),
+        m_VETO_INDEX(1),
+        m_STATION_INDEX(2),
+        m_PLATE_INDEX(3),
+        m_PMT_INDEX(4),
+        m_dict(0),
+        m_plate_hash_max(0),
+        m_pmt_hash_max(0)
+VetoID::plate_id_checks ( int station,  
+                          int plate ) const
+    // Check that id is within allowed range
+    // Fill expanded id
+    ExpandedIdentifier id;
+    id << scint_field_value() << veto_field_value()
+       << station << plate;
+    if (!m_full_plate_range.match(id)) {  // module range check is sufficient
+        MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "VetoID");
+        log << MSG::ERROR << " VetoID::plate_id result is NOT ok. ID, range "
+            << (std::string)id <<  " " << (std::string)m_full_plate_range << endmsg;
+    }
+VetoID::pmt_id_checks ( int station,  
+                        int plate, 
+                        int pmt) const
+    // Check that id is within allowed range
+    // Fill expanded id
+    ExpandedIdentifier id;
+    id << scint_field_value() << veto_field_value()
+       << station << plate << pmt;
+    if (!m_full_pmt_range.match(id)) {  
+        MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "VetoID");
+        log << MSG::ERROR << " VetoID::pmt_id result is NOT ok. ID, range "
+            << (std::string)id << " " << (std::string)m_full_pmt_range << std::endl;
+    }
+VetoID::station_max(const Identifier& id) const
+    // get max from dictionary
+    ExpandedIdentifier expId;
+    IdContext plate_context1 = plate_context();
+    get_expanded_id(id, expId, &plate_context1);
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_full_plate_range.size(); ++i) {
+        const Range& range = m_full_plate_range[i];
+        if (range.match(expId)) {
+            const Range::field& station_field = range[m_STATION_INDEX];
+            if (station_field.has_maximum()) {
+                return (station_field.get_maximum());
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return (-999);  // default
+VetoID::pmt_max       (const Identifier& id) const
+    ExpandedIdentifier expId;
+    IdContext station_context(expId, 0, m_STATION_INDEX);
+    get_expanded_id(id, expId, &station_context);
+    int result = -999;
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_full_pmt_range.size(); ++i) {
+        const Range& range = m_full_pmt_range[i];
+        if (range.match(expId)) {
+            const Range::field& pmt_field = range[m_PMT_INDEX];
+            if (pmt_field.has_maximum()) {
+                int pmt = pmt_field.get_maximum();
+                if (result < pmt) result = pmt;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return (result);
+VetoID::plate_max(const Identifier& id) const
+    // get max from dictionary
+    ExpandedIdentifier expId;
+    IdContext plate_context1 = plate_context();
+    get_expanded_id(id, expId, &plate_context1);
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_full_plate_range.size(); ++i) {
+        const Range& range = m_full_plate_range[i];
+        if (range.match(expId)) {
+            const Range::field& plate_field = range[m_PLATE_INDEX];
+            if (plate_field.has_maximum()) {
+                return (plate_field.get_maximum());
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return -1;
+VetoID::initialize_from_dictionary(const IdDictMgr& dict_mgr)
+    MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "VetoID");
+    log << MSG::INFO << "Initialize from dictionary" << endmsg;
+    // Check whether this helper should be reinitialized
+    if (!reinitialize(dict_mgr)) {
+        log << MSG::INFO << "Request to reinitialize not satisfied - tags have not changed" << endmsg;
+        return (0);
+    }
+    else {
+        if (m_msgSvc) {
+            log << MSG::DEBUG << "(Re)initialize" << endmsg;
+        }
+        else {
+            std::cout  << " DEBUG (Re)initialize" << std::endl;
+        }
+    }
+    // init base object
+    if(FaserDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary(dict_mgr)) return (1);
+    // Register version of InnerDetector dictionary 
+    if (register_dict_tag(dict_mgr, "Scintillator")) return(1);
+    m_dict = dict_mgr.find_dictionary ("Scintillator"); 
+    if(!m_dict) {
+        log << MSG::ERROR << " VetoID::initialize_from_dict - cannot access Scintillator dictionary " << endmsg;
+        return 1;
+    }
+    // Initialize the field indices
+    if(initLevelsFromDict()) return (1);
+    //
+    // Build multirange for the valid set of identifiers
+    //
+    // Find value for the field Scintillator
+    const IdDictDictionary* faserDict = dict_mgr.find_dictionary ("FASER"); 
+    int scintField   = -1;
+    if (faserDict->get_label_value("subdet", "Scintillator", scintField)) {
+        log << MSG::ERROR << "Could not get value for label 'Scintillator' of field 'subdet' in dictionary " 
+            << faserDict->m_name
+            << endmsg;
+        return (1);
+    }
+    // Find value for the field Veto
+    int vetoField   = -1;
+    if (m_dict->get_label_value("part", "Veto", vetoField)) {
+        log << MSG::ERROR << "Could not get value for label 'Veto' of field 'part' in dictionary " 
+            << m_dict->m_name
+            << endmsg;
+        return (1);
+    }
+    if (m_msgSvc) {
+        log << MSG::DEBUG << " VetoID::initialize_from_dict " 
+            << "Found field values: Veto "  
+            << vetoField
+            << std::endl;
+    }
+    else {
+        std::cout << " DEBUG VetoID::initialize_from_dict " 
+                  << "Found field values: Veto "  
+                  << vetoField
+                  << std::endl;
+    }
+    // Set up id for region and range prefix
+    ExpandedIdentifier region_id;
+    region_id.add(scintField);
+    region_id.add(vetoField);
+    Range prefix;
+    m_full_plate_range = m_dict->build_multirange(region_id, prefix, "plate");
+    m_full_pmt_range = m_dict->build_multirange(region_id, prefix);
+    // Setup the hash tables
+    if(init_hashes()) return (1);
+    // Setup hash tables for finding neighbors
+    if(init_neighbors()) return (1);
+    if (m_msgSvc) {
+        log << MSG::INFO << " VetoID::initialize_from_dict "  << endmsg;
+        log << MSG::DEBUG  
+            << "Plate range -> " << (std::string)m_full_plate_range
+            <<   endmsg;
+        log << MSG::DEBUG
+            << "Pmt range -> " << (std::string)m_full_pmt_range
+            << endmsg;
+    }
+    else {
+        std::cout << " INFO VetoID::initialize_from_dict "  << std::endl;
+        std::cout << " DEBUG  Plate range -> " << (std::string)m_full_plate_range
+                  <<   std::endl;
+        std::cout << " DEBUG Pmt range -> " << (std::string)m_full_pmt_range
+                  << std::endl;
+    }
+    return 0;
+    //
+    // create a vector(s) to retrieve the hashes for compact ids. For
+    // the moment, we implement a hash for plates but NOT for pmts
+    //
+    MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "VetoID");
+    // plate hash
+    m_plate_hash_max = m_full_plate_range.cardinality();
+    m_plate_vec.resize(m_plate_hash_max);
+    unsigned int nids = 0;
+    std::set<Identifier> ids;
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_full_plate_range.size(); ++i) {
+        const Range& range = m_full_plate_range[i];
+        Range::const_identifier_factory first = range.factory_begin();
+        Range::const_identifier_factory last  = range.factory_end();
+        for (; first != last; ++first) {
+            const ExpandedIdentifier& exp_id = (*first);
+            Identifier id = plate_id(exp_id[m_STATION_INDEX],
+                                     exp_id[m_PLATE_INDEX]); 
+            if(!(ids.insert(id)).second) {
+                log << MSG::ERROR << " VetoID::init_hashes "
+                    << " Error: duplicated id for plate id. nid " << nids
+                    << " compact id " << id.getString()
+                    << " id " << (std::string)exp_id << endmsg;
+                return (1);
+            }
+            nids++;
+        }
+    }
+    if(ids.size() != m_plate_hash_max) {
+        log << MSG::ERROR << " VetoID::init_hashes "
+            << " Error: set size NOT EQUAL to hash max. size " << ids.size()
+            << " hash max " << m_plate_hash_max 
+            << endmsg;
+        return (1);
+    }
+    nids = 0;
+    std::set<Identifier>::const_iterator first = ids.begin();
+    std::set<Identifier>::const_iterator last  = ids.end();
+    for (; first != last && nids < m_plate_vec.size(); ++first) {
+        m_plate_vec[nids] = (*first);
+        nids++;
+    }
+    // pmt hash - we do not keep a vec for the pmts
+    m_pmt_hash_max = m_full_pmt_range.cardinality();
+    return (0);
+// int             
+// VetoID::get_prev_in_phi(const IdentifierHash& id, IdentifierHash& prev) const
+// {
+//     unsigned short index = id;
+//     if (index < m_prev_phi_wafer_vec.size()) {
+//         if (m_prev_phi_wafer_vec[index] == NOT_VALID_HASH) return (1);
+//         prev =  m_prev_phi_wafer_vec[index];
+//         return (0);
+//     }
+//     return (1);
+// }
+// int             
+// VetoID::get_next_in_phi(const IdentifierHash& id, IdentifierHash& next) const
+// {
+//     unsigned short index = id;
+//     if (index < m_next_phi_wafer_vec.size()) {
+//         if (m_next_phi_wafer_vec[index] == NOT_VALID_HASH) return (1);
+//         next =  m_next_phi_wafer_vec[index];
+//         return (0);
+//     }
+//     return (1);
+// }
+// int             
+// VetoID::get_prev_in_eta(const IdentifierHash& id, IdentifierHash& prev) const
+// {
+//     unsigned short index = id;
+//     if (index < m_prev_eta_wafer_vec.size()) {
+//         if (m_prev_eta_wafer_vec[index] == NOT_VALID_HASH) return (1);
+//         prev =  m_prev_eta_wafer_vec[index];
+//         return (0);
+//     }
+//     return (1);
+// }
+// int
+// VetoID::get_next_in_eta(const IdentifierHash& id, IdentifierHash& next) const
+// {
+//     unsigned short index = id;
+//     if (index < m_next_eta_wafer_vec.size()) {
+//         if (m_next_eta_wafer_vec[index] == NOT_VALID_HASH) return (1);
+//         next =  m_next_eta_wafer_vec[index];
+//         return (0);
+//     }
+//     return (1);
+// }
+// int
+// VetoID::get_other_side  (const IdentifierHash& hashId, IdentifierHash& other) const
+// {
+//     if (m_dict) {
+//         // get max from dictionary
+//         Identifier id;
+//         IdContext wafer_context1 = wafer_context();
+//         if(!get_id(hashId, id, &wafer_context1)) {
+//             other = side(id) ? hashId - 1 : hashId + 1;
+//             return (0);
+//         }
+//     }
+//     return (1);
+// }
+    //
+    // create a vector(s) to retrieve the hashes for compact ids for
+    // wafer neighbors.
+    //
+    MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "VetoID");
+    if (m_msgSvc) {
+        log << MSG::DEBUG << "VetoID::init_neighbors not yet implemented" << endmsg;
+    }
+    else {
+        std::cout << " DEBUG VetoID::init_neighbors not yet implemented" << std::endl;
+    }
+    // m_prev_phi_wafer_vec.resize(m_wafer_hash_max, NOT_VALID_HASH);
+    // m_next_phi_wafer_vec.resize(m_wafer_hash_max, NOT_VALID_HASH);
+    // m_prev_eta_wafer_vec.resize(m_wafer_hash_max, NOT_VALID_HASH);
+    // m_next_eta_wafer_vec.resize(m_wafer_hash_max, NOT_VALID_HASH);
+    // for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_full_wafer_range.size(); ++i) {
+    //     const Range& range = m_full_wafer_range[i];
+    //     const Range::field& phi_field = range[m_PHI_MODULE_INDEX];
+    //     const Range::field& eta_field = range[m_ETA_MODULE_INDEX];
+    //     Range::const_identifier_factory first = range.factory_begin();
+    //     Range::const_identifier_factory last  = range.factory_end();
+    //     for (; first != last; ++first) {
+    //         const ExpandedIdentifier& exp_id = (*first);
+    //         ExpandedIdentifier::element_type previous_phi;
+    //         ExpandedIdentifier::element_type next_phi;
+    //         ExpandedIdentifier::element_type previous_eta;
+    //         ExpandedIdentifier::element_type next_eta;
+    //         bool pphi = phi_field.get_previous(exp_id[m_PHI_MODULE_INDEX], previous_phi);
+    //         bool nphi = phi_field.get_next    (exp_id[m_PHI_MODULE_INDEX], next_phi);
+    //         bool peta = eta_field.get_previous(exp_id[m_ETA_MODULE_INDEX], previous_eta);
+    //         bool neta = eta_field.get_next    (exp_id[m_ETA_MODULE_INDEX], next_eta);
+    //         IdContext      wcontext = wafer_context();
+    //         // First get primary hash id
+    //         IdentifierHash hash_id;
+    //         Identifier id = wafer_id(exp_id[m_BARREL_EC_INDEX],
+    //                                  exp_id[m_LAYER_DISK_INDEX], 
+    //                                  exp_id[m_PHI_MODULE_INDEX],
+    //                                  exp_id[m_ETA_MODULE_INDEX],
+    //                                  exp_id[m_SIDE_INDEX]);
+    //         if (get_hash(id, hash_id, &wcontext)) {
+    //             log << MSG::ERROR << " VetoID::init_neighbors - unable to get hash, exp/compact "
+    //                 << show_to_string(id, &wcontext)
+    //                 << " " << (std::string)m_full_wafer_range << endmsg;
+    //             return (1);
+    //         }
+    //         // index for the subsequent arrays
+    //         unsigned short index = hash_id;
+    //         assert (hash_id < m_prev_phi_wafer_vec.size());
+    //         assert (hash_id < m_next_phi_wafer_vec.size());
+    //         assert (hash_id < m_prev_eta_wafer_vec.size());
+    //         assert (hash_id < m_next_eta_wafer_vec.size());
+    //         if (pphi) {
+    //             // Get previous phi hash id
+    //             ExpandedIdentifier expId = exp_id;
+    //             expId[m_PHI_MODULE_INDEX] = previous_phi;
+    //             Identifier id = wafer_id(expId[m_BARREL_EC_INDEX],
+    //                                      expId[m_LAYER_DISK_INDEX], 
+    //                                      expId[m_PHI_MODULE_INDEX],
+    //                                      expId[m_ETA_MODULE_INDEX],
+    //                                      expId[m_SIDE_INDEX]);
+    //             if (get_hash(id, hash_id, &wcontext)) {
+    //                 log << MSG::ERROR << " VetoID::init_neighbors - unable to get previous phi hash, exp/compact " << id.getString() << " " 
+    //                     << endmsg;
+    //                 return (1);
+    //             }
+    //             m_prev_phi_wafer_vec[index] = hash_id;
+    //         }
+    //         if (nphi) {
+    //             // Get next phi hash id
+    //             ExpandedIdentifier expId = exp_id;
+    //             expId[m_PHI_MODULE_INDEX] = next_phi;
+    //             Identifier id = wafer_id(expId[m_BARREL_EC_INDEX],
+    //                                      expId[m_LAYER_DISK_INDEX], 
+    //                                      expId[m_PHI_MODULE_INDEX],
+    //                                      expId[m_ETA_MODULE_INDEX],
+    //                                      expId[m_SIDE_INDEX]);
+    //             if (get_hash(id, hash_id, &wcontext)) {
+    //                 log << MSG::ERROR << " VetoID::init_neighbors - unable to get next phi hash, exp/compact " << id.getString() << 
+    //                     " " << MSG::hex << id.getString() << MSG::dec << endmsg;
+    //                 return (1);
+    //             }
+    //             m_next_phi_wafer_vec[index] = hash_id;
+    //         }
+    //         if (peta) {
+    //             // Get previous eta hash id
+    //             ExpandedIdentifier expId = exp_id;
+    //             expId[m_ETA_MODULE_INDEX] = previous_eta;
+    //             Identifier id = wafer_id(expId[m_BARREL_EC_INDEX],
+    //                                      expId[m_LAYER_DISK_INDEX], 
+    //                                      expId[m_PHI_MODULE_INDEX],
+    //                                      expId[m_ETA_MODULE_INDEX],
+    //                                      expId[m_SIDE_INDEX]);
+    //             if (get_hash(id, hash_id, &wcontext)) {
+    //                 log << MSG::ERROR << " VetoID::init_neighbors - unable to get previous eta hash, exp/compact " << id.getString() 
+    //                     << " " << std::endl;
+    //                 return (1);
+    //             }
+    //             m_prev_eta_wafer_vec[index] = hash_id;
+    //         }
+    //         if (neta) {
+    //             // Get next eta hash id
+    //             ExpandedIdentifier expId = exp_id;
+    //             expId[m_ETA_MODULE_INDEX] = next_eta;
+    //             Identifier id = wafer_id(expId[m_BARREL_EC_INDEX],
+    //                                      expId[m_LAYER_DISK_INDEX], 
+    //                                      expId[m_PHI_MODULE_INDEX],
+    //                                      expId[m_ETA_MODULE_INDEX],
+    //                                      expId[m_SIDE_INDEX]);
+    //             if (get_hash(id, hash_id, &wcontext)) {
+    //                 log << MSG::ERROR << " VetoID::init_neighbors - unable to get next eta hash, exp/compact " << id.getString() 
+    //                     << " " << endmsg;
+    //                 return (1);
+    //             }
+    //             m_next_eta_wafer_vec[index] = hash_id;
+    //         }
+//          std::cout << " VetoID::init_neighbors "
+//                    << " phi, previous, next " << id[m_PHI_MODULE_INDEX]
+//                    << " " << pphi
+//                    << " " << previous_phi
+//                    << " " << nphi
+//                    << " " << next_phi
+//                    << " eta, previous, next " << id[m_ETA_MODULE_INDEX]
+//                    << " " << peta
+//                    << " " << previous_eta
+//                    << " " << neta
+//                    << " " << next_eta
+//                    << " id " << (std::string)(*first) 
+//                    << std::endl;
+    //     }
+    // }
+    return (0);
+    MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "VetoID");
+    if(!m_dict) {
+        log << MSG::ERROR << " VetoID::initLevelsFromDict - dictionary NOT initialized " << endmsg;
+        return (1);
+    }
+    // Find out which identifier field corresponds to each level. Use
+    // names to find each field/leve.
+    m_SCINT_INDEX               = 999;
+    m_VETO_INDEX                = 999;
+    m_STATION_INDEX             = 999;
+    m_PLATE_INDEX               = 999;
+    m_PMT_INDEX                 = 999;    
+    // Save index to a Veto region for unpacking
+    ExpandedIdentifier id; 
+    id << scint_field_value() << veto_field_value();
+    if (m_dict->find_region(id, m_veto_region_index)) {
+        log << MSG::ERROR << "VetoID::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find veto region index: id, reg "  
+            << (std::string)id << " " << m_veto_region_index
+            << endmsg;
+        return (1);
+    }
+    // Find a Veto region
+    IdDictField* field = m_dict->find_field("subdet");
+    if (field) {
+        m_SCINT_INDEX = field->m_index;
+    }
+    else {
+        log << MSG::ERROR << "VetoID::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'subdet' field "  << endmsg;
+        return (1);
+    }
+    field = m_dict->find_field("part");
+    if (field) {
+        m_VETO_INDEX = field->m_index;
+    }
+    else {
+        log << MSG::ERROR << "VetoID::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'part' field "  << endmsg;
+        return (1);
+    }
+    field = m_dict->find_field("station");
+    if (field) {
+        m_STATION_INDEX = field->m_index;
+    }
+    else {
+        log << MSG::ERROR << "VetoID::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'station' field "   << endmsg;
+        return (1);
+    }
+    field = m_dict->find_field("plate");
+    if (field) {
+        m_PLATE_INDEX = field->m_index;
+    }
+    else {
+        log << MSG::ERROR<< "VetoID::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'plate' field "  << endmsg;
+        return (1);
+    }
+    field = m_dict->find_field("pmt");
+    if (field) {
+        m_PMT_INDEX = field->m_index;
+    }
+    else {
+        log << MSG::ERROR << "VetoID::initLevelsFromDict - unable to find 'pmt' field " << endmsg;    
+        return (1);
+    }
+    // Set the field implementations
+    const IdDictRegion& region = *m_dict->m_regions[m_veto_region_index];
+    m_scint_impl      = region.m_implementation[m_SCINT_INDEX]; 
+    m_veto_impl       = region.m_implementation[m_VETO_INDEX]; 
+    m_station_impl    = region.m_implementation[m_STATION_INDEX]; 
+    m_plate_impl      = region.m_implementation[m_PLATE_INDEX];
+    m_pmt_impl        = region.m_implementation[m_PMT_INDEX]; 
+    if (m_msgSvc) {
+        log << MSG::DEBUG << "decode index and bit fields for each level: " << endmsg;
+        log << MSG::DEBUG << "scint    "  << m_scint_impl.show_to_string() << endmsg;
+        log << MSG::DEBUG << "veto     "  << m_veto_impl.show_to_string() << endmsg; 
+        log << MSG::DEBUG << "station  "  << m_station_impl.show_to_string() << endmsg; 
+        log << MSG::DEBUG << "plate    "  << m_plate_impl.show_to_string() << endmsg; 
+        log << MSG::DEBUG << "pmt      "  << m_pmt_impl.show_to_string() << endmsg; 
+    }
+    else {
+        std::cout << " DEBUG decode index and bit fields for each level: " << std::endl;
+        std::cout << " DEBUG scint    "  << m_scint_impl.show_to_string() << std::endl;
+        std::cout << " DEBUG veto     "  << m_veto_impl.show_to_string() << std::endl; 
+        std::cout << " DEBUG station  "  << m_station_impl.show_to_string() << std::endl; 
+        std::cout << " DEBUG plate    "  << m_plate_impl.show_to_string() << std::endl;
+        std::cout << " DEBUG pmt      "  << m_pmt_impl.show_to_string() << std::endl; 
+    }
+//      std::cout << "VetoID::initLevelsFromDict - found levels "       << std::endl;
+//      std::cout << "subdet        "   << m_INDET_INDEX        << std::endl;
+//      std::cout << "part          "   << m_SCT_INDEX          << std::endl;
+//      std::cout << "barrel_endcap "   << m_BARREL_EC_INDEX    << std::endl;
+//      std::cout << "layer or disk "   << m_LAYER_DISK_INDEX   << std::endl;
+//      std::cout << "phi_module    "   << m_PHI_MODULE_INDEX   << std::endl;
+//      std::cout << "eta_module    "   << m_ETA_MODULE_INDEX   << std::endl;
+//      std::cout << "side          "   << m_SIDE_INDEX         << std::endl;
+//      std::cout << "strip         "   << m_STRIP_INDEX        << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "scint "  << m_scint_impl.decode_index() << " " 
+              <<   (std::string)m_scint_impl.ored_field() << " " 
+              << std::hex    << m_scint_impl.mask() << " " 
+              << m_scint_impl.zeroing_mask() << " " 
+              << std::dec    << m_scint_impl.shift() << " "
+              << m_scint_impl.bits() << " "
+              << m_scint_impl.bits_offset()
+              << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "veto"     << m_veto_impl.decode_index() << " " 
+              <<   (std::string)m_veto_impl.ored_field() << " " 
+              << std::hex    << m_veto_impl.mask() << " " 
+              << m_veto_impl.zeroing_mask() << " " 
+              << std::dec    << m_veto_impl.shift() << " "
+              << m_veto_impl.bits() << " "
+              << m_veto_impl.bits_offset()
+              << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "station"<< m_station_impl.decode_index() << " " 
+              <<   (std::string)m_station_impl.ored_field() << " " 
+              << std::hex    << m_station_impl.mask() << " " 
+              << m_station_impl.zeroing_mask() << " " 
+              << std::dec    << m_station_impl.shift() << " "
+              << m_station_impl.bits() << " "
+              << m_station_impl.bits_offset()
+              << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "plate"    << m_plate_impl.decode_index() << " " 
+              <<   (std::string)m_plate_impl.ored_field() << " " 
+              << std::hex    << m_plate_impl.mask() << " " 
+              << m_plate_impl.zeroing_mask() << " " 
+              << std::dec    << m_plate_impl.shift() << " "
+              << m_plate_impl.bits() << " "
+              << m_plate_impl.bits_offset()
+              << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "pmt"   << m_pmt_impl.decode_index() << " " 
+              <<   (std::string)m_pmt_impl.ored_field() << " " 
+              << std::hex    << m_pmt_impl.mask() << " " 
+              << m_pmt_impl.zeroing_mask() << " " 
+              << std::dec    << m_pmt_impl.shift() << " "
+              << m_pmt_impl.bits() << " "
+              << m_pmt_impl.bits_offset()
+              << std::endl;
+    return (0);
+VetoID::plate_hash_max (void) const
+    return m_plate_hash_max;
+VetoID::pmt_hash_max (void) const
+    return m_pmt_hash_max;
+VetoID::const_id_iterator       VetoID::plate_begin             (void) const
+    return (m_plate_vec.begin());
+VetoID::const_id_iterator       VetoID::plate_end               (void) const
+    return (m_plate_vec.end());
+VetoID::const_expanded_id_iterator      VetoID::pmt_begin     (void) const
+    return (m_full_pmt_range.factory_begin());
+VetoID::const_expanded_id_iterator      VetoID::pmt_end       (void) const
+    return (m_full_pmt_range.factory_end());
+// From hash get Identifier
+VetoID::get_id          (const IdentifierHash& hash_id,
+                         Identifier& id,
+                         const IdContext* context) const
+    int result = 1;
+    id.clear();
+    size_t begin = (context) ? context->begin_index(): 0;
+    // cannot get hash if end is 0:
+    size_t end   = (context) ? context->end_index()  : 0; 
+    if (0 == begin) { 
+        // No hashes yet for ids with prefixes
+        if (m_PLATE_INDEX == end) {
+            if (hash_id < (unsigned int)(m_plate_vec.end() - m_plate_vec.begin())) {
+                id = m_plate_vec[hash_id];
+                result = 0;
+            }
+        }
+        else if (m_PMT_INDEX == end) {
+            // Do not know how to calculate strip id from hash yet!!
+            std::cout << "Do not know how to calculate pmt id from hash yet!!" << std::endl;
+        }
+    }
+    return (result);
+VetoID::get_expanded_id (const Identifier& id,
+                         ExpandedIdentifier& exp_id,
+                         const IdContext* context) const
+    exp_id.clear();
+    exp_id << scint_field_value()
+           << veto_field_value()
+           << station(id)
+           << plate(id);
+    if(!context || context->end_index() == m_PMT_INDEX) 
+    {
+       	exp_id << pmt(id);
+    }
+VetoID::get_hash        (const Identifier& id, 
+                         IdentifierHash& hash_id,
+                         const IdContext* context) const
+    // Get the hash code from either a vec (for plate) or calculate
+    // it (pmts). For the former, we convert to compact and call
+    // get_hash again. For the latter, we calculate the hash from the
+    // Identifier.
+    int result = 1;
+    hash_id = 0;
+    size_t begin = (context) ? context->begin_index(): 0;
+    size_t end   = (context) ? context->end_index()  : 0; 
+    if (0 == begin) {
+        // No hashes yet for ids with prefixes
+        if (m_PLATE_INDEX  == end) {
+            hash_id = plate_hash(id);
+            if (hash_id.is_valid()) result = 0;
+        }
+        else if (context && context->end_index() == m_PMT_INDEX) {
+            // Must calculate for strip hash
+            ExpandedIdentifier new_id;
+            get_expanded_id(id, new_id);
+            hash_id =  m_full_pmt_range.cardinalityUpTo(new_id);
+            result = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    return (result);
+VetoID::test_plate_packing      (void) const
+    MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, "VetoID");
+    if (m_dict) {
+        int nids = 0;
+        int nerr = 0;
+        IdContext context = plate_context();
+        const_id_iterator first = m_plate_vec.begin();
+        const_id_iterator last  = m_plate_vec.end();
+        for (; first != last; ++first, ++nids) {
+            Identifier id = (*first);
+            ExpandedIdentifier exp_id;
+            get_expanded_id(id, exp_id, &context);
+            Identifier new_id = plate_id(exp_id[m_STATION_INDEX],
+                                         exp_id[m_PLATE_INDEX]);
+            if (id != new_id) {
+                log << MSG::ERROR << "VetoID::test_plate_packing: new and old compacts not equal. New/old/expanded ids " 
+                    << MSG::hex << show_to_string(id) << " " << show_to_string(new_id) << " " << MSG::dec 
+                    << (std::string)exp_id << endmsg;
+                nerr++;
+                continue;
+            }
+            // check station id
+            if (!exp_id[m_PLATE_INDEX]) {
+                Identifier new_id1 = station_id(exp_id[m_STATION_INDEX]);
+                if (id != new_id1) {
+                    log << MSG::ERROR << "VetoID::test_plate_packing: new and old station ids not equal. New/old/expanded ids " 
+                        << MSG::hex << show_to_string(id) << " " << show_to_string(new_id1) << " " << MSG::dec 
+                        << (std::string)exp_id << endmsg;
+                    nerr++;
+                    continue;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (m_msgSvc) { 
+            log << MSG::DEBUG << "VetoID::test_plate_packing: tested plate and station ids. nids, errors " 
+                << nids << " " << nerr << endmsg;
+        }
+        else {
+            std::cout << " DEBUG VetoID::test_plate_packing: tested plate and station ids. nids, errors " 
+                      << nids << " " << nerr << std::endl;
+        }
+        nids = 0;
+        context = pmt_context();
+        const_expanded_id_iterator      first_veto = pmt_begin();  
+        const_expanded_id_iterator      last_veto  = pmt_end();
+        for (; first_veto != last_veto; ++first_veto, ++nids) {
+            if (nids%10000 != 1) continue;
+            const ExpandedIdentifier& exp_id = *first_veto;
+            ExpandedIdentifier new_exp_id;
+            Identifier id = plate_id(exp_id[m_STATION_INDEX],
+                                     exp_id[m_PLATE_INDEX]);
+            get_expanded_id(id, new_exp_id, &context);
+            if (exp_id[0] != new_exp_id[0] ||
+                exp_id[1] != new_exp_id[1] ||
+                exp_id[2] != new_exp_id[2] ||
+                exp_id[3] != new_exp_id[3] ||
+                exp_id[4] != new_exp_id[4]) {
+                log << MSG::ERROR << "VetoID::test_plate_packing: new and old ids not equal. New/old/compact ids "
+                    << (std::string)new_exp_id << " " << (std::string)exp_id
+                    << " " << show_to_string(id) << endmsg;
+                continue;
+            }
+            Identifier pmtid	;
+	        Identifier pmtid1	;
+           	pmtid = pmt_id ( 
+                       exp_id[m_STATION_INDEX],
+					   exp_id[m_PLATE_INDEX],
+					   exp_id[m_PMT_INDEX]);
+    	   	pmtid1 = pmt_id (	    
+                        station(pmtid),
+                        plate(pmtid),
+                        pmt(pmtid));
+            if (pmtid != pmtid1) {
+                log << MSG::ERROR << "VetoID::test_plate_packing: new and old pixel ids not equal. New/old ids "
+                    << " " << show_to_string(pmtid1) << " " 
+                    << show_to_string(pmtid) << endmsg;
+            }
+        }
+        if (m_msgSvc) {
+            log << MSG::DEBUG << "VetoID::test_plate_packing: Successful tested " 
+                << nids << " ids. " 
+                << endmsg;
+        }
+        else {
+            std::cout << " DEBUG VetoID::test_plate_packing: Successful tested " 
+                      << nids << " ids. " 
+                      << std::endl;
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        log << MSG::ERROR << "VetoID::test_plate_packing: Unable to test plate packing - no dictionary has been defined. " 
+            << endmsg;
+    }
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/CMakeLists.txt b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..364640487da099ceebadc7c95487e7ce1258c767
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Package: ScintReadoutGeometry
+# Declare the package name:
+atlas_subdir( ScintReadoutGeometry )
+# Declare the package's dependencies:
+atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC
+                          Control/AthenaBaseComps
+                          Control/AthenaKernel
+                          Control/CxxUtils
+                          Control/StoreGate
+                          DetectorDescription/FaserDetDescr
+                          DetectorDescription/GeoModel/GeoModelFaserUtilities
+                          DetectorDescription/GeoModel/GeoModelUtilities
+                          DetectorDescription/GeoPrimitives
+                          DetectorDescription/Identifier
+                          GaudiKernel
+#                          InnerDetector/InDetConditions/InDetCondTools
+                          Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintIdentifier
+                          Tracking/TrkDetDescr/TrkDetElementBase
+                          Tracking/TrkDetDescr/TrkSurfaces
+                          Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkEventPrimitives
+                          DetectorDescription/DetDescrCond/DetDescrConditions
+                          PRIVATE
+                          Database/AthenaPOOL/AthenaPoolUtilities
+                          DetectorDescription/IdDictDetDescr )
+# External dependencies:
+find_package( CLHEP )
+find_package( Eigen )
+find_package( GeoModel )
+# Component(s) in the package:
+atlas_add_library( ScintReadoutGeometry
+                   src/*.cxx
+                   PUBLIC_HEADERS ScintReadoutGeometry
+                   LINK_LIBRARIES ${CLHEP_LIBRARIES} ${EIGEN_LIBRARIES} ${GEOMODEL_LIBRARIES} AthenaKernel CxxUtils FaserDetDescr GeoModelFaserUtilities GeoModelUtilities GeoPrimitives Identifier GaudiKernel ScintIdentifier TrkDetElementBase TrkSurfaces TrkEventPrimitives StoreGateLib SGtests AthenaBaseComps DetDescrConditions
+                   PRIVATE_LINK_LIBRARIES AthenaPoolUtilities IdDictDetDescr )
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ExtendedAlignableTransform.h b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ExtendedAlignableTransform.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..74076d8236cb2ac4b9b2b69133f5ac5ed2439eaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ExtendedAlignableTransform.h
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ExtendedAlignableTransform.h
+// (c) ATLAS Detector software
+#include "GeoPrimitives/GeoPrimitives.h"
+#include "GeoModelKernel/GeoAlignableTransform.h"
+#include "GeoModelKernel/GeoVFullPhysVol.h"
+namespace ScintDD {
+    /** @class ExtendedAlignableTransform 
+    Class to hold alignable transform plus a pointer to the child volume and
+    optionally a frame volume.
+    @author: Grant Gorfine
+    - modified & maintained: Nick Styles & Andreas Salzburger 
+    */
+    class ExtendedAlignableTransform
+    {
+    public:
+      ExtendedAlignableTransform(GeoAlignableTransform * alignableTransform, 
+    			     const GeoVFullPhysVol * child,
+    			     const GeoVFullPhysVol * frame = 0)
+        : m_alignableTransform(alignableTransform),
+          m_child(child),
+          m_frame(frame)
+      {};
+      GeoAlignableTransform * alignableTransform() {return m_alignableTransform;}
+      const GeoVFullPhysVol * child()  {return m_child;}
+      const GeoVFullPhysVol * frame()  {return m_frame;}
+    private:
+      GeoAlignableTransform * m_alignableTransform;
+      const GeoVFullPhysVol * m_child;
+      const GeoVFullPhysVol * m_frame;
+    };
+} // end namespace 
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintCommonItems.h b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintCommonItems.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9bdee5c23a88fdc9646c5fd219e186c172c26ea9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintCommonItems.h
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ScintCommonItems.h
+// (c) ATLAS Detector software
+class FaserDetectorID;
+// Message Stream Member
+#include "AthenaKernel/MsgStreamMember.h"
+#include "CxxUtils/checker_macros.h"
+// #include "InDetCondTools/ISiLorentzAngleTool.h"
+#include "GeoPrimitives/GeoPrimitives.h"
+#include "GeoModelKernel/RCBase.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
+#include "CLHEP/Geometry/Transform3D.h"
+#include <mutex>
+// mutable Athena::MsgStreamMember issues warnings.
+namespace ScintDD {
+    /** @class ScintCommonItems
+        Helper class to concentrate common items, such as the pointer to the IdHelper,
+        To be used for Veto, Trigger and Preshower.
+        @author: Grant Gorfine
+        mondified & maintained: Nick Styles, Andreas Salzburger
+        modified: Dave Casper
+        */
+    class ScintCommonItems: public RCBase 
+    {
+        public:
+          ScintCommonItems(const FaserDetectorID* const idHelper);
+          const FaserDetectorID* getIdHelper() const;
+        //   const HepGeom::Transform3D & solenoidFrame() const;
+        //   void setSolenoidFrame(const HepGeom::Transform3D & transform) const; 
+          //Declaring the Message method for further use
+          MsgStream& msg (MSG::Level lvl) const { return m_msg.get() << lvl; }
+          //Declaring the Method providing Verbosity Level
+          bool msgLvl (MSG::Level lvl) const { return m_msg.get().level() <= lvl; }
+        private:
+          //Declaring private message stream member.
+          mutable Athena::MsgStreamMember m_msg;
+          const FaserDetectorID* m_idHelper; 
+        //   mutable HepGeom::Transform3D m_solenoidFrame ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE; // Guarded by m_mutex
+          mutable std::mutex m_mutex;
+    };
+    inline const FaserDetectorID* ScintCommonItems::getIdHelper() const
+    {
+      return m_idHelper;
+    }
+    // inline const HepGeom::Transform3D & SiCommonItems::solenoidFrame() const
+    // {
+    //   std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock{m_mutex};
+    //   return m_solenoidFrame;
+    //   // This reference might be changed by setSolenoidFrame.
+    //   // However, it occurrs very rarely.
+    // }
+} // End namespace ScintDD
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDD_Defs.h b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDD_Defs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d3b9db38016587cf56065d9caeaccdbcc76df584
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDD_Defs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ScintDD_Defs.h
+// (c) ATLAS Detector software
+namespace ScintDD {
+  enum FrameType {local, global, other};
+//   enum CarrierType {holes, electrons};
+  // new enumerator to select given align-folder structure
+  enum AlignFolderType {none = -1, static_run1 = 0, timedependent_run2 = 1};
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDetectorDesign.h b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDetectorDesign.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b5ab7ac1b6997205c198ace3c1256ecaa927b6fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDetectorDesign.h
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ScintDetectorDesign.h
+// (c) ATLAS Detector software
+// Input/output classes
+// #include "InDetReadoutGeometry/SiDiodesParameters.h"
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDD_Defs.h"
+#include "CLHEP/Geometry/Point3D.h"
+#include "CLHEP/Geometry/Vector3D.h"
+#include "FaserDetDescr/FaserDetectorID.h"
+#include "GeoPrimitives/GeoPrimitives.h"
+#include "GeoModelKernel/RCBase.h"
+#include "ScintDD_Defs.h"
+#include <list>
+#include <vector>
+class Identifier;
+namespace Trk {
+class SurfaceBounds;
+class RectangleBounds;
+namespace ScintDD {
+// class SiReadoutCellId;
+// class SiCellId;
+// class SiDiode;
+// class SiReadoutCell;
+class ScintLocalPosition;
+class ScintIntersect;
+enum DetectorShape {
+  Box=0, Trapezoid, Annulus, Other
+/** @class ScintDetectorDesign
+   Base class for the detector design classes for Veto, Trigger and Preshower.
+   These hold the local description of the detector elements which are
+   shared by a number of detector elements.
+    @author A. Calvet, Grant Gorfine
+ */
+class ScintDetectorDesign: public RCBase {
+    enum Axis {
+        xAxis=0, yAxis, zAxis
+    };
+    enum Edge {
+        negative = -1, both, positive
+    };
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // Public methods:
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    /** Constructor
+     */
+    ScintDetectorDesign( const double thickness,
+                         const double width,
+                         const double length,
+                         const int cells,
+                         const ScintDetectorDesign::Edge readoutSide);
+    ScintDetectorDesign( const double thickness,
+                         const double width,
+                         const double length,
+                         const int cells,
+                         const ScintDetectorDesign::Edge readoutSide,
+                         const ScintDetectorDesign::Axis photonDirection,
+                         const ScintDetectorDesign::Axis thicknessDirection);
+    /** Destructor: */
+    virtual ~ScintDetectorDesign();
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // Const methods:
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    /** Test if point is in the active part of the detector with specified tolerances */
+    ScintIntersect inDetector(const ScintLocalPosition &localPosition, double xTol,
+                              double yTol) const;
+    /** which axis in hit frame is the photon flight direction */
+    /** phi corresponds to "width" */
+    ScintDetectorDesign::Axis phiAxis() const;
+    /** which axis in hit frame is transverse to photon flight direction */
+    /** eta corresponds to "length" */
+    ScintDetectorDesign::Axis etaAxis() const;
+    /** which axis in hit frame is thickness direction */
+    ScintDetectorDesign::Axis depthAxis() const;
+    /** ReadoutSide. */
+    ScintDetectorDesign::Edge readoutSide() const;
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // Pure virtual methods:
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    /** Returns distance to nearest detector active edge
+       +ve = inside
+       -ve = outside */
+    virtual void distanceToDetectorEdge(const ScintLocalPosition &localPosition,
+                                        double &xDist, double &yDist) const = 0;
+    /** Method to calculate length of a module */
+    virtual double length() const;
+    /** Method to calculate average width of a module */
+    virtual double width() const;
+    /** Method which returns thickness of the silicon wafer */
+    double thickness() const;
+    /** Number of PMTs */
+    int cells() const;
+    // /** Shape of element */
+    virtual DetectorShape shape() const;
+    /**  Element boundary */
+    virtual const Trk::SurfaceBounds &bounds() const;
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // Private methods:
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    ScintDetectorDesign();
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // Private data:
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    double m_thickness; // !< thickness of plate
+    double m_width;     // !< dimension in "phi" direction (photon flight)
+    double m_length;    // !< dimnesion in "eta" direction
+    int    m_cells;     // !< number of pmts
+    ScintDetectorDesign::Axis m_phiAxis;  // which axis in hit frame corresponds to photon flight direction?
+    ScintDetectorDesign::Axis m_etaAxis;  // which axis in hit frame is normal to photon flight direction?
+    ScintDetectorDesign::Axis m_depthAxis; // which axis in hit frame is depth?
+    ScintDetectorDesign::Edge m_readoutSide;
+    const Trk::RectangleBounds* m_bounds;
+    // Disallow Copy and assignment;
+    ScintDetectorDesign(const ScintDetectorDesign &design);
+    ScintDetectorDesign &operator = (const ScintDetectorDesign &design);
+// Inline methods:
+inline double ScintDetectorDesign::thickness() const {
+    return m_thickness;
+inline double ScintDetectorDesign::width() const {
+    return m_width;
+inline double ScintDetectorDesign::length() const {
+    return m_length;
+inline int ScintDetectorDesign::cells() const {
+    return m_cells;
+inline ScintDetectorDesign::Axis ScintDetectorDesign::phiAxis() const {
+    return m_phiAxis;
+inline ScintDetectorDesign::Axis ScintDetectorDesign::etaAxis() const {
+    return m_etaAxis;
+inline ScintDetectorDesign::Axis ScintDetectorDesign::depthAxis() const {
+    return m_depthAxis;
+inline ScintDetectorDesign::Edge ScintDetectorDesign::readoutSide() const {
+    return m_readoutSide;
+}  // namespace ScintDD
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDetectorElement.h b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDetectorElement.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8a1868a9999e36cae87cb16178614ee5480997ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDetectorElement.h
@@ -0,0 +1,663 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+ * @file ScintDetectorElement.h
+// Base class.
+#include "TrkDetElementBase/TrkDetElementBase.h"
+// Data member classes
+#include "CxxUtils/CachedUniquePtr.h"
+#include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
+#include "Identifier/IdentifierHash.h"
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDetectorDesign.h"
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintLocalPosition.h"
+#include "TrkEventPrimitives/ParamDefs.h"
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintIntersect.h"
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintCommonItems.h"
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDD_Defs.h"
+#include "GeoPrimitives/CLHEPtoEigenConverter.h"
+#include "GeoPrimitives/GeoPrimitives.h"
+#include "GeoModelKernel/GeoDefinitions.h"
+#include "CLHEP/Geometry/Point3D.h"
+#include <atomic>
+#include <mutex>
+class FaserDetectorID;
+class GeoVFullPhysVol;
+class GeoAlignmentStore;
+namespace Trk{
+ class Surface;
+ class SurfaceBounds;
+namespace ScintDD {
+  /**
+   @class ScintDetectorElement
+   Class to hold geometrical description of a scintillator detector element. 
+   A detector element is a single scintillator plate.
+   @par Coordinate Frames.
+   The following coordinate frames are used in these elements.
+    - Global frame:\n
+         Currently global frame in G4/GeoModel. Probably eventually
+         will be global frame most suitable for reconstruction 
+         (eg solenoid axis).
+    - Local hit frame:\n 
+         Local frame for hits. It is the same as local frame in G4 and GeoModel. 
+         I also refer to this as the local simulation frame. 
+         By convention elements are orientated such that:
+            - hitDepth = local x
+            - hitPhi   = local y
+            - hitEta   = local z
+            . 
+         Directions of these correspond to the physical wafer. Consequently hitDepth and hitPhi axes go in 
+         different directions depending on the orientation of the module.
+         The readout side is determined from design()->readoutSide(). 
+   - Local reconstruction frame:\n 
+            - distPhi  = local x
+            - distEta  = local y  
+            - distDepth = local z
+            .
+         The directions of the axes are defined as
+            - distPhi in direction of increasing phi
+            - distEta in direction of increasing z in barrel and increasing r in endcap.
+            - distDepth (normal) choosen to give right-handed coordinate. 
+               =>  away from intersection point for barrel, decreasing z for endcap
+   @par Overview of Methods 
+   Methods are grouped into the the following categories
+      -  Identification
+      -  Navigation
+      -  Transformation/Orientation
+      -  Module Frame
+      -  Element Extent
+      -  Design methods
+      -  Intersection Tests
+      -  Lorentz Correction
+      -  Readout cell id
+      -  Miscellaneous
+      -  Cache handling.
+   @author Grant Gorfine
+   - modified & maintained: Nick Styles, Andreas Salzburger
+   - modified Nigel Hessey: get directions from the design instead of hard-wiring them   
+   - modified for Faser: Dave Casper
+  */  
+  class ScintDetectorElement : public Trk::TrkDetElementBase {
+      ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      // Public methods:
+      ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    public:
+      /// Constructor:
+      ScintDetectorElement(const Identifier &id, 
+                           const ScintDetectorDesign *design,
+                           const GeoVFullPhysVol *geophysvol,
+                           const ScintCommonItems * commonItems,
+                           const GeoAlignmentStore* geoAlignStore=nullptr);
+      /// Destructor:
+      virtual ~ScintDetectorElement();
+      ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      //
+      /// @name Identification
+      /// Methods to identify the element and identifier manipulation.
+      // 
+      ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      //@{
+      /// identifier of this detector element:
+      Identifier identify() const;
+      /// identifier hash
+      IdentifierHash identifyHash() const;
+      /// Returns the id helper
+      const FaserDetectorID* getIdHelper() const;
+      bool isVeto() const;
+      bool isTrigger() const;
+      bool isPreshower() const;
+      // Identifier <-> pmt 
+      /// Identifier from pmt 
+      Identifier identifierFromCellId(const int& cellId) const;
+      /// pmt from Identifier
+      int   cellIdFromIdentifier(const Identifier & identifier) const;
+      //@}
+      ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      //
+      /// @name Navigation
+      /// Methods to access neighbours. 
+      //
+      ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      //@{
+      //@}
+      ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      //
+      /// @name Transformation/Orientation
+      //
+      ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      //@{
+      // Position 
+      /// Local (simulation/hit frame) to global transform
+      virtual const GeoTrf::Transform3D & transformHit() const;
+      /// Local (reconstruction frame) to global transform
+      const Amg::Transform3D & transform() const;
+      /// Default Local (reconstruction frame) to global transform
+      /// ie with no misalignment. 
+      const HepGeom::Transform3D defTransformCLHEP() const;
+      const Amg::Transform3D defTransform() const;
+      /// Center in global coordinates
+      const Amg::Vector3D & center() const;
+      const HepGeom::Transform3D & transformCLHEP() const;
+      /// Simulation/Hit local frame to reconstruction local frame. 2D.
+      //  TODO: Will change order of parameters at some point.
+      Amg::Vector2D hitLocalToLocal(double xEta, double xPhi) const;
+      /// Same as previuos method but 3D.
+      HepGeom::Point3D<double> hitLocalToLocal3D(const HepGeom::Point3D<double> & hitPosition) const;
+      /// Transform to go from local reconstruction frame to local hit frame.
+      const HepGeom::Transform3D recoToHitTransform() const;
+      /// Directions of hit depth,phi,eta axes relative to reconstruction local position
+      /// axes (LocalPosition). Returns +/-1.
+      double hitDepthDirection() const;
+      /// See previous method.
+      double hitPhiDirection() const;
+      /// See previous method.
+      double hitEtaDirection() const;
+      // To determine if readout direction between online and offline needs swapping, see methods
+      // swapPhiReadoutDirection() and swapEtaReadoutDirection() below in "Readout Cell id" section
+      // Orientation. 
+      // Directions.
+      //  phiAxis - in same direction as increasing phi and identifier phi_index/strip. 
+      //            NB. This requires some flipping of axes with repsect to the hits.  
+      //  etaAxis - in direction of increasing z in the barrel and increasing r in the endcap. 
+      //  normal  - choosen to give right-handed coordinate frame (x=normal,y=phiAxis,z=etaAxis)
+      //            NB. This requires some flipping of axes with repsect to the hits.  
+      /// Get reconstruction local x axes in global frame. 
+      const Amg::Vector3D & phiAxis() const;
+      const HepGeom::Vector3D<double> & phiAxisCLHEP() const;
+      /// Get reconstruction local y axes in global frame. 
+      const Amg::Vector3D & etaAxis() const;
+      const HepGeom::Vector3D<double> & etaAxisCLHEP() const;
+      /// Get reconstruction local normal axes in global frame. Choosen to give right-handed coordinate frame.
+      const Amg::Vector3D & normal() const;
+      /// transform a hit local position into a global position:
+      HepGeom::Point3D<double> globalPositionHit(const HepGeom::Point3D<double> &simulationLocalPos) const;
+      Amg::Vector3D globalPositionHit(const Amg::Vector3D &simulationLocalPos) const;
+      /// transform a reconstruction local position into a global position:
+      HepGeom::Point3D<double> globalPosition(const HepGeom::Point3D<double> &localPos) const;
+      Amg::Vector3D globalPosition(const Amg::Vector3D &localPos) const;
+      /// as in previous method but for 2D local position
+      HepGeom::Point3D<double> globalPositionCLHEP(const Amg::Vector2D &localPos) const;
+      Amg::Vector3D globalPosition(const Amg::Vector2D &localPos) const;
+      /// transform a global position into a 2D local position (reconstruction frame)
+      Amg::Vector2D localPosition(const HepGeom::Point3D<double> & globalPosition) const;
+      Amg::Vector2D localPosition(const Amg::Vector3D& globalPosition) const;
+      /// Element Surface
+      virtual Trk::Surface & surface();
+      virtual const Trk::Surface & surface() const;
+      //@}
+      /** Returns the full list of surfaces associated to this detector element */
+      virtual const std::vector<const Trk::Surface*>& surfaces() const;
+      /**
+      @name Plate Frame 
+      Methods to help work with the module frame. 
+      This is mainly of of use in the SCT where the module frame can
+      in general be different from the element frame. It is actully
+      defined as the frame of one of the sides (currently the axial
+      side), but using these methods one does not need to make any
+      assumptions about what the actual frame is.  In the following
+      methods the local element frame is the local reconstruction
+      frame of this element.
+      */
+      //@{
+      /// Plate to global frame transform. 
+      /// Includes misalignment. 
+      //const HepGeom::Transform3D & moduleTransform() const;
+      const Amg::Transform3D & plateTransform() const;
+      /// Default plate to global frame transform, ie with no misalignment. 
+      Amg::Transform3D defPlateTransform() const;
+      /// Take a transform of the local element frame and return its equivalent in the module frame.
+      //HepGeom::Transform3D localToModuleFrame(const HepGeom::Transform3D & localTransform) const;
+      Amg::Transform3D localToModuleFrame(const Amg::Transform3D & localTransform) const;
+      /// Transformation from local element to module frame.  This can be
+      /// used to take a local position in the element frame and transform
+      /// it to a position in the module frame. If one is already in the
+      /// module frame it will return the Identity transform.
+      //HepGeom::Transform3D localToModuleTransform() const;
+      Amg::Transform3D localToModuleTransform() const;
+      //@}
+      ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      //
+      /// @name Element Extent
+      /// Methods to get extent of element in x, y and z.  
+      ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      //@{
+      // Extent in x,y and z
+      double xMin() const;
+      double xMax() const;
+      double yMin() const;
+      double yMax() const;
+      double zMin() const;
+      double zMax() const;
+      //@}
+      ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      //
+      /// @name Design methods
+      //
+      ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      //@{
+      /// access to the local description:
+      const ScintDetectorDesign &design() const;
+      // Methods from design
+      double width() const; // Width in x direction.
+      double length() const; // Length in y direction 
+      double thickness() const; // Thickness in z direction
+      virtual const Trk::SurfaceBounds & bounds() const;
+      // Test that it is in the active region
+      // Intersect has 3 states
+      // bool SiIntersect::in() const // definitely in
+      // bool SiIntersect::out() const // definitely out
+      // bool SiIntersect::nearBoundary() const // near a boundary within the tolerances 
+      // bool SiIntersect::mayIntersect() const // in() OR nearBoundary()
+      ScintIntersect inDetector(const Amg::Vector2D & localPosition, double phiTol, double etaTol) const;
+      ScintIntersect inDetector(const HepGeom::Point3D<double> & globalPosition, double phiTol, double etaTol) const;
+      //@}
+      ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      //
+      /// @name Cache handling.
+      //
+      ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      //@{.
+      //   - Methods to handle invalidating and updating caches. The cached values include values that are affected by alignment
+      //     Surface are only created on demand.  The method updateAllCaches also creates the surfaces as well as calling updateCache.
+      //     Conditions cache contains Lorentz angle related quantities.
+      /// Signal that cached values are no longer valid.
+      /// Invalidate general cache
+      // void invalidate ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE () const;
+      void invalidate();
+      ///Set/calculate cache values 
+      void setCache(){
+        updateCache();
+      } 
+     ///Set/calculate all cache values including  surfaces.  
+      void setAllCaches(){
+        updateAllCaches();
+      } 
+      //@}
+      ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      //
+      /// @name Methods to satisfy TrkDetElementBase interface
+      //
+      ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      //{@
+      virtual const Amg::Transform3D & transform(const Identifier&) const {return transform();}
+      virtual const Trk::Surface& surface (const Identifier&) const {return surface();}
+      virtual const Amg::Vector3D& center (const Identifier&) const {return center();}
+      virtual const Amg::Vector3D& normal (const Identifier&) const {return normal();}
+      virtual const Trk::SurfaceBounds & bounds(const Identifier&) const {return bounds();}
+      //@}
+      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    public:
+      const ScintCommonItems* getCommonItems() const;
+      ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      // Private methods:
+      ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    private:
+      /// Recalculate  cached values. 
+      void updateCache() const;
+      /// Update all caches including surfaces.
+      void updateAllCaches() const;
+      // Common code for constructors.
+      void commonConstructor();
+      // Calculate extent in x, y and z. The values are cached and there
+      // are xMin(), xMax etc methods.
+      void getExtent(double &xMin, double &xMax,
+                     double &yMin, double &yMax,
+                     double &zMin, double &zMax) const;
+      // Return the four corners of an element in local coordinates.
+      // Pass it an array of length 4.
+      // This function is used by getEtaPhiRegion()
+      void getCorners(HepGeom::Point3D<double> *corners) const;
+      //Declaring the Message method for further use
+      MsgStream& msg (MSG::Level lvl) const { return m_commonItems->msg(lvl);}
+      //Declaring the Method providing Verbosity Level
+      bool msgLvl (MSG::Level lvl) const { return m_commonItems->msgLvl(lvl);}
+      ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      // Private methods:
+      ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    private:
+      // Don't allow copying.
+      ScintDetectorElement();
+      ScintDetectorElement(const ScintDetectorElement&);
+      ScintDetectorElement &operator=(const ScintDetectorElement&);
+      ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      // Protected data:
+      ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    protected:
+      Identifier m_id; // identifier of this detector element
+      IdentifierHash m_idHash; // hash id
+      const ScintDetectorDesign *m_design; // local description of this detector element
+      const ScintCommonItems * m_commonItems;
+      bool m_isVeto;
+      bool m_isTrigger;
+      bool m_isPreshower;
+      //
+      // Cached values.
+      //
+      // Axes
+      ScintDetectorDesign::Axis m_hitEta;
+      ScintDetectorDesign::Axis m_hitPhi;
+      ScintDetectorDesign::Axis m_hitDepth;
+      // Directions of axes. These are true if the hit/simulation and reconstruction local frames are
+      // in the same direction and false if they are opposite.
+      mutable bool m_depthDirection ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE; // Guarded by m_mutex // Direction of depth axis. 
+                             // Also direction of readout implant (n+ for pixel, p+ for SCT).
+      mutable bool m_phiDirection ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE;     //
+      mutable bool m_etaDirection ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE;     //
+      mutable std::atomic_bool m_cacheValid; // Alignment associated quatities.
+      mutable std::atomic_bool m_firstTime;
+      mutable std::recursive_mutex m_mutex;
+      mutable Amg::Transform3D m_transform ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE; // Guarded by m_mutex
+      mutable HepGeom::Transform3D m_transformCLHEP ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE; // Guarded by m_mutex
+      mutable Amg::Vector3D m_normal ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE; // Guarded by m_mutex
+      mutable Amg::Vector3D m_etaAxis ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE; // Guarded by m_mutex
+      mutable HepGeom::Vector3D<double> m_etaAxisCLHEP ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE; // Guarded by m_mutex
+      mutable Amg::Vector3D m_phiAxis ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE; // Guarded by m_mutex
+      mutable HepGeom::Vector3D<double> m_phiAxisCLHEP ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE; // Guarded by m_mutex
+      mutable Amg::Vector3D m_center ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE; // Guarded by m_mutex
+      mutable HepGeom::Vector3D<double> m_centerCLHEP ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE; // Guarded by m_mutex
+      mutable double m_minX   ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE;// Guarded by m_mutex
+      mutable double m_maxX   ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE;// Guarded by m_mutex
+      mutable double m_minY   ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE;// Guarded by m_mutex
+      mutable double m_maxY   ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE;// Guarded by m_mutex
+      mutable double m_minZ   ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE;// Guarded by m_mutex
+      mutable double m_maxZ   ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE;// Guarded by m_mutex
+      CxxUtils::CachedUniquePtrT<Trk::Surface> m_surface;
+      mutable std::vector<const Trk::Surface*> m_surfaces ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE; // Guarded by m_mutex
+      const GeoAlignmentStore* m_geoAlignStore{};
+    };
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // Inline methods:
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    inline HepGeom::Point3D<double> ScintDetectorElement::globalPositionHit(const HepGeom::Point3D<double> &localPos) const
+    {
+      return Amg::EigenTransformToCLHEP(transformHit())*localPos;
+    }
+    inline Amg::Vector3D ScintDetectorElement::globalPosition(const Amg::Vector2D &localPos) const
+    {
+      if (!m_cacheValid) {
+        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+        if (!m_cacheValid) updateCache();
+      }
+      return m_center + localPos[Trk::distEta] * m_etaAxis + localPos[Trk::distPhi] * m_phiAxis;
+    }
+    inline Amg::Vector3D ScintDetectorElement::globalPositionHit(const Amg::Vector3D &localPos) const
+    {
+      return transformHit() * localPos;
+    }
+     inline HepGeom::Point3D<double> ScintDetectorElement::globalPositionCLHEP(const Amg::Vector2D &localPos) const
+    {
+      if (!m_cacheValid) {
+        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+        if (!m_cacheValid) updateCache();
+      }
+      return m_centerCLHEP + localPos[Trk::distEta] * m_etaAxisCLHEP + localPos[Trk::distPhi] * m_phiAxisCLHEP;
+    }
+     //here
+     inline Amg::Vector3D ScintDetectorElement::globalPosition(const Amg::Vector3D &localPos) const
+    {
+      return transform() * localPos;
+    }
+     inline HepGeom::Point3D<double> ScintDetectorElement::globalPosition(const HepGeom::Point3D<double> &localPos) const
+    {
+      return transformCLHEP() * localPos;
+    }
+    inline Amg::Vector2D ScintDetectorElement::localPosition(const HepGeom::Point3D<double> & globalPosition) const
+    {
+      if (!m_cacheValid){
+        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+        if (!m_cacheValid) updateCache();
+      }
+      HepGeom::Vector3D<double> relativePos = globalPosition - m_centerCLHEP;
+      return Amg::Vector2D(relativePos.dot(m_phiAxisCLHEP), relativePos.dot(m_etaAxisCLHEP));
+    }
+    inline Amg::Vector2D ScintDetectorElement::localPosition(const Amg::Vector3D & globalPosition) const
+    {
+      if (!m_cacheValid){
+        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+        if (!m_cacheValid) updateCache();
+      }
+      Amg::Vector3D relativePos = globalPosition - m_center;
+      return Amg::Vector2D(relativePos.dot(m_phiAxis), relativePos.dot(m_etaAxis));
+    }
+    inline const ScintDetectorDesign &ScintDetectorElement::design() const
+    {
+      return *m_design;
+    }
+    inline const FaserDetectorID* ScintDetectorElement::getIdHelper() const
+    {
+      return m_commonItems->getIdHelper();
+    }
+    inline Identifier ScintDetectorElement::identify() const
+    {
+      return m_id;
+    }
+    inline IdentifierHash ScintDetectorElement::identifyHash() const
+    {
+      return m_idHash;
+    }
+    inline double ScintDetectorElement::hitDepthDirection() const
+    {
+      std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+      if (!m_cacheValid) updateCache();
+      return (m_depthDirection) ? 1. : -1.;
+    }
+    inline double ScintDetectorElement::hitPhiDirection() const
+    {
+      std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+      if (!m_cacheValid) updateCache();
+      return (m_phiDirection) ? 1. : -1.;
+    }
+    inline double ScintDetectorElement::hitEtaDirection() const
+    {
+      std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+      if (!m_cacheValid) updateCache();
+      return (m_etaDirection) ? 1. : -1.;
+    }
+    inline void ScintDetectorElement::invalidate()
+    {
+      m_cacheValid = false;
+    }
+    inline void ScintDetectorElement::updateAllCaches() const
+    {
+      std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+      if (!m_cacheValid) updateCache();
+      if (not m_surface) surface();
+    }
+    inline double ScintDetectorElement::xMin() const 
+    {
+      std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+      if (!m_cacheValid) updateCache();
+      return m_minX;
+    }
+    inline double ScintDetectorElement::xMax() const 
+    {
+      std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+      if (!m_cacheValid) updateCache();
+      return m_maxX;
+    }
+    inline double ScintDetectorElement::yMin() const 
+    {
+      std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+      if (!m_cacheValid) updateCache();
+      return m_minY;
+    }
+    inline double ScintDetectorElement::yMax() const 
+    {
+      std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+      if (!m_cacheValid) updateCache();
+      return m_maxY;
+    }
+    inline double ScintDetectorElement::zMin() const 
+    {
+      std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+      if (!m_cacheValid) updateCache();
+      return m_minZ;
+    }
+    inline double ScintDetectorElement::zMax() const 
+    {
+      std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+      if (!m_cacheValid) updateCache();
+      return m_maxZ;
+    }
+    inline double ScintDetectorElement::width() const
+    {
+      return m_design->width();
+    }
+    inline double ScintDetectorElement::length() const
+    {
+      return m_design->length();
+    }
+    inline double ScintDetectorElement::thickness() const
+    {
+      return m_design->thickness();
+    }
+    inline const ScintCommonItems* ScintDetectorElement::getCommonItems() const
+    {
+      return m_commonItems;
+    }
+} // namespace ScintDD
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDetectorElementCollection.h b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDetectorElementCollection.h
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3e3c092bcd6cc8c3798f91289ce5440e9fbd8941
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDetectorElementCollection.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ScintDetectorElementCollection.h
+// (c) ATLAS Detector software
+#include <vector>
+class IdentifierHash;
+namespace ScintDD {
+    class ScintDetectorElement;
+    /** @class ScintDetectorElementCollection
+       Class to hold the ScintDetectorElement objects to be put in the detector store
+       @author Grant Gorfine
+       @author Dave Casper
+    */
+    class ScintDetectorElementCollection : public std::vector<ScintDetectorElement *> {
+     public:
+      ~ScintDetectorElementCollection();
+      const ScintDetectorElement* getDetectorElement(const IdentifierHash& hash) const;
+    };
+} // namespace ScintDD
+#include "AthenaKernel/CLASS_DEF.h"
+CLASS_DEF( ScintDD::ScintDetectorElementCollection , 1090173979 , 1 )
+#include "AthenaKernel/CondCont.h"
+CONDCONT_DEF( ScintDD::ScintDetectorElementCollection, 1189378543 );
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDetectorManager.h b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDetectorManager.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b372bdd0bd5d2457f2c1d15e58fd1c09544deae6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDetectorManager.h
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ScintDetectorManager.h
+// (c) ATLAS Detector software
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDetectorManagerBase.h"
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDetectorElementCollection.h"
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDD_Defs.h"
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintNumerology.h"
+// Amg stuff
+#include "GeoPrimitives/GeoPrimitives.h"
+#include "CLHEP/Geometry/Transform3D.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+class StoreGateSvc;
+class Identifier; 
+class IdentifierHash;
+class FaserDetectorID;
+class GeoAlignableTransform;
+class GeoVAlignmentStore;
+namespace ScintDD {
+class ScintDetectorElement;
+class ScintDetectorDesign;
+class ExtendedAlignableTransform;
+class ScintNumerology;
+  /** @class ScintDetectorManager
+        Base class for Scintillator Detector managers.
+        The Detector manager has methods to retrieve the Identifier
+        helper and methods to retrieve the detector elements.  It also
+        manages the alignment with methods to register the call backs
+        and infrastructure to associate the alignment transforms with
+        the appropriate alignable transform in GeoModel.
+       @author: Grant Gorfine
+       - modified and maintained by Nick Styles & Andreas Salzburger 
+       */
+    class ScintDetectorManager : public ScintDetectorManagerBase  {
+    public:
+      // Constructor
+      ScintDetectorManager(StoreGateSvc * detStore, const std::string & name);
+      // Destructor
+      virtual ~ScintDetectorManager() {};
+      //
+      // Access Readout Elements
+      //
+      /** access to individual elements using Identifier or IdentiferHash */
+      virtual ScintDetectorElement * getDetectorElement(const Identifier &id) const = 0;
+      virtual ScintDetectorElement * getDetectorElement(const IdentifierHash &idHash) const = 0;
+      /** access to whole collectiom */
+      virtual const ScintDetectorElementCollection * getDetectorElementCollection() const = 0;
+      virtual ScintDetectorElementCollection::const_iterator getDetectorElementBegin() const = 0;
+      virtual ScintDetectorElementCollection::const_iterator getDetectorElementEnd() const = 0;
+      /** Add elememts */
+      virtual void addDetectorElement(ScintDetectorElement * element) = 0;
+      /** Initialize the neighbours. This can only be done when all elements are built */
+      virtual void initNeighbours() = 0;
+      /** Get tag used in dictionary */
+      const std::string & tag() const; 
+    //   /** Methods to query which manager we have */
+    //   virtual bool isPixel() const = 0;
+    //   bool isSCT() const {return !isPixel();}
+      /** Add alignable transforms. No access to these, they will be changed by manager: */
+      virtual void addAlignableTransform (int level, const Identifier &id, GeoAlignableTransform *xf) = 0;
+      /** Invalidate cache for all detector elements */
+      virtual void invalidateAll() const;
+      /** Update all caches */
+      virtual void updateAll() const;
+      /** Helper method to set delta transform from a global delta - Amg interface*/
+      bool setAlignableTransformGlobalDelta(ExtendedAlignableTransform * extXF, 
+                                            const Amg::Transform3D & delta,
+                                            GeoVAlignmentStore* alignStore=nullptr) const;
+      /** Helper method to set delta transform from a local delta - Amg interface */
+      bool setAlignableTransformLocalDelta(ExtendedAlignableTransform * extXF, 
+                                           const Amg::Transform3D & localToGlobalXF,
+                                           const Amg::Transform3D & delta,
+                                           GeoVAlignmentStore* alignStore=nullptr) const;
+      /** Access to module design */
+      void addDesign(const ScintDetectorDesign *);
+      int numDesigns() const;
+      const ScintDetectorDesign * getDesign(int i) const;
+      /** Access Numerology */
+      const ScintNumerology & numerology() const {return m_numerology;}
+      ScintNumerology & numerology() {return m_numerology;}
+    private:
+      //** Prevent copy and assignment */
+      const ScintDetectorManager & operator=(const ScintDetectorManager &right);
+      ScintDetectorManager(const ScintDetectorManager &right); 
+      /** This method is called by the ScintDetectorManagerBase */
+      virtual bool setAlignableTransformDelta(int level, 
+                                              const Identifier & id, 
+                                              const Amg::Transform3D & delta,
+                                              FrameType frame,
+                                              GeoVAlignmentStore* alignStore) const = 0;
+      std::string                               m_tag;
+      ScintNumerology                           m_numerology;
+      std::vector< const ScintDetectorDesign *> m_designs;
+    };
+} // namespace ScintDD
+#include "AthenaKernel/CLASS_DEF.h"
+CLASS_DEF(ScintDD::ScintDetectorManager, 209997176, 1)
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDetectorManagerBase.h b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDetectorManagerBase.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4357da297426bdba1eff01e347bb00e6bb7f6fdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDetectorManagerBase.h
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ScintDectorManagerBase.h (was InDetDetectorManager.h)
+// (c) ATLAS Detector software
+// Amg
+#include "GeoPrimitives/GeoPrimitives.h"
+// GeoModel stuff
+#include "GeoModelKernel/GeoVDetectorManager.h"
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDD_Defs.h"
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/Version.h"
+#include "CLHEP/Geometry/Transform3D.h"
+// Message Stream Member
+#include "AthenaKernel/MsgStreamMember.h"
+// IOV SVC for alignment:
+#include "AthenaKernel/IIOVSvc.h"
+#include "DetDescrConditions/AlignableTransformContainer.h"
+#include "CxxUtils/checker_macros.h"
+#include <atomic>
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <list>
+class StoreGateSvc;
+class AlignableTransform;
+class Identifier; 
+class FaserDetectorID;
+class GeoVAlignmentStore;
+class CondAttrListCollection;
+// mutable Athena::MsgStreamMember issues warnings.
+namespace ScintDD {
+  typedef std::map<std::string, const void*> RawAlignmentObjects;
+    /** @class ScintDetectorManagerBase
+        Virtual base class for all Scintillator detector managers.
+        It implements the processKey() method for alingment
+        which calls the setAlignableTransformDelta() method which
+        is specified in the extended classes. This method supports both,
+        local and global delta's in the frame and translates it to the 
+        underlying GeoModel transform. As GeoModel (CLHEP) and tracking
+        (Amg) use different geo libraries, these are the methods that
+        act as the CLHEP <--> Amg interface
+        @author: Grant Gorfine
+        - modified & maintained: Nick Styles & Andreas Salzburger 
+    */
+    class ScintDetectorManagerBase : public GeoVDetectorManager  {
+    public:
+      // Constructor
+      ScintDetectorManagerBase(StoreGateSvc * detStore, const std::string & name);
+      // Destructor
+      virtual ~ScintDetectorManagerBase();
+      /** Get version information */
+      const Version & getVersion() const; 
+      const std::string & getLayout() const; // eg Initial, Final, TestBeam 
+      void setVersion(const Version & version); 
+      /** Alignment access */
+      void addChannel(const std::string & key, int level, FrameType frame);
+      void addFolder(const std::string & key);
+      void addSpecialFolder(const std::string & key);
+      void addGlobalFolder(const std::string & key); 
+      void addAlignFolderType(const AlignFolderType alignfolder);
+      StatusCode align( IOVSVC_CALLBACK_ARGS ) const;
+      StatusCode align(const RawAlignmentObjects& alignObjects, GeoVAlignmentStore* alignStore) const;
+      /** Invalidate cache for all detector elements */
+      virtual void invalidateAll() const = 0;
+      /** Update all caches */
+      virtual void updateAll() const = 0;
+      /** Check identifier is for this detector */
+      virtual bool identifierBelongs(const Identifier & id) const = 0;
+      /** Declaring the Message method for further use */
+      MsgStream& msg (MSG::Level lvl) const { return m_msg.get() << lvl; }
+      /** Declaring the Method providing Verbosity Level */
+      bool msgLvl (MSG::Level lvl) const { return m_msg.get().level() <= lvl; }
+      AlignFolderType                           m_alignfoldertype;
+    protected:
+      StoreGateSvc * m_detStore;
+    private:
+      /** @class LevelInfo
+         Private helper class definition.
+         */
+      class LevelInfo {
+        private:
+          int m_level;
+          FrameType m_type;
+        public:
+          LevelInfo(): m_level(-1), m_type(ScintDD::global) {};
+          LevelInfo(int level, FrameType frame): m_level(level), m_type(frame) {};
+          int level() const {return m_level;}
+          FrameType frame() const {return m_type;} 
+          bool isGlobalDelta() const {return m_type == ScintDD::global;}
+          bool isLocalDelta() const {return m_type == ScintDD::local;} 
+          bool isValid() const {return (m_level >= 0);}
+      };
+      class AlignInfo {
+        private:
+        AlignFolderType m_aligntype;
+        public:
+          AlignInfo(): m_aligntype(ScintDD::none) {};
+          AlignInfo(AlignFolderType alignfolder): m_aligntype(alignfolder) {};
+          AlignFolderType AlignFolder() const {return m_aligntype;}
+          bool isValidAlign() const {return (m_aligntype != ScintDD::none);}
+      };
+      /** Retrieve level information */
+      const LevelInfo & getLevel(const std::string & key) const;
+      /** return align folder string to use **/
+      //      ScintDD::AlignFolderType getAlignInfo();
+      /** Process the alignment container, calls processKey */
+      bool processAlignmentContainer(const std::string & key) const;
+      bool processAlignmentContainer(const AlignableTransformContainer* container, GeoVAlignmentStore* alignStore) const;
+      /** Called by processAlignmentContainer, 
+          applies only one key on the transform Collections */
+      bool processKey(const std::string key, 
+                      const AlignableTransform* transformCollection,
+                      GeoVAlignmentStore* alignStore=nullptr) const;
+      /** Set method applying the delta transform (in global or local frame)
+          onto the geoModel transform : CLHEP <--> Amg interface */
+      virtual bool setAlignableTransformDelta(int level, 
+                                              const Identifier & id, 
+                                              const Amg::Transform3D & delta,
+                                              FrameType frame,
+                                              GeoVAlignmentStore* alignStore=nullptr) const = 0;
+      virtual bool processSpecialAlignment(const std::string & key,
+                                           ScintDD::AlignFolderType alignfolder) const = 0;
+      virtual bool processSpecialAlignment(const std::string& key,
+                                           const CondAttrListCollection* obj=nullptr,
+                                           GeoVAlignmentStore* alignStore=nullptr) const = 0;
+      bool processGlobalAlignmentContainer(const std::string & key,
+                                           const CondAttrListCollection* obj=nullptr,
+                                           GeoVAlignmentStore* alignStore=nullptr) const;
+      virtual bool processGlobalAlignment(const std::string & key, int level, FrameType frame,
+                                          const CondAttrListCollection* obj=nullptr,
+                                          GeoVAlignmentStore* alignStore=nullptr) const;
+      virtual const FaserDetectorID* getIdHelper() const = 0;
+      //Declaring private message stream member.
+      mutable Athena::MsgStreamMember           m_msg;
+      Version                                   m_version;
+      std::map<std::string, LevelInfo>          m_keys;
+      std::set<std::string>                     m_folders;
+      std::set<std::string>                     m_specialFolders;
+      std::set<std::string>                     m_globalFolders; // new time-dependent global folders
+      static const LevelInfo s_invalidLevel;
+    };
+} // namespace ScintDD
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintIntersect.h b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintIntersect.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..305e62279c1a3bebc412476da0196b988a143f61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintIntersect.h
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+//   ScintIntersect.h
+// (c) ATLAS Detector software
+namespace ScintDD {
+  /** @class ScintIntersect
+      class to run intersection tests
+      @author Grant Gorfine
+  */
+  class ScintIntersect {
+    public:
+      enum IntersectState {OUT = 0, BOUNDARY = 1, IN = 2};
+      ScintIntersect(IntersectState state = OUT);
+      bool in() const; // Definitely in
+      bool out() const; // Definitely out
+      bool nearBoundary() const; // Near boundary within tolerences
+      bool mayIntersect() const; // in() || nearBoundary()
+      operator bool() const; // Equivalent to mayIntersect().
+      void setIn();
+      void setOut();
+      void setNearBoundary();
+    private:
+      IntersectState m_state;
+  };
+inline ScintIntersect::ScintIntersect(IntersectState state) 
+  : m_state(state)
+inline bool ScintIntersect::in() const 
+  return (m_state == IN);
+inline bool ScintIntersect::out() const 
+  return (m_state == OUT);
+inline bool ScintIntersect::nearBoundary() const 
+  return (m_state == BOUNDARY);
+inline bool ScintIntersect::mayIntersect() const 
+  return (m_state == BOUNDARY || m_state == IN);
+inline ScintIntersect::operator bool() const 
+  return mayIntersect();
+inline void ScintIntersect::setIn()
+  m_state = IN;
+inline void ScintIntersect::setOut()
+  m_state = OUT;
+inline void ScintIntersect::setNearBoundary()
+  m_state = BOUNDARY;
+} // namespace ScintDD
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintLocalPosition.h b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintLocalPosition.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..38d01252b256e0621d8feaf86988e9a5e195cac8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintLocalPosition.h
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ScintLocalPosition.h
+// (c) ATLAS Detector software
+#include "GeoPrimitives/GeoPrimitives.h"
+#include "TrkEventPrimitives/ParamDefs.h"
+#include <cmath>
+namespace Trk {
+  enum ExtraLocalPosParam {distDepth = 2}; // These will be defined in Trk soon.
+namespace ScintDD {
+    /** @class ScintLocalPosition
+    Class to represent a position in the natural frame of a scintillator sensor, for Veto, Trigger and Preshower
+    */
+  class ScintLocalPosition {
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // Public methods:
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  public:
+    /** Default constructor: */
+    ScintLocalPosition();
+    /** Copy constructor: */
+    ScintLocalPosition(const ScintLocalPosition &position) =  default;
+    /** This allows one to pass a Amg::Vector2D  to a ScintLocalPosition */
+    ScintLocalPosition(const Amg::Vector2D &position);
+    /** Constructor with parameters:
+        position along x direction
+        position along y direction
+        position along depth direction (default is 0) */
+    ScintLocalPosition(const double x,const double y,
+  		  const double xDepth=0);
+    /** Destructor: */
+    ~ScintLocalPosition();
+    /** Assignment operator: */
+    ScintLocalPosition &operator=(const ScintLocalPosition &) = default;
+    /** Move assignment **/
+    ScintLocalPosition &operator=(ScintLocalPosition &&) = default;
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // Const methods:
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    /** position along horizontal direction:*/
+    double x() const;
+    /** position along vertical direction:*/
+    double y() const;
+    /** Cylindrical coordinate r:*/
+    double r() const;
+    /** Cylindrical coordinate phi:*/
+    double phi() const;
+    /** position along depth direction: */
+    double xDepth() const;
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // Non-const methods:
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    void x(const double x);
+    void y(const double y);
+    void xDepth(const double xDepth);
+    // addition of positions:
+    ScintLocalPosition &operator+=(const ScintLocalPosition &position);
+    // so we can go from ScintLocalPosition to Trk::LocalPosition
+    operator Amg::Vector2D(void) const;
+    // scaling:
+    ScintLocalPosition &operator*=(const double factor);
+    ScintLocalPosition &operator/=(const double factor);
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // Private data:
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  private:
+    double m_x; //!< position along x direction
+    double m_y; //!< position along y direction
+    double m_xDepth; //!< position along depth direction
+  };
+// Inline methods:
+inline ScintLocalPosition::~ScintLocalPosition()
+inline double ScintLocalPosition::x() const
+  return m_x;
+inline double ScintLocalPosition::y() const
+  return m_y;
+inline double ScintLocalPosition::xDepth() const
+  return m_xDepth;
+inline double ScintLocalPosition::r() const
+  return std::sqrt(m_x * m_x + m_y * m_y);
+inline double ScintLocalPosition::phi() const
+  return std::atan2(m_y, m_x);
+inline void ScintLocalPosition::x(const double x)
+  m_x=x;
+inline void ScintLocalPosition::y(const double y)
+  m_y=y;
+inline void ScintLocalPosition::xDepth(const double xDepth)
+  m_xDepth=xDepth;
+// Binary operators:
+ScintLocalPosition operator+(const ScintLocalPosition &position1,
+			  const ScintLocalPosition &position2);
+ScintLocalPosition operator*(const ScintLocalPosition &position,const double factor);
+inline ScintLocalPosition operator*(const double factor,const ScintLocalPosition &position)
+  return position*factor;
+ScintLocalPosition operator/(const ScintLocalPosition &position,const double factor);
+} // namespace ScintDD
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintNumerology.h b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintNumerology.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..98fdd4661ed8d2d0285de9ddcf2837353044b11f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintNumerology.h
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+//   ScintNumerology.h
+// (c) ATLAS Detector software
+#include <vector>
+namespace ScintDD {
+  /** @class ScintNumerology
+     Class to extract numerology for Veto, Trigger and Preshower. For example number of stations, plates, pmts, etc.
+     See InnerDetector/InDetExample/InDetDetDescrExample/src/SiReadSiDetectorElements.cxx for example of usage.
+     @author Grant Gorfine
+   */
+  class ScintNumerology {
+    public:
+      /** Constructor: */
+      ScintNumerology();
+      // Accessors:
+      /** Number of stations */
+      int numStations() const;
+      /** Number of plates in a station */
+      int numPlatesForStation(int station) const;
+      /** Number of pmts for plate */
+      int numPmtsForPlate(int station, int plate) const;
+      // Check presence of station
+      /** Check if station exists */
+      bool useStation(int station) const;
+      // Maximums 
+      /** Maximum number of plates in a station */
+      int maxNumPlates() const;
+      /** Maximum number of pmts on a plate */
+      int maxNumPmts() const;
+      // Modifiers:
+      void setNumStations(int nStations); 
+      void setNumPlatesForStation(int station, int nPlates);
+      void setNumPmtsForPlate(int station, int plate, int nPmts);
+    private:
+      int m_numStations;
+      int m_maxNumStationPlates;
+      int m_maxNumPlatePmts;
+      std::vector<int> m_platesForStation;
+      std::vector<std::vector<int> > m_pmtsForPlate;
+  };
+}// End namespace
+#include "ScintNumerology.icc"
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintNumerology.icc b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintNumerology.icc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4aa49c0f4d754f1c2ce09da8ad48f41bd56eccfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintNumerology.icc
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+namespace ScintDD {
+inline int ScintNumerology::numStations() const
+  return m_numStations;
+inline int ScintNumerology::numPlatesForStation(int station) const
+  return m_platesForStation[station];
+inline int ScintNumerology::numPmtsForPlate(int station, int plate) const
+  return m_pmtsForPlate[station][plate];
+inline int ScintNumerology::maxNumPlates() const
+  return m_maxNumStationPlates;
+inline int ScintNumerology::maxNumPmts() const
+  return m_maxNumPlatePmts;
+inline bool ScintNumerology::useStation(int station) const
+  return (m_platesForStation[station] != 0);
+} // End namespace
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/Version.h b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/Version.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0792d719af256cebc6460a1365249b5ff38e1863
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/Version.h
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// Version.h
+// (c) ATLAS Detector software
+#include <string>
+namespace ScintDD {
+  /** @class Version
+    Class to hold version information consisting of tag, name layout and description as strings,
+    such as their integer regpresentation in the major-minor-tag scheme 
+    */
+  class Version {
+    public:
+      /** Constructor.  */
+      Version(const std::string & tag, 
+	  const std::string & name, 
+	  const std::string & layout, 
+	  const std::string & description, 
+	  int major,
+	  int minor,
+	  int patch);
+     /** Constructor. DEPRECATED */
+      Version(const std::string & name, 
+	  const std::string & layout, 
+	  const std::string & description, 
+	  int major,
+	  int minor,
+	  int patch);
+      /** Empty Constructor  */
+      Version();
+      /** Version tag */
+      const std::string & tag() const;
+      /** Version label */
+      const std::string & name() const;
+      /** Layout (eg Initial, Final, TestBeam) */
+      const std::string & layout() const;
+      /** Description or comment. */
+      const std::string & description() const;
+      /** Major version number */
+      int majorNum() const;
+      /** Minor version number */
+      int minorNum() const;
+      /** Patch version number  */
+      int patchNum() const;
+      /** Print out version number (eg. 2.00.00) */
+      std::string versionNumber() const;
+      /** Full Description 
+          For example,
+          Version: SCT-DC1-00, Name: DC1, Layout: Final, Code Version: 2.00.00, Description: DC1 Geometry */
+      std::string fullDescription() const;
+   private:
+      std::string m_tag;
+      std::string m_name;
+      std::string m_layout;
+      std::string m_description;
+      int m_major;
+      int m_minor;
+      int m_patch;
+  };
+} //  namespace  InDetDD
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/VetoDetectorManager.h b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/VetoDetectorManager.h
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2cdeabff25713ca8b25741b689394e25da897020
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintReadoutGeometry/VetoDetectorManager.h
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// VetoDetectorManager.h
+// (c) ATLAS Detector software
+#include "GeoPrimitives/GeoPrimitives.h"
+#include "GeoModelKernel/GeoVPhysVol.h"
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDetectorManager.h"
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDetectorElementCollection.h"
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDD_Defs.h"
+#include "ScintIdentifier/VetoID.h"
+class StoreGateSvc;
+class Identifier; 
+class IdentifierHash;
+class GeoAlignableTransform;
+class GeoVFullPhysVol;
+class GeoVPhysVol;
+class GeoVAlignmentStore;
+class CondAttrListCollection;
+namespace ScintDD {
+  class ScintDetectorElement;
+  class ExtendedAlignableTransform;
+  class VetoDetectorDesign;
+  /** @class VetoDetectorManager
+      Dedicated detector manager extending the functionality of the ScintDetectorManager
+      with dedicated Veto information, access.
+      @author: Grant Gorfine
+      - modified and maintained by Nick Styles & Andreas Salzburger
+      */
+  class VetoDetectorManager : public ScintDetectorManager  {
+    public:
+      // Constructor
+      VetoDetectorManager( StoreGateSvc* detStore );
+      // Destructor
+      virtual ~VetoDetectorManager();
+      /** Access Raw Geometry */
+      virtual unsigned int getNumTreeTops()           const override;
+      virtual PVConstLink  getTreeTop(unsigned int i) const override;
+      /** Add tree top */
+      void addTreeTop(PVLink); 
+      //
+      // Access Readout Elements
+      //
+      /** access to individual elements via Identifier */
+      virtual ScintDetectorElement * getDetectorElement(const Identifier &id) const override;
+      /** access to individual elements via IdentifierHash */
+      virtual ScintDetectorElement * getDetectorElement(const IdentifierHash &idHash) const override;
+      /** access to individual elements via module numbering schema */
+      ScintDetectorElement * getDetectorElement(int station, int plate) const;
+      /** access to whole collectiom via iterators */
+      virtual const ScintDetectorElementCollection * getDetectorElementCollection() const override;
+      virtual ScintDetectorElementCollection::const_iterator getDetectorElementBegin() const override;
+      virtual ScintDetectorElementCollection::const_iterator getDetectorElementEnd() const override;
+      /** Add elememts during construction */
+      virtual void addDetectorElement(ScintDetectorElement * element) override;
+      /** Add alignable transforms. No access to these, they will be changed by manager: */
+      virtual void addAlignableTransform (int level,
+    				                      const Identifier &id, 
+    				                      GeoAlignableTransform *xf,
+    				                      const GeoVFullPhysVol * child);
+      /**  As above but does a dynamic_cast to GeoVFullPhysVol */
+      virtual void addAlignableTransform (int level,
+    				                      const Identifier &id, 
+    				                      GeoAlignableTransform *xf,
+    				                      const GeoVPhysVol * child); 
+      // DEPRECATED
+      virtual void addAlignableTransform (int, const Identifier &, GeoAlignableTransform *) override {}; // For backward compatibility
+      /** Initialize the neighbours. This can only be done when all elements are built. */
+      virtual void initNeighbours() override;
+    //   /** Methods to query which manager we have */
+    //   virtual bool isPixel() const = 0;
+    //   bool isSCT() const {return !isPixel();}
+      /** Check identifier is for this detector */
+      virtual bool identifierBelongs(const Identifier & id) const override;
+      /** Access to module design, casts to VetoDetectorDesign */
+      const ScintDetectorDesign * getVetoDesign(int i) const;
+      /** Process new global DB folders for L1 and L2 **/
+      virtual
+      bool processGlobalAlignment(const std::string &, int level, FrameType frame,
+                                  const CondAttrListCollection* obj,
+                                  GeoVAlignmentStore* alignStore) const override;
+      // comply with InDetDetectorManager interface
+      bool processSpecialAlignment(const std::string & key,
+                                   ScintDD::AlignFolderType alignfolder) const override;
+      bool processSpecialAlignment(const std::string& key,
+                                   const CondAttrListCollection* obj=nullptr,
+                                   GeoVAlignmentStore* alignStore=nullptr) const override;
+    private:
+      /** implements the main alignment update for delta transforms in different frames,
+          it translates into the LocalDelta or GlobalDelta function of ScintDetectorManager
+      */
+      virtual bool setAlignableTransformDelta(int level, 
+                                              const Identifier & id, 
+                                              const Amg::Transform3D & delta,
+                                              FrameType frame,
+                                              GeoVAlignmentStore* alignStore) const override;
+      /** Prevent copy and assignment */
+      const VetoDetectorManager & operator=(const VetoDetectorManager &right);
+      VetoDetectorManager(const VetoDetectorManager &right); 
+      virtual const VetoID* getIdHelper() const override;
+      // Private member data
+      std::vector<PVLink>                                           m_volume;  
+      ScintDetectorElementCollection                                m_elementCollection;
+      typedef std::map<Identifier, ExtendedAlignableTransform *>    AlignableTransformMap;
+      std::vector< AlignableTransformMap >                          m_higherAlignableTransforms;
+      std::vector< ExtendedAlignableTransform *>                    m_alignableTransforms; 
+      std::vector< ExtendedAlignableTransform *>                    m_moduleAlignableTransforms; 
+      const VetoID*                                                 m_idHelper;
+      /** This variable switches the how the local alignment corrections are applied
+          If true they will be calcualted on top  of all of other corrections but in the default reference frame
+          If false they will be calcualted  on top  of all of other corrections but in the globally aligned reference frame    
+      */
+      bool                                                          m_isLogical;      
+    };
+} // namespace InDetDD
+#include "AthenaKernel/CLASS_DEF.h" 
+CLASS_DEF(ScintDD::VetoDetectorManager, 184318568, 1) 
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/src/ScintCommonItems.cxx b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/src/ScintCommonItems.cxx
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+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/src/ScintCommonItems.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintCommonItems.h"
+namespace ScintDD {
+ScintCommonItems::ScintCommonItems(const FaserDetectorID* const idHelper)
+  :  m_msg("ScintDetectorElement"),
+     m_idHelper(idHelper), 
+     m_mutex{}
+// void   
+// SiCommonItems::setSolenoidFrame(const HepGeom::Transform3D & transform) const
+// {
+//   std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock{m_mutex};
+//   m_solenoidFrame = transform;
+// }
+} // End namespace ScintDD
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/src/ScintDetectorDesign.cxx b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/src/ScintDetectorDesign.cxx
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+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/src/ScintDetectorDesign.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ScintDetectorDesign.cxx
+//   Implementation file for class ScintDetectorDesign
+// (c) ATLAS Detector software
+// Version 3.0 05/05/2001 David Calvet
+// Modified: Grant Gorfine
+// Modified: Dave Casper
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDetectorDesign.h"
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintIntersect.h"
+#include "TrkSurfaces/RectangleBounds.h"
+namespace ScintDD {
+// Constructor with parameters:
+ScintDetectorDesign::ScintDetectorDesign( const double thickness,
+                                          const double width,
+                                          const double length,
+                                          const int cells,
+                                          const ScintDetectorDesign::Edge readoutSide ) :
+    ScintDetectorDesign(thickness, width, length, cells, readoutSide, Axis::yAxis, Axis::xAxis)
+{ } /* same as ATLAS SCT axes */
+// Constructor with axes:
+ScintDetectorDesign::ScintDetectorDesign( const double thickness,
+                                          const double width,
+                                          const double length,
+                                          const int cells,
+                                          const ScintDetectorDesign::Edge readoutSide,
+                                          const ScintDetectorDesign::Axis photonDirection,
+                                          const ScintDetectorDesign::Axis thicknessDirection ) :
+    m_thickness(thickness),
+    m_phiAxis(photonDirection),  /* same as ATLAS SCT for now */
+    m_depthAxis(thicknessDirection),
+    m_readoutSide(readoutSide) {
+        m_etaAxis = static_cast<Axis> ((xAxis + yAxis + zAxis) - (photonDirection + thicknessDirection)); 
+        m_bounds = new Trk::RectangleBounds(0.5*width, 0.5*length);
+// Destructor:
+ScintDetectorDesign::~ScintDetectorDesign() {
+    if (m_bounds != nullptr) delete m_bounds;
+ScintIntersect ScintDetectorDesign::inDetector(const ScintLocalPosition &localPosition,
+                                               double xTol, double yTol) const {
+    double xDist = 0;
+    double yDist = 0;
+    distanceToDetectorEdge(localPosition, xDist, yDist);
+    ScintIntersect state;
+    if (xDist < -xTol || yDist < -yTol) {
+        state.setOut();
+        return state;
+    }
+    if (xDist > xTol && yDist > yTol) {
+        state.setIn();
+        return state;
+    }
+    // Near boundary.
+    state.setNearBoundary();
+    return state;
+DetectorShape ScintDetectorDesign::shape() const {
+    // Default is Box.
+    return ScintDD::Box;
+const Trk::SurfaceBounds & 
+ScintDetectorDesign::bounds() const
+  return *m_bounds;
+} // namespace ScintDD
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/src/ScintDetectorElement.cxx b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/src/ScintDetectorElement.cxx
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..41cd8606ea1ab5b7423594b8bb2784785af23449
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+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/src/ScintDetectorElement.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1157 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+ * @file ScintDetectorElement.cxx
+ * Implementation file for class ScintDetectorElement
+ * @author Grant Gorfine
+ * Based on version developed by David Calvet.
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDetectorElement.h"
+#include "ScintIdentifier/VetoID.h"
+// #include "ScintIdentifier/TriggerID.h"
+// #include "ScintIdentifier/PreshowerID.h"
+#include "GeoModelKernel/GeoVFullPhysVol.h"
+#include "GeoModelUtilities/GeoAlignmentStore.h"
+#include "FaserDetDescr/FaserDetectorID.h"
+#include "CLHEP/Geometry/Point3D.h"
+#include "CLHEP/Geometry/Vector3D.h"
+#include "CLHEP/Vector/ThreeVector.h"
+#include "CLHEP/Units/PhysicalConstants.h" // for M_PI
+#include "CLHEP/Units/SystemOfUnits.h"
+// #include "InDetReadoutGeometry/SiCellId.h"
+// #include "InDetReadoutGeometry/SiReadoutCellId.h"
+// #include "ScintReadoutGeometry/VetoDetectorDesign.h"
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDetectorDesign.h"
+// #include "InDetReadoutGeometry/StripStereoAnnulusDesign.h"
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintCommonItems.h"
+#include "TrkSurfaces/PlaneSurface.h"
+#include "TrkSurfaces/SurfaceBounds.h"
+#include <cmath>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <limits>
+namespace ScintDD {
+using Trk::distEta;
+using Trk::distPhi;
+using Trk::distDepth;
+// Constructor with parameters:
+ScintDetectorElement::ScintDetectorElement(const Identifier &id,
+                                     const ScintDetectorDesign *design,
+                                     const GeoVFullPhysVol *geophysvol,
+                                     const ScintCommonItems * commonItems,
+                                     const GeoAlignmentStore* geoAlignStore) :
+  TrkDetElementBase(geophysvol),
+  m_id(id),
+  m_design(design),
+  m_commonItems(commonItems),
+  m_cacheValid(false),
+  m_firstTime(true),
+  m_mutex(),
+  m_surface{},
+  m_surfaces{},
+  m_geoAlignStore(geoAlignStore)
+  //The following are fixes for coverity bug 11955, uninitialized scalars:
+  const bool boolDefault(true);
+  m_depthDirection=boolDefault;
+  m_phiDirection=boolDefault;
+  m_etaDirection=boolDefault;
+  const double defaultMin(std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
+  const double defaultMax(std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest());
+  m_minX=defaultMin;
+  m_maxX=defaultMax;
+  m_minY=defaultMin;
+  m_maxY=defaultMax;
+  m_minZ=defaultMin;
+  m_maxZ=defaultMax;
+  m_hitEta = m_design->etaAxis();
+  m_hitPhi = m_design->phiAxis();
+  m_hitDepth = m_design->depthAxis();
+  ///
+ commonConstructor();
+  if (!m_id.is_valid()) throw std::runtime_error("ScintDetectorElement: Invalid identifier");
+  // Set booleans for wether we are veto/trigger/preshower
+  m_isVeto = getIdHelper()->is_veto(m_id);
+  m_isTrigger = getIdHelper()->is_trigger(m_id);
+  m_isPreshower = getIdHelper()->is_preshower(m_id);
+  if (!m_isVeto && !m_isTrigger && !m_isPreshower)
+  {
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg(MSG::WARNING) << "Element id is not for veto, trigger or preshower" << endmsg;
+  }
+  else if ((m_isVeto && m_isTrigger) || (m_isVeto && m_isPreshower) || (m_isTrigger && m_isPreshower))
+  {
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg(MSG::WARNING) << "Element id belongs to more than one of veto, trigger or preshower" << endmsg;
+  }
+  // Set IdHash.
+  if (isVeto())
+  {
+      const VetoID* vetoId = dynamic_cast<const VetoID* >(getIdHelper());
+      m_idHash = vetoId->plate_hash(m_id);
+  }
+  else if (isTrigger())
+  {
+      m_idHash = 64000; //FIXME - will blow up on invalid hash if ever reached
+  }
+  else if (isPreshower())
+  {
+      m_idHash = 64000; //FIXME
+  }
+  if (!m_idHash.is_valid()) throw std::runtime_error("ScintDetectorElement: Unable to set IdentifierHash");
+  // Increase the reference count of the ScintDetectorDesign objects.
+  m_design->ref();
+  // Increase the reference count of the ScintCommonItems objects.
+  m_commonItems->ref();
+  // Should we reference count the geophysvol as well?
+// Destructor:
+  // The design is reference counted so that it will not be deleted until the last element is deleted.
+  m_design->unref();
+  m_commonItems->unref();
+ScintDetectorElement::updateCache() const
+  std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+  bool firstTimeTmp = m_firstTime;
+  m_firstTime = false;
+  m_cacheValid = true;
+  const GeoTrf::Transform3D & geoTransform = transformHit();
+  HepGeom::Point3D<double> centerGeoModel(0., 0., 0.);
+  m_centerCLHEP = Amg::EigenTransformToCLHEP(geoTransform) * centerGeoModel;
+  m_center = Amg::Vector3D(m_centerCLHEP[0],m_centerCLHEP[1],m_centerCLHEP[2]);
+  //
+  // Determine directions depth, eta and phi axis in reconstruction local frame
+  // ie depth away from interaction point
+  //    phi in direction of increasing phi
+  //    eta in direction of increasing z in barrel, and increasing r in endcap
+  //
+  // depthAxis, xAxis, and yAxis are defined to be x,y,z respectively for all detectors for hit local frame.
+  // depthAxis, xAxis, and yAxis are defined to be z,x,y respectively for all detectors for reco local frame.
+  static const HepGeom::Vector3D<double> localAxes[3] = {
+    HepGeom::Vector3D<double>(1,0,0),
+    HepGeom::Vector3D<double>(0,1,0),
+    HepGeom::Vector3D<double>(0,0,1)
+  };
+  static const HepGeom::Vector3D<double> & localRecoPhiAxis = localAxes[distPhi];     // Defined to be same as x axis
+  static const HepGeom::Vector3D<double> & localRecoEtaAxis = localAxes[distEta];     // Defined to be same as y axis
+  static const HepGeom::Vector3D<double> & localRecoDepthAxis = localAxes[distDepth]; // Defined to be same as z axis
+  // We only need to calculate the rough orientation once.
+  //For it to change would require extreme unrealistic misalignment changes.
+  if (firstTimeTmp) {
+    // Determine the unit vectors in global frame
+    const HepGeom::Vector3D<double> &geoModelPhiAxis = localAxes[m_hitPhi];
+    const HepGeom::Vector3D<double> &geoModelEtaAxis = localAxes[m_hitEta];
+    const HepGeom::Vector3D<double> &geoModelDepthAxis = localAxes[m_hitDepth];
+    HepGeom::Vector3D<double> globalDepthAxis(Amg::EigenTransformToCLHEP(geoTransform) * geoModelDepthAxis);
+    HepGeom::Vector3D<double> globalPhiAxis(Amg::EigenTransformToCLHEP(geoTransform) * geoModelPhiAxis);
+    HepGeom::Vector3D<double> globalEtaAxis(Amg::EigenTransformToCLHEP(geoTransform) * geoModelEtaAxis);
+    // unit radial vector
+    HepGeom::Vector3D<double> unitR(m_center.x(), m_center.y(), 0.);
+    unitR.setMag(1.);
+    HepGeom::Vector3D<double> nominalEta;
+    HepGeom::Vector3D<double> nominalNormal;
+    // HepGeom::Vector3D<double> nominalPhi(-unitR.y(), unitR.x(), 0);
+    // In Barrel like geometry, the etaAxis is along increasing z, and normal is in increasing radial direction.
+    // In Endcap like geometry, the etaAxis is along increasing r, and normal is in decreasing z direction,
+    // We base whether it is barrel like or endcap like by the orientation of the local z axis of the 
+    // the element. This allows the use of endcap identifiers in a TB setup. A warning message is issued however if
+    // the orientation and identifier are not consistent (ie a barrel like orientation with an endcap identifier).
+    // bool barrelLike = true;
+    // nominalEta.setZ(1);
+    // if (std::abs(globalEtaAxis.dot(nominalEta)) < 0.5) { // Check that it is in roughly the right direction.
+      // barrelLike = false;
+    // }   
+    // if (isBarrel() && !barrelLike) {      
+    //   if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg(MSG::WARNING) << "Element has endcap like orientation with barrel identifier."
+    //                                               << endmsg;
+    // } else if (!isBarrel() && barrelLike) {
+    //   if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg(MSG::WARNING) << "Element has barrel like orientation with endcap identifier."
+    //                                               << endmsg;
+    // }
+    // if (barrelLike) {
+    //   nominalEta.setZ(1);
+    //   nominalNormal =  unitR;
+    // } else { // endcap like
+      nominalNormal.setZ(-1);
+      nominalEta = unitR;
+    // }
+    // Determine if axes are to have their directions swapped.
+    //
+    // Depth axis.
+    //
+    double depthDir = globalDepthAxis.dot(nominalNormal);
+    m_depthDirection = true;
+    if (depthDir < 0) {
+      // if (m_design->depthSymmetric()) {
+        m_depthDirection = false;
+      // } else {
+      //   if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg(MSG::WARNING) << "Unable to swap local depth axis." << endmsg;
+      // }
+    }
+    // if (std::abs(depthDir) < 0.5) { // Check that it is in roughly the right direction.
+    //   msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Orientation of local depth axis does not follow correct convention." << endmsg;
+    //   // throw std::runtime_error("Orientation of local depth axis does not follow correct convention.");
+    //   m_depthDirection = true; // Don't swap.
+    // }
+    //
+    // Phi axis (unclear how to handle for FASER - never swap for now)
+    //
+    // double phiDir = globalPhiAxis.dot(nominalPhi);
+    m_phiDirection = true;
+    // if (phiDir < 0) {
+    //   if (m_design->phiSymmetric()) {
+    //     m_phiDirection = false;
+    //   } else {
+    //     if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg(MSG::WARNING) << "Unable to swap local xPhi axis." << endmsg;
+    //   }
+    // }
+    // if (std::abs(phiDir) < 0.5) { // Check that it is in roughly the right direction.
+    //   msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Orientation of local xPhi axis does not follow correct convention." << endmsg;
+    //   // throw std::runtime_error("Orientation of local xPhi axis does not follow correct convention.");
+    //   m_phiDirection = true; // Don't swap.
+    // }
+    //
+    // Eta axis (unclear how to handle for FASER - never swap for now)
+    //
+    // double etaDir = globalEtaAxis.dot(nominalEta);
+    m_etaDirection = true;
+    // if (etaDir < 0) {
+    //   if (m_design->etaSymmetric()) {
+    //     m_etaDirection = false;
+    //   } else {
+    //     if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Unable to swap local xEta axis." << endmsg;
+    //   }
+    // }
+    // if (std::abs(etaDir) < 0.5) { // Check that it is in roughly the right direction.
+    //   msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Orientation of local xEta axis does not follow correct convention." << endmsg;
+    //   // throw std::runtime_error("Orientation of local xEta axis does not follow correct convention.");
+    //   m_etaDirection = true; // Don't swap
+    // }   
+  } // end if (firstTimeTmp)
+  m_transformCLHEP = Amg::EigenTransformToCLHEP(geoTransform) * recoToHitTransform();
+  //m_transform = m_commonItems->solenoidFrame() * geoTransform * recoToHitTransform();
+  m_transform = Amg::CLHEPTransformToEigen(m_transformCLHEP);
+  // Check that local frame is right-handed. (ie transform has no reflection)
+  // This can be done by checking that the determinant is >0.
+  if (firstTimeTmp) { // Only need to check this once.
+    HepGeom::Transform3D & t = m_transformCLHEP;
+    double det = t(0,0) * (t(1,1)*t(2,2) - t(1,2)*t(2,1)) -
+                 t(0,1) * (t(1,0)*t(2,2) - t(1,2)*t(2,0)) +
+                 t(0,2) * (t(1,0)*t(2,1) - t(1,1)*t(2,0));
+    if (det < 0) {
+    //   if (m_design->depthSymmetric()) {
+        if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG))
+          msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Local frame is left-handed, Swapping depth axis to make it right handed."
+                          << endmsg;
+        m_depthDirection = !m_depthDirection;
+        m_transformCLHEP = Amg::EigenTransformToCLHEP(geoTransform) * recoToHitTransform();
+        m_transform = Amg::CLHEPTransformToEigen(m_transformCLHEP);
+        //m_transform = m_commonItems->solenoidFrame() * geoTransform * recoToHitTransform();
+    //    } else {
+    //    if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg(MSG::WARNING) << "Local frame is left-handed." << endmsg;
+    //   }
+    }
+  }
+  // Initialize various cached members
+  // The unit vectors
+  HepGeom::Vector3D<double> normalCLHEP = m_transformCLHEP * localRecoDepthAxis;
+  m_normal = Amg::Vector3D( normalCLHEP[0], normalCLHEP[1], normalCLHEP[2]);
+  m_phiAxisCLHEP = m_transformCLHEP * localRecoPhiAxis;
+  m_etaAxisCLHEP = m_transformCLHEP * localRecoEtaAxis;
+  m_phiAxis = Amg::Vector3D(m_phiAxisCLHEP[0],m_phiAxisCLHEP[1],m_phiAxisCLHEP[2]);
+  m_etaAxis = Amg::Vector3D(m_etaAxisCLHEP[0],m_etaAxisCLHEP[1],m_etaAxisCLHEP[2]);
+  getExtent(m_minX, m_maxX, m_minY, m_maxY, m_minZ, m_maxZ);
+  // Determin isStereo
+//   if (firstTimeTmp) {
+//     if (isSCT() && m_otherSide) {
+//       double sinStereoThis = std::abs(sinStereo());
+//       double sinStereoOther = std::abs(m_otherSide->sinStereo());
+//       if (sinStereoThis == sinStereoOther) {
+//         // If they happend to be equal then set side0 as axial and side1 as stereo.
+//         const SCT_ID* sctId = dynamic_cast<const SCT_ID *>(getIdHelper());
+//         if (sctId) {
+//           int side = sctId->side(m_id);
+//           m_isStereo = (side == 1);
+//         }
+//       } else {
+//         // set the stereo side as the one with largest absolute sinStereo.
+//         m_isStereo = (sinStereoThis > sinStereoOther);
+//       }
+//     } else {
+//       m_isStereo = false;
+//     }
+//   }    
+const GeoTrf::Transform3D &
+ScintDetectorElement::transformHit() const
+  if (m_geoAlignStore) {
+    const GeoTrf::Transform3D* ptrXf = m_geoAlignStore->getAbsPosition(getMaterialGeom());
+    if (ptrXf) return *ptrXf;
+  }
+  return getMaterialGeom()->getAbsoluteTransform();
+const Amg::Transform3D &
+ScintDetectorElement::transform() const
+  if (!m_cacheValid){                                                                                               
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);                                                            
+    if (!m_cacheValid) updateCache();                                                                               
+  }  
+  return m_transform;
+const HepGeom::Transform3D &
+ScintDetectorElement::transformCLHEP() const
+  //stuff to get the CLHEP version of the local to global transform.
+   if (!m_cacheValid){                                                                                               
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);                                                            
+    if (!m_cacheValid) updateCache();                                                                               
+  }   
+  return m_transformCLHEP;
+const HepGeom::Transform3D 
+ScintDetectorElement::defTransformCLHEP() const
+  if (m_geoAlignStore) {
+    const GeoTrf::Transform3D* ptrXf = m_geoAlignStore->getDefAbsPosition(getMaterialGeom());
+    if (ptrXf) return Amg::EigenTransformToCLHEP(*ptrXf) * recoToHitTransform();
+  }
+  return Amg::EigenTransformToCLHEP(getMaterialGeom()->getDefAbsoluteTransform()) * recoToHitTransform();
+const Amg::Transform3D 
+ScintDetectorElement::defTransform() const
+  HepGeom::Transform3D tmpTransform = defTransformCLHEP();
+  return Amg::CLHEPTransformToEigen(tmpTransform);
+const HepGeom::Transform3D 
+ScintDetectorElement::recoToHitTransform() const
+  // Determine the reconstruction local (LocalPosition) to global transform.
+  std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+  if (m_firstTime) updateCache();
+  // global = transform * recoLocal
+  //        = transfromHit * hitLocal
+  //        = transformHit * recoToHitTransform * recoLocal
+  // recoToHitTransform takes recoLocal to hitLocal
+  // x,y,z -> y,z,x 
+  // equiv to a rotation around Y of 90 deg followed by a rotation around X of 90deg
+  // 
+  // recoToHit is static as it needs to be calculated once only.
+  // We use the HepGeom::Transform3D constructor which takes one coordinates system to another where the
+  // coordinate system is defined by it center and two axes.
+  // distPhi, distEta are the reco local axes and hitPhi and hitEta are the hit local axes.
+  // It assume phi, eta, depth makes a right handed system which is the case.
+  static const HepGeom::Vector3D<double> localAxes[3] = {
+    HepGeom::Vector3D<double>(1,0,0),
+    HepGeom::Vector3D<double>(0,1,0),
+    HepGeom::Vector3D<double>(0,0,1)
+  };
+  //static 
+  const HepGeom::Transform3D recoToHit(HepGeom::Point3D<double>(0,0,0),localAxes[distPhi],localAxes[distEta],
+                                       HepGeom::Point3D<double>(0,0,0),localAxes[m_hitPhi],localAxes[m_hitEta]);
+  // Swap direction of axis as appropriate
+  CLHEP::Hep3Vector scale(1,1,1);
+  if (!m_phiDirection)   scale[distPhi]   = -1;
+  if (!m_etaDirection)   scale[distEta]   = -1;
+  if (!m_depthDirection) scale[distDepth] = -1;
+  return recoToHit * HepGeom::Scale3D(scale[0],scale[1],scale[2]);
+const Amg::Transform3D &
+ScintDetectorElement::plateTransform() const
+  return transform();
+  // return  (isModuleFrame()) ?  transform() : m_otherSide->transform();
+  Amg::Transform3D
+  ScintDetectorElement::defPlateTransform() const
+  return defTransform();
+//  return  (isModuleFrame()) ? defTransform() : m_otherSide->defTransform();
+// Take a transform in the local reconstruction and return it in the module frame
+// For a given transform l in frame A. The equivalent transform in frame B is
+//  B.inverse() * A * l * A.inverse() * B
+// Here A is the local to global transform of the element and B is the local to global
+// transform of the module.
+// If we are already in the module frame then there is nothing to do, we just return the
+// transform that is input. Otherwise we use the above formula.
+ScintDetectorElement::localToModuleFrame(const Amg::Transform3D & localTransform) const
+  // if (isModuleFrame()) {
+    return localTransform;
+  // } else {
+  //   return m_otherSide->transform().inverse() * transform() * localTransform * transform().inverse() *  m_otherSide->transform();
+  // }
+ScintDetectorElement::localToModuleTransform() const
+  // if (isModuleFrame()) {
+    return Amg::Transform3D(); // Identity
+  // } else {
+  //   return  m_otherSide->transform().inverse() * transform();
+  // }
+// bool 
+// ScintDetectorElement::isModuleFrame() const
+// {
+//   // The module frame is the axial side.
+//   // NB isStereo returns false for the pixel and so
+//   // isModuleFrame is always true for the pixel.
+//   return !isStereo();
+// }
+const Amg::Vector3D & 
+ScintDetectorElement::center() const
+  if (!m_cacheValid){                                                                                               
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);                                                            
+    if (!m_cacheValid) updateCache();                                                                               
+  }  
+  return m_center;
+const Amg::Vector3D & 
+ScintDetectorElement::normal() const
+  if (!m_cacheValid){                                                                                               
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);                                                            
+    if (!m_cacheValid) updateCache();                                                                               
+  }  
+  return m_normal;
+const HepGeom::Vector3D<double> & 
+ScintDetectorElement::etaAxisCLHEP() const
+  if (!m_cacheValid){                                                                                               
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);                                                            
+    if (!m_cacheValid) updateCache();                                                                               
+  }  
+  return m_etaAxisCLHEP;
+const HepGeom::Vector3D<double> & 
+ScintDetectorElement::phiAxisCLHEP() const
+  if (!m_cacheValid){                                                                                               
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);                                                            
+    if (!m_cacheValid) updateCache();                                                                               
+  }  
+  return m_phiAxisCLHEP;
+const Amg::Vector3D & 
+ScintDetectorElement::etaAxis() const
+  if (!m_cacheValid){                                                                                               
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);                                                            
+    if (!m_cacheValid) updateCache();                                                                               
+  }  
+  return m_etaAxis;
+const Amg::Vector3D & 
+ScintDetectorElement::phiAxis() const
+  if (!m_cacheValid){                                                                                               
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);                                                            
+    if (!m_cacheValid) updateCache();                                                                               
+  }  
+  return m_phiAxis;
+ScintDetectorElement::hitLocalToLocal(double xEta, double xPhi) const  // Will change order to phi,eta
+  std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+  if (!m_cacheValid) updateCache();
+  if (!m_etaDirection) xEta = -xEta;
+  if (!m_phiDirection) xPhi = -xPhi;
+  return Amg::Vector2D(xPhi, xEta);
+ScintDetectorElement::hitLocalToLocal3D(const HepGeom::Point3D<double> & hitPosition) const
+  // Equiv to transform().inverse * transformHit() * hitPosition
+  std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+  if (!m_cacheValid) updateCache();
+  double xDepth = hitPosition[m_hitDepth];
+  double xPhi = hitPosition[m_hitPhi];
+  double xEta = hitPosition[m_hitEta];
+  if (!m_depthDirection) xDepth = -xDepth;
+  if (!m_phiDirection) xPhi = -xPhi;
+  if (!m_etaDirection) xEta = -xEta;
+  return HepGeom::Point3D<double>(xPhi, xEta, xDepth);
+bool ScintDetectorElement::isVeto() const
+  return m_isVeto;
+bool ScintDetectorElement::isTrigger() const
+  return m_isTrigger;
+bool ScintDetectorElement::isPreshower() const
+  return m_isPreshower;
+// bool ScintDetectorElement::isDBM() const 
+// { 
+//   return m_isDBM;
+// } 
+// bool ScintDetectorElement::isBlayer() const
+// {
+//   if (isPixel() && isBarrel()) {
+//     const PixelID* p_pixelId = static_cast<const PixelID *>(getIdHelper());
+//     return (0==p_pixelId->layer_disk(m_id));
+//   } else {
+//     return false;
+//   }
+// } 
+// bool ScintDetectorElement::isInnermostPixelLayer() const
+// {
+//   if (isPixel() && isBarrel()) {
+//     const PixelID* p_pixelId = static_cast<const PixelID *>(getIdHelper());
+//     return (0==p_pixelId->layer_disk(m_id));
+//   } else {
+//     return false;
+//   }
+// }  
+// bool ScintDetectorElement::isNextToInnermostPixelLayer() const
+// {
+//   if (isPixel() && isBarrel()) {
+//     const PixelID* p_pixelId = static_cast<const PixelID *>(getIdHelper());
+//     return (1==p_pixelId->layer_disk(m_id));
+//   } else {
+//     return false;
+//   }
+// }  
+// // compute sin(tilt angle) at center:
+// double ScintDetectorElement::sinTilt() const
+// {
+//   std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+//   if (!m_cacheValid) updateCache();
+//   // Tilt is defined as the angle between a refVector and the sensor normal.
+//   // In barrel refVector = unit vector radial.
+//   // in endcap it is assumed there is no tilt.
+//   // sinTilt = (refVector cross normal) . z
+//   // tilt angle is not defined for the endcap
+//   if (isEndcap()) return 0;
+//   // Angle between normal and radial vector.
+//   // HepGeom::Vector3D<double> refVector(m_center.x(), m_center.y(), 0);
+//   // return (refVector.cross(m_normal)).z()/refVector.mag();
+//   // or the equivalent
+//   return (m_center.x() * m_normal.y() - m_center.y() * m_normal.x()) / m_center.perp();
+// }
+//   double ScintDetectorElement::sinTilt(const Amg::Vector2D &localPos) const
+// {
+//   std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+//   if (!m_cacheValid) updateCache();
+//   // tilt angle is not defined for the endcap
+//   if (isEndcap()) return 0;
+//   HepGeom::Point3D<double> point=globalPositionCLHEP(localPos);
+//   return sinTilt(point);
+// }
+// double ScintDetectorElement::sinTilt(const HepGeom::Point3D<double> &globalPos) const
+// { 
+//   std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+//   if (!m_cacheValid) updateCache();
+//   // It is assumed that the global position is already in the plane of the element.
+//   // tilt angle is not defined for the endcap
+//   if (isEndcap()) return 0;
+//   // Angle between normal and radial vector.
+//   //HepGeom::Vector3D<double> refVector(globalPos.x(), globalPos.y(), 0);
+//   //return (refVector.cross(m_normal)).z()/refVector.mag();
+//   // or the equivalent
+//   return (globalPos.x() * m_normal.y() - globalPos.y() * m_normal.x()) / globalPos.perp();
+// }
+// double ScintDetectorElement::sinStereo() const
+// {
+//   std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+//   if (!m_cacheValid) updateCache();
+//   // Stereo is the angle between a refVector and a vector along the strip/pixel in eta direction.
+//   // I'm not sure how the sign should be defined. I've defined it here
+//   // with rotation sense respect to normal,
+//   // where normal is away from IP in barrel and in -ve z direction in endcap
+//   // In Barrel refVector = unit vector along z axis,
+//   // in endcap refVector = unit vector radial.
+//   //
+//   // sinStereo = (refVector cross stripAxis) . normal
+//   //           = (refVector cross etaAxis) . normal
+//   //           = refVector . (etaAxis cross normal)
+//   //           = refVector . phiAxis  
+//   //
+//   // in Barrel we use
+//   // sinStereo = refVector . phiAxis
+//   //           = phiAxis.z()
+//   //
+//   // in endcap we use
+//   // sinStereo = (refVector cross etaAxis) . normal
+//   //           = -(center cross etaAxis) . zAxis
+//   //           = (etaAxis cross center). z() 
+//   double sinStereo;
+//   if (isBarrel()) {
+//     sinStereo = m_phiAxis.z();
+//   } else { // endcap
+//     sinStereo = (m_center.y() * m_etaAxis.x() - m_center.x() * m_etaAxis.y()) / m_center.perp();
+//   }      
+//   return sinStereo;
+// }
+//   double ScintDetectorElement::sinStereo(const Amg::Vector2D &localPos) const
+// {
+//   std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+//   if (!m_cacheValid) updateCache();
+//   HepGeom::Point3D<double> point=globalPositionCLHEP(localPos);
+//   return sinStereo(point);
+// }
+// double ScintDetectorElement::sinStereo(const HepGeom::Point3D<double> &globalPos) const
+// {
+//   //
+//   // sinStereo =  (refVector cross stripAxis) . normal
+//   //
+//   std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+//   if (!m_cacheValid) updateCache();
+//   double sinStereo;
+//   if (isBarrel()) {
+//     if (m_design->shape() != InDetDD::Trapezoid) {
+//       sinStereo = m_phiAxis.z();
+//     } else { // trapezoid
+//       assert (minWidth() != maxWidth());
+//       double radius = width() * length() / (maxWidth() - minWidth());
+//       HepGeom::Vector3D<double> stripAxis = radius * m_etaAxisCLHEP + globalPos - m_centerCLHEP;
+//       sinStereo = (stripAxis.x() * m_normal.y() - stripAxis.y() * m_normal.x()) / stripAxis.mag();
+//     }
+//   } else { // endcap
+//     if (m_design->shape() != InDetDD::Trapezoid) {
+//       sinStereo = (globalPos.y() * m_etaAxis.x() - globalPos.x() * m_etaAxis.y()) / globalPos.perp();
+//     } else { // trapezoid      
+//       assert (minWidth() != maxWidth());
+//       double radius = width() * length() / (maxWidth() - minWidth());
+//       // Only need projection in xy plane.
+//       double stripAxisX  = globalPos.x() - m_center.x() + m_etaAxis.x()*radius;
+//       double stripAxisY  = globalPos.y() - m_center.y() + m_etaAxis.y()*radius;
+//       double norm  = 1./(radius*sqrt(stripAxisX*stripAxisX + stripAxisY*stripAxisY));
+//       sinStereo  = norm * (stripAxisX * globalPos.y() - stripAxisY * globalPos.x());
+//     }
+//   }
+//   return sinStereo;
+// }
+// bool 
+// ScintDetectorElement::isStereo() const 
+// {
+//   std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+//   if (m_firstTime) updateCache();
+//   return m_isStereo;
+// }
+// double 
+// ScintDetectorElement::sinStereoLocal(const Amg::Vector2D &localPos) const
+// {
+//   // The equation below will work for rectangle detectors as well in which 
+//   // case it will return 0. But we return zero immediately as there is no point doing the calculation.
+//   if (m_design->shape() == InDetDD::Box) return 0;
+//   double oneOverRadius = (maxWidth() - minWidth()) /  (width() * length());
+//   double x = localPos[distPhi];
+//   double y = localPos[distEta];
+//   return -x*oneOverRadius / sqrt( (1+y*oneOverRadius)*(1+y*oneOverRadius) + x*oneOverRadius*x*oneOverRadius );
+// }
+// double 
+// ScintDetectorElement::sinStereoLocal(const HepGeom::Point3D<double> &globalPos) const
+// {
+//   return sinStereoLocal(localPosition(globalPos));
+// }
+// // Special method for SCT to retrieve the two ends of a "strip"
+//   std::pair<Amg::Vector3D,Amg::Vector3D> ScintDetectorElement::endsOfStrip(const Amg::Vector2D &position) const
+// {
+//   const std::pair<Amg::Vector2D,Amg::Vector2D> localEnds=
+//     m_design->endsOfStrip(position);
+//   return std::pair<Amg::Vector3D,Amg::Vector3D >(globalPosition(localEnds.first),
+//                                                  globalPosition(localEnds.second));
+// }
+Trk::Surface & 
+  if (not m_surface) m_surface.set(std::make_unique<Trk::PlaneSurface>(*this));
+  return *m_surface;
+const Trk::Surface & 
+ScintDetectorElement::surface() const
+  if (not m_surface) m_surface.set(std::make_unique<Trk::PlaneSurface>(*this));
+  return *m_surface;
+const std::vector<const Trk::Surface*>& ScintDetectorElement::surfaces() const 
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+    if (!m_surfaces.size()) {
+        // get this surface
+        m_surfaces.push_back(&surface());
+        // get the other side surface
+        // if (otherSide()) {
+        //     m_surfaces.push_back(&(otherSide()->surface()));
+        // }
+    }
+    // return the surfaces
+    return m_surfaces;
+const Trk::SurfaceBounds & 
+ScintDetectorElement::bounds() const
+  return m_design->bounds();
+// Get min/max or r, z,and phi
+void ScintDetectorElement::getExtent(double &xMin, double &xMax, 
+                                  double &yMin, double &yMax,
+                                  double &zMin, double &zMax) const
+  HepGeom::Point3D<double> corners[4];
+  getCorners(corners);
+  bool first = true;
+  // double phiOffset = 0.;
+  double radialShift = 0.;
+  const HepGeom::Transform3D rShift = HepGeom::TranslateX3D(radialShift);//in local frame, radius is x
+  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+    // if (testDesign) corners[i].transform(rShift);
+    HepGeom::Point3D<double> globalPoint = globalPosition(corners[i]);
+    // double rPoint = globalPoint.perp();
+    double xPoint = globalPoint.x();
+    double yPoint = globalPoint.y();
+    double zPoint = globalPoint.z();
+    // double phiPoint = globalPoint.phi();
+    // Use first point to initializa min/max values.
+    if (first) {
+      // // Put phi in a range so that we are not near -180/+180 division.
+      // // Do this by adding an offset if phi > 90 CLHEP::deg or < -90 CLHEP::deg. 
+      // // This offset is later removed.
+      // if (phiPoint < -0.5 * M_PI) {
+      //   phiOffset = -0.5 * M_PI;
+      // } else if  (phiPoint > 0.5 * M_PI) {
+      //   phiOffset = 0.5 * M_PI;
+      // }
+      // phiMin = phiMax = phiPoint - phiOffset;
+      // rMin = rMax = rPoint;
+      xMin = xMax = xPoint;
+      yMin = yMax = yPoint;
+      zMin = zMax = zPoint;
+    } else {
+      // phiPoint -= phiOffset;
+      // // put phi back in -M_PI < phi < +M_PI range
+      // if (phiPoint < -M_PI) phiPoint += 2. * M_PI;
+      // if (phiPoint > M_PI)  phiPoint -= 2. * M_PI;
+      // phiMin = std::min(phiMin, phiPoint);
+      // phiMax = std::max(phiMax, phiPoint);
+      // rMin = std::min(rMin, rPoint);
+      // rMax = std::max(rMax, rPoint);
+      xMin = std::min(xMin, xPoint);
+      xMax = std::max(xMax, xPoint);
+      yMin = std::min(yMin, yPoint);
+      yMax = std::max(yMax, yPoint);      
+      zMin = std::min(zMin, zPoint);
+      zMax = std::max(zMax, zPoint);
+    }
+    first = false;
+  }
+  // // put phi back in -M_PI < phi < +M_PI range
+  // phiMin += phiOffset;
+  // phiMax += phiOffset;
+  // if (phiMin < -M_PI) phiMin += 2. * M_PI;
+  // if (phiMin > M_PI)  phiMin -= 2. * M_PI;
+  // if (phiMax < -M_PI) phiMax += 2. * M_PI;
+  // if (phiMax > M_PI)  phiMax -= 2. * M_PI;
+// Get eta/phi extent. Returns min/max eta and phi and r (for barrel)
+// or z (for endcap) Takes as input the vertex spread in z (+-deltaZ).
+// Gets 4 corners of the sensor and calculates eta phi for each corner
+// for both +/- vertex spread.  The returned phi is between -M_PI and M_PI
+// with the direction minPhi to maxPhi always in the positive sense,
+// so if the element extends across the -180/180 boundary then minPhi will
+// be greater than maxPhi.
+// void ScintDetectorElement::getEtaPhiRegion(double deltaZ, double &etaMin, double &etaMax, double &phiMin, 
+//                                         double &phiMax, double &rz) const
+// {
+//   std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+//   if (!m_cacheValid) updateCache();
+//   HepGeom::Point3D<double> corners[4];
+//   getCorners(corners);
+//   bool first = true;
+//   double phiOffset = 0.;
+//   for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+//     double etaMinPoint;
+//     double etaMaxPoint;
+//     double phiPoint;
+//     // Get the eta phi value for this corner.
+//     getEtaPhiPoint(corners[i], deltaZ, etaMinPoint, etaMaxPoint, phiPoint);
+//     if (first) { // Use the first point to initialize the min/max values.
+//       // Put phi in a range so that we are not near -180/+180 division.
+//       // Do this by adding an offset if phi > 90 CLHEP::deg or < -90 CLHEP::deg. 
+//       // This offset is later removed.
+//       if (phiPoint < -0.5 * M_PI) {
+//         phiOffset = -0.5 * M_PI;
+//       } else if  (phiPoint > 0.5 * M_PI) {
+//         phiOffset = 0.5 * M_PI;
+//       }
+//       phiMin = phiMax = phiPoint - phiOffset;
+//       etaMin = etaMinPoint;
+//       etaMax = etaMaxPoint;
+//     } else {
+//       phiPoint -= phiOffset;
+//       // put phi back in -M_PI < phi < +M_PI range
+//       if (phiPoint < -M_PI) phiPoint += 2. * M_PI;
+//       if (phiPoint > M_PI)  phiPoint -= 2. * M_PI;
+//       phiMin = std::min(phiMin, phiPoint);
+//       phiMax = std::max(phiMax, phiPoint);
+//       etaMin = std::min(etaMin, etaMinPoint);
+//       etaMax = std::max(etaMax, etaMaxPoint);
+//     }
+//     first = false;
+//   }
+//   // put phi back in -M_PI < phi < +M_PI range
+//   phiMin += phiOffset;
+//   phiMax += phiOffset;
+//   if (phiMin < -M_PI) phiMin += 2. * M_PI;
+//   if (phiMin > M_PI)  phiMin -= 2. * M_PI;
+//   if (phiMax < -M_PI) phiMax += 2. * M_PI;
+//   if (phiMax > M_PI)  phiMax -= 2. * M_PI;
+//   // Calculate rz = r (barrel) or z (endcap)
+//   // Use center of sensor ((0,0,0) in local coordinates) for determining this.
+//   //  HepGeom::Point3D<double> globalCenter = globalPosition(HepGeom::Point3D<double>(0,0,0));
+//   if (isBarrel()) {
+//     rz = center().perp(); // r
+//   } else {
+//     rz = center().z();  // z
+//   }
+// }
+// Gets eta phi for a point given in local coordinates. deltaZ is specified to
+// account for the vertex spread. phi is independent of this vertex
+// spread. etaMax will correspond to zMin (-deltaZ) and etaMin will
+// correspond to zMax (+deltaZ).
+// void ScintDetectorElement::getEtaPhiPoint(const HepGeom::Point3D<double> & point, double deltaZ, 
+//                                        double &etaMin, double &etaMax, double &phi) const
+// {
+//   // Get the point in global coordinates.
+//   HepGeom::Point3D<double> globalPoint = globalPosition(point);
+//   double r = globalPoint.perp();
+//   double z = globalPoint.z();
+//   double thetaMin = atan2(r,(z + deltaZ));
+//   etaMax = -log(tan(0.5 * thetaMin));
+//   double thetaMax = atan2(r,(z - deltaZ));
+//   etaMin = -log(tan(0.5 * thetaMax));
+//   phi = globalPoint.phi();
+// }
+void ScintDetectorElement::getCorners(HepGeom::Point3D<double> *corners) const
+  std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+  if (!m_cacheValid) updateCache();
+  // This makes the assumption that the forward SCT detectors are orientated such that 
+  // the positive etaAxis corresponds to the top of the detector where the width is largest.
+  // This is currently always the case.
+  // For the SCT barrel and pixel detectors minWidth and maxWidth are the same and so should 
+  // work for all orientations.
+  // double minWidth = m_design->minWidth();
+  // double maxWidth = m_design->maxWidth();
+  double width    = m_design->width();
+  double length   = m_design->length();
+  // Lower left
+  corners[0][distPhi] = -0.5 * width;
+  corners[0][distEta] = -0.5 * length;
+  corners[0][distDepth] = 0.;
+  // Lower right
+  corners[1][distPhi] =  0.5 * width;
+  corners[1][distEta] = -0.5 * length;
+  corners[1][distDepth] = 0.;
+  // Upper Right
+  corners[2][distPhi] = 0.5 * width;
+  corners[2][distEta] = 0.5 * length;
+  corners[2][distDepth] = 0.;
+  // Upper left
+  corners[3][distPhi] = -0.5 * width;
+  corners[3][distEta] =  0.5 * length;
+  corners[3][distDepth] = 0.;
+ScintDetectorElement::inDetector(const Amg::Vector2D & localPosition, 
+                              double phiTol, double etaTol) const
+  return m_design->inDetector(localPosition, phiTol, etaTol);
+ScintDetectorElement::inDetector(const HepGeom::Point3D<double> & globalPosition, double phiTol, double etaTol) const
+  return m_design->inDetector(localPosition(globalPosition), phiTol, etaTol);
+// bool 
+// ScintDetectorElement::nearBondGap(Amg::Vector2D localPosition, double etaTol) const
+// {
+//   return m_design->nearBondGap(localPosition, etaTol);
+// }
+// bool
+// ScintDetectorElement::nearBondGap(HepGeom::Point3D<double> globalPosition, double etaTol) const
+// {
+//   return m_design->nearBondGap(localPosition(globalPosition), etaTol);
+// }  
+// Amg::Vector2D
+// ScintDetectorElement::rawLocalPositionOfCell(const SiCellId &cellId) const
+// {
+//   return m_design->localPositionOfCell(cellId);
+// }
+// Amg::Vector2D
+// ScintDetectorElement::rawLocalPositionOfCell(const Identifier & id) const
+// {
+//   SiCellId cellId = cellIdFromIdentifier(id);
+//   return m_design->localPositionOfCell(cellId);
+// }
+// int 
+// ScintDetectorElement::numberOfConnectedCells(const SiCellId cellId) const
+// {
+//   SiReadoutCellId readoutId = m_design->readoutIdOfCell(cellId);
+//   return m_design->numberOfConnectedCells(readoutId);
+// }
+// SiCellId 
+// ScintDetectorElement::connectedCell(const SiCellId cellId, int number) const
+// {
+//   SiReadoutCellId readoutId = m_design->readoutIdOfCell(cellId);
+//   return m_design->connectedCell(readoutId, number);
+// }
+// SiCellId 
+// ScintDetectorElement::cellIdOfPosition(const Amg::Vector2D &localPosition) const
+// {
+//   return m_design->cellIdOfPosition(localPosition);
+// }
+// Identifier
+// ScintDetectorElement::identifierOfPosition(const Amg::Vector2D &localPosition) const
+// {
+//   SiCellId cellId = m_design->cellIdOfPosition(localPosition);
+//   return identifierFromCellId(cellId);
+// }
+// Identifier 
+// ScintDetectorElement::identifierFromCellId(const SiCellId & cellId) const
+// {
+//   Identifier id; // Will be initialized in an invalid state.
+//   // If something fails it returns the id in an invalid state.
+//   if (cellId.isValid()) {
+//     if (isPixel()) {
+//       const PixelID * pixelIdHelper = static_cast<const PixelID *>(getIdHelper());
+//       if (pixelIdHelper) {
+//         id = pixelIdHelper->pixel_id(m_id, cellId.phiIndex(), cellId.etaIndex());
+//       }
+//     } else {
+//       const SCT_ID * sctIdHelper = static_cast<const SCT_ID *>(getIdHelper());
+//       if (sctIdHelper) {
+//         id = sctIdHelper->strip_id(m_id, cellId.strip());
+//       }
+//     }
+//   }
+//   return id;
+// }
+// SiCellId   
+// ScintDetectorElement::cellIdFromIdentifier(const Identifier & identifier) const
+// {
+//   SiCellId cellId; // Initialized in invalid state.
+//   // If something fails it returns the cellId in an invalid state.
+//   if (identifier.is_valid()) {
+//     if (isPixel()) {
+//       const PixelID * pixelIdHelper = static_cast<const PixelID *>(getIdHelper());
+//       if (pixelIdHelper) {
+//         cellId = SiCellId(pixelIdHelper->phi_index(identifier), pixelIdHelper->eta_index(identifier));
+//       }
+//     } else {
+//       const SCT_ID * sctIdHelper = static_cast<const SCT_ID *>(getIdHelper());
+//       if (sctIdHelper) {
+//         cellId =  SiCellId(sctIdHelper->strip(identifier));
+//       }
+//     }
+//   }
+//   return cellId;
+// }
+} // namespace ScintDD
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/src/ScintDetectorElementCollection.cxx b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/src/ScintDetectorElementCollection.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f53c163e2efbb2fe762b3f4f020063dbdb95b9d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/src/ScintDetectorElementCollection.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDetectorElementCollection.h"
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDetectorElement.h"
+#include "Identifier/IdentifierHash.h"
+ScintDD::ScintDetectorElementCollection::~ScintDetectorElementCollection() {
+  for (ScintDD::ScintDetectorElement* ele: *this) delete ele;
+const ScintDD::ScintDetectorElement*
+ScintDD::ScintDetectorElementCollection::getDetectorElement(const IdentifierHash& hash) const {
+  const unsigned int value{hash.value()};
+  if (this->size()<=value) return nullptr;
+  return this->at(value);  
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/src/ScintDetectorManager.cxx b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/src/ScintDetectorManager.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4e4c5229c4c0f48eb0be1581e15368712825e674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/src/ScintDetectorManager.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+#include "GeoPrimitives/CLHEPtoEigenConverter.h"
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDetectorManager.h"
+#include "FaserDetDescr/FaserDetectorID.h"
+#include "IdDictDetDescr/IdDictManager.h"
+#include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
+#include "GeoModelKernel/GeoXF.h"
+#include "GeoGenericFunctions/Variable.h"
+#include "GeoModelKernel/GeoAlignableTransform.h"
+#include "DetDescrConditions/AlignableTransformContainer.h"
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDetectorElementCollection.h"
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDetectorElement.h"
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/ExtendedAlignableTransform.h"
+#include <iostream>
+namespace ScintDD
+    ScintDetectorManager::ScintDetectorManager(StoreGateSvc * detStore, const std::string & name)
+        : ScintDetectorManagerBase(detStore, name)
+    {
+  // Add default folder
+        addFolder("/Scint/Align");
+    }
+    const std::string& ScintDetectorManager::tag() const
+    {
+        return m_tag;
+    }
+    void ScintDetectorManager::invalidateAll() const
+    {
+        for (ScintDetectorElementCollection::const_iterator element_iter = getDetectorElementBegin();
+        element_iter != getDetectorElementEnd();
+        ++element_iter) {
+            if (*element_iter) {
+                (*element_iter)->invalidate();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    void ScintDetectorManager::updateAll() const
+    {
+        for (ScintDetectorElementCollection::const_iterator element_iter = getDetectorElementBegin();
+        element_iter != getDetectorElementEnd();
+        ++element_iter) {
+            if (*element_iter) {
+                (*element_iter)->setAllCaches();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    bool ScintDetectorManager::setAlignableTransformLocalDelta(ExtendedAlignableTransform * extXF, 
+                                                            const Amg::Transform3D & localToGlobalXF,
+                                                            const Amg::Transform3D & delta,
+                                                            GeoVAlignmentStore* alignStore) const
+    {
+        // ATTENTION -------------------------------------------------------- (A.S.)
+        // CLHEP < -- > AMG interface method
+        // Sets the alignable transform delta when the supplied delta is in the local
+        // reconstruction frame
+        // If the default transform to the local recostruction frame is
+        // T = A*B*C*D*E
+        // and the alignable transform is C with delta c and the delat in the local frame is l, then
+        // A*B*C*c*D*E = A*B*C*D*E*l
+        //  c = (D*E) * l * (D*E).inverse()
+        //  c = (A*B*C).inverse * T * l * T.inverse() * (A*B*C) 
+        // To get default transform up and including the alignable transform,
+        // we assume the next volume down is a fullphys volume and so its
+        // transform is the transform we want (ie A*B*C in the above example).
+        if (!extXF) return false;
+        const GeoVFullPhysVol* child = extXF->child();
+        if (child && extXF->alignableTransform()) {
+            // the definitiv absolut transform is in CLHEP -> do the calculation in CLHEP
+            const GeoTrf::Transform3D& transform = child->getDefAbsoluteTransform(alignStore);
+            // calucluate the corrected delta according to the formula above
+            GeoTrf::Transform3D correctedDelta = transform.inverse()*localToGlobalXF      // (A*B*C).inverse() * T
+	                                         * delta                                  // l
+                                                 * localToGlobalXF.inverse() * transform; // T.inverse() * (A*B*C)
+            extXF->alignableTransform()->setDelta(correctedDelta, alignStore);
+            return true;
+        } else {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    bool ScintDetectorManager::setAlignableTransformGlobalDelta(ExtendedAlignableTransform * extXF, 
+                                                             const Amg::Transform3D& delta,
+                                                             GeoVAlignmentStore* alignStore) const {
+        // ATTENTION -------------------------------------------------------- (A.S.)
+        // CLHEP < -- > AMG interface method
+        // Sets the alignable transform delta when the supplied delta is in the global frame.
+        // If the default transform down to the alignable transform is
+        // T = A*B*C
+        // and the alignable transform is C with delta c and the delta in the global frame is g, then
+        // A*B*C*c = g*A*B*C
+        // T*c = g*T
+        //  c = T.inverse() * g * T
+        // To get default transform up and including the alignable transform,
+        // we assume the next volume down is a fullphys volume and so its
+        // transform is the transform we want (ie T=A*B*C in the above example).
+        if (!extXF) return false;
+        const GeoVFullPhysVol * child = extXF->child();
+        if (child && extXF->alignableTransform()) {
+            // do the calculation in CLHEP  
+            const GeoTrf::Transform3D& transform = child->getDefAbsoluteTransform(alignStore);
+            extXF->alignableTransform()->setDelta(transform.inverse() * delta * transform, alignStore);
+            return true;
+        } else {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    void ScintDetectorManager::addDesign(const ScintDetectorDesign * design)
+    {
+        m_designs.push_back(design);
+    }
+    int ScintDetectorManager::numDesigns() const
+    {
+        return m_designs.size();
+    }
+    const ScintDetectorDesign* ScintDetectorManager::getDesign(int i) const
+    {
+        return m_designs[i];
+    }
+}// namespace ScintDD
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/src/ScintDetectorManagerBase.cxx b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/src/ScintDetectorManagerBase.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..43d4fb3f3bf5a4ce453de1bba59ca23b393314e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/src/ScintDetectorManagerBase.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDetectorManagerBase.h"
+#include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
+#include "DetDescrConditions/AlignableTransform.h"
+#include "FaserDetDescr/FaserDetectorID.h"
+#include "GeoPrimitives/CLHEPtoEigenConverter.h" 
+#include "AthenaPoolUtilities/CondAttrListCollection.h"
+#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthMsgStreamMacros.h"
+#include <map>
+namespace ScintDD 
+    ScintDetectorManagerBase::ScintDetectorManagerBase(StoreGateSvc * detStore, const std::string & name)
+        : m_alignfoldertype{none},m_detStore(detStore), 
+        m_msg(name+"DetectorManager")
+    {
+        setName(name);
+    }
+  // Destructor
+    ScintDetectorManagerBase::~ScintDetectorManagerBase() 
+        {}
+    const Version& ScintDetectorManagerBase::getVersion() const
+    {
+        return m_version;
+    }
+    const std::string& ScintDetectorManagerBase::getLayout() const
+    {
+        return m_version.layout();
+    }
+    void ScintDetectorManagerBase::setVersion(const Version & version)
+    {
+        m_version = version;
+    }
+    void ScintDetectorManagerBase::addChannel(const std::string & key, int level, FrameType frame)
+    {
+        std::string frameStr = "other";
+        if (frame == ScintDD::global) frameStr = "global";
+        if (frame == ScintDD::local) frameStr  = "local";
+        ATH_MSG_INFO("Registering alignment channel with key " << key << ", level " << level 
+                     << ", with frame " << frameStr << ".");
+        m_keys[key] = LevelInfo(level, frame); 
+    }
+    void ScintDetectorManagerBase::addFolder(const std::string & key)
+    {
+        m_folders.insert(key);
+    }
+    void ScintDetectorManagerBase::addSpecialFolder(const std::string & key)
+    {
+        m_specialFolders.insert(key);
+    }
+    void ScintDetectorManagerBase::addGlobalFolder(const std::string & key)
+    {
+        m_globalFolders.insert(key);
+    }
+    void ScintDetectorManagerBase::addAlignFolderType(const AlignFolderType  alignfolder)
+    {
+        m_alignfoldertype = alignfolder;
+    }
+  // Return the level in the hierarchy (user defined) corresponding to the key.
+    const ScintDetectorManagerBase::LevelInfo& ScintDetectorManagerBase::getLevel(const std::string & key) const 
+    {
+        std::map<std::string, LevelInfo>::const_iterator iter;
+        iter = m_keys.find(key);
+        if (iter == m_keys.end()) return s_invalidLevel;
+        return iter->second;
+    }
+    StatusCode ScintDetectorManagerBase::align( IOVSVC_CALLBACK_ARGS_P(I,keys) ) const
+    {
+        (void) I; // avoid warning about unused parameter 
+        ATH_MSG_DEBUG("AlignmentCallback called ");
+        if (!getIdHelper()) return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+        bool alignmentChange = false;
+        const AlignInfo &aligninfo = AlignInfo(m_alignfoldertype);
+        // If dummy arguments
+        if (keys.empty()) {
+            // New global aligment folders should be processed first
+            for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator iterFolders = m_globalFolders.begin();
+            iterFolders != m_globalFolders.end();
+            ++iterFolders) {
+                try {
+                    bool status = processGlobalAlignmentContainer(*iterFolders);
+                    alignmentChange = (alignmentChange || status);
+                } catch(std::runtime_error& err) {
+                    // keys are empty when running simualtion. It is normal for detector specific aligments not to exist.
+                  ATH_MSG_FATAL(err.what());
+                  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+                }
+            }
+            // Regular alignments. Loop through folder keys. Normally only one.
+            for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator iterFolders = m_folders.begin();
+            iterFolders != m_folders.end();
+            ++iterFolders) {
+                try {
+                    bool status = processAlignmentContainer(*iterFolders);
+                    alignmentChange = (alignmentChange || status);
+                }
+                catch(std::runtime_error& err) {
+                    // alignments should always exist so we return fatal if we could not process the alignment for this key
+                    ATH_MSG_FATAL(err.what());
+                    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+                }
+            }  
+            // Detector specific aligments
+            for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator iterFolders = m_specialFolders.begin();
+            iterFolders != m_specialFolders.end();
+            ++iterFolders) {
+                try {
+                    bool status = processSpecialAlignment(*iterFolders, aligninfo.AlignFolder());
+                    alignmentChange = (alignmentChange || status);
+                } catch(std::runtime_error& err) {
+                    // keys are empty when running simualtion. It is normal for detector specific aligments not to exist.
+                    ATH_MSG_INFO(err.what());
+                    // We continue as detector specific aligments don't always exist.
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            // Loop over all the keys.
+            for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator itr=keys.begin(); itr!=keys.end(); ++itr) {
+                const std::string & key = *itr;
+                ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Processing call back key  " << key);
+                if ( m_globalFolders.find(key) != m_globalFolders.end() ) { 
+                    try {
+                        // New global alignemnts
+                        bool status = processGlobalAlignmentContainer(key);
+                        alignmentChange = (alignmentChange || status);
+                    } catch(std::runtime_error& err) {
+                        // alignments should always exist so we return fatal if we could not process the alignment for this key
+                        ATH_MSG_FATAL(err.what());
+                        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+                    }
+                } else if ( m_folders.find(key) != m_folders.end() ) { 
+                    try {
+                        // Regular alignemnts
+                        bool status = processAlignmentContainer(key);
+                        alignmentChange = (alignmentChange || status);
+                    } catch(std::runtime_error& err) {
+                        // alignments should always exist so we return fatal if we could not process the alignment for this key
+                        ATH_MSG_FATAL(err.what());
+                        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+                    }
+                } else if ( m_specialFolders.find(key) !=  m_specialFolders.end() ) {
+                    try {
+                        // Detector specific alignments
+                        bool status = processSpecialAlignment(key, aligninfo.AlignFolder());
+                        alignmentChange = (alignmentChange || status);
+                    } 
+                    catch(std::runtime_error& err) {
+                        // Should always exist if the folder was requested so we return fatal if we could not process the alignment for this key
+                        ATH_MSG_FATAL(err.what());
+                        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    // Should not be any other keys specified in call back.
+                    ATH_MSG_ERROR("Unrecognized key in call back.");
+                    return  StatusCode::RECOVERABLE;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    // We invalidate all the elements if at least one alignment changed.
+        if (alignmentChange) {
+            invalidateAll();
+        }    
+        return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+    }
+    StatusCode ScintDetectorManagerBase::align(const RawAlignmentObjects& alignObjects, GeoVAlignmentStore* alignStore) const
+    {
+        ATH_MSG_DEBUG("align() called from an alignment CondAlg");
+        if (!getIdHelper()) return StatusCode::SUCCESS; // To Do: is it really a success?
+        bool alignmentChange = false;
+        //      const AlignInfo &aligninfo = AlignInfo(m_alignfoldertype);
+        for(const auto& alignObj : alignObjects) {
+            const std::string& key = alignObj.first;
+            ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Processing folder  " << key);
+            if(m_globalFolders.find(key)!=m_globalFolders.end()) {  
+                try {
+                    // New global alignemnts
+                    const CondAttrListCollection* obj = static_cast<const CondAttrListCollection*>(alignObj.second);
+                    bool status = processGlobalAlignmentContainer(key,obj,alignStore);
+                    alignmentChange = (alignmentChange || status);
+                } catch(std::runtime_error& err) {
+                    // alignments should always exist so we return fatal if we could not process the alignment for this key
+                    ATH_MSG_FATAL(err.what());
+                    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+                }
+            } 
+            else if(m_folders.find(key)!=m_folders.end()) { 
+                try {
+                    // Regular alignemnts
+                    const AlignableTransformContainer* container = static_cast<const AlignableTransformContainer*>(alignObj.second);
+                    bool status = processAlignmentContainer(container,alignStore);
+                    alignmentChange = (alignmentChange || status);
+                } catch(std::runtime_error& err) {
+                    // alignments should always exist so we return fatal if we could not process the alignment for this key
+                    ATH_MSG_FATAL(err.what());
+                    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+                }
+            } 
+            else if(m_specialFolders.find(key)!=m_specialFolders.end()) {
+                try {
+                  // Detector specific alignments
+                  const CondAttrListCollection *obj =
+                    static_cast<const CondAttrListCollection*>(alignObj.second);
+                  bool status = processSpecialAlignment(key, obj, alignStore);
+                  alignmentChange = (alignmentChange || status);
+                }
+                catch(std::runtime_error& err) {
+                  // Should always exist if the folder was requested so we return fatal if
+                  // we could not process the alignment for this key
+                  ATH_MSG_FATAL(err.what());
+                  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+                }
+            } 
+            else {
+                // Should not be any other keys specified in raw alignment object.
+                ATH_MSG_ERROR("Unrecognized folder name.");
+                return StatusCode::RECOVERABLE;
+            }
+        }
+        // To Do: custom caching is not going to work in MT
+        /*
+          if(alignmentChange) invalidateAll(); 
+        */
+        return StatusCode::SUCCESS;      
+    }
+    bool ScintDetectorManagerBase::processAlignmentContainer(const std::string & key) const
+    {
+        bool alignmentChange = false;
+        ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Dealing with key as container");
+        const AlignableTransformContainer* container;
+        if (StatusCode::SUCCESS!=m_detStore->retrieve(container, key)) {        
+            ATH_MSG_ERROR("Cannot find AlignableTransformContainer for key " 
+                          << key << " - no misalignment");
+            // This should not occur in normal situations so we force job to abort.
+            throw std::runtime_error("Unable to apply Scintillator alignments");
+        }
+        // Check if container is empty - this can occur if it is an invalid IOV.
+        if (container->empty()) {
+            ATH_MSG_ERROR("AlignableTransformContainer for key " 
+                          << key << " is empty. Probably due to out of range IOV");
+            // This should not occur in normal situations so we force job to abort.
+            throw std::runtime_error("Unable to apply Scintillator alignments.");
+        }
+        // loop over all the AlignableTransform objects in the collection
+        for (DataVector<AlignableTransform>::const_iterator pat=container->begin();
+        pat!=container->end();++pat) {
+            bool status = processKey((*pat)->tag(),*pat);
+            alignmentChange = (alignmentChange || status);
+        }
+        return alignmentChange;
+    } 
+    bool ScintDetectorManagerBase::processAlignmentContainer(const AlignableTransformContainer* container, GeoVAlignmentStore* alignStore) const
+    {
+        bool alignmentChange = false;
+        // Check if container is empty - this can occur if it is an invalid IOV.
+        if (container->empty()) {
+            ATH_MSG_ERROR("AlignableTransformContainer " 
+                          << " is empty. Probably due to out of range IOV"); // To Do: add key to this printout for making it more informative
+            // This should not occur in normal situations so we force job to abort.
+            throw std::runtime_error("Unable to apply Scintillator alignments.");
+        }
+        // loop over all the AlignableTransform objects in the collection
+        // use only the last ones.
+        std::map<const std::string, const AlignableTransform*> stringToTransform;
+        for (DataVector<AlignableTransform>::const_iterator pat=container->begin();
+             pat!=container->end();++pat) {
+            stringToTransform[(*pat)->tag()] = *pat;
+        }
+        for (std::pair<const std::string, const AlignableTransform*> value: stringToTransform) {
+            bool status = processKey(value.first, value.second, alignStore);
+            alignmentChange = (alignmentChange || status);
+        }
+        return alignmentChange;
+    }
+    bool ScintDetectorManagerBase::processKey(const std::string key,
+                                          const AlignableTransform* transformCollection,
+                                          GeoVAlignmentStore* alignStore) const 
+    {  
+        bool alignmentChange = false;
+        // From the key determine what level in hierarchy we are dealing with.
+        // returns -1 if unrecognized.  
+        const LevelInfo & levelInfo = getLevel(key);
+        if (levelInfo.isValid()) {
+            ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Processing channel: " << key);
+        } else {
+            ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Channel " << key << " not registered in this manager");
+        }
+        // return silently if unrecognised - this can happen in container mode
+        // when a single container holds transforms for both pixel and SCT
+        if (!levelInfo.isValid() ) return false;
+        //Loop over the effected nodes.
+        for (AlignableTransform::AlignTransMem_citr trans_iter = transformCollection->begin(); 
+             trans_iter != transformCollection->end(); 
+             ++trans_iter) {
+            ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Get alignment for identifier " 
+                           << getIdHelper()->show_to_string(trans_iter->identify())  
+                           << " at level " << levelInfo.level());
+            // The delta in the conditions DB is not necessarily the same as what is needed in the
+            // alignable transform. At the moment we support global frame, local frame or an alternative frame
+            // The setAlignableTransformDelta method takes care of this correction - this is CLHEP <--> Amg interfaced
+            bool status = setAlignableTransformDelta(levelInfo.level(), 
+                                                     trans_iter->identify(),
+                                                     Amg::CLHEPTransformToEigen(trans_iter->transform()),
+                                                     levelInfo.frame(),
+                                                     alignStore);
+            alignmentChange = (alignmentChange || status);
+            if (!status) {
+                if (!identifierBelongs(trans_iter->identify())) {
+                    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Cannot set AlignableTransform for identifier."
+                                  << getIdHelper()->show_to_string(trans_iter->identify())  
+                                  << " at level " << levelInfo.level());
+                } else {
+                    ATH_MSG_WARNING("Cannot set AlignableTransform for identifier  " 
+                                    << getIdHelper()->show_to_string(trans_iter->identify())  
+                                    << " at level " << levelInfo.level());
+                    ATH_MSG_WARNING("Subsequent WARNINGS will be printed at DEBUG level.");
+                }
+            }  
+        }
+        return alignmentChange;
+    }
+  // We provide a default implementation of any detector specific alignment.
+    bool ScintDetectorManagerBase::processGlobalAlignmentContainer(const std::string & key,
+                                                               const CondAttrListCollection* obj,
+                                                               GeoVAlignmentStore* alignStore) const
+    {
+      bool alignmentChange = false;
+      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("processing GlobalAlignmentContainer with key:  " << key);
+      // From the key determine what level in hierarchy we are dealing with.                                                                                   
+      // returns -1 if unrecognized.                                                                                                                           
+      const LevelInfo & levelInfo = getLevel(key);
+      if (levelInfo.isValid()) {
+          ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Processing channel: " << key);
+      } else {
+          ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Channel " << key << " not registered in this manager");
+      }
+      // return silently if unrecognised - this can happen in container mode                                                                                   
+      // when a single container holds transforms for both pixel and SCT                                                                                       
+      if (!levelInfo.isValid() ) return false;
+      // Within detector specific code
+      bool status = processGlobalAlignment(key, levelInfo.level(), levelInfo.frame(), obj, alignStore);
+      alignmentChange = (alignmentChange || status);
+      return alignmentChange;
+    }
+  // We provide a default implementation of any detector specific alignment.                                                                                 
+    bool ScintDetectorManagerBase::processGlobalAlignment(const std::string &, int /*level*/, FrameType /*frame*/,
+                                                      const CondAttrListCollection* /*obj*/, GeoVAlignmentStore* /*alignStore*/) const
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
+  // We provide a default implementation of any detector specific alignment.
+    bool ScintDetectorManagerBase::processSpecialAlignment(const std::string &, ScintDD::AlignFolderType) const
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
+    const ScintDetectorManagerBase::LevelInfo ScintDetectorManagerBase::s_invalidLevel;
+} // namespace ScintDD
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/src/ScintLocalPosition.cxx b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/src/ScintLocalPosition.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0de06fe74cbabc17c08e28f6f5d6fb20a69d5228
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/src/ScintLocalPosition.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ScintLocalPosition.cxx
+//   Implementation file for class ScintLocalPosition
+// (c) ATLAS Detector software
+// Version 2.1 01/08/2001 David Calvet
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintLocalPosition.h"
+namespace ScintDD {
+// Default constructor:
+ScintLocalPosition::ScintLocalPosition() :
+  m_x(0),
+  m_y(0),
+  m_xDepth(0)
+// Constructor with parameters:
+ScintLocalPosition::ScintLocalPosition(const double x,const double y,
+				 const double xDepth) :
+  m_x(x),
+  m_y(y),
+  m_xDepth(xDepth)
+ScintLocalPosition::ScintLocalPosition(const Amg::Vector2D &position)
+  : m_x(position[Trk::locX]),
+    m_y(position[Trk::locY]),
+    m_xDepth(0)
+ScintLocalPosition::operator Amg::Vector2D(void) const
+  return Amg::Vector2D(m_x, m_y);
+// addition of positions:
+ScintLocalPosition &ScintLocalPosition::operator+=(const ScintLocalPosition &position)
+  m_x+=position.m_x;
+  m_y+=position.m_y;
+  m_xDepth+=position.m_xDepth;  
+  return *this;
+// scaling:
+ScintLocalPosition &ScintLocalPosition::operator*=(const double factor)
+  m_x*=factor;
+  m_y*=factor;
+  m_xDepth*=factor;
+  return *this;
+// scaling:
+ScintLocalPosition &ScintLocalPosition::operator/=(const double factor)
+  if (0!=factor) {
+    m_x/=factor;
+    m_y/=factor;
+    m_xDepth/=factor;
+  } else {}
+  return *this;
+ScintLocalPosition operator+(const ScintLocalPosition &position1,
+			  const ScintLocalPosition &position2)
+  ScintLocalPosition result(position1);
+  result+=position2;
+  return result;
+ScintLocalPosition operator*(const ScintLocalPosition &position,const double factor)
+  ScintLocalPosition result(position);
+  result*=factor;
+  return result;
+ScintLocalPosition operator/(const ScintLocalPosition &position,const double factor)
+  ScintLocalPosition result(position);
+  result/=factor;
+  return result;
+} // namespace InDetDD
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/src/ScintNumerology.cxx b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/src/ScintNumerology.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7f52d17ad56021b5f755d0ea65e4f06e3259c192
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/src/ScintNumerology.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintNumerology.h"
+namespace ScintDD {
+  : m_numStations(0),
+    m_maxNumStationPlates(0),
+    m_maxNumPlatePmts(0)
+void ScintNumerology::setNumStations(int nStations)
+  m_platesForStation.resize(nStations);
+  m_numStations = nStations;
+void ScintNumerology::setNumPlatesForStation(int station, int nPlates)
+  m_platesForStation[station] = nPlates;
+  m_pmtsForPlate[station].resize(nPlates);
+  m_maxNumStationPlates = std::max(m_maxNumStationPlates, nPlates);
+void ScintNumerology::setNumPmtsForPlate(int station, int plate, int nPmts)
+  m_pmtsForPlate[station][plate] = nPmts;
+  m_maxNumPlatePmts = std::max(m_maxNumPlatePmts, nPmts);
+}  // End namespace
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/src/Version.cxx b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/src/Version.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..64751aca5cc70cac95faaee9a4516a619157271b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/src/Version.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/Version.h"
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <iomanip>
+namespace ScintDD {
+Version::Version(const std::string & tag, 
+		 const std::string & name, 
+		 const std::string & layout, 
+		 const std::string & description, 
+		 int major,
+		 int minor,
+		 int patch)
+  : m_tag(tag),
+    m_name(name),
+    m_layout(layout),
+    m_description(description),
+    m_major(major),
+    m_minor(minor),
+    m_patch(patch)
+// For backward compatibility
+Version::Version(const std::string & name, 
+		 const std::string & layout, 
+		 const std::string & description, 
+		 int major,
+		 int minor,
+		 int patch)
+  : m_tag("-"),
+    m_name(name),
+    m_layout(layout),
+    m_description(description),
+    m_major(major),
+    m_minor(minor),
+    m_patch(patch)
+  : m_major(0),
+    m_minor(0),
+    m_patch(0)
+const std::string & 
+Version::tag() const 
+  return m_tag;
+const std::string & 
+Version::name() const 
+  return m_name;
+const std::string & 
+Version::layout() const 
+  return m_layout;
+const std::string & 
+Version::description() const 
+  return m_description;
+Version::majorNum() const 
+  return m_major;
+Version::minorNum() const 
+  return m_minor;
+Version::patchNum() const 
+  return m_patch;
+Version::versionNumber() const
+  std::ostringstream ostr;
+  ostr << m_major 
+       << "." << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << m_minor 
+       << "." << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << m_patch;
+  return ostr.str();
+Version::fullDescription() const 
+  //  Output of the form
+  //  Version: SCT-DC1-00, Name: DC1, Layout: Final, Code Version: 02.01.01, Description: DC1 Geometry
+  std::ostringstream ostr;
+  ostr << "Version: " << m_tag << ", Name: " << m_name << ", Layout: " << m_layout 
+       << ", Code Version: " << versionNumber();
+  if (!m_description.empty()) { 
+    ostr << ", Description: " << m_description;
+  }
+  return ostr.str();
+} // namespace ScintDD
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/src/VetoDetectorManager.cxx b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/src/VetoDetectorManager.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a5f61b013464fce434f8e869a9e2b4c890c3e6d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry/src/VetoDetectorManager.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/VetoDetectorManager.h"
+#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthMsgStreamMacros.h"
+#include "AthenaPoolUtilities/CondAttrListCollection.h"
+#include "GeoPrimitives/CLHEPtoEigenConverter.h"
+#include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
+#include "Identifier/IdentifierHash.h"
+#include "ScintIdentifier/VetoID.h"
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDetectorElementCollection.h"
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDetectorElement.h"
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/ExtendedAlignableTransform.h"
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/ScintDetectorDesign.h"
+#include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
+#include <iostream>
+namespace ScintDD {
+  const int FIRST_HIGHER_LEVEL = 2;
+  VetoDetectorManager::VetoDetectorManager( StoreGateSvc* detStore )
+    : ScintDetectorManager(detStore, "Veto"),
+      m_idHelper(0),
+      m_isLogical(false) // Change to true to change the definition of local module corrections
+  {
+    //  
+    // Initialized the Identifier helper.
+    //
+    StatusCode sc = detStore->retrieve(m_idHelper, "VetoID");  
+    if (sc.isFailure()) {
+      ATH_MSG_ERROR("Could not retrieve Veto id helper");
+    }
+    // Initialize the collections.
+    if (m_idHelper) {
+      m_elementCollection.resize(m_idHelper->plate_hash_max());
+      m_alignableTransforms.resize(m_idHelper->plate_hash_max());
+      m_moduleAlignableTransforms.resize(m_idHelper->plate_hash_max());
+    } 
+  }
+  VetoDetectorManager::~VetoDetectorManager()
+  {
+    // Clean up
+    for (size_t i=0; i < m_volume.size(); i++) {
+      m_volume[i]->unref();
+    }
+    for (size_t j=0; j < m_higherAlignableTransforms.size(); j++){
+      AlignableTransformMap::iterator iterMap;  
+      for (iterMap = m_higherAlignableTransforms[j].begin(); 
+           iterMap != m_higherAlignableTransforms[j].end();
+           ++iterMap) {
+        delete iterMap->second;
+      }
+    }
+    for (size_t k=0; k < m_alignableTransforms.size(); k++){
+      delete m_alignableTransforms[k];
+    }
+    for (size_t l=0; l < m_moduleAlignableTransforms.size(); l++){
+      delete m_moduleAlignableTransforms[l];
+    }
+  }
+  unsigned int VetoDetectorManager::getNumTreeTops() const
+  {
+    return m_volume.size(); 
+  }
+  PVConstLink VetoDetectorManager::getTreeTop(unsigned int i) const
+  {
+    return m_volume[i];
+  }
+  void VetoDetectorManager::addTreeTop(PVLink vol){
+    vol->ref();
+    m_volume.push_back(vol);
+  }
+  ScintDetectorElement* VetoDetectorManager::getDetectorElement(const Identifier & id) const
+  {  
+    // NB the id helpers implementation for getting a hash is not optimal.
+    // Essentially does a binary search.
+    // Make sure it is a wafer Id
+    Identifier waferId =  m_idHelper->plate_id(id);
+    IdentifierHash idHash = m_idHelper->plate_hash(waferId);
+    if (idHash.is_valid()) {
+      return m_elementCollection[idHash];
+    } else {
+      return 0;
+    }
+  }
+  ScintDetectorElement* VetoDetectorManager::getDetectorElement(const IdentifierHash & idHash) const
+  {
+    return m_elementCollection[idHash];
+  }
+  ScintDetectorElement* VetoDetectorManager::getDetectorElement(int station, int plate) const
+  {
+    return getDetectorElement(m_idHelper->plate_id(station, plate));
+  }
+  const ScintDetectorElementCollection* VetoDetectorManager::getDetectorElementCollection() const
+  { 
+    return &m_elementCollection;
+  }
+  ScintDetectorElementCollection::const_iterator VetoDetectorManager::getDetectorElementBegin() const
+  {
+    return m_elementCollection.begin();
+  }
+  ScintDetectorElementCollection::const_iterator VetoDetectorManager::getDetectorElementEnd() const
+  {
+    return m_elementCollection.end();
+  }
+  void VetoDetectorManager::addDetectorElement(ScintDetectorElement * element)
+  {
+    IdentifierHash idHash = element->identifyHash();
+    if (idHash >=  m_elementCollection.size())
+      throw std::runtime_error("VetoDetectorManager: Error adding detector element.");
+    m_elementCollection[idHash] = element;
+  }
+  void VetoDetectorManager::initNeighbours()
+  {
+    // ScintDetectorElementCollection::iterator iter;
+    // // Loop over all elements and set the neighbours
+    // for (iter = m_elementCollection.begin(); iter != m_elementCollection.end(); ++iter){
+    //   ScintDetectorElement * element = *iter;
+    //   if (element) {
+    //     IdentifierHash idHash = element->identifyHash();
+    //     IdentifierHash idHashOther;
+    //     int result;
+    //     // If no neighbour, result != 0 in which case we leave neighbour as null
+    //     result = m_idHelper->get_next_in_eta(idHash, idHashOther);
+    //     if (result==0) element->setNextInEta(m_elementCollection[idHashOther]);
+    //     result = m_idHelper->get_prev_in_eta(idHash, idHashOther);
+    //     if (result==0) element->setPrevInEta(m_elementCollection[idHashOther]);
+    //     result = m_idHelper->get_next_in_phi(idHash, idHashOther);
+    //     if (result==0) element->setNextInPhi(m_elementCollection[idHashOther]);
+    //     result = m_idHelper->get_prev_in_phi(idHash, idHashOther);
+    //     if (result==0) element->setPrevInPhi(m_elementCollection[idHashOther]);
+    //     result = m_idHelper->get_other_side(idHash, idHashOther);
+    //     if (result==0) element->setOtherSide(m_elementCollection[idHashOther]);
+    //   }
+    // }
+  }
+  const VetoID* VetoDetectorManager::getIdHelper() const
+  {
+    return m_idHelper;
+  }
+  bool VetoDetectorManager::setAlignableTransformDelta(int level, 
+                                                       const Identifier & id, 
+                                                       const Amg::Transform3D & delta,
+                                                       FrameType frame,
+                                                       GeoVAlignmentStore* alignStore) const
+  {
+    if (level == 0) { // 0 - At the element level
+      // We retrieve it via a hashId.
+      IdentifierHash idHash = m_idHelper->plate_hash(id);
+      if (!idHash.is_valid()) return false;
+      if (frame == ScintDD::global) { // global shift
+        // Its a global transform
+        return setAlignableTransformGlobalDelta(m_alignableTransforms[idHash], delta, alignStore);
+      } else if (frame == ScintDD::local) { // local shift
+        ScintDetectorElement * element =  m_elementCollection[idHash];
+        if (!element) return false;
+        // Its a local transform
+        //See header file for definition of m_isLogical          
+        if( m_isLogical ){
+          //Ensure cache is up to date and use the alignment corrected local to global transform
+          element->setCache();
+          return setAlignableTransformLocalDelta(m_alignableTransforms[idHash], element->transform(), delta, alignStore);
+        } else 
+          //Use default local to global transform
+          return setAlignableTransformLocalDelta(m_alignableTransforms[idHash], element->defTransform(), delta, alignStore);
+      } else {   
+        // other not supported
+        ATH_MSG_WARNING("Frames other than global or local are not supported.");
+        return false;
+      }
+    } else if (level == 1) { // module level
+      // We retrieve it via a hashId.
+      IdentifierHash idHash = m_idHelper->plate_hash(id);
+      if (!idHash.is_valid()) return false;
+    int idModuleHash = idHash;
+    //   int idModuleHash = idHash / 2;
+    //   if (idHash%2) {
+    //     ATH_MSG_WARNING("Side 1 wafer id used for module id");
+    //     return false;
+    //   }
+      if (frame == ScintDD::global) { // global shift
+        // Its a global transform
+        return setAlignableTransformGlobalDelta(m_moduleAlignableTransforms[idModuleHash], delta, alignStore);
+      } else if (frame == ScintDD::local) { // local shift
+        ScintDetectorElement * element =  m_elementCollection[idHash];
+        if (!element) return false;
+        // Its a local transform
+        //See header file for definition of m_isLogical          
+        if( m_isLogical ){
+          //Ensure cache is up to date and use the alignment corrected local to global transform
+          element->setCache();
+          return setAlignableTransformLocalDelta(m_moduleAlignableTransforms[idModuleHash], element->plateTransform(), delta, alignStore);
+        } else 
+          //Use default local to global transform
+          return setAlignableTransformLocalDelta(m_moduleAlignableTransforms[idModuleHash],element->defPlateTransform(), delta, alignStore);
+      } else {
+        // other not supported
+        ATH_MSG_WARNING("Frames other than global or local are not supported.");
+        return false;
+      }
+    } else { // higher level
+      if (frame != ScintDD::global) {
+        ATH_MSG_WARNING("Non global shift at higher levels is not supported.");
+        return false;
+      }
+      int index = level - FIRST_HIGHER_LEVEL; // level 0 and 1 is treated separately.
+      if (index  >=  static_cast<int>(m_higherAlignableTransforms.size())) return false;
+      // We retrieve it from a map. 
+      AlignableTransformMap::const_iterator iter;    
+      iter = m_higherAlignableTransforms[index].find(id);
+      if (iter == m_higherAlignableTransforms[index].end()) return false;      
+      // Its a global transform
+      return setAlignableTransformGlobalDelta(iter->second, delta, alignStore);
+    }
+  }
+  void VetoDetectorManager::addAlignableTransform (int level, 
+                                                   const Identifier & id, 
+                                                   GeoAlignableTransform *transform,
+                                                   const GeoVPhysVol * child)
+  {
+    if (m_idHelper) {
+      const GeoVFullPhysVol * childFPV = dynamic_cast<const GeoVFullPhysVol *>(child);
+      if (!childFPV) { 
+        ATH_MSG_ERROR("Child of alignable transform is not a full physical volume");
+      } else {
+        addAlignableTransform (level, id, transform, childFPV);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  void VetoDetectorManager::addAlignableTransform (int level, 
+                                                   const Identifier & id, 
+                                                   GeoAlignableTransform *transform,
+                                                   const GeoVFullPhysVol * child)
+  { 
+    if (m_idHelper) {
+      if (level == 0) { 
+        // Element
+        IdentifierHash idHash = m_idHelper->plate_hash(id);
+        if (idHash.is_valid()) {
+          m_alignableTransforms[idHash]= new ExtendedAlignableTransform(transform, child);
+        } 
+      } else if (level == 1) {
+        // Module
+        IdentifierHash idHash = m_idHelper->plate_hash(id);
+        if (idHash.is_valid()) {
+        //   m_moduleAlignableTransforms[idHash/2]=new ExtendedAlignableTransform(transform, child);
+          m_moduleAlignableTransforms[idHash]=new ExtendedAlignableTransform(transform, child);
+        } 
+      } else {
+        // Higher levels are saved in a map. NB level=0,1 is treated above.   
+        int index = level - FIRST_HIGHER_LEVEL; // level 0 and 1 is treated separately.
+        if (index >= static_cast<int>(m_higherAlignableTransforms.size())) m_higherAlignableTransforms.resize(index+1); 
+        m_higherAlignableTransforms[index][id] = new ExtendedAlignableTransform(transform, child);
+      }  
+    }
+  }
+  bool
+  VetoDetectorManager::identifierBelongs(const Identifier & id) const
+  {
+    return getIdHelper()->is_veto(id);
+  }
+  const ScintDetectorDesign* VetoDetectorManager::getVetoDesign(int i) const
+  {
+    return dynamic_cast<const ScintDetectorDesign *>(getDesign(i));
+  }
+  // New global alignment folders
+  bool VetoDetectorManager::processGlobalAlignment(const std::string & key, int level, FrameType frame,
+                                                   const CondAttrListCollection* obj, GeoVAlignmentStore* alignStore) const
+  {
+    ATH_MSG_INFO("Processing new global alignment containers with key " << key << " in the " << frame << " frame at level ");
+    const CondAttrListCollection* atrlistcol=obj;
+    if(atrlistcol==nullptr and m_detStore->retrieve(atrlistcol,key)!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
+      ATH_MSG_INFO("Cannot find new global align Container for key "
+                   << key << " - no new global alignment ");
+      return false;
+    }
+    bool alignmentChange = false;
+    Identifier ident=Identifier();
+    // loop over objects in collection
+    for (CondAttrListCollection::const_iterator citr=atrlistcol->begin(); citr!=atrlistcol->end();++citr) {
+      const coral::AttributeList& atrlist=citr->second;
+      // SCT manager, therefore ignore all that is not a SCT Identifier
+      //   if (atrlist["det"].data<int>()!=2) continue;
+      ATH_MSG_FATAL("Using invalid alignment data for Veto detector (correct treatment not yet implemented");
+      ident = getIdHelper()->plate_id(atrlist["station"].data<int>(),
+                                      atrlist["plate"].data<int>()); // The last is the module side which is at this ident-level always the 0-side
+      // construct new transform
+      // Order of rotations is defined as around z, then y, then x.
+      Amg::Translation3D  newtranslation(atrlist["Tx"].data<float>(),atrlist["Ty"].data<float>(),atrlist["Tz"].data<float>());
+      Amg::Transform3D newtrans = newtranslation * Amg::RotationMatrix3D::Identity();
+      newtrans *= Amg::AngleAxis3D(atrlist["Rz"].data<float>()*CLHEP::mrad, Amg::Vector3D(0.,0.,1.));
+      newtrans *= Amg::AngleAxis3D(atrlist["Ry"].data<float>()*CLHEP::mrad, Amg::Vector3D(0.,1.,0.));
+      newtrans *= Amg::AngleAxis3D(atrlist["Rx"].data<float>()*CLHEP::mrad, Amg::Vector3D(1.,0.,0.));
+      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("New global DB -- channel: " << citr->first
+                    << " ,det: "    << atrlist["det"].data<int>()
+                    << " ,bec: "    << atrlist["bec"].data<int>()
+                    << " ,layer: "  << atrlist["layer"].data<int>()
+                    << " ,ring: "   << atrlist["ring"].data<int>()
+                    << " ,sector: " << atrlist["sector"].data<int>()
+                    << " ,Tx: "     << atrlist["Tx"].data<float>()
+                    << " ,Ty: "     << atrlist["Ty"].data<float>()
+                    << " ,Tz: "     << atrlist["Tz"].data<float>()
+                    << " ,Rx: "     << atrlist["Rx"].data<float>()
+                    << " ,Ry: "     << atrlist["Ry"].data<float>()
+                    << " ,Rz: "     << atrlist["Rz"].data<float>());
+      // Set the new transform; Will replace existing one with updated transform
+      bool status = setAlignableTransformDelta(level,
+                                               ident,
+                                               newtrans,
+                                               frame,
+                                               alignStore);
+      if (!status) {
+        ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Cannot set AlignableTransform for identifier."
+                      << getIdHelper()->show_to_string(ident)
+                      << " at level " << level << " for new global DB ");
+      }
+      alignmentChange = (alignmentChange || status);
+    }
+    return alignmentChange;
+  }
+bool VetoDetectorManager::processSpecialAlignment(
+    const std::string &, ScintDD::AlignFolderType) const {
+  return false;
+bool VetoDetectorManager::processSpecialAlignment(const std::string& /*key*/,
+                                                  const CondAttrListCollection* /*obj*/,
+                                                  GeoVAlignmentStore* /*alignStore*/) const {
+  return false;
+} // namespace ScintDD
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModel/CMakeLists.txt b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/VetoGeoModel/CMakeLists.txt
similarity index 82%
rename from Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModel/CMakeLists.txt
rename to Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/VetoGeoModel/CMakeLists.txt
index 47bba2ec4ef3a913db35c32ab6ada34838a1cf6a..97e45b33da4d7a8c354a317caf72a85adf68bfce 100644
--- a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModel/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/VetoGeoModel/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-# Package: ScintGeoModel
+# Package: VetoGeoModel
 # Declare the package name:
-atlas_subdir( ScintGeoModel )
+atlas_subdir( VetoGeoModel )
 # Declare the package's dependencies:
 atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC
-                          InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/InDetGeoModelUtils
-#                          InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/InDetReadoutGeometry
+                          Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModelUtils
+                          Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintReadoutGeometry
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC
-#                          InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/InDetIdentifier 
+                          Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintIdentifier 
                           Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintIdentifier )
@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@ find_package( Eigen )
 find_package( GeoModel )
 # Component(s) in the package:
-atlas_add_component( ScintGeoModel
+atlas_add_component( VetoGeoModel
                      INCLUDE_DIRS ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${CORAL_INCLUDE_DIRS} 
-                     LINK_LIBRARIES ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${CORAL_LIBRARIES} ${GEOMODEL_LIBRARIES} AthenaKernel GeoModelUtilities GeoModelFaserUtilities GaudiKernel SGTools StoreGateLib SGtests AthenaPoolUtilities InDetGeoModelUtils DetDescrConditions FaserDetDescr Identifier )
+                     LINK_LIBRARIES ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${CORAL_LIBRARIES} ${GEOMODEL_LIBRARIES} AthenaKernel GeoModelUtilities GeoModelFaserUtilities GaudiKernel SGTools StoreGateLib SGtests AthenaPoolUtilities DetDescrConditions FaserDetDescr ScintGeoModelUtils ScintReadoutGeometry ScintIdentifier Identifier )
 #atlas_add_test( SCT_GMConfig_test
 #                SCRIPT test/SCT_GMConfig_test.py
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModel/ScintGeoModel/VetoDetectorTool.h b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/VetoGeoModel/VetoGeoModel/VetoDetectorTool.h
similarity index 61%
rename from Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModel/ScintGeoModel/VetoDetectorTool.h
rename to Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/VetoGeoModel/VetoGeoModel/VetoDetectorTool.h
index a2b14569b66739f106b731b0521b6915c2ea0a0f..bad48487d32f1c098ac23d430aafd753314c289d 100644
--- a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModel/ScintGeoModel/VetoDetectorTool.h
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/VetoGeoModel/VetoGeoModel/VetoDetectorTool.h
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
   Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 #include "GeoModelUtilities/GeoModelTool.h"
-#include "ScintGeoModel/ScintGeoModelAthenaComps.h" 
+#include "VetoGeoModel/VetoGeoModelAthenaComps.h" 
 #include "GeometryDBSvc/IGeometryDBSvc.h"
 #include "GeoModelInterfaces/IGeoDbTagSvc.h"
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ namespace ScintDD {
   class VetoDetectorManager;
-//class VetoID;
-class FaserDetectorIDBase;
+class VetoID;
+// class FaserDetectorID;
 class VetoDetectorTool : public GeoModelTool {
@@ -41,22 +41,21 @@ public:
   StringProperty m_detectorName{this, "DetectorName", "Veto"};
   BooleanProperty m_alignable{this, "Alignable", true};
-//   BooleanProperty m_useDynamicAlignFolders{this, "useDynamicAlignFolders", false};
+  BooleanProperty m_useDynamicAlignFolders{this, "useDynamicAlignFolders", false};
   bool m_cosmic;
   const ScintDD::VetoDetectorManager* m_manager;
-  ScintGeoModelAthenaComps<FaserDetectorIDBase> m_athenaComps;
-  // ScintGeoModelAthenaComps<VetoID> m_athenaComps;
+  VetoGeoModelAthenaComps m_athenaComps;
   ServiceHandle< IGeoDbTagSvc > m_geoDbTagSvc;
   ServiceHandle< IRDBAccessSvc > m_rdbAccessSvc;
   ServiceHandle< IGeometryDBSvc > m_geometryDBSvc;
-//   StringProperty m_run1Folder{this, "Run1Folder", "/Indet/Align"};
-//   StringProperty m_run2L1Folder{this, "Run2L1Folder", "/Indet/AlignL1/ID"};
-//   StringProperty m_run2L2Folder{this, "Run2L2Folder", "/Indet/AlignL2/SCT"};
-//   StringProperty m_run2L3Folder{this, "Run2L3Folder", "/Indet/AlignL3"};
+  StringProperty m_run1Folder{this,   "Run1Folder",   "/Scint/Align"};
+  StringProperty m_run2L1Folder{this, "Run2L1Folder", "/Scint/AlignL1/ID"};
+  StringProperty m_run2L2Folder{this, "Run2L2Folder", "/Scint/AlignL2/SCT"};
+  StringProperty m_run2L3Folder{this, "Run2L3Folder", "/Scint/AlignL3"};
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/VetoGeoModel/VetoGeoModel/VetoGeoModelAthenaComps.h b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/VetoGeoModel/VetoGeoModel/VetoGeoModelAthenaComps.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..23beb8e5b887307c226c9cf7bae77d4c867e9d55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/VetoGeoModel/VetoGeoModel/VetoGeoModelAthenaComps.h
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+#ifndef VetoGeoModel_VetoGeoModelAthenaComps_H
+#define VetoGeoModel_VetoGeoModelAthenaComps_H 1
+#include "ScintGeoModelUtils/ScintDDAthenaComps.h"
+class VetoID;
+/// Class to hold various Athena components
+// template <class ID_HELPER>
+class VetoGeoModelAthenaComps : public ScintDD::AthenaComps {
+  VetoGeoModelAthenaComps();
+  void setIdHelper(const VetoID* idHelper);
+  const VetoID* getIdHelper() const;
+  const VetoID* m_idHelper;
+#endif // VetoGeoModel_VetoGeoModelAthenaComps_H
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModel/ScintGeoModel/VetoOptions.h b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/VetoGeoModel/VetoGeoModel/VetoOptions.h
similarity index 58%
rename from Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModel/ScintGeoModel/VetoOptions.h
rename to Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/VetoGeoModel/VetoGeoModel/VetoOptions.h
index 7f6a590401d520592fe0fe0dea1b24d8a4f1a68d..e7ceb5332f7a4aa867aa2016ea6d43179ad187eb 100644
--- a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModel/ScintGeoModel/VetoOptions.h
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/VetoGeoModel/VetoGeoModel/VetoOptions.h
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
   Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#ifndef ScintGeoModel_VetoOptions_H
-#define ScintGeoModel_VetoOptions_H
+#ifndef VetoGeoModel_VetoOptions_H
+#define VetoGeoModel_VetoOptions_H
 // Class for any run time options.
@@ -20,16 +20,16 @@ public:
 //   void setAlignAtModuleLevel(bool flag = true);
   //dynamic alignment folders
-//   void setDynamicAlignFolders(const bool flag = true);
-//   bool dynamicAlignFolders() const;
+  void setDynamicAlignFolders(const bool flag = true);
+  bool dynamicAlignFolders() const;
   bool m_alignable;
 //   bool m_alignModule;
-//   bool m_dynAlignFolders;   //controls which set of alignment folders is used
+  bool m_dynAlignFolders;   //controls which set of alignment folders is used
-#endif // ScintGeoModel_VetoOptions_H
+#endif // VetoGeoModel_VetoOptions_H
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModel/python/ScintGeoModelConfig.py b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/VetoGeoModel/python/VetoGeoModelConfig.py
similarity index 96%
rename from Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModel/python/ScintGeoModelConfig.py
rename to Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/VetoGeoModel/python/VetoGeoModelConfig.py
index 407fa3bc6415caf1b8abd8959ab2e9eccf859bd8..b69bc0683cf7ce9cfaf7d1af1015e3df684ca7ed 100644
--- a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModel/python/ScintGeoModelConfig.py
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/VetoGeoModel/python/VetoGeoModelConfig.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ def getVetoDetectorTool(name="VetoDetectorTool", **kwargs):
     kwargs.setdefault("DetectorName",     "Veto");
     kwargs.setdefault("Alignable",        True);
     kwargs.setdefault("RDBAccessSvc",     "RDBAccessSvc");
-    kwargs.setdefault("GeometryDBSvc",    "InDetGeometryDBSvc");
+    kwargs.setdefault("GeometryDBSvc",    "ScintGeometryDBSvc");
     kwargs.setdefault("GeoDbTagSvc",      "GeoDbTagSvc");
 #    from AthenaCommon.DetFlags      import DetFlags
     return CfgMgr.VetoDetectorTool(name, **kwargs)
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
 from AthenaConfiguration.AthConfigFlags import AthConfigFlags
 from IOVDbSvc.IOVDbSvcConfig import addFoldersSplitOnline
-def ScintGeometryCfg( flags ):
+def VetoGeometryCfg( flags ):
     from FaserGeoModel.GeoModelConfig import GeoModelCfg
     acc,geoModelSvc = GeoModelCfg( flags )
     from GeometryDBSvc.GeometryDBSvcConf import GeometryDBSvc
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModel/src/VetoDetectorTool.cxx b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/VetoGeoModel/src/VetoDetectorTool.cxx
similarity index 56%
rename from Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModel/src/VetoDetectorTool.cxx
rename to Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/VetoGeoModel/src/VetoDetectorTool.cxx
index 30ae62864d65cdd76da3f7fcc79df321d3136cae..088739664b9b99ddd4e164c90112e13473a254cc 100644
--- a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModel/src/VetoDetectorTool.cxx
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/VetoGeoModel/src/VetoDetectorTool.cxx
@@ -2,17 +2,16 @@
   Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "ScintGeoModel/VetoDetectorTool.h"
+#include "VetoGeoModel/VetoDetectorTool.h"
-// #include "ScintGeoModel/VetoDetectorFactory.h" 
-// #include "ScintGeoModel/VetoDataBase.h" 
-// #include "ScintGeoModel/ScintMaterialManager.h" 
-#include "ScintGeoModel/VetoOptions.h" 
+// #include "VetoGeoModel/VetoDetectorFactory.h" 
+// #include "VetoGeoModel/VetoDataBase.h" 
+// #include "VetoGeoModel/ScintMaterialManager.h" 
+#include "VetoGeoModel/VetoOptions.h" 
 // temporary
-// #include "InDetIdentifier/SCT_ID.h"
-// #include "ScintReadoutGeometry/VetoDetectorManager.h" 
-#include "FaserDetDescr/FaserDetectorIDBase.h"
+#include "ScintReadoutGeometry/VetoDetectorManager.h" 
+#include "ScintIdentifier/VetoID.h"
 #include "DetDescrConditions/AlignableTransformContainer.h"
 #include "GeoModelUtilities/GeoModelExperiment.h"
@@ -24,8 +23,8 @@
 #include "AthenaKernel/ClassID_traits.h"
 #include "SGTools/DataProxy.h"
-// using ScintDD::VetoDetectorManager;
-// using ScintDD::ScintDetectorManager;
+using ScintDD::VetoDetectorManager;
+using ScintDD::ScintDetectorManager;
 // Constructor
@@ -36,7 +35,7 @@ VetoDetectorTool::VetoDetectorTool(const std::string& type,
   : GeoModelTool(type, name, parent),
-  m_athenaComps{name},
+  m_athenaComps{ },
   m_geoDbTagSvc{"GeoDbTagSvc", name},
   m_rdbAccessSvc{"RDBAccessSvc", name},
   m_geometryDBSvc{"ScintGeometryDBSvc", name}
@@ -54,10 +53,6 @@ VetoDetectorTool::VetoDetectorTool(const std::string& type,
-  // Reinit various singleton type objects.
-//   VetoDataBase::reinit();
-//   VetoMaterialManager::reinit();
   // Get the detector configuration.
@@ -106,7 +101,7 @@ VetoDetectorTool::create()
     VetoOptions options;
-    // options.setDynamicAlignFolders(m_useDynamicAlignFolders.value());
+    options.setDynamicAlignFolders(m_useDynamicAlignFolders.value());
     m_manager = nullptr;
@@ -123,10 +118,10 @@ VetoDetectorTool::create()
-    const FaserDetectorIDBase* idHelper{nullptr};
-    ATH_CHECK(detStore()->retrieve(idHelper, "FaserID"));
+    const VetoID* idHelper{nullptr};
+    ATH_CHECK(detStore()->retrieve(idHelper, "VetoID"));
+    idHelper->test_plate_packing();
     // This strange way of casting is to avoid an
     // utterly brain damaged compiler warning.
@@ -158,22 +153,18 @@ VetoDetectorTool::create()
-  // Delete unneeded singleton objects
-//   VetoDataBase::reinit();
-//   ScintMaterialManager::reinit();
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-    ATH_MSG_WARNING("Called unimplemented VetoDetectorTool::clear()");
-//   SG::DataProxy* proxy{detStore()->proxy(ClassID_traits<VetoDetectorManager>::ID(), m_manager->getName())};
-//   if (proxy) {
-//     proxy->reset();
-//     m_manager = nullptr;
-//   }
+  ATH_MSG_WARNING("Called untested VetoDetectorTool::clear()");
+  SG::DataProxy* proxy{detStore()->proxy(ClassID_traits<VetoDetectorManager>::ID(), m_manager->getName())};
+  if (proxy) {
+    proxy->reset();
+    m_manager = nullptr;
+  }
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -182,53 +173,52 @@ VetoDetectorTool::registerCallback()
   StatusCode sc{StatusCode::FAILURE, true};
   if (m_alignable.value()) {
-      ATH_MSG_WARNING("Called unimplemented VetoDetectorTool::registerCallback()");
-    // if (m_useDynamicAlignFolders.value()) {
-    //   if (detStore()->contains<CondAttrListCollection>(m_run2L1Folder.value())) {
-    //     ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Registering callback on global Container with folder " << m_run2L1Folder.value());
-    //     const DataHandle<CondAttrListCollection> calc;
-    //     ATH_CHECK(detStore()->regFcn(&IGeoModelTool::align, dynamic_cast<IGeoModelTool*>(this), calc, m_run2L1Folder.value()));
-    //     sc = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-    //   } else {
-    //     ATH_MSG_WARNING("Unable to register callback on global Container with folder " << m_run2L1Folder.value());
-    //     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    //   }
-    //
-    //   if (detStore()->contains<CondAttrListCollection>(m_run2L2Folder.value())) {
-    //     ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Registering callback on global Container with folder " << m_run2L2Folder.value());
-    //     const DataHandle<CondAttrListCollection> calc;
-    //     ATH_CHECK(detStore()->regFcn(&IGeoModelTool::align, dynamic_cast<IGeoModelTool*>(this), calc, m_run2L2Folder.value()));
-    //     sc = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-    //   } else {
-    //     ATH_MSG_WARNING("Unable to register callback on global Container with folder " << m_run2L2Folder.value());
-    //     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    //   }
-    //
-    //   if (detStore()->contains<AlignableTransformContainer>(m_run2L3Folder.value())) {
-    //     ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Registering callback on AlignableTransformContainer with folder " << m_run2L3Folder.value());
-    //     const DataHandle<AlignableTransformContainer> atc;
-    //     ATH_CHECK(detStore()->regFcn(&IGeoModelTool::align, dynamic_cast<IGeoModelTool*>(this), atc, m_run2L3Folder.value()));
-    //     sc = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-    //   } else {
-    //     ATH_MSG_WARNING("Unable to register callback on AlignableTransformContainer with folder " << m_run2L3Folder.value());
-    //     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    //   }
-    //  
-    // } else {
-    //
-    //   if (detStore()->contains<AlignableTransformContainer>(m_run1Folder.value())) {
-    //     ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Registering callback on AlignableTransformContainer with folder " << m_run1Folder.value());
-    //     const DataHandle<AlignableTransformContainer> atc;
-    //     ATH_CHECK(detStore()->regFcn(&IGeoModelTool::align, dynamic_cast<IGeoModelTool*>(this), atc, m_run1Folder.value()));
-    //     sc = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-    //   } else {
-    //     ATH_MSG_WARNING("Unable to register callback on AlignableTransformContainer with folder "
-    //                     << m_run1Folder.value() << ", Alignment disabled (only if no Run2 scheme is loaded)!");
-    //     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    //   }
-    //}
+      ATH_MSG_WARNING("Called untested VetoDetectorTool::registerCallback()");
+    if (m_useDynamicAlignFolders.value()) {
+      if (detStore()->contains<CondAttrListCollection>(m_run2L1Folder.value())) {
+        ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Registering callback on global Container with folder " << m_run2L1Folder.value());
+        const DataHandle<CondAttrListCollection> calc;
+        ATH_CHECK(detStore()->regFcn(&IGeoModelTool::align, dynamic_cast<IGeoModelTool*>(this), calc, m_run2L1Folder.value()));
+        sc = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+      } else {
+        ATH_MSG_WARNING("Unable to register callback on global Container with folder " << m_run2L1Folder.value());
+        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+      }
+      if (detStore()->contains<CondAttrListCollection>(m_run2L2Folder.value())) {
+        ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Registering callback on global Container with folder " << m_run2L2Folder.value());
+        const DataHandle<CondAttrListCollection> calc;
+        ATH_CHECK(detStore()->regFcn(&IGeoModelTool::align, dynamic_cast<IGeoModelTool*>(this), calc, m_run2L2Folder.value()));
+        sc = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+      } else {
+        ATH_MSG_WARNING("Unable to register callback on global Container with folder " << m_run2L2Folder.value());
+        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+      }
+      if (detStore()->contains<AlignableTransformContainer>(m_run2L3Folder.value())) {
+        ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Registering callback on AlignableTransformContainer with folder " << m_run2L3Folder.value());
+        const DataHandle<AlignableTransformContainer> atc;
+        ATH_CHECK(detStore()->regFcn(&IGeoModelTool::align, dynamic_cast<IGeoModelTool*>(this), atc, m_run2L3Folder.value()));
+        sc = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+      } else {
+        ATH_MSG_WARNING("Unable to register callback on AlignableTransformContainer with folder " << m_run2L3Folder.value());
+        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+      }
+    } else {
+      if (detStore()->contains<AlignableTransformContainer>(m_run1Folder.value())) {
+        ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Registering callback on AlignableTransformContainer with folder " << m_run1Folder.value());
+        const DataHandle<AlignableTransformContainer> atc;
+        ATH_CHECK(detStore()->regFcn(&IGeoModelTool::align, dynamic_cast<IGeoModelTool*>(this), atc, m_run1Folder.value()));
+        sc = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+      } else {
+        ATH_MSG_WARNING("Unable to register callback on AlignableTransformContainer with folder "
+                        << m_run1Folder.value() << ", Alignment disabled (only if no Run2 scheme is loaded)!");
+        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+      }
+    }
   } else {
     ATH_MSG_INFO("Alignment disabled. No callback registered");
     // We return failure otherwise it will try and register
@@ -241,18 +231,18 @@ VetoDetectorTool::registerCallback()
 VetoDetectorTool::align(IOVSVC_CALLBACK_ARGS_P(I, keys))
-    ATH_MSG_WARNING("Called unimplemented VetoDetectorTool::align()");
-    void* i = &I;
-    void* k = &keys;
-    if (i == nullptr && k == nullptr) return StatusCode::SUCCESS; // suppress stupid warning
-//   if (m_manager==nullptr) { 
-//     ATH_MSG_FATAL("Manager does not exist");
-//     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-//   }    
-//   if (m_alignable.value()) {
-//     return m_manager->align(I, keys);
-//   } else {
-//     ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Alignment disabled. No alignments applied");
+  ATH_MSG_WARNING("Called untested VetoDetectorTool::align()");
+  void* i = &I;
+  void* k = &keys;
+  if (i == nullptr && k == nullptr) return StatusCode::SUCCESS; // suppress stupid warning
+  if (m_manager==nullptr) { 
+    ATH_MSG_FATAL("Manager does not exist");
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }    
+  if (m_alignable.value()) {
+    return m_manager->align(I, keys);
+  } else {
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Alignment disabled. No alignments applied");
     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-//   }
+  }
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/VetoGeoModel/src/VetoGeoModelAthenaComps.cxx b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/VetoGeoModel/src/VetoGeoModelAthenaComps.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..000222cc05ac566d7f38ebb9db6a72ecbfeb5038
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/VetoGeoModel/src/VetoGeoModelAthenaComps.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+#include "VetoGeoModel/VetoGeoModelAthenaComps.h"
+  : ScintDD::AthenaComps("VetoGeoModel"),
+    m_idHelper(0)
+VetoGeoModelAthenaComps::setIdHelper(const VetoID* idHelper)
+  m_idHelper = idHelper;
+const VetoID* 
+VetoGeoModelAthenaComps::getIdHelper() const
+  return m_idHelper;
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModel/src/VetoOptions.cxx b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/VetoGeoModel/src/VetoOptions.cxx
similarity index 66%
rename from Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModel/src/VetoOptions.cxx
rename to Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/VetoGeoModel/src/VetoOptions.cxx
index 6e5bf75492b84a0648e189b502b4f14d7a183f29..1a4691d5f4a03668b216804fe29510e9f54cddc3 100644
--- a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintGeoModel/src/VetoOptions.cxx
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/VetoGeoModel/src/VetoOptions.cxx
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
   Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "ScintGeoModel/VetoOptions.h"
+#include "VetoGeoModel/VetoOptions.h"
   : m_alignable(true)
 //   , m_alignModule(true)
-//   , m_dynAlignFolders(false)
+  , m_dynAlignFolders(false)
@@ -36,12 +36,12 @@ VetoOptions::alignable() const
 //   return m_alignModule;
 // }
-// void SCT_Options::setDynamicAlignFolders(const bool flag)
-// {
-//   m_dynAlignFolders = flag;
-// }
+void VetoOptions::setDynamicAlignFolders(const bool flag)
+  m_dynAlignFolders = flag;
-// bool SCT_Options::dynamicAlignFolders() const 
-// {  
-//   return m_dynAlignFolders;
-// }
+bool VetoOptions::dynamicAlignFolders() const 
+  return m_dynAlignFolders;
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/VetoGeoModel/src/components/ScintGeoModel_entries.cxx b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/VetoGeoModel/src/components/ScintGeoModel_entries.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7279877ef3504cc6f1fa11ee932f236f7723ecb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/VetoGeoModel/src/components/ScintGeoModel_entries.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#include "VetoGeoModel/VetoDetectorTool.h"
+DECLARE_COMPONENT( VetoDetectorTool )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescrCnv/ScintIdCnv/CMakeLists.txt b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescrCnv/ScintIdCnv/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..07a22222000efd637c17104579776ca6bd6c38ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescrCnv/ScintIdCnv/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Package: ScintIdCnv
+# Declare the package name:
+atlas_subdir( ScintIdCnv )
+# Declare the package's dependencies:
+atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PRIVATE
+                          Control/StoreGate
+                          DetectorDescription/DetDescrCnvSvc
+                          DetectorDescription/IdDictDetDescr
+                          GaudiKernel
+                          Scintillator/ScintDetDescr/ScintIdentifier )
+# Component(s) in the package:
+atlas_add_component( ScintIdCnv
+                     src/*.cxx
+                     LINK_LIBRARIES StoreGateLib SGtests DetDescrCnvSvcLib IdDictDetDescr GaudiKernel ScintIdentifier )
+# Install files from the package:
+atlas_install_joboptions( share/*.py )
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescrCnv/ScintIdCnv/share/ScintIdCnv_jobOptions.py b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescrCnv/ScintIdCnv/share/ScintIdCnv_jobOptions.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a5d750a92fcb87a90d0ba60c47aad8d8c1da4cdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescrCnv/ScintIdCnv/share/ScintIdCnv_jobOptions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#  Joboptions for the loading of the of ScintIdCnv
+# DLLs 
+theApp.Dlls += [ "ScintIdCnv" ]
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescrCnv/ScintIdCnv/src/ScintIdCnv_entries.cxx b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescrCnv/ScintIdCnv/src/ScintIdCnv_entries.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6c2fee3310e2db91d2dd59fd532990b60ec4057c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescrCnv/ScintIdCnv/src/ScintIdCnv_entries.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+// #include "PixelIDDetDescrCnv.h"
+// #include "SCT_IDDetDescrCnv.h"
+// #include "SiliconIDDetDescrCnv.h"
+// #include "TRT_IDDetDescrCnv.h"
+#include "VetoIDDetDescrCnv.h"
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescrCnv/ScintIdCnv/src/VetoIDDetDescrCnv.cxx b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescrCnv/ScintIdCnv/src/VetoIDDetDescrCnv.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c467616e525a5648aaf2ff3bdedc3d9487df9065
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescrCnv/ScintIdCnv/src/VetoIDDetDescrCnv.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+ Scint DetDescrCnv package
+ -----------------------------------------
+ ***************************************************************************/
+//<<<<<< INCLUDES                                                       >>>>>>
+#include "VetoIDDetDescrCnv.h"
+#include "DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrConverter.h"
+#include "DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrAddress.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
+#include "StoreGate/StoreGate.h" 
+#include "IdDictDetDescr/IdDictManager.h"
+#include "ScintIdentifier/VetoID.h"
+//<<<<<< PRIVATE DEFINES                                                >>>>>>
+//<<<<<< PRIVATE CONSTANTS                                              >>>>>>
+//<<<<<< PRIVATE TYPES                                                  >>>>>>
+//<<<<<< PRIVATE VARIABLE DEFINITIONS                                   >>>>>>
+//<<<<<< PUBLIC VARIABLE DEFINITIONS                                    >>>>>>
+//<<<<<< CLASS STRUCTURE INITIALIZATION                                 >>>>>>
+//<<<<<< PRIVATE FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                                   >>>>>>
+//<<<<<< PUBLIC FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                                    >>>>>>
+//<<<<<< MEMBER FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                                    >>>>>>
+long int   
+VetoIDDetDescrCnv::repSvcType() const
+  return (storageType());
+    // First call parent init
+    StatusCode sc = DetDescrConverter::initialize();
+    MsgStream log(msgSvc(), "VetoIDDetDescrCnv");
+    log << MSG::DEBUG << "in initialize" << endmsg;
+    if (sc.isFailure()) {
+        log << MSG::ERROR << "DetDescrConverter::initialize failed" << endmsg;
+	return sc;
+    }
+    // The following is an attempt to "bootstrap" the loading of a
+    // proxy for VetoID into the detector store. However,
+    // VetoIDDetDescrCnv::initialize is NOT called by the conversion
+    // service.  So for the moment, this cannot be use. Instead the
+    // DetDescrCnvSvc must do the bootstrap from a parameter list.
+//      // Add Scint_DetDescrManager proxy as entry point to the detector store
+//      // - this is ONLY needed for the manager of each system
+//      sc = addToDetStore(classID(), "VetoID");
+//      if (sc.isFailure()) {
+//  	log << MSG::FATAL << "Unable to add proxy for VetoID to the Detector Store!" << endmsg;
+//  	return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+//      } else {}
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 
+    MsgStream log(msgSvc(), "VetoIDDetDescrCnv");
+    log << MSG::DEBUG << "in finalize" << endmsg;
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 
+VetoIDDetDescrCnv::createObj(IOpaqueAddress* pAddr, DataObject*& pObj) 
+    //StatusCode sc = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+    MsgStream log(msgSvc(), "VetoIDDetDescrCnv");
+    log << MSG::INFO << "in createObj: creating a VetoID helper object in the detector store" << endmsg;
+    // Create a new VetoID
+    DetDescrAddress* ddAddr;
+    ddAddr = dynamic_cast<DetDescrAddress*> (pAddr);
+    if(!ddAddr) {
+	log << MSG::FATAL << "Could not cast to DetDescrAddress." << endmsg;
+	return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+    }
+    // Get the StoreGate key of this container.
+    std::string helperKey  = *( ddAddr->par() );
+    if ("" == helperKey) {
+	log << MSG::DEBUG << "No Helper key " << endmsg;
+    }
+    else {
+	log << MSG::DEBUG << "Helper key is " << helperKey << endmsg;
+    }
+    // get DetectorStore service
+    StoreGateSvc * detStore;
+    StatusCode status = serviceLocator()->service("DetectorStore", detStore);
+    if (status.isFailure()) {
+	log << MSG::FATAL << "DetectorStore service not found !" << endmsg;
+	return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+    } else {}
+    // Get the dictionary manager from the detector store
+    const DataHandle<IdDictManager> idDictMgr;
+    status = detStore->retrieve(idDictMgr, "IdDict");
+    if (status.isFailure()) {
+	log << MSG::FATAL << "Could not get IdDictManager !" << endmsg;
+	return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+    } 
+    else {
+	log << MSG::DEBUG << " Found the IdDictManager. " << endmsg;
+    }
+    // Only create new helper if it is the first pass or if there is a
+    // change in the the file or tag
+    bool initHelper               = false;
+    const IdDictMgr* mgr          = idDictMgr->manager();
+    // Internal Scint id tag
+    std::string   scintIDTag      = mgr->tag();
+    // DoChecks flag
+    bool doChecks                 = mgr->do_checks();
+    IdDictDictionary* dict = mgr->find_dictionary("Scintillator");  
+    if (!dict) {
+	log << MSG::ERROR 
+	    << "unable to find idDict for Scintillator" 
+	    << endmsg;
+	return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+    }
+    // File to be read for Scint ids
+    std::string   scintIDFileName = dict->file_name();
+    // Tag of RDB record for Scint ids
+    std::string   scintIdDictTag  = dict->dict_tag();
+    if (m_vetoId) {
+	// Veto id helper already exists - second pass. Check for a
+	// change 
+	if (scintIDTag != m_scintIDTag) { 
+	    // Internal Scint id tag
+	    initHelper = true;
+	    log << MSG::DEBUG << " Changed internal Scint id tag: " 
+		<< scintIDTag << endmsg;
+	}
+	if (scintIDFileName != m_scintIDFileName) {
+	    // File to be read for Scint ids
+	    initHelper = true;
+	    log << MSG::DEBUG << " Changed ScintFileName:" 
+		<< scintIDFileName << endmsg;
+	}
+	if (scintIdDictTag != m_scintIdDictTag) {
+	    // Tag of RDB record for Scint ids
+	    initHelper = true;
+	    log << MSG::DEBUG << " Changed ScintIdDictTag: "
+		<< scintIdDictTag 
+		<< endmsg;
+	}
+	if (doChecks != m_doChecks) {
+	    // DoChecks flag
+	    initHelper = true;
+	    log << MSG::DEBUG << " Changed doChecks flag: "
+		<< doChecks
+		<< endmsg;
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+	// create the helper
+	m_vetoId = new VetoID;
+	initHelper = true;
+        // add in message service for printout
+        m_vetoId->setMessageSvc(msgSvc());
+    }
+    if (initHelper) {
+	if (idDictMgr->initializeHelper(*m_vetoId)) {
+	    log << MSG::ERROR << "Unable to initialize VetoID" << endmsg;
+	    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+	} 
+	// Save state:
+	m_scintIDTag      = scintIDTag;
+	m_scintIDFileName = scintIDFileName;
+	m_scintIdDictTag  = scintIdDictTag;
+	m_doChecks        = doChecks;
+    }
+    // Pass a pointer to the container to the Persistency service by reference.
+    pObj = StoreGateSvc::asStorable(m_vetoId);
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 
+    return DetDescr_StorageType;
+const CLID& 
+VetoIDDetDescrCnv::classID() { 
+    return ClassID_traits<VetoID>::ID(); 
+VetoIDDetDescrCnv::VetoIDDetDescrCnv(ISvcLocator* svcloc) 
+    :
+    DetDescrConverter(ClassID_traits<VetoID>::ID(), svcloc),
+    m_vetoId(0),
+    m_doChecks(false)
diff --git a/Scintillator/ScintDetDescrCnv/ScintIdCnv/src/VetoIDDetDescrCnv.h b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescrCnv/ScintIdCnv/src/VetoIDDetDescrCnv.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..49c09c78f6a348ec29194d6aed47a2e01aacf215
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scintillator/ScintDetDescrCnv/ScintIdCnv/src/VetoIDDetDescrCnv.h
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+ Scint DetDescrCnv package
+ -----------------------------------------
+ ***************************************************************************/
+//<<<<<< INCLUDES                                                       >>>>>>
+#include "DetDescrCnvSvc/DetDescrConverter.h"
+//<<<<<< PUBLIC DEFINES                                                 >>>>>>
+//<<<<<< PUBLIC CONSTANTS                                               >>>>>>
+//<<<<<< PUBLIC TYPES                                                   >>>>>>
+class VetoID;
+//<<<<<< PUBLIC VARIABLES                                               >>>>>>
+//<<<<<< PUBLIC FUNCTIONS                                               >>>>>>
+//<<<<<< CLASS DECLARATIONS                                             >>>>>>
+ **  This class is a converter for the VetoID an IdHelper which is
+ **  stored in the detector store. This class derives from
+ **  DetDescrConverter which is a converter of the DetDescrCnvSvc.
+ **
+ **/
+class VetoIDDetDescrCnv: public DetDescrConverter {
+    virtual long int   repSvcType() const;
+    virtual StatusCode initialize();
+    virtual StatusCode finalize();
+    virtual StatusCode createObj(IOpaqueAddress* pAddr, DataObject*& pObj);
+    // Storage type and class ID (used by CnvFactory)
+    static long storageType();
+    static const CLID& classID();
+    VetoIDDetDescrCnv(ISvcLocator* svcloc);
+    /// The helper - only will create it once
+    VetoID*       m_vetoId;
+    /// File to be read for InDet ids
+    std::string   m_scintIDFileName;
+    /// Tag of RDB record for InDet ids
+    std::string   m_scintIdDictTag;
+    /// Internal InDet id tag
+    std::string   m_scintIDTag;
+    /// Whether or not 
+    bool          m_doChecks;
+//<<<<<< INLINE PUBLIC FUNCTIONS                                        >>>>>>
+//<<<<<< INLINE MEMBER FUNCTIONS                                        >>>>>>