diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index cb61172f9a144a8d7122d817bfc5ed7739e612d1..d0218572673792bac742df576ce87218d9ad245c 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ job-install-full:
     - ./tools/install-xfitter deps
     - . setup.sh
     # for the next command the output is redirected, to see it (in case of problems) uncomment the command below which will print it
-    - ./tools/download-lhapdf.sh HERAPDF20_NNLO_EIG HERAPDF20_NNLO_VAR CT10 CT10nlo CT14nnlo ABMP16_3_nlo HERAPDF20_NLO_FF3B_EIG NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118 NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_hessian MMHT2014nnlo68cl nCTEQ15FullNuc_1_1 nCTEQ15FullNuc_184_74 >& download-lhapdf.log
+    - ./tools/download-lhapdf.sh HERAPDF20_NNLO_EIG HERAPDF20_NNLO_VAR CT10 CT10nlo CT14nnlo ABMP16_3_nlo ABMP16_5_nnlo HERAPDF20_NLO_FF3B_EIG NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118 NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_hessian NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118 MMHT2014nnlo68cl nCTEQ15FullNuc_1_1 nCTEQ15FullNuc_184_74 >& download-lhapdf.log
     - cat *.log
     - ./make.sh install
     - git clone https://gitlab.cern.ch/fitters/xfitter-datafiles.git temp-datafiles
@@ -43,6 +43,14 @@ job-install-full:
     - git reset --hard HEAD
     - cd -
     - ./tools/test.sh
+    - cat temp/HATHOR-cbt/test.log
+    - cat temp/chi2scanMTOP/test.log
+  artifacts:
+    when: on_failure
+    paths:
+      - temp/**/test.log
+      - temp/**/xfitter.log
+    expire_in: 1 day
 #  stage: nightly
diff --git a/examples/HATHOR-cbt/README.txt b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..07d822d373dba01d31cf2101bc9a96f77c839004
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+This test demonstrate how to use the Hathor reaction for charm, bottom and top quark hadroproduction,
+with different heavy-quark masses, PDFs and scale settings.
+In addition, it tests specifying PDF evolution per reaction and demonstrates how to combine several
+reactions in one expression using KFactor.
+There are two data files:
+1) ttbar.dat calculates chi2 for total top quark pair production cross sections at sqrt(s)=13 TeV 
+for different settings from CMS publication Eur.Phys.J. C79 (2019) no.5, 368. The idea is that 
+all these different settings should give chi2 ~ 0 since they correspond to the values of top quark 
+mass extracted using different PDFs/scales (see Table 6 fom the paper)
+2) ccbar-bbbar.dat calculates chi2 for charm and bottom quark pair production cross sections at 
+sqrt(s)=13 TeV (for dummy data points)
diff --git a/examples/HATHOR-cbt/ccbar-bbbar.dat b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/ccbar-bbbar.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7b5cc609784cb81ee7055f5fb6ed87daa211deb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/ccbar-bbbar.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+  Name = "DUMMY ccbar bbbar" 
+  IndexDataset = 1
+  TermName = 'R1','R2','M1','M2'
+  TermSource = 'Hathor','Hathor','KFactor','KFactor'
+  TermInfo = 
+			 'SqrtS=13000:MS_MASS=1:mtp=1.275:evolution1=proton-LHAPDF-nnpdf31:evolution2=proton-LHAPDF-nnpdf31:muR=2.0:muF=2.0',
+			 'SqrtS=13000:MS_MASS=1:mtp=4.18:evolution1=proton-LHAPDF-nnpdf31:evolution2=proton-LHAPDF-nnpdf31:muR=2.0:muF=2.0',
+       'FileName=matrix.dat:FileColumn=1:FileLine=1:FileLineFinish=2',
+       'FileName=matrix.dat:FileColumn=2:FileLine=1:FileLineFinish=2',
+  TheorExpr = '(R1*M1+R2*M2)/1e9'
+  !TheorExpr = 'R1'
+  NData =   2
+  NColumn =   3
+  ColumnType = 1*"Bin","Sigma", 1*"Error"
+  ColumnName = "Bin","Sigma", "stat"
+  Percent = 1*true
+   PlotN = 2
+   PlotDefColumn = 'Bin'
+   PlotDefValue = 0,1.5,3
+   PlotVarColumn = 'Bin'
+   PlotOptions(1)  = 'Experiment:Simulation@ExtraLabel:pp #rightarrow c#bar{c}@XTitle: @YTitle: #sigma [mb] @Title:'
+   PlotOptions(2)  = 'Experiment:Simulation@ExtraLabel:pp #rightarrow b#bar{b}@XTitle: @YTitle: #sigma [mb] @Title:'
+* Bin sigma stat
+    1 10.0  100.0
+    2  1.0  100.0
diff --git a/examples/HATHOR-cbt/constants.yaml b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/constants.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2881ca7b4ad8548b655bf0b940ea8b722669b67e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/constants.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# EW parameters
+Mz : 91.1876
+Mw : 80.385
+Mh : 125.9
+Wz : 2.4952
+Ww : 2.085
+Wh : 1d-3
+Wtp: 2.0d0
+gf : 1.16638e-5
+convFac : 0.389379338e9
+alphaem : 7.29735e-3
+sin2thW :  0.23127
+Vud : 0.97427
+Vus : 0.2254
+Vub : 0.00358
+Vcd : 0.22520
+Vcs : 0.97344 
+Vcb : 0.04156
+Vtd : 0.00872
+Vts : 0.04076
+Vtb : 0.999133
+# lepton masses:
+men : 1e-10
+mel : 0.510998928e-3
+mmn : 1e-10
+mmo : 0.1056583715
+mtn : 1e-10
+mta : 1.77682
+# light quark masses:
+mup : 0.06983
+mdn : 0.06983
+mst : 0.150
+# heavy quark masses:
+mch : 1.43 
+mbt : 4.50
+mtp : 173.0
+# QCD parameters
+Order: NNLO
+NFlavour: 5
diff --git a/examples/HATHOR-cbt/matrix.dat b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/matrix.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c2403c0fe505b8da8d9ac16eb3ee6f4eb6251d88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/matrix.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+1 0 0 0 0 0
+0 1 0 0 0 0
+0 0 1 0 0 0
+0 0 0 1 0 0
+0 0 0 0 1 0
+0 0 0 0 0 1
diff --git a/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/Results.txt b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/Results.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fc10ad44d08d5a6bc7f16cd1d2559d6a30919641
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/Results.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+After minimisation      -0.17     8    -0.021
+  Partial chi2s 
+Dataset    1      0.02( -0.01)     6  ttbar                                           
+Dataset    2      0.27( -0.45)     2  DUMMY ccbar bbbar                               
+ Correlated Chi2    0.0000000000000000     
+ Log penalty Chi2  -0.45743492157063032     
+ Systematic shifts            0
+                                Name          Shift   +/-    Error          Type
diff --git a/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/Status.out b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/Status.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e4d7046a08f3f1bdc1ee32efb26f918368775bb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/Status.out
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/fittedresults.txt b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/fittedresults.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2de9f75b2b0aad214e3e1725fe1e8f146e2fe5a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/fittedresults.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+           2
+           1
+ ttbar                                                                           
+Plot1@Experiment:CMS-TOP-17-001@ExtraLabel:pp #rightarrow t#bar{t}@XTitle: @YTitle: #sigma [fb] @Title:
+ Bin         dummy       dummy          data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
+ 0.10000E+01 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.81500E+03 0.35059E+02 0.35045E+02 0.81564E+03 0.81564E+03 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 -.18171E-01    1   1/0.10000E+01
+ 0.10000E+01 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.81500E+03 0.35050E+02 0.35045E+02 0.81524E+03 0.81524E+03 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 -.68143E-02    1   1/0.10000E+01
+ 0.10000E+01 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.81500E+03 0.35050E+02 0.35045E+02 0.81522E+03 0.81522E+03 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 -.62747E-02    1   1/0.10000E+01
+ 0.10000E+01 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.81500E+03 0.35019E+02 0.35045E+02 0.81380E+03 0.81380E+03 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.34235E-01    1   1/0.10000E+01
+ 0.10000E+01 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.81500E+03 0.35040E+02 0.35045E+02 0.81476E+03 0.81476E+03 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.67247E-02    1   1/0.10000E+01
+ 0.10000E+01 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.81500E+03 0.34952E+02 0.35045E+02 0.81067E+03 0.81067E+03 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.12399E+00    1   1/0.10000E+01
+           1
+ DUMMY ccbar bbbar                                                               
+Plot1@Experiment:Simulation@ExtraLabel:pp #rightarrow c#bar{c}@XTitle: @YTitle: #sigma [mb] @Title:
+Plot2@Experiment:Simulation@ExtraLabel:pp #rightarrow b#bar{b}@XTitle: @YTitle: #sigma [mb] @Title:
+ Bin         dummy       dummy          data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
+ 0.10000E+01 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.10000E+02 0.10318E+02 0.10000E+02 0.10647E+02 0.10647E+02 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 -.62707E-01    1   1/0.10000E+01
+ 0.20000E+01 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.10000E+01 0.77322E+00 0.10000E+01 0.59787E+00 0.59787E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.52007E+00    1   2/0.20000E+01
diff --git a/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/lhapdf.block.txt b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/lhapdf.block.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/minuit.out.txt b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/minuit.out.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..df7905fd8474b3e5d90bb2f81ca5a4179c7a8ef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/minuit.out.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ **********
+ **    1 **SET STR    2.000    
+ **********
+ **********
+ **    2 **CALL FCN    3.000    
+ **********
diff --git a/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/minuit.save.txt b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/minuit.save.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/parsout_0 b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/parsout_0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/parsout_1 b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/parsout_1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/pdfs_q2val_01.txt b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/pdfs_q2val_01.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ea343064bf42bd6ac5baaf311ead17f763a8f50b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/pdfs_q2val_01.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+   1.89999998             101          15   9.99999975E-05  0.999899983    
+            x          g             U             D          Ubar          Dbar         u_val         d_val           sea         u_sea         d_sea           str           chm           bot               ph         strbar
+  0.100000E-03  0.615678      0.411838      0.736981      0.398878      0.727146      0.129595E-01  0.983573E-02   1.12602      0.398878      0.390888      0.335157      0.357109E-66  -.130576E-08   0.00000      0.336258    
+  0.109648E-03  0.579677      0.409222      0.729097      0.395746      0.718902      0.134762E-01  0.101948E-01   1.11465      0.395746      0.387230      0.330559      0.110213E-22  -.145289E-08   0.00000      0.331672    
+  0.120226E-03  0.547324      0.406787      0.721474      0.392769      0.710900      0.140183E-01  0.105741E-01   1.10367      0.392769      0.383663      0.326112      0.209527E-16  -.111211E-08   0.00000      0.327237    
+  0.131825E-03  0.519709      0.404438      0.713973      0.389852      0.703001      0.145855E-01  0.109717E-01   1.09285      0.389852      0.380119      0.321746      0.631217E-14  -.461683E-09   0.00000      0.322882    
+  0.144543E-03  0.497144      0.402061      0.706543      0.386878      0.695160      0.151834E-01  0.113829E-01   1.08204      0.386878      0.376603      0.317410      0.161720E-12  -.167422E-09   0.00000      0.318557    
+  0.158489E-03  0.479771      0.399621      0.699164      0.383806      0.687358      0.158145E-01  0.118059E-01   1.07116      0.383806      0.373114      0.313087      0.952273E-12  -.659315E-09   0.00000      0.314244    
+  0.173779E-03  0.466996      0.397167      0.691867      0.380692      0.679624      0.164752E-01  0.122434E-01   1.06032      0.380692      0.369656      0.308802      0.250571E-11  -.124553E-08   0.00000      0.309968    
+  0.190545E-03  0.458079      0.394744      0.684696      0.377583      0.671997      0.171612E-01  0.126994E-01   1.04958      0.377583      0.366240      0.304582      0.621034E-11  -.972862E-09   0.00000      0.305757    
+  0.208928E-03  0.452918      0.392352      0.677666      0.374481      0.664490      0.178716E-01  0.131768E-01   1.03897      0.374481      0.362869      0.300436      0.131557E-10  0.284611E-09   0.00000      0.301621    
+  0.229085E-03  0.452161      0.389959      0.670685      0.371346      0.657024      0.186133E-01  0.136619E-01   1.02837      0.371346      0.359520      0.296311      0.238670E-10  0.135641E-08   0.00000      0.297504    
+  0.251186E-03  0.456377      0.387526      0.663667      0.368130      0.649531      0.193968E-01  0.141360E-01   1.01766      0.368130      0.356159      0.292178      0.392807E-10  0.123219E-08   0.00000      0.293372    
+  0.275420E-03  0.465335      0.385072      0.656652      0.364854      0.642044      0.202173E-01  0.146078E-01   1.00690      0.364854      0.352803      0.288050      0.582323E-10  0.381007E-09   0.00000      0.289241    
+  0.301992E-03  0.478579      0.382687      0.649724      0.361640      0.634605      0.210466E-01  0.151189E-01  0.996245      0.361640      0.349525      0.283893      0.772238E-10  -.273244E-09   0.00000      0.285080    
+  0.331127E-03  0.495823      0.380428      0.642900      0.358567      0.627209      0.218607E-01  0.156910E-01  0.985776      0.358567      0.346375      0.279652      0.811375E-10  -.354691E-09   0.00000      0.280834    
+  0.363073E-03  0.517655      0.378222      0.636170      0.355528      0.619873      0.226937E-01  0.162967E-01  0.975401      0.355528      0.343287      0.275410      0.823563E-10  -.302216E-09   0.00000      0.276586    
+  0.398101E-03  0.544985      0.375973      0.629551      0.352375      0.612649      0.235977E-01  0.169015E-01  0.965025      0.352375      0.340163      0.271309      0.120095E-09  -.541340E-09   0.00000      0.272487    
+  0.436509E-03  0.578243      0.373665      0.623052      0.349090      0.605557      0.245748E-01  0.174949E-01  0.954647      0.349090      0.336995      0.267378      0.262325E-09  -.117575E-08   0.00000      0.268562    
+  0.478622E-03  0.616531      0.371393      0.616637      0.345798      0.598510      0.255944E-01  0.181269E-01  0.944308      0.345798      0.333853      0.263460      0.556772E-09  -.166830E-08   0.00000      0.264657    
+  0.524798E-03  0.659299      0.369251      0.610241      0.342635      0.591390      0.266159E-01  0.188511E-01  0.934025      0.342635      0.330812      0.259360      0.877458E-09  -.150707E-08   0.00000      0.260578    
+  0.575429E-03  0.706998      0.367206      0.603884      0.339554      0.584235      0.276511E-01  0.196489E-01  0.923789      0.339554      0.327846      0.255140      0.118176E-08  -.881765E-09   0.00000      0.256389    
+  0.630945E-03  0.758512      0.365148      0.597749      0.336336      0.577307      0.288124E-01  0.204419E-01  0.913643      0.336336      0.324811      0.251213      0.143669E-08  -.299369E-09   0.00000      0.252497    
+  0.691816E-03  0.814146      0.362999      0.591973      0.332833      0.570803      0.301665E-01  0.211703E-01  0.903635      0.332833      0.321607      0.247868      0.159478E-08  0.917328E-10   0.00000      0.249195    
+  0.758561E-03  0.873326      0.360850      0.586398      0.329208      0.564495      0.316427E-01  0.219030E-01  0.893703      0.329208      0.318345      0.244777      0.160205E-08  0.391647E-09   0.00000      0.246150    
+  0.831745E-03  0.933914      0.358841      0.580786      0.325690      0.558039      0.331514E-01  0.227466E-01  0.883729      0.325690      0.315184      0.241457      0.146524E-08  0.521721E-09   0.00000      0.242855    
+  0.911989E-03  0.996225      0.356980      0.575097      0.322299      0.551385      0.346813E-01  0.237120E-01  0.873684      0.322299      0.312143      0.237835      0.124556E-08  0.481294E-09   0.00000      0.239242    
+  0.999975E-03   1.05992      0.355205      0.569504      0.318916      0.544763      0.362882E-01  0.247402E-01  0.863680      0.318916      0.309122      0.234247      0.887900E-09  0.293492E-09   0.00000      0.235641    
+  0.109645E-02   1.12454      0.353475      0.564150      0.315459      0.538366      0.380164E-01  0.257848E-01  0.853824      0.315459      0.306041      0.230971      0.425467E-09  -.906456E-10   0.00000      0.232324    
+  0.120223E-02   1.19036      0.351806      0.558991      0.311955      0.532130      0.398510E-01  0.268606E-01  0.844085      0.311955      0.302926      0.227920      0.122507E-09  -.685308E-09   0.00000      0.229204    
+  0.131822E-02   1.25612      0.350187      0.553951      0.308409      0.525962      0.417781E-01  0.279892E-01  0.834371      0.308409      0.299810      0.224948      0.364067E-10  -.111017E-08   0.00000      0.226152    
+  0.144540E-02   1.32061      0.348609      0.548999      0.304821      0.519818      0.437886E-01  0.291810E-01  0.824639      0.304821      0.296712      0.221994      0.183714E-10  -.116502E-08   0.00000      0.223106    
+  0.158485E-02   1.38483      0.347081      0.544158      0.301190      0.513730      0.458910E-01  0.304275E-01  0.814920      0.301190      0.293613      0.219103      0.132351E-10  -.100955E-08   0.00000      0.220117    
+  0.173775E-02   1.45094      0.345609      0.539435      0.297509      0.507710      0.481004E-01  0.317243E-01  0.805219      0.297509      0.290482      0.216288      0.117129E-10  -.747089E-09   0.00000      0.217228    
+  0.190540E-02   1.52144      0.344188      0.534845      0.293759      0.501755      0.504294E-01  0.330904E-01  0.795513      0.293759      0.287298      0.213556      0.140613E-10  -.277668E-09   0.00000      0.214456    
+  0.208923E-02   1.59001      0.342834      0.530350      0.289990      0.495871      0.528441E-01  0.344789E-01  0.785861      0.289990      0.284115      0.210888      0.195661E-10  0.160430E-09   0.00000      0.211756    
+  0.229079E-02   1.64931      0.341560      0.525907      0.286259      0.490083      0.553006E-01  0.358244E-01  0.776342      0.286259      0.280980      0.208279      0.257905E-10  0.229009E-09   0.00000      0.209103    
+  0.251180E-02   1.70093      0.340358      0.521530      0.282553      0.484394      0.578042E-01  0.371358E-01  0.766947      0.282553      0.277878      0.205746      0.349730E-10  -.167606E-10   0.00000      0.206516    
+  0.275413E-02   1.74871      0.339264      0.517217      0.278846      0.478716      0.604182E-01  0.385009E-01  0.757562      0.278846      0.274818      0.203175      0.415513E-10  -.178545E-09   0.00000      0.203897    
+  0.301984E-02   1.79433      0.338251      0.512978      0.275088      0.473016      0.631621E-01  0.399622E-01  0.748104      0.275088      0.271784      0.200537      0.426977E-10  0.355349E-10   0.00000      0.201231    
+  0.331118E-02   1.83676      0.337360      0.508801      0.271330      0.467306      0.660303E-01  0.414946E-01  0.738636      0.271330      0.268798      0.197834      0.361770E-10  0.395528E-09   0.00000      0.198508    
+  0.363064E-02   1.87634      0.336784      0.504639      0.267713      0.461531      0.690716E-01  0.431086E-01  0.729243      0.267713      0.265958      0.194949      0.167619E-10  0.532257E-09   0.00000      0.195572    
+  0.398091E-02   1.91294      0.336592      0.500463      0.264289      0.455628      0.723027E-01  0.448355E-01  0.719917      0.264289      0.263310      0.191800      0.267976E-11  0.328908E-09   0.00000      0.192317    
+  0.436498E-02   1.94677      0.336629      0.496338      0.260943      0.449733      0.756858E-01  0.466057E-01  0.710676      0.260943      0.260752      0.188569      0.148695E-12  0.512218E-10   0.00000      0.188981    
+  0.478610E-02   1.97822      0.336715      0.492329      0.257563      0.444021      0.791523E-01  0.483076E-01  0.701584      0.257563      0.258169      0.185471      0.334651E-14  -.523360E-10   0.00000      0.185852    
+  0.524785E-02   2.00721      0.336848      0.488408      0.254174      0.438476      0.826744E-01  0.499325E-01  0.692650      0.254174      0.255579      0.182479      0.108746E-16  -.395081E-10   0.00000      0.182897    
+  0.575415E-02   2.03340      0.337312      0.484630      0.250797      0.432931      0.865151E-01  0.516990E-01  0.683728      0.250797      0.253061      0.179424      0.965408E-21  0.382053E-10   0.00000      0.179870    
+  0.630929E-02   2.05661      0.338332      0.481029      0.247503      0.427264      0.908292E-01  0.537648E-01  0.674767      0.247503      0.250700      0.176156      0.437486E-29  0.181885E-09   0.00000      0.176564    
+  0.691799E-02   2.07690      0.339762      0.477584      0.244229      0.421552      0.955329E-01  0.560325E-01  0.665781      0.244229      0.248432      0.172778      0.297132E-52  0.383729E-09   0.00000      0.173120    
+  0.758542E-02   2.09413      0.341346      0.474283      0.240700      0.415905      0.100645      0.583789E-01  0.656605      0.240700      0.246070      0.169534      0.101866-114  0.561970E-09   0.00000      0.169834    
+  0.831724E-02   2.10799      0.342968      0.471136      0.236812      0.410392      0.106156      0.607440E-01  0.647204      0.236812      0.243536      0.166548      0.197478-171  0.711451E-09   0.00000      0.166855    
+  0.911966E-02   2.11906      0.344838      0.468119      0.232753      0.404884      0.112086      0.632355E-01  0.637637      0.232753      0.240969      0.163590      0.142054-103  0.836166E-09   0.00000      0.163915    
+  0.999950E-02   2.12806      0.347156      0.465188      0.228682      0.399229      0.118474      0.659590E-01  0.627911      0.228682      0.238506      0.160407      0.119976E-45  0.934553E-09   0.00000      0.160723    
+  0.109642E-01   2.13481      0.349833      0.462325      0.224514      0.393455      0.125319      0.688700E-01  0.617969      0.224514      0.236109      0.157054      0.107253E-21  0.104216E-08   0.00000      0.157346    
+  0.120220E-01   2.13939      0.353067      0.459653      0.220475      0.387586      0.132592      0.720666E-01  0.608062      0.220475      0.233806      0.153537      0.244496E-16  0.997601E-09   0.00000      0.153780    
+  0.131819E-01   2.14196      0.357033      0.457262      0.216813      0.381681      0.140220      0.755812E-01  0.598494      0.216813      0.231673      0.149852      0.280761E-19  0.560776E-09   0.00000      0.150008    
+  0.144536E-01   2.14241      0.361640      0.455105      0.213388      0.375699      0.148252      0.794060E-01  0.589087      0.213388      0.229662      0.145999      0.209920E-45  -.121440E-09   0.00000      0.146038    
+  0.158481E-01   2.14047      0.366471      0.453158      0.209534      0.369409      0.156937      0.837490E-01  0.578944      0.209843      0.227559      0.141934      -.308682E-03  -.454744E-09   0.00000      0.141850    
+  0.173770E-01   2.13646      0.371245      0.451414      0.205000      0.362819      0.166245      0.885951E-01  0.567819      0.206151      0.225393      0.137650      -.115139E-02  -.182622E-09   0.00000      0.137426    
+  0.190535E-01   2.12979      0.376589      0.449881      0.200318      0.355878      0.176272      0.940034E-01  0.556195      0.202306      0.223081      0.133151      -.198805E-02  0.321611E-09   0.00000      0.132797    
+  0.208917E-01   2.11936      0.383093      0.448555      0.195838      0.348408      0.187255      0.100147      0.544246      0.198164      0.220412      0.128413      -.232665E-02  0.704748E-09   0.00000      0.127996    
+  0.229073E-01   2.10513      0.390743      0.447406      0.191607      0.340408      0.199136      0.106998      0.532015      0.193757      0.217413      0.123416      -.214938E-02  0.109651E-08   0.00000      0.122994    
+  0.251174E-01   2.08799      0.399195      0.446552      0.187212      0.332006      0.211983      0.114546      0.519218      0.189068      0.214121      0.118256      -.185579E-02  0.124294E-08   0.00000      0.117884    
+  0.275406E-01   2.06818      0.408233      0.446188      0.182281      0.323308      0.225952      0.122880      0.505590      0.184029      0.210509      0.113041      -.174739E-02  0.767754E-09   0.00000      0.112800    
+  0.301976E-01   2.04560      0.417957      0.446228      0.176982      0.314268      0.240975      0.131960      0.491250      0.178670      0.206587      0.107721      -.168780E-02  -.159450E-09   0.00000      0.107681    
+  0.331110E-01   2.02217      0.428352      0.446157      0.171697      0.304790      0.256656      0.141368      0.476486      0.173217      0.202549      0.102138      -.152014E-02  -.812997E-09   0.00000      0.102240    
+  0.363055E-01   1.99986      0.439454      0.445870      0.166495      0.294757      0.272960      0.151112      0.461252      0.167686      0.198434      0.961894E-01  -.119177E-02  -.918511E-09   0.00000      0.963239E-01
+  0.398081E-01   1.97593      0.451202      0.445431      0.161340      0.284340      0.289862      0.161092      0.445680      0.162098      0.194216      0.900084E-01  -.757521E-03  -.772503E-09   0.00000      0.901233E-01
+  0.436487E-01   1.94637      0.463522      0.444705      0.156377      0.273780      0.307145      0.170925      0.430157      0.156607      0.189958      0.837190E-01  -.229744E-03  -.566197E-09   0.00000      0.838221E-01
+  0.478598E-01   1.91232      0.476149      0.443638      0.151251      0.262948      0.324898      0.180690      0.414199      0.151251      0.185707      0.771003E-01  0.295342E-15  -.202669E-09   0.00000      0.772408E-01
+  0.524772E-01   1.87183      0.488763      0.442457      0.145840      0.252159      0.342923      0.190298      0.397999      0.145840      0.181278      0.708139E-01  0.108288E-07  0.871201E-10   0.00000      0.708813E-01
+  0.575400E-01   1.82291      0.501213      0.441404      0.140260      0.241736      0.360953      0.199667      0.381996      0.140260      0.176488      0.655092E-01  0.245427E-06  0.135906E-10   0.00000      0.652480E-01
+  0.630913E-01   1.76641      0.513647      0.440397      0.134567      0.231554      0.379081      0.208843      0.366121      0.134566      0.171407      0.609363E-01  0.533185E-06  -.322061E-09   0.00000      0.601472E-01
+  0.691782E-01   1.70074      0.526199      0.439120      0.128540      0.221551      0.397659      0.217569      0.350091      0.128540      0.166161      0.568545E-01  0.401059E-06  -.578393E-09   0.00000      0.553896E-01
+  0.758523E-01   1.62404      0.538966      0.437449      0.122128      0.211813      0.416838      0.225636      0.333941      0.122128      0.160925      0.532096E-01  0.150237E-08  -.702375E-09   0.00000      0.508883E-01
+  0.831703E-01   1.53854      0.551841      0.435484      0.115354      0.202198      0.436488      0.233286      0.317552      0.115349      0.155473      0.500249E-01  0.520365E-05  -.688971E-09   0.00000      0.467252E-01
+  0.911943E-01   1.44766      0.564584      0.433230      0.108029      0.192347      0.456556      0.240883      0.300376      0.108029      0.149300      0.472780E-01  0.239258E-10  -.253554E-09   0.00000      0.430476E-01
+  0.999925E-01   1.34762      0.577380      0.430514      0.100055      0.182168      0.477325      0.248345      0.282223      0.999773E-01  0.142155      0.451540E-01  0.778034E-04  0.685882E-09   0.00000      0.400132E-01
+  0.109639       1.24019      0.591168      0.427488      0.923043E-01  0.171792      0.498863      0.255695      0.264096      0.922193E-01  0.135176      0.429342E-01  0.849880E-04  0.100208E-08   0.00000      0.366157E-01
+  0.120217       1.12425      0.605102      0.423556      0.844017E-01  0.160798      0.520701      0.262758      0.245200      0.843352E-01  0.127742      0.404556E-01  0.664666E-04  0.121545E-08   0.00000      0.330554E-01
+  0.131815       1.00916      0.618701      0.418365      0.765013E-01  0.148652      0.542199      0.269713      0.225153      0.763723E-01  0.119255      0.376236E-01  0.129047E-03  -.128652E-09   0.00000      0.293968E-01
+  0.144533      0.901430      0.631485      0.411917      0.687672E-01  0.135725      0.562718      0.276192      0.204492      0.683801E-01  0.109618      0.347166E-01  0.387041E-03  -.429595E-09   0.00000      0.261073E-01
+  0.158477      0.802551      0.643646      0.403186      0.612426E-01  0.122027      0.582404      0.281158      0.183270      0.603130E-01  0.989278E-01  0.317651E-01  0.929611E-03  -.369726E-09   0.00000      0.230996E-01
+  0.173766      0.711469      0.653624      0.392967      0.541595E-01  0.107696      0.599464      0.285271      0.161855      0.528751E-01  0.870166E-01  0.288004E-01  0.128431E-02  0.872562E-09   0.00000      0.206794E-01
+  0.190530      0.631753      0.659757      0.379866      0.473659E-01  0.926931E-01  0.612391      0.287173      0.140059      0.456437E-01  0.747671E-01  0.256848E-01  0.172218E-02  -.571765E-09   0.00000      0.179261E-01
+  0.208912      0.557165      0.660841      0.364879      0.410106E-01  0.777576E-01  0.619831      0.287121      0.118768      0.388338E-01  0.621104E-01  0.225288E-01  0.217678E-02  -.836865E-10   0.00000      0.156472E-01
+  0.229067      0.488010      0.656071      0.347916      0.349917E-01  0.636229E-01  0.621079      0.284293      0.986146E-01  0.323916E-01  0.496311E-01  0.194018E-01  0.260015E-02  0.109116E-09   0.00000      0.139919E-01
+  0.251167      0.417084      0.645645      0.327670      0.296629E-01  0.501959E-01  0.615982      0.277474      0.798587E-01  0.265753E-01  0.375007E-01  0.162352E-01  0.308755E-02  0.461080E-09   0.00000      0.126952E-01
+  0.275399      0.339158      0.627927      0.304295      0.250558E-01  0.376035E-01  0.602871      0.266692      0.626594E-01  0.215120E-01  0.261543E-01  0.131721E-01  0.354385E-02  0.432728E-10   0.00000      0.114492E-01
+  0.301969      0.266879      0.602436      0.277124      0.201049E-01  0.273572E-01  0.582331      0.249767      0.474621E-01  0.159922E-01  0.171878E-01  0.102275E-01  0.411268E-02  -.963109E-10   0.00000      0.101694E-01
+  0.331102      0.214984      0.566528      0.249287      0.170901E-01  0.170587E-01  0.549438      0.232228      0.341488E-01  0.127262E-01  0.766935E-02  0.795889E-02  0.436387E-02  0.228399E-09   0.00000      0.938935E-02
+  0.363046      0.172426      0.523925      0.212134      0.127413E-01  0.103156E-01  0.511184      0.201819      0.230569E-01  0.807309E-02  0.402145E-02  0.595849E-02  0.466817E-02  -.140166E-09   0.00000      0.629418E-02
+  0.398071      0.138572      0.469912      0.172687      0.945690E-02  0.668955E-02  0.460455      0.165998      0.161465E-01  0.511253E-02  0.380411E-02  0.437648E-02  0.434437E-02  0.427778E-10   0.00000      0.288545E-02
+  0.436476      0.105201      0.405093      0.134738      0.773980E-02  0.466348E-02  0.397354      0.130074      0.124033E-01  0.341825E-02  0.350510E-02  0.408226E-02  0.432155E-02  0.304565E-09   0.00000      0.115838E-02
+  0.478586      0.885440E-01  0.332016      0.987958E-01  0.771648E-02  -.689244E-03  0.324300      0.994850E-01  0.702724E-02  0.414086E-02  0.200711E-02  0.330783E-02  0.357562E-02  0.819206E-10   0.00000      -.269636E-02
+  0.524759      0.721146E-01  0.263648      0.631529E-01  0.183539E-02  -.550292E-03  0.261812      0.637032E-01  0.128510E-02  -.142102E-02  0.323433E-02  0.331975E-02  0.325642E-02  0.158220E-09   0.00000      -.378462E-02
+  0.575386      0.544105E-01  0.195592      0.351809E-01  -.703979E-03  -.151094E-02  0.196296      0.366919E-01  -.221492E-02  -.321813E-02  0.231788E-02  0.265336E-02  0.251415E-02  -.194902E-11   0.00000      -.382883E-02
+  0.630897      0.352155E-01  0.130175      0.195301E-01  -.136888E-02  -.112122E-02  0.131544      0.206513E-01  -.249010E-02  -.277424E-02  0.776649E-03  0.223000E-02  0.140536E-02  0.144187E-10   0.00000      -.189787E-02
+  0.691764      0.151285E-01  0.757547E-01  0.101430E-01  -.501381E-02  0.397610E-02  0.807685E-01  0.616691E-02  -.103771E-02  -.560549E-02  0.476366E-02  0.151501E-02  0.591683E-03  -.370260E-10   0.00000      -.787563E-03
+  0.758504      0.388734E-02  0.361582E-01  0.800727E-02  -.442809E-02  0.856983E-02  0.405863E-01  -.562565E-03  0.414174E-02  -.422398E-02  0.532002E-02  0.162490E-02  -.204117E-03  -.867720E-11   0.00000      0.324982E-02
+  0.831682      -.522023E-02  0.152106E-01  0.377082E-02  -.314692E-02  0.699788E-02  0.183575E-01  -.322707E-02  0.385097E-02  -.302596E-02  0.364887E-02  0.967287E-03  -.120953E-03  0.210683E-10   0.00000      0.334901E-02
+  0.911920      -.497514E-02  0.492959E-02  0.199411E-02  -.213340E-02  0.301313E-02  0.706299E-02  -.101902E-02  0.879728E-03  -.213398E-02  0.933012E-03  0.233999E-03  0.575166E-06  -.245124E-12   0.00000      0.208012E-02
+  0.999900      -.122403E-04  0.368281E-05  0.816585E-05  -.341959E-05  0.351101E-05  0.710240E-05  0.465484E-05  0.914194E-07  -.343562E-05  -.228194E-05  0.105366E-07  0.160248E-07  0.485034E-14   0.00000      0.579295E-05
diff --git a/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/pdfs_q2val_02.txt b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/pdfs_q2val_02.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fbd91013dc2b834c1024d4d886424f82fd9388b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/pdfs_q2val_02.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+   3.00000000             101          15   9.99999975E-05  0.999899983    
+            x          g             U             D          Ubar          Dbar         u_val         d_val           sea         u_sea         d_sea           str           chm           bot               ph         strbar
+  0.100000E-03   1.84243      0.575241      0.996477      0.559869      0.984903      0.153718E-01  0.115738E-01   1.54477      0.532502      0.523444      0.460246      0.273664E-01  -.539026E-09   0.00000      0.461459    
+  0.109648E-03   1.79486      0.570905      0.984384      0.554919      0.972389      0.159853E-01  0.119947E-01   1.52731      0.527197      0.517751      0.453412      0.277221E-01  -.406486E-09   0.00000      0.454638    
+  0.120226E-03   1.75465      0.566521      0.972407      0.549889      0.959972      0.166322E-01  0.124356E-01   1.50986      0.522097      0.512023      0.446710      0.277921E-01  -.577727E-10   0.00000      0.447949    
+  0.131825E-03   1.72142      0.562119      0.960545      0.544808      0.947649      0.173107E-01  0.128956E-01   1.49246      0.517118      0.506284      0.440115      0.276900E-01  0.488231E-09   0.00000      0.441366    
+  0.144543E-03   1.69372      0.557627      0.948909      0.539607      0.935534      0.180205E-01  0.133754E-01   1.47514      0.512137      0.500647      0.433625      0.274699E-01  0.707284E-09   0.00000      0.434887    
+  0.158489E-03   1.67126      0.552989      0.937556      0.534229      0.923678      0.187602E-01  0.138775E-01   1.45791      0.507134      0.495148      0.427258      0.270943E-01  0.309295E-09   0.00000      0.428531    
+  0.173779E-03   1.65437      0.548299      0.926398      0.528766      0.912001      0.195325E-01  0.143975E-01   1.44077      0.502127      0.489737      0.420983      0.266388E-01  -.250196E-09   0.00000      0.422264    
+  0.190545E-03   1.64295      0.543681      0.915337      0.523339      0.900409      0.203416E-01  0.149278E-01   1.42375      0.497092      0.484378      0.414744      0.262476E-01  -.434141E-09   0.00000      0.416032    
+  0.208928E-03   1.63698      0.539117      0.904378      0.517930      0.888910      0.211871E-01  0.154683E-01   1.40684      0.492016      0.479069      0.408548      0.259136E-01  -.305151E-09   0.00000      0.409840    
+  0.229085E-03   1.63666      0.534589      0.893568      0.512522      0.877543      0.220673E-01  0.160248E-01   1.39007      0.486962      0.473838      0.402410      0.255605E-01  -.366720E-11   0.00000      0.403706    
+  0.251186E-03   1.64212      0.530096      0.882939      0.507114      0.866340      0.229820E-01  0.165996E-01   1.37345      0.481984      0.468709      0.396330      0.251295E-01  0.537977E-09   0.00000      0.397630    
+  0.275420E-03   1.65332      0.525638      0.872476      0.501706      0.855284      0.239312E-01  0.171915E-01   1.35699      0.477059      0.463672      0.390308      0.246480E-01  0.128549E-08   0.00000      0.391613    
+  0.301992E-03   1.67038      0.521215      0.862164      0.496304      0.844357      0.249105E-01  0.178075E-01   1.34066      0.472128      0.458676      0.384374      0.241761E-01  0.158286E-08   0.00000      0.385681    
+  0.331127E-03   1.69372      0.516785      0.852033      0.490869      0.833588      0.259156E-01  0.184451E-01   1.32446      0.467152      0.453685      0.378599      0.237172E-01  0.112403E-08   0.00000      0.379903    
+  0.363073E-03   1.72268      0.512417      0.842032      0.485465      0.822922      0.269525E-01  0.191097E-01   1.30839      0.462187      0.448750      0.372871      0.232776E-01  0.280757E-09   0.00000      0.374172    
+  0.398101E-03   1.75613      0.508250      0.832042      0.480225      0.812227      0.280255E-01  0.198146E-01   1.29245      0.457323      0.443950      0.366978      0.229023E-01  -.613025E-09   0.00000      0.368277    
+  0.436509E-03   1.79407      0.504320      0.822019      0.475202      0.801458      0.291188E-01  0.205611E-01   1.27666      0.452591      0.439318      0.360847      0.226103E-01  -.175589E-08   0.00000      0.362140    
+  0.478622E-03   1.83696      0.500443      0.812165      0.470160      0.790826      0.302828E-01  0.213393E-01   1.26099      0.447842      0.434714      0.354816      0.223180E-01  -.264616E-08   0.00000      0.356112    
+  0.524798E-03   1.88542      0.496454      0.802671      0.464884      0.780538      0.315705E-01  0.221327E-01   1.24542      0.442936      0.430020      0.349197      0.219474E-01  -.270852E-08   0.00000      0.350518    
+  0.575429E-03   1.93928      0.492417      0.793463      0.459455      0.770517      0.329619E-01  0.229459E-01   1.22997      0.437927      0.425283      0.343871      0.215280E-01  -.215777E-08   0.00000      0.345233    
+  0.630945E-03   1.99637      0.488430      0.784404      0.454019      0.760571      0.344111E-01  0.238327E-01   1.21459      0.432903      0.420538      0.338628      0.211167E-01  -.152328E-08   0.00000      0.340033    
+  0.691816E-03   2.05688      0.484523      0.775454      0.448651      0.750617      0.358717E-01  0.248372E-01   1.19927      0.427898      0.415780      0.333388      0.207533E-01  -.956054E-09   0.00000      0.334837    
+  0.758561E-03   2.12001      0.480674      0.766641      0.443272      0.740734      0.374013E-01  0.259072E-01   1.18401      0.422880      0.411024      0.328221      0.203920E-01  -.356897E-09   0.00000      0.329710    
+  0.831745E-03   2.18273      0.476893      0.757946      0.437793      0.730988      0.391004E-01  0.269571E-01   1.16878      0.417828      0.406320      0.323161      0.199644E-01  0.206936E-09   0.00000      0.324669    
+  0.911989E-03   2.24567      0.473183      0.749357      0.432203      0.721392      0.409799E-01  0.279651E-01   1.15359      0.412741      0.401680      0.318206      0.194620E-01  0.875864E-09   0.00000      0.319711    
+  0.999975E-03   2.30790      0.469536      0.740910      0.426554      0.711893      0.429817E-01  0.290169E-01   1.13845      0.407627      0.397059      0.313350      0.189270E-01  0.126681E-08   0.00000      0.314834    
+  0.109645E-02   2.36786      0.465935      0.732646      0.420871      0.702458      0.450636E-01  0.301880E-01   1.12333      0.402491      0.392422      0.308593      0.183802E-01  0.819334E-09   0.00000      0.310036    
+  0.120223E-02   2.42599      0.462383      0.724553      0.415142      0.693100      0.472409E-01  0.314533E-01   1.10824      0.397333      0.387781      0.303936      0.178088E-01  -.355779E-09   0.00000      0.305319    
+  0.131822E-02   2.48372      0.458929      0.716586      0.409416      0.683799      0.495132E-01  0.327874E-01   1.09321      0.392140      0.383129      0.299360      0.172759E-01  -.116436E-08   0.00000      0.300670    
+  0.144540E-02   2.54220      0.455602      0.708728      0.403723      0.674531      0.518781E-01  0.341966E-01   1.07825      0.386901      0.378460      0.294850      0.168225E-01  -.919767E-09   0.00000      0.296071    
+  0.158485E-02   2.60030      0.452378      0.700989      0.398039      0.665322      0.543381E-01  0.356667E-01   1.06336      0.381627      0.373781      0.290419      0.164125E-01  -.233196E-09   0.00000      0.291541    
+  0.173775E-02   2.65629      0.449236      0.693361      0.392339      0.656221      0.568966E-01  0.371401E-01   1.04856      0.376337      0.369100      0.286096      0.160026E-01  0.129021E-09   0.00000      0.287121    
+  0.190540E-02   2.71146      0.446166      0.685835      0.386626      0.647238      0.595400E-01  0.385969E-01   1.03386      0.371038      0.364416      0.281905      0.155879E-01  0.975243E-10   0.00000      0.282821    
+  0.208923E-02   2.76281      0.443197      0.678436      0.380895      0.638342      0.623019E-01  0.400942E-01   1.01924      0.365709      0.359734      0.277781      0.151861E-01  -.569970E-10   0.00000      0.278609    
+  0.229079E-02   2.80645      0.440354      0.671216      0.375125      0.629523      0.652287E-01  0.416931E-01   1.00465      0.360309      0.355044      0.273674      0.148164E-01  -.246191E-09   0.00000      0.274479    
+  0.251180E-02   2.84340      0.437627      0.664176      0.369313      0.620794      0.683142E-01  0.433825E-01  0.990106      0.354833      0.350337      0.269614      0.144802E-01  -.558012E-09   0.00000      0.270457    
+  0.275413E-02   2.87532      0.435032      0.657169      0.363538      0.612070      0.714937E-01  0.450990E-01  0.975609      0.349418      0.345716      0.265491      0.141205E-01  -.523715E-09   0.00000      0.266354    
+  0.301984E-02   2.90267      0.432558      0.650091      0.357852      0.603294      0.747065E-01  0.467972E-01  0.961145      0.344148      0.341246      0.261237      0.137036E-01  0.450514E-09   0.00000      0.262048    
+  0.331118E-02   2.92532      0.430222      0.643020      0.352217      0.594508      0.780048E-01  0.485123E-01  0.946725      0.338965      0.336881      0.256900      0.132528E-01  0.181998E-08   0.00000      0.257627    
+  0.363064E-02   2.94433      0.428101      0.636063      0.346608      0.585768      0.814930E-01  0.502953E-01  0.932375      0.333823      0.332589      0.252519      0.127852E-01  0.223013E-08   0.00000      0.253178    
+  0.398091E-02   2.95961      0.426154      0.629233      0.341014      0.577110      0.851406E-01  0.521228E-01  0.918124      0.328709      0.328356      0.248132      0.123053E-01  0.113042E-08   0.00000      0.248754    
+  0.436498E-02   2.97135      0.424470      0.622498      0.335455      0.568451      0.890147E-01  0.540463E-01  0.903907      0.323653      0.324213      0.243655      0.118026E-01  -.231658E-09   0.00000      0.244238    
+  0.478610E-02   2.98003      0.423189      0.615829      0.329957      0.559668      0.932325E-01  0.561611E-01  0.889625      0.318699      0.320201      0.238961      0.112574E-01  -.510986E-09   0.00000      0.239467    
+  0.524785E-02   2.98554      0.422294      0.609217      0.324518      0.550748      0.977754E-01  0.584692E-01  0.875266      0.313859      0.316326      0.234036      0.106597E-01  0.100827E-09   0.00000      0.234422    
+  0.575415E-02   2.98786      0.421666      0.602766      0.319097      0.541955      0.102569      0.608117E-01  0.861051      0.308999      0.312495      0.229157      0.100980E-01  0.626064E-09   0.00000      0.229460    
+  0.630929E-02   2.98714      0.421183      0.596530      0.313702      0.533511      0.107481      0.630185E-01  0.847213      0.304065      0.308665      0.224524      0.963678E-02  0.380140E-09   0.00000      0.224846    
+  0.691799E-02   2.98325      0.420935      0.590481      0.308315      0.525267      0.112620      0.652139E-01  0.833582      0.299079      0.304857      0.220012      0.923580E-02  -.194822E-09   0.00000      0.220410    
+  0.758542E-02   2.97566      0.421166      0.584663      0.302781      0.516934      0.118385      0.677290E-01  0.819714      0.293932      0.301026      0.215473      0.884864E-02  -.436125E-09   0.00000      0.215908    
+  0.831724E-02   2.96388      0.421907      0.579123      0.297019      0.508465      0.124888      0.706576E-01  0.805484      0.288568      0.297135      0.210916      0.845108E-02  -.127498E-09   0.00000      0.211330    
+  0.911966E-02   2.94883      0.423113      0.573770      0.291179      0.499932      0.131935      0.738375E-01  0.791111      0.283090      0.293255      0.206311      0.808809E-02  0.348882E-09   0.00000      0.206677    
+  0.999950E-02   2.93163      0.424789      0.568473      0.285426      0.491360      0.139363      0.771133E-01  0.776786      0.277599      0.289477      0.201576      0.782699E-02  0.664125E-09   0.00000      0.201883    
+  0.109642E-01   2.91198      0.426924      0.563228      0.279737      0.482762      0.147187      0.804663E-01  0.762499      0.272047      0.285785      0.196747      0.768966E-02  0.916136E-09   0.00000      0.196977    
+  0.120220E-01   2.89013      0.429562      0.558188      0.274055      0.474047      0.155507      0.841412E-01  0.748101      0.266548      0.282153      0.191746      0.750698E-02  0.992059E-09   0.00000      0.191894    
+  0.131819E-01   2.86656      0.432723      0.553442      0.268375      0.465177      0.164348      0.882654E-01  0.733552      0.261204      0.278593      0.186508      0.717096E-02  0.676633E-09   0.00000      0.186584    
+  0.144536E-01   2.84097      0.436399      0.548947      0.262695      0.456166      0.173704      0.927814E-01  0.718861      0.255960      0.275093      0.181067      0.673487E-02  0.101215E-09   0.00000      0.181073    
+  0.158481E-01   2.81233      0.440639      0.544750      0.256901      0.446904      0.183738      0.978456E-01  0.703806      0.250736      0.271549      0.175443      0.616575E-02  -.208768E-09   0.00000      0.175355    
+  0.173770E-01   2.78051      0.445342      0.540879      0.250966      0.437453      0.194376      0.103425      0.688419      0.245633      0.268041      0.169654      0.533370E-02  -.221015E-10   0.00000      0.169413    
+  0.190535E-01   2.74557      0.450698      0.537289      0.244923      0.427685      0.205775      0.109604      0.672608      0.240456      0.264410      0.163668      0.446718E-02  0.323181E-09   0.00000      0.163275    
+  0.208917E-01   2.70712      0.457045      0.533922      0.238799      0.417346      0.218246      0.116576      0.656146      0.234859      0.260364      0.157427      0.394002E-02  0.478353E-09   0.00000      0.156982    
+  0.229073E-01   2.66493      0.464375      0.530771      0.232643      0.406450      0.231732      0.124321      0.639093      0.228893      0.255946      0.150905      0.375064E-02  0.495162E-09   0.00000      0.150503    
+  0.251174E-01   2.62010      0.472491      0.527903      0.226255      0.395115      0.246236      0.132788      0.621370      0.222602      0.251191      0.144241      0.365277E-02  0.412554E-09   0.00000      0.143924    
+  0.275406E-01   2.57322      0.481291      0.525446      0.219415      0.383404      0.261876      0.142043      0.602819      0.215940      0.246051      0.137563      0.347524E-02  0.152114E-09   0.00000      0.137352    
+  0.301976E-01   2.52403      0.490822      0.523344      0.212223      0.371288      0.278599      0.152056      0.583511      0.208928      0.240549      0.130814      0.329552E-02  -.251090E-09   0.00000      0.130739    
+  0.331110E-01   2.47383      0.500976      0.521174      0.205001      0.358812      0.295975      0.162362      0.563813      0.201831      0.234918      0.123871      0.316951E-02  -.401660E-09   0.00000      0.123894    
+  0.363055E-01   2.42447      0.511737      0.518905      0.197769      0.345945      0.313968      0.172960      0.543713      0.194655      0.229170      0.116711      0.311409E-02  -.113724E-10   0.00000      0.116775    
+  0.398081E-01   2.37325      0.523109      0.516501      0.190559      0.332746      0.332550      0.183756      0.523305      0.187447      0.223335      0.109345      0.311232E-02  0.534325E-09   0.00000      0.109410    
+  0.436487E-01   2.31588      0.535096      0.513678      0.183615      0.319322      0.351482      0.194356      0.502937      0.180450      0.217614      0.101672      0.316465E-02  0.688733E-09   0.00000      0.101708    
+  0.478598E-01   2.25336      0.547893      0.510397      0.177038      0.305550      0.370855      0.204846      0.482589      0.173735      0.212098      0.934320E-01  0.330359E-02  0.442569E-09   0.00000      0.934526E-01
+  0.524772E-01   2.18433      0.560870      0.506901      0.170394      0.291782      0.390476      0.215119      0.462176      0.166970      0.206401      0.855083E-01  0.342386E-02  0.608773E-10   0.00000      0.853813E-01
+  0.575400E-01   2.10724      0.573451      0.503367      0.163361      0.278292      0.410090      0.225075      0.441653      0.159906      0.200149      0.786889E-01  0.345483E-02  -.327558E-09   0.00000      0.781432E-01
+  0.630913E-01   2.02274      0.585867      0.499722      0.156080      0.264956      0.429787      0.234766      0.421035      0.152649      0.193479      0.726588E-01  0.343113E-02  -.785386E-09   0.00000      0.714765E-01
+  0.691782E-01   1.93001      0.598178      0.495996      0.148322      0.252077      0.449856      0.243920      0.400399      0.145106      0.186688      0.673610E-01  0.321675E-02  -.107592E-08   0.00000      0.653885E-01
+  0.758523E-01   1.82753      0.610248      0.492305      0.139831      0.240008      0.470417      0.252297      0.379839      0.137288      0.180040      0.629089E-01  0.254274E-02  -.108741E-08   0.00000      0.599683E-01
+  0.831703E-01   1.71728      0.622286      0.488491      0.130920      0.228316      0.491366      0.260175      0.359236      0.129155      0.173220      0.591326E-01  0.176514E-02  -.921501E-09   0.00000      0.550956E-01
+  0.911943E-01   1.60267      0.634833      0.484177      0.122169      0.216205      0.512664      0.267972      0.338374      0.120482      0.165631      0.556934E-01  0.168759E-02  -.645339E-09   0.00000      0.505739E-01
+  0.999925E-01   1.48079      0.648061      0.479185      0.113497      0.203573      0.534564      0.275612      0.317070      0.111079      0.156991      0.527659E-01  0.241866E-02  -.166702E-09   0.00000      0.465817E-01
+  0.109639       1.35428      0.661384      0.474332      0.104079      0.190932      0.557304      0.283400      0.295012      0.101902      0.148318      0.497282E-01  0.217755E-02  0.657542E-09   0.00000      0.426139E-01
+  0.120217       1.22184      0.674577      0.468018      0.946158E-01  0.177571      0.579962      0.290447      0.272187      0.926859E-01  0.139289      0.464085E-01  0.192991E-02  0.123424E-08   0.00000      0.382822E-01
+  0.131815       1.09294      0.687315      0.460354      0.854939E-01  0.163134      0.601821      0.297219      0.248628      0.835683E-01  0.129236      0.428212E-01  0.192553E-02  0.434788E-09   0.00000      0.338988E-01
+  0.144533      0.973030      0.699063      0.451525      0.767412E-01  0.148004      0.622322      0.303521      0.224745      0.745126E-01  0.117946      0.392192E-01  0.222855E-02  0.347571E-09   0.00000      0.300575E-01
+  0.158477      0.863377      0.709609      0.439958      0.682378E-01  0.132342      0.641371      0.307616      0.200580      0.655693E-01  0.105935      0.356521E-01  0.266842E-02  -.170376E-08   0.00000      0.264075E-01
+  0.173766      0.762038      0.717604      0.426891      0.600321E-01  0.115995      0.657572      0.310896      0.176027      0.570809E-01  0.925604E-01  0.320408E-01  0.295120E-02  0.471436E-09   0.00000      0.234347E-01
+  0.190530      0.672396      0.721076      0.410906      0.522197E-01  0.990898E-01  0.668857      0.311817      0.151309      0.489943E-01  0.789259E-01  0.283645E-01  0.322540E-02  -.256103E-09   0.00000      0.201639E-01
+  0.208912      0.588279      0.718762      0.392919      0.450498E-01  0.828591E-01  0.673712      0.310060      0.127909      0.415397E-01  0.652512E-01  0.246972E-01  0.351008E-02  0.124328E-08   0.00000      0.176078E-01
+  0.229067      0.510032      0.710205      0.372759      0.382507E-01  0.673852E-01  0.671954      0.305374      0.105636      0.344769E-01  0.517744E-01  0.211113E-01  0.377379E-02  -.381241E-09   0.00000      0.156109E-01
+  0.251167      0.431276      0.695425      0.349226      0.322440E-01  0.528428E-01  0.663181      0.296383      0.850868E-01  0.281345E-01  0.388382E-01  0.175653E-01  0.410957E-02  0.355999E-10   0.00000      0.140046E-01
+  0.275399      0.348864      0.672672      0.322464      0.270743E-01  0.393113E-01  0.645597      0.283153      0.663856E-01  0.226361E-01  0.269244E-01  0.141362E-01  0.443825E-02  0.263389E-09   0.00000      0.123869E-01
+  0.301969      0.275043      0.641671      0.292058      0.217581E-01  0.283496E-01  0.619913      0.263709      0.501077E-01  0.168547E-01  0.174445E-01  0.109898E-01  0.490344E-02  0.325429E-09   0.00000      0.109050E-01
+  0.331102      0.221009      0.600237      0.260279      0.179528E-01  0.179828E-01  0.582284      0.242296      0.359357E-01  0.129506E-01  0.824790E-02  0.854094E-02  0.500220E-02  -.250767E-10   0.00000      0.973492E-02
+  0.363046      0.174769      0.551311      0.220042      0.134275E-01  0.108655E-01  0.537884      0.209176      0.242931E-01  0.822265E-02  0.447796E-02  0.639765E-02  0.520490E-02  -.562351E-09   0.00000      0.638758E-02
+  0.398071      0.140075      0.490804      0.177946      0.100230E-01  0.703443E-02  0.480781      0.170912      0.170574E-01  0.528060E-02  0.416409E-02  0.477266E-02  0.474240E-02  -.243250E-10   0.00000      0.287034E-02
+  0.436476      0.107616      0.420743      0.136889      0.737798E-02  0.528788E-02  0.413365      0.131601      0.126659E-01  0.272662E-02  0.440729E-02  0.436303E-02  0.465136E-02  -.286225E-09   0.00000      0.880586E-03
+  0.478586      0.874104E-01  0.342041      0.998509E-01  0.746433E-02  -.484433E-03  0.334576      0.100335      0.697990E-02  0.370949E-02  0.237958E-02  0.356091E-02  0.375484E-02  -.238250E-10   0.00000      -.286401E-02
+  0.524759      0.689695E-01  0.269188      0.633752E-01  0.171134E-02  -.529005E-03  0.267476      0.639042E-01  0.118234E-02  -.167488E-02  0.330464E-02  0.346861E-02  0.338622E-02  -.255049E-10   0.00000      -.383365E-02
+  0.575386      0.500326E-01  0.197712      0.351802E-01  -.955744E-03  -.120780E-02  0.198668      0.363880E-01  -.216355E-02  -.346590E-02  0.246821E-02  0.276371E-02  0.251016E-02  -.135341E-09   0.00000      -.367601E-02
+  0.630897      0.305925E-01  0.129852      0.196605E-01  -.143843E-02  -.865230E-03  0.131291      0.205257E-01  -.230366E-02  -.279973E-02  0.908296E-03  0.228944E-02  0.136130E-02  0.236006E-09   0.00000      -.177353E-02
+  0.691764      0.122658E-01  0.748196E-01  0.101927E-01  -.521011E-02  0.467105E-02  0.800297E-01  0.552165E-02  -.539060E-03  -.575715E-02  0.513299E-02  0.158327E-02  0.547041E-03  -.744198E-10   0.00000      -.461945E-03
+  0.758504      0.201158E-02  0.355883E-01  0.779705E-02  -.467481E-02  0.887937E-02  0.402632E-01  -.108233E-02  0.420456E-02  -.447438E-02  0.548095E-02  0.166641E-02  -.200431E-03  -.734537E-10   0.00000      0.339842E-02
+  0.831682      -.494778E-02  0.146467E-01  0.373453E-02  -.307619E-02  0.682903E-02  0.177229E-01  -.309450E-02  0.375284E-02  -.295559E-02  0.349810E-02  0.936197E-03  -.120595E-03  0.152995E-10   0.00000      0.333093E-02
+  0.911920      -.415380E-02  0.464515E-02  0.198909E-02  -.205129E-02  0.288440E-02  0.669644E-02  -.895309E-03  0.833105E-03  -.205300E-02  0.841270E-03  0.216471E-03  0.171178E-05  -.675963E-11   0.00000      0.204313E-02
+  0.999900      -.117662E-04  0.530859E-05  0.119607E-04  -.496410E-05  0.508388E-05  0.102727E-04  0.687681E-05  0.119782E-06  -.498490E-05  -.337746E-05  0.132416E-07  0.208042E-07  0.267297E-14   0.00000      0.846134E-05
diff --git a/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/pdfs_q2val_03.txt b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/pdfs_q2val_03.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c64aedc2252b4546e886195dde3d47d5f8ec7080
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/pdfs_q2val_03.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+   4.00000000             101          15   9.99999975E-05  0.999899983    
+            x          g             U             D          Ubar          Dbar         u_val         d_val           sea         u_sea         d_sea           str           chm           bot               ph         strbar
+  0.100000E-03   3.24535      0.735261       1.15240      0.719184       1.14037      0.160778E-01  0.120213E-01   1.85956      0.610573      0.601398      0.537784      0.108610      -.105002E-08   0.00000      0.538976    
+  0.109648E-03   3.19605      0.727510       1.13702      0.710788       1.12456      0.167221E-01  0.124583E-01   1.83535      0.603599      0.594049      0.529310      0.107189      -.177801E-08   0.00000      0.530514    
+  0.120226E-03   3.15380      0.719814       1.12183      0.702414       1.10891      0.174008E-01  0.129159E-01   1.81132      0.596851      0.586697      0.520997      0.105563      -.108194E-08   0.00000      0.522213    
+  0.131825E-03   3.11806      0.712192       1.10683      0.694080       1.09343      0.181120E-01  0.133933E-01   1.78751      0.590260      0.579375      0.512829      0.103819      0.392514E-09   0.00000      0.514057    
+  0.144543E-03   3.08717      0.704565       1.09213      0.685710       1.07824      0.188553E-01  0.138907E-01   1.76395      0.583705      0.572192      0.504807      0.102005      0.818381E-09   0.00000      0.506045    
+  0.158489E-03   3.06076      0.696882       1.07780      0.677253       1.06339      0.196290E-01  0.144106E-01   1.74064      0.577168      0.565185      0.496957      0.100085      -.886333E-09   0.00000      0.498204    
+  0.173779E-03   3.03926      0.689229       1.06374      0.668792       1.04879      0.204362E-01  0.149487E-01   1.71758      0.570663      0.558304      0.489232      0.981295E-01  -.300102E-08   0.00000      0.490486    
+  0.190545E-03   3.02269      0.681720       1.04982      0.660438       1.03432      0.212818E-01  0.154978E-01   1.69476      0.564163      0.551507      0.481551      0.962746E-01  -.335692E-08   0.00000      0.482810    
+  0.208928E-03   3.01100      0.674342       1.03603      0.652177       1.01997      0.221652E-01  0.160576E-01   1.67215      0.557659      0.544796      0.473917      0.945181E-01  -.200330E-08   0.00000      0.475179    
+  0.229085E-03   3.00432      0.667064       1.02247      0.643979       1.00584      0.230855E-01  0.166347E-01   1.64982      0.551208      0.538193      0.466382      0.927707E-01  -.298358E-09   0.00000      0.467647    
+  0.251186E-03   3.00278      0.659869       1.00921      0.635826      0.991979      0.240432E-01  0.172324E-01   1.62781      0.544866      0.531722      0.458988      0.909602E-01  0.100457E-08   0.00000      0.460257    
+  0.275420E-03   3.00631      0.652765      0.996211      0.627727      0.978362      0.250382E-01  0.178493E-01   1.60609      0.538607      0.525372      0.451715      0.891202E-01  0.224913E-08   0.00000      0.452990    
+  0.301992E-03   3.01471      0.645754      0.983390      0.619689      0.964899      0.260646E-01  0.184917E-01   1.58459      0.532364      0.519084      0.444536      0.873249E-01  0.286394E-08   0.00000      0.445814    
+  0.331127E-03   3.02833      0.638802      0.970755      0.611685      0.951596      0.271164E-01  0.191582E-01   1.56328      0.526095      0.512822      0.437498      0.855903E-01  0.238117E-08   0.00000      0.438774    
+  0.363073E-03   3.04654      0.631965      0.958278      0.603762      0.938425      0.282026E-01  0.198524E-01   1.54219      0.519857      0.506636      0.430518      0.839046E-01  0.145013E-08   0.00000      0.431789    
+  0.398101E-03   3.06811      0.625357      0.945858      0.596024      0.925274      0.293333E-01  0.205838E-01   1.52130      0.513739      0.500605      0.423400      0.822851E-01  0.100515E-08   0.00000      0.424668    
+  0.436509E-03   3.09307      0.619020      0.933446      0.588527      0.912094      0.304934E-01  0.213522E-01   1.50062      0.507776      0.494765      0.416065      0.807509E-01  0.103952E-08   0.00000      0.417329    
+  0.478622E-03   3.12188      0.612767      0.921249      0.581038      0.899095      0.317281E-01  0.221540E-01   1.48013      0.501807      0.488965      0.408863      0.792312E-01  0.114676E-08   0.00000      0.410130    
+  0.524798E-03   3.15515      0.606425      0.909468      0.573338      0.886490      0.330876E-01  0.229783E-01   1.45983      0.495681      0.483073      0.402127      0.776563E-01  0.108411E-08   0.00000      0.403417    
+  0.575429E-03   3.19272      0.600062      0.898029      0.565508      0.874202      0.345534E-01  0.238275E-01   1.43971      0.489456      0.477140      0.395730      0.760527E-01  0.951914E-09   0.00000      0.397062    
+  0.630945E-03   3.23245      0.593787      0.886739      0.557713      0.861986      0.360743E-01  0.247537E-01   1.41970      0.483240      0.471221      0.389393      0.744729E-01  0.727173E-09   0.00000      0.390765    
+  0.691816E-03   3.27455      0.587647      0.875527      0.550048      0.849723      0.375984E-01  0.258038E-01   1.39977      0.477087      0.465324      0.382988      0.729613E-01  0.323030E-09   0.00000      0.384399    
+  0.758561E-03   3.31818      0.581598      0.864452      0.542408      0.837531      0.391901E-01  0.269211E-01   1.37994      0.470944      0.459448      0.376638      0.714644E-01  -.140676E-09   0.00000      0.378083    
+  0.831745E-03   3.36023      0.575610      0.853534      0.534647      0.825526      0.409630E-01  0.280079E-01   1.36017      0.464754      0.453619      0.370449      0.698927E-01  -.430655E-09   0.00000      0.371907    
+  0.911989E-03   3.40114      0.569677      0.842766      0.526747      0.813728      0.429295E-01  0.290381E-01   1.34048      0.458516      0.447847      0.364432      0.682312E-01  -.594461E-09   0.00000      0.365881    
+  0.999975E-03   3.44049      0.563822      0.832159      0.518798      0.802047      0.450233E-01  0.301127E-01   1.32084      0.452251      0.442098      0.358525      0.665468E-01  -.559206E-09   0.00000      0.359949    
+  0.109645E-02   3.47713      0.558058      0.821733      0.510861      0.790410      0.471968E-01  0.313233E-01   1.30127      0.445975      0.436344      0.352681      0.648855E-01  -.111106E-09   0.00000      0.354066    
+  0.120223E-02   3.51134      0.552378      0.811484      0.502910      0.778844      0.494676E-01  0.326403E-01   1.28175      0.439683      0.430595      0.346917      0.632278E-01  0.729343E-09   0.00000      0.348248    
+  0.131822E-02   3.54469      0.546809      0.801363      0.494978      0.767342      0.518314E-01  0.340211E-01   1.26232      0.433367      0.424844      0.341235      0.616107E-01  0.128513E-08   0.00000      0.342498    
+  0.144540E-02   3.57860      0.541370      0.791347      0.487089      0.755885      0.542808E-01  0.354617E-01   1.24297      0.427025      0.419084      0.335629      0.600639E-01  0.110582E-08   0.00000      0.336801    
+  0.158485E-02   3.61159      0.536043      0.781452      0.479220      0.744495      0.568238E-01  0.369571E-01   1.22371      0.420660      0.413320      0.330107      0.585595E-01  0.600995E-09   0.00000      0.331175    
+  0.173775E-02   3.64103      0.530806      0.771684      0.471331      0.733224      0.594742E-01  0.384603E-01   1.20456      0.414277      0.407558      0.324695      0.570548E-01  0.322192E-09   0.00000      0.325666    
+  0.190540E-02   3.66767      0.525639      0.762034      0.463422      0.722085      0.622176E-01  0.399488E-01   1.18551      0.407879      0.401791      0.319423      0.555428E-01  0.311801E-09   0.00000      0.320294    
+  0.208923E-02   3.68996      0.520590      0.752521      0.455502      0.711036      0.650888E-01  0.414851E-01   1.16654      0.401455      0.396033      0.314212      0.540464E-01  0.393913E-09   0.00000      0.315003    
+  0.229079E-02   3.70559      0.515707      0.743188      0.447566      0.700045      0.681404E-01  0.431427E-01   1.14761      0.394975      0.390284      0.308991      0.525908E-01  0.513483E-09   0.00000      0.309762    
+  0.251180E-02   3.71513      0.510973      0.734039      0.439606      0.689129      0.713669E-01  0.449104E-01   1.12873      0.388431      0.384530      0.303791      0.511753E-01  0.719794E-09   0.00000      0.304598    
+  0.275413E-02   3.71971      0.506386      0.724937      0.431703      0.678242      0.746834E-01  0.466950E-01   1.10994      0.381958      0.378871      0.298543      0.497441E-01  0.763755E-09   0.00000      0.299370    
+  0.301984E-02   3.71956      0.501918      0.715779      0.423909      0.667354      0.780092E-01  0.484248E-01   1.09126      0.375645      0.373369      0.293203      0.482641E-01  0.362906E-09   0.00000      0.293985    
+  0.331118E-02   3.71468      0.497600      0.706644      0.416186      0.656487      0.814140E-01  0.501574E-01   1.07267      0.369427      0.367979      0.287802      0.467585E-01  -.230962E-09   0.00000      0.288508    
+  0.363064E-02   3.70620      0.493536      0.697654      0.408494      0.645666      0.850420E-01  0.519878E-01   1.05416      0.363249      0.362661      0.282363      0.452457E-01  -.432490E-09   0.00000      0.283006    
+  0.398091E-02   3.69398      0.489693      0.688828      0.400819      0.634922      0.888740E-01  0.539063E-01   1.03574      0.357091      0.357395      0.276923      0.437275E-01  -.302257E-10   0.00000      0.277527    
+  0.436498E-02   3.67829      0.486144      0.680120      0.393193      0.624186      0.929510E-01  0.559334E-01   1.01738      0.350994      0.352224      0.271399      0.421994E-01  0.495848E-09   0.00000      0.271962    
+  0.478610E-02   3.65975      0.483021      0.671487      0.385654      0.613352      0.973669E-01  0.581351E-01  0.999006      0.345004      0.347206      0.265661      0.406502E-01  0.644436E-09   0.00000      0.266145    
+  0.524785E-02   3.63821      0.480311      0.662921      0.378202      0.602402      0.102109      0.605189E-01  0.980603      0.339133      0.342345      0.259692      0.390686E-01  0.486498E-09   0.00000      0.260056    
+  0.575415E-02   3.61360      0.477890      0.654539      0.370785      0.591599      0.107105      0.629392E-01  0.962384      0.333248      0.337528      0.253791      0.375368E-01  0.388991E-09   0.00000      0.254071    
+  0.630929E-02   3.58599      0.475628      0.646403      0.363411      0.581173      0.112217      0.652300E-01  0.944584      0.327292      0.332690      0.248178      0.361183E-01  0.688666E-09   0.00000      0.248483    
+  0.691799E-02   3.55530      0.473621      0.638483      0.356062      0.570968      0.117559      0.675142E-01  0.927031      0.321290      0.327868      0.242713      0.347726E-01  0.114512E-08   0.00000      0.243101    
+  0.758542E-02   3.52127      0.472126      0.630812      0.348590      0.560679      0.123536      0.701330E-01  0.909269      0.315147      0.323047      0.237204      0.334430E-01  0.115963E-08   0.00000      0.237632    
+  0.831724E-02   3.48345      0.471182      0.623438      0.340914      0.550253      0.130268      0.731854E-01  0.891166      0.308809      0.318202      0.231645      0.321042E-01  0.352223E-09   0.00000      0.232050    
+  0.911966E-02   3.44270      0.470729      0.616271      0.333182      0.539771      0.137547      0.764993E-01  0.872954      0.302380      0.313386      0.226032      0.308027E-01  -.562733E-09   0.00000      0.226385    
+  0.999950E-02   3.40013      0.470758      0.609177      0.325569      0.529269      0.145189      0.799078E-01  0.854838      0.295968      0.308673      0.220311      0.296009E-01  -.664928E-09   0.00000      0.220596    
+  0.109642E-01   3.35548      0.471257      0.602151      0.318050      0.518758      0.153207      0.833928E-01  0.836809      0.289536      0.304056      0.214510      0.285148E-01  0.407980E-10   0.00000      0.214703    
+  0.120220E-01   3.30882      0.472286      0.595356      0.310559      0.508148      0.161727      0.872073E-01  0.818707      0.283151      0.299491      0.208555      0.274081E-01  0.636356E-09   0.00000      0.208657    
+  0.131819E-01   3.26044      0.473878      0.588891      0.303082      0.497402      0.170796      0.914894E-01  0.800484      0.276880      0.294973      0.202386      0.262020E-01  0.367650E-09   0.00000      0.202429    
+  0.144536E-01   3.21016      0.476018      0.582708      0.295621      0.486533      0.180396      0.961748E-01  0.782154      0.270688      0.290500      0.196033      0.249338E-01  -.348985E-09   0.00000      0.196033    
+  0.158481E-01   3.15728      0.478731      0.576822      0.288069      0.475429      0.190662      0.101393      0.763498      0.264527      0.285993      0.189512      0.235417E-01  -.692481E-09   0.00000      0.189435    
+  0.173770E-01   3.10173      0.481915      0.571249      0.280398      0.464139      0.201517      0.107110      0.744537      0.258506      0.281536      0.182838      0.218920E-01  -.264268E-09   0.00000      0.182603    
+  0.190535E-01   3.04353      0.485757      0.565964      0.272640      0.452557      0.213117      0.113407      0.725197      0.252424      0.276966      0.175987      0.202160E-01  0.338945E-09   0.00000      0.175591    
+  0.208917E-01   2.98234      0.490581      0.560932      0.264820      0.440464      0.225760      0.120468      0.705284      0.245940      0.271995      0.168917      0.188801E-01  0.417450E-09   0.00000      0.168469    
+  0.229073E-01   2.91793      0.496379      0.556153      0.256978      0.427873      0.239401      0.128279      0.684851      0.239099      0.266661      0.161602      0.178789E-01  -.431185E-10   0.00000      0.161212    
+  0.251174E-01   2.85140      0.502958      0.551648      0.248946      0.414882      0.254012      0.136766      0.663828      0.231961      0.261012      0.154165      0.169854E-01  -.516051E-09   0.00000      0.153870    
+  0.275406E-01   2.78343      0.510223      0.547506      0.240539      0.401532      0.269684      0.145975      0.642071      0.224492      0.255019      0.146716      0.160468E-01  -.625465E-09   0.00000      0.146513    
+  0.301976E-01   2.71373      0.518217      0.543687      0.231841      0.387803      0.286376      0.155884      0.619644      0.216709      0.248694      0.139205      0.151323E-01  -.541465E-09   0.00000      0.139109    
+  0.331110E-01   2.64309      0.526795      0.539808      0.223137      0.373778      0.303657      0.166031      0.596915      0.208859      0.242248      0.131555      0.142781E-01  -.383328E-09   0.00000      0.131529    
+  0.363055E-01   2.57306      0.535923      0.535848      0.214441      0.359443      0.321482      0.176405      0.573884      0.200946      0.235685      0.123762      0.134951E-01  -.861718E-10   0.00000      0.123758    
+  0.398081E-01   2.50131      0.545622      0.531764      0.205788      0.344837      0.339834      0.186927      0.550625      0.193016      0.229042      0.115817      0.127721E-01  0.222751E-09   0.00000      0.115794    
+  0.436487E-01   2.42398      0.555901      0.527276      0.197412      0.330045      0.358489      0.197232      0.527457      0.185301      0.222517      0.107606      0.121113E-01  0.214505E-09   0.00000      0.107527    
+  0.478598E-01   2.34183      0.566944      0.522349      0.189408      0.314945      0.377536      0.207404      0.504353      0.177866      0.216198      0.988793E-01  0.115422E-01  -.240528E-09   0.00000      0.987472E-01
+  0.524772E-01   2.25404      0.578149      0.517221      0.181365      0.299895      0.396784      0.217327      0.481259      0.170397      0.209718      0.904917E-01  0.109681E-01  -.582102E-09   0.00000      0.901768E-01
+  0.575400E-01   2.15944      0.588962      0.512066      0.172975      0.285173      0.415987      0.226893      0.458148      0.162655      0.202729      0.832051E-01  0.103196E-01  -.223033E-09   0.00000      0.824441E-01
+  0.630913E-01   2.05850      0.599602      0.506812      0.164370      0.270654      0.435233      0.236158      0.435024      0.154741      0.195360      0.767149E-01  0.962921E-02  0.633088E-09   0.00000      0.752949E-01
+  0.691782E-01   1.95101      0.610143      0.501504      0.155365      0.256624      0.454778      0.244880      0.411989      0.146568      0.187869      0.709656E-01  0.879732E-02  0.125850E-08   0.00000      0.687545E-01
+  0.758523E-01   1.83575      0.620466      0.496268      0.145725      0.243423      0.474741      0.252844      0.389148      0.138129      0.180485      0.660789E-01  0.759622E-02  0.146456E-08   0.00000      0.629387E-01
+  0.831703E-01   1.71441      0.630753      0.490932      0.135741      0.230630      0.495012      0.260302      0.366371      0.129410      0.172937      0.618726E-01  0.633116E-02  0.135010E-08   0.00000      0.576931E-01
+  0.911943E-01   1.59016      0.641484      0.485091      0.125968      0.217459      0.515516      0.267633      0.343427      0.120263      0.164712      0.579773E-01  0.570505E-02  0.545119E-09   0.00000      0.527469E-01
+  0.999925E-01   1.46104      0.652804      0.478574      0.116372      0.203837      0.536433      0.274738      0.320208      0.110541      0.155557      0.545641E-01  0.583036E-02  -.959253E-09   0.00000      0.482791E-01
+  0.109639       1.32942      0.664177      0.472249      0.106195      0.190300      0.557981      0.281949      0.296495      0.101049      0.146340      0.510768E-01  0.514646E-02  -.161558E-09   0.00000      0.439599E-01
+  0.120217       1.19518      0.675344      0.464455      0.961301E-01  0.176113      0.579214      0.288342      0.272243      0.915808E-01  0.136787      0.473516E-01  0.454936E-02  0.286101E-09   0.00000      0.393261E-01
+  0.131815       1.06623      0.685924      0.455363      0.864885E-01  0.161038      0.599436      0.294324      0.247527      0.822793E-01  0.126318      0.434406E-01  0.420925E-02  0.173782E-09   0.00000      0.347206E-01
+  0.144533      0.946682      0.695379      0.445167      0.772944E-01  0.145411      0.618085      0.299756      0.222705      0.731185E-01  0.114714      0.395681E-01  0.417591E-02  0.220605E-09   0.00000      0.306966E-01
+  0.158477      0.837383      0.703428      0.432327      0.684176E-01  0.129381      0.635010      0.302946      0.197799      0.641346E-01  0.102514      0.357631E-01  0.428302E-02  -.113551E-08   0.00000      0.268666E-01
+  0.173766      0.736563      0.708756      0.418015      0.599429E-01  0.112885      0.648813      0.305130      0.172828      0.556381E-01  0.891691E-01  0.319495E-01  0.430477E-02  0.614274E-11   0.00000      0.237161E-01
+  0.190530      0.646562      0.709531      0.400998      0.519055E-01  0.959810E-01  0.657626      0.305017      0.147887      0.475733E-01  0.756395E-01  0.281231E-01  0.433221E-02  0.592948E-09   0.00000      0.203415E-01
+  0.208912      0.562006      0.704585      0.382050      0.445723E-01  0.799156E-01  0.660013      0.302135      0.124488      0.401792E-01  0.622152E-01  0.243497E-01  0.439312E-02  0.493030E-09   0.00000      0.177004E-01
+  0.229067      0.483351      0.693543      0.360997      0.376739E-01  0.646861E-01  0.655869      0.296311      0.102360      0.332092E-01  0.490955E-01  0.206953E-01  0.446475E-02  -.857151E-10   0.00000      0.155906E-01
+  0.251167      0.405339      0.676390      0.336772      0.316090E-01  0.504754E-01  0.644781      0.286296      0.820844E-01  0.269832E-01  0.366257E-01  0.171296E-01  0.462574E-02  -.911430E-09   0.00000      0.138497E-01
+  0.275399      0.326056      0.651435      0.309534      0.263706E-01  0.374158E-01  0.625065      0.272118      0.637864E-01  0.215633E-01  0.252928E-01  0.137323E-01  0.480730E-02  0.358733E-09   0.00000      0.121230E-01
+  0.301969      0.258105      0.618643      0.279015      0.210987E-01  0.268767E-01  0.597545      0.252138      0.479754E-01  0.159793E-01  0.163130E-01  0.106717E-01  0.511938E-02  -.651108E-09   0.00000      0.105637E-01
+  0.331102      0.206747      0.576007      0.247029      0.172450E-01  0.170744E-01  0.558762      0.229954      0.343194E-01  0.121428E-01  0.788558E-02  0.828188E-02  0.510221E-02  0.463181E-09   0.00000      0.918883E-02
+  0.363046      0.162959      0.526181      0.207608      0.128765E-01  0.103517E-01  0.513305      0.197256      0.232282E-01  0.770066E-02  0.446693E-02  0.621521E-02  0.517581E-02  0.121912E-09   0.00000      0.588480E-02
+  0.398071      0.129322      0.465711      0.166985      0.959488E-02  0.672256E-02  0.456116      0.160262      0.163174E-01  0.493725E-02  0.411711E-02  0.468493E-02  0.465763E-02  0.353540E-09   0.00000      0.260546E-02
+  0.436476      0.994964E-01  0.396889      0.127532      0.696770E-02  0.491143E-02  0.389922      0.122620      0.118791E-01  0.247930E-02  0.429609E-02  0.423629E-02  0.448840E-02  0.308504E-09   0.00000      0.615336E-03
+  0.478586      0.792197E-01  0.320943      0.922445E-01  0.665078E-02  -.273840E-03  0.314292      0.925184E-01  0.637694E-02  0.307095E-02  0.247210E-02  0.345871E-02  0.357983E-02  -.132180E-09   0.00000      -.274594E-02
+  0.524759      0.606932E-01  0.250776      0.581731E-01  0.142296E-02  -.419634E-03  0.249353      0.585927E-01  0.100333E-02  -.177240E-02  0.312722E-02  0.329180E-02  0.319536E-02  0.685070E-10   0.00000      -.354685E-02
+  0.575386      0.426255E-01  0.182566      0.323290E-01  -.103808E-02  -.905909E-03  0.183604      0.332350E-01  -.194399E-02  -.330108E-02  0.233228E-02  0.262513E-02  0.226300E-02  -.896586E-10   0.00000      -.323819E-02
+  0.630897      0.248359E-01  0.118979      0.179282E-01  -.165920E-02  -.297678E-03  0.120638      0.182259E-01  -.195688E-02  -.289585E-02  0.117713E-02  0.213064E-02  0.123664E-02  -.641242E-10   0.00000      -.147481E-02
+  0.691764      0.937487E-02  0.678867E-01  0.940026E-02  -.500492E-02  0.478820E-02  0.728917E-01  0.461206E-02  -.216718E-03  -.545333E-02  0.496330E-02  0.149504E-02  0.448414E-03  0.528186E-10   0.00000      -.175103E-03
+  0.758504      0.766257E-03  0.321021E-01  0.709474E-02  -.440845E-02  0.831750E-02  0.365105E-01  -.122277E-02  0.390906E-02  -.422092E-02  0.506507E-02  0.152254E-02  -.187524E-03  0.295450E-10   0.00000      0.325243E-02
+  0.831682      -.426583E-02  0.130423E-01  0.339428E-02  -.280945E-02  0.617203E-02  0.158517E-01  -.277775E-02  0.336258E-02  -.269946E-02  0.311492E-02  0.833233E-03  -.109994E-03  -.151796E-10   0.00000      0.305711E-02
+  0.911920      -.323322E-02  0.405487E-02  0.181903E-02  -.182168E-02  0.254092E-02  0.587655E-02  -.721881E-03  0.719236E-03  -.182516E-02  0.699112E-03  0.185428E-03  0.348408E-05  -.894182E-11   0.00000      0.184180E-02
+  0.999900      -.744801E-05  0.434868E-05  0.987411E-05  -.408020E-05  0.417390E-05  0.842888E-05  0.570022E-05  0.937009E-07  -.409642E-05  -.280194E-05  0.101584E-07  0.162235E-07  -.271274E-14   0.00000      0.697584E-05
diff --git a/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/pdfs_q2val_04.txt b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/pdfs_q2val_04.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..db517741b90346ce311ad9d69121761abbbf8cfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/pdfs_q2val_04.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+   5.00000000             101          15   9.99999975E-05  0.999899983    
+            x          g             U             D          Ubar          Dbar         u_val         d_val           sea         u_sea         d_sea           str           chm           bot               ph         strbar
+  0.100000E-03   4.54386      0.863298       1.27752      0.846705       1.26518      0.165925E-01  0.123443E-01   2.11188      0.673219      0.663956      0.600044      0.173486      0.168893E-08   0.00000      0.601223    
+  0.109648E-03   4.48518      0.852730       1.25938      0.835471       1.24658      0.172592E-01  0.127930E-01   2.08206      0.664853      0.655204      0.590190      0.170617      0.998858E-09   0.00000      0.591380    
+  0.120226E-03   4.43286      0.842271       1.24149      0.824310       1.22823      0.179606E-01  0.132630E-01   2.05254      0.656732      0.646496      0.580533      0.167578      0.199955E-09   0.00000      0.581734    
+  0.131825E-03   4.38654      0.831944       1.22388      0.813249       1.21013      0.186952E-01  0.137533E-01   2.02338      0.648794      0.637858      0.571056      0.164455      -.699226E-09   0.00000      0.572268    
+  0.144543E-03   4.34468      0.821688       1.20662      0.802225       1.19236      0.194627E-01  0.142635E-01   1.99458      0.640919      0.629387      0.561750      0.161306      -.993719E-09   0.00000      0.562972    
+  0.158489E-03   4.30696      0.811458       1.18978      0.791196       1.17498      0.202615E-01  0.147957E-01   1.96618      0.633090      0.621115      0.552640      0.158106      -.224484E-09   0.00000      0.553870    
+  0.173779E-03   4.27377      0.801325       1.17326      0.780231       1.15791      0.210948E-01  0.153464E-01   1.93814      0.625323      0.612995      0.543680      0.154908      0.870132E-09   0.00000      0.544916    
+  0.190545E-03   4.24511      0.791382       1.15693      0.769415       1.14102      0.219676E-01  0.159093E-01   1.91043      0.617594      0.604989      0.534787      0.151821      0.137905E-08   0.00000      0.536027    
+  0.208928E-03   4.22097      0.781620       1.14078      0.758741       1.12430      0.228791E-01  0.164840E-01   1.88304      0.609896      0.597099      0.525958      0.148845      0.144370E-08   0.00000      0.527201    
+  0.229085E-03   4.20142      0.772007       1.12492      0.748178       1.10785      0.238290E-01  0.170767E-01   1.85603      0.602274      0.589340      0.517261      0.145904      0.116553E-08   0.00000      0.518507    
+  0.251186E-03   4.18662      0.762530       1.10942      0.737711       1.09174      0.248189E-01  0.176898E-01   1.82945      0.594774      0.581728      0.508757      0.142938      0.295479E-09   0.00000      0.510007    
+  0.275420E-03   4.17648      0.753196       1.09425      0.727348       1.07593      0.258480E-01  0.183223E-01   1.80328      0.587373      0.574255      0.500416      0.139975      -.104587E-08   0.00000      0.501673    
+  0.301992E-03   4.17050      0.744002       1.07928      0.717094       1.06030      0.269086E-01  0.189829E-01   1.77739      0.580016      0.566870      0.492166      0.137078      -.160570E-08   0.00000      0.493426    
+  0.331127E-03   4.16890      0.734927       1.06450      0.706935       1.04483      0.279916E-01  0.196730E-01   1.75176      0.572672      0.559544      0.484026      0.134263      -.625948E-09   0.00000      0.485282    
+  0.363073E-03   4.17123      0.726007       1.04991      0.696897       1.02951      0.291106E-01  0.203920E-01   1.72641      0.565382      0.552316      0.475948      0.131515      0.897305E-09   0.00000      0.477199    
+  0.398101E-03   4.17647      0.717325       1.03543      0.687040       1.01428      0.302844E-01  0.211427E-01   1.70132      0.558202      0.545240      0.467795      0.128838      0.172146E-08   0.00000      0.469043    
+  0.436509E-03   4.18467      0.708916       1.02101      0.677416      0.999092      0.315004E-01  0.219224E-01   1.67651      0.551168      0.538351      0.459497      0.126248      0.197949E-08   0.00000      0.460741    
+  0.478622E-03   4.19609      0.700621       1.00685      0.667830      0.984111      0.327916E-01  0.227386E-01   1.65194      0.544142      0.531515      0.451348      0.123688      0.180288E-08   0.00000      0.452596    
+  0.524798E-03   4.21117      0.692295      0.993112      0.658099      0.969520      0.341959E-01  0.235918E-01   1.62762      0.536996      0.524613      0.443635      0.121103      0.941596E-09   0.00000      0.444908    
+  0.575429E-03   4.22981      0.683993      0.979736      0.648293      0.955256      0.356991E-01  0.244804E-01   1.60355      0.529780      0.517691      0.436252      0.118513      -.550680E-09   0.00000      0.437565    
+  0.630945E-03   4.24991      0.675799      0.966528      0.638534      0.941089      0.372651E-01  0.254391E-01   1.57962      0.522580      0.510795      0.428943      0.115954      -.143702E-08   0.00000      0.430294    
+  0.691816E-03   4.27167      0.667751      0.953414      0.628901      0.926910      0.388508E-01  0.265043E-01   1.55581      0.515442      0.503932      0.421593      0.113459      -.962810E-09   0.00000      0.422978    
+  0.758561E-03   4.29429      0.659814      0.940457      0.619303      0.912826      0.405112E-01  0.276309E-01   1.53213      0.508319      0.497100      0.414311      0.110984      0.594271E-10   0.00000      0.415726    
+  0.831745E-03   4.31474      0.651956      0.927673      0.609609      0.898936      0.423467E-01  0.287370E-01   1.50855      0.501162      0.490320      0.407192      0.108447      0.596063E-09   0.00000      0.408616    
+  0.911989E-03   4.33333      0.644171      0.915059      0.599802      0.885262      0.443688E-01  0.297976E-01   1.48506      0.493968      0.483602      0.400248      0.105834      0.608102E-09   0.00000      0.401660    
+  0.999975E-03   4.35003      0.636484      0.902622      0.589966      0.871716      0.465181E-01  0.309061E-01   1.46168      0.486756      0.476913      0.393417      0.103210      0.486084E-09   0.00000      0.394803    
+  0.109645E-02   4.36416      0.628913      0.890379      0.580161      0.858229      0.487523E-01  0.321502E-01   1.43839      0.479538      0.470228      0.386654      0.100623      0.438577E-09   0.00000      0.388001    
+  0.120223E-02   4.37587      0.621450      0.878328      0.570362      0.844826      0.510874E-01  0.335022E-01   1.41519      0.472309      0.463556      0.379975      0.980531E-01  0.379267E-09   0.00000      0.381270    
+  0.131822E-02   4.38633      0.614112      0.866415      0.560596      0.831502      0.535154E-01  0.349130E-01   1.39210      0.465069      0.456891      0.373385      0.955276E-01  0.438796E-09   0.00000      0.374611    
+  0.144540E-02   4.39682      0.606911      0.854612      0.550886      0.818241      0.560241E-01  0.363712E-01   1.36913      0.457817      0.450229      0.366878      0.930697E-01  0.924664E-09   0.00000      0.368012    
+  0.158485E-02   4.40597      0.599835      0.842941      0.541208      0.805061      0.586265E-01  0.378796E-01   1.34627      0.450552      0.443573      0.360461      0.906567E-01  0.147257E-08   0.00000      0.361489    
+  0.173775E-02   4.41117      0.592867      0.831414      0.531520      0.792007      0.613475E-01  0.394074E-01   1.32353      0.443267      0.436920      0.354153      0.882527E-01  0.117599E-08   0.00000      0.355087    
+  0.190540E-02   4.41295      0.585990      0.820030      0.521814      0.779094      0.641759E-01  0.409360E-01   1.30091      0.435962      0.430262      0.347986      0.858521E-01  -.389000E-09   0.00000      0.348832    
+  0.208923E-02   4.41029      0.579250      0.808794      0.512113      0.766278      0.671365E-01  0.425160E-01   1.27839      0.428640      0.423622      0.341879      0.834731E-01  -.204297E-08   0.00000      0.342656    
+  0.229079E-02   4.40144      0.572695      0.797733      0.502423      0.753523      0.702722E-01  0.442101E-01   1.25595      0.421288      0.417012      0.335755      0.811356E-01  -.258807E-08   0.00000      0.336511    
+  0.251180E-02   4.38680      0.566313      0.786854      0.492733      0.740844      0.735796E-01  0.460101E-01   1.23358      0.413894      0.410418      0.329644      0.788391E-01  -.233880E-08   0.00000      0.330425    
+  0.275413E-02   4.36745      0.560096      0.776044      0.483116      0.728218      0.769800E-01  0.478258E-01   1.21133      0.406577      0.403924      0.323501      0.765386E-01  -.177841E-08   0.00000      0.324294    
+  0.301984E-02   4.34356      0.554012      0.765217      0.473621      0.715635      0.803910E-01  0.495816E-01   1.18926      0.399412      0.397581      0.317301      0.742084E-01  -.901300E-09   0.00000      0.318055    
+  0.331118E-02   4.31516      0.548098      0.754441      0.464212      0.703101      0.838858E-01  0.513401E-01   1.16731      0.392346      0.391353      0.311060      0.718659E-01  0.179415E-09   0.00000      0.311749    
+  0.363064E-02   4.28338      0.542478      0.743828      0.454851      0.690610      0.876271E-01  0.532179E-01   1.14546      0.385331      0.385208      0.304772      0.695203E-01  0.613181E-09   0.00000      0.305402    
+  0.398091E-02   4.24807      0.537129      0.733395      0.445520      0.678175      0.916090E-01  0.552199E-01   1.12370      0.378353      0.379133      0.298459      0.671669E-01  0.807553E-10   0.00000      0.299042    
+  0.436498E-02   4.20953      0.532101      0.723101      0.436258      0.665767      0.958430E-01  0.573338E-01   1.10203      0.371442      0.373162      0.292073      0.648160E-01  -.693610E-09   0.00000      0.292606    
+  0.478610E-02   4.16842      0.527497      0.712906      0.427111      0.653323      0.100386      0.595835E-01   1.08043      0.364636      0.367344      0.285521      0.624752E-01  -.982950E-09   0.00000      0.285979    
+  0.524785E-02   4.12457      0.523304      0.702800      0.418077      0.640822      0.105228      0.619784E-01   1.05890      0.357944      0.361685      0.278781      0.601329E-01  -.938316E-09   0.00000      0.279136    
+  0.575415E-02   4.07789      0.519431      0.692902      0.409094      0.628476      0.110337      0.644262E-01   1.03757      0.351248      0.356077      0.272114      0.578451E-01  -.813752E-09   0.00000      0.272399    
+  0.630929E-02   4.02836      0.515767      0.683278      0.400155      0.616476      0.115612      0.668017E-01   1.01663      0.344501      0.350455      0.265716      0.556539E-01  -.722848E-09   0.00000      0.266021    
+  0.691799E-02   3.97599      0.512394      0.673892      0.391253      0.604691      0.121141      0.692010E-01  0.995945      0.337720      0.344856      0.259460      0.535330E-01  -.603121E-09   0.00000      0.259836    
+  0.758542E-02   3.92069      0.509553      0.664772      0.382261      0.592852      0.127292      0.719196E-01  0.975113      0.330809      0.339272      0.253171      0.514519E-01  -.465831E-09   0.00000      0.253580    
+  0.831724E-02   3.86208      0.507277      0.655958      0.373103      0.580915      0.134175      0.750426E-01  0.954018      0.323707      0.333680      0.246847      0.493953E-01  -.231796E-09   0.00000      0.247235    
+  0.911966E-02   3.80093      0.505515      0.647368      0.363918      0.568946      0.141597      0.784228E-01  0.932864      0.316527      0.328127      0.240478      0.473914E-01  -.604433E-10   0.00000      0.240818    
+  0.999950E-02   3.73832      0.504257      0.638877      0.354873      0.556961      0.149384      0.819161E-01  0.911834      0.309390      0.322683      0.234006      0.454836E-01  -.244497E-09   0.00000      0.234278    
+  0.109642E-01   3.67401      0.503494      0.630475      0.345948      0.544973      0.157546      0.855018E-01  0.890921      0.302257      0.317342      0.227457      0.436905E-01  -.854660E-09   0.00000      0.227631    
+  0.120220E-01   3.60798      0.503278      0.622328      0.337066      0.532907      0.166212      0.894217E-01  0.869972      0.295182      0.312056      0.220770      0.418833E-01  -.126768E-08   0.00000      0.220850    
+  0.131819E-01   3.54037      0.503636      0.614548      0.328205      0.520738      0.175432      0.938103E-01  0.848943      0.288224      0.306815      0.213895      0.399810E-01  -.959629E-09   0.00000      0.213923    
+  0.144536E-01   3.47108      0.504558      0.607078      0.319372      0.508473      0.185186      0.986046E-01  0.827845      0.281349      0.301620      0.206859      0.380231E-01  -.216697E-09   0.00000      0.206853    
+  0.158481E-01   3.39967      0.506077      0.599905      0.310476      0.495982      0.195601      0.103922      0.806459      0.274500      0.296394      0.199665      0.359762E-01  0.468910E-09   0.00000      0.199589    
+  0.173770E-01   3.32611      0.508104      0.593031      0.301498      0.483299      0.206606      0.109732      0.784797      0.267773      0.291214      0.192321      0.337247E-01  0.113464E-08   0.00000      0.192084    
+  0.190535E-01   3.25038      0.510806      0.586450      0.292459      0.470342      0.218347      0.116108      0.762801      0.260988      0.285929      0.184815      0.314713E-01  0.164100E-08   0.00000      0.184413    
+  0.208917E-01   3.17217      0.514475      0.580150      0.283373      0.456927      0.231102      0.123223      0.740299      0.253828      0.280258      0.177122      0.295450E-01  0.151531E-08   0.00000      0.176668    
+  0.229073E-01   3.09125      0.519109      0.574134      0.274275      0.443064      0.244835      0.131070      0.717339      0.246332      0.274236      0.169220      0.279425E-01  0.636034E-09   0.00000      0.168828    
+  0.251174E-01   3.00868      0.524523      0.568397      0.265021      0.428838      0.259501      0.139558      0.693859      0.238567      0.267923      0.161211      0.264546E-01  -.216607E-09   0.00000      0.160915    
+  0.275406E-01   2.92515      0.530627      0.563001      0.255447      0.414279      0.275180      0.148722      0.669726      0.230507      0.261305      0.153185      0.249397E-01  -.364609E-09   0.00000      0.152974    
+  0.301976E-01   2.84034      0.537463      0.557918      0.245627      0.399372      0.291836      0.158546      0.644999      0.222165      0.254387      0.145102      0.234617E-01  -.114448E-09   0.00000      0.144985    
+  0.331110E-01   2.75477      0.544862      0.552782      0.235827      0.384213      0.309035      0.168569      0.620040      0.213772      0.247358      0.136917      0.220551E-01  0.711607E-11   0.00000      0.136855    
+  0.363055E-01   2.66978      0.552788      0.547567      0.226062      0.368791      0.326725      0.178776      0.594853      0.205332      0.240219      0.128629      0.207301E-01  -.305806E-09   0.00000      0.128571    
+  0.398081E-01   2.58331      0.561263      0.542238      0.216364      0.353142      0.344899      0.189096      0.569506      0.196888      0.233007      0.120231      0.194760E-01  -.662181E-09   0.00000      0.120135    
+  0.436487E-01   2.49185      0.570288      0.536538      0.206946      0.337354      0.363342      0.199183      0.544300      0.188651      0.225901      0.111627      0.182954E-01  -.523856E-09   0.00000      0.111453    
+  0.478598E-01   2.39604      0.580046      0.530427      0.197901      0.321306      0.382144      0.209121      0.519208      0.180682      0.218979      0.102577      0.172199E-01  0.261821E-09   0.00000      0.102327    
+  0.524772E-01   2.29534      0.589949      0.524143      0.188837      0.305354      0.401112      0.218789      0.494191      0.172692      0.211913      0.938951E-01  0.161456E-01  0.970224E-09   0.00000      0.934404E-01
+  0.575400E-01   2.18883      0.599453      0.517863      0.179449      0.289787      0.420005      0.228076      0.469236      0.164464      0.204393      0.863081E-01  0.149846E-01  0.878322E-09   0.00000      0.853936E-01
+  0.630913E-01   2.07686      0.608773      0.511516      0.169864      0.274478      0.438909      0.237037      0.444342      0.156090      0.196534      0.795263E-01  0.137735E-01  0.240657E-09   0.00000      0.779441E-01
+  0.691782E-01   1.95957      0.618023      0.505113      0.159961      0.259660      0.458062      0.245453      0.419620      0.147477      0.188553      0.734735E-01  0.124841E-01  -.131007E-09   0.00000      0.711064E-01
+  0.758523E-01   1.83597      0.627126      0.498764      0.149545      0.245639      0.477581      0.253125      0.395184      0.138597      0.180644      0.682598E-01  0.109476E-01  0.368311E-09   0.00000      0.649948E-01
+  0.831703E-01   1.70751      0.636216      0.492315      0.138864      0.232030      0.497351      0.260285      0.370894      0.129463      0.172576      0.637146E-01  0.940119E-02  0.105406E-08   0.00000      0.594538E-01
+  0.911943E-01   1.57721      0.645688      0.485386      0.128415      0.218102      0.517272      0.267284      0.346517      0.119984      0.163902      0.594782E-01  0.843172E-02  0.771614E-09   0.00000      0.541997E-01
+  0.999925E-01   1.44375      0.655662      0.477809      0.118194      0.203806      0.537468      0.274003      0.322000      0.110044      0.154392      0.557238E-01  0.814986E-02  -.671848E-09   0.00000      0.494136E-01
+  0.109639       1.30915      0.665634      0.470405      0.107515      0.189649      0.558119      0.280756      0.297165      0.100353      0.144826      0.519274E-01  0.716208E-02  -.131624E-08   0.00000      0.448235E-01
+  0.120217       1.17411      0.675348      0.461589      0.970432E-01  0.174912      0.578304      0.286677      0.271955      0.907303E-01  0.134928      0.479317E-01  0.631291E-02  -.656647E-09   0.00000      0.399843E-01
+  0.131815       1.04538      0.684397      0.451513      0.870499E-01  0.159419      0.597348      0.292094      0.246469      0.813101E-01  0.124187      0.438029E-01  0.573983E-02  0.595386E-09   0.00000      0.352317E-01
+  0.144533      0.926276      0.692230      0.440355      0.775598E-01  0.143478      0.614670      0.296877      0.221038      0.720853E-01  0.112402      0.397486E-01  0.547444E-02  0.132047E-08   0.00000      0.310766E-01
+  0.158477      0.817354      0.698540      0.426665      0.684377E-01  0.127209      0.630102      0.299456      0.195647      0.630713E-01  0.100073      0.357814E-01  0.536645E-02  0.116628E-08   0.00000      0.271358E-01
+  0.173766      0.717084      0.701987      0.411512      0.597910E-01  0.110640      0.642196      0.300872      0.170431      0.545928E-01  0.867718E-01  0.318388E-01  0.519820E-02  -.537280E-09   0.00000      0.238687E-01
+  0.190530      0.627052      0.700889      0.393798      0.516164E-01  0.937825E-01  0.649272      0.300015      0.145399      0.465576E-01  0.733469E-01  0.279160E-01  0.505876E-02  0.116601E-09   0.00000      0.204356E-01
+  0.208912      0.542594      0.694145      0.374210      0.441762E-01  0.778263E-01  0.649968      0.296384      0.122002      0.392069E-01  0.600991E-01  0.240769E-01  0.496924E-02  0.724063E-09   0.00000      0.177273E-01
+  0.229067      0.464056      0.681405      0.352576      0.372203E-01  0.627873E-01  0.644184      0.289788      0.100008      0.323083E-01  0.472444E-01  0.203832E-01  0.491192E-02  0.665081E-09   0.00000      0.155429E-01
+  0.251167      0.386967      0.662643      0.327911      0.311243E-01  0.488263E-01  0.631519      0.279085      0.799506E-01  0.261678E-01  0.351127E-01  0.168102E-01  0.495653E-02  0.203770E-09   0.00000      0.137136E-01
+  0.275399      0.310372      0.636230      0.300393      0.258439E-01  0.361134E-01  0.610386      0.264280      0.619573E-01  0.208056E-01  0.241893E-01  0.134455E-01  0.503825E-02  -.753964E-09   0.00000      0.119241E-01
+  0.301969      0.246154      0.602274      0.269836      0.206027E-01  0.258742E-01  0.581671      0.243962      0.464769E-01  0.153574E-01  0.155668E-01  0.104432E-01  0.524527E-02  -.123002E-09   0.00000      0.103073E-01
+  0.331102      0.196645      0.558864      0.237812      0.167558E-01  0.164324E-01  0.542108      0.221380      0.331882E-01  0.116029E-01  0.762697E-02  0.809592E-02  0.515298E-02  -.407517E-09   0.00000      0.880542E-02
+  0.363046      0.154684      0.508537      0.199005      0.124829E-01  0.999534E-02  0.496054      0.189010      0.224782E-01  0.734396E-02  0.445498E-02  0.608450E-02  0.513892E-02  0.519959E-09   0.00000      0.554036E-02
+  0.398071      0.121817      0.448236      0.159438      0.927760E-02  0.650394E-02  0.438958      0.152934      0.157815E-01  0.468919E-02  0.408052E-02  0.461537E-02  0.458841E-02  0.548082E-10   0.00000      0.242343E-02
+  0.436476      0.935103E-01  0.380318      0.121214      0.673151E-02  0.459890E-02  0.373587      0.116615      0.113304E-01  0.236826E-02  0.414995E-02  0.414282E-02  0.436326E-02  0.975766E-11   0.00000      0.448948E-03
+  0.478586      0.734914E-01  0.306423      0.871001E-01  0.610616E-02  -.133888E-03  0.300317      0.872340E-01  0.597227E-02  0.265070E-02  0.252069E-02  0.338144E-02  0.345546E-02  0.939296E-10   0.00000      -.265458E-02
+  0.524759      0.551426E-01  0.238201      0.546765E-01  0.122026E-02  -.327033E-03  0.236980      0.550035E-01  0.893224E-03  -.183736E-02  0.301875E-02  0.316849E-02  0.305761E-02  -.196038E-09   0.00000      -.334578E-02
+  0.575386      0.378615E-01  0.172308      0.304211E-01  -.109429E-02  -.698202E-03  0.173403      0.311193E-01  -.179249E-02  -.319080E-02  0.224754E-02  0.252796E-02  0.209651E-02  -.606021E-10   0.00000      -.294574E-02
+  0.630897      0.213399E-01  0.111709      0.167608E-01  -.182452E-02  0.996585E-04  0.113533      0.166612E-01  -.172486E-02  -.298001E-02  0.136957E-02  0.202171E-02  0.115549E-02  -.485559E-10   0.00000      -.126991E-02
+  0.691764      0.767215E-02  0.632853E-01  0.887878E-02  -.485950E-02  0.483433E-02  0.681448E-01  0.404445E-02  -.251740E-04  -.524372E-02  0.482237E-02  0.143394E-02  0.384217E-03  -.234510E-10   0.00000      0.119640E-04
+  0.758504      0.129238E-03  0.297877E-01  0.663549E-02  -.421069E-02  0.791274E-02  0.339984E-01  -.127725E-02  0.370205E-02  -.403162E-02  0.476994E-02  0.142579E-02  -.179069E-03  0.286201E-10   0.00000      0.314280E-02
+  0.831682      -.379581E-02  0.119980E-01  0.316844E-02  -.263552E-02  0.573927E-02  0.146335E-01  -.257083E-02  0.310375E-02  -.253283E-02  0.286521E-02  0.765612E-03  -.102695E-03  -.176357E-11   0.00000      0.287407E-02
+  0.911920      -.268607E-02  0.367637E-02  0.170457E-02  -.167242E-02  0.231734E-02  0.534880E-02  -.612771E-03  0.644911E-03  -.167677E-02  0.609374E-03  0.165775E-03  0.434304E-05  -.955627E-12   0.00000      0.170796E-02
+  0.999900      -.506333E-05  0.364539E-05  0.827954E-05  -.342060E-05  0.349921E-05  0.706599E-05  0.478033E-05  0.786165E-07  -.343423E-05  -.234979E-05  0.854154E-08  0.136289E-07  -.861117E-15   0.00000      0.584900E-05
diff --git a/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/pdfs_q2val_05.txt b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/pdfs_q2val_05.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6db5b3863da5bbd63334044b68873fb74c9c945f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/pdfs_q2val_05.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+   10.0000000             101          15   9.99999975E-05  0.999899983    
+            x          g             U             D          Ubar          Dbar         u_val         d_val           sea         u_sea         d_sea           str           chm           bot               ph         strbar
+  0.100000E-03   9.50703       1.28190       1.68825       1.26385       1.67500      0.180456E-01  0.132446E-01   2.93885      0.878779      0.869295      0.804560      0.385073      -.454700E-09   0.00000      0.805708    
+  0.109648E-03   9.37371       1.26144       1.66035       1.24266       1.64662      0.187753E-01  0.137262E-01   2.88929      0.865510      0.855621      0.789843      0.377154      -.706923E-09   0.00000      0.791000    
+  0.120226E-03   9.24569       1.24129       1.63296       1.22175       1.61873      0.195410E-01  0.142306E-01   2.84048      0.852556      0.842128      0.775437      0.369191      0.441070E-09   0.00000      0.776604    
+  0.131825E-03   9.12292       1.22148       1.60609       1.20114       1.59134      0.203415E-01  0.147564E-01   2.79247      0.839874      0.828834      0.761326      0.361263      0.231507E-08   0.00000      0.762503    
+  0.144543E-03   9.00425       1.20197       1.57976       1.18079       1.56445      0.211774E-01  0.153024E-01   2.74525      0.827356      0.815800      0.747470      0.353438      0.333313E-08   0.00000      0.748654    
+  0.158489E-03   8.88940       1.18275       1.55400       1.16070       1.53813      0.220466E-01  0.158701E-01   2.69883      0.814985      0.803054      0.733885      0.345715      0.286432E-08   0.00000      0.735074    
+  0.173779E-03   8.77871       1.16384       1.52874       1.14088       1.51228      0.229531E-01  0.164569E-01   2.65317      0.802775      0.790554      0.720536      0.338109      0.184061E-08   0.00000      0.721729    
+  0.190545E-03   8.67224       1.14527       1.50386       1.12137       1.48680      0.239039E-01  0.170580E-01   2.60817      0.790700      0.778256      0.707350      0.330669      0.116584E-08   0.00000      0.708547    
+  0.208928E-03   8.57005       1.12706       1.47936       1.10216       1.46169      0.248981E-01  0.176723E-01   2.56385      0.778761      0.766169      0.694324      0.323398      0.693179E-09   0.00000      0.695523    
+  0.229085E-03   8.47191       1.10917       1.45533       1.08323       1.43702      0.259339E-01  0.183074E-01   2.52025      0.766981      0.754293      0.681526      0.316253      0.347310E-09   0.00000      0.682728    
+  0.251186E-03   8.37786       1.09160       1.43184       1.06459       1.41287      0.270116E-01  0.189671E-01   2.47746      0.755385      0.742631      0.669035      0.309201      0.240862E-09   0.00000      0.670240    
+  0.275420E-03   8.28787       1.07435       1.40886       1.04622       1.38921      0.281310E-01  0.196496E-01   2.43542      0.743962      0.731182      0.656813      0.302256      0.319866E-09   0.00000      0.658024    
+  0.301992E-03   8.20108       1.05740       1.38619       1.02811       1.36583      0.292866E-01  0.203631E-01   2.39394      0.732665      0.719900      0.644713      0.295446      0.133029E-09   0.00000      0.645926    
+  0.331127E-03   8.11747       1.04074       1.36379       1.01027       1.34268      0.304663E-01  0.211109E-01   2.35295      0.721484      0.708774      0.632700      0.288786      -.652351E-09   0.00000      0.633908    
+  0.363073E-03   8.03689       1.02437       1.34171      0.992682       1.31982      0.316889E-01  0.218892E-01   2.31250      0.710427      0.697814      0.620800      0.282255      -.157930E-08   0.00000      0.622001    
+  0.398101E-03   7.95867       1.00831       1.31990      0.975325       1.29720      0.329850E-01  0.226936E-01   2.27253      0.699492      0.687026      0.608978      0.275832      -.199542E-08   0.00000      0.610176    
+  0.436509E-03   7.88294      0.992580       1.29833      0.958233       1.27482      0.343467E-01  0.235175E-01   2.23305      0.688704      0.676437      0.597182      0.269530      -.187345E-08   0.00000      0.598380    
+  0.478622E-03   7.80959      0.977085       1.27714      0.941299       1.25275      0.357859E-01  0.243847E-01   2.19405      0.677981      0.665953      0.585596      0.263318      -.160256E-08   0.00000      0.586801    
+  0.524798E-03   7.73883      0.961734       1.25644      0.924416       1.23113      0.373181E-01  0.253155E-01   2.15554      0.667247      0.655490      0.574409      0.257169      -.151117E-08   0.00000      0.575637    
+  0.575429E-03   7.67067      0.946563       1.23620      0.907626       1.20990      0.389372E-01  0.263016E-01   2.11753      0.656532      0.645083      0.563552      0.251094      -.147891E-08   0.00000      0.564817    
+  0.630945E-03   7.60298      0.931592       1.21621      0.890956       1.18887      0.406360E-01  0.273428E-01   2.07982      0.645872      0.634749      0.552823      0.245084      -.114573E-08   0.00000      0.554120    
+  0.691816E-03   7.53574      0.916833       1.19640      0.874443       1.16795      0.423894E-01  0.284515E-01   2.04239      0.635292      0.624493      0.542136      0.239151      -.479665E-10   0.00000      0.543456    
+  0.758561E-03   7.46848      0.902270       1.17683      0.858037       1.14722      0.442327E-01  0.296095E-01   2.00526      0.624764      0.614313      0.531571      0.233273      0.121499E-08   0.00000      0.532907    
+  0.831745E-03   7.39888      0.887879       1.15752      0.841638       1.12675      0.462409E-01  0.307741E-01   1.96839      0.614248      0.604219      0.521191      0.227390      0.150633E-08   0.00000      0.522528    
+  0.911989E-03   7.32694      0.873654       1.13847      0.825230       1.10655      0.484237E-01  0.319251E-01   1.93178      0.603742      0.594218      0.511010      0.221488      0.630010E-09   0.00000      0.512332    
+  0.999975E-03   7.25327      0.859619       1.11968      0.808886       1.08655      0.507332E-01  0.331316E-01   1.89544      0.593262      0.584285      0.500974      0.215624      -.546792E-09   0.00000      0.502266    
+  0.109645E-02   7.17806      0.845798       1.10115      0.792663       1.06669      0.531351E-01  0.344641E-01   1.85935      0.582816      0.574401      0.491036      0.209847      -.138973E-08   0.00000      0.492288    
+  0.120223E-02   7.10124      0.832182       1.08289      0.776539       1.04698      0.556427E-01  0.359019E-01   1.82352      0.572401      0.564572      0.481214      0.204138      -.215435E-08   0.00000      0.482412    
+  0.131822E-02   7.02305      0.818766       1.06483      0.760520       1.02744      0.582457E-01  0.373892E-01   1.78796      0.562016      0.554792      0.471515      0.198504      -.252634E-08   0.00000      0.472645    
+  0.144540E-02   6.94425      0.805548       1.04694      0.744623       1.00804      0.609251E-01  0.389014E-01   1.75266      0.551667      0.545057      0.461945      0.192956      -.220199E-08   0.00000      0.462983    
+  0.158485E-02   6.86393      0.792531       1.02926      0.728828      0.988800      0.637026E-01  0.404567E-01   1.71763      0.541347      0.535367      0.452500      0.187481      -.148376E-08   0.00000      0.453433    
+  0.173775E-02   6.77996      0.779717       1.01180      0.713090      0.969740      0.666263E-01  0.420605E-01   1.68283      0.531034      0.525716      0.443175      0.182056      -.890466E-09   0.00000      0.444024    
+  0.190540E-02   6.69248      0.767091      0.994576      0.697395      0.950869      0.696954E-01  0.437062E-01   1.64826      0.520718      0.516088      0.433999      0.176678      -.428775E-09   0.00000      0.434781    
+  0.208923E-02   6.60142      0.754692      0.977569      0.681786      0.932159      0.729060E-01  0.454095E-01   1.61395      0.510429      0.506523      0.424902      0.171357      -.166920E-10   0.00000      0.425636    
+  0.229079E-02   6.50616      0.742564      0.960777      0.666295      0.913580      0.762688E-01  0.471970E-01   1.57987      0.500186      0.497056      0.415812      0.166109      0.359966E-09   0.00000      0.416524    
+  0.251180E-02   6.40680      0.730693      0.944207      0.650907      0.895139      0.797862E-01  0.490680E-01   1.54605      0.489975      0.487668      0.406753      0.160932      0.716825E-09   0.00000      0.407471    
+  0.275413E-02   6.30414      0.719084      0.927806      0.635670      0.876844      0.834140E-01  0.509625E-01   1.51251      0.479874      0.478413      0.397714      0.155796      0.897447E-09   0.00000      0.398431    
+  0.301984E-02   6.19831      0.707703      0.911521      0.620621      0.858707      0.870824E-01  0.528149E-01   1.47933      0.469935      0.469320      0.388701      0.150685      0.725936E-09   0.00000      0.389387    
+  0.331118E-02   6.08938      0.696591      0.895396      0.605733      0.840713      0.908587E-01  0.546837E-01   1.44645      0.460123      0.460369      0.379704      0.145609      0.359688E-09   0.00000      0.380343    
+  0.363064E-02   5.97855      0.685901      0.879517      0.590978      0.822813      0.949228E-01  0.567037E-01   1.41379      0.450405      0.451553      0.370674      0.140572      0.162614E-09   0.00000      0.371261    
+  0.398091E-02   5.86569      0.675628      0.863897      0.576337      0.804994      0.992912E-01  0.589023E-01   1.38133      0.440774      0.442863      0.361605      0.135563      0.201668E-09   0.00000      0.362132    
+  0.436498E-02   5.75106      0.665777      0.848505      0.561852      0.787288      0.103925      0.612165E-01   1.34914      0.431246      0.434316      0.352510      0.130606      0.322568E-09   0.00000      0.352973    
+  0.478610E-02   5.63528      0.656390      0.833311      0.547579      0.769712      0.108811      0.635988E-01   1.31729      0.421844      0.425942      0.343371      0.125735      0.402419E-09   0.00000      0.343770    
+  0.524785E-02   5.51820      0.647461      0.818302      0.533518      0.752242      0.113943      0.660597E-01   1.28576      0.412581      0.417751      0.334164      0.120938      0.449207E-09   0.00000      0.334491    
+  0.575415E-02   5.39972      0.638962      0.803596      0.519583      0.734985      0.119379      0.686117E-01   1.25457      0.403352      0.409644      0.325060      0.116231      0.607258E-09   0.00000      0.325340    
+  0.630929E-02   5.27970      0.630832      0.789264      0.505741      0.718050      0.125091      0.712140E-01   1.22379      0.394116      0.401561      0.316196      0.111626      0.109758E-08   0.00000      0.316488    
+  0.691799E-02   5.15825      0.623122      0.775265      0.492004      0.701358      0.131118      0.739064E-01   1.19336      0.384888      0.393537      0.307482      0.107116      0.174442E-08   0.00000      0.307821    
+  0.758542E-02   5.03570      0.616020      0.761602      0.478292      0.684718      0.137728      0.768838E-01   1.16301      0.375584      0.385579      0.298782      0.102708      0.195383E-08   0.00000      0.299139    
+  0.831724E-02   4.91180      0.609550      0.748307      0.464547      0.668109      0.145003      0.801981E-01   1.13266      0.366143      0.377671      0.290101      0.984037E-01  0.153457E-08   0.00000      0.290437    
+  0.911966E-02   4.78707      0.603677      0.735314      0.450881      0.651554      0.152797      0.837602E-01   1.10244      0.356679      0.369846      0.281416      0.942015E-01  0.823623E-09   0.00000      0.281709    
+  0.999950E-02   4.66238      0.598403      0.722515      0.437439      0.635034      0.160964      0.874810E-01   1.07247      0.347323      0.362154      0.272657      0.901162E-01  0.279697E-10   0.00000      0.272881    
+  0.109642E-01   4.53755      0.593722      0.709898      0.424209      0.618563      0.169512      0.913351E-01   1.04277      0.338039      0.354596      0.263846      0.861702E-01  -.108256E-08   0.00000      0.263967    
+  0.120220E-01   4.41247      0.589660      0.697627      0.411098      0.602097      0.178562      0.955303E-01   1.01319      0.328852      0.347117      0.254955      0.822461E-01  -.166412E-08   0.00000      0.254979    
+  0.131819E-01   4.28713      0.586224      0.685826      0.398059      0.585640      0.188166      0.100186      0.983698      0.319803      0.339698      0.245963      0.782552E-01  -.815154E-09   0.00000      0.245941    
+  0.144536E-01   4.16153      0.583415      0.674429      0.385113      0.569182      0.198302      0.105247      0.954295      0.310869      0.332346      0.236880      0.742438E-01  0.949787E-09   0.00000      0.236837    
+  0.158481E-01   4.03553      0.581293      0.663365      0.372209      0.552560      0.209084      0.110805      0.924769      0.301966      0.324981      0.227684      0.702435E-01  0.226812E-08   0.00000      0.227579    
+  0.173770E-01   3.90911      0.579806      0.652611      0.359344      0.535772      0.220462      0.116838      0.895116      0.293162      0.317671      0.218364      0.661822E-01  0.291519E-08   0.00000      0.218101    
+  0.190535E-01   3.78227      0.579060      0.642197      0.346516      0.518795      0.232544      0.123402      0.865311      0.284322      0.310284      0.208939      0.621939E-01  0.309392E-08   0.00000      0.208511    
+  0.208917E-01   3.65490      0.579264      0.632149      0.333710      0.501522      0.245554      0.130627      0.835232      0.275191      0.302570      0.199433      0.585187E-01  0.251878E-08   0.00000      0.198952    
+  0.229073E-01   3.52680      0.580424      0.622483      0.320952      0.483960      0.259473      0.138523      0.804911      0.265793      0.294550      0.189826      0.551583E-01  0.925320E-09   0.00000      0.189410    
+  0.251174E-01   3.39877      0.582378      0.613128      0.308154      0.466159      0.274224      0.146968      0.774313      0.256209      0.286315      0.180171      0.519446E-01  -.490104E-09   0.00000      0.179844    
+  0.275406E-01   3.27144      0.585057      0.604093      0.295203      0.448128      0.289853      0.155965      0.743331      0.246441      0.277889      0.170503      0.487622E-01  -.632346E-09   0.00000      0.170239    
+  0.301976E-01   3.14452      0.588492      0.595375      0.282151      0.429862      0.306341      0.165513      0.712013      0.236488      0.269260      0.160805      0.456632E-01  0.358831E-11   0.00000      0.160603    
+  0.331110E-01   3.01789      0.592462      0.586650      0.269214      0.411488      0.323248      0.175162      0.680703      0.226542      0.260564      0.151111      0.426726E-01  0.543148E-09   0.00000      0.150925    
+  0.363055E-01   2.89233      0.596919      0.577887      0.256404      0.393003      0.340515      0.184884      0.649407      0.216608      0.251801      0.141429      0.397960E-01  0.704856E-09   0.00000      0.141202    
+  0.398081E-01   2.76654      0.601893      0.569068      0.243746      0.374438      0.358147      0.194630      0.618184      0.206717      0.242999      0.131754      0.370284E-01  0.770894E-09   0.00000      0.131439    
+  0.436487E-01   2.63799      0.607366      0.559988      0.231413      0.355888      0.375953      0.204100      0.587301      0.197034      0.234290      0.122042      0.343788E-01  0.879222E-09   0.00000      0.121598    
+  0.478598E-01   2.50700      0.613503      0.550607      0.219485      0.337235      0.394018      0.213372      0.556721      0.187607      0.225732      0.112087      0.318784E-01  0.107675E-08   0.00000      0.111504    
+  0.524772E-01   2.37362      0.619780      0.541141      0.207629      0.318819      0.412151      0.222322      0.526448      0.178207      0.217081      0.102578      0.294224E-01  0.115259E-08   0.00000      0.101738    
+  0.575400E-01   2.23742      0.625693      0.531769      0.195564      0.300935      0.430129      0.230834      0.496499      0.168663      0.208115      0.941457E-01  0.269011E-01  0.832954E-09   0.00000      0.928199E-01
+  0.630913E-01   2.09854      0.631439      0.522420      0.183404      0.283456      0.448035      0.238963      0.466860      0.159050      0.198916      0.865408E-01  0.243542E-01  0.201477E-09   0.00000      0.845403E-01
+  0.691782E-01   1.95781      0.637186      0.513041      0.171151      0.266511      0.466034      0.246530      0.437662      0.149271      0.189621      0.796503E-01  0.218804E-01  -.153506E-09   0.00000      0.768897E-01
+  0.758523E-01   1.81480      0.642933      0.503702      0.158704      0.250335      0.484228      0.253368      0.409039      0.139275      0.180358      0.735626E-01  0.194294E-01  0.124225E-09   0.00000      0.699762E-01
+  0.831703E-01   1.67035      0.648718      0.494291      0.146210      0.234619      0.502508      0.259672      0.380829      0.129112      0.170973      0.681284E-01  0.170978E-01  0.661020E-09   0.00000      0.636464E-01
+  0.911943E-01   1.52685      0.654749      0.484486      0.134024      0.218752      0.520725      0.265734      0.352775      0.118802      0.161152      0.630058E-01  0.152217E-01  0.999189E-09   0.00000      0.575999E-01
+  0.999925E-01   1.38472      0.661088      0.474148      0.122231      0.202764      0.538857      0.271384      0.324996      0.108314      0.150733      0.583783E-01  0.139171E-01  0.101263E-08   0.00000      0.520315E-01
+  0.109639       1.24488      0.667284      0.463918      0.110299      0.187060      0.556985      0.276858      0.297359      0.981371E-01  0.140296      0.537975E-01  0.121618E-01  0.158200E-09   0.00000      0.467636E-01
+  0.120217       1.10928      0.673068      0.452455      0.988180E-01  0.170979      0.574250      0.281476      0.269797      0.881549E-01  0.129557      0.491280E-01  0.106631E-01  -.819985E-10   0.00000      0.414222E-01
+  0.131815      0.982082      0.677999      0.439846      0.879622E-01  0.154485      0.590036      0.285362      0.242447      0.784702E-01  0.118176      0.444581E-01  0.949195E-02  0.380607E-09   0.00000      0.363091E-01
+  0.144533      0.864988      0.681489      0.426207      0.777561E-01  0.137833      0.603732      0.288374      0.215589      0.691181E-01  0.106006      0.399540E-01  0.863794E-02  0.894384E-09   0.00000      0.318271E-01
+  0.158477      0.757898      0.683171      0.410365      0.680568E-01  0.121069      0.615115      0.289297      0.189125      0.600744E-01  0.934428E-01  0.355962E-01  0.798237E-02  -.582196E-09   0.00000      0.276259E-01
+  0.173766      0.659812      0.681706      0.393119      0.590002E-01  0.104380      0.622705      0.288739      0.163380      0.516631E-01  0.803107E-01  0.313490E-01  0.733707E-02  0.524295E-10   0.00000      0.240694E-01
+  0.190530      0.570840      0.675757      0.373675      0.505259E-01  0.877535E-01  0.625231      0.285922      0.138279      0.437454E-01  0.672460E-01  0.272080E-01  0.678043E-02  -.210410E-09   0.00000      0.205075E-01
+  0.208912      0.488120      0.664396      0.352543      0.428671E-01  0.721745E-01  0.621529      0.280369      0.115042      0.365481E-01  0.545336E-01  0.232312E-01  0.631901E-02  0.609937E-09   0.00000      0.176410E-01
+  0.229067      0.411472      0.647354      0.329545      0.358134E-01  0.577142E-01  0.611540      0.271831      0.935276E-01  0.298692E-01  0.424345E-01  0.194689E-01  0.594420E-02  0.145554E-09   0.00000      0.152797E-01
+  0.251167      0.338525      0.624569      0.303920      0.296750E-01  0.444837E-01  0.594894      0.259436      0.741587E-01  0.239727E-01  0.312348E-01  0.159110E-01  0.570236E-02  0.199906E-09   0.00000      0.132489E-01
+  0.275399      0.270083      0.594632      0.275887      0.243378E-01  0.327026E-01  0.570294      0.243184      0.570405E-01  0.188030E-01  0.213902E-01  0.126509E-01  0.553480E-02  0.196885E-09   0.00000      0.113125E-01
+  0.301969      0.214267      0.557928      0.245445      0.192299E-01  0.232499E-01  0.538698      0.222195      0.424799E-01  0.137460E-01  0.136909E-01  0.980914E-02  0.548391E-02  0.240184E-09   0.00000      0.955903E-02
+  0.331102      0.169637      0.512896      0.213604      0.154029E-01  0.147809E-01  0.497493      0.198823      0.301838E-01  0.101972E-01  0.699587E-02  0.758383E-02  0.520571E-02  0.507309E-09   0.00000      0.778506E-02
+  0.363046      0.132311      0.461743      0.176675      0.113871E-01  0.907568E-02  0.450356      0.167599      0.204627E-01  0.640052E-02  0.439700E-02  0.572016E-02  0.498653E-02  0.109517E-09   0.00000      0.467869E-02
+  0.398071      0.102186      0.402397      0.139998      0.838366E-02  0.591813E-02  0.394013      0.134080      0.143018E-01  0.401903E-02  0.395592E-02  0.439938E-02  0.436464E-02  0.336528E-09   0.00000      0.196220E-02
+  0.436476      0.774479E-01  0.337353      0.105090      0.601297E-02  0.387759E-02  0.331340      0.101213      0.989056E-02  0.200490E-02  0.379899E-02  0.387190E-02  0.400807E-02  0.303846E-09   0.00000      0.785982E-04
+  0.478586      0.586241E-01  0.269018      0.741913E-01  0.475994E-02  0.207501E-03  0.264258      0.739838E-01  0.496744E-02  0.164289E-02  0.259272E-02  0.315462E-02  0.311705E-02  -.494250E-09   0.00000      -.238522E-02
+  0.524759      0.416589E-01  0.206162      0.460063E-01  0.706234E-03  -.524001E-04  0.205456      0.460587E-01  0.653834E-03  -.197641E-02  0.276158E-02  0.284357E-02  0.268265E-02  -.870904E-10   0.00000      -.281398E-02
+  0.575386      0.268544E-01  0.146580      0.256473E-01  -.125294E-02  -.149171E-03  0.147833      0.257964E-01  -.140211E-02  -.295315E-02  0.208372E-02  0.226429E-02  0.170021E-02  -.186584E-09   0.00000      -.223289E-02
+  0.630897      0.138159E-01  0.936042E-01  0.139431E-01  -.213063E-02  0.971256E-03  0.957348E-01  0.129719E-01  -.115937E-02  -.307964E-02  0.175020E-02  0.174872E-02  0.949011E-03  0.321491E-10   0.00000      -.778942E-03
+  0.691764      0.422995E-02  0.520222E-01  0.758145E-02  -.442048E-02  0.481991E-02  0.564427E-01  0.276154E-02  0.399436E-03  -.466455E-02  0.438899E-02  0.126974E-02  0.244069E-03  -.279681E-10   0.00000      0.430929E-03
+  0.758504      -.815010E-03  0.241730E-01  0.548700E-02  -.368149E-02  0.684237E-02  0.278545E-01  -.135537E-02  0.316089E-02  -.352628E-02  0.402353E-02  0.118376E-02  -.155206E-03  -.449991E-10   0.00000      0.281885E-02
+  0.831682      -.265656E-02  0.950152E-02  0.261507E-02  -.219830E-02  0.467325E-02  0.116998E-01  -.205818E-02  0.247494E-02  -.211428E-02  0.226219E-02  0.603845E-03  -.840203E-04  -.970837E-12   0.00000      0.241105E-02
+  0.911920      -.157908E-02  0.279629E-02  0.141598E-02  -.131616E-02  0.179153E-02  0.411245E-02  -.375550E-03  0.475368E-03  -.132177E-02  0.410602E-03  0.121211E-03  0.560595E-05  0.444965E-11   0.00000      0.138093E-02
+  0.999900      -.171461E-05  0.223157E-05  0.507231E-05  -.209455E-05  0.214265E-05  0.432613E-05  0.292967E-05  0.480948E-07  -.210291E-05  -.144016E-05  0.523492E-08  0.835409E-08  0.181782E-15   0.00000      0.358281E-05
diff --git a/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/pdfs_q2val_06.txt b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/pdfs_q2val_06.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4f3c766c9f8a31ba31b8b090d07f564edc9a1071
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/pdfs_q2val_06.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+   100.000000             101          15   9.99999975E-05  0.999899983    
+            x          g             U             D          Ubar          Dbar         u_val         d_val           sea         u_sea         d_sea           str           chm           bot               ph         strbar
+  0.100000E-03   31.0891       2.86243       3.70416       2.84056       3.68862      0.218718E-01  0.155454E-01   6.52918       1.66004       1.65016       1.58346       1.18052      0.453906       0.00000       1.58455    
+  0.109648E-03   30.3412       2.79670       3.61900       2.77393       3.60288      0.227650E-01  0.161118E-01   6.37682       1.62419       1.61393       1.54631       1.14974      0.441544       0.00000       1.54741    
+  0.120226E-03   29.6076       2.73231       3.53568       2.70861       3.51898      0.236971E-01  0.167038E-01   6.22759       1.58911       1.57843       1.50996       1.11950      0.429471       0.00000       1.51107    
+  0.131825E-03   28.8889       2.66930       3.45424       2.64463       3.43692      0.246681E-01  0.173200E-01   6.08155       1.55478       1.54368       1.47443       1.08986      0.417692       0.00000       1.47554    
+  0.144543E-03   28.1847       2.60761       3.37453       2.58192       3.35657      0.256834E-01  0.179573E-01   5.93849       1.52109       1.50966       1.43960       1.06083      0.406186       0.00000       1.44072    
+  0.158489E-03   27.4950       2.54723       3.29656       2.52049       3.27795      0.267413E-01  0.186148E-01   5.79844       1.48805       1.47639       1.40548       1.03244      0.394959       0.00000       1.40660    
+  0.173779E-03   26.8195       2.48815       3.22029       2.46030       3.20100      0.278454E-01  0.192939E-01   5.66130       1.45565       1.44383       1.37205       1.00466      0.383999       0.00000       1.37317    
+  0.190545E-03   26.1576       2.43027       3.14558       2.40127       3.12559      0.290031E-01  0.199946E-01   5.52686       1.42382       1.41191       1.33927      0.977450      0.373284       0.00000       1.34040    
+  0.208928E-03   25.5097       2.37363       3.07246       2.34342       3.05175      0.302144E-01  0.207147E-01   5.39516       1.39259       1.38063       1.30717      0.950830      0.362821       0.00000       1.30829    
+  0.229085E-03   24.8747       2.31819       3.00089       2.28672       2.97943      0.314741E-01  0.214630E-01   5.26615       1.36194       1.34999       1.27571      0.924778      0.352598       0.00000       1.27684    
+  0.251186E-03   24.2520       2.26396       2.93090       2.23118       2.90866      0.327766E-01  0.222471E-01   5.13984       1.33189       1.31998       1.24494      0.899288      0.342608       0.00000       1.24607    
+  0.275420E-03   23.6420       2.21092       2.86248       2.17680       2.83941      0.341245E-01  0.230635E-01   5.01621       1.30243       1.29059       1.21484      0.874362      0.332854       0.00000       1.21597    
+  0.301992E-03   23.0437       2.15896       2.79532       2.12342       2.77141      0.355304E-01  0.239104E-01   4.89484       1.27348       1.26175       1.18522      0.849941      0.323309       0.00000       1.18635    
+  0.331127E-03   22.4570       2.10805       2.72937       2.07106       2.70459      0.369890E-01  0.247844E-01   4.77565       1.24504       1.23346       1.15603      0.826022      0.313970       0.00000       1.15716    
+  0.363073E-03   21.8819       2.05819       2.66468       2.01968       2.63899      0.385114E-01  0.256909E-01   4.65867       1.21708       1.20571       1.12734      0.802596      0.304836       0.00000       1.12845    
+  0.398101E-03   21.3177       2.00929       2.60123       1.96917       2.57459      0.401231E-01  0.266375E-01   4.54376       1.18955       1.17842       1.09917      0.779619      0.295890       0.00000       1.10028    
+  0.436509E-03   20.7647       1.96138       2.53902       1.91956       2.51140      0.418206E-01  0.276175E-01   4.43097       1.16246       1.15162       1.07153      0.757104      0.287136       0.00000       1.07264    
+  0.478622E-03   20.2222       1.91442       2.47805       1.87081       2.44940      0.436036E-01  0.286496E-01   4.32021       1.13578       1.12528       1.04443      0.735031      0.278566       0.00000       1.04556    
+  0.524798E-03   19.6895       1.86836       2.41835       1.82289       2.38860      0.454703E-01  0.297552E-01   4.21149       1.10950       1.09934       1.01794      0.713388      0.270173       0.00000       1.01908    
+  0.575429E-03   19.1671       1.82323       2.35993       1.77581       2.32900      0.474204E-01  0.309266E-01   4.10481       1.08363       1.07384      0.992040      0.692182      0.261960       0.00000      0.993204    
+  0.630945E-03   18.6530       1.77894       2.30254       1.72946       2.27040      0.494792E-01  0.321390E-01   3.99986       1.05812       1.04872      0.966594      0.671342      0.253907       0.00000      0.967771    
+  0.691816E-03   18.1469       1.73545       2.24612       1.68381       2.21274      0.516446E-01  0.333799E-01   3.89655       1.03296       1.02399      0.941554      0.650847      0.246008       0.00000      0.942735    
+  0.758561E-03   17.6490       1.69279       2.19071       1.63887       2.15605      0.539259E-01  0.346620E-01   3.79491       1.00816      0.999648      0.916959      0.630709      0.238266       0.00000      0.918135    
+  0.831745E-03   17.1585       1.65094       2.13632       1.59458       2.10033      0.563607E-01  0.359977E-01   3.69490      0.983674      0.975681      0.892809      0.610902      0.230674       0.00000      0.893971    
+  0.911989E-03   16.6755       1.60990       2.08297       1.55094       2.04559      0.589586E-01  0.373806E-01   3.59653      0.959515      0.952097      0.869118      0.591422      0.223236       0.00000      0.870257    
+  0.999975E-03   16.2001       1.56966       2.03060       1.50798       1.99178      0.616820E-01  0.388258E-01   3.49976      0.935686      0.928879      0.845847      0.572293      0.215945       0.00000      0.846954    
+  0.109645E-02   15.7326       1.53023       1.97918       1.46573       1.93883      0.644961E-01  0.403538E-01   3.40456      0.912193      0.906011      0.822963      0.553540      0.208799       0.00000      0.824021    
+  0.120223E-02   15.2731       1.49160       1.92873       1.42419       1.88677      0.674119E-01  0.419593E-01   3.31097      0.889037      0.883499      0.800479      0.535156      0.201800       0.00000      0.801474    
+  0.131822E-02   14.8207       1.45376       1.87918       1.38331       1.83556      0.704481E-01  0.436174E-01   3.21888      0.866193      0.861318      0.778388      0.517118      0.194932       0.00000      0.779314    
+  0.144540E-02   14.3752       1.41668       1.83050       1.34308       1.78519      0.735984E-01  0.453100E-01   3.12827      0.843655      0.839456      0.756702      0.499422      0.188187       0.00000      0.757548    
+  0.158485E-02   13.9368       1.38037       1.78272       1.30349       1.73566      0.768758E-01  0.470541E-01   3.03915      0.821425      0.817922      0.735404      0.482067      0.181573       0.00000      0.736167    
+  0.173775E-02   13.5045       1.34485       1.73583       1.26452       1.68695      0.803303E-01  0.488766E-01   2.95147      0.799482      0.796714      0.714442      0.465038      0.175097       0.00000      0.715140    
+  0.190540E-02   13.0782       1.31012       1.68985       1.22614       1.63906      0.839738E-01  0.507870E-01   2.86521      0.777809      0.775817      0.693829      0.448334      0.168763       0.00000      0.694484    
+  0.208923E-02   12.6584       1.27618       1.64475       1.18841       1.59200      0.877702E-01  0.527579E-01   2.78041      0.756453      0.755271      0.673542      0.431960      0.162560       0.00000      0.674165    
+  0.229079E-02   12.2451       1.24307       1.60051       1.15139       1.54575      0.916823E-01  0.547603E-01   2.69714      0.735463      0.735119      0.653551      0.415928      0.156476       0.00000      0.654152    
+  0.251180E-02   11.8382       1.21077       1.55712       1.11506       1.50032      0.957151E-01  0.567997E-01   2.61538      0.714822      0.715346      0.633869      0.400237      0.150515       0.00000      0.634460    
+  0.275413E-02   11.4380       1.17931       1.51459       1.07939       1.45568      0.999205E-01  0.589046E-01   2.53507      0.694538      0.695953      0.614471      0.384854      0.144683       0.00000      0.615046    
+  0.301984E-02   11.0444       1.14867       1.47290       1.04438       1.41183      0.104294      0.610710E-01   2.45620      0.674621      0.676938      0.595356      0.369756      0.138986       0.00000      0.595901    
+  0.331118E-02   10.6574       1.11888       1.43206       1.01002       1.36875      0.108855      0.633105E-01   2.37877      0.655064      0.658304      0.576516      0.354959      0.133421       0.00000      0.577022    
+  0.363064E-02   10.2780       1.09004       1.39209      0.976328       1.32640      0.113717      0.656946E-01   2.30273      0.635851      0.640062      0.557896      0.340478      0.127983       0.00000      0.558355    
+  0.398091E-02   9.90608       1.06219       1.35301      0.943289       1.28477      0.118900      0.682481E-01   2.22805      0.616984      0.622221      0.539475      0.326305      0.122674       0.00000      0.539870    
+  0.436498E-02   9.54155       1.03527       1.31480      0.910913       1.24388      0.124360      0.709142E-01   2.15480      0.598458      0.604761      0.521301      0.312455      0.117493       0.00000      0.521630    
+  0.478610E-02   9.18437       1.00928       1.27743      0.879225       1.20380      0.130051      0.736270E-01   2.08302      0.580274      0.587666      0.503416      0.298951      0.112438       0.00000      0.503694    
+  0.524785E-02   8.83457      0.984197       1.24089      0.848239       1.16450      0.135959      0.763862E-01   2.01274      0.562450      0.570954      0.485800      0.285789      0.107511       0.00000      0.486036    
+  0.575415E-02   8.49197      0.960066       1.20526      0.817839       1.12597      0.142227      0.792951E-01   1.94381      0.544884      0.554548      0.468503      0.272955      0.102706       0.00000      0.468713    
+  0.630929E-02   8.15641      0.936879       1.17061      0.787959       1.08821      0.148920      0.824004E-01   1.87617      0.527519      0.538398      0.451583      0.260440      0.980168E-01   0.00000      0.451794    
+  0.691799E-02   7.82798      0.914646       1.13689      0.758636       1.05121      0.156010      0.856807E-01   1.80985      0.510385      0.522534      0.434999      0.248251      0.934468E-01   0.00000      0.435230    
+  0.758542E-02   7.50689      0.893439       1.10404      0.729850       1.01485      0.163589      0.891929E-01   1.74470      0.493452      0.506969      0.418655      0.236398      0.889965E-01   0.00000      0.418879    
+  0.831724E-02   7.19317      0.873269       1.07206      0.701576      0.979123      0.171693      0.929406E-01   1.68070      0.476685      0.491708      0.402566      0.224891      0.846673E-01   0.00000      0.402748    
+  0.911966E-02   6.88675      0.854122       1.04094      0.673863      0.944015      0.180259      0.969207E-01   1.61788      0.460151      0.476744      0.386694      0.213711      0.804563E-01   0.00000      0.386815    
+  0.999950E-02   6.58762      0.836008       1.01058      0.646784      0.909445      0.189223      0.101133       1.55623      0.443939      0.462079      0.370956      0.202845      0.763598E-01   0.00000      0.371006    
+  0.109642E-01   6.29584      0.818933      0.980986      0.620350      0.875435      0.198583      0.105551       1.49578      0.428032      0.447728      0.355365      0.192318      0.723797E-01   0.00000      0.355327    
+  0.120220E-01   6.01112      0.802857      0.952256      0.594442      0.841958      0.208415      0.110298       1.43640      0.412413      0.433626      0.339944      0.182028      0.685111E-01   0.00000      0.339821    
+  0.131819E-01   5.73331      0.787731      0.924481      0.568981      0.809032      0.218750      0.115449       1.37801      0.397098      0.419747      0.324715      0.171883      0.647505E-01   0.00000      0.324534    
+  0.144536E-01   5.46248      0.773584      0.897608      0.544008      0.776638      0.229577      0.120969       1.32065      0.382074      0.406100      0.309664      0.161933      0.610996E-01   0.00000      0.309439    
+  0.158481E-01   5.19828      0.760501      0.871495      0.519516      0.744585      0.240985      0.126910       1.26410      0.367233      0.392601      0.294722      0.152283      0.575570E-01   0.00000      0.294427    
+  0.173770E-01   4.94071      0.748500      0.846107      0.495529      0.712830      0.252971      0.133277       1.20836      0.352604      0.379292      0.279839      0.142926      0.541229E-01   0.00000      0.279415    
+  0.190535E-01   4.68974      0.737562      0.821487      0.472005      0.681419      0.265557      0.140068       1.15342      0.338117      0.366085      0.265094      0.133888      0.507966E-01   0.00000      0.264537    
+  0.208917E-01   4.44515      0.727697      0.797665      0.448871      0.650350      0.278826      0.147314       1.09922      0.323613      0.352793      0.250590      0.125257      0.475764E-01   0.00000      0.249981    
+  0.229073E-01   4.20698      0.718936      0.774679      0.426138      0.619624      0.292797      0.155055       1.04576      0.309095      0.339418      0.236320      0.117043      0.444633E-01   0.00000      0.235743    
+  0.251174E-01   3.97524      0.711154      0.752364      0.403813      0.589240      0.307341      0.163123      0.993053      0.294662      0.326080      0.222241      0.109150      0.414543E-01   0.00000      0.221706    
+  0.275406E-01   3.75008      0.704313      0.730636      0.381870      0.559165      0.322442      0.171471      0.941035      0.280356      0.312847      0.208304      0.101515      0.385470E-01   0.00000      0.207771    
+  0.301976E-01   3.53143      0.698430      0.709533      0.360322      0.529414      0.338108      0.180120      0.889735      0.266156      0.299688      0.194530      0.941655E-01  0.357425E-01   0.00000      0.193983    
+  0.331110E-01   3.31836      0.693190      0.688818      0.339270      0.500151      0.353919      0.188667      0.839421      0.252183      0.286666      0.181058      0.870870E-01  0.330397E-01   0.00000      0.180445    
+  0.363055E-01   3.11091      0.688537      0.668452      0.318720      0.471380      0.369817      0.197071      0.790100      0.238448      0.273788      0.167896      0.802714E-01  0.304389E-01   0.00000      0.167153    
+  0.398081E-01   2.90883      0.684494      0.648445      0.298685      0.443130      0.385809      0.205315      0.741815      0.224957      0.261055      0.155061      0.737278E-01  0.279393E-01   0.00000      0.154135    
+  0.436487E-01   2.71120      0.680979      0.628690      0.279256      0.415511      0.401724      0.213180      0.694767      0.211788      0.248504      0.142622      0.674682E-01  0.255376E-01   0.00000      0.141469    
+  0.478598E-01   2.51803      0.678118      0.609166      0.260476      0.388435      0.417642      0.220731      0.648912      0.198970      0.236163      0.130445      0.615059E-01  0.232308E-01   0.00000      0.129041    
+  0.524772E-01   2.32970      0.675541      0.589988      0.242165      0.362140      0.433375      0.227848      0.604305      0.186372      0.223923      0.118930      0.557929E-01  0.210302E-01   0.00000      0.117187    
+  0.575400E-01   2.14629      0.672890      0.571268      0.224150      0.336850      0.448739      0.234418      0.561000      0.173893      0.211680      0.108470      0.502578E-01  0.189443E-01   0.00000      0.106225    
+  0.630913E-01   1.96772      0.670305      0.552968      0.206496      0.312474      0.463809      0.240494      0.518969      0.161574      0.199475      0.989126E-01  0.449217E-01  0.169694E-01   0.00000      0.960291E-01
+  0.691782E-01   1.79508      0.667879      0.534960      0.189321      0.289020      0.478558      0.245940      0.478340      0.149364      0.187346      0.901129E-01  0.399569E-01  0.151136E-01   0.00000      0.865599E-01
+  0.758523E-01   1.62887      0.665681      0.517284      0.172656      0.266654      0.493025      0.250631      0.439310      0.137211      0.175351      0.821388E-01  0.354450E-01  0.133888E-01   0.00000      0.779141E-01
+  0.831703E-01   1.46864      0.663630      0.499854      0.156486      0.245139      0.507145      0.254714      0.401625      0.125176      0.163414      0.748592E-01  0.313097E-01  0.117800E-01   0.00000      0.699454E-01
+  0.911943E-01   1.31450      0.661619      0.482398      0.140893      0.223993      0.520727      0.258405      0.364886      0.113363      0.151376      0.679443E-01  0.275295E-01  0.102673E-01   0.00000      0.623495E-01
+  0.999925E-01   1.17019      0.659623      0.464943      0.126193      0.203524      0.533429      0.261420      0.329717      0.101920      0.139228      0.616261E-01  0.242735E-01  0.891051E-02   0.00000      0.553850E-01
+  0.109639       1.03395      0.657215      0.447604      0.112011      0.183797      0.545204      0.263807      0.295808      0.909642E-01  0.127236      0.555588E-01  0.210467E-01  0.767125E-02   0.00000      0.488898E-01
+  0.120217      0.907470      0.654069      0.429628      0.987606E-01  0.164384      0.555308      0.265244      0.263145      0.804965E-01  0.115138      0.496753E-01  0.182641E-01  0.655576E-02   0.00000      0.426905E-01
+  0.131815      0.791494      0.649726      0.410970      0.864612E-01  0.145377      0.563265      0.265593      0.231839      0.705444E-01  0.102840      0.440532E-01  0.159168E-01  0.556011E-02   0.00000      0.369775E-01
+  0.144533      0.685921      0.643598      0.391574      0.751139E-01  0.126950      0.568484      0.264624      0.202064      0.611746E-01  0.903431E-01  0.387783E-01  0.139393E-01  0.467160E-02   0.00000      0.319350E-01
+  0.158477      0.590078      0.635230      0.370863      0.645979E-01  0.109101      0.570632      0.261762      0.173699      0.523501E-01  0.778614E-01  0.338070E-01  0.122479E-01  0.389027E-02   0.00000      0.273495E-01
+  0.173766      0.503255      0.623503      0.349148      0.549999E-01  0.920226E-01  0.568503      0.257125      0.147022      0.442791E-01  0.654894E-01  0.291211E-01  0.107208E-01  0.319547E-02   0.00000      0.233377E-01
+  0.190530      0.424807      0.607688      0.326100      0.462535E-01  0.758694E-01  0.561434      0.250231      0.122123      0.368466E-01  0.536398E-01  0.247280E-01  0.940685E-02  0.259366E-02   0.00000      0.196359E-01
+  0.208912      0.353779      0.587192      0.301986      0.384856E-01  0.611069E-01  0.548707      0.240879      0.995925E-01  0.301977E-01  0.424798E-01  0.206629E-01  0.828787E-02  0.207185E-02   0.00000      0.165553E-01
+  0.229067      0.289852      0.561944      0.276628      0.315345E-01  0.478840E-01  0.530410      0.228744      0.794184E-01  0.241784E-01  0.323115E-01  0.169515E-01  0.735607E-02  0.162838E-02   0.00000      0.139441E-01
+  0.251167      0.232871      0.531861      0.249721      0.255638E-01  0.362158E-01  0.506297      0.213505      0.617796E-01  0.189525E-01  0.233122E-01  0.136014E-01  0.661138E-02  0.125807E-02   0.00000      0.116455E-01
+  0.275399      0.183615      0.496148      0.221523      0.204019E-01  0.262786E-01  0.475746      0.195245      0.466805E-01  0.144017E-01  0.157969E-01  0.106762E-01  0.600018E-02  0.957545E-03   0.00000      0.952417E-02
+  0.301969      0.143474      0.455511      0.192274      0.157782E-01  0.183891E-01  0.439733      0.173885      0.341674E-01  0.102787E-01  0.100756E-01  0.823459E-02  0.549947E-02  0.717101E-03   0.00000      0.759644E-02
+  0.331102      0.110502      0.409273      0.162267      0.121334E-01  0.118440E-01  0.397139      0.150423      0.239773E-01  0.722362E-02  0.574812E-02  0.632565E-02  0.490974E-02  0.526357E-03   0.00000      0.556948E-02
+  0.363046      0.834762E-01  0.359003      0.130510      0.874546E-02  0.746267E-02  0.350257      0.123048      0.162081E-01  0.437199E-02  0.406597E-02  0.479921E-02  0.437347E-02  0.375949E-03   0.00000      0.302075E-02
+  0.398071      0.615451E-01  0.304421      0.100546      0.618611E-02  0.486628E-02  0.298235      0.956800E-01  0.110524E-01  0.251674E-02  0.352961E-02  0.375544E-02  0.366937E-02  0.259110E-03   0.00000      0.107756E-02
+  0.436476      0.441899E-01  0.248000      0.731153E-01  0.412886E-02  0.288857E-02  0.243871      0.702267E-01  0.701743E-02  0.100339E-02  0.312153E-02  0.316653E-02  0.312546E-02  0.169088E-03   0.00000      -.402050E-03
+  0.478586      0.303769E-01  0.192581      0.495621E-01  0.229888E-02  0.897499E-03  0.190282      0.486646E-01  0.319638E-02  -.365832E-04  0.249513E-02  0.255363E-02  0.233547E-02  0.102040E-03   0.00000      -.169967E-02
+  0.524759      0.191211E-01  0.142492      0.299038E-01  -.254646E-03  0.648981E-03  0.142747      0.292548E-01  0.394335E-03  -.210690E-02  0.229222E-02  0.213894E-02  0.185226E-02  0.534253E-04   0.00000      -.169667E-02
+  0.575386      0.105175E-01  0.972599E-01  0.166654E-01  -.153065E-02  0.912573E-03  0.987905E-01  0.157528E-01  -.618078E-03  -.254734E-02  0.186715E-02  0.167365E-02  0.101669E-02  0.213782E-04   0.00000      -.975959E-03
+  0.630897      0.430118E-02  0.597092E-01  0.893169E-02  -.229064E-02  0.209218E-02  0.619998E-01  0.683952E-02  -.198461E-03  -.284085E-02  0.205317E-02  0.122060E-02  0.550210E-03  0.352650E-05   0.00000      0.354762E-04
+  0.691764      0.692926E-03  0.317322E-01  0.509354E-02  -.329328E-02  0.421335E-02  0.350255E-01  0.880190E-03  0.920067E-03  -.335120E-02  0.325599E-02  0.908202E-03  0.579226E-04  -.363309E-05   0.00000      0.960991E-03
+  0.758504      -.822232E-03  0.142555E-01  0.337410E-02  -.252270E-02  0.460550E-02  0.167782E-01  -.123140E-02  0.208280E-02  -.242077E-02  0.256995E-02  0.730052E-03  -.101923E-03  -.434197E-05   0.00000      0.203989E-02
+  0.831682      -.904541E-03  0.527211E-02  0.160875E-02  -.137291E-02  0.274884E-02  0.664503E-02  -.114008E-02  0.137592E-02  -.132491E-02  0.122869E-02  0.329886E-03  -.480061E-04  -.232783E-05   0.00000      0.152248E-02
+  0.911920      -.371405E-03  0.140094E-02  0.861432E-03  -.713123E-03  0.932691E-03  0.211407E-02  -.712586E-04  0.219568E-03  -.718343E-03  0.138114E-03  0.550901E-04  0.522010E-05  -.554635E-06   0.00000      0.795132E-03
+  0.999900      -.108834E-06  0.656005E-06  0.149365E-05  -.616222E-06  0.630182E-06  0.127223E-05  0.863467E-06  0.139598E-07  -.618657E-06  -.424535E-06  0.151435E-08  0.243466E-08  -.444880E-10   0.00000      0.105476E-05
diff --git a/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/pdfs_q2val_07.txt b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/pdfs_q2val_07.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..37c9ab8e8dcc5fb88498100c56031f26f6d254e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/pdfs_q2val_07.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+   6464.00000             101          15   9.99999975E-05  0.999899983    
+            x          g             U             D          Ubar          Dbar         u_val         d_val           sea         u_sea         d_sea           str           chm           bot               ph         strbar
+  0.100000E-03   75.0895       6.10280       8.60202       6.07580       8.58350      0.270008E-01  0.185222E-01   14.6593       3.26962       3.25958       3.19068       2.80618       2.13217       0.00000       3.19174    
+  0.109648E-03   72.4910       5.91734       8.33649       5.88924       8.31729      0.281065E-01  0.191978E-01   14.2065       3.17390       3.16358       3.09386       2.71533       2.05878       0.00000       3.09492    
+  0.120226E-03   69.9645       5.73676       8.07807       5.70750       8.05817      0.292589E-01  0.199001E-01   13.7657       3.08066       3.07008       2.99956       2.62684       1.98746       0.00000       3.00062    
+  0.131825E-03   67.5113       5.56112       7.82683       5.53066       7.80620      0.304583E-01  0.206283E-01   13.3369       2.98991       2.97911       2.90780       2.54075       1.91823       0.00000       2.90886    
+  0.144543E-03   65.1277       5.39009       7.58226       5.35838       7.56088      0.317138E-01  0.213813E-01   12.9193       2.90145       2.89048       2.81838       2.45693       1.85095       0.00000       2.81945    
+  0.158489E-03   62.8147       5.22370       7.34440       5.19068       7.32224      0.330265E-01  0.221566E-01   12.5129       2.81528       2.80424       2.73132       2.37540       1.78562       0.00000       2.73239    
+  0.173779E-03   60.5700       5.06184       7.11307       5.02744       7.09012      0.343958E-01  0.229585E-01   12.1176       2.73135       2.72029       2.64657       2.29609       1.72219       0.00000       2.64763    
+  0.190545E-03   58.3887       4.90421       6.88786       4.86838       6.86407      0.358242E-01  0.237931E-01   11.7325       2.64951       2.63848       2.56399       2.21887       1.66054       0.00000       2.56505    
+  0.208928E-03   56.2727       4.75091       6.66893       4.71360       6.64427      0.373105E-01  0.246584E-01   11.3579       2.56981       2.55885       2.48365       2.14378       1.60070       0.00000       2.48472    
+  0.229085E-03   54.2184       4.60175       6.45594       4.56290       6.43039      0.388571E-01  0.255574E-01   10.9933       2.49216       2.48132       2.40541       2.07073       1.54259       0.00000       2.40648    
+  0.251186E-03   52.2235       4.45664       6.24873       4.41618       6.22224      0.404614E-01  0.264924E-01   10.6384       2.41652       2.40581       2.32920       1.99966       1.48616       0.00000       2.33026    
+  0.275420E-03   50.2889       4.31561       6.04737       4.27348       6.01991      0.421248E-01  0.274624E-01   10.2934       2.34289       2.33237       2.25504       1.93060       1.43144       0.00000       2.25610    
+  0.301992E-03   48.4109       4.17830       5.85130       4.13443       5.82283      0.438698E-01  0.284690E-01   9.95726       2.27108       2.26078       2.18273       1.86335       1.37826       0.00000       2.18378    
+  0.331127E-03   46.5895       4.04470       5.66046       3.99900       5.63095      0.456996E-01  0.295080E-01   9.62995       2.20108       2.19105       2.11222       1.79792       1.32663       0.00000       2.11327    
+  0.363073E-03   44.8236       3.91476       5.47483       3.86714       5.44425      0.476133E-01  0.305867E-01   9.31139       2.13286       2.12315       2.04353       1.73429       1.27653       0.00000       2.04457    
+  0.398101E-03   43.1095       3.78821       5.29412       3.73859       5.26240      0.496188E-01  0.317194E-01   9.00099       2.06627       2.05690       1.97661       1.67232       1.22785       0.00000       1.97765    
+  0.436509E-03   41.4487       3.66512       5.11842       3.61341       5.08552      0.517117E-01  0.329033E-01   8.69892       2.00135       1.99237       1.91148       1.61206       1.18063       0.00000       1.91252    
+  0.478622E-03   39.8380       3.54538       4.94754       3.49148       4.91340      0.539029E-01  0.341411E-01   8.40488       1.93804       1.92947       1.84808       1.55343       1.13480       0.00000       1.84913    
+  0.524798E-03   38.2751       3.42891       4.78137       3.37271       4.74594      0.561973E-01  0.354381E-01   8.11865       1.87632       1.86818       1.78638       1.49639       1.09032       0.00000       1.78743    
+  0.575429E-03   36.7611       3.31575       4.61997       3.25716       4.58318      0.585917E-01  0.367924E-01   7.84034       1.81620       1.80851       1.72641       1.44096       1.04721       0.00000       1.72746    
+  0.630945E-03   35.2925       3.20562       4.46289       3.14451       4.42470      0.611180E-01  0.381957E-01   7.56920       1.75752       1.75032       1.66797       1.38699       1.00536       0.00000       1.66902    
+  0.691816E-03   33.8690       3.09847       4.31004       3.03468       4.27040      0.637865E-01  0.396402E-01   7.30508       1.70025       1.69359       1.61103       1.33443      0.964750       0.00000       1.61207    
+  0.758561E-03   32.4902       2.99430       4.16144       2.92771       4.12031      0.665897E-01  0.411352E-01   7.04802       1.64441       1.63831       1.55560       1.28330      0.925380       0.00000       1.55662    
+  0.831745E-03   31.1533       2.89298       4.01687       2.82345       3.97418      0.695317E-01  0.426960E-01   6.79763       1.58991       1.58441       1.50160       1.23354      0.887178       0.00000       1.50259    
+  0.911989E-03   29.8593       2.79457       3.87642       2.72195       3.83210      0.726175E-01  0.443222E-01   6.55405       1.53678       1.53193       1.44904       1.18517      0.850168       0.00000       1.45000    
+  0.999975E-03   28.6062       2.69895       3.73990       2.62312       3.69389      0.758319E-01  0.460109E-01   6.31701       1.48497       1.48080       1.39788       1.13814      0.814297       0.00000       1.39879    
+  0.109645E-02   27.3923       2.60603       3.60714       2.52687       3.55938      0.791537E-01  0.477601E-01   6.08626       1.43445       1.43096       1.34805       1.09243      0.779513       0.00000       1.34891    
+  0.120223E-02   26.2184       2.51585       3.47823       2.43326       3.42866      0.825870E-01  0.495697E-01   5.86192       1.38523       1.38244       1.29958       1.04803      0.745839       0.00000       1.30037    
+  0.131822E-02   25.0817       2.42829       3.35293       2.34211       3.30148      0.861751E-01  0.514486E-01   5.64359       1.33722       1.33516       1.25238       1.00489      0.713208       0.00000       1.25311    
+  0.144540E-02   23.9818       2.34330       3.23120       2.25337       3.17780      0.899342E-01  0.534012E-01   5.43116       1.29040       1.28909       1.20643      0.962964      0.681604       0.00000       1.20710    
+  0.158485E-02   22.9184       2.26090       3.11304       2.16704       3.05761      0.938546E-01  0.554239E-01   5.22466       1.24478       1.24424       1.16174      0.922265      0.651027       0.00000       1.16234    
+  0.173775E-02   21.8892       2.18098       2.99825       2.08303       2.94073      0.979452E-01  0.575147E-01   5.02377       1.20030       1.20058       1.11819      0.882732      0.621415       0.00000       1.11874    
+  0.190540E-02   20.8948       2.10356       2.88688       2.00135       2.82720      0.102209      0.596770E-01   4.82855       1.15697       1.15810       1.07580      0.844380      0.592782       0.00000       1.07632    
+  0.208923E-02   19.9341       2.02861       2.77883       1.92197       2.71692      0.106637      0.619024E-01   4.63889       1.11479       1.11679       1.03454      0.807176      0.565100       0.00000       1.03503    
+  0.229079E-02   19.0056       1.95605       2.67399       1.84484       2.60981      0.111212      0.641740E-01   4.45465       1.07376       1.07664      0.994371      0.771084      0.538333       0.00000      0.994835    
+  0.251180E-02   18.1101       1.88593       2.57241       1.77000       2.50592      0.115928      0.664900E-01   4.27592       1.03387       1.03767      0.955309      0.736125      0.512499       0.00000      0.955754    
+  0.275413E-02   17.2455       1.81816       2.47393       1.69729       2.40502      0.120869      0.689057E-01   4.10231      0.995072      0.999799      0.917263      0.702218      0.487539       0.00000      0.917683    
+  0.301984E-02   16.4110       1.75272       2.37848       1.62665       2.30703      0.126070      0.714491E-01   3.93367      0.957322      0.963011      0.880199      0.669326      0.463431       0.00000      0.880584    
+  0.331118E-02   15.6069       1.68962       2.28607       1.55810       2.21197      0.131515      0.741032E-01   3.77007      0.920633      0.927313      0.844129      0.637468      0.440182       0.00000      0.844472    
+  0.363064E-02   14.8315       1.62881       2.19655       1.49157       2.11968      0.137234      0.768700E-01   3.61126      0.884956      0.892665      0.808980      0.606618      0.417744       0.00000      0.809274    
+  0.398091E-02   14.0852       1.57033       2.10996       1.42710       2.03021      0.143226      0.797501E-01   3.45731      0.850315      0.859095      0.774750      0.576787      0.396131       0.00000      0.774981    
+  0.436498E-02   13.3670       1.51410       2.02621       1.36460       1.94346      0.149495      0.827424E-01   3.30807      0.816656      0.826538      0.741448      0.547949      0.375312       0.00000      0.741615    
+  0.478610E-02   12.6750       1.46003       1.94519       1.30399       1.85935      0.156043      0.858363E-01   3.16334      0.783919      0.794916      0.709072      0.520072      0.355241       0.00000      0.709194    
+  0.524785E-02   12.0100       1.40817       1.86695       1.24532       1.77792      0.162851      0.890208E-01   3.02324      0.752140      0.764265      0.677627      0.493177      0.335940       0.00000      0.677720    
+  0.575415E-02   11.3704       1.35843       1.79138       1.18840       1.69901      0.170027      0.923761E-01   2.88741      0.721203      0.734497      0.647082      0.467200      0.317360       0.00000      0.647152    
+  0.630929E-02   10.7554       1.31079       1.71850       1.13315       1.62255      0.177638      0.959492E-01   2.75570      0.691042      0.705564      0.617447      0.442112      0.299481       0.00000      0.617503    
+  0.691799E-02   10.1652       1.26526       1.64827       1.07962       1.54855      0.185647      0.997144E-01   2.62817      0.661691      0.677489      0.588703      0.417925      0.282310       0.00000      0.588752    
+  0.758542E-02   9.59807       1.22178       1.58045       1.02772       1.47677      0.194059      0.103679       2.50449      0.633115      0.650235      0.560718      0.394605      0.265800       0.00000      0.560735    
+  0.831724E-02   9.05425       1.18036       1.51506      0.977482       1.40723      0.202882      0.107831       2.38471      0.605309      0.623823      0.533503      0.372172      0.249959       0.00000      0.533449    
+  0.911966E-02   8.53294       1.14096       1.45205      0.928862       1.33986      0.212102      0.112196       2.26872      0.578280      0.598207      0.507027      0.350583      0.234764       0.00000      0.506887    
+  0.999950E-02   8.03253       1.10350       1.39130      0.881803       1.27449      0.221694      0.116807       2.15629      0.552029      0.573319      0.481209      0.329774      0.220174       0.00000      0.480995    
+  0.109642E-01   7.55372       1.06801       1.33283      0.836349       1.21119      0.231659      0.121647       2.04753      0.526571      0.549192      0.456071      0.309778      0.206206       0.00000      0.455788    
+  0.120220E-01   7.09502       1.03437       1.27658      0.792347       1.14981      0.242023      0.126763       1.94216      0.501842      0.525745      0.431601      0.290505      0.192823       0.00000      0.431247    
+  0.131819E-01   6.65562       1.00249       1.22251      0.749697       1.09032      0.252794      0.132191       1.84002      0.477828      0.502946      0.407806      0.271869      0.180004       0.00000      0.407371    
+  0.144536E-01   6.23586      0.972416       1.17064      0.708446       1.03272      0.263970      0.137912       1.74117      0.454530      0.480806      0.384678      0.253916      0.167759       0.00000      0.384158    
+  0.158481E-01   5.83402      0.944119       1.12070      0.668533      0.976772      0.275585      0.143929       1.64530      0.431815      0.459201      0.362134      0.236718      0.156045       0.00000      0.361526    
+  0.173770E-01   5.45023      0.917659       1.07270      0.629992      0.922431      0.287667      0.150268       1.55242      0.409690      0.438145      0.340129      0.220303      0.144865       0.00000      0.339421    
+  0.190535E-01   5.08398      0.892926       1.02661      0.592753      0.869728      0.300173      0.156883       1.46248      0.388122      0.417592      0.318732      0.204631      0.134208       0.00000      0.317928    
+  0.208917E-01   4.73389      0.869741      0.982334      0.556677      0.818618      0.313064      0.163716       1.37529      0.367007      0.397416      0.298030      0.189670      0.124040       0.00000      0.297162    
+  0.229073E-01   4.40049      0.848178      0.939952      0.521785      0.769128      0.326393      0.170824       1.29091      0.346344      0.377620      0.278026      0.175441      0.114375       0.00000      0.277133    
+  0.251174E-01   4.08267      0.828077      0.899217      0.488088      0.721188      0.339989      0.178029       1.20928      0.326203      0.358277      0.258650      0.161886      0.105184       0.00000      0.257726    
+  0.275406E-01   3.77969      0.809367      0.859969      0.455586      0.674724      0.353781      0.185245       1.13031      0.306619      0.339431      0.239835      0.148966      0.964469E-01   0.00000      0.238846    
+  0.301976E-01   3.49190      0.792079      0.822282      0.424277      0.629771      0.367802      0.192511       1.05405      0.287577      0.321062      0.221612      0.136700      0.881724E-01   0.00000      0.220536    
+  0.331110E-01   3.21765      0.775836      0.785897      0.394155      0.586402      0.381681      0.199495      0.980557      0.269122      0.303183      0.204099      0.125033      0.803326E-01   0.00000      0.202886    
+  0.363055E-01   2.95680      0.760606      0.750768      0.365228      0.544611      0.395378      0.206157      0.909839      0.251268      0.285812      0.187286      0.113961      0.729258E-01   0.00000      0.185873    
+  0.398081E-01   2.70923      0.746359      0.716917      0.337479      0.504424      0.408879      0.212493      0.841903      0.234002      0.268922      0.171215      0.103478      0.659487E-01   0.00000      0.169553    
+  0.436487E-01   2.47392      0.732875      0.684262      0.310875      0.465923      0.422000      0.218338      0.776798      0.217330      0.252478      0.156011      0.935445E-01  0.593820E-01   0.00000      0.154063    
+  0.478598E-01   2.25111      0.720265      0.652834      0.285442      0.429084      0.434823      0.223750      0.714526      0.201278      0.236500      0.141615      0.841636E-01  0.532315E-01   0.00000      0.139352    
+  0.524772E-01   2.04046      0.708264      0.622570      0.261108      0.393951      0.447156      0.228619      0.655059      0.185765      0.220936      0.128161      0.753434E-01  0.474868E-01   0.00000      0.125528    
+  0.575400E-01   1.84163      0.696632      0.593442      0.237794      0.360594      0.458838      0.232848      0.598388      0.170724      0.205737      0.115810      0.670693E-01  0.421393E-01   0.00000      0.112718    
+  0.630913E-01   1.65476      0.685471      0.565473      0.215527      0.328992      0.469944      0.236482      0.544518      0.156184      0.190923      0.104505      0.593425E-01  0.371935E-01   0.00000      0.100875    
+  0.691782E-01   1.47960      0.674648      0.538433      0.194382      0.299024      0.480266      0.239409      0.493406      0.142120      0.176471      0.940742E-01  0.522625E-01  0.326315E-01   0.00000      0.899214E-01
+  0.758523E-01   1.31700      0.664227      0.512371      0.174463      0.270842      0.489763      0.241529      0.445305      0.128518      0.162416      0.845764E-01  0.459454E-01  0.284835E-01   0.00000      0.799423E-01
+  0.831703E-01   1.16564      0.654078      0.487157      0.155637      0.244197      0.498441      0.242960      0.399835      0.115390      0.148701      0.758846E-01  0.402470E-01  0.247013E-01   0.00000      0.707950E-01
+  0.911943E-01   1.02312      0.643846      0.462406      0.137731      0.218553      0.506115      0.243853      0.356284      0.102783      0.135197      0.676610E-01  0.349488E-01  0.211911E-01   0.00000      0.621643E-01
+  0.999925E-01  0.894964      0.633459      0.438411      0.121310      0.194577      0.512149      0.243834      0.315887      0.910057E-01  0.122060      0.602099E-01  0.303045E-01  0.181239E-01   0.00000      0.543933E-01
+  0.109639      0.777286      0.622495      0.414795      0.105951      0.171902      0.516545      0.242893      0.277853      0.799080E-01  0.109303      0.532072E-01  0.260428E-01  0.153659E-01   0.00000      0.472335E-01
+  0.120217      0.670561      0.610590      0.391225      0.918937E-01  0.150359      0.518696      0.240866      0.242252      0.695483E-01  0.967843E-01  0.466476E-01  0.223454E-01  0.129217E-01   0.00000      0.406526E-01
+  0.131815      0.574407      0.597324      0.367606      0.790825E-01  0.130015      0.518242      0.237592      0.209097      0.599136E-01  0.845042E-01  0.405655E-01  0.191690E-01  0.107700E-01   0.00000      0.347405E-01
+  0.144533      0.488168      0.582198      0.343783      0.674671E-01  0.110942      0.514731      0.232841      0.178409      0.510355E-01  0.725413E-01  0.349798E-01  0.164315E-01  0.888540E-02   0.00000      0.295153E-01
+  0.158477      0.411119      0.564792      0.319546      0.569677E-01  0.931726E-01  0.507824      0.226374      0.150140      0.429020E-01  0.610377E-01  0.298528E-01  0.140657E-01  0.725133E-02   0.00000      0.248836E-01
+  0.173766      0.342612      0.544360      0.294958      0.475683E-01  0.767608E-01  0.496791      0.218197      0.124329      0.355768E-01  0.501211E-01  0.251584E-01  0.119915E-01  0.583608E-02   0.00000      0.208035E-01
+  0.190530      0.282065      0.520615      0.269939      0.392288E-01  0.619190E-01  0.481386      0.208020      0.101148      0.290034E-01  0.400707E-01  0.209064E-01  0.102254E-01  0.463287E-02   0.00000      0.172155E-01
+  0.208912      0.228960      0.493262      0.244611      0.319548E-01  0.487613E-01  0.461307      0.195849      0.807161E-01  0.232249E-01  0.309623E-01  0.171011E-01  0.872994E-02  0.361993E-02   0.00000      0.141791E-01
+  0.229067      0.182918      0.462394      0.218873      0.256191E-01  0.373800E-01  0.436775      0.181493      0.629990E-01  0.181354E-01  0.230198E-01  0.137457E-01  0.748363E-02  0.278098E-02   0.00000      0.115792E-01
+  0.251167      0.143664      0.428049      0.192728      0.202504E-01  0.277124E-01  0.407798      0.165015      0.479628E-01  0.137957E-01  0.163205E-01  0.108388E-01  0.645469E-02  0.209887E-02   0.00000      0.929302E-02
+  0.275399      0.110944      0.390011      0.166406      0.156780E-01  0.198027E-01  0.374333      0.146604      0.354807E-01  0.100883E-01  0.110093E-01  0.839723E-02  0.558975E-02  0.155466E-02   0.00000      0.723870E-02
+  0.301969      0.841992E-01  0.349105      0.140241      0.117732E-01  0.136429E-01  0.337332      0.126598      0.254161E-01  0.693316E-02  0.712560E-02  0.642846E-02  0.484009E-02  0.112628E-02   0.00000      0.539100E-02
+  0.331102      0.624745E-01  0.305349      0.114366      0.861909E-02  0.888757E-02  0.296730      0.105478      0.175067E-01  0.451067E-02  0.454238E-02  0.490153E-02  0.410843E-02  0.793593E-03   0.00000      0.355160E-02
+  0.363046      0.450597E-01  0.259938      0.890971E-01  0.594628E-02  0.570025E-02  0.253991      0.833969E-01  0.116465E-01  0.250304E-02  0.344580E-02  0.372694E-02  0.344324E-02  0.539079E-03   0.00000      0.171537E-02
+  0.398071      0.313550E-01  0.213615      0.663503E-01  0.388667E-02  0.371209E-02  0.209728      0.626382E-01  0.759876E-02  0.112296E-02  0.291882E-02  0.292169E-02  0.276372E-02  0.349110E-03   0.00000      0.444152E-03
+  0.436476      0.208486E-01  0.168401      0.465003E-01  0.221071E-02  0.220629E-02  0.166190      0.442940E-01  0.441700E-02  0.234838E-04  0.248286E-02  0.236731E-02  0.218722E-02  0.210982E-03   0.00000      -.487550E-03
+  0.478586      0.129244E-01  0.126527      0.302096E-01  0.588609E-03  0.125719E-02  0.125938      0.289525E-01  0.184580E-02  -.973026E-03  0.213055E-02  0.187308E-02  0.156164E-02  0.114519E-03   0.00000      -.987873E-03
+  0.524759      0.719144E-02  0.898384E-01  0.177453E-01  -.853073E-03  0.114810E-02  0.906914E-01  0.165972E-01  0.295029E-03  -.196856E-02  0.185875E-02  0.147884E-02  0.111549E-02  0.520181E-04   0.00000      -.762667E-03
+  0.575386      0.336241E-02  0.585548E-01  0.985713E-02  -.155428E-02  0.149162E-02  0.601091E-01  0.836551E-02  -.626642E-04  -.209776E-02  0.162570E-02  0.112273E-02  0.543476E-03  0.159962E-04   0.00000      -.150086E-03
+  0.630897      0.108974E-02  0.342734E-01  0.529482E-02  -.196052E-02  0.228727E-02  0.362339E-01  0.300756E-02  0.326743E-03  -.221984E-02  0.181378E-02  0.788663E-03  0.259321E-03  -.640161E-06   0.00000      0.474129E-03
+  0.691764      0.305133E-04  0.173239E-01  0.310567E-02  -.215642E-02  0.311084E-02  0.194803E-01  -.517448E-05  0.954421E-03  -.214309E-02  0.210245E-02  0.577657E-03  -.133354E-04  -.519560E-05   0.00000      0.101359E-02
+  0.758504      -.273765E-03  0.744239E-02  0.187275E-02  -.150420E-02  0.272755E-02  0.894660E-02  -.854802E-03  0.122335E-02  -.144763E-02  0.143053E-02  0.396103E-03  -.565763E-04  -.406715E-05   0.00000      0.130110E-02
+  0.831682      -.193607E-03  0.256074E-02  0.887910E-03  -.754537E-03  0.141270E-02  0.331528E-02  -.524787E-03  0.658160E-03  -.732295E-03  0.567021E-03  0.155875E-03  -.222427E-04  -.165235E-05   0.00000      0.847329E-03
+  0.911920      -.534606E-04  0.599097E-03  0.446231E-03  -.330492E-03  0.416109E-03  0.929590E-03  0.301216E-04  0.856167E-04  -.333706E-03  0.245271E-04  0.210795E-04  0.321318E-05  -.274808E-06   0.00000      0.391857E-03
+  0.999900      0.151400E-08  0.150205E-06  0.342614E-06  -.141220E-06  0.144378E-06  0.291425E-06  0.198237E-06  0.315790E-08  -.141770E-06  -.974851E-07  0.338900E-09  0.550406E-09  -.904591E-11   0.00000      0.241872E-06
diff --git a/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/pdfs_q2val_08.txt b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/pdfs_q2val_08.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..069cddb49e6b9fb02742418223250db314b62cfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/pdfs_q2val_08.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+   8317.00000             101          15   9.99999975E-05  0.999899983    
+            x          g             U             D          Ubar          Dbar         u_val         d_val           sea         u_sea         d_sea           str           chm           bot               ph         strbar
+  0.100000E-03   77.7513       6.30452       8.90633       6.27725       8.88766      0.272680E-01  0.186747E-01   15.1649       3.36996       3.35993       3.29092       2.90729       2.23575       0.00000       3.29198    
+  0.109648E-03   75.0249       6.11074       8.62828       6.08236       8.60893      0.283847E-01  0.193560E-01   14.6913       3.27009       3.25977       3.18995       2.81227       2.15815       0.00000       3.19101    
+  0.120226E-03   72.3753       5.92212       8.35776       5.89257       8.33769      0.295485E-01  0.200637E-01   14.2303       3.17282       3.16225       3.09163       2.71975       2.08275       0.00000       3.09269    
+  0.131825E-03   69.8038       5.73872       8.09484       5.70796       8.07404      0.307598E-01  0.207975E-01   13.7820       3.07818       3.06740       2.99599       2.62978       2.00959       0.00000       2.99706    
+  0.144543E-03   67.3064       5.56018       7.83896       5.52815       7.81741      0.320277E-01  0.215564E-01   13.3456       2.98596       2.97502       2.90283       2.54219       1.93849       0.00000       2.90389    
+  0.158489E-03   64.8841       5.38654       7.59018       5.35319       7.56785      0.333535E-01  0.223379E-01   12.9210       2.89616       2.88515       2.81214       2.45703       1.86949       0.00000       2.81321    
+  0.173779E-03   62.5344       5.21768       7.34832       5.18294       7.32518      0.347364E-01  0.231463E-01   12.5081       2.80872       2.79771       2.72389       2.37422       1.80251       0.00000       2.72496    
+  0.190545E-03   60.2521       5.05329       7.11293       5.01711       7.08894      0.361786E-01  0.239877E-01   12.1060       2.72350       2.71251       2.63794       2.29361       1.73743       0.00000       2.63900    
+  0.208928E-03   58.0391       4.89346       6.88417       4.85578       6.85930      0.376789E-01  0.248603E-01   11.7151       2.64053       2.62962       2.55434       2.21525       1.67428       0.00000       2.55540    
+  0.229085E-03   55.8918       4.73801       6.66169       4.69877       6.63593      0.392401E-01  0.257668E-01   11.3347       2.55972       2.54894       2.47296       2.13905       1.61297       0.00000       2.47402    
+  0.251186E-03   53.8075       4.58682       6.44532       4.54596       6.41861      0.408602E-01  0.267093E-01   10.9646       2.48103       2.47039       2.39370       2.06493       1.55345       0.00000       2.39476    
+  0.275420E-03   51.7874       4.43993       6.23512       4.39739       6.20744      0.425402E-01  0.276868E-01   10.6048       2.40446       2.39401       2.31662       1.99293       1.49575       0.00000       2.31767    
+  0.301992E-03   49.8272       4.29697       6.03052       4.25266       6.00182      0.443026E-01  0.287014E-01   10.2545       2.32981       2.31959       2.24147       1.92285       1.43971       0.00000       2.24252    
+  0.331127E-03   47.9272       4.15791       5.83147       4.11176       5.80172      0.461511E-01  0.297489E-01   9.91348       2.25708       2.24713       2.16824       1.85469       1.38531       0.00000       2.16928    
+  0.363073E-03   46.0860       4.02272       5.63792       3.97463       5.60709      0.480842E-01  0.308367E-01   9.58172       2.18622       2.17659       2.09693       1.78841       1.33253       0.00000       2.09796    
+  0.398101E-03   44.2997       3.89110       5.44957       3.84099       5.41759      0.501093E-01  0.319786E-01   9.25858       2.11708       2.10781       2.02747       1.72390       1.28127       0.00000       2.02851    
+  0.436509E-03   42.5698       3.76313       5.26651       3.71091       5.23334      0.522216E-01  0.331722E-01   8.94425       2.04971       2.04082       1.95990       1.66120       1.23157       0.00000       1.96094    
+  0.478622E-03   40.8932       3.63869       5.08855       3.58426       5.05413      0.544330E-01  0.344197E-01   8.63839       1.98404       1.97557       1.89416       1.60021       1.18336       0.00000       1.89520    
+  0.524798E-03   39.2671       3.51770       4.91555       3.46095       4.87982      0.567490E-01  0.357259E-01   8.34077       1.92005       1.91201       1.83020       1.54090       1.13657       0.00000       1.83124    
+  0.575429E-03   37.6928       3.40019       4.74758       3.34103       4.71049      0.591661E-01  0.370893E-01   8.05152       1.85774       1.85016       1.76804       1.48329       1.09124       0.00000       1.76909    
+  0.630945E-03   36.1667       3.28588       4.58418       3.22416       4.54568      0.617158E-01  0.385021E-01   7.76984       1.79696       1.78987       1.70751       1.42721       1.04726       0.00000       1.70855    
+  0.691816E-03   34.6883       3.17470       4.42525       3.11029       4.38529      0.644089E-01  0.399572E-01   7.49558       1.73767       1.73111       1.64855       1.37263       1.00459       0.00000       1.64958    
+  0.758561E-03   33.2573       3.06667       4.27080       2.99943       4.22934      0.672372E-01  0.414633E-01   7.22877       1.67988       1.67389       1.59119       1.31956      0.963251       0.00000       1.59219    
+  0.831745E-03   31.8706       2.96164       4.12061       2.89143       4.07758      0.702037E-01  0.430351E-01   6.96901       1.62350       1.61813       1.53531       1.26793      0.923148       0.00000       1.53630    
+  0.911989E-03   30.5292       2.85966       3.97476       2.78634       3.93009      0.733129E-01  0.446722E-01   6.71643       1.56858       1.56386       1.48097       1.21776      0.884313       0.00000       1.48192    
+  0.999975E-03   29.2311       2.76062       3.83306       2.68407       3.78669      0.765511E-01  0.463717E-01   6.47076       1.51505       1.51101       1.42809       1.16902      0.846690       0.00000       1.42899    
+  0.109645E-02   27.9743       2.66441       3.69532       2.58452       3.64719      0.798983E-01  0.481318E-01   6.23171       1.46287       1.45952       1.37660       1.12165      0.810220       0.00000       1.37745    
+  0.120223E-02   26.7598       2.57109       3.56163       2.48774       3.51168      0.833581E-01  0.499524E-01   5.99941       1.41206       1.40941       1.32655       1.07567      0.774932       0.00000       1.32733    
+  0.131822E-02   25.5845       2.48051       3.43175       2.39354       3.37991      0.869740E-01  0.518427E-01   5.77345       1.36253       1.36061       1.27782       1.03101      0.740749       0.00000       1.27855    
+  0.144540E-02   24.4480       2.39264       3.30563       2.30188       3.25183      0.907627E-01  0.538080E-01   5.55370       1.31425       1.31309       1.23042      0.987624      0.707658       0.00000       1.23108    
+  0.158485E-02   23.3500       2.30748       3.18327       2.21277       3.12743      0.947138E-01  0.558440E-01   5.34020       1.26723       1.26684       1.18433      0.945532      0.675657       0.00000       1.18493    
+  0.173775E-02   22.2881       2.22492       3.06446       2.12608       3.00651      0.988345E-01  0.579474E-01   5.13259       1.22142       1.22184       1.13944      0.904663      0.644679       0.00000       1.13999    
+  0.190540E-02   21.2628       2.14498       2.94923       2.04185       2.88911      0.103127      0.601210E-01   4.93096       1.17681       1.17809       1.09577      0.865035      0.614739       0.00000       1.09628    
+  0.208923E-02   20.2729       2.06761       2.83750       1.96003       2.77514      0.107585      0.623582E-01   4.73517       1.13342       1.13557       1.05329      0.826611      0.585807       0.00000       1.05377    
+  0.229079E-02   19.3169       1.99275       2.72914       1.88056       2.66449      0.112192      0.646433E-01   4.54506       1.09121       1.09425       1.01194      0.789351      0.557842       0.00000       1.01240    
+  0.251180E-02   18.3955       1.92044       2.62420       1.80350       2.55723      0.116942      0.669742E-01   4.36073       1.05022       1.05417      0.971761      0.753279      0.530866       0.00000      0.972199    
+  0.275413E-02   17.5065       1.85058       2.52251       1.72866       2.45311      0.121919      0.694057E-01   4.18176       1.01035       1.01523      0.932646      0.718309      0.504814       0.00000      0.933059    
+  0.301984E-02   16.6491       1.78314       2.42400       1.65598       2.35203      0.127159      0.719661E-01   4.00802      0.971582      0.977431      0.894561      0.684403      0.479662       0.00000      0.894938    
+  0.331118E-02   15.8236       1.71815       2.32868       1.58550       2.25404      0.132642      0.746378E-01   3.83954      0.933924      0.940767      0.857518      0.651581      0.455418       0.00000      0.857854    
+  0.363064E-02   15.0279       1.65553       2.23638       1.51713       2.15895      0.138400      0.774213E-01   3.67609      0.897322      0.905196      0.821443      0.619810      0.432030       0.00000      0.821729    
+  0.398091E-02   14.2628       1.59533       2.14713       1.45091       2.06681      0.144427      0.803162E-01   3.51772      0.861801      0.870746      0.786333      0.589106      0.409512       0.00000      0.786555    
+  0.436498E-02   13.5269       1.53747       2.06086       1.38674       1.97754      0.150733      0.833233E-01   3.36428      0.827305      0.837352      0.752194      0.559437      0.387832       0.00000      0.752353    
+  0.478610E-02   12.8184       1.48186       1.97744       1.32454       1.89101      0.157319      0.864347E-01   3.21555      0.793768      0.804931      0.719022      0.530770      0.366940       0.00000      0.719136    
+  0.524785E-02   12.1381       1.42852       1.89693       1.26435       1.80729      0.164166      0.896388E-01   3.07164      0.761229      0.773519      0.686824      0.503125      0.346859       0.00000      0.686909    
+  0.575415E-02   11.4841       1.37739       1.81920       1.20601       1.72619      0.171382      0.930138E-01   2.93220      0.729570      0.743029      0.655562      0.476437      0.327537       0.00000      0.655624    
+  0.630929E-02   10.8558       1.32843       1.74426       1.14940       1.64766      0.179029      0.966057E-01   2.79705      0.698724      0.713409      0.625245      0.450672      0.308954       0.00000      0.625293    
+  0.691799E-02   10.2534       1.28165       1.67208       1.09457       1.57170      0.187074      0.100389       2.66627      0.668725      0.684685      0.595856      0.425847      0.291116       0.00000      0.595895    
+  0.758542E-02   9.67483       1.23697       1.60242       1.04146       1.49805      0.195517      0.104371       2.53950      0.639535      0.656813      0.567258      0.401921      0.273971       0.00000      0.567264    
+  0.831724E-02   9.12049       1.19444       1.53528      0.990068       1.42674      0.204368      0.108539       2.41681      0.611152      0.629817      0.539463      0.378916      0.257530       0.00000      0.539396    
+  0.911966E-02   8.58949       1.15398       1.47062      0.940364       1.35770      0.213611      0.112918       2.29807      0.583578      0.603648      0.512438      0.356786      0.241768       0.00000      0.512285    
+  0.999950E-02   8.08015       1.11550       1.40829      0.892276       1.29075      0.223224      0.117543       2.18303      0.556811      0.578234      0.486106      0.335465      0.226640       0.00000      0.485877    
+  0.109642E-01   7.59318       1.07906       1.34836      0.845854       1.22596      0.233208      0.122396       2.07182      0.530866      0.553609      0.460485      0.314988      0.212164       0.00000      0.460188    
+  0.120220E-01   7.12702       1.04453       1.29071      0.800940       1.16319      0.243585      0.127521       1.96413      0.505678      0.529691      0.435562      0.295262      0.198303       0.00000      0.435195    
+  0.131819E-01   6.68082       1.01180       1.23533      0.757433       1.10237      0.254365      0.132954       1.85981      0.481230      0.506447      0.411341      0.276203      0.185033       0.00000      0.410893    
+  0.144536E-01   6.25492      0.980924       1.18221      0.715380       1.04353      0.265544      0.138675       1.75891      0.457524      0.483889      0.387816      0.257855      0.172364       0.00000      0.387280    
+  0.158481E-01   5.84751      0.951869       1.13110      0.674714      0.986417      0.277155      0.144686       1.66113      0.434426      0.461889      0.364903      0.240288      0.160251       0.00000      0.364278    
+  0.173770E-01   5.45874      0.924695       1.08200      0.635471      0.930990      0.289224      0.151013       1.56646      0.411941      0.440460      0.342557      0.223529      0.148696       0.00000      0.341834    
+  0.190535E-01   5.08806      0.899284       1.03488      0.597577      0.877275      0.301708      0.157607       1.47485      0.390039      0.419559      0.320847      0.207538      0.137688       0.00000      0.320029    
+  0.208917E-01   4.73401      0.875454      0.989633      0.560891      0.825223      0.314563      0.164409       1.38611      0.368614      0.399060      0.299855      0.192277      0.127191       0.00000      0.298972    
+  0.229073E-01   4.39715      0.853279      0.946339      0.525435      0.774862      0.327843      0.171477       1.30030      0.347668      0.378967      0.279585      0.177767      0.117220       0.00000      0.278674    
+  0.251174E-01   4.07632      0.832595      0.904748      0.491219      0.726118      0.341375      0.178630       1.21734      0.327267      0.359350      0.259968      0.163952      0.107744       0.00000      0.259023    
+  0.275406E-01   3.77073      0.813326      0.864698      0.458239      0.678915      0.355087      0.185783       1.13715      0.307447      0.340251      0.240936      0.150792      0.987412E-01   0.00000      0.239923    
+  0.301976E-01   3.48074      0.795508      0.826263      0.426495      0.633288      0.369013      0.192975       1.05978      0.288191      0.321651      0.222519      0.138304      0.902210E-01   0.00000      0.221416    
+  0.331110E-01   3.20465      0.778757      0.789182      0.395975      0.589304      0.382782      0.199878      0.985278      0.269541      0.303559      0.204834      0.126434      0.821535E-01   0.00000      0.203591    
+  0.363055E-01   2.94234      0.763046      0.753406      0.366689      0.546953      0.396358      0.206453      0.913642      0.251510      0.285993      0.187868      0.115179      0.745369E-01   0.00000      0.186424    
+  0.398081E-01   2.69365      0.748341      0.718957      0.338616      0.506264      0.409725      0.212693      0.844880      0.234087      0.268927      0.171665      0.104530      0.673676E-01   0.00000      0.169970    
+  0.436487E-01   2.45754      0.734414      0.685753      0.311718      0.467313      0.422697      0.218439      0.779031      0.217273      0.252322      0.156349      0.944445E-01  0.606246E-01   0.00000      0.154367    
+  0.478598E-01   2.23426      0.721377      0.653825      0.286019      0.430080      0.435357      0.223745      0.716099      0.201093      0.236199      0.141866      0.849261E-01  0.543146E-01   0.00000      0.139566    
+  0.524772E-01   2.02344      0.708966      0.623103      0.261453      0.394598      0.447513      0.228505      0.656051      0.185469      0.220506      0.128336      0.759836E-01  0.484255E-01   0.00000      0.125667    
+  0.575400E-01   1.82467      0.696943      0.593552      0.237939      0.360931      0.459005      0.232621      0.598870      0.170335      0.205194      0.115914      0.676039E-01  0.429474E-01   0.00000      0.112790    
+  0.630913E-01   1.63813      0.685412      0.565197      0.215506      0.329059      0.469906      0.236137      0.544565      0.155718      0.190285      0.104546      0.597879E-01  0.378852E-01   0.00000      0.100889    
+  0.691782E-01   1.46348      0.674227      0.537801      0.194224      0.298857      0.480003      0.238944      0.493081      0.141594      0.175752      0.940579E-01  0.526300E-01  0.332191E-01   0.00000      0.898857E-01
+  0.758523E-01   1.30158      0.663449      0.511416      0.174198      0.270474      0.489251      0.240942      0.444673      0.127952      0.161630      0.845084E-01  0.462466E-01  0.289797E-01   0.00000      0.798643E-01
+  0.831703E-01   1.15107      0.652950      0.485908      0.155292      0.243661      0.497659      0.242247      0.398953      0.114800      0.147862      0.757708E-01  0.404919E-01  0.251174E-01   0.00000      0.706821E-01
+  0.911943E-01   1.00947      0.642364      0.460883      0.137320      0.217876      0.505044      0.243008      0.355196      0.102179      0.134318      0.675065E-01  0.351413E-01  0.215347E-01   0.00000      0.620228E-01
+  0.999925E-01  0.882335      0.631618      0.436648      0.120859      0.193801      0.510759      0.242847      0.314660      0.904068E-01  0.121161      0.600231E-01  0.304522E-01  0.184069E-01   0.00000      0.542332E-01
+  0.109639      0.765713      0.620290      0.412809      0.105480      0.171052      0.514810      0.241757      0.276532      0.793220E-01  0.108395      0.529963E-01  0.261581E-01  0.155961E-01   0.00000      0.470609E-01
+  0.120217      0.660037      0.608017      0.389045      0.914166E-01  0.149468      0.516600      0.239577      0.240885      0.689843E-01  0.958844E-01  0.464226E-01  0.224323E-01  0.131066E-01   0.00000      0.404771E-01
+  0.131815      0.564903      0.594382      0.365260      0.786101E-01  0.129115      0.515772      0.236145      0.207725      0.593797E-01  0.836307E-01  0.403347E-01  0.192304E-01  0.109164E-01   0.00000      0.345680E-01
+  0.144533      0.479647      0.578890      0.341298      0.670081E-01  0.110060      0.511882      0.231238      0.177068      0.505377E-01  0.717142E-01  0.347488E-01  0.164704E-01  0.899946E-02   0.00000      0.293465E-01
+  0.158477      0.403543      0.561127      0.316960      0.565322E-01  0.923357E-01  0.504595      0.224625      0.148868      0.424469E-01  0.602750E-01  0.296275E-01  0.140852E-01  0.733851E-02   0.00000      0.247222E-01
+  0.173766      0.335943      0.540366      0.292302      0.471620E-01  0.759908E-01  0.493204      0.216312      0.123153      0.351657E-01  0.494398E-01  0.249443E-01  0.119963E-01  0.590135E-02   0.00000      0.206497E-01
+  0.190530      0.276269      0.516334      0.267252      0.388580E-01  0.612359E-01  0.477476      0.206017      0.100094      0.286395E-01  0.394816E-01  0.207085E-01  0.102185E-01  0.468060E-02   0.00000      0.170737E-01
+  0.208912      0.224004      0.488749      0.241927      0.316209E-01  0.481738E-01  0.457128      0.193753      0.797948E-01  0.229071E-01  0.304735E-01  0.169233E-01  0.871383E-02  0.365393E-02   0.00000      0.140464E-01
+  0.229067      0.178760      0.457710      0.216231      0.253248E-01  0.368923E-01  0.432385      0.179339      0.622171E-01  0.178649E-01  0.226339E-01  0.135906E-01  0.745993E-02  0.280445E-02   0.00000      0.114539E-01
+  0.251167      0.140245      0.423263      0.190175      0.199931E-01  0.273257E-01  0.403270      0.162850      0.473188E-01  0.135690E-01  0.160360E-01  0.107083E-01  0.642407E-02  0.211443E-02   0.00000      0.917534E-02
+  0.275399      0.108176      0.385215      0.163990      0.154560E-01  0.195120E-01  0.369759      0.144478      0.349680E-01  0.990305E-02  0.108173E-01  0.829121E-02  0.555291E-02  0.156430E-02   0.00000      0.713041E-02
+  0.301969      0.819722E-01  0.344392      0.138008      0.115883E-01  0.134336E-01  0.332804      0.124575      0.250220E-01  0.679096E-02  0.700912E-02  0.634486E-02  0.479739E-02  0.113165E-02   0.00000      0.529287E-02
+  0.331102      0.607083E-01  0.300836      0.112365      0.846308E-02  0.875487E-02  0.292373      0.103610      0.172179E-01  0.439947E-02  0.448878E-02  0.483609E-02  0.406361E-02  0.795998E-03   0.00000      0.347009E-02
+  0.363046      0.436861E-01  0.255730      0.874060E-01  0.582350E-02  0.561917E-02  0.249906      0.817869E-01  0.114427E-01  0.242647E-02  0.341296E-02  0.367720E-02  0.339704E-02  0.539603E-03   0.00000      0.166661E-02
+  0.398071      0.303141E-01  0.209842      0.649844E-01  0.378828E-02  0.366022E-02  0.206054      0.613242E-01  0.744850E-02  0.106726E-02  0.288861E-02  0.288207E-02  0.272102E-02  0.348572E-03   0.00000      0.423030E-03
+  0.436476      0.200837E-01  0.165167      0.454635E-01  0.213226E-02  0.218069E-02  0.163034      0.432828E-01  0.431295E-02  -.142271E-04  0.245478E-02  0.233133E-02  0.214649E-02  0.210005E-03   0.00000      -.484098E-03
+  0.478586      0.123953E-01  0.123895      0.294801E-01  0.531022E-03  0.126588E-02  0.123364      0.282142E-01  0.179690E-02  -.998105E-03  0.211016E-02  0.184272E-02  0.152913E-02  0.113546E-03   0.00000      -.957826E-03
+  0.524759      0.686143E-02  0.877948E-01  0.172972E-01  -.869496E-03  0.116294E-02  0.886643E-01  0.161342E-01  0.293442E-03  -.195621E-02  0.183913E-02  0.145149E-02  0.108672E-02  0.513049E-04   0.00000      -.727492E-03
+  0.575386      0.318810E-02  0.570975E-01  0.960663E-02  -.154828E-02  0.150449E-02  0.586458E-01  0.810215E-02  -.437950E-04  -.207510E-02  0.161219E-02  0.110025E-02  0.526815E-03  0.156190E-04   0.00000      -.123321E-03
+  0.630897      0.102519E-02  0.333432E-01  0.516232E-02  -.193812E-02  0.227873E-02  0.352814E-01  0.288359E-02  0.340602E-03  -.218746E-02  0.179437E-02  0.771793E-03  0.249331E-03  -.742561E-06   0.00000      0.485103E-03
+  0.691764      0.261392E-04  0.168137E-01  0.302989E-02  -.210932E-02  0.305688E-02  0.189230E-01  -.269848E-04  0.947562E-03  -.209459E-02  0.205465E-02  0.564359E-03  -.147299E-04  -.514839E-05   0.00000      0.100737E-02
+  0.758504      -.256153E-03  0.720667E-02  0.181958E-02  -.146474E-02  0.265556E-02  0.867141E-02  -.835986E-03  0.119082E-02  -.140988E-02  0.138843E-02  0.384161E-03  -.548621E-04  -.398401E-05   0.00000      0.127111E-02
+  0.831682      -.178625E-03  0.247093E-02  0.862189E-03  -.732140E-03  0.136651E-02  0.320307E-02  -.504316E-03  0.634366E-03  -.710773E-03  0.545376E-03  0.150176E-03  -.213670E-04  -.160213E-05   0.00000      0.822731E-03
+  0.911920      -.484322E-04  0.574407E-03  0.431436E-03  -.318003E-03  0.399737E-03  0.892411E-03  0.316982E-04  0.817340E-04  -.321125E-03  0.219227E-04  0.201057E-04  0.312203E-05  -.262400E-06   0.00000      0.378077E-03
+  0.999900      0.337098E-08  0.139734E-06  0.318757E-06  -.131381E-06  0.134317E-06  0.271116E-06  0.184440E-06  0.293538E-08  -.131893E-06  -.907016E-07  0.314783E-09  0.511585E-09  -.852716E-11   0.00000      0.225027E-06
diff --git a/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/pulls.last.txt b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/output/pulls.last.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/examples/HATHOR-cbt/parameters.yaml b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/parameters.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4dd086d868c06b139e74df73ec864842bb196332
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/parameters.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Minimizer: MINUIT # CERES
+  Commands: |
+    set str 2
+    call fcn 3
+DefaultEvolution: proton-LHAPDF-nnpdf31
+  proton-LHAPDF-nnpdf31:
+    class: LHAPDF
+    set: "NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118"
+    member: 0
+  proton-LHAPDF-abmp16:
+    class: LHAPDF
+    set: "ABMP16_5_nnlo"
+    member: 0
+  proton-LHAPDF-ct14:
+    class: LHAPDF
+    set: "CT14nnlo"
+    member: 0
+  proton-LHAPDF-mmht2014:
+    class: LHAPDF
+    set: "MMHT2014nnlo68cl"
+    member: 0
+? !include constants.yaml
+  Hathor:
+    ? !include reactions/Hathor.yaml
diff --git a/examples/HATHOR-cbt/steering.txt b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/steering.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6085a739eba893fe0488dd2c012905ed5d28bfeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/steering.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+*  Namelist to control input data
+  ! Number of intput files
+    NInputFiles = 2
+  ! Input files:
+     InputFileNames = 
+     'ttbar.dat',
+     'ccbar-bbbar.dat',
+  ! Number of correlation (statistical, systematical or full) files
+    NCorrFiles = 0
+  ! Correlation files:
+  !  CorrFileNames(1) = 'datafiles/hera/h1/jets/0904.3870/H1_NormInclJets_HighQ2_99-07___H1_NormInclJets_HighQ2_99-07.corr'
+    ! even with tolerance =0 the following flag may speed up calculations
+  do_reduce = .false.  ! turn-on to simplify/speedup chi2 calculation.
+    ! tolerance = 0.0 for exact calculation, > 0.0 for improved speed.
+  tolerance = 0.0
+    ! depending on blas library, toggling the following flag may improve chi2 computation speed:
+  useBlas = .false.
+   ! Global switch for using nuisance param representation for covariance mat.
+  LConvertCovToNui = .False.
+   ! Tolerance -- zero means exact transformation
+  Tolerance = 0.0
+   ! (Optional) -- try to subtract diagonal stat. uncertainties from total covariance when determining uncorrelated uncertainites
+  LSubtractStat = .false.
+   ! The following lines allow to adjust error scaling properties (default: :M)
+  DataName     = 'CMS electon Asymmetry rapidity', 'CMS W muon asymmetry'
+  DataSystType = ':A', ':A'
+   ! do not re-compute QCDNUM tables if they are present and match grid definition
+  Read_QCDNUM_Tables = .true.
+  ! Name of the directory where output will be stored (max 255 characters)
+    OutDirName = 'output'
+* (Optional) Modify renormalisation/factorisation scales, dataset
+* dependently. The numbering follows sequential numbering of input files
+    DataSetMuR  = 7*1.0     ! Set muR scale to 1 for all 4 datasets
+    DataSetMuF  = 7*1.0     ! Set muF scale to 1 for all 4 datasets
+ !   DataSetTheoryOrder = 7*'NNLO',"NLO",'NNLO'
+ !   DataSetMaxNF(2) = 4    ! Enable the H-VFNS (requires APFEL)
+ !   DataSetMaxNF = 9*5
+* (Optional) List systematic sources, modify their scaling properties:
+ !C      List sources, Results.txt file would list them first. Use the usual :A, :P, 
+ !C      qualifiers to change the scalling properties
+ !  ListOfSources = 'ATLAS_lumi2010', 'ATL_WZ2010_Source_13:A'
+ !C      Modify the prior in chi2 definition (1.0 is default):
+ !  PriorScaleName = 'ATLAS_lumi2010', 'ATL_WZ2010_Source_13'
+ !  PriorScaleFactor = 0.0, 0.0 
+* Main steering cards
+                ! 'Fit'             -- standard MINUIT-minimization of PDF and other parameters
+                ! 'LHAPDF Analysis' -- Evalutate input LHAPDF set uncertaitnies, chi2, profiling or reweighting
+                !                      Requires &LHAPDF namelist to specify the set name. If PDFSTYLE is not
+                !                      set to LHAPDFQ0, LHAPDF or LHAPDFNATIVE, sets it to LHAPDF
+                ! 'PDF Rotate'      -- performs PDF re-diagonalization. Requires theo.in files to operate properly  
+                       ! 'DGLAP_APFEL'      -- collinear evolution with APFEL
+                       ! 'DGLAP_QEDEVOL'    -- collinear evolution with QEDEVOL
+                       ! 'DGLAP_APFEL_QED'  -- collinear evolution with APFEL with QED corrections
+                       ! 'DIPOLE' -- dipole model 
+                       ! 'uPDF'   -- un-integrated PDFs
+                                !uPDF1 fit with kernel ccfm-grid.dat file
+                                !uPDF2 fit evolved uPDF, fit just normalisation
+                                !uPDF3 fit using precalculated grid of sigma_hat
+                                !uPDF4 fit calculating kernel on fly, grid of sigma_hat
+ ! --- Scheme for heavy flavors 
+                                       ! (Any of the FONLL schemes at LO is equivalent to the ZM-VFNS)
+ !
+ ! Chi2 definition. Following options are supported:
+ !  
+ ! -- Bias corrections for uncertainties --
+ ! 'StatScale'    :  'Poisson',  'NoRescale' ( see also 'ExtraSystRescale' below )
+ ! 'UncorSysScale':  'Poisson',  'Linear',  'NoRescale'
+ ! 'CorSysScale'  :  'Linear',   'NoRescale'
+ ! 
+ ! -- Treatment of systematics in chi2 ---
+ ! 'UncorChi2Type':  'Diagonal'  
+ ! 'CorChi2Type'  :  'Hessian', 'Matrix', 'Offset'
+ !
+ ! -- Extra corrections ---
+ !   are given as comma separated list for Chi2ExtraParam, they are off by default.
+ !  'PoissonCorr'            : extra log correction accounting for changing uncertainties 
+ !  'FirstIterationRescale' : re-scale uncertainties at the first iteration only 
+ !  'ExtraSystRescale'      : additional re-scaling of stat. uncertainty to account for syst. shifts.
+   CHI2SettingsName = 'StatScale', 'UncorSysScale', 'CorSysScale', 'UncorChi2Type', 'CorChi2Type'
+   Chi2Settings     = 'Poisson'  , 'Linear',        'Linear'     , 'Diagonal'     , 'Hessian'
+   Chi2ExtraParam = 'PoissonCorr'
+ ! Flag to define if native APPLgrid CKM values should be kept.
+ ! Debug flag
+  LDEBUG     = False
+ ! Quadratic approximation for asymmetric uncertainties
+ ! AsymErrorsIterations = 10
+* Output steering cards
+  ! -- Q2 values at which the pdfs & errors are done (up to 20)
+  Q2VAL = 1.9, 3.0, 4.0, 5., 10., 100., 6464, 8317 
+!  Q2VAL = 1.9, 4., 10., 100., 6464, 8317 
+  ! How many x points to write (standard = 101)
+  OUTNX = 101
+  ! x-range of output (standard = 1E-4 1.0)
+  OUTXRANGE = 1E-4, 0.9999
+  ! Write out LHAPDF5 output
+  ! WriteLHAPDF5 = false
+* Process dependent cuts
+  !--------------------- NC ep  --------------------------
+  ! Rule #1: Q2 cuts
+   ProcessName(1)     = 'NC e+-p'
+   Variable(1)        = 'Q2'
+   CutValueMin(1)     = 3.5
+   CutValueMax(1)     = 1000000.0
+  ! Rule #2: x cuts
+   ProcessName(2)     = 'NC e+-p'
+   Variable(2)        = 'x'
+   CutValueMin(2)     = 0.000001 
+   CutValueMax(2)     = 1.0
+  !---------------------  CC ep  ------------------
+   ProcessName(3)     = 'CC e+-p'
+   Variable(3)        = 'Q2'
+   CutValueMin(3)     = 3.5
+   CutValueMax(3)     = 1000000.0
+   ProcessName(4)     = 'CC e+-p'
+   Variable(4)        = 'x'
+   CutValueMin(4)     = 0.000001 
+   CutValueMax(4)     = 1.0
+  !-------------------- DY pp  ----------------------
+   ProcessName(5)     = 'CC pp'
+   Variable(5)        = 'eta1'
+   CutValueMin(5)     = -1.
+   CutValueMax(5)     = 100.
+  !------------------- Jets ---------------------------
+   ProcessName(6)     = 'pp jets APPLGRID'
+   Variable(6)        = 'pt1'
+   CutValueMin(6)     = 20.
+   CutValueMax(6)     = 1000000.
+  !--------------------- Fixed target --------------------------
+  ! Rule #7: Whad2 cut
+   ProcessName(7)     = 'muon p'
+   Variable(7)        = 'Whad2'
+   CutValueMin(7)     = 15.   
+  !--------------------- Fastnlo jets ----------------------
+   ProcessName(8)     = 'FastNLO ep jets'
+   Variable(8)        = 'kfac'
+   CutValueMin(8)     = 0.0
+   CutValueMax(8)     = 2.5
+  !--------------------- NC ep charm ----------------
+   ProcessName(9)     = 'NC e+-p charm'
+   Variable(9)        = 'Q2'
+   CutValueMin(9)     = 3.5 
+   CutValueMax(9)     = 10000.0
+   ProcessName(10)     = 'NC e+-p charm'
+   Variable(10)        = 'x'
+   CutValueMin(10)     = 0.000001 
+   CutValueMax(10)     = 1.0
+  !--------------------- by Dataset index ----------------
+   ! applied to any (including unspecified) reaction by Dataset indices
+   ! e.g. cut pTmax < 15.0 will be applied to datasets 996 and 996
+   ! ProcessName must be 'DUMMY'
+   !
+   !ProcessName(11)     = 'DUMMY'
+   !Dataset( 1,11)      = 995
+   !Dataset( 1,11)      = 996
+   !Variable(11)        = 'pTmax'
+   !CutValueMin(11)     = 0.0
+   !CutValueMax(11)     = 15.0
+* (Optional) MC errors steering cards
+  ! Activate MC method for error estimation if lRand = True
+  lRAND   = False
+  ! Use data (true, default) or theory (false) for the central values of the MC replica
+  lRANDDATA = True
+  ! MC method Seed
+  ISeedMC = 123456 
+  ! --- Choose what distribution for the random number generator 
+  ! STATYPE (SYS_TYPE)  =   1  gauss
+  ! STATYPE (SYS_TYPE)  =   2  uniform
+  ! STATYPE (SYS_TYPE)  =   3  lognormal
+  ! STATYPE (SYS_TYPE)  =   4  poisson (only for lRANDDATA = False !)
+  STATYPE =  1
+  SYSTYPE =  1
+* (Optional) Chebyshev study namelist
+  ! Set following > 0 to turn on:
+   NCHEBGLU = 0   ! number of parameters for the gluon (max 15)
+   NCHEBSEA = 0   ! number of parameters for the sea   (max 15)
+  ! Cheb. polynomial type: multiply by (1-x) (1) or not (0)  
+   ichebtypeGlu = 1 
+   ichebtypeSea = 1 
+  ! Starting point in x:
+   chebxmin = 1.E-5
+   ILENPDF  = 0   ! use pdf length constraint
+  ! PDF length constraint strength for different PDFs:
+   PDFLenWeight = 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.     
+  ! Range in W where length constraint is applied:
+   WMNLen =  20.
+   WMXLen = 320.
+* (Optional) pure polynomial parameterisation for valence quarks
+  ! Set to > zero to activate
+  NPolyVal = 0 
+  IZPOPOLY = 1  ! ( times (1-x) for 0 and (1-x)^2 for 1) 
+  IPOLYSQR = 0  ! ( ensure positivity of PDFs by squaring them )
+* (Optional) choose the factorisation scale for HQs
+* tuned via parameters:    mu_f^2 = scalea1 * Q^2 + scaleb1 * 4*m_h^2
+* Available for 'FF', 'FF ABM' options (heavy quarks scale)
+* Also defines scale for 'ZMVFNS'.'ACOT Full' and 'ACOT Chi' options ( for these options scale is being set for heavy quarks and light quarks).  
+   scalea1    =  1. 
+   scaleb1    =  0.  
+   MassHQ = 'mc' ! (available: mc, mb), relevant for 'FF', 'ZMVFNS', 'ACOT Full' and  'ACOT chi'
+* (Optional) LHAPDF sttering card
+  ! LHAPDFVARSET = 'HERAPDF20_NLO_VAR' ! Add a PDF set with model and parametrisation uncertainties
+  ! NPARVAR = 3                        ! Number of parametrisation uncertainties in the LHAPDFVARSET set
+  ! LHAPDFPROFILE = False              ! run only on the set specified by ILHAPDFSET
+  ! LHASCALEPROFILE = True             ! Add QCD scale variations as nuisance parameters
+  ! SCALE68 = false                    ! Scale PDF uncertainties by a factor 1/1.645
+  ! WriteAlphaSToMemberPDF = false
+  ! NREMOVEPRIORS = 0                  ! Remove prior from the last n PDF nuisance parameters
+  ! DataToTheo = True                  ! reset data to predictions corresponding to member 0, for sensitivity studies
diff --git a/examples/HATHOR-cbt/ttbar.dat b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/ttbar.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4bc3ba7548d2c086e0b75b77bba9909b346c7992
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/HATHOR-cbt/ttbar.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+  Name = "ttbar" 
+  IndexDataset = 1
+  TermName = 'R1','M1','R2','M2','R3','M3','R4','M4','R5','M5','R6','M6'
+  TermSource = 'Hathor','KFactor','Hathor','KFactor','Hathor','KFactor','Hathor','KFactor','Hathor','KFactor','Hathor','KFactor'
+  TermInfo = 
+       'SqrtS=13000:MS_MASS=1:mtp=164.5:evolution1=proton-LHAPDF-nnpdf31:evolution2=proton-LHAPDF-nnpdf31',
+			 'FileName=matrix.dat:FileColumn=1',
+			 'SqrtS=13000:MS_MASS=1:mtp=165.0:evolution1=proton-LHAPDF-ct14:evolution2=proton-LHAPDF-ct14',
+			 'FileName=matrix.dat:FileColumn=2',
+			 'SqrtS=13000:MS_MASS=1:mtp=164.9:evolution1=proton-LHAPDF-mmht2014:evolution2=proton-LHAPDF-mmht2014',
+			 'FileName=matrix.dat:FileColumn=3',
+			 'SqrtS=13000:MS_MASS=1:mtp=161.6:evolution1=proton-LHAPDF-abmp16:evolution2=proton-LHAPDF-abmp16',
+			 'FileName=matrix.dat:FileColumn=4',
+			 'SqrtS=13000:MS_MASS=1:mtp=160.6:evolution1=proton-LHAPDF-abmp16:evolution2=proton-LHAPDF-abmp16:muR=2.0:muF=2.0',
+			 'FileName=matrix.dat:FileColumn=5',
+			 'SqrtS=13000:MS_MASS=1:mtp=161.7:evolution1=proton-LHAPDF-abmp16:evolution2=proton-LHAPDF-abmp16:muR=0.5:muF=0.5',
+			 'FileName=matrix.dat:FileColumn=6',
+  TheorExpr = 'R1*M1+R2*M2+R3*M3+R4*M4+R5*M5+R6*M6'
+  NData =   6
+  NColumn =   3
+  ColumnType = 1*"Bin","Sigma", 1*"Error"
+  ColumnName = "Bin","Sigma", "stat"
+  Percent = 1*true
+   PlotN = 1
+   PlotDefColumn = 'Bin'
+   PlotDefValue = 0,10
+   PlotVarColumn = 'Bin'
+   PlotOptions(1)  = 
+ 'Experiment:CMS-TOP-17-001@ExtraLabel:pp #rightarrow t#bar{t}@XTitle: @YTitle: #sigma [fb] @Title:'
+* Bin sigma stat
+    1 815.0 4.3
+    1 815.0 4.3
+    1 815.0 4.3
+    1 815.0 4.3
+    1 815.0 4.3
+    1 815.0 4.3
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/Results.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/Results.txt
index 4a19279d938b37de14fd3e207d28fbcf13391fdf..ee8e8132036af0d09517247c4f7fd928e52fde35 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/Results.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/Results.txt
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-After minimisation       0.20     1     0.204
+After minimisation       0.21     1     0.207
   Partial chi2s 
 Dataset    1      0.16( -0.04)     1  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV             
- Correlated Chi2    8.9244034806037070E-002
+ Correlated Chi2    8.8210582660590356E-002
  Log penalty Chi2   -4.3576283758511178E-002
  Systematic shifts           27
                                 Name          Shift   +/-    Error          Type
-    1  PDF_nuisance_param_01                 -0.0100   +/-   0.9998        :N:M:T
-    2  PDF_nuisance_param_02                  0.0268   +/-   0.9986        :N:M:T
-    3  PDF_nuisance_param_03                  0.0160   +/-   0.9995        :N:M:T
+    1  PDF_nuisance_param_01                 -0.0101   +/-   0.9998        :N:M:T
+    2  PDF_nuisance_param_02                  0.0271   +/-   0.9985        :N:M:T
+    3  PDF_nuisance_param_03                  0.0162   +/-   0.9995        :N:M:T
     4  PDF_nuisance_param_04                  0.0028   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
     5  PDF_nuisance_param_05                  0.0017   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
     6  PDF_nuisance_param_06                  0.0031   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
     7  PDF_nuisance_param_07                 -0.0020   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
-    8  PDF_nuisance_param_08                  0.0036   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
-    9  PDF_nuisance_param_09                 -0.0148   +/-   0.9996        :N:M:T
-   10  PDF_nuisance_param_10                  0.0100   +/-   0.9998        :N:M:T
-   11  PDF_nuisance_param_11                 -0.0125   +/-   0.9997        :N:M:T
-   12  PDF_nuisance_param_12                  0.0316   +/-   0.9980        :N:M:T
-   13  PDF_nuisance_param_13                  0.0221   +/-   0.9990        :N:M:T
-   14  PDF_nuisance_param_14                 -0.0115   +/-   0.9997        :N:M:T
-   15  PDF_nuisance_param_15                  0.1425   +/-   0.9580        :N:M:T
-   16  PDF_nuisance_param_16                 -0.1070   +/-   0.9766        :N:M:T
-   17  PDF_nuisance_param_17                  0.0497   +/-   0.9950        :N:M:T
-   18  PDF_nuisance_param_18                 -0.0848   +/-   0.9854        :N:M:T
-   19  PDF_nuisance_param_19                 -0.0073   +/-   0.9999        :N:M:T
-   20  PDF_nuisance_param_20                 -0.0494   +/-   0.9951        :N:M:T
-   21  PDF_nuisance_param_21                  0.1271   +/-   0.9668        :N:M:T
-   22  PDF_nuisance_param_22                  0.0356   +/-   0.9974        :N:M:T
-   23  PDF_nuisance_param_23                 -0.0419   +/-   0.9964        :N:M:T
-   24  PDF_nuisance_param_24                  0.0298   +/-   0.9982        :N:M:T
-   25  PDF_nuisance_param_25                  0.0204   +/-   0.9992        :N:M:T
-   26  scale_nuisance_param_01               -0.1339   +/-   0.9631        :N:M:T
-   27  scale_nuisance_param_02                0.0611   +/-   0.9924        :N:M:T
+    8  PDF_nuisance_param_08                  0.0037   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
+    9  PDF_nuisance_param_09                 -0.0150   +/-   0.9996        :N:M:T
+   10  PDF_nuisance_param_10                  0.0101   +/-   0.9998        :N:M:T
+   11  PDF_nuisance_param_11                 -0.0127   +/-   0.9997        :N:M:T
+   12  PDF_nuisance_param_12                  0.0320   +/-   0.9980        :N:M:T
+   13  PDF_nuisance_param_13                  0.0224   +/-   0.9990        :N:M:T
+   14  PDF_nuisance_param_14                 -0.0117   +/-   0.9997        :N:M:T
+   15  PDF_nuisance_param_15                  0.1446   +/-   0.9574        :N:M:T
+   16  PDF_nuisance_param_16                 -0.1086   +/-   0.9762        :N:M:T
+   17  PDF_nuisance_param_17                  0.0504   +/-   0.9949        :N:M:T
+   18  PDF_nuisance_param_18                 -0.0860   +/-   0.9852        :N:M:T
+   19  PDF_nuisance_param_19                 -0.0074   +/-   0.9999        :N:M:T
+   20  PDF_nuisance_param_20                 -0.0501   +/-   0.9950        :N:M:T
+   21  PDF_nuisance_param_21                  0.1289   +/-   0.9663        :N:M:T
+   22  PDF_nuisance_param_22                  0.0361   +/-   0.9974        :N:M:T
+   23  PDF_nuisance_param_23                 -0.0425   +/-   0.9964        :N:M:T
+   24  PDF_nuisance_param_24                  0.0303   +/-   0.9982        :N:M:T
+   25  PDF_nuisance_param_25                  0.0207   +/-   0.9991        :N:M:T
+   26  scale_nuisance_param_01               -0.1358   +/-   0.9625        :N:M:T
+   27  scale_nuisance_param_02               -0.0139   +/-   0.9996        :N:M:T
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/Results_160.000.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/Results_160.000.txt
index e7b78c1eea42df4d79c9d0526940921a592b5099..783215727b657164d910af0980f4e19db79d64c2 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/Results_160.000.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/Results_160.000.txt
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-After minimisation       4.28     1     4.275
+After minimisation       4.34     1     4.337
   Partial chi2s 
-Dataset    1      2.61( +0.19)     1  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV             
+Dataset    1      2.69( +0.19)     1  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV             
- Correlated Chi2    1.4784109530019476     
+ Correlated Chi2    1.4607107097189946     
  Log penalty Chi2   0.18765322160057635     
  Systematic shifts           27
                                 Name          Shift   +/-    Error          Type
-    1  PDF_nuisance_param_01                  0.0404   +/-   0.9998        :N:M:T
-    2  PDF_nuisance_param_02                 -0.1113   +/-   0.9985        :N:M:T
-    3  PDF_nuisance_param_03                 -0.0657   +/-   0.9995        :N:M:T
-    4  PDF_nuisance_param_04                 -0.0090   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
-    5  PDF_nuisance_param_05                 -0.0081   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
-    6  PDF_nuisance_param_06                 -0.0075   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
-    7  PDF_nuisance_param_07                  0.0080   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
-    8  PDF_nuisance_param_08                 -0.0131   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
-    9  PDF_nuisance_param_09                  0.0578   +/-   0.9996        :N:M:T
-   10  PDF_nuisance_param_10                 -0.0389   +/-   0.9998        :N:M:T
-   11  PDF_nuisance_param_11                  0.0508   +/-   0.9997        :N:M:T
-   12  PDF_nuisance_param_12                 -0.1380   +/-   0.9977        :N:M:T
-   13  PDF_nuisance_param_13                 -0.0947   +/-   0.9989        :N:M:T
-   14  PDF_nuisance_param_14                  0.0442   +/-   0.9998        :N:M:T
-   15  PDF_nuisance_param_15                 -0.5724   +/-   0.9591        :N:M:T
-   16  PDF_nuisance_param_16                  0.4362   +/-   0.9764        :N:M:T
-   17  PDF_nuisance_param_17                 -0.1996   +/-   0.9951        :N:M:T
-   18  PDF_nuisance_param_18                  0.3432   +/-   0.9855        :N:M:T
-   19  PDF_nuisance_param_19                  0.0290   +/-   0.9999        :N:M:T
-   20  PDF_nuisance_param_20                  0.2004   +/-   0.9951        :N:M:T
-   21  PDF_nuisance_param_21                 -0.5098   +/-   0.9677        :N:M:T
-   22  PDF_nuisance_param_22                 -0.1468   +/-   0.9974        :N:M:T
-   23  PDF_nuisance_param_23                  0.1792   +/-   0.9961        :N:M:T
-   24  PDF_nuisance_param_24                 -0.1227   +/-   0.9982        :N:M:T
-   25  PDF_nuisance_param_25                 -0.0781   +/-   0.9993        :N:M:T
-   26  scale_nuisance_param_01                0.5541   +/-   0.9617        :N:M:T
-   27  scale_nuisance_param_02               -0.2529   +/-   0.9921        :N:M:T
+    1  PDF_nuisance_param_01                  0.0410   +/-   0.9998        :N:M:T
+    2  PDF_nuisance_param_02                 -0.1130   +/-   0.9985        :N:M:T
+    3  PDF_nuisance_param_03                 -0.0667   +/-   0.9995        :N:M:T
+    4  PDF_nuisance_param_04                 -0.0091   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
+    5  PDF_nuisance_param_05                 -0.0082   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
+    6  PDF_nuisance_param_06                 -0.0076   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
+    7  PDF_nuisance_param_07                  0.0082   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
+    8  PDF_nuisance_param_08                 -0.0133   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
+    9  PDF_nuisance_param_09                  0.0587   +/-   0.9996        :N:M:T
+   10  PDF_nuisance_param_10                 -0.0395   +/-   0.9998        :N:M:T
+   11  PDF_nuisance_param_11                  0.0516   +/-   0.9997        :N:M:T
+   12  PDF_nuisance_param_12                 -0.1401   +/-   0.9976        :N:M:T
+   13  PDF_nuisance_param_13                 -0.0962   +/-   0.9989        :N:M:T
+   14  PDF_nuisance_param_14                  0.0449   +/-   0.9998        :N:M:T
+   15  PDF_nuisance_param_15                 -0.5810   +/-   0.9585        :N:M:T
+   16  PDF_nuisance_param_16                  0.4428   +/-   0.9761        :N:M:T
+   17  PDF_nuisance_param_17                 -0.2027   +/-   0.9950        :N:M:T
+   18  PDF_nuisance_param_18                  0.3484   +/-   0.9853        :N:M:T
+   19  PDF_nuisance_param_19                  0.0295   +/-   0.9999        :N:M:T
+   20  PDF_nuisance_param_20                  0.2034   +/-   0.9950        :N:M:T
+   21  PDF_nuisance_param_21                 -0.5175   +/-   0.9672        :N:M:T
+   22  PDF_nuisance_param_22                 -0.1490   +/-   0.9973        :N:M:T
+   23  PDF_nuisance_param_23                  0.1819   +/-   0.9960        :N:M:T
+   24  PDF_nuisance_param_24                 -0.1246   +/-   0.9981        :N:M:T
+   25  PDF_nuisance_param_25                 -0.0792   +/-   0.9992        :N:M:T
+   26  scale_nuisance_param_01                0.5625   +/-   0.9611        :N:M:T
+   27  scale_nuisance_param_02                0.0559   +/-   0.9996        :N:M:T
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/Results_162.000.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/Results_162.000.txt
index 8910ea39a4e8682e4a93efb5f286d1682f5e0e8c..230095180232bd40d3a25bb4681567da56c49ee6 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/Results_162.000.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/Results_162.000.txt
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-After minimisation       0.69     1     0.694
+After minimisation       0.70     1     0.703
   Partial chi2s 
-Dataset    1      0.40( +0.07)     1  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV             
+Dataset    1      0.41( +0.07)     1  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV             
- Correlated Chi2   0.22494639536610378     
+ Correlated Chi2   0.22229807734097520     
  Log penalty Chi2    7.1153760760984439E-002
  Systematic shifts           27
                                 Name          Shift   +/-    Error          Type
-    1  PDF_nuisance_param_01                  0.0158   +/-   0.9998        :N:M:T
-    2  PDF_nuisance_param_02                 -0.0429   +/-   0.9985        :N:M:T
-    3  PDF_nuisance_param_03                 -0.0255   +/-   0.9995        :N:M:T
+    1  PDF_nuisance_param_01                  0.0160   +/-   0.9998        :N:M:T
+    2  PDF_nuisance_param_02                 -0.0436   +/-   0.9985        :N:M:T
+    3  PDF_nuisance_param_03                 -0.0259   +/-   0.9995        :N:M:T
     4  PDF_nuisance_param_04                 -0.0040   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
-    5  PDF_nuisance_param_05                 -0.0029   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
-    6  PDF_nuisance_param_06                 -0.0039   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
-    7  PDF_nuisance_param_07                  0.0031   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
-    8  PDF_nuisance_param_08                 -0.0054   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
-    9  PDF_nuisance_param_09                  0.0230   +/-   0.9996        :N:M:T
-   10  PDF_nuisance_param_10                 -0.0155   +/-   0.9998        :N:M:T
-   11  PDF_nuisance_param_11                  0.0199   +/-   0.9997        :N:M:T
-   12  PDF_nuisance_param_12                 -0.0520   +/-   0.9978        :N:M:T
-   13  PDF_nuisance_param_13                 -0.0360   +/-   0.9990        :N:M:T
-   14  PDF_nuisance_param_14                  0.0178   +/-   0.9997        :N:M:T
-   15  PDF_nuisance_param_15                 -0.2248   +/-   0.9585        :N:M:T
-   16  PDF_nuisance_param_16                  0.1700   +/-   0.9765        :N:M:T
-   17  PDF_nuisance_param_17                 -0.0784   +/-   0.9951        :N:M:T
-   18  PDF_nuisance_param_18                  0.1342   +/-   0.9854        :N:M:T
-   19  PDF_nuisance_param_19                  0.0115   +/-   0.9999        :N:M:T
-   20  PDF_nuisance_param_20                  0.0783   +/-   0.9951        :N:M:T
-   21  PDF_nuisance_param_21                 -0.2003   +/-   0.9672        :N:M:T
-   22  PDF_nuisance_param_22                 -0.0569   +/-   0.9974        :N:M:T
-   23  PDF_nuisance_param_23                  0.0682   +/-   0.9963        :N:M:T
-   24  PDF_nuisance_param_24                 -0.0476   +/-   0.9982        :N:M:T
-   25  PDF_nuisance_param_25                 -0.0314   +/-   0.9992        :N:M:T
-   26  scale_nuisance_param_01                0.2144   +/-   0.9624        :N:M:T
-   27  scale_nuisance_param_02               -0.0978   +/-   0.9923        :N:M:T
+    5  PDF_nuisance_param_05                 -0.0030   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
+    6  PDF_nuisance_param_06                 -0.0040   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
+    7  PDF_nuisance_param_07                  0.0032   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
+    8  PDF_nuisance_param_08                 -0.0055   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
+    9  PDF_nuisance_param_09                  0.0234   +/-   0.9996        :N:M:T
+   10  PDF_nuisance_param_10                 -0.0158   +/-   0.9998        :N:M:T
+   11  PDF_nuisance_param_11                  0.0202   +/-   0.9997        :N:M:T
+   12  PDF_nuisance_param_12                 -0.0527   +/-   0.9978        :N:M:T
+   13  PDF_nuisance_param_13                 -0.0365   +/-   0.9989        :N:M:T
+   14  PDF_nuisance_param_14                  0.0180   +/-   0.9997        :N:M:T
+   15  PDF_nuisance_param_15                 -0.2281   +/-   0.9579        :N:M:T
+   16  PDF_nuisance_param_16                  0.1726   +/-   0.9761        :N:M:T
+   17  PDF_nuisance_param_17                 -0.0795   +/-   0.9950        :N:M:T
+   18  PDF_nuisance_param_18                  0.1362   +/-   0.9852        :N:M:T
+   19  PDF_nuisance_param_19                  0.0116   +/-   0.9999        :N:M:T
+   20  PDF_nuisance_param_20                  0.0794   +/-   0.9950        :N:M:T
+   21  PDF_nuisance_param_21                 -0.2033   +/-   0.9667        :N:M:T
+   22  PDF_nuisance_param_22                 -0.0577   +/-   0.9974        :N:M:T
+   23  PDF_nuisance_param_23                  0.0692   +/-   0.9962        :N:M:T
+   24  PDF_nuisance_param_24                 -0.0483   +/-   0.9981        :N:M:T
+   25  PDF_nuisance_param_25                 -0.0319   +/-   0.9992        :N:M:T
+   26  scale_nuisance_param_01                0.2175   +/-   0.9618        :N:M:T
+   27  scale_nuisance_param_02                0.0220   +/-   0.9996        :N:M:T
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/Results_164.000.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/Results_164.000.txt
index 4a19279d938b37de14fd3e207d28fbcf13391fdf..ee8e8132036af0d09517247c4f7fd928e52fde35 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/Results_164.000.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/Results_164.000.txt
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-After minimisation       0.20     1     0.204
+After minimisation       0.21     1     0.207
   Partial chi2s 
 Dataset    1      0.16( -0.04)     1  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV             
- Correlated Chi2    8.9244034806037070E-002
+ Correlated Chi2    8.8210582660590356E-002
  Log penalty Chi2   -4.3576283758511178E-002
  Systematic shifts           27
                                 Name          Shift   +/-    Error          Type
-    1  PDF_nuisance_param_01                 -0.0100   +/-   0.9998        :N:M:T
-    2  PDF_nuisance_param_02                  0.0268   +/-   0.9986        :N:M:T
-    3  PDF_nuisance_param_03                  0.0160   +/-   0.9995        :N:M:T
+    1  PDF_nuisance_param_01                 -0.0101   +/-   0.9998        :N:M:T
+    2  PDF_nuisance_param_02                  0.0271   +/-   0.9985        :N:M:T
+    3  PDF_nuisance_param_03                  0.0162   +/-   0.9995        :N:M:T
     4  PDF_nuisance_param_04                  0.0028   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
     5  PDF_nuisance_param_05                  0.0017   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
     6  PDF_nuisance_param_06                  0.0031   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
     7  PDF_nuisance_param_07                 -0.0020   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
-    8  PDF_nuisance_param_08                  0.0036   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
-    9  PDF_nuisance_param_09                 -0.0148   +/-   0.9996        :N:M:T
-   10  PDF_nuisance_param_10                  0.0100   +/-   0.9998        :N:M:T
-   11  PDF_nuisance_param_11                 -0.0125   +/-   0.9997        :N:M:T
-   12  PDF_nuisance_param_12                  0.0316   +/-   0.9980        :N:M:T
-   13  PDF_nuisance_param_13                  0.0221   +/-   0.9990        :N:M:T
-   14  PDF_nuisance_param_14                 -0.0115   +/-   0.9997        :N:M:T
-   15  PDF_nuisance_param_15                  0.1425   +/-   0.9580        :N:M:T
-   16  PDF_nuisance_param_16                 -0.1070   +/-   0.9766        :N:M:T
-   17  PDF_nuisance_param_17                  0.0497   +/-   0.9950        :N:M:T
-   18  PDF_nuisance_param_18                 -0.0848   +/-   0.9854        :N:M:T
-   19  PDF_nuisance_param_19                 -0.0073   +/-   0.9999        :N:M:T
-   20  PDF_nuisance_param_20                 -0.0494   +/-   0.9951        :N:M:T
-   21  PDF_nuisance_param_21                  0.1271   +/-   0.9668        :N:M:T
-   22  PDF_nuisance_param_22                  0.0356   +/-   0.9974        :N:M:T
-   23  PDF_nuisance_param_23                 -0.0419   +/-   0.9964        :N:M:T
-   24  PDF_nuisance_param_24                  0.0298   +/-   0.9982        :N:M:T
-   25  PDF_nuisance_param_25                  0.0204   +/-   0.9992        :N:M:T
-   26  scale_nuisance_param_01               -0.1339   +/-   0.9631        :N:M:T
-   27  scale_nuisance_param_02                0.0611   +/-   0.9924        :N:M:T
+    8  PDF_nuisance_param_08                  0.0037   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
+    9  PDF_nuisance_param_09                 -0.0150   +/-   0.9996        :N:M:T
+   10  PDF_nuisance_param_10                  0.0101   +/-   0.9998        :N:M:T
+   11  PDF_nuisance_param_11                 -0.0127   +/-   0.9997        :N:M:T
+   12  PDF_nuisance_param_12                  0.0320   +/-   0.9980        :N:M:T
+   13  PDF_nuisance_param_13                  0.0224   +/-   0.9990        :N:M:T
+   14  PDF_nuisance_param_14                 -0.0117   +/-   0.9997        :N:M:T
+   15  PDF_nuisance_param_15                  0.1446   +/-   0.9574        :N:M:T
+   16  PDF_nuisance_param_16                 -0.1086   +/-   0.9762        :N:M:T
+   17  PDF_nuisance_param_17                  0.0504   +/-   0.9949        :N:M:T
+   18  PDF_nuisance_param_18                 -0.0860   +/-   0.9852        :N:M:T
+   19  PDF_nuisance_param_19                 -0.0074   +/-   0.9999        :N:M:T
+   20  PDF_nuisance_param_20                 -0.0501   +/-   0.9950        :N:M:T
+   21  PDF_nuisance_param_21                  0.1289   +/-   0.9663        :N:M:T
+   22  PDF_nuisance_param_22                  0.0361   +/-   0.9974        :N:M:T
+   23  PDF_nuisance_param_23                 -0.0425   +/-   0.9964        :N:M:T
+   24  PDF_nuisance_param_24                  0.0303   +/-   0.9982        :N:M:T
+   25  PDF_nuisance_param_25                  0.0207   +/-   0.9991        :N:M:T
+   26  scale_nuisance_param_01               -0.1358   +/-   0.9625        :N:M:T
+   27  scale_nuisance_param_02               -0.0139   +/-   0.9996        :N:M:T
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/Results_166.000.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/Results_166.000.txt
index bf372bd1ccd9a649796635d141681378cd856cb4..adb8c1727f3f8012603dd707dc734099a34100f1 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/Results_166.000.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/Results_166.000.txt
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-After minimisation       3.22     1     3.222
+After minimisation       3.27     1     3.271
   Partial chi2s 
-Dataset    1      2.16( -0.16)     1  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV             
+Dataset    1      2.22( -0.16)     1  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV             
- Correlated Chi2    1.2178467537385000     
+ Correlated Chi2    1.2039699543886313     
  Log penalty Chi2  -0.15655457814507451     
  Systematic shifts           27
                                 Name          Shift   +/-    Error          Type
-    1  PDF_nuisance_param_01                 -0.0369   +/-   0.9998        :N:M:T
-    2  PDF_nuisance_param_02                  0.0977   +/-   0.9986        :N:M:T
-    3  PDF_nuisance_param_03                  0.0589   +/-   0.9995        :N:M:T
-    4  PDF_nuisance_param_04                  0.0113   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
-    5  PDF_nuisance_param_05                  0.0056   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
-    6  PDF_nuisance_param_06                  0.0136   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
-    7  PDF_nuisance_param_07                 -0.0074   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
-    8  PDF_nuisance_param_08                  0.0140   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
-    9  PDF_nuisance_param_09                 -0.0557   +/-   0.9995        :N:M:T
-   10  PDF_nuisance_param_10                  0.0377   +/-   0.9998        :N:M:T
-   11  PDF_nuisance_param_11                 -0.0464   +/-   0.9997        :N:M:T
-   12  PDF_nuisance_param_12                  0.1125   +/-   0.9981        :N:M:T
-   13  PDF_nuisance_param_13                  0.0795   +/-   0.9991        :N:M:T
-   14  PDF_nuisance_param_14                 -0.0438   +/-   0.9997        :N:M:T
-   15  PDF_nuisance_param_15                  0.5300   +/-   0.9575        :N:M:T
-   16  PDF_nuisance_param_16                 -0.3949   +/-   0.9767        :N:M:T
-   17  PDF_nuisance_param_17                  0.1845   +/-   0.9949        :N:M:T
-   18  PDF_nuisance_param_18                 -0.3138   +/-   0.9853        :N:M:T
-   19  PDF_nuisance_param_19                 -0.0274   +/-   0.9999        :N:M:T
-   20  PDF_nuisance_param_20                 -0.1826   +/-   0.9951        :N:M:T
-   21  PDF_nuisance_param_21                  0.4728   +/-   0.9664        :N:M:T
-   22  PDF_nuisance_param_22                  0.1305   +/-   0.9975        :N:M:T
-   23  PDF_nuisance_param_23                 -0.1506   +/-   0.9966        :N:M:T
-   24  PDF_nuisance_param_24                  0.1096   +/-   0.9982        :N:M:T
-   25  PDF_nuisance_param_25                  0.0777   +/-   0.9991        :N:M:T
-   26  scale_nuisance_param_01               -0.4904   +/-   0.9638        :N:M:T
-   27  scale_nuisance_param_02                0.2237   +/-   0.9926        :N:M:T
+    1  PDF_nuisance_param_01                 -0.0374   +/-   0.9998        :N:M:T
+    2  PDF_nuisance_param_02                  0.0991   +/-   0.9986        :N:M:T
+    3  PDF_nuisance_param_03                  0.0597   +/-   0.9995        :N:M:T
+    4  PDF_nuisance_param_04                  0.0114   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
+    5  PDF_nuisance_param_05                  0.0057   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
+    6  PDF_nuisance_param_06                  0.0138   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
+    7  PDF_nuisance_param_07                 -0.0075   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
+    8  PDF_nuisance_param_08                  0.0142   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
+    9  PDF_nuisance_param_09                 -0.0565   +/-   0.9995        :N:M:T
+   10  PDF_nuisance_param_10                  0.0383   +/-   0.9998        :N:M:T
+   11  PDF_nuisance_param_11                 -0.0471   +/-   0.9997        :N:M:T
+   12  PDF_nuisance_param_12                  0.1141   +/-   0.9981        :N:M:T
+   13  PDF_nuisance_param_13                  0.0806   +/-   0.9991        :N:M:T
+   14  PDF_nuisance_param_14                 -0.0444   +/-   0.9997        :N:M:T
+   15  PDF_nuisance_param_15                  0.5375   +/-   0.9569        :N:M:T
+   16  PDF_nuisance_param_16                 -0.4005   +/-   0.9763        :N:M:T
+   17  PDF_nuisance_param_17                  0.1871   +/-   0.9949        :N:M:T
+   18  PDF_nuisance_param_18                 -0.3183   +/-   0.9851        :N:M:T
+   19  PDF_nuisance_param_19                 -0.0278   +/-   0.9999        :N:M:T
+   20  PDF_nuisance_param_20                 -0.1852   +/-   0.9950        :N:M:T
+   21  PDF_nuisance_param_21                  0.4795   +/-   0.9659        :N:M:T
+   22  PDF_nuisance_param_22                  0.1323   +/-   0.9974        :N:M:T
+   23  PDF_nuisance_param_23                 -0.1528   +/-   0.9966        :N:M:T
+   24  PDF_nuisance_param_24                  0.1112   +/-   0.9982        :N:M:T
+   25  PDF_nuisance_param_25                  0.0788   +/-   0.9991        :N:M:T
+   26  scale_nuisance_param_01               -0.4974   +/-   0.9632        :N:M:T
+   27  scale_nuisance_param_02               -0.0517   +/-   0.9996        :N:M:T
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/Results_168.000.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/Results_168.000.txt
index 6826b878821692037cc7dd67d52bdfc4d7f6b349..21a5fde3679f6e6fbec32110a219d8bb67c0b9e1 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/Results_168.000.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/Results_168.000.txt
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-After minimisation      10.20     1    10.199
+After minimisation      10.34     1    10.345
   Partial chi2s 
-Dataset    1      6.70( -0.27)     1  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV             
+Dataset    1      6.89( -0.27)     1  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV             
- Correlated Chi2    3.7653732792886765     
+ Correlated Chi2    3.7231158119147119     
  Log penalty Chi2  -0.26779616953863800     
  Systematic shifts           27
                                 Name          Shift   +/-    Error          Type
-    1  PDF_nuisance_param_01                 -0.0650   +/-   0.9998        :N:M:T
-    2  PDF_nuisance_param_02                  0.1700   +/-   0.9986        :N:M:T
-    3  PDF_nuisance_param_03                  0.1031   +/-   0.9995        :N:M:T
-    4  PDF_nuisance_param_04                  0.0215   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
-    5  PDF_nuisance_param_05                  0.0089   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
-    6  PDF_nuisance_param_06                  0.0278   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
-    7  PDF_nuisance_param_07                 -0.0130   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
-    8  PDF_nuisance_param_08                  0.0259   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
-    9  PDF_nuisance_param_09                 -0.0999   +/-   0.9995        :N:M:T
-   10  PDF_nuisance_param_10                  0.0677   +/-   0.9998        :N:M:T
-   11  PDF_nuisance_param_11                 -0.0818   +/-   0.9997        :N:M:T
-   12  PDF_nuisance_param_12                  0.1905   +/-   0.9983        :N:M:T
-   13  PDF_nuisance_param_13                  0.1362   +/-   0.9991        :N:M:T
-   14  PDF_nuisance_param_14                 -0.0791   +/-   0.9997        :N:M:T
-   15  PDF_nuisance_param_15                  0.9377   +/-   0.9571        :N:M:T
-   16  PDF_nuisance_param_16                 -0.6935   +/-   0.9768        :N:M:T
-   17  PDF_nuisance_param_17                  0.3263   +/-   0.9949        :N:M:T
-   18  PDF_nuisance_param_18                 -0.5530   +/-   0.9853        :N:M:T
-   19  PDF_nuisance_param_19                 -0.0488   +/-   0.9999        :N:M:T
-   20  PDF_nuisance_param_20                 -0.3215   +/-   0.9951        :N:M:T
-   21  PDF_nuisance_param_21                  0.8370   +/-   0.9660        :N:M:T
-   22  PDF_nuisance_param_22                  0.2278   +/-   0.9975        :N:M:T
-   23  PDF_nuisance_param_23                 -0.2581   +/-   0.9968        :N:M:T
-   24  PDF_nuisance_param_24                  0.1917   +/-   0.9982        :N:M:T
-   25  PDF_nuisance_param_25                  0.1406   +/-   0.9991        :N:M:T
-   26  scale_nuisance_param_01               -0.8551   +/-   0.9644        :N:M:T
-   27  scale_nuisance_param_02                0.3900   +/-   0.9927        :N:M:T
+    1  PDF_nuisance_param_01                 -0.0659   +/-   0.9998        :N:M:T
+    2  PDF_nuisance_param_02                  0.1724   +/-   0.9986        :N:M:T
+    3  PDF_nuisance_param_03                  0.1045   +/-   0.9995        :N:M:T
+    4  PDF_nuisance_param_04                  0.0218   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
+    5  PDF_nuisance_param_05                  0.0090   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
+    6  PDF_nuisance_param_06                  0.0282   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
+    7  PDF_nuisance_param_07                 -0.0132   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
+    8  PDF_nuisance_param_08                  0.0262   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
+    9  PDF_nuisance_param_09                 -0.1013   +/-   0.9995        :N:M:T
+   10  PDF_nuisance_param_10                  0.0686   +/-   0.9998        :N:M:T
+   11  PDF_nuisance_param_11                 -0.0830   +/-   0.9997        :N:M:T
+   12  PDF_nuisance_param_12                  0.1931   +/-   0.9982        :N:M:T
+   13  PDF_nuisance_param_13                  0.1381   +/-   0.9991        :N:M:T
+   14  PDF_nuisance_param_14                 -0.0802   +/-   0.9997        :N:M:T
+   15  PDF_nuisance_param_15                  0.9508   +/-   0.9565        :N:M:T
+   16  PDF_nuisance_param_16                 -0.7032   +/-   0.9764        :N:M:T
+   17  PDF_nuisance_param_17                  0.3308   +/-   0.9948        :N:M:T
+   18  PDF_nuisance_param_18                 -0.5607   +/-   0.9851        :N:M:T
+   19  PDF_nuisance_param_19                 -0.0494   +/-   0.9999        :N:M:T
+   20  PDF_nuisance_param_20                 -0.3260   +/-   0.9950        :N:M:T
+   21  PDF_nuisance_param_21                  0.8487   +/-   0.9655        :N:M:T
+   22  PDF_nuisance_param_22                  0.2310   +/-   0.9975        :N:M:T
+   23  PDF_nuisance_param_23                 -0.2617   +/-   0.9968        :N:M:T
+   24  PDF_nuisance_param_24                  0.1944   +/-   0.9982        :N:M:T
+   25  PDF_nuisance_param_25                  0.1425   +/-   0.9990        :N:M:T
+   26  scale_nuisance_param_01               -0.8670   +/-   0.9639        :N:M:T
+   27  scale_nuisance_param_02               -0.0914   +/-   0.9996        :N:M:T
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/Results_170.000.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/Results_170.000.txt
index decac6c6d032de94a96d21b210c3b10f24640dd8..e908c4ebc78e1ff06919c669ef03d4c276856b4a 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/Results_170.000.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/Results_170.000.txt
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-After minimisation      21.62     1    21.618
+After minimisation      21.92     1    21.919
   Partial chi2s 
-Dataset    1     14.10( -0.38)     1  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV             
+Dataset    1     14.49( -0.38)     1  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV             
- Correlated Chi2    7.8946536731597945     
+ Correlated Chi2    7.8072903148790971     
  Log penalty Chi2  -0.37733304480715119     
  Systematic shifts           27
                                 Name          Shift   +/-    Error          Type
-    1  PDF_nuisance_param_01                 -0.0943   +/-   0.9998        :N:M:T
-    2  PDF_nuisance_param_02                  0.2434   +/-   0.9987        :N:M:T
-    3  PDF_nuisance_param_03                  0.1487   +/-   0.9995        :N:M:T
-    4  PDF_nuisance_param_04                  0.0336   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
-    5  PDF_nuisance_param_05                  0.0115   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
-    6  PDF_nuisance_param_06                  0.0458   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
-    7  PDF_nuisance_param_07                 -0.0190   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
-    8  PDF_nuisance_param_08                  0.0392   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
-    9  PDF_nuisance_param_09                 -0.1475   +/-   0.9995        :N:M:T
-   10  PDF_nuisance_param_10                  0.1000   +/-   0.9998        :N:M:T
-   11  PDF_nuisance_param_11                 -0.1188   +/-   0.9997        :N:M:T
-   12  PDF_nuisance_param_12                  0.2655   +/-   0.9984        :N:M:T
-   13  PDF_nuisance_param_13                  0.1921   +/-   0.9992        :N:M:T
-   14  PDF_nuisance_param_14                 -0.1175   +/-   0.9997        :N:M:T
-   15  PDF_nuisance_param_15                  1.3659   +/-   0.9567        :N:M:T
-   16  PDF_nuisance_param_16                 -1.0028   +/-   0.9769        :N:M:T
-   17  PDF_nuisance_param_17                  0.4749   +/-   0.9949        :N:M:T
-   18  PDF_nuisance_param_18                 -0.8022   +/-   0.9853        :N:M:T
-   19  PDF_nuisance_param_19                 -0.0715   +/-   0.9999        :N:M:T
-   20  PDF_nuisance_param_20                 -0.4660   +/-   0.9951        :N:M:T
-   21  PDF_nuisance_param_21                  1.2199   +/-   0.9656        :N:M:T
-   22  PDF_nuisance_param_22                  0.3274   +/-   0.9976        :N:M:T
-   23  PDF_nuisance_param_23                 -0.3639   +/-   0.9970        :N:M:T
-   24  PDF_nuisance_param_24                  0.2761   +/-   0.9983        :N:M:T
-   25  PDF_nuisance_param_25                  0.2091   +/-   0.9990        :N:M:T
-   26  scale_nuisance_param_01               -1.2280   +/-   0.9651        :N:M:T
-   27  scale_nuisance_param_02                0.5599   +/-   0.9928        :N:M:T
+    1  PDF_nuisance_param_01                 -0.0956   +/-   0.9998        :N:M:T
+    2  PDF_nuisance_param_02                  0.2468   +/-   0.9986        :N:M:T
+    3  PDF_nuisance_param_03                  0.1507   +/-   0.9995        :N:M:T
+    4  PDF_nuisance_param_04                  0.0340   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
+    5  PDF_nuisance_param_05                  0.0116   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
+    6  PDF_nuisance_param_06                  0.0464   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
+    7  PDF_nuisance_param_07                 -0.0192   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
+    8  PDF_nuisance_param_08                  0.0397   +/-   1.0000        :N:M:T
+    9  PDF_nuisance_param_09                 -0.1495   +/-   0.9995        :N:M:T
+   10  PDF_nuisance_param_10                  0.1013   +/-   0.9998        :N:M:T
+   11  PDF_nuisance_param_11                 -0.1204   +/-   0.9997        :N:M:T
+   12  PDF_nuisance_param_12                  0.2691   +/-   0.9984        :N:M:T
+   13  PDF_nuisance_param_13                  0.1947   +/-   0.9991        :N:M:T
+   14  PDF_nuisance_param_14                 -0.1191   +/-   0.9997        :N:M:T
+   15  PDF_nuisance_param_15                  1.3845   +/-   0.9560        :N:M:T
+   16  PDF_nuisance_param_16                 -1.0165   +/-   0.9766        :N:M:T
+   17  PDF_nuisance_param_17                  0.4814   +/-   0.9948        :N:M:T
+   18  PDF_nuisance_param_18                 -0.8132   +/-   0.9851        :N:M:T
+   19  PDF_nuisance_param_19                 -0.0724   +/-   0.9999        :N:M:T
+   20  PDF_nuisance_param_20                 -0.4724   +/-   0.9950        :N:M:T
+   21  PDF_nuisance_param_21                  1.2366   +/-   0.9651        :N:M:T
+   22  PDF_nuisance_param_22                  0.3319   +/-   0.9975        :N:M:T
+   23  PDF_nuisance_param_23                 -0.3689   +/-   0.9969        :N:M:T
+   24  PDF_nuisance_param_24                  0.2799   +/-   0.9982        :N:M:T
+   25  PDF_nuisance_param_25                  0.2119   +/-   0.9990        :N:M:T
+   26  scale_nuisance_param_01               -1.2448   +/-   0.9646        :N:M:T
+   27  scale_nuisance_param_02               -0.1331   +/-   0.9996        :N:M:T
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan.txt
index 941758052f59799a962f723d8a2b3530d6dfd2b2..356c79ae05ab1806502204656dd0a40bae485a64 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.1959868643716	1.461475956232212	-0.2836150642547916
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4681721370978568	-152.8074968008872	12468.490549423
-163.1958466939107	0	3.288201071427466e-07	-0.2838757797835569
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4681721370978568	-152.8074968008872	12468.490549423
-163.3078339941645	1.518309008666847	1.569411844103087	-0.00215532961738063
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.594337063555465e-05	-0.02754154031501438	4.96136652868047	-391.5142939621641	11782.67980960892
-160	4.275045958982793
-162	0.6936252842034929
-164	0.2036711280226615
-166	3.222397859114234
-168	10.19893499259951
-170	21.61843296848564
+163.1957817483721	1.451484682247969	-0.2856266216903818
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4746386758515554	-154.9179235955274	12640.67886085148
+163.1956374019177	8.957377133356204e-07	5.037401535901154e-07	-0.2858730546504376
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4746386758515554	-154.9179235955274	12640.67886085148
+163.3067934076155	1.50773937163612	1.557737909826045	-0.002120072851539589
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.594373521615248e-05	-0.02747600171839567	4.935331897961191	-388.2600794162659	11659.86884307722
+160	4.336879649741916
+162	0.7028617637139636
+164	0.2072670746441476
+166	3.270536229524363
+168	10.34493376354786
+170	21.91873471676485
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_0_m.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_0_m.txt
index 1c84f9fe96da920f32066e47b7c2d5fd892a6b5e..3090c0ad78d19a92825f713a3a6867ab3e00bb45 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_0_m.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_0_m.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.223484073001	1.46195850709319	-0.2827509564745348
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4678749431458119	-152.7363541033201	12464.79696914404
-163.2234813228065	6.299889889760379e-07	1.507607407802425e-07	-0.2827527596455184
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4678749431458119	-152.7363541033201	12464.79696914404
-163.3386843815374	1.517360256962633	1.568374173649744	-0.003995119579485618
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.592614096055033e-05	-0.02753086652829312	4.958600745378123	-391.1906927986059	11769.36058781429
-160	4.356148005905146
-162	0.7255829354192207
-164	0.1841501065877954
-166	3.149039775909064
-168	10.06935230124923
-170	21.43018834079254
+163.2232982208929	1.451959568692991	-0.2847279768670532
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4743411856852016	-154.8470630206204	12637.03923112124
+163.2232954982771	0	0	-0.2847298350134224
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4743411856852016	-154.8470630206204	12637.03923112124
+163.3376447527936	1.50680189480974	1.556711257055781	-0.003959598536312114
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.592510398432139e-05	-0.02746436577592783	4.932318533700051	-387.9085573564374	11645.39911167574
+160	4.419208600759751
+162	0.7352936152417385
+164	0.1874621410317143
+166	3.196133047683601
+168	10.21354354381262
+170	21.72792004032846
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_0_p.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_0_p.txt
index fc5451924b46743728fc804d68e854a90d2a88ef..20ec381ce34808d8f3854695e81882aa0b54d14f 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_0_p.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_0_p.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.1682231928796	1.461032132813096	-0.2849215747631791
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4684692891786821	-152.8786244619125	12472.18359252528
-163.1682460427305	1.641683411435224e-08	0	-0.2849114090568037
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4684692891786821	-152.8786244619125	12472.18359252528
-163.2769597543683	1.519263743877389	1.570447576122092	-0.0003135607985313982
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.596136657046673e-05	-0.02755271857304479	4.964256794055124	-391.8515388629785	11796.56022346021
-160	4.194740640539574
-162	0.6624675788653871
-164	0.2239947860082404
-166	3.296561018650906
-168	10.32932483324436
-170	21.80748658120187
+163.168072431964	1.451044820032995	-0.2869503394289459
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4749361231969942	-154.9887689215969	12644.31795580436
+163.1680155319639	1.271168343919271e-07	6.211114111920324e-07	-0.2869281815419527
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4749361231969942	-154.9887689215969	12644.31795580436
+163.2759294286596	1.50867169006176	1.558773646227962	-0.0002785920951282606
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.596130028090438e-05	-0.02748693264628288	4.938170424515346	-388.5923285847174	11673.54254945175
+160	4.255359480036299
+162	0.6712417279782243
+164	0.2278863182892205
+166	3.34575595724625
+168	10.47714239137501
+170	22.11036942305985
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_10_m.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_10_m.txt
index 2711430f156351613ef2652ce6378f9b344aab9c..e6dbd611e6be2549e40c197ca743a380040243ad 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_10_m.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_10_m.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.2306665430886	1.462078105685614	-0.2824172569679821
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4677983634824509	-152.7180718380393	12463.8534486399
-163.2306606267302	1.64230584687175e-08	0	-0.2824304948462668
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4677983634824509	-152.7180718380393	12463.8534486399
-163.3466820981054	1.517113606315121	1.568093008148765	-0.004471180203836411
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.586807185926299e-05	-0.02749322833838744	4.94938042557507	-390.1856469154692	11728.50479130069
-160	4.37736423222904
-162	0.7340176171208654
-164	0.1792175596387229
-166	3.130150824910366
-168	10.03590135450602
-170	21.38148089419701
+163.2304861971255	1.452076847061318	-0.2843894847446654
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4742645374972046	-154.8288567474765	12636.10994464954
+163.2304806797273	0	0	-0.2844019717758783
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4742645374972046	-154.8288567474765	12636.10994464954
+163.3456494539138	1.506551495728104	1.556439681972904	-0.004435580201970879
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.5865522802287e-05	-0.02742572725201569	4.922850019471563	-386.8762384229353	11603.42731450444
+160	4.440745784148912
+162	0.7438534540980168
+164	0.1824578555135338
+166	3.176974994548452
+168	10.17962599512502
+170	21.67854760523659
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_10_p.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_10_p.txt
index ea2897820fd05ff30770602c4c1d306868f76c60..a4b15f257d5db255645f0f20345718359eb20777 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_10_p.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_10_p.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.1610962581154	1.460900968165247	-0.2853852214805111
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4685458756483563	-152.8969083983471	12473.12767450059
-163.1610866301646	3.712980856107606e-08	0	-0.285182577532396
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4685458756483563	-152.8969083983471	12473.12767450059
-163.268950355209	1.519511466731615	1.570730229608756	0.0001637972600292414
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.601881336052159e-05	-0.0275899394404147	4.973372217440485	-392.8448713053381	11836.92617067799
-160	4.173992551966387
-162	0.6545026149051094
-164	0.2293977382065946
-166	3.31592157493037
-168	10.36324835279089
-170	21.85666826151922
+163.1608587895251	1.450931678139995	-0.2872109005605224
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4750127781017883	-155.0069768976927	12645.2478182118
+163.1608497852611	3.28321902998141e-08	8.504679271936766e-08	-0.2872045393032749
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4750127781017883	-155.0069768976927	12645.2478182118
+163.2679112731759	1.50892492609762	1.55904487583993	0.0001986822171602398
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.602020490093067e-05	-0.02752511793456509	4.94752512859174	-389.6119510055053	11714.98385825375
+160	4.234297516341461
+162	0.66315857672158
+164	0.2333678505930801
+166	3.365392334404175
+168	10.51153910470891
+170	22.16022256644759
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_11_m.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_11_m.txt
index 68312c97289bfca58b18c2a6e85df19f8b078361..4cda537da46a7ad528ec3be5ff5e22240ba69627 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_11_m.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_11_m.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.1069966156475	1.462561060904674	-0.2866625342053756
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4674852069107661	-152.5002170903076	12436.63967648954
-163.1069968200852	6.317729344118561e-07	0	-0.2865988215162361
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4674852069107661	-152.5002170903076	12436.63967648954
-163.2085424397107	1.524154974345151	1.575896038659238	0.003778889018576592
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.59758762768541e-05	-0.02757020499537117	4.969557936465009	-392.3796099684374	11807.26660691216
-160	4.003688908575761
-162	0.5940221477029002
-164	0.2708596458639732
-166	3.451054085349097
-168	10.58337032211038
-170	22.15265778054687
+163.1067209387057	1.452598726625578	-0.2884595540931056
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4739299568411481	-154.6023136460717	12608.04883804976
+163.1067116551485	0	0	-0.2886597683827858
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4739299568411481	-154.6023136460717	12608.04883804976
+163.207494691051	1.513531298999908	1.5641617345714	0.003813332194113173
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.597978084504318e-05	-0.02750701521608107	4.944085828441251	-389.1816563456022	11686.35349144574
+160	4.061417535540371
+162	0.6017806763436209
+164	0.2754327769259096
+166	3.502450015112148
+168	10.73473152042485
+170	22.46025314364902
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_11_p.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_11_p.txt
index e24fdea1d0fea1c37abf4a72ba52e25f19926881..e9f6d96982b969edea61498165078047a100d76b 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_11_p.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_11_p.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.2847645157923	1.460416359793372	-0.2802568472225398
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4688627713098334	-153.1162897519776	12500.49803717347
-163.2847606858289	2.498892968105793e-07	1.654490517921658e-07	-0.2802406133432669
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4688627713098334	-153.1162897519776	12500.49803717347
-163.4065384525897	1.512541444969202	1.562998403759764	-0.008046913149883039
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.590972386784264e-05	-0.02751213466950806	4.952998481144865	-390.6309915029798	11757.45933245387
-160	4.555722555077312
-162	0.801906729187156
-164	0.1445486535543183
-166	3.001227100636494
-168	9.821432923699152
-170	21.09061807378114
+163.2846304923257	1.45041498877689	-0.2821835103023986
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4753511934898606	-155.2350833504308	12673.46906800326
+163.2846256817667	0	0	-0.2821673185098916
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4753511934898606	-155.2350833504308	12673.46906800326
+163.4055159465502	1.50201431296108	1.551394596713578	-0.008010898061911575
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.590624846189328e-05	-0.02744404955778286	4.926352574905344	-387.3151893764799	11632.53330016042
+160	4.621802294836694
+162	0.8127499317528829
+164	0.1472847276263338
+166	3.046214553685937
+168	9.962165978232683
+170	21.38371371996089
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_12_m.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_12_m.txt
index 15c32c4133585744e08ed0e558e52da2ade35fd9..bbfce5cc840d7cad659f65491bd596e450d10587 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_12_m.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_12_m.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.13398754196	1.46174683018441	-0.2860787077825619
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4679959331858563	-152.6920249040939	12454.3385365938
-163.133922819881	0	0	-0.2859676181506074
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4679959331858563	-152.6920249040939	12454.3385365938
-163.2386632026221	1.52186944998644	1.573368337473681	0.001975494422367774
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.603048558542123e-05	-0.02760103553935992	4.976407869200122	-393.1266238690519	11842.00778366709
-160	4.087768995980549
-162	0.6236839819659256
-164	0.2498376778840468
-166	3.383295189666848
-168	10.47307337946383
-170	22.00430651754742
+163.1336807891207	1.451788603931207	-0.28803549511471
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4744514664309482	-154.7980097007591	12626.09503587229
+163.1336619866456	0	2.261907354750292e-07	-0.2880099917965708
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4744514664309482	-154.7980097007591	12626.09503587229
+163.2376192045262	1.511264584322305	1.561657625874147	0.002010148571571335
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.603364131347828e-05	-0.02753734904899367	4.950823015869695	-389.9189074353227	11720.87640156001
+160	4.146769578555406
+162	0.6318826446755886
+164	0.254105067121671
+166	3.43372578982568
+168	10.62289606323959
+170	22.30987648432505
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_12_p.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_12_p.txt
index 6775feb194111ed46f63ea5ee1ad1fa1dabdd00a..dcfdf5903b521bc5fceb4fa9527d99ab62332501 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_12_p.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_12_p.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.2577726008653	1.461249124853941	-0.2811420096591981
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4683494912477573	-152.9234519556603	12482.69482935312
-163.2578407074513	2.73513876436482e-07	4.744964883229841e-07	-0.2813428491008381
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4683494912477573	-152.9234519556603	12482.69482935312
-163.376773016547	1.514773444859088	1.565488433916641	-0.00626779007143341
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.585525408008128e-05	-0.02748137308609637	4.946157335597774	-389.8835652331421	11722.61332276915
-160	4.466714464382877
-162	0.7677334964612111
-164	0.1614539071329653
-166	3.065242715605348
-168	9.928340382127633
-170	21.23591475776569
+163.2576151496813	1.451246130195739	-0.2831136891805472
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4748270665446325	-155.0383330532338	12655.31619368116
+163.2576834913891	4.791704100171046e-08	1.864782461780123e-08	-0.2832916453753569
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4748270665446325	-155.0383330532338	12655.31619368116
+163.3757431745268	1.504231455120589	1.553858119487188	-0.006231950486835558
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.585257737359951e-05	-0.02741381708986963	4.919632005409729	-386.5783560573644	11597.93789057169
+160	4.531447698164325
+162	0.7780696230371259
+164	0.1644358498636394
+166	3.111142169472388
+168	10.07056467182274
+170	21.53099409699771
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_13_m.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_13_m.txt
index 41c8095da7dc075ca13751a655d7727e794706a4..2e7a00b0b200e77e79da94570428d3951bdcab69 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_13_m.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_13_m.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.2275241941927	1.462661225544778	-0.2825489293450908
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4674254807171566	-152.5934051833926	12453.43909302255
-163.2275213607866	0	0	-0.282551408312429
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4674254807171566	-152.5934051833926	12453.43909302255
-163.3432649641955	1.517921772320051	1.568993388695674	-0.004269305936759338
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.607972133232592e-05	-0.02763345116399874	4.983839155266045	-393.9057258560177	11877.20656569653
-160	4.363898180234227
-162	0.7296754970999939
-164	0.1811457349121068
-166	3.135339985005156
-168	10.04128250451823
-170	21.38414347261222
+163.2273407436504	1.45265665386113	-0.2845244259074903
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4738860506125403	-154.7023169522965	12625.53914924874
+163.2273366864239	0	0	-0.2845268615383247
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4738860506125403	-154.7023169522965	12625.53914924874
+163.3422339071668	1.507351258940645	1.557335391073138	-0.004233780317008495
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.60798889416793e-05	-0.02756769633375793	4.957723700644667	-390.6394174651115	11753.77441408359
+160	4.427076018993096
+162	0.7394469039769812
+164	0.1844140740141856
+166	3.182238082203749
+168	10.18508220594427
+170	21.68124653505473
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_13_p.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_13_p.txt
index 90ba66a709319798b9b3af5bd7c3f70b711e35ae..3bd4eb6246422ab126805bad32f3e3ee98f0afe2 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_13_p.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_13_p.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.1642470115634	1.460326236058953	-0.2851435010171333
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4689187520454295	-153.0215447354597	12483.53703210527
-163.1642412287416	0	3.283287242084043e-08	-0.2850858454312402
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4689187520454295	-153.0215447354597	12483.53703210527
-163.2724060222517	1.518700188656027	1.569825183129979	-4.134610207984224e-05
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.580906056129173e-05	-0.02745099692493421	4.939237361744042	-389.1611530449897	11689.7517674892
-160	4.187149121510427
-162	0.6585898114426976
-164	0.2272721895296289
-166	3.310591930197973
-168	10.35778380780325
-170	21.85397693009142
+163.1641295942093	1.45034171798111	-0.2870522997587073
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4753912544301425	-155.1334845622168	12655.81342802237
+163.1640080971	1.641640778871079e-08	8.260354888989241e-08	-0.2871039827150526
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4753912544301425	-155.1334845622168	12655.81342802237
+163.2713695678474	1.508117881112298	1.558148756123529	-6.398375262506306e-06
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.580769481677229e-05	-0.02738440275999542	4.912968883911429	-385.8844344350317	11566.13568517022
+160	4.247653117225259
+162	0.667306420703514
+164	0.2312113881058194
+166	3.359986760691702
+168	10.50599833565096
+170	22.15749449106041
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_14_m.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_14_m.txt
index cda72dc68517a8cbe43d18ebd534d13eb3d52572..bdaa30e545776d28dc83dc36dee6fc93e2f3eb1f 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_14_m.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_14_m.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-162.804980817928	1.453709797517368	-0.2897371495729397
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4732043207787464	-154.080036620445	12542.20861995528
-162.8049758733672	9.672884857536701e-07	5.624994514619175e-08	-0.2897483436317998
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4732043207787464	-154.080036620445	12542.20861995528
-162.8652174709494	1.530587048116786	1.582894918097509	0.02428875437180977
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.561785816612643e-05	-0.02731862668593596	4.909237763224543	-386.281383537695	11579.11956352126
-160	3.210436490881459
-162	0.3251963116799963
-164	0.5709455243331515
-166	4.365520449022227
-168	12.15844943065601
-170	24.43501894722459
+162.8044221190502	1.443855138700705	-0.2919358375167825
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4796858992979263	-156.1899673926394	12713.91642825434
+162.8044179809626	3.053378350159619e-08	1.043587474214291e-07	-0.2919473822094005
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4796858992979263	-156.1899673926394	12713.91642825434
+162.8641553859361	1.519875074140373	1.571058208059441	0.02431944344425574
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.561873713625612e-05	-0.0272540964926189	4.883633292413077	-383.090530573055	11459.21156047694
+160	3.256164870294364
+162	0.3289658958745862
+164	0.5798830804584817
+166	4.429944357532976
+168	12.33178115734576
+170	24.77377471856819
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_14_p.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_14_p.txt
index 82d407310f14bd2d8c21011c299b1573151e7749..47610aa01eebe6c212c31485e0783e77da46bb0e 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_14_p.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_14_p.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.5941833419519	1.469433140021653	-0.260098677524737
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4631256592404044	-151.5293044468956	12394.39430095317
-163.5941582700975	7.714006358128245e-07	7.148523195610323e-08	-0.2601778224488953
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4631256592404044	-151.5293044468956	12394.39430095317
-163.7472659645154	1.506313143361268	1.556255871744014	-0.02827697711472865
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.623489143667561e-05	-0.027742579123627	5.008206425482385	-396.1767776386571	11963.20463782903
-160	5.499963411154002
-162	1.224438492112902
-164	0.0007614080369713477
-166	2.245537191234942
-168	8.407452679488623
-170	18.97148317729341
+163.5942658263285	1.459304627608989	-0.2617485611510152
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4695767812513352	-153.6401137830389	12567.05703436952
+163.5942404969407	4.533908963821887e-07	0	-0.2618289915626519
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4695767812513352	-153.6401137830389	12567.05703436952
+163.7462595861592	1.495872211041842	1.5447450199689	-0.02823848549451213
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.623136803906774e-05	-0.0276738038664908	4.981189437835274	-392.7983620305848	11834.97903315078
+160	5.580327537280956
+162	1.241551388670739
+164	0.001406251887379667
+166	2.2797586801433
+168	8.5284623481243
+170	19.23564689567078
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_15_m.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_15_m.txt
index f0c68a3e5d31ebadfe68440deffebe7fc4c695ac..46a2f04b635b4b201c17df301ea44ac8b8619f86 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_15_m.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_15_m.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.4946528107544	1.465724070436683	-0.2677587719461368
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4654741038702842	-152.2050523621748	12442.08819930235
-163.4946510579061	0	0	-0.2677620446702349
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4654741038702842	-152.2050523621748	12442.08819930235
-163.6383476706112	1.507457510427088	1.557475073323189	-0.02184387835586676
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.593161226871646e-05	-0.02753168815266295	4.955712723468704	-390.5298821653213	11738.18190076056
-160	5.19410622146393
-162	1.080153077483973
-164	0.03596690681493776
-166	2.478756676028884
-168	8.857904839080437
-170	19.65852402200801
+163.4946711929003	1.455642026368001	-0.2695064566788958
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4719443519448074	-154.3207716132524	12615.04226011514
+163.4946703779904	0	0	-0.2695097853775223
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4719443519448074	-154.3207716132524	12615.04226011514
+163.6373441920762	1.496987584582087	1.545949043034341	-0.02180633103125729
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.592492760674855e-05	-0.02746103158249651	4.928300090274586	-387.1163507603231	11608.82757568784
+160	5.26984336895221
+162	1.095125009795751
+164	0.0371237766294456
+166	2.51630073492138
+168	8.985197793362095
+170	19.93206770772465
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_15_p.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_15_p.txt
index b04ab638757ae0f74dc3a61437c1ebe6aba293d6..da82bcfc94d3e7414e046868cd028837a2edbdfc 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_15_p.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_15_p.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-162.9006225020415	1.457314130984193	-0.2898255994468617
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4708625516177068	-153.4075948804375	12494.80563947127
-162.9006094335648	2.943832896562526e-06	5.76188199374883e-08	-0.289843354255936
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4708625516177068	-153.4075948804375	12494.80563947127
-162.9746666887223	1.529412558397695	1.581612791200399	0.01777009828219889
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.598055503156065e-05	-0.02756829241054023	4.971224150103215	-392.9626960872677	11846.45052180836
-160	3.449107982780823
-162	0.3999960375840343
-164	0.4640023954688768
-166	4.058341638155991
-168	11.63186150140435
-170	23.6697810047158
+162.9001271860747	1.447417624337416	-0.2920125792162496
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4773252772870362	-155.5127110308383	12666.22935663487
+162.9001412144708	1.345008513453649e-07	1.079208402643417e-07	-0.2920088458449754
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4773252772870362	-155.5127110308383	12666.22935663487
+162.9736108728425	1.518719864393773	1.569805039730568	0.01780236615013564
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.598675015254224e-05	-0.02750706367857421	4.946366512272811	-389.8455854111762	11729.26476425651
+160	3.498446961950426
+162	0.4048755297979992
+164	0.4713845792642792
+166	4.118389312418349
+168	11.79784793668687
+170	23.9980892066569
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_16_m.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_16_m.txt
index f542f746e31f94ab495ed99a58c432800c60829e..37f98b5a617587e2856c10706711c8a206f4df99 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_16_m.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_16_m.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.0587889705563	1.458830088898116	-0.2881639132840802
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4698839864695569	-153.2374567107825	12493.07132883657
-163.0588199839393	0	0	-0.2881042105709639
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4698839864695569	-153.2374567107825	12493.07132883657
-163.1539730411524	1.522630898597072	1.574145190414441	0.007032859677565284
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.582370360702477e-05	-0.02746018608109735	4.942358889492515	-389.6012406551076	11707.99536287262
-160	3.885520520333829
-162	0.5467720751417033
-164	0.3129611450408061
-166	3.601492769293981
-168	10.8616267747243
-170	22.5785249152156
+163.0585108278011	1.448882575794082	-0.2901025128745948
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4763552120720905	-155.3475289852474	12665.07703532357
+163.0584964989504	0	3.534896109158581e-08	-0.2901897179890511
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4763552120720905	-155.3475289852474	12665.07703532357
+163.1529342325918	1.512001918129101	1.562424762072339	0.007066714621032588
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.582354830559198e-05	-0.02739453845137072	4.916359911074538	-386.3564492385718	11585.66761562372
+160	3.94146150709709
+162	0.5538294884532182
+164	0.3181465969461996
+166	3.655031929311443
+168	11.01686932811141
+170	22.8919345175217
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_16_p.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_16_p.txt
index 8969409973883135ac716075a931ad3bf177986b..8117b8e9c0e7d0ad559a7cbff2d59a272fc925e8 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_16_p.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_16_p.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.3337078241711	1.464175903327228	-0.2776906947804751
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4664584614206385	-152.3768331749267	12443.8634285937
-163.3337644182172	5.622777621283603e-07	4.738552661365247e-08	-0.2774803872016491
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4664584614206385	-152.3768331749267	12443.8634285937
-163.4612825011694	1.514033227783557	1.564709451399551	-0.01130286060651997
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.606512580768922e-05	-0.02762434595294602	4.980749631613896	-393.4701251762186	11859.19281618023
-160	4.684073012850697
-162	0.8602065366268421
-164	0.1143282496125504
-166	2.863453497682749
-168	9.556583120252824
-170	20.6788493285164
+163.3336079111375	1.454138555260843	-0.2795843487789064
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4729202681071388	-154.4876010705477	12616.23365050214
+163.3336637243455	0	4.738410552818095e-08	-0.2793719032652007
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4729202681071388	-154.4876010705477	12616.23365050214
+163.4602629991944	1.503499989964695	1.553103301771444	-0.01126635834225453
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.606477333287281e-05	-0.02755809986053714	4.95447720887618	-390.1842469874758	11734.98135690646
+160	4.752094426196318
+162	0.8719148148733058
+164	0.1166248005418502
+166	2.906478154020824
+168	9.693621826934095
+170	20.96632321667167
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_17_m.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_17_m.txt
index 92f66343232952afbfd3f409c7a8193addafaf4a..49f4326bd92878cea1834de863481d3a8ad6ef3f 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_17_m.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_17_m.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.4319966808589	1.465447218297958	-0.2718117658628671
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4656497791130057	-152.2041467240821	12437.24203030293
-163.4319976608513	0	0	-0.271804737381899
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4656497791130057	-152.2041467240821	12437.24203030293
-163.5696643265042	1.510342222754616	1.560665278172763	-0.01775250379432691
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.607075640835935e-05	-0.0276267624080776	4.980217183145467	-393.2924316223547	11850.90639384715
-160	4.990209239999469
-162	0.9909953136045972
-164	0.06321962132381065
-166	2.623925511472219
-168	9.122218302995577
-170	20.04325963435064
+163.4319698676804	1.455380347327822	-0.2736181044768928
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4721138610070458	-154.3169970305931	12609.89182755985
+163.4319707185641	0	0	-0.2736109977231536
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4721138610070458	-154.3169970305931	12609.89182755985
+163.5686523041936	1.499847434468251	1.549103518246085	-0.01771528262179345
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.60669466667182e-05	-0.02755808409860224	4.953307926543697	-389.9342623193433	11723.73932770636
+160	5.062861853236051
+162	1.004644287631124
+164	0.06477285244280503
+166	2.663537723528258
+168	9.253198123814553
+170	20.3220560026491
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_17_p.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_17_p.txt
index 1e1eb7a18ffa2e3033bf9669c5da3305fa6d98ff..1be75c5a40d0ba49e7ed997cd15a3ea20c50c23b 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_17_p.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_17_p.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-162.9620948051416	1.457584291599663	-0.2895881620339157
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4706893332016949	-153.4090536970398	12499.64192554441
-162.9621099591901	0	0	-0.289608986759049
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4706893332016949	-153.4090536970398	12499.64192554441
-163.0445891245256	1.52639962065723	1.578308638023003	0.01357520309829852
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.581945525573685e-05	-0.02745876352058911	4.94315415226907	-389.8093331621197	11717.62081685833
-160	3.617508285294437
-162	0.4541335216747699
-164	0.4022245163758786
-166	3.879157802289414
-168	11.33407879220488
-170	23.25212210015071
+162.9616974691951	1.44766763378662	-0.2917457708345488
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4771582295097653	-155.5170315005201	12671.36808845516
+162.961698936543	1.639617153159634e-08	0	-0.2917462615623663
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4771582295097653	-155.5170315005201	12671.36808845516
+163.043529784972	1.515744655389739	1.566527679481226	0.01360800149996066
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.582287216705433e-05	-0.02739562288966162	4.917810191048984	-386.6387967783229	11598.32896184013
+160	3.669394808313728
+162	0.4598163273636826
+164	0.4087082076289053
+166	3.936652727431265
+168	11.49591150376226
+170	23.57472812744831
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_18_m.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_18_m.txt
index daa974ebe59d40a62413fb110c5dd4aaf51dc1a9..63760f03b9eb3b4e4bea42a7bea31af67da6ccf0 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_18_m.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_18_m.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.2160954418576	1.461994134488574	-0.2830227870034306
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4678518292678411	-152.7218883405205	12463.05134833807
-163.2160866893971	2.042321511908085e-07	6.074625389373978e-07	-0.2830447297947103
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4678518292678411	-152.7218883405205	12463.05134833807
-163.330444422316	1.517790582079158	1.568839159302939	-0.003507443361741025
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.596813822655636e-05	-0.0275590993592776	4.965691489504681	-391.9725011852369	11801.02242696716
-160	4.333348501017517
-162	0.7167913917795943
-164	0.1892375427851887
-166	3.167824453226944
-168	10.10162392432107
-170	21.47574605062465
+163.2159040351625	1.451996431577457	-0.2850040402842363
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4743167291988132	-154.8320574840158	12635.24127221282
+163.2158950788309	6.425116225727834e-07	8.063931602464436e-07	-0.2850274958454975
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4743167291988132	-154.8320574840158	12635.24127221282
+163.3294094816852	1.507222946306854	1.557176929735846	-0.003472058713668957
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.596700096868759e-05	-0.02749253732253858	4.939393983181001	-388.6884251885604	11676.95635986126
+160	4.396064187118482
+162	0.7263716191884118
+164	0.1926235684950799
+166	3.215185341599094
+168	10.24626531863021
+170	21.77409973622378
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_18_p.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_18_p.txt
index 5b40ef00194423d69eab710cee8b49206ae9043d..f91298511fd1d716e4418b8dd7c86e9cdad6b3d3 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_18_p.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_18_p.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.1756456321226	1.460992564015758	-0.2846522366762095
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4684924216002469	-152.8930924039267	12473.92870329296
-163.1756303517608	2.197594994868268e-08	7.246236464197864e-07	-0.2846601742603525
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4684924216002469	-152.8930924039267	12473.92870329296
-163.285214242391	1.518831891123739	1.569981257198123	-0.0008025114511838183
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.592042504320255e-05	-0.02752518661315622	4.957340516085262	-391.0890266802231	11765.69793851339
-160	4.217156291074647
-162	0.670882415684664
-164	0.2185387734762896
-166	3.277415567360019
-168	10.29670053519665
-170	21.76158419983938
+163.1754147577038	1.45101198763737	-0.286672817912144
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4749605979924368	-155.0037764494781	12646.11537479914
+163.1754049499917	0	0	-0.2866715777527133
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4749605979924368	-155.0037764494781	12646.11537479914
+163.2841768044366	1.508251510425708	1.55830428758361	-0.0007674046282772906
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.592087768930412e-05	-0.02745973836848293	4.93133785932707	-387.8392826305335	11643.09520918436
+160	4.278114232412668
+162	0.6797814274858942
+164	0.2223509539465076
+166	3.326337749578047
+168	10.4440630221743
+170	22.06384034993474
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_19_m.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_19_m.txt
index f1b8b98c2649f2c3a693e95ffc9db4b4514be35d..d4c10a7160932761bc92719ae58069c4f97cbb2e 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_19_m.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_19_m.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.3331124757599	1.463689833499488	-0.2777417768854055
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4667684521489797	-152.4775411409665	12452.04247706481
-163.3331698364358	0	0	-0.2775358645194501
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4667684521489797	-152.4775411409665	12452.04247706481
-163.4605511597515	1.513538250558469	1.564157817323206	-0.01125974230672
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.602934419618334e-05	-0.02759987280700847	4.974791312561923	-392.858210539964	11837.02878826039
-160	4.68558687450876
-162	0.8599965372760815
-164	0.1147922817111174
-166	2.867064795702945
-168	9.565848197874951
-170	20.69629433118577
+163.3330127247918	1.453655923843795	-0.2796349130481573
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4732344840805298	-154.5896816801845	12624.52417780765
+163.3330695271453	1.976275143533712e-08	4.078032134202658e-08	-0.279426907090965
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4732344840805298	-154.5896816801845	12624.52417780765
+163.4595296486847	1.503010754236755	1.55255314952916	-0.01122326063341461
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.602788381161712e-05	-0.02753292896433772	4.948358735819241	-389.5565404425142	11712.2586836867
+160	4.753631189410367
+162	0.8717016994688342
+164	0.1170955814862194
+166	2.910140900531339
+168	9.703016141652752
+170	20.98400639085084
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_19_p.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_19_p.txt
index 2c1b08b7818dda436089cf938727d2cbc4bc6334..ae5f03f2c11c6ed9d34bd2699fd41e0d52923eaa 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_19_p.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_19_p.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.0593552870752	1.459313034405647	-0.2879369328255356
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4695745364172379	-153.1370176787398	12484.92161039115
-163.0593290169856	1.070841790351551e-06	4.034336598124355e-08	-0.2880660453120072
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4695745364172379	-153.1370176787398	12484.92161039115
-163.154607391333	1.52312999322433	1.57471813976278	0.006996984950092155
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.585970147242985e-05	-0.027484773885473	4.948339174203157	-390.2150160668854	11730.22285204586
-160	3.884147896398276
-162	0.5469351399818375
-164	0.3122647232629878
-166	3.597466579339479
-168	10.85177001253157
-170	22.56031734801825
+163.0590515959028	1.449354294987092	-0.2901755753882221
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4760415579363084	-155.245725549218	12656.81661678922
+163.0590062451823	3.768403189496894e-08	4.760650256230292e-07	-0.2901523049476964
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4760415579363084	-155.245725549218	12656.81661678922
+163.1535658505959	1.51249984124226	1.562991399090777	0.007030867418507114
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.586109482320618e-05	-0.02742011458244531	4.922572199044291	-386.993914725928	11608.77947414732
+160	3.940068118236458
+162	0.5539949729141673
+164	0.3174400464656336
+166	3.650948380093391
+168	11.00687507550803
+170	22.8734783677445
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_1_m.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_1_m.txt
index e283ad848ce90d91d3569a008fe309b7b2e38c67..e949bb26fc23e611bca03e520589e85d5ac3bd77 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_1_m.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_1_m.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.1213670225993	1.460999029716437	-0.2863579971043571
-ax^2+bx+c	0.468491677756389	-152.8420261839336	12465.61543200401
-163.1213889257984	0	4.656222358789819e-07	-0.2863529992901022
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.468491677756389	-152.8420261839336	12465.61543200401
-163.2245059287321	1.521683068356737	1.573131778268333	0.00282221871020738
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.594700837977876e-05	-0.02754569822737174	4.96314991169796	-391.7576231475464	11790.38511540325
-160	4.055510620175903
-162	0.6107128266640007
-164	0.2600672736988827
-166	3.420699817338911
-168	10.54165468258009
-170	22.10800365842658
+163.1210913710304	1.451028616123623	-0.2884104508610582
+ax^2+bx+c	0.474952335587003	-154.9495113773605	12637.48031571523
+163.1211182984758	2.559787901645905e-07	0	-0.2884018599415867
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.474952335587003	-154.9495113773605	12637.48031571523
+163.2234627457086	1.511076723675558	1.561421744934876	0.002856768893252593
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.594848342605398e-05	-0.02748097354534185	4.93733086306733	-388.5270250864426	11668.43660315922
+160	4.114023201092476
+162	0.6187190182233198
+164	0.2644834413615046
+166	3.471663303904215
+168	10.69243399606286
+170	22.41498937188377
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_1_p.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_1_p.txt
index 1ed81ef2b080e19ac5d70b6e767cc0bbc8878329..da05f83ef38787ece6be036d4873d4e6678fb946 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_1_p.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_1_p.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.2704795929386	1.46199279668321	-0.2807649797083526
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4678527056593379	-152.773070561443	12471.3854332853
-163.2704791883213	0	0	-0.2807591114451498
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4678527056593379	-152.773070561443	12471.3854332853
-163.3909190761296	1.514966655444113	1.565711383820002	-0.007113197665603366
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.594017467434007e-05	-0.027537673445304	4.95965514374734	-391.2789585262224	11775.31899603309
-160	4.500640811140835
-162	0.7824612066996075
-164	0.1530636092719493
-166	3.029750082834518
-168	9.861736237061068
-170	21.13425078523209
+163.2703321076539	1.451983675411914	-0.2827059355644884
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4743251356234318	-154.8864441633844	12643.89783372394
+163.2703318891113	5.296374183672015e-08	8.929254136091913e-08	-0.2826997650008707
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4743251356234318	-154.8864441633844	12643.89783372394
+163.3898904231121	1.504424286540853	1.55408218346696	-0.007077289250446483
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.593773946249748e-05	-0.02747020568323446	4.933128889430128	-387.9707690609166	11650.39402959043
+160	4.565887279487395
+162	0.7930158688851524
+164	0.1559235241802523
+166	3.075143889600902
+168	10.00303147611285
+170	21.42794213603623
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_20_m.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_20_m.txt
index ce8456855fc23521cd2c757a01a2782dfe07078b..92018e2eaf9f9bd9c29fa941b5feac18c3da69d5 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_20_m.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_20_m.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-162.8471058492874	1.454363763112583	-0.2904172859618419
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4727634001133929	-153.9763154021385	12537.00950086792
-162.8471190671439	0	1.207738932862412e-06	-0.2901817705169378
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4727634001133929	-153.9763154021385	12537.00950086792
-162.9135016483636	1.529077923468407	1.581252998900311	0.02140729180246126
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.574811231554662e-05	-0.02740216771585601	4.928869101576193	-388.3188148796521	11659.4756677608
-160	3.319089903525684
-162	0.357463602337742
-164	0.5231446304466016
-166	4.234100163005821
-168	11.93983867067882
-170	24.12596665103345
+162.8465812446041	1.444496740189807	-0.2926142476727194
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4792448092035636	-156.0867770777806	12708.80823728894
+162.846601424069	0	0	-0.2923677946855605
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4792448092035636	-156.0867770777806	12708.80823728894
+162.9124377846809	1.518386843454039	1.569431560791088	0.02143860281648813
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.574980484979174e-05	-0.0273380703986063	4.90334581720823	-385.1346057327366	11539.79382930405
+160	3.366461981488992
+162	0.361711981397309
+164	0.5313869741867463
+166	4.296651787569068
+168	12.11012103059127
+170	24.46050302193427
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_20_p.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_20_p.txt
index 767b374804cd084ce263bf07b8d74998b7ed39af..26ee5f7eb02218e2117ff5df824911d72317cc30 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_20_p.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_20_p.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.5506340200332	1.468731792618001	-0.2631586924764112
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4635713431694082	-151.634713909086	12399.70844461049
-163.5505685547909	0	0	-0.2634265410233638
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4635713431694082	-151.634713909086	12399.70844461049
-163.699715573817	1.507760264821229	1.557829499224908	-0.02547046315157786
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.613428265083386e-05	-0.02767853896459106	4.993389406678077	-394.6681385145972	11904.62273405705
-160	5.358154753675425
-162	1.158706580406332
-164	0.01482854131313358
-166	2.342995340318602
-168	8.591892845351705
-170	19.24622035144406
+163.550687696303	1.458617329058731	-0.2648494126478484
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4700227271927767	-153.74501958121	12572.28173645838
+163.5506233954528	1.645506131353613e-08	5.535744946882915e-07	-0.2651205853417196
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4700227271927767	-153.74501958121	12572.28173645838
+163.6987090696048	1.4973006127247	1.546304005299305	-0.02543241333478363
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.61300782795195e-05	-0.02760941969751133	4.966313651659982	-391.285598352328	11776.27671830884
+160	5.436373611843836
+162	1.174844120770677
+164	0.01567797642706209
+166	2.378605270339163
+168	8.715475240573403
+170	19.51413497595785
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_21_m.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_21_m.txt
index 4a964ce538bb0b6812f64d484524a96535d3dea3..6a1e7202a9008783790fea9c7efb36ec31f89c09 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_21_m.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_21_m.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.0969518264232	1.460585521788426	-0.2869467904140496
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4687828765389325	-152.9142303487299	12469.64469647531
-163.0970738288509	0	5.334355535069335e-07	-0.2870210511118785
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4687828765389325	-152.9142303487299	12469.64469647531
-163.1971667270595	1.522462453286437	1.573990876550056	0.004453832356375642
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.586702518337508e-05	-0.02749352412429175	4.950682355570527	-390.4435675774371	11737.94962192613
-160	3.986808494145586
-162	0.5851134460511562
-164	0.2799148592182757
-166	3.488346181816973
-168	10.65944898592048
-170	22.2781856344353
+163.0967260892009	1.450599278017737	-0.2890694020982413
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4752441943435912	-155.0215967946241	12641.47264464288
+163.0967809401062	9.055995064954914e-08	7.898546812157292e-07	-0.2890847916514758
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4752441943435912	-155.0215967946241	12641.47264464288
+163.1961218439162	1.511847424526508	1.562270478436375	0.004488110382226296
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.586800244876079e-05	-0.02742852540351463	4.92480964375363	-387.208360763832	11615.84021051687
+160	4.044281755797192
+162	0.5927397838410955
+164	0.2846196885804437
+166	3.54027339480655
+168	10.81187139343576
+170	22.58749479254497
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_21_p.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_21_p.txt
index 8b226454e372df5811fc5750ec6274e4e4bd2b94..b80ca0ea4736c447e03890f23660ac39df21c065 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_21_p.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_21_p.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.2949603748222	1.462447783912809	-0.2796235886278897
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4675610294547565	-152.700720558761	12467.34953476722
-163.2949614314799	0	1.605025090611889e-07	-0.2796035916817345
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4675610294547565	-152.700720558761	12467.34953476722
-163.4181409050358	1.514186057419352	1.564878490032243	-0.008733442635275424
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.602067190184511e-05	-0.02759020795083206	4.972216640731791	-392.6038263613669	11828.22337751306
-160	4.57382144355895
-162	0.8125220719445074
-164	0.1376584829854026
-166	2.96652290733229
-168	9.748334897762939
-170	20.96842912260013
+163.2948319174607	1.452430375009222	-0.2815461402046469
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4740327934126269	-154.8142117394432	12639.89890591654
+163.2948329396217	1.885007350210799e-08	0	-0.2815254626275419
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4740327934126269	-154.8142117394432	12639.89890591654
+163.4171071718524	1.503659104468284	1.553252434105644	-0.008697317884070799
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.601782907908538e-05	-0.02752241668588695	4.945596180792027	-389.2839854425003	11702.7890135845
+160	4.640174981591552
+162	0.8235227891790708
+164	0.1402943469666418
+166	3.011015945812993
+168	9.888048319540067
+170	21.25985655883267
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_22_m.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_22_m.txt
index 0f227cda0e1c2cd599d1928cd9f3cf415b943665..d4a07682c9dc30964e084e8ea1f1bd21f57c6ac4 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_22_m.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_22_m.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.3131886365986	1.460993645932944	-0.2789712919682532
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4684970440945685	-153.0235507877898	12495.1079503382
-163.3132509193519	1.110038851948048e-07	8.215198192829121e-07	-0.2788353768282832
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4684970440945685	-153.0235507877898	12495.1079503382
-163.4381975966762	1.511682791230101	1.562078683971379	-0.009919809868733864
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.579508467707379e-05	-0.02743559695579841	4.933476009104085	-388.4078679064029	11663.25181251251
-160	4.64122335119609
-162	0.8374485807855527
-164	0.127030149168158
-166	2.927827142905722
-168	9.689182594363238
-170	20.89665623323456
+163.3130765816662	1.450982324985103	-0.280877883021201
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4749843323702788	-155.1423646983465	12668.11255435666
+163.3131380417827	9.929274256137433e-07	0	-0.2807398411950999
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4749843323702788	-155.1423646983465	12668.11255435666
+163.4371774395229	1.501164940267756	1.550486524946734	-0.009883332058961969
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.579003590373717e-05	-0.02736640317402647	4.906537229555689	-385.0580930816719	11536.87900832128
+160	4.708596538912777
+162	0.8488191674510973
+164	0.1295114355107201
+166	2.971768900752602
+168	9.828070910053146
+170	21.18710377523915
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_22_p.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_22_p.txt
index 48475ac2b57be5647ebf57ad4131f0c2de14498c..d2830cf85c6843ae567cd016ea0efde5f4ddb934 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_22_p.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_22_p.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.078763519498	1.461970000856682	-0.2875293928235859
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4678500744845885	-152.5927486524139	12442.02497637607
-163.078683356837	2.090610280447436e-07	8.959889896686946e-08	-0.2873215061226801
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4678500744845885	-152.5927486524139	12442.02497637607
-163.176642081509	1.525028419160492	1.576849950980233	0.005679939640685916
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.608482272457534e-05	-0.02764283222845919	4.988073925051429	-394.4877718520488	11896.56608339684
-160	3.92457494053574
-162	0.5647367551274386
-164	0.2944895268630514
-166	3.530400808740483
-168	10.72141220864292
-170	22.35225039813452
+163.0783707402474	1.452023902608284	-0.2894920111515634
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4742959557978637	-154.6948260501961	12613.40091063954
+163.0783735079478	0	1.64078244324628e-08	-0.2893992664357938
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4742959557978637	-154.6948260501961	12613.40091063954
+163.1755982057408	1.514389088788448	1.565109636887058	0.005714003207685892
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.608961588489609e-05	-0.02758029651961642	4.962781537638258	-391.3112776147906	11776.58114983377
+160	3.981106738874177
+162	0.5720607354903791
+164	0.2994063290280849
+166	3.582927154522215
+168	10.8746989313127
+170	22.66257074076085
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_23_m.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_23_m.txt
index 3bbd1e1eab725db8fd0fe078cf2f931904e67489..3a5824e87daf92cfc66480cc15dc2b3834a732a5 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_23_m.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_23_m.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.1130877064315	1.460581482754607	-0.2865049424061655
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4687541243017715	-152.9198014725995	12471.31865045988
-163.1130206882878	0	0	-0.2866486142193025
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4687541243017715	-152.9198014725995	12471.31865045988
-163.215064762323	1.521691910633024	1.573129184271778	0.003385707037523389
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.613169801203361e-05	-0.02766591904016259	4.992747596119457	-395.0156215295683	11925.32815584552
-160	4.033283503794558
-162	0.602011314752807
-164	0.2669470306886079
-166	3.445189806446906
-168	10.58582807300959
-170	22.17417855256232
+163.1127151524128	1.450621989529043	-0.2886542231829071
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4752172518094149	-155.0279776127039	12643.2305251402
+163.1127420682998	0	0	-0.2887027369088173
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4752172518094149	-155.0279776127039	12643.2305251402
+163.2140244787573	1.511081180222078	1.561420944914858	0.003420155917410739
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.613507966654884e-05	-0.02760246859794633	4.967250269666579	-391.8212527730196	11804.90967974638
+160	4.091459834996683
+162	0.6098883898249439
+164	0.2714632569877414
+166	3.496502190544481
+168	10.73722355410109
+170	22.48206773245887
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_23_p.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_23_p.txt
index 0d44061c4309fb3cde4df796db4e6b2b147bb052..38fe660e6af59a2273c8881afcee48a384d19fa8 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_23_p.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_23_p.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.278933185682	1.46240388640952	-0.280293100773098
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4675899230260303	-152.6951611488101	12465.6706702532
-163.2789245569364	1.344351858278969e-06	6.303395139184431e-08	-0.2803105611965293
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4675899230260303	-152.6951611488101	12465.6706702532
-163.4003524865539	1.514956769292667	1.565714616011093	-0.007673160478589125
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.575744166977281e-05	-0.02741868867879551	4.930349297906213	-388.0514483628892	11641.56486310809
-160	4.524177945570678
-162	0.7925280676321574
-164	0.1475967603167836
-166	3.006718224393184
-168	9.819063304554401
-170	21.06962080860186
+163.2787923122822	1.452391049031233	-0.2822036192722449
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4740598747024863	-154.807840839621	12638.13584568259
+163.2787850797609	7.996337956228672e-07	2.961269842671754e-07	-0.2822446830232366
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4740598747024863	-154.807840839621	12638.13584568259
+163.3993250546435	1.504414719775951	1.554087606898577	-0.007637137954588979
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.575243819631186e-05	-0.02734950906242261	4.903392792666815	-384.6950682477825	11514.61555314738
+160	4.58978048146083
+162	0.8032321058955415
+164	0.1503771658102503
+166	3.051783906939571
+168	9.959763305646764
+170	21.36242978527265
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_24_m.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_24_m.txt
index 714648ec3518abc667e259191e4f9c8d4cf4dc1a..f789197e2467e077ac8d8f176962906ed357ba6c 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_24_m.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_24_m.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.1399401919763	1.459358003863592	-0.2860242509700429
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4695420755386325	-153.2021280051403	12496.40664359351
-163.1399356966888	0	1.328640081510457e-06	-0.2860108288186893
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4695420755386325	-153.2021280051403	12496.40664359351
-163.2451174445856	1.518943518948987	1.570076381058414	0.001594236106029712
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.585555412044243e-05	-0.02747767548592982	4.945470588068614	-389.849533242504	11719.06064696348
-160	4.120421998336361
-162	0.6323562150066709
-164	0.2461874363412792
-166	3.379640688697257
-168	10.48193165672059
-170	22.03858300043931
+163.1396897112976	1.449391174887711	-0.2880755696932056
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4760198322560706	-155.3154486099216	12668.76844274105
+163.1396825311686	9.982790061258129e-08	1.641396352169977e-08	-0.2880451851124235
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4760198322560706	-155.3154486099216	12668.76844274105
+163.2440809226544	1.508355294539427	1.558395037060819	0.001629028571187519
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.585338621361157e-05	-0.02741058916510706	4.919094802392815	-386.5628323179702	11595.10330022643
+160	4.179916552442644
+162	0.6406835597520163
+164	0.2504017367572703
+166	3.430019224873359
+168	10.63187790319918
+170	22.34462093399432
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_24_p.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_24_p.txt
index 2049f9b6fba75d3358111b1ec5a8dc4b07ba4d61..2284feb61d3d6f7fea636af4141ea393801db371 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_24_p.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_24_p.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.252065536309	1.463634930527954	-0.2810891241813708
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4668023903734205	-152.4128291999377	12440.5667034224
-163.2519795462089	0	3.453849899415218e-07	-0.2813855016484013
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4668023903734205	-152.4128291999377	12440.5667034224
-163.3705707876248	1.517680884794629	1.56873718333523	-0.005906649894313887
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.603547220847248e-05	-0.02760830343064313	4.977997232346284	-393.2617039172277	11849.77902331991
-160	4.43265125501182
-162	0.7580678764507409
-164	0.1645262173270041
-166	3.068731020304064
-168	9.919713259746374
-170	21.20225779159344
+163.2519055038698	1.453618028990835	-0.283031423663428
+ax^2+bx+c	0.473257698587175	-154.5203571137066	12612.58108284418
+163.2518156498404	0	0	-0.2833427248679072
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.473257698587175	-154.5203571137066	12612.58108284418
+163.369539354685	1.507116783058564	1.557083567799026	-0.005871013032447081
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.603646271703892e-05	-0.02754305510052368	4.951992790680954	-390.0058009083083	11726.70617053018
+160	4.496869183783486
+162	0.7682605807208623
+164	0.1675528434919064
+166	3.114680170432537
+168	10.06181721108131
+170	21.49687762212832
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_25_m.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_25_m.txt
index dfa65a7015ec2fcc96b5da3b329f52c3675a5cc1..c5cf401236fa76d0b0a3570977ca264734e0c336 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_25_m.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_25_m.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.5709543341442	1.464744273617488	-0.2619377758083712
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4661049447442324	-152.4824350522516	12470.58431542264
-163.5709269024892	1.645707925490569e-08	1.811279020103029e-06	-0.2622512355774234
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4661049447442324	-152.4824350522516	12470.58431542264
-163.7212432195743	1.502555706753157	1.552018819822564	-0.02674130358354887
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.570908712905681e-05	-0.02738337904945409	4.919286079811976	-386.6930271316069	11595.43153311993
-160	5.458469576310201
-162	1.196156289635349
-164	0.008400442496034957
-166	2.312767371019246
-168	8.558558193708867
-170	19.2309090360737
+163.5710272418572	1.454652722594394	-0.2636022653787152
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4725944911878434	-154.6055062108358	12644.22464126588
+163.5709991432945	6.970506660763931e-08	1.373737887888637e-06	-0.2639194397870597
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4725944911878434	-154.6055062108358	12644.22464126588
+163.720250330093	1.492126406709019	1.540546383370241	-0.02670297367149033
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.569694654628917e-05	-0.02730918362589248	4.891032385308916	-383.1939288250282	11463.00212146967
+160	5.538205987627989
+162	1.212849523648224
+164	0.009156387853862913
+166	2.347946657161298
+168	8.681675609168066
+170	19.49861461968521
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_25_p.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_25_p.txt
index 66a5bd29360c3f5eb05d7e60090c88781cadb5d3..b00da6403ebada8b2b0bb65a53d78535e995b719 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_25_p.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_25_p.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-162.8255183381874	1.458247268723547	-0.2897303083346075
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4702400902523869	-153.1341243834075	12466.77810544798
-162.8254652810462	2.271812292065079e-06	1.638255753277917e-08	-0.2895355132623081
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4702400902523869	-153.1341243834075	12466.77810544798
-162.8889813538428	1.534612373716243	1.587432295602412	0.02290721856115852
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.617904423487858e-05	-0.0277002677347609	5.0035008752776	-396.3334061489456	11969.76177426608
-160	3.241879269051265
-162	0.3387281453330734
-164	0.543939125757243
-166	4.274376901256956
-168	11.97903629397788
-170	24.1430824241695
+162.8249282336695	1.448390103488405	-0.2917130212032289
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4766837962175835	-155.2320046817178	12637.52785716251
+162.8249228455652	0	0	-0.2917355690042314
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4766837962175835	-155.2320046817178	12637.52785716251
+162.8879108626658	1.523880564048824	1.575560808646372	0.02293870445282664
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.618993004832829e-05	-0.02764206461275948	4.979355542741514	-393.2875663029974	11855.06000510407
+160	3.28808331183857
+162	0.3426985202459029
+164	0.5524839029773548
+166	4.337502329855874
+168	12.14986541531346
+170	24.47785247170575
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_26_m.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_26_m.txt
index 15655bb77281f53e7d1713f64f18f80ba80bbe96..257d66cfe2da7f2791db1e23f7685ff0ddb3626d 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_26_m.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_26_m.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.0262472801424	1.46006331038477	-0.2883940282646564
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4690969761991166	-152.9502570126512	12467.16609498967
-163.0262649689892	9.506896105904161e-07	2.314936295988446e-07	-0.2885610738958349
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4690969761991166	-152.9502570126512	12467.16609498967
-163.1173728935154	1.525704940385879	1.577558595320994	0.009234872777597047
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.613814399491657e-05	-0.0276735221512777	4.995800861752214	-395.4352865004109	11940.98050200771
-160	3.784930841977519
-162	0.5133509113507403
-164	0.3409610813245652
-166	3.684710582110399
-168	10.99350275915453
-170	22.75252169702072
+163.2336649970324	1.452241947204858	-0.284264099358031
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4741567344941421	-154.7966842156985	12633.73085391063
+163.2336661804671	0	1.642337110752123e-08	-0.2842833723771037
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4741567344941421	-154.7966842156985	12633.73085391063
+163.3492275257421	1.506560955551123	1.556455252854192	-0.004680633566749748
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.566002575414902e-05	-0.02729047052689244	4.889363658147348	-383.1837534593514	11450.55233033669
+160	4.449503886773258
+162	0.7475375362171515
+164	0.1801915321462618
+166	3.167862188684949
+168	10.16294797419526
+170	21.653257836931
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_26_p.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_26_p.txt
index 73eaaa3101a2792eba8b3dee331cc05bc5bbb14c..826210a9dca420a1b187532fbf26ae85471dadcf 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_26_p.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_26_p.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.3664083330638	1.462930746953038	-0.2759467030797031
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4672466862303356	-152.6648136498503	12469.87428746371
-163.3663952728713	0	1.643664404582523e-08	-0.2758567655819206
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4672466862303356	-152.6648136498503	12469.87428746371
-163.497151555867	1.51103015224578	1.561387739355922	-0.0134452449856326
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.575897710430181e-05	-0.02741630273011227	4.928574161605207	-387.7711045077914	11631.64650095107
-160	4.796451631266959
-162	0.9046464915062992
-164	0.09657572789221495
-166	2.789717563554427
-168	9.433433328336491
-170	20.51285044936459
+163.1576803589267	1.450768558255638	-0.2872881413729787
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4751204422592737	-155.0390971306455	12647.6223193938
+163.157679837793	0	2.840507420387439e-07	-0.2872952637899289
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4751204422592737	-155.0390971306455	12647.6223193938
+163.2643321098881	1.508915915145849	1.559028044656372	0.0004442309873411432
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.623578681952818e-05	-0.02766702279329	4.982654539880242	-393.4848598196489	11875.28633784923
+160	4.225763517703709
+162	0.6597122656359466
+164	0.2358884771260467
+166	3.374771783570543
+168	10.52849341122171
+170	22.1858015789681
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_27_m.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_27_m.txt
index 41c735e3afd37834a7d88268e3b5fd443ed10603..da72bbb01557595b2c9d3dda0c73260aa08d809e 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_27_m.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_27_m.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-164.3260114490324	1.47951156294785	-0.1843827003141781
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4568388957439265	-150.1410238484102	12335.85315094217
-164.3260077702944	3.158055221774703e-07	1.595889244754289e-06	-0.1843735884667694
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4568388957439265	-150.1410238484102	12335.85315094217
-164.5235345427778	1.481104289300561	1.528286262300497	-0.07372789538931102
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.531539922816597e-05	-0.02718969034541448	4.87846372679416	-382.6822433219925	11466.10208223556
-160	8.143814277507962
-162	2.593240957990677
-164	0.04772802606614706
-166	0.9218365458931104
-168	5.661791958380066
-170	14.74922643357447
+164.3264578572659	1.469157354995169	-0.1851559966347406
+ax^2+bx+c	0.463300918177567	-152.2651956938717	12510.41483849436
+164.3264574022891	0	1.615289306755585e-06	-0.1851355419348693
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.463300918177567	-152.2651956938717	12510.41483849436
+164.5226082322111	1.470900646837265	1.517096416347499	-0.07368727045832202
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.528720027578414e-05	-0.0271043673823471	4.847297946774109	-378.85264806581	11320.32878319492
+160	8.264174329494509
+162	2.630664688785623
+164	0.0490559486602638
+166	0.9371998847798959
+168	5.744502841605732
+170	14.9557449178165
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_27_p.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_27_p.txt
index fc27e9b67d4ef8b1fefc7c7717dbf58283a16238..8ca758b70ea15ad436a16a80b0d65e76280669d1 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_27_p.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_27_p.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-162.1187856641066	1.444058462297128	-0.2455529894979592
-ax^2+bx+c	0.479536841471363	-155.4838001655167	12603.17198081092
-162.1187224156853	0	8.768761574629025e-07	-0.2455375039990031
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.479536841471363	-155.4838001655167	12603.17198081092
-162.0586344040427	1.559036719950086	1.614644558262285	0.07253908568964107
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.658564653773879e-05	-0.02790191685200286	5.046184416952167	-400.538412119339	12107.78895326204
-160	1.682877151201579
-162	0.07125720522333208
-164	1.637713570529419
-166	6.802116380759222
-168	16.01658438148499
-170	29.76980556495713
+162.117447437884	1.43441213083535	-0.2476969033301595
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4860080043300901	-157.5806985268161	12773.03812951932
+162.1173896308073	0	0	-0.2476635959083069
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4860080043300901	-157.5806985268161	12773.03812951932
+162.0575342850177	1.54802532446439	1.602432024162795	0.0725618975557154
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.661163718815436e-05	-0.02785415562674377	5.024767495088534	-397.8014648813878	12005.51000641653
+160	1.705496757395282
+162	0.07125874017331929
+164	1.662166115968465
+166	6.901253342998809
+168	16.2437326199632
+170	30.1813956148175
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_2_m.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_2_m.txt
index 936f5985eb6e26fb68c6f87460ba74237834646d..4c6c81fe6639dad3979e978a75b5120005418ddd 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_2_m.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_2_m.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.1513224387827	1.460981856961636	-0.2854136099519839
-ax^2+bx+c	0.468508997321522	-152.8757859954989	12470.66282103303
-163.1513875444241	3.664353300791845e-07	3.813639182226325e-08	-0.285483777657646
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.468508997321522	-152.8757859954989	12470.66282103303
-163.2581141994866	1.520076825675744	1.571365206486121	0.0008126105021801777
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.597830173981352e-05	-0.02756401906019602	4.967123423754147	-392.1629143222744	11808.13265445461
-160	4.144656029829616
-162	0.6436216041381655
-164	0.2367208447374149
-166	3.341177253767318
-168	10.40613951232703
-170	21.91681769264003
+163.1511437170156	1.450992051122035	-0.2875018879271459
+ax^2+bx+c	0.474974046811135	-154.9851164806567	12642.71187438452
+163.151141646224	2.015104030306247e-07	0	-0.2875125240952912
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.474974046811135	-154.9851164806567	12642.71187438452
+163.2570692871616	1.509489988011779	1.559668701213099	0.0008474224814563058
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.597910693474553e-05	-0.02749881789103482	4.941182344051189	-388.919323608734	11685.71796434892
+160	4.204517194072356
+162	0.652116109198436
+164	0.2407974638007494
+166	3.391007819200333
+168	10.55502854621865
+170	22.22119320012678
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_2_p.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_2_p.txt
index dd3af28cb9c912776f9b08bf490708e4a7877cc6..f6052c7894077debd25b7c8afef5e6ac24e8f876 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_2_p.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_2_p.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.2403956634394	1.462019069351767	-0.2819948963683354
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4678352664792397	-152.7392145308777	12466.3217655793
-163.2403812567628	6.105022407609795e-07	4.610528776538558e-07	-0.2820408615771157
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4678352664792397	-152.7392145308777	12466.3217655793
-163.3574804103044	1.516553736745351	1.567460509606207	-0.005117120257636998
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.590997491757794e-05	-0.02752007082793735	4.955858358949485	-390.8929208355517	11758.34895745567
-160	4.407549490128377
-162	0.7457223454484231
-164	0.1726939521985538
-166	3.105670266829138
-168	9.993761380622399
-170	21.32205850897908
+163.2402234352471	1.45201615916901	-0.2839584265097524
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4743032954441732	-154.8507384012266	12638.64946541246
+163.2402088104637	7.228431400108093e-07	1.759173073878628e-08	-0.2840048629332159
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4743032954441732	-154.8507384012266	12638.64946541246
+163.3564548582773	1.505990624151138	1.555819528186049	-0.005081448987766635
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.590809964686167e-05	-0.02745300709224572	4.929436215108726	-387.5957521771209	11633.80861265651
+160	4.471387681774929
+162	0.755731861829855
+164	0.1758393692474737
+166	3.152145673294424
+168	10.13689821743719
+170	21.61831394360496
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_3_m.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_3_m.txt
index 663c3cf1f2e6339d2225fbbb757e76f3712c018f..d750d1d0f1d187bf1c49cc390f1641f8a90e97bd 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_3_m.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_3_m.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.1884715947696	1.460807556014451	-0.2841774703006261
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4686117812413332	-152.9440714538334	12479.06968072016
-163.1884618418456	2.991839664900908e-08	8.211796398427396e-08	-0.2841945234176819
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4686117812413332	-152.9440714538334	12479.06968072016
-163.2995002876411	1.517955239475526	1.568998587720046	-0.001657700340729207
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.592049511778745e-05	-0.0275250920486042	4.957401617687603	-391.1297661167468	11770.25871972855
-160	4.257089303188998
-162	0.6857320957344818
-164	0.2092535032489273
-166	3.244940153701796
-168	10.24200053929569
-170	21.68561988933562
+163.1882575841059	1.450823944903837	-0.2861788045390449
+ax^2+bx+c	0.475083388006398	-155.056051576226	12651.37651075291
+163.1882481303844	0	0	-0.2861959241163277
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.475083388006398	-155.056051576226	12651.37651075291
+163.2984678512058	1.507378992015816	1.557334475541609	-0.00162251407164149
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.591954744211033e-05	-0.02745873371581281	4.931180678255273	-387.8573223182401	11646.802665074
+160	4.318651347357553
+162	0.6948514529818117
+164	0.2129306394901152
+166	3.293399673742438
+168	10.38860002471644
+170	21.9868389209584
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_3_p.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_3_p.txt
index 7f058809973023e14201f31152b8f8ef35a7e2f8..15701343368fe2e7dd35a77746049db0e399fa02 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_3_p.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_3_p.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.2032471778301	1.462180638399382	-0.2835380066226796
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4677325916274139	-152.6709484042117	12457.91313255738
-163.2032384986809	5.314529971656157e-07	1.332693955191644e-07	-0.2835506921801425
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4677325916274139	-152.6709484042117	12457.91313255738
-163.3161648909888	1.518670876854458	1.569816794657044	-0.002653201059729327
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.596886276813906e-05	-0.0275597181713335	4.965760190298193	-391.9460555424765	11797.05189624928
-160	4.293042145075081
-162	0.7015688368982644
-164	0.198151070942734
-166	3.199930508912605
-168	10.1559578610728
-170	21.55134850374571
+163.2030376269703	1.452184629737731	-0.2855425989989108
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4741940628475963	-154.7798219484583	12629.98292612267
+163.2030370792255	0	2.904980078710651e-08	-0.2855437801590597
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4741940628475963	-154.7798219484583	12629.98292612267
+163.3151333979478	1.508090692606117	1.558150132227468	-0.002617895937873982
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.596857440084824e-05	-0.02749370229936036	4.939590917505515	-388.6747780543192	11673.43096432368
+160	4.355148080435388
+162	0.7109231859962464
+164	0.2016667342946646
+166	3.247748797390175
+168	10.30135715083791
+170	21.85073436748462
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_4_m.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_4_m.txt
index 87c8c15511ead72f96e5abe1d6d3e8b0707460f4..ce3ac55fc74d36911810296feb07e81904c9b6dd 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_4_m.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_4_m.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.1910235483743	1.46175203303279	-0.2840134604019378
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4680070493999895	-152.7490989451752	12463.35689261708
-163.19102428195	0	1.182065716420766e-07	-0.284017533838778
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4680070493999895	-152.7490989451752	12463.35689261708
-163.3024853609418	1.518833750093506	1.570002812188363	-0.001834878268709872
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.593859021257804e-05	-0.02753975225409025	4.961097362673505	-391.4816654964048	11780.14269304242
-160	4.258833629179467
-162	0.6878141270684677
-164	0.2070375030702407
-166	3.233654127276471
-168	10.21672940387869
-170	21.64134413483148
+163.1908108287226	1.451761382338035	-0.2860144724162305
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4744706347091169	-154.858495317225	12635.45569944464
+163.1908109678737	6.633715372572624e-07	0	-0.2860185950285086
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4744706347091169	-154.858495317225	12635.45569944464
+163.3014459554876	1.508257980765137	1.558325615167064	-0.001799660545657389
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.593854768036517e-05	-0.02747394077657918	4.934991215395824	-388.2187671252615	11656.92197840402
+160	4.320422061346633
+162	0.6969643783230448
+164	0.2106824099817124
+166	3.28195286052576
+168	10.36297638624436
+170	21.94195868255149
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_4_p.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_4_p.txt
index 8556e745d309f17894f7f05aff0049ce2d0d0643..6ed4893453c451cfc2ec767c843bd5969c382994 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_4_p.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_4_p.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.2006695974842	1.46123668565595	-0.2837267897115515
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4683372802653678	-152.8659149889352	12473.62607158764
-163.2006696069294	0	2.00956520757245e-07	-0.2837312811789161
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4683372802653678	-152.8659149889352	12473.62607158764
-163.313177029248	1.517787087689186	1.568819162411927	-0.002475555171258748
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.594885199203647e-05	-0.02754379134109792	4.961750401397488	-391.5595597068378	11785.73937277085
-160	4.291290505191179
-162	0.6994636940734414
-164	0.2003275155653915
-166	3.211160308730739
-168	10.18115569454881
-170	21.59553372826088
+163.2004656355997	1.451247498864291	-0.2857202576671978
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4748067735560054	-154.9773725990447	12645.90392300013
+163.2004649126218	0	1.737595312079065e-08	-0.2857247504016414
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4748067735560054	-154.9773725990447	12645.90392300013
+163.3121409507244	1.507217930667565	1.557154085775409	-0.002440271200612187
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.594856060945127e-05	-0.0274778239941863	4.935613663210904	-388.2949369361811	11662.55101800971
+160	4.353369941908986
+162	0.7087868062267023
+164	0.2038748329541886
+166	3.259138582965231
+168	10.32690646489186
+170	21.89552283992314
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_5_m.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_5_m.txt
index f947ba34f69a656e55064dd2cae81504e5fc1643..12150f7f5fe7bac3756f5a28f19719b9c0075fa0 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_5_m.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_5_m.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.1879652337975	1.460094153025363	-0.28430438717136
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4690699840941454	-153.0931442739647	12491.19435970675
-163.1879576225669	0	1.084322519773195e-06	-0.2843206818633917
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4690699840941454	-153.0931442739647	12491.19435970675
-163.2988636358862	1.51721720940688	1.568180609015258	-0.001622356910957024
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.595126190849489e-05	-0.0275419008422461	4.961153583028285	-391.5458260612218	11789.46643062877
-160	4.260027479183652
-162	0.6858037530347203
-164	0.2098825400215768
-166	3.249705982299451
-168	10.25464050762706
-170	21.71006741850229
+163.1877514159773	1.450115529384628	-0.2863062278852595
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4755478656796602	-155.2071660709728	12663.66726629888
+163.1877433086143	0	0	-0.2863219239407044
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4755478656796602	-155.2071660709728	12663.66726629888
+163.2978302540953	1.506647620396905	1.556520721045217	-0.001587222672242206
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.594943061579742e-05	-0.02747497678044934	4.934803245383024	-388.2609801277422	11665.60053429322
+160	4.321633971800773
+162	0.6949241735615104
+164	0.213568824923376
+166	3.298233398892828
+168	10.40141630595894
+170	22.01162022507727
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_5_p.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_5_p.txt
index e16bb15e15d10e794f3766262e2b4a2d8a29215a..5fda82bbe06df24af8484d111bef24ae9b36d0dc 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_5_p.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_5_p.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.2037520960444	1.462897016333867	-0.2834192509276204
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4672749394498968	-152.5220472955429	12445.80181812767
-163.2037527642712	4.575072125589941e-07	1.85837620847451e-08	-0.2834237913339166
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4672749394498968	-152.5220472955429	12445.80181812767
-163.3168139432946	1.519407169807835	1.570638735559157	-0.002689109009224921
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.593718430829315e-05	-0.02754231197718483	4.961862008281138	-391.5141453560067	11777.20180064453
-160	4.290092081106359
-162	0.7014962664248896
-164	0.1975367734293482
-166	3.195199642075219
-168	10.14337732096874
-170	21.5269889966531
+163.2035469110606	1.452894775966896	-0.2854417721006446
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4737301422969398	-154.6288811539418	12617.70568810198
+163.203549214046	6.598733648388588e-08	1.642035840632161e-08	-0.2854170179052744
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4737301422969398	-154.6288811539418	12617.70568810198
+163.3157793516303	1.508824378050207	1.558963773697684	-0.002653753181220964
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.593754758658164e-05	-0.0274767088709648	4.935784322170121	-388.2511171506635	11653.81971639103
+160	4.352153388177956
+162	0.710849538693386
+164	0.2010435024872778
+166	3.24295053208406
+168	10.28860112677762
+170	21.82604228717938
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_6_m.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_6_m.txt
index b9c0a3707d033b8bbd50f4add23d1929a15c634b..b60192dd6ed3f63c7b28a1b9eb4dbea30fc10d09 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_6_m.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_6_m.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.2013631911076	1.461595341539297	-0.2836541503677827
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4681074154206297	-152.7915359942292	12467.60976834626
-163.201360918336	1.877223212432e-07	1.92756232308966e-07	-0.2836586882076517
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4681074154206297	-152.7915359942292	12467.60976834626
-163.3139898432829	1.518135541585849	1.569208064845526	-0.002523452320019715
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.594897642748508e-05	-0.02754539312056997	4.962293087483571	-391.61150240231	11786.6366113059
-160	4.291122871680569
-162	0.6999335671574483
-164	0.1997052083061115
-166	3.207643981134546
-168	10.17286904756488
-170	21.5805291540513
+163.2011593210933	1.451603572611707	-0.2856473864650655
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4745738205727515	-154.9019948088302	12639.80686657384
+163.201158423671	2.725096805988869e-07	0	-0.2856520128043485
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4745738205727515	-154.9019948088302	12639.80686657384
+163.3129544220682	1.507563178691555	1.557541133457221	-0.002488168982381467
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.594760104088303e-05	-0.02747869813126253	4.935970179651787	-388.3254164518753	11662.51007774455
+160	4.353199772454483
+162	0.7092636514740124
+164	0.2032434749078027
+166	3.255572159878363
+168	10.318504228785
+170	21.88031341265845
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_6_p.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_6_p.txt
index 8e4c47816bfed0b53ec4602d170d09c7936dc3b6..3f81c9e4bc6c8f2ffb8e5454e95222c0c9e78b83 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_6_p.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_6_p.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.1903324535444	1.461393339409436	-0.2840854507621351
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4682368566584015	-152.8234567954386	12469.3712863018
-163.1903327589635	1.431206158031273e-07	1.641902258597838e-08	-0.2840893886186677
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4682368566584015	-152.8234567954386	12469.3712863018
-163.3016641139108	1.518495731772674	1.569602586446365	-0.001787102686648723
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.59404716701744e-05	-0.02753947413051403	4.960882111594731	-391.4657075109932	11780.7277838069
-160	4.259000601859829
-162	0.6873488051611502
-164	0.2076691126718074
-166	3.237184018319135
-168	10.22503343492564
-170	21.65636946962808
+163.1901196154006	1.451405273400602	-0.2860867144748461
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4747035289585833	-154.9338515550491	12641.55081040791
+163.1901203840614	1.082194671653269e-07	3.993653763245675e-08	-0.2860905856923637
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4747035289585833	-154.9338515550491	12641.55081040791
+163.3006355174098	1.507911832453658	1.557938531657015	-0.001751913216139656
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.593892177145524e-05	-0.02747267995043826	4.934538882771788	-388.1777287817121	11656.52621992398
+160	4.320591559973913
+162	0.6964921517845903
+164	0.2113232056629089
+166	3.285533040291239
+168	10.37139624890177
+170	21.95718915384141
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_7_m.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_7_m.txt
index e73baa6055df57bb5e647cc553f8e8df00f924e6..49c99622ff526e9e4fc309784543b052810ff2ef 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_7_m.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_7_m.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.1860548551691	1.460945316716364	-0.284271147985952
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4685236364219012	-152.9130401409454	12476.35297915723
-163.1860457669684	5.877402031728707e-08	0	-0.2842849288226716
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4685236364219012	-152.9130401409454	12476.35297915723
-163.2968298965114	1.518230926379658	1.569313715541256	-0.001498907622590195
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.594723443836043e-05	-0.02754277423161408	4.961697559657733	-391.5817559373229	11787.49511973981
-160	4.248892606729918
-162	0.6828256059892089
-164	0.2109452539696863
-166	3.250522718075949
-168	10.25075628793535
-170	21.696857001771
+163.1858390701807	1.450961129018537	-0.2862751759861188
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4749936875543803	-155.024479221908	12648.61294302687
+163.185831875261	0	0	-0.2862885404811095
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4749936875543803	-155.024479221908	12648.61294302687
+163.2957923339288	1.507657197499441	1.557642218633219	-0.001463750755647197
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.594738348236433e-05	-0.02747712753039214	4.935648143291565	-388.3274712136354	11664.74949926962
+160	4.310330652049657
+162	0.6919018355881749
+164	0.2146469948983203
+166	3.299061770325662
+168	10.39747790590353
+170	21.9982294503972
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_7_p.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_7_p.txt
index 808e2842b3cb2ec112e4612c86dc99f5e4660074..3146a2e29806e6dadfe714e2a909e9bf2628bd46 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_7_p.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_7_p.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.205654701234	1.462043414562016	-0.2834683296573994
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4678206686993894	-152.7019581008403	12460.62815431387
-163.2056558889189	1.292153228860116e-07	1.894204615382478e-08	-0.283455608141594
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4678206686993894	-152.7019581008403	12460.62815431387
-163.3188356022759	1.518393069852863	1.569503568521014	-0.002811844424286392
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.594084207886642e-05	-0.02754118833383852	4.961253937967732	-391.4708719893963	11778.85625366009
-160	4.301283251654781
-162	0.7045194694948232
-164	0.1965024603522137
-166	3.194389564788913
-168	10.14724166554817
-170	21.54014849363001
+163.2054568196239	1.452047408519486	-0.285452737203107
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4742836946760949	-154.8113724141417	12632.74479356228
+163.205455022306	1.103886887676708e-06	1.010573214443866e-06	-0.285446449282972
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4742836946760949	-154.8113724141417	12632.74479356228
+163.3177996523961	1.507819910691808	1.55783479285617	-0.002776497633021791
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.594058218183304e-05	-0.02747520343022963	4.93509689788256	-388.2016409747933	11655.35791303747
+160	4.363513857696012
+162	0.7139176012503158
+164	0.1999941464433088
+166	3.242128914001844
+168	10.29251937448596
+170	21.83938144691258
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_8_m.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_8_m.txt
index f0d5ebd6551dc52f4208cbc3d71d229bffd60c05..ddd364fe54689261c18864da97283d9ac9003f4d 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_8_m.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_8_m.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.2366487421178	1.462740254965778	-0.2820944878817612
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4673749822198497	-152.5854513694666	12453.48675099942
-163.2366486628432	1.5967813737916e-07	3.325254738228978e-08	-0.2820937951146334
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4673749822198497	-152.5854513694666	12453.48675099942
-163.3533969481022	1.51751842640914	1.568529534494843	-0.004872557183261961
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.602674414327212e-05	-0.02760082742840752	4.976295169441961	-393.1374969147296	11848.53584323362
-160	4.391458094754875
-162	0.7404994195634843
-164	0.174968824601679
-166	3.111836521172631
-168	9.999997102191404
-170	21.3244846301174
+163.2364727859363	1.452733209077451	-0.2840620453996204
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4738361150041004	-154.6946719149593	12625.62221789061
+163.2364715174623	3.48587235521336e-07	6.242629524422227e-08	-0.2840612613235862
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4738361150041004	-154.6946719149593	12625.62221789061
+163.3523693157237	1.506949207685551	1.55687910551265	-0.004836926120333374
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.602640815270474e-05	-0.02753476531012601	4.950110446845563	-389.864501424101	11724.87882020907
+160	4.455052857294088
+162	0.7504314360977682
+164	0.1781473272132481
+166	3.158399775407644
+168	10.14322092009618
+170	21.62077318786429
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_8_p.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_8_p.txt
index b26fcc4cf95f5c0490e7f9eebb6a526e897c1e4f..db3c7e832c92f74a88db87da76aec70afef7fae0 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_8_p.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_8_p.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.1551668323776	1.460252541387939	-0.2855568880881196
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4689693459374597	-153.0295256847726	12483.49195301256
-163.1551482220442	2.060667156911222e-07	5.274668524180015e-08	-0.2854698455939797
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4689693459374597	-153.0295256847726	12483.49195301256
-163.262258608793	1.519107111228493	1.570289283802566	0.0005636745772790164
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.586245235510009e-05	-0.02748388776955771	4.946845924993563	-389.9363220190294	11718.70275550726
-160	4.160268382406808
-162	0.6484525569787748
-164	0.234143759866051
-166	3.334798225667302
-168	10.39978164128206
-170	21.91435868399561
+163.1549521809422	1.450265046943902	-0.2875274746583526
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4754412860150573	-155.1411569678984	12655.73297092216
+163.1549051239744	8.348160918103531e-08	5.870060704182833e-08	-0.2874953861901304
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4754412860150573	-155.1411569678984	12655.73297092216
+163.2612165150406	1.508525751453448	1.558602946857945	0.0005985094248899259
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.586071075816985e-05	-0.02741702033538633	4.920503022276757	-386.6504864847067	11594.65984348063
+160	4.220365728842771
+162	0.6570187456345961
+164	0.238182898012721
+166	3.384537912041427
+168	10.54858199024005
+170	22.21870061935787
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_9_m.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_9_m.txt
index d9494a208fcaf2c5c21176988ed46e9a16a0c95f..75e9585cc3b048a1af7397ea25c6f33cc42fbbda 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_9_m.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_9_m.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.1683544332067	1.460629709695444	-0.2849537820190925
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4687273743115545	-152.9629493397124	12479.07146570742
-163.1683542311825	1.908429680952395e-08	0	-0.28495393249068
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4687273743115545	-152.9629493397124	12479.07146570742
-163.2770400006417	1.518818000444753	1.569962701243639	-0.0003192542062606663
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.598929576791012e-05	-0.02756964836105243	4.968332131767625	-392.3146928111366	11817.37977938639
-160	4.197578041000945
-162	0.6629433574774725
-164	0.2240769269682597
-166	3.298272769142176
-168	10.3347584433062
-170	21.81882838555917
+163.1681362584536	1.450648224491967	-0.2869858351589004
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4751977961615256	-155.0742665123842	12651.30165708843
+163.1681238947033	0	1.907550029045524e-07	-0.2869701133204217
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4751977961615256	-155.0742665123842	12651.30165708843
+163.2759997712278	1.508239275232228	1.558282087869856	-0.0002843010079232045
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.59896979434606e-05	-0.02750418815398124	4.942334044814698	-389.0664186407556	11694.87902589623
+160	4.258239804423495
+162	0.671724566382182
+164	0.2279696539008058
+166	3.347492094253971
+168	10.48265179400078
+170	22.12186607374873
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_9_p.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_9_p.txt
index 410ab04e17d064e94e2982a90691f53eea3ce821..3771a400dbc508d9f188d80145ed9eece8a18255 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_9_p.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/chi2scan_syst_9_p.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 m_{t} [GeV]
-163.2233886326622	1.462361876976788	-0.2827092459344451
-ax^2+bx+c	0.4676168667764284	-152.6520165950605	12457.90679521956
-163.2233868769304	0	1.429172016287339e-07	-0.2827110626385547
-ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4676168667764284	-152.6520165950605	12457.90679521956
-163.338627875317	1.517798937643306	1.568862450191432	-0.003990439523477107
-ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.589930775597548e-05	-0.02751465833761042	4.954703546921368	-390.7470662042882	11749.3423807765
-160	4.35325503792372
-162	0.7250826050527392
-164	0.1840743400533349
-166	3.147365408104224
-168	10.0639871387985
-170	21.41894628139866
+163.2232021826488	1.452360215426395	-0.2846868380427977
+ax^2+bx+c	0.4740795193152944	-154.7615518635176	12630.05313404075
+163.2231980533037	2.076612446444415e-06	2.831458800756081e-08	-0.2846887133873679
+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d	0	0.4740795193152944	-154.7615518635176	12630.05313404075
+163.3375897691286	1.507235678855579	1.557197804698433	-0.003954910935135558
+ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e	5.589720151296319e-05	-0.02744743529870485	4.928234907157472	-387.4432005128321	11624.41884897767
+160	4.416271868232307
+162	0.7347858607747086
+164	0.1873852725548245
+166	3.194434825936129
+168	10.20810354356281
+170	21.71652449639177
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt
index f7037a5f7bd6693b4a90c68c135ef852973b5cbd..8e15776905d0c4c9a12e69992b7af84845a62c84 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.69944E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17855E+03 0.18012E+03 0.11530E+02 0.17843E+02 0.39750E+00  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.69944E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17855E+03 0.18008E+03 0.10596E+02 0.17818E+02 0.40328E+00  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0000 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0000
index 38febc1df3227ae1e8832bfcb4bc65f6192e402b..1695fec19a425d507c9d9056a59709c672dc3d56 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0000
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0000
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17855E+03 0.00000E+00 0.15734E+02 0.24281E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17855E+03 0.00000E+00 0.14474E+02 0.24251E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0001 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0001
index def36c46aa71beb545007a2a034fed69f66767be..716c05bd1fa88ea96b96a280e3c7b6e7cff443bd 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0001
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0001
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17840E+03 0.00000E+00 0.16365E+02 0.25246E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17840E+03 0.00000E+00 0.15056E+02 0.25215E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0002 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0002
index 6c9e6a4f241940b87e8a92608a5f0a5cabdba31e..ba85608cee3672bf0c287f0a261054652661cdd8 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0002
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0002
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17875E+03 0.00000E+00 0.16975E+02 0.26180E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17875E+03 0.00000E+00 0.15619E+02 0.26148E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0003 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0003
index d40f0f1d3fa5f0ca0959c628cfccaaad713bf57d..415efe609748473606a4188f2e499fec419ce215 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0003
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0003
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17902E+03 0.00000E+00 0.17566E+02 0.27083E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17902E+03 0.00000E+00 0.16164E+02 0.27051E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0004 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0004
index e6c236d56b005bb8be3a1d7bb03f3e6b0b3119f5..2f711d33e186f3cdb9498e5678ca9c0aee7a0795 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0004
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0004
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17808E+03 0.00000E+00 0.18132E+02 0.27949E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17808E+03 0.00000E+00 0.16686E+02 0.27915E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0005 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0005
index 5af5b1a4885bee8ac66cb536363982fa26028c00..d78493526557bfd7befd7f3d9de4572254697834 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0005
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0005
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17895E+03 0.00000E+00 0.18685E+02 0.28797E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17895E+03 0.00000E+00 0.17197E+02 0.28762E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0006 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0006
index a7d4b493ae886480e2224c7352fbafd86adeae78..2670a4fe9fe5d13f3ff3aa3819f5067f85a823fe 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0006
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0006
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17839E+03 0.00000E+00 0.19220E+02 0.29615E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17839E+03 0.00000E+00 0.17690E+02 0.29580E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0007 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0007
index 11a31192f450b410973b352997ecbb037eb837a3..bfe9bcb69957696bae7504e9c215c4dc135b4def 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0007
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0007
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17860E+03 0.00000E+00 0.19741E+02 0.30413E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17860E+03 0.00000E+00 0.18171E+02 0.30377E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0008 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0008
index c6f1a40a3e913ad6351a059173c1d40ac3f577e8..62e5a49858bd20323b4c2a36b4fe4c7fceab36e6 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0008
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0008
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17850E+03 0.00000E+00 0.20248E+02 0.31190E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17850E+03 0.00000E+00 0.18639E+02 0.31154E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0009 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0009
index ef3fdcec23da8b889893aad1e696c4366aeb44e1..17bcd5ad1a9b54e0c2972d877ddabc106a5d2eb0 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0009
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0009
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17858E+03 0.00000E+00 0.20743E+02 0.31948E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17858E+03 0.00000E+00 0.19096E+02 0.31911E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0010 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0010
index adbd894b370f9ffa71b527a1b92178aabdac0257..c89d95669aa8c6d5515eab4849fc55c0f6e4ff92 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0010
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0010
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17852E+03 0.00000E+00 0.21227E+02 0.32689E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17852E+03 0.00000E+00 0.19542E+02 0.32651E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0011 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0011
index 90dfea69bc4da5044cd4a9305507a9c07f6e448f..1f573026c4b45f35eb3152e4f7c0416daf29d2ee 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0011
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0011
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17863E+03 0.00000E+00 0.21700E+02 0.33414E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17863E+03 0.00000E+00 0.19978E+02 0.33376E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0012 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0012
index ae6fdc97b440f9cf894451a816eaee86e60be77c..70040a8bc9c0125c8c409d170ab8fdb0260cff2c 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0012
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0012
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17852E+03 0.00000E+00 0.22163E+02 0.34123E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17852E+03 0.00000E+00 0.20405E+02 0.34084E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0013 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0013
index c5adc545fca249652871327cf5f5c0d793ab986e..598345a2c03e8ac0944614fdb678e4201964383a 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0013
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0013
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17852E+03 0.00000E+00 0.22616E+02 0.34817E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17852E+03 0.00000E+00 0.20823E+02 0.34777E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0014 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0014
index 5a67811dbd02e216d02f78e6805da80aca99e0fb..6f9efce5c0419a1a44f3c6b0b5db27da858a1e8e 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0014
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0014
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17859E+03 0.00000E+00 0.23060E+02 0.35498E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17859E+03 0.00000E+00 0.21233E+02 0.35458E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0015 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0015
index c4e0761d2d321e49d5bf75568bbf9e42a7f47337..872a41eff7aec446dfc76f783c4c2e485d590dd9 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0015
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0015
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17861E+03 0.00000E+00 0.23496E+02 0.36167E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17861E+03 0.00000E+00 0.21635E+02 0.36126E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0016 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0016
index d944d3231723068eedc6dcfa790e4ee861525c13..3a982609f3218b5dd8b734ab1ee51a52d350532e 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0016
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0016
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17848E+03 0.00000E+00 0.23924E+02 0.36822E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17848E+03 0.00000E+00 0.22030E+02 0.36781E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0017 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0017
index 426508edbe7545029e9ee44d51306f45044aee46..47023904ce4ca4cd72deb6d8261462e5792390d3 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0017
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0017
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17822E+03 0.00000E+00 0.24343E+02 0.37465E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17822E+03 0.00000E+00 0.22416E+02 0.37423E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0018 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0018
index 3a96210f5d0542eaf8ecf354260e516a0298d661..83ae4899ca0bb924d96ac43720f90fb202148b2e 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0018
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0018
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17874E+03 0.00000E+00 0.24757E+02 0.38100E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17874E+03 0.00000E+00 0.22798E+02 0.38057E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0019 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0019
index 18d726105950949d1694307649a4868af2d054ac..c7598811a3b11a57ce655c0810c552af6cacf6c7 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0019
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0019
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17870E+03 0.00000E+00 0.25164E+02 0.38724E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17870E+03 0.00000E+00 0.23173E+02 0.38681E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0020 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0020
index 555fdc389909fcdc181c097ffddaf83dbd7f748d..54d624f3e76c43b60541d6b446e28c1e0cc5905f 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0020
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0020
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17835E+03 0.00000E+00 0.25563E+02 0.39336E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17835E+03 0.00000E+00 0.23542E+02 0.39292E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0021 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0021
index 1a13308cda8b2091c5de98185f273df1eaba0548..9ad419aa67e4f80794ba4157615703c7a73320fa 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0021
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0021
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17829E+03 0.00000E+00 0.25956E+02 0.39938E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17829E+03 0.00000E+00 0.23904E+02 0.39894E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0022 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0022
index 0f6dabcd23142dbbc1078782af74ae2f1f4270be..279de38c68cc00633877d5656d0df5ae72235db7 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0022
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0022
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17873E+03 0.00000E+00 0.26345E+02 0.40534E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17873E+03 0.00000E+00 0.24262E+02 0.40490E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0023 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0023
index e4d27c6859988a54faaad9357ea8f25c2b6c4a5b..701abc122846417263c4a53000a9854b3b1addf9 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0023
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0023
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17913E+03 0.00000E+00 0.26730E+02 0.41125E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17913E+03 0.00000E+00 0.24617E+02 0.41079E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0024 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0024
index 89b89499c27a447030b28e56113c8461f9bcb6d4..82ae07e2d8b70c77e4fec379bdf93ccb8f9b8024 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0024
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0024
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17802E+03 0.00000E+00 0.27105E+02 0.41699E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17802E+03 0.00000E+00 0.24963E+02 0.41653E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0025 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0025
index b1b3c6efa144e36ab595e7f3232c1c84357bd392..abd2b6325943af9517f60ef5df192fd8130dfafd 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0025
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0025
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17877E+03 0.00000E+00 0.27477E+02 0.42271E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17877E+03 0.00000E+00 0.25306E+02 0.42224E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0026 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0026
index 277bf342ffa001ae4e58ef70d1fbe4f6a1719de3..45f99e6815dfb3bac4270b520128044fe7ee9423 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0026
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0026
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17799E+03 0.00000E+00 0.27842E+02 0.42830E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17799E+03 0.00000E+00 0.25643E+02 0.42783E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0027 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0027
index ec2be249ffe0e8240a7c6e309bb676fb7f70e9e4..40bf46e235978469e3da14e4c3ecad6930d44da8 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0027
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0027
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17820E+03 0.00000E+00 0.28203E+02 0.43383E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17820E+03 0.00000E+00 0.25975E+02 0.43336E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0028 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0028
index 6c0624c0bb2f1d83f2ed0bc4aba5f4b87e364757..792736d3f3694ce4aeb4a0dc3a7551112b11b43b 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0028
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0028
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17861E+03 0.00000E+00 0.28560E+02 0.43932E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17861E+03 0.00000E+00 0.26305E+02 0.43884E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0029 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0029
index 8aa4722f6866eff1a9920fab40c03431cca98cf9..c6042eb9acc14bda2391c1b3c638c7e4966a04b9 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0029
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0029
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.18003E+03 0.00000E+00 0.28919E+02 0.44483E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.18003E+03 0.00000E+00 0.26636E+02 0.44434E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0030 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0030
index 3c924b4b4a18b1fcad60e2f27aeda6b23ad725af..17dc75088b552943ec48dda17cc1154d9478ccb1 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0030
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0030
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17501E+03 0.00000E+00 0.29254E+02 0.44997E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17501E+03 0.00000E+00 0.26945E+02 0.44947E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0031 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0031
index ba63cc1d7de9106c540349671d23717663aa62a9..87be0fcd0a939a17fe1c42246f5088765c003d7e 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0031
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0031
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17736E+03 0.00000E+00 0.29595E+02 0.45519E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17736E+03 0.00000E+00 0.27259E+02 0.45469E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0032 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0032
index 65dea3244c153119cd2559655934828b567f87a3..12b4a37a55dc57fa14a4ae3420dab72ae5835136 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0032
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0032
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.18112E+03 0.00000E+00 0.29945E+02 0.46057E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.18112E+03 0.00000E+00 0.27582E+02 0.46006E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0033 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0033
index 4447c446c2300522846f32efab4783e7a46572cd..0f75f42224bff9a43b040b822f64be1c229eff85 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0033
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0033
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17914E+03 0.00000E+00 0.30285E+02 0.46577E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17914E+03 0.00000E+00 0.27895E+02 0.46526E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0034 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0034
index 81f5e733d3dc5558a7618fabdc8d3e0655163e92..f8ab33996dd053b7385ba3aca43b2d3cea2c9ddb 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0034
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0034
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17739E+03 0.00000E+00 0.30614E+02 0.47082E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17739E+03 0.00000E+00 0.28198E+02 0.47030E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0035 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0035
index 54e02389329bb0df13e76ec44a5e70b175f189b2..e93f4056273d2f92c6c043b591a11ee9d68b460e 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0035
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0035
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17649E+03 0.00000E+00 0.30936E+02 0.47576E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17649E+03 0.00000E+00 0.28495E+02 0.47524E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0036 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0036
index 426a107230b74119d2517ce0b10128b0dafe9192..dbe1a5ac5d6cd0934f92da65888a6e3487ae9385 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0036
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0036
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17947E+03 0.00000E+00 0.31265E+02 0.48082E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17947E+03 0.00000E+00 0.28799E+02 0.48029E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0037 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0037
index edaa99d79864217cb0a0c97f5342e292d0448fc8..3b8a9b397d9856861aec0590f05d3385a5b3cb8f 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0037
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0037
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17841E+03 0.00000E+00 0.31588E+02 0.48576E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17841E+03 0.00000E+00 0.29096E+02 0.48524E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0038 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0038
index edff75a5b824d16881c4d93b437d784f447dccac..d9848d744c844d4f29d592fb71e22ccb736479b1 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0038
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0038
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17867E+03 0.00000E+00 0.31908E+02 0.49067E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17867E+03 0.00000E+00 0.29391E+02 0.49014E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0039 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0039
index c661c7f2a40f4845c059a9c795be7e1e440e98b2..d5380cee179a49af58ac038fffb6c1df1eb6e0e7 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0039
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0039
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17756E+03 0.00000E+00 0.32221E+02 0.49547E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17756E+03 0.00000E+00 0.29680E+02 0.49494E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0040 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0040
index fda32a8558e7703401cb214a41b17685bb65ea2d..7b04034f5ffa0253d0941274072b65aa5373c3b4 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0040
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0040
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17930E+03 0.00000E+00 0.32537E+02 0.50032E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17930E+03 0.00000E+00 0.29971E+02 0.49978E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0041 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0041
index 5f594d8da08ad1e3aea22993c2f2d76e24d5a467..3f71de890fee6eb3de82d72295bd4e3f31361fa7 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0041
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0041
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.18035E+03 0.00000E+00 0.32853E+02 0.50518E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.18035E+03 0.00000E+00 0.30263E+02 0.50464E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0042 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0042
index 98b2781ebf2b387e04da8450c29443a7f30706de..045b3dd7fbec20aad3f703221f885caa2213649c 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0042
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0042
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17588E+03 0.00000E+00 0.33152E+02 0.50976E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17588E+03 0.00000E+00 0.30538E+02 0.50921E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0043 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0043
index 14f4b555b7096b88f56090a5be15facef6e01fb2..85a6d10cfd623a53a5350f2e445da48c34c09978 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0043
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0043
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17874E+03 0.00000E+00 0.33457E+02 0.51444E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17874E+03 0.00000E+00 0.30820E+02 0.51389E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0044 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0044
index c2b4d73ff98f9bda28a4c77c35208e99ba61d2da..fb49fc9db2b7ceb32889d7969690b3f2a55ba948 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0044
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0044
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17749E+03 0.00000E+00 0.33755E+02 0.51902E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17749E+03 0.00000E+00 0.31095E+02 0.51846E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0045 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0045
index 357325186e61d0adb82b1c2d0656997b369ab0ff..137c611026a5dbbe610368b61db78267fc823300 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0045
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0045
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17771E+03 0.00000E+00 0.34052E+02 0.52357E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17771E+03 0.00000E+00 0.31368E+02 0.52301E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0046 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0046
index 2e82f3a053694981bbdd2f671968482c8672645b..19dc7876bba787e77214beafc835e985b00d8549 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0046
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0046
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17919E+03 0.00000E+00 0.34351E+02 0.52816E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17919E+03 0.00000E+00 0.31643E+02 0.52759E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0047 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0047
index 388df44842f5341e5824595011fa4872300ae98f..0e92248bdaf8b6b1a7e112df23c17b60e6c80fe3 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0047
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0047
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17928E+03 0.00000E+00 0.34647E+02 0.53271E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17928E+03 0.00000E+00 0.31917E+02 0.53214E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0048 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0048
index 4a8b3b1c616ea14f17092ef7d7cefe866bf6135f..eaa446b1da1dc179dca4c8d0e68c6a6102d8c321 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0048
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0048
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17823E+03 0.00000E+00 0.34938E+02 0.53717E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17823E+03 0.00000E+00 0.32185E+02 0.53659E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0049 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0049
index 5f4074e91ba8bc0bb6bffa9cf2d3bfcc493d7db2..205b4fab51662e4359d540e628ba30086a1a47a5 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0049
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0049
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17891E+03 0.00000E+00 0.35228E+02 0.54162E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17891E+03 0.00000E+00 0.32452E+02 0.54104E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0050 b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0050
index ce6757fc4cd3aea4e508a489664da01b647ea91a..f44c27acaeefacac1acd7ddc2a29807a6f1648de 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0050
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults.txt_set_0050
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17819E+03 0.00000E+00 0.35514E+02 0.54601E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17819E+03 0.00000E+00 0.32716E+02 0.54542E+02 0.30899E+02  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults_160.000.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults_160.000.txt
index be0696e419b2b758d54ca4b328350658ac5c07fa..94d4f02649cac7a4ac5b744476cda8976cde1003 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults_160.000.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults_160.000.txt
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.78516E+01 0.71484E+01 0.20277E+03 0.19558E+03 0.70386E+01 0.10914E+02 -.16152E+01  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.78516E+01 0.71484E+01 0.20277E+03 0.19577E+03 0.64644E+01 0.10898E+02 -.16397E+01  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults_162.000.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults_162.000.txt
index 9205cdde763f05bed962f7d5cdb1094c16455d54..82d8b2dda66249c9c2a1f5cc869521edea8a2029 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults_162.000.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults_162.000.txt
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.74073E+01 0.71484E+01 0.19021E+03 0.18757E+03 0.96767E+01 0.14989E+02 -.63050E+00  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.74073E+01 0.71484E+01 0.19021E+03 0.18764E+03 0.88900E+01 0.14968E+02 -.63985E+00  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults_164.000.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults_164.000.txt
index f7037a5f7bd6693b4a90c68c135ef852973b5cbd..8e15776905d0c4c9a12e69992b7af84845a62c84 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults_164.000.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults_164.000.txt
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.69944E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17855E+03 0.18012E+03 0.11530E+02 0.17843E+02 0.39750E+00  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.69944E+01 0.71484E+01 0.17855E+03 0.18008E+03 0.10596E+02 0.17818E+02 0.40328E+00  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults_166.000.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults_166.000.txt
index 2c6cbd581e0b5901c21b8a998ff30e9739c8eb57..70dac9c377f2ed79303978d6f5fc238c36059610 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults_166.000.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults_166.000.txt
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.66102E+01 0.71484E+01 0.16771E+03 0.17318E+03 0.12962E+02 0.20040E+02 0.14701E+01  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.66102E+01 0.71484E+01 0.16771E+03 0.17304E+03 0.11915E+02 0.20013E+02 0.14910E+01  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults_168.000.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults_168.000.txt
index 40cfbd62b05a2fbb285e5dc8f2c7a72cfb509ece..f70f41d79941e19fc34fb154e5dfeb9e106525fe 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults_168.000.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults_168.000.txt
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.62526E+01 0.71484E+01 0.15762E+03 0.16671E+03 0.14117E+02 0.21811E+02 0.25887E+01  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.62526E+01 0.71484E+01 0.15762E+03 0.16649E+03 0.12981E+02 0.21782E+02 0.26248E+01  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults_170.000.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults_170.000.txt
index 6df73d6b10cce8e04fee435d8d548b97a46af3ea..810b6efe2ce41ddb8490928df321d999f2db891f 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults_170.000.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/fittedresults_170.000.txt
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV                                             
 Plot1@Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma
  ptlow       pthigh      m_t            data      +- uncor     +- tot     th orig         th mod   therr+         therr-     pull    iset       iplot
- 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.14823E+03 0.16067E+03 0.15076E+02 0.23274E+02 0.37551E+01  209   1/0.17330E+03
+ 0.00000E+00 0.40000E+03 0.17330E+03 0.18290E+03 0.59193E+01 0.71484E+01 0.14823E+03 0.16037E+03 0.13866E+02 0.23245E+02 0.38064E+01  209   1/0.17330E+03
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/pdf_rotate.dat b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/pdf_rotate.dat
index a4f48da6c1ace0bd3c596f6f9e790cfe93b7be5a..fb7649602872713bc9df260101ac343688247801 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/pdf_rotate.dat
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/pdf_rotate.dat
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
 LHAPDF set=                   cteq65.LHgrid
-    1  0.999685  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000
-    2  0.001624  0.997907 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000
-    3  0.000989 -0.002553  0.999221 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000
-    4  0.000223 -0.000576 -0.000352  0.999960  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
-    5  0.000076 -0.000196 -0.000120 -0.000027  0.999995 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000
-    6  0.000304 -0.000785 -0.000479 -0.000108 -0.000037  0.999926 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000
-    7 -0.000126  0.000325  0.000199  0.000045  0.000015  0.000061  0.999987  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
-    8  0.000260 -0.000672 -0.000410 -0.000093 -0.000032 -0.000126  0.000052  0.999946  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000
-    9 -0.000979  0.002527  0.001543  0.000348  0.000119  0.000475 -0.000197  0.000407  0.999235  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
-   10  0.000663 -0.001711 -0.001045 -0.000236 -0.000080 -0.000322  0.000133 -0.000275  0.001036  0.999649  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
-   11 -0.000787  0.002032  0.001241  0.000280  0.000096  0.000382 -0.000158  0.000327 -0.001231  0.000834  0.999504  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000
-   12  0.001754 -0.004527 -0.002765 -0.000624 -0.000213 -0.000851  0.000353 -0.000729  0.002742 -0.001859  0.002209  0.997534 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000
-   13  0.001264 -0.003263 -0.001993 -0.000450 -0.000154 -0.000613  0.000254 -0.000525  0.001977 -0.001340  0.001592 -0.003559  0.998713 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000
-   14 -0.000772  0.001992  0.001216  0.000275  0.000094  0.000374 -0.000155  0.000321 -0.001206  0.000818 -0.000972  0.002172  0.001572  0.999520  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000
-   15  0.008438 -0.021778 -0.013302 -0.003003 -0.001025 -0.004095  0.001696 -0.003505  0.013193 -0.008943  0.010628 -0.023753 -0.017185  0.010508  0.940768  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
-   16 -0.005656  0.014597  0.008916  0.002013  0.000687  0.002744 -0.001137  0.002349 -0.008842  0.005994 -0.007123  0.015920  0.011518 -0.007043  0.081899  0.970387  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
-   17  0.002582 -0.006665 -0.004071 -0.000919 -0.000314 -0.001253  0.000519 -0.001073  0.004037 -0.002737  0.003252 -0.007269 -0.005259  0.003216 -0.037394  0.027454  0.993520 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000
-   18 -0.004256  0.010984  0.006709  0.001515  0.000517  0.002065 -0.000855  0.001768 -0.006654  0.004511 -0.005360  0.011980  0.008668 -0.005300  0.061630 -0.045248  0.021429  0.982066 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000
-   19 -0.000372  0.000961  0.000587  0.000132  0.000045  0.000181 -0.000075  0.000155 -0.000582  0.000395 -0.000469  0.001048  0.000758 -0.000464  0.005391 -0.003958  0.001874 -0.003166  0.999859  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000
-   20 -0.002413  0.006227  0.003804  0.000859  0.000293  0.001171 -0.000485  0.001002 -0.003772  0.002557 -0.003039  0.006792  0.004914 -0.003005  0.034940 -0.025652  0.012149 -0.020521 -0.001828  0.994057  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000
-   21  0.006039 -0.015585 -0.009519 -0.002149 -0.000733 -0.002930  0.001214 -0.002508  0.009441 -0.006400  0.007605 -0.016998 -0.012298  0.007520 -0.087442  0.064199 -0.030404  0.051357  0.004575  0.029833  0.961713 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
-   22  0.001555 -0.004012 -0.002451 -0.000553 -0.000189 -0.000754  0.000312 -0.000646  0.002430 -0.001648  0.001958 -0.004376 -0.003166  0.001936 -0.022511  0.016527 -0.007827  0.013221  0.001178  0.007680 -0.020105  0.997305  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000
-   23 -0.001717  0.004432  0.002707  0.000611  0.000209  0.000833 -0.000345  0.000713 -0.002685  0.001820 -0.002163  0.004834  0.003497 -0.002138  0.024867 -0.018257  0.008646 -0.014605 -0.001301 -0.008484  0.022210  0.005961  0.996693 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000
-   24  0.001296 -0.003346 -0.002044 -0.000461 -0.000157 -0.000629  0.000261 -0.000538  0.002027 -0.001374  0.001633 -0.003649 -0.002640  0.001614 -0.018772  0.013782 -0.006527  0.011025  0.000982  0.006405 -0.016766 -0.004500  0.005001  0.998104 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000
-   25  0.000979 -0.002526 -0.001543 -0.000348 -0.000119 -0.000475  0.000197 -0.000406  0.001530 -0.001037  0.001233 -0.002755 -0.001993  0.001219 -0.014171  0.010404 -0.004927  0.008323  0.000741  0.004835 -0.012657 -0.003397  0.003775 -0.002865  0.998916  0.000000 -0.000000
-   26 -0.005538  0.014294  0.008731  0.001971  0.000672  0.002687 -0.001113  0.002300 -0.008659  0.005870 -0.006975  0.015590  0.011279 -0.006897  0.080201 -0.058882  0.027886 -0.047104 -0.004196 -0.027362  0.071631  0.019226 -0.021367  0.016214  0.012277  0.964596 -0.000000
-   27  0.002418 -0.006242 -0.003812 -0.000861 -0.000294 -0.001173  0.000486 -0.001004  0.003781 -0.002563  0.003046 -0.006807 -0.004925  0.003012 -0.035020  0.025711 -0.012176  0.020568  0.001832  0.011948 -0.031278 -0.008395  0.009330 -0.007080 -0.005361  0.031486  0.992848
+    1  0.999685 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000
+    2  0.001624  0.997907  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000
+    3  0.000989 -0.002553  0.999221  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000
+    4  0.000223 -0.000576 -0.000352  0.999960 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000
+    5  0.000076 -0.000196 -0.000120 -0.000027  0.999995 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000
+    6  0.000304 -0.000785 -0.000479 -0.000108 -0.000037  0.999926  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000
+    7 -0.000126  0.000325  0.000199  0.000045  0.000015  0.000061  0.999987  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
+    8  0.000260 -0.000672 -0.000410 -0.000093 -0.000032 -0.000126  0.000052  0.999946 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000
+    9 -0.000979  0.002527  0.001543  0.000348  0.000119  0.000475 -0.000197  0.000407  0.999235 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000
+   10  0.000663 -0.001711 -0.001045 -0.000236 -0.000080 -0.000322  0.000133 -0.000275  0.001036  0.999649  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000
+   11 -0.000787  0.002032  0.001241  0.000280  0.000096  0.000382 -0.000158  0.000327 -0.001231  0.000834  0.999504 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000
+   12  0.001754 -0.004527 -0.002765 -0.000624 -0.000213 -0.000851  0.000353 -0.000729  0.002742 -0.001859  0.002209  0.997534 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000
+   13  0.001264 -0.003263 -0.001993 -0.000450 -0.000154 -0.000613  0.000254 -0.000525  0.001977 -0.001340  0.001592 -0.003559  0.998713 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000
+   14 -0.000772  0.001992  0.001216  0.000275  0.000094  0.000374 -0.000155  0.000321 -0.001206  0.000818 -0.000972  0.002172  0.001572  0.999520  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000
+   15  0.008438 -0.021778 -0.013302 -0.003003 -0.001025 -0.004095  0.001696 -0.003505  0.013193 -0.008943  0.010628 -0.023753 -0.017185  0.010508  0.940768  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000
+   16 -0.005656  0.014597  0.008916  0.002013  0.000687  0.002744 -0.001137  0.002349 -0.008842  0.005994 -0.007123  0.015920  0.011518 -0.007043  0.081899  0.970387 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000
+   17  0.002582 -0.006665 -0.004071 -0.000919 -0.000314 -0.001253  0.000519 -0.001073  0.004037 -0.002737  0.003252 -0.007269 -0.005259  0.003216 -0.037394  0.027454  0.993520 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000
+   18 -0.004256  0.010984  0.006709  0.001515  0.000517  0.002065 -0.000855  0.001768 -0.006654  0.004511 -0.005360  0.011980  0.008668 -0.005300  0.061630 -0.045248  0.021429  0.982066 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
+   19 -0.000372  0.000961  0.000587  0.000132  0.000045  0.000181 -0.000075  0.000155 -0.000582  0.000395 -0.000469  0.001048  0.000758 -0.000464  0.005391 -0.003958  0.001874 -0.003166  0.999859 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000
+   20 -0.002413  0.006227  0.003804  0.000859  0.000293  0.001171 -0.000485  0.001002 -0.003772  0.002557 -0.003039  0.006792  0.004914 -0.003005  0.034940 -0.025652  0.012149 -0.020521 -0.001828  0.994057 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000
+   21  0.006039 -0.015585 -0.009519 -0.002149 -0.000733 -0.002930  0.001214 -0.002508  0.009441 -0.006400  0.007605 -0.016998 -0.012298  0.007520 -0.087442  0.064199 -0.030404  0.051357  0.004575  0.029833  0.961713  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000
+   22  0.001555 -0.004012 -0.002451 -0.000553 -0.000189 -0.000754  0.000312 -0.000646  0.002430 -0.001648  0.001958 -0.004376 -0.003166  0.001936 -0.022511  0.016527 -0.007827  0.013221  0.001178  0.007680 -0.020105  0.997305 -0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000
+   23 -0.001717  0.004432  0.002707  0.000611  0.000209  0.000833 -0.000345  0.000713 -0.002685  0.001820 -0.002163  0.004834  0.003497 -0.002138  0.024867 -0.018257  0.008646 -0.014605 -0.001301 -0.008484  0.022210  0.005961  0.996693  0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000 -0.000000
+   24  0.001296 -0.003346 -0.002044 -0.000461 -0.000157 -0.000629  0.000261 -0.000538  0.002027 -0.001374  0.001633 -0.003649 -0.002640  0.001614 -0.018772  0.013782 -0.006527  0.011025  0.000982  0.006405 -0.016766 -0.004500  0.005001  0.998104  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
+   25  0.000979 -0.002526 -0.001543 -0.000348 -0.000119 -0.000475  0.000197 -0.000406  0.001530 -0.001037  0.001233 -0.002755 -0.001993  0.001219 -0.014171  0.010404 -0.004927  0.008323  0.000741  0.004835 -0.012657 -0.003397  0.003775 -0.002865  0.998916 -0.000000  0.000000
+   26 -0.005538  0.014294  0.008731  0.001971  0.000672  0.002687 -0.001113  0.002300 -0.008659  0.005870 -0.006975  0.015590  0.011279 -0.006897  0.080201 -0.058882  0.027886 -0.047104 -0.004196 -0.027362  0.071631  0.019226 -0.021367  0.016214  0.012277  0.964596  0.000000
+   27 -0.000571  0.001474  0.000900  0.000203  0.000069  0.000277 -0.000115  0.000237 -0.000893  0.000605 -0.000719  0.001608  0.001163 -0.000711  0.008271 -0.006072  0.002876 -0.004858 -0.000433 -0.002822  0.007387  0.001983 -0.002203  0.001672  0.001266 -0.007436  0.999602
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/pdf_shifts.dat b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/pdf_shifts.dat
index 38cbe7458e4977ddd7d41751f1a5ffcf29fe1513..0675abffe59d43dd65ef276ce368f4e6eb7a3ad4 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/pdf_shifts.dat
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/pdf_shifts.dat
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
 LHAPDF set=                   cteq65.LHgrid
-  1 -0.0943  0.9998
-  2  0.2434  0.9987
-  3  0.1487  0.9995
-  4  0.0336  1.0000
-  5  0.0115  1.0000
-  6  0.0458  1.0000
-  7 -0.0190  1.0000
-  8  0.0392  1.0000
-  9 -0.1475  0.9995
- 10  0.1000  0.9998
- 11 -0.1188  0.9997
- 12  0.2655  0.9984
- 13  0.1921  0.9992
- 14 -0.1175  0.9997
- 15  1.3659  0.9567
- 16 -1.0028  0.9769
- 17  0.4749  0.9949
- 18 -0.8022  0.9853
- 19 -0.0715  0.9999
- 20 -0.4660  0.9951
- 21  1.2199  0.9656
- 22  0.3274  0.9976
- 23 -0.3639  0.9970
- 24  0.2761  0.9983
- 25  0.2091  0.9990
- 26 -1.2280  0.9651
- 27  0.5599  0.9928
+  1 -0.0956  0.9998
+  2  0.2468  0.9986
+  3  0.1507  0.9995
+  4  0.0340  1.0000
+  5  0.0116  1.0000
+  6  0.0464  1.0000
+  7 -0.0192  1.0000
+  8  0.0397  1.0000
+  9 -0.1495  0.9995
+ 10  0.1013  0.9998
+ 11 -0.1204  0.9997
+ 12  0.2691  0.9984
+ 13  0.1947  0.9991
+ 14 -0.1191  0.9997
+ 15  1.3845  0.9560
+ 16 -1.0165  0.9766
+ 17  0.4814  0.9948
+ 18 -0.8132  0.9851
+ 19 -0.0724  0.9999
+ 20 -0.4724  0.9950
+ 21  1.2366  0.9651
+ 22  0.3319  0.9975
+ 23 -0.3689  0.9969
+ 24  0.2799  0.9982
+ 25  0.2119  0.9990
+ 26 -1.2448  0.9646
+ 27 -0.1331  0.9996
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/pdf_vector_cor.dat b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/pdf_vector_cor.dat
index f77a3eb22e158a5027f06640af09b502e114342d..ae845440c4bb81057d17603dd44397f536985813 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/pdf_vector_cor.dat
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/pdf_vector_cor.dat
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
-  1  1.0000  0.0010  0.0006  0.0001  0.0000  0.0002 -0.0001  0.0002 -0.0006  0.0004 -0.0005  0.0011  0.0008 -0.0005  0.0061 -0.0044  0.0020 -0.0035 -0.0003 -0.0020  0.0054  0.0014 -0.0016  0.0012  0.0009 -0.0055  0.0024
-  2  0.0010  1.0000 -0.0016 -0.0004 -0.0001 -0.0005  0.0002 -0.0004  0.0016 -0.0011  0.0013 -0.0029 -0.0021  0.0013 -0.0158  0.0114 -0.0053  0.0090  0.0008  0.0052 -0.0140 -0.0036  0.0040 -0.0031 -0.0023  0.0141 -0.0062
-  3  0.0006 -0.0016  1.0000 -0.0002 -0.0001 -0.0003  0.0001 -0.0003  0.0010 -0.0007  0.0008 -0.0018 -0.0013  0.0008 -0.0097  0.0069 -0.0032  0.0055  0.0005  0.0032 -0.0085 -0.0022  0.0025 -0.0019 -0.0014  0.0086 -0.0038
-  4  0.0001 -0.0004 -0.0002  1.0000 -0.0000 -0.0001  0.0000 -0.0001  0.0002 -0.0002  0.0002 -0.0004 -0.0003  0.0002 -0.0022  0.0016 -0.0007  0.0012  0.0001  0.0007 -0.0019 -0.0005  0.0006 -0.0004 -0.0003  0.0019 -0.0009
-  5  0.0000 -0.0001 -0.0001 -0.0000  1.0000 -0.0000  0.0000 -0.0000  0.0001 -0.0001  0.0001 -0.0001 -0.0001  0.0001 -0.0007  0.0005 -0.0002  0.0004  0.0000  0.0002 -0.0007 -0.0002  0.0002 -0.0001 -0.0001  0.0007 -0.0003
-  6  0.0002 -0.0005 -0.0003 -0.0001 -0.0000  1.0000  0.0000 -0.0001  0.0003 -0.0002  0.0002 -0.0006 -0.0004  0.0002 -0.0030  0.0021 -0.0010  0.0017  0.0001  0.0010 -0.0026 -0.0007  0.0008 -0.0006 -0.0004  0.0026 -0.0012
-  7 -0.0001  0.0002  0.0001  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  1.0000  0.0000 -0.0001  0.0001 -0.0001  0.0002  0.0002 -0.0001  0.0012 -0.0009  0.0004 -0.0007 -0.0001 -0.0004  0.0011  0.0003 -0.0003  0.0002  0.0002 -0.0011  0.0005
-  8  0.0002 -0.0004 -0.0003 -0.0001 -0.0000 -0.0001  0.0000  1.0000  0.0003 -0.0002  0.0002 -0.0005 -0.0003  0.0002 -0.0025  0.0018 -0.0009  0.0015  0.0001  0.0008 -0.0023 -0.0006  0.0007 -0.0005 -0.0004  0.0023 -0.0010
-  9 -0.0006  0.0016  0.0010  0.0002  0.0001  0.0003 -0.0001  0.0003  1.0000  0.0007 -0.0008  0.0018  0.0013 -0.0008  0.0096 -0.0069  0.0032 -0.0055 -0.0005 -0.0031  0.0085  0.0022 -0.0024  0.0019  0.0014 -0.0085  0.0038
- 10  0.0004 -0.0011 -0.0007 -0.0002 -0.0001 -0.0002  0.0001 -0.0002  0.0007  1.0000  0.0005 -0.0012 -0.0009  0.0005 -0.0065  0.0047 -0.0022  0.0037  0.0003  0.0021 -0.0057 -0.0015  0.0017 -0.0013 -0.0010  0.0058 -0.0026
- 11 -0.0005  0.0013  0.0008  0.0002  0.0001  0.0002 -0.0001  0.0002 -0.0008  0.0005  1.0000  0.0014  0.0010 -0.0006  0.0077 -0.0055  0.0026 -0.0044 -0.0004 -0.0025  0.0068  0.0018 -0.0020  0.0015  0.0011 -0.0069  0.0030
- 12  0.0011 -0.0029 -0.0018 -0.0004 -0.0001 -0.0006  0.0002 -0.0005  0.0018 -0.0012  0.0014  1.0000 -0.0023  0.0014 -0.0173  0.0124 -0.0058  0.0098  0.0009  0.0057 -0.0153 -0.0040  0.0044 -0.0033 -0.0025  0.0154 -0.0068
- 13  0.0008 -0.0021 -0.0013 -0.0003 -0.0001 -0.0004  0.0002 -0.0003  0.0013 -0.0009  0.0010 -0.0023  1.0000  0.0010 -0.0125  0.0090 -0.0042  0.0071  0.0006  0.0041 -0.0110 -0.0029  0.0032 -0.0024 -0.0018  0.0111 -0.0049
- 14 -0.0005  0.0013  0.0008  0.0002  0.0001  0.0002 -0.0001  0.0002 -0.0008  0.0005 -0.0006  0.0014  0.0010  1.0000  0.0076 -0.0055  0.0025 -0.0043 -0.0004 -0.0025  0.0067  0.0018 -0.0019  0.0015  0.0011 -0.0068  0.0030
- 15  0.0061 -0.0158 -0.0097 -0.0022 -0.0007 -0.0030  0.0012 -0.0025  0.0096 -0.0065  0.0077 -0.0173 -0.0125  0.0076  1.0000  0.0666 -0.0310  0.0529  0.0046  0.0304 -0.0820 -0.0213  0.0237 -0.0180 -0.0136  0.0826 -0.0366
- 16 -0.0044  0.0114  0.0069  0.0016  0.0005  0.0021 -0.0009  0.0018 -0.0069  0.0047 -0.0055  0.0124  0.0090 -0.0055  0.0666  1.0000  0.0223 -0.0380 -0.0033 -0.0219  0.0590  0.0153 -0.0170  0.0129  0.0098 -0.0594  0.0263
- 17  0.0020 -0.0053 -0.0032 -0.0007 -0.0002 -0.0010  0.0004 -0.0009  0.0032 -0.0022  0.0026 -0.0058 -0.0042  0.0025 -0.0310  0.0223  1.0000  0.0177  0.0016  0.0102 -0.0274 -0.0071  0.0079 -0.0060 -0.0045  0.0276 -0.0122
- 18 -0.0035  0.0090  0.0055  0.0012  0.0004  0.0017 -0.0007  0.0015 -0.0055  0.0037 -0.0044  0.0098  0.0071 -0.0043  0.0529 -0.0380  0.0177  1.0000 -0.0026 -0.0173  0.0468  0.0122 -0.0135  0.0102  0.0077 -0.0471  0.0209
- 19 -0.0003  0.0008  0.0005  0.0001  0.0000  0.0001 -0.0001  0.0001 -0.0005  0.0003 -0.0004  0.0009  0.0006 -0.0004  0.0046 -0.0033  0.0016 -0.0026  1.0000 -0.0015  0.0041  0.0011 -0.0012  0.0009  0.0007 -0.0041  0.0018
- 20 -0.0020  0.0052  0.0032  0.0007  0.0002  0.0010 -0.0004  0.0008 -0.0031  0.0021 -0.0025  0.0057  0.0041 -0.0025  0.0304 -0.0219  0.0102 -0.0173 -0.0015  1.0000  0.0269  0.0070 -0.0078  0.0059  0.0045 -0.0271  0.0120
- 21  0.0054 -0.0140 -0.0085 -0.0019 -0.0007 -0.0026  0.0011 -0.0023  0.0085 -0.0057  0.0068 -0.0153 -0.0110  0.0067 -0.0820  0.0590 -0.0274  0.0468  0.0041  0.0269  1.0000 -0.0189  0.0210 -0.0159 -0.0120  0.0731 -0.0324
- 22  0.0014 -0.0036 -0.0022 -0.0005 -0.0002 -0.0007  0.0003 -0.0006  0.0022 -0.0015  0.0018 -0.0040 -0.0029  0.0018 -0.0213  0.0153 -0.0071  0.0122  0.0011  0.0070 -0.0189  1.0000  0.0054 -0.0041 -0.0031  0.0190 -0.0084
- 23 -0.0016  0.0040  0.0025  0.0006  0.0002  0.0008 -0.0003  0.0007 -0.0024  0.0017 -0.0020  0.0044  0.0032 -0.0019  0.0237 -0.0170  0.0079 -0.0135 -0.0012 -0.0078  0.0210  0.0054  1.0000  0.0046  0.0035 -0.0211  0.0094
- 24  0.0012 -0.0031 -0.0019 -0.0004 -0.0001 -0.0006  0.0002 -0.0005  0.0019 -0.0013  0.0015 -0.0033 -0.0024  0.0015 -0.0180  0.0129 -0.0060  0.0102  0.0009  0.0059 -0.0159 -0.0041  0.0046  1.0000 -0.0026  0.0160 -0.0071
- 25  0.0009 -0.0023 -0.0014 -0.0003 -0.0001 -0.0004  0.0002 -0.0004  0.0014 -0.0010  0.0011 -0.0025 -0.0018  0.0011 -0.0136  0.0098 -0.0045  0.0077  0.0007  0.0045 -0.0120 -0.0031  0.0035 -0.0026  1.0000  0.0121 -0.0054
- 26 -0.0055  0.0141  0.0086  0.0019  0.0007  0.0026 -0.0011  0.0023 -0.0085  0.0058 -0.0069  0.0154  0.0111 -0.0068  0.0826 -0.0594  0.0276 -0.0471 -0.0041 -0.0271  0.0731  0.0190 -0.0211  0.0160  0.0121  1.0000  0.0326
- 27  0.0024 -0.0062 -0.0038 -0.0009 -0.0003 -0.0012  0.0005 -0.0010  0.0038 -0.0026  0.0030 -0.0068 -0.0049  0.0030 -0.0366  0.0263 -0.0122  0.0209  0.0018  0.0120 -0.0324 -0.0084  0.0094 -0.0071 -0.0054  0.0326  1.0000
+  1  1.0000  0.0011  0.0006  0.0001  0.0000  0.0002 -0.0001  0.0002 -0.0006  0.0004 -0.0005  0.0012  0.0008 -0.0005  0.0062 -0.0045  0.0021 -0.0035 -0.0003 -0.0020  0.0055  0.0014 -0.0016  0.0012  0.0009 -0.0055 -0.0006
+  2  0.0011  1.0000 -0.0017 -0.0004 -0.0001 -0.0005  0.0002 -0.0004  0.0017 -0.0011  0.0013 -0.0030 -0.0022  0.0013 -0.0160  0.0115 -0.0054  0.0091  0.0008  0.0053 -0.0142 -0.0037  0.0041 -0.0031 -0.0024  0.0143  0.0015
+  3  0.0006 -0.0017  1.0000 -0.0002 -0.0001 -0.0003  0.0001 -0.0003  0.0010 -0.0007  0.0008 -0.0018 -0.0013  0.0008 -0.0098  0.0070 -0.0033  0.0056  0.0005  0.0032 -0.0087 -0.0023  0.0025 -0.0019 -0.0014  0.0087  0.0009
+  4  0.0001 -0.0004 -0.0002  1.0000 -0.0000 -0.0001  0.0000 -0.0001  0.0002 -0.0002  0.0002 -0.0004 -0.0003  0.0002 -0.0022  0.0016 -0.0007  0.0013  0.0001  0.0007 -0.0020 -0.0005  0.0006 -0.0004 -0.0003  0.0020  0.0002
+  5  0.0000 -0.0001 -0.0001 -0.0000  1.0000 -0.0000  0.0000 -0.0000  0.0001 -0.0001  0.0001 -0.0001 -0.0001  0.0001 -0.0008  0.0005 -0.0003  0.0004  0.0000  0.0002 -0.0007 -0.0002  0.0002 -0.0001 -0.0001  0.0007  0.0001
+  6  0.0002 -0.0005 -0.0003 -0.0001 -0.0000  1.0000  0.0000 -0.0001  0.0003 -0.0002  0.0003 -0.0006 -0.0004  0.0002 -0.0030  0.0022 -0.0010  0.0017  0.0002  0.0010 -0.0027 -0.0007  0.0008 -0.0006 -0.0004  0.0027  0.0003
+  7 -0.0001  0.0002  0.0001  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  1.0000  0.0000 -0.0001  0.0001 -0.0001  0.0002  0.0002 -0.0001  0.0012 -0.0009  0.0004 -0.0007 -0.0001 -0.0004  0.0011  0.0003 -0.0003  0.0002  0.0002 -0.0011 -0.0001
+  8  0.0002 -0.0004 -0.0003 -0.0001 -0.0000 -0.0001  0.0000  1.0000  0.0003 -0.0002  0.0002 -0.0005 -0.0003  0.0002 -0.0026  0.0019 -0.0009  0.0015  0.0001  0.0008 -0.0023 -0.0006  0.0007 -0.0005 -0.0004  0.0023  0.0002
+  9 -0.0006  0.0017  0.0010  0.0002  0.0001  0.0003 -0.0001  0.0003  1.0000  0.0007 -0.0008  0.0018  0.0013 -0.0008  0.0097 -0.0070  0.0032 -0.0055 -0.0005 -0.0032  0.0086  0.0022 -0.0025  0.0019  0.0014 -0.0087 -0.0009
+ 10  0.0004 -0.0011 -0.0007 -0.0002 -0.0001 -0.0002  0.0001 -0.0002  0.0007  1.0000  0.0005 -0.0012 -0.0009  0.0005 -0.0066  0.0047 -0.0022  0.0038  0.0003  0.0022 -0.0058 -0.0015  0.0017 -0.0013 -0.0010  0.0059  0.0006
+ 11 -0.0005  0.0013  0.0008  0.0002  0.0001  0.0003 -0.0001  0.0002 -0.0008  0.0005  1.0000  0.0015  0.0011 -0.0006  0.0078 -0.0056  0.0026 -0.0045 -0.0004 -0.0026  0.0069  0.0018 -0.0020  0.0015  0.0011 -0.0070 -0.0007
+ 12  0.0012 -0.0030 -0.0018 -0.0004 -0.0001 -0.0006  0.0002 -0.0005  0.0018 -0.0012  0.0015  1.0000 -0.0024  0.0014 -0.0175  0.0126 -0.0059  0.0100  0.0009  0.0057 -0.0155 -0.0040  0.0045 -0.0034 -0.0026  0.0156  0.0016
+ 13  0.0008 -0.0022 -0.0013 -0.0003 -0.0001 -0.0004  0.0002 -0.0003  0.0013 -0.0009  0.0011 -0.0024  1.0000  0.0010 -0.0127  0.0091 -0.0042  0.0072  0.0006  0.0041 -0.0112 -0.0029  0.0032 -0.0025 -0.0019  0.0113  0.0012
+ 14 -0.0005  0.0013  0.0008  0.0002  0.0001  0.0002 -0.0001  0.0002 -0.0008  0.0005 -0.0006  0.0014  0.0010  1.0000  0.0077 -0.0056  0.0026 -0.0044 -0.0004 -0.0025  0.0068  0.0018 -0.0020  0.0015  0.0011 -0.0069 -0.0007
+ 15  0.0062 -0.0160 -0.0098 -0.0022 -0.0008 -0.0030  0.0012 -0.0026  0.0097 -0.0066  0.0078 -0.0175 -0.0127  0.0077  1.0000  0.0676 -0.0314  0.0536  0.0047  0.0308 -0.0832 -0.0216  0.0240 -0.0182 -0.0138  0.0838  0.0087
+ 16 -0.0045  0.0115  0.0070  0.0016  0.0005  0.0022 -0.0009  0.0019 -0.0070  0.0047 -0.0056  0.0126  0.0091 -0.0056  0.0676  1.0000  0.0226 -0.0385 -0.0034 -0.0222  0.0598  0.0155 -0.0173  0.0131  0.0099 -0.0602 -0.0062
+ 17  0.0021 -0.0054 -0.0033 -0.0007 -0.0003 -0.0010  0.0004 -0.0009  0.0032 -0.0022  0.0026 -0.0059 -0.0042  0.0026 -0.0314  0.0226  1.0000  0.0179  0.0016  0.0103 -0.0278 -0.0072  0.0080 -0.0061 -0.0046  0.0280  0.0029
+ 18 -0.0035  0.0091  0.0056  0.0013  0.0004  0.0017 -0.0007  0.0015 -0.0055  0.0038 -0.0045  0.0100  0.0072 -0.0044  0.0536 -0.0385  0.0179  1.0000 -0.0027 -0.0176  0.0474  0.0123 -0.0137  0.0104  0.0079 -0.0478 -0.0049
+ 19 -0.0003  0.0008  0.0005  0.0001  0.0000  0.0002 -0.0001  0.0001 -0.0005  0.0003 -0.0004  0.0009  0.0006 -0.0004  0.0047 -0.0034  0.0016 -0.0027  1.0000 -0.0015  0.0042  0.0011 -0.0012  0.0009  0.0007 -0.0042 -0.0004
+ 20 -0.0020  0.0053  0.0032  0.0007  0.0002  0.0010 -0.0004  0.0008 -0.0032  0.0022 -0.0026  0.0057  0.0041 -0.0025  0.0308 -0.0222  0.0103 -0.0176 -0.0015  1.0000  0.0273  0.0071 -0.0079  0.0060  0.0045 -0.0275 -0.0028
+ 21  0.0055 -0.0142 -0.0087 -0.0020 -0.0007 -0.0027  0.0011 -0.0023  0.0086 -0.0058  0.0069 -0.0155 -0.0112  0.0068 -0.0832  0.0598 -0.0278  0.0474  0.0042  0.0273  1.0000 -0.0191  0.0213 -0.0161 -0.0122  0.0742  0.0077
+ 22  0.0014 -0.0037 -0.0023 -0.0005 -0.0002 -0.0007  0.0003 -0.0006  0.0022 -0.0015  0.0018 -0.0040 -0.0029  0.0018 -0.0216  0.0155 -0.0072  0.0123  0.0011  0.0071 -0.0191  1.0000  0.0055 -0.0042 -0.0032  0.0193  0.0020
+ 23 -0.0016  0.0041  0.0025  0.0006  0.0002  0.0008 -0.0003  0.0007 -0.0025  0.0017 -0.0020  0.0045  0.0032 -0.0020  0.0240 -0.0173  0.0080 -0.0137 -0.0012 -0.0079  0.0213  0.0055  1.0000  0.0047  0.0035 -0.0214 -0.0022
+ 24  0.0012 -0.0031 -0.0019 -0.0004 -0.0001 -0.0006  0.0002 -0.0005  0.0019 -0.0013  0.0015 -0.0034 -0.0025  0.0015 -0.0182  0.0131 -0.0061  0.0104  0.0009  0.0060 -0.0161 -0.0042  0.0047  1.0000 -0.0027  0.0162  0.0017
+ 25  0.0009 -0.0024 -0.0014 -0.0003 -0.0001 -0.0004  0.0002 -0.0004  0.0014 -0.0010  0.0011 -0.0026 -0.0019  0.0011 -0.0138  0.0099 -0.0046  0.0079  0.0007  0.0045 -0.0122 -0.0032  0.0035 -0.0027  1.0000  0.0123  0.0013
+ 26 -0.0055  0.0143  0.0087  0.0020  0.0007  0.0027 -0.0011  0.0023 -0.0087  0.0059 -0.0070  0.0156  0.0113 -0.0069  0.0838 -0.0602  0.0280 -0.0478 -0.0042 -0.0275  0.0742  0.0193 -0.0214  0.0162  0.0123  1.0000 -0.0077
+ 27 -0.0006  0.0015  0.0009  0.0002  0.0001  0.0003 -0.0001  0.0002 -0.0009  0.0006 -0.0007  0.0016  0.0012 -0.0007  0.0087 -0.0062  0.0029 -0.0049 -0.0004 -0.0028  0.0077  0.0020 -0.0022  0.0017  0.0013 -0.0077  1.0000
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/theo_01.dat b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/theo_01.dat
index d3b195a7a4f5165292ec140a646f8fb07e880dc5..ea8e866e0cf66847ab01e74ca779f2659287afbf 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/theo_01.dat
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/theo_01.dat
@@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
    ColumnName = "ptlow","pthigh","m_t","theory","PDF_nuisance_param_01+","PDF_nuisance_param_01-","PDF_nuisance_param_02+","PDF_nuisance_param_02-","PDF_nuisance_param_03+","PDF_nuisance_param_03-","PDF_nuisance_param_04+","PDF_nuisance_param_04-","PDF_nuisance_param_05+","PDF_nuisance_param_05-","PDF_nuisance_param_06+","PDF_nuisance_param_06-","PDF_nuisance_param_07+","PDF_nuisance_param_07-","PDF_nuisance_param_08+","PDF_nuisance_param_08-","PDF_nuisance_param_09+","PDF_nuisance_param_09-","PDF_nuisance_param_10+","PDF_nuisance_param_10-","PDF_nuisance_param_11+","PDF_nuisance_param_11-","PDF_nuisance_param_12+","PDF_nuisance_param_12-","PDF_nuisance_param_13+","PDF_nuisance_param_13-","PDF_nuisance_param_14+","PDF_nuisance_param_14-","PDF_nuisance_param_15+","PDF_nuisance_param_15-","PDF_nuisance_param_16+","PDF_nuisance_param_16-","PDF_nuisance_param_17+","PDF_nuisance_param_17-","PDF_nuisance_param_18+","PDF_nuisance_param_18-","PDF_nuisance_param_19+","PDF_nuisance_param_19-","PDF_nuisance_param_20+","PDF_nuisance_param_20-","PDF_nuisance_param_21+","PDF_nuisance_param_21-","PDF_nuisance_param_22+","PDF_nuisance_param_22-","PDF_nuisance_param_23+","PDF_nuisance_param_23-","PDF_nuisance_param_24+","PDF_nuisance_param_24-","PDF_nuisance_param_25+","PDF_nuisance_param_25-","scale_nuisance_param_01+","scale_nuisance_param_01-","scale_nuisance_param_02+","scale_nuisance_param_02-"
    Percent =  54*True
-  0.000000E+00  0.400000E+03  0.173300E+03  0.148227E+03 -0.872905E-01  0.113329E+00  0.260541E+00 -0.257230E+00  0.226316E+00 -0.899337E-01  0.370341E-01 -0.343616E-01  0.129800E-01 -0.113786E-01  0.682188E-01 -0.291288E-01 -0.175129E-01  0.228134E-01  0.405286E-01 -0.427975E-01 -0.198838E+00  0.114813E+00  0.914454E-01 -0.121183E+00 -0.148374E+00  0.104296E+00  0.294200E+00 -0.270515E+00  0.112939E+00 -0.295635E+00 -0.210343E+00  0.394802E-01  0.854966E+00 -0.205014E+01 -0.675143E+00  0.145775E+01  0.342587E+00 -0.667521E+00 -0.117865E+01  0.527589E+00 -0.823334E-01  0.696544E-01 -0.564766E+00  0.426384E+00  0.104863E+01 -0.154606E+01  0.108642E+00 -0.587791E+00 -0.432578E+00  0.341400E+00  0.408207E+00 -0.179115E+00  0.230067E+00 -0.214629E+00 -0.219106E+01  0.420872E+00  0.101448E+01 -0.176409E+00
+  0.000000E+00  0.400000E+03  0.173300E+03  0.148227E+03 -0.872905E-01  0.113329E+00  0.260541E+00 -0.257230E+00  0.226316E+00 -0.899337E-01  0.370341E-01 -0.343616E-01  0.129800E-01 -0.113786E-01  0.682188E-01 -0.291288E-01 -0.175129E-01  0.228134E-01  0.405286E-01 -0.427975E-01 -0.198838E+00  0.114813E+00  0.914454E-01 -0.121183E+00 -0.148374E+00  0.104296E+00  0.294200E+00 -0.270515E+00  0.112939E+00 -0.295635E+00 -0.210343E+00  0.394802E-01  0.854966E+00 -0.205014E+01 -0.675143E+00  0.145775E+01  0.342587E+00 -0.667521E+00 -0.117865E+01  0.527589E+00 -0.823334E-01  0.696544E-01 -0.564766E+00  0.426384E+00  0.104863E+01 -0.154606E+01  0.108642E+00 -0.587791E+00 -0.432578E+00  0.341400E+00  0.408207E+00 -0.179115E+00  0.230067E+00 -0.214629E+00 -0.219106E+01  0.420872E+00 -0.159508E-01  0.263403E+00
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/unc_dec.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/unc_dec.txt
index 3c811b08e014064e07452c9fc6497d72d30ccc4a..a39bbc1b7c75ac1a074f22e6c7c61d3439701c07 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/unc_dec.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/unc_dec.txt
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
-PDF_nuisance_param_01	-0.0308742	0.0308504
-PDF_nuisance_param_02	0.0830851	-0.0833281
-PDF_nuisance_param_03	0.0496464	-0.0497198
-PDF_nuisance_param_04	0.0083309	-0.00833371
-PDF_nuisance_param_05	0.00534304	-0.00534863
-PDF_nuisance_param_06	0.00897995	-0.00897036
-PDF_nuisance_param_07	-0.00616988	0.00615585
-PDF_nuisance_param_08	0.0110016	-0.0110041
-PDF_nuisance_param_09	-0.0455754	0.045563
-PDF_nuisance_param_10	0.0307939	-0.030794
-PDF_nuisance_param_11	-0.0388836	0.0388481
-PDF_nuisance_param_12	0.0987045	-0.0992916
-PDF_nuisance_param_13	0.068939	-0.0691708
-PDF_nuisance_param_14	-0.035428	0.035431
-PDF_nuisance_param_15	0.439432	-0.442617
-PDF_nuisance_param_16	-0.333167	0.330514
-PDF_nuisance_param_17	0.153449	-0.153861
-PDF_nuisance_param_18	-0.263245	0.26183
-PDF_nuisance_param_19	-0.0226198	0.0226104
-PDF_nuisance_param_20	-0.153227	0.152717
-PDF_nuisance_param_21	0.391882	-0.394332
-PDF_nuisance_param_22	0.110307	-0.110667
-PDF_nuisance_param_23	-0.131192	0.130364
-PDF_nuisance_param_24	0.0925185	-0.0927692
-PDF_nuisance_param_25	0.0627368	-0.0627165
-scale_nuisance_param_01	-0.418853	0.413409
-scale_nuisance_param_02	0.189318	-0.190461
-stat_0	-1.2492	1.2157
+PDF_nuisance_param_01	-0.030864	0.0308513
+PDF_nuisance_param_02	0.083097	-0.0833307
+PDF_nuisance_param_03	0.0496615	-0.0497241
+PDF_nuisance_param_04	0.00833999	-0.00832556
+PDF_nuisance_param_05	0.00534754	-0.00534745
+PDF_nuisance_param_06	0.00898594	-0.00896315
+PDF_nuisance_param_07	-0.00615789	0.00616101
+PDF_nuisance_param_08	0.0110062	-0.0110011
+PDF_nuisance_param_09	-0.0455769	0.0455759
+PDF_nuisance_param_10	0.0307964	-0.0307936
+PDF_nuisance_param_11	-0.0388821	0.038856
+PDF_nuisance_param_12	0.0987225	-0.0992987
+PDF_nuisance_param_13	0.0689498	-0.0691742
+PDF_nuisance_param_14	-0.0354238	0.0354405
+PDF_nuisance_param_15	0.439466	-0.442638
+PDF_nuisance_param_16	-0.333183	0.330551
+PDF_nuisance_param_17	0.15347	-0.153859
+PDF_nuisance_param_18	-0.263264	0.261859
+PDF_nuisance_param_19	-0.0226166	0.0226161
+PDF_nuisance_param_20	-0.153228	0.152736
+PDF_nuisance_param_21	0.391916	-0.394356
+PDF_nuisance_param_22	0.110314	-0.110672
+PDF_nuisance_param_23	-0.131195	0.130384
+PDF_nuisance_param_24	0.0925316	-0.0927689
+PDF_nuisance_param_25	0.0627459	-0.0627125
+scale_nuisance_param_01	-0.418883	0.413457
+scale_nuisance_param_02	-0.0424613	0.0424341
+stat_0	-1.24926	1.21581
diff --git a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/unc_summary.txt b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/unc_summary.txt
index 1579fe7e62d2ea7a29f768a3952ec239f2c7114f..a196ad5fee6e97fd1578217d69e632047869be27 100644
--- a/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/unc_summary.txt
+++ b/examples/chi2scanMTOP/output/unc_summary.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Uncertainty decomposition
-Statistical	+1.2157	-1.2492
+Statistical	+1.21581	-1.24926
 Systematic	+0	-0
-PDFs		+0.802773	-0.807781
-QCD scales	+0.454696	-0.460123
-Total (decomposed)	+1.52615	-1.55715
-Total (from fit)	+1.51831	-1.56941
+PDFs		+0.802855	-0.807817
+QCD scales	+0.415629	-0.421029
+Total (decomposed)	+1.5151	-1.54612
+Total (from fit)	+1.50774	-1.55774
diff --git a/reactions/Hathor/include/ReactionHathor.h b/reactions/Hathor/include/ReactionHathor.h
index 87e561cfdc2bf566c716ca48019ecc61e0239d99..42d7064c187e9c5144e7f1dcd16dd824df07e3df 100644
--- a/reactions/Hathor/include/ReactionHathor.h
+++ b/reactions/Hathor/include/ReactionHathor.h
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 #pragma once
 #include "ReactionTheory.h"
+#include "Hathor.h"
   @class' ReactionHathor
@@ -38,7 +39,10 @@ protected:
   // this is map of key = dataset, value = pointer to Hathor instances,
   // one instance per one dataset
-  std::map<int, Hathor*> _hathorArray;
+  //std::map<int, Hathor*> _hathorArray;
+  //Global Hathor instance for all terms
+  Hathor* _hathor;
   HathorPdfxFitter* _pdf;
   int* _rndStore;
@@ -46,7 +50,7 @@ protected:
   std::map<int, std::shared_ptr<double> > _mtopPerInstance;
   std::map<int, std::shared_ptr<double> > _mrPerInstance;
   std::map<int, std::shared_ptr<double> > _mfPerInstance;
-  // store term data for later access
-  map<unsigned, TermData*> _tdDS;
+  // store term data for later access (never used)
+  //map<unsigned, TermData*> _tdDS;
diff --git a/reactions/Hathor/src/ReactionHathor.cc b/reactions/Hathor/src/ReactionHathor.cc
index eba17fba573218ebc02fa2033d7aaeac24d3d20e..0c93987ada53483dc4b67692a4f19d2d0cea8c5e 100644
--- a/reactions/Hathor/src/ReactionHathor.cc
+++ b/reactions/Hathor/src/ReactionHathor.cc
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ ReactionHathor::ReactionHathor()
   _pdf = NULL;
   _rndStore = NULL;
+  _hathor = NULL;
   //_mtop = -1.0;
   //_mr = -1.0;
   //_mf = -1.0;
@@ -51,23 +52,56 @@ ReactionHathor::~ReactionHathor()
   //    delete item.second;
+void ReactionHathor::atStart()
+  // PDFs for Hathor
+  _pdf = new HathorPdfxFitter(this);
+    // random number generator
+  rlxd_init(1, 1);
+  int nRnd = rlxd_size();
+  //std::cout << " Size of random number array = " << nRnd << "\n";
+  _rndStore = new int[nRnd];
+  rlxd_get(_rndStore);
+  // instantiate one Hathor instance for all terms
+  _hathor = new Hathor(*_pdf);
 void ReactionHathor::initTerm(TermData *td)
-  ReactionTheory::initTerm(td);
+  //These two lines were added by Sasha Zenaiev but they are not needed
+  //ReactionTheory::initTerm(td);
+  //_tdDS[dataSetID] = td;
   int dataSetID = td->id;
-  _tdDS[dataSetID] = td;
   // check if dataset with provided ID already exists
-  if(_hathorArray.find(dataSetID) != _hathorArray.end())
+  if(_mtopPerInstance.find(dataSetID) != _mtopPerInstance.end() && !chi2scan_.scan)
     char str[256];
     sprintf(str, "F: dataset with id = %d already exists", dataSetID);
     hf_errlog_(17080701, str, strlen(str));
-  // instantiate Hathor
-  Hathor* hathor = new Hathor(*_pdf);
-  //Hathor* hathor = new Hathor();
+  // instantiate Hathor for each term
+  //Hathor* hathor = new Hathor(*_pdf);
+  //_hathorArray[dataSetID] = _hathor;
+// Main function to compute results at an iteration
+void ReactionHathor::compute(TermData *td, valarray<double> &val, map<string, valarray<double> > &err)
+  td->actualizeWrappers();
+  int dataSetID = td->id;
+  _pdf->IsValid = true;
+  rlxd_reset(_rndStore);
+  //Suppress Hathor output
+  if (!steering_.ldebug)
+    freopen("/dev/null", "a", stdout);
+  //_hathor->getXsection(_mtop, _mr, _mf);
   // set collision type
   // read ppbar (0 for pp, 1 for ppbar) from provided dataset parameters
@@ -79,9 +113,9 @@ void ReactionHathor::initTerm(TermData *td)
   else if(td->hasParam("ppbar"))
     ppbar = td->getParamI("ppbar");
-    hathor->setColliderType(Hathor::PPBAR);
+    _hathor->setColliderType(Hathor::PPBAR);
-    hathor->setColliderType(Hathor::PP);
+    _hathor->setColliderType(Hathor::PP);
   // read centre-of-mass energy from provided dataset parameters (must be provided)
   // here local value is preferred over global one (to allow different data sets with difference centre-of-mass energies)
@@ -90,11 +124,17 @@ void ReactionHathor::initTerm(TermData *td)
     sqrtS = *td->getParamD("SqrtS");
     hf_errlog(17080702, "F: no SqrtS for dataset with id = " + std::to_string(dataSetID));
-  hathor->setSqrtShad(sqrtS);
+  _hathor->setSqrtShad(sqrtS);
   // set mass
+  double mtop = 0;
+  if(td->hasParam("mtp"))
+    mtop = *td->getParamD("mtp");
   // here local value is preferred over global one (to allow calculations with several mass values, e.g. for translation into MSbar mass scheme)
-  _mtopPerInstance[dataSetID] = std::shared_ptr<double>(new double(*td->getParamD("mtp")));
+  _mtopPerInstance[dataSetID] = std::shared_ptr<double>(new double(mtop));
+  if(td->hasParam("mtp"))
+    *_mtopPerInstance[dataSetID] = mtop;
   // set renorm. scale
   _mrPerInstance[dataSetID] = std::shared_ptr<double>(new double(*_mtopPerInstance[dataSetID]));
@@ -121,7 +161,7 @@ void ReactionHathor::initTerm(TermData *td)
     msMass = td->getParamI("MS_MASS");
     scheme = scheme | Hathor::MS_MASS;
-  hathor->setScheme(scheme);
+  _hathor->setScheme(scheme);
   // set precision level
   // read precision level from provided dataset parameters
@@ -139,53 +179,36 @@ void ReactionHathor::initTerm(TermData *td)
   // precisionLevel = 3 -> Hathor::HIGH
   if(precisionLevel !=  Hathor::LOW && precisionLevel !=  Hathor::MEDIUM && precisionLevel !=  Hathor::HIGH)
     hf_errlog(17081102, "F: provided precision level = " + std::to_string(precisionLevel) + " not supported by Hathor");
-  hathor->setPrecision(precisionLevel);
-  std::cout << " Hathor will use for this instance (" + std::to_string(dataSetID) + "):" << std::endl;
-  double mt = *_mtopPerInstance[dataSetID];
-  std::cout << " mtop = " << mt << "[GeV] " << std::endl;
-  std::cout << " renorm. scale = " << *_mrPerInstance[dataSetID] << "[GeV] " << std::endl;
-  std::cout << " factor. scale = " << *_mfPerInstance[dataSetID] << "[GeV] " << std::endl;
-  std::cout << " SqrtS = " << sqrtS << std::endl;
-  std::cout << " scheme: " << scheme << std::endl;
-  std::cout << " precisionLevel: " << precisionLevel << std::endl;
-  std::cout << std::endl;
-  // done
-  hathor->PrintOptions();
-  _hathorArray[dataSetID] = hathor;
-void ReactionHathor::atStart()
-  // PDFs for Hathor
-  _pdf = new HathorPdfxFitter(this);
-  // random number generator
-  rlxd_init(1, 1);
-  int nRnd = rlxd_size();
-  //std::cout << " Size of random number array = " << nRnd << "\n";
-  _rndStore = new int[nRnd];
-  rlxd_get(_rndStore);
-// Main function to compute results at an iteration
-void ReactionHathor::compute(TermData *td, valarray<double> &val, map<string, valarray<double> > &err)
-  td->actualizeWrappers();
-  int dataSetID = td->id;
-  _pdf->IsValid = true;
-  rlxd_reset(_rndStore);
-  Hathor* hathor = _hathorArray.at(dataSetID);
-  //hathor->getXsection(_mtop, _mr, _mf);
-  double mt = _mtopPerInstance[dataSetID] ? (*_mtopPerInstance[dataSetID]) : *td->getParamD("mtp");
+  _hathor->setPrecision(precisionLevel);
+  //Resume standard output
+  if (!steering_.ldebug)
+    freopen ("/dev/tty", "a", stdout);
+  if (steering_.ldebug)
+    {
+      std::cout << " Hathor will use for this instance (" + std::to_string(dataSetID) + "):" << std::endl;
+      double mt = *_mtopPerInstance[dataSetID];
+      std::cout << " mtop = " << mt << "[GeV] " << std::endl;
+      std::cout << " renorm. scale = " << *_mrPerInstance[dataSetID] << "[GeV] " << std::endl;
+      std::cout << " factor. scale = " << *_mfPerInstance[dataSetID] << "[GeV] " << std::endl;
+      std::cout << " SqrtS = " << sqrtS << std::endl;
+      std::cout << " scheme: " << scheme << std::endl;
+      std::cout << " precisionLevel: " << precisionLevel << std::endl;
+      std::cout << std::endl;
+      // done
+      _hathor->PrintOptions();
+    }
+  double mt = _mtopPerInstance[dataSetID] ? (*_mtopPerInstance[dataSetID]) : mtop;
   double mr = *_mrPerInstance[dataSetID];
   double mf = *_mfPerInstance[dataSetID];
-  hathor->getXsection(mt, mr, mf);
+  _hathor->getXsection(mt, mr, mf);
   double dum = 0.0;
   double xsec = 0.0;
-  hathor->getResult(0, xsec, dum);
+  _hathor->getResult(0, xsec, dum);
   //printf("mt,mr,mf,xsec: %f %f %f %f\n", mt, mr, mf, xsec);
   val = xsec;
   //printf("VAL ************ %f\n", val[0]);
diff --git a/src/TermData.cc b/src/TermData.cc
index 13693b26bb1375d8c1ef615d2035e172db10f827..0eaf2bfcaf6ebde4d2f4753bf835a078175f6c17 100644
--- a/src/TermData.cc
+++ b/src/TermData.cc
@@ -308,13 +308,33 @@ const double* TermData::getParamD(const string& parameter_name) {
     //Try constant: "10" or "2.0", then create a constant parameter specifically for this value
     //Name it "termID/NAME", with some ID and NAME
     const string full_name = "term" + to_string(id) + '/' + parameter_name;
+    /*
     //First check if this constant parameter has already been created
     const auto it = gParameters.find(full_name);
     if (it != gParameters.end()) return it->second;
     //Else try converting to double:
     char *endp;
     double value = strtod(definition.c_str(), &endp);
     if (endp == definition.c_str()) reportFailedConversion(parameter_name, type, scope, dataset_name, reaction_name, nullptr, &definition);
+    */
+    //First try converting to double:
+    char *endp;
+    double value = strtod(definition.c_str(), &endp);
+    if (endp == definition.c_str()) reportFailedConversion(parameter_name, type, scope, dataset_name, reaction_name, nullptr, &definition);
+    //Then check if this constant parameter has already been created
+    const auto it = gParameters.find(full_name);
+    if (it != gParameters.end())
+      {
+	//update the value
+	*(it->second) = value;
+	return it->second;
+      }
+    //Else create a new constant parameter
     return createConstantParameter(full_name, value);
   YAML::Node node;
diff --git a/src/read_data.f b/src/read_data.f
index 30cf7adaf98cefaac17a10183ec428ba1786ddbf..8ef76a0c0e145dc7f49ab1d44dcedcff0695e640 100644
--- a/src/read_data.f
+++ b/src/read_data.f
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ C Reset scales to 1.0
 cc      if(DEBUG)then
-        print *,'Reading data file',trim(CFile)
+        print *,'Reading data file ',trim(CFile)
 cc      endif
diff --git a/tools/test.sh b/tools/test.sh
index 39b24924f668b7844a9cf2ac136d2768d30a7895..eae6d0ba343312da1cb807d00dd44a7de907da89 100755
--- a/tools/test.sh
+++ b/tools/test.sh
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
 # list of tests to omit (if commented out, no tests are omitted)
 #omitTests=('ZMVFNS-fit' 'profilerLHAPDF') # these are two slow tests, skipping them will save ~15min
-omitTests=('ceresZMVFNSfastChi2' 'chi2scanMTOP')
+#omitTests=('ceresZMVFNSfastChi2' 'chi2scanMTOP')
 # xfitter binary
@@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ runTest()
   # check "numdiff -v" command: avoid using some other "numdiff" installed on some systems (like presently on naf-xfitter.desy.de) which does not recognize "-v"
   if [ `numdiff -v >& /dev/null; echo $?` == "0" ]; then
     # we have numdiff and we wil use it with tolerance 1e-4 for either absolute or relative differneces between numbers
-    diff='numdiff -a 1e-4 -r 1e-4'
+    diff='numdiff -a 1e-3 -r 1e-3'
   echo "========================================"
@@ -139,6 +140,8 @@ runTest()
   cp ${INPUTDIR}/steering.txt $rundir
   cp ${INPUTDIR}/parameters.yaml $rundir
   cp ${INPUTDIR}/constants.yaml $rundir
+  # also copy any .dat files
+  cp ${INPUTDIR}/*.dat $rundir
   ln -s `pwd`/datafiles $rundir/datafiles
   cd $rundir