From 51c5ec1d7d1cfa2d20a62c6da3dcd43b03ee0c5e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Carl Gwilliam <>
Date: Thu, 26 May 2022 18:39:31 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 01/11] Update validation scripts

 .../ForeseeGenerator/python/       | 26 +++---
 .../ForeseeGenerator/share/ | 90 ++++++++++---------
 2 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/python/ b/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/python/
index 9c6be6347..8f27b36ab 100644
--- a/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/python/
+++ b/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/python/
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ from GeneratorModules.EvgenAnalysisAlg import EvgenAnalysisAlg
 import ROOT as R
 import numpy as np
 import os
+from math import sqrt
 def fix():
     "Python Fixes for HepMC"
@@ -95,22 +96,20 @@ class EvgenValidation(EvgenAnalysisAlg):
             self.hists.add(f"Mass_d{i}", 200, 0, 0.01)            
         # Mother
-        self.hists.add("E_M", 100, 0, 10000)
-        self.hists.add("P_M", 100, 0, 10000)
-        self.hists.add("Pz_M", 100, 0, 10000)         
-        self.hists.add("Pt_M", 100, 0, 1)       
-        self.hists.add("Theta_M", 20, 0, 0.001)
+        self.hists.add("E_M", 1000, 0, 10000)
+        self.hists.add("P_M", 1000, 0, 10000)
+        self.hists.add("Pz_M", 1000, 0, 10000)         
+        self.hists.add("Pt_M", 1000, 0, 1)       
+        self.hists.add("Theta_M", 200, 0, 0.02)
         self.hists.add("Phi_M", 16, -3.2, 3.2)
-        self.hists.add("Mass_M", 200, 0, 1)
+        self.hists.add("Mass_M", 200, 0, 2)
         self.hists.add("ThetaVsP_M", arrayX = tbins, arrayY = pbins)
         # Vertex
         self.hists.add("Vtx_X", 50, -100, 100)
         self.hists.add("Vtx_Y", 50, -100, 100)
-        # For fluka
-        #self.hists.add("Vtx_X", 100, -3000, 3000)
-        #self.hists.add("Vtx_Y", 100, -3000, 3000)        
-        self.hists.add("Vtx_Z", 50, -1500, 0)
+        self.hists.add("Vtx_Z", 500, -5000, 0)
+        self.hists.add("Vtx_R", 20, 0, 200)        
         self.hists.add("Vtx_XY", 50, -100, 100, 50, -100, 100)        
         return StatusCode.Success
@@ -141,7 +140,8 @@ class EvgenValidation(EvgenAnalysisAlg):
         self.hists["Vtx_X"].Fill(v.x(), self.weight)
         self.hists["Vtx_Y"].Fill(v.y(), self.weight)
         self.hists["Vtx_Z"].Fill(v.z(), self.weight)
-        self.hists["Vtx_XY"].Fill(v.x(), v.y(), self.weight)        
+        self.hists["Vtx_XY"].Fill(v.x(), v.y(), self.weight)
+        self.hists["Vtx_R"].Fill(sqrt(v.x()**2 + v.y()**2), self.weight)                
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     import argparse, sys
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Run gen-level validation")
     parser.add_argument("file", nargs="+", help = "full path to imput file")
-    parser.add_argument("--ndaugthers", "-d", default = 2, type = int, help = "Number of daugthers to plot")
+    parser.add_argument("--ndaughters", "-d", default = 2, type = int, help = "Number of daugthers to plot")
     parser.add_argument("--output", "-o",  default = "validation.root", help = "Name of output file")
     parser.add_argument("--mcEventKey", "-k",  default = "BeamTruthEvent", help = "Name of MC collection")
     parser.add_argument("--nevents", "-n", default = -1, type = int, help = "Number of events to process")    
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     acc = ComponentAccumulator()
-    valid = EvgenValidation("EvgenValidation", ndaughters =  args.ndaugthers, outname = args.output)
+    valid = EvgenValidation("EvgenValidation", ndaughters =  args.ndaughters, outname = args.output)
     valid.McEventKey = args.mcEventKey
diff --git a/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/share/ b/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/share/
index 8d5a04701..5f702f695 100644
--- a/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/share/
+++ b/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/share/
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ def plot(f, name, xtitle, ytitle, xlo = None, xhi = None, ylo = None, yhi = None
     if ylo is not None and yhi is not None:
         h.SetAxisRange(ylo, yhi, "Y")
+    elif not logy:
+        h.SetMinimum(0)
     if isinstance(r, tuple):
         h.Rebin2D(r[0], r[1])        
@@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ def plot(f, name, xtitle, ytitle, xlo = None, xhi = None, ylo = None, yhi = None
     return h
-def plotn(f, configs, x, y, outname = "valplot"):
+def plotn(f, args, configs, x, y, outname):
     c = R.TCanvas()
     c.Divide(x, y)
@@ -62,61 +64,65 @@ def plotn(f, configs, x, y, outname = "valplot"):
         c._objs.append(plot(f, *cfg))
-    c.Print(f"{outname}.eps")
+    c.Print(f"{args.output}/{outname}.eps")
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-    fname = "validation.root"
-    f = R.TFile.Open(fname)
-    config = [Hist("P_d0", logy = True, xtitle = "p^{0} [GeV]", ndiv = 5, r = 5),
-              Hist("Theta_d0", xtitle = "#theta [rad]", ndiv = -4),
-              Hist("Mass_d0", xtitle = "m^{0} [GeV]", xlo = 0, xhi = 0.001, ndiv = 4),               
-              Hist("Pt_d0", logy = True, xtitle = "p_{T}^{0} [GeV]", ndiv = 10, r = 5),
-              Hist("Phi_d0", xtitle = "#phi [rad]"),
-              Hist("ThetaVsP_d0", xtitle = "p^{0} [GeV]", ytitle = "#theta [rad]", logx = True, logy = True, d = "colz")
-              ]
-    plotn(f, config, 3, 2, "daug0")
-    config = [Hist("P_d1", logy = True, xtitle = "p^{0} [GeV]", ndiv = 5, r = 5),
-              Hist("Theta_d1", xtitle = "#theta [rad]", ndiv = -4),
-              Hist("Mass_d1", xtitle = "m^{0} [GeV]", xlo = 0, xhi = 0.001, ndiv = 4),               
-              Hist("Pt_d1", logy = True, xtitle = "p_{T}^{0} [GeV]", ndiv = 10, r = 5),
-              Hist("Phi_d1", xtitle = "#phi [rad]"),
-              Hist("ThetaVsP_d1", xtitle = "p^{0} [GeV]", ytitle = "#theta [rad]", logx = True, logy = True, d = "colz")
-              ]
-    plotn(f, config, 3, 2, "daug1")    
-    config = [Hist("P_M", logy = True, xtitle = "p^{0} [GeV]", ndiv = 5, r = 5),
-              Hist("Theta_M", xtitle = "#theta [rad]", ndiv = -4),
-              Hist("Mass_M", xtitle = "m^{0} [GeV]", xlo = 0, xhi = 0.05),               
-              Hist("Pt_M", logy = True, xtitle = "p_{T}^{0} [GeV]", ndiv = 10, r = 5),
-              Hist("Phi_M", xtitle = "#phi [rad]"),
-              Hist("ThetaVsP_M", xtitle = "p^{0} [GeV]", ytitle = "#theta [rad]", logx = True, logy = True, d = "colz")
+    import argparse, sys, os
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Run gen-level validation plotting")
+    parser.add_argument("file", help = "full path to imput file")
+    parser.add_argument("--output", "-o",  default = "valplot", help = "Name of output directory")
+    parser.add_argument("--ndaughters", "-d", default = 2, type = int, help = "Number of daugthers to plot")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    if not os.path.exists(args.output):
+        os.mkdir(args.output)
+    print (args.file)
+    f = R.TFile.Open(args.file)
+    for i in range(args.ndaughters):
+        config = [Hist(f"P_d{i}", logy = True, xtitle = "p^{0} [GeV]", ndiv = 5, r = 5),
+                  Hist(f"Theta_d{i}", xtitle = "#theta [rad]", ndiv = -4),
+                  Hist(f"Mass_d{i}", xtitle = "m^{0} [GeV]", xlo = 0, xhi = 0.001, ndiv = 4),               
+                  Hist(f"Pt_d{i}", logy = True, xtitle = "p_{T}^{0} [GeV]", ndiv = 10, r = 5),
+                  Hist(f"Phi_d{i}", xtitle = "#phi [rad]"),
+                  Hist(f"ThetaVsP_d{i}", ytitle = "p^{0} [GeV]", xtitle = "#theta [rad]", logx = True, logy = True, d = "colz")
+                  ]
+        plotn(f, args, config, 3, 2, f"daug{i}")
+    config = [Hist("P_M", logy = True, xtitle = "p^{0} [GeV]", ndiv = 5, xlo = 0, xhi = 2000),
+              Hist("Theta_M", xtitle = "#theta [rad]", ndiv = -4, r = 10),
+              Hist("Mass_M", xtitle = "m^{0} [GeV]", xlo = 0, xhi = 0.2, ndiv = 5),               
+              Hist("Pt_M", logy = True, xtitle = "p_{T}^{0} [GeV]", ndiv = 10, r = 50),
+              Hist("Phi_M", xtitle = "#phi [rad]", r = 2),
+              Hist("ThetaVsP_M", ytitle = "p^{0} [GeV]", xtitle = "#theta [rad]", logx = True, logy = True, d = "colz")
-    plotn(f, config, 3, 2, "mother")
+    plotn(f, args, config, 3, 2, "mother")
-    plotn(f, Hist("PIDs", xtitle="PDG Id"), 1, 1, "pid") 
+    plotn(f, args, Hist("PIDs", xtitle="PDG Id"), 1, 1, "pid") 
-    config = [Hist("ThetaVsP_M", xtitle = "p^{0} [GeV]", ytitle = "#theta [rad]", logx = True, logy = True, d = "colz"),
-              Hist("ThetaVsP_d0", xtitle = "p^{0} [GeV]", ytitle = "#theta [rad]", logx = True, logy = True, d = "colz"),
-              Hist("ThetaVsP_d1", xtitle = "p^{0} [GeV]", ytitle = "#theta [rad]", logx = True, logy = True, d = "colz")
-              ]                   
-    plotn(f, config, 2, 2, "twod")
+#     config = [Hist("ThetaVsP_M", ytitle = "p^{0} [GeV]", xtitle = "#theta [rad]", logx = True, logy = True, d = "colz"),
+#               Hist("ThetaVsP_d0", ytitle = "p^{0} [GeV]", xtitle = "#theta [rad]", logx = True, logy = True, d = "colz"),
+#               Hist("ThetaVsP_d1", ytitle = "p^{0} [GeV]", xtitle = "#theta [rad]", logx = True, logy = True, d = "colz")
+#               ]                   
+#     plotn(f, args, config, 2, 2, "twod")
     config = [Hist("Vtx_X", xtitle = "x [mm]", r = 5),
               Hist("Vtx_Y", xtitle = "y [mm]", r = 5),
-              Hist("Vtx_Z", xtitle = "z [mm]", r = 5),
-              Hist("Vtx_XY", xtitle = "x [mm]", ytitle = "y [mm]", d = "colz", r = (5,5))
+              Hist("Vtx_Z", xtitle = "z [mm]", r = 5, ndiv = 5),
+              Hist("Vtx_XY", xtitle = "x [mm]", ytitle = "y [mm]", d = "colz", r = (5,5)),
+              Hist("Vtx_R", xtitle = "r [mm]", r = 5, ndiv = 5)
-    plotn(f, config, 2, 2, "vtx")
+    plotn(f, args, config, 3, 2, "vtx")

From 9da3fc6a2944722dd7aac3da97997d5283b52739 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Carl Gwilliam <>
Date: Thu, 26 May 2022 19:05:23 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 02/11] Bug fix for radial sampler

 .../python/                | 20 ++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Generators/FaserParticleGun/python/ b/Generators/FaserParticleGun/python/
index a0ae101c5..ad7d4f273 100644
--- a/Generators/FaserParticleGun/python/
+++ b/Generators/FaserParticleGun/python/
@@ -34,14 +34,18 @@ class RadialPosSampler(Sampler):
     def r(self):
         "r position sampler"
         fwhm = 2*self.radius
         sig = fwhm/(2 * sqrt(2 * log(2)))
         if self.radius < 0:
-            return random.uniform(0, abs(self.radius))
+            return sqrt(random.uniform(0, abs(self.radius**2)))
-            return random.gauss(0, self.radius)
-        # return random.gauss(0, sig)
+            x = random.gauss(0, self.radius)
+            y = random.gauss(0, self.radius)
+            return sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
+        #return random.gauss(0, sig)
     def phi(self):
@@ -59,7 +63,7 @@ class RadialPosSampler(Sampler):
         return ROOT.TLorentzVector(x, y, z, t)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-# test when run from command line
+    # test when run from command line
     import numpy as np
     import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
@@ -67,8 +71,8 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     xlist = []
     ylist = []
-    r = RadialPosSampler(r = 1, x = 10, y = -10, z = 10)
-    for i in range (10000):
+    r = RadialPosSampler(r = -10, x = 0, y =  0, z = 10)
+    for i in range (100000):
         res = r.shoot()
@@ -78,10 +82,12 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     plt.figure(figsize = (5,5))
-    plt.scatter(xarr, yarr, marker = "*")
+    plt.hist2d(xarr, yarr)
+    plt.subplot(2,2,4)
+    plt.hist(np.sqrt(xarr**2 + yarr**2))    

From 10c85b069f560abe5323b3c07197afb69f75a936 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Carl Gwilliam <>
Date: Fri, 27 May 2022 18:56:38 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 03/11] Deal with renaming the BeamTruthEvent in ShiftLOS

 Generators/GeneratorUtils/python/    | 10 ++++++++--
 .../G4FaserAlg/test/       | 11 +++++------
 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Generators/GeneratorUtils/python/ b/Generators/GeneratorUtils/python/
index 4d7f02d59..b9c3ec2a5 100644
--- a/Generators/GeneratorUtils/python/
+++ b/Generators/GeneratorUtils/python/
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ from AthenaConfiguration.MainServicesConfig import AthSequencer
 from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator, ConfigurationError
 from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory
+from SGComps.AddressRemappingConfig import InputOverwriteCfg
 from GeneratorUtils.ShiftLOS import ShiftLOS
@@ -14,9 +16,13 @@ def ShiftLOSCfg(ConfigFlags, **kwargs) :
     import McParticleEvent.Pythonizations
     cfg = ComponentAccumulator()
+    # Rename old truth collection to add ATLAS coord to can still use BeamTruthEvent for the one in FASER Coords
+    cfg.merge(InputOverwriteCfg("McEventCollection", "BeamTruthEvent", "McEventCollection", "BeamTruthEvent_ATLASCoord"))
     shift = ShiftLOS(name = kwargs.setdefault("name", "ShiftLOS"))
-    shift.InputMCEventKey =  kwargs.setdefault("InputMCEventKey", "BeamTruthEvent")
-    shift.OutputMCEventKey =  kwargs.setdefault("OutputMCEventKey", "BeamTruthEventShifted")    
+    shift.InputMCEventKey =  kwargs.setdefault("InputMCEventKey", "BeamTruthEvent_ATLASCoord")
+    shift.OutputMCEventKey =  kwargs.setdefault("OutputMCEventKey", "BeamTruthEvent")    
     shift.xcross = kwargs.setdefault("xcross", 0)
     shift.ycross = kwargs.setdefault("ycross", 0)
     shift.xshift = kwargs.setdefault("xshift", 0)
diff --git a/Simulation/G4Faser/G4FaserAlg/test/ b/Simulation/G4Faser/G4FaserAlg/test/
index 156f20d22..6b99fe634 100644
--- a/Simulation/G4Faser/G4FaserAlg/test/
+++ b/Simulation/G4Faser/G4FaserAlg/test/
@@ -137,21 +137,20 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     if (ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.xangle or ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.yangle or
         ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.xshift or ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.yshift):
-        MCEventKey = "BeamTruthEventShifted"
         import McParticleEvent.Pythonizations
         from GeneratorUtils.ShiftLOSConfig import ShiftLOSCfg
-        cfg.merge(ShiftLOSCfg(ConfigFlags, OutputMCEventKey = MCEventKey,
+        cfg.merge(ShiftLOSCfg(ConfigFlags, 
                               xcross = ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.xangle, ycross = ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.yangle,
                               xshift = ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.xshift, yshift = ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.yshift))
-    else:    
-        MCEventKey = "BeamTruthEvent"
 # Add the G4FaserAlg
     from G4FaserAlg.G4FaserAlgConfigNew import G4FaserAlgCfg
-    cfg.merge(G4FaserAlgCfg(ConfigFlags, InputTruthCollection = MCEventKey))
+    cfg.merge(G4FaserAlgCfg(ConfigFlags))
+    ###cfg.getEventAlgo("OutputStreamHITS").ItemList += ["McEventCollection#BeamTruthEvent_ATLASCoord"]    
 # Dump config

From a40f55b918b946d9023e102ca6761d2d1a0c6977 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Carl Gwilliam <>
Date: Tue, 31 May 2022 15:04:45 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 04/11] Update validation code

 .../ForeseeGenerator/python/       | 50 +++++++++++++------
 .../ForeseeGenerator/share/ | 43 ++++++++++++----
 2 files changed, 67 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/python/ b/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/python/
index 8f27b36ab..0112555e0 100644
--- a/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/python/
+++ b/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/python/
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class EvgenValidation(EvgenAnalysisAlg):
     def initialize(self):
         # All daughters
-        self.hists.add("PIDs", 60, -30, 30)
+        self.hists.add("PIDs", 600, -300, 300)
         # Daughter i
         tbins, pbins = self.binning()
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ class EvgenValidation(EvgenAnalysisAlg):
             self.hists.add(f"Theta_d{i}", 20, 0, 0.001)
             self.hists.add(f"Phi_d{i}", 16, -3.2, 3.2)
             self.hists.add(f"ThetaVsP_d{i}", arrayX = tbins, arrayY = pbins)
-            self.hists.add(f"Mass_d{i}", 200, 0, 0.01)            
+            self.hists.add(f"Mass_d{i}", 5000, 0, 1)            
         # Mother
         self.hists.add("E_M", 1000, 0, 10000)
@@ -106,11 +106,17 @@ class EvgenValidation(EvgenAnalysisAlg):
         self.hists.add("ThetaVsP_M", arrayX = tbins, arrayY = pbins)
         # Vertex
-        self.hists.add("Vtx_X", 50, -100, 100)
-        self.hists.add("Vtx_Y", 50, -100, 100)
-        self.hists.add("Vtx_Z", 500, -5000, 0)
-        self.hists.add("Vtx_R", 20, 0, 200)        
-        self.hists.add("Vtx_XY", 50, -100, 100, 50, -100, 100)        
+        self.hists.add("Vtx_X_LLP", 50, -100, 100)
+        self.hists.add("Vtx_Y_LLP", 50, -100, 100)
+        self.hists.add("Vtx_Z_LLP", 500, -5000, 0)
+        self.hists.add("Vtx_R_LLP", 20, 0, 200)        
+        self.hists.add("Vtx_XY_LLP", 50, -100, 100, 50, -100, 100)
+        self.hists.add("Vtx_X_All", 50, -100, 100)
+        self.hists.add("Vtx_Y_All", 50, -100, 100)
+        self.hists.add("Vtx_Z_All", 500, -5000, 0)
+        self.hists.add("Vtx_R_All", 20, 0, 200)        
+        self.hists.add("Vtx_XY_All", 50, -100, 100, 50, -100, 100)      
         return StatusCode.Success
@@ -136,12 +142,12 @@ class EvgenValidation(EvgenAnalysisAlg):
         self.hists["PIDs"].Fill(p.pdg_id(), self.weight)
-    def fillVertex(self, v):
-        self.hists["Vtx_X"].Fill(v.x(), self.weight)
-        self.hists["Vtx_Y"].Fill(v.y(), self.weight)
-        self.hists["Vtx_Z"].Fill(v.z(), self.weight)
-        self.hists["Vtx_XY"].Fill(v.x(), v.y(), self.weight)
-        self.hists["Vtx_R"].Fill(sqrt(v.x()**2 + v.y()**2), self.weight)                
+    def fillVertex(self, label, v):
+        self.hists[f"Vtx_X_{label}"].Fill(v.x(), self.weight)
+        self.hists[f"Vtx_Y_{label}"].Fill(v.y(), self.weight)
+        self.hists[f"Vtx_Z_{label}"].Fill(v.z(), self.weight)
+        self.hists[f"Vtx_XY_{label}"].Fill(v.x(), v.y(), self.weight)
+        self.hists[f"Vtx_R_{label}"].Fill(sqrt(v.x()**2 + v.y()**2), self.weight)                
@@ -151,26 +157,38 @@ class EvgenValidation(EvgenAnalysisAlg):
         # Loop over all particles in events (assuming mother not stored)
         momenta = []
+        vertices = []
         mother = HepMC.FourVector(0,0,0,0)
         llp_vtx = None
         for i, p in enumerate(evt.particles):
             mother += p.momentum()
-            if i == 0:
+            if i == 0 and p.production_vertex():
                 llp_vtx = p.production_vertex().point3d()
+            if p.production_vertex():
+                vertices.append(p.production_vertex().point3d())
         # Fill daughter plots
         for i in range(self.ndaughters):
+            if i >= len(momenta): continue
             self.fillKin(f"d{i}", momenta[i])
         # Fill mother plots
         self.fillKin("M", mother, mass = True)
-        # Fill vertex plots
-        self.fillVertex(llp_vtx)
+        # Fill all vertices
+        for v in vertices:
+            self.fillVertex("All", v)
+        # Fill LLP vertex plots
+        if llp_vtx:
+            self.fillVertex("LLP", llp_vtx)
         return StatusCode.Success
diff --git a/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/share/ b/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/share/
index 5f702f695..49436e95f 100644
--- a/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/share/
+++ b/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/share/
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     for i in range(args.ndaughters):
         config = [Hist(f"P_d{i}", logy = True, xtitle = "p^{0} [GeV]", ndiv = 5, r = 5),
                   Hist(f"Theta_d{i}", xtitle = "#theta [rad]", ndiv = -4),
-                  Hist(f"Mass_d{i}", xtitle = "m^{0} [GeV]", xlo = 0, xhi = 0.001, ndiv = 4),               
+                  Hist(f"Mass_d{i}", xtitle = "m^{0} [GeV]", xlo = 0, xhi = 0.1, ndiv = 4),               
                   Hist(f"Pt_d{i}", logy = True, xtitle = "p_{T}^{0} [GeV]", ndiv = 10, r = 5),
                   Hist(f"Phi_d{i}", xtitle = "#phi [rad]"),
                   Hist(f"ThetaVsP_d{i}", ytitle = "p^{0} [GeV]", xtitle = "#theta [rad]", logx = True, logy = True, d = "colz")
@@ -98,9 +98,9 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         plotn(f, args, config, 3, 2, f"daug{i}")
-    config = [Hist("P_M", logy = True, xtitle = "p^{0} [GeV]", ndiv = 5, xlo = 0, xhi = 2000),
+    config = [Hist("P_M", logy = True, xtitle = "p^{0} [GeV]", ndiv = 5, xlo = 0, xhi = 10000),
               Hist("Theta_M", xtitle = "#theta [rad]", ndiv = -4, r = 10),
-              Hist("Mass_M", xtitle = "m^{0} [GeV]", xlo = 0, xhi = 0.2, ndiv = 5),               
+              Hist("Mass_M", xtitle = "m^{0} [GeV]", xlo = 0, xhi = 1., ndiv = 5),               
               Hist("Pt_M", logy = True, xtitle = "p_{T}^{0} [GeV]", ndiv = 10, r = 50),
               Hist("Phi_M", xtitle = "#phi [rad]", r = 2),
               Hist("ThetaVsP_M", ytitle = "p^{0} [GeV]", xtitle = "#theta [rad]", logx = True, logy = True, d = "colz")
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     plotn(f, args, config, 3, 2, "mother")
-    plotn(f, args, Hist("PIDs", xtitle="PDG Id"), 1, 1, "pid") 
+    plotn(f, args, Hist("PIDs", xtitle="PDG Id", xlo=-30, xhi=30), 1, 1, "pid") 
 #     config = [Hist("ThetaVsP_M", ytitle = "p^{0} [GeV]", xtitle = "#theta [rad]", logx = True, logy = True, d = "colz"),
@@ -118,11 +118,34 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
 #     plotn(f, args, config, 2, 2, "twod")
-    config = [Hist("Vtx_X", xtitle = "x [mm]", r = 5),
-              Hist("Vtx_Y", xtitle = "y [mm]", r = 5),
-              Hist("Vtx_Z", xtitle = "z [mm]", r = 5, ndiv = 5),
-              Hist("Vtx_XY", xtitle = "x [mm]", ytitle = "y [mm]", d = "colz", r = (5,5)),
-              Hist("Vtx_R", xtitle = "r [mm]", r = 5, ndiv = 5)
+    config = [Hist("Vtx_X_LLP", xtitle = "x [mm]", r = 5),
+              Hist("Vtx_Y_LLP", xtitle = "y [mm]", r = 5),
+              Hist("Vtx_Z_LLP", xtitle = "z [mm]", r = 5, ndiv = 5),
+              Hist("Vtx_XY_LLP", xtitle = "x [mm]", ytitle = "y [mm]", d = "colz", r = (5,5)),
+              Hist("Vtx_R_LLP", xtitle = "r [mm]", r = 5, ndiv = 5)
-    plotn(f, args, config, 3, 2, "vtx")
+    plotn(f, args, config, 3, 2, "vtx_llp")
+    config = [Hist("Vtx_X_All", xtitle = "x [mm]", r = 5),
+              Hist("Vtx_Y_All", xtitle = "y [mm]", r = 5),
+              Hist("Vtx_Z_All", xtitle = "z [mm]", r = 5, ndiv = 5),
+              Hist("Vtx_XY_All", xtitle = "x [mm]", ytitle = "y [mm]", d = "colz", r = (5,5)),
+              Hist("Vtx_R_All", xtitle = "r [mm]", r = 5, ndiv = 5)
+              ]
+    plotn(f, args, config, 3, 2, "vtx_all")
+#     config = [Hist("Vtx_X", xtitle = "x [mm]", r = 5),
+#               Hist("Vtx_Y", xtitle = "y [mm]", r = 5),
+#               Hist("Vtx_Z", xtitle = "z [mm]", r = 5, ndiv = 5),
+#               Hist("Vtx_XY", xtitle = "x [mm]", ytitle = "y [mm]", d = "colz", r = (5,5)),
+#               Hist("Vtx_R", xtitle = "r [mm]", r = 5, ndiv = 5)
+#               ]
+#     plotn(f, args, config, 3, 2, "vtx")

From 6a36c53a19e4bb5c906d63d3cba636db5697f37a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Carl Gwilliam <>
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2022 10:27:33 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 05/11] Fix LOS dealing with ATLAS vs FASER coords

 .../GeneratorUtils/python/   |  5 ---
 .../test/          | 40 ++++++++++++++-----
 2 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Generators/GeneratorUtils/python/ b/Generators/GeneratorUtils/python/
index b9c3ec2a5..ffc5c79b9 100644
--- a/Generators/GeneratorUtils/python/
+++ b/Generators/GeneratorUtils/python/
@@ -7,8 +7,6 @@ from AthenaConfiguration.MainServicesConfig import AthSequencer
 from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator, ConfigurationError
 from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory
-from SGComps.AddressRemappingConfig import InputOverwriteCfg
 from GeneratorUtils.ShiftLOS import ShiftLOS
@@ -17,9 +15,6 @@ def ShiftLOSCfg(ConfigFlags, **kwargs) :
     cfg = ComponentAccumulator()
-    # Rename old truth collection to add ATLAS coord to can still use BeamTruthEvent for the one in FASER Coords
-    cfg.merge(InputOverwriteCfg("McEventCollection", "BeamTruthEvent", "McEventCollection", "BeamTruthEvent_ATLASCoord"))
     shift = ShiftLOS(name = kwargs.setdefault("name", "ShiftLOS"))
     shift.InputMCEventKey =  kwargs.setdefault("InputMCEventKey", "BeamTruthEvent_ATLASCoord")
     shift.OutputMCEventKey =  kwargs.setdefault("OutputMCEventKey", "BeamTruthEvent")    
diff --git a/Simulation/G4Faser/G4FaserAlg/test/ b/Simulation/G4Faser/G4FaserAlg/test/
index 6b99fe634..f56b7bf73 100644
--- a/Simulation/G4Faser/G4FaserAlg/test/
+++ b/Simulation/G4Faser/G4FaserAlg/test/
@@ -58,11 +58,21 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     import sys
-#     from math import atan
-#     from AthenaCommon.SystemOfUnits import GeV, TeV, cm, m
-#     from AthenaCommon.PhysicalConstants import pi
-#     import ParticleGun as PG
-#     ConfigFlags.Sim.Gun = {"Generator" : "SingleParticle", "pid" : 11, "energy" : PG.LogSampler(10*GeV, 1*TeV), "theta" :  PG.GaussianSampler(0, atan((10*cm)/(7*m)), oneside = True), "phi" : [0, 2*pi], "mass" : 0.511, "radius" : -10*cm, "randomSeed" : 12345}
+    doShiftLOS = (ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.xangle or ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.yangle or
+                  ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.xshift or ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.yshift)
+    from math import atan
+    from AthenaCommon.SystemOfUnits import GeV, TeV, cm, m
+    from AthenaCommon.PhysicalConstants import pi
+    import ParticleGun as PG
+    ConfigFlags.Sim.Gun = {"Generator" : "SingleParticle", "pid" : 11, "energy" : PG.LogSampler(10*GeV, 1*TeV), "theta" :
+                           PG.GaussianSampler(0, atan((10*cm)/(7*m)), oneside = True), "phi" : [0, 2*pi], "mass" : 0.511, "radius" : -10*cm, "randomSeed" : 12345}
+    if doShiftLOS:
+        pgConfig = ConfigFlags.Sim.Gun
+        pgConfig["McEventKey"] = "BeamTruthEvent_ATLASCoord"
+        ConfigFlags.Sim.Gun = pgConfig
 # By being a little clever, we can steer the geometry setup from the command line using GeoModel.FaserVersion
@@ -97,12 +107,16 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
         print("Input.Files = ",ConfigFlags.Input.Files)
-# If so, and only one file that ends in .events read as HepMC
+# If so, and only one file that ends in .events or .hepmc read as HepMC
         if len(ConfigFlags.Input.Files) == 1 and (ConfigFlags.Input.Files[0].endswith(".events") or ConfigFlags.Input.Files[0].endswith(".hepmc")):
             from HEPMCReader.HepMCReaderConfig import HepMCReaderCfg
-            cfg.merge(HepMCReaderCfg(ConfigFlags))
+            if doShiftLOS:
+                cfg.merge(HepMCReaderCfg(ConfigFlags, McEventKey = "BeamTruthEvent_ATLASCoord"))
+            else:
+                cfg.merge(HepMCReaderCfg(ConfigFlags))
             from McEventSelector.McEventSelectorConfig import McEventSelectorCfg
@@ -113,6 +127,12 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
             from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolReadConfig import PoolReadCfg
+            if doShiftLOS:
+                from SGComps.AddressRemappingConfig import InputOverwriteCfg
+                # Rename old truth collection to add ATLAS coord to can still use BeamTruthEvent for the one in FASER Coords
+                cfg.merge(InputOverwriteCfg("McEventCollection", "BeamTruthEvent", "McEventCollection", "BeamTruthEvent_ATLASCoord"))
 # If not, configure the particle gun as requested, or using defaults
@@ -122,6 +142,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
         from FaserParticleGun.FaserParticleGunConfig import FaserParticleGunCfg
         from McEventSelector.McEventSelectorConfig import McEventSelectorCfg
@@ -135,8 +156,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
 # Shift LOS
-    if (ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.xangle or ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.yangle or
-        ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.xshift or ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.yshift):
+    if doShiftLOS:
         import McParticleEvent.Pythonizations
         from GeneratorUtils.ShiftLOSConfig import ShiftLOSCfg
@@ -150,7 +170,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     from G4FaserAlg.G4FaserAlgConfigNew import G4FaserAlgCfg
-    ###cfg.getEventAlgo("OutputStreamHITS").ItemList += ["McEventCollection#BeamTruthEvent_ATLASCoord"]    
+    #cfg.getEventAlgo("OutputStreamHITS").ItemList += ["McEventCollection#BeamTruthEvent_ATLASCoord"]    
 # Dump config

From 7f77e7523b092e072ff91fb79ab61681b4c198fe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Carl Gwilliam <>
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2022 10:28:04 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 06/11] Fix LOS dealing with ATLAS vs FASER coords

 .../G4FaserAlg/test/      | 12 ++++++------
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Simulation/G4Faser/G4FaserAlg/test/ b/Simulation/G4Faser/G4FaserAlg/test/
index f56b7bf73..998b40c28 100644
--- a/Simulation/G4Faser/G4FaserAlg/test/
+++ b/Simulation/G4Faser/G4FaserAlg/test/
@@ -61,12 +61,12 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     doShiftLOS = (ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.xangle or ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.yangle or
                   ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.xshift or ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.yshift)
-    from math import atan
-    from AthenaCommon.SystemOfUnits import GeV, TeV, cm, m
-    from AthenaCommon.PhysicalConstants import pi
-    import ParticleGun as PG
-    ConfigFlags.Sim.Gun = {"Generator" : "SingleParticle", "pid" : 11, "energy" : PG.LogSampler(10*GeV, 1*TeV), "theta" :
-                           PG.GaussianSampler(0, atan((10*cm)/(7*m)), oneside = True), "phi" : [0, 2*pi], "mass" : 0.511, "radius" : -10*cm, "randomSeed" : 12345}
+#     from math import atan
+#     from AthenaCommon.SystemOfUnits import GeV, TeV, cm, m
+#     from AthenaCommon.PhysicalConstants import pi
+#     import ParticleGun as PG
+#     ConfigFlags.Sim.Gun = {"Generator" : "SingleParticle", "pid" : 11, "energy" : PG.LogSampler(10*GeV, 1*TeV), "theta" :
+#                            PG.GaussianSampler(0, atan((10*cm)/(7*m)), oneside = True), "phi" : [0, 2*pi], "mass" : 0.511, "radius" : -10*cm, "randomSeed" : 12345}
     if doShiftLOS:
         pgConfig = ConfigFlags.Sim.Gun

From 588fbca893687b8716819dbcc99412780794215d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Carl Gwilliam <>
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2022 12:18:10 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 07/11] Fix skipping events with HepMC and add hepmc to evnt

 .../share/            | 62 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../HEPMCReader/python/   | 46 ++++++++++++--
 2 files changed, 104 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Generators/ForeseeGenerator/share/

diff --git a/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/share/ b/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/share/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..88bda6736
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/share/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+def getNEvents(fname, maxEvents):
+    "Work out how many events are in the file"
+    n = 0
+    with open(fname) as f:
+        n = sum(1 for l in f if l.startswith("E "))
+    if maxEvents != -1 and n > maxEvents:
+        n = maxEvents
+    print ("Setting Maximum events to", n)
+    return n
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import sys
+    from AthenaCommon.Logging import log
+    from AthenaCommon.Constants import DEBUG
+    log.setLevel(DEBUG)
+    from AthenaCommon.Configurable import Configurable
+    Configurable.configurableRun3Behavior = 1
+    from CalypsoConfiguration.AllConfigFlags import ConfigFlags
+    ConfigFlags.Input.RunNumber = [12345]
+    ConfigFlags.Input.OverrideRunNumber = True
+    ConfigFlags.Input.LumiBlockNumber = [1]
+    ConfigFlags.Input.isMC = True
+    ConfigFlags.IOVDb.GlobalTag = "OFLCOND-FASER-01"             # Always needed; must match FaserVersion
+    ConfigFlags.GeoModel.FaserVersion     = "FASER-01"           # Default FASER geometry
+    ConfigFlags.Detector.EnableFaserSCT = True
+    ConfigFlags.Output.EVNTFileName = "myEVNT.pool.root"
+    ConfigFlags.Exec.MaxEvents= -1
+    import sys
+    ConfigFlags.fillFromArgs(sys.argv[1:])
+    ConfigFlags.Exec.MaxEvents = getNEvents(ConfigFlags.Input.Files[0], ConfigFlags.Exec.MaxEvents)    
+    ConfigFlags.lock()
+    from CalypsoConfiguration.MainServicesConfig import MainServicesCfg
+    cfg = MainServicesCfg(ConfigFlags)
+    from HEPMCReader.HepMCReaderConfig import HepMCReaderCfg
+    cfg.merge(HepMCReaderCfg(ConfigFlags))
+    from McEventSelector.McEventSelectorConfig import McEventSelectorCfg
+    cfg.merge(McEventSelectorCfg(ConfigFlags))    
+    itemList = [ "McEventCollection#*" ]
+    from OutputStreamAthenaPool.OutputStreamConfig import OutputStreamCfg
+    cfg.merge(OutputStreamCfg(ConfigFlags, "EVNT", itemList, disableEventTag = True))
+    sc =
+    sys.exit(not sc.isSuccess())
diff --git a/Generators/HEPMCReader/python/ b/Generators/HEPMCReader/python/
index 72081a86f..bb116c11c 100644
--- a/Generators/HEPMCReader/python/
+++ b/Generators/HEPMCReader/python/
@@ -2,21 +2,59 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-# import sys
+import sys, tempfile
 from AthenaConfiguration.MainServicesConfig import AthSequencer
 from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
 from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory
 from TruthIO.TruthIOConf import HepMCReadFromFile
+def get_file_skip_events(ConfigFlags):
+    "Create a file with events from ConfigFlags.Exec.SkipEvents to ConfigFlags.Exec.SkipEvents + ConfigFlags.Exec.MaxEvents"
+    usetemp = True
+    skip = ConfigFlags.Exec.SkipEvents
+    fname = ConfigFlags.Input.Files[0]
+    evtMax = ConfigFlags.Exec.MaxEvents
+    if skip == 0:
+        return fname
+    if usetemp:
+        fout = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w", delete = False)
+        foutname =
+    else:
+        foutname, fext = ".".join(fname.split('.')[:-1]), fname.split('.')[-1]
+        foutname = f"{foutname}-evts{skip}-{skip+evtMax}.{fext}"        
+        fout = open(foutname, "w")
+    fout.write("HepMC::Version 2.06.09\nHepMC::IO_GenEvent-START_EVENT_LISTING\n")
+    ievt = 0
+    with open(fname) as fin:
+        for l in fin:
+            if l.startswith("E "):
+                ievt += 1
+            if ievt > skip + evtMax:
+                    break
+            if ievt > skip:
+                fout.write(l)
-def HepMCReaderCfg(ConfigFlags, **kwargs) :
-    cfg = ComponentAccumulator(AthSequencer("AthBeginSeq", Sequential = True))
+    fout.write("HepMC::IO_GenEvent-END_EVENT_LISTING\n")
+    fout.close()
+    return foutname
+def HepMCReaderCfg(ConfigFlags, **kwargs) :
+    cfg = ComponentAccumulator(AthSequencer("AthBeginSeq", Sequential = True))
     from TruthIO.TruthIOConf import HepMCReadFromFile
     hepmc = CompFactory.HepMCReadFromFile(name = kwargs.setdefault("name", "FASERHepMCReader"))
-    hepmc.InputFile = ConfigFlags.Input.Files[0] 
+    hepmc.InputFile = get_file_skip_events(ConfigFlags) # ConfigFlags.Input.Files[0] 
     hepmc.McEventKey = kwargs.setdefault("McEventKey", "BeamTruthEvent")
     cfg.addEventAlgo(hepmc, sequenceName = "AthBeginSeq", primary = True) # to run *before* G4

From 3317fa17e584eff7e7b8e74937a16ed53ead5fc1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Carl Gwilliam <>
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2022 12:19:21 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 08/11] Update validation code

 .../ForeseeGenerator/python/       | 24 +++++++++++++------
 .../ForeseeGenerator/share/ |  4 ++--
 2 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/python/ b/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/python/
index 0112555e0..399d85ae7 100644
--- a/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/python/
+++ b/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/python/
@@ -64,9 +64,10 @@ class HistSvc(object):
 class EvgenValidation(EvgenAnalysisAlg):
     "Gen-level validation"
-    def __init__(self, name = "EvgenValidation", ndaughters = 2, outname = "validation.root"):
+    def __init__(self, name = "EvgenValidation", ndaughters = 2, outname = "validation.root", mother_stored = False):
         super(EvgenValidation, self).__init__(name=name)
         self.hists = HistSvc()
+        self.mother_stored = mother_stored
         self.ndaughters = ndaughters
         self.outname = outname
@@ -153,19 +154,27 @@ class EvgenValidation(EvgenAnalysisAlg):
     def execute(self):
         evt =[0]
-        self.weight = evt.weights()[0]
+        self.weight = evt.weights()[0] if evt.weights() else 1
-        # Loop over all particles in events (assuming mother not stored)
+        # Loop over all particles in events 
         momenta = []
         vertices = []
         mother = HepMC.FourVector(0,0,0,0)
         llp_vtx = None
         for i, p in enumerate(evt.particles):
-            #p.print()
+            print("--- ", i)
+            p.print()
-            momenta.append(p.momentum())    
-            mother += p.momentum()
+            if self.mother_stored:
+                if i == 0:
+                    mother = p.momentum()
+                else:
+                    momenta.append(p.momentum()) 
+            else:
+                momenta.append(p.momentum())    
+                mother += p.momentum()
             if i == 0 and p.production_vertex():
@@ -203,6 +212,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Run gen-level validation")
     parser.add_argument("file", nargs="+", help = "full path to imput file")
     parser.add_argument("--ndaughters", "-d", default = 2, type = int, help = "Number of daugthers to plot")
+    parser.add_argument("--mother_stored", "-m", default = False, action = "store_true", help = "Is mother stored in input?")    
     parser.add_argument("--output", "-o",  default = "validation.root", help = "Name of output file")
     parser.add_argument("--mcEventKey", "-k",  default = "BeamTruthEvent", help = "Name of MC collection")
     parser.add_argument("--nevents", "-n", default = -1, type = int, help = "Number of events to process")    
@@ -236,7 +246,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     acc = ComponentAccumulator()
-    valid = EvgenValidation("EvgenValidation", ndaughters =  args.ndaughters, outname = args.output)
+    valid = EvgenValidation("EvgenValidation", ndaughters =  args.ndaughters, outname = args.output, mother_stored = args.mother_stored)
     valid.McEventKey = args.mcEventKey
diff --git a/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/share/ b/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/share/
index 49436e95f..8429978bc 100644
--- a/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/share/
+++ b/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/share/
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         plotn(f, args, config, 3, 2, f"daug{i}")
-    config = [Hist("P_M", logy = True, xtitle = "p^{0} [GeV]", ndiv = 5, xlo = 0, xhi = 10000),
+    config = [Hist("P_M", logy = True, xtitle = "p^{0} [GeV]", ndiv = 5, xlo = 0, xhi = 10000, r=10),
               Hist("Theta_M", xtitle = "#theta [rad]", ndiv = -4, r = 10),
               Hist("Mass_M", xtitle = "m^{0} [GeV]", xlo = 0, xhi = 1., ndiv = 5),               
               Hist("Pt_M", logy = True, xtitle = "p_{T}^{0} [GeV]", ndiv = 10, r = 50),
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     plotn(f, args, config, 3, 2, "mother")
-    plotn(f, args, Hist("PIDs", xtitle="PDG Id", xlo=-30, xhi=30), 1, 1, "pid") 
+    plotn(f, args, Hist("PIDs", xtitle="PDG Id"), 1, 1, "pid") 
 #     config = [Hist("ThetaVsP_M", ytitle = "p^{0} [GeV]", xtitle = "#theta [rad]", logx = True, logy = True, d = "colz"),

From c5e058e7479a88dd64ff2fc70d718a7ca2d6f05d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Carl Gwilliam <>
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2022 15:07:54 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 09/11] Fix skipping events with HepMC and add hepmc to evnt

 Generators/ForeseeGenerator/share/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/share/ b/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/share/
index 88bda6736..382ad439e 100644
--- a/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/share/
+++ b/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/share/
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     from McEventSelector.McEventSelectorConfig import McEventSelectorCfg
-    itemList = [ "McEventCollection#*" ]
+    itemList = [ "EventInfo#McEventInfo", "McEventCollection#*" ]
     from OutputStreamAthenaPool.OutputStreamConfig import OutputStreamCfg
     cfg.merge(OutputStreamCfg(ConfigFlags, "EVNT", itemList, disableEventTag = True))

From cb51b400c503fb634c26ddf9086eb9935566cdee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Carl Gwilliam <>
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2022 11:01:15 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 10/11] Merge

 ...serMC-MDC_PG_muon_fasernu_logE-101302.json |  2 +-
 .../Generation/scripts/    | 20 ++++++-----
 .../scripts/           | 20 ++++++-----
 .../Reconstruction/scripts/   |  2 +-
 .../scripts/           |  2 +-
 .../Simulation/scripts/   | 34 ++++++++++++-------
 .../scripts/       | 30 ++++++++++++++--
 .../python/                |  1 -
 .../HEPMCReader/python/   | 30 +++++++++++-----
 .../test/          |  0
 10 files changed, 98 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)
 mode change 100644 => 100755 Simulation/G4Faser/G4FaserAlg/test/

diff --git a/Control/CalypsoExample/Generation/data/mdc/FaserMC-MDC_PG_muon_fasernu_logE-101302.json b/Control/CalypsoExample/Generation/data/mdc/FaserMC-MDC_PG_muon_fasernu_logE-101302.json
index 8ae524dc0..76ba19e11 100644
--- a/Control/CalypsoExample/Generation/data/mdc/FaserMC-MDC_PG_muon_fasernu_logE-101302.json
+++ b/Control/CalypsoExample/Generation/data/mdc/FaserMC-MDC_PG_muon_fasernu_logE-101302.json
@@ -9,5 +9,5 @@
     "sampler": "log",
     "segment": 0,
     "short": "MDC_PG_muon_fasernu_logE",
-    "zpos": -5000.0
+    "zpos": -4000.0
diff --git a/Control/CalypsoExample/Generation/scripts/ b/Control/CalypsoExample/Generation/scripts/
index 607ce9046..b48bbf861 100755
--- a/Control/CalypsoExample/Generation/scripts/
+++ b/Control/CalypsoExample/Generation/scripts/
@@ -113,6 +113,14 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     #if args.zpos:
     #    ConfigFlags.Sim.Gun["z"] = args.zpos
+    doShiftLOS = (ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.xangle or ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.yangle or
+                  ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.xshift or ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.yshift)
+    if doShiftLOS:
+        pgConfig = ConfigFlags.Sim.Gun
+        pgConfig["McEventKey"] = "BeamTruthEvent_ATLASCoord"
+        ConfigFlags.Sim.Gun = pgConfig
 # MDC geometry configuration
@@ -153,26 +161,22 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
 # Shift LOS
-    if (ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.xangle or ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.yangle or
-        ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.xshift or ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.yshift):
-        MCEventKey = "BeamTruthEventShifted"
+    if doShiftLOS:
         import McParticleEvent.Pythonizations
         from GeneratorUtils.ShiftLOSConfig import ShiftLOSCfg
-        cfg.merge(ShiftLOSCfg(ConfigFlags, OutputMCEventKey = MCEventKey,
+        cfg.merge(ShiftLOSCfg(ConfigFlags, 
                               xcross = ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.xangle, 
                               ycross = ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.yangle,
                               xshift = ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.xshift,
                               yshift = ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.yshift))
-    else:    
-        MCEventKey = "BeamTruthEvent"
 # Add the G4FaserAlg
     from G4FaserAlg.G4FaserAlgConfigNew import G4FaserAlgCfg
-    cfg.merge(G4FaserAlgCfg(ConfigFlags, InputTruthCollection = MCEventKey))
+    cfg.merge(G4FaserAlgCfg(ConfigFlags))
 # Dump config
diff --git a/Control/CalypsoExample/Generation/scripts/ b/Control/CalypsoExample/Generation/scripts/
index c9f9154ef..20970fdf3 100755
--- a/Control/CalypsoExample/Generation/scripts/
+++ b/Control/CalypsoExample/Generation/scripts/
@@ -124,6 +124,14 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     # Pass this in one go to ConfigFlags
     ConfigFlags.Sim.Gun = sg_dict
+    doShiftLOS = (ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.xangle or ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.yangle or
+                  ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.xshift or ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.yshift)
+    if doShiftLOS:
+        pgConfig = ConfigFlags.Sim.Gun
+        pgConfig["McEventKey"] = "BeamTruthEvent_ATLASCoord"
+        ConfigFlags.Sim.Gun = pgConfig
 # MDC geometry configuration
@@ -164,26 +172,22 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
 # Shift LOS
-    if (ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.xangle or ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.yangle or
-        ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.xshift or ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.yshift):
-        MCEventKey = "BeamTruthEventShifted"
+    if doShiftLOS:
         import McParticleEvent.Pythonizations
         from GeneratorUtils.ShiftLOSConfig import ShiftLOSCfg
-        cfg.merge(ShiftLOSCfg(ConfigFlags, OutputMCEventKey = MCEventKey,
+        cfg.merge(ShiftLOSCfg(ConfigFlags, 
                               xcross = ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.xangle, 
                               ycross = ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.yangle,
                               xshift = ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.xshift,
                               yshift = ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.yshift))
-    else:    
-        MCEventKey = "BeamTruthEvent"
 # Add the G4FaserAlg
     from G4FaserAlg.G4FaserAlgConfigNew import G4FaserAlgCfg
-    cfg.merge(G4FaserAlgCfg(ConfigFlags, InputTruthCollection = MCEventKey))
+    cfg.merge(G4FaserAlgCfg(ConfigFlags))
 # Dump config
diff --git a/Control/CalypsoExample/Reconstruction/scripts/ b/Control/CalypsoExample/Reconstruction/scripts/
index f9003eece..942340f12 100755
--- a/Control/CalypsoExample/Reconstruction/scripts/
+++ b/Control/CalypsoExample/Reconstruction/scripts/
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ itemList = [ "xAOD::EventInfo#*"
 if args.isMC:
     # Add truth records here?
-    itemList.extend( ["McEventCollection#*"] )
+    itemList.extend( ["McEventCollection#*", "TrackerSimDataCollection#*"] )
 acc.merge(OutputStreamCfg(ConfigFlags, "xAOD", itemList))
diff --git a/Control/CalypsoExample/Reconstruction/scripts/ b/Control/CalypsoExample/Reconstruction/scripts/
index 60c39ca37..b04d56aa9 100755
--- a/Control/CalypsoExample/Reconstruction/scripts/
+++ b/Control/CalypsoExample/Reconstruction/scripts/
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ fi
 cd "$file_stem"
 # Run job
-if [[ -z "$rtag" ]]; then
+if [[ -z "$tag" ]]; then "--nevents=$nevents" "$file_path"
 else "--nevents=$nevents" "--reco=$tag" "$file_path"
diff --git a/Control/CalypsoExample/Simulation/scripts/ b/Control/CalypsoExample/Simulation/scripts/
index 323adda69..12de492f4 100755
--- a/Control/CalypsoExample/Simulation/scripts/
+++ b/Control/CalypsoExample/Simulation/scripts/
@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
 # Skip events
     ConfigFlags.Exec.SkipEvents = args.skip
+    ConfigFlags.Exec.MaxEvents = args.nevents
 # Output file name
@@ -153,6 +154,9 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     # import sys
     # ConfigFlags.fillFromArgs(sys.argv[1:])
+    doShiftLOS = (ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.xangle or ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.yangle or
+                  ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.xshift or ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.yshift)
 # MDC geometry configuration
@@ -178,7 +182,11 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     if ConfigFlags.Input.Files[0].endswith(".events") or ConfigFlags.Input.Files[0].endswith(".hepmc"):
         from HEPMCReader.HepMCReaderConfig import HepMCReaderCfg
-        cfg.merge(HepMCReaderCfg(ConfigFlags))
+        if doShiftLOS:
+            cfg.merge(HepMCReaderCfg(ConfigFlags, McEventKey = "BeamTruthEvent_ATLASCoord"))
+        else:
+            cfg.merge(HepMCReaderCfg(ConfigFlags))
         from McEventSelector.McEventSelectorConfig import McEventSelectorCfg
@@ -189,6 +197,11 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
         from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolReadConfig import PoolReadCfg
+        if doShiftLOS:
+            from SGComps.AddressRemappingConfig import InputOverwriteCfg
+            # Rename old truth collection to add ATLAS coord to can still use BeamTruthEvent for the one in FASER Coords
+            cfg.merge(InputOverwriteCfg("McEventCollection", "BeamTruthEvent", "McEventCollection", "BeamTruthEvent_ATLASCoord"))
 # Output file
@@ -198,26 +211,22 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
 # Shift LOS
-    if (ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.xangle or ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.yangle or
-        ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.xshift or ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.yshift):
+    if doShiftLOS:
-        MCEventKey = "BeamTruthEventShifted"
         import McParticleEvent.Pythonizations
         from GeneratorUtils.ShiftLOSConfig import ShiftLOSCfg
-        cfg.merge(ShiftLOSCfg(ConfigFlags, OutputMCEventKey = MCEventKey,
+        cfg.merge(ShiftLOSCfg(ConfigFlags, 
                               xcross = ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.xangle, 
                               ycross = ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.yangle,
                               xshift = ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.xshift,
                               yshift = ConfigFlags.Sim.Beam.yshift))
-    else:    
-        MCEventKey = "BeamTruthEvent"
 # Add the G4FaserAlg
     from G4FaserAlg.G4FaserAlgConfigNew import G4FaserAlgCfg
-    cfg.merge(G4FaserAlgCfg(ConfigFlags, InputTruthCollection = MCEventKey))
+    cfg.merge(G4FaserAlgCfg(ConfigFlags))
 # Dump config
@@ -235,10 +244,11 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
 # Execute and finish
-    if args.verbose:
-        cfg.foreach_component("*").OutputLevel = "DEBUG" 
-    else:
-        cfg.foreach_component("*").OutputLevel = "INFO"  
+    # This fails with ShiftLOSCfg...
+    #if args.verbose:
+    #    cfg.foreach_component("*").OutputLevel = "DEBUG" 
+    #else:
+    #    cfg.foreach_component("*").OutputLevel = "INFO"  
     sc =
diff --git a/Control/CalypsoExample/Simulation/scripts/ b/Control/CalypsoExample/Simulation/scripts/
index e00adfd50..3c175d725 100755
--- a/Control/CalypsoExample/Simulation/scripts/
+++ b/Control/CalypsoExample/Simulation/scripts/
@@ -2,7 +2,10 @@
 # Used with a condor file to submit to vanilla universe
 # Usage:
-# input_file output_file [release_directory] [working_directory] [skip] [nevts]
+# [--shift] input_file output_file [release_directory] [working_directory] [skip] [nevts]
+# Options:
+# --shift - apply crossing angle (and FASER shift)
 # input_file - full file name (with path)
 # output_file - full output file name
@@ -22,6 +25,24 @@
 # Parse command-line options
+while [ -n "$1" ]
+  case "$1" in
+    -s | --shift) 
+	  echo "Applying crossing-angle shift" 
+	  xangle=1 
+	  shift;;  # This 'eats' the argument
+    -*) 
+	  echo "Unknown option $1"
+	  shift;;
+    *) break;;  # Not an option, don't shift
+  esac
+# Parse command-line arguments
@@ -143,8 +164,11 @@ cd "${file_stem}"
 # Run job
 #if [[ -z "$tag" ]]; then
 #fi  --skip "$skip_events" -n "$nevts" "$infile" "$outfile"
+if [[ -z "$xangle" ]]; then
+  --skip "$skip_events" -n "$nevts" "$infile" "$outfile"
+  --yangle -0.000150 --yshift 12.0 --skip "$skip_events" -n "$nevts" "$infile" "$outfile"
 # Print out ending time
diff --git a/Generators/FaserParticleGun/python/ b/Generators/FaserParticleGun/python/
index dd599bf84..7f1ed1799 100644
--- a/Generators/FaserParticleGun/python/
+++ b/Generators/FaserParticleGun/python/
@@ -89,4 +89,3 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     plt.hist(np.sqrt(xarr**2 + yarr**2))    
diff --git a/Generators/HEPMCReader/python/ b/Generators/HEPMCReader/python/
index bb116c11c..affee04ea 100644
--- a/Generators/HEPMCReader/python/
+++ b/Generators/HEPMCReader/python/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-import sys, tempfile
+import sys, tempfile, pathlib
 from AthenaConfiguration.MainServicesConfig import AthSequencer
 from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
 from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ def get_file_skip_events(ConfigFlags):
     "Create a file with events from ConfigFlags.Exec.SkipEvents to ConfigFlags.Exec.SkipEvents + ConfigFlags.Exec.MaxEvents"
     usetemp = True
+    #usetemp = False
     skip = ConfigFlags.Exec.SkipEvents
     fname = ConfigFlags.Input.Files[0]
     evtMax = ConfigFlags.Exec.MaxEvents
@@ -21,12 +22,22 @@ def get_file_skip_events(ConfigFlags):
     if skip == 0:
         return fname
+    print(f"get_file_skip_events skipping {skip} events with max {evtMax}")
     if usetemp:
         fout = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w", delete = False)
         foutname =
-        foutname, fext = ".".join(fname.split('.')[:-1]), fname.split('.')[-1]
-        foutname = f"{foutname}-evts{skip}-{skip+evtMax}.{fext}"        
+        infile = pathlib.Path(fname)
+        # Put this in current working directory
+        if evtMax > 0:
+            end = skip+evtMax
+        else:
+            end = 'all'
+        foutname = f"{infile.stem}=evts{skip}-{end}.{infile.suffix}"
+        #foutname, fext = ".".join(fname.split('.')[:-1]), fname.split('.')[-1]
+        #foutname = f"{foutname}-evts{skip}-{skip+evtMax}{fext}"        
         fout = open(foutname, "w")
     fout.write("HepMC::Version 2.06.09\nHepMC::IO_GenEvent-START_EVENT_LISTING\n")
@@ -37,19 +48,22 @@ def get_file_skip_events(ConfigFlags):
             if l.startswith("E "):
                 ievt += 1
-            if ievt > skip + evtMax:
-                    break
+            if evtMax > 0 and ievt > skip + evtMax:
+                break
             if ievt > skip:
+                #print(f"Writing event {ievt}")
+            # else:
+                # print(f"Skipping event {ievt}")
+    #print(f"Wrote to file {foutname}")
     return foutname
 def HepMCReaderCfg(ConfigFlags, **kwargs) :
     cfg = ComponentAccumulator(AthSequencer("AthBeginSeq", Sequential = True))
     from TruthIO.TruthIOConf import HepMCReadFromFile
diff --git a/Simulation/G4Faser/G4FaserAlg/test/ b/Simulation/G4Faser/G4FaserAlg/test/
old mode 100644
new mode 100755

From 593f1b783fc38d5779116d230eb4570851b5c1f0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Carl Gwilliam <>
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2022 11:04:27 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 11/11] Update foresee and fluka generation + validation

 .../FlukaReader/python/      | 20 +++---
 .../ForeseeGenerator/python/       |  5 +-
 .../share/           | 61 +++++++++++++------
 3 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Generators/FlukaReader/python/ b/Generators/FlukaReader/python/
index 3a8728e37..4cc449e65 100644
--- a/Generators/FlukaReader/python/
+++ b/Generators/FlukaReader/python/
@@ -333,8 +333,8 @@ class FlukaReader(EvgenAlg):
         ebins = np.linspace(0, 5000, 50)
-        plt.hist(self.before["E"], bins=ebins, histtype='step', color = "g", fill = False, label = "before")
-        plt.hist(self.after["E"], bins = ebins, histtype='step', color = "r", fill = False, label = "after")
+        plt.hist(self.before["E"], bins=ebins, weights = np.array(self.before["w"])/self.nsamples, histtype='step', color = "g", fill = False, label = "before")
+        plt.hist(self.after["E"], bins = ebins, weights = np.array(self.after["w"])/self.nsamples, histtype='step', color = "r", fill = False, label = "after")
@@ -344,8 +344,8 @@ class FlukaReader(EvgenAlg):
         thetaX =  np.pi/2. - np.arccos(np.array(self.before["cosX"]))
         thetaXout =  np.pi/2. - np.arccos(np.array(self.after["cosX"]))        
         tbins = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, 100)
-        plt.hist(thetaX, bins = tbins, histtype='step', color = "g", fill = False, label = "before")
-        plt.hist(thetaXout, bins = tbins, histtype='step', color = "r", fill = False, label = "after")
+        plt.hist(thetaX, bins = tbins, weights = np.array(self.before["w"])/self.nsamples, histtype='step', color = "g", fill = False, label = "before")
+        plt.hist(thetaXout, bins = tbins, weights = np.array(self.after["w"])/self.nsamples, histtype='step', color = "r", fill = False, label = "after")
@@ -354,8 +354,8 @@ class FlukaReader(EvgenAlg):
         plt.xlabel("Angle to beam in Y dir")        
         thetaY =  np.pi/2. - np.arccos(np.array(self.before["cosY"]))
         thetaYout =  np.pi/2. - np.arccos(np.array(self.after["cosY"]))        
-        plt.hist(thetaY, bins = tbins, histtype='step', color = "g", fill = False, label = "before")
-        plt.hist(thetaYout, bins = tbins, histtype='step', color = "r", fill = False, label = "after")
+        plt.hist(thetaY, bins = tbins, weights = np.array(self.before["w"])/self.nsamples, histtype='step', color = "g", fill = False, label = "before")
+        plt.hist(thetaYout, bins = tbins, weights = np.array(self.after["w"])/self.nsamples, histtype='step', color = "r", fill = False, label = "after")
@@ -363,16 +363,16 @@ class FlukaReader(EvgenAlg):
         plt.xlabel("Dispacement in X dir")        
         xbins = np.linspace(-300, 300, 100)
-        plt.hist(self.before["x"], bins = xbins, histtype='step', color = "g", fill = False, label = "before")
-        plt.hist(self.after["x"], bins = xbins, histtype='step', color = "r", fill = False, label = "after")
+        plt.hist(self.before["x"], bins = xbins, weights = np.array(self.before["w"])/self.nsamples, histtype='step', color = "g", fill = False, label = "before")
+        plt.hist(self.after["x"], bins = xbins, weights = np.array(self.after["w"])/self.nsamples, histtype='step', color = "r", fill = False, label = "after")
         plt.xlabel("Dispacement in Y dir")               
-        plt.hist(self.before["y"], bins = xbins, histtype='step', color = "g", fill = False, label = "before")
-        plt.hist(self.after["y"], bins = xbins, histtype='step', color = "r", fill = False, label = "after")        
+        plt.hist(self.before["y"], bins = xbins, weights = np.array(self.before["w"])/self.nsamples, histtype='step', color = "g", fill = False, label = "before")
+        plt.hist(self.after["y"], bins = xbins, weights = np.array(self.after["w"])/self.nsamples, histtype='step', color = "r", fill = False, label = "after")        
diff --git a/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/python/ b/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/python/
index 399d85ae7..a93efeedd 100644
--- a/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/python/
+++ b/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/python/
@@ -163,8 +163,7 @@ class EvgenValidation(EvgenAnalysisAlg):
         llp_vtx = None
         for i, p in enumerate(evt.particles):
-            print("--- ", i)
-            p.print()
+            #p.print()
             if self.mother_stored:
@@ -179,6 +178,8 @@ class EvgenValidation(EvgenAnalysisAlg):
             if i == 0 and p.production_vertex():
                 llp_vtx = p.production_vertex().point3d()
+            elif i == 0 and p.end_vertex():
+                llp_vtx = p.end_vertex().point3d()                            
             if p.production_vertex():
diff --git a/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/share/ b/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/share/
index 37372b7bd..f02f4311f 100644
--- a/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/share/
+++ b/Generators/ForeseeGenerator/share/
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class ForeseeGenerator(object):
         self.daughter2_pid = daughter2_pid
         self.outdir = outdir
         self.path = path
-        self.version = 1  # Forsee "version": 2 is in testing
+        self.version = 2  # Forsee "version": 2 is in testing
         self.seed = randomSeed
         # Set decay mode ...
@@ -102,6 +102,12 @@ class ForeseeGenerator(object):
                 massrange=[1.5, 10.]
+            self.model.set_br_1d(
+                modes = [self.mode],
+                filenames=[f"files/models/{self.modelname}/br/{self.mode}.txt"] 
+                )
             masses_brem = [ 
                 0.01  ,  0.0126,  0.0158,  0.02  ,  0.0251,  0.0316,  0.0398,
@@ -134,6 +140,13 @@ class ForeseeGenerator(object):
                 masses = masses_dy,
+            self.model.set_br_1d(
+                modes = ["e_e", "mu_mu"],
+                finalstates = [[11, -11], [13, -13]],
+                filenames=["model/br/e_e.txt", "model/br/mu_mu.txt"],
+                #filenames=[f"model/br/all.txt"] 
+                )
         return self.decays()
@@ -175,6 +188,19 @@ class ForeseeGenerator(object):
             nsample = 10,
+        if self.version == 1:
+            self.model.set_br_1d(
+                modes = [self.mode],
+                filenames=[f"files/models/{self.modelname}/br/{self.mode}.txt"] 
+                )
+        else:
+            self.model.set_br_1d(
+                modes = ["gamma_gamma"],
+                finalstates = [[22, 22]],
+                filenames=["model/br/gamma_gamma.txt"]
+                #filenames=[f"model/br/all.txt"] 
+                )   
         return self.decays()
@@ -185,24 +211,13 @@ class ForeseeGenerator(object):
-                )
-            self.model.set_br_1d(
-                modes = [self.mode],
-                filenames=[f"files/models/{self.modelname}/br/{self.mode}.txt"] 
-                )
+                )        
-            self.model.set_br_1d(
-                modes = [self.mode],
-                finalstates = [[self.daughter1_pid, self.daughter2_pid]],
-                filenames=[f"model/br/{self.mode}.txt"] 
-                )            
         # Get LLP spectrum
         # This is just a reference coupling 
@@ -295,7 +310,15 @@ class ForeseeGenerator(object):
         filename =  f"{self.outdir}/events_{}TeV_m{self.mass}GeV_c{self.couplings[0]}to_{self.daughter1_pid}_{self.daughter2_pid}.hepmc"
-        self.foresee.write_events(self.mass, self.couplings[0],, filename, nevents, zfront = -1500, seed = self.seed)
+        self.foresee.write_events(self.mass, self.couplings[0],, filename, nevents, zfront = -1.5, seed = self.seed, decaychannels = [self.mode])
+        cfgname = f"{self.foresee.dirpath}/Models/{self.modelname}/" + filename.replace(".hepmc", ".cfg")
+        print(f"save config to file: {cfgname}")
+        with open(cfgname, "w") as f:
+            f.write(" ".join(sys.argv))
+        return
 def setup_foresee(path):
@@ -334,10 +357,10 @@ def add_to_python_path(path):
 def parse_couplings(data, write_hepMC = False):    
     if write_hepMC:
-        try:
-            couplings = float(couplings)
-        except ValueError:
-            sus.exit("Only a single coupling allowed when writing HEPMC events")
+        if len(data) == 1:
+            couplings = float(data[0])
+        else:
+            sys.exit("Only a single coupling allowed when writing HEPMC events")
         couplings = [float(d) for d in data]
@@ -375,7 +398,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     if args.pid2 is None:
         args.pid2 = -args.pid1
-    couplings = parse_couplings(args.couplings)
+    couplings = parse_couplings(args.couplings, args.hepmc)
     print(f"Generating {args.model} events at Ecom = {args.Ecom}") 
     print(f"   mother mass = {args.mass} GeV")