From 0fbb878432c1718fc0def6f21041555e9ef6d0eb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Juri Fiaschi <>
Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2018 21:49:21 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 01/11] project for including AFB in xFitter

 Reactions.txt                       |   1 +                        |   1 +
 reactions/AFB/include/ReactionAFB.h |  89 ++++++++
 reactions/AFB/src/       |  15 ++
 reactions/AFB/src/    | 337 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 reactions/AFB/src/           | 191 ++++++++++++++++
 6 files changed, 634 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 reactions/AFB/include/ReactionAFB.h
 create mode 100644 reactions/AFB/src/
 create mode 100644 reactions/AFB/src/
 create mode 100644 reactions/AFB/src/

diff --git a/Reactions.txt b/Reactions.txt
index ccfb9b042..ae4c16236 100644
--- a/Reactions.txt
+++ b/Reactions.txt
@@ -14,3 +14,4 @@ FFABM_DISCC
diff --git a/ b/
index 869c03662..161e18244 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -558,6 +558,7 @@ AC_CONFIG_FILES([include/Makefile
+		 reactions/AFB/src/Makefile
diff --git a/reactions/AFB/include/ReactionAFB.h b/reactions/AFB/include/ReactionAFB.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0de8d7935
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reactions/AFB/include/ReactionAFB.h
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "ReactionTheory.h"
+  @class' ReactionAFB
+  @brief A wrapper class for AFB reaction 
+  Based on the ReactionTheory class. Reads options produces 3d cross section.
+  @version 0.1
+  @date 2018-07-16
+  */
+class ReactionAFB : public ReactionTheory
+  public:
+    ReactionAFB(){};
+//    ~ReactionAFB(){};
+//    ~ReactionAFB(const ReactionAFB &){};
+//    ReactionAFB & operator =(const ReactionAFB &r){return *(new ReactionAFB(r));};
+  public:
+    virtual string getReactionName() const { return  "AFB" ;};
+    int initAtStart(const string &); 
+    virtual int compute(int dataSetID, valarray<double> &val, map<string, valarray<double> > &err);
+  protected:
+    virtual int parseOptions(){ return 0;};
+  private:
+    static double *propagators (double);
+    static double uubarEF_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
+//     double uubarEF_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
+    double integration_uubarEF (double, double);
+    double *observables (double, double);
+//   public:
+//     double *propagators (double Minv);
+//     double uubarEF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params);
+//     double integration_uubarEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
+//     double uubarEB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params);
+//     double integration_uubarEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
+//     double uubarOF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params);
+//     double integration_uubarOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
+//     double uubarOB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params);
+//     double integration_uubarOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
+//     double ubaruEF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params);
+//     double integration_ubaruEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
+//     double ubaruEB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params);
+//     double integration_ubaruEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
+//     double ubaruOF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params);
+//     double integration_ubaruOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
+//     double ubaruOB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params);
+//     double integration_ubaruOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
+//     double ddbarEF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params);
+//     double integration_ddbarEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
+//     double ddbarEB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params);
+//     double integration_ddbarEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
+//     double ddbarOF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params);
+//     double integration_ddbarOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
+//     double ddbarOB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params);
+//     double integration_ddbarOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
+//     double dbardEF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params);
+//     double integration_dbardEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
+//     double dbardEB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params);
+//     double integration_dbardEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
+//     double dbardOF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params);
+//     double integration_dbardOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
+//     double dbardOB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params);
+//     double integration_dbardOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
+//     double observables (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
diff --git a/reactions/AFB/src/ b/reactions/AFB/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2af7659a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reactions/AFB/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Created by on 2018-07-16
+AM_CXXFLAGS = -I$(srcdir)/../include  -I$(srcdir)/../../../include  -I$(srcdir)/../../../interfaces/include -Wall -fPIC -Wno-deprecated 
+libafb_xfitter_la_SOURCES =
+libafb_xfitter_la_LDFLAGS =  -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm
+datadir = ${prefix}/yaml/reactions/AFB
+data_DATA = ../yaml/parameters.yaml
+dist_noinst_HEADERS = ../include ../yaml
diff --git a/reactions/AFB/src/ b/reactions/AFB/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..70c3735a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reactions/AFB/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+   @file
+   @date 2018-07-16
+   @author
+   Created by on 2018-07-16
+#include "ReactionAFB.h"
+#include "iostream"
+#include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
+#include <gsl/gsl_randist.h>
+#include <gsl/gsl_monte_miser.h>
+#include <gsl/gsl_monte_vegas.h>
+//#include "/home/jf6g13/LHAPDF-6.2.1/include/LHAPDF_link/LHAPDF.h"
+using namespace std;
+// Constants
+#define PI 3.14159265
+#define GeVtofb 0.38937966e+12
+// SM parameters
+#define MZ 91.19
+#define GammaZ 2.5
+#define alphaEM 0.0078125
+#define sthetaW 0.4817
+// set collider energy and luminosity
+#define energy 13000
+#define lum 300
+// define acceptance cuts
+#define eta_cut 2.5
+#define pT_cut 20
+// kinematic cuts
+#define ycut 1
+// // PDF set and grid
+// #define setname "CT14nnlo"
+// #define PDF_set 0
+// Setting of the integration
+const int dim_integration = 2; // Only integration on yreduced variable
+// Integration extremes
+double yreducedmin = 0;
+double yreducedmax = ycut;
+// Integration number of calls 
+size_t calls = 10000;
+int   ichk = 0;
+int   iset = 1;
+double *ReactionAFB::propagators (double Minv)
+    const double e = sqrt(4*PI*alphaEM);
+    const double gsm = (e/(sthetaW*sqrt(1-pow(sthetaW,2))))*sqrt(1+pow(sthetaW,4));
+    const double smangle = atan(-pow(sthetaW,2));
+    // SM couplings
+    static double *couplings_foton = new double[8];
+    couplings_foton[0] = e*(2.0/3.0);
+    couplings_foton[1] = 0;
+    couplings_foton[2] = e*(-1.0/3.0);
+    couplings_foton[3] = 0;
+    couplings_foton[4] = e*(-1.0);
+    couplings_foton[5] = 0;
+    couplings_foton[6] = 0;
+    couplings_foton[7] = 0;
+    static double *couplings_Z = new double[8];
+    couplings_Z[0] = (1.0/2.0)*gsm*(1.0/6.0)*(3*cos(smangle)+8*sin(smangle));
+    couplings_Z[1] = (1.0/2.0)*gsm*(cos(smangle)/2.0);
+    couplings_Z[2] = (1.0/2.0)*gsm*(1.0/6.0)*(-3*cos(smangle)-4*sin(smangle));
+    couplings_Z[3] = (1.0/2.0)*gsm*(-cos(smangle)/2.0);
+    couplings_Z[4] = (1.0/2.0)*gsm*((-cos(smangle)/2.0)+(-2*sin(smangle)));
+    couplings_Z[5] = (1.0/2.0)*gsm*(-cos(smangle)/2.0);
+    couplings_Z[6] = (1.0/2.0)*gsm*(cos(smangle)/2.0);
+    couplings_Z[7] = (1.0/2.0)*gsm*(cos(smangle)/2.0);
+    // Even combination of couplings
+    double even_foton_up = (pow(couplings_foton[0],2)+pow(couplings_foton[1],2))*(pow(couplings_foton[4],2)+pow(couplings_foton[5],2));
+    double even_foton_down = (pow(couplings_foton[2],2)+pow(couplings_foton[3],2))*(pow(couplings_foton[4],2)+pow(couplings_foton[5],2));
+    double even_interf_up = ((couplings_foton[0]*couplings_Z[0])+(couplings_foton[1]*couplings_Z[1]))*((couplings_foton[4]*couplings_Z[4])+(couplings_foton[5]*couplings_Z[5]));
+    double even_interf_down = ((couplings_foton[2]*couplings_Z[2])+(couplings_foton[3]*couplings_Z[3]))*((couplings_foton[4]*couplings_Z[4])+(couplings_foton[5]*couplings_Z[5]));
+    double even_Z_up = (pow(couplings_Z[0],2)+pow(couplings_Z[1],2))*(pow(couplings_Z[4],2)+pow(couplings_Z[5],2));
+    double even_Z_down = (pow(couplings_Z[2],2)+pow(couplings_Z[3],2))*(pow(couplings_Z[4],2)+pow(couplings_Z[5],2));
+    // Odd combination of couplings
+    double odd_foton_up = 4*couplings_foton[0]*couplings_foton[1]*couplings_foton[4]*couplings_foton[5];
+    double odd_foton_down = 4*couplings_foton[2]*couplings_foton[3]*couplings_foton[4]*couplings_foton[5];
+    double odd_interf_up = (couplings_foton[0]*couplings_Z[1]+couplings_foton[1]*couplings_Z[0])*(couplings_foton[4]*couplings_Z[5]+couplings_foton[5]*couplings_Z[4]);
+    double odd_interf_down = (couplings_foton[2]*couplings_Z[3]+couplings_foton[3]*couplings_Z[2])*(couplings_foton[4]*couplings_Z[5]+couplings_foton[5]*couplings_Z[4]);
+    double odd_Z_up = 4*couplings_Z[0]*couplings_Z[1]*couplings_Z[4]*couplings_Z[5];
+    double odd_Z_down = 4*couplings_Z[2]*couplings_Z[3]*couplings_Z[4]*couplings_Z[5];
+    // Propagators squared and interference
+    double foton_squared = 1.0/pow(Minv,4);
+    double interference = 2.0*(-pow(Minv,2)*(pow(MZ,2)-pow(Minv,2)))/(pow(Minv,4)*((pow(pow(MZ,2)-pow(Minv,2),2))+pow(MZ,2)*pow(GammaZ,2)));
+    double Z_squared = 1.0/(pow(pow(MZ,2)-pow(Minv,2),2)+pow(MZ,2)*pow(GammaZ,2));
+    static double *propagators = new double[4];
+    propagators[0] = (even_foton_up * foton_squared)+(even_interf_up * interference) + (even_Z_up * Z_squared);
+    propagators[1] = (odd_foton_up * foton_squared)+(odd_interf_up * interference) + (odd_Z_up * Z_squared);
+    propagators[2] = (even_foton_down * foton_squared)+(even_interf_down * interference) + (even_Z_down * Z_squared);
+    propagators[3] = (odd_foton_down * foton_squared)+(odd_interf_down * interference) + (odd_Z_down * Z_squared);
+    return propagators;
+// extern "C"{
+// void allfxq_(int iset, double x, double q2, double *pdfs, int n, int ichk);
+// }
+// extern "C"{
+// void allfxq_(int iset, double x, double q2, double *pdfs, int n, int ichk);
+// }
+extern "C"{
+double fvalxq_(int iset, int id, double x, double q2, int ichk);
+// extern "C"{
+// void fpdfxq_(int *iset, const double *x, const double *q2, double *pdfs, int *ichk);
+// }
+////UUBAR EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::uubarEF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
+    (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
+    double yreduced = entries[0];
+    double Minv = entries[1];
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+//     double f1u = (pdf[PDF_set]->xfxQ(2, x1, Q))/x1;
+//     double f1c = (pdf[PDF_set]->xfxQ(4, x1, Q))/x1;
+//     double f2ubar = (pdf[PDF_set]->xfxQ(-2, x2, Q))/x2;
+//     double f2cbar = (pdf[PDF_set]->xfxQ(-4, x2, Q))/x2;
+    static double pdfs1[13];
+    static double pdfs2[13];
+    double q2 = pow(Q,2);
+//     allfxq_(&iset,&x1,&q2,pdfs1,&ichk);
+//     allfxq_(&iset,&x2,&q2,pdfs2,&ichk);
+//     allfxq_(iset,x1,q2,pdfs1,0,ichk);
+//     allfxq_(iset,x2,q2,pdfs2,0,ichk);
+// //     fpdfxq_(&iset,&x1,&q2,pdfs1,&ichk);
+// //     fpdfxq_(&iset,&x2,&q2,pdfs2,&ichk);
+//     double f1u = pdfs1[7]/x1;
+//     double f1c = pdfs1[9]/x1;
+//     double f2ubar = pdfs2[4]/x2;
+//     double f2cbar = pdfs2[2]/x2;
+    double f1u = fvalxq_(iset,2,x1,q2,ichk)/x1;
+    double f1c = fvalxq_(iset,4,x1,q2,ichk)/x1;
+    double f2ubar = fvalxq_(iset,-2,x2,q2,ichk)/x2;
+    double f2cbar = fvalxq_(iset,-4,x2,q2,ichk)/x2;
+//     double f1u = xfx(x1,Q,2)/x1;
+//     double f1c = xfx(x1,Q,4)/x1;
+//     double f2ubar = xfx(x2,Q,-2)/x2;
+//     double f2cbar = xfx(x2,Q,-4)/x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double uubar_PDF = f1u*f2ubar + f1c*f2cbar;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;
+    double angular_integration_EF = (qqbar_cos_theta_max-qqbar_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,3));
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_EF = dsigma*angular_integration_EF;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // U-UBAR
+    double uubarEF = uubar_PDF*dsigma_EF;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return uubarEF * propagator[0];
+// double (ReactionAFB::*pointer_to_funct)(double *entries, size_t dim, void *params) = &ReactionAFB::uubarEF_funct;
+////UUBAR EVEN FORWARD Integration
+double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+    double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
+    double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
+    double uubarEF, error_uubarEF;
+    // Initialization of the integration (quite a black box)
+    gsl_monte_function Integrate_uubarEF = { &(ReactionAFB::uubarEF_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
+    const gsl_rng_type *T;
+    gsl_rng *r;
+    gsl_rng_env_setup ();
+    T = gsl_rng_default;
+    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
+    // Integration
+    {
+    gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
+    gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_uubarEF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &uubarEF, &error_uubarEF);
+    do
+    {
+        gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_uubarEF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &uubarEF, &error_uubarEF);
+    }
+    while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
+    gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+    }
+    gsl_rng_free (r);
+    return 2*uubarEF;
+double *ReactionAFB::observables (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+    double uubarEF = integration_uubarEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
+//     double uubarEB = integration_uubarEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
+//     double uubarOF = integration_uubarOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
+//     double uubarOB = integration_uubarOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
+//     double ubaruEF = integration_ubaruEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
+//     double ubaruEB = integration_ubaruEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
+//     double ubaruOF = integration_ubaruOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
+//     double ubaruOB = integration_ubaruOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
+//     double ddbarEF = integration_ddbarEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
+//     double ddbarEB = integration_ddbarEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
+//     double ddbarOF = integration_ddbarOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
+//     double ddbarOB = integration_ddbarOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
+//     double dbardEF = integration_dbardEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup); 
+//     double dbardEB = integration_dbardEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
+//     double dbardOF = integration_dbardOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
+//     double dbardOB = integration_dbardOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
+//     // Reconstructed Forward and Backward
+//     double Forward = uubarEF+ubaruEF+ddbarEF+dbardEF+uubarOF+ubaruOF+ddbarOF+dbardOF;
+//     double Backward = uubarEB+ubaruEB+ddbarEB+dbardEB+uubarOB+ubaruOB+ddbarOB+dbardOB;
+//     // Cross section and statistical relative uncertainty
+//     double XS = Forward + Backward;
+//     double Epsilon_XS = 100.0 / sqrt(XS*lum);
+//     // Reconstructed AFB and statistical absolute uncertainty
+//     double AFB = (Forward - Backward) / (Forward + Backward);
+//     double Delta_AFB = sqrt((1.0-pow(AFB,2)) / (XS*lum));
+//     double *results = new double[4];
+//     results[0] = XS;
+//     results[1] = Epsilon_XS;
+//     results[2] = AFB;
+//     results[3] = Delta_AFB;
+    double *results = new double[4];
+    results[0] = uubarEF;
+    results[1] = uubarEF;
+    results[2] = uubarEF;
+    results[3] = uubarEF;
+    return results;
+// the class factories
+extern "C" ReactionAFB* create() {
+  return new ReactionAFB();
+// Initialize at the start of the computation
+int ReactionAFB::initAtStart(const string &s)
+  return 0;
+// Main function to compute results at an iteration
+int ReactionAFB::compute(int dataSetID, valarray<double> &val, map<string, valarray<double> > &err)
+    auto *Minv_min  = GetBinValues(dataSetID,"Minv_min"), *Minv_max  = GetBinValues(dataSetID,"Minv_max");  
+    if (Minv_min == nullptr || Minv_max == nullptr) {
+    std::cout << "\n\nFATAL ERROR" << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "CHECK THE DATAFILE !!!" << std::endl;
+    return 1;
+  }
+    auto min = *Minv_min, max = *Minv_max;
+    printf("%1f \n", min[0]);
+    printf("%1f \n", max[0]);
+    printf("Calling AFB \n");
+//     val[0] = *propagators (min[0]);
+//     val[0] = integration_uubarEF(min[0], max[0]);
+    double *results = observables (min[0], max[0]);
+    val[0] = results[0];
+  return 0;
diff --git a/reactions/AFB/src/ b/reactions/AFB/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..28c72a025
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reactions/AFB/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <vector>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "PhysPar.h"
+#include <gsl/gsl_integration.h>
+#define MAX_CHAR 1000
+#define NALLOC   100000
+//#define PRECISION	1.e-3
+using namespace std;
+using namespace PhysPar;
+extern "C"{
+void fpdfxq_(int *iset, const double *x, const double *q2, double *pdfs, int *ichk);
+extern "C" {
+  int zee_integ__(double *integral, double *integral_err, void *mass_range, void *y_range);
+extern "C" {
+  void dy_check__();
+static double CurrentY = 0;
+namespace IntegDY_Z
+double intgd_m(double , void *);
+double dsig_gammaZ(double , void *);
+double get_Fqqbar(const double &, const double &, const double &, const int );
+double INT_PREC(1.e-3);
+double intgd_m(double m, void *y_range){
+//cout << "m: " << m << endl;
+  gsl_integration_workspace *wsp = 
+    gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(NALLOC);
+  // prepare y-range for integration
+  double y_low = (*(double*)y_range);
+  double y_up = (*((double*)y_range+1));
+  //  cout << "here" << y_low << "\t" << y_up << endl;
+  // prepare gsl_function
+  double inty, inty_err;
+  gsl_function F;
+  F.function = &dsig_gammaZ;
+  F.params = &m;
+  gsl_integration_qags(&F, y_low, y_up, 0, INT_PREC, NALLOC, wsp, &inty, &inty_err);
+  gsl_integration_workspace_free(wsp);
+//  cout << "gnuplot " << m << "\t" << inty << endl;
+  return inty;
+double get_Fqqbar(const double &x1, const double &x2, const double &scale, const int iflav, const int iget)
+//  short int bar_sign = ( iflav>2 )? 1: -1;
+//  if ( iflav>2 ) bar_sign = 1;
+  static double pdfs1[13];
+  static double pdfs2[13];
+  int   ichk = 0;
+  int   iset = 1;
+  double q2 = (scale) * (scale);
+  if ( (x1< 1.e-6)||(x2<1.e-6)||(x1>1.-1.e-6)||(x2>1.-1.e-6)) {
+    return 0.;
+  }
+  else{
+  // Access QCDNUM pdfs:
+    if (iget == 0) {
+      fpdfxq_(&iset,&x1,&q2,pdfs1,&ichk);
+      fpdfxq_(&iset,&x2,&q2,pdfs2,&ichk);
+    }
+  }
+  int ifl       = 6+iflav  ;
+  int iflbar    = 6-iflav ;
+  double xq1    = pdfs1[ifl];  //LHAPDF::xfx(x1, scale, iflav);
+  double xqbar2 = pdfs2[iflbar]; //LHAPDF::xfx(x2, scale, bar_sign*iflav);
+  double xq2    = pdfs2[ifl]; //lLHAPDF::xfx(x2, scale, iflav);
+  double xqbar1 = pdfs1[iflbar]; //LHAPDF::xfx(x1, scale, bar_sign*iflav);
+  double ret = (xq1*xqbar2+xqbar1*xq2)/(x1*x2);
+  /*
+  for (int i=0; i<=12; i++){
+    cout <<  pdfs1[i] << " ";
+  }
+  cout << "\n";
+  cout << "IFlav = " << iflav << endl;
+  cout << "Check: "<< xq1 <<  "\t" << xq2 << "\t" << xqbar1<<"\t"<<xqbar2<<endl;
+  */
+  return ret;
+// version
+double dsig_gammaZ(double y, void *pm)
+  const double m = *(double*) pm;
+//cout << m << "\t" << y << endl;
+  const double m2 = m*m;
+  const double x1 = m/ebeam*exp(y);
+  const double x2 = m/ebeam*exp(-y);
+  if ( (x1< 1.e-6)||(x2<1.e-6)||(x1>1.-1.e-6)||(x2>1.-1.e-6)) {
+    return 0.;
+  }
+  //cout << x1 << "\t" << x2 << endl;
+  double phi_gamma(0.), phi_Z(0.), phi_intf(0.);
+  for ( int iflav = 0; iflav<5; iflav++ ) {
+    double Fqqbar = get_Fqqbar(x1,x2,mz, iflav+1,iflav);  // iflav = 0: read new pdfs from QCDNUM
+    phi_gamma += pow(chq[iflav%2],2) * Fqqbar;
+    phi_intf  += vq[iflav%2]*chq[iflav%2]*Fqqbar;
+    phi_Z     += (pow(vq[iflav%2],2)+1.) * Fqqbar;
+  }
+  //const double kZ = 1./4./sw2/cw2;
+  alpha = 1./M_PI*gfermi*sqrt(2.)*sw2*cw2*m2z;
+  //  cout << 1./alpha << endl;
+  const double denZ = pow(m2-m2z,2)+pow(wz*mz,2);
+  double dsig = conhc*8.*M_PI*pow(alpha,2)/(9.*m*pow(ebeam,2))*(
+    phi_gamma 
+  + m2*(m2-m2z)*(1.-4.*sw2)/(8.*sw2*cw2*denZ)*phi_intf
+  + 3*pow(m2,2)*(1.+pow(1.-4.*sw2,2))/(16.*sw2*cw2*denZ*48.*sw2*cw2)*phi_Z
+  );
+  return dsig;
+} // IntegDY_Z namespace
+int zee_integ__( double *integral, double *integral_err, void *mass_range, void *y_range){
+  //int proc_id(0);
+  double m_low = (*(double*)mass_range);
+  double m_up  = (*((double*)mass_range+1));
+  double y_low = (*(double*)y_range);
+  double y_up  = (*((double*)y_range+1));
+  //  cout << m_low << "\t" << m_up <<endl;
+  //  cout << y_low << "\t" << y_up <<endl;
+  gsl_integration_workspace *wsp = 
+    gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(NALLOC);
+  //double integral, integral_err;
+  gsl_function gF;
+  gF.function = &(IntegDY_Z::intgd_m);
+  gF.params = y_range;
+  int integ_res = 
+    gsl_integration_qags(&gF, m_low, m_up, 0, IntegDY_Z::INT_PREC, NALLOC, wsp, integral, integral_err);
+  gsl_integration_workspace_free(wsp);
+  return integ_res;
+void dy_check__() {
+  double mass = 90.;
+  for ( int i = 0; i<=0; i++){
+    mass += i / 10.;
+    double val = IntegDY_Z::dsig_gammaZ(0.0 , &mass);
+    cout << "mass="<<mass<<" Double diff = " << val << "\n";
+  }
+  double integral(0); double err(0);
+  double mass_range[2]; double y_range[2];
+  mass_range[0] = 50.; mass_range[1] = 110.;
+  y_range[0] = -10.; y_range[1] = 10.;
+  int res = zee_integ__(&integral,&err,mass_range,y_range);
+  /*
+  double yrange[2]; 
+  yrange[0] = -10.;
+  yrange[1] =  10.;
+  double amint = intgd_m(mass,yrange);
+  cout << " mass int=" << amint << "\n";  
+  cout << " Integral ="<< integral <<" +- "<<err<<"\n";

From 1e890dc6369f5c73af6be8a7da62f9183d59e9b7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Juri Fiaschi <>
Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2018 19:51:27 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 02/11] Delete

 reactions/AFB/src/ | 191 --------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 191 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 reactions/AFB/src/

diff --git a/reactions/AFB/src/ b/reactions/AFB/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 28c72a025..000000000
--- a/reactions/AFB/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <vector>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include "PhysPar.h"
-#include <gsl/gsl_integration.h>
-#define MAX_CHAR 1000
-#define NALLOC   100000
-//#define PRECISION	1.e-3
-using namespace std;
-using namespace PhysPar;
-extern "C"{
-void fpdfxq_(int *iset, const double *x, const double *q2, double *pdfs, int *ichk);
-extern "C" {
-  int zee_integ__(double *integral, double *integral_err, void *mass_range, void *y_range);
-extern "C" {
-  void dy_check__();
-static double CurrentY = 0;
-namespace IntegDY_Z
-double intgd_m(double , void *);
-double dsig_gammaZ(double , void *);
-double get_Fqqbar(const double &, const double &, const double &, const int );
-double INT_PREC(1.e-3);
-double intgd_m(double m, void *y_range){
-//cout << "m: " << m << endl;
-  gsl_integration_workspace *wsp = 
-    gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(NALLOC);
-  // prepare y-range for integration
-  double y_low = (*(double*)y_range);
-  double y_up = (*((double*)y_range+1));
-  //  cout << "here" << y_low << "\t" << y_up << endl;
-  // prepare gsl_function
-  double inty, inty_err;
-  gsl_function F;
-  F.function = &dsig_gammaZ;
-  F.params = &m;
-  gsl_integration_qags(&F, y_low, y_up, 0, INT_PREC, NALLOC, wsp, &inty, &inty_err);
-  gsl_integration_workspace_free(wsp);
-//  cout << "gnuplot " << m << "\t" << inty << endl;
-  return inty;
-double get_Fqqbar(const double &x1, const double &x2, const double &scale, const int iflav, const int iget)
-//  short int bar_sign = ( iflav>2 )? 1: -1;
-//  if ( iflav>2 ) bar_sign = 1;
-  static double pdfs1[13];
-  static double pdfs2[13];
-  int   ichk = 0;
-  int   iset = 1;
-  double q2 = (scale) * (scale);
-  if ( (x1< 1.e-6)||(x2<1.e-6)||(x1>1.-1.e-6)||(x2>1.-1.e-6)) {
-    return 0.;
-  }
-  else{
-  // Access QCDNUM pdfs:
-    if (iget == 0) {
-      fpdfxq_(&iset,&x1,&q2,pdfs1,&ichk);
-      fpdfxq_(&iset,&x2,&q2,pdfs2,&ichk);
-    }
-  }
-  int ifl       = 6+iflav  ;
-  int iflbar    = 6-iflav ;
-  double xq1    = pdfs1[ifl];  //LHAPDF::xfx(x1, scale, iflav);
-  double xqbar2 = pdfs2[iflbar]; //LHAPDF::xfx(x2, scale, bar_sign*iflav);
-  double xq2    = pdfs2[ifl]; //lLHAPDF::xfx(x2, scale, iflav);
-  double xqbar1 = pdfs1[iflbar]; //LHAPDF::xfx(x1, scale, bar_sign*iflav);
-  double ret = (xq1*xqbar2+xqbar1*xq2)/(x1*x2);
-  /*
-  for (int i=0; i<=12; i++){
-    cout <<  pdfs1[i] << " ";
-  }
-  cout << "\n";
-  cout << "IFlav = " << iflav << endl;
-  cout << "Check: "<< xq1 <<  "\t" << xq2 << "\t" << xqbar1<<"\t"<<xqbar2<<endl;
-  */
-  return ret;
-// version
-double dsig_gammaZ(double y, void *pm)
-  const double m = *(double*) pm;
-//cout << m << "\t" << y << endl;
-  const double m2 = m*m;
-  const double x1 = m/ebeam*exp(y);
-  const double x2 = m/ebeam*exp(-y);
-  if ( (x1< 1.e-6)||(x2<1.e-6)||(x1>1.-1.e-6)||(x2>1.-1.e-6)) {
-    return 0.;
-  }
-  //cout << x1 << "\t" << x2 << endl;
-  double phi_gamma(0.), phi_Z(0.), phi_intf(0.);
-  for ( int iflav = 0; iflav<5; iflav++ ) {
-    double Fqqbar = get_Fqqbar(x1,x2,mz, iflav+1,iflav);  // iflav = 0: read new pdfs from QCDNUM
-    phi_gamma += pow(chq[iflav%2],2) * Fqqbar;
-    phi_intf  += vq[iflav%2]*chq[iflav%2]*Fqqbar;
-    phi_Z     += (pow(vq[iflav%2],2)+1.) * Fqqbar;
-  }
-  //const double kZ = 1./4./sw2/cw2;
-  alpha = 1./M_PI*gfermi*sqrt(2.)*sw2*cw2*m2z;
-  //  cout << 1./alpha << endl;
-  const double denZ = pow(m2-m2z,2)+pow(wz*mz,2);
-  double dsig = conhc*8.*M_PI*pow(alpha,2)/(9.*m*pow(ebeam,2))*(
-    phi_gamma 
-  + m2*(m2-m2z)*(1.-4.*sw2)/(8.*sw2*cw2*denZ)*phi_intf
-  + 3*pow(m2,2)*(1.+pow(1.-4.*sw2,2))/(16.*sw2*cw2*denZ*48.*sw2*cw2)*phi_Z
-  );
-  return dsig;
-} // IntegDY_Z namespace
-int zee_integ__( double *integral, double *integral_err, void *mass_range, void *y_range){
-  //int proc_id(0);
-  double m_low = (*(double*)mass_range);
-  double m_up  = (*((double*)mass_range+1));
-  double y_low = (*(double*)y_range);
-  double y_up  = (*((double*)y_range+1));
-  //  cout << m_low << "\t" << m_up <<endl;
-  //  cout << y_low << "\t" << y_up <<endl;
-  gsl_integration_workspace *wsp = 
-    gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(NALLOC);
-  //double integral, integral_err;
-  gsl_function gF;
-  gF.function = &(IntegDY_Z::intgd_m);
-  gF.params = y_range;
-  int integ_res = 
-    gsl_integration_qags(&gF, m_low, m_up, 0, IntegDY_Z::INT_PREC, NALLOC, wsp, integral, integral_err);
-  gsl_integration_workspace_free(wsp);
-  return integ_res;
-void dy_check__() {
-  double mass = 90.;
-  for ( int i = 0; i<=0; i++){
-    mass += i / 10.;
-    double val = IntegDY_Z::dsig_gammaZ(0.0 , &mass);
-    cout << "mass="<<mass<<" Double diff = " << val << "\n";
-  }
-  double integral(0); double err(0);
-  double mass_range[2]; double y_range[2];
-  mass_range[0] = 50.; mass_range[1] = 110.;
-  y_range[0] = -10.; y_range[1] = 10.;
-  int res = zee_integ__(&integral,&err,mass_range,y_range);
-  /*
-  double yrange[2]; 
-  yrange[0] = -10.;
-  yrange[1] =  10.;
-  double amint = intgd_m(mass,yrange);
-  cout << " mass int=" << amint << "\n";  
-  cout << " Integral ="<< integral <<" +- "<<err<<"\n";

From 3626c0f7eb262eb786e8f199cb548cb9e2e633be Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Juri Fiaschi <>
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2018 17:21:41 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 03/11] Including AFB in xFitter

 reactions/AFB/include/ReactionAFB.h |   85 +-
 reactions/AFB/src/    | 1253 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 2 files changed, 1208 insertions(+), 130 deletions(-)

diff --git a/reactions/AFB/include/ReactionAFB.h b/reactions/AFB/include/ReactionAFB.h
index 0de8d7935..e55534053 100644
--- a/reactions/AFB/include/ReactionAFB.h
+++ b/reactions/AFB/include/ReactionAFB.h
@@ -33,57 +33,42 @@ class ReactionAFB : public ReactionTheory
     static double *propagators (double);
     static double uubarEF_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
-//     double uubarEF_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
     double integration_uubarEF (double, double);
-    double *observables (double, double);
-//   public:
-//     double *propagators (double Minv);
-//     double uubarEF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params);
-//     double integration_uubarEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
-//     double uubarEB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params);
-//     double integration_uubarEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
-//     double uubarOF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params);
-//     double integration_uubarOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
-//     double uubarOB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params);
-//     double integration_uubarOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
-//     double ubaruEF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params);
-//     double integration_ubaruEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
-//     double ubaruEB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params);
-//     double integration_ubaruEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
-//     double ubaruOF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params);
-//     double integration_ubaruOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
-//     double ubaruOB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params);
-//     double integration_ubaruOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
-//     double ddbarEF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params);
-//     double integration_ddbarEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
-//     double ddbarEB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params);
-//     double integration_ddbarEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
-//     double ddbarOF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params);
-//     double integration_ddbarOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
-//     double ddbarOB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params);
-//     double integration_ddbarOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
-//     double dbardEF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params);
-//     double integration_dbardEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
-//     double dbardEB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params);
-//     double integration_dbardEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
-//     double dbardOF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params);
-//     double integration_dbardOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
-//     double dbardOB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params);
-//     double integration_dbardOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
-//     double observables (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup);
+    static double uubarEB_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
+    double integration_uubarEB (double, double);
+    static double uubarOF_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
+    double integration_uubarOF (double, double);
+    static double uubarOB_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
+    double integration_uubarOB (double, double);
+    static double ubaruEF_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
+    double integration_ubaruEF (double, double);
+    static double ubaruEB_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
+    double integration_ubaruEB (double, double);
+    static double ubaruOF_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
+    double integration_ubaruOF (double, double);
+    static double ubaruOB_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
+    double integration_ubaruOB (double, double);
+    static double ddbarEF_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
+    double integration_ddbarEF (double, double);
+    static double ddbarEB_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
+    double integration_ddbarEB (double, double);
+    static double ddbarOF_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
+    double integration_ddbarOF (double, double);
+    static double ddbarOB_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
+    double integration_ddbarOB (double, double);
+    static double dbardEF_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
+    double integration_dbardEF (double, double);
+    static double dbardEB_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
+    double integration_dbardEB (double, double);
+    static double dbardOF_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
+    double integration_dbardOF (double, double);
+    static double dbardOB_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
+    double integration_dbardOB (double, double);
+    double *observables (double, double);
diff --git a/reactions/AFB/src/ b/reactions/AFB/src/
index 70c3735a2..01be3ce53 100644
--- a/reactions/AFB/src/
+++ b/reactions/AFB/src/
@@ -8,11 +8,8 @@
 #include "ReactionAFB.h"
 #include "iostream"
-#include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
-#include <gsl/gsl_randist.h>
 #include <gsl/gsl_monte_miser.h>
 #include <gsl/gsl_monte_vegas.h>
-//#include "/home/jf6g13/LHAPDF-6.2.1/include/LHAPDF_link/LHAPDF.h"
 using namespace std;
@@ -37,12 +34,12 @@ using namespace std;
 // kinematic cuts
 #define ycut 1
-// // PDF set and grid
-// #define setname "CT14nnlo"
-// #define PDF_set 0
+// PDF set and check
+const int   iset = 1;
+const int   ichk = 0;
 // Setting of the integration
-const int dim_integration = 2; // Only integration on yreduced variable
+const int dim_integration = 2; // Integration on yreduced and Minv
 // Integration extremes
 double yreducedmin = 0;
 double yreducedmax = ycut;
@@ -50,10 +47,10 @@ double yreducedmax = ycut;
 // Integration number of calls 
 size_t calls = 10000;
-int   ichk = 0;
-int   iset = 1;
+//// Function retirning the combination of propagators
 double *ReactionAFB::propagators (double Minv)
     const double e = sqrt(4*PI*alphaEM);
@@ -113,22 +110,6 @@ double *ReactionAFB::propagators (double Minv)
     return propagators;
-// extern "C"{
-// void allfxq_(int iset, double x, double q2, double *pdfs, int n, int ichk);
-// }
-// extern "C"{
-// void allfxq_(int iset, double x, double q2, double *pdfs, int n, int ichk);
-// }
-extern "C"{
-double fvalxq_(int iset, int id, double x, double q2, int ichk);
-// extern "C"{
-// void fpdfxq_(int *iset, const double *x, const double *q2, double *pdfs, int *ichk);
-// }
 ////UUBAR EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
 double ReactionAFB::uubarEF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
@@ -145,41 +126,13 @@ double ReactionAFB::uubarEF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
     double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Partons PDFs
-//     double f1u = (pdf[PDF_set]->xfxQ(2, x1, Q))/x1;
-//     double f1c = (pdf[PDF_set]->xfxQ(4, x1, Q))/x1;
-//     double f2ubar = (pdf[PDF_set]->xfxQ(-2, x2, Q))/x2;
-//     double f2cbar = (pdf[PDF_set]->xfxQ(-4, x2, Q))/x2;
-    static double pdfs1[13];
-    static double pdfs2[13];
-    double q2 = pow(Q,2);
-//     allfxq_(&iset,&x1,&q2,pdfs1,&ichk);
-//     allfxq_(&iset,&x2,&q2,pdfs2,&ichk);
-//     allfxq_(iset,x1,q2,pdfs1,0,ichk);
-//     allfxq_(iset,x2,q2,pdfs2,0,ichk);
-// //     fpdfxq_(&iset,&x1,&q2,pdfs1,&ichk);
-// //     fpdfxq_(&iset,&x2,&q2,pdfs2,&ichk);
-//     double f1u = pdfs1[7]/x1;
-//     double f1c = pdfs1[9]/x1;
-//     double f2ubar = pdfs2[4]/x2;
-//     double f2cbar = pdfs2[2]/x2;
-    double f1u = fvalxq_(iset,2,x1,q2,ichk)/x1;
-    double f1c = fvalxq_(iset,4,x1,q2,ichk)/x1;
-    double f2ubar = fvalxq_(iset,-2,x2,q2,ichk)/x2;
-    double f2cbar = fvalxq_(iset,-4,x2,q2,ichk)/x2;
-//     double f1u = xfx(x1,Q,2)/x1;
-//     double f1c = xfx(x1,Q,4)/x1;
-//     double f2ubar = xfx(x2,Q,-2)/x2;
-//     double f2cbar = xfx(x2,Q,-4)/x2;
+    // Call the PDFs
+    double f1u = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,2)) / x1;
+    double f1c = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,4)) / x1;
+    double f2ubar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-2)) / x2;
+    double f2cbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-4)) / x2;
     // PDF combinations    
     double uubar_PDF = f1u*f2ubar + f1c*f2cbar;
@@ -196,17 +149,12 @@ double ReactionAFB::uubarEF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
     // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
     // U-UBAR
     double uubarEF = uubar_PDF*dsigma_EF;
     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return uubarEF * propagator[0];
+    return uubarEF * propagator[0]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
-// double (ReactionAFB::*pointer_to_funct)(double *entries, size_t dim, void *params) = &ReactionAFB::uubarEF_funct;
 ////UUBAR EVEN FORWARD Integration
 double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
@@ -236,10 +184,1136 @@ double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
     gsl_rng_free (r);
-    return 2*uubarEF;
+    return 2*uubarEF; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+// ////UUBAR EVEN BACKWARD Matrix element
+// double ReactionAFB::uubarEB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
+// {
+//     (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
+//     double yreduced = entries[0];
+//     double Minv = entries[1];
+//     // Partonic cross section parameters
+//     double Q = Minv;
+//     double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+//     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+//     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+//     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+//     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+//     double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+//     // Call the PDFs
+//     double f1u = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,2)) / x1;
+//     double f1c = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,4)) / x1;
+//     double f2ubar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-2)) / x2;
+//     double f2cbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-4)) / x2;
+//     // PDF combinations    
+//     double uubar_PDF = f1u*f2ubar + f1c*f2cbar;
+//     // Angular integration limits
+//     double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
+//     double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
+//     double angular_integration_EB = (qbarq_cos_theta_max-qbarq_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,3));
+//     // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+//     double dsigma_EB = dsigma*angular_integration_EB;
+//     // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+//     // U-UBAR
+//     double uubarEB = uubar_PDF*dsigma_EB;
+//     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+//     return uubarEB * propagator[0]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+// }
+// ////UUBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration
+// double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+// {
+//     double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
+//     double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
+//     double uubarEB, error_uubarEB;
+//     // Initialization of the integration (quite a black box)
+//     gsl_monte_function Integrate_uubarEB = { &(ReactionAFB::uubarEB_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
+//     const gsl_rng_type *T;
+//     gsl_rng *r;
+//     gsl_rng_env_setup ();
+//     T = gsl_rng_default;
+//     r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
+//     // Integration
+//     {
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_uubarEB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &uubarEB, &error_uubarEB);
+//     do
+//     {
+//         gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_uubarEB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &uubarEB, &error_uubarEB);
+//     }
+//     while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+//     }
+//     gsl_rng_free (r);
+//     return 2*uubarEB; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+// }
+// ////UUBAR ODD FORWARD Matrix element
+// double ReactionAFB::uubarOF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
+// {
+//     (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
+//     double yreduced = entries[0];
+//     double Minv = entries[1];
+//     // Partonic cross section parameters
+//     double Q = Minv;
+//     double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+//     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+//     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+//     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+//     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+//     double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+//     // Call the PDFs
+//     double f1u = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,2)) / x1;
+//     double f1c = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,4)) / x1;
+//     double f2ubar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-2)) / x2;
+//     double f2cbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-4)) / x2;
+//     // PDF combinations    
+//     double uubar_PDF = f1u*f2ubar + f1c*f2cbar;
+//     // Angular integration limits
+//     double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+//     double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;  
+//     double angular_integration_OF = pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,2);
+//     // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+//     double dsigma_OF = dsigma*angular_integration_OF;
+//     // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+//     // U-UBAR
+//     double uubarOF = uubar_PDF*dsigma_OF;
+//     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+//     return uubarOF * propagator[1]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+// }
+// ////UUBAR ODD FORWARD Integration
+// double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+// {
+//     double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
+//     double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
+//     double uubarOF, error_uubarOF;
+//     // Initialization of the integration (quite a black box)
+//     gsl_monte_function Integrate_uubarOF = { &(ReactionAFB::uubarOF_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
+//     const gsl_rng_type *T;
+//     gsl_rng *r;
+//     gsl_rng_env_setup ();
+//     T = gsl_rng_default;
+//     r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
+//     // Integration
+//     {
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_uubarOF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &uubarOF, &error_uubarOF);
+//     do
+//     {
+//         gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_uubarOF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &uubarOF, &error_uubarOF);
+//     }
+//     while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+//     }
+//     gsl_rng_free (r);
+//     return 2*uubarOF; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+// }
+// ////UUBAR ODD BACKWARD Matrix element
+// double ReactionAFB::uubarOB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
+// {
+//     (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
+//     double yreduced = entries[0];
+//     double Minv = entries[1];
+//     // Partonic cross section parameters
+//     double Q = Minv;
+//     double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+//     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+//     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+//     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+//     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+//     double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+//     // Call the PDFs
+//     double f1u = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,2)) / x1;
+//     double f1c = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,4)) / x1;
+//     double f2ubar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-2)) / x2;
+//     double f2cbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-4)) / x2;
+//     // PDF combinations    
+//     double uubar_PDF = f1u*f2ubar + f1c*f2cbar;
+//     // Angular integration limits
+//     double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
+//     double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
+//     double angular_integration_OB = pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,2);
+//     // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+//     double dsigma_OB = dsigma*angular_integration_OB;
+//     // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+//     // U-UBAR
+//     double uubarOB = uubar_PDF*dsigma_OB;
+//     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+//     return uubarOB * propagator[1]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+// }
+// ////UUBAR ODD BACKWARD Integration
+// double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+// {
+//     double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
+//     double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
+//     double uubarOB, error_uubarOB;
+//     // Initialization of the integration (quite a black box)
+//     gsl_monte_function Integrate_uubarOB = { &(ReactionAFB::uubarOB_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
+//     const gsl_rng_type *T;
+//     gsl_rng *r;
+//     gsl_rng_env_setup ();
+//     T = gsl_rng_default;
+//     r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
+//     // Integration
+//     {
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_uubarOB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &uubarOB, &error_uubarOB);
+//     do
+//     {
+//         gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_uubarOB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &uubarOB, &error_uubarOB);
+//     }
+//     while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+//     }
+//     gsl_rng_free (r);
+//     return 2*uubarOB; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+// }
+// ////UBARU EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
+// double ReactionAFB::ubaruEF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
+// {
+//     (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
+//     double yreduced = entries[0];
+//     double Minv = entries[1];
+//     // Partonic cross section parameters
+//     double Q = Minv;
+//     double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+//     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+//     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+//     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+//     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+//     double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+//     // Call the PDFs
+//     double f1ubar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-2)) / x1;
+//     double f1cbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-4)) / x1;
+//     double f2u = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,2)) / x2;
+//     double f2c = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,4)) / x2;
+//     // PDF combinations    
+//     double ubaru_PDF = f1ubar*f2u + f1cbar*f2c;
+//     // Angular integration limits
+//     double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
+//     double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
+//     double angular_integration_EB = (qbarq_cos_theta_max-qbarq_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,3));
+//     // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+//     double dsigma_EB = dsigma*angular_integration_EB;
+//     // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+//     // UBAR-U
+//     double ubaruEF = ubaru_PDF*dsigma_EB;
+//     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+//     return ubaruEF * propagator[0]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+// }
+// ////UBARU EVEN FORWARD Integration
+// double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+// {
+//     double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
+//     double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
+//     double ubaruEF, error_ubaruEF;
+//     // Initialization of the integration (quite a black box)
+//     gsl_monte_function Integrate_ubaruEF = { &(ReactionAFB::ubaruEF_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
+//     const gsl_rng_type *T;
+//     gsl_rng *r;
+//     gsl_rng_env_setup ();
+//     T = gsl_rng_default;
+//     r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
+//     // Integration
+//     {
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ubaruEF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &ubaruEF, &error_ubaruEF);
+//     do
+//     {
+//         gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ubaruEF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &ubaruEF, &error_ubaruEF);
+//     }
+//     while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+//     }
+//     gsl_rng_free (r);
+//     return 2*ubaruEF; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+// }
+// ////UBARU EVEN BACKWARD Matrix element
+// double ReactionAFB::ubaruEB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
+// {
+//     (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
+//     double yreduced = entries[0];
+//     double Minv = entries[1];
+//     // Partonic cross section parameters
+//     double Q = Minv;
+//     double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+//     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+//     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+//     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+//     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+//     double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+//     // Call the PDFs
+//     double f1ubar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-2)) / x1;
+//     double f1cbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-4)) / x1;
+//     double f2u = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,2)) / x2;
+//     double f2c = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,4)) / x2;
+//     // PDF combinations    
+//     double ubaru_PDF = f1ubar*f2u + f1cbar*f2c;
+//     // Angular integration limits
+//     double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+//     double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;  
+//     double angular_integration_EF = (qqbar_cos_theta_max-qqbar_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,3));
+//     // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+//     double dsigma_EF = dsigma*angular_integration_EF;
+//     // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+//     // UBAR-U
+//     double ubaruEB = ubaru_PDF*dsigma_EF;
+//     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+//     return ubaruEB * propagator[0]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+// }
+// ////UUBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration
+// double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+// {
+//     double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
+//     double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
+//     double ubaruEB, error_ubaruEB;
+//     // Initialization of the integration (quite a black box)
+//     gsl_monte_function Integrate_ubaruEB = { &(ReactionAFB::ubaruEB_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
+//     const gsl_rng_type *T;
+//     gsl_rng *r;
+//     gsl_rng_env_setup ();
+//     T = gsl_rng_default;
+//     r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
+//     // Integration
+//     {
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ubaruEB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &ubaruEB, &error_ubaruEB);
+//     do
+//     {
+//         gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ubaruEB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &ubaruEB, &error_ubaruEB);
+//     }
+//     while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+//     }
+//     gsl_rng_free (r);
+//     return 2*ubaruEB; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+// }
+// ////UBARU ODD FORWARD Matrix element
+// double ReactionAFB::ubaruOF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
+// {
+//     (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
+//     double yreduced = entries[0];
+//     double Minv = entries[1];
+//     // Partonic cross section parameters
+//     double Q = Minv;
+//     double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+//     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+//     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+//     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+//     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+//     double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+//     // Call the PDFs
+//     double f1ubar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-2)) / x1;
+//     double f1cbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-4)) / x1;
+//     double f2u = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,2)) / x2;
+//     double f2c = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,4)) / x2;
+//     // PDF combinations    
+//     double ubaru_PDF = f1ubar*f2u + f1cbar*f2c;
+//     // Angular integration limits
+//     double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
+//     double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
+//     double angular_integration_OB = pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,2);
+//     // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+//     double dsigma_OB = dsigma*angular_integration_OB;
+//     // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+//     // UBAR-U
+//     double ubaruOF = ubaru_PDF*dsigma_OB;
+//     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+//     return ubaruOF * propagator[1]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+// }
+// ////UBARU ODD FORWARD Integration
+// double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+// {
+//     double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
+//     double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
+//     double ubaruOF, error_ubaruOF;
+//     // Initialization of the integration (quite a black box)
+//     gsl_monte_function Integrate_ubaruOF = { &(ReactionAFB::ubaruOF_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
+//     const gsl_rng_type *T;
+//     gsl_rng *r;
+//     gsl_rng_env_setup ();
+//     T = gsl_rng_default;
+//     r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
+//     // Integration
+//     {
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ubaruOF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &ubaruOF, &error_ubaruOF);
+//     do
+//     {
+//         gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ubaruOF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &ubaruOF, &error_ubaruOF);
+//     }
+//     while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+//     }
+//     gsl_rng_free (r);
+//     return 2*ubaruOF; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+// }
+// ////UBARU ODD BACKWARD Matrix element
+// double ReactionAFB::ubaruOB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
+// {
+//     (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
+//     double yreduced = entries[0];
+//     double Minv = entries[1];
+//     // Partonic cross section parameters
+//     double Q = Minv;
+//     double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+//     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+//     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+//     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+//     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+//     double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+//     // Call the PDFs
+//     double f1ubar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-2)) / x1;
+//     double f1cbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-4)) / x1;
+//     double f2u = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,2)) / x2;
+//     double f2c = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,4)) / x2;
+//     // PDF combinations    
+//     double ubaru_PDF = f1ubar*f2u + f1cbar*f2c;
+//     // Angular integration limits
+//     double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+//     double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0; 
+//     double angular_integration_OF = pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,2);
+//     // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+//     double dsigma_OF = dsigma*angular_integration_OF;
+//     // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+//     // UBAR-U
+//     double ubaruOB = ubaru_PDF*dsigma_OF;
+//     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+//     return ubaruOB * propagator[1]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+// }
+// ////UBARU ODD BACKWARD Integration
+// double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+// {
+//     double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
+//     double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
+//     double ubaruOB, error_ubaruOB;
+//     // Initialization of the integration (quite a black box)
+//     gsl_monte_function Integrate_ubaruOB = { &(ReactionAFB::ubaruOB_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
+//     const gsl_rng_type *T;
+//     gsl_rng *r;
+//     gsl_rng_env_setup ();
+//     T = gsl_rng_default;
+//     r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
+//     // Integration
+//     {
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ubaruOB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &ubaruOB, &error_ubaruOB);
+//     do
+//     {
+//         gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ubaruOB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &ubaruOB, &error_ubaruOB);
+//     }
+//     while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+//     }
+//     gsl_rng_free (r);
+//     return 2*ubaruOB; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+// }
+// ////DDBAR EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
+// double ReactionAFB::ddbarEF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
+// {
+//     (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
+//     double yreduced = entries[0];
+//     double Minv = entries[1];
+//     // Partonic cross section parameters
+//     double Q = Minv;
+//     double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+//     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+//     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+//     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+//     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+//     double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+//     // Call the PDFs
+//     double f1d = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,1)) / x1;
+//     double f1s = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,3)) / x1;
+//     double f1b = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,5)) / x1;
+//     double f2dbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-1)) / x2;
+//     double f2sbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-3)) / x2;
+//     double f2bbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-5)) / x2;
+//     // PDF combinations    
+//     double ddbar_PDF = f1d*f2dbar + f1s*f2sbar + f1b*f2bbar;
+//     // Angular integration limits
+//     double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+//     double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;
+//     double angular_integration_EF = (qqbar_cos_theta_max-qqbar_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,3));
+//     // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+//     double dsigma_EF = dsigma*angular_integration_EF;
+//     // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+//     // D-DBAR
+//     double ddbarEF = ddbar_PDF*dsigma_EF;
+//     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+//     return ddbarEF * propagator[2]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+// }
+// ////DDBAR EVEN FORWARD Integration
+// double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+// {
+//     double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
+//     double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
+//     double ddbarEF, error_ddbarEF;
+//     // Initialization of the integration (quite a black box)
+//     gsl_monte_function Integrate_ddbarEF = { &(ReactionAFB::ddbarEF_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
+//     const gsl_rng_type *T;
+//     gsl_rng *r;
+//     gsl_rng_env_setup ();
+//     T = gsl_rng_default;
+//     r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
+//     // Integration
+//     {
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ddbarEF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &ddbarEF, &error_ddbarEF);
+//     do
+//     {
+//         gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ddbarEF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &ddbarEF, &error_ddbarEF);
+//     }
+//     while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+//     }
+//     gsl_rng_free (r);
+//     return 2*ddbarEF; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+// }
+// ////DDBAR EVEN BACKWARD Matrix element
+// double ReactionAFB::ddbarEB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
+// {
+//     (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
+//     double yreduced = entries[0];
+//     double Minv = entries[1];
+//     // Partonic cross section parameters
+//     double Q = Minv;
+//     double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+//     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+//     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+//     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+//     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+//     double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+//     // Call the PDFs
+//     double f1d = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,1)) / x1;
+//     double f1s = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,3)) / x1;
+//     double f1b = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,5)) / x1;
+//     double f2dbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-1)) / x2;
+//     double f2sbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-3)) / x2;
+//     double f2bbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-5)) / x2;
+//     // PDF combinations    
+//     double ddbar_PDF = f1d*f2dbar + f1s*f2sbar + f1b*f2bbar;
+//     // Angular integration limits
+//     double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
+//     double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
+//     double angular_integration_EB = (qbarq_cos_theta_max-qbarq_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,3));
+//     // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+//     double dsigma_EB = dsigma*angular_integration_EB;
+//     // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+//     // D-DBAR
+//     double ddbarEB = ddbar_PDF*dsigma_EB;
+//     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+//     return ddbarEB * propagator[2]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+// }
+// ////DDBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration
+// double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+// {
+//     double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
+//     double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
+//     double ddbarEB, error_ddbarEB;
+//     // Initialization of the integration (quite a black box)
+//     gsl_monte_function Integrate_ddbarEB = { &(ReactionAFB::ddbarEB_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
+//     const gsl_rng_type *T;
+//     gsl_rng *r;
+//     gsl_rng_env_setup ();
+//     T = gsl_rng_default;
+//     r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
+//     // Integration
+//     {
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ddbarEB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &ddbarEB, &error_ddbarEB);
+//     do
+//     {
+//         gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ddbarEB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &ddbarEB, &error_ddbarEB);
+//     }
+//     while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+//     }
+//     gsl_rng_free (r);
+//     return 2*ddbarEB; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+// }
+// ////DDBAR ODD FORWARD Matrix element
+// double ReactionAFB::ddbarOF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
+// {
+//     (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
+//     double yreduced = entries[0];
+//     double Minv = entries[1];
+//     // Partonic cross section parameters
+//     double Q = Minv;
+//     double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+//     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+//     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+//     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+//     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+//     double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+//     // Call the PDFs
+//     double f1d = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,1)) / x1;
+//     double f1s = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,3)) / x1;
+//     double f1b = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,5)) / x1;
+//     double f2dbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-1)) / x2;
+//     double f2sbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-3)) / x2;
+//     double f2bbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-5)) / x2;
+//     // PDF combinations    
+//     double ddbar_PDF = f1d*f2dbar + f1s*f2sbar + f1b*f2bbar;
+//     // Angular integration limits
+//     double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+//     double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;  
+//     double angular_integration_OF = pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,2);
+//     // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+//     double dsigma_OF = dsigma*angular_integration_OF;
+//     // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+//     // D-DBAR
+//     double ddbarOF = ddbar_PDF*dsigma_OF;
+//     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+//     return ddbarOF * propagator[3]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+// }
+// ////DDBAR ODD FORWARD Integration
+// double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+// {
+//     double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
+//     double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
+//     double ddbarOF, error_ddbarOF;
+//     // Initialization of the integration (quite a black box)
+//     gsl_monte_function Integrate_ddbarOF = { &(ReactionAFB::ddbarOF_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
+//     const gsl_rng_type *T;
+//     gsl_rng *r;
+//     gsl_rng_env_setup ();
+//     T = gsl_rng_default;
+//     r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
+//     // Integration
+//     {
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ddbarOF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &ddbarOF, &error_ddbarOF);
+//     do
+//     {
+//         gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ddbarOF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &ddbarOF, &error_ddbarOF);
+//     }
+//     while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+//     }
+//     gsl_rng_free (r);
+//     return 2*ddbarOF; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+// }
+// ////DDBAR ODD BACKWARD Matrix element
+// double ReactionAFB::ddbarOB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
+// {
+//     (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
+//     double yreduced = entries[0];
+//     double Minv = entries[1];
+//     // Partonic cross section parameters
+//     double Q = Minv;
+//     double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+//     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+//     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+//     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+//     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+//     double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+//     // Call the PDFs
+//     double f1d = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,1)) / x1;
+//     double f1s = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,3)) / x1;
+//     double f1b = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,5)) / x1;
+//     double f2dbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-1)) / x2;
+//     double f2sbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-3)) / x2;
+//     double f2bbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-5)) / x2;
+//     // PDF combinations    
+//     double ddbar_PDF = f1d*f2dbar + f1s*f2sbar + f1b*f2bbar;
+//     // Angular integration limits
+//     double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
+//     double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
+//     double angular_integration_OB = pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,2);
+//     // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+//     double dsigma_OB = dsigma*angular_integration_OB;
+//     // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+//     // D-DBAR
+//     double ddbarOB = ddbar_PDF*dsigma_OB;
+//     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+//     return ddbarOB * propagator[3]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+// }
+// ////DDBAR ODD BACKWARD Integration
+// double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+// {
+//     double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
+//     double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
+//     double ddbarOB, error_ddbarOB;
+//     // Initialization of the integration (quite a black box)
+//     gsl_monte_function Integrate_ddbarOB = { &(ReactionAFB::ddbarOB_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
+//     const gsl_rng_type *T;
+//     gsl_rng *r;
+//     gsl_rng_env_setup ();
+//     T = gsl_rng_default;
+//     r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
+//     // Integration
+//     {
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ddbarOB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &ddbarOB, &error_ddbarOB);
+//     do
+//     {
+//         gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ddbarOB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &ddbarOB, &error_ddbarOB);
+//     }
+//     while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+//     }
+//     gsl_rng_free (r);
+//     return 2*ddbarOB; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+// }
+// ////DBARD EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
+// double ReactionAFB::dbardEF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
+// {
+//     (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
+//     double yreduced = entries[0];
+//     double Minv = entries[1];
+//     // Partonic cross section parameters
+//     double Q = Minv;
+//     double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+//     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+//     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+//     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+//     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+//     double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+//     // Call the PDFs
+//     double f1dbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-1)) / x1;
+//     double f1sbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-3)) / x1;
+//     double f1bbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-5)) / x1;
+//     double f2d = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,1)) / x2;
+//     double f2s = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,3)) / x2;
+//     double f2b = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,5)) / x2;
+//     // PDF combinations    
+//     double dbard_PDF = f1dbar*f2d + f1sbar*f2s + f1bbar*f2b;
+//     // Angular integration limits
+//     double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
+//     double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
+//     double angular_integration_EB = (qbarq_cos_theta_max-qbarq_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,3));
+//     // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+//     double dsigma_EB = dsigma*angular_integration_EB;
+//     // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+//     // DBAR-D
+//     double dbardEF = dbard_PDF*dsigma_EB;
+//     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+//     return dbardEF * propagator[2]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+// }
+// ////DBARD EVEN FORWARD Integration
+// double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+// {
+//     double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
+//     double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
+//     double dbardEF, error_dbardEF;
+//     // Initialization of the integration (quite a black box)
+//     gsl_monte_function Integrate_dbardEF = { &(ReactionAFB::dbardEF_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
+//     const gsl_rng_type *T;
+//     gsl_rng *r;
+//     gsl_rng_env_setup ();
+//     T = gsl_rng_default;
+//     r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
+//     // Integration
+//     {
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_dbardEF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &dbardEF, &error_dbardEF);
+//     do
+//     {
+//         gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_dbardEF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &dbardEF, &error_dbardEF);
+//     }
+//     while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+//     }
+//     gsl_rng_free (r);
+//     return 2*dbardEF; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+// }
+// ////DBARD EVEN BACKWARD Matrix element
+// double ReactionAFB::dbardEB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
+// {
+//     (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
+//     double yreduced = entries[0];
+//     double Minv = entries[1];
+//     // Partonic cross section parameters
+//     double Q = Minv;
+//     double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+//     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+//     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+//     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+//     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+//     double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+//     // Call the PDFs
+//     double f1dbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-1)) / x1;
+//     double f1sbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-3)) / x1;
+//     double f1bbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-5)) / x1;
+//     double f2d = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,1)) / x2;
+//     double f2s = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,3)) / x2;
+//     double f2b = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,5)) / x2;
+//     // PDF combinations    
+//     double dbard_PDF = f1dbar*f2d + f1sbar*f2s + f1bbar*f2b;
+//     // Angular integration limits
+//     double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+//     double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;  
+//     double angular_integration_EF = (qqbar_cos_theta_max-qqbar_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,3));
+//     // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+//     double dsigma_EF = dsigma*angular_integration_EF;
+//     // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+//     // DBAR-D
+//     double dbardEB = dbard_PDF*dsigma_EF;
+//     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+//     return dbardEB * propagator[2]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+// }
+// ////DBARD EVEN BACKWARD Integration
+// double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+// {
+//     double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
+//     double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
+//     double dbardEB, error_dbardEB;
+//     // Initialization of the integration (quite a black box)
+//     gsl_monte_function Integrate_dbardEB = { &(ReactionAFB::dbardEB_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
+//     const gsl_rng_type *T;
+//     gsl_rng *r;
+//     gsl_rng_env_setup ();
+//     T = gsl_rng_default;
+//     r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
+//     // Integration
+//     {
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_dbardEB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &dbardEB, &error_dbardEB);
+//     do
+//     {
+//         gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_dbardEB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &dbardEB, &error_dbardEB);
+//     }
+//     while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+//     }
+//     gsl_rng_free (r);
+//     return 2*dbardEB; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+// }
+// ////DBARD ODD FORWARD Matrix element
+// double ReactionAFB::dbardOF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
+// {
+//     (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
+//     double yreduced = entries[0];
+//     double Minv = entries[1];
+//     // Partonic cross section parameters
+//     double Q = Minv;
+//     double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+//     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+//     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+//     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+//     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+//     double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+//     // Call the PDFs
+//     double f1dbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-1)) / x1;
+//     double f1sbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-3)) / x1;
+//     double f1bbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-5)) / x1;
+//     double f2d = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,1)) / x2;
+//     double f2s = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,3)) / x2;
+//     double f2b = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,5)) / x2;
+//     // PDF combinations    
+//     double dbard_PDF = f1dbar*f2d + f1sbar*f2s + f1bbar*f2b;
+//     // Angular integration limits
+//     double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
+//     double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
+//     double angular_integration_OB = pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,2);
+//     // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+//     double dsigma_OB = dsigma*angular_integration_OB;
+//     // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+//     // DBAR-D
+//     double dbardOF = dbard_PDF*dsigma_OB;
+//     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+//     return dbardOF * propagator[3]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+// }
+// ////DBARD ODD FORWARD Integration
+// double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+// {
+//     double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
+//     double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
+//     double dbardOF, error_dbardOF;
+//     // Initialization of the integration (quite a black box)
+//     gsl_monte_function Integrate_dbardOF = { &(ReactionAFB::dbardOF_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
+//     const gsl_rng_type *T;
+//     gsl_rng *r;
+//     gsl_rng_env_setup ();
+//     T = gsl_rng_default;
+//     r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
+//     // Integration
+//     {
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_dbardOF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &dbardOF, &error_dbardOF);
+//     do
+//     {
+//         gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_dbardOF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &dbardOF, &error_dbardOF);
+//     }
+//     while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+//     }
+//     gsl_rng_free (r);
+//     return 2*dbardOF; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+// }
+// ////DBARD ODD BACKWARD Matrix element
+// double ReactionAFB::dbardOB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
+// {
+//     (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
+//     double yreduced = entries[0];
+//     double Minv = entries[1];
+//     // Partonic cross section parameters
+//     double Q = Minv;
+//     double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+//     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+//     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+//     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+//     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+//     double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+//     // Call the PDFs
+//     double f1dbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-1)) / x1;
+//     double f1sbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-3)) / x1;
+//     double f1bbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-5)) / x1;
+//     double f2d = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,1)) / x2;
+//     double f2s = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,3)) / x2;
+//     double f2b = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,5)) / x2;
+//     // PDF combinations    
+//     double dbard_PDF = f1dbar*f2d + f1sbar*f2s + f1bbar*f2b;
+//     // Angular integration limits
+//     double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+//     double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0; 
+//     double angular_integration_OF = pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,2);
+//     // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+//     double dsigma_OF = dsigma*angular_integration_OF;
+//     // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+//     // DBAR-D
+//     double dbardOB = dbard_PDF*dsigma_OF;
+//     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+//     return dbardOB * propagator[3]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+// }
+// ////DBARD ODD BACKWARD Integration
+// double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+// {
+//     double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
+//     double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
+//     double dbardOB, error_dbardOB;
+//     // Initialization of the integration (quite a black box)
+//     gsl_monte_function Integrate_dbardOB = { &(ReactionAFB::dbardOB_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
+//     const gsl_rng_type *T;
+//     gsl_rng *r;
+//     gsl_rng_env_setup ();
+//     T = gsl_rng_default;
+//     r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
+//     // Integration
+//     {
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_dbardOB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &dbardOB, &error_dbardOB);
+//     do
+//     {
+//         gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_dbardOB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &dbardOB, &error_dbardOB);
+//     }
+//     while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
+//     gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+//     }
+//     gsl_rng_free (r);
+//     return 2*dbardOB; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+// }
 double *ReactionAFB::observables (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
@@ -271,12 +1345,10 @@ double *ReactionAFB::observables (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
 //     double XS = Forward + Backward;
 //     double Epsilon_XS = 100.0 / sqrt(XS*lum);
 //     // Reconstructed AFB and statistical absolute uncertainty
 //     double AFB = (Forward - Backward) / (Forward + Backward);
 //     double Delta_AFB = sqrt((1.0-pow(AFB,2)) / (XS*lum));
 //     double *results = new double[4];
 //     results[0] = XS;
@@ -284,18 +1356,47 @@ double *ReactionAFB::observables (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
 //     results[2] = AFB;
 //     results[3] = Delta_AFB;
+//     // Call the PDFs
+//     double f1u = (ReactionTheory::xfx(0.01,100,2)) / 0.01;
+//     printf("f1u(x1 = 0.01, 100, 2)/x1 = %1f \n", f1u);
+//     printf("uubarEF = %1f \n", uubarEF);
+//     printf("uubarEB = %1f \n", uubarEB);
+//     printf("uubarOF = %1f \n", uubarOF);
+//     printf("uubarOB = %1f \n", uubarOB);
+//     printf("ubaruEF = %1f \n", ubaruEF);
+//     printf("ubaruEB = %1f \n", ubaruEB);
+//     printf("ubaruOF = %1f \n", ubaruOF);
+//     printf("ubaruOB = %1f \n", ubaruOB);    
+//     printf("ddbarEF = %1f \n", ddbarEF);
+//     printf("ddbarEB = %1f \n", ddbarEB);
+//     printf("ddbarOF = %1f \n", ddbarOF);
+//     printf("ddbarOB = %1f \n", ddbarOB);
+//     printf("dbardEF = %1f \n", dbardEF);
+//     printf("dbardEB = %1f \n", dbardEB);
+//     printf("dbardOF = %1f \n", dbardOF);
+//     printf("dbardOB = %1f \n", dbardOB);
+//     printf("AFB = %1f \n", AFB);
     double *results = new double[4];
     results[0] = uubarEF;
     results[1] = uubarEF;
     results[2] = uubarEF;
     results[3] = uubarEF;
     return results;
 // the class factories
 extern "C" ReactionAFB* create() {
   return new ReactionAFB();
@@ -307,6 +1408,7 @@ int ReactionAFB::initAtStart(const string &s)
   return 0;
 // Main function to compute results at an iteration
 int ReactionAFB::compute(int dataSetID, valarray<double> &val, map<string, valarray<double> > &err)
@@ -319,18 +1421,9 @@ int ReactionAFB::compute(int dataSetID, valarray<double> &val, map<string, valar
     auto min = *Minv_min, max = *Minv_max;
-    printf("%1f \n", min[0]);
-    printf("%1f \n", max[0]);
-    printf("Calling AFB \n");
-//     val[0] = *propagators (min[0]);
-//     val[0] = integration_uubarEF(min[0], max[0]);
     double *results = observables (min[0], max[0]);
-    val[0] = results[0];
+    val[0] = results[2];
   return 0;

From 98b32f26db5a54a56d7e60e8f8ba232fa8b91923 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Oleksandr Zenaiev <>
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2018 19:03:49 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 04/11] dummy parameters file for AFB

 reactions/AFB/yaml/parameters.yaml | 0
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 reactions/AFB/yaml/parameters.yaml

diff --git a/reactions/AFB/yaml/parameters.yaml b/reactions/AFB/yaml/parameters.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb

From ad7ac63d04343919811166ab236a20e31d93a7d9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Oleksandr Zenaiev <>
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2018 19:04:03 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 05/11] access PDFs

 reactions/AFB/src/ | 19 ++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/reactions/AFB/src/ b/reactions/AFB/src/
index 01be3ce53..d76dda777 100644
--- a/reactions/AFB/src/
+++ b/reactions/AFB/src/
@@ -113,6 +113,14 @@ double *ReactionAFB::propagators (double Minv)
 ////UUBAR EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
 double ReactionAFB::uubarEF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
+    // access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params;
+    //std::valarray<double> pdfV(13);
+    //ptr->xfx(0.001, 100.0, &pdfV[0]);
+    //std::cout << " xg(100,0.001) (meth 2) = " << pdfV[6] << std::endl;
+    //std::cout << " xg(100,0.001) (meth 3) = " << ptr->xfx(0.001, 100.0 ,0) << std::endl;
     (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
     double yreduced = entries[0];
     double Minv = entries[1];
@@ -129,10 +137,10 @@ double ReactionAFB::uubarEF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
     // Call the PDFs
-    double f1u = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,2)) / x1;
-    double f1c = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,4)) / x1;
-    double f2ubar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-2)) / x2;
-    double f2cbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-4)) / x2;
+    double f1u = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,2)) / x1;
+    double f1c = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,4)) / x1;
+    double f2ubar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-2)) / x2;
+    double f2cbar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-4)) / x2;
     // PDF combinations    
     double uubar_PDF = f1u*f2ubar + f1c*f2cbar;
@@ -164,7 +172,8 @@ double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
     // Initialization of the integration (quite a black box)
-    gsl_monte_function Integrate_uubarEF = { &(ReactionAFB::uubarEF_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
+    //gsl_monte_function Integrate_uubarEF = { &(ReactionAFB::uubarEF_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
+    gsl_monte_function Integrate_uubarEF = { &(ReactionAFB::uubarEF_funct), dim_integration, this };
     const gsl_rng_type *T;
     gsl_rng *r;
     gsl_rng_env_setup ();

From 30bc75d43edd82c195d4b231cdb25187a6986aa6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Juri Fiaschi <>
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2018 13:11:12 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 06/11] final version of ReactionAFB

 reactions/AFB/include/ReactionAFB.h |    2 +-
 reactions/AFB/src/    | 2474 +++++++++++++--------------
 2 files changed, 1235 insertions(+), 1241 deletions(-)

diff --git a/reactions/AFB/include/ReactionAFB.h b/reactions/AFB/include/ReactionAFB.h
index e55534053..9b9b5e86c 100644
--- a/reactions/AFB/include/ReactionAFB.h
+++ b/reactions/AFB/include/ReactionAFB.h
@@ -70,5 +70,5 @@ class ReactionAFB : public ReactionTheory
     static double dbardOB_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
     double integration_dbardOB (double, double);
-    double *observables (double, double);
+    double AFB (double, double);
diff --git a/reactions/AFB/src/ b/reactions/AFB/src/
index d76dda777..842ce88b9 100644
--- a/reactions/AFB/src/
+++ b/reactions/AFB/src/
@@ -23,9 +23,8 @@ using namespace std;
 #define alphaEM 0.0078125
 #define sthetaW 0.4817
-// set collider energy and luminosity
+// set collider energy
 #define energy 13000
-#define lum 300
 // define acceptance cuts
 #define eta_cut 2.5
@@ -48,9 +47,7 @@ double yreducedmax = ycut;
 size_t calls = 10000;
-//// Function retirning the combination of propagators
+//// Function returning the combination of propagators
 double *ReactionAFB::propagators (double Minv)
     const double e = sqrt(4*PI*alphaEM);
@@ -113,13 +110,8 @@ double *ReactionAFB::propagators (double Minv)
 ////UUBAR EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
 double ReactionAFB::uubarEF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
-    // access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params;
-    //std::valarray<double> pdfV(13);
-    //ptr->xfx(0.001, 100.0, &pdfV[0]);
-    //std::cout << " xg(100,0.001) (meth 2) = " << pdfV[6] << std::endl;
-    //std::cout << " xg(100,0.001) (meth 3) = " << ptr->xfx(0.001, 100.0 ,0) << std::endl;
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params;    
     (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
     double yreduced = entries[0];
@@ -134,8 +126,6 @@ double ReactionAFB::uubarEF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
     double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
     // Call the PDFs
     double f1u = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,2)) / x1;
     double f1c = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,4)) / x1;
@@ -170,9 +160,7 @@ double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
     double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
     double uubarEF, error_uubarEF;
-    // Initialization of the integration (quite a black box)
-    //gsl_monte_function Integrate_uubarEF = { &(ReactionAFB::uubarEF_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
+    // Initialization of the integration
     gsl_monte_function Integrate_uubarEF = { &(ReactionAFB::uubarEF_funct), dim_integration, this };
     const gsl_rng_type *T;
     gsl_rng *r;
@@ -197,1242 +185,1248 @@ double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-// ////UUBAR EVEN BACKWARD Matrix element
-// double ReactionAFB::uubarEB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
-// {
-//     (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
-//     double yreduced = entries[0];
-//     double Minv = entries[1];
-//     // Partonic cross section parameters
-//     double Q = Minv;
-//     double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
-//     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-//     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-//     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-//     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-//     double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-//     // Call the PDFs
-//     double f1u = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,2)) / x1;
-//     double f1c = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,4)) / x1;
-//     double f2ubar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-2)) / x2;
-//     double f2cbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-4)) / x2;
-//     // PDF combinations    
-//     double uubar_PDF = f1u*f2ubar + f1c*f2cbar;
-//     // Angular integration limits
-//     double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
-//     double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
-//     double angular_integration_EB = (qbarq_cos_theta_max-qbarq_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,3));
-//     // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-//     double dsigma_EB = dsigma*angular_integration_EB;
-//     // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-//     // U-UBAR
-//     double uubarEB = uubar_PDF*dsigma_EB;
-//     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-//     return uubarEB * propagator[0]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
-// }
-// ////UUBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration
-// double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-// {
-//     double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
-//     double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
-//     double uubarEB, error_uubarEB;
-//     // Initialization of the integration (quite a black box)
-//     gsl_monte_function Integrate_uubarEB = { &(ReactionAFB::uubarEB_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
-//     const gsl_rng_type *T;
-//     gsl_rng *r;
-//     gsl_rng_env_setup ();
-//     T = gsl_rng_default;
-//     r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
-//     // Integration
-//     {
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_uubarEB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &uubarEB, &error_uubarEB);
-//     do
-//     {
-//         gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_uubarEB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &uubarEB, &error_uubarEB);
-//     }
-//     while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
-//     }
-//     gsl_rng_free (r);
-//     return 2*uubarEB; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
-// }
-// ////UUBAR ODD FORWARD Matrix element
-// double ReactionAFB::uubarOF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
-// {
-//     (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
-//     double yreduced = entries[0];
-//     double Minv = entries[1];
-//     // Partonic cross section parameters
-//     double Q = Minv;
-//     double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
-//     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-//     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-//     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-//     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-//     double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-//     // Call the PDFs
-//     double f1u = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,2)) / x1;
-//     double f1c = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,4)) / x1;
-//     double f2ubar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-2)) / x2;
-//     double f2cbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-4)) / x2;
-//     // PDF combinations    
-//     double uubar_PDF = f1u*f2ubar + f1c*f2cbar;
-//     // Angular integration limits
-//     double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
-//     double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;  
-//     double angular_integration_OF = pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,2);
-//     // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-//     double dsigma_OF = dsigma*angular_integration_OF;
-//     // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-//     // U-UBAR
-//     double uubarOF = uubar_PDF*dsigma_OF;
-//     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-//     return uubarOF * propagator[1]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
-// }
-// ////UUBAR ODD FORWARD Integration
-// double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-// {
-//     double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
-//     double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
-//     double uubarOF, error_uubarOF;
-//     // Initialization of the integration (quite a black box)
-//     gsl_monte_function Integrate_uubarOF = { &(ReactionAFB::uubarOF_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
-//     const gsl_rng_type *T;
-//     gsl_rng *r;
-//     gsl_rng_env_setup ();
-//     T = gsl_rng_default;
-//     r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
-//     // Integration
-//     {
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_uubarOF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &uubarOF, &error_uubarOF);
-//     do
-//     {
-//         gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_uubarOF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &uubarOF, &error_uubarOF);
-//     }
-//     while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
-//     }
-//     gsl_rng_free (r);
-//     return 2*uubarOF; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
-// }
-// ////UUBAR ODD BACKWARD Matrix element
-// double ReactionAFB::uubarOB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
-// {
-//     (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
-//     double yreduced = entries[0];
-//     double Minv = entries[1];
-//     // Partonic cross section parameters
-//     double Q = Minv;
-//     double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
-//     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-//     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-//     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-//     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-//     double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-//     // Call the PDFs
-//     double f1u = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,2)) / x1;
-//     double f1c = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,4)) / x1;
-//     double f2ubar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-2)) / x2;
-//     double f2cbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-4)) / x2;
-//     // PDF combinations    
-//     double uubar_PDF = f1u*f2ubar + f1c*f2cbar;
-//     // Angular integration limits
-//     double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
-//     double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
-//     double angular_integration_OB = pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,2);
-//     // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-//     double dsigma_OB = dsigma*angular_integration_OB;
-//     // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-//     // U-UBAR
-//     double uubarOB = uubar_PDF*dsigma_OB;
-//     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-//     return uubarOB * propagator[1]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
-// }
-// ////UUBAR ODD BACKWARD Integration
-// double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-// {
-//     double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
-//     double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
-//     double uubarOB, error_uubarOB;
-//     // Initialization of the integration (quite a black box)
-//     gsl_monte_function Integrate_uubarOB = { &(ReactionAFB::uubarOB_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
-//     const gsl_rng_type *T;
-//     gsl_rng *r;
-//     gsl_rng_env_setup ();
-//     T = gsl_rng_default;
-//     r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
-//     // Integration
-//     {
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_uubarOB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &uubarOB, &error_uubarOB);
-//     do
-//     {
-//         gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_uubarOB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &uubarOB, &error_uubarOB);
-//     }
-//     while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
-//     }
-//     gsl_rng_free (r);
-//     return 2*uubarOB; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
-// }
-// ////UBARU EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
-// double ReactionAFB::ubaruEF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
-// {
-//     (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
-//     double yreduced = entries[0];
-//     double Minv = entries[1];
-//     // Partonic cross section parameters
-//     double Q = Minv;
-//     double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
-//     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-//     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-//     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-//     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-//     double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-//     // Call the PDFs
-//     double f1ubar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-2)) / x1;
-//     double f1cbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-4)) / x1;
-//     double f2u = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,2)) / x2;
-//     double f2c = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,4)) / x2;
-//     // PDF combinations    
-//     double ubaru_PDF = f1ubar*f2u + f1cbar*f2c;
-//     // Angular integration limits
-//     double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
-//     double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
-//     double angular_integration_EB = (qbarq_cos_theta_max-qbarq_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,3));
-//     // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-//     double dsigma_EB = dsigma*angular_integration_EB;
-//     // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-//     // UBAR-U
-//     double ubaruEF = ubaru_PDF*dsigma_EB;
-//     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-//     return ubaruEF * propagator[0]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
-// }
-// ////UBARU EVEN FORWARD Integration
-// double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-// {
-//     double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
-//     double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
-//     double ubaruEF, error_ubaruEF;
-//     // Initialization of the integration (quite a black box)
-//     gsl_monte_function Integrate_ubaruEF = { &(ReactionAFB::ubaruEF_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
-//     const gsl_rng_type *T;
-//     gsl_rng *r;
-//     gsl_rng_env_setup ();
-//     T = gsl_rng_default;
-//     r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
-//     // Integration
-//     {
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ubaruEF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &ubaruEF, &error_ubaruEF);
-//     do
-//     {
-//         gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ubaruEF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &ubaruEF, &error_ubaruEF);
-//     }
-//     while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
-//     }
-//     gsl_rng_free (r);
-//     return 2*ubaruEF; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
-// }
-// ////UBARU EVEN BACKWARD Matrix element
-// double ReactionAFB::ubaruEB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
-// {
-//     (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
-//     double yreduced = entries[0];
-//     double Minv = entries[1];
-//     // Partonic cross section parameters
-//     double Q = Minv;
-//     double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
-//     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-//     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-//     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-//     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-//     double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-//     // Call the PDFs
-//     double f1ubar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-2)) / x1;
-//     double f1cbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-4)) / x1;
-//     double f2u = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,2)) / x2;
-//     double f2c = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,4)) / x2;
-//     // PDF combinations    
-//     double ubaru_PDF = f1ubar*f2u + f1cbar*f2c;
-//     // Angular integration limits
-//     double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
-//     double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;  
-//     double angular_integration_EF = (qqbar_cos_theta_max-qqbar_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,3));
-//     // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-//     double dsigma_EF = dsigma*angular_integration_EF;
-//     // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-//     // UBAR-U
-//     double ubaruEB = ubaru_PDF*dsigma_EF;
-//     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-//     return ubaruEB * propagator[0]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
-// }
-// ////UUBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration
-// double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-// {
-//     double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
-//     double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
-//     double ubaruEB, error_ubaruEB;
-//     // Initialization of the integration (quite a black box)
-//     gsl_monte_function Integrate_ubaruEB = { &(ReactionAFB::ubaruEB_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
-//     const gsl_rng_type *T;
-//     gsl_rng *r;
-//     gsl_rng_env_setup ();
-//     T = gsl_rng_default;
-//     r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
-//     // Integration
-//     {
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ubaruEB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &ubaruEB, &error_ubaruEB);
-//     do
-//     {
-//         gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ubaruEB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &ubaruEB, &error_ubaruEB);
-//     }
-//     while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
-//     }
-//     gsl_rng_free (r);
-//     return 2*ubaruEB; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
-// }
-// ////UBARU ODD FORWARD Matrix element
-// double ReactionAFB::ubaruOF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
-// {
-//     (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
-//     double yreduced = entries[0];
-//     double Minv = entries[1];
-//     // Partonic cross section parameters
-//     double Q = Minv;
-//     double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
-//     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-//     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-//     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-//     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-//     double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-//     // Call the PDFs
-//     double f1ubar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-2)) / x1;
-//     double f1cbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-4)) / x1;
-//     double f2u = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,2)) / x2;
-//     double f2c = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,4)) / x2;
-//     // PDF combinations    
-//     double ubaru_PDF = f1ubar*f2u + f1cbar*f2c;
-//     // Angular integration limits
-//     double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
-//     double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
-//     double angular_integration_OB = pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,2);
-//     // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-//     double dsigma_OB = dsigma*angular_integration_OB;
-//     // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-//     // UBAR-U
-//     double ubaruOF = ubaru_PDF*dsigma_OB;
-//     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-//     return ubaruOF * propagator[1]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
-// }
-// ////UBARU ODD FORWARD Integration
-// double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-// {
-//     double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
-//     double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
-//     double ubaruOF, error_ubaruOF;
-//     // Initialization of the integration (quite a black box)
-//     gsl_monte_function Integrate_ubaruOF = { &(ReactionAFB::ubaruOF_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
-//     const gsl_rng_type *T;
-//     gsl_rng *r;
-//     gsl_rng_env_setup ();
-//     T = gsl_rng_default;
-//     r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
-//     // Integration
-//     {
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ubaruOF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &ubaruOF, &error_ubaruOF);
-//     do
-//     {
-//         gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ubaruOF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &ubaruOF, &error_ubaruOF);
-//     }
-//     while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
-//     }
-//     gsl_rng_free (r);
-//     return 2*ubaruOF; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
-// }
-// ////UBARU ODD BACKWARD Matrix element
-// double ReactionAFB::ubaruOB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
-// {
-//     (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
-//     double yreduced = entries[0];
-//     double Minv = entries[1];
-//     // Partonic cross section parameters
-//     double Q = Minv;
-//     double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
-//     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-//     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-//     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-//     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-//     double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-//     // Call the PDFs
-//     double f1ubar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-2)) / x1;
-//     double f1cbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-4)) / x1;
-//     double f2u = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,2)) / x2;
-//     double f2c = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,4)) / x2;
-//     // PDF combinations    
-//     double ubaru_PDF = f1ubar*f2u + f1cbar*f2c;
-//     // Angular integration limits
-//     double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
-//     double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0; 
-//     double angular_integration_OF = pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,2);
-//     // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-//     double dsigma_OF = dsigma*angular_integration_OF;
-//     // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-//     // UBAR-U
-//     double ubaruOB = ubaru_PDF*dsigma_OF;
-//     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-//     return ubaruOB * propagator[1]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
-// }
-// ////UBARU ODD BACKWARD Integration
-// double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-// {
-//     double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
-//     double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
-//     double ubaruOB, error_ubaruOB;
-//     // Initialization of the integration (quite a black box)
-//     gsl_monte_function Integrate_ubaruOB = { &(ReactionAFB::ubaruOB_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
-//     const gsl_rng_type *T;
-//     gsl_rng *r;
-//     gsl_rng_env_setup ();
-//     T = gsl_rng_default;
-//     r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
-//     // Integration
-//     {
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ubaruOB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &ubaruOB, &error_ubaruOB);
-//     do
-//     {
-//         gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ubaruOB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &ubaruOB, &error_ubaruOB);
-//     }
-//     while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
-//     }
-//     gsl_rng_free (r);
-//     return 2*ubaruOB; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
-// }
-// ////DDBAR EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
-// double ReactionAFB::ddbarEF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
-// {
-//     (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
-//     double yreduced = entries[0];
-//     double Minv = entries[1];
-//     // Partonic cross section parameters
-//     double Q = Minv;
-//     double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
-//     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-//     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-//     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-//     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-//     double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-//     // Call the PDFs
-//     double f1d = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,1)) / x1;
-//     double f1s = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,3)) / x1;
-//     double f1b = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,5)) / x1;
-//     double f2dbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-1)) / x2;
-//     double f2sbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-3)) / x2;
-//     double f2bbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-5)) / x2;
-//     // PDF combinations    
-//     double ddbar_PDF = f1d*f2dbar + f1s*f2sbar + f1b*f2bbar;
-//     // Angular integration limits
-//     double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
-//     double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;
-//     double angular_integration_EF = (qqbar_cos_theta_max-qqbar_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,3));
-//     // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-//     double dsigma_EF = dsigma*angular_integration_EF;
-//     // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-//     // D-DBAR
-//     double ddbarEF = ddbar_PDF*dsigma_EF;
-//     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-//     return ddbarEF * propagator[2]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
-// }
-// ////DDBAR EVEN FORWARD Integration
-// double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-// {
-//     double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
-//     double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
-//     double ddbarEF, error_ddbarEF;
-//     // Initialization of the integration (quite a black box)
-//     gsl_monte_function Integrate_ddbarEF = { &(ReactionAFB::ddbarEF_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
-//     const gsl_rng_type *T;
-//     gsl_rng *r;
-//     gsl_rng_env_setup ();
-//     T = gsl_rng_default;
-//     r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
-//     // Integration
-//     {
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ddbarEF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &ddbarEF, &error_ddbarEF);
-//     do
-//     {
-//         gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ddbarEF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &ddbarEF, &error_ddbarEF);
-//     }
-//     while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
-//     }
-//     gsl_rng_free (r);
-//     return 2*ddbarEF; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
-// }
-// ////DDBAR EVEN BACKWARD Matrix element
-// double ReactionAFB::ddbarEB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
-// {
-//     (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
-//     double yreduced = entries[0];
-//     double Minv = entries[1];
-//     // Partonic cross section parameters
-//     double Q = Minv;
-//     double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
-//     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-//     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-//     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-//     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-//     double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-//     // Call the PDFs
-//     double f1d = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,1)) / x1;
-//     double f1s = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,3)) / x1;
-//     double f1b = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,5)) / x1;
-//     double f2dbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-1)) / x2;
-//     double f2sbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-3)) / x2;
-//     double f2bbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-5)) / x2;
-//     // PDF combinations    
-//     double ddbar_PDF = f1d*f2dbar + f1s*f2sbar + f1b*f2bbar;
-//     // Angular integration limits
-//     double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
-//     double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
-//     double angular_integration_EB = (qbarq_cos_theta_max-qbarq_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,3));
-//     // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-//     double dsigma_EB = dsigma*angular_integration_EB;
-//     // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-//     // D-DBAR
-//     double ddbarEB = ddbar_PDF*dsigma_EB;
-//     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-//     return ddbarEB * propagator[2]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
-// }
-// ////DDBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration
-// double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-// {
-//     double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
-//     double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
-//     double ddbarEB, error_ddbarEB;
-//     // Initialization of the integration (quite a black box)
-//     gsl_monte_function Integrate_ddbarEB = { &(ReactionAFB::ddbarEB_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
-//     const gsl_rng_type *T;
-//     gsl_rng *r;
-//     gsl_rng_env_setup ();
-//     T = gsl_rng_default;
-//     r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
-//     // Integration
-//     {
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ddbarEB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &ddbarEB, &error_ddbarEB);
-//     do
-//     {
-//         gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ddbarEB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &ddbarEB, &error_ddbarEB);
-//     }
-//     while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
-//     }
-//     gsl_rng_free (r);
-//     return 2*ddbarEB; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
-// }
-// ////DDBAR ODD FORWARD Matrix element
-// double ReactionAFB::ddbarOF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
-// {
-//     (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
-//     double yreduced = entries[0];
-//     double Minv = entries[1];
-//     // Partonic cross section parameters
-//     double Q = Minv;
-//     double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
-//     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-//     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-//     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-//     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-//     double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-//     // Call the PDFs
-//     double f1d = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,1)) / x1;
-//     double f1s = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,3)) / x1;
-//     double f1b = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,5)) / x1;
-//     double f2dbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-1)) / x2;
-//     double f2sbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-3)) / x2;
-//     double f2bbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-5)) / x2;
-//     // PDF combinations    
-//     double ddbar_PDF = f1d*f2dbar + f1s*f2sbar + f1b*f2bbar;
-//     // Angular integration limits
-//     double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
-//     double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;  
-//     double angular_integration_OF = pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,2);
-//     // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-//     double dsigma_OF = dsigma*angular_integration_OF;
-//     // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-//     // D-DBAR
-//     double ddbarOF = ddbar_PDF*dsigma_OF;
-//     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-//     return ddbarOF * propagator[3]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
-// }
-// ////DDBAR ODD FORWARD Integration
-// double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-// {
-//     double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
-//     double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
-//     double ddbarOF, error_ddbarOF;
-//     // Initialization of the integration (quite a black box)
-//     gsl_monte_function Integrate_ddbarOF = { &(ReactionAFB::ddbarOF_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
-//     const gsl_rng_type *T;
-//     gsl_rng *r;
-//     gsl_rng_env_setup ();
-//     T = gsl_rng_default;
-//     r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
-//     // Integration
-//     {
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ddbarOF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &ddbarOF, &error_ddbarOF);
-//     do
-//     {
-//         gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ddbarOF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &ddbarOF, &error_ddbarOF);
-//     }
-//     while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
-//     }
-//     gsl_rng_free (r);
-//     return 2*ddbarOF; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
-// }
-// ////DDBAR ODD BACKWARD Matrix element
-// double ReactionAFB::ddbarOB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
-// {
-//     (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
-//     double yreduced = entries[0];
-//     double Minv = entries[1];
-//     // Partonic cross section parameters
-//     double Q = Minv;
-//     double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
-//     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-//     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-//     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-//     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-//     double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-//     // Call the PDFs
-//     double f1d = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,1)) / x1;
-//     double f1s = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,3)) / x1;
-//     double f1b = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,5)) / x1;
-//     double f2dbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-1)) / x2;
-//     double f2sbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-3)) / x2;
-//     double f2bbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,-5)) / x2;
-//     // PDF combinations    
-//     double ddbar_PDF = f1d*f2dbar + f1s*f2sbar + f1b*f2bbar;
-//     // Angular integration limits
-//     double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
-//     double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
-//     double angular_integration_OB = pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,2);
-//     // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-//     double dsigma_OB = dsigma*angular_integration_OB;
-//     // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-//     // D-DBAR
-//     double ddbarOB = ddbar_PDF*dsigma_OB;
-//     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-//     return ddbarOB * propagator[3]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
-// }
-// ////DDBAR ODD BACKWARD Integration
-// double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-// {
-//     double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
-//     double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
-//     double ddbarOB, error_ddbarOB;
-//     // Initialization of the integration (quite a black box)
-//     gsl_monte_function Integrate_ddbarOB = { &(ReactionAFB::ddbarOB_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
-//     const gsl_rng_type *T;
-//     gsl_rng *r;
-//     gsl_rng_env_setup ();
-//     T = gsl_rng_default;
-//     r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
-//     // Integration
-//     {
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ddbarOB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &ddbarOB, &error_ddbarOB);
-//     do
-//     {
-//         gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ddbarOB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &ddbarOB, &error_ddbarOB);
-//     }
-//     while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
-//     }
-//     gsl_rng_free (r);
-//     return 2*ddbarOB; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
-// }
-// ////DBARD EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
-// double ReactionAFB::dbardEF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
-// {
-//     (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
-//     double yreduced = entries[0];
-//     double Minv = entries[1];
-//     // Partonic cross section parameters
-//     double Q = Minv;
-//     double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
-//     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-//     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-//     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-//     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-//     double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-//     // Call the PDFs
-//     double f1dbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-1)) / x1;
-//     double f1sbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-3)) / x1;
-//     double f1bbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-5)) / x1;
-//     double f2d = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,1)) / x2;
-//     double f2s = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,3)) / x2;
-//     double f2b = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,5)) / x2;
-//     // PDF combinations    
-//     double dbard_PDF = f1dbar*f2d + f1sbar*f2s + f1bbar*f2b;
-//     // Angular integration limits
-//     double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
-//     double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
-//     double angular_integration_EB = (qbarq_cos_theta_max-qbarq_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,3));
-//     // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-//     double dsigma_EB = dsigma*angular_integration_EB;
-//     // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-//     // DBAR-D
-//     double dbardEF = dbard_PDF*dsigma_EB;
-//     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-//     return dbardEF * propagator[2]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
-// }
-// ////DBARD EVEN FORWARD Integration
-// double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-// {
-//     double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
-//     double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
-//     double dbardEF, error_dbardEF;
-//     // Initialization of the integration (quite a black box)
-//     gsl_monte_function Integrate_dbardEF = { &(ReactionAFB::dbardEF_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
-//     const gsl_rng_type *T;
-//     gsl_rng *r;
-//     gsl_rng_env_setup ();
-//     T = gsl_rng_default;
-//     r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
-//     // Integration
-//     {
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_dbardEF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &dbardEF, &error_dbardEF);
-//     do
-//     {
-//         gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_dbardEF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &dbardEF, &error_dbardEF);
-//     }
-//     while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
-//     }
-//     gsl_rng_free (r);
-//     return 2*dbardEF; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
-// }
-// ////DBARD EVEN BACKWARD Matrix element
-// double ReactionAFB::dbardEB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
-// {
-//     (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
-//     double yreduced = entries[0];
-//     double Minv = entries[1];
-//     // Partonic cross section parameters
-//     double Q = Minv;
-//     double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
-//     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-//     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-//     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-//     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-//     double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-//     // Call the PDFs
-//     double f1dbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-1)) / x1;
-//     double f1sbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-3)) / x1;
-//     double f1bbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-5)) / x1;
-//     double f2d = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,1)) / x2;
-//     double f2s = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,3)) / x2;
-//     double f2b = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,5)) / x2;
-//     // PDF combinations    
-//     double dbard_PDF = f1dbar*f2d + f1sbar*f2s + f1bbar*f2b;
-//     // Angular integration limits
-//     double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
-//     double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;  
-//     double angular_integration_EF = (qqbar_cos_theta_max-qqbar_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,3));
-//     // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-//     double dsigma_EF = dsigma*angular_integration_EF;
-//     // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-//     // DBAR-D
-//     double dbardEB = dbard_PDF*dsigma_EF;
-//     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-//     return dbardEB * propagator[2]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
-// }
-// ////DBARD EVEN BACKWARD Integration
-// double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-// {
-//     double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
-//     double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
-//     double dbardEB, error_dbardEB;
-//     // Initialization of the integration (quite a black box)
-//     gsl_monte_function Integrate_dbardEB = { &(ReactionAFB::dbardEB_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
-//     const gsl_rng_type *T;
-//     gsl_rng *r;
-//     gsl_rng_env_setup ();
-//     T = gsl_rng_default;
-//     r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
-//     // Integration
-//     {
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_dbardEB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &dbardEB, &error_dbardEB);
-//     do
-//     {
-//         gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_dbardEB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &dbardEB, &error_dbardEB);
-//     }
-//     while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
-//     }
-//     gsl_rng_free (r);
-//     return 2*dbardEB; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
-// }
-// ////DBARD ODD FORWARD Matrix element
-// double ReactionAFB::dbardOF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
-// {
-//     (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
-//     double yreduced = entries[0];
-//     double Minv = entries[1];
-//     // Partonic cross section parameters
-//     double Q = Minv;
-//     double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
-//     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-//     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-//     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-//     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-//     double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-//     // Call the PDFs
-//     double f1dbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-1)) / x1;
-//     double f1sbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-3)) / x1;
-//     double f1bbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-5)) / x1;
-//     double f2d = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,1)) / x2;
-//     double f2s = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,3)) / x2;
-//     double f2b = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,5)) / x2;
-//     // PDF combinations    
-//     double dbard_PDF = f1dbar*f2d + f1sbar*f2s + f1bbar*f2b;
-//     // Angular integration limits
-//     double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
-//     double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
-//     double angular_integration_OB = pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,2);
-//     // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-//     double dsigma_OB = dsigma*angular_integration_OB;
-//     // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-//     // DBAR-D
-//     double dbardOF = dbard_PDF*dsigma_OB;
-//     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-//     return dbardOF * propagator[3]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
-// }
-// ////DBARD ODD FORWARD Integration
-// double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-// {
-//     double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
-//     double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
-//     double dbardOF, error_dbardOF;
-//     // Initialization of the integration (quite a black box)
-//     gsl_monte_function Integrate_dbardOF = { &(ReactionAFB::dbardOF_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
-//     const gsl_rng_type *T;
-//     gsl_rng *r;
-//     gsl_rng_env_setup ();
-//     T = gsl_rng_default;
-//     r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
-//     // Integration
-//     {
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_dbardOF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &dbardOF, &error_dbardOF);
-//     do
-//     {
-//         gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_dbardOF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &dbardOF, &error_dbardOF);
-//     }
-//     while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
-//     }
-//     gsl_rng_free (r);
-//     return 2*dbardOF; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
-// }
-// ////DBARD ODD BACKWARD Matrix element
-// double ReactionAFB::dbardOB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
-// {
-//     (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
-//     double yreduced = entries[0];
-//     double Minv = entries[1];
-//     // Partonic cross section parameters
-//     double Q = Minv;
-//     double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
-//     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-//     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-//     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-//     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-//     double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-//     // Call the PDFs
-//     double f1dbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-1)) / x1;
-//     double f1sbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-3)) / x1;
-//     double f1bbar = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x1,Q,-5)) / x1;
-//     double f2d = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,1)) / x2;
-//     double f2s = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,3)) / x2;
-//     double f2b = (ReactionTheory::xfx(x2,Q,5)) / x2;
-//     // PDF combinations    
-//     double dbard_PDF = f1dbar*f2d + f1sbar*f2s + f1bbar*f2b;
-//     // Angular integration limits
-//     double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
-//     double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0; 
-//     double angular_integration_OF = pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,2);
-//     // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-//     double dsigma_OF = dsigma*angular_integration_OF;
-//     // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-//     // DBAR-D
-//     double dbardOB = dbard_PDF*dsigma_OF;
-//     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-//     return dbardOB * propagator[3]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
-// }
-// ////DBARD ODD BACKWARD Integration
-// double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-// {
-//     double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
-//     double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
-//     double dbardOB, error_dbardOB;
-//     // Initialization of the integration (quite a black box)
-//     gsl_monte_function Integrate_dbardOB = { &(ReactionAFB::dbardOB_funct), dim_integration, 0 };
-//     const gsl_rng_type *T;
-//     gsl_rng *r;
-//     gsl_rng_env_setup ();
-//     T = gsl_rng_default;
-//     r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
-//     // Integration
-//     {
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_dbardOB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &dbardOB, &error_dbardOB);
-//     do
-//     {
-//         gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_dbardOB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &dbardOB, &error_dbardOB);
-//     }
-//     while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
-//     gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
-//     }
-//     gsl_rng_free (r);
-//     return 2*dbardOB; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
-// }
-double *ReactionAFB::observables (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+////UUBAR EVEN BACKWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::uubarEB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
-    double uubarEF = integration_uubarEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
-//     double uubarEB = integration_uubarEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
-//     double uubarOF = integration_uubarOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
-//     double uubarOB = integration_uubarOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
-//     double ubaruEF = integration_ubaruEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
-//     double ubaruEB = integration_ubaruEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
-//     double ubaruOF = integration_ubaruOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
-//     double ubaruOB = integration_ubaruOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
-//     double ddbarEF = integration_ddbarEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
-//     double ddbarEB = integration_ddbarEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
-//     double ddbarOF = integration_ddbarOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
-//     double ddbarOB = integration_ddbarOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
-//     double dbardEF = integration_dbardEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup); 
-//     double dbardEB = integration_dbardEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
-//     double dbardOF = integration_dbardOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
-//     double dbardOB = integration_dbardOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
-//     // Reconstructed Forward and Backward
-//     double Forward = uubarEF+ubaruEF+ddbarEF+dbardEF+uubarOF+ubaruOF+ddbarOF+dbardOF;
-//     double Backward = uubarEB+ubaruEB+ddbarEB+dbardEB+uubarOB+ubaruOB+ddbarOB+dbardOB;
-//     // Cross section and statistical relative uncertainty
-//     double XS = Forward + Backward;
-//     double Epsilon_XS = 100.0 / sqrt(XS*lum);
-//     // Reconstructed AFB and statistical absolute uncertainty
-//     double AFB = (Forward - Backward) / (Forward + Backward);
-//     double Delta_AFB = sqrt((1.0-pow(AFB,2)) / (XS*lum));
-//     double *results = new double[4];
-//     results[0] = XS;
-//     results[1] = Epsilon_XS;
-//     results[2] = AFB;
-//     results[3] = Delta_AFB;
-//     // Call the PDFs
-//     double f1u = (ReactionTheory::xfx(0.01,100,2)) / 0.01;
-//     printf("f1u(x1 = 0.01, 100, 2)/x1 = %1f \n", f1u);
-//     printf("uubarEF = %1f \n", uubarEF);
-//     printf("uubarEB = %1f \n", uubarEB);
-//     printf("uubarOF = %1f \n", uubarOF);
-//     printf("uubarOB = %1f \n", uubarOB);
-//     printf("ubaruEF = %1f \n", ubaruEF);
-//     printf("ubaruEB = %1f \n", ubaruEB);
-//     printf("ubaruOF = %1f \n", ubaruOF);
-//     printf("ubaruOB = %1f \n", ubaruOB);    
-//     printf("ddbarEF = %1f \n", ddbarEF);
-//     printf("ddbarEB = %1f \n", ddbarEB);
-//     printf("ddbarOF = %1f \n", ddbarOF);
-//     printf("ddbarOB = %1f \n", ddbarOB);
-//     printf("dbardEF = %1f \n", dbardEF);
-//     printf("dbardEB = %1f \n", dbardEB);
-//     printf("dbardOF = %1f \n", dbardOF);
-//     printf("dbardOB = %1f \n", dbardOB);
-//     printf("AFB = %1f \n", AFB);
-    double *results = new double[4];
-    results[0] = uubarEF;
-    results[1] = uubarEF;
-    results[2] = uubarEF;
-    results[3] = uubarEF;
-    return results;
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params; 
+    (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
+    double yreduced = entries[0];
+    double Minv = entries[1];
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Call the PDFs
+    double f1u = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,2)) / x1;
+    double f1c = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,4)) / x1;
+    double f2ubar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-2)) / x2;
+    double f2cbar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-4)) / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double uubar_PDF = f1u*f2ubar + f1c*f2cbar;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
+    double angular_integration_EB = (qbarq_cos_theta_max-qbarq_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,3));
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_EB = dsigma*angular_integration_EB;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // U-UBAR
+    double uubarEB = uubar_PDF*dsigma_EB;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return uubarEB * propagator[0]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
-// the class factories
-extern "C" ReactionAFB* create() {
-  return new ReactionAFB();
+////UUBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration
+double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+    double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
+    double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
+    double uubarEB, error_uubarEB;
+    // Initialization of the integration
+    gsl_monte_function Integrate_uubarEB = { &(ReactionAFB::uubarEB_funct), dim_integration, this };
+    const gsl_rng_type *T;
+    gsl_rng *r;
+    gsl_rng_env_setup ();
+    T = gsl_rng_default;
+    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
+    // Integration
+    {
+    gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
+    gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_uubarEB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &uubarEB, &error_uubarEB);
+    do
+    {
+        gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_uubarEB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &uubarEB, &error_uubarEB);
+    }
+    while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
+    gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+    }
+    gsl_rng_free (r);
+    return 2*uubarEB; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
-// Initialize at the start of the computation
-int ReactionAFB::initAtStart(const string &s)
+////UUBAR ODD FORWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::uubarOF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
-  return 0;
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params;
+    (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
+    double yreduced = entries[0];
+    double Minv = entries[1];
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Call the PDFs
+    double f1u = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,2)) / x1;
+    double f1c = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,4)) / x1;
+    double f2ubar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-2)) / x2;
+    double f2cbar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-4)) / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double uubar_PDF = f1u*f2ubar + f1c*f2cbar;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;  
+    double angular_integration_OF = pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,2);
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_OF = dsigma*angular_integration_OF;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // U-UBAR
+    double uubarOF = uubar_PDF*dsigma_OF;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return uubarOF * propagator[1]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+////UUBAR ODD FORWARD Integration
+double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+    double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
+    double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
+    double uubarOF, error_uubarOF;
+    // Initialization of the integration
+    gsl_monte_function Integrate_uubarOF = { &(ReactionAFB::uubarOF_funct), dim_integration, this };
+    const gsl_rng_type *T;
+    gsl_rng *r;
+    gsl_rng_env_setup ();
+    T = gsl_rng_default;
+    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
+    // Integration
+    {
+    gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
+    gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_uubarOF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &uubarOF, &error_uubarOF);
+    do
+    {
+        gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_uubarOF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &uubarOF, &error_uubarOF);
+    }
+    while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
+    gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+    }
+    gsl_rng_free (r);
+    return 2*uubarOF; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
-// Main function to compute results at an iteration
-int ReactionAFB::compute(int dataSetID, valarray<double> &val, map<string, valarray<double> > &err)
+////UUBAR ODD BACKWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::uubarOB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
-    auto *Minv_min  = GetBinValues(dataSetID,"Minv_min"), *Minv_max  = GetBinValues(dataSetID,"Minv_max");  
-    if (Minv_min == nullptr || Minv_max == nullptr) {
-    std::cout << "\n\nFATAL ERROR" << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "CHECK THE DATAFILE !!!" << std::endl;
-    return 1;
-  }
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params;
+    (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
+    double yreduced = entries[0];
+    double Minv = entries[1];
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Call the PDFs
+    double f1u = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,2)) / x1;
+    double f1c = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,4)) / x1;
+    double f2ubar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-2)) / x2;
+    double f2cbar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-4)) / x2;
-    auto min = *Minv_min, max = *Minv_max;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double uubar_PDF = f1u*f2ubar + f1c*f2cbar;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
+    double angular_integration_OB = pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,2);
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_OB = dsigma*angular_integration_OB;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // U-UBAR
+    double uubarOB = uubar_PDF*dsigma_OB;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return uubarOB * propagator[1]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+////UUBAR ODD BACKWARD Integration
+double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+    double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
+    double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
+    double uubarOB, error_uubarOB;
+    // Initialization of the integration
+    gsl_monte_function Integrate_uubarOB = { &(ReactionAFB::uubarOB_funct), dim_integration, this };
+    const gsl_rng_type *T;
+    gsl_rng *r;
+    gsl_rng_env_setup ();
+    T = gsl_rng_default;
+    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
+    // Integration
+    {
+    gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
+    gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_uubarOB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &uubarOB, &error_uubarOB);
+    do
+    {
+        gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_uubarOB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &uubarOB, &error_uubarOB);
+    }
+    while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
+    gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+    }
+    gsl_rng_free (r);
+    return 2*uubarOB; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+////UBARU EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::ubaruEF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params;
-    double *results = observables (min[0], max[0]);
+    (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
+    double yreduced = entries[0];
+    double Minv = entries[1];
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Call the PDFs
+    double f1ubar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-2)) / x1;
+    double f1cbar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-4)) / x1;
+    double f2u = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,2)) / x2;
+    double f2c = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,4)) / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double ubaru_PDF = f1ubar*f2u + f1cbar*f2c;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
+    double angular_integration_EB = (qbarq_cos_theta_max-qbarq_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,3));
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_EB = dsigma*angular_integration_EB;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // UBAR-U
+    double ubaruEF = ubaru_PDF*dsigma_EB;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return ubaruEF * propagator[0]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+////UBARU EVEN FORWARD Integration
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+    double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
+    double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
+    double ubaruEF, error_ubaruEF;
+    // Initialization of the integration
+    gsl_monte_function Integrate_ubaruEF = { &(ReactionAFB::ubaruEF_funct), dim_integration, this };
+    const gsl_rng_type *T;
+    gsl_rng *r;
+    gsl_rng_env_setup ();
+    T = gsl_rng_default;
+    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
+    // Integration
+    {
+    gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
+    gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ubaruEF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &ubaruEF, &error_ubaruEF);
+    do
+    {
+        gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ubaruEF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &ubaruEF, &error_ubaruEF);
+    }
+    while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
+    gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+    }
+    gsl_rng_free (r);
-    val[0] = results[2];
+    return 2*ubaruEF; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+////UBARU EVEN BACKWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::ubaruEB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params;
+    (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
+    double yreduced = entries[0];
+    double Minv = entries[1];
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Call the PDFs
+    double f1ubar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-2)) / x1;
+    double f1cbar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-4)) / x1;
+    double f2u = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,2)) / x2;
+    double f2c = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,4)) / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double ubaru_PDF = f1ubar*f2u + f1cbar*f2c;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;  
+    double angular_integration_EF = (qqbar_cos_theta_max-qqbar_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,3));
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_EF = dsigma*angular_integration_EF;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // UBAR-U
+    double ubaruEB = ubaru_PDF*dsigma_EF;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return ubaruEB * propagator[0]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+////UUBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+    double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
+    double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
+    double ubaruEB, error_ubaruEB;
+    // Initialization of the integration
+    gsl_monte_function Integrate_ubaruEB = { &(ReactionAFB::ubaruEB_funct), dim_integration, this };
+    const gsl_rng_type *T;
+    gsl_rng *r;
+    gsl_rng_env_setup ();
+    T = gsl_rng_default;
+    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
+    // Integration
+    {
+    gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
+    gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ubaruEB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &ubaruEB, &error_ubaruEB);
+    do
+    {
+        gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ubaruEB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &ubaruEB, &error_ubaruEB);
+    }
+    while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
+    gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+    }
+    gsl_rng_free (r);
+    return 2*ubaruEB; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+////UBARU ODD FORWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::ubaruOF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params;
+    (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
+    double yreduced = entries[0];
+    double Minv = entries[1];
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Call the PDFs
+    double f1ubar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-2)) / x1;
+    double f1cbar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-4)) / x1;
+    double f2u = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,2)) / x2;
+    double f2c = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,4)) / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double ubaru_PDF = f1ubar*f2u + f1cbar*f2c;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
+    double angular_integration_OB = pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,2);
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_OB = dsigma*angular_integration_OB;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // UBAR-U
+    double ubaruOF = ubaru_PDF*dsigma_OB;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return ubaruOF * propagator[1]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+////UBARU ODD FORWARD Integration
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+    double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
+    double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
+    double ubaruOF, error_ubaruOF;
+    // Initialization of the integration
+    gsl_monte_function Integrate_ubaruOF = { &(ReactionAFB::ubaruOF_funct), dim_integration, this };
+    const gsl_rng_type *T;
+    gsl_rng *r;
+    gsl_rng_env_setup ();
+    T = gsl_rng_default;
+    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
+    // Integration
+    {
+    gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
+    gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ubaruOF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &ubaruOF, &error_ubaruOF);
+    do
+    {
+        gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ubaruOF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &ubaruOF, &error_ubaruOF);
+    }
+    while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
+    gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+    }
+    gsl_rng_free (r);
+    return 2*ubaruOF; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+////UBARU ODD BACKWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::ubaruOB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params;
+    (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
+    double yreduced = entries[0];
+    double Minv = entries[1];
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Call the PDFs
+    double f1ubar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-2)) / x1;
+    double f1cbar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-4)) / x1;
+    double f2u = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,2)) / x2;
+    double f2c = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,4)) / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double ubaru_PDF = f1ubar*f2u + f1cbar*f2c;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0; 
+    double angular_integration_OF = pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,2);
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_OF = dsigma*angular_integration_OF;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // UBAR-U
+    double ubaruOB = ubaru_PDF*dsigma_OF;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return ubaruOB * propagator[1]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+////UBARU ODD BACKWARD Integration
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+    double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
+    double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
+    double ubaruOB, error_ubaruOB;
+    // Initialization of the integration
+    gsl_monte_function Integrate_ubaruOB = { &(ReactionAFB::ubaruOB_funct), dim_integration, this };
+    const gsl_rng_type *T;
+    gsl_rng *r;
+    gsl_rng_env_setup ();
+    T = gsl_rng_default;
+    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
+    // Integration
+    {
+    gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
+    gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ubaruOB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &ubaruOB, &error_ubaruOB);
+    do
+    {
+        gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ubaruOB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &ubaruOB, &error_ubaruOB);
+    }
+    while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
+    gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+    }
+    gsl_rng_free (r);
+    return 2*ubaruOB; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+////DDBAR EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::ddbarEF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params;
+    (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
+    double yreduced = entries[0];
+    double Minv = entries[1];
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Call the PDFs
+    double f1d = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,1)) / x1;
+    double f1s = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,3)) / x1;
+    double f1b = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,5)) / x1;
+    double f2dbar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-1)) / x2;
+    double f2sbar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-3)) / x2;
+    double f2bbar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-5)) / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double ddbar_PDF = f1d*f2dbar + f1s*f2sbar + f1b*f2bbar;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;
+    double angular_integration_EF = (qqbar_cos_theta_max-qqbar_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,3));
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_EF = dsigma*angular_integration_EF;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // D-DBAR
+    double ddbarEF = ddbar_PDF*dsigma_EF;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return ddbarEF * propagator[2]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+////DDBAR EVEN FORWARD Integration
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+    double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
+    double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
+    double ddbarEF, error_ddbarEF;
+    // Initialization of the integration
+    gsl_monte_function Integrate_ddbarEF = { &(ReactionAFB::ddbarEF_funct), dim_integration, this };
+    const gsl_rng_type *T;
+    gsl_rng *r;
+    gsl_rng_env_setup ();
+    T = gsl_rng_default;
+    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
+    // Integration
+    {
+    gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
+    gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ddbarEF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &ddbarEF, &error_ddbarEF);
+    do
+    {
+        gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ddbarEF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &ddbarEF, &error_ddbarEF);
+    }
+    while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
+    gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+    }
+    gsl_rng_free (r);
+    return 2*ddbarEF; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+////DDBAR EVEN BACKWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::ddbarEB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params;
+    (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
+    double yreduced = entries[0];
+    double Minv = entries[1];
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Call the PDFs
+    double f1d = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,1)) / x1;
+    double f1s = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,3)) / x1;
+    double f1b = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,5)) / x1;
+    double f2dbar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-1)) / x2;
+    double f2sbar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-3)) / x2;
+    double f2bbar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-5)) / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double ddbar_PDF = f1d*f2dbar + f1s*f2sbar + f1b*f2bbar;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
+    double angular_integration_EB = (qbarq_cos_theta_max-qbarq_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,3));
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_EB = dsigma*angular_integration_EB;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // D-DBAR
+    double ddbarEB = ddbar_PDF*dsigma_EB;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return ddbarEB * propagator[2]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+////DDBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+    double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
+    double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
+    double ddbarEB, error_ddbarEB;
+    // Initialization of the integration
+    gsl_monte_function Integrate_ddbarEB = { &(ReactionAFB::ddbarEB_funct), dim_integration, this };
+    const gsl_rng_type *T;
+    gsl_rng *r;
+    gsl_rng_env_setup ();
+    T = gsl_rng_default;
+    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
+    // Integration
+    {
+    gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
+    gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ddbarEB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &ddbarEB, &error_ddbarEB);
+    do
+    {
+        gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ddbarEB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &ddbarEB, &error_ddbarEB);
+    }
+    while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
+    gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+    }
+    gsl_rng_free (r);
+    return 2*ddbarEB; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+////DDBAR ODD FORWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::ddbarOF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params;
+    (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
+    double yreduced = entries[0];
+    double Minv = entries[1];
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Call the PDFs
+    double f1d = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,1)) / x1;
+    double f1s = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,3)) / x1;
+    double f1b = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,5)) / x1;
+    double f2dbar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-1)) / x2;
+    double f2sbar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-3)) / x2;
+    double f2bbar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-5)) / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double ddbar_PDF = f1d*f2dbar + f1s*f2sbar + f1b*f2bbar;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;  
+    double angular_integration_OF = pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,2);
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_OF = dsigma*angular_integration_OF;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // D-DBAR
+    double ddbarOF = ddbar_PDF*dsigma_OF;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return ddbarOF * propagator[3]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+////DDBAR ODD FORWARD Integration
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+    double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
+    double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
+    double ddbarOF, error_ddbarOF;
+    // Initialization of the integration
+    gsl_monte_function Integrate_ddbarOF = { &(ReactionAFB::ddbarOF_funct), dim_integration, this };
+    const gsl_rng_type *T;
+    gsl_rng *r;
+    gsl_rng_env_setup ();
+    T = gsl_rng_default;
+    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
+    // Integration
+    {
+    gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
+    gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ddbarOF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &ddbarOF, &error_ddbarOF);
+    do
+    {
+        gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ddbarOF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &ddbarOF, &error_ddbarOF);
+    }
+    while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
+    gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+    }
+    gsl_rng_free (r);
+    return 2*ddbarOF; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+////DDBAR ODD BACKWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::ddbarOB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params;
+    (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
+    double yreduced = entries[0];
+    double Minv = entries[1];
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Call the PDFs
+    double f1d = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,1)) / x1;
+    double f1s = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,3)) / x1;
+    double f1b = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,5)) / x1;
+    double f2dbar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-1)) / x2;
+    double f2sbar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-3)) / x2;
+    double f2bbar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-5)) / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double ddbar_PDF = f1d*f2dbar + f1s*f2sbar + f1b*f2bbar;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
+    double angular_integration_OB = pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,2);
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_OB = dsigma*angular_integration_OB;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // D-DBAR
+    double ddbarOB = ddbar_PDF*dsigma_OB;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return ddbarOB * propagator[3]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+////DDBAR ODD BACKWARD Integration
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+    double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
+    double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
+    double ddbarOB, error_ddbarOB;
+    // Initialization of the integration
+    gsl_monte_function Integrate_ddbarOB = { &(ReactionAFB::ddbarOB_funct), dim_integration, this };
+    const gsl_rng_type *T;
+    gsl_rng *r;
+    gsl_rng_env_setup ();
+    T = gsl_rng_default;
+    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
+    // Integration
+    {
+    gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
+    gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ddbarOB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &ddbarOB, &error_ddbarOB);
+    do
+    {
+        gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ddbarOB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &ddbarOB, &error_ddbarOB);
+    }
+    while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
+    gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+    }
+    gsl_rng_free (r);
+    return 2*ddbarOB; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+////DBARD EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::dbardEF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params;
+    (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
+    double yreduced = entries[0];
+    double Minv = entries[1];
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Call the PDFs
+    double f1dbar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-1)) / x1;
+    double f1sbar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-3)) / x1;
+    double f1bbar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-5)) / x1;
+    double f2d = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,1)) / x2;
+    double f2s = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,3)) / x2;
+    double f2b = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,5)) / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double dbard_PDF = f1dbar*f2d + f1sbar*f2s + f1bbar*f2b;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
+    double angular_integration_EB = (qbarq_cos_theta_max-qbarq_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,3));
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_EB = dsigma*angular_integration_EB;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // DBAR-D
+    double dbardEF = dbard_PDF*dsigma_EB;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return dbardEF * propagator[2]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+////DBARD EVEN FORWARD Integration
+double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+    double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
+    double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
+    double dbardEF, error_dbardEF;
+    // Initialization of the integration
+    gsl_monte_function Integrate_dbardEF = { &(ReactionAFB::dbardEF_funct), dim_integration, this };
+    const gsl_rng_type *T;
+    gsl_rng *r;
+    gsl_rng_env_setup ();
+    T = gsl_rng_default;
+    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
+    // Integration
+    {
+    gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
+    gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_dbardEF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &dbardEF, &error_dbardEF);
+    do
+    {
+        gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_dbardEF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &dbardEF, &error_dbardEF);
+    }
+    while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
+    gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+    }
+    gsl_rng_free (r);
+    return 2*dbardEF; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+////DBARD EVEN BACKWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::dbardEB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params;
+    (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
+    double yreduced = entries[0];
+    double Minv = entries[1];
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Call the PDFs
+    double f1dbar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-1)) / x1;
+    double f1sbar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-3)) / x1;
+    double f1bbar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-5)) / x1;
+    double f2d = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,1)) / x2;
+    double f2s = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,3)) / x2;
+    double f2b = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,5)) / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double dbard_PDF = f1dbar*f2d + f1sbar*f2s + f1bbar*f2b;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;  
+    double angular_integration_EF = (qqbar_cos_theta_max-qqbar_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,3));
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_EF = dsigma*angular_integration_EF;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // DBAR-D
+    double dbardEB = dbard_PDF*dsigma_EF;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return dbardEB * propagator[2]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+////DBARD EVEN BACKWARD Integration
+double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+    double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
+    double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
+    double dbardEB, error_dbardEB;
+    // Initialization of the integration
+    gsl_monte_function Integrate_dbardEB = { &(ReactionAFB::dbardEB_funct), dim_integration, this };
+    const gsl_rng_type *T;
+    gsl_rng *r;
+    gsl_rng_env_setup ();
+    T = gsl_rng_default;
+    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
+    // Integration
+    {
+    gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
+    gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_dbardEB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &dbardEB, &error_dbardEB);
+    do
+    {
+        gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_dbardEB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &dbardEB, &error_dbardEB);
+    }
+    while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
+    gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+    }
+    gsl_rng_free (r);
+    return 2*dbardEB; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+////DBARD ODD FORWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::dbardOF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params;
+    (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
+    double yreduced = entries[0];
+    double Minv = entries[1];
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Call the PDFs
+    double f1dbar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-1)) / x1;
+    double f1sbar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-3)) / x1;
+    double f1bbar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-5)) / x1;
+    double f2d = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,1)) / x2;
+    double f2s = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,3)) / x2;
+    double f2b = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,5)) / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double dbard_PDF = f1dbar*f2d + f1sbar*f2s + f1bbar*f2b;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
+    double angular_integration_OB = pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,2);
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_OB = dsigma*angular_integration_OB;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // DBAR-D
+    double dbardOF = dbard_PDF*dsigma_OB;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return dbardOF * propagator[3]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+////DBARD ODD FORWARD Integration
+double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+    double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
+    double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
+    double dbardOF, error_dbardOF;
+    // Initialization of the integration
+    gsl_monte_function Integrate_dbardOF = { &(ReactionAFB::dbardOF_funct), dim_integration, this };
+    const gsl_rng_type *T;
+    gsl_rng *r;
+    gsl_rng_env_setup ();
+    T = gsl_rng_default;
+    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
+    // Integration
+    {
+    gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
+    gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_dbardOF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &dbardOF, &error_dbardOF);
+    do
+    {
+        gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_dbardOF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &dbardOF, &error_dbardOF);
+    }
+    while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
+    gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+    }
+    gsl_rng_free (r);
+    return 2*dbardOF; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+////DBARD ODD BACKWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::dbardOB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params;
+    (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
+    double yreduced = entries[0];
+    double Minv = entries[1];
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Call the PDFs
+    double f1dbar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-1)) / x1;
+    double f1sbar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-3)) / x1;
+    double f1bbar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-5)) / x1;
+    double f2d = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,1)) / x2;
+    double f2s = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,3)) / x2;
+    double f2b = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,5)) / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double dbard_PDF = f1dbar*f2d + f1sbar*f2s + f1bbar*f2b;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0; 
+    double angular_integration_OF = pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,2);
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_OF = dsigma*angular_integration_OF;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // DBAR-D
+    double dbardOB = dbard_PDF*dsigma_OF;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return dbardOB * propagator[3]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+////DBARD ODD BACKWARD Integration
+double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+    double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
+    double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
+    double dbardOB, error_dbardOB;
+    // Initialization of the integration
+    gsl_monte_function Integrate_dbardOB = { &(ReactionAFB::dbardOB_funct), dim_integration, this };
+    const gsl_rng_type *T;
+    gsl_rng *r;
+    gsl_rng_env_setup ();
+    T = gsl_rng_default;
+    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
+    // Integration
+    {
+    gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
+    gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_dbardOB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &dbardOB, &error_dbardOB);
+    do
+    {
+        gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_dbardOB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &dbardOB, &error_dbardOB);
+    }
+    while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
+    gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+    }
+    gsl_rng_free (r);
+    return 2*dbardOB; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+double ReactionAFB::AFB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+    double uubarEF = integration_uubarEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
+    double uubarEB = integration_uubarEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
+    double uubarOF = integration_uubarOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
+    double uubarOB = integration_uubarOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
+    double ubaruEF = integration_ubaruEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
+    double ubaruEB = integration_ubaruEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
+    double ubaruOF = integration_ubaruOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
+    double ubaruOB = integration_ubaruOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
+    double ddbarEF = integration_ddbarEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
+    double ddbarEB = integration_ddbarEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
+    double ddbarOF = integration_ddbarOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
+    double ddbarOB = integration_ddbarOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
+    double dbardEF = integration_dbardEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup); 
+    double dbardEB = integration_dbardEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
+    double dbardOF = integration_dbardOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
+    double dbardOB = integration_dbardOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
+    // Reconstructed Forward and Backward
+    double Forward = uubarEF+ubaruEF+ddbarEF+dbardEF+uubarOF+ubaruOF+ddbarOF+dbardOF;
+    double Backward = uubarEB+ubaruEB+ddbarEB+dbardEB+uubarOB+ubaruOB+ddbarOB+dbardOB;
+    // Reconstructed AFB
+    double AFB = (Forward - Backward) / (Forward + Backward);
+    return AFB;
+// the class factories
+extern "C" ReactionAFB* create() {
+  return new ReactionAFB();
+// Initialize at the start of the computation
+int ReactionAFB::initAtStart(const string &s)
+  return 0;
+// Main function to compute results at an iteration
+int ReactionAFB::compute(int dataSetID, valarray<double> &val, map<string, valarray<double> > &err)
+    auto *Minv_min  = GetBinValues(dataSetID,"Minv_min"), *Minv_max  = GetBinValues(dataSetID,"Minv_max");  
+    if (Minv_min == nullptr || Minv_max == nullptr) {
+    std::cout << "\n\nFATAL ERROR: AFB code requires Invariant mass bins to be present !!!" << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "CHECK THE DATAFILE !!!" << std::endl;
+    return 1;
+  }
+    auto min = *Minv_min, max = *Minv_max;
+    int Npnt_min = min.size();
+    int Npnt_max = max.size();
+    if (Npnt_min != Npnt_max) {
+        std::cout << "\n\nFATAL ERROR: uneven number of Invariant mass min and max !!!" << std::endl;
+        std::cout << "CHECK THE DATAFILE !!!" << std::endl;
+        return 1;
+    }
+    // Fill the array "val[i]" with the result of the AFB function
+    for (int i = 0; i < Npnt_min; i++) {
+    double AFB_result = AFB (min[i], max[i]);
+    val[i] = AFB_result;
+    }
   return 0;

From 52ee7e99985b2765a6b8092b440dc6075c466904 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Juri Fiaschi <>
Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2018 10:55:02 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 07/11] Adding for linking with gsl libraries

--- | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index d346d2b78..5d6096258 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ SUBDIRS = minuit/src interfaces/src DY/src DIPOLE/src RT/src EW/src common commo
           genetic/mixmax_r004 genetic/src QEDevol/src \
           include interfaces/include FastNLO/include FastNLO/include/fastnlotk DiffDIS/include \
           DY/include tools/draw/include \
-          pdf2yaml tools/process \
+          pdf2yaml tools/process reactions/AFB/src \
 	reactions/KFactor/src reactions/Fractal_DISNC/src reactions/BaseDISCC/src reactions/Hathor/src reactions/BaseDISNC/src \
 	reactions/RT_DISNC/src reactions/FFABM_DISNC/src reactions/FFABM_DISCC/src reactions/APPLgrid/src reactions/BaseHVQMNR/src \
 	reactions/HVQMNR_LHCb_7TeV_beauty/src reactions/HVQMNR_LHCb_7TeV_charm/src reactions/testZMVFNS/src reactions/fastNLO/src/ \

From 6f8119aacaaaf717a288f912ce629e72e6115699 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Juri Fiaschi <>
Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2018 12:07:38 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 08/11] updated integration

 reactions/AFB/include/ReactionAFB.h |  117 +-
 reactions/AFB/src/    | 1906 +++++++++++++++------------
 reactions/AFB/yaml/parameters.yaml  |    7 +
 3 files changed, 1176 insertions(+), 854 deletions(-)

diff --git a/reactions/AFB/include/ReactionAFB.h b/reactions/AFB/include/ReactionAFB.h
index 9b9b5e86c..05a4d50bc 100644
--- a/reactions/AFB/include/ReactionAFB.h
+++ b/reactions/AFB/include/ReactionAFB.h
@@ -26,49 +26,92 @@ class ReactionAFB : public ReactionTheory
     virtual string getReactionName() const { return  "AFB" ;};
-    int initAtStart(const string &); 
+    int initAtStart(const string &);
     virtual int compute(int dataSetID, valarray<double> &val, map<string, valarray<double> > &err);
     virtual int parseOptions(){ return 0;};
+    static double PI;
+    static double GeVtofb_param, alphaEM_param, stheta2W_param, MZ_param, GammaZ_param;
+    static double energy_param, eta_cut_param, pT_cut_param, y_min_param, y_max_param;
+    static double e_param, gsm_param, smangle_param;
+    static double foton_Vu, foton_Au, foton_Vd, foton_Ad, foton_Vl, foton_Al, foton_Vnu, foton_Anu;
+    static double Z_Vu, Z_Au, Z_Vd, Z_Ad, Z_Vl, Z_Al, Z_Vnu, Z_Anu;
+    static double even_foton_up, even_foton_down, even_interf_up, even_interf_down, even_Z_up, even_Z_down;
+    static double odd_foton_up, odd_foton_down, odd_interf_up, odd_interf_down, odd_Z_up, odd_Z_down;
     static double *propagators (double);
-    static double uubarEF_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
-    double integration_uubarEF (double, double);
-    static double uubarEB_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
-    double integration_uubarEB (double, double);
-    static double uubarOF_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
-    double integration_uubarOF (double, double);
-    static double uubarOB_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
-    double integration_uubarOB (double, double);
-    static double ubaruEF_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
-    double integration_ubaruEF (double, double);
-    static double ubaruEB_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
-    double integration_ubaruEB (double, double);
-    static double ubaruOF_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
-    double integration_ubaruOF (double, double);
-    static double ubaruOB_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
-    double integration_ubaruOB (double, double);
-    static double ddbarEF_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
-    double integration_ddbarEF (double, double);
-    static double ddbarEB_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
-    double integration_ddbarEB (double, double);
-    static double ddbarOF_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
-    double integration_ddbarOF (double, double);
-    static double ddbarOB_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
-    double integration_ddbarOB (double, double);
-    static double dbardEF_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
-    double integration_dbardEF (double, double);
-    static double dbardEB_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
-    double integration_dbardEB (double, double);
-    static double dbardOF_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
-    double integration_dbardOF (double, double);
-    static double dbardOB_funct (double *, size_t, void *);
-    double integration_dbardOB (double, double);
+    static double uubarEF_funct (double, void *);
+    static double integration_uubarEF_y (double, void *);
+    double integration_uubarEF (double, double, void *);
+    static double uubarEB_funct (double, void *);
+    static double integration_uubarEB_y (double, void *);
+    double integration_uubarEB (double, double, void *);
+    static double uubarOF_funct (double, void *);
+    static double integration_uubarOF_y (double, void *);
+    double integration_uubarOF (double, double, void *);
+    static double uubarOB_funct (double, void *);
+    static double integration_uubarOB_y (double, void *);
+    double integration_uubarOB (double, double, void *);
+    static double ubaruEF_funct (double, void *);
+    static double integration_ubaruEF_y (double, void *);
+    double integration_ubaruEF (double, double, void *);
+    static double ubaruEB_funct (double, void *);
+    static double integration_ubaruEB_y (double, void *);
+    double integration_ubaruEB (double, double, void *);
+    static double ubaruOF_funct (double, void *);
+    static double integration_ubaruOF_y (double, void *);
+    double integration_ubaruOF (double, double, void *);
+    static double ubaruOB_funct (double, void *);
+    static double integration_ubaruOB_y (double, void *);
+    double integration_ubaruOB (double, double, void *);
+    static double ddbarEF_funct (double, void *);
+    static double integration_ddbarEF_y (double, void *);
+    double integration_ddbarEF (double, double, void *);
+    static double ddbarEB_funct (double, void *);
+    static double integration_ddbarEB_y (double, void *);
+    double integration_ddbarEB (double, double, void *);
+    static double ddbarOF_funct (double, void *);
+    static double integration_ddbarOF_y (double, void *);
+    double integration_ddbarOF (double, double, void *);
+    static double ddbarOB_funct (double, void *);
+    static double integration_ddbarOB_y (double, void *);
+    double integration_ddbarOB (double, double, void *);
+    static double dbardEF_funct (double, void *);
+    static double integration_dbardEF_y (double, void *);
+    double integration_dbardEF (double, double, void *);
+    static double dbardEB_funct (double, void *);
+    static double integration_dbardEB_y (double, void *);
+    double integration_dbardEB (double, double, void *);
+    static double dbardOF_funct (double, void *);
+    static double integration_dbardOF_y (double, void *);
+    double integration_dbardOF (double, double, void *);
+    static double dbardOB_funct (double, void *);
+    static double integration_dbardOB_y (double, void *);
+    double integration_dbardOB (double, double, void *);
     double AFB (double, double);
diff --git a/reactions/AFB/src/ b/reactions/AFB/src/
index 842ce88b9..f6af233a7 100644
--- a/reactions/AFB/src/
+++ b/reactions/AFB/src/
@@ -8,135 +8,83 @@
 #include "ReactionAFB.h"
 #include "iostream"
-#include <gsl/gsl_monte_miser.h>
-#include <gsl/gsl_monte_vegas.h>
+#include <gsl/gsl_integration.h>
 using namespace std;
-// Constants
-#define PI 3.14159265
-#define GeVtofb 0.38937966e+12
+// Declaration of static parameters
+double ReactionAFB::PI;
+double ReactionAFB::GeVtofb_param, ReactionAFB::alphaEM_param, ReactionAFB::stheta2W_param, ReactionAFB::MZ_param, ReactionAFB::GammaZ_param;
+double ReactionAFB::energy_param, ReactionAFB::eta_cut_param, ReactionAFB::pT_cut_param, ReactionAFB::y_min_param, ReactionAFB::y_max_param;
-// SM parameters
-#define MZ 91.19
-#define GammaZ 2.5
-#define alphaEM 0.0078125
-#define sthetaW 0.4817
+double ReactionAFB::e_param, ReactionAFB::gsm_param, ReactionAFB::smangle_param;
+double ReactionAFB::foton_Vu, ReactionAFB::foton_Au, ReactionAFB::foton_Vd, ReactionAFB::foton_Ad, ReactionAFB::foton_Vl, ReactionAFB::foton_Al, ReactionAFB::foton_Vnu, ReactionAFB::foton_Anu;
+double ReactionAFB::Z_Vu, ReactionAFB::Z_Au, ReactionAFB::Z_Vd, ReactionAFB::Z_Ad, ReactionAFB::Z_Vl, ReactionAFB::Z_Al, ReactionAFB::Z_Vnu, ReactionAFB::Z_Anu;
+double ReactionAFB::even_foton_up, ReactionAFB::even_foton_down, ReactionAFB::even_interf_up, ReactionAFB::even_interf_down, ReactionAFB::even_Z_up, ReactionAFB::even_Z_down;
+double ReactionAFB::odd_foton_up, ReactionAFB::odd_foton_down, ReactionAFB::odd_interf_up, ReactionAFB::odd_interf_down, ReactionAFB::odd_Z_up, ReactionAFB::odd_Z_down;
-// set collider energy
-#define energy 13000
+const double epsabs = 0;
+const double epsrel = 1e-2;
-// define acceptance cuts
-#define eta_cut 2.5
-#define pT_cut 20
-// kinematic cuts
-#define ycut 1
-// PDF set and check
-const int   iset = 1;
-const int   ichk = 0;
-// Setting of the integration
-const int dim_integration = 2; // Integration on yreduced and Minv
-// Integration extremes
-double yreducedmin = 0;
-double yreducedmax = ycut;
-// Integration number of calls 
-size_t calls = 10000;
+size_t calls;
 //// Function returning the combination of propagators
 double *ReactionAFB::propagators (double Minv)
-    const double e = sqrt(4*PI*alphaEM);
-    const double gsm = (e/(sthetaW*sqrt(1-pow(sthetaW,2))))*sqrt(1+pow(sthetaW,4));
-    const double smangle = atan(-pow(sthetaW,2));
-    // SM couplings
-    static double *couplings_foton = new double[8];
-    couplings_foton[0] = e*(2.0/3.0);
-    couplings_foton[1] = 0;
-    couplings_foton[2] = e*(-1.0/3.0);
-    couplings_foton[3] = 0;
-    couplings_foton[4] = e*(-1.0);
-    couplings_foton[5] = 0;
-    couplings_foton[6] = 0;
-    couplings_foton[7] = 0;
-    static double *couplings_Z = new double[8];
-    couplings_Z[0] = (1.0/2.0)*gsm*(1.0/6.0)*(3*cos(smangle)+8*sin(smangle));
-    couplings_Z[1] = (1.0/2.0)*gsm*(cos(smangle)/2.0);
-    couplings_Z[2] = (1.0/2.0)*gsm*(1.0/6.0)*(-3*cos(smangle)-4*sin(smangle));
-    couplings_Z[3] = (1.0/2.0)*gsm*(-cos(smangle)/2.0);
-    couplings_Z[4] = (1.0/2.0)*gsm*((-cos(smangle)/2.0)+(-2*sin(smangle)));
-    couplings_Z[5] = (1.0/2.0)*gsm*(-cos(smangle)/2.0);
-    couplings_Z[6] = (1.0/2.0)*gsm*(cos(smangle)/2.0);
-    couplings_Z[7] = (1.0/2.0)*gsm*(cos(smangle)/2.0);
-    // Even combination of couplings
-    double even_foton_up = (pow(couplings_foton[0],2)+pow(couplings_foton[1],2))*(pow(couplings_foton[4],2)+pow(couplings_foton[5],2));
-    double even_foton_down = (pow(couplings_foton[2],2)+pow(couplings_foton[3],2))*(pow(couplings_foton[4],2)+pow(couplings_foton[5],2));
-    double even_interf_up = ((couplings_foton[0]*couplings_Z[0])+(couplings_foton[1]*couplings_Z[1]))*((couplings_foton[4]*couplings_Z[4])+(couplings_foton[5]*couplings_Z[5]));
-    double even_interf_down = ((couplings_foton[2]*couplings_Z[2])+(couplings_foton[3]*couplings_Z[3]))*((couplings_foton[4]*couplings_Z[4])+(couplings_foton[5]*couplings_Z[5]));
-    double even_Z_up = (pow(couplings_Z[0],2)+pow(couplings_Z[1],2))*(pow(couplings_Z[4],2)+pow(couplings_Z[5],2));
-    double even_Z_down = (pow(couplings_Z[2],2)+pow(couplings_Z[3],2))*(pow(couplings_Z[4],2)+pow(couplings_Z[5],2));
-    // Odd combination of couplings
-    double odd_foton_up = 4*couplings_foton[0]*couplings_foton[1]*couplings_foton[4]*couplings_foton[5];
-    double odd_foton_down = 4*couplings_foton[2]*couplings_foton[3]*couplings_foton[4]*couplings_foton[5];
-    double odd_interf_up = (couplings_foton[0]*couplings_Z[1]+couplings_foton[1]*couplings_Z[0])*(couplings_foton[4]*couplings_Z[5]+couplings_foton[5]*couplings_Z[4]);
-    double odd_interf_down = (couplings_foton[2]*couplings_Z[3]+couplings_foton[3]*couplings_Z[2])*(couplings_foton[4]*couplings_Z[5]+couplings_foton[5]*couplings_Z[4]);
-    double odd_Z_up = 4*couplings_Z[0]*couplings_Z[1]*couplings_Z[4]*couplings_Z[5];
-    double odd_Z_down = 4*couplings_Z[2]*couplings_Z[3]*couplings_Z[4]*couplings_Z[5];
     // Propagators squared and interference
     double foton_squared = 1.0/pow(Minv,4);
-    double interference = 2.0*(-pow(Minv,2)*(pow(MZ,2)-pow(Minv,2)))/(pow(Minv,4)*((pow(pow(MZ,2)-pow(Minv,2),2))+pow(MZ,2)*pow(GammaZ,2)));
-    double Z_squared = 1.0/(pow(pow(MZ,2)-pow(Minv,2),2)+pow(MZ,2)*pow(GammaZ,2));
-    static double *propagators = new double[4];
-    propagators[0] = (even_foton_up * foton_squared)+(even_interf_up * interference) + (even_Z_up * Z_squared);
-    propagators[1] = (odd_foton_up * foton_squared)+(odd_interf_up * interference) + (odd_Z_up * Z_squared);
-    propagators[2] = (even_foton_down * foton_squared)+(even_interf_down * interference) + (even_Z_down * Z_squared);
-    propagators[3] = (odd_foton_down * foton_squared)+(odd_interf_down * interference) + (odd_Z_down * Z_squared);
+    double interference = 2.0*(-pow(Minv,2)*(pow(MZ_param,2)-pow(Minv,2)))/(pow(Minv,4)*((pow(pow(MZ_param,2)-pow(Minv,2),2))+pow(MZ_param,2)*pow(GammaZ_param,2)));
+    double Z_squared = 1.0/(pow(pow(MZ_param,2)-pow(Minv,2),2)+pow(MZ_param,2)*pow(GammaZ_param,2));
+    static double propagators[4];    
+    propagators[0] = (even_foton_up * foton_squared) + (even_interf_up * interference) + (even_Z_up * Z_squared);
+    propagators[1] = (odd_foton_up * foton_squared) + (odd_interf_up * interference) + (odd_Z_up * Z_squared);
+    propagators[2] = (even_foton_down * foton_squared) + (even_interf_down * interference) + (even_Z_down * Z_squared);
+    propagators[3] = (odd_foton_down * foton_squared) + (odd_interf_down * interference) + (odd_Z_down * Z_squared);
     return propagators;
+// Define a structure to pass the parameters
+struct integration_params {
+    double Minv;
+    ReactionTheory* ptr;
 ////UUBAR EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::uubarEF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
+double ReactionAFB::uubarEF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
     // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params;    
-    (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
-    double yreduced = entries[0];
-    double Minv = entries[1];
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
     // Partonic cross section parameters
     double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Call the PDFs
-    double f1u = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,2)) / x1;
-    double f1c = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,4)) / x1;
-    double f2ubar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-2)) / x2;
-    double f2cbar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-4)) / x2;
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1u = pdfx1[8] / x1;
+    double f1c = pdfx1[10] / x1;
+    double f2ubar = pdfx2[4] / x2;
+    double f2cbar = pdfx2[2] / x2;
     // PDF combinations    
     double uubar_PDF = f1u*f2ubar + f1c*f2cbar;
     // Angular integration limits
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
     double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;
     double angular_integration_EF = (qqbar_cos_theta_max-qqbar_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,3));
@@ -153,69 +101,83 @@ double ReactionAFB::uubarEF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
     return uubarEF * propagator[0]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
-////UUBAR EVEN FORWARD Integration
-double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-    double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
-    double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
-    double uubarEF, error_uubarEF;
-    // Initialization of the integration
-    gsl_monte_function Integrate_uubarEF = { &(ReactionAFB::uubarEF_funct), dim_integration, this };
-    const gsl_rng_type *T;
-    gsl_rng *r;
-    gsl_rng_env_setup ();
-    T = gsl_rng_default;
-    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
-    // Integration
-    {
-    gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
-    gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_uubarEF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &uubarEF, &error_uubarEF);
-    do
-    {
-        gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_uubarEF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &uubarEF, &error_uubarEF);
-    }
-    while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
-    gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
-    }
+////UUBAR EVEN FORWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
-    gsl_rng_free (r);
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::uubarEF_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
-    return 2*uubarEF; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return 2*result;
+////UUBAR EVEN FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEF_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return result;
 ////UUBAR EVEN BACKWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::uubarEB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params; 
+double ReactionAFB::uubarEB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
-    double yreduced = entries[0];
-    double Minv = entries[1];
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
     // Partonic cross section parameters
     double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Call the PDFs
-    double f1u = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,2)) / x1;
-    double f1c = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,4)) / x1;
-    double f2ubar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-2)) / x2;
-    double f2cbar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-4)) / x2;
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1u = pdfx1[8] / x1;
+    double f1c = pdfx1[10] / x1;
+    double f2ubar = pdfx2[4] / x2;
+    double f2cbar = pdfx2[2] / x2;
     // PDF combinations    
     double uubar_PDF = f1u*f2ubar + f1c*f2cbar;
     // Angular integration limits
     double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
     double angular_integration_EB = (qbarq_cos_theta_max-qbarq_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,3));
@@ -227,71 +189,85 @@ double ReactionAFB::uubarEB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
     double uubarEB = uubar_PDF*dsigma_EB;
     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return uubarEB * propagator[0]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+    return uubarEB * propagator[0];
-////UUBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration
-double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-    double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
-    double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
-    double uubarEB, error_uubarEB;
-    // Initialization of the integration
-    gsl_monte_function Integrate_uubarEB = { &(ReactionAFB::uubarEB_funct), dim_integration, this };
-    const gsl_rng_type *T;
-    gsl_rng *r;
-    gsl_rng_env_setup ();
-    T = gsl_rng_default;
-    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
-    // Integration
-    {
-    gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
-    gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_uubarEB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &uubarEB, &error_uubarEB);
-    do
-    {
-        gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_uubarEB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &uubarEB, &error_uubarEB);
-    }
-    while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
-    gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+////UUBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::uubarEB_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    gsl_rng_free (r);
+    return 2*result;
+////UUBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEB_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    return 2*uubarEB; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return result;
 ////UUBAR ODD FORWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::uubarOF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params;
+double ReactionAFB::uubarOF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
-    double yreduced = entries[0];
-    double Minv = entries[1];
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
     // Partonic cross section parameters
     double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Call the PDFs
-    double f1u = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,2)) / x1;
-    double f1c = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,4)) / x1;
-    double f2ubar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-2)) / x2;
-    double f2cbar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-4)) / x2;
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1u = pdfx1[8] / x1;
+    double f1c = pdfx1[10] / x1;
+    double f2ubar = pdfx2[4] / x2;
+    double f2cbar = pdfx2[2] / x2;
     // PDF combinations    
     double uubar_PDF = f1u*f2ubar + f1c*f2cbar;
     // Angular integration limits
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
     double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;  
     double angular_integration_OF = pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,2);
@@ -305,71 +281,86 @@ double ReactionAFB::uubarOF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return uubarOF * propagator[1]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+    return uubarOF * propagator[1];
-////UUBAR ODD FORWARD Integration
-double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-    double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
-    double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
-    double uubarOF, error_uubarOF;
-    // Initialization of the integration
-    gsl_monte_function Integrate_uubarOF = { &(ReactionAFB::uubarOF_funct), dim_integration, this };
-    const gsl_rng_type *T;
-    gsl_rng *r;
-    gsl_rng_env_setup ();
-    T = gsl_rng_default;
-    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
-    // Integration
-    {
-    gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
-    gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_uubarOF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &uubarOF, &error_uubarOF);
-    do
-    {
-        gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_uubarOF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &uubarOF, &error_uubarOF);
-    }
-    while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
-    gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+////UUBAR ODD FORWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::uubarOF_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return 2*result;
+////UUBAR ODD FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
-    gsl_rng_free (r);
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOF_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    return 2*uubarOF; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return result;
 ////UUBAR ODD BACKWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::uubarOB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params;
+double ReactionAFB::uubarOB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
-    double yreduced = entries[0];
-    double Minv = entries[1];
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
     // Partonic cross section parameters
     double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Call the PDFs
-    double f1u = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,2)) / x1;
-    double f1c = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,4)) / x1;
-    double f2ubar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-2)) / x2;
-    double f2cbar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-4)) / x2;
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1u = pdfx1[8] / x1;
+    double f1c = pdfx1[10] / x1;
+    double f2ubar = pdfx2[4] / x2;
+    double f2cbar = pdfx2[2] / x2;
     // PDF combinations    
     double uubar_PDF = f1u*f2ubar + f1c*f2cbar;
     // Angular integration limits
     double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
     double angular_integration_OB = pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,2);
@@ -382,71 +373,86 @@ double ReactionAFB::uubarOB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return uubarOB * propagator[1]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+    return uubarOB * propagator[1];
-////UUBAR ODD BACKWARD Integration
-double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-    double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
-    double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
-    double uubarOB, error_uubarOB;
-    // Initialization of the integration
-    gsl_monte_function Integrate_uubarOB = { &(ReactionAFB::uubarOB_funct), dim_integration, this };
-    const gsl_rng_type *T;
-    gsl_rng *r;
-    gsl_rng_env_setup ();
-    T = gsl_rng_default;
-    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
-    // Integration
-    {
-    gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
-    gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_uubarOB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &uubarOB, &error_uubarOB);
-    do
-    {
-        gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_uubarOB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &uubarOB, &error_uubarOB);
-    }
-    while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
-    gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+////UUBAR ODD BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::uubarOB_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    gsl_rng_free (r);
+    return 2*result;
+////UUBAR ODD BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOB_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
-    return 2*uubarOB; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return result;
 ////UBARU EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::ubaruEF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params;
+double ReactionAFB::ubaruEF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
-    double yreduced = entries[0];
-    double Minv = entries[1];
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
     // Partonic cross section parameters
     double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Call the PDFs
-    double f1ubar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-2)) / x1;
-    double f1cbar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-4)) / x1;
-    double f2u = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,2)) / x2;
-    double f2c = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,4)) / x2;
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1ubar = pdfx1[4] / x1;
+    double f1cbar = pdfx1[2] / x1;
+    double f2u = pdfx2[8] / x2;
+    double f2c = pdfx2[10] / x2;
     // PDF combinations    
     double ubaru_PDF = f1ubar*f2u + f1cbar*f2c;
     // Angular integration limits
     double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
     double angular_integration_EB = (qbarq_cos_theta_max-qbarq_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,3));
@@ -459,70 +465,85 @@ double ReactionAFB::ubaruEF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return ubaruEF * propagator[0]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+    return ubaruEF * propagator[0];
-////UBARU EVEN FORWARD Integration
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-    double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
-    double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
-    double ubaruEF, error_ubaruEF;
-    // Initialization of the integration
-    gsl_monte_function Integrate_ubaruEF = { &(ReactionAFB::ubaruEF_funct), dim_integration, this };
-    const gsl_rng_type *T;
-    gsl_rng *r;
-    gsl_rng_env_setup ();
-    T = gsl_rng_default;
-    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
-    // Integration
-    {
-    gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
-    gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ubaruEF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &ubaruEF, &error_ubaruEF);
-    do
-    {
-        gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ubaruEF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &ubaruEF, &error_ubaruEF);
-    }
-    while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
-    gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+////UBARU EVEN FORWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ubaruEF_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return 2*result;
+////UBARU EVEN FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
-    gsl_rng_free (r);
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEF_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
-    return 2*ubaruEF; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return result;
 ////UBARU EVEN BACKWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::ubaruEB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params;
+double ReactionAFB::ubaruEB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
-    double yreduced = entries[0];
-    double Minv = entries[1];
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
     // Partonic cross section parameters
     double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Call the PDFs
-    double f1ubar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-2)) / x1;
-    double f1cbar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-4)) / x1;
-    double f2u = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,2)) / x2;
-    double f2c = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,4)) / x2;
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1ubar = pdfx1[4] / x1;
+    double f1cbar = pdfx1[2] / x1;
+    double f2u = pdfx2[8] / x2;
+    double f2c = pdfx2[10] / x2;
     // PDF combinations    
     double ubaru_PDF = f1ubar*f2u + f1cbar*f2c;
     // Angular integration limits
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
     double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;  
     double angular_integration_EF = (qqbar_cos_theta_max-qqbar_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,3));
@@ -536,71 +557,86 @@ double ReactionAFB::ubaruEB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return ubaruEB * propagator[0]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+    return ubaruEB * propagator[0];
-////UUBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-    double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
-    double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
-    double ubaruEB, error_ubaruEB;
-    // Initialization of the integration
-    gsl_monte_function Integrate_ubaruEB = { &(ReactionAFB::ubaruEB_funct), dim_integration, this };
-    const gsl_rng_type *T;
-    gsl_rng *r;
-    gsl_rng_env_setup ();
-    T = gsl_rng_default;
-    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
-    // Integration
-    {
-    gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
-    gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ubaruEB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &ubaruEB, &error_ubaruEB);
-    do
-    {
-        gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ubaruEB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &ubaruEB, &error_ubaruEB);
-    }
-    while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
-    gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+////UBARU EVEN BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ubaruEB_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return 2*result;
-    gsl_rng_free (r);
+////UBARU EVEN BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    return 2*ubaruEB; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEB_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return result;
 ////UBARU ODD FORWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::ubaruOF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params;
+double ReactionAFB::ubaruOF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
-    double yreduced = entries[0];
-    double Minv = entries[1];
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
     // Partonic cross section parameters
     double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Call the PDFs
-    double f1ubar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-2)) / x1;
-    double f1cbar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-4)) / x1;
-    double f2u = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,2)) / x2;
-    double f2c = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,4)) / x2;
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1ubar = pdfx1[4] / x1;
+    double f1cbar = pdfx1[2] / x1;
+    double f2u = pdfx2[8] / x2;
+    double f2c = pdfx2[10] / x2;
     // PDF combinations    
     double ubaru_PDF = f1ubar*f2u + f1cbar*f2c;
     // Angular integration limits
     double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
     double angular_integration_OB = pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,2);
@@ -613,70 +649,85 @@ double ReactionAFB::ubaruOF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return ubaruOF * propagator[1]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+    return ubaruOF * propagator[1];
-////UBARU ODD FORWARD Integration
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-    double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
-    double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
-    double ubaruOF, error_ubaruOF;
-    // Initialization of the integration
-    gsl_monte_function Integrate_ubaruOF = { &(ReactionAFB::ubaruOF_funct), dim_integration, this };
-    const gsl_rng_type *T;
-    gsl_rng *r;
-    gsl_rng_env_setup ();
-    T = gsl_rng_default;
-    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
-    // Integration
-    {
-    gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
-    gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ubaruOF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &ubaruOF, &error_ubaruOF);
-    do
-    {
-        gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ubaruOF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &ubaruOF, &error_ubaruOF);
-    }
-    while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
-    gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+////UBARU ODD FORWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ubaruOF_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    gsl_rng_free (r);
+    return 2*result;
+////UBARU ODD FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOF_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    return 2*ubaruOF; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return result;
 ////UBARU ODD BACKWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::ubaruOB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params;
+double ReactionAFB::ubaruOB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
-    double yreduced = entries[0];
-    double Minv = entries[1];
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
     // Partonic cross section parameters
     double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Call the PDFs
-    double f1ubar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-2)) / x1;
-    double f1cbar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-4)) / x1;
-    double f2u = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,2)) / x2;
-    double f2c = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,4)) / x2;
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1ubar = pdfx1[4] / x1;
+    double f1cbar = pdfx1[2] / x1;
+    double f2u = pdfx2[8] / x2;
+    double f2c = pdfx2[10] / x2;
     // PDF combinations    
     double ubaru_PDF = f1ubar*f2u + f1cbar*f2c;
     // Angular integration limits
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
     double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0; 
     double angular_integration_OF = pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,2);
@@ -690,72 +741,87 @@ double ReactionAFB::ubaruOB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return ubaruOB * propagator[1]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+    return ubaruOB * propagator[1];
-////UBARU ODD BACKWARD Integration
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-    double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
-    double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
-    double ubaruOB, error_ubaruOB;
-    // Initialization of the integration
-    gsl_monte_function Integrate_ubaruOB = { &(ReactionAFB::ubaruOB_funct), dim_integration, this };
-    const gsl_rng_type *T;
-    gsl_rng *r;
-    gsl_rng_env_setup ();
-    T = gsl_rng_default;
-    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
-    // Integration
-    {
-    gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
-    gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ubaruOB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &ubaruOB, &error_ubaruOB);
-    do
-    {
-        gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ubaruOB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &ubaruOB, &error_ubaruOB);
-    }
-    while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
-    gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+////UBARU ODD BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ubaruOB_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    gsl_rng_free (r);
+    return 2*result;
+////UBARU ODD BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    return 2*ubaruOB; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOB_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return result;
 ////DDBAR EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::ddbarEF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params;
+double ReactionAFB::ddbarEF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
-    double yreduced = entries[0];
-    double Minv = entries[1];
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
     // Partonic cross section parameters
     double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Call the PDFs
-    double f1d = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,1)) / x1;
-    double f1s = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,3)) / x1;
-    double f1b = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,5)) / x1;
-    double f2dbar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-1)) / x2;
-    double f2sbar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-3)) / x2;
-    double f2bbar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-5)) / x2;
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1d = pdfx1[7] / x1;
+    double f1s = pdfx1[9] / x1;
+    double f1b = pdfx1[11] / x1;
+    double f2dbar = pdfx2[5] / x2;
+    double f2sbar = pdfx2[3] / x2;
+    double f2bbar = pdfx2[1] / x2;
     // PDF combinations    
     double ddbar_PDF = f1d*f2dbar + f1s*f2sbar + f1b*f2bbar;
     // Angular integration limits
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
     double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;
     double angular_integration_EF = (qqbar_cos_theta_max-qqbar_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,3));
@@ -769,73 +835,88 @@ double ReactionAFB::ddbarEF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return ddbarEF * propagator[2]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+    return ddbarEF * propagator[2];
-////DDBAR EVEN FORWARD Integration
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-    double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
-    double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
-    double ddbarEF, error_ddbarEF;
-    // Initialization of the integration
-    gsl_monte_function Integrate_ddbarEF = { &(ReactionAFB::ddbarEF_funct), dim_integration, this };
-    const gsl_rng_type *T;
-    gsl_rng *r;
-    gsl_rng_env_setup ();
-    T = gsl_rng_default;
-    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
-    // Integration
-    {
-    gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
-    gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ddbarEF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &ddbarEF, &error_ddbarEF);
-    do
-    {
-        gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ddbarEF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &ddbarEF, &error_ddbarEF);
-    }
-    while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
-    gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+////DDBAR EVEN FORWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ddbarEF_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    gsl_rng_free (r);
+    return 2*result;
+////DDBAR EVEN FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEF_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    return 2*ddbarEF; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return result;
 ////DDBAR EVEN BACKWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::ddbarEB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params;
+double ReactionAFB::ddbarEB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
-    double yreduced = entries[0];
-    double Minv = entries[1];
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
     // Partonic cross section parameters
     double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Call the PDFs
-    double f1d = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,1)) / x1;
-    double f1s = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,3)) / x1;
-    double f1b = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,5)) / x1;
-    double f2dbar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-1)) / x2;
-    double f2sbar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-3)) / x2;
-    double f2bbar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-5)) / x2;
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1d = pdfx1[7] / x1;
+    double f1s = pdfx1[9] / x1;
+    double f1b = pdfx1[11] / x1;
+    double f2dbar = pdfx2[5] / x2;
+    double f2sbar = pdfx2[3] / x2;
+    double f2bbar = pdfx2[1] / x2;
     // PDF combinations    
     double ddbar_PDF = f1d*f2dbar + f1s*f2sbar + f1b*f2bbar;
     // Angular integration limits
     double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
     double angular_integration_EB = (qbarq_cos_theta_max-qbarq_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,3));
@@ -848,72 +929,87 @@ double ReactionAFB::ddbarEB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return ddbarEB * propagator[2]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+    return ddbarEB * propagator[2];
-////DDBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-    double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
-    double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
-    double ddbarEB, error_ddbarEB;
-    // Initialization of the integration
-    gsl_monte_function Integrate_ddbarEB = { &(ReactionAFB::ddbarEB_funct), dim_integration, this };
-    const gsl_rng_type *T;
-    gsl_rng *r;
-    gsl_rng_env_setup ();
-    T = gsl_rng_default;
-    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
-    // Integration
-    {
-    gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
-    gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ddbarEB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &ddbarEB, &error_ddbarEB);
-    do
-    {
-        gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ddbarEB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &ddbarEB, &error_ddbarEB);
-    }
-    while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
-    gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+////DDBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ddbarEB_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return 2*result;
+////DDBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
-    gsl_rng_free (r);
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEB_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    return 2*ddbarEB; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return result;
 ////DDBAR ODD FORWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::ddbarOF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
+double ReactionAFB::ddbarOF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
     // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params;
-    (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
-    double yreduced = entries[0];
-    double Minv = entries[1];
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
     // Partonic cross section parameters
     double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Call the PDFs
-    double f1d = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,1)) / x1;
-    double f1s = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,3)) / x1;
-    double f1b = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,5)) / x1;
-    double f2dbar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-1)) / x2;
-    double f2sbar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-3)) / x2;
-    double f2bbar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-5)) / x2;
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1d = pdfx1[7] / x1;
+    double f1s = pdfx1[9] / x1;
+    double f1b = pdfx1[11] / x1;
+    double f2dbar = pdfx2[5] / x2;
+    double f2sbar = pdfx2[3] / x2;
+    double f2bbar = pdfx2[1] / x2;
     // PDF combinations    
     double ddbar_PDF = f1d*f2dbar + f1s*f2sbar + f1b*f2bbar;
     // Angular integration limits
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
     double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;  
     double angular_integration_OF = pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,2);
@@ -927,73 +1023,88 @@ double ReactionAFB::ddbarOF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return ddbarOF * propagator[3]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+    return ddbarOF * propagator[3];
-////DDBAR ODD FORWARD Integration
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-    double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
-    double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
-    double ddbarOF, error_ddbarOF;
-    // Initialization of the integration
-    gsl_monte_function Integrate_ddbarOF = { &(ReactionAFB::ddbarOF_funct), dim_integration, this };
-    const gsl_rng_type *T;
-    gsl_rng *r;
-    gsl_rng_env_setup ();
-    T = gsl_rng_default;
-    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
-    // Integration
-    {
-    gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
-    gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ddbarOF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &ddbarOF, &error_ddbarOF);
-    do
-    {
-        gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ddbarOF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &ddbarOF, &error_ddbarOF);
-    }
-    while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
-    gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+////DDBAR ODD FORWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ddbarOF_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    gsl_rng_free (r);
+    return 2*result;
+////DDBAR ODD FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOF_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
-    return 2*ddbarOF; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return result;
 ////DDBAR ODD BACKWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::ddbarOB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params;
+double ReactionAFB::ddbarOB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
-    double yreduced = entries[0];
-    double Minv = entries[1];
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
     // Partonic cross section parameters
     double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Call the PDFs
-    double f1d = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,1)) / x1;
-    double f1s = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,3)) / x1;
-    double f1b = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,5)) / x1;
-    double f2dbar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-1)) / x2;
-    double f2sbar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-3)) / x2;
-    double f2bbar = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,-5)) / x2;
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1d = pdfx1[7] / x1;
+    double f1s = pdfx1[9] / x1;
+    double f1b = pdfx1[11] / x1;
+    double f2dbar = pdfx2[5] / x2;
+    double f2sbar = pdfx2[3] / x2;
+    double f2bbar = pdfx2[1] / x2;
     // PDF combinations    
     double ddbar_PDF = f1d*f2dbar + f1s*f2sbar + f1b*f2bbar;
     // Angular integration limits
     double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
     double angular_integration_OB = pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,2);
@@ -1006,73 +1117,88 @@ double ReactionAFB::ddbarOB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return ddbarOB * propagator[3]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+    return ddbarOB * propagator[3];
-////DDBAR ODD BACKWARD Integration
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-    double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
-    double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
-    double ddbarOB, error_ddbarOB;
-    // Initialization of the integration
-    gsl_monte_function Integrate_ddbarOB = { &(ReactionAFB::ddbarOB_funct), dim_integration, this };
-    const gsl_rng_type *T;
-    gsl_rng *r;
-    gsl_rng_env_setup ();
-    T = gsl_rng_default;
-    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
-    // Integration
-    {
-    gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
-    gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ddbarOB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &ddbarOB, &error_ddbarOB);
-    do
-    {
-        gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_ddbarOB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &ddbarOB, &error_ddbarOB);
-    }
-    while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
-    gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+////DDBAR ODD BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ddbarOB_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return 2*result;
+////DDBAR ODD BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
-    gsl_rng_free (r);
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOB_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
-    return 2*ddbarOB; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return result;
 ////DBARD EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::dbardEF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params;
+double ReactionAFB::dbardEF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
-    double yreduced = entries[0];
-    double Minv = entries[1];
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
     // Partonic cross section parameters
     double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Call the PDFs
-    double f1dbar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-1)) / x1;
-    double f1sbar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-3)) / x1;
-    double f1bbar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-5)) / x1;
-    double f2d = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,1)) / x2;
-    double f2s = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,3)) / x2;
-    double f2b = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,5)) / x2;
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1dbar = pdfx1[5] / x1;
+    double f1sbar = pdfx1[3] / x1;
+    double f1bbar = pdfx1[1] / x1;
+    double f2d = pdfx2[7] / x2;
+    double f2s = pdfx2[9] / x2;
+    double f2b = pdfx2[11] / x2;
     // PDF combinations    
     double dbard_PDF = f1dbar*f2d + f1sbar*f2s + f1bbar*f2b;
     // Angular integration limits
     double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
     double angular_integration_EB = (qbarq_cos_theta_max-qbarq_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,3));
@@ -1085,72 +1211,87 @@ double ReactionAFB::dbardEF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return dbardEF * propagator[2]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+    return dbardEF * propagator[2];
-////DBARD EVEN FORWARD Integration
-double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-    double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
-    double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
-    double dbardEF, error_dbardEF;
-    // Initialization of the integration
-    gsl_monte_function Integrate_dbardEF = { &(ReactionAFB::dbardEF_funct), dim_integration, this };
-    const gsl_rng_type *T;
-    gsl_rng *r;
-    gsl_rng_env_setup ();
-    T = gsl_rng_default;
-    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
-    // Integration
-    {
-    gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
-    gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_dbardEF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &dbardEF, &error_dbardEF);
-    do
-    {
-        gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_dbardEF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &dbardEF, &error_dbardEF);
-    }
-    while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
-    gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+////DBARD EVEN FORWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::dbardEF_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return 2*result;
-    gsl_rng_free (r);
+////DBARD EVEN FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    return 2*dbardEF; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEF_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return result;
 ////DBARD EVEN BACKWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::dbardEB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params;
+double ReactionAFB::dbardEB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
-    double yreduced = entries[0];
-    double Minv = entries[1];
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
     // Partonic cross section parameters
     double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Call the PDFs
-    double f1dbar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-1)) / x1;
-    double f1sbar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-3)) / x1;
-    double f1bbar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-5)) / x1;
-    double f2d = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,1)) / x2;
-    double f2s = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,3)) / x2;
-    double f2b = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,5)) / x2;
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1dbar = pdfx1[5] / x1;
+    double f1sbar = pdfx1[3] / x1;
+    double f1bbar = pdfx1[1] / x1;
+    double f2d = pdfx2[7] / x2;
+    double f2s = pdfx2[9] / x2;
+    double f2b = pdfx2[11] / x2;
     // PDF combinations    
     double dbard_PDF = f1dbar*f2d + f1sbar*f2s + f1bbar*f2b;
     // Angular integration limits
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
     double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;  
     double angular_integration_EF = (qqbar_cos_theta_max-qqbar_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,3));
@@ -1164,73 +1305,88 @@ double ReactionAFB::dbardEB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return dbardEB * propagator[2]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+    return dbardEB * propagator[2];
-////DBARD EVEN BACKWARD Integration
-double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-    double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
-    double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
-    double dbardEB, error_dbardEB;
-    // Initialization of the integration
-    gsl_monte_function Integrate_dbardEB = { &(ReactionAFB::dbardEB_funct), dim_integration, this };
-    const gsl_rng_type *T;
-    gsl_rng *r;
-    gsl_rng_env_setup ();
-    T = gsl_rng_default;
-    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
-    // Integration
-    {
-    gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
-    gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_dbardEB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &dbardEB, &error_dbardEB);
-    do
-    {
-        gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_dbardEB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &dbardEB, &error_dbardEB);
-    }
-    while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
-    gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+////DBARD EVEN BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::dbardEB_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return 2*result;
+////DBARD EVEN BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
-    gsl_rng_free (r);
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEB_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
-    return 2*dbardEB; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return result;
 ////DBARD ODD FORWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::dbardOF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params;
+double ReactionAFB::dbardOF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
-    double yreduced = entries[0];
-    double Minv = entries[1];
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
     // Partonic cross section parameters
     double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Call the PDFs
-    double f1dbar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-1)) / x1;
-    double f1sbar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-3)) / x1;
-    double f1bbar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-5)) / x1;
-    double f2d = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,1)) / x2;
-    double f2s = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,3)) / x2;
-    double f2b = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,5)) / x2;
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1dbar = pdfx1[5] / x1;
+    double f1sbar = pdfx1[3] / x1;
+    double f1bbar = pdfx1[1] / x1;
+    double f2d = pdfx2[7] / x2;
+    double f2s = pdfx2[9] / x2;
+    double f2b = pdfx2[11] / x2;
     // PDF combinations    
     double dbard_PDF = f1dbar*f2d + f1sbar*f2s + f1bbar*f2b;
     // Angular integration limits
     double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
     double angular_integration_OB = pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,2);
@@ -1243,72 +1399,87 @@ double ReactionAFB::dbardOF_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return dbardOF * propagator[3]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+    return dbardOF * propagator[3];
-////DBARD ODD FORWARD Integration
-double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-    double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
-    double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
-    double dbardOF, error_dbardOF;
-    // Initialization of the integration
-    gsl_monte_function Integrate_dbardOF = { &(ReactionAFB::dbardOF_funct), dim_integration, this };
-    const gsl_rng_type *T;
-    gsl_rng *r;
-    gsl_rng_env_setup ();
-    T = gsl_rng_default;
-    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
-    // Integration
-    {
-    gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
-    gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_dbardOF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &dbardOF, &error_dbardOF);
-    do
-    {
-        gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_dbardOF, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &dbardOF, &error_dbardOF);
-    }
-    while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
-    gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
+////DBARD ODD FORWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::dbardOF_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return 2*result;
-    gsl_rng_free (r);
+////DBARD ODD FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    return 2*dbardOF; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOF_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return result;
 ////DBARD ODD BACKWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::dbardOB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) params;
+double ReactionAFB::dbardOB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    (void)(dim); /* avoid unused parameter warnings */
-    double yreduced = entries[0];
-    double Minv = entries[1];
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
     // Partonic cross section parameters
     double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy,2);
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
     double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
     double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
     double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
     double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Call the PDFs
-    double f1dbar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-1)) / x1;
-    double f1sbar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-3)) / x1;
-    double f1bbar = (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,-5)) / x1;
-    double f2d = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,1)) / x2;
-    double f2s = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,3)) / x2;
-    double f2b = (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,5)) / x2;
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1dbar = pdfx1[5] / x1;
+    double f1sbar = pdfx1[3] / x1;
+    double f1bbar = pdfx1[1] / x1;
+    double f2d = pdfx2[7] / x2;
+    double f2s = pdfx2[9] / x2;
+    double f2b = pdfx2[11] / x2;
     // PDF combinations    
     double dbard_PDF = f1dbar*f2d + f1sbar*f2s + f1bbar*f2b;
     // Angular integration limits
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
     double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0; 
     double angular_integration_OF = pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,2);
@@ -1322,62 +1493,74 @@ double ReactionAFB::dbardOB_funct (double *entries, size_t dim, void *params)
     double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return dbardOB * propagator[3]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+    return dbardOB * propagator[3];
-////DBARD ODD BACKWARD Integration
-double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-    double integration_inf[2] = {yreducedmin, Minv_inf};
-    double integration_sup[2] = {yreducedmax, Minv_sup};
-    double dbardOB, error_dbardOB;
-    // Initialization of the integration
-    gsl_monte_function Integrate_dbardOB = { &(ReactionAFB::dbardOB_funct), dim_integration, this };
-    const gsl_rng_type *T;
-    gsl_rng *r;
-    gsl_rng_env_setup ();
-    T = gsl_rng_default;
-    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);   
-    // Integration
-    {
-    gsl_monte_vegas_state *s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (dim_integration);
-    gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_dbardOB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls, r, s, &dbardOB, &error_dbardOB);
-    do
-    {
-        gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&Integrate_dbardOB, integration_inf, integration_sup, dim_integration, calls/5, r, s, &dbardOB, &error_dbardOB);
-    }
-    while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s) - 1.0) > 0.5);
-    gsl_monte_vegas_free (s);
-    }
+////DBARD ODD BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
-    gsl_rng_free (r);
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::dbardOB_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
-    return 2*dbardOB; // Factor 2 for the symmetric integration over yreduced: int_-1^1 dyreduced = 2 int_0^1 dyreduced.
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return 2*result;
+////DBARD ODD BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOB_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return result;
 double ReactionAFB::AFB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-    double uubarEF = integration_uubarEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
-    double uubarEB = integration_uubarEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
-    double uubarOF = integration_uubarOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
-    double uubarOB = integration_uubarOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
-    double ubaruEF = integration_ubaruEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
-    double ubaruEB = integration_ubaruEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
-    double ubaruOF = integration_ubaruOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
-    double ubaruOB = integration_ubaruOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
-    double ddbarEF = integration_ddbarEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
-    double ddbarEB = integration_ddbarEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
-    double ddbarOF = integration_ddbarOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
-    double ddbarOB = integration_ddbarOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
+    double uubarEF = integration_uubarEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double uubarEB = integration_uubarEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double uubarOF = integration_uubarOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double uubarOB = integration_uubarOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double ubaruEF = integration_ubaruEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double ubaruEB = integration_ubaruEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double ubaruOF = integration_ubaruOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double ubaruOB = integration_ubaruOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double ddbarEF = integration_ddbarEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double ddbarEB = integration_ddbarEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double ddbarOF = integration_ddbarOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double ddbarOB = integration_ddbarOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
-    double dbardEF = integration_dbardEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup); 
-    double dbardEB = integration_dbardEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
-    double dbardOF = integration_dbardOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
-    double dbardOB = integration_dbardOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup);
+    double dbardEF = integration_dbardEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this); 
+    double dbardEB = integration_dbardEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double dbardOF = integration_dbardOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double dbardOB = integration_dbardOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
     // Reconstructed Forward and Backward
     double Forward = uubarEF+ubaruEF+ddbarEF+dbardEF+uubarOF+ubaruOF+ddbarOF+dbardOF;
@@ -1396,10 +1579,100 @@ extern "C" ReactionAFB* create() {
 // Initialize at the start of the computation
 int ReactionAFB::initAtStart(const string &s)
-  return 0;
+    // Parameters from "/reactions/AFB/yaml/parameters.yaml"
+    // Check energy parameter:
+    std::cout << checkParam("energy") << std::endl;
+    if ( ! checkParam("energy") ) {
+        std::cout << "\n\n FATAL ERROR: collider energy (energy) is not defined !!! \n\n" <<std::endl;
+        return 1;
+    }
+    // Check eta parameter:
+    std::cout << checkParam("eta_cut") << std::endl;
+    if ( ! checkParam("eta_cut") ) {
+        std::cout << "\n\n FATAL ERROR: lepton pseudorapidity cut (eta_cut_param) is not defined !!! \n\n" <<std::endl;
+        return 1;
+    }
+    // Check pT parameter:
+    std::cout << checkParam("pT_cut") << std::endl;
+    if ( ! checkParam("eta_cut") ) {
+        std::cout << "\n\n FATAL ERROR: lepton transverse momentum cut (pT_cut_param) is not defined !!! \n\n" <<std::endl;
+        return 1;
+    }
+    // Check rapidity lower cut parameter:
+    std::cout << checkParam("y_min") << std::endl;
+    if ( ! checkParam("y_min") ) {
+        std::cout << "\n\n FATAL ERROR: di-lepton rapidity lower cut (y_min) is not defined !!! \n\n" <<std::endl;
+        return 1;
+    }
+    // Check rapidity upper cut parameter:
+    std::cout << checkParam("y_max") << std::endl;
+    if ( ! checkParam("y_max") ) {
+        std::cout << "\n\n FATAL ERROR: di-lepton rapidity upper cut (y_max) is not defined !!! \n\n" <<std::endl;
+        return 1;
+    }
+    // Constant
+    PI = 3.14159265;
+    // Read default parameters
+    GeVtofb_param = pow(10, -3) * GetParam("convFac");
+    alphaEM_param = GetParam("alphaem");
+    stheta2W_param = GetParam("sin2thW");
+    MZ_param = GetParam("Mz");
+    GammaZ_param = GetParam("Wz");
+    // Read "reactions/AFB/yaml/params.yaml"
+    energy_param = GetParam("energy");
+    eta_cut_param = GetParam("eta_cut");
+    pT_cut_param = GetParam("pT_cut");
+    y_min_param = GetParam("y_min"); // not implemented yet
+    y_max_param = GetParam("y_max"); // not implemented yet
+    // Calculate fixed parameters
+    e_param = sqrt(4*PI*alphaEM_param);
+    gsm_param = (e_param/(sqrt(stheta2W_param)*sqrt(1-stheta2W_param)))*sqrt(1+pow(stheta2W_param,2));
+    smangle_param = atan(-stheta2W_param);
+    // Foton couplings
+    foton_Vu = e_param*(2.0/3.0);
+    foton_Au = 0;
+    foton_Vd = e_param*(-1.0/3.0);
+    foton_Ad = 0;
+    foton_Vl = e_param*(-1.0);
+    foton_Al = 0;
+    foton_Vnu = 0;
+    foton_Anu = 0;
+    // Z-boson couplings
+    Z_Vu = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(1.0/6.0)*(3*cos(smangle_param)+8*sin(smangle_param));
+    Z_Au = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(cos(smangle_param)/2.0);
+    Z_Vd = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(1.0/6.0)*(-3*cos(smangle_param)-4*sin(smangle_param));
+    Z_Ad = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(-cos(smangle_param)/2.0);
+    Z_Vl = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*((-cos(smangle_param)/2.0)+(-2*sin(smangle_param)));
+    Z_Al = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(-cos(smangle_param)/2.0);
+    Z_Vnu = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(cos(smangle_param)/2.0);
+    Z_Anu = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(cos(smangle_param)/2.0);
+    // Even combination of couplings
+    even_foton_up = (pow(foton_Vu,2)+pow(foton_Au,2))*(pow(foton_Vl,2)+pow(foton_Al,2));
+    even_foton_down = (pow(foton_Vd,2)+pow(foton_Ad,2))*(pow(foton_Vl,2)+pow(foton_Al,2));
+    even_interf_up = ((foton_Vu*Z_Vu)+(foton_Au*Z_Au))*((foton_Vl*Z_Vl)+(foton_Al*Z_Al));
+    even_interf_down = ((foton_Vd*Z_Vd)+(foton_Ad*Z_Ad))*((foton_Vl*Z_Vl)+(foton_Al*Z_Al));
+    even_Z_up = (pow(Z_Vu,2)+pow(Z_Au,2))*(pow(Z_Vl,2)+pow(Z_Al,2));
+    even_Z_down = (pow(Z_Vd,2)+pow(Z_Ad,2))*(pow(Z_Vl,2)+pow(Z_Al,2));
+    // Odd combination of couplings
+    odd_foton_up = 4*foton_Vu*foton_Au*foton_Vl*foton_Al;
+    odd_foton_down = 4*foton_Vd*foton_Ad*foton_Vl*foton_Al;
+    odd_interf_up = (foton_Vu*Z_Au+foton_Au*Z_Vu)*(foton_Vl*Z_Al+foton_Al*Z_Vl);
+    odd_interf_down = (foton_Vd*Z_Ad+foton_Ad*Z_Vd)*(foton_Vl*Z_Al+foton_Al*Z_Vl);
+    odd_Z_up = 4*Z_Vu*Z_Au*Z_Vl*Z_Al;
+    odd_Z_down = 4*Z_Vd*Z_Ad*Z_Vl*Z_Al;
+    return 0;
 // Main function to compute results at an iteration
 int ReactionAFB::compute(int dataSetID, valarray<double> &val, map<string, valarray<double> > &err)
@@ -1409,18 +1682,18 @@ int ReactionAFB::compute(int dataSetID, valarray<double> &val, map<string, valar
     std::cout << "\n\nFATAL ERROR: AFB code requires Invariant mass bins to be present !!!" << std::endl;
     std::cout << "CHECK THE DATAFILE !!!" << std::endl;
     return 1;
-  }
+    }
     auto min = *Minv_min, max = *Minv_max;
     int Npnt_min = min.size();
     int Npnt_max = max.size();
     if (Npnt_min != Npnt_max) {
         std::cout << "\n\nFATAL ERROR: uneven number of Invariant mass min and max !!!" << std::endl;
         std::cout << "CHECK THE DATAFILE !!!" << std::endl;
         return 1;
-    }
+    }    
     // Fill the array "val[i]" with the result of the AFB function
     for (int i = 0; i < Npnt_min; i++) {
@@ -1428,6 +1701,5 @@ int ReactionAFB::compute(int dataSetID, valarray<double> &val, map<string, valar
     val[i] = AFB_result;
-  return 0;
+    return 0;
diff --git a/reactions/AFB/yaml/parameters.yaml b/reactions/AFB/yaml/parameters.yaml
index e69de29bb..c33fa2911 100644
--- a/reactions/AFB/yaml/parameters.yaml
+++ b/reactions/AFB/yaml/parameters.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+### Parameters for DY AFB
+energy : 13000.0
+eta_cut : 2.5
+pT_cut : 20.0
+y_min : 0.0
+y_max : 0.0 # if set to 0 no upper y_cut

From c04e9aa7e25a5d537d0d12dfc81f52da99441a5c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Oleksandr Zenaiev <>
Date: Sat, 8 Sep 2018 00:01:56 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 09/11] fixed Makefile

--- | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index a79644754..ee288f31b 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ SUBDIRS = minuit/src interfaces/src DY/src DIPOLE/src RT/src EW/src common commo
           genetic/mixmax_r004 genetic/src QEDevol/src \
           include interfaces/include FastNLO/include FastNLO/include/fastnlotk DiffDIS/include \
           DY/include tools/draw/include \
-          pdf2yaml tools/process 
+          pdf2yaml tools/process \
   reactions/AFB/src \
 	reactions/KFactor/src reactions/Fractal_DISNC/src reactions/BaseDISCC/src reactions/Hathor/src reactions/BaseDISNC/src \
 	reactions/RT_DISNC/src reactions/FFABM_DISNC/src reactions/FFABM_DISCC/src reactions/APPLgrid/src reactions/BaseHVQMNR/src \

From 1903b8a9151944556e0853b995eea717978bab0f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Oleksandr Zenaiev <>
Date: Sat, 8 Sep 2018 00:02:38 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 10/11] updated main parameters.yaml

 parameters.yaml | 4 ++++
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)

diff --git a/parameters.yaml b/parameters.yaml
index 70fe67cb4..eb6c6e1bb 100644
--- a/parameters.yaml
+++ b/parameters.yaml
@@ -124,6 +124,10 @@ fcharm: 0.
 # APPLgrid settings:
 include : yaml/reactions/APPLgrid/parameters.yaml
+# AFB settings:
+include : yaml/reactions/AFB/parameters.yaml
 # (optional) Fractal module parameters:

From 704f9d824bc5b6eabe14c0a399f1bfeedce3ad83 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Oleksandr Zenaiev <>
Date: Sat, 8 Sep 2018 00:09:10 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 11/11] removed global variables

 reactions/AFB/include/ReactionAFB.h |  9 +++++++++
 reactions/AFB/src/    | 13 +++----------
 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/reactions/AFB/include/ReactionAFB.h b/reactions/AFB/include/ReactionAFB.h
index 05a4d50bc..7b9a74b0f 100644
--- a/reactions/AFB/include/ReactionAFB.h
+++ b/reactions/AFB/include/ReactionAFB.h
@@ -32,6 +32,15 @@ class ReactionAFB : public ReactionTheory
     virtual int parseOptions(){ return 0;};
+    // Define a structure to pass the parameters
+    struct integration_params {
+        double Minv;
+        ReactionTheory* ptr;        
+    };
+    static size_t calls;
+    static double epsabs;
+    static double epsrel;
     static double PI;
     static double GeVtofb_param, alphaEM_param, stheta2W_param, MZ_param, GammaZ_param;
     static double energy_param, eta_cut_param, pT_cut_param, y_min_param, y_max_param;
diff --git a/reactions/AFB/src/ b/reactions/AFB/src/
index f6af233a7..a8808fe48 100644
--- a/reactions/AFB/src/
+++ b/reactions/AFB/src/
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ double ReactionAFB::Z_Vu, ReactionAFB::Z_Au, ReactionAFB::Z_Vd, ReactionAFB::Z_A
 double ReactionAFB::even_foton_up, ReactionAFB::even_foton_down, ReactionAFB::even_interf_up, ReactionAFB::even_interf_down, ReactionAFB::even_Z_up, ReactionAFB::even_Z_down;
 double ReactionAFB::odd_foton_up, ReactionAFB::odd_foton_down, ReactionAFB::odd_interf_up, ReactionAFB::odd_interf_down, ReactionAFB::odd_Z_up, ReactionAFB::odd_Z_down;
-const double epsabs = 0;
-const double epsrel = 1e-2;
+double ReactionAFB::epsabs = 0;
+double ReactionAFB::epsrel = 1e-2;
-size_t calls;
+size_t ReactionAFB::calls;
 //// Function returning the combination of propagators
@@ -46,13 +46,6 @@ double *ReactionAFB::propagators (double Minv)
     return propagators;
-// Define a structure to pass the parameters
-struct integration_params {
-    double Minv;
-    ReactionTheory* ptr;
 ////UUBAR EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
 double ReactionAFB::uubarEF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {