diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index ee288f31b7f283bc64f497415be5576a9676fbcb..c0b7629bab63d885f549eeb3da7af0596d1742e0 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@ SUBDIRS = minuit/src interfaces/src DY/src DIPOLE/src RT/src EW/src common commo
           include interfaces/include FastNLO/include FastNLO/include/fastnlotk DiffDIS/include \
           DY/include tools/draw/include \
           pdf2yaml tools/process \
-  reactions/AFB/src \
+          pdf2yaml tools/process \
+	reactions/HathorSingleTop/src \
+	reactions/AFB/src \
 	reactions/KFactor/src reactions/Fractal_DISNC/src reactions/BaseDISCC/src reactions/Hathor/src reactions/BaseDISNC/src \
 	reactions/RT_DISNC/src reactions/FFABM_DISNC/src reactions/FFABM_DISCC/src reactions/APPLgrid/src reactions/BaseHVQMNR/src \
 	reactions/HVQMNR_LHCb_7TeV_beauty/src reactions/HVQMNR_LHCb_7TeV_charm/src reactions/testZMVFNS/src reactions/fastNLO/src/ \
diff --git a/Reactions.txt b/Reactions.txt
index de4193dc22e525198698064a19dbebaaf87b44da..e11a6ebcc2f7ed4d549fc6c66ebefd989b7140e8 100644
--- a/Reactions.txt
+++ b/Reactions.txt
@@ -14,5 +14,6 @@ FFABM_DISCC libffabm_discc_xfitter.so
 KFactor libkfactor_xfitter.so
 FONLL_DISNC libfonll_disnc_xfitter.so
 FONLL_DISCC libfonll_discc_xfitter.so
+HathorSingleTop libhathorsingletop_xfitter.so
 AFB libafb_xfitter.so
 KMatrix libkmatrix_xfitter.so
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 28fece7f484c575e9396f0459201284d6144e4b5..4a3a87f02c293e03589cc542ede11aa94d47b0ed 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -558,6 +558,7 @@ AC_CONFIG_FILES([include/Makefile
+		 reactions/HathorSingleTop/src/Makefile
diff --git a/reactions/Hathor/yaml/parameters.yaml b/reactions/Hathor/yaml/parameters.yaml
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0ee32897bd55a7f047b3fcf23abf2adcec58bf73 100644
--- a/reactions/Hathor/yaml/parameters.yaml
+++ b/reactions/Hathor/yaml/parameters.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Hathor:
+muR: 1.
+muF: 1.
diff --git a/reactions/HathorSingleTop/include/HathorPdfxFitter.h b/reactions/HathorSingleTop/include/HathorPdfxFitter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..20e81c1471538c9f8b36936eab3ccb4ae33cb1fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reactions/HathorSingleTop/include/HathorPdfxFitter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#ifndef Hathor_xFitterPdf_
+#define Hathor_xFitterPdf_
+#include "HathorPdf.h"
+#include "ReactionHathorSingleTop.h"
+class HathorPdfxFitter : public Pdf
+  std::string PDFname;
+  int imember;
+  HathorPdfxFitter(ReactionHathorSingleTop* ptrReactionTheory);
+  void GetPdf(double x, double muf, double h[13]);
+  double GetAlphas(double mu);
+  void InitMember(int i);
+  int NumberPdf(void);
+  std::string GetName(void);
+  void Foo();
+  // flag which determines if GetPdf() and GetAlphas() methods should call proper routines or return dummy results
+  // (Hathor uses these at the very early initialisation step, need protection against QCDNUM not initialized)
+  bool IsValid;
+  // pointer to instance inherited from ReactionTheory (allows access to alphas and PDF routines)
+  ReactionHathorSingleTop* _reactionTheory;
diff --git a/reactions/HathorSingleTop/include/ReactionHathorSingleTop.h b/reactions/HathorSingleTop/include/ReactionHathorSingleTop.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..64820f61f65854a9a4fb120e275438bc03198b4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reactions/HathorSingleTop/include/ReactionHathorSingleTop.h
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "ReactionTheory.h"
+  @class' ReactionHathorSingleTop
+  @brief A wrapper class for HathorSingleTop reaction 
+  Based on the ReactionTheory class. Reads options produces 3d cross section.
+  @version 0.1
+  @date 2018-07-25
+  */
+// Authors: Laia Parets Peris <laia.parets.peris@desy.de>, Katerina Lipka <katerina.lipka@desy.de>
+// transition from pole to MSbar scheme by S. Moch (private communication)
+class HathorSgTopT;
+class HathorPdfxFitter;
+class ReactionHathorSingleTop : public ReactionTheory
+  public:
+    ReactionHathorSingleTop();
+    ~ReactionHathorSingleTop();
+//    ~ReactionHathorSingleTop(){};
+//    ~ReactionHathorSingleTop(const ReactionHathorSingleTop &){};
+//    ReactionHathorSingleTop & operator =(const ReactionHathorSingleTop &r){return *(new ReactionHathorSingleTop(r));};
+  public:
+    virtual string getReactionName() const { return  "HathorSingleTop" ;};
+    int initAtStart(const string &); 
+     virtual void setDatasetParameters(int dataSetID, map<string,string> pars, map<string,double> dsPars) override;
+    virtual int compute(int dataSetID, valarray<double> &val, map<string, valarray<double> > &err);
+    double CalculationRatio(double _mtop, double _mr, double _mf, int _scheme, HathorSgTopT* hathor);
+  protected:
+    virtual int parseOptions(){ return 0;};
+     // this is map of key = dataset, value = pointer to Hathor instances,
+    // one instance per one dataset
+    std::map<int, HathorSgTopT*> _hathorArray;
+    HathorPdfxFitter* _pdf;
+    int* _rndStore;
+    int _scheme;
+    double _mtop;
+    double _mr;
+    double _mf;
diff --git a/reactions/HathorSingleTop/src/HathorPdfxFitter.cc b/reactions/HathorSingleTop/src/HathorPdfxFitter.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..417406af37e493927f7ad0920232a95a13c7ffdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reactions/HathorSingleTop/src/HathorPdfxFitter.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#include "HathorPdfxFitter.h"
+#include "ReactionHathorSingleTop.h"
+#include "get_pdfs.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <valarray>
+HathorPdfxFitter::HathorPdfxFitter(ReactionHathorSingleTop *ptrReactionTheory)
+  PDFname = "xFitterPdf";
+  imember = 0;
+  _reactionTheory = ptrReactionTheory;
+  IsValid = false;
+void HathorPdfxFitter::GetPdf(double x, double muf, double h[13])
+  if(!IsValid)
+    return;
+  std::valarray<double> pdf(0.0, 13);
+  _reactionTheory->xfx(x, muf, &pdf[0]);
+  for(auto& val : pdf)
+    val /= x;
+  // ordering is:
+  // 0   1   2   3   4   5    6   7   8   9   10  11  12
+  // tb  bb  cb  sb  ub  db   g   d   u   s   c   b   t
+  h[AbstractHathor::ATOP]     = pdf[0];
+  h[AbstractHathor::ABOTTOM]  = pdf[1];
+  h[AbstractHathor::ACHARM]   = pdf[2];
+  h[AbstractHathor::ASTRANGE] = pdf[3];
+  h[AbstractHathor::AUP]      = pdf[4];
+  h[AbstractHathor::ADOWN]    = pdf[5];
+  h[AbstractHathor::GLUON]    = pdf[6];
+  h[AbstractHathor::DOWN]     = pdf[7];
+  h[AbstractHathor::UP]       = pdf[8];
+  h[AbstractHathor::STRANGE]  = pdf[9];
+  h[AbstractHathor::CHARM]    = pdf[10];
+  h[AbstractHathor::BOTTOM]   = pdf[11];
+  h[AbstractHathor::TOP ]     = pdf[12];
+double HathorPdfxFitter::GetAlphas(double mu)
+  if(!IsValid)
+    return 0.0;
+  return _reactionTheory->alphaS(mu);
+void HathorPdfxFitter::InitMember(int i){ imember=i; }
+int HathorPdfxFitter::NumberPdf(void){ return 1; }
+std::string HathorPdfxFitter::GetName(void){ return(PDFname); }
diff --git a/reactions/HathorSingleTop/src/Makefile.am b/reactions/HathorSingleTop/src/Makefile.am
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b93f9863c16e3e18c145854596fdc8e54afaa093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reactions/HathorSingleTop/src/Makefile.am
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Created by AddReaction.py on 2017-08-07
+# LHAPDF is required by Hathor-2.0
+  # HATHOR_ROOT points to the directory containing libHathor.a:
+  #   (1) in Hathor-1.5 this is the same common directory which contains all headers and sources,
+  #   (2) in Hathor-2.0 the library is Hathor-2.0/lib while the headers are in Hathor-2.0/include,
+  # therefore add both header places below
+  # Hathor-2.0 requires LHAPDF
+  AM_CXXFLAGS = $(HATHOR_CXXFLAGS) -I$(srcdir)/../include  -I$(srcdir)/../../../include  -I$(srcdir)/../../../interfaces/include -Wall -fPIC -Wno-deprecated -O0
+  lib_LTLIBRARIES = libhathorsingletop_xfitter.la
+  libhathorsingletop_xfitter_la_SOURCES = ReactionHathorSingleTop.cc HathorPdfxFitter.cc
+  # add Hathor library(ies)
+  libhathorsingletop_xfitter_la_LDFLAGS = $(HATHOR_LIBS)
+dist_noinst_HEADERS = ../include ../yaml
diff --git a/reactions/HathorSingleTop/src/ReactionHathorSingleTop.cc b/reactions/HathorSingleTop/src/ReactionHathorSingleTop.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a2f871b0a6f79e39c43d90b99d80682022413085
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reactions/HathorSingleTop/src/ReactionHathorSingleTop.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+   @file ReactionHathorSingleTop.cc
+   @date 2018-07-25
+   @author  AddReaction.py
+   Created by  AddReaction.py on 2018-07-25
+#include "ReactionHathorSingleTop.h"
+#include "HathorPdfxFitter.h"
+#include "Hathor.h"
+#include "cstring"
+// the class factories
+extern "C" ReactionHathorSingleTop* create() {
+  return new ReactionHathorSingleTop();
+extern "C"
+  int rlxd_size(void);
+  void rlxd_get(int state[]);
+  void rlxd_reset(int state[]);
+  void rlxd_init(int level,int seed);
+  _pdf = NULL;
+  _rndStore = NULL;
+  _scheme = -1;
+  _mtop = -1.0;
+  _mr = -1.0;
+  _mf = -1.0;
+  if(_rndStore)
+    delete[] _rndStore;
+  // do NOT delete Hathor instances here, because:
+  // (1) Hathor classes do not have vitual destructors which produces a warning
+  // (2) Hathor classes do not have destructors at all
+  //if(_pdf)
+  //  delete _pdf;
+  //for(auto item : _hathorArray)
+  //  if(item.second)
+  //    delete item.second;
+// Initialize at the start of the computation
+int ReactionHathorSingleTop::initAtStart(const string &s)
+ // PDFs for Hathor
+  _pdf = new HathorPdfxFitter(this);
+  // random number generator
+  rlxd_init(1, 1);
+  int nRnd = rlxd_size();
+  //std::cout << " Size of random number array = " << nRnd << "\n";
+  _rndStore = new int[nRnd];
+  rlxd_get(_rndStore);
+  // scheme (perturbative order and pole/MSbar mass treatment)
+  const string order = GetParamS("Order");
+  const int  pertubOrder = OrderMap(order);
+  _scheme = Hathor::LO;
+  if(pertubOrder > 1)
+    _scheme = _scheme | Hathor::NLO;
+  if(pertubOrder > 2)
+    _scheme = _scheme | Hathor::NNLO;
+   int msMass = 0; // pole mass by default
+   if(checkParam("MS_MASS"))
+    msMass = GetParamI("MS_MASS");
+   if(msMass)
+    _scheme = _scheme | Hathor::MS_MASS;
+  // top quark mass
+  std::string mtopName = "mtp";
+  if(!checkParam(mtopName))
+  {
+    std::string str = "F: no top quark mass (\"" + mtopName + "\" parameter) for Hathor";
+    hf_errlog_(18081701, str.c_str(), strlen(str.c_str()));
+  }
+  _mtop = GetParam("mtp");
+  // renorm. scale
+  _mr = _mtop;
+  if(checkParam("muR"))
+    _mr *= GetParam("muR");
+  // fact. scale
+  _mf = _mtop;
+  if(checkParam("muF"))
+    _mf *= GetParam("muF");
+  std::cout << " Hathor will use:";
+  std::cout << " mtop = " << _mtop << "[GeV] ";
+  std::cout << " renorm. scale = " << _mr << "[GeV] ";
+  std::cout << " fact. scale = " << _mf << "[GeV]";
+  std::cout << std::endl;
+  return 0;
+void ReactionHathorSingleTop::setDatasetParameters(int dataSetID, map<std::string, std::string> pars, map<std::string, double> dsPars)
+  // check if dataset with provided ID already exists
+  if(_hathorArray.find(dataSetID) != _hathorArray.end())
+  {
+    char str[256];
+    sprintf(str, "F: dataset with id = %d already exists", dataSetID);
+    hf_errlog_(17080701, str, strlen(str));
+  }
+  // read centre-of-mass energy from provided dataset parameters
+  // (must be provided)
+  auto it = pars.find("SqrtS");
+  if(it == pars.end())
+  {
+    char str[256];
+    sprintf(str, "F: no SqrtS for dataset with id = %d", dataSetID);
+    hf_errlog_(18081702, str, strlen(str));
+  }
+  double sqrtS = atof(it->second.c_str());
+  // read precision level from provided dataset parameters
+  // if not specified set to default 2 -> Hathor::MEDIUM
+  int precisionLevel = Hathor::MEDIUM;
+  it = pars.find("precisionLevel");
+  if(it != pars.end())
+  {
+    precisionLevel = std::pow(10, 2 + atoi(it->second.c_str()));
+    // check that this setting is allowed
+    // see in AbstractHathor.h:
+    //   enum ACCURACY { LOW=1000, MEDIUM=10000, HIGH=100000 };
+    // and
+    // precisionLevel = 1 -> Hathor::LOW
+    // precisionLevel = 2 -> Hathor::MEDIUM
+    // precisionLevel = 3 -> Hathor::HIGH
+    if(precisionLevel !=  Hathor::LOW && precisionLevel !=  Hathor::MEDIUM && precisionLevel !=  Hathor::HIGH)
+    {
+      char str[256];
+      sprintf(str, "F: provided precision level = %d not supported by Hathor", precisionLevel);
+      hf_errlog_(18081702, str, strlen(str));
+    }
+  }
+  // read ppbar from provided dataset parameters
+  // if not specified assume it is false (pp collisions)
+  int ppbar = false;
+  it = pars.find("ppbar");
+  if(it != pars.end())
+  {
+    ppbar = atoi(it->second.c_str());
+    if(ppbar !=  0 && ppbar != 1)
+    {
+      char str[256];
+      sprintf(str, "F: provided ppbar = %d not recognised (must be 0 or 1)", ppbar);
+      hf_errlog_(17081103, str, strlen(str));
+    }
+  }
+  // read topquark from provided dataset parameters
+  // if not specified assume it is false (topquark collisions)
+  int antitopquark = false;
+  it = pars.find("antitopquark");
+  if(it != pars.end())
+  {
+    antitopquark = atoi(it->second.c_str());
+    if(antitopquark !=  0 && antitopquark != 1)
+    {
+      char str[256];
+      sprintf(str, "F: provided antitopquark = %d not recognised (must be 0 or 1)", antitopquark);
+      hf_errlog_(17081103, str, strlen(str));
+    }
+  }
+  // instantiate Hathor
+  HathorSgTopT* hathor = new HathorSgTopT(*_pdf);
+  hathor->sethc2(0.38937911e9);
+  // set collision type
+  if(ppbar)
+    hathor->setColliderType(Hathor::PPBAR);
+  else
+    hathor->setColliderType(Hathor::PP);
+  std::cout << "ReactionHathorSingleTop: PP/PPBAR parameter set to " << ppbar << std::endl;
+  // set centre-of-mass energy
+  hathor->setSqrtShad(sqrtS);
+  std::cout << "ReactionHathorSingleTop: center of mass energy set to " << sqrtS << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "ReactionHathorSingleTop: TOPQUARK/ANTITOPQUARK se to " << antitopquark << std::endl;
+  if(antitopquark)
+  {
+    std::cout << " Antitopquark is set" << std::endl;
+    hathor->setParticle(SgTop::ANTITOPQUARK);
+  }  
+  else
+  {
+    std::cout << " Topquark is selected" << std::endl;
+    hathor->setParticle(SgTop::TOPQUARK);
+  }
+  // set scheme
+  hathor->setScheme(_scheme);
+  std::cout << "ReactionHathorSingleTop: Setting the scheme" << std::endl;
+  // set precision level
+  hathor->setPrecision(precisionLevel);
+  // done
+  hathor->PrintOptions();
+  _hathorArray[dataSetID] = hathor;
+// Main function to compute results at an iteration
+int ReactionHathorSingleTop::compute(int dataSetID, valarray<double> &val, map<string, valarray<double> > &err)
+  _pdf->IsValid = true;
+  rlxd_reset(_rndStore);
+  HathorSgTopT* hathor = _hathorArray.at(dataSetID);
+  int msMass = 0; // pole mass by default
+  if(checkParam("MS_MASS"))
+    msMass = GetParamI("MS_MASS");
+  if(msMass){
+    double dmtms;
+    double Lrbar,nfl;
+    double d1dec,d2dec,aspi;
+    double const pi = 3.141592653589793;
+    double const z2 = 1.644934066848226;
+    double const z3 = 1.202056903159594;
+    double const ln2= 0.693147180559945;
+    double crst;
+    double valtclo, valtclop, valtclom, valtcnlo, valtcnlop, valtcnlom;
+    double err1, chi1;
+    aspi = hathor->getAlphas(_mr)/(pi);
+    dmtms = _mtop/100.;
+    // decoupling coefficients
+    nfl = 5.;
+    Lrbar = 0.;
+    d1dec = ( 4./3. + Lrbar );
+    d2dec = ( 307./32. + 2.*z2 + 2./3.*z2*ln2 - z3/6.
+             + 509./72.*Lrbar + 47./24.*pow(Lrbar,2)
+             - nfl*(71./144. + z2/3. + 13./36.*Lrbar + pow(Lrbar,2)/12.) );
+    _scheme = Hathor::LO;
+    hathor->setScheme(_scheme);
+    // LO
+    hathor->getXsection(_mtop,_mr,_mf);
+    hathor->getResult(0,valtclo,err1,chi1);
+    // LO derivatives
+    hathor->getXsection(_mtop+dmtms,_mr,_mf);
+    hathor->getResult(0,valtclop,err1,chi1);
+    hathor->getXsection(_mtop-dmtms,_mr,_mf);
+    hathor->getResult(0,valtclom,err1,chi1);
+    _scheme = Hathor::LO | Hathor::NLO;
+    hathor->setScheme(_scheme) ;
+    // NLO
+    hathor->getXsection(_mtop,_mr,_mf);
+    hathor->getResult(0,valtcnlo,err1,chi1);
+    // NLO derivatives
+    hathor->getXsection(_mtop+dmtms,_mr,_mf);
+    hathor->getResult(0,valtcnlop,err1,chi1);
+    hathor->getXsection(_mtop-dmtms,_mr,_mf);
+    hathor->getResult(0,valtcnlom,err1,chi1);
+    // add things up
+    crst = valtcnlo
+      + aspi* d1dec*_mtop/(2.*dmtms)* (valtcnlop-valtcnlom)
+      + pow(aspi,2)* d2dec*_mtop/(2.*dmtms)* (valtclop-valtclom)
+      + pow(aspi*d1dec*_mtop/dmtms,2)/2.* (valtclop-2.*valtclo+valtclom);
+    val[0]=crst;
+  }
+  else{
+    hathor->getXsection(_mtop, _mr, _mf);
+    double dum = 0.0;
+    val[0] = 0.0;
+    hathor->getResult(0, val[0], dum);
+  }
+   return 0;
diff --git a/reactions/HathorSingleTop/yaml/parameters.yaml b/reactions/HathorSingleTop/yaml/parameters.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391