From 6a04a6542fd77a7cef324792f93599da22692944 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Juri Fiaschi <>
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2018 10:29:12 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 01/15] added control on maximum rapidity

 reactions/AFB/src/     |    6 +
 reactions/AFB/src/ | 1841 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 reactions/AFB/src/ | 1704 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 3551 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 reactions/AFB/src/
 create mode 100644 reactions/AFB/src/

diff --git a/reactions/AFB/src/ b/reactions/AFB/src/
index a8808fe48..1031af469 100644
--- a/reactions/AFB/src/
+++ b/reactions/AFB/src/
@@ -1681,6 +1681,12 @@ int ReactionAFB::compute(int dataSetID, valarray<double> &val, map<string, valar
     int Npnt_min = min.size();
     int Npnt_max = max.size();
+    // check on the rapidity cut
+    if (y_min_param / log(energy_param/max[Npnt_max-1]) > 1) {
+        printf("\nThe chosen lower rapidity cut is too high in this invariant mass range.\n\n");
+        return 1;
+    }
     if (Npnt_min != Npnt_max) {
         std::cout << "\n\nFATAL ERROR: uneven number of Invariant mass min and max !!!" << std::endl;
diff --git a/reactions/AFB/src/ b/reactions/AFB/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..37414e42c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reactions/AFB/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,1841 @@
+   @file
+   @date 2018-07-16
+   @author
+   Created by on 2018-07-16
+#include "ReactionAFB.h"
+#include "iostream"
+#include <gsl/gsl_integration.h>
+using namespace std;
+// Declaration of static parameters
+double ReactionAFB::PI;
+double ReactionAFB::GeVtofb_param, ReactionAFB::alphaEM_param, ReactionAFB::stheta2W_param, ReactionAFB::MZ_param, ReactionAFB::GammaZ_param;
+double ReactionAFB::energy_param, ReactionAFB::eta_cut_param, ReactionAFB::pT_cut_param, ReactionAFB::y_min_param, ReactionAFB::y_max_param;
+double ReactionAFB::e_param, ReactionAFB::gsm_param, ReactionAFB::smangle_param;
+double ReactionAFB::foton_Vu, ReactionAFB::foton_Au, ReactionAFB::foton_Vd, ReactionAFB::foton_Ad, ReactionAFB::foton_Vl, ReactionAFB::foton_Al, ReactionAFB::foton_Vnu, ReactionAFB::foton_Anu;
+double ReactionAFB::Z_Vu, ReactionAFB::Z_Au, ReactionAFB::Z_Vd, ReactionAFB::Z_Ad, ReactionAFB::Z_Vl, ReactionAFB::Z_Al, ReactionAFB::Z_Vnu, ReactionAFB::Z_Anu;
+double ReactionAFB::even_foton_up, ReactionAFB::even_foton_down, ReactionAFB::even_interf_up, ReactionAFB::even_interf_down, ReactionAFB::even_Z_up, ReactionAFB::even_Z_down;
+double ReactionAFB::odd_foton_up, ReactionAFB::odd_foton_down, ReactionAFB::odd_interf_up, ReactionAFB::odd_interf_down, ReactionAFB::odd_Z_up, ReactionAFB::odd_Z_down;
+// Integration parameters
+size_t ReactionAFB::alloc_space = 1000;
+// gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(ReactionAFB::alloc_space);
+// Integration option
+int ReactionAFB::key = 6;
+// Error of the integration
+double ReactionAFB::epsabs = 0;
+double ReactionAFB::epsrel = 1e-2;
+//// Function returning the combination of propagators
+double *ReactionAFB::propagators (double Minv)
+    // Propagators squared and interference
+    double foton_squared = 1.0/pow(Minv,4);
+    double interference = 2.0*(-pow(Minv,2)*(pow(MZ_param,2)-pow(Minv,2)))/(pow(Minv,4)*((pow(pow(MZ_param,2)-pow(Minv,2),2))+pow(MZ_param,2)*pow(GammaZ_param,2)));
+    double Z_squared = 1.0/(pow(pow(MZ_param,2)-pow(Minv,2),2)+pow(MZ_param,2)*pow(GammaZ_param,2));
+    static double propagators[4];    
+    propagators[0] = (even_foton_up * foton_squared) + (even_interf_up * interference) + (even_Z_up * Z_squared);
+    propagators[1] = (odd_foton_up * foton_squared) + (odd_interf_up * interference) + (odd_Z_up * Z_squared);
+    propagators[2] = (even_foton_down * foton_squared) + (even_interf_down * interference) + (even_Z_down * Z_squared);
+    propagators[3] = (odd_foton_down * foton_squared) + (odd_interf_down * interference) + (odd_Z_down * Z_squared);
+    return propagators;
+////UUBAR EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::uubarEF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1u = pdfx1[8] / x1;
+    double f1c = pdfx1[10] / x1;
+    double f2ubar = pdfx2[4] / x2;
+    double f2cbar = pdfx2[2] / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double uubar_PDF = f1u*f2ubar + f1c*f2cbar;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;
+    double angular_integration_EF = (qqbar_cos_theta_max-qqbar_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,3));
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_EF = dsigma*angular_integration_EF;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // U-UBAR
+    double uubarEF = uubar_PDF*dsigma_EF;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return uubarEF * propagator[0]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+////UUBAR EVEN FORWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::uubarEF_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
+    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
+    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
+    return 2*result;
+////UUBAR EVEN FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEF_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
+    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
+    return result;
+////UUBAR EVEN BACKWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::uubarEB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1u = pdfx1[8] / x1;
+    double f1c = pdfx1[10] / x1;
+    double f2ubar = pdfx2[4] / x2;
+    double f2cbar = pdfx2[2] / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double uubar_PDF = f1u*f2ubar + f1c*f2cbar;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
+    double angular_integration_EB = (qbarq_cos_theta_max-qbarq_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,3));
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_EB = dsigma*angular_integration_EB;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // U-UBAR
+    double uubarEB = uubar_PDF*dsigma_EB;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return uubarEB * propagator[0];
+////UUBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::uubarEB_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
+    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
+    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
+    return 2*result;
+////UUBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEB_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
+    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
+    return result;
+////UUBAR ODD FORWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::uubarOF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1u = pdfx1[8] / x1;
+    double f1c = pdfx1[10] / x1;
+    double f2ubar = pdfx2[4] / x2;
+    double f2cbar = pdfx2[2] / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double uubar_PDF = f1u*f2ubar + f1c*f2cbar;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;  
+    double angular_integration_OF = pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,2);
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_OF = dsigma*angular_integration_OF;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // U-UBAR
+    double uubarOF = uubar_PDF*dsigma_OF;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return uubarOF * propagator[1];
+////UUBAR ODD FORWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::uubarOF_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
+    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
+    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
+    return 2*result;
+////UUBAR ODD FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOF_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
+    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
+    return result;
+////UUBAR ODD BACKWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::uubarOB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1u = pdfx1[8] / x1;
+    double f1c = pdfx1[10] / x1;
+    double f2ubar = pdfx2[4] / x2;
+    double f2cbar = pdfx2[2] / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double uubar_PDF = f1u*f2ubar + f1c*f2cbar;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
+    double angular_integration_OB = pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,2);
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_OB = dsigma*angular_integration_OB;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // U-UBAR
+    double uubarOB = uubar_PDF*dsigma_OB;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return uubarOB * propagator[1];
+////UUBAR ODD BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::uubarOB_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
+    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
+    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
+    return 2*result;
+////UUBAR ODD BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOB_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
+    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
+    return result;
+////UBARU EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::ubaruEF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1ubar = pdfx1[4] / x1;
+    double f1cbar = pdfx1[2] / x1;
+    double f2u = pdfx2[8] / x2;
+    double f2c = pdfx2[10] / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double ubaru_PDF = f1ubar*f2u + f1cbar*f2c;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
+    double angular_integration_EB = (qbarq_cos_theta_max-qbarq_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,3));
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_EB = dsigma*angular_integration_EB;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // UBAR-U
+    double ubaruEF = ubaru_PDF*dsigma_EB;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return ubaruEF * propagator[0];
+////UBARU EVEN FORWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ubaruEF_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
+    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
+    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
+    return 2*result;
+////UBARU EVEN FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEF_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
+    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
+    return result;
+////UBARU EVEN BACKWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::ubaruEB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1ubar = pdfx1[4] / x1;
+    double f1cbar = pdfx1[2] / x1;
+    double f2u = pdfx2[8] / x2;
+    double f2c = pdfx2[10] / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double ubaru_PDF = f1ubar*f2u + f1cbar*f2c;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;  
+    double angular_integration_EF = (qqbar_cos_theta_max-qqbar_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,3));
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_EF = dsigma*angular_integration_EF;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // UBAR-U
+    double ubaruEB = ubaru_PDF*dsigma_EF;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return ubaruEB * propagator[0];
+////UBARU EVEN BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ubaruEB_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
+    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
+    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
+    return 2*result;
+////UBARU EVEN BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEB_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
+    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
+    return result;
+////UBARU ODD FORWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::ubaruOF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1ubar = pdfx1[4] / x1;
+    double f1cbar = pdfx1[2] / x1;
+    double f2u = pdfx2[8] / x2;
+    double f2c = pdfx2[10] / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double ubaru_PDF = f1ubar*f2u + f1cbar*f2c;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
+    double angular_integration_OB = pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,2);
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_OB = dsigma*angular_integration_OB;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // UBAR-U
+    double ubaruOF = ubaru_PDF*dsigma_OB;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return ubaruOF * propagator[1];
+////UBARU ODD FORWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ubaruOF_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
+    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
+    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
+    return 2*result;
+////UBARU ODD FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOF_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
+    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
+    return result;
+////UBARU ODD BACKWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::ubaruOB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1ubar = pdfx1[4] / x1;
+    double f1cbar = pdfx1[2] / x1;
+    double f2u = pdfx2[8] / x2;
+    double f2c = pdfx2[10] / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double ubaru_PDF = f1ubar*f2u + f1cbar*f2c;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0; 
+    double angular_integration_OF = pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,2);
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_OF = dsigma*angular_integration_OF;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // UBAR-U
+    double ubaruOB = ubaru_PDF*dsigma_OF;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return ubaruOB * propagator[1];
+////UBARU ODD BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ubaruOB_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
+    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
+    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
+    return 2*result;
+////UBARU ODD BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOB_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
+    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
+    return result;
+////DDBAR EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::ddbarEF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1d = pdfx1[7] / x1;
+    double f1s = pdfx1[9] / x1;
+    double f1b = pdfx1[11] / x1;
+    double f2dbar = pdfx2[5] / x2;
+    double f2sbar = pdfx2[3] / x2;
+    double f2bbar = pdfx2[1] / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double ddbar_PDF = f1d*f2dbar + f1s*f2sbar + f1b*f2bbar;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;
+    double angular_integration_EF = (qqbar_cos_theta_max-qqbar_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,3));
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_EF = dsigma*angular_integration_EF;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // D-DBAR
+    double ddbarEF = ddbar_PDF*dsigma_EF;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return ddbarEF * propagator[2];
+////DDBAR EVEN FORWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ddbarEF_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
+    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
+    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
+    return 2*result;
+////DDBAR EVEN FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEF_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
+    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
+    return result;
+////DDBAR EVEN BACKWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::ddbarEB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1d = pdfx1[7] / x1;
+    double f1s = pdfx1[9] / x1;
+    double f1b = pdfx1[11] / x1;
+    double f2dbar = pdfx2[5] / x2;
+    double f2sbar = pdfx2[3] / x2;
+    double f2bbar = pdfx2[1] / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double ddbar_PDF = f1d*f2dbar + f1s*f2sbar + f1b*f2bbar;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
+    double angular_integration_EB = (qbarq_cos_theta_max-qbarq_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,3));
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_EB = dsigma*angular_integration_EB;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // D-DBAR
+    double ddbarEB = ddbar_PDF*dsigma_EB;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return ddbarEB * propagator[2];
+////DDBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ddbarEB_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
+    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
+    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
+    return 2*result;
+////DDBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEB_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
+    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
+    return result;
+////DDBAR ODD FORWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::ddbarOF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1d = pdfx1[7] / x1;
+    double f1s = pdfx1[9] / x1;
+    double f1b = pdfx1[11] / x1;
+    double f2dbar = pdfx2[5] / x2;
+    double f2sbar = pdfx2[3] / x2;
+    double f2bbar = pdfx2[1] / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double ddbar_PDF = f1d*f2dbar + f1s*f2sbar + f1b*f2bbar;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;  
+    double angular_integration_OF = pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,2);
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_OF = dsigma*angular_integration_OF;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // D-DBAR
+    double ddbarOF = ddbar_PDF*dsigma_OF;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return ddbarOF * propagator[3];
+////DDBAR ODD FORWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ddbarOF_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
+    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
+    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
+    return 2*result;
+////DDBAR ODD FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOF_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
+    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
+    return result;
+////DDBAR ODD BACKWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::ddbarOB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1d = pdfx1[7] / x1;
+    double f1s = pdfx1[9] / x1;
+    double f1b = pdfx1[11] / x1;
+    double f2dbar = pdfx2[5] / x2;
+    double f2sbar = pdfx2[3] / x2;
+    double f2bbar = pdfx2[1] / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double ddbar_PDF = f1d*f2dbar + f1s*f2sbar + f1b*f2bbar;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
+    double angular_integration_OB = pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,2);
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_OB = dsigma*angular_integration_OB;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // D-DBAR
+    double ddbarOB = ddbar_PDF*dsigma_OB;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return ddbarOB * propagator[3];
+////DDBAR ODD BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ddbarOB_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
+    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
+    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
+    return 2*result;
+////DDBAR ODD BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOB_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
+    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
+    return result;
+////DBARD EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::dbardEF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1dbar = pdfx1[5] / x1;
+    double f1sbar = pdfx1[3] / x1;
+    double f1bbar = pdfx1[1] / x1;
+    double f2d = pdfx2[7] / x2;
+    double f2s = pdfx2[9] / x2;
+    double f2b = pdfx2[11] / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double dbard_PDF = f1dbar*f2d + f1sbar*f2s + f1bbar*f2b;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
+    double angular_integration_EB = (qbarq_cos_theta_max-qbarq_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,3));
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_EB = dsigma*angular_integration_EB;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // DBAR-D
+    double dbardEF = dbard_PDF*dsigma_EB;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return dbardEF * propagator[2];
+////DBARD EVEN FORWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::dbardEF_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
+    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
+    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
+    return 2*result;
+////DBARD EVEN FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEF_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
+    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
+    return result;
+////DBARD EVEN BACKWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::dbardEB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1dbar = pdfx1[5] / x1;
+    double f1sbar = pdfx1[3] / x1;
+    double f1bbar = pdfx1[1] / x1;
+    double f2d = pdfx2[7] / x2;
+    double f2s = pdfx2[9] / x2;
+    double f2b = pdfx2[11] / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double dbard_PDF = f1dbar*f2d + f1sbar*f2s + f1bbar*f2b;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;  
+    double angular_integration_EF = (qqbar_cos_theta_max-qqbar_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,3));
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_EF = dsigma*angular_integration_EF;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // DBAR-D
+    double dbardEB = dbard_PDF*dsigma_EF;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return dbardEB * propagator[2];
+////DBARD EVEN BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::dbardEB_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
+    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
+    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
+    return 2*result;
+////DBARD EVEN BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEB_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
+    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
+    return result;
+////DBARD ODD FORWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::dbardOF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1dbar = pdfx1[5] / x1;
+    double f1sbar = pdfx1[3] / x1;
+    double f1bbar = pdfx1[1] / x1;
+    double f2d = pdfx2[7] / x2;
+    double f2s = pdfx2[9] / x2;
+    double f2b = pdfx2[11] / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double dbard_PDF = f1dbar*f2d + f1sbar*f2s + f1bbar*f2b;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
+    double angular_integration_OB = pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,2);
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_OB = dsigma*angular_integration_OB;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // DBAR-D
+    double dbardOF = dbard_PDF*dsigma_OB;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return dbardOF * propagator[3];
+////DBARD ODD FORWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::dbardOF_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
+    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
+    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
+    return 2*result;
+////DBARD ODD FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOF_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
+    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
+    return result;
+////DBARD ODD BACKWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::dbardOB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1dbar = pdfx1[5] / x1;
+    double f1sbar = pdfx1[3] / x1;
+    double f1bbar = pdfx1[1] / x1;
+    double f2d = pdfx2[7] / x2;
+    double f2s = pdfx2[9] / x2;
+    double f2b = pdfx2[11] / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double dbard_PDF = f1dbar*f2d + f1sbar*f2s + f1bbar*f2b;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0; 
+    double angular_integration_OF = pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,2);
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_OF = dsigma*angular_integration_OF;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // DBAR-D
+    double dbardOB = dbard_PDF*dsigma_OF;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return dbardOB * propagator[3];
+////DBARD ODD BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::dbardOB_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
+    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
+    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
+    return 2*result;
+////DBARD ODD BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOB_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
+    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    return result;
+double ReactionAFB::AFB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+    double uubarEF = integration_uubarEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double uubarEB = integration_uubarEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double uubarOF = integration_uubarOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double uubarOB = integration_uubarOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double ubaruEF = integration_ubaruEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double ubaruEB = integration_ubaruEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double ubaruOF = integration_ubaruOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double ubaruOB = integration_ubaruOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double ddbarEF = integration_ddbarEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double ddbarEB = integration_ddbarEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double ddbarOF = integration_ddbarOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double ddbarOB = integration_ddbarOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double dbardEF = integration_dbardEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this); 
+    double dbardEB = integration_dbardEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double dbardOF = integration_dbardOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double dbardOB = integration_dbardOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    // Reconstructed Forward and Backward
+    double Forward = uubarEF+ubaruEF+ddbarEF+dbardEF+uubarOF+ubaruOF+ddbarOF+dbardOF;
+    double Backward = uubarEB+ubaruEB+ddbarEB+dbardEB+uubarOB+ubaruOB+ddbarOB+dbardOB;
+    // Reconstructed AFB
+    double AFB = (Forward - Backward) / (Forward + Backward);
+    return AFB;
+// the class factories
+extern "C" ReactionAFB* create() {
+  return new ReactionAFB();
+// Initialize at the start of the computation
+int ReactionAFB::initAtStart(const string &s)
+    // Parameters from "/reactions/AFB/yaml/parameters.yaml"
+    // Check energy parameter:
+    std::cout << checkParam("energy") << std::endl;
+    if ( ! checkParam("energy") ) {
+        std::cout << "\n\n FATAL ERROR: collider energy (energy) is not defined !!! \n\n" <<std::endl;
+        return 1;
+    }
+    // Check eta parameter:
+    std::cout << checkParam("eta_cut") << std::endl;
+    if ( ! checkParam("eta_cut") ) {
+        std::cout << "\n\n FATAL ERROR: lepton pseudorapidity cut (eta_cut_param) is not defined !!! \n\n" <<std::endl;
+        return 1;
+    }
+    // Check pT parameter:
+    std::cout << checkParam("pT_cut") << std::endl;
+    if ( ! checkParam("eta_cut") ) {
+        std::cout << "\n\n FATAL ERROR: lepton transverse momentum cut (pT_cut_param) is not defined !!! \n\n" <<std::endl;
+        return 1;
+    }
+    // Check rapidity lower cut parameter:
+    std::cout << checkParam("y_min") << std::endl;
+    if ( ! checkParam("y_min") ) {
+        std::cout << "\n\n FATAL ERROR: di-lepton rapidity lower cut (y_min) is not defined !!! \n\n" <<std::endl;
+        return 1;
+    }
+    // Check rapidity upper cut parameter:
+    std::cout << checkParam("y_max") << std::endl;
+    if ( ! checkParam("y_max") ) {
+        std::cout << "\n\n FATAL ERROR: di-lepton rapidity upper cut (y_max) is not defined !!! \n\n" <<std::endl;
+        return 1;
+    }
+    // Constant
+    PI = 3.14159265;
+    // Read default parameters
+    GeVtofb_param = pow(10, -3) * GetParam("convFac");
+    alphaEM_param = GetParam("alphaem");
+    stheta2W_param = GetParam("sin2thW");
+    MZ_param = GetParam("Mz");
+    GammaZ_param = GetParam("Wz");
+    // Read "reactions/AFB/yaml/params.yaml"
+    energy_param = GetParam("energy");
+    eta_cut_param = GetParam("eta_cut");
+    pT_cut_param = GetParam("pT_cut");
+    y_min_param = GetParam("y_min"); // not implemented yet
+    y_max_param = GetParam("y_max"); // not implemented yet
+    // Calculate fixed parameters
+    e_param = sqrt(4*PI*alphaEM_param);
+    gsm_param = (e_param/(sqrt(stheta2W_param)*sqrt(1-stheta2W_param)))*sqrt(1+pow(stheta2W_param,2));
+    smangle_param = atan(-stheta2W_param);
+    // Foton couplings
+    foton_Vu = e_param*(2.0/3.0);
+    foton_Au = 0;
+    foton_Vd = e_param*(-1.0/3.0);
+    foton_Ad = 0;
+    foton_Vl = e_param*(-1.0);
+    foton_Al = 0;
+    foton_Vnu = 0;
+    foton_Anu = 0;
+    // Z-boson couplings
+    Z_Vu = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(1.0/6.0)*(3*cos(smangle_param)+8*sin(smangle_param));
+    Z_Au = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(cos(smangle_param)/2.0);
+    Z_Vd = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(1.0/6.0)*(-3*cos(smangle_param)-4*sin(smangle_param));
+    Z_Ad = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(-cos(smangle_param)/2.0);
+    Z_Vl = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*((-cos(smangle_param)/2.0)+(-2*sin(smangle_param)));
+    Z_Al = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(-cos(smangle_param)/2.0);
+    Z_Vnu = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(cos(smangle_param)/2.0);
+    Z_Anu = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(cos(smangle_param)/2.0);
+    // Even combination of couplings
+    even_foton_up = (pow(foton_Vu,2)+pow(foton_Au,2))*(pow(foton_Vl,2)+pow(foton_Al,2));
+    even_foton_down = (pow(foton_Vd,2)+pow(foton_Ad,2))*(pow(foton_Vl,2)+pow(foton_Al,2));
+    even_interf_up = ((foton_Vu*Z_Vu)+(foton_Au*Z_Au))*((foton_Vl*Z_Vl)+(foton_Al*Z_Al));
+    even_interf_down = ((foton_Vd*Z_Vd)+(foton_Ad*Z_Ad))*((foton_Vl*Z_Vl)+(foton_Al*Z_Al));
+    even_Z_up = (pow(Z_Vu,2)+pow(Z_Au,2))*(pow(Z_Vl,2)+pow(Z_Al,2));
+    even_Z_down = (pow(Z_Vd,2)+pow(Z_Ad,2))*(pow(Z_Vl,2)+pow(Z_Al,2));
+    // Odd combination of couplings
+    odd_foton_up = 4*foton_Vu*foton_Au*foton_Vl*foton_Al;
+    odd_foton_down = 4*foton_Vd*foton_Ad*foton_Vl*foton_Al;
+    odd_interf_up = (foton_Vu*Z_Au+foton_Au*Z_Vu)*(foton_Vl*Z_Al+foton_Al*Z_Vl);
+    odd_interf_down = (foton_Vd*Z_Ad+foton_Ad*Z_Vd)*(foton_Vl*Z_Al+foton_Al*Z_Vl);
+    odd_Z_up = 4*Z_Vu*Z_Au*Z_Vl*Z_Al;
+    odd_Z_down = 4*Z_Vd*Z_Ad*Z_Vl*Z_Al;
+    return 0;
+// Main function to compute results at an iteration
+int ReactionAFB::compute(int dataSetID, valarray<double> &val, map<string, valarray<double> > &err)
+    auto *Minv_min  = GetBinValues(dataSetID,"Minv_min"), *Minv_max  = GetBinValues(dataSetID,"Minv_max");  
+    if (Minv_min == nullptr || Minv_max == nullptr) {
+    std::cout << "\n\nFATAL ERROR: AFB code requires Invariant mass bins to be present !!!" << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "CHECK THE DATAFILE !!!" << std::endl;
+    return 1;
+    }
+    auto min = *Minv_min, max = *Minv_max;
+    int Npnt_min = min.size();
+    int Npnt_max = max.size();
+    // check on the rapidity cut
+    if (y_min_param / log(energy_param/max[Npnt_max-1]) > 1) {
+        printf("\nThe chosen lower rapidity cut is too high in this invariant mass range.\n\n");
+        return 1;
+    }
+    if (Npnt_min != Npnt_max) {
+        std::cout << "\n\nFATAL ERROR: uneven number of Invariant mass min and max !!!" << std::endl;
+        std::cout << "CHECK THE DATAFILE !!!" << std::endl;
+        return 1;
+    }    
+//     gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+    // Fill the array "val[i]" with the result of the AFB function
+    for (int i = 0; i < Npnt_min; i++) {
+    double AFB_result = AFB (min[i], max[i]);
+    val[i] = AFB_result;
+    }
+//     gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    return 0;
diff --git a/reactions/AFB/src/ b/reactions/AFB/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1031af469
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reactions/AFB/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,1704 @@
+   @file
+   @date 2018-07-16
+   @author
+   Created by on 2018-07-16
+#include "ReactionAFB.h"
+#include "iostream"
+#include <gsl/gsl_integration.h>
+using namespace std;
+// Declaration of static parameters
+double ReactionAFB::PI;
+double ReactionAFB::GeVtofb_param, ReactionAFB::alphaEM_param, ReactionAFB::stheta2W_param, ReactionAFB::MZ_param, ReactionAFB::GammaZ_param;
+double ReactionAFB::energy_param, ReactionAFB::eta_cut_param, ReactionAFB::pT_cut_param, ReactionAFB::y_min_param, ReactionAFB::y_max_param;
+double ReactionAFB::e_param, ReactionAFB::gsm_param, ReactionAFB::smangle_param;
+double ReactionAFB::foton_Vu, ReactionAFB::foton_Au, ReactionAFB::foton_Vd, ReactionAFB::foton_Ad, ReactionAFB::foton_Vl, ReactionAFB::foton_Al, ReactionAFB::foton_Vnu, ReactionAFB::foton_Anu;
+double ReactionAFB::Z_Vu, ReactionAFB::Z_Au, ReactionAFB::Z_Vd, ReactionAFB::Z_Ad, ReactionAFB::Z_Vl, ReactionAFB::Z_Al, ReactionAFB::Z_Vnu, ReactionAFB::Z_Anu;
+double ReactionAFB::even_foton_up, ReactionAFB::even_foton_down, ReactionAFB::even_interf_up, ReactionAFB::even_interf_down, ReactionAFB::even_Z_up, ReactionAFB::even_Z_down;
+double ReactionAFB::odd_foton_up, ReactionAFB::odd_foton_down, ReactionAFB::odd_interf_up, ReactionAFB::odd_interf_down, ReactionAFB::odd_Z_up, ReactionAFB::odd_Z_down;
+double ReactionAFB::epsabs = 0;
+double ReactionAFB::epsrel = 1e-2;
+size_t ReactionAFB::calls;
+//// Function returning the combination of propagators
+double *ReactionAFB::propagators (double Minv)
+    // Propagators squared and interference
+    double foton_squared = 1.0/pow(Minv,4);
+    double interference = 2.0*(-pow(Minv,2)*(pow(MZ_param,2)-pow(Minv,2)))/(pow(Minv,4)*((pow(pow(MZ_param,2)-pow(Minv,2),2))+pow(MZ_param,2)*pow(GammaZ_param,2)));
+    double Z_squared = 1.0/(pow(pow(MZ_param,2)-pow(Minv,2),2)+pow(MZ_param,2)*pow(GammaZ_param,2));
+    static double propagators[4];    
+    propagators[0] = (even_foton_up * foton_squared) + (even_interf_up * interference) + (even_Z_up * Z_squared);
+    propagators[1] = (odd_foton_up * foton_squared) + (odd_interf_up * interference) + (odd_Z_up * Z_squared);
+    propagators[2] = (even_foton_down * foton_squared) + (even_interf_down * interference) + (even_Z_down * Z_squared);
+    propagators[3] = (odd_foton_down * foton_squared) + (odd_interf_down * interference) + (odd_Z_down * Z_squared);
+    return propagators;
+////UUBAR EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::uubarEF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1u = pdfx1[8] / x1;
+    double f1c = pdfx1[10] / x1;
+    double f2ubar = pdfx2[4] / x2;
+    double f2cbar = pdfx2[2] / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double uubar_PDF = f1u*f2ubar + f1c*f2cbar;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;
+    double angular_integration_EF = (qqbar_cos_theta_max-qqbar_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,3));
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_EF = dsigma*angular_integration_EF;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // U-UBAR
+    double uubarEF = uubar_PDF*dsigma_EF;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return uubarEF * propagator[0]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
+////UUBAR EVEN FORWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::uubarEF_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return 2*result;
+////UUBAR EVEN FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEF_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return result;
+////UUBAR EVEN BACKWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::uubarEB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1u = pdfx1[8] / x1;
+    double f1c = pdfx1[10] / x1;
+    double f2ubar = pdfx2[4] / x2;
+    double f2cbar = pdfx2[2] / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double uubar_PDF = f1u*f2ubar + f1c*f2cbar;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
+    double angular_integration_EB = (qbarq_cos_theta_max-qbarq_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,3));
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_EB = dsigma*angular_integration_EB;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // U-UBAR
+    double uubarEB = uubar_PDF*dsigma_EB;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return uubarEB * propagator[0];
+////UUBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::uubarEB_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return 2*result;
+////UUBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEB_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return result;
+////UUBAR ODD FORWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::uubarOF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1u = pdfx1[8] / x1;
+    double f1c = pdfx1[10] / x1;
+    double f2ubar = pdfx2[4] / x2;
+    double f2cbar = pdfx2[2] / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double uubar_PDF = f1u*f2ubar + f1c*f2cbar;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;  
+    double angular_integration_OF = pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,2);
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_OF = dsigma*angular_integration_OF;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // U-UBAR
+    double uubarOF = uubar_PDF*dsigma_OF;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return uubarOF * propagator[1];
+////UUBAR ODD FORWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::uubarOF_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return 2*result;
+////UUBAR ODD FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOF_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return result;
+////UUBAR ODD BACKWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::uubarOB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1u = pdfx1[8] / x1;
+    double f1c = pdfx1[10] / x1;
+    double f2ubar = pdfx2[4] / x2;
+    double f2cbar = pdfx2[2] / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double uubar_PDF = f1u*f2ubar + f1c*f2cbar;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
+    double angular_integration_OB = pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,2);
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_OB = dsigma*angular_integration_OB;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // U-UBAR
+    double uubarOB = uubar_PDF*dsigma_OB;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return uubarOB * propagator[1];
+////UUBAR ODD BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::uubarOB_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return 2*result;
+////UUBAR ODD BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOB_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return result;
+////UBARU EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::ubaruEF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1ubar = pdfx1[4] / x1;
+    double f1cbar = pdfx1[2] / x1;
+    double f2u = pdfx2[8] / x2;
+    double f2c = pdfx2[10] / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double ubaru_PDF = f1ubar*f2u + f1cbar*f2c;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
+    double angular_integration_EB = (qbarq_cos_theta_max-qbarq_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,3));
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_EB = dsigma*angular_integration_EB;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // UBAR-U
+    double ubaruEF = ubaru_PDF*dsigma_EB;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return ubaruEF * propagator[0];
+////UBARU EVEN FORWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ubaruEF_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return 2*result;
+////UBARU EVEN FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEF_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return result;
+////UBARU EVEN BACKWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::ubaruEB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1ubar = pdfx1[4] / x1;
+    double f1cbar = pdfx1[2] / x1;
+    double f2u = pdfx2[8] / x2;
+    double f2c = pdfx2[10] / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double ubaru_PDF = f1ubar*f2u + f1cbar*f2c;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;  
+    double angular_integration_EF = (qqbar_cos_theta_max-qqbar_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,3));
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_EF = dsigma*angular_integration_EF;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // UBAR-U
+    double ubaruEB = ubaru_PDF*dsigma_EF;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return ubaruEB * propagator[0];
+////UBARU EVEN BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ubaruEB_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return 2*result;
+////UBARU EVEN BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEB_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return result;
+////UBARU ODD FORWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::ubaruOF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1ubar = pdfx1[4] / x1;
+    double f1cbar = pdfx1[2] / x1;
+    double f2u = pdfx2[8] / x2;
+    double f2c = pdfx2[10] / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double ubaru_PDF = f1ubar*f2u + f1cbar*f2c;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
+    double angular_integration_OB = pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,2);
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_OB = dsigma*angular_integration_OB;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // UBAR-U
+    double ubaruOF = ubaru_PDF*dsigma_OB;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return ubaruOF * propagator[1];
+////UBARU ODD FORWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ubaruOF_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return 2*result;
+////UBARU ODD FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOF_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return result;
+////UBARU ODD BACKWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::ubaruOB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1ubar = pdfx1[4] / x1;
+    double f1cbar = pdfx1[2] / x1;
+    double f2u = pdfx2[8] / x2;
+    double f2c = pdfx2[10] / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double ubaru_PDF = f1ubar*f2u + f1cbar*f2c;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0; 
+    double angular_integration_OF = pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,2);
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_OF = dsigma*angular_integration_OF;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // UBAR-U
+    double ubaruOB = ubaru_PDF*dsigma_OF;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return ubaruOB * propagator[1];
+////UBARU ODD BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ubaruOB_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return 2*result;
+////UBARU ODD BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOB_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return result;
+////DDBAR EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::ddbarEF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1d = pdfx1[7] / x1;
+    double f1s = pdfx1[9] / x1;
+    double f1b = pdfx1[11] / x1;
+    double f2dbar = pdfx2[5] / x2;
+    double f2sbar = pdfx2[3] / x2;
+    double f2bbar = pdfx2[1] / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double ddbar_PDF = f1d*f2dbar + f1s*f2sbar + f1b*f2bbar;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;
+    double angular_integration_EF = (qqbar_cos_theta_max-qqbar_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,3));
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_EF = dsigma*angular_integration_EF;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // D-DBAR
+    double ddbarEF = ddbar_PDF*dsigma_EF;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return ddbarEF * propagator[2];
+////DDBAR EVEN FORWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ddbarEF_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return 2*result;
+////DDBAR EVEN FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEF_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return result;
+////DDBAR EVEN BACKWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::ddbarEB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1d = pdfx1[7] / x1;
+    double f1s = pdfx1[9] / x1;
+    double f1b = pdfx1[11] / x1;
+    double f2dbar = pdfx2[5] / x2;
+    double f2sbar = pdfx2[3] / x2;
+    double f2bbar = pdfx2[1] / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double ddbar_PDF = f1d*f2dbar + f1s*f2sbar + f1b*f2bbar;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
+    double angular_integration_EB = (qbarq_cos_theta_max-qbarq_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,3));
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_EB = dsigma*angular_integration_EB;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // D-DBAR
+    double ddbarEB = ddbar_PDF*dsigma_EB;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return ddbarEB * propagator[2];
+////DDBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ddbarEB_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return 2*result;
+////DDBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEB_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return result;
+////DDBAR ODD FORWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::ddbarOF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1d = pdfx1[7] / x1;
+    double f1s = pdfx1[9] / x1;
+    double f1b = pdfx1[11] / x1;
+    double f2dbar = pdfx2[5] / x2;
+    double f2sbar = pdfx2[3] / x2;
+    double f2bbar = pdfx2[1] / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double ddbar_PDF = f1d*f2dbar + f1s*f2sbar + f1b*f2bbar;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;  
+    double angular_integration_OF = pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,2);
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_OF = dsigma*angular_integration_OF;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // D-DBAR
+    double ddbarOF = ddbar_PDF*dsigma_OF;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return ddbarOF * propagator[3];
+////DDBAR ODD FORWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ddbarOF_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return 2*result;
+////DDBAR ODD FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOF_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return result;
+////DDBAR ODD BACKWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::ddbarOB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1d = pdfx1[7] / x1;
+    double f1s = pdfx1[9] / x1;
+    double f1b = pdfx1[11] / x1;
+    double f2dbar = pdfx2[5] / x2;
+    double f2sbar = pdfx2[3] / x2;
+    double f2bbar = pdfx2[1] / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double ddbar_PDF = f1d*f2dbar + f1s*f2sbar + f1b*f2bbar;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
+    double angular_integration_OB = pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,2);
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_OB = dsigma*angular_integration_OB;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // D-DBAR
+    double ddbarOB = ddbar_PDF*dsigma_OB;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return ddbarOB * propagator[3];
+////DDBAR ODD BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ddbarOB_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return 2*result;
+////DDBAR ODD BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOB_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return result;
+////DBARD EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::dbardEF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1dbar = pdfx1[5] / x1;
+    double f1sbar = pdfx1[3] / x1;
+    double f1bbar = pdfx1[1] / x1;
+    double f2d = pdfx2[7] / x2;
+    double f2s = pdfx2[9] / x2;
+    double f2b = pdfx2[11] / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double dbard_PDF = f1dbar*f2d + f1sbar*f2s + f1bbar*f2b;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
+    double angular_integration_EB = (qbarq_cos_theta_max-qbarq_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,3));
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_EB = dsigma*angular_integration_EB;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // DBAR-D
+    double dbardEF = dbard_PDF*dsigma_EB;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return dbardEF * propagator[2];
+////DBARD EVEN FORWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::dbardEF_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return 2*result;
+////DBARD EVEN FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEF_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return result;
+////DBARD EVEN BACKWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::dbardEB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1dbar = pdfx1[5] / x1;
+    double f1sbar = pdfx1[3] / x1;
+    double f1bbar = pdfx1[1] / x1;
+    double f2d = pdfx2[7] / x2;
+    double f2s = pdfx2[9] / x2;
+    double f2b = pdfx2[11] / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double dbard_PDF = f1dbar*f2d + f1sbar*f2s + f1bbar*f2b;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;  
+    double angular_integration_EF = (qqbar_cos_theta_max-qqbar_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,3));
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_EF = dsigma*angular_integration_EF;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // DBAR-D
+    double dbardEB = dbard_PDF*dsigma_EF;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return dbardEB * propagator[2];
+////DBARD EVEN BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::dbardEB_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return 2*result;
+////DBARD EVEN BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEB_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return result;
+////DBARD ODD FORWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::dbardOF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1dbar = pdfx1[5] / x1;
+    double f1sbar = pdfx1[3] / x1;
+    double f1bbar = pdfx1[1] / x1;
+    double f2d = pdfx2[7] / x2;
+    double f2s = pdfx2[9] / x2;
+    double f2b = pdfx2[11] / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double dbard_PDF = f1dbar*f2d + f1sbar*f2s + f1bbar*f2b;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
+    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
+    double angular_integration_OB = pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,2);
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_OB = dsigma*angular_integration_OB;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // DBAR-D
+    double dbardOF = dbard_PDF*dsigma_OB;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return dbardOF * propagator[3];
+////DBARD ODD FORWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::dbardOF_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return 2*result;
+////DBARD ODD FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOF_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return result;
+////DBARD ODD BACKWARD Matrix element
+double ReactionAFB::dbardOB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
+    // Pointer to access PDFs
+    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
+    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
+    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
+    // Partonic cross section parameters
+    double Q = Minv;
+    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
+    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
+    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
+    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
+    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
+    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
+    // Partons PDFs
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
+    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
+    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
+    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
+    double f1dbar = pdfx1[5] / x1;
+    double f1sbar = pdfx1[3] / x1;
+    double f1bbar = pdfx1[1] / x1;
+    double f2d = pdfx2[7] / x2;
+    double f2s = pdfx2[9] / x2;
+    double f2b = pdfx2[11] / x2;
+    // PDF combinations    
+    double dbard_PDF = f1dbar*f2d + f1sbar*f2s + f1bbar*f2b;
+    // Angular integration limits
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
+    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0; 
+    double angular_integration_OF = pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,2);
+    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
+    double dsigma_OF = dsigma*angular_integration_OF;
+    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
+    // DBAR-D
+    double dbardOB = dbard_PDF*dsigma_OF;
+    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
+    return dbardOB * propagator[3];
+////DBARD ODD BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
+double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
+    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
+    integration_params integrationParams;
+    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
+    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::dbardOB_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    double sup;
+    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
+        sup = 1;
+    } else {
+        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    }
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return 2*result;
+////DBARD ODD BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
+double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
+    double result, error;
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOB_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    return result;
+double ReactionAFB::AFB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
+    double uubarEF = integration_uubarEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double uubarEB = integration_uubarEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double uubarOF = integration_uubarOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double uubarOB = integration_uubarOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double ubaruEF = integration_ubaruEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double ubaruEB = integration_ubaruEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double ubaruOF = integration_ubaruOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double ubaruOB = integration_ubaruOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double ddbarEF = integration_ddbarEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double ddbarEB = integration_ddbarEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double ddbarOF = integration_ddbarOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double ddbarOB = integration_ddbarOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double dbardEF = integration_dbardEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this); 
+    double dbardEB = integration_dbardEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double dbardOF = integration_dbardOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    double dbardOB = integration_dbardOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
+    // Reconstructed Forward and Backward
+    double Forward = uubarEF+ubaruEF+ddbarEF+dbardEF+uubarOF+ubaruOF+ddbarOF+dbardOF;
+    double Backward = uubarEB+ubaruEB+ddbarEB+dbardEB+uubarOB+ubaruOB+ddbarOB+dbardOB;
+    // Reconstructed AFB
+    double AFB = (Forward - Backward) / (Forward + Backward);
+    return AFB;
+// the class factories
+extern "C" ReactionAFB* create() {
+  return new ReactionAFB();
+// Initialize at the start of the computation
+int ReactionAFB::initAtStart(const string &s)
+    // Parameters from "/reactions/AFB/yaml/parameters.yaml"
+    // Check energy parameter:
+    std::cout << checkParam("energy") << std::endl;
+    if ( ! checkParam("energy") ) {
+        std::cout << "\n\n FATAL ERROR: collider energy (energy) is not defined !!! \n\n" <<std::endl;
+        return 1;
+    }
+    // Check eta parameter:
+    std::cout << checkParam("eta_cut") << std::endl;
+    if ( ! checkParam("eta_cut") ) {
+        std::cout << "\n\n FATAL ERROR: lepton pseudorapidity cut (eta_cut_param) is not defined !!! \n\n" <<std::endl;
+        return 1;
+    }
+    // Check pT parameter:
+    std::cout << checkParam("pT_cut") << std::endl;
+    if ( ! checkParam("eta_cut") ) {
+        std::cout << "\n\n FATAL ERROR: lepton transverse momentum cut (pT_cut_param) is not defined !!! \n\n" <<std::endl;
+        return 1;
+    }
+    // Check rapidity lower cut parameter:
+    std::cout << checkParam("y_min") << std::endl;
+    if ( ! checkParam("y_min") ) {
+        std::cout << "\n\n FATAL ERROR: di-lepton rapidity lower cut (y_min) is not defined !!! \n\n" <<std::endl;
+        return 1;
+    }
+    // Check rapidity upper cut parameter:
+    std::cout << checkParam("y_max") << std::endl;
+    if ( ! checkParam("y_max") ) {
+        std::cout << "\n\n FATAL ERROR: di-lepton rapidity upper cut (y_max) is not defined !!! \n\n" <<std::endl;
+        return 1;
+    }
+    // Constant
+    PI = 3.14159265;
+    // Read default parameters
+    GeVtofb_param = pow(10, -3) * GetParam("convFac");
+    alphaEM_param = GetParam("alphaem");
+    stheta2W_param = GetParam("sin2thW");
+    MZ_param = GetParam("Mz");
+    GammaZ_param = GetParam("Wz");
+    // Read "reactions/AFB/yaml/params.yaml"
+    energy_param = GetParam("energy");
+    eta_cut_param = GetParam("eta_cut");
+    pT_cut_param = GetParam("pT_cut");
+    y_min_param = GetParam("y_min"); // not implemented yet
+    y_max_param = GetParam("y_max"); // not implemented yet
+    // Calculate fixed parameters
+    e_param = sqrt(4*PI*alphaEM_param);
+    gsm_param = (e_param/(sqrt(stheta2W_param)*sqrt(1-stheta2W_param)))*sqrt(1+pow(stheta2W_param,2));
+    smangle_param = atan(-stheta2W_param);
+    // Foton couplings
+    foton_Vu = e_param*(2.0/3.0);
+    foton_Au = 0;
+    foton_Vd = e_param*(-1.0/3.0);
+    foton_Ad = 0;
+    foton_Vl = e_param*(-1.0);
+    foton_Al = 0;
+    foton_Vnu = 0;
+    foton_Anu = 0;
+    // Z-boson couplings
+    Z_Vu = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(1.0/6.0)*(3*cos(smangle_param)+8*sin(smangle_param));
+    Z_Au = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(cos(smangle_param)/2.0);
+    Z_Vd = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(1.0/6.0)*(-3*cos(smangle_param)-4*sin(smangle_param));
+    Z_Ad = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(-cos(smangle_param)/2.0);
+    Z_Vl = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*((-cos(smangle_param)/2.0)+(-2*sin(smangle_param)));
+    Z_Al = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(-cos(smangle_param)/2.0);
+    Z_Vnu = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(cos(smangle_param)/2.0);
+    Z_Anu = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(cos(smangle_param)/2.0);
+    // Even combination of couplings
+    even_foton_up = (pow(foton_Vu,2)+pow(foton_Au,2))*(pow(foton_Vl,2)+pow(foton_Al,2));
+    even_foton_down = (pow(foton_Vd,2)+pow(foton_Ad,2))*(pow(foton_Vl,2)+pow(foton_Al,2));
+    even_interf_up = ((foton_Vu*Z_Vu)+(foton_Au*Z_Au))*((foton_Vl*Z_Vl)+(foton_Al*Z_Al));
+    even_interf_down = ((foton_Vd*Z_Vd)+(foton_Ad*Z_Ad))*((foton_Vl*Z_Vl)+(foton_Al*Z_Al));
+    even_Z_up = (pow(Z_Vu,2)+pow(Z_Au,2))*(pow(Z_Vl,2)+pow(Z_Al,2));
+    even_Z_down = (pow(Z_Vd,2)+pow(Z_Ad,2))*(pow(Z_Vl,2)+pow(Z_Al,2));
+    // Odd combination of couplings
+    odd_foton_up = 4*foton_Vu*foton_Au*foton_Vl*foton_Al;
+    odd_foton_down = 4*foton_Vd*foton_Ad*foton_Vl*foton_Al;
+    odd_interf_up = (foton_Vu*Z_Au+foton_Au*Z_Vu)*(foton_Vl*Z_Al+foton_Al*Z_Vl);
+    odd_interf_down = (foton_Vd*Z_Ad+foton_Ad*Z_Vd)*(foton_Vl*Z_Al+foton_Al*Z_Vl);
+    odd_Z_up = 4*Z_Vu*Z_Au*Z_Vl*Z_Al;
+    odd_Z_down = 4*Z_Vd*Z_Ad*Z_Vl*Z_Al;
+    return 0;
+// Main function to compute results at an iteration
+int ReactionAFB::compute(int dataSetID, valarray<double> &val, map<string, valarray<double> > &err)
+    auto *Minv_min  = GetBinValues(dataSetID,"Minv_min"), *Minv_max  = GetBinValues(dataSetID,"Minv_max");  
+    if (Minv_min == nullptr || Minv_max == nullptr) {
+    std::cout << "\n\nFATAL ERROR: AFB code requires Invariant mass bins to be present !!!" << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "CHECK THE DATAFILE !!!" << std::endl;
+    return 1;
+    }
+    auto min = *Minv_min, max = *Minv_max;
+    int Npnt_min = min.size();
+    int Npnt_max = max.size();
+    // check on the rapidity cut
+    if (y_min_param / log(energy_param/max[Npnt_max-1]) > 1) {
+        printf("\nThe chosen lower rapidity cut is too high in this invariant mass range.\n\n");
+        return 1;
+    }
+    if (Npnt_min != Npnt_max) {
+        std::cout << "\n\nFATAL ERROR: uneven number of Invariant mass min and max !!!" << std::endl;
+        std::cout << "CHECK THE DATAFILE !!!" << std::endl;
+        return 1;
+    }    
+    // Fill the array "val[i]" with the result of the AFB function
+    for (int i = 0; i < Npnt_min; i++) {
+    double AFB_result = AFB (min[i], max[i]);
+    val[i] = AFB_result;
+    }
+    return 0;

From 3f77c92049b6f772c25f326682aa1220b4a3f5aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Juri Fiaschi <>
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2018 10:39:08 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 02/15] removed undesired files

 reactions/AFB/src/ | 1841 --------------------------
 reactions/AFB/src/ | 1704 ------------------------
 2 files changed, 3545 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 reactions/AFB/src/
 delete mode 100644 reactions/AFB/src/

diff --git a/reactions/AFB/src/ b/reactions/AFB/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 37414e42c..000000000
--- a/reactions/AFB/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1841 +0,0 @@
-   @file
-   @date 2018-07-16
-   @author
-   Created by on 2018-07-16
-#include "ReactionAFB.h"
-#include "iostream"
-#include <gsl/gsl_integration.h>
-using namespace std;
-// Declaration of static parameters
-double ReactionAFB::PI;
-double ReactionAFB::GeVtofb_param, ReactionAFB::alphaEM_param, ReactionAFB::stheta2W_param, ReactionAFB::MZ_param, ReactionAFB::GammaZ_param;
-double ReactionAFB::energy_param, ReactionAFB::eta_cut_param, ReactionAFB::pT_cut_param, ReactionAFB::y_min_param, ReactionAFB::y_max_param;
-double ReactionAFB::e_param, ReactionAFB::gsm_param, ReactionAFB::smangle_param;
-double ReactionAFB::foton_Vu, ReactionAFB::foton_Au, ReactionAFB::foton_Vd, ReactionAFB::foton_Ad, ReactionAFB::foton_Vl, ReactionAFB::foton_Al, ReactionAFB::foton_Vnu, ReactionAFB::foton_Anu;
-double ReactionAFB::Z_Vu, ReactionAFB::Z_Au, ReactionAFB::Z_Vd, ReactionAFB::Z_Ad, ReactionAFB::Z_Vl, ReactionAFB::Z_Al, ReactionAFB::Z_Vnu, ReactionAFB::Z_Anu;
-double ReactionAFB::even_foton_up, ReactionAFB::even_foton_down, ReactionAFB::even_interf_up, ReactionAFB::even_interf_down, ReactionAFB::even_Z_up, ReactionAFB::even_Z_down;
-double ReactionAFB::odd_foton_up, ReactionAFB::odd_foton_down, ReactionAFB::odd_interf_up, ReactionAFB::odd_interf_down, ReactionAFB::odd_Z_up, ReactionAFB::odd_Z_down;
-// Integration parameters
-size_t ReactionAFB::alloc_space = 1000;
-// gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(ReactionAFB::alloc_space);
-// Integration option
-int ReactionAFB::key = 6;
-// Error of the integration
-double ReactionAFB::epsabs = 0;
-double ReactionAFB::epsrel = 1e-2;
-//// Function returning the combination of propagators
-double *ReactionAFB::propagators (double Minv)
-    // Propagators squared and interference
-    double foton_squared = 1.0/pow(Minv,4);
-    double interference = 2.0*(-pow(Minv,2)*(pow(MZ_param,2)-pow(Minv,2)))/(pow(Minv,4)*((pow(pow(MZ_param,2)-pow(Minv,2),2))+pow(MZ_param,2)*pow(GammaZ_param,2)));
-    double Z_squared = 1.0/(pow(pow(MZ_param,2)-pow(Minv,2),2)+pow(MZ_param,2)*pow(GammaZ_param,2));
-    static double propagators[4];    
-    propagators[0] = (even_foton_up * foton_squared) + (even_interf_up * interference) + (even_Z_up * Z_squared);
-    propagators[1] = (odd_foton_up * foton_squared) + (odd_interf_up * interference) + (odd_Z_up * Z_squared);
-    propagators[2] = (even_foton_down * foton_squared) + (even_interf_down * interference) + (even_Z_down * Z_squared);
-    propagators[3] = (odd_foton_down * foton_squared) + (odd_interf_down * interference) + (odd_Z_down * Z_squared);
-    return propagators;
-////UUBAR EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::uubarEF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
-    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
-    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
-    // Partonic cross section parameters
-    double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
-    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Partons PDFs
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
-    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
-    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
-    double f1u = pdfx1[8] / x1;
-    double f1c = pdfx1[10] / x1;
-    double f2ubar = pdfx2[4] / x2;
-    double f2cbar = pdfx2[2] / x2;
-    // PDF combinations    
-    double uubar_PDF = f1u*f2ubar + f1c*f2cbar;
-    // Angular integration limits
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;
-    double angular_integration_EF = (qqbar_cos_theta_max-qqbar_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,3));
-    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-    double dsigma_EF = dsigma*angular_integration_EF;
-    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-    // U-UBAR
-    double uubarEF = uubar_PDF*dsigma_EF;
-    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return uubarEF * propagator[0]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
-////UUBAR EVEN FORWARD Integration in rapidity
-double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
-    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
-    integration_params integrationParams;
-    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
-    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::uubarEF_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
-    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    double sup;
-    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
-        sup = 1;
-    } else {
-        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    }
-    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
-    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
-    return 2*result;
-////UUBAR EVEN FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
-double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEF_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
-    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
-    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
-    return result;
-////UUBAR EVEN BACKWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::uubarEB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
-    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
-    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
-    // Partonic cross section parameters
-    double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
-    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Partons PDFs
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
-    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
-    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
-    double f1u = pdfx1[8] / x1;
-    double f1c = pdfx1[10] / x1;
-    double f2ubar = pdfx2[4] / x2;
-    double f2cbar = pdfx2[2] / x2;
-    // PDF combinations    
-    double uubar_PDF = f1u*f2ubar + f1c*f2cbar;
-    // Angular integration limits
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
-    double angular_integration_EB = (qbarq_cos_theta_max-qbarq_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,3));
-    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-    double dsigma_EB = dsigma*angular_integration_EB;
-    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-    // U-UBAR
-    double uubarEB = uubar_PDF*dsigma_EB;
-    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return uubarEB * propagator[0];
-////UUBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
-double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
-    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
-    integration_params integrationParams;
-    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
-    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::uubarEB_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
-    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    double sup;
-    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
-        sup = 1;
-    } else {
-        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    }
-    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
-    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
-    return 2*result;
-////UUBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
-double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEB_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
-    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
-    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
-    return result;
-////UUBAR ODD FORWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::uubarOF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
-    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
-    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
-    // Partonic cross section parameters
-    double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
-    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Partons PDFs
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
-    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
-    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
-    double f1u = pdfx1[8] / x1;
-    double f1c = pdfx1[10] / x1;
-    double f2ubar = pdfx2[4] / x2;
-    double f2cbar = pdfx2[2] / x2;
-    // PDF combinations    
-    double uubar_PDF = f1u*f2ubar + f1c*f2cbar;
-    // Angular integration limits
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;  
-    double angular_integration_OF = pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,2);
-    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-    double dsigma_OF = dsigma*angular_integration_OF;
-    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-    // U-UBAR
-    double uubarOF = uubar_PDF*dsigma_OF;
-    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return uubarOF * propagator[1];
-////UUBAR ODD FORWARD Integration in rapidity
-double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
-    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
-    integration_params integrationParams;
-    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
-    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::uubarOF_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
-    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    double sup;
-    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
-        sup = 1;
-    } else {
-        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    }
-    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
-    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
-    return 2*result;
-////UUBAR ODD FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
-double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOF_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
-    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
-    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
-    return result;
-////UUBAR ODD BACKWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::uubarOB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
-    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
-    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
-    // Partonic cross section parameters
-    double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
-    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Partons PDFs
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
-    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
-    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
-    double f1u = pdfx1[8] / x1;
-    double f1c = pdfx1[10] / x1;
-    double f2ubar = pdfx2[4] / x2;
-    double f2cbar = pdfx2[2] / x2;
-    // PDF combinations    
-    double uubar_PDF = f1u*f2ubar + f1c*f2cbar;
-    // Angular integration limits
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
-    double angular_integration_OB = pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,2);
-    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-    double dsigma_OB = dsigma*angular_integration_OB;
-    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-    // U-UBAR
-    double uubarOB = uubar_PDF*dsigma_OB;
-    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return uubarOB * propagator[1];
-////UUBAR ODD BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
-double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
-    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
-    integration_params integrationParams;
-    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
-    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::uubarOB_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
-    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    double sup;
-    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
-        sup = 1;
-    } else {
-        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    }
-    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
-    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
-    return 2*result;
-////UUBAR ODD BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
-double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOB_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
-    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
-    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
-    return result;
-////UBARU EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::ubaruEF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
-    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
-    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
-    // Partonic cross section parameters
-    double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
-    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Partons PDFs
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
-    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
-    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
-    double f1ubar = pdfx1[4] / x1;
-    double f1cbar = pdfx1[2] / x1;
-    double f2u = pdfx2[8] / x2;
-    double f2c = pdfx2[10] / x2;
-    // PDF combinations    
-    double ubaru_PDF = f1ubar*f2u + f1cbar*f2c;
-    // Angular integration limits
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
-    double angular_integration_EB = (qbarq_cos_theta_max-qbarq_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,3));
-    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-    double dsigma_EB = dsigma*angular_integration_EB;
-    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-    // UBAR-U
-    double ubaruEF = ubaru_PDF*dsigma_EB;
-    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return ubaruEF * propagator[0];
-////UBARU EVEN FORWARD Integration in rapidity
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
-    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
-    integration_params integrationParams;
-    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
-    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ubaruEF_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
-    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    double sup;
-    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
-        sup = 1;
-    } else {
-        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    }
-    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
-    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
-    return 2*result;
-////UBARU EVEN FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEF_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
-    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
-    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
-    return result;
-////UBARU EVEN BACKWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::ubaruEB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
-    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
-    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
-    // Partonic cross section parameters
-    double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
-    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Partons PDFs
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
-    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
-    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
-    double f1ubar = pdfx1[4] / x1;
-    double f1cbar = pdfx1[2] / x1;
-    double f2u = pdfx2[8] / x2;
-    double f2c = pdfx2[10] / x2;
-    // PDF combinations    
-    double ubaru_PDF = f1ubar*f2u + f1cbar*f2c;
-    // Angular integration limits
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;  
-    double angular_integration_EF = (qqbar_cos_theta_max-qqbar_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,3));
-    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-    double dsigma_EF = dsigma*angular_integration_EF;
-    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-    // UBAR-U
-    double ubaruEB = ubaru_PDF*dsigma_EF;
-    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return ubaruEB * propagator[0];
-////UBARU EVEN BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
-    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
-    integration_params integrationParams;
-    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
-    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ubaruEB_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
-    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    double sup;
-    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
-        sup = 1;
-    } else {
-        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    }
-    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
-    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
-    return 2*result;
-////UBARU EVEN BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEB_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
-    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
-    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
-    return result;
-////UBARU ODD FORWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::ubaruOF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
-    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
-    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
-    // Partonic cross section parameters
-    double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
-    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Partons PDFs
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
-    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
-    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
-    double f1ubar = pdfx1[4] / x1;
-    double f1cbar = pdfx1[2] / x1;
-    double f2u = pdfx2[8] / x2;
-    double f2c = pdfx2[10] / x2;
-    // PDF combinations    
-    double ubaru_PDF = f1ubar*f2u + f1cbar*f2c;
-    // Angular integration limits
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
-    double angular_integration_OB = pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,2);
-    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-    double dsigma_OB = dsigma*angular_integration_OB;
-    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-    // UBAR-U
-    double ubaruOF = ubaru_PDF*dsigma_OB;
-    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return ubaruOF * propagator[1];
-////UBARU ODD FORWARD Integration in rapidity
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
-    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
-    integration_params integrationParams;
-    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
-    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ubaruOF_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
-    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    double sup;
-    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
-        sup = 1;
-    } else {
-        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    }
-    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
-    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
-    return 2*result;
-////UBARU ODD FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOF_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
-    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
-    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
-    return result;
-////UBARU ODD BACKWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::ubaruOB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
-    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
-    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
-    // Partonic cross section parameters
-    double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
-    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Partons PDFs
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
-    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
-    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
-    double f1ubar = pdfx1[4] / x1;
-    double f1cbar = pdfx1[2] / x1;
-    double f2u = pdfx2[8] / x2;
-    double f2c = pdfx2[10] / x2;
-    // PDF combinations    
-    double ubaru_PDF = f1ubar*f2u + f1cbar*f2c;
-    // Angular integration limits
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0; 
-    double angular_integration_OF = pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,2);
-    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-    double dsigma_OF = dsigma*angular_integration_OF;
-    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-    // UBAR-U
-    double ubaruOB = ubaru_PDF*dsigma_OF;
-    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return ubaruOB * propagator[1];
-////UBARU ODD BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
-    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
-    integration_params integrationParams;
-    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
-    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ubaruOB_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
-    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    double sup;
-    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
-        sup = 1;
-    } else {
-        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    }
-    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
-    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
-    return 2*result;
-////UBARU ODD BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOB_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
-    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
-    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
-    return result;
-////DDBAR EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::ddbarEF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
-    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
-    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
-    // Partonic cross section parameters
-    double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
-    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Partons PDFs
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
-    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
-    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
-    double f1d = pdfx1[7] / x1;
-    double f1s = pdfx1[9] / x1;
-    double f1b = pdfx1[11] / x1;
-    double f2dbar = pdfx2[5] / x2;
-    double f2sbar = pdfx2[3] / x2;
-    double f2bbar = pdfx2[1] / x2;
-    // PDF combinations    
-    double ddbar_PDF = f1d*f2dbar + f1s*f2sbar + f1b*f2bbar;
-    // Angular integration limits
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;
-    double angular_integration_EF = (qqbar_cos_theta_max-qqbar_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,3));
-    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-    double dsigma_EF = dsigma*angular_integration_EF;
-    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-    // D-DBAR
-    double ddbarEF = ddbar_PDF*dsigma_EF;
-    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return ddbarEF * propagator[2];
-////DDBAR EVEN FORWARD Integration in rapidity
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
-    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
-    integration_params integrationParams;
-    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
-    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ddbarEF_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
-    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    double sup;
-    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
-        sup = 1;
-    } else {
-        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    }
-    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
-    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
-    return 2*result;
-////DDBAR EVEN FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEF_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
-    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
-    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
-    return result;
-////DDBAR EVEN BACKWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::ddbarEB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
-    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
-    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
-    // Partonic cross section parameters
-    double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
-    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Partons PDFs
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
-    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
-    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
-    double f1d = pdfx1[7] / x1;
-    double f1s = pdfx1[9] / x1;
-    double f1b = pdfx1[11] / x1;
-    double f2dbar = pdfx2[5] / x2;
-    double f2sbar = pdfx2[3] / x2;
-    double f2bbar = pdfx2[1] / x2;
-    // PDF combinations    
-    double ddbar_PDF = f1d*f2dbar + f1s*f2sbar + f1b*f2bbar;
-    // Angular integration limits
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
-    double angular_integration_EB = (qbarq_cos_theta_max-qbarq_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,3));
-    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-    double dsigma_EB = dsigma*angular_integration_EB;
-    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-    // D-DBAR
-    double ddbarEB = ddbar_PDF*dsigma_EB;
-    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return ddbarEB * propagator[2];
-////DDBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
-    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
-    integration_params integrationParams;
-    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
-    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ddbarEB_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
-    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    double sup;
-    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
-        sup = 1;
-    } else {
-        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    }
-    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
-    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
-    return 2*result;
-////DDBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEB_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
-    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
-    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
-    return result;
-////DDBAR ODD FORWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::ddbarOF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
-    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
-    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
-    // Partonic cross section parameters
-    double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
-    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Partons PDFs
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
-    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
-    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
-    double f1d = pdfx1[7] / x1;
-    double f1s = pdfx1[9] / x1;
-    double f1b = pdfx1[11] / x1;
-    double f2dbar = pdfx2[5] / x2;
-    double f2sbar = pdfx2[3] / x2;
-    double f2bbar = pdfx2[1] / x2;
-    // PDF combinations    
-    double ddbar_PDF = f1d*f2dbar + f1s*f2sbar + f1b*f2bbar;
-    // Angular integration limits
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;  
-    double angular_integration_OF = pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,2);
-    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-    double dsigma_OF = dsigma*angular_integration_OF;
-    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-    // D-DBAR
-    double ddbarOF = ddbar_PDF*dsigma_OF;
-    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return ddbarOF * propagator[3];
-////DDBAR ODD FORWARD Integration in rapidity
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
-    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
-    integration_params integrationParams;
-    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
-    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ddbarOF_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
-    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    double sup;
-    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
-        sup = 1;
-    } else {
-        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    }
-    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
-    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
-    return 2*result;
-////DDBAR ODD FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOF_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
-    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
-    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
-    return result;
-////DDBAR ODD BACKWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::ddbarOB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
-    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
-    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
-    // Partonic cross section parameters
-    double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
-    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Partons PDFs
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
-    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
-    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
-    double f1d = pdfx1[7] / x1;
-    double f1s = pdfx1[9] / x1;
-    double f1b = pdfx1[11] / x1;
-    double f2dbar = pdfx2[5] / x2;
-    double f2sbar = pdfx2[3] / x2;
-    double f2bbar = pdfx2[1] / x2;
-    // PDF combinations    
-    double ddbar_PDF = f1d*f2dbar + f1s*f2sbar + f1b*f2bbar;
-    // Angular integration limits
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
-    double angular_integration_OB = pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,2);
-    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-    double dsigma_OB = dsigma*angular_integration_OB;
-    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-    // D-DBAR
-    double ddbarOB = ddbar_PDF*dsigma_OB;
-    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return ddbarOB * propagator[3];
-////DDBAR ODD BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
-    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
-    integration_params integrationParams;
-    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
-    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ddbarOB_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
-    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    double sup;
-    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
-        sup = 1;
-    } else {
-        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    }
-    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
-    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
-    return 2*result;
-////DDBAR ODD BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOB_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
-    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
-    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
-    return result;
-////DBARD EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::dbardEF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
-    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
-    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
-    // Partonic cross section parameters
-    double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
-    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Partons PDFs
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
-    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
-    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
-    double f1dbar = pdfx1[5] / x1;
-    double f1sbar = pdfx1[3] / x1;
-    double f1bbar = pdfx1[1] / x1;
-    double f2d = pdfx2[7] / x2;
-    double f2s = pdfx2[9] / x2;
-    double f2b = pdfx2[11] / x2;
-    // PDF combinations    
-    double dbard_PDF = f1dbar*f2d + f1sbar*f2s + f1bbar*f2b;
-    // Angular integration limits
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
-    double angular_integration_EB = (qbarq_cos_theta_max-qbarq_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,3));
-    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-    double dsigma_EB = dsigma*angular_integration_EB;
-    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-    // DBAR-D
-    double dbardEF = dbard_PDF*dsigma_EB;
-    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return dbardEF * propagator[2];
-////DBARD EVEN FORWARD Integration in rapidity
-double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
-    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
-    integration_params integrationParams;
-    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
-    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::dbardEF_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
-    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    double sup;
-    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
-        sup = 1;
-    } else {
-        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    }
-    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
-    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
-    return 2*result;
-////DBARD EVEN FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
-double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEF_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
-    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
-    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
-    return result;
-////DBARD EVEN BACKWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::dbardEB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
-    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
-    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
-    // Partonic cross section parameters
-    double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
-    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Partons PDFs
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
-    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
-    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
-    double f1dbar = pdfx1[5] / x1;
-    double f1sbar = pdfx1[3] / x1;
-    double f1bbar = pdfx1[1] / x1;
-    double f2d = pdfx2[7] / x2;
-    double f2s = pdfx2[9] / x2;
-    double f2b = pdfx2[11] / x2;
-    // PDF combinations    
-    double dbard_PDF = f1dbar*f2d + f1sbar*f2s + f1bbar*f2b;
-    // Angular integration limits
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;  
-    double angular_integration_EF = (qqbar_cos_theta_max-qqbar_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,3));
-    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-    double dsigma_EF = dsigma*angular_integration_EF;
-    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-    // DBAR-D
-    double dbardEB = dbard_PDF*dsigma_EF;
-    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return dbardEB * propagator[2];
-////DBARD EVEN BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
-double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
-    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
-    integration_params integrationParams;
-    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
-    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::dbardEB_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
-    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    double sup;
-    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
-        sup = 1;
-    } else {
-        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    }
-    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
-    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
-    return 2*result;
-////DBARD EVEN BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
-double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEB_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
-    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
-    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
-    return result;
-////DBARD ODD FORWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::dbardOF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
-    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
-    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
-    // Partonic cross section parameters
-    double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
-    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Partons PDFs
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
-    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
-    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
-    double f1dbar = pdfx1[5] / x1;
-    double f1sbar = pdfx1[3] / x1;
-    double f1bbar = pdfx1[1] / x1;
-    double f2d = pdfx2[7] / x2;
-    double f2s = pdfx2[9] / x2;
-    double f2b = pdfx2[11] / x2;
-    // PDF combinations    
-    double dbard_PDF = f1dbar*f2d + f1sbar*f2s + f1bbar*f2b;
-    // Angular integration limits
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
-    double angular_integration_OB = pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,2);
-    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-    double dsigma_OB = dsigma*angular_integration_OB;
-    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-    // DBAR-D
-    double dbardOF = dbard_PDF*dsigma_OB;
-    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return dbardOF * propagator[3];
-////DBARD ODD FORWARD Integration in rapidity
-double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
-    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
-    integration_params integrationParams;
-    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
-    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::dbardOF_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
-    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    double sup;
-    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
-        sup = 1;
-    } else {
-        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    }
-    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
-    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
-    return 2*result;
-////DBARD ODD FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
-double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOF_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
-    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
-    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
-    return result;
-////DBARD ODD BACKWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::dbardOB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
-    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
-    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
-    // Partonic cross section parameters
-    double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
-    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Partons PDFs
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
-    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
-    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
-    double f1dbar = pdfx1[5] / x1;
-    double f1sbar = pdfx1[3] / x1;
-    double f1bbar = pdfx1[1] / x1;
-    double f2d = pdfx2[7] / x2;
-    double f2s = pdfx2[9] / x2;
-    double f2b = pdfx2[11] / x2;
-    // PDF combinations    
-    double dbard_PDF = f1dbar*f2d + f1sbar*f2s + f1bbar*f2b;
-    // Angular integration limits
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0; 
-    double angular_integration_OF = pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,2);
-    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-    double dsigma_OF = dsigma*angular_integration_OF;
-    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-    // DBAR-D
-    double dbardOB = dbard_PDF*dsigma_OF;
-    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return dbardOB * propagator[3];
-////DBARD ODD BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
-double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
-    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
-    integration_params integrationParams;
-    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
-    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::dbardOB_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    double sup;
-    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
-        sup = 1;
-    } else {
-        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    }
-    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
-    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w); 
-    return 2*result;
-////DBARD ODD BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
-double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOB_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
-    gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key, w, &result, &error);
-    gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
-    return result;
-double ReactionAFB::AFB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-    double uubarEF = integration_uubarEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
-    double uubarEB = integration_uubarEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
-    double uubarOF = integration_uubarOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
-    double uubarOB = integration_uubarOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
-    double ubaruEF = integration_ubaruEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
-    double ubaruEB = integration_ubaruEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
-    double ubaruOF = integration_ubaruOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
-    double ubaruOB = integration_ubaruOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
-    double ddbarEF = integration_ddbarEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
-    double ddbarEB = integration_ddbarEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
-    double ddbarOF = integration_ddbarOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
-    double ddbarOB = integration_ddbarOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
-    double dbardEF = integration_dbardEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this); 
-    double dbardEB = integration_dbardEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
-    double dbardOF = integration_dbardOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
-    double dbardOB = integration_dbardOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
-    // Reconstructed Forward and Backward
-    double Forward = uubarEF+ubaruEF+ddbarEF+dbardEF+uubarOF+ubaruOF+ddbarOF+dbardOF;
-    double Backward = uubarEB+ubaruEB+ddbarEB+dbardEB+uubarOB+ubaruOB+ddbarOB+dbardOB;
-    // Reconstructed AFB
-    double AFB = (Forward - Backward) / (Forward + Backward);
-    return AFB;
-// the class factories
-extern "C" ReactionAFB* create() {
-  return new ReactionAFB();
-// Initialize at the start of the computation
-int ReactionAFB::initAtStart(const string &s)
-    // Parameters from "/reactions/AFB/yaml/parameters.yaml"
-    // Check energy parameter:
-    std::cout << checkParam("energy") << std::endl;
-    if ( ! checkParam("energy") ) {
-        std::cout << "\n\n FATAL ERROR: collider energy (energy) is not defined !!! \n\n" <<std::endl;
-        return 1;
-    }
-    // Check eta parameter:
-    std::cout << checkParam("eta_cut") << std::endl;
-    if ( ! checkParam("eta_cut") ) {
-        std::cout << "\n\n FATAL ERROR: lepton pseudorapidity cut (eta_cut_param) is not defined !!! \n\n" <<std::endl;
-        return 1;
-    }
-    // Check pT parameter:
-    std::cout << checkParam("pT_cut") << std::endl;
-    if ( ! checkParam("eta_cut") ) {
-        std::cout << "\n\n FATAL ERROR: lepton transverse momentum cut (pT_cut_param) is not defined !!! \n\n" <<std::endl;
-        return 1;
-    }
-    // Check rapidity lower cut parameter:
-    std::cout << checkParam("y_min") << std::endl;
-    if ( ! checkParam("y_min") ) {
-        std::cout << "\n\n FATAL ERROR: di-lepton rapidity lower cut (y_min) is not defined !!! \n\n" <<std::endl;
-        return 1;
-    }
-    // Check rapidity upper cut parameter:
-    std::cout << checkParam("y_max") << std::endl;
-    if ( ! checkParam("y_max") ) {
-        std::cout << "\n\n FATAL ERROR: di-lepton rapidity upper cut (y_max) is not defined !!! \n\n" <<std::endl;
-        return 1;
-    }
-    // Constant
-    PI = 3.14159265;
-    // Read default parameters
-    GeVtofb_param = pow(10, -3) * GetParam("convFac");
-    alphaEM_param = GetParam("alphaem");
-    stheta2W_param = GetParam("sin2thW");
-    MZ_param = GetParam("Mz");
-    GammaZ_param = GetParam("Wz");
-    // Read "reactions/AFB/yaml/params.yaml"
-    energy_param = GetParam("energy");
-    eta_cut_param = GetParam("eta_cut");
-    pT_cut_param = GetParam("pT_cut");
-    y_min_param = GetParam("y_min"); // not implemented yet
-    y_max_param = GetParam("y_max"); // not implemented yet
-    // Calculate fixed parameters
-    e_param = sqrt(4*PI*alphaEM_param);
-    gsm_param = (e_param/(sqrt(stheta2W_param)*sqrt(1-stheta2W_param)))*sqrt(1+pow(stheta2W_param,2));
-    smangle_param = atan(-stheta2W_param);
-    // Foton couplings
-    foton_Vu = e_param*(2.0/3.0);
-    foton_Au = 0;
-    foton_Vd = e_param*(-1.0/3.0);
-    foton_Ad = 0;
-    foton_Vl = e_param*(-1.0);
-    foton_Al = 0;
-    foton_Vnu = 0;
-    foton_Anu = 0;
-    // Z-boson couplings
-    Z_Vu = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(1.0/6.0)*(3*cos(smangle_param)+8*sin(smangle_param));
-    Z_Au = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(cos(smangle_param)/2.0);
-    Z_Vd = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(1.0/6.0)*(-3*cos(smangle_param)-4*sin(smangle_param));
-    Z_Ad = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(-cos(smangle_param)/2.0);
-    Z_Vl = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*((-cos(smangle_param)/2.0)+(-2*sin(smangle_param)));
-    Z_Al = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(-cos(smangle_param)/2.0);
-    Z_Vnu = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(cos(smangle_param)/2.0);
-    Z_Anu = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(cos(smangle_param)/2.0);
-    // Even combination of couplings
-    even_foton_up = (pow(foton_Vu,2)+pow(foton_Au,2))*(pow(foton_Vl,2)+pow(foton_Al,2));
-    even_foton_down = (pow(foton_Vd,2)+pow(foton_Ad,2))*(pow(foton_Vl,2)+pow(foton_Al,2));
-    even_interf_up = ((foton_Vu*Z_Vu)+(foton_Au*Z_Au))*((foton_Vl*Z_Vl)+(foton_Al*Z_Al));
-    even_interf_down = ((foton_Vd*Z_Vd)+(foton_Ad*Z_Ad))*((foton_Vl*Z_Vl)+(foton_Al*Z_Al));
-    even_Z_up = (pow(Z_Vu,2)+pow(Z_Au,2))*(pow(Z_Vl,2)+pow(Z_Al,2));
-    even_Z_down = (pow(Z_Vd,2)+pow(Z_Ad,2))*(pow(Z_Vl,2)+pow(Z_Al,2));
-    // Odd combination of couplings
-    odd_foton_up = 4*foton_Vu*foton_Au*foton_Vl*foton_Al;
-    odd_foton_down = 4*foton_Vd*foton_Ad*foton_Vl*foton_Al;
-    odd_interf_up = (foton_Vu*Z_Au+foton_Au*Z_Vu)*(foton_Vl*Z_Al+foton_Al*Z_Vl);
-    odd_interf_down = (foton_Vd*Z_Ad+foton_Ad*Z_Vd)*(foton_Vl*Z_Al+foton_Al*Z_Vl);
-    odd_Z_up = 4*Z_Vu*Z_Au*Z_Vl*Z_Al;
-    odd_Z_down = 4*Z_Vd*Z_Ad*Z_Vl*Z_Al;
-    return 0;
-// Main function to compute results at an iteration
-int ReactionAFB::compute(int dataSetID, valarray<double> &val, map<string, valarray<double> > &err)
-    auto *Minv_min  = GetBinValues(dataSetID,"Minv_min"), *Minv_max  = GetBinValues(dataSetID,"Minv_max");  
-    if (Minv_min == nullptr || Minv_max == nullptr) {
-    std::cout << "\n\nFATAL ERROR: AFB code requires Invariant mass bins to be present !!!" << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "CHECK THE DATAFILE !!!" << std::endl;
-    return 1;
-    }
-    auto min = *Minv_min, max = *Minv_max;
-    int Npnt_min = min.size();
-    int Npnt_max = max.size();
-    // check on the rapidity cut
-    if (y_min_param / log(energy_param/max[Npnt_max-1]) > 1) {
-        printf("\nThe chosen lower rapidity cut is too high in this invariant mass range.\n\n");
-        return 1;
-    }
-    if (Npnt_min != Npnt_max) {
-        std::cout << "\n\nFATAL ERROR: uneven number of Invariant mass min and max !!!" << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "CHECK THE DATAFILE !!!" << std::endl;
-        return 1;
-    }    
-//     gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
-    // Fill the array "val[i]" with the result of the AFB function
-    for (int i = 0; i < Npnt_min; i++) {
-    double AFB_result = AFB (min[i], max[i]);
-    val[i] = AFB_result;
-    }
-//     gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
-    return 0;
diff --git a/reactions/AFB/src/ b/reactions/AFB/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1031af469..000000000
--- a/reactions/AFB/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1704 +0,0 @@
-   @file
-   @date 2018-07-16
-   @author
-   Created by on 2018-07-16
-#include "ReactionAFB.h"
-#include "iostream"
-#include <gsl/gsl_integration.h>
-using namespace std;
-// Declaration of static parameters
-double ReactionAFB::PI;
-double ReactionAFB::GeVtofb_param, ReactionAFB::alphaEM_param, ReactionAFB::stheta2W_param, ReactionAFB::MZ_param, ReactionAFB::GammaZ_param;
-double ReactionAFB::energy_param, ReactionAFB::eta_cut_param, ReactionAFB::pT_cut_param, ReactionAFB::y_min_param, ReactionAFB::y_max_param;
-double ReactionAFB::e_param, ReactionAFB::gsm_param, ReactionAFB::smangle_param;
-double ReactionAFB::foton_Vu, ReactionAFB::foton_Au, ReactionAFB::foton_Vd, ReactionAFB::foton_Ad, ReactionAFB::foton_Vl, ReactionAFB::foton_Al, ReactionAFB::foton_Vnu, ReactionAFB::foton_Anu;
-double ReactionAFB::Z_Vu, ReactionAFB::Z_Au, ReactionAFB::Z_Vd, ReactionAFB::Z_Ad, ReactionAFB::Z_Vl, ReactionAFB::Z_Al, ReactionAFB::Z_Vnu, ReactionAFB::Z_Anu;
-double ReactionAFB::even_foton_up, ReactionAFB::even_foton_down, ReactionAFB::even_interf_up, ReactionAFB::even_interf_down, ReactionAFB::even_Z_up, ReactionAFB::even_Z_down;
-double ReactionAFB::odd_foton_up, ReactionAFB::odd_foton_down, ReactionAFB::odd_interf_up, ReactionAFB::odd_interf_down, ReactionAFB::odd_Z_up, ReactionAFB::odd_Z_down;
-double ReactionAFB::epsabs = 0;
-double ReactionAFB::epsrel = 1e-2;
-size_t ReactionAFB::calls;
-//// Function returning the combination of propagators
-double *ReactionAFB::propagators (double Minv)
-    // Propagators squared and interference
-    double foton_squared = 1.0/pow(Minv,4);
-    double interference = 2.0*(-pow(Minv,2)*(pow(MZ_param,2)-pow(Minv,2)))/(pow(Minv,4)*((pow(pow(MZ_param,2)-pow(Minv,2),2))+pow(MZ_param,2)*pow(GammaZ_param,2)));
-    double Z_squared = 1.0/(pow(pow(MZ_param,2)-pow(Minv,2),2)+pow(MZ_param,2)*pow(GammaZ_param,2));
-    static double propagators[4];    
-    propagators[0] = (even_foton_up * foton_squared) + (even_interf_up * interference) + (even_Z_up * Z_squared);
-    propagators[1] = (odd_foton_up * foton_squared) + (odd_interf_up * interference) + (odd_Z_up * Z_squared);
-    propagators[2] = (even_foton_down * foton_squared) + (even_interf_down * interference) + (even_Z_down * Z_squared);
-    propagators[3] = (odd_foton_down * foton_squared) + (odd_interf_down * interference) + (odd_Z_down * Z_squared);
-    return propagators;
-////UUBAR EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::uubarEF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
-    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
-    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
-    // Partonic cross section parameters
-    double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
-    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Partons PDFs
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
-    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
-    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
-    double f1u = pdfx1[8] / x1;
-    double f1c = pdfx1[10] / x1;
-    double f2ubar = pdfx2[4] / x2;
-    double f2cbar = pdfx2[2] / x2;
-    // PDF combinations    
-    double uubar_PDF = f1u*f2ubar + f1c*f2cbar;
-    // Angular integration limits
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;
-    double angular_integration_EF = (qqbar_cos_theta_max-qqbar_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,3));
-    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-    double dsigma_EF = dsigma*angular_integration_EF;
-    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-    // U-UBAR
-    double uubarEF = uubar_PDF*dsigma_EF;
-    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return uubarEF * propagator[0]; // Multiply the PDFs combination with the correct propagator.
-////UUBAR EVEN FORWARD Integration in rapidity
-double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
-    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
-    integration_params integrationParams;
-    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
-    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::uubarEF_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    double sup;
-    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
-        sup = 1;
-    } else {
-        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    }
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    return 2*result;
-////UUBAR EVEN FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
-double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEF_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    return result;
-////UUBAR EVEN BACKWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::uubarEB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
-    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
-    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
-    // Partonic cross section parameters
-    double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
-    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Partons PDFs
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
-    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
-    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
-    double f1u = pdfx1[8] / x1;
-    double f1c = pdfx1[10] / x1;
-    double f2ubar = pdfx2[4] / x2;
-    double f2cbar = pdfx2[2] / x2;
-    // PDF combinations    
-    double uubar_PDF = f1u*f2ubar + f1c*f2cbar;
-    // Angular integration limits
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
-    double angular_integration_EB = (qbarq_cos_theta_max-qbarq_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,3));
-    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-    double dsigma_EB = dsigma*angular_integration_EB;
-    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-    // U-UBAR
-    double uubarEB = uubar_PDF*dsigma_EB;
-    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return uubarEB * propagator[0];
-////UUBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
-double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
-    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
-    integration_params integrationParams;
-    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
-    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::uubarEB_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    double sup;
-    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
-        sup = 1;
-    } else {
-        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    }
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    return 2*result;
-////UUBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
-double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEB_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    return result;
-////UUBAR ODD FORWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::uubarOF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
-    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
-    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
-    // Partonic cross section parameters
-    double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
-    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Partons PDFs
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
-    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
-    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
-    double f1u = pdfx1[8] / x1;
-    double f1c = pdfx1[10] / x1;
-    double f2ubar = pdfx2[4] / x2;
-    double f2cbar = pdfx2[2] / x2;
-    // PDF combinations    
-    double uubar_PDF = f1u*f2ubar + f1c*f2cbar;
-    // Angular integration limits
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;  
-    double angular_integration_OF = pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,2);
-    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-    double dsigma_OF = dsigma*angular_integration_OF;
-    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-    // U-UBAR
-    double uubarOF = uubar_PDF*dsigma_OF;
-    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return uubarOF * propagator[1];
-////UUBAR ODD FORWARD Integration in rapidity
-double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
-    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
-    integration_params integrationParams;
-    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
-    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::uubarOF_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    double sup;
-    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
-        sup = 1;
-    } else {
-        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    }
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    return 2*result;
-////UUBAR ODD FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
-double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOF_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    return result;
-////UUBAR ODD BACKWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::uubarOB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
-    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
-    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
-    // Partonic cross section parameters
-    double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
-    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Partons PDFs
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
-    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
-    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
-    double f1u = pdfx1[8] / x1;
-    double f1c = pdfx1[10] / x1;
-    double f2ubar = pdfx2[4] / x2;
-    double f2cbar = pdfx2[2] / x2;
-    // PDF combinations    
-    double uubar_PDF = f1u*f2ubar + f1c*f2cbar;
-    // Angular integration limits
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
-    double angular_integration_OB = pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,2);
-    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-    double dsigma_OB = dsigma*angular_integration_OB;
-    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-    // U-UBAR
-    double uubarOB = uubar_PDF*dsigma_OB;
-    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return uubarOB * propagator[1];
-////UUBAR ODD BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
-double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
-    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
-    integration_params integrationParams;
-    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
-    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::uubarOB_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    double sup;
-    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
-        sup = 1;
-    } else {
-        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    }
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    return 2*result;
-////UUBAR ODD BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
-double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOB_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    return result;
-////UBARU EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::ubaruEF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
-    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
-    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
-    // Partonic cross section parameters
-    double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
-    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Partons PDFs
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
-    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
-    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
-    double f1ubar = pdfx1[4] / x1;
-    double f1cbar = pdfx1[2] / x1;
-    double f2u = pdfx2[8] / x2;
-    double f2c = pdfx2[10] / x2;
-    // PDF combinations    
-    double ubaru_PDF = f1ubar*f2u + f1cbar*f2c;
-    // Angular integration limits
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
-    double angular_integration_EB = (qbarq_cos_theta_max-qbarq_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,3));
-    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-    double dsigma_EB = dsigma*angular_integration_EB;
-    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-    // UBAR-U
-    double ubaruEF = ubaru_PDF*dsigma_EB;
-    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return ubaruEF * propagator[0];
-////UBARU EVEN FORWARD Integration in rapidity
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
-    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
-    integration_params integrationParams;
-    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
-    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ubaruEF_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    double sup;
-    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
-        sup = 1;
-    } else {
-        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    }
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    return 2*result;
-////UBARU EVEN FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEF_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    return result;
-////UBARU EVEN BACKWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::ubaruEB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
-    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
-    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
-    // Partonic cross section parameters
-    double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
-    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Partons PDFs
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
-    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
-    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
-    double f1ubar = pdfx1[4] / x1;
-    double f1cbar = pdfx1[2] / x1;
-    double f2u = pdfx2[8] / x2;
-    double f2c = pdfx2[10] / x2;
-    // PDF combinations    
-    double ubaru_PDF = f1ubar*f2u + f1cbar*f2c;
-    // Angular integration limits
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;  
-    double angular_integration_EF = (qqbar_cos_theta_max-qqbar_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,3));
-    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-    double dsigma_EF = dsigma*angular_integration_EF;
-    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-    // UBAR-U
-    double ubaruEB = ubaru_PDF*dsigma_EF;
-    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return ubaruEB * propagator[0];
-////UBARU EVEN BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
-    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
-    integration_params integrationParams;
-    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
-    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ubaruEB_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    double sup;
-    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
-        sup = 1;
-    } else {
-        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    }
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    return 2*result;
-////UBARU EVEN BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEB_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    return result;
-////UBARU ODD FORWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::ubaruOF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
-    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
-    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
-    // Partonic cross section parameters
-    double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
-    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Partons PDFs
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
-    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
-    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
-    double f1ubar = pdfx1[4] / x1;
-    double f1cbar = pdfx1[2] / x1;
-    double f2u = pdfx2[8] / x2;
-    double f2c = pdfx2[10] / x2;
-    // PDF combinations    
-    double ubaru_PDF = f1ubar*f2u + f1cbar*f2c;
-    // Angular integration limits
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
-    double angular_integration_OB = pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,2);
-    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-    double dsigma_OB = dsigma*angular_integration_OB;
-    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-    // UBAR-U
-    double ubaruOF = ubaru_PDF*dsigma_OB;
-    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return ubaruOF * propagator[1];
-////UBARU ODD FORWARD Integration in rapidity
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
-    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
-    integration_params integrationParams;
-    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
-    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ubaruOF_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    double sup;
-    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
-        sup = 1;
-    } else {
-        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    }
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    return 2*result;
-////UBARU ODD FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOF_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    return result;
-////UBARU ODD BACKWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::ubaruOB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
-    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
-    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
-    // Partonic cross section parameters
-    double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
-    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Partons PDFs
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
-    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
-    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
-    double f1ubar = pdfx1[4] / x1;
-    double f1cbar = pdfx1[2] / x1;
-    double f2u = pdfx2[8] / x2;
-    double f2c = pdfx2[10] / x2;
-    // PDF combinations    
-    double ubaru_PDF = f1ubar*f2u + f1cbar*f2c;
-    // Angular integration limits
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0; 
-    double angular_integration_OF = pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,2);
-    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-    double dsigma_OF = dsigma*angular_integration_OF;
-    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-    // UBAR-U
-    double ubaruOB = ubaru_PDF*dsigma_OF;
-    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return ubaruOB * propagator[1];
-////UBARU ODD BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
-    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
-    integration_params integrationParams;
-    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
-    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ubaruOB_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    double sup;
-    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
-        sup = 1;
-    } else {
-        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    }
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    return 2*result;
-////UBARU ODD BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOB_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    return result;
-////DDBAR EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::ddbarEF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
-    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
-    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
-    // Partonic cross section parameters
-    double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
-    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Partons PDFs
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
-    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
-    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
-    double f1d = pdfx1[7] / x1;
-    double f1s = pdfx1[9] / x1;
-    double f1b = pdfx1[11] / x1;
-    double f2dbar = pdfx2[5] / x2;
-    double f2sbar = pdfx2[3] / x2;
-    double f2bbar = pdfx2[1] / x2;
-    // PDF combinations    
-    double ddbar_PDF = f1d*f2dbar + f1s*f2sbar + f1b*f2bbar;
-    // Angular integration limits
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;
-    double angular_integration_EF = (qqbar_cos_theta_max-qqbar_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,3));
-    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-    double dsigma_EF = dsigma*angular_integration_EF;
-    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-    // D-DBAR
-    double ddbarEF = ddbar_PDF*dsigma_EF;
-    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return ddbarEF * propagator[2];
-////DDBAR EVEN FORWARD Integration in rapidity
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
-    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
-    integration_params integrationParams;
-    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
-    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ddbarEF_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    double sup;
-    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
-        sup = 1;
-    } else {
-        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    }
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    return 2*result;
-////DDBAR EVEN FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEF_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    return result;
-////DDBAR EVEN BACKWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::ddbarEB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
-    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
-    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
-    // Partonic cross section parameters
-    double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
-    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Partons PDFs
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
-    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
-    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
-    double f1d = pdfx1[7] / x1;
-    double f1s = pdfx1[9] / x1;
-    double f1b = pdfx1[11] / x1;
-    double f2dbar = pdfx2[5] / x2;
-    double f2sbar = pdfx2[3] / x2;
-    double f2bbar = pdfx2[1] / x2;
-    // PDF combinations    
-    double ddbar_PDF = f1d*f2dbar + f1s*f2sbar + f1b*f2bbar;
-    // Angular integration limits
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
-    double angular_integration_EB = (qbarq_cos_theta_max-qbarq_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,3));
-    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-    double dsigma_EB = dsigma*angular_integration_EB;
-    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-    // D-DBAR
-    double ddbarEB = ddbar_PDF*dsigma_EB;
-    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return ddbarEB * propagator[2];
-////DDBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
-    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
-    integration_params integrationParams;
-    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
-    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ddbarEB_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    double sup;
-    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
-        sup = 1;
-    } else {
-        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    }
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    return 2*result;
-////DDBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEB_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    return result;
-////DDBAR ODD FORWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::ddbarOF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
-    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
-    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
-    // Partonic cross section parameters
-    double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
-    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Partons PDFs
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
-    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
-    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
-    double f1d = pdfx1[7] / x1;
-    double f1s = pdfx1[9] / x1;
-    double f1b = pdfx1[11] / x1;
-    double f2dbar = pdfx2[5] / x2;
-    double f2sbar = pdfx2[3] / x2;
-    double f2bbar = pdfx2[1] / x2;
-    // PDF combinations    
-    double ddbar_PDF = f1d*f2dbar + f1s*f2sbar + f1b*f2bbar;
-    // Angular integration limits
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;  
-    double angular_integration_OF = pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,2);
-    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-    double dsigma_OF = dsigma*angular_integration_OF;
-    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-    // D-DBAR
-    double ddbarOF = ddbar_PDF*dsigma_OF;
-    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return ddbarOF * propagator[3];
-////DDBAR ODD FORWARD Integration in rapidity
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
-    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
-    integration_params integrationParams;
-    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
-    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ddbarOF_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    double sup;
-    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
-        sup = 1;
-    } else {
-        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    }
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    return 2*result;
-////DDBAR ODD FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOF_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    return result;
-////DDBAR ODD BACKWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::ddbarOB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
-    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
-    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
-    // Partonic cross section parameters
-    double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
-    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Partons PDFs
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
-    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
-    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
-    double f1d = pdfx1[7] / x1;
-    double f1s = pdfx1[9] / x1;
-    double f1b = pdfx1[11] / x1;
-    double f2dbar = pdfx2[5] / x2;
-    double f2sbar = pdfx2[3] / x2;
-    double f2bbar = pdfx2[1] / x2;
-    // PDF combinations    
-    double ddbar_PDF = f1d*f2dbar + f1s*f2sbar + f1b*f2bbar;
-    // Angular integration limits
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
-    double angular_integration_OB = pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,2);
-    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-    double dsigma_OB = dsigma*angular_integration_OB;
-    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-    // D-DBAR
-    double ddbarOB = ddbar_PDF*dsigma_OB;
-    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return ddbarOB * propagator[3];
-////DDBAR ODD BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
-    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
-    integration_params integrationParams;
-    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
-    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ddbarOB_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    double sup;
-    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
-        sup = 1;
-    } else {
-        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    }
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    return 2*result;
-////DDBAR ODD BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
-double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOB_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    return result;
-////DBARD EVEN FORWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::dbardEF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
-    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
-    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
-    // Partonic cross section parameters
-    double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
-    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Partons PDFs
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
-    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
-    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
-    double f1dbar = pdfx1[5] / x1;
-    double f1sbar = pdfx1[3] / x1;
-    double f1bbar = pdfx1[1] / x1;
-    double f2d = pdfx2[7] / x2;
-    double f2s = pdfx2[9] / x2;
-    double f2b = pdfx2[11] / x2;
-    // PDF combinations    
-    double dbard_PDF = f1dbar*f2d + f1sbar*f2s + f1bbar*f2b;
-    // Angular integration limits
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));   
-    double angular_integration_EB = (qbarq_cos_theta_max-qbarq_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,3));
-    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-    double dsigma_EB = dsigma*angular_integration_EB;
-    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-    // DBAR-D
-    double dbardEF = dbard_PDF*dsigma_EB;
-    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return dbardEF * propagator[2];
-////DBARD EVEN FORWARD Integration in rapidity
-double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
-    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
-    integration_params integrationParams;
-    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
-    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::dbardEF_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    double sup;
-    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
-        sup = 1;
-    } else {
-        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    }
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    return 2*result;
-////DBARD EVEN FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
-double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEF_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    return result;
-////DBARD EVEN BACKWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::dbardEB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
-    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
-    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
-    // Partonic cross section parameters
-    double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
-    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Partons PDFs
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
-    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
-    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
-    double f1dbar = pdfx1[5] / x1;
-    double f1sbar = pdfx1[3] / x1;
-    double f1bbar = pdfx1[1] / x1;
-    double f2d = pdfx2[7] / x2;
-    double f2s = pdfx2[9] / x2;
-    double f2b = pdfx2[11] / x2;
-    // PDF combinations    
-    double dbard_PDF = f1dbar*f2d + f1sbar*f2s + f1bbar*f2b;
-    // Angular integration limits
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0;  
-    double angular_integration_EF = (qqbar_cos_theta_max-qqbar_cos_theta_min)+(1.0/3.0)*(pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,3)-pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,3));
-    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-    double dsigma_EF = dsigma*angular_integration_EF;
-    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-    // DBAR-D
-    double dbardEB = dbard_PDF*dsigma_EF;
-    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return dbardEB * propagator[2];
-////DBARD EVEN BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
-double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
-    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
-    integration_params integrationParams;
-    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
-    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::dbardEB_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    double sup;
-    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
-        sup = 1;
-    } else {
-        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    }
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    return 2*result;
-////DBARD EVEN BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
-double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEB_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    return result;
-////DBARD ODD FORWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::dbardOF_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
-    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
-    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
-    // Partonic cross section parameters
-    double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
-    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Partons PDFs
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
-    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
-    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
-    double f1dbar = pdfx1[5] / x1;
-    double f1sbar = pdfx1[3] / x1;
-    double f1bbar = pdfx1[1] / x1;
-    double f2d = pdfx2[7] / x2;
-    double f2s = pdfx2[9] / x2;
-    double f2b = pdfx2[11] / x2;
-    // PDF combinations    
-    double dbard_PDF = f1dbar*f2d + f1sbar*f2s + f1bbar*f2b;
-    // Angular integration limits
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_max = 0;
-    double qbarq_cos_theta_min = max(cos(PI - 2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),-sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2)))); 
-    double angular_integration_OB = pow(qbarq_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qbarq_cos_theta_min,2);
-    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-    double dsigma_OB = dsigma*angular_integration_OB;
-    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-    // DBAR-D
-    double dbardOF = dbard_PDF*dsigma_OB;
-    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return dbardOF * propagator[3];
-////DBARD ODD FORWARD Integration in rapidity
-double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
-    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
-    integration_params integrationParams;
-    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
-    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::dbardOF_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    double sup;
-    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
-        sup = 1;
-    } else {
-        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    }
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    return 2*result;
-////DBARD ODD FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
-double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOF_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    return result;
-////DBARD ODD BACKWARD Matrix element
-double ReactionAFB::dbardOB_funct (double yreduced, void * params) {
-    // Pointer to access PDFs
-    ReactionTheory* ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ((integration_params*)params)->ptr;    
-    // Pass the invariant mass as parameter
-    double Minv = ((integration_params*)params)-> Minv;
-    // Partonic cross section parameters
-    double Q = Minv;
-    double z = pow(Minv,2)/pow(energy_param,2);
-    double y = -(1.0/2.0)*log(z)*(yreduced);
-    double x1 = sqrt(z)*exp(y);
-    double x2 = sqrt(z)*exp(-y);
-    double dsigma_temp = pow(Minv,2)/(96*PI);
-    double dsigma = GeVtofb_param*dsigma_temp*(2*Minv/pow(energy_param,2))*(-(1.0/2.0)*log(z));
-    // Partons PDFs
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx1(13);
-    std::valarray<double> pdfx2(13);
-    (ptr->xfx(x1,Q,&pdfx1[0]));
-    (ptr->xfx(x2,Q,&pdfx2[0]));
-    double f1dbar = pdfx1[5] / x1;
-    double f1sbar = pdfx1[3] / x1;
-    double f1bbar = pdfx1[1] / x1;
-    double f2d = pdfx2[7] / x2;
-    double f2s = pdfx2[9] / x2;
-    double f2b = pdfx2[11] / x2;
-    // PDF combinations    
-    double dbard_PDF = f1dbar*f2d + f1sbar*f2s + f1bbar*f2b;
-    // Angular integration limits
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_max = min(cos(2*atan(exp(-eta_cut_param-y))),sqrt(1-4*(pow(pT_cut_param,2)/pow(Minv,2))));
-    double qqbar_cos_theta_min = 0; 
-    double angular_integration_OF = pow(qqbar_cos_theta_max,2) - pow(qqbar_cos_theta_min,2);
-    // Combination with angular integration (Forward - Backward for q-qbar)
-    double dsigma_OF = dsigma*angular_integration_OF;
-    // Covolution with PDFs (flipping direction for q-qbar & qbar-q)
-    // DBAR-D
-    double dbardOB = dbard_PDF*dsigma_OF;
-    double *propagator = propagators (Minv);
-    return dbardOB * propagator[3];
-////DBARD ODD BACKWARD Integration in rapidity
-double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
-    // Pass the necessary parameters (pointer to the PDFs and Minv)
-    integration_params integrationParams;
-    integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
-    integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::dbardOB_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    double sup;
-    if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
-        sup = 1;
-    } else {
-        sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    }
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    return 2*result;
-////DBARD ODD BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
-double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOB_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
-    return result;
-double ReactionAFB::AFB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup)
-    double uubarEF = integration_uubarEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
-    double uubarEB = integration_uubarEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
-    double uubarOF = integration_uubarOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
-    double uubarOB = integration_uubarOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
-    double ubaruEF = integration_ubaruEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
-    double ubaruEB = integration_ubaruEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
-    double ubaruOF = integration_ubaruOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
-    double ubaruOB = integration_ubaruOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
-    double ddbarEF = integration_ddbarEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
-    double ddbarEB = integration_ddbarEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
-    double ddbarOF = integration_ddbarOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
-    double ddbarOB = integration_ddbarOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
-    double dbardEF = integration_dbardEF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this); 
-    double dbardEB = integration_dbardEB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
-    double dbardOF = integration_dbardOF (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
-    double dbardOB = integration_dbardOB (Minv_inf, Minv_sup, this);
-    // Reconstructed Forward and Backward
-    double Forward = uubarEF+ubaruEF+ddbarEF+dbardEF+uubarOF+ubaruOF+ddbarOF+dbardOF;
-    double Backward = uubarEB+ubaruEB+ddbarEB+dbardEB+uubarOB+ubaruOB+ddbarOB+dbardOB;
-    // Reconstructed AFB
-    double AFB = (Forward - Backward) / (Forward + Backward);
-    return AFB;
-// the class factories
-extern "C" ReactionAFB* create() {
-  return new ReactionAFB();
-// Initialize at the start of the computation
-int ReactionAFB::initAtStart(const string &s)
-    // Parameters from "/reactions/AFB/yaml/parameters.yaml"
-    // Check energy parameter:
-    std::cout << checkParam("energy") << std::endl;
-    if ( ! checkParam("energy") ) {
-        std::cout << "\n\n FATAL ERROR: collider energy (energy) is not defined !!! \n\n" <<std::endl;
-        return 1;
-    }
-    // Check eta parameter:
-    std::cout << checkParam("eta_cut") << std::endl;
-    if ( ! checkParam("eta_cut") ) {
-        std::cout << "\n\n FATAL ERROR: lepton pseudorapidity cut (eta_cut_param) is not defined !!! \n\n" <<std::endl;
-        return 1;
-    }
-    // Check pT parameter:
-    std::cout << checkParam("pT_cut") << std::endl;
-    if ( ! checkParam("eta_cut") ) {
-        std::cout << "\n\n FATAL ERROR: lepton transverse momentum cut (pT_cut_param) is not defined !!! \n\n" <<std::endl;
-        return 1;
-    }
-    // Check rapidity lower cut parameter:
-    std::cout << checkParam("y_min") << std::endl;
-    if ( ! checkParam("y_min") ) {
-        std::cout << "\n\n FATAL ERROR: di-lepton rapidity lower cut (y_min) is not defined !!! \n\n" <<std::endl;
-        return 1;
-    }
-    // Check rapidity upper cut parameter:
-    std::cout << checkParam("y_max") << std::endl;
-    if ( ! checkParam("y_max") ) {
-        std::cout << "\n\n FATAL ERROR: di-lepton rapidity upper cut (y_max) is not defined !!! \n\n" <<std::endl;
-        return 1;
-    }
-    // Constant
-    PI = 3.14159265;
-    // Read default parameters
-    GeVtofb_param = pow(10, -3) * GetParam("convFac");
-    alphaEM_param = GetParam("alphaem");
-    stheta2W_param = GetParam("sin2thW");
-    MZ_param = GetParam("Mz");
-    GammaZ_param = GetParam("Wz");
-    // Read "reactions/AFB/yaml/params.yaml"
-    energy_param = GetParam("energy");
-    eta_cut_param = GetParam("eta_cut");
-    pT_cut_param = GetParam("pT_cut");
-    y_min_param = GetParam("y_min"); // not implemented yet
-    y_max_param = GetParam("y_max"); // not implemented yet
-    // Calculate fixed parameters
-    e_param = sqrt(4*PI*alphaEM_param);
-    gsm_param = (e_param/(sqrt(stheta2W_param)*sqrt(1-stheta2W_param)))*sqrt(1+pow(stheta2W_param,2));
-    smangle_param = atan(-stheta2W_param);
-    // Foton couplings
-    foton_Vu = e_param*(2.0/3.0);
-    foton_Au = 0;
-    foton_Vd = e_param*(-1.0/3.0);
-    foton_Ad = 0;
-    foton_Vl = e_param*(-1.0);
-    foton_Al = 0;
-    foton_Vnu = 0;
-    foton_Anu = 0;
-    // Z-boson couplings
-    Z_Vu = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(1.0/6.0)*(3*cos(smangle_param)+8*sin(smangle_param));
-    Z_Au = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(cos(smangle_param)/2.0);
-    Z_Vd = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(1.0/6.0)*(-3*cos(smangle_param)-4*sin(smangle_param));
-    Z_Ad = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(-cos(smangle_param)/2.0);
-    Z_Vl = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*((-cos(smangle_param)/2.0)+(-2*sin(smangle_param)));
-    Z_Al = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(-cos(smangle_param)/2.0);
-    Z_Vnu = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(cos(smangle_param)/2.0);
-    Z_Anu = (1.0/2.0)*gsm_param*(cos(smangle_param)/2.0);
-    // Even combination of couplings
-    even_foton_up = (pow(foton_Vu,2)+pow(foton_Au,2))*(pow(foton_Vl,2)+pow(foton_Al,2));
-    even_foton_down = (pow(foton_Vd,2)+pow(foton_Ad,2))*(pow(foton_Vl,2)+pow(foton_Al,2));
-    even_interf_up = ((foton_Vu*Z_Vu)+(foton_Au*Z_Au))*((foton_Vl*Z_Vl)+(foton_Al*Z_Al));
-    even_interf_down = ((foton_Vd*Z_Vd)+(foton_Ad*Z_Ad))*((foton_Vl*Z_Vl)+(foton_Al*Z_Al));
-    even_Z_up = (pow(Z_Vu,2)+pow(Z_Au,2))*(pow(Z_Vl,2)+pow(Z_Al,2));
-    even_Z_down = (pow(Z_Vd,2)+pow(Z_Ad,2))*(pow(Z_Vl,2)+pow(Z_Al,2));
-    // Odd combination of couplings
-    odd_foton_up = 4*foton_Vu*foton_Au*foton_Vl*foton_Al;
-    odd_foton_down = 4*foton_Vd*foton_Ad*foton_Vl*foton_Al;
-    odd_interf_up = (foton_Vu*Z_Au+foton_Au*Z_Vu)*(foton_Vl*Z_Al+foton_Al*Z_Vl);
-    odd_interf_down = (foton_Vd*Z_Ad+foton_Ad*Z_Vd)*(foton_Vl*Z_Al+foton_Al*Z_Vl);
-    odd_Z_up = 4*Z_Vu*Z_Au*Z_Vl*Z_Al;
-    odd_Z_down = 4*Z_Vd*Z_Ad*Z_Vl*Z_Al;
-    return 0;
-// Main function to compute results at an iteration
-int ReactionAFB::compute(int dataSetID, valarray<double> &val, map<string, valarray<double> > &err)
-    auto *Minv_min  = GetBinValues(dataSetID,"Minv_min"), *Minv_max  = GetBinValues(dataSetID,"Minv_max");  
-    if (Minv_min == nullptr || Minv_max == nullptr) {
-    std::cout << "\n\nFATAL ERROR: AFB code requires Invariant mass bins to be present !!!" << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "CHECK THE DATAFILE !!!" << std::endl;
-    return 1;
-    }
-    auto min = *Minv_min, max = *Minv_max;
-    int Npnt_min = min.size();
-    int Npnt_max = max.size();
-    // check on the rapidity cut
-    if (y_min_param / log(energy_param/max[Npnt_max-1]) > 1) {
-        printf("\nThe chosen lower rapidity cut is too high in this invariant mass range.\n\n");
-        return 1;
-    }
-    if (Npnt_min != Npnt_max) {
-        std::cout << "\n\nFATAL ERROR: uneven number of Invariant mass min and max !!!" << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "CHECK THE DATAFILE !!!" << std::endl;
-        return 1;
-    }    
-    // Fill the array "val[i]" with the result of the AFB function
-    for (int i = 0; i < Npnt_min; i++) {
-    double AFB_result = AFB (min[i], max[i]);
-    val[i] = AFB_result;
-    }
-    return 0;

From 50433d6329d8179d2dd2930c82802f8bd1eae21f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Juri Fiaschi <>
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2018 16:27:49 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 03/15] added control on minimum rapidity cut

 reactions/AFB/src/ | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/reactions/AFB/src/ b/reactions/AFB/src/
index 1031af469..2b328e801 100644
--- a/reactions/AFB/src/
+++ b/reactions/AFB/src/
@@ -1620,8 +1620,8 @@ int ReactionAFB::initAtStart(const string &s)
     energy_param = GetParam("energy");
     eta_cut_param = GetParam("eta_cut");
     pT_cut_param = GetParam("pT_cut");
-    y_min_param = GetParam("y_min"); // not implemented yet
-    y_max_param = GetParam("y_max"); // not implemented yet
+    y_min_param = GetParam("y_min");
+    y_max_param = GetParam("y_max");
     // Calculate fixed parameters
     e_param = sqrt(4*PI*alphaEM_param);

From 1249b5f5f9946881e6840f7f464dea57cb41ae8d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Juri Fiaschi <>
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2018 19:37:08 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 04/15] added switch between integration routine

 reactions/AFB/include/ReactionAFB.h |   5 +
 reactions/AFB/src/    | 758 ++++++++++++++++++++--------
 2 files changed, 552 insertions(+), 211 deletions(-)

diff --git a/reactions/AFB/include/ReactionAFB.h b/reactions/AFB/include/ReactionAFB.h
index 7b9a74b0f..b28e10f6a 100644
--- a/reactions/AFB/include/ReactionAFB.h
+++ b/reactions/AFB/include/ReactionAFB.h
@@ -38,7 +38,12 @@ class ReactionAFB : public ReactionTheory
         ReactionTheory* ptr;        
+    static string integration_param;
+    static int integration_switch;
+    static int key_param;
+    static size_t alloc_space;
     static size_t calls;
     static double epsabs;
     static double epsrel;
     static double PI;
diff --git a/reactions/AFB/src/ b/reactions/AFB/src/
index 2b328e801..6b3c93c99 100644
--- a/reactions/AFB/src/
+++ b/reactions/AFB/src/
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 #include "ReactionAFB.h"
 #include "iostream"
+#include "cstring"
 #include <gsl/gsl_integration.h>
 using namespace std;
@@ -17,6 +18,10 @@ double ReactionAFB::PI;
 double ReactionAFB::GeVtofb_param, ReactionAFB::alphaEM_param, ReactionAFB::stheta2W_param, ReactionAFB::MZ_param, ReactionAFB::GammaZ_param;
 double ReactionAFB::energy_param, ReactionAFB::eta_cut_param, ReactionAFB::pT_cut_param, ReactionAFB::y_min_param, ReactionAFB::y_max_param;
+int ReactionAFB::integration_switch; 
+string ReactionAFB::integration_param;
+int ReactionAFB::key_param;
 double ReactionAFB::e_param, ReactionAFB::gsm_param, ReactionAFB::smangle_param;
 double ReactionAFB::foton_Vu, ReactionAFB::foton_Au, ReactionAFB::foton_Vd, ReactionAFB::foton_Ad, ReactionAFB::foton_Vl, ReactionAFB::foton_Al, ReactionAFB::foton_Vnu, ReactionAFB::foton_Anu;
 double ReactionAFB::Z_Vu, ReactionAFB::Z_Au, ReactionAFB::Z_Vd, ReactionAFB::Z_Ad, ReactionAFB::Z_Vl, ReactionAFB::Z_Al, ReactionAFB::Z_Vnu, ReactionAFB::Z_Anu;
@@ -27,7 +32,7 @@ double ReactionAFB::epsabs = 0;
 double ReactionAFB::epsrel = 1e-2;
 size_t ReactionAFB::calls;
+size_t ReactionAFB::alloc_space = 1000;
 //// Function returning the combination of propagators
 double *ReactionAFB::propagators (double Minv)
@@ -102,21 +107,31 @@ double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
     integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
     integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::uubarEF_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double result, error;    
     double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
     double sup;
     if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
         sup = 1;
     } else {
         sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::uubarEF_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams; 
+    if (integration_switch == 1) {  
+        gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls);
+    }
+    else if (integration_switch == 2) {
+        gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+        gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key_param, w, &result, &error);
+        gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    }
+    else {
+        result = 0.0;
+    }
     return 2*result;
@@ -125,15 +140,24 @@ double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
 double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
     double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEF_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
     double inf = Minv_inf;
     double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+        gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEF_y);
+    F.params = ptr;
+    if (integration_switch == 1) {  
+        gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls);
+    }
+    else if (integration_switch == 2) {
+        gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+        gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key_param, w, &result, &error);
+        gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    }
+    else {
+        result = 0.0;
+    }
     return result;
@@ -193,39 +217,58 @@ double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
     integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
     integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::uubarEB_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double result, error;    
     double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
     double sup;
     if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
         sup = 1;
     } else {
         sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::uubarEB_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    if (integration_switch == 1) {  
+        gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    }
+    else if (integration_switch == 2) {
+        gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+        gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key_param, w, &result, &error);
+        gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    }
+    else {
+        result = 0.0;
+    }
     return 2*result;
 ////UUBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
 double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
+    double result, error;    
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
     gsl_function F;
     F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_uubarEB_y);
     F.params = ptr;
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    if (integration_switch == 1) {  
+        gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    }
+    else if (integration_switch == 2) {
+        gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+        gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key_param, w, &result, &error);
+        gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    }
+    else {
+        result = 0.0;
+    }
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
     return result;
@@ -285,22 +328,32 @@ double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
     integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
     integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::uubarOF_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double result, error;    
     double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
     double sup;
     if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
         sup = 1;
     } else {
         sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::uubarOF_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    if (integration_switch == 1) {
+        gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    }
+    else if (integration_switch == 2) {
+        gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+        gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key_param, w, &result, &error);
+        gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    }
+    else {
+        result = 0.0;
+    }
     return 2*result;
@@ -308,15 +361,24 @@ double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
 double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
     double result, error;
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
     gsl_function F;
     F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOF_y);
     F.params = ptr;
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    if (integration_switch == 1) {
+        gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls);
+    }
+    else if (integration_switch == 2) {
+        gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+        gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key_param, w, &result, &error);
+        gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    }
+    else {
+        result = 0.0;
+    }
     return result;
@@ -377,38 +439,57 @@ double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
     integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
     integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::uubarOB_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double result, error;    
     double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
     double sup;
     if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
         sup = 1;
     } else {
         sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::uubarOB_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    if (integration_switch == 1) {
+        gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    }
+    else if (integration_switch == 2) {
+        gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+        gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key_param, w, &result, &error);
+        gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    }
+    else {
+        result = 0.0;
+    }
     return 2*result;
 ////UUBAR ODD BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
 double ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
+    double result, error;    
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
     gsl_function F;
     F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_uubarOB_y);
     F.params = ptr;
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    if (integration_switch == 1) {
+        gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls);
+    }
+    else if (integration_switch == 2) {
+        gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+        gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key_param, w, &result, &error);
+        gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    }
+    else {
+        result = 0.0;
+    }
     return result;
@@ -470,20 +551,30 @@ double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
     integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
     double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ubaruEF_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
     double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
     double sup;
     if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
         sup = 1;
     } else {
         sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ubaruEF_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    if (integration_switch == 1) {
+        gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls);
+    }
+    else if (integration_switch == 2) {
+        gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+        gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key_param, w, &result, &error);
+        gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    }
+    else {
+        result = 0.0;
+    }
     return 2*result;
@@ -491,17 +582,26 @@ double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
 ////UBARU EVEN FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
 double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
+    double result, error;    
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
     gsl_function F;
     F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEF_y);
     F.params = ptr;
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    if (integration_switch == 1) {
+        gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    }
+    else if (integration_switch == 2) {
+        gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+        gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key_param, w, &result, &error);
+        gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    }
+    else {
+        result = 0.0;
+    }
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
     return result;
@@ -561,21 +661,31 @@ double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
     integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
     integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ubaruEB_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double result, error;    
     double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
     double sup;
     if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
         sup = 1;
     } else {
         sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ubaruEB_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    if (integration_switch == 1) {
+        gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls);
+    }
+    else if (integration_switch == 2) {
+        gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+        gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key_param, w, &result, &error);
+        gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    }
+    else {
+        result = 0.0;
+    }
     return 2*result;
@@ -583,16 +693,25 @@ double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
 ////UBARU EVEN BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
 double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
+    double result, error;    
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
     gsl_function F;
     F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruEB_y);
     F.params = ptr;
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    if (integration_switch == 1) {
+        gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls);
+    }
+    else if (integration_switch == 2) {
+        gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+        gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key_param, w, &result, &error);
+        gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    }
+    else {
+        result = 0.0;
+    }
     return result;
@@ -653,21 +772,31 @@ double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
     integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
     integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ubaruOF_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double result, error;    
     double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
     double sup;
     if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
         sup = 1;
     } else {
         sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ubaruOF_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    if (integration_switch == 1) {
+        gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls);
+    }
+    else if (integration_switch == 2) {
+        gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+        gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key_param, w, &result, &error);
+        gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    }
+    else {
+        result = 0.0;
+    }
     return 2*result;
@@ -675,17 +804,26 @@ double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
 ////UBARU ODD FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
 double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
+    double result, error;    
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
     gsl_function F;
     F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOF_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
+    F.params = ptr;    
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    if (integration_switch == 1) {
+        gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    }
+    else if (integration_switch == 2) {
+        gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+        gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key_param, w, &result, &error);
+        gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    }
+    else {
+        result = 0.0;
+    }
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
     return result;
@@ -745,39 +883,58 @@ double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
     integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
     integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ubaruOB_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double result, error;    
     double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
     double sup;
     if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
         sup = 1;
     } else {
         sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ubaruOB_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    if (integration_switch == 1) {
+        gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    }
+    else if (integration_switch == 2) {
+        gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+        gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key_param, w, &result, &error);
+        gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    }
+    else {
+        result = 0.0;
+    }
     return 2*result;
 ////UBARU ODD BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
 double ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
+    double result, error;    
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
     gsl_function F;
     F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ubaruOB_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
+    F.params = ptr;    
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    if (integration_switch == 1) {
+        gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    }
+    else if (integration_switch == 2) {
+        gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+        gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key_param, w, &result, &error);
+        gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    }
+    else {
+        result = 0.0;
+    }
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
     return result;
@@ -839,39 +996,58 @@ double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
     integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
     integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ddbarEF_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double result, error;    
     double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
     double sup;
     if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
         sup = 1;
     } else {
         sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ddbarEF_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    if (integration_switch == 1) {
+        gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    }
+    else if (integration_switch == 2) {
+        gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+        gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key_param, w, &result, &error);
+        gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    }
+    else {
+        result = 0.0;
+    }
     return 2*result;
 ////DDBAR EVEN FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
 double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
+    double result, error;    
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
     gsl_function F;
     F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEF_y);
     F.params = ptr;
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    if (integration_switch == 1) {
+        gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    }
+    else if (integration_switch == 2) {
+        gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+        gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key_param, w, &result, &error);
+        gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    }
+    else {
+        result = 0.0;
+    }
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
     return result;
@@ -933,21 +1109,31 @@ double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
     integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
     integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ddbarEB_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double result, error;    
     double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
     double sup;
     if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
         sup = 1;
     } else {
         sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ddbarEB_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    if (integration_switch == 1) {
+        gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls);
+    }
+    else if (integration_switch == 2) {
+        gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+        gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key_param, w, &result, &error);
+        gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    }
+    else {
+        result = 0.0;
+    }
     return 2*result;
@@ -955,17 +1141,26 @@ double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
 ////DDBAR EVEN BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
 double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
+    double result, error;    
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
     gsl_function F;
     F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarEB_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
+    F.params = ptr;    
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    if (integration_switch == 1) {
+        gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    }
+    else if (integration_switch == 2) {
+        gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+        gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key_param, w, &result, &error);
+        gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    }
+    else {
+        result = 0.0;
+    }
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
     return result;
@@ -1027,39 +1222,58 @@ double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
     integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
     integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ddbarOF_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double result, error;   
     double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
     double sup;
     if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
         sup = 1;
     } else {
         sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ddbarOF_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;    
+    if (integration_switch == 1) {
+        gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    }
+    else if (integration_switch == 2) {
+        gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+        gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key_param, w, &result, &error);
+        gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    }
+    else {
+        result = 0.0;
+    }
     return 2*result;
 ////DDBAR ODD FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
 double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
+    double result, error;    
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
     gsl_function F;
     F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOF_y);
     F.params = ptr;
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    if (integration_switch == 1) {
+        gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    }
+    else if (integration_switch == 2) {
+        gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+        gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key_param, w, &result, &error);
+        gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    }
+    else {
+        result = 0.0;
+    }
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
     return result;
@@ -1121,39 +1335,58 @@ double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
     integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
     integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ddbarOB_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double result, error;    
     double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
     double sup;
     if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
         sup = 1;
     } else {
         sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::ddbarOB_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;    
+    if (integration_switch == 1) {
+        gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    }
+    else if (integration_switch == 2) {
+        gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+        gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key_param, w, &result, &error);
+        gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    }
+    else {
+        result = 0.0;
+    }
     return 2*result;
 ////DDBAR ODD BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
 double ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
+    double result, error;    
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
     gsl_function F;
     F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_ddbarOB_y);
     F.params = ptr;
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    if (integration_switch == 1) {
+        gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    }
+    else if (integration_switch == 2) {
+        gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+        gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key_param, w, &result, &error);
+        gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    }
+    else {
+        result = 0.0;
+    }
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
     return result;
@@ -1215,39 +1448,58 @@ double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
     integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
     integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::dbardEF_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double result, error;    
     double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
     double sup;
     if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
         sup = 1;
     } else {
         sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::dbardEF_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;    
+    if (integration_switch == 1) {
+        gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    }
+    else if (integration_switch == 2) {
+        gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+        gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key_param, w, &result, &error);
+        gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    }
+    else {
+        result = 0.0;
+    }
     return 2*result;
 ////DBARD EVEN FORWARD Integration in invariant mass
 double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
+    double result, error;    
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
     gsl_function F;
     F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEF_y);
     F.params = ptr;
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    if (integration_switch == 1) {
+        gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    }
+    else if (integration_switch == 2) {
+        gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+        gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key_param, w, &result, &error);
+        gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    }
+    else {
+        result = 0.0;
+    }
     return result;
@@ -1309,39 +1561,58 @@ double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
     integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
     integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::dbardEB_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double result, error;    
     double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
     double sup;
     if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
         sup = 1;
     } else {
         sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::dbardEB_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    if (integration_switch == 1) {
+        gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    }
+    else if (integration_switch == 2) {
+        gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+        gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key_param, w, &result, &error);
+        gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    }
+    else {
+        result = 0.0;
+    }
     return 2*result;
 ////DBARD EVEN BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
 double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
+    double result, error;    
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
     gsl_function F;
     F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_dbardEB_y);
     F.params = ptr;
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    if (integration_switch == 1) {
+        gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    }
+    else if (integration_switch == 2) {
+        gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+        gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key_param, w, &result, &error);
+        gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    }
+    else {
+        result = 0.0;
+    }
     return result;
@@ -1403,22 +1674,32 @@ double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
     integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
     integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::dbardOF_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double result, error;   
     double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
     double sup;
     if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
         sup = 1;
     } else {
         sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::dbardOF_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    if (integration_switch == 1) {
+        gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    }
+    else if (integration_switch == 2) {
+        gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+        gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key_param, w, &result, &error);
+        gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    }
+    else {
+        result = 0.0;
+    }
     return 2*result;
@@ -1426,16 +1707,25 @@ double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOF_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
 double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOF (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
     double result, error;
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
     gsl_function F;
     F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOF_y);
-    F.params = ptr;
+    F.params = ptr;    
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    if (integration_switch == 1) {
+        gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    }
+    else if (integration_switch == 2) {
+        gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+        gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key_param, w, &result, &error);
+        gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    }
+    else {
+        result = 0.0;
+    }
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
     return result;
@@ -1497,21 +1787,31 @@ double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
     integrationParams.Minv = Minv;
     integrationParams.ptr = (ReactionTheory*) ptr;
-    double result, error;
-    gsl_function F;
-    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::dbardOB_funct);
-    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    double result, error;    
     double inf = y_min_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
     double sup;
     if (y_max_param == 0.0) {
         sup = 1;
     } else {
         sup = y_max_param / log(energy_param/Minv);
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    gsl_function F;
+    F.function = &(ReactionAFB::dbardOB_funct);
+    F.params = &integrationParams;
+    if (integration_switch == 1) {
+        gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls);
+    }
+    else if (integration_switch == 2) {
+        gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+        gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key_param, w, &result, &error);
+        gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    }
+    else {
+        result = 0.0;
+    }
     return 2*result;
@@ -1519,17 +1819,26 @@ double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOB_y (double Minv, void * ptr) {
 ////DBARD ODD BACKWARD Integration in invariant mass
 double ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOB (double Minv_inf, double Minv_sup, void* ptr) {
-    double result, error;
+    double result, error;    
+    double inf = Minv_inf;
+    double sup = Minv_sup;
     gsl_function F;
     F.function = &(ReactionAFB::integration_dbardOB_y);
     F.params = ptr;
-    double inf = Minv_inf;
-    double sup = Minv_sup;
+    if (integration_switch == 1) {
+        gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
+    }
+    else if (integration_switch == 2) {
+        gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(alloc_space);
+        gsl_integration_qag (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, alloc_space, key_param, w, &result, &error);
+        gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);
+    }
+    else {
+        result = 0.0;
+    }
-    gsl_integration_qng (&F, inf, sup, epsabs, epsrel, &result, &error, &calls); 
     return result;
@@ -1574,6 +1883,7 @@ extern "C" ReactionAFB* create() {
 int ReactionAFB::initAtStart(const string &s)
     // Parameters from "/reactions/AFB/yaml/parameters.yaml"
     // Check energy parameter:
     std::cout << checkParam("energy") << std::endl;
     if ( ! checkParam("energy") ) {
@@ -1606,6 +1916,32 @@ int ReactionAFB::initAtStart(const string &s)
         return 1;
+    // Check integration routine parameters:
+    std::cout << checkParam("integration") << std::endl;
+    if ( ! checkParam("integration") ) {
+        std::cout << "\n\n FATAL ERROR: integration routine (integration) is not defined !!! \n\n" <<std::endl;
+        return 1;
+    }    
+    integration_param = GetParamS("integration");
+    if (not("QNG"))) {
+        integration_switch = 1;
+    }
+    else if (not("QAG"))) {
+        integration_switch = 2;
+        if ( ! checkParam("key") ) {
+            std::cout << "\n\n FATAL ERROR: rule for QAG integration is not defined !!! \n\n" <<std::endl;
+            return 1;
+        }
+        key_param = GetParamI("key");
+        if ((key_param < 1) or (key_param > 6)) {
+            std::cout << "\n\n FATAL ERROR: rule for QAG integration has to be between 1 and 6 (1 <= key <= 6) !!! \n\n" <<std::endl;
+            return 1;            
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        std::cout << "\n\n FATAL ERROR: integration routine supported are QNG and QAG. Please select one of these two options !!! \n\n" <<std::endl;
+    }
     // Constant
     PI = 3.14159265;
@@ -1684,7 +2020,7 @@ int ReactionAFB::compute(int dataSetID, valarray<double> &val, map<string, valar
     // check on the rapidity cut
     if (y_min_param / log(energy_param/max[Npnt_max-1]) > 1) {
-        printf("\nThe chosen lower rapidity cut is too high in this invariant mass range.\n\n");
+        std::cout << "\n\nThe chosen lower rapidity cut is too high in this invariant mass range." << std::endl;
         return 1;
@@ -1692,7 +2028,7 @@ int ReactionAFB::compute(int dataSetID, valarray<double> &val, map<string, valar
         std::cout << "\n\nFATAL ERROR: uneven number of Invariant mass min and max !!!" << std::endl;
         std::cout << "CHECK THE DATAFILE !!!" << std::endl;
         return 1;
-    }    
+    }
     // Fill the array "val[i]" with the result of the AFB function
     for (int i = 0; i < Npnt_min; i++) {

From 9baa3a87ce52790d3e88957ea76753fe574d8fa6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Juri Fiaschi <>
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2018 11:07:52 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 05/15] new parameters yaml

 reactions/AFB/yaml/parameters.yaml | 8 ++++++++
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+)

diff --git a/reactions/AFB/yaml/parameters.yaml b/reactions/AFB/yaml/parameters.yaml
index c33fa2911..55f43d902 100644
--- a/reactions/AFB/yaml/parameters.yaml
+++ b/reactions/AFB/yaml/parameters.yaml
@@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
 ### Parameters for DY AFB
+## Kinematic parameters
 energy : 13000.0
 eta_cut : 2.5
 pT_cut : 20.0
 y_min : 0.0
 y_max : 0.0 # if set to 0 no upper y_cut
+## Integration routine
+integration : "QNG"
+# "QNG" for non-adaptive Gauss-Kronrod integration (faster, less precise); "QAG" for adaptive Gauss-Kronrod integration (slower, more precise)
+key : 6
+# sets the precision for QAG integration. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6" for increasing precision (corresponds to the 15, 21, 31, 41, 51, 61 point Gauss-Kronrod rule)

From eeabd52aae97028a05abe96059c6927ba08e66d1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Oleksandr Zenaiev <>
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2018 16:46:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 06/15] fix for pdf rotate

 src/rediagonalize.f | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/rediagonalize.f b/src/rediagonalize.f
index f7cfc5b9e..4765df974 100644
--- a/src/rediagonalize.f
+++ b/src/rediagonalize.f
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ C#include ""
 #include ""
       integer Ndata,NSyst
-      integer i,j,k,nsysloc
+      integer i,j,k,nsysloc,ifail
       double precision theo_err2_loc(Ndata)
       double precision Eigenvalues(Nsyst)  
       double precision RotBeta(Nsyst,Ndata)  ! dynamic 
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ c         print *,'ho',sqrt(theo_err2_loc(k))
-      call MyDSYEVD(Nsyst,Cov,NTot,Eigenvalues)
+      call MyDSYEVD(Nsyst,Cov,NTot,Eigenvalues,ifail)
       print '(''Eigenvalues:'')'
       do i=nsyst,1,-1

From e594e5d55bdbdb3b18046836d641111dc49262af Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Oleksandr Zenaiev <>
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2018 17:39:31 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 07/15] tmp fix for LHAPDF member

 src/CheckForPDF.cxx | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/src/CheckForPDF.cxx b/src/CheckForPDF.cxx
index 2ffdfc143..52a7b7f79 100644
--- a/src/CheckForPDF.cxx
+++ b/src/CheckForPDF.cxx
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 using namespace std;
 void CheckForPDF(char *pdfname){
+  return;
   bool found= false;
   string spdfname=string(pdfname);
   spdfname.erase(std::remove_if(spdfname.begin(), spdfname.end(), ::isspace),spdfname.end());

From aeb0d5c020ef77a687d4189cc5ef204e41432ec2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Oleksandr Zenaiev <>
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2018 22:54:19 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 08/15] try to fix problem with memcpy

 src/CheckForPDF.cxx | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/src/CheckForPDF.cxx b/src/CheckForPDF.cxx
index 8c4fbb836..80a841ce0 100644
--- a/src/CheckForPDF.cxx
+++ b/src/CheckForPDF.cxx
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 #include "CheckForPDF.h"
+#include <cstdio>
 using namespace std;

From f052f2a7910dfbb156ee52aa3c65c9c9df7e200f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Oleksandr Zenaiev <>
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2018 23:08:46 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 09/15] try another fix for problem with memcpy

 src/CheckForPDF.cxx | 3 +--
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/CheckForPDF.cxx b/src/CheckForPDF.cxx
index 80a841ce0..6b54babd8 100644
--- a/src/CheckForPDF.cxx
+++ b/src/CheckForPDF.cxx
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 #include "CheckForPDF.h"
-#include <cstdio>
 using namespace std;
@@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ void CheckForPDF(char const*pdfname){
 extern "C" {
   void checkforpdf_(char *pdfname, long int length){
     char tmp[length];
-    memcpy(tmp,pdfname,length);
+    std::memcpy(tmp,pdfname,length);
     tmp[length] = '\0';

From 6a224f023e42e940367f560e3720c6f6b2021754 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Oleksandr Zenaiev <>
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2018 23:51:05 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 10/15] try another fix for problem with memcpy

 src/CheckForPDF.cxx | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/CheckForPDF.cxx b/src/CheckForPDF.cxx
index 6b54babd8..b8f307083 100644
--- a/src/CheckForPDF.cxx
+++ b/src/CheckForPDF.cxx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 #include "CheckForPDF.h"
+#include <cstring>
 using namespace std;
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ void CheckForPDF(char const*pdfname){
 extern "C" {
   void checkforpdf_(char *pdfname, long int length){
     char tmp[length];
-    std::memcpy(tmp,pdfname,length);
+    memcpy(tmp,pdfname,length);
     tmp[length] = '\0';

From 07c5026be3890fd851026c87be406b592c5afdd0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Oleksandr Zenaiev <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2019 15:16:24 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 11/15] fix for applgrid-1.5.9

 .../APPLgrid/include/appl_grid/appl_grid.h    | 696 ------------------
 .../APPLgrid/include/appl_grid/correction.h   |  67 --
 reactions/APPLgrid/src/    |   2 +-
 3 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 764 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 reactions/APPLgrid/include/appl_grid/appl_grid.h
 delete mode 100644 reactions/APPLgrid/include/appl_grid/correction.h

diff --git a/reactions/APPLgrid/include/appl_grid/appl_grid.h b/reactions/APPLgrid/include/appl_grid/appl_grid.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bc74a2050..000000000
--- a/reactions/APPLgrid/include/appl_grid/appl_grid.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,696 +0,0 @@
-// emacs: this is -*- c++ -*-
-//  appl_grid.h       
-//  grid class header - all the functions needed to create and 
-//  fill the grid from an NLO calculation program
-//  Copyright (C) 2007 Mark Sutton (    
-// $Id: appl_grid.h, v1.00 2007/10/16 17:01:39 sutt
-// Fixme: this needs to be tidied up. eg there are too many different, 
-//        and too many version of, accessors for x/y, Q2/tau etc there 
-//        should be only  one set, for x and Q2 *or* y and tau, but 
-//        not both. In fact they should be for x and Q2, since y and tau 
-//        should be purely an internal grid issue of no concern for the 
-//        user.
-#ifndef __APPL_GRID_H
-#define __APPL_GRID_H
-#include <vector>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <string>
-#include <exception>
-#include "TH1D.h"
-double _fy(double x);
-double _fx(double y);
-double _fun(double y);
-#include "correction.h"
-namespace appl { 
-/// forward declarations - full definitions included 
-/// from appl_grid.cxx 
-class igrid;
-class appl_pdf;
-const int MAXGRIDS = 5;
-/// externally visible grid class
-class grid {
-  // grid error exception
-  class exception : public std::exception { 
-  public:
-    exception(const std::string& s) { std::cerr << what() << " " << s << std::endl; }; 
-    //exception(std::ostream& s)      { std::cerr << what() << " " << s << std::endl; }; 
-    exception(std::ostream& s)      { std::stringstream ss; ss << s.rdbuf(); std::cerr << what() << " " << ss.str() << std::endl; }; 
-    virtual const char* what() const throw() { return "appl::grid::exception"; }
-  };
-  grid(int NQ2=50,  double Q2min=10000.0, double Q2max=25000000.0,  int Q2order=5,  
-       int Nx=50,   double xmin=1e-5,     double xmax=0.9,          int xorder=5,
-       int Nobs=20, double obsmin=100.0,  double obsmax=7000.0, 
-       std::string genpdf="mcfm_pdf", 
-       int leading_order=0, int nloops=1, 
-       std::string transform="f2");
-  grid( int Nobs, const double* obsbins,
-	int NQ2=50,  double Q2min=10000.0, double Q2max=25000000.0, int Q2order=5,
-        int Nx=50,   double xmin=1e-5,     double xmax=0.9,         int xorder=5, 
-	std::string genpdf="mcfm_pdf",
-	int leading_order=0, int nloops=1, 
-	std::string transform="f2" );
-  grid( const std::vector<double>& obs,
-	int NQ2=50,  double Q2min=10000.0, double Q2max=25000000.0,   int Q2order=5, 
-        int Nx=50,   double xmin=1e-5,     double xmax=0.9,           int xorder=5, 
-	std::string genpdf="mcfm_pdf", 
-	int leading_order=0, int nloops=1, 
-	std::string transform="f2" );
-  // build a grid but don't build the internal igrids - these can be added later
-  grid( const std::vector<double>& obs,
-	std::string genpdf="nlojet_pdf", 
-	int leading_order=0, int nloops=1, 
-	std::string transform="f2" );
-  // copy constructor
-  grid(const grid& g);
-  // read from a file
-  grid(const std::string& filename="./grid.root", const std::string& dirname="grid");
-  // add an igrid for a given bin and a given order 
-  void add_igrid(int bin, int order, igrid* g);
-  virtual ~grid();
-  // update grid with one set of event weights
-  void fill(const double x1, const double x2, const double Q2, 
-	    const double obs, 
-	    const double* weight, const int iorder);
-  void fill_phasespace(const double x1, const double x2, const double Q2, 
-		       const double obs, 
-		       const double* weight, const int iorder);
-  void fill_grid(const double x1, const double x2, const double Q2, 
-		 const double obs, 
-		 const double* weight, const int iorder)  {
-    if (isOptimised())   fill(x1, x2, Q2, obs, weight, iorder);
-    else                 fill_phasespace(x1, x2, Q2, obs, weight, iorder);
-  }
-  void fill_index(const int ix1, const int ix2, const int iQ2, 
-		  const int iobs, 
-		  const double* weight, const int iorder);
-  // trim/untrim the grid to reduce memory footprint
-  void trim();
-  void untrim();
-  // formatted output 
-  std::ostream& print(std::ostream& s=std::cout) const;
-  // don't do anything anymore
-  // void setuppdf(void (*pdf)(const double& , const double&, double* ) );
-  // get the interpolated pdf's
-  //  void pdfinterp(double x1, double Q2, double* f);
-  // perform the convolution to a specified number of loops
-  // nloops=-1 gives the nlo part only
-  std::vector<double>  vconvolute(void   (*pdf)(const double& , const double&, double* ), 
-				  double (*alphas)(const double& ), 
-				  int     nloops, 
-				  double  rscale_factor=1,
-				  double  fscale_factor=1,
-				  double  Escale=1 );
-  std::vector<double>  vconvolute(void   (*pdf1)(const double& , const double&, double* ), 
-				  void   (*pdf2)(const double& , const double&, double* ), 
-				  double (*alphas)(const double& ), 
-				  int     nloops, 
-				  double  rscale_factor=1,
-				  double  fscale_factor=1,
-				  double  Escale=1 );
-  // perform the convolution to a specified number of loops
-  // nloops=-1 gives the nlo part only
-  std::vector<double>  vconvolute(double Escale,
-				  void   (*pdf)(const double& , const double&, double* ), 
-				  double (*alphas)(const double& ), 
-				  int     nloops, 
-				  double  rscale_factor=1,
-				  double  fscale_factor=1  ) { 
-    return vconvolute(pdf, alphas, nloops, rscale_factor, fscale_factor, Escale); 
-  }
-  // perform the convolution to the max number of loops in grid
-  std::vector<double> vconvolute(void   (*pdf)(const double& , const double&, double* ), 
-				 double (*alphas)(const double& ) )   { 
-    return vconvolute( pdf, alphas, m_order-1 ); 
-  } 
-  // perform the convolution to the max number of loops in grid
-  std::vector<double> vconvolute(double Escale, 
-				 void   (*pdf)(const double& , const double&, double* ), 
-				 double (*alphas)(const double& ) )   { 
-    return vconvolute( Escale, pdf, alphas, m_order-1 ); 
-  } 
-  // perform the convolution to a specified number of loops 
-  // for a single sub process, nloops=-1 gives the nlo part only
-  std::vector<double> vconvolute_subproc(int subproc, 
-					 void   (*pdf)(const double& , const double&, double* ), 
-					 double (*alphas)(const double& ), 
-					 int     nloops, 
-					 double  rscale_factor=1, double Escale=1 ); 
-  // perform the convolution to a specified number of loops 
-  // for a single sub process, nloops=-1 gives the nlo part only
-  std::vector<double> vconvolute_subproc(int subproc, 
-					 double Escale, 
-					 void   (*pdf)(const double& , const double&, double* ), 
-					 double (*alphas)(const double& ), 
-					 int     nloops, 
-					 double  rscale_factor=1 ) { 
-    return vconvolute_subproc(subproc, pdf, alphas, nloops, rscale_factor, Escale); 
-  } 
-  // perform the convolution to the max number of loops in grid 
-  // for a single sub process
-  std::vector<double> vconvolute_subproc(int subproc, 
-					 void   (*pdf)(const double& , const double&, double* ), 
-					 double (*alphas)(const double& ) )   { 
-    return vconvolute_subproc( subproc, pdf, alphas, m_order-1 ); 
-  } 
-  // perform the convolution to the max number of loops in grid 
-  // for a single sub process
-  std::vector<double> vconvolute_subproc(int subproc, 
-					 double Escale,
-					 void   (*pdf)(const double& , const double&, double* ), 
-					 double (*alphas)(const double& ) )   { 
-    return vconvolute_subproc( subproc, Escale, pdf, alphas, m_order-1 ); 
-  } 
-  double vconvolute_bin( int bin, 
-			 void (*pdf)(const double& , const double&, double* ), 
-			 double (*alphas)(const double&) ); 
-  // perform the convolution to a specified number of loops
-  // nloops=-1 gives the nlo part only
-  TH1D* convolute(void   (*pdf)(const double& , const double&, double* ), 
-		  double (*alphas)(const double& ), 
-		  int     nloops, 
-		  double  rscale_factor=1,
-		  double  fscale_factor=1,
-		  double  Escale=1 );
-  // perform the convolution to a specified number of loops
-  // nloops=-1 gives the nlo part only
-  TH1D* convolute(void   (*pdf1)(const double& , const double&, double* ), 
-		  void   (*pdf2)(const double& , const double&, double* ), 
-		  double (*alphas)(const double& ), 
-		  int     nloops, 
-		  double  rscale_factor=1,
-		  double  fscale_factor=1,
-		  double  Escale=1 );
-  TH1D* convolute(double Escale,
-		  void   (*pdf)(const double& , const double&, double* ), 
-		  double (*alphas)(const double& ), 
-		  int     nloops, 
-		  double  rscale_factor=1,
-		  double  fscale_factor=1 ) { 
-    return convolute(pdf, alphas, nloops, rscale_factor, fscale_factor, Escale); 
-  }
-  // perform the convolution to the max number of loops in grid
-  TH1D* convolute(void   (*pdf)(const double& , const double&, double* ), 
-		  double (*alphas)(const double& ) )   { 
-    return convolute( pdf, alphas, m_order-1 ); 
-  } 
-  // perform the convolution to the max number of loops in grid
-  TH1D* convolute(double Escale,
-		  void   (*pdf)(const double& , const double&, double* ), 
-		  double (*alphas)(const double& ) )   { 
-    return convolute( Escale, pdf, alphas, m_order-1 ); 
-  } 
-  // perform the convolution to a specified number of loops 
-  // for a single sub process, nloops=-1 gives the nlo part only
-  TH1D* convolute_subproc(int subproc, 
-			  void   (*pdf)(const double& , const double&, double* ), 
-			  double (*alphas)(const double& ), 
-			  int     nloops, 
-			  double  rscale_factor=1, double Escale=1 );
-  TH1D* convolute_subproc(int subproc, 
-			  double Escale,
-			  void   (*pdf)(const double& , const double&, double* ), 
-			  double (*alphas)(const double& ), 
-			  int     nloops, 
-			  double  rscale_factor=1 ) { 
-    return convolute_subproc( subproc, pdf, alphas, nloops, rscale_factor, Escale);
-  }
-  // perform the convolution to the max number of loops in grid 
-  // for a single sub process
-  TH1D* convolute_subproc(int subproc, 
-			  void   (*pdf)(const double& , const double&, double* ), 
-			  double (*alphas)(const double& ) )   { 
-    return convolute_subproc( subproc, pdf, alphas, m_order-1 ); 
-  } 
-  TH1D* convolute_subproc(int subproc, 
-			  double Escale,
-			  void   (*pdf)(const double& , const double&, double* ), 
-			  double (*alphas)(const double& ) )   { 
-    return convolute_subproc( subproc, Escale, pdf, alphas, m_order-1 ); 
-  } 
-  // optimise the bin limits
-  void optimise(bool force=false);
-  void optimise(int NQ2, int Nx);
-  void optimise(int NQ2, int Nx1, int Nx2);
-  // redefine the limits by hand
-  void redefine(int iobs, int iorder,
-		int NQ2, double Q2min, double Q2max, 
-		int Nx,  double  xmin, double  xmax);
-  bool setNormalised(bool t=true) { return m_normalised=t; } 
-  bool getNormalised() const      { return m_normalised; } 
-  // set the filling to be symmetric and test status
-  bool symmetrise(bool t=true) { return m_symmetrise=t; } 
-  bool isSymmetric()     const { return m_symmetrise; } 
-  bool reweight(bool t=false); 
-  // access to internal grids if need be
-  const igrid* weightgrid(int iorder, int iobs) const { return m_grids[iorder][iobs]; }
-  // save grid to specified file
-  void Write(const std::string& filename, const std::string& dirname="grid", const std::string& pdfname="" );
-  // accessors for the observable after possible bin combination
-  int    Nobs()               const { return m_obs_bins_combined->GetNbinsX(); }
-  double obs(int iobs)        const { return m_obs_bins_combined->GetBinCenter(iobs+1); } 
-  int    obsbin(double obs)   const { return m_obs_bins_combined->FindBin(obs)-1; } 
-  double obslow(int iobs)     const { return m_obs_bins_combined->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+1); }
-  double obsmin()             const { return obslow(0); } 
-  double obsmax()             const { return obslow(Nobs()); } 
-  double deltaobs(int iobs)   const { return m_obs_bins_combined->GetBinWidth(iobs+1); }
-  const TH1D* getReference() const { return m_obs_bins_combined; } 
-  TH1D*       getReference()       { return m_obs_bins_combined; } 
-  //  TH1D*  getXReference() {
-  //    combineReference(); 
-  //    return m_obs_bins_combined; 
-  //  }
-  // accessors for the observable befor any bin combination
-  int    Nobs_internal()               const { return m_obs_bins->GetNbinsX(); }
-  double obs_internal(int iobs)        const { return m_obs_bins->GetBinCenter(iobs+1); } 
-  int    obsbin_internal(double obs)   const { return m_obs_bins->FindBin(obs)-1; } 
-  double obslow_internal(int iobs)     const { return m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+1); }
-  double deltaobs_internal(int iobs)   const { return m_obs_bins->GetBinWidth(iobs+1); }
-  double obsmin_internal()             const { return obslow_internal(0); } 
-  double obsmax_internal()             const { return obslow_internal(Nobs_internal()); } 
-  const TH1D* getReference_internal() const { return m_obs_bins; } 
-  TH1D*       getReference_internal()       { return m_obs_bins; } 
-  // number of subprocesses 
-  int subProcesses(int i) const;
-  // general status accessors
-  double& run() { return m_run; }
-  // accessors for the status information
-  bool isOptimised() const { return m_optimised; }
-  bool isTrimmed()   const { return m_trimmed; }
-  // lowest order of process
-  int  leadingOrder() const { return m_leading_order; } 
-  /// maximum number of orders ( lo=1, nlo=2, nnlo=3 )  
-  /// but aMC@NLO uses 4 grids for the NLO, so m_order
-  /// will be 4, but really it is still only available 
-  /// 1 loop, so take account of this 
-  int  nloops() const { 
-    if ( m_type!=AMCATNLO ) return m_order-1;
-    else if ( m_order>0 ) return 1;
-    else                  return 0;
-  } 
-  // find out which transform and which pdf combination are being used
-  std::string getTransform() const { return m_transform; }
-  static double transformvar();
-  static double transformvar(double v);
-  std::string getGenpdf()    const { return m_genpdfname; }
-  std::string version()      const { return m_version; } 
-  std::string appl_version() const;
-  double getCMSScale()          const { return m_cmsScale; }
-  void   setCMSScale(double cmsScale) { m_cmsScale=cmsScale; }
-  double getDynamicScale()          const     { return m_dynamicScale; }
-  void   setDynamicScale(double dynamicScale) { m_dynamicScale=dynamicScale; }
-  // set optimise flag on all sub grids
-  bool setOptimised(bool t=true) { 
-    return m_optimised=t;
-    //    for ( int iorder=0 ; iorder<2 ; iorder++ ) { 
-    //      for ( int iobs=0 ; iobs<Nobs() ; iobs++ ) m_grids[iorder][iobs]->setOptimised(t); 
-    //    }
-  }
-  // find the number of words used for storage
-  int size() const; 
-  // get the cross sections
-  double& crossSection()      { return m_total; } 
-  double& crossSectionError() { return m_totalerror; } 
-  //  double Lambda() const { return m_Lambda2; }
-  // very lovely algebraic operators
-  grid& operator=(const grid& g); 
-  grid& operator*=(const double& d); 
-  grid& operator+=(const grid& g);
-  /// test if grids have the same limits etc
-  bool operator==(const grid& g) const;   
-  // shouldn't have these, the grid is too large a structure 
-  // to be passed in a return
-  // grid operator*(const double& d) const { return grid(*this)*=d; }
-  // grid operator+(const grid& g)   const { return grid(*this)+=g; }
-  void setDocumentation(const std::string& s);
-  void addDocumentation(const std::string& s);
-  std::string  getDocumentation() const { return m_documentation; }
-  std::string& getDocumentation()       { return m_documentation; }
-  /// set the range of the observable bins, with an optional
-  /// scaling of the observable valuesfor channging units
-  void setBinRange(int ilower, int iupper, double xScaleFactor=1);
-  void setRange(double lower, double upper, double xScaleFactor=1);
-  /// add a correction as a std::vector
-  void addCorrection( std::vector<double>& v, const std::string& label="", bool combine=false );
-  /// add a correction by histogram
-  void addCorrection(TH1D* h, const std::string& label="", double scale=1, bool combine=false );
-  /// access the corrections
-  //  const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& corrections() const { 
-  const std::vector<correction>& corrections() const { 
-    return m_corrections;
-  }
-  /// get the correction labels
-  const std::vector<std::string >& correctionLabels() const { 
-    return m_correctionLabels;
-  }
-  /// will the corrections be applied? 
-  bool getApplyCorrections() const { return m_applyCorrections; } 
-  bool setApplyCorrections(bool b) { 
-    std::cout << "appl::grid bin-by-bin corrections will " 
-	      << ( b ? "" : "not " ) << "be applied" << std::endl;
-    return m_applyCorrections=b; 
-  } 
-  /// apply corrections to a std::vector
-  void applyCorrections(std::vector<double>& v, std::vector<bool>& applied);
-  /// will a specific correction be applied? 
-  bool getApplyCorrection(unsigned i) const {
-    if      ( m_applyCorrections )         return true; 
-    else if ( i<m_applyCorrection.size() ) return;
-    return false; 
-  }
-  bool setApplyCorrection(unsigned i, bool b) { 
-    if ( i>=m_corrections.size() ) return false; 
-    std::cout << "appl::grid bin-by-bin correction will " 
-	      << ( b ? "" : "not " ) << "be applied for correction " << i;
-    if ( m_correctionLabels[i]!="" ) std::cout << " ("  << m_correctionLabels[i] << ")";
-    std::cout << std::endl;
-    return m_applyCorrection[i]=b;
-  } 
-  /// apply corrections to a std::vector
-  bool applyCorrection(unsigned i, std::vector<double>& v);
-  /// set the ckm matrix values if need be
-  /// takes a 3x3 matrix with the format { { Vud, Vus, Vub }, { Vcd, Vcs, Vcb }, { Vtd, Vts, Vtb } }  
-  void setckm( const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& ckm );
-  /// takes a flat 9 element vector (or c array) with the format { Vud, Vus, Vub, Vcd, Vcs, Vcb, Vtd, Vts, Vtb }  
-  void setckm( const std::vector<double>& ckm );
-  void setckm( const double* ckm );
-  /// set the squared ckm matrix values if need be
-  /// the squared terms for eihter W+ or W- production - you probably should use setckm()
-  void setckm2( const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& ckm2 );
-  /// set the ckm matrix and squared ckm matrix values if need be
-  const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& getckm()  const;
-  const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& getckm2() const;
-  /// flag custom convolution routines
-  void sherpa()   { m_type = SHERPA;   std::cout << "appl::grid::sherpa()   using SHERPA convolution" << std::endl; }
-  void amcatnlo() { m_type = AMCATNLO; std::cout << "appl::grid::amcatnlo() using aMC@NLO convolution" << std::endl; }
-  void standard() { m_type = STANDARD; std::cout << "appl::grid::standard() using standard convolution" << std::endl; }
-  CALCULATION  calculation() const { return m_type; }
-  static std::string _calculation(CALCULATION C) { 
-    switch (C) {
-    case STANDARD:
-      return "standard";
-    case SHERPA:
-      return "sherpa";
-    case AMCATNLO:
-      return "amcatnlo";
-    case LAST_TYPE:
-      return "last_type"; // NB: shouldn't ever be used
-    }
-    return "unknown";
-  }
-  /// reduce number of subprocesses if possible
-  void shrink(const std::string& name, int ckmcharge=0);
-  /// set bins to be combined after the convolution
-  void combine( std::vector<int>& v) { if ( (m_combine=v).size() ) combineReference(true); }
-  /// set combine the  be combined after the convolution
-  void combineReference(bool force=false);
-  void combineBins(std::vector<double>& v, int power=1 ) const;
-  double fx(double x) const;
-  double fy(double x) const;
-  const appl_pdf* genpdf(int i) const { return m_genpdf[i]; }
-  std::vector<double>&       userdata()       { return m_userdata; }
-  const std::vector<double>& userdata() const { return m_userdata; }
-  // internal common construct for the different types of constructor
-  void construct(int Nobs,
-		 int NQ2=50,  double Q2min=10000.0, double Q2max=25000000.0, int Q2order=4,  
-		 int Nx=50,   double xmin=1e-5,     double xmax=0.9,         int xorder=3,
-		 int order=2, 
-		 std::string transform="f" );
-  /// std::string manipulators to parse the pdf names 
-  /// return chomped std::string
-  static std::string chomptoken(std::string& s1, const std::string& s2)
-  {
-    std::string s3 = "";
-    std::string::size_type pos = s1.find(s2);
-    if ( pos != std::string::npos ) {
-      s3 = s1.substr(0, pos);
-      s1.erase(0, pos+1);
-    }
-    else { 
-      s3 = s1.substr(0, s1.size());
-      s1.erase(0, s1.size()+1);
-    }
-    return s3;
-  } 
-  static std::vector<std::string> parse(std::string s, const std::string& key) {
-    std::vector<std::string> clauses;
-    while ( s.size() ) clauses.push_back( chomptoken(s, key) );
-    return clauses;
-  }
-  /// get the required pdf combinations from those registered   
-  void findgenpdf( std::string s );
-  /// add a generic pdf to the data base of registered pdfs
-  void addpdf( const std::string& s, const std::vector<int>& combinations=std::vector<int>() );
-  appl_pdf* genpdf(int i) { return m_genpdf[i]; }
-  int subproc() const { return m_subproc; }
-  // histograms for saving the observable
-  TH1D*  m_obs_bins;
-  TH1D*  m_obs_bins_combined;
-  // order in alpha_s of tree level contribution 
-  int  m_leading_order; 
-  // how many orders in the calculation, lo, nlo, nnlo etc 
-  int  m_order;
-  // the actual weight grids themselves
-  igrid** m_grids[MAXGRIDS]; /// up to MAXGRIDS grids LO, NLO, NNLO, Real virtual, etc 
-  // total cross section qand uncertainty
-  double m_total;
-  double m_totalerror;
-  // state variables
-  double   m_run;
-  bool     m_optimised;
-  bool     m_trimmed;
-  bool   m_normalised;
-  bool   m_symmetrise; 
-  // transform and pdf combination tags
-  std::string m_transform; 
-  std::string m_genpdfname; 
-  // pdf combination class
-  appl_pdf* m_genpdf[MAXGRIDS];
-  static const std::string m_version;
-  double m_cmsScale;
-  double m_dynamicScale;
-  /// bin by bin correction factors 
-  //  std::vector<std::vector<double> > m_corrections;
-  std::vector<correction>    m_corrections;
-  std::vector<std::string>   m_correctionLabels;
-  /// should we apply the corrections?
-  bool m_applyCorrections;
-  /// flag vector to determine whether each individual 
-  /// correction should be applied
-  std::vector<bool>  m_applyCorrection;
-  std::string m_documentation;
-  std::vector<double>                m_ckmsum;
-  std::vector<std::vector<double> >  m_ckm2;
-  std::vector<std::vector<double> >  m_ckm;
-  CALCULATION     m_type; 
-  bool            m_read;
-  std::vector<int> m_combine;
-  int  m_subproc;
-  int  m_bin;
-  std::vector<double> m_userdata;
-// shouldn't have this, grid is too large a structure 
-// grid operator*(const double& d, const appl::grid& g) { return g*d; }
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const appl::grid& mygrid);
-#endif // __APPL_GRID_H 
diff --git a/reactions/APPLgrid/include/appl_grid/correction.h b/reactions/APPLgrid/include/appl_grid/correction.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 647bbf86d..000000000
--- a/reactions/APPLgrid/include/appl_grid/correction.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-// emacs: this is -*- c++ -*-
-//   @file    correction.h        
-//            class to store the multipliciative post processing
-//            corrections to be applied, only basic for the time 
-//            but will be extended as appropriate
-//   Copyright (C) 2014 M.Sutton (    
-//   $Id: correction.h, v0.0   Sun 23 Mar 2014 09:08:46 CET sutt $
-#ifndef  CORRECTION_H
-#define  CORRECTION_H
-#include <iostream>
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-// typedef std::vector<double> correction;
-class correction {
-  correction(const std::vector<double>& v, const std::string& s="" ) : mlabel(s), mv(v) { } 
-  virtual ~correction() { } 
-  std::string label() const { return mlabel; }
-  unsigned size() const { return mv.size(); }
-  double& operator[](int i)       { return mv[i]; }
-  double  operator[](int i) const { return mv[i]; }
-  operator std::vector<double>&() { return mv; } 
-  correction operator=(const std::vector<double>& v) { mv=v; return *this; } 
-  std::string         mlabel;   
-  std::vector<double> mv;  
-// inline std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& s, const correction& /* _c */ ) { 
-//   return s;
-// }
-#endif  // CORRECTION_H 
diff --git a/reactions/APPLgrid/src/ b/reactions/APPLgrid/src/
index 99396b514..323c43116 100644
--- a/reactions/APPLgrid/src/
+++ b/reactions/APPLgrid/src/
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ void ReactionAPPLgrid::setDatasetParameters(int dataSetID, map<string,string> pa
        std::string token;
        while(std::getline(ss, token, ','))
-         //std::cout << token << '\n';
+         std::cout << token << '\n';
          std::shared_ptr<appl::grid>  g(new appl::grid(token));

From 8194c2815af33711845708d686db164d10d42f2f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Oleksandr Zenaiev <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2019 19:29:25 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 12/15] extra pdf plots

 tools/draw/include/PdfData.h |  2 +-
 tools/draw/src/    | 27 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 2 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/draw/include/PdfData.h b/tools/draw/include/PdfData.h
index 5df80031e..6e11b1624 100644
--- a/tools/draw/include/PdfData.h
+++ b/tools/draw/include/PdfData.h
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 using namespace std;
 enum pdferr {None, AsymHess, SymHess, MC};
-enum pdftype{uv=0, dv, g, Sea, ubar, dbar, s, Rs, c, b, dbarminubar, uvmindv, U, D, Ubar, Dbar, goversea, doveru, dbaroverubar, dvoveruv, rs, photon, SeaOverGlue, photonOverGlue};
+enum pdftype{uv=0, dv, g, Sea, ubar, dbar, s, Rs, c, b, dbarminubar, uvmindv, U, D, Ubar, Dbar, goversea, doveru, dbaroverubar, dvoveruv, rs, photon, SeaOverGlue, photonOverGlue, uvplusdv, uvplusdvplusSea,uvplusdvminSea};
 extern vector <pdftype> pdfs;
 extern vector <string> pdflabels;
diff --git a/tools/draw/src/ b/tools/draw/src/
index 034a3ebe5..a57187030 100644
--- a/tools/draw/src/
+++ b/tools/draw/src/
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@
 #include "FileOpener.h"
 //pdf type
-pdftype pdfts[] = {uv, dv, g, Sea, ubar, dbar, s, Rs, c, b, dbarminubar, uvmindv, U, D, Ubar, Dbar, goversea, doveru, dbaroverubar, dvoveruv,rs,photon,SeaOverGlue, photonOverGlue };
+pdftype pdfts[] = {uv, dv, g, Sea, ubar, dbar, s, Rs, c, b, dbarminubar, uvmindv, U, D, Ubar, Dbar, goversea, doveru, dbaroverubar, dvoveruv,rs,photon,SeaOverGlue, photonOverGlue, uvplusdv, uvplusdvplusSea,uvplusdvminSea };
 //pdf labels
 string pdflab[] = {"u_{V}", "d_{V}", "g", "#Sigma", "#bar{u}", "#bar{d}", "s", "(s+#bar{s})/(#bar{u}+#bar{d})", "c", "b", "#bar{d}-#bar{u}", "d_{V}-u_{V}", "U", "D", "#bar{U}", "#bar{D}", "g/#Sigma", 
-   "d/u", "#bar{d}/#bar{u}", "d_{V}/u_{V}","rs","#gamma","#Sigma/g","#gamma/g"};
+   "d/u", "#bar{d}/#bar{u}", "d_{V}/u_{V}","rs","#gamma","#Sigma/g","#gamma/g","uv+dv","uv+dv+2#Sigma","uv+dv-2#Sigma"};
 //pdf filenames
-string pdffil[] = {"uv", "dv", "g", "Sea", "ubar", "dbar", "s", "Rs", "c", "b", "dbar-ubar", "uv-dv", "U", "D", "UBar", "DBar", "goversea",  "doveru", "dbaroverubar", "dvoveruv","rs","ph","sg","gg"
+string pdffil[] = {"uv", "dv", "g", "Sea", "ubar", "dbar", "s", "Rs", "c", "b", "dbar-ubar", "uv-dv", "U", "D", "UBar", "DBar", "goversea",  "doveru", "dbaroverubar", "dvoveruv","rs","ph","sg","gg","uv+dv","uv+dv+2Sea","uv+dv-2Sea"
 vector <pdftype> pdfs(pdfts, pdfts + sizeof(pdfts) / sizeof(pdftype));
@@ -154,6 +154,27 @@ Pdf::Pdf(string filename) : Q2value(0), NxValues(0), NPdfs(0), Xmin(0), Xmax(0)
+  PdfTypes.push_back(uvplusdv);  NPdfs++;
+  for (int ix = 0; ix < NxValues; ix++)
+    if (tablemap[g][ix] != 0)
+      tablemap[uvplusdv].push_back(tablemap[dv][ix]+tablemap[uv][ix]);
+    else
+      tablemap[uvplusdv].push_back(0);
+  PdfTypes.push_back(uvplusdvplusSea);  NPdfs++;
+  for (int ix = 0; ix < NxValues; ix++)
+    if (tablemap[g][ix] != 0)
+      tablemap[uvplusdvplusSea].push_back(tablemap[dv][ix]+tablemap[uv][ix]+2.0*tablemap[Sea][ix]);
+    else
+      tablemap[uvplusdvplusSea].push_back(0);
+  PdfTypes.push_back(uvplusdvminSea);  NPdfs++;
+  for (int ix = 0; ix < NxValues; ix++)
+    if (tablemap[g][ix] != 0)
+      tablemap[uvplusdvminSea].push_back(tablemap[dv][ix]+tablemap[uv][ix]-2.0*tablemap[Sea][ix]);
+    else
+      tablemap[uvplusdvminSea].push_back(0);

From 8b8b1a4f4cfe9803b88d5e7dddfa57825a61a296 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Oleksandr Zenaiev <>
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2019 15:29:14 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 13/15] commented out new PDF plots

 tools/draw/include/PdfData.h |  3 ++-
 tools/draw/src/    | 13 ++++++++-----
 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/draw/include/PdfData.h b/tools/draw/include/PdfData.h
index 6e11b1624..0e053bd9f 100644
--- a/tools/draw/include/PdfData.h
+++ b/tools/draw/include/PdfData.h
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
 using namespace std;
 enum pdferr {None, AsymHess, SymHess, MC};
-enum pdftype{uv=0, dv, g, Sea, ubar, dbar, s, Rs, c, b, dbarminubar, uvmindv, U, D, Ubar, Dbar, goversea, doveru, dbaroverubar, dvoveruv, rs, photon, SeaOverGlue, photonOverGlue, uvplusdv, uvplusdvplusSea,uvplusdvminSea};
+enum pdftype{uv=0, dv, g, Sea, ubar, dbar, s, Rs, c, b, dbarminubar, uvmindv, U, D, Ubar, Dbar, goversea, doveru, dbaroverubar, dvoveruv, rs, photon, SeaOverGlue, photonOverGlue};
+//enum pdftype{uv=0, dv, g, Sea, ubar, dbar, s, Rs, c, b, dbarminubar, uvmindv, U, D, Ubar, Dbar, goversea, doveru, dbaroverubar, dvoveruv, rs, photon, SeaOverGlue, photonOverGlue, uvplusdv, uvplusdvplusSea,uvplusdvminSea};
 extern vector <pdftype> pdfs;
 extern vector <string> pdflabels;
diff --git a/tools/draw/src/ b/tools/draw/src/
index a57187030..07610e494 100644
--- a/tools/draw/src/
+++ b/tools/draw/src/
@@ -20,12 +20,15 @@
 #include "FileOpener.h"
 //pdf type
-pdftype pdfts[] = {uv, dv, g, Sea, ubar, dbar, s, Rs, c, b, dbarminubar, uvmindv, U, D, Ubar, Dbar, goversea, doveru, dbaroverubar, dvoveruv,rs,photon,SeaOverGlue, photonOverGlue, uvplusdv, uvplusdvplusSea,uvplusdvminSea };
+pdftype pdfts[] = {uv, dv, g, Sea, ubar, dbar, s, Rs, c, b, dbarminubar, uvmindv, U, D, Ubar, Dbar, goversea, doveru, dbaroverubar, dvoveruv,rs,photon,SeaOverGlue, photonOverGlue, };
+//pdftype pdfts[] = {uv, dv, g, Sea, ubar, dbar, s, Rs, c, b, dbarminubar, uvmindv, U, D, Ubar, Dbar, goversea, doveru, dbaroverubar, dvoveruv,rs,photon,SeaOverGlue, photonOverGlue, uvplusdv, uvplusdvplusSea,uvplusdvminSea };
 //pdf labels
 string pdflab[] = {"u_{V}", "d_{V}", "g", "#Sigma", "#bar{u}", "#bar{d}", "s", "(s+#bar{s})/(#bar{u}+#bar{d})", "c", "b", "#bar{d}-#bar{u}", "d_{V}-u_{V}", "U", "D", "#bar{U}", "#bar{D}", "g/#Sigma", 
-   "d/u", "#bar{d}/#bar{u}", "d_{V}/u_{V}","rs","#gamma","#Sigma/g","#gamma/g","uv+dv","uv+dv+2#Sigma","uv+dv-2#Sigma"};
+   "d/u", "#bar{d}/#bar{u}", "d_{V}/u_{V}","rs","#gamma","#Sigma/g","#gamma/g"};
+//   "d/u", "#bar{d}/#bar{u}", "d_{V}/u_{V}","rs","#gamma","#Sigma/g","#gamma/g","uv+dv","uv+dv+2#Sigma","uv+dv-2#Sigma"};
 //pdf filenames
-string pdffil[] = {"uv", "dv", "g", "Sea", "ubar", "dbar", "s", "Rs", "c", "b", "dbar-ubar", "uv-dv", "U", "D", "UBar", "DBar", "goversea",  "doveru", "dbaroverubar", "dvoveruv","rs","ph","sg","gg","uv+dv","uv+dv+2Sea","uv+dv-2Sea"
+string pdffil[] = {"uv", "dv", "g", "Sea", "ubar", "dbar", "s", "Rs", "c", "b", "dbar-ubar", "uv-dv", "U", "D", "UBar", "DBar", "goversea",  "doveru", "dbaroverubar", "dvoveruv","rs","ph","sg","gg"
+//string pdffil[] = {"uv", "dv", "g", "Sea", "ubar", "dbar", "s", "Rs", "c", "b", "dbar-ubar", "uv-dv", "U", "D", "UBar", "DBar", "goversea",  "doveru", "dbaroverubar", //"dvoveruv","rs","ph","sg","gg","uv+dv","uv+dv+2Sea","uv+dv-2Sea"
 vector <pdftype> pdfs(pdfts, pdfts + sizeof(pdfts) / sizeof(pdftype));
@@ -154,7 +157,7 @@ Pdf::Pdf(string filename) : Q2value(0), NxValues(0), NPdfs(0), Xmin(0), Xmax(0)
-  PdfTypes.push_back(uvplusdv);  NPdfs++;
+  /*PdfTypes.push_back(uvplusdv);  NPdfs++;
   for (int ix = 0; ix < NxValues; ix++)
     if (tablemap[g][ix] != 0)
@@ -173,7 +176,7 @@ Pdf::Pdf(string filename) : Q2value(0), NxValues(0), NPdfs(0), Xmin(0), Xmax(0)
     if (tablemap[g][ix] != 0)
-      tablemap[uvplusdvminSea].push_back(0);
+      tablemap[uvplusdvminSea].push_back(0);*/

From d806db75bc095f1b7e0157d63c39f576affbd624 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Oleksandr Zenaiev <>
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2019 15:31:10 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 14/15] commented out new PDF plots: fixed typo

 tools/draw/src/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/tools/draw/src/ b/tools/draw/src/
index 07610e494..526d13b9b 100644
--- a/tools/draw/src/
+++ b/tools/draw/src/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 #include "FileOpener.h"
 //pdf type
-pdftype pdfts[] = {uv, dv, g, Sea, ubar, dbar, s, Rs, c, b, dbarminubar, uvmindv, U, D, Ubar, Dbar, goversea, doveru, dbaroverubar, dvoveruv,rs,photon,SeaOverGlue, photonOverGlue, };
+pdftype pdfts[] = {uv, dv, g, Sea, ubar, dbar, s, Rs, c, b, dbarminubar, uvmindv, U, D, Ubar, Dbar, goversea, doveru, dbaroverubar, dvoveruv,rs,photon,SeaOverGlue, photonOverGlue};
 //pdftype pdfts[] = {uv, dv, g, Sea, ubar, dbar, s, Rs, c, b, dbarminubar, uvmindv, U, D, Ubar, Dbar, goversea, doveru, dbaroverubar, dvoveruv,rs,photon,SeaOverGlue, photonOverGlue, uvplusdv, uvplusdvplusSea,uvplusdvminSea };
 //pdf labels
 string pdflab[] = {"u_{V}", "d_{V}", "g", "#Sigma", "#bar{u}", "#bar{d}", "s", "(s+#bar{s})/(#bar{u}+#bar{d})", "c", "b", "#bar{d}-#bar{u}", "d_{V}-u_{V}", "U", "D", "#bar{U}", "#bar{D}", "g/#Sigma", 

From d0718745b9be4a4482244b0f1d297bc289a2390f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Oleksandr Zenaiev <>
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2019 14:48:37 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 15/15] removed printout

 reactions/APPLgrid/src/ | 1 -
 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/reactions/APPLgrid/src/ b/reactions/APPLgrid/src/
index 323c43116..a50fa9170 100644
--- a/reactions/APPLgrid/src/
+++ b/reactions/APPLgrid/src/
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ void ReactionAPPLgrid::setDatasetParameters(int dataSetID, map<string,string> pa
        std::string token;
        while(std::getline(ss, token, ','))
-         std::cout << token << '\n';
          std::shared_ptr<appl::grid>  g(new appl::grid(token));